Ohio Angus Newsletter - Way View Cattle Company


Ohio Angus Newsletter - Way View Cattle Company
Ohio Angus Newsletter
September 2014
follow us on facebook
NOVEMBER 4-6, 2014
KCI Expo Center, Kansas City, Mo
More info online at:
Registration Fee/Deadlines:
Before October 1st: $25
After October 1st: $50
Registration online at:
Keynote Speakers/Entertainment:
Richard Picciotto
Lowell Catlett
Baxter Black
John Michael Montgomery
Angus University/Workshops:
An all-day educational event that takes
place as part of the first-ever Angus Means
Business National Angus Convention and Trade
Show, featuring a slate of top-flight speakers
representing all sectors of the beef industry –
from ranchers to chefs – and include producers
and others profiled in the successful TV
Ohio Delegate List
John F. Grimes, Hillsboro
Paul H. Hill, Bidwell
Daniel P. Wells, Chillicothe Henry Bergfeld, Moreland Hills
Lindsey C. Grimes, Hillsboro
Keith D. Burgett, Carrollton Tim Harsh, Radnor Alternates:
Brent L. English, Elida
James M. Rentz, Coldwater
Kelvin Egner, Shelby
David W. Baird, Washington Court House
John W. King, Tiffin
Jamie Marie King, Tiffin
Joseph R. Sanders, Harrod
Secretary’s Corner
In This Issue...
Ohio Angus Breeders,
The fall sale season is just about upon us! And
there is a full slate of sales planned in and around Ohio.
Starting off on September 27th will be the Maplecrest
Farms Production Sale. I plan to go through their sale
offering before the sale, so if anyone is unable to attend
and needing assistance making purchases, let me know.
This year American Angus will be holding the
Annual Meeting in Kansas City instead of Louisville as
part of a new event the Angus National Convention and
Trade Show. More information about this event is on the
cover page as well as online at www. angusconvention.
com. This will be a great event and will be very
education for breeders of all sizes, as the new trade show
will repesent many of the top beef and Angus related
companies. Additionally American Angus will be holding
Angus University which will include a series of workshops
on many aspects with the management of Angus cattle.
As fellow Ohio Angus member, John Grimes will be
running for election to the American Angus Board of
Directors. So I encourage you all to consider taking in
this new event and increase your Angus knowledge and
The Buckeye Best of Both Worlds Sale -Volume 3
is to be held on November 22nd. Any one interested in
consigning cattle to the sale needs to complete the
consignment form available at www.buckeyebbw.com by
September 13th. If you have any questions regarding the
sale or potential consignments, please give me a call.
The Ohio Farm Science Review will be held in
September, and we have several upgrades planned for
the Ohio Angus Building. Including new and up to date
farm banners on the back wall. If you are interested in
advertising your operation to over 50,000+ Farm Science
Review attendees, by purchasing one of these banners.
Please review the information in this newsletter and
contact me with you interests by September 5th.
Angus Natl. Convention & Trade Show
Secretary’s Corner
Ohio State Fair Open Show Results
Ohio State Fair Junior Show Results
Best of the Buckeye OSF Results
Maplecrest Farms Production Sale Ad
Angus Family Values Online Sale Ad
Kingsway Angus Sale Consignment Ad
West Central ohio District Show Results
Farm Science Review Display Cattle
Lazy Dae Angus Mature Cow Dispersal
Industry News & Notes
Boyd Beef Cattle Sale Ad
Cattlemans Choice Angus Sale
Calendar of Events
Buckeye Best of Both Worlds Sale Info
Newsletter AD Rates
Monthly Ads now appear on the web!!!
Deadline is the 20th of the preceding month in which
you wish to advertise, or contact Dan ahead of time for
assistance and pricing to create an ad - design and ad
retrieval fees from other publications will apply. Call or
email today for details to meet your advertising needs!
1 page
1/2 page
Bus Card
$200 (1 year)
Classifieds 1 free 25 word ad per year!
2014 Ohio Angus Association Officers
Dan Wells, Secretary / Fieldman
President: Kelvin Egner (419) 295-6089
Vice President: Tim Harsh (740) 595-3543
Chairman: Dave Felumlee (740) 763-4616
Treasurer: Allen Gahler (419) 360-2091
Secretary/Fieldman: Dan Wells (740) 505- 3843
Jim, Sharon, Christina, & Caroline Winter
5839 Ashville-Fairfield Road
Ashville, Ohio 43103
(740) 983-2755
Herd Certified and Accredited
Johne’s Testing
Cows & Heifers FOR SALE
Advertise Your Farm Here!
Kelvin & Jackie Egner
Howell Howell
& Shawn
Purchase a Newsletter Business Card ad today!
And get year round advertising for only $200!
4555 Hazelbrush Rd.
Bulls, Heifers, Embryos
Shelby OH 44875
Registered Red and Black Border Collies
(419) 347-7123
(419) 295-6089
That works out to only $17/per month to ensure your Farm
& Contact Info is in front of your potential cliente at all time!
Call Dan today at 740-505-3843 for more info!
Sires in use:
16286088, 16233833, 15552303
Jon Davis * 740-446-2127
11503 State Rd. 554
Bidwell, OH 45614
Don & Mida Peterson
Phone (304) 269-3877
E-mail: rockingp@shentel.net
FAX: 740-367-7937 * www.championhillangus.com
Email: champion@championhillangus.com
Way-View Cattle Co. LLC
Performance Tested Angus
Bulls For SAle
Registered Angus Cattle
Hay & Straw - Large and small squares
Freezer beef
Allen Gahler
641 N. Elliston Trowbridge Rd.
Graytown, OH 43432
(419) 350-2091
Fred M. Penick
3264 Refugee Rd.
Hebron, OH 43025
Home (740) 404-1832
Fax (740) 928-3912
experience counts
Brice Gahler
1618 N. Elliston Trowbridge Rd.
Graytown, OH 43432
(419) 552-0169
Pine hill far M
Managing Partner
Three Oaks Farm, 33009 Yellow Creek Road
Summitville, OH 43962
330.223.1872 fax: 330.223.2215
e-mail: donahankb@hotmail.com
h e n r y b e rg f e l d
38100 Jackson Road Moreland Hills, OH 44022
daytime: 216.445.4836 home: 440.247.7916
e-mail: bergfej@ccf.org
j o h n b e rg f e l d
Tiffin, Ohio
John King & Family
3735 N. Twp Rd. 111
Home (419) 937-1864
Tiffin, Ohio 44883-9353
John Cell (419) 937-4148
Seed Stock
Ohio State Fair Angus Open Show
Grand Champion Female: Maplecrest Beyonce L3212 won grand
champion female at the 2014 Ohio State Fair Angus Show, July 23 in
Columbus, Ohio. Lauren Grimes, Hillsboro, Ohio, owns the October 2013
daughter of SCC First-N-Goal GAF 114. Bob Goble, Alto, Mich., evaluated
the 78 entries.
Reserve Grand Female: LRD Georgina 3676 won reserve grand
champion female at the 2014 Ohio State Fair Angus Show, July 23 in
Columbus, Ohio. Lydia Dance, Hillsboro, Ohio, owns the September 2013
daughter of S A V Momentum 9274. Bob Goble, Alto, Mich., evaluated the
78 entries.
Grand Champion Bull: L M F Navigator 1412 won grand champion bull
at the 2014 Ohio State Fair Angus Show, July 23 in Columbus, Ohio. Andy
Bracken & Family, Anderson, Ind.; Miller Family Angus, Gaston, Ind.; and
Madison Land, Anderson, Ind., own the February 2012 son of S A V North
Dakota 7451. Bob Goble, Alto, Mich., evaluated the 78 entries.
Reserve Grand Bull: MC SCC Confidence J3046 won reserve grand
champion bull at the 2014 Ohio State Fair Angus Show, July 23 in Columbus, Ohio. Lauren Grimes, Hillsboro, Ohio, owns the March 2013 son
of Connealy Confidence 0100. Bob Goble, Alto, Mich., evaluated the 78
Ohio State Fair Open Show Division Winners
Junior Calf Champion: Lucky Lane Farm, Hillsboro, OH
Reserve Junior Calf: Lydia Dance, Hillsboro, OH
Junior Calf Champion: Paradise Cattle Co, Ashville, OH
Reserve Junior Calf: Lucky Lane Farm, Hillsboro, OH
Senior Calf Champion: Lauren Grimes, Hillsboro, OH
Reserve Senior Calf: Lydia Dance, Hillsboro, OH
Senior Calf Champion: Lauren Grimes, Hillsboro, OH
Reserve Senior Calf: Brandee Painter, Hebron, OH
Interm. Heifer Champion:Kasey Felumlee, Newark, OH
Res. Intemediate Heifer: Will Harsh, Radnor, OH
Inter. Bull Champion:Baird Angus Farm, Wash. C.H., OH
Res. Intemediate Bull: Alana Miller, Lynchburg, OH
Junior Heifer Champion: Lauren Grimes, Hillsboro, OH
Reserve Junior Heifer: Will Harsh, Radnor, OH
Junior Bull Champion: Lauren Grimes, Hillsboro, OH
Senior Bull Champion: Miller Family Angus, Gaston, IN
Senior Heifer Champion: Will Harsh, Radnor, OH
Reserve Senior Heifer: Jacob LeBrun, Lucasville, OH
Premier Exhibitor: Will Harsh, Radnor, OH
Premier Breeder: Kingsway Angus, Tiffin, OH
Champion Cow/Calf: Lucky Lane Farm, Hillsboro, OH
Reserve Cow/Calf: Will Harsh, Radnor, OH
Ohio State Fair Junior Angus Show
Grand Champion Owned Female: Dameron Erica 383 won grand
champion owned female at the 2014 Ohio State Fair Junior Angus
Show, July 21-22 in Columbus, Ohio. William Harsh, Radnor, Ohio, owns
the March 2013 daughter of SCC First-N-Goal GAF 114. Roger Allen,
Armstrong, Ill., evaluated the 54 entries.
Reserve Grand Champion Owned Female: Dameron Lucy AF 3322 won
reserve grand champion owned female at the 2014 Ohio State Fair Junior
Angus Show, July 21-22 in Columbus, Ohio. William Harsh, Radnor, Ohio,
owns the February 2013 daughter of Silveiras Style 9303. Roger Allen,
Armstrong, Ill., evaluated the 54 entries.
Grand Champion Bred-and-owned Female: Woodside Beyonce WC
070 won grand champion bred-and-owned female at the 2014 Ohio State
Fair Junior Angus Show, July 21-22 in Columbus, Ohio. Kerrie Miller,
Wapakoneta, Ohio, owns the September 2013 daughter of Dameron First
Impression. Roger Allen, Armstrong, Ill., evaluated the 54 entries.
Reserve Grand Champion Bred-and-owned Female: LRD Georgina
1456 won reserve grand champion bred-and-owned female at the 2014
Ohio State Fair Junior Angus Show, July 21-22 in Columbus, Ohio.
Lydia Dance, Hillsboro, Ohio, owns the February 2014 daughter of S A V
Bismarck 5682. Roger Allen, Armstrong, Ill., evaluated the 54 entries.
Ohio State Fair Junior Show Division Winners
Junior Calf Champion: Lydia Dance, Hillsboro, OH
Reserve Junior Calf: Will Harsh, Radnor, OH
Senior Calf Champion: Kerrie Miller, Wapakoneta, OH
Reserve Senior Calf: Lydia Dance, Hillsboro, OH
Intermediate Heifer Champion: Will Harsh, Radnor, OH
Res. Intemediate Heifer: Kasey Felumlee, Newark, OH
Junior Heifer Champion: Will Harsh, Radnor, OH
Reserve Junior Heifer: Will Harsh, Radnor, OH
Senior Heifer Champion: Will Harsh, Radnor, OH
Reserve Senior Heifer: Aubrey Justice, Sunbury, OH
Angus Best of the Buckeye
Exhibitors and Breeders Recognized
at the Ohio State Fair
(MARYSVILLE, Ohio) — The Ohio Cattlemen’s
Association (OCA) hosted the inaugural Best of the
Buckeye shows at the Ohio State Fair, July 23- Aug. 3,
2014. The Best of the Buckeye program, coordinated by
OCA in conjunction with the Ohio Beef Expo and Ohio
State Fair, had a strong show with more than 170 head of
cattle nominated by youth and breeders to date.
The program recognizes top Ohio bred, born and
registered calves, along with the breeder and exhibitor,
in each breed division at the two shows. Best of the
Buckeye provides Ohio seedstock breeders with an
enhanced marketing opportunity for Ohio bred, born and
registered steers and heifers, creates a source of more
moderately priced show steers and heifers by providing
a program with awards and prestige, and attracts new
participants interested in showing at the Ohio Beef Expo
and/or the Ohio State Fair.
This year’s generous sponsors are Green Oak
Farms, heifer division; Steve R. Rauch, steer division;
and Franklin Equipment, scholarship division. $45,000
will be presented between the two shows in the form
of premiums, scholarships and awards. Every winning
Best of the Buckeye exhibitor received a basic premium
of $300 for champion, $200 for reserve champion, and
$100 for third overall. Ohio breed associations also
contributed additional premiums. OCA would like to
thank these sponsors for contributing to a successful first
year of the Best of the Buckeye program. The Angus
winners of the Ohio State Fair event were as follows:
Reserve Champion Angus Heifer
Exhibitor: Lydia Dance, Hillsboro, Ohio
Breeder: Lydia Dance, Hillsboro, Ohio
Total premium: $325
Third Overall Angus Heifer
Exhibitor: Lydia Dance, Hillsboro, Ohio
Breeder: Lydia Dance, Hillsboro, Ohio
Total premium: $175
Champion Angus Steer
Exhibitor: Caroline Winter, Ashville, Ohio
Breeder: Caroline Winter, Ashville, Ohio
Total premium: $500
Champion Angus Heifer
Exhibitor: Lydia Dance, Hillsboro, Ohio
Breeder: Lydia Dance, Hillsboro, Ohio
Total premium: $500
Additional Angus premiums were sponsored
by the Ohio Angus Association.
Reserve Champion Angus Steer
Exhibitor: Christina Winter, Ashville, Ohio
Breeder: Jim & Sharon Winter, Ashville, Ohio
Total premium: $325
Lot 1C s (17834157)
Maplecrest Eva 3188
Lot 17 s (17670660)
Maplecrest Blackcap 3007
Lot 1B s (17833440)
Maplecrest FWY Eva 3204
Lot 1AA s (17840163)
Maplecrest Eva 4019
Lot 1 s (16506621)
Maplecrest Eva 9005
Determining the value of a female comes down to evaluating her job performance. Our cows have a job to do.
We are always searching for those females with the skills to keep us viable in a highly competitive beef business.
The females that sell on Sept. 27 descend from Maplecrest donors who have earned their job security.
Saturday, September 27, 2014 s 6 PM s At the farm s Hillsboro, Ohio
Job security at Maplecrest Farms is a job well done!
If we can be of any assistance in moving your
value-added beef operation forward, please contact us!
John, Joanie, Lindsey & Lauren Grimes
2594 State Route 73 s Hillsboro, OH 45133 s (937) 764-1198 s John’s Cell: (937) 763-6000 s Fax: (937) 764-1617
mcfarms@cinci.rr.com s www.MaplecrestFarms.com s Ben Wheeler: (606) 301-1961 s Scott Winkle: (937) 681-1550
Videos of sale offering available approximately September 1 at
Watch the sale and bid live online.
2014 West Central Angus District Show
Grand Champion Heifer: Claylick Run Bonnie
B010 a 1/12/14 daughter of Boyd Copyright 2048
claimed Grand Champion Female. She first won Jr.
Calf Champion and was exhibited by Keri Felumlee,
Newark, OH.
Reserve Champion Heifer: Seldom Rest BRMFVAF
Bardot a 5/12/13 daughter of EXAR Classen 1422B
claimed Reserve Grand Heifer. She first claimed
Intermediate Champion was exhibited by Kasey
Felumlee, Newark, OH.
Senior Calf Champion: WL FA 8016 Forever Lady
3300 a 9/30/13 daughter of SAV Final Answer 0035
claimed Sr. Calf Champion. She was exhibited by
Ally Skeens, Chillicothe, OH.
Junior Yearling Champion: FFF Miss Powerfix N04
a 1/12/13 daughter of SAV Iron Mountain claimed
Jr. Yearling Champion. She was exhibited by Rylee
Closser, Hebron, OH.
Grand Champion Steer: The Grand Champion
Steer was exhibited by Brandt Couch,
Warren, OH.
Champion Cow/Calf Pair: SCC Beyonce 147 a
4/11/11 daughter of BC Lookout 7024 and her heifer
by Kiata Boomer 2964 claimed Grand Cow/Calf Pair
was exhibited by Michelle Bockelman, Napoleon, OH
Grand Champion Bull: Raabs Answer 253 a
7/17/13 son of SAV Final Answer 0035 claimed
Grand Champion Bull. He was exhibited by Brandt
Couch, Warren, OH.
Junior Showmanship: Jr. Showmanship winners
included (L-R): 1st: Kasey Felumlee, Newark, OH
and 2nd: Keri Felumlee, Newark, OH.
Senior Showmanship: Sr. Showmanship winners
included (L-R): 1st: Michelle Bockelman, Napoleon,
OH and 2nd: Brandt Couch, Warren, OH.
Still in need of additional Farm
Science Review display cattle!!!
Anyone interested should
contact Dan Wells, ASAP to
make arrangements!!
September 16-18, 2014
Molly Caren Ag Center, London, OH
- 10 -
Sunday • 3:00 P.M.
November 9th, 2014
Muskingum Livestock Co. • Zanesville, OH
r progeny!
These leading donors sell, along with thei
Rita 12D4 of Rita 7O61 5M2
Reg#: +16965640 • DOB: 2/17/11
Sire: Rito Revenue 5M2 of 2536 Pre
Dam: Rita 7O61 of Rita 5F56 Obj
BW +2.3 • WW +55 • YW +99 • Milk +30
Marb +1.20 • RE +1.27 • $W +41.72 • $B +103.26
Rita 5F56
• Rita 12D4 came to Lazy Dae as their featured selection of
the historic Wehrmann Angus Dispersal. She combines the
carcass genetic greats Rito Revenue and the foundation
Woodside Farms donor Rito 7O61. Her dam, Rita 7O61 is a
direct daughter of the legendary Rita 5F56, making Rita 12D4
double bred to the breed matriarch, GAR Precision 2536.
• Rita 12D4 offers an impeccable script of EPD’s and breed
leading carcass merit as she ranks in the top 1% of the breed
for Marb, RE, $G and $B!
Lazy Dae Protege 108
Reg#: 17096456 • DOB: 3/15/11
Sire: GAR-EGL Protege
Dam: Lazydaemidland6m30913
BW +.6 • WW +64 • YW +112 • Milk +21
Marb +.92 • RE +.79 • $W +42.68 • $B +104.04
• Protege 108 is an elite bred donor sired by the multi-trait
great GAR-EGL Protege. Her dam stems from the heart
of the Lazy Dae program and combines the Pathfinder®
performance and carcass sires Midland and Total 410.
• Protege 108 offers a breed leading script of EPD’s that ranks
in the top 5% of the breed for Marb, RE, $W and $G, as well
as ranking in the top 1% of the breed for WW, YW, $F and
Selling over 85 Head!
Doug & Mary Emrick
7333 N Lawrence Rd NE
McConnelsville, OH 43756
740-962-2886 • 740-605-4342
• Donors • Bred Cows • Bred Heifers
• Spring Heifer Calves • Herd Bulls • Embryos
- 11 -
Dan Wells, Sec./Fieldman
740-505-3843 • danwells@ohioangus.org
Industry News & Notes
Marbling matters as weaning time
approaches Research shows weaning
time has high impact on marbling
By Nicole Lane
Marbling in cattle—the taste fat—was long
considered the feedlot’s responsibility, until research
pointed to opportunities all the way back to the
ranch. Genetic potential is a key, and deposition of
this intramuscular fat links to management decisions
much earlier than those final months on feed.
In one of those critical points, a 60-day
window before and after weaning, fat cells undergo
a transition from increasing in number to growing in
size. Decisions can affect both number and size (see
Figure 1).
Adipocyte hyperplasia
Adipocyte hypertrophy & hyperplasia
Adipocyte hypertrophy
d -283
Marbling “window”
Figure 1. Suggested “marbling window” and approximate
timing of adipocyte hypertrophy (increase in cell size) and
hyperplasia (increase in cell number) activity associated
with intramuscular fat during a beef animal’s lifetime
(adapted from Du et al., 2013).
Jason Ahola, Colorado State University
animal scientist delves into the details in his recent
whitepaper, “Effects of the 60-day Window Around
the Time of Weaning on Subsequent Quality Grade
and Eating Quality of Beef,” available at http://www.
The full-scale analysis found marbling
deposition can be influenced by diet and management
during the window from pre-weaning through about
250 days of age. As a known time when fat deposition
processes may be altered, those 60 days represent
an opportunity.
“It appears if we can influence the number
of cells, we can influence the amount of fat or
marbling cattle put into those cells,” Ahola says. “This
differentiation that occurs around the time of weaning
is somewhat dependent on what kind of feed the
cattle are on, their energy balance and the amount of
stress they are under.”
The fact that weaning is the most stressful
event in a calf’s life underscores this period’s critical
nature for marbling deposition. Ahola’s paper covers
a wide scope of influencers from nutrition to lowstress weaning, creep feeding, mineral supplements,
castration, implants and weaning time.
He found two main practices with a proven
positive impact: early castration and weaning early
onto a high-energy diet.
Nearly all producers castrate male calves, but
not all may realize research shows the earlier calves
are cut, the better their carcass quality and value in
grid marketing.
Those who wean early may not think about
enhancing calf value or carcass quality, but weaning
at 100 to 150 days of age (compared to the industry
norm of 205 days) has been shown to improve
marbling if weaned onto a high-energy ration. In turn,
the probability of reaching Premium Choice or Prime
is greater in early-weaned cattle according to several
studies, but overall profitability of this practice over
conventional weaning has not been studied says
At any rate, the apparent advantages do not
consistently hold true for normal weaned calves, for
which starting on a high-energy ration has no impact
on later carcass merit. However, they do perform
better than late-weaned cattle.
Studies have shown quality grade and back fat
are not affected by late weaning age and data does
not suggest a negative impact on carcass quality.
However, cattle placed on feed earlier such as earlyweaned or normally weaned calves have greater
marbling than those placed on feed as yearlings.
In addition to early weaning, placing calves
onto a high-energy diet immediately after weaning
allows favorable marbling changes to occur, the
research says. Providing high-energy diets to calves
at a young, less than typical weaning age, enhances
deposition of intramuscular fat, more so that simply
weaning at an early age.
To harness the marbling genetic potential of
the Angus breed, Ahola points to a combination of
practices at the cow-calf level that create a low-stress
environment for calves.
His recipe includes tactics proven to enhance
marbling as well as strategies that have at least some
evidence of a positive impact through reduction of
Beyond prompt castration and early weaning onto a
high-energy diet, Ahola found low-stress management
such as fence-line weaning or use of a self-weaning
nose flap, in combination with a vaccination program,
- 12 -
continued on next page
Herman & Kathleen Howell
4200 Twp. Hwy 289, Hammondsville, OH 43930
Phone / Fax: (740) 544-5861
worming, and mineral supplementation can help with
While not all of these practices have proven
scientific links to marbling, several large studies have
shown a link between treatment rates for illness
and quality grade or marbling. The more times an
animal must be treated, the more detrimental it is to
intramuscular fat deposition.
“Set cattle up in such a way that they are
considered to be low-risk cattle at weaning,” Ahola
Regarding growth technologies around the
time of weaning or branding, research shows implants
do not influence marbling deposition. However, giving
a steer more than two implants over its lifetime has
had negative impacts on end product quality.
The industry continually struggles to meet a
growing demand for highly marbled beef, but Ahola
suggests one answer is an increased management
focus on promoting intramuscular fat deposition prior
to the feedyard phase.
“Our industry currently is under-supplying
highly marbled beef to consumers,” he says. “If we
are going to be more profitable and if we are going to
provide our consumers with a better product, we need
to increase the average marbling of our cattle.”
Research shows the way to cow-calf
producers, through a marbling window to higher
Miami Valley
Angus Association
Dave Long, Pres. 513-383-4077
Dan Brosey, V.P. 513-315-6894
Christy Campbell, Sec./Tres. 937-533-7051
John Hall, State Director 740-815-4337
Ad Sponsored by:
UBS Financial Services Inc.
Robert E. Messinger, CFS, CLU, ChFC
Cincinnati, OH 513-792-2117
- 13 -
Headlining this year’s offering is this
unique and interesting breeding piece
sired by SAV Resource 1441 and
produced from a powerful daughter
of SAV Pioneer 7301 from the great
Blackcap May family. Extreme growth
with bred in power and performance
double bred to the Blackcap Mays.
CED -2, BW+3.5, WW +69, YW +121,
Milk +34, $W +47.71, $F +67.26,
$G +22.88, $B +91.52
Lot 1
This full sister to GAR Prophet sells!
A rare opportunity to select a full sister
to one of the breed’s all time heaviest
used AI sires who dominates the breed
for growth and end product value. Also
selling will be a pregnancy sired by
EXAR Denver 2002B and an embryo
package sired by AAR Ten X 7008 SA.
Lot 2
A special highlight of the offering
will be this full sister to the
$170,000 Boyd Signature 1014
who is an extremely attractive, well
designed female produced from
a powerful dam who records WR
2@109, and YR 2@112.
Lot 13B
Bigtime potential in this stylish and eye appealing fall
yearling daughter of Boyd Signature 1014 produced from
Boyd Abigale 0001. She ranks among the breed’s elite for
$W value and is also in the top 1% for WW, YW, Milk, and
$F traits.
CED +7, BW +1.1, WW +72, YW +125, Milk +36,
$W +51.58, $F +71.36, $G +33.76, $B +92.90
Lot 6
This fancy fall yearling daughter of
Boyd Signature 1014 sells along with her
dam who is sired by GAR Predestined
backed by the $225,000 valued, Boyd
Forever Lady 7120. Her dam sells heavy
in calf to Connealy Black Granite.
CED +6, BW +1.9, WW +60,
YW +104, Milk +32, $W +45.01,
$F +48.37, $G +40.13, $B +96.25
This impressive two-year old daughter of the extremely popular Select Sires AI sire, Connealy
Capitalist O28 descends form one of the highest maternal cow families in the SAV program and will
have a calf at side sale day sired by EXAR Denver 2002B.
CED +3, BW +2.8, WW +65, YW +109, Milk +32, $W +45.62, $F +52.56, $G +37.76, $B +93.31
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Lot 15
Contact Boyd Beef Cattle for a sale catalog.
- 14 -
Lot 40
October 19, 2014
Sunday • 12:30 P.M.
Claylick Run Sale Facility
Newark, OH
These leading ladies will sell!
Abva Everelda 810
WayView Eventress 8062-A90
Home Acres Lass 138
Lucy Connealy 7229 XD6
Dan Wells, Sec./Fieldman
740-505-3843 • danwells@ohioangus.org
• Open Heifers • Bred Heifers • Pregnancies • Donors
• E.T. Heifer Calves • Fall Calving Pairs • Spring Cow/Calf Pairs
Pine Hill Farm
John & Henry Bergfeld
Summitville, OH
Sale Consignors:
Way View Cattle Co.
Fred & Jay Penick
Hebron, OH
- 15 -
Exline Farm
Chuck & Pamela Exline
Elizabeth, WV
Home Acres Farm
Terry & Cindy Schuh
Lebanon, OH
Sept. 5-6
Sept. 13
Sept. 16-18
Sept. 27
Sept. 27
October 5
October 19
October 20
Ohio Angus Calender of Events
OCA Round-Up, Springfield, OH
Entry Deadline Buckeye Best of Both Worlds Sale
Ohio Farm Science Review, London, OH
Maplecrest Farms Production Sale, Hillsboro, OH
Boyd Beef Cattle Production Sale, Maylick, KY
Double R Bar Angus Sale, Plymouth, IN
Cattleman’s Choice Angus Sale, Newark, OH
Champion Hill Angus Sale, Bidwell, OH
Ohio Angus Association
Dan Wells, Secretary/Fieldman
625 Cattail Rd.
Chillicothe, OH 45601
The Buckeye
October 25
November 4-6
November 9
Nov. 17-18
November 22
November 28
Angus Family $Values Online Auction
Amer. Angus An. Meeting, Kansas City, MO
Lazy Dae Angus Mature Cow Dispersal, Zanesville, OH
NAILE Angus Shows, Louisville, OH
Buckeye Best of Both Worlds Sale, Newark, OH
OCA Replacement Female Sale, Zanesville, OH
Return Service Requested
Saturday • 12 Noon
November 22nd, 2014
Claylick Run Sale Facility • Newark, OH
Consignment Forms & Info at www.ohioangus.org