Can-Am in Spokane Penny Drive Historic Racing Pt. IV
Can-Am in Spokane Penny Drive Historic Racing Pt. IV
Über Alles In this issue Penny Drive Can-Am in Spokane Historic Racing Pt. IV Journal for the Inland Northwest Region Porsche Club of America Volume 35 Issue 3 May - June, 2006 Table of Contents Table of Contents...............2 President’s Message...........2 From the Editor..................2 2006 Calendar....................3 Board of Directors.............3 A Coffee & A Drive...........4 Guild School Penny Drive.5 INWR Committees............6 Can-Am in Spokane..........7 Track Day..........................8 Joseph Oregon Trip...........9 2006 Wine Tour................10 Bogus Basin Hill Climb Car d’Alene......................11 From the President Well folks, by the time you read this the year will be almost half over. I hope everyone has been getting out and driving and enjoying his or her Porsche car(s). We have had some fun events so far and have more planned. While I have seen some of you out having fun, my question is: Where are the rest of you? It’s time to join in the fun and meet some great people. Thanks to Ron and Judy Harris for coordinating the annual Penny Drive again and to Tim Doyle for hosting another fun tech session at his business, Sunshine Polishing. By the time you read this we will be getting ready for our Wine Tour or will have just finished it. This is our 20th year for this event so I sure hope you got in on the celebration! Ok enough with the re-cap. I hope you get the idea that we have fun so check out the calendar and our website for future events. One future event that is shaping up to be a lot of fun is the Porsche Parade in Portland this August. So far it looks like there are 29 INWR members Historic Racing.........12 - 13 From the Editor New Members & Anniversaries...................15 Tony Robbins once said, “Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more”. March/April Minutes.16 - 17 Marketplace....................19 Cover Tom Johnsons 1965 356C Cabriloet 2 May - June I volunteered to become the Über Alles editor because of those reasons just stated. The INWR is a fantastic group of Porsche advocates and the friendships I have developed have truly changed my life for the better. Had I stood on the outside and not participated, I would have missed the prizes so many of you have shared. Well opportunity has presented itself once again, only this time in another place. I am moving to Portland, Oregon to start a new office for my employer. In fact, as I write, I am in my Portland home. My friends, this will be my last Über Alles as your editor. I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience, so much so, that I have accepted the Editor position for the Anzeiger, the Oregon PCA club’s newsletter. who have registered. Hope you are one of them. Also remember, Porsche of Spokane is getting closer. Get ready! With almost half the year behind us, it’s never too early to start the process of looking for officers and board members for next year. The club and the events don’t happen without members who are willing to give some time and energy to make it all happen. Maybe it’s time for YOU to get more involved. As of now most positions are open so if you have any interest in being part of YOUR club’s leadership, let me know. We need your help to continue our growth and fun events. We want to thank Tom Grainger for volunteering to be the new Über Alles editor. Also let us know what you think of the new style Über. That seems like enough rambling for this issue. Don’t forget our monthly membership meetings and coffee get togethers. Hope to see you there! Looking forward to seeing you all ON THE ROAD! Bill Rambo I will however, miss all of you! I will miss the camaraderie of the Wednesday night membership meetings and tech sessions, the brats & BBQ’s and those enjoyable drives. And how can I ever forget the glitz and glamour of our installation dinners or the ever-so rewarding Penny Drive. Yes, I will truly miss this club. I wish my successor, Tom Grainger, the new Editor of the Über Alles all the joy and rewards I have encountered. The road is a bit curvy, but isn’t that why we drive Porsches? And for you the reader, it is the responsibility of leadership to provide opportunities, but it is the responsibility of individuals to contribute. Grasp every opportunity this club hands you and I guarantee your enrichment will be well enjoyed. Yours truly, Kelly Dionne Inland Northwest Region Calender August May 10 Membership meeting 20 Coffee get together 20-21 Wine Tour - Tri-Cities 26 - 28Bogus Basin Bacchanalia - Boise, ID June 3 6 - 11 14 15 17 17 25 30 July 1-2 8 - 9 12 15 22-23 Reardan Car Show and Parade Rose Cup Race - Portland, OR Membership meeting Uber Alles Deadline Coffee get together Car d’ Lane Show - CDA, ID Local Drive - North Woods Inn - Deer Lake, WA Historics Races - Seattle, WA Historics Races - Seattle, WA Historics Race - Portland, OR Membership meeting Coffee & Drive - Tom Johnson Trip - Joseph, OR 6-11 9 15 19 19 Porsche Parade - Portland, OR Membership meeting (may cancel due to parade) Uber Alles Deadline Coffee get together Priest Lake Drive September TBA 9 13 16 Walla Walla Wine Tour River Boast Cruise - Tri-Cities, WA Membership meeting Coffee get together October 7 11 14 15 21 Octoberfest - Schweitzer Mountain Membership meeting Maryhill Hill Climb Uber Alles Deadline Coffee get together November TBA 8 18 Tech Session - at BobWestmoreland’s Membership meeting Coffee get together December 9 13 15 16 Christmas Party - Tri-Cities, WA Membership meeting Uber Alles Deadline Coffee get together Calender Board of Directors President Bill Rambo 4616 E. Singletree Ave. Colbert, WA 99005 509-238-2194 Vice President Mike Moran 36610 N. Muehle Elk, WA 99009 509-292-0824 Secretary Jerry Anders 10305 E. Grouse Mtn. Ln. Spokane, WA 99224 509-926-0808 Treasurer Rod Scroggin 817 E. Augusta St. Spokane, WA 99207 509-489-7994 Past President Bruce Hunt 615 W. 2nd St. Spokane, WA 99203 509-838-8353 Board Members at Large Herman Jackson 1937 Meadows Drive N Richland, WA 99352 509-627-6105 Doug Picatti 2004 Yakima Ave. Yakima, WA 98902 509-941-7600 PCA Zone 6 Rep For more information & gallaries, log onto our website at: Linda Bein 15000 Fall River Dr. Bend, OR 97707 541-593-9105 Über Alles 3 A Coffee & A Drive with Tom Johnson Park is almost equal distant from the Tri-Cities and Spokane, in both cases approximately a 2hour drive. We did this same event several years ago, and it was very well attended, with about 40 Porsches arriving as I recall. So save the 15th of July and come join us for a fun drive and picnic. On the 15th of July, a Saturday, we will meet for coffee at the Valley Mall at around 9:00 a.m. and leave at about 9:30/9:45 for a drive to the Dry Falls overlook just south of Banks Lake and Coulee City. We will then go the short distance to the Sun Lakes Park for a picnic on the lawn by Blue Lake. Everyone should bring a picnic lunch, blanket, Frisbee, whatever, for a fun couple of hours together. Hopefully Herman Jackson or someone from the Tri-Cities area will gather their folks up there for a drive up to join us. Sun Lakes Alpine Motors Porsche Repair & Service 40 Years Experience Porsche In-Factory Training • 4-Cam Engine Specialist • Precision 4-Wheel Alignment Machine • European Tire Mounting & Balancing 88 W. Orchard Ave. Hayden, Idaho 83835 208-762-7914 Hartmut Leuschner Owner 4 May - June Guild School Penny Drive As the saying goes, The 2006 Guild School Penny Drive was a charm! Not that the past two years weren’t fun mind you, it was just all the cold and the wet had dampened our enjoyment. This year sunshine and mid 60’s was the forecast – Tom Johnson arriving in his magnificent 65 356C Cab sealed the deal for a nice day. For the 5th year in a row, INWR members joined together with other clubs and organizations in Spokane area to raise money for the Guild School. This Events Three Times the Charm! masterfully grilled brats a good time was had by all. A big, “thank you” to: Frank Perry, Bob and Diane Westmoreland, Luke Gamoche, Klaus Huschke, Craig Lenhart, Dick and Brenda Yahne, Jon Leinan, Rod Scroggin, Jerry and Nancy Anders, Dick Miller, Tom Johnson, Tom and Linda Sanders, Ron and Judy Harris, Chuck and Shirley Rodman, Tom Molter and Jon and Larry Gessele for helping out this year. And another big thank you Dick and Brenda Yahne for bringing out the BBQ grill! 2006 is shaping up to be a fantastic year for INWR/PCA. See you at the next event! By Michael Moran year no fewer than 15 cars showed up at the corner of 57th street and Regal in Spokane at a new and improved location for the penny drive/show and shine/BBQ. There was a good representation of almost every model of Porsche (only missing a Cayenne, Caymen and 928 by my count). Spending the day taking turns shaking buckets on the street corners and in front of Albertsons, polishing and looking at cars, meeting a few new members and prospective members and eating Über Alles 5 The epitome of wilderness enjoyment with all the comforts of home! Family times, relax, snowshoe or snowmobile. We still have snow! March & April Spring Madness at Hill’s 50% off Building A and 20% off Cabin units Restaurant open during March; Closed the month of April Restaurant open Friday dinner thru Sunday dinner. Dinner reservations are requested. Visit for Weekly Lodging Specials & Our Lake View Web Cam! A big thanks to all of our members that contributed photos, articles, invitations, updates and news about our advertisers and Porsche events and activities. It is your contribution that makes the Über Alles fun for so many to read and enjoy! For those of you who are looking to get a jump on next winter...the 968 snowplow is the vehicle of choice! 6 May - June Hill’s Resort A Great Place To Go! Priest Lake, Idaho’s Crown Jewel! Luby Bay - 208-443-2551 INWR Committee Chairs Insurance Membership Mark Lang 1301 E. Pacific Spokane, WA 99202 509-999-3687 Bill Roberts 512 Lodi Loop Richland, WA 99352 509-628-2419 Competition Technical E. Craig Shaw 2906 E. Fernan Hill Rd. Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 208-676-9977 Tom Smith 15425 N. McKinnon Rd. Mead, WA 99201 509-466-7843 Social Webmeister Marlee Payne Shaw 2906 E. Fernan Hill Rd. Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 208-676-9977 Frank Perry 3451 S London Ct Spokane,WA 99203 509-624-9731 Chee Chee Phillips W. 317 Francis Spokane, WA 99205 509-467-5104 Über Alles Editor Tom Grainger 15615 W. Euclid Road Spokane, WA 99224 INWR History Can-Am in Spokane The Inland Northwest Region was originally charted as the Can-Am Region in April of 1972. The CanAm Region was the successor to an informal Club of about 15 active members who began meeting at the local dealership from about 1962 through 1965. They were reportedly enthusiastic racers and they owned 3 Spyders and one Speedster. Their activities ranged from racing to group drives and picnics. Eventually as members moved to other areas or went into racing of different types, the Club as it had existed for the past 3 years was gone forever. Fast forward 5 years to late 1971 when a meeting of Porsche enthusiasts is held at Valley Porsche/Audi, at that time the local dealer in Spokane. From that meeting the membership began to grow and in April of 1972 the Can-Am Region was chartered. By Bill Simer the Worlds Fair, Expo 74. The event was well attended by members of the Pacific Northwest Region as well as the Sand and Sage Region. During 1975 members in the Walla Walla and Tri-Cities area of Kennewick, Pasco, and Richland filled up the tank of the CanAm Region with enthusiasm and organization and kept it tuned up and running well for the next 20 years. In July of 1984 the name of the Can-Am Region appears in Porsche Panorama for the last time. In August of 1984 the Inland Northwest Region appears and continues to this day. In the early 1990’s the Club leadership began to make contacts with Porsche owners in the Spokane/Coeur d’Alene area since the number of Club members in that area had been increasing steadily. Friendships were made and grown, and in 1995 the board The initial years of the Can-Am leadership included a member from Region were like some early cars, fun the Spokane/Coeur d’Alene area. when everything worked right, but In the years that have followed the prone to breaking down more than Region has broadened its active occasionally. The Club had run a few membership from throughout the successful multi-event weekends, Region and board leadership is and in 1974 decided to host a multi likewise from throughout the Region. Region event in conjunction with The Inland Northwest Region still has many similarities to that group of 15 members who began meeting in 1962. Although we don’t have any Spyder owners in the Club, the Club still enjoys many of the same activities as that founding group. In 2006 the Region will again have a host Porsche dealership after many years without one within the Region. We look forward to seeing new cars, and meeting new members, that Porsche of Spokane will bring to our Region as we write new chapters in the history of the Inland Northwest Region. The source of much of the early history of the founding of the Can-Am Region is from a special section of the January 1974 issue of Porsche Panorama with the sub title of “On Building a Region… (or how to keep it alive when everyone thinks it’s dead) by Alice Walters who was the Secretary of the CanAm Region in 1974. We should properly credit her in this article. Über Alles 7 Track Day March 2006 Spokane Raceway Porsche Style Craig Lenhart’s 911 Neko Papasawas’s 944 Kelly Dionne’s 912 Jeff Brook’s 911 Jerry Ander’s 911 INWR’s New Website! Tom Smith’s 911 Many thanks to Frank Perry our Webmeister Mark Lang’s 911 Jerry Ander’s Michael Moran’s911 911 8 May - June Joseph Oregon Trip INWR invites you to attend our July Drive When: July 22nd & 23rd, 2006 Destination: Joseph, Oregon, leaving Spokane Valley Mall @ 8:30 am sharp Saturday, July 22nd Dinner Menu ($29.00 per person): Prime Rib or Silver Salmon, salad, red potatoes, rolls and a yummy dessert. Coffee and iced tea. Dinner will be served on lawn at Motel @ 6:30 P.M. Motel rooms: Rates are $55 - $75. We have reserved 16 rooms @ Indian Lodge Motel plus we can add more at another motel. Door prizes and games. If you’ve never been to Joseph it is a worthwhile trip. It is a very challenging and scenic drive. You can tour a foundry which is very educational and interesting. Horse back riding and other activities are also available. RSVP must be COMPLETED and RETURNED with a CHECK PAYABLE TO INWR/PCA by JULY 6th. Mail reservations and/or call with any QUESTIONS, Rod Scroggin 817 East Augusta Ave Spokane WA 99207 Phone: (509) 489-7994 Email: Dinner & Room Choice Prime Rib ___________________ Grilled Salmon ___________________ Number Attending ____________ Check Enclosed $29 x _____ Total ______ Number of Rooms for Motel Reservation ___________ Name of Each Attendee _____________________ __________________ Address Phone Number ___________________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________ Über Alles 9 INWR WINE COUNTRY TOUR to INWR/PCA to P.O. Box 206, Richland, WA 99352 - by Monday. May 8. Note: Space at Columbia Crest is somewhat limited. Dinner reservations will be taken in the order received until the chateau is full. If you have any questions, please call Herman Jackson at (509) 627-6105 or Bill Addis at (509) 627-2221. Saturday Coffee Saturday May 20, 2006 TOUR:Join Zone 6 members in a Tour of the Yakima Valley ending in the Tri-Cities, with wineries and picnic along the way. The tour leaves from the Richland Shilo Inn at 10:30 a.m. sharp. The first stop will be at Hyatt Vineyards for a picnic lunch. Bring your own picnic. For additional tour details contact Event Chairmen Bill Addis or Herman Jackson. LODGING: For out of town members, a block of rooms is reserved at Marriott Courtyard, 480 Columbia Point Dr., Richland. Make your own reservation by calling (800) 321-2211 or (509) 942-9400. Room price is $79.00. Be sure to mention Porsche Club (Code PCDS). Parking lot security is provided. Reservation Deadline is Mon. May 8. DINNER: Dinner is at Columbia Crest Winery in Paterson. We will depart from the Marriott parking lot for the winery at 5:15 p.m. The meal cost is $42.00 per person and includes wines before and during dinner. Submit checks payable 10 May - June May 20th & June 17th 9:00 AM Yakima Starbuck’s on 56th & Summitview Spokane Starbuck’s on Argonne & Broadway Tri-Cities Hastings Cafe @ George Washington Way Coeur d’Alene Coffeeville on 4th St. Don’t miss out on the monthly membership meetings at Marie Callender’s in Spokane, WA on May 10th & June 14th 2006 Porsche Parade Parade Portland August 6 – 11, 2006 For more registration and information, please log on to: 2006 Bogus Basin Bacchanalia May 26-28 in Idaho The Silver Sage Region will again host the Bogus Basin Bacchanalia (BBB) weekend that includes PCA’s only hillcross. BBB is a multi-region event first held in 1976 that includes the hillcross, a rally and a mystery event on Memorial Day weekend, May 26-28, 2006. The BBB weekend starts with registration and a get-acquainted dinner on Friday evening in the Pioneer Lodge at the Bogus Basin ski area, 16 miles north of Boise, Idaho. Saturday is for the hillcross, where you can drive your Porsche as it was meant to be driven: safe, fast and on a beautiful stretch of winding mountain road. The course is nearly two miles long and features six tight turns and over 500 feet of elevation gain. Bruce Korstad in his modified 914 set the hill record for Porsches of 1:56.586 last year. If you want to be challenged by the BBB hillcross, be sure to register early since the number of entrants in the hillcross is limited. Saturday ends with dinner and partying in the lodge. Sunday is reserved for rallyists to tour scenic parts of southwest Idaho. The day ends with the awards banquet at the lodge. Sometime during the weekend, a mystery event will take place. Since it’s a mystery, that’s all you get to know for now. Those of you who attended the 2002 Porsche Parade in Boise may have seen the course. Now is a good time to come back to Boise to drive it and to experience more of our unmatched hospitality. You can learn more about BBB and get an application form after April 1 by visiting the Silver Sage Region’s web site at Information is also available from Registrar Walt Thode at BBB, P.O. Box 912, Boise, ID 83701. You can also call Walt at (208) 363-9169, or email Up Coming Events 2006 A Classic Car Weekend for Models ‘78 and Older Cruise Sherman Avenue June 16 - 6:00 - 10:00 pm Car Show & Shine June 17 - 8:00am - 4:00pm Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Call (208) 667-5986 for more information Über Alles 11 Further Adventures of Historic Racing - Part IV by Bruce Hunt It’s safe to say I like vintage car racing, concours events, contributing to organizations like the Children’s Hospital of Seattle, and meeting some of auto racing’s true matadors of the sport (guest celebrities like Jimmy Vasser, Parnelli Jones, or Dan Gurney). So it’s not surprising that I’ve been a regular spectator at the SOVREN 4th of July Pacific Northwest Historic races in Seattle. But this year it’s different. I’m finally driving! With brother David and many INWR members along to support myself, Bill, Brian and Mark. We all feel very fortunate to be here driving our old Formula Vees. The feature this year is “Cars of the 50s” with Listers, Allards, Jags, Devins and even an old Victress; paired up with some of the drivers from this era - back in their old steeds for a weekend of fireworks. Speaking of old school, it’s great stuff to see a guy nearly 80 driving his original 1972 Lola T-300 in the Exhibition Group - no less. And it gets even better to see him putting laps on drivers half his age. Of course, it never hurts to have some big block Chevy HP and Avon racing slicks a foot n’ half wide. This Exhibition Group also features two Porsche 935 K3s - one of which raced at Le Mans in 1978, a ‘66 Porsche 906, a Kremer-Porsche Spider, along with Ferraris, Lolas, 12 May - June Marches, Brabhams, Elvas, and a Formula Jr to round out a field of couple of Formula 5000s. One word 31 small bore race cars. There’s a for this group says it all - FAST. big crowd today milling about the paddock area where we’re parked The people in Group 1 (our group) and then running to various vantage are regular folks, many who have points along the track to watch the come to historic car racing later in racing action. The weather is near life. For me, racing my historic perfect. And I take just a moment to Formula Vee comes after many look around, take it all in, and then years of running and bicycle racing. smile to myself. I put my helmet on I’ll be honest, I am still having a and jump in #20, with a tap on top bit of the competitive bug - but it’s and a thumbs up from David, I drive tempered by the reality of mortality out of the paddock and on to the grid. and my day job. So I’m balancing my excitement with having fun Practice feels pretty good. It’s been and taking it all in stride. It’s just a month since my last visit to Pacific cool to be here. There’s something Raceways in the Spring Sprints, but about old sports cars, the smell of within 2 or 3 laps I’m into a groove. race gas, the sound of headers, and #20 seems a bit slower than Brian the adrenalin rush from getting out and Bill on the long straight though. on the track for some laps, that I’m hoping to get a friendly INWR makes me feel like a kid again. buddy draft for qualifying and make sure I’m close enough to Bill and Bill, Mark, Brian, and I are Brian at the start to be the caboose gridding up for practice in our on the train, knowing all too well Formula Vees. The potpourri of our Group 1 cars includes Vees, Alfas, Austins, Abarths, Elvas, Lotus’, a VW Bug, a Porsche 356, an old Rover 2000TC, and a Stanguellini by now, that if I lose contact with the boys – my ticket gets punched and the fast women will be kicking my butt instead of INWR buddies. Competition We go from practice right into qualifying. Brian, Bill, Mark, and I look like a four-man bobsled team - nose to tail, accelerator flat to the floor, and trying to wring out every last 1/4 hp from an 1192 cc VW engine down the straight-a-way Raceways. At the end of each race there are hugs and congratulations all the way around. Bill is the veteran of our group and a little more restrained than the rest of us. Brian is giddy to say the least. And Mark has a smile on his face that’ll the time you read this, I’ll be hot into the 2006 SOVREN season. This ends Adventures in Historic Racing 2005 just in time for you to come to the 2006 Pacific Northwest Historics when Porsche racing legend Brian Redman will be the guest celebrity. You can bet on seeing some of the finest Porsche race cars in North America too. And you can hang out with your INWR Vee boys. Cheers! “Bravery isn’t hard to find. Skill is something else again. Drivers who have only courage Don’t last for long.” and into the first lap of qualifying. Somehow I get unhinged from the Vee train and a gap opens between turns 3b and 6 that I can’t close coming up the hill into turns 7 and 8. By the time we run thru the startfinish I’m a couple seconds back and it stays that way - consigning me to race mid pack while Bill, Brian and Mark are in positions 5 - 7. take a month to wear off. Somebody needs to pinch me. It’s all-good. When we’re not racing we’re sprinting over to the grandstands to watch the action in the other groups. Group 3 and Group 4 have numerous Porsche; 356s, 912s, and a large contingent of late ‘60s 911s that are blazingly fast. Group 5 is strictly muscle car racing with the Formula Vee racing is the ultimate all too familiar TransAm cars of in restrictor plate racing. The cars the ‘60s thundering around Pacific are so evenly matched, that it comes Raceways. It’s ear plug time and down to good driving, momentum, when the Shelby GT350 Mustangs drafting, using each other, and a driven by the Edlebrock family or bit of luck - to finish at the front. the ‘63 Corvette Z06s and Penske Bill, Brian, and Mark have some Camaros of the Chevy fraternity great battles ahead of me in each roar down the straight at rock race - providing the PA announcer concert decibels, everyone oos and with plenty of commentary. I end ahs with their hands over their ears. up in a slugfest with the coupes a few seconds back, getting passed on Racing at the Pacific Northwest the long straight and fighting back Historics has been a dream come to slip by them in the tight downhill true. But wait, there’s more. The corners on the backside of Pacific dream is starting over again and by - Stirling Moss Please send all classified ads to: Editor Tom Grainger 15615 W. Euclid Road Spokane, WA 99224 Classified ads are free to PCA / INWR members. Please limit to 50 words per ad. Ads may also be edited and abbreviated according to available space. Über Alles 13 14 May - June Membership Sunshine Polishing Systems North Woods Inn Auto Detailing Tri-Cities’ Most Respected Auto Appearance Center · Complete Interior Cleaning · Exterior Polishing · Truck / Auto Accessories · 1 Year Teflon Paint Sealants Bed & Breakfast Hiking Biking Golf Horseback Riding Swimming Skiing Business Meetings & Retreats Rustic Elegance Overlooking Deer Lake Specialty Events Weddings Located at 3869 North Deer Lake Road Loon Lake, WA 99148 We Guarantee the Best Detailing in the Columbia Basin 509-233-8681 719 W. Columbia Drive, Kennewick, WA 509-586-9885 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS & TRANSFERS Jack & James Ashlock Spokane, WA 1990 911 C4 Greg & Rachel Caron Selah, WA 1979 911SC Nick & Mary Ceto Richland, WA 1998 Boxster Jack Fraley Spokane, WA 1975 914 Robert & Kathleen Hylander Moses Lake, WA 2004 Cayenne Jeff Klaiber Newman Lake, WA 1984 911 Cabriolet Evan Van Horn & Terri Lyon East Wenatchee, WA 1987 911 Steve & Deborah Dowd Mercer Island, WA (from Pacific Northwest Region) 1987 911 Randy Lentes Veradale, WA 1989 930 William Reidy Bayview, ID 2003 996 John Boutsikaris Walla Walla, WA (from Pacific Northwest Region) 2000 Boxster ANNIVERSARIES 35 Years Carl E. Ley April 1977 930 15 Years Hartmut Leuschner March 1970 914-6 1959 356 10 Years Thomas R. Grainger 1986 930 April Robert & Julie Clausen 1965 356 May Daniel & Gina Stubbs 1961 356 May Gregory & Susan Tye June 5 Years Robert E Ricks, Jr. March 1987 924S W. Bradford De Long 1990 911 May Thomas & Maggie Frey 1979 911 May Gary Gularte May 2000 911 Fran & Debbie Forgette 1994 911 June Autosports NorthwestAutocross No. 1 ChampionshipApril 30, 2006 Auto Cross & Rally CrossSpokane Community College SCCA Solo II web site for more details Über Alles 15 INWR Board & Membership Meeting Minutes March 8, 2006 Officers Present: President: Bill Rambo Secretary: Jerry Anders Vice President: Mike Moran Treasurer: Rod Scroggin Members Present: 13 Total Membership: 220 A call to order @ 7:13 by Bill Rambo was made by introducing Randy Lintis who as new member had just purchased an 89 930 from George Gee. Treasurers Report: Rod reported standard income and expenses with the following balances: Checking $3519.19 Savings $3,532.26 Total $7,051.40 The minutes from the February meeting were ‘synopsized’ by the Secretary and accepted by a quorum of members present. OLD BUSINESS: There was not enough response for the Griot Bus Trip and it was canceled. Better luck next time. Several Driving Instructors went to Seattle for a session to hone their finely tuned methods. I believe that in attendance were Mike Moran, Bruce Hunt, Bob and Brian Westmoreland. A call to order @ 7:13 by Bill Rambo was made by introducing members from the Tri Cities and Cal & Myra special visitors on her birthday. The Spokane Auto Show included 4 New Porsches from George Gee and while the cars were locked John was very accommodating to Club members who wanted a closer look. Treasurers Report: Rod reported standard income and expenses with the following balances: Checking $3,325.16 Savings $3,534.85 Total $6,686.01 NEW BUSINESS: Bill reported about a Drivers Education track in Montana that gets little attention and is reasonably priced. For more specifics on this contact Bill Rambo. Porsche Escape 2008 is being planned for the Wild Rose region at the Jasper Lodge. Bill brought a flyer of the facility and it certainly does look like paradise. I am sure that we will be following up on this event in the future. Now that we have the Über as a well oiled machine we are loosing our Editor Kelly. I’m not sure but I believe that Kelly has accepted a position as the new editor of The New York Times and will be leaving the Über with in the next few months. We are in the process of a nation wide search, well at least to Ferndale, so if your husband or wife is a retired editor and you can’t get them of off the couch, here is your chance. Kelly says that this is an entry level position and that anyone with even less than normal inelegance but lots of desire can do the job. STUMP THE CHUMP: Mike Moran brought a inner race seal for a Universal barrel bearing housing which he proceeded to put together successfully after all guesses were in and recorded. This was quite impressive. May - June Minutes April 12, 2006 Officers Present: President: Bill Rambo Secretary: Jerry Anders Treasurer: Rod Scroggin Members Present: 20 Total Membership: 230 There is a hill climb scheduled for May 26-28 that was not shown on the May Schedule. Contact Bruce Hunt for more information on this event. Mike Moran gave an updated report on the status of the Über. Mike and Kelly had been negotiating to have the Über printed in Portland in order to improve the print and appearance of the paper. There has been some delay in the printing of the Über as a result of typical hitches when you do something like this. The good news is several members noticed this delay! It’s nice to see that people are missing their paper; someone must be doing something right. 16 INWR Board & Membership Meeting The Guild school Penny Drive will be on Saturday the 22nd of April. Tim’s wash your bottom weekend will be the following Saturday. UPCOMING EVENTS May 10 Membership Meeting 20 Coffee get together 20-21 Wine Tour Tri- Cities June 3 Reardan Car Show and Parade 14 Membership Meeting 17 Coffee Get Together 17 Car d’ Lane Car Show The minutes from the March meeting were not synopsized by the Secretary or accepted by a quorum of members present as they had not been updated. Bill gave an update on the results of the recent Board Meeting held to discuss the future of the Uber. Items discussed were quality, cost, and staffing. Results of both the board and membership meetings were that the printed as opposed to the copied format was preferable due to the presentation and quality for the price. We will now endeavor to insure that the ad revenue is set as to cover the printing cost. If that doesn’t work we will have to pass the hat rather than reduce the quality. We are still looking for a new editor and one of the perks of the position is that you get a Press Pass to set into the brim of your nicest Fedora OLD BUSINESS: PCA has copies of Up Fixin for the cost of shipment approx. $25. Details of this offer are in the Panorama. Several members have taken advantage of this offer with positive feedback from everyone. Portland Parade has over 800 members signed up with lots of safety inspections being required for all of the driving events. Several members who are not active in local club events are signed up for this. We would encourage anyone who is planning Minutes on attending the Parade and would like to caravan down with the club to give any of the club officers a call or email. I’m sure that several times will be scheduled for this fun trip and we would like all members to know how much fun we have with our cars, family, and friends on these trips. Dealer Update: The new George Gee Porsche Dealership is moving right along with a Grand Opening Date tentatively set for May 30th, although the facility will be ready construction wise around the 1st of May and I am quite sure that the staff would like to show you around before the official opening date. NEW BUSINESS: Wine Tour has 69 registered guests. This represents about ½ of the available spots so get signed up before it gets too late. UPCOMING EVENTS May 10 Membership Meeting 20 Coffee get together 20-21 Wine Tour Tri- Cities June 3 Reardan Car Show and Parade 14 Membership Meeting 17 Coffee Get Together 17 Car d’ Lane Car Show Advertising Rates per Issue (6 Issues per Year) Business Card Quarter Page Half Page Full Inside Page Half Page / Outside Back $10.00 $18.75 $37.50 $56.25 $47.00 All articles must be articles, advertising, photos and other insertions must be submitted by the following dates for inclusion in that Über Alles issue. June 15 July - August August 15 September - October October 15 November - December Bill mentioned a River Boat Cruise that is being planned for the 9th of September in the Tri Cities. This really sounds like a fun time with a cruise, a dinner and good conversation. I’m not sure how we get the cars on the boat but this and other details will be worked out as the event approaches. Our location for the Annual Penny Drive has moved to 57th and Regal on the South hill this year in the parking lot of the INW Bank. How convenient to cash those dollars into pennies. From 10AM until 3PM all or just to stop by, we want to see everyone. Bring money. This is our biggest charity event of the year and we need to shine. STUMP THE CHUMP: Tom Johnson brought pictures of a Porsche engine from different angles and state of reconstruction. The mission was to guess the model and year. It turned out to be a prototype for the 901 but the real STUMP was that it was a miniature version and this became evident when we saw the last picture and the mechanics thumb was larger than the piston. This was without a doubt, hands down, the best Stump the Chump to date. I was glad that the Tri Cities members were here to witness your creativity Tom. Über Alles 17 Rennsport Systems 503.244.0990 6416 S.W. 33rd Place Portland, OR 97201 Rennsport Systems offers Racing and Street Performance Parts and Services for Porsche 911/930,964, 993-series, 996-series and Boxster automobiles. 18 May - June Marketplace Cars for sale 1972 911 Targa. Project car. Targa bar cutoff and ready for a convertible conversion. Mid-engine. $4,600. 1952 356 Coupe. roller. accepting offers. Call or email Larry Chmura 208-765-9230 1986 944 Turbo Coupe. stone grey met/burg partial lea. 72768 miles Virtually everything new: belts, pulleys, water pump, axles motor & trans mounts, susp bushings, ball joints, frt & rear whl bearings, 250lb & 1” lower frnt sprs, 968 30mm frnt sway bar, adj Konis, etc. all records and receipts. $9,950. John Hassell 1994 911 Speedster (964) Marina Blue (medium non metallic blue) w/ black top & interior. Jerry Seinfeld was original owner through 2004. He had the factory add 964 Turbo Speedline wheels before delivery. Custom offsets to fit narrow body car. He had engine modified on delivery by Andial in CA to 3.8 RS specs, plus other mods. Looks all stock except for wheels, which are stunning. Less than 9,000 miles. Yes, 9,000 in over 10 years. Strong running car. Not abused. Excellent condition. Not cheap. $65,000 Fran Forgette Cell: 509-430-0706 Email: fxforgette@ 2002 Carrera Coupe. Arctic silver with Graphite Grey. Optional factory equipment includes: Advanced Technic Package, 18” light alloy Carrera wheels with colored crest wheel caps, Supple heated all leather seats, Power seat package, Rear window wiper, PSM, 3 spoke interior leather steering wheel, Sport Exhaust system, Design Package New Toyo T1R’s. 23,500 miles. Delivery date was 8/16/2002. MSRP was $85950.00. Asking $54,000. Stu Fisher 1101 Eyrie Ct White Salmon, WA 98672 541 490-3968 PCA # 2004048618 2001 Boxster S 1980 911 SC Euro model. Wine/ Chocolate 117500 mi. New in the last 7,000 miles (three years); Carrera tensioner upgrade; Recon Fuchs w/ new center caps; Michelin tires (95%); upholstery; chin spoiler and valance panel; clutch, rebuilt transmission, shock absorbers, hood shocks, Dansk performance muffler, lowered to Euro specifications, four wheel alignment, valves adjusted, ignition components. Serviced by Alpine Motors and Mechanic Masters. The car runs, drives and handles excellent. Shifts and brakes excellent. WA emissions exempt. $12,995 OBO Tom Molter 509-747-6403 1976 911S Targa Black on black; fuchs wheels; 3.0 litre engine(‘82?); new interior(nice); owned since ‘94 w/ records since then. 1964 C Coupe Red w/ black; restored in ‘1994; all there and all original records since ‘94 I have seen both of these cars if anyone wants to ask me any questions otherwise, for more info you may contact: Darwin Smith 206-669-5084 Black exterior and interior, 6 speed manual; 41,000 miles, engine has 21,000 miles...was replaced because of an improperly bored engine block... drive train didn’t fit and was leaking oil. No problems since it was fixed about 2 1/2 years ago. Options: Comfort Package: Power Seats and Adjustable Lumbar Support; Sport Touring Package: Upgraded Sound System, Windscreen, Cruise, Control, Alarm, CD Changer, Trip Computer, Self Dim Mirrors and Rain Sensor, Heated Front Seats Package, Car Cover; The Kelly Blue Book price is $31,000 for private party sale. Asking $30,000. Please call Ron Harris 509-226-0242 or email at EDITORIAL POLICY: Über Alles is the official publication of the INLAND NORTHWEST REGION of the PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA. Statements appearing in The Über Alles are those of the author and are not necessarily the opinions of the CLUB or its editorial staff. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted to The Über Alles, with the exception of copyrighted material. Über Alles 19 INWR PCA P.O. Box 206 Richland, WA 99352