View a copy of 2015-2016 Membership Directory
View a copy of 2015-2016 Membership Directory
Keeping the Business Community Connected 2015-2016 Membership Directory & Business Resource Guide KEMBA Financial Credit Union is proud to serve the Gahanna community. • Savings & Checking Accounts • Auto, Home, & Personal Loans • Student Loans • Credit Cards with Cash Back Rewards • Youth Accounts • Business Accounts & Loans • Free Online Banking & Bill Pay • Mobile Banking with Virtual Deposit • Access to more than 50,000 Surcharge-Free ATMs Nationwide • More than 5,000 Shared Branching Locations Nationwide Visit us today at 110 N. Hamilton Rd. in Gahanna! 2 you live or work in Franklin County, you can belong! Table of Contents A Message from the Chairwoman of the Board ..............................2 About Your Chamber..................................................................................3 Discover Your Chamber Membership................................................... 4 Membership Perks........................................................................................7 Get Involved....................................................................................................8 Gahanna Residents in Need - GRIN...................................................... 11 Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools...................................................... 12 Your Money at Work: A Guide to Gahanna’s General Fund........14 Gahanna is Growing................................................................................... 16 Best Hometown — Gahanna................................................................... 17 Community Calendar of Events............................................................ 18 Community Profile.....................................................................................20 Important Numbers................................................................................... 22 Sustaining Members.................................................................................. 23 Chamber Members - Alphabetical Directory.................................. 25 Chamber Members - Categorial Directory....................................... 32 Directory of Advertisers..........................................................................44 Gahanna Area Chamber Of Commerce 81 Mill Street, Suite 300 Gahanna, Ohio 43230 Phone (614) 471-0451 Fax (614) 471-5122 Published by The Gahanna Area Chamber of Commerce. All rights reserved. Although the Chamber has made every effort to assure accuracy of this information, we cannot be responsible for omissions or errors in information provided by the respective organizations. A Message from the Chairwoman of the Board These are dynamic times for our Gahanna business community. As Chairwoman of the Gahanna Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors I am excited to be a part of the ground work the Chamber is assisting in creating for our community. We are committed to working towards the growth and betterment of Gahanna, specifically by responding to the needs of the business community. And, we work hard to create partnerships that will benefit our membership by providing unparalleled opportunities to connect with peers, current and prospective clients and partners up and down our supply chains to keep our lines of communication open. To me, the Chamber stands out as our area’s premier business-enabling and advocacy organization. Educational meetings, business growth workshops and money saving initiatives provide extraordinary opportunities to grow our networks and gain new insights for addressing the common challenges facing all of us in business today. So what can you, as a Gahanna business leader, do to keep up with this activity and position your company to ride the wave of growth and prosperity? Get involved! If you are not already a member, join the Chamber. If you are a member, then assist us in spreading the word. We hope that you will use and enjoy this Membership and Business Guide in making your business and community connections. We also invite and encourage you to visit our website at to learn more about our members, services and programs. Whether your business is small or large — the Chamber provides you a seat at the most important business table Gahanna has to offer. There really is strength in numbers. Sincerely, Betty Collins, CPA Brady Ware & Company XS, S, M, L, & XL. BANKING FOR EVERY SIZE BUSINESS. There’s no place like home • Senior Independent Living • Award winning dining NOW OFFERING ASSISTED LIVING SERVICES 614-252-5276 • KENSINGTONCOLUMBUS.COM We take your business personally. At Benchmark Bank you can count on experienced business bankers that find solutions based on your business needs and goals, and make decisions right here locally, not hundreds of miles away. So whether you need loans, cash management, online banking or any combination of services-we’ll respond right away and in person. Call us and see how we’re making banking personal again. • Spacious apartments • Fitness activities, theater • No large up-front entrance fee 2 INCLUDING YOURS. A welcome change in banking. 461 Beecher Road Gahanna, OH 43230 | 468 Polaris Parkway Westerville, Ohio 43082 614.269.4400 | About Your Chamber In a challenging economy, more and more emphasis is being placed on entrepreneurship. A good idea is only the start of a company, as the most difficult work lies after the idea is crafted. Recognizing this, the Gahanna Area Chamber of Commerce has created an environment with innumerable programs, companies, workshops and resources dedicated to promoting the entrepreneurial spirit. Gahanna Chamber members are businesses working together to promote the business environment in the Gahanna area. By promoting business, opportunities for jobs grow and with that, more people desire to live, work and play in our city. Collectively, we promote strong civic spirit, a robust and thriving business environment and a vibrant quality of life for the individuals and families who live and work in our communities. Membership in the Chamber signals your willingness to be a force for positive action in achieving these goals and growing your business. For information regarding the Gahanna Area Chamber of Commerce, call (614) 471-0451, e-mail us at or visit our website at “Love being a member! Always get something out of every event I attend.” 2015 Board of Directors, Staff and Mayor Pictured: Front: Betty Clark, Vice Chairwoman of Membership Engagement, CPMedia & Marketing; Mary Held, Director, Mary Held & Assoc.; Susan Peters, Director, Gahanna Convention & Visitors Bureau; Becky Whittington, Office Administrator; Gahanna Mayor Becky Stinchcomb; Leslee Blake, President; Rick Conover, Vice Chair Operations, Aflac; Kandace Watkins, Secretary, Bercley Woods Condominiums; and Scott Robinson, Treasurer, WesBanco. Back: John Persons, Director, Signarama of Gahanna; Ron Smith, Vice Chair Business Development, SOH Productions; Emanuel Torres, Director, Gahanna Planning & Development; Betty Collins, Chairwoman, Brady Ware & Co.; and Roy Holcombe, Director, RevLocal. Not pictured: Terri Loughry, Director, Loughry Insurance Services; and Alison Forche, Associate Director, Kristal & Forche Orthodontics. Bonnie Green, Custom Air Conditioning & Heating 2015 Officers, Board Of Directors & Staff Chairwoman Betty Collins, Brady Ware & Company Vice Chairman of Operations Rick Conover, Aflac Vice Chairman of Business Development Ron Smith, SOH Productions Vice Chairwoman of Membership Engagement Betty Clark, CPMedia & Marketing Treasurer Scott Robinson, WesBanco Secretary Directors Mary S. Held, Mary Held & Associates Roy Holcombe, RevLocal Laurie Jadwin, Gahanna Convention & Visitors Bureau Terri Loughry, Loughry Insurance Services John Persons, Signarama of Gahanna Emanuel Torres, City of Gahanna Planning & Development Associate Director Alison Forche, Kristal & Forche Orthodontics President Leslee Blake Chamber Administrator Becky Whittington Kandace Watkins, Bercley Woods Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 3 Discover Your Chamber Membership Relationship Building Events Gahanna Business Networking Expo This locally-held event is designed for maximum exposure of your business to Chamber members, non-member businesses, promotional partners as well as the Gahanna community. Empowering Women in Business This quarterly women’s meeting is designed to empower entrepreneurs and employees through educational speakers and networking opportunities. Membership Meetings Membership meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month (7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.). Meetings focus on a variety of business topics and include the introduction of new members (breakfast meetings only) to the organization. Business After Hours These after-work gatherings are designed to showcase the business hosting the event, while providing all members with an opportunity to meet fellow Chamber members and others within the Gahanna business community. Annual Golf Outing Each year, the Chamber hosts a golf outing at an area golf club. This fun-for-all event, played in a “scramble” format, provides the perfect venue for networking and a terrific opportunity to entertain customers and clients. Silent and live auction offerings at the awards dinner caps off the event with terrific prizes. A portion of the net proceeds helps support the Chamber/Toyota Direct Scholarship Program for High School Juniors & Seniors. “This was my second meeting. Everyone is so friendly and easy to get to know. Meetings are very informative.” Scott Robertson, Minuteman Press 4 Taste of Gahanna This event has proven to be our largest and most popular. Open to anyone in any community, member restaurants and food service providers are given the opportunity to showcase their signature dish to attendees. The highlight of the evening is the Chef’s Challenge Cook-Off plus other contests and awards, all geared toward family entertainment. Health & Fitness Expo In partnership with the Gahanna/John E. Bickley YMCA the annual event is designed to provide awareness to the community by promoting access to senior information and resources, health screening, nutrition and fitness education for adults and children of all ages. Business Growth & Development Events Your Chamber makes conducting business in Gahanna more accessible and rewarding. While our members are doing what is best for their customers, co-workers, and community, we’re at their side to help them grow and thrive. We help members identify new opportunities to grow and connect them with peers who are excited to advise and support along the way. Business Growth Workshops We connect our members to the planning tools and other business development services they need. Whether you are looking to grow sales, awareness of your business, your network, customer base, skills or knowledge, your Chamber is here to help. Meet & Greet Networking Opportunities Your Chamber’s events are a great way to meet new people and share ideas in a friendly setting. These programs are well-attended and at no cost to members and their employees, allowing you to greet numerous potential colleagues and customers. Marketing & Promotional Opportunities Chamber sponsorship and advertising opportunities continue to be one of the most used methods of promoting your company and brand to member businesses. Spotlight your company’s message to Chamber members representing thousands of employees in the Gahanna area. Ribbon Cuttings Let us help you celebrate your new business or new location. We will publicize your grand opening in our newsletter, on the website, invite other Chamber members and bring along our official “grand opening” oversized scissors. Photos will be taken and provided to you for your use. We’ll also use the photos in our various communication pieces, as appropriate. Newsletter Promotion Advertise in the Gahanna Area Chamber’s monthly newsletter, Business to Business, distributed to over 400 member contacts. Each month, the newsletter features important news to the business community. Member news and spotlights are also included. Membership Directory & Business Resource Guide The two-year directory provides a colorful showcase for the Chamber’s business community and is rich with community resource and business information that consumers use all year round. Your company information and advertisement is distributed to fellow member businesses, city officials and, upon request, to residents at-large. Online Advertising Receive a listing in the Gahanna Chamber’s Online Membership Directory, with a link to your website. In fact, local chambers are the number one place people go to when searching for information on a community. We’ll put a smile on your face! TOYOTA DIRECT TOYOTA • SCION Morse & I-270 at Easton • 614-476-1979 Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 5 TRANSFORMING FOR Mount Carmel East has announced exciting plans to modernize our campus. These changes will enhance the patient experience and ensure that your care is as special as you are. From a new, simplified campus entrance to a harmonious design that promotes patient safety, every aspect of this transformation is centered around you. The modernized campus will feature: » All private patient rooms » New patient tower » Interior reconstruction of the original patient tower » New state-of-the-art surgical suite » Level II trauma care » Welcoming main entrance & lobby » New chapel & peaceful respite areas » Expanded kitchen & bistro-style dining » Improved parking & easier campus access Visit to learn how we’re redefining healthcare in Central Ohio for you. OPENING IN PHASES THROUGH 2019 6 Discover Your Chamber Membership Perks The Gahanna Area Chamber of Commerce offers exclusive membership perks designed to help grow your business and increase your bottom-line. The following offers are available only through Chamber membership: Office Products Discount Program We’ve partnered with Friends Business Source to provide exclusive savings on a variety of business needs from basic office supplies, ink and toner, janitorial products plus many other business product category products. This member benefit puts the power of purchasing in your control. Using the buying power of our 400-plus members, as well as thousands of chamber members nationwide, we are able to provide you with discounts on over 35,000 of the office supply products you purchase. Constant Contact Emarketing Program If you use email marketing to communicate to your customers or prospects, now you can achieve additional savings as a Chamber member. We’ve partnered with Constant Contact to help you grow your business. Stay in touch with your most important audience – your customers. With Constant Contact, email marketing is easy, affordable and effective. 2014 Small Business Award: CPMedia & Marketing. Pictured: Bridget Dritz, CP Media; Jennifer Duff, CP Media; Betty Clark, Managing Partner CP Media, President Leslee Blake, and Chairwoman Betty Collins. Workers’ Compensation Group Rating Discount Program Your Chamber offers discounted workers’ compensation premiums through a group rating program administered by CompManagment, Inc. The program potentially lowers a company’s operating costs by providing lower Workers Compensation premiums. Group ratings permit employers in the same or a similar industry to group their claims experience for rating purposes. By pooling companies with good experience, the group will attain a better rate than the individual rates of its members. Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Group Rated Health Insurance Program Despite the ongoing changes and confusion surrounding health care reform, local chambers continue to offer employer insurance options for the 23rd straight year with a 1.4% discount exclusively for chamber members! As a business with 2-50 employees who do not already have Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, you can get a discount on any health plan including industry-leading HSAs, HRAs, and HIAs. Visit or contact the Chamber for details. 2014 Large Business Award: Brady Ware & Co. Pictured: Brian Carr, Brady Ware & Co. CEO, Chairwoman Betty Collins, and President Leslee Blake Young Professional Partnered Programming Chamber members have access to young professional (YP) focused programming and promotions through a partnership with the Columbus Young Professionals Club. This includes invitations to nearly 200 additional events, 40 co-recreational athletic leagues, and weekly volunteer efforts for your YP employees, plus a monthly article on Gahanna at and ongoing networking with the nation’s largest membership club for young professionals, millennials, and graduate college students. 2014 Business Person of the Year Award: Rick Conover, Aflac. Pictured: Chairwoman Betty Collins, Rick Conover, and President Leslee Blake Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 7 Discover Your Chamber & Get Involved Maximize your Chamber membership by volunteering on one of our many committees. You’ll discover your efforts benefit both the Chamber and you! Ambassador Club: Marketing & Technology: The Ambassador’s serve as a liaison between the Chamber and its members, providing outreach and assisting with member retention. The committee is responsible for attending official ceremonies such as ribbon cuttings, groundbreakings, Business After Hours, and contacting members throughout the year on the Chamber’s behalf. The Marketing & Technology Committee is responsible for guiding the presence of the Chamber in all forms of media – through the web, social media outlets, traditional media and other forms of communication. Planning Team: This committee is responsible for determining topics and speakers for monthly membership meetings. The team contacts members with opportunities for hosting or sponsoring a meeting and coordinates planning with each event committee. “I appreciate that the chamber works hard to make every interaction with them valuable.” Bill Montgomery, 104.9 The River 8 Taste of Gahanna: Volunteers work together to plan, promote, attend meetings and commit to the busy work needed to make Taste of Gahanna the successful event it has become. Golf Outing: The Golf Committee organizes and operates the annual Chamber Golf Outing with duties including finding sponsorships for the event, selecting the venue and date for the event, researching, selecting, and obtaining any prizes or giveaways. Empowering Women: This committee is dedicated to helping women achieve, succeed and prosper by connecting and promoting women and their business. The committee suggests topics and speakers of interest to present at the quarterly Empowering Women meetings brought to you by Mount ● ● ● 77 Mill Street, Gahanna (614) 475-0036 Gallery at Creekside Funded by Lew Griffin Insurance Group Wine & Cheese Art Show Second Friday of every month Fine Art Painting, Pottery, & Sculpture Call to Schedule! 77 Mill St. Gahanna, Oh 614-385-3600 Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 9 Opening Summer 2015 AfterHoursCare Gahannna Care when you need it most. Convenient evening and weekend hours, and no appointments necessary. Treatment for • non-life threatening cuts and burns • minor sprains and strains • colds and flu • stitches, splints and urgent X-rays If you are already a patient at Ohio State, your visit with Ohio State’s AfterHours Care will be documented in your electronic medical record for your regular physicians to review. Location Hours Opening Summer 2015 in Ohio State’s CarePoint Gahanna 920 North Hamilton Rd. Columbus, OH 43230 Monday – Friday: 5 – 10:30 p.m. Saturday – Sunday: 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Patients must be 14 years or older. Our doctors, on your schedule. 10 Gahanna Residents In Need (GRIN) Founded in 1979 as a non-profit, volunteer model GRIN is a community wide, faith based organization committed to helping residents of the Gahanna-Jefferson school district in a time of need. Helping Gahanna residents is our commitment. This commitment requires dedication and diligence by the GRIN Board of Trustees and its volunteers. GRIN believes a helping hand can be the key to turning around an unfortunate situation. We help provide: food pantry & clothing needs, housing, financial aid, utility payment aid and holiday help. In 2014 GRIN helped expand services to: •Food pantry at Mifflin Presbyterian Church •Utility / rent assistance at Mifflin Presbyterian Church •Clothing free store at Stonybrook Methodist Church •Summer lunch club – feeding kids lunch when school is out •Holiday assistance for Thanksgiving boxes and Christmas adoptions •School supply drive to the Gahanna-Jefferson School District, grade specific •Summer camp (GRIN sends ten to camp per year) •Easter/Spring bags to Traditions, Stygler Commons and Village •Easter gift cards in March ($50 cards) •Local events and food drives Partnerships are being created throughout the community to transition and expand services to make people more selfsufficient, educating them with services of budgeting and job resume building, so they can move past a need base to being able to buy more services/products in the community. Our hope is to see those in need being educated and becoming volunteers themselves. For more information contact GRIN at (614) 214-4747 or Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 11 Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools serves approximately 7,300 students from pre-school through grade 12, across seven elementary schools, three middle schools and one high school. GJPS was one of only five school districts in Franklin County that earned all A’s and B’s on the Ohio School Report Card. We were also only one of seven districts in central Ohio that earned all A’s and B’s. Treasurer: Julio Valladares Student enrollment: 7,375 Graduation rate: 97 percent (Class of 2014) FY2013 per-pupil expenditure: $10,920 District employees: 793 The District’s attendance boundaries encompass the City of Gahanna and segments of Jefferson and Mifflin townships; an area of more than 19,000 individual homes over approximately 15 square miles, The Board of Education, in partnership with GLHS, also oversee the Gahanna Community School, an alternative community high school for students seeking a non-traditional, smaller learning environment. Recently, and for the 22nd consecutive year, the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) awarded Gahanna-Jefferson with a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. It is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting. Contact Information Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools........... 471-7065 Lincoln High School....................................... 478-5500 Middle School East...........................................478-5550 Middle School South....................................... 337-3730 Middle School West......................................... 478-5570 Blacklick Elementary........................................759-5100 Chapelfield Elementary.................................. 478-5575 Goshen Lane Elementary..............................478-5580 High Point Elementary...................................478-5545 Jefferson Elementary......................................478-5560 Lincoln Elementary......................................... 478-5555 Royal Manor Elementary............................... 478-5585 Local Private Schools Columbus Academy........................................ 475-2311 Gahanna Christian Academy....................... 471-9270 Shepherd Christian School............................471-0859 12 Front row left to right: Windy Mckenna and Vice President, Jill Schuler. Back row left to right: Jason Phillips, Lew Griffin and Board President, Matthew Campbell. Take a Peek Inside the GJPS Classroom! Take a peek inside any GJPS K-12 classroom and you’ll see the leaders of tomorrow developing a solid foundation that will prepare them to become lifelong learners for the increasingly global environment they will compete in beyond graduation. The District’s curriculum is designed to create and further develop within each student abstract problem solving, and sensitivity to diversity – essential skills, regardless of the students’ chosen path. You’ll see educators assessing student learning through structured and informal observations as well as interviews with the students. You’ll find bright, warm and inviting facilities with walls adorned student work, various creative expressions, and numerous state, regional and national awards. You’ll find international language instruction at all grade levels; the implementation physical education/health wellness initiatives; and, wireless technology equipped for evolving academic technology tools or software. Take an even deeper look, and you’ll see the results of staff development opportunities that ensure effective 21st century teaching and the adaptability to address the nation’s growing diversity. You’ll see GJPS’ willingness to not only continually seek out best practices, but a willingness to implement innovative teaching methods, often ahead of the curve. This includes, but not limited to: Flipped classrooms; Bring Your Own Device; Dual Enrollment/Post Secondary Enrollment Options, and Digital Blended Learning. Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 13 Your Money At Work: A Guide To Gahanna’s General Fund The City of Gahanna is committed to keeping communication lines open with residents. In our continuing efforts to provide timely and factual information, we have created this guide to help you understand how the City’s finances are structured. Like many of you, the City regularly evaluates its revenue and expenses. Through continual evaluation of this information, reasonable and responsible decisions are made. It’s our hope that this information will help you better understand how the City is funded and how your tax dollars are spent. As always, we welcome your feedback. Residents are encouraged to contact their City Council members at, the Mayor at or visit us online at The General Fund is the main operating fund of the City, through which a majority of the City’s expenditures are paid and where most of the City’s revenues are deposited. In Ohio, local income tax is primarily collected based on where individuals work. The bulk of the City’s income tax collections (nearly 70 percent in 2013) come from employee payroll withholdings from businesses located inside of Gahanna. Working residents who are employed outside of the City receive credit for a portion of the taxes they pay to their work city, and consequently pay a reduced amount to Gahanna. Where Our Money Comes From Sources of General Fund Revenue/2014 l Income Tax $17,000,000 l l Recreational Income l l Administrative Charges & Transfers l l Licenses, Permits, Fines & Fees l l Property Tax Interest & Investment Income Grants & Miscellaneous Other Taxes Local Government Fund 66% $1,288,000 5% $352,000 1% $1,339,000 5% $965,000 4% $2,254,000 9% $460,000 2% $1,418,000 5% $721,000 3% *Rounded to the nearest $1,000 How We Spent Our Money/2014 General Fund Expenditures by Type Transfers $2,567,000 11% Public Service $2,798,000 12% Community & Economic Development $3,141,000 Parks & 13% Recreation $3,157,000 13% Public Safety $9,006,000 38% General Government $3,021,000 13% General Fund expenses are viewed by type or by function. The following identifies which departments are included in each functional category: Public Safety - Police, Dispatch/911, Animal Control, Emergency Management and Public Health General Government - City Council, Mayor, City Attorney, Mayor’s Court, Civil Service, Records Administration, Human Resources, Finance and Public Information Parks & Recreation - Operation & Maintenance of City-Owned Parks, Recreation Programming, Pools, Golf Course, and Senior Center Community & Economic Development - Planning & Economic Development, Zoning, and Information Technology Public Service - Engineering & Maintenance of Public Infrastructure and Vehicle Fleet Transfers - Transfers from the General Fund to supplement other City funds including Debt Service and Capital Improvements. In 2014, Public Safety made up the largest portion of the City’s General Fund expenditures by function. Gahanna is ultimately a service organization. These services include public safety, engineering and maintenance of public infrastructure, community and economic development, parks maintenance, and recreation services. 14 Where Your Real Estate Tax Dollars Go For tax year 2013, the City received just three percent of the real estate taxes paid by property owners. For example, for an average home valued at $185,100, the City would receive $118 of their approximate $3,940 tax bill. Real estate taxes are assessed and administered by the Franklin County Auditor’s Office, which can be reached at (614) 462-3200 or To see your property tax distribution, visit the Auditor’s website and search for your property. Franklin County General Fund 2% Franklin County Metro Parks, Columbus Zoo 2% Columbus Metropolitan Library 4% Eastland Joint Vocational Schools 2% Franklin Co. Children Services & Senior Options 7% Alcohol, Drug & Mental Health Services 11% Mifflin Township Fire 17% City of Gahanna 3% Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools 52% 200 South Hamilton Road Gahanna, Ohio 43230 614-342-4000 The Gahanna Community Improvement Corporation (CIC) has a new website that puts all the resources you need for your business in one convenient location. • AvailableRealEstate • DevelopmentIncentives • UtilityInformation • FiberOptics–GahannaNet • Taxation Come see how the Gahanna CIC can help you and why Gahanna is the right place to start, expand, or relocate your business at Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 15 Gahanna is growing. Gahanna is growing. Capital Investment Jobs Created 2013 2014 commercial healthcare retail 2012 Residential Units Constructed 2011 13 517 2012 13 537 2013 units in 2014 21x more compared to 2011 2013 41 2014 269 2012 professional services 2014 621 2011 logistics & manfucaturing $52,233,022 $$ $34,966,228 1,403 2012 1,160 2011 Building Permits Issued $40,108,833 New Businesses $$ $19,741,088 2.7x more capital investment in 2014 compared to 2011 Over the past three years, the City of Gahanna has experienced an unprecedented $126 million in capital investment by residents and businesses. Approximately 1,500 jobs were created and 171 new businesses joined the Gahanna community over the same time period. These numbers are impressive and highlight an underlying current of confidence that the private sector has in the Gahanna marketplace. In addition, 269 residential units were approved and/or constructed in the last year alone, which is 21 times the amount that was added in 2011. Despite our territorial limitations, we are still experiencing impressive growth and there are signs that growth will continue into the future. he Department of Planning & Development strategically provides financial incentives in order to attract and retain jobs and spur capital investment. All of these public investments are designed to generate a financial return for the City of Gahanna, while allowing businesses to operate with 2013 2.5x more new businesses in 2014 compared to 2012 2014 88 $ With this goal in mind, the Department has begun a Regulatory Relief Initiative that takes a comprehensive approach to reform how we serve the residents and businesses of Gahanna. This initiative has already resulted in a 25% reduction in the process for a zoning application. In addition, we have streamlined our building fees to make them easier to process and implement. And we are finalizing a Six Sigma process evaluation that will help to reduce the time it takes to process building permits. This process will make it easier for Gahanna residents and businesses who are looking to invest in their homes or businesses. The Department understands that time is money. Our goal is to reduce the time it takes for government approval and make the process more consistent and transparent. This will help to ensure that Gahanna remains a great place to do business. 2013 $$ he City of Gahanna Department of Planning & Development is well positioned to help businesses within our community. Our goal is to provide high quality building inspection, zoning and economic development services to both Gahanna residents and businesses. 16 2014 1,824 $ T T 1,413 2012 35 48 limited government interference. This return helps the City provide high quality public services to our residents and businesses. One specific financial incentive program that the Department uses is called the Office & Industrial Incentive Program. This program targets technology companies, data processing centers, medical offices, and projects occupying vacant facilities or priority development areas. Eligible projects receive an annual refund in an amount equal to a negotiated percentage of the municipal income tax liability. The program has helped to attract and retain approximately $106.3 million in payroll from 12 businesses to the City of Gahanna since 2011. One recipient of this public investment is MNX Global Logistics. In 2013, MNX began seeking to reorganize their North American operations and expand their workforce to meet market demand. The company considered several communities within the Columbus region. The Department worked with MNX to help identify the best location for their business and provided an incentive to reduce the cost of their relocation and expansion. As a result, the City was able to attract a global logistics operation which added 50 jobs and $1.9 million in payroll for the community. Another financial incentive is the Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) Program, which provides real property tax abatement to eligible projects in one of the Gahanna’s five Community Reinvestment Areas. One recipient of this public investment is the Mark F. Taggart Company. They are a prominent real estate development organization in central Ohio who recognized the need for new commercial space in Gahanna. Specifically, they were targeting users in the manufacturing, warehouse, office and wholesale retail operations. Having a CRA incentive was critical in making their project financially feasible. As a result, the City was able to incentivize the construction of an 80,000 square feet speculative building within the City’s Eastgate Industrial Park. The project expects to create a minimum of 30 new jobs within the first 4 years after completion. Ohio Magazine’s 2013-2014 Best Hometown — Gahanna Gahanna has it all! A high quality of life, extensive recreation options, excellent schools, convenience and connections to culture all combine to make this community one of Ohio’s most desirable. That’s why in 2013, it was voted by Ohio Magazine as one of five Best Hometown communities in the Buckeye State! Located only a 15 minute drive to downtown Columbus and a short five minute drive to Port Columbus International Airport, we’re close to the sports, culture and arts found in a thriving downtown, yet far enough away to enjoy peace and quiet near rural retreats. Gahanna’s public services are second to none. Gahanna is served by outstanding police, fire, and EMS personnel and enjoys forward-looking leadership from the mayor and city council. The Gahanna school system is outstanding and serves the needs of students with a variety of classes and extracurricular opportunities. Real estate in Gahanna has appeal for all families, with prices ranging from the low $100,000’s to nearly $1 million for a single family home. Condominiums list from $120,000 to $500,000. Many new subdivisions have been developed within the last 15 years, offering an opportunity for buyers interested in building a new home to obtain homes starting around $180,000 and up to $1 million. The historic downtown area has undergone a total renovation with the development of Creekside, an area of shops, restaurants, offices and residences as well as a 389unit parking garage. Creekside also includes outdoor features including a waterfall and venues for entertainment such as concerts, plays and socializing. This development draws not only Gahanna residents but also brings in visitors from Central Ohio and beyond. The high quality of life in Gahanna is further enhanced by the many recreational facilities available through the City of Gahanna Department of Parks & Recreation and the Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools. Facilities include swimming pools, ball fields, walking, jogging, and biking paths throughout the city. Quality events are enjoyed throughout the year sponsored by the Gahanna Historical Society and the Gahanna Convention & Visitors Bureau, including “Creekside Blues & Jazz Festival,” “Gahanna Flea Market,” and the “Holiday Lights! Parade & Festival,” as well as free music concerts and family-oriented events throughout the summer. Pay us a visit and see why we are so proud of Gahanna, the “Herb Capital of Ohio.” Proud to serve the Gahanna community! Mortgages - Auto Loans - Credit Cards Home Visualization Software 614-755-3811 Checking Accounts - Student Loans Savings - Health Savings - IRAs! Learn More—contact us TODAY! • 614-221-9376 380 Granville St., Gahanna, Ohio 43230 Some restrictions may apply. Offers may be subject to credit approval. Membership eligibility is required. Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 17 2015 Community Calendar of Events April April-October, 1st Thursday of the Month – Paws in the Plaza Time: 4:30 p.m. - dusk. Location: Creekside District Information: 614-342-4041 or May Herb Day Date: May 9, 2015 Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Location: Creekside District Information: 614-475-3342 or June Creekside Blues & Jazz Festival Date: June 19, 2015 - June 21, 2015 Time: Friday (5:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.); Saturday (11:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.); Sunday (12 Noon - 6:00 p.m.) Location: Creekside District Information: 614-418-9114 or 18 July Boom Fest Date: July 3, 2015 Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: The Golf Depot – 789 Science Blvd. Information: 614-861-8200 or September Gahanna Flea Market Date: September 20, 2015 Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Location: Gahanna Lincoln High School parking lot Information: Taste of Gahanna Date: September 24, 2015 Time: 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Information: November Holiday Lights Parade & Season Date: November 22, 2015 to January 2016 Time: 6:00 p.m. parade Location: Olde Gahanna Information: Gahanna Area Chamber of Commerce: (614) 471-0451 or Gahanna Convention & Visitors Bureau: (614) 418-9114 or Gahanna Parks & Recreation: (614) 342-4250 or SUPERIOR QUALITY. PATIENT-CENTERED. The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center is home to internationally renowned experts in ear, nose and throat care, with a program that is consistently ranked among the country’s best by U.S.News & World Report. Conveniently located in Gahanna, we deliver the finest care for a range of ENT conditions. Gahanna ENT Specialties • Adult and Pediatric General Otolaryngology • Sinus and Allergy • Hearing Loss • Sleep Surgery To schedule an appointment with one of our experts in Gahanna, call 614-366-3687 (ENTS). Ohio State’s Stonybrook Medical Center 5175 Morse Road Columbus, OH 43230 Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 19 Gahanna Community Profile Demographics Taxation 33,248 People (2010 Census) Median Age = 39.4 years old 69.1% of population over 18 years, 11.7% over 65 years Diversity Gahanna is one of the most diverse suburbs in Central Ohio 82.1% White 11.2% Black 2.6% Hispanic 3.1% Asian 6.4% Veterans Households Municipal Income Tax Rate is 1.5% Sales & Use Tax = 7.5% Personal Property Tax •Gahanna-Jefferson = $112.27/1000 •Gahanna-Columbus = $114.17/10000 Homes & Neighborhoods 13,577 Housing Units: •9,759 Single Family •2,859 Multi-Unit Rental vacancy rate: 6.5% 41 Active Civic Associations Crime rate is less than 1% of the national average 12,855 Households Median Size = 2.60 people Median Household Income = $71,201 Median home value = $186,300 Median gross rent is $955 Owner-occupied housing rate = 74.2% Excellent Care. Now. Your Neighborhood Clinic Open Daily 10am - 8pm Your State Representative Anne Gonzales Prompt, professional medical attention from board-certified physicians. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY! ExpressMed Urgent Care locations are locally owned and operated. We are open 7 days a week from 10am thru 8pm and we accept most insurance programs including Medicare, Medicaid and Care Source. Treating conditions such as: • Infections • Cold or flu symptoms • Sprains, fractures and accident injuries • Other common injuries and illnesses • On site x-ray and physician • Sports physicals Hilliard 5263 Nike Station Way 614-876-2100 Gahanna 445 Rocky Fork Blvd. 614-383-7660 New Albany 153 W. Main Street 614-939-9110 Visit us online at Fast. Efficient. 20 Most patients seen in 30 minutes or less! 19th District Representing Gahanna, Westerville, New Albany, Minerva Park, Columbus visit: Contact info: 614-354-4034 Business Incentives Tax Increment Financing Tax Abatements Office and Industrial Incentive Rebate Major Employers # of Employees Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools JP Morgan Chase AEP Ohio Romanoff Group Arrow Central Ohio Urology Group Kahiki Foods, Inc. OSU Physicians Donatos, LLC Columbus Academy 772 432 349 285 275 178 162 155 137 124 Business checking and savings Business credit cards Business Money Markets Commercial real estate loans Business term loans Revolving lines-of-credit Merchant services Start to Finish. Depend on Wesney Construction for quality and peace of mind. Visit our Gahanna branch located at 110 N. Hamilton Road today! FULL-SERVICE COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION n DESIGN/BUILD n GENERAL CONTRACTING n FACILITY MAINTENANCE n PROGRAM ANALYSIS LOCATED IN GAHANNA’S CENTRAL PARK 791 SCIENCE BLVD., GAHANNA, OHIO 43230 PHONE: 614.751.5710 FAX: 614.367.1125 614.235.2395 Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 21 Important Numbers Fire & Police Emergency........911 City of Gahanna Miscellaneous Building Division.........................342-4010 Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts........ 436-7200 City Council.................................342-4090 Chamber of Commerce ......... 471-0451 City Information....................... 342-4000 Convention Visitors Bureau .. 418-9114 Development Dept.................... 342-4015 Gahanna Historical Society .475-3342 Finance & Taxation...................342-4060 Gahanna-Jefferson Schools .471-7065 Golf Course ................................ 342-4270 Gahanna YMCA.......................... 416-9622 Human Resources ....................342-4457 Girl Scouts .................................... 487-8101 Mayor’s Court ............................342-4080 Jefferson Township ................ 855-4260 Mayor’s Office ...........................342-4045 Library............................................645-2ASK Ohio Herb Education Center...342-4380 License Bureau ..........................476-0398 Parks & Recreation ................. 342-4250 Mifflin Fire Dept. ....................... 471-0542 Police Dept. ................................ 342-4240 Mifflin Township ........................ 471-4494 Senior Center .............................342-4265 Post Office .....................................471-9174 American Small Business Association American Assn. of Homebased Businesses National Assn. of Women Business Owners Service Dept. .............................342-4005 Swimming Pools Streets & Utilities ..................... 342-4425 Small Business Assistance Water, Sewer & Refuse .........342-4440 Gahanna Swimming Pool.......342-4272 Zoning Division ........................ 342-4025 Hunters Ridge Pool.................. 342-4269 Ohio Small Business Development Ctr. Little Lambs Children’s Center • • • • • 425 S. Hamilton Rd. Gahanna, Ohio 43230 Minutes from 270 in Gahanna 614.471.9269 614.471.0859 Shepherd Christian School • • • • • • 22 Portraits on Location Corporate Events & Family Gatherings Call Today (614) 218-7856 Paul Molitor, Owner & Photographer Visit us at Sustaining Members CORPORATE EMERALD Toyota Direct AAA The Ohio Auto Club 4248 Morse Rd., Columbus, OH 43230, (614) 476-1979 Automotive 5073 N. Hamilton Rd., Columbus, OH 43230, (614) 750-8350 Travel Diamond CPMedia & Marketing, LLC Buckeye Interactive 8000 Walton Pkwy., Ste. 280 New Albany, OH 43054, (614) 289-7900 Web Design C|Suites Offices 81 Mill St., Ste. 300, Gahanna, OH 43230, (614) 416-8088 Property Rental Columbus Regional Airport Authority 4600 International Gateway, Columbus OH 43219, (614) 239-5028 Travel Creekside Conference & Event Center 101 Mill St., Ste. 300, Gahanna, OH 43230, (614) 416-8188 Banquet & Catering Heartland Bank 67 N. Stygler Rd., Gahanna, OH 43230, (614) 475-7024 Financial Institution Heartland Bank 850 N. Hamilton Rd., Gahanna, OH 43230, (614) 337-4605 Financial Institution Limited Brands 3 Limited Parkway, Columbus, OH 43230, (614) 415-7078 Retail SOH Productions 501 Morrison Rd., Ste. 205, Gahanna, OH 43230, (614) 523-3535 Video Production Strathmore Development Company 81 Mill St., Ste. 300, Gahanna, OH 43230, (517) 336-4400 Builder/Developer 6479 Reflections Dr., Ste. 150 Dublin, OH 43017, (614) 717-4910 Marketing Custom Air Conditioning & Heating Co. 935 Claycraft Rd., Gahanna, OH 43230, (614) 552-4822 Heating & Cooling Family Physicians of Gahanna 535 OffiCenter Pl., Gahanna, OH 43230, (614) 471-9654 Physician First Credit Union Clark Hall, 380 Granville St., Gahanna, OH 43230, (614) 221-9376 Financial Institution Education Friends Business Source 925 Shrock Rd., Worthington, OH 43085, (800) 427-1704 x1017 Office Equipment & Supplies Hanawalt Exteriors 374 Morrison Rd., Ste. B, Columbus, OH 43213, (614) 755-3811 Home Improvement Jess Howard Electric Co. 6630 Taylor Rd., Blacklick, OH 43004, (614) 861-1300 Electrical Longhorn Steakhouse 4950 N. Hamilton Rd., Gahanna, OH 43230, (614) 855-0200 Restaurant Methodist ElderCare Services Wesley Ridge/ Wesley Glen 2225 Taylor Park Dr., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068, (614) 759-0023 Senior Services/Housing MediGold 6150 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43213, (614) 546-3157 Insurance Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 23 Sustaining Members Continued from page 23 Mount Carmel Health System Orthopedic One 6150 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43213, (614) 546-3410 Health Care Facility 170 Taylor Station Rd. Columbus, OH 43213, (614) 545-7900 Health Care Facility New Albany Gardens & Care Center Otterbein Skilled Nursing & Rehab 5691 Thompson Rd., Columbus, OH 43230, (614) 855-8866 Senior Services/Housing 580 N. State Route, 741 Lebonon, OH 45036, (614) 981-6854 Senior Services/Housing OhioHealth Gahanna Health Center Rehabilitation & Health Center of Gahanna 765 N. Hamilton Rd., Gahanna, OH 43230, (614) 566-0500 Health Care Facility 5151 N. Hamilton Rd., Columbus, OH 43230, (614) 337-1066 Senior Services/Housing OhioHealth Gahanna Primary Care Sam’s Club 504 Havens Corners Rd., Gahanna, OH 43230, (614) 533-5300 Physician 3950 Morse Rd., Columbus, OH 43219, (614) 476-0117 Retail Ohio State University Medical Center ThisWeek Community Newspapers 920 N. Hamilton Rd., Gahanna, OH 43230, (614) 366-8294 Health Care Facility 7801 N. Central Dr., Lewis Center, OH 43035, (614) 583-5789 Advertising When you are ready to relax, spread out at the SpringHill Suites or TownePlace Suites Gahanna. Jump start your day with a dip in the pool or enjoy our complimentary breakfast. Our spacious, all-suite accommodations are perfect for…. Business Travel Training Extended Stay or Relocations Reunions Weddings Sports Teams Weekend Getaways Pets are family too, at TownePlace Suites! Corporate & group rates available. Call for details! We’d love to hear from you! 665 Taylor Rd. 614-501-4770 800-297-9400 24 695 Taylor Rd. 614-861-1400 800-257-3000 Alphabetical Directory # 104.9 The River H (614) 289-570-0881 Advertising 735 Taylor Road (440) 892-4900 Property Rental 825 Techcenter Drive, LLC (614) 224-2400 Real Estate A AAA Gahanna/New Albany H (614) 750-8350 Travel ABCO Gahanna, LLC (614) 475-0244 Printing Accurate Transportation, Inc. (614) 328-0010 Delivery/Packing & Shipping Action COACH (614) 306-0509 Consultant Action Total Staffing (614) 626-8820 Staffing AltSmoke Gahanna (614) 944-9160 Retail Affordable Tax Solutions, Inc (614) 322-9044 Accounting & Taxes Aflac/Richard Conover (614) 451-1696x115 Insurance Airfast Heating & Cooling, Inc. (614) 864-4328 Heating & Cooling The Alumni Club (614) 475-6000 Restaurant Airrosti Rehab Centers (800) 404-6050 Health Care Facility Aldrich Chiropractic Center (614) 471-0018 Chiropractor ALL U.S. Inc./KN & Lynn Singh (614) 439-6405 Real Estate Allstate - Geyer Insurance (614) 860-9739 Insurance AnneTherese Aesthetic Medicine, Inc. (614) 855-4411 Health & Wellness ARC Industries, Inc. (614) 475-7007 Staffing American Legion Post 797 Gahanna (614) 887-8178 Community Organization Ameriprise Financial The Chaddock Group (614) 269-0195 Financial Services Asphalt Services of Ohio, Inc. (614) 864-4600 Asphalt Services AT&T Authorized Retailer (614) 470-5004 Telecommunications Anderson Tax & Consulting, LLC (614) 454-3023 Accounting & Taxes The Animal Care Center at Cherry Way (614) 475-7300 Veterinarian Axxis Title Agency, Ltd. (614) 419-9037 Real Estate Sustaining Members Animal Medical Center (614) 755-4900 Veterinarian Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H Whatever your financial goals ... We’ll help you reach them. Thrivent Financial offers a full range of products and services to help you achieve financial security, including: •Life insurance •Retirement options •Annuities •Health insurance •Mutual funds We’ll create a financial strategy that reflects your goals and values. Dave Ritter CLTC®, FIC Financial Consultant Thrivent Financial was named one of the “World’s Most Ethical Companies” by Ethisphere Institute from 2012-2014. Central Ohio Group 614-917-0486 Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents/producers of Thrivent. For additional important information, visit Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • • 800-847-4836 20328 R3-14 Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 25 B Banking in Gold Karatbars International (800) 646-5130 Financial Services Barnes Tax & Advisory Services, LLC (614) 416-7692 Accounting & Taxes The Barn at Rocky Fork Creek (614) 855-9840 Restaurant Baskets by Bonnie (614) 501-4438 Retail Be Social Dress Boutique (614) 934-5397 Retail beckmanXMO (614) 864-2232 Marketing & Printing Beecher Crossing Dental Group (614) 775-1300 Dental Bellacino’s Pizza & Grinders (614) 855-5858 Restaurant Benchmark Bank H H (614) 269-4400 Financial Institution Bercley Woods Condominiums (614) 532-5782 Real Estate Berkshire Hathaway HS Professional Realty (614) 207-2799 Real Estate Bernie Cohen Venture (614) 944-9121 Warehouse Best Courier, Inc. (614) 475-8900 Delivery/Packing & Shipping Best Western Port Columbus (614) 337-8400 Hotel Better Business Bureau of Central Ohio (614) 754-4561 Community Organization Bon Vie Bistro (614) 416-0463 Restaurant Sustaining Members Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H 26 Brady Ware & Company (614) 885-7407 Accounting & Taxes City of Gahanna (614) 342-4045 Government Organization Cork Wine and Dine (614) 476-2675 Restaurant Brenda Carsey, Keller Williams Greater Cols. (614) 542-9693 Real Estate Clinic Pharmacy (614) 252-4348 Medical/Health Corvus Janitorial (614) 295-8472 Cleaning Servces Codrea Financial Services (614) 452-8185 Financial Services Costco Wholesale-Marketing Dept. (614) 934-6230 Retail Cold Stone Creamery (614) 475-8393 Restaurant CP Road, LLC (614) 365-9000 Real Estate Coldwell Banker King Thompson (614) 939-0808 Real Estate CPMedia & Marketing, LLC H (614) 717-4910 Marketing Colliers International (614) 410-5647 Real Estate Creekside Chiropractic Center (614) 472-0992 Chiropractor Collins Financial Services Co. (614) 975-5938 Insurance Creekside Conference & Event Center H H (614) 416-8188 Banquet & Catering Brookewood Construction (614) 475-5511 Builder/Developer Buckeye Interactive H H (614) 289-7900 Web Design Buckeye Physical Medicine Rehab-Gahanna (614) 471-2225 Health & Wellness Buffalo Wild Wings (614) 478-7972 Restaurant C C|Suites Offices H H (614) 416-8088 Property Rental Cafe Creekside (614) 337-1819 Restaurant Candlewood Suites Columbus Airport (614) 863-4033 Hotel Cap City Fine Diner & Bar (614) 478-9999 Restaurant Capital Recovery Systems, Inc. (614) 575-0590 Financial Services Carrie L. Yamamoto, CPA (614) 578-3224 Accounting & Taxes Cartridge World (614) 532-5368 Office Equipment & Supplies Central Ohio Transit Authority (614) 275-5888 Travel Columbus Airport Marriott (614) 475-7551 Hotel Columbus Asphalt Paving, Inc. (614) 759-9800 Asphalt Services Columbus Metropolitan Library Gahanna Branch (614) 645-2275 Library Columbus Realty Team (614) 528-1144 Real Estate Columbus Regional Airport Authority H H (614) 239-5028 Travel Columbus Young Professionals Club (614) 579-9398 Business Services Comfort Suites E. Broad St. @ 270 (614) 604-6400 Hotel CompManagement (614) 359-2403 Workers’ Compensation Cindy Mackin, Keller Williams Greater Cols. Realty (614) 395-3400 Real Estate Computer Helper Publishing (614) 939-9094 Property Rental Circulatory Centers of Ohio, LLC (800) 526-3082 Medical/Health ComputerPoint (614) 863-3350 Computer Citicom Print & Graphic (614) 472-2679 Printing Connect To Calm (513) 907-1733 Health & Wellness City Barbeque (614) 416-8890 Restaurant Connected Pathways Early Learning Centers, LLC (614) 418-7232 Child Care Creekside Insurance Agency (614) 471-1884 Insurance Cruise Lovers (614) 855-1537 Travel Custom Air Conditioning & Heating Co. H (614) 552-4822 Heating & Cooling D Da Levee (614) 532-8050 Restaurant Darimar Martial Arts, Inc. (614) 428-7090 Fitness & Recreation Day & Manofsky Funeral Service (614) 532-5012 Funeral Services Detwiler-Brofford Insurance, Inc. (614) 471-4888 Insurance Donatos Pizza, Inc. (614) 471-4111 Restaurant Doyle Financial Services (614) 475-5888 Financial Services The Doyle Group, Inc. (614) 414-7220 Accounting & Taxes DRK and Company (614) 540-2404 Real Estate Dwight Lenox Music LLC (614) 323-7106 Entertainment E Eastland-Fairfield Career & Tech. School (614) 836-4530x1522 Education Services Easton Commons Apartments (614) 476-5559 Property Rental Eastside Community Church (614) 454-1157 Church Expressions Floral Design Studio (614) 858-0444 Retail Fox & Fox Law Co., LPA (614) 532-3047 Legal Services Gahanna/John E. Bickley YMCA (614) 416-9622 Fitness & Recreation ExpressMed Urgent Care (614) 383-7660 Health Care Facility Friends Business Source H (800) 427-1704x1017 Office Equipment & Supplies Pam Gant DDS, LLC (614) 475-7777 Dental Eye Columbus | Gahanna Vision Center (614) 471-7177 Optometrist Funder Max Fitness (614) 321-2423 Health & Wellness Gatsby’s Bar & Grille (614) 476-0088 Restaurant FutureCom Technologies, Inc. (614) 478-1978 Telecommunication Geiger Excavating, Inc. (614) 373-7526 Construction & Architecture F Eclipse Corp (614) 626-8536 Photography Fado Irish Pub (614) 418-0066 Restaurant Edible Arrangements (614) 532-6125 Retail Fairfield Inn & Suites Columbus Airport (614) 237-2100 Hotel Education First Credit Union H (614) 221-9376 Financial Institution Edward Jones (614) 471-2475 Financial Services Edward Jones Investments (614) 473-9913 Financial Services Einstein Law, LLC (614) 734-0000 Attorney Electric Solutions, Inc. (614) 577-1188 Electrical Electronics Automation Corp. (614) 552-4001 Warehouse Ellis Oral Surgery (614) 775-0222 Dental Embassy Suites Columbus Airport (614) 536-0500 Hotel EmbroidMe (614) 626-8747 Promotional Products Enterprise Rent-A-Car (614) 471-8255 Automotive Ervin Computer Ltd. (614) 205-6518 Computer Everest Institute (614) 322-3414 Education Services EXIT Trinity Realty (614) 269-4663 Real Estate Exponentia US, Inc. (614) 944-5103 Information Technology Family Physicians of Gahanna H (614) 471-9654 Physician G Gahanna Animal Hospital (614) 471-2201 Veterinarian Gahanna Area Chamber of Commerce (614) 471-0451 Chamber of Commerce Giant Eagle, Inc. (614) 939-5559 Grocery Gigis Cakes (614) 505-3373 Bakery Golden Delight Bakery East (614) 342-6888 Bakery Gahanna Auto Sales, Inc. (614) 475-7148 Automotive Golden Dynamic, Inc. (614) 575-1222 Engineering & Manufacturing Gahanna Children’s College (614) 476-2662 Child Care The Golf Depot at Central Park (614) 861-8200 Golf Course Gahanna Convention & Visitors Bureau (614) 418-9114 Travel Anne Gonzales, State Representative (614) 354-4034 Government Organization Fifth Third Bank Stoneridge (614) 775-5135 Financial Institution Gahanna Eyecare Associates Paul Dennis (614) 475-8134 Optometrist Goodwill Columbus (614) 476-6177 Community Organization Findley-Kohler Interiors. Inc. (614) 478-9500 Home Furnishings/Interior Design Gahanna Hardware (614) 471-9906 Retail Finlandscape, LLC (740) 927-1994 Landscaping Gahanna Historical Society (614) 475-3342 Community Organization First Choice Logo & Branding Solutions (614) 239-9001 Advertising Gahanna Jefferson Public Schools (614) 471-7065 Education Services Fazio Mechanical Services, Inc. (412) 782-6338 Property Rental FedEx Ground (614) 863-8000 Delivery/Packing & Shipping Fifth Third Bank (614) 475-1751 Financial Institution First Data Corporation H (614) 620-6392 Business Services First Federal Savings (614) 855-8760 Financial Institution Fisher Wealth Management, LLC (614) 866-2850 Financial Services Fleitz, DDS and Tilson, DDS (614) 939-4800 Dental FM All-American Bar & Grill (614) 532-5711 Restaurant Gahanna Lanes Bowling (614) 471-1111 Fitness & Recreation Gahanna License Agency (614) 476-0398 Government Organization Grady Enterprises, Inc. (614) 224-4432 Insurance Great Impressions Signs (614) 428-8250 Signs Green Biologics, Inc. (614) 868-5650 Engineering & Manufacturing Griffin Gallery at CreeksideH H (614) 385-3600 Entertainment The Grosso Group (614) 579-9390 Consultant Gahanna Pizza Plus (614) 428-9878 Restaurant Gahanna Planning & Development Dept. (614) 342-4015 Government Organization Gahanna Residents in Need (614) 214-4747 Non-Profit Sustaining Members Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 27 H I Jim Boyd, Keller Williams Greater Cols. Realty (614) 560-7400 Real Estate L Hanawalt Exteriors H (614) 755-3811 Home Improvement i9 Sports (614) 659-0930 Fitness & Recreation Heads Turn Salon (614) 476-8876 Styling/Nail Salon Ink Well Marketing Group (614) 861-7113 Printing HealthPro Staffing & Home Care (614) 864-7340 Health & Wellness Inner Harmony Health & Wellness, LLC. (614) 541-2537 Health & Wellness K-Prime Merchandise (614) 475-4411 Promotional Products Leadership Edge Solutions, LLC (614) 476-3760 Consultant Innovative Technology Support (614) 476-8960 Information Technology Dr. James Karpac, DDS (614) 471-6355 Orthodontist LegalShield (614) 374-7655 Legal Services Inspire PR Group (614) 537-8926 Advertising Kassel Equity Group (614) 310-4046 Real Estate Leppert Company CPAs, LLC (614) 532-5098 Accounting & Taxes Integra Acupuncture & Wellness Associates (614) 855-8828 Health & Wellness KDB Easton (614) 428-7529 Fitness & Recreation Lew Griffin Insurance Group H H (614) 475-0036 Insurance KEMBA Financial Credit Union H H (614) 235-2395 Financial Institution Limited Brands H H (614) 415-7078 Retail KEMBA Financial Credit Union H H (614) 235-2395 Financial Institution Lind Automotive (614) 478-8666 Automotive Kensington Place (614) 252-5276 Senior Services/Housing Litech Lighting Management Services, Inc. (614) 899-9640 Signs Heartland Bank H H (614) 475-7024 Financial Institution Heartland Bank H H (614) 337-4605 Financial Institution Helping Hands in the Garden (614) 476-4086 Non-Profit Hess Chiropractic (614) 471-7949 Chiropractor Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites (614) 428-8678 Hotel Hollywood Imprints LLC (614) 501-6040 Promotional Products Home Again Furnishings (614) 980-1134 Home Furnishings/Interior Design Home Care Assistance (614) 481-8888 Health & Wellness Interim HealthCare (614) 888-3130 Senior Services/Housing Into Great Brands (614) 915-3830 Business Services It’s All Natural Organic Market (614) 476-6159 Grocery ITT Technical Institute (614) 868-2000 Education Services J Honey Grove Botanicals (614) 638-7809 Retail J Pappas Accounting Group LLC (614) 396-7802 Accounting & Taxes The Hormann Group (614) 416-8077 Consultant J. Gumbo’s (614) 471-1400 Restaurant Howard W. Slutsky, CPA Inc. (614) 337-8770 Accounting & Taxes James T. Hutta, DDS (614) 855-8800 Orthodontist Jake’s Property Services (740) 587-3945 Landscaping Java’s Cyber Espresso Bar (614) 313-5198 Restaurant JCS Property Management LLC (614) 981-6801 Property Rental Jefferson Country Club (614) 759-7500 Golf Course Sustaining Members Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H 28 Jorgensen Farms LLC (614) 855-2697 Banquet & Catering K Kephart Fisher, LLC (614) 469-1882 Attorney Key Bank (614) 476-2650 Financial Institution Keystone Chiropractic Center (614) 475-1900 Chiropractor King Gyros Greek Restaurant (614) 866-9008 Restaurant Koko Tea Salon & Bakery (614) 389-3459 Bakery Kristal & Forche Orthodontics (614) 868-0977 Orthodontist Kroger Marketplace (614) 416-6430 Grocery Kroger Stoneridge (614) 418-1524 Grocery La Boit Specialty Vehicles (614) 231-7640 Manufacturing Law Office of Maritza S. Nelson, LLC (614) 416-8146 Legal Services Little Caesars Pizza (614) 471-5100 Restaurant Longhorn Steakhouse H (614) 855-0200 Restaurant Loughry Insurance Services (614) 775-9200 Insurance Robert B. Lowe, DDS (614) 471-2927 Dental LowT Center (614) 656-8141 Health Care Facility Luftman, Heck & Associates, LLP (614) 500-3836 Attorney M John D. Mahilo, DDS (614) 475-4544 Dental Jess Howard Electric Co. H (614) 861-1300 Electrical Maple Orthodontics (614) 775-1000 Orthodontist Jet’s Pizza (614) 475-2000 Restaurant Mark Adams, LLC (614) 333-7000 Attorney Mark-L Inc. (614) 863-8832 General Contractor MT Business Technologies (614) 895-8206 Office Equipment & Supplies Marketing Motivators, Inc. (614) 577-1011 Manufacturing Mularski, Bonham, Dittmer & Phillips (614) 471-8194 Attorney Marketing Results (614) 575-9300x14 Warehouse Mary Held & Associates, LLC (614) 855-7118 Consultant Max & Erma’s (614) 471-0009 Restaurant McGraw-Hill Education (614) 755-5610 Printing Mulligan, Topy & Co., CPAs (614) 471-1040 Accounting & Taxes Muschlitz Photography LLC (614) 301-8579 Photography Music Go Round (614) 473-0100 Retail N MediGold H (614) 546-3157 Insurance N2 Publishing (614) 592-4781 Advertising Mefford & Company, CPAs and Business Advisors (614) 322-7300 Accounting & Taxes Nail Addiction Day Spa (614) 476-4976 Styling/Nail Salon Merisa K. Bowers, Attorney at Law LLC (614) 753-2235 Attorney Metcalf Design & Printing Center (614) 475-4571 Printing Methodist ElderCare Services Wesley Ridge/Wesley Glen H (614) 759-0023 Senior Services/Housing Mi Tradicion (614) 418-9200 Restaurant Michael G. Drown Ph.D. (614) 863-1820 Mental Health/Counseling Mid Ohio Strategic Technologies H H (614) 888-8973 Office Equipment & Supplies Mifflin Township (614) 471-4494 Government Organization Minuteman Press (614) 337-2334 Printing Mitchell Lock (614) 866-9216 Locksmith Moo Moo Express Car Wash (614) 751-9274x203 Automotive Mount Carmel Health System H (614) 546-3410 Health Care Facility Name Dropper Promotions (614) 855-5291 Promotional Products National Church Residences Stygler Road (614) 475-8778 Senior Services/Housing National Cinemedia (614) 326-1226 Advertising Neilley & Co. CPAs Inc. (614) 418-1775 Accounting & Taxes Nellie’s Catwalk for Kids (614) 300-3995 Non-Profit New Albany Gardens & Care Center H (614) 855-8866 Senior Services/Housing New Life Church (614) 475-8500 Church newImage Business Cards (614) 478-7771 Printing North Central Counseling (614) 299-6600 Mental Health/Counseling Northeast Dermatology (614) 473-9519 Physician Nth Degree (614) 855-8533 Real Estate NV Salon at The Collection (614) 656-7194 Styling/Nail Salon O Ohio Basement Authority (614) 239-0100 Home Improvement Ohio Christian University (740) 412-6148 Education Services Ohio Dominican University (614) 251-4741 Education Services Ohio Exteriors (614) 239-7663 Home Improvement Ohio Insurance Advisors (614) 418-5710 Insurance Ohio PIA Service Corporation (614) 552-8000 Insurance Ohio State Otolaryngology (614) 293-0681 Physician Ohio State University Medical Center H (614) 366-8294 Health Care Facility OhioHealth Gahanna Health Ctr. H (614) 566-0500 Health Care Facility OhioHealth Gahanna Primary CareH (614) 533-5300 Physician OHM Advisors (614) 418-0600 Engineering & Manufacturing Old Bag of Nails Pub (614) 337-9430 Restaurant Olde Gahanna Community Partnership (614) 342-4041 Community Organization Ometek Incorporated (614) 861-6729 Manufacturing P Palmer-Miller-Nelson Ins. Partners (614) 261-6300 Insurance PALS A Chrysalis Health Company (614) 532-6420 Health Care Facility Panera Bread - Covelli Enterprises (614) 342-7130 Restaurant Park National Bank (614) 475-5213 Financial Institution Pathways Financial Credit Union (614) 416-7588 Financial Institution Patience Healthcare, LLC (614) 441-4447 Senior Services/Housing Peace Lutheran Church (614) 337-1000 Church Pearle Vision (614) 478-7474 Optometrist Perpetual Progress (614) 750-9876 Information Technology PIADA Italian Street Food (614) 532-5073 Restaurant Pigskin Brewing Company (614) 944-9311 Beverage Sales The Pine Box Agency (614) 532-6629 Funeral Services PNC Bank (614) 476-8525 Financial Institution The Portrait House (614) 218-7856 Photography Primrose School of Johnstown Road (614) 775-0899 Child Care Q Orthopedic One H (614) 545-7900 Health Care Facility Quandel Construction Group (614) 865-9000 Construction/Architecture Otterbein Skilled Nursing & Rehab H (614) 981-6854 Senior Services/Housing QuickStitch Plus LLC (614) 476-3186 Promotional Products Sustaining Members Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 29 R Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers (614) 475-1300 Restaurant Rardain’s Electrical Service (614) 975-3874 Electrical Realty Invest (614) 402-0526 Builder/Developer Red Brick Mortgage (614) 785-9900 Mortgage Refuge At The Mill Salon (614) 478-3984 Styling/Nail Salon Regal Beverage Concepts, Inc. (614) 795-2088 Beverage Sales Roden and Fields (614) 787-2077 Health & Wellness Rosen (281) 582-8346 Manufacturing Smile with Style, W. Charles Buchseib II, DDS (614) 428-8002 Orthodontist Smoothie King (614) 478-4901 Restaurant Roslovic & Partners, Inc. (614) 328-0600 General Contractor Routte Construction, Inc. (614) 751-2433 General Contractor Routte Law (614) 475-7008 Legal Services Rusty Bucket Restaurant and Tavern (614) 475-4435 Restaurant S SOH Productions H H (614) 523-3535 Video Production Sort & Pack, Inc. (614) 868-7678 Warehouse SpringHill Suites & Towneplace Suites (614) 501-4770 Hotel State Farm - James Reed (614) 933-8817 Insurance Step Lively Foot & Ankle Centers (614) 478-2111 Physician Rehabilitation & Health Center of Gahanna H (614) 337-1066 Senior Services/Housing Sam’s Club H (614) 476-0117 Retail Renew Wellness, LLC (614) 305-5102 Health & Wellness Jeffrey P. Santilli, DDS (614) 939-5200 Dental Renier Construction (614) 866-4580 General Contractor Sassy Travel LLC (614) 475-1280 Travel Reserve Employee (810) 343-1835 Business Services Schneider Insurance Agency (614) 471-8444 Insurance Strathmore Development Company H H (517) 336-4400 Builder/Developer The Residence at Christopher Wren (614) 475-1100 Property Rental Schoedinger Funeral & Cremation Service (614) 939-4558 Funeral Services Stygler Village (614) 475-2255 Senior Services/Housing RevLocal (614) 558-2654 Marketing Senator Kevin Bacon (614) 466-8064 Government Organization Ribbon Technology Corporation (614) 864-5444 Manufacturing Shawan-Marquis Agency, Inc. (614) 889-0250 Insurance Rider & Reinke Financial Group (614) 876-7044 Financial Services Shepherd Christian School & Little Lambs Children’s Center (614) 471-0859 Child Care The Ripley Team LLC Re/Max Consultant Group (614) 496-8206 Real Estate Rockwood Dry Cleaners (614) 353-2700 Cleaning Servces Shepherd Church of the Nazarene (614) 471-3368 Church Signarama of Gahanna (614) 337-6000 Signs Signs By Tomorrow (614) 478-6472 Signs Sustaining Members Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H 30 Slyman Insurance Group, Inc. (614) 475-3583 Insurance StoneRidge Dental Care (614) 476-6696 Dental Stonybrook United Methodist Church (614) 471-0252 Church Style Encore® (614) 933-9999 Retail Suburban Steel Supply Co. (614) 737-5501 Manufacturing Success Imperatives, LLC (614) 581-6221 Consultant Summit’s Trace Healthcare Center (614) 252-4987 Senior Services/Housing Sunrise Masonic Lodge #783 (614) 774-1523 Non-Profit Sunrise of Gahanna (614) 418-9775 Senior Services/Housing Superior Enterprises Unlimited, LLC (614) 252-7250 Construction & Architecture Synergi Signature Salon Gahanna (614) 348-8111 Styling/Nail Salon T TaxXpress & Financial Services (614) 337-1500 Financial Services Telhio Credit Union (614) 221-3233 Financial Institution Terracon Consultants, Inc. (614) 863-3113 Engineering & Manufacturing The Mitchell Home of Gahanna LLC (614) 506-2890 Health Care Facility The Parc (614) 389-8383 Property Rental ThisWeek Community Newspapers H (614) 583-5789 Advertising Thrivent Financial (614) 917-0486 Financial Services Tilton’s Automotive Service (614) 471-9551 Automotive Time Warner Cable Business Class (614) 827-7924 Cable TK Building & Remodeling (614) 866-7239 Home Improvement Tom + Chee (614) 787-4977 Restaurant Town Money Saver (614) 779-4500 Advertising Toyota Direct H H H (614) 476-1979 Automotive Transworld Systems (419) 615-2202 Financial Services Tri-Community VFW Post 4719 (614) 475-9111 Non-Profit Two Men And A Truck (614) 901-1570x154 Movers U UFAX.NET (877) 329-8329 Computer The UPS Store (614) 418-9040 Delivery/Packing & Shipping Upscale Resale Furnishings, LLC. (614) 476-4070 Home Furnishings/Interior Design USBank (614) 476-1404 Financial Institution USBank (614) 855-5351 Financial Institution V Viers Chiropractic Center (614) 476-1121 Chiropractor W WCSN 32 - TV AFRICA NETWORK (614) 721-4000 Video Production Wendy’s (614) 933-8644 Restaurant WesBanco H H (614) 475-6162 Financial Institution Wesney Construction (614) 751-5710 Construction & Architecture WinnScapes, Inc. (614) 866-9466 Landscaping Wolcott Manor by Redwood (614) 313-9033 Property Rental The Worthington (614) 933-8640 Senior Services/Housing WOW! Internet, Cable & Phone (614) 948-4600 Cable Y Your Private MD, LLC (614) 626-4832 Physician Z Larry R. Zapp & Associates Inc. (614) 478-0500 Financial Services Wyandotte Winery (614) 476-3624 Winery Whit’s Frozen Custard of Gahanna (614) 418-9599 Restaurant Wiles Insurance Agency (614) 536-0370 Insurance VIP Casino Events/ Fiesta Sounds H H (614) 568-7526 Entertainment Sustaining Members Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 31 Classified Directory Accounting & Taxes Affordable Tax Solutions, Inc. (614) 322-9044 7152 E. Main St., Ste. C Reynoldsburg OH 43068 Anderson Tax & Consulting, LLC (614) 454-3023 120 Mill St., Ste. 204 GahannaOH 43230 Barnes Tax & Advisory Services, LLC (614) 416-7692 81 Mill St., Ste. 300 GahannaOH 43230 Brady Ware & Company (614) 885-7407 4249 Easton Way, Ste. 100 Columbus OH 43219 Carrie L. Yamamoto, CPA (614) 578-3224 PO Box 305 BlacklickOH 43004 The Doyle Group, Inc. (614) 414-7220 116 Granville St., Ste. 102 GahannaOH 43230 Howard W. Slutsky, CPA Inc. (614) 337-8770 676 Brook Hollow Dr. GahannaOH 43230 J Pappas Accounting Group LLC (614) 396-7802 20 Northwoods Blvd., Ste. E Columbus OH 43235 (Ad on page 39) Leppert Company CPAs, LLC (614) 532-5098 428 Beecher Rd. Ste. D. GahannaOH 43230 Mefford & Company, CPAs and Business Advisors (614) 322-7300 800 H Cross Pointe Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Sustaining Members Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H 32 Mulligan, Topy & Co., CPAs (614) 471-1040 196 W. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Neilley & Co. CPAs Inc. (614) 418-1775 2720 Airport Dr. Columbus OH 43219 Advertising 104.9 The River H (614) 289-5700 881 E. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 First Choice Logo & Branding Solutions (614) 239-9001 74 Mill St., Ste. 201 GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 39) Inspire PR Group (614) 537-8926 153 North High Street GahannaOH 43230 N2 Publishing (614) 592-4781 6938 New Albany Rd. East New Albany OH 43054 National Cinemedia (614) 326-1226 4076 Mountview Rd. Columbus OH 43220 ThisWeek Community Newspapers H (614) 583-5789 7801 N. Central Dr. Lewis Center OH 43035 Town Money Saver (614) 779-4500 9220 Worthington Rd. #237 Worthington OH 43082 Asphalt Services Asphalt Services of Ohio, Inc. (614) 864-4600 4579 Poth Rd. Columbus OH 43213 Columbus Asphalt Paving. Inc. (614) 759-9800 1196 Technology Dr. GahannaOH 43230 Attorney Einstein Law, LLC (614) 734-0000 615 Copeland Mill Rd., Ste. 1H Westerville OH 43081 Kephart Fisher, LLC (614) 469-1882 207 N. Fourth St. Columbus OH 43215 Luftman, Heck & Associates, LLP (614) 500-3836 580 E. Rich St. Fl. 2 Columbus OH 43215 Mark Adams, LLC (614) 333-7000 1110 Beecher Crossing N, Ste. D GahannaOH 43230 Merisa K. Bowers, Attorney at Law LLC (614) 753-2235 400 S. Fifth St., Ste. 101 Columbus OH 43215 Mularski, Bonham, Dittmer & Phillips (614) 471-8194 107 W. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Automotive Enterprise Rent-A-Car (614) 471-8255 1346 Cherry Bottom Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Gahanna Auto Sales, Inc. (614) 475-7148 180 Mill St. GahannaOH 43230 Gahanna-Auto-Sales Lind Automotive (614) 478-8666 311 W. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Moo Moo Express Car Wash (614) 751-9274x203 4940 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Tilton’s Automotive Service (614) 471-9551 171 N. High St. GahannaOH 43230 Toyota Direct H H H (614) 476-1979 4248 Morse Rd. Columbus OH 43230 (Ads - page 5 & inside back cover) Bakery Gigis Cakes (614) 505-3373 2019 Polaris Parkway Columbus OH 43240 Golden Delight Bakery East (614) 342-6888 246-C Lincoln Circle Dr. GahannaOH 43230 Koko Tea Salon & Bakery (614) 389-3459 116 Mill Street GahannaOH 43230 Banquet & Catering Creekside Conference & Event Center H H (614) 416-8188 101 Mill St., Ste. 300 GahannaOH 43230 Jorgensen Farms LLC (614) 855-2697 5851 E. Walnut St. Westerville OH 43081 Beverage sales Pigskin Brewing Company (614) 944-9311 81 Mill St., Ste. 150 GahannaOH 43230 Regal Beverage Concepts, Inc. (614) 795-2088 259 Colony Ct. GahannaOH 43230 Builder/Developer Brookewood Construction (614) 475-5511 120 N. High St. GahannaOH 43230 Realty Invest (614) 402-0526 4263 Gavin Lane Columbus OH 43220 Strathmore Development Company H H (517) 336-4400 81 Mill St., Ste. 300 GahannaOH 43230 Business Services Columbus Young Professionals Club (614) 579-9398 1500 W. Third Ave., Ste. 322 Columbus OH 43212 First Data Corporation H (614) 620-6392 5565 Glenridge Connector, NE Atlanta GA 30342 Into Great Brands (614) 915-3830 1010 Taylor Station Rd., Ste. A GahannaOH 43230 Reserve Employee (810) 343-1835 7894 Ashenden Drive BlacklickOH 43004 Cable Time Warner Cable Business Class (614) 827-7924 1015 Olentangy River Rd. Columbus OH 43212 WOW! Internet, Cable & Phone (614) 948-4600 3675 Corporate Dr. Columbus OH 43231 Chamber Of Commerce Gahanna Area Chamber of Commerce (614) 471-0451 81 Mill St., Ste. 300 GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 44) Child Care Connected Pathways Early Learning Centers, LLC (614) 418-7232 496 Havens Corners Rd GahannaOH 43230 Gahanna Children’s College (614) 476-2662 230 Agler Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Primrose School of Johnstown Road (614) 775-0899 1101 E. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Shepherd Christian School & Little Lambs Children’s Center (614) 471-0859 425 S. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 22) Chiropractor Aldrich Chiropractic Center (614) 471-0018 100 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Creekside Chiropractic Center (614) 472-0992 136 Mill St., #120 GahannaOH 43230 Hess Chiropractic (614) 471-7949 830 E. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Keystone Chiropractic Center (614) 475-1900 1251 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Viers Chiropractic Center (614) 476-1121 830 E. Johnstown Road GahannaOH 43230 Church Eastside Community Church (614) 454-1157 327 Millside Dr. GahannaOH 43230 New Life Church (614) 475-8500 3690 N. Stygler Rd. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 43) Peace Lutheran Church (614) 337-1000 455 Clark State Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Better Business Bureau of Central Ohio (614) 754-4561 1169 Dublin Rd. Columbus OH 43215 Gahanna Historical Society (614) 475-3342 106 S. High St. GahannaOH 43230 Shepherd Church of the Nazarene (614) 471-3368 425 S. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Stonybrook United Methodist Church (614) 471-0252 485 Cherry Bottom Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Goodwill Columbus (614) 476-6177 358 S. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Olde Gahanna Community Partnership (614) 342-4041 PO Box 307681 GahannaOH 43230 Cleaning Services Corvus Janitorial (614) 295-8472 4033A Alum Creek Dr. Columbus OH 43207 Rockwood Dry Cleaners (614) 353-2700 171 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Community Organization American Legion Post 797 Gahanna (614) 887-8178 75 W. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Computer ComputerPoint (614) 863-3350 971 Claycraft Rd. Columbus OH 43230 Ervin Computer Ltd. (614) 205-6518 6164 Braet Rd. Westerville OH 43081 Sustaining Members Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H FREE HOME SAFETY EVALUATION HELPING CREATE RICH, SAFE, INDEPENDENT LIVES IS WHAT WE DO EVERY DAY WE OFFER • Transportation Transportation • Meal MealPreperation Preparation • Light LightHousekeeping Housekeeping & Grooming • Bathing Bathing & Grooming 614-888-3130 (805) 335-8448 784 Morrison Rd. Gahanna, Ohio 43230 Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 33 UFAX.NET (877) 329-8329 1327 Bayboro Dr. New Albany OH 43054 Wesney Construction (614) 751-5710 791 Science Blvd. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 21) Construction/Architecture Geiger Excavating, Inc. (614) 373-7526 PO Box 307717 GahannaOH 43230 Consultant Action COACH (614) 306-0509 309 E. Weber Rd. Columbus OH 43202 Quandel Construction Group (614) 865-9000 8181 Worthington Rd. Westerville Oh 43082 The Grosso Group (614) 579-9390 1500 W. Third Ave., Ste. 322 Columbus OH 43212 The Hormann Group (614) 416-8077 81 Mill St., Ste. 300 Gahanna OH 43230 Leadership Edge Solutions, LLC (614) 476-3760 250 Carpenter Rd. GahannaOH 43230 maryrauchenstein Superior Enterprises Unlimited, LLC (614) 252-7250 2389 Refugee Park Columbus Oh 43207 Sustaining Members Mary Held & Associates, LLC (614) 855-7118 7135 Northmont Ct., Ste. 200 BlacklickOH 43004 Success Imperatives, LLC (614) 581-6221 7460 Daugherty Dr. Reynoldsburg OH 43068 Delivery/Packing & shipping Accurate Transportation, Inc. (614) 328-0010 1655 Eastgate Parkway GahannaOH 43230 Best Courier, Inc. (614) 475-8900 1200 Technology Dr. GahannaOH 43230 FedEx Ground (614) 863-8000 4600 Poth Rd. Columbus OH 43213 The UPS Store (614) 418-9040 2868 Stelzer Rd. Columbus OH 43219 Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H Dental Beecher Crossing Dental Group (614) 775-1300 1110 Beecher Crossing N., Ste. A GahannaOH 43230 Ellis Oral Surgery (614) 775-0222 420 Beecher Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Fleitz, DDS and Tilson, DDS (614) 939-4800 426 Beecher Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Pam Gant DDS, LLC (614) 475-7777 116 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Robert B. Lowe, DDS (614) 471-2927 181 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 John D. Mahilo, DDS (614) 475-4544 102 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 “ We travel a great distance to have Dr. Santilli and his staff take care of our teeth. This is how much we appreciate them!” ~ Lori L. We combine state-of-the-art technology with individualized treatment plans. NTIST TOP DaEnd 2015 D E M A N , 2014 13 2011, 20 Jeffrey P. Santilli D.D.S The highest quality dentistry in a comfortable, caring, serene enviornment. Our Dental Services Include: • Cosmetic Dentisty • Children & Adults • Smile Makeovers • In Office Teeth Whitening • Preventive Dental Care • Implant Dentistry • Crown & Bridge Prosthetics • Dentures & Partial Dentures Columbus - East 1329 Stoneridge Drive Gahanna, OH 43230 Columbus - West 833 Bethel Road Columbus, OH 43214 We care about our patients and can make all the difference in your smile and overall oral health. Come and visit us today! We Buy, Sell, and Trade Used and New Musical Instruments and Equipment 420 Beecher Road Suite B Columbus Ohio 43230 Call to schedule your next exam: (614) 939-5200 34 Jeffrey P. Santilli, DDS (614) 939-5200 420 Beecher Rd, Ste. B GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 34) StoneRidge Dental Care (614) 476-6696 925 N. Hamilton Rd., Ste. 200 GahannaOH 43230 Education Services Eastland-Fairfield Career & Tech. School (614) 836-4530x1522 4300 Amalgamated Pl. Groveport OH 43125 Everest Institute (614) 322-3414 825 Tech Center Dr. GahannaOH 43230 Gahanna Jefferson Public Schools (614) 471-7065 160 S. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 8) ITT Technical Institute (614) 868-2000 4717 Hilton Corp. Dr. Columbus OH 43232 Ohio Christian University (740) 412-6148 1476 Lancaster Pike Circleville OH 43113 Ohio Dominican University (614) 251-4741 1216 Sunbury Road Columbus OH 43219 Electrical Electric Solutions, Inc. (614) 577-1188 1625 Eastgate Pkwy. GahannaOH 43230 Jess Howard Electric Co. H (614) 861-1300 6630 Taylor Rd. BlacklickOH 43004 Rardain’s Electrical Service (614) 975-3874 698 Whirlaway Ct. GahannaOH 43230 Engineering & Manufacturing Golden Dynamic, Inc. (614) 575-1222 950-M Taylor Station Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Green Biologics, Inc. (614) 868-5650 1130 Gahanna Pkwy. GahannaOH 43230 OHM Advisors (614) 418-0600 101 Mill St., Ste. 200 GahannaOH 43230 Terracon Consultants, Inc. (614) 863-3113 800 Morrison Rd. Columbus OH 43230 Entertainment Dwight Lenox Music LLC (614) 323-7106 794 Crofton Circle Reynoldsburg OH 43068 Griffin Gallery at Creekside H H (614) 385-3600 71 Mill St. Gahanna OH 43230 First Federal Savings (614) 855-8760 1050 Beecher Crossing N., Ste. B GahannaOH 43230 Park National Bank (614) 475-5213 1365 Stoneridge Dr. GahannaOH 43230 Heartland Bank H H (614) 475-7024 67 N. Stygler Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Pathways Financial Credit Union (614) 416-7588 5665 N. Hamilton Rd. Columbus OH 43230 PNC Bank (614) 476-8525 191 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Telhio Credit Union (614) 221-3233 5380 N. Hamilton Rd. Columbus OH 43230 USBank (614) 476-1404 166 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Heartland Bank H H (614) 337-4605 850 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 KEMBA Financial Credit Union H H (614) 235-2395 555 Officenter Pl. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad - inside front cover & page 21) KEMBA Financial Credit Union H H (614) 235-2395 110 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad - inside front cover & page 21) Key Bank (614) 476-2650 186 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Sustaining Members Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H VIP Casino Events/ Fiesta Sounds H H (614) 568-7526 5603 Sutterton Lane Westerville OH 43081 (Ad on page 11) Financial Institution Benchmark Bank H H (614) 269-4400 461 Beecher Rd. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 2) Education First Credit Union H (614) 221-9376 Clark Hall, 380 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 17) Fifth Third Bank (614) 475-1751 444 Havens Corners Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Fifth Third Bank Stoneridge (614) 775-5135 5342 N. Hamilton Rd. Columbus OH 43230 Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 35 USBank (614) 855-5351 Meijer 5050 N. Hamilton Rd. Columbus OH 43230 WesBanco H H (614) 475-6162 116 S. Stygler Rd. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 43) Financial Services Ameriprise Financial The Chaddock Group (614) 269-0195 81 Mill St., Ste. 100 GahannaOH 43230 Banking in Gold Karatbars International (800) 646-5130 3030 Spruceview Ct. Columbus OH 43231 (Ad on page 38) Sustaining Members Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H Capital Recovery Systems, Inc. (614) 575-0590 750 Cross Pointe Rd., Ste. S GahannaOH 43230 Codrea Financial Services (614) 452-8185 146 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Doyle Financial Services (614) 475-5888 1375 Cherry Way Dr., #220 GahannaOH 43230 Edward Jones (614) 471-2475 136 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Edward Jones Investments (614) 473-9913 329 Stoneridge Ln. Gahanna OH 43230 Fisher Wealth Management, LLC (614) 866-2850 81 Mill St., Ste. 300 GahannaOH 43230 We annually save our clients $100 million in workers’ compensation premium paid. Contact us today to find your best savings option! (800) 825-6755 Rider & Reinke Financial Group (614) 876-7044 4094 Main St. Hilliard OH 43026 TaxXpress & Financial Services (614) 337-1500 1753 E. Livingston Ave. Columbus OH 43205 Thrivent Financial (614) 917-0486 261 Camrose Ct. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 25) Transworld Systems (419) 615-2202 545 W. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Larry R. Zapp & Associates Inc. (614) 478-0500 106 Short St. GahannaOH 43230 Fitness & Recreation Darimar Martial Arts, Inc. (614) 428-7090 971 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 DAY CAMP, FITNESS, SWIMMING AND MORE THERE IS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE AT YOUR YMCA GAHANNA/JOHN E. BICKLEY YMCA 555 YMCA Place, Gahanna 43230 614 416 9622 36 General Contractor Mark-L Inc. (614) 863-8832 1180 Claycraft Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Renier Construction (614) 866-4580 2164 CityGate Dr. Columbus OH 43219 Roslovic & Partners, Inc. (614) 328-0600 600 Morrison Rd GahannaOH 43230 Routte Construction, Inc. (614) 751-2433 1020 Taylor Station Rd., Ste. G GahannaOH 43230 Golf Course Gahanna Lanes Bowling (614) 471-1111 215 W. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 The Golf Depot at Central Park (614) 861-8200 789 Science Blvd. GahannaOH 43230 Gahanna/John E. Bickley YMCA (614) 416-9622 555 YMCA Place GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 36) Jefferson Country Club (614) 759-7500 7271 Jefferson Meadows Dr. BlacklickOH 43004 i9 Sports(614) 659-0930 6829 Rob Roy Dr. Dublin OH 43017 KDB Easton (614) 428-7529 157 Easton Town Ctr. Columbus OH 43219 Funeral Services STRONGER TOGETHER Schoedinger Funeral & Cremation Service (614) 939-4558 1051 E. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Day & Manofsky Funeral Service (614) 532-5012 471-G Morrison Rd. GahannaOH 43230 The Pine Box Agency (614) 532-6629 471 G Morrison Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Government Organization City of Gahanna (614) 342-4045 200 S. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 15) Gahanna License Agency (614) 476-0398 415 Agler Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Gahanna Planning & Development Dept. (614) 342-4015 200 S. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Anne Gonzales, State Representative (614) 354-4034 335 Wildwood Dr. Westerville OH 43081 (Ad on page 20) Mifflin Township (614) 471-4494 155 Olde Ridenour Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Home Care Assistance (614) 481-8888 2120 Tremont Ctr. Upper Arlington OH 43221 Inner Harmony Health & Wellness, LLC (614) 541-2537 136 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Senator Kevin Bacon (614) 466-8064 Ohio Senate, 1 Capitol Sq. Columbus OH 43215 Grocery Giant Eagle, Inc. (614) 939-5559 1250 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Integra Acupuncture & Wellness Associates (614) 855-8828 1100 Beecher Crossing N. Rd., Ste. D GahannaOH 43230 Renew Donatos Pizza KDBWellness, Easton LLC It’s All Natural Organic Market (614)428-7529 305-5102 471-7885 Fax:418-7162 (614) 476-6159 287 165 W Johnstown 377 Granville St. Easton TownRd. Ctr. 1360 Cherry Bottom Rd. GahannaOH Gahanna, OH 43230 Columbus,43230 OH 43219 GahannaOH 43230 Fado Irish Pub & Restaurant King Gyros Greek Restaurant 418-0066 Fax:418-9181Roden 866-9008 and Fields TownsFair Way S. Hamilton Rd. Kroger4022 Marketplace (614)400 787-2077 Columbus, OH 43219 Whitehall, (614) 416-6430 3957 RoxhamOH Ct.43213 300 S. Hamilton Rd. Columbus OH 43230 Gahanna Pizza Plus v Longhorn Steakhouse GahannaOH 43230 428-9878 855-0200 Fax:855-0400 106 Granville St. 4950 N. Hamilton Rd. Gahanna, OH 43230 Gahanna, OH 43230 Health Care Facility Kroger Stoneridge Ad on page 41 Gatsby’s Bar & Grille (614) 418-1524 Los Jalapenos Mexican 476-0088 Dr. Fax:476-0183Airrosti Rehab Centers 1365 StoneRidge Restaurant 151 N. Hamilton (800) 404-6050 GahannaOH 43230 Rd. Gahanna, OH 43230 445 474-2000 Rocky Fork Blvd. Fax:474-2001 1356 N. Hamilton Rd. Gahanna OH 43230 Hoggy’s Restaurant & Catering Gahanna, OH 43230 855-7427 Fax:855-0269 Health/Wellness Massey’s Pizza 1370 E. Johnstown Rd. ExpressMed 416-4444 Urgent Care Fax:866-8126 Gahanna,Aesthetic OH 43230 AnneTherese Lincoln Circle (614)261 383-7660 Medicine, Inc. J. Gumbo’s OH Blvd. 43230 445 Gahanna, Rocky Fork (614) 855-4411 471-1400 GahannaOH 43230 Medallen’s Gyros & More 438 Beecher Rd. St. 64 Granville 474-0099 Fax:536-0408 GahannaOH 43230 Gahanna, OH 43230 (Ad on page 20) 1376 Cherry Bottom Rd. Java’s Cyber Espresso Bar Gahanna, OH 43230 LowT Center 855-5228 Fax:855-9277 Buckeye Physical Medicine Bag of Nails - Gahanna (614)Old 656-8141 1050 G Beecher Crossing N. Rehab-Gahanna 1050337-9430 Beecher Crossing, Ste. E-F Gahanna, OH 43230 (614) 471-2225 63 Mill St. 43230 GahannaOH 1358-AJohnny CherryBuccelli’s Bottom Rd. Gahanna, OH 43230 GahannaOH 43230 478-4600 Fax:224-6460 Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers 5091 N. Hamilton Rd. Mount Carmel Health Fax:475-2050 System H 475-1300 Gahanna, OH 43230 (614) 546-3410 1320 N. Hamilton Rd. Connect To Calm 6150Gahanna, E. BroadOH St. 43230 (513) 907-1733 Columbus OH 43213 5886 Wyndale Drive Westerville OH 43081 (Ad on page 6) Funder Max Fitness (614) 321-2423 957 E. Johnstown Rd Gahanna OH 43230 HealthPro Staffing & Home Care (614) 864-7340 950 H Taylor Station Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Orthopedic One H (614) 545-7900 170 Taylor Station Rd. Columbus OH 43213 PALS A Chrysalis Health Company (614) 532-6420 222 W. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 The Mitchell Home of Gahanna LLC (614) 506-2890 3636 McCutcheon Rd GahannaOH 43230 Heating/Cooling Rotelli Pizza Pasta Perfect Airfast Heating & Cooling, Inc. 476-1900 Fax:476-9298 (614) 864-4328 1344 Cherry Bottom Rd. 1701 Eastgate Pkwy. Gahanna, OH 43230 GahannaOH 43230 Smoothie King 478-4901 (Ad on page 38) Fax:478-4911 1350 N. Hamilton Rd. Gahanna, 43230 Custom AirOH Conditioning & Spoon Heating Co. H Me (614) 552-4822 475-3200 935 Claycraft Rd. 4691 Morse Rd. GahannaOH Gahanna, OH43230 43230 Tim Hortons--Gahanna (Ad on page 18) 572-8832 365 Agler Rd. Gahanna, OH 43230 Ad on page 41 Wendy’s 933-8644 Fax:933-8644 77 Granville St. Gahanna, OH 43230 Home Furnishings/Int. Design Findley-Kohler Interiors. Inc. (614) 478-9500 57 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 33) Home Again Furnishings (614) 980-1134 961 E. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Upscale Resale Furnishings, LLC. (614) 476-4070 57 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 44) u Limited Brands 415-7078 Fax:415-7080 Home Parkway Improvement Three Limited Columbus, OH 43230 Hanawalt Exteriors H Music Go Round (614) 755-3811 473-0100 Fax:337-9041 374 Morrison Rd., Ste. B 1329 Stoneridge Dr. Columbus OH 43213 Gahanna, OH 43230 Supreme Golf 17) (Ad on page 270-0029 2704 Lynnmore Dr. Columbus, OH 43235 Sustaining Members senior housing/ Corporate HHH Assisted living Diamond H H Broadview Health & Rehab Emerald HFax:337-4039 337-1066 5151 N. Hamilton Rd. Columbus, OH 43230 Emeritus at Chestnut Hill 855-3700 Fax:855-1328 Smarter 5055 Thompson Rd. connections. Better business. Columbus, OH 43230 Arriving daily. Whit’s Frozen Custard of Gahanna 418-9599 121 S. Stygler Rd. Gahanna, OH 43230 retAil Honey Grove Botanicals 638-7809 116 Mill St. Gahanna, OH 43230 Stronger communities. Kensington Place 252-5276 Fax:251-7690 1001 Parkview Blvd. Columbus, OH 43219 Ad on page 42 v New Albany Gardens & Care Center 855-8866 Fax:855-8880 5691 Thompson Rd. Columbus, OH 43230 Ohio State University H Medical Center (614) 366-8294 920 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 10) OhioHealth Gahanna Health Center H (614) 566-0500 765 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 )TSTHE STEAK OF -EATLOAF Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 37 Ohio Basement Authority (614) 239-0100 911 Stelzer Rd. Columbus OH 43219 Ohio Exteriors (614) 239-7663 244 Agler Rd. Gahanna OH 43230 TK Building & Renovations (614) 866-7239 1120 Gahanna Parkway Gahanna OH 43233 hotel Best Western Port Columbus (614) 337-8400 1450 Airport Dr. Columbus OH 43219 Candlewood Suites Columbus Airport (614) 863-4033 590 Taylor Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Columbus Airport Marriott (614) 475-7551 1375 N. Cassady Ave. Columbus OH 43219 (Ad on back cover) Comfort Suites E. Broad St. @ 270 (614) 604-6400 70 Chris Perry Ln. Columbus OH 43213 Embassy Suites Columbus Airport (614) 536-0500 2886 Airport Dr. Columbus OH 43219 Fairfield Inn & Suites Columbus Airport (614) 237-2100 4300 International Gateway Columbus OH 43219 Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites (614) 428-8678 460 Waterbury Ct. GahannaOH 43230 SpringHill Suites & Towneplace Suites (614) 501-4770 665 Taylor Rd. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 24) Information Technology Exponentia US, Inc. (614) 944-5103 424 Beecher Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Innovative Technology Support (614) 476-8960 136 Mill St., #130 GahannaOH 43230 Perpetual Progress (614) 750-9876 465 Waterbury Ct., Ste. C GahannaOH 43230 Sustaining Members Insurance Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H Aflac/Richard Conover (614) 451-1696x115 1103 Schrock Road, Ste. 201 Columbus OH 43229 • Same Day Service • Furnace & Air Conditioning • All Makes and Models • Commercial Equipment • Maintenance Programs • Air Duct Cleaning Sales • Service • Installation Commercial & Residential OH Lic #10708 Bonded & Insured 614-864-HEAT 1701 EASTGATE PKWY • COLUMBUS, OH 43230 38 Allstate - Geyer Insurance (614) 860-9739 7183 E. Broad St. BlacklickOH 43004 Collins Financial Services Co. (614) 975-5938 4200 Regent St., Ste. 200 Columbus OH 43219 Creekside Insurance Agency (614) 471-1884 83 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Detwiler-Brofford Insurance, Inc. (614) 471-4888 116 Granville St., Ste. 200 GahannaOH 43230 Grady Enterprises, Inc. (614) 224-4432 515 E. Mound St. Columbus OH 43215 Lew Griffin Insurance Group H H (614) 475-0036 77 Mill St. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 9) Loughry Insurance Services (614) 775-9200 3969 Redroyal Ave. GahannaOH 43230 MediGold H (614) 546-3157 6150 E. Broad St. Columbus OH 43213 Ohio Insurance Advisors (614) 418-5710 111 W. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Ohio PIA Service Corporation (614) 552-8000 600 CrossPoint Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Palmer-Miller-Nelson Ins. Partners (614) 261-6300 3215 N. High St. Columbus OH 43202 Schneider Insurance Agency (614) 471-8444 120 Mill St. GahannaOH 43230 Shawan-Marquis Agency, Inc. (614) 889-0250 110 E. Wilson Bridge Rd., Ste. 260 Worthington OH 43085 Slyman Insurance Group, Inc. (614) 475-3583 172 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 State Farm - James Reed (614) 933-8817 969 E. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Wiles Insurance Agency (614) 536-0370 348 Granville St. Ste. E GahannaOH 43230 Landscaping Finlandscape, LLC (740) 927-1994 14617 Morse Rd. SW Pataskala OH 43062 Jake’s Property Services (740) 587-3945 254 W. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 WinnScapes, Inc. (614) 866-9466 6079 Taylor Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Legal Services Fox & Fox Law Co., LPA (614) 532-3047 140 North High Street GahannaOH 43230 Law Office of Maritza S. Nelson, LLC (614) 416-8146 81 Mill Street, Suite 300 GahannaOH 43230 LegalShield (614) 374-7655 7265 Kirkdale Dr. BlacklickOH 43004 Routte Law (614) 475-7008 142 Granville Street GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 41) Library Columbus Metropolitan Library Gahanna Branch (614) 645-2275 310 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Locksmith Mitchell Lock (614) 866-9216 620-C Taylor Station Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Rosen (281) 582-8346 1195 Technology Dr. GahannaOH 43230 Suburban Steel Supply Co. (614) 737-5501 1900 Deffenbaugh Ct. GahannaOH 43230 Marketing beckmanXMO (614) 864-2232 376-D Morrison Rd. Columbus OH 43213 CPMedia & Marketing, LLC H (614) 717-4910 6479 Reflections Dr. Ste. 150 Dublin OH 43017 (Ad on page 18) RevLocal (614) 558-2654 4009 Columbus Rd. GranvilleOH 43023 Medical/Health Circulatory Centers of Ohio, LLC (800) 526-3082 85 McNaughten Rd., Ste. 130 Columbus OH 43213 Clinic Pharmacy (614) 252-4348 1000 E. Broad St. Columbus OH 43205 Mental Health/Counseling Manufacturing La Boit Specialty Vehicles (614) 231-7640 700 Cross Pointe Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Marketing Motivators, Inc. (614) 577-1011 1000 A Taylor Station Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Michael G. Drown Ph.D. (614) 863-1820 950-C Taylor Station Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Mental Health/Counseling North Central Counseling (614) 299-6600 338 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Health Ometek Incorporated (614) 861-6729 790 Cross Pointe Rd. Columbus OH 43230 Ribbon Technology Corporation (614) 864-5444 825 Taylor Station Rd. GahannaOH 43230 movers Two Men And A Truck (614) 901-1570x1545083 Westerville Rd. Columbus OH 43231 Non-Profit Gahanna Residents in Need (614) 214-4747 760 Morrison Rd., A & B GahannaOH 43230 Helping Hands in the Garden (614) 476-4086 5516 Clark State Rd. Columbus OH 43230 Nellie’s Catwalk for Kids (614) 300-3995 8177 Palmer Rd. Reynoldsburg OH 43068 Sunrise Masonic Lodge #783 (614) 774-1523 PO Box 307267 GahannaOH 43230 Tri-Community VFW Post 4719 (614) 475-9111 75 W. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Office Equipment & Supplies Cartridge World (614) 532-5368 1004 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Friends Business Source H (800) 427-1704x1017 925 Shrock Rd. Worthington OH 43085 Mid Ohio Strategic Technologies H H (614) 888-8973 6500 Proprietors Rd. Columbus OH 43085 Sustaining Members Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H ..-Jtirst Ir •choice Logo Logo and and Branding Branding Solutions Solutions We'll Put Your Name on Anything! We'll Put Your Name on Anything! Signs, more! Signs, printing, printing, apparel apparel and and more! 10% 10% off all Chamber Members off for for all Chamber Members Phone: (614)239-9001 Phone: (614)239-9001 Cell: (614)284-5921 Cell: (614)284-5921 Email: Email: 74 Mill Street I Suite 201 I Gahanna, OH 43230 74 Mill Street I Suite 201 I Gahanna, OH 43230 Mortgage Red Brick Mortgage (614) 785-9900 314 Agler Rd. GahannaOH 43230 TRUST. Families and small businesses trust us with their tax planning, tax preparation and guidance all year-round. TRUST. It is the foundation of any relationship. Call us for a free initial consultation. Telephone #(614) 396-7802 Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 39 MT Business Technologies (614) 895-8206 750 Brooksedge Plaza Dr. Westerville OH 43081 Maple Orthodontics (614) 775-1000 260 Market St., Ste. E New Albany OH 43054 Smile with Style, W. Charles Buchseib II, DDS (614) 428-8002 1386 Cherry Bottom Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Optometrist Eye Columbus | Gahanna Vision Center (614) 471-7177 83 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Photography Gahanna Eyecare Associates Paul Dennis (614) 475-8134 120 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Eclipse Corp (614) 626-8536 825 Taylor Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Pearle Vision (614) 478-7474 368 S. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Muschlitz Photography LLC (614) 301-8579 426 Clotts Road GahannaOH 43230 Orthodontist James T. Hutta, DDS (614) 855-8800 470 Silver Ln. GahannaOH 43230 Dr. James Karpac, DDS (614) 471-6355 64 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Kristal & Forche Orthodontics (614) 868-0977 603 N. Waggoner Rd. BlacklickOH 43004 Sustaining Members Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H The Portrait House (614) 218-7856 PO Box 307751 GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 22) Physician Family Physicians of Gahanna H (614) 471-9654 535 OffiCenter Pl. GahannaOH 43230 Northeast Dermatology (614) 473-9519 925 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 OhioHealth Gahanna Primary Care H (614) 533-5300 504 Havens Corners Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Ohio State Otolaryngology (614) 293-0681 5175 Morse Rd. Ste. 100 GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 19) Step Lively Foot & Ankle Centers (614) 478-2111 1045 Beecher Crossing N, Ste A GahannaOH 43230 Your Private MD, LLC (614) 626-4832 170 Taylor Station Rd. Ste. 210 Columbus OH 43213 Printing ABCO Gahanna, LLC (614) 475-0244 138 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 beckmanXMO (614) 864-2232 376-D Morrison Rd. Columbus OH 43213 Citicom Print & Graphic (614) 472-2679 2225 Citygate Dr., Ste. A Columbus OH 43219 Ink Well Marketing Group (614) 861-7113 969 Claycraft Rd. GahannaOH 43230 McGraw-Hill Education (614) 755-5610 860 Taylor Station Rd. BlacklickOH 43004 Minuteman Press (614) 337-2334 265 Lincoln Circle, Suite C GahannaOH 43230 newImage Business Cards (614) 478-7771 121 Academy Ct. GahannaOH 43230 Promotional Products EmbroidMe (614) 626-8747 950 Taylor Station Rd., Ste. U GahannaOH 43230 Hollywood Imprints LLC (614) 501-6040 1000 D Morrison Rd., Ste. D GahannaOH 43230 K-Prime Merchandise (614) 475-4411 626 Bonnington Way GahannaOH 43230 Name Dropper Promotions (614) 855-5291 PO Box 307662 GahannaOH 43230 QuickStitch Plus LLC (614) 476-3186 124 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Metcalf Design & Printing Center (614) 475-4571 264 Agler Road GahannaOH 43230 Property Rental 735 Taylor Road (440) 892-4900 2001 Crocker Rd., Ste. 420 WestlakeOH 44145 Skilled Nursing u Rehabilitation Affordable Assisted Living Formerly Traditions at Stygler Road 167 North Stygler Rd Gahanna, Ohio 43230 614-475-8778 40 C|Suites Offices H H (614) 416-8088 81 Mill St., Ste. 300 GahannaOH 43230 Computer Helper Publishing (614) 939-9094 450 Beecher Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Easton Commons Apartments (614) 476-5559 4011 Easton Way Columbus OH 43219 Fazio Mechanical Services, Inc. (412) 782-6338 300 S. Main St. Sharpsburg PA 15215 JCS Property Management LLC (614) 981-6801 735 Cross Pointe Rd. Ste. C GahannaOH 43230 The Parc (614) 389-8383 419 Laurel Lane Gahanna OH 43230 The Residence at Christopher Wren (614) 475-1100 1390 Christopher Wren Dr. GahannaOH 43230 Wolcott Manor by Redwood (614) 313-9033 5704 Traditions Dr. New Albany OH 43054 WolcottManor REal Estate 825 Techcenter Drive, LLC (614) 224-2400 C/O NAI Ohio Equities, LLC 605 S. Front St., Ste. 200 Columbus OH 43230 ALL U.S. Inc./KN & Lynn Singh (614) 439-6405 1415 E. Dublin Granville Rd., Ste. 101 Columbus OH 43229 Axxis Title Agency, Ltd. (614) 419-9037 81 Mill St., Suite 300 GahannaOH 43230 Bercley Woods Condominiums (614) 532-5782 312 Zander Lane GahannaOH 43230 Berkshire Hathaway HS Professional Realty (614) 207-2799 121 Mill St., Ste. 128 GahannaOH 43230 Brenda Carsey, Keller Williams Greater Cols. (614) 542-9693 5495 New Albany Road West New Albany OH 43054 The Ripley Team LLC Re/Max Consultant Group (614) 496-8206 6650 Walnut Rd. New Albany OH 43054 REstaurants The Alumni Club (614) 475-6000 395 Stoneridge Lane GahannaOH 43230 Cindy Mackin, Keller Williams Greater Cols. Realty (614) 395-3400 5495 New Albany Dr. W New Albany OH 43054 The Barn at Rocky Fork Creek (614) 855-9840 1370 E. Johnstown Road GahannaOH 43230 Coldwell Banker King Thompson (614) 939-0808 960 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Bellacino’s Pizza & Grinders (614) 855-5858 4926 Morse Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Colliers International (614) 410-5647 2 Miranova Place, Suite 900 Columbus OH 43215 Columbus Realty Team (614) 528-1144 116 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Bon Vie Bistro (614) 416-0463 4089 The Strand East Columbus OH 43219 CP Road, LLC (614) 365-9000 540 OfficeCenter Pl. Ste. 260 GahannaOH 43230 DRK and Company (614) 540-2404 470 Olde Worthington Rd., Ste. 101 Westerville OH 43082 EXIT Trinity Realty (614) 269-4663 146 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Jim Boyd, Keller Williams Greater Cols. Realty (614) 560-7400 5495 New Albany Rd. W. New Albany OH 43054 Buffalo Wild Wings (614) 478-7972 1380 Cherry Bottom Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Cafe Creekside (614) 337-1819 53 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Cap City Fine Diner & Bar (614) 478-9999 1301 StoneRidge Dr. GahannaOH 43230 City Barbeque (614) 416-8890 108 S. Stygler Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Cold Stone Creamery (614) 475-8393 101 Mill St., Ste. 108 GahannaOH 43230 Cork Wine and Dine (614) 476-2675 4782 Morse Rd. Columbus OH 43230 Da Levee (614) 532-8050 129 N. Stygler Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Donatos Pizza, Inc. (614) 471-4111 377 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Fado Irish Pub (614) 418-0066 4022 TownsFair Way Columbus OH 43219 FM All-American Bar & Grill (614) 532-5711 154 N. Hamilton Road GahannaOH 43230 Gahanna Pizza Plus (614) 428-9878 106 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Gatsby’s Bar & Grille (614) 476-0088 151 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Sustaining Members Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H Kassel Equity Group (614) 310-4046 2700 McKinley Ave., Ste. 204 Columbus OH 43204 Nth Degree (614) 855-8533 1379 E. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 142 Granville Street, Gahanna, OH 43230 Phone: 614-475-7008 I Fax: 614-472-4155 Dedicated to the Service of Others. Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 41 J. Gumbo’s (614) 471-1400 64 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Java’s Cyber Espresso Bar (614) 313-5198 400 N. High St. Ste. 108 Columbus OH 43215 Jet’s Pizza (614) 475-2000 960 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 King Gyros Greek Restaurant (614) 866-9008 400 S. Hamilton Rd. Whitehall OH 43213 Little Caesars Pizza (614) 471-5100 87 N. Stygler Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Sustaining Members Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H Longhorn Steakhouse H (614) 855-0200 4950 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 37) Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers (614) 475-1300 1320 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Max & Erma’s (614) 471-0009 1317 N. Hamilton Rd. Gahanna OH 43230 Rusty Bucket Restaurant and Tavern (614) 475-4435 73 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Mi Tradicion (614) 418-9200 111 N. Stygler Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Smoothie King (614) 478-4901 1350 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Old Bag of Nails Pub (614) 337-9430 63 Mill St. GahannaOH 43230 Tom + Chee (614) 787-4977 10709 Blacklick-Eastern Rd Pickerington OH 43147 Panera Bread Covelli Enterprises (614) 342-7130 91 N. Hamilton Rd GahannaOH 43230 Wendy’s (614) 933-8644 77 Granville St. GahannaOH 43230 Whit’s Frozen Custard of Gahanna (614) 418-9599 121 S. Stygler Rd. GahannaOH 43230 PIADA Italian Street Food (614) 532-5073 4697 Morse Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Why not grow young? The Worthington provides chef-prepared meals from scratch daily, an enriching social calendar, the comfort of 24/7 live-in managers, an Worthington provides exclusiveThe travel program and chef-prepared much more.meals Why not grow young? AltSmoke Gahanna (614) 944-9160 1323 Stoneridge Dr. GahannaOH 43230 from scratch daily, an enriching social calendar, the comfort ofor 24/7 live-in managers, an more Call 614-933-8640 visit today to learn exclusive travel program and much more. about a fulfilling, independent retirement lifestyle. Call 614-933-8640 or visit today to learn more Welcome to Holiday. Welcomeretirement home. lifestyle. about a fulfilling, independent ©2013 HARVEST MANAGEMENT SUB LLC 18769 Welcome to Holiday. Welcome home. Retail Baskets by Bonnie (614) 501-4438 Bring this ad in for 5656 Westbourne Ave. savings up to $2,000! Bring this ad in for Columbus OH 43213 Be Social Dress Boutique (614) 934-5397 I nI nddee pp eenndde en tn Rt eRt ier et m i reenm t Leinv itn gL i v i n g 121 Mill St., Ste. 120 GahannaOH 43230 1201 Riva Ridge Court, Gahanna, OH43230 43230 | |614-933-8640 | 1201 Riva Ridge Court, Gahanna, OH 614-933-8640 | Costco WholesaleMarketing Dept. (614) 934-6230 3888 Stelzer Rd. Columbus OH 43219 Edible Arrangements (614) 532-6125 330 S. Hamilton Rd. #B GahannaOH 43230 ©2013 HARVEST MANAGEMENT SUB LLC 18769 savings up to $2,000! The Worthington The Worthington Bring this ad in for savings up to $2,000! orthington R e t42i r ment Living Expressions Floral Design Studio (614) 858-0444 1319 Stoneridge Dr. GahannaOH 43230 Gahanna Hardware (614) 471-9906 73 N. High St. GahannaOH 43230 Honey Grove Botanicals (614) 638-7809 GahannaOH 43230 Limited Brands H H (614) 415-7078 3 Limited Parkway Columbus OH 43230 Music Go Round (614) 473-0100 1329 Stoneridge Dr. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 34) Sam’s Club H (614) 476-0117 3950 Morse Rd. Columbus OH 43219 Style Encore® (614) 933-9999 4904 Morse Road GahannaOH 43230 Senior Services/Housing Interim HealthCare (614) 888-3130 784 Morrison Rd. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 33) Kensington Place (614) 252-5276 1001 Parkview Blvd. Columbus OH 43219 (Ad on page 2) Methodist ElderCare Services Wesley Ridge/Wesley Glen H (614) 759-0023 2225 Taylor Park Dr. Reynoldsburg OH43068 National Church Residences Stygler Road (614) 475-8778 167 N. Stygler Road GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 40) New Albany Gardens & Care Center H (614) 855-8866 5691 Thompson Rd. Columbus OH 43230 Otterbein Skilled Nursing & Rehab H (614) 981-6854 402 Liberty Way GahannaOH 43230 Patience Healthcare, LLC (614) 441-4447 750 Cross Pointe Rd., Ste. Q GahannaOH 43230 Rehabilitation & Health Center of Gahanna H (614) 337-1066 5151 N. Hamilton Rd. Columbus OH 43230 Stygler Village (614) 475-2255 140 Imperial Dr. GahannaOH 43230 Summit’s Trace Healthcare Center (614) 252-4987 935 N. Cassady Ave. Columbus OH 43219 Sunrise of Gahanna (614) 418-9775 775 E. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 The Worthington (614) 933-8640 1201 Riva Ridge Ct. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 42) Signs Great Impressions Signs (614) 428-8250 3800 Agler Rd. Columbus OH 43219 Litech Lighting Management Services, Inc. (614) 899-9640 3549 Johnny Appleseed Ct. Columbus OH 43231 Signarama of Gahanna (614) 337-6000 158 N Hamilton Road GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 40) Signs By Tomorrow (614) 478-6472 76 N. Stygler Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Staffing Action Total Staffing (614) 626-8820 620 Taylor Station Rd., Ste. F GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 31) ARC Industries, Inc. (614) 475-7007 2879 Johnstown Rd. Columbus OH 43219 Styling/Nail Salon Heads Turn Salon (614) 476-8876 265 Lincoln Circle GahannaOH 43230 Nail Addiction Day Spa (614) 476-4976 939 E. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 NV Salon at The Collection (614) 656-7194 1378 N. Hamilton Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Refuge At The Mill Salon (614) 478-3984 64 Granville Street, Suite 102 GahannaOH 43230 Synergi Signature Salon Gahanna (614) 348-8111 373 Stoneridge Lane GahannaOH 43230 Columbus Regional H H Airport Authority (614) 239-5028 4600 International Gateway Columbus OH 43219 (Ad on page 37) Cruise Lovers (614) 855-1537 941 Lang Dr. GahannaOH 43230 Gahanna Convention & Visitors Bureau (614) 418-9114 167 Mill St. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 35) Sassy Travel LLC (614) 475-1280 744 Fleetrun Ave. GahannaOH 43230 Veterinarian The Animal Care Center at Cherry Way (614) 475-7300 1353 Cherry Way Dr. GahannaOH 43230 Animal Medical Center (614) 755-4900 610 Morrison Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Gahanna Animal Hospital (614) 471-2201 144 W. Johnstown Rd. GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 31) Video Production SOH Productions H H (614) 523-3535 501 Morrison Rd. Ste. 205 GahannaOH 43230 (Ad on page 42) WCSN 32 - TV AFRICA NETWORK (614) 721-4000 611 E Webber Rd Columbus OH 43211 Sustaining Members Corporate H H H Diamond H H Emerald H Telecommunications AT&T Authorized Retailer (614) 470-5004 103 N. Hamilton Rd. Gahanna OH 43230 FutureCom Technologies, Inc. (614) 478-1978 474 Whitley Dr. GahannaOH 43230 Travel AAA Gahanna/New Albany H (614) 750-8350 5486 N. Hamilton Rd. Columbus OH 43230 Central Ohio Transit Authority (614) 275-5888 33 N. High St. Columbus OH 43215 Scott Robinson Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 43 Warehouse Web Design Bernie Cohen Venture (614) 944-9121 620 Taylor Station Rd. GahannaOH 43230 Electronics Automation Corp. (614) 552-4001 950 Taylor Station Rd. Ste. P GahannaOH 43230 Marketing Results (614) 575-9300x14 3985 Groves Rd. Columbus OH 43232 Sort & Pack, Inc. (614) 868-7678 650 Taylor Station Rd. Columbus OH 43230 Buckeye Interactive H H (614) 289-7900 8000 Walton Pkwy., Suite 280 New Albany OH 43054 Winery Directory Of Advertisers Company Name Page Number Company Name Page Number Action Total Staffing..........................31 KEMBA Financial Credit Union.........inside front cover Airfast Heating & Cooling............. 38 KEMBA Financial Credit Union....21 Banking in Gold-Karatbars Int’l.......................... 38 Kensington Place.................................. 2 Benchmark Bank.................................. 2 Lew Griffin Insurance Group.......... 9 Wyandotte Winery (614) 476-3624 4640 Wyandotte Dr. Columbus OH 43230 Workers Compensation CompManagement (614) 359-2403 PO Box 884 Dublin OH 43017 (Ad on page 36) Credibility • Commerce • Connections Longhorn Steakhouse.....................37 Columbus Airport Marriott................back cover Mount Carmel Health System........ 6 CompManagment............................. 36 Music Go Round................................ 34 Columbus Regional National Church Residences Airport Authority..............................37 Stygler Road........................................40 CPMedia & Marketing........................18 New Life Church................................ 43 Custom Air Conditioning Ohio State Otolaryngology...........19 & Heating.................................................18 Ohio State University Education First Credit Union........17 Medical Center..................................... 10 ExpressMed Urgent Care.............. 20 The Portrait House............................22 Findley-Kohler Interiors................. 33 Routte Law.............................................41 First Choice Logo Jeffrey P. Santilli, DDS..................... 34 & Branding Solutions....................... 39 Shepherd Christian School & Little Gahanna Animal Hospital...............31 Lamb Ctr.................................................22 Gahanna Area Chamber Signarama of Gahanna...................40 of Commerce.......................................44 SOH Productions............................... 42 City of Gahanna...................................15 SpringHill Suites Gahanna Convention & Townplace Suites.......................... 24 & Visitors Bureau................................35 Thrivent Financial...............................25 Gahanna Jefferson Public Schools........................................ 8 Toyota Direct.......inside back cover Gahanna/John E. Bickley Toyota Direct.......................................... 5 YMCA....................................................... 36 Upscale Resale Furnishings.........44 Anne Gonzales, VIP Casino Events/ State Representative....................... 20 Fiesta Sounds.........................................11 Hanawalt Exteriors.............................17 WesBanco............................................. 43 Interim HealthCare........................... 33 Wesney Construction.......................21 J Pappas Accounting Group....... 39 The Worthington............................... 42 400 Strong! Discover Your Gahanna Chamber of Commerce National study commissioned by the American Chamber of Commerce Executives ACCE, conducted by The Schapiro Group, find consumers are 80% more likely to buy from chamber members Furniture for every room in your house. 81 Mill Street, Suite 300 I Gahanna, Ohio 43230 I (614) 471-0451 I Join Today! 44 Stylish accessories. Reasonable prices. 57 Granville St., Gahanna I (614) 476-4070 We’re closer than you think! 640 Colemans Crossing Blvd. Marysville, OH 43040 • 866-645-4080 640 Colemans Crossing Blvd. Marysville, OH 43040 • 866-645-4080 We’re closer than you think! 'S O I OH L R A P O R T I O'S T N C E W E RS L O H T RA POR E T PO OR E N E RS C T S W 630 Colemans Crossing Blvd. Marysville, OH 43040 • 937-645-4081 PO ORE ST 630 Colemans Crossing Blvd. Marysville, OH 43040 • 937-645-4081 318 East 5th Street Marysville, OH 43040 (937)553-9030 A MARYSVILLE, OHIO TREASURE 318 East 5th Street Marysville, OH 43040 Lunch 11am-4pm (937)553-9030 (Tues – Fri) A MARYSVILLE, OHIO TREASURE URBAN FLAVOR ◆ RURAL HOSPITALITY URBAN FLAVOR ◆ RURAL HOSPITALITY TOYOTA DIRECT TOYOTA DIRECT TOYOTA • SCION Cocktail Hour Lunch 11am-4pm 4pm-7pm (Tues – Fri) (Tues – Fri) Dinner 5pm-close Cocktail Hour 4pm-7pm (Tues –(Tues Sat) – Fri) Dinner 5pm-close (Tues – Sat) WE’LL PUT A SMILE A SMILE ONWE’LL YOURPUT FACE! ON YOUR FACE! TOYOTA • SCION Morse & I-270 at Easton • 614-476-1979 Morse & I-270 at Easton • 614-476-1979 ••DODGE • •RAM CHRYSLER••JEEP CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE RAM Georgesville Rd. at Georgesville Rd. at Membership Directory and Business Resource Guide 45 the Automall the 614-272-0000 Automall PERFORMANCECOLUMBUS.COM 614-272-0000 PERFORMANCECOLUMBUS.COM
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