Business -


Business -
Endorsed by
The Business Continuity Institute, UK
Karachi: Tuesday, 14th November 2006, Marriott Hotel
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsors
Supported by
Silver Sponsors
Event Manager
Training Conferences Events Publications
Disaster can strike any business,
anywhere, any time. However, less than
a third of all organizations have
comprehensive disaster recovery plans.
An effective disaster recovery plan is
essential for mission critical operational
functions and support services including
IT and telecom services.
New corporate governance and
compliance regulations require risk
assessment and expect continuity plans.
Financial legislation requires protection
of assets by prudent planning; insurers
are increasingly demanding contingency
plans - and may reduce or decline
payment if plans are not in place; auditors
are increasingly insisting on disaster
recovery plans as well.
The Business Continuity Management
Conference features highly relevant case
studies to be conducted by the industry's
top practitioners. The aim of the
conference is to assist organizations to
prepare themselves to survive a
catastrophe. The conference will feature
wining strategies and successful tactics
for establishing successful business
continuity initiatives for continuous
business growth & sustainability.
• Share cutting edge insights from the industry's key players
Real world case studies and speeches from leading professionals
will give you an insight of the threats, businesses are facing
and you will share the ideas, which can revamp this situation.
• Know your neighbours
If you don't know who is operating in the industry, you are way
behind the gurus. It is always observed that the relationship, one
develops, in this kind of conferences are not only long lasting but
they also open up new horizons for the professionals to enhance
their knowledge and experience by the discussions that take place
throughout the conference. So don't miss out this unique opportunity
to upgrade yourself.
• Make your processes efficient and effective
This summit will equip you with the right tools, modern strategies
and new technologies which will bring radical changes to your
enterprise risk management and will make your business efficient
and your controls effective.
The Business Continuity Institute (BCI) was established in 1994 to
enable members to obtain guidance and support from fellow business
continuity practitioners. The BCI has over 2000 members in 50+
countries. The wider role of the BCI is to promote the highest standard
of professional competence and commercial ethics in the provision
and maintenance of business continuity planning and services.
This conference would particularly
benefit organizations engaged in:
Banking & Finance
Oil & Gas
Information Technology
Petrochemical & Chemical
Government Agencies
Relevant decision makers such
as CEOs, MDs, Directors, GMs,
VPs, Division Heads, Senior
Managers and other senior
executives from:
Business Continuity
Disaster Recovery
Crisis Management
Information Technology
IT Security
Risk Management
Safety & Health
of businesses that have data center
disaster go out of business in 5 years.
of businesses that have a catastrophic
event go out of business in 2 years.
of companies were affected by loss of
key people.
of companies suffered loss of IT services.
of companies suffered negative publicity
as a result of a continuity issue.
of companies were affected by flood or
high wind damage.
of companies suffered from supply chain
System failure is the most common cause of
catastrophic event.
In the event of fire, 44% of the businesses fail to
reopen and 33% of these fail to survive beyond 3
Source: Business Continuity Institute, UK.
Welcome Note
Ghazali A Wasti, BCI Representative in Pakistan.
BCM - A regulator perspective
Shamshad Akhtar, Governor, State Bank of Pakistan.
BS25999-1 Code of Practice for BCM
Ian Clark, Member Board - BCI UK
ROI of Business Continuity Management
Aamir Niazi, Director, BOC Pakistan Ltd.
Business Continuity of IT Enabled Services
Jorge Sebastiao, CEO, E-Security Gulf, Bahrain
Operational Risk & BCM
Horst Simon, Group Risk Management, Emirates Bank International
Other Speakers and Panelists
This conference
aims at enhancing the
capability of an
organization to respond
to the instances where
normally the businesses
cease to operate or
requires time to bring
it self back into
There are a number
of instances where
only a small income
generating unit ceases to
operate because of lack
of control or absence of
a safeguard. This reduces
the income stream of the
business and if the
situation persists, it may
not only effect the core
financial side of the
but also penetrate into
and damage the nonfinancial side of the
organization and the
reputational loss can
never be recovered.
As repeat business is
often the back bone of
every business, a
reputational loss reduces
this demand and the
income stream falls
below par. If the
organization does not
take preventive measures
to avoid recurrence of
the same weakness, it
loses out on vital
customer loyalty and
sustainable market
Dr. Shamshad Akhtar is the Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan and the first
woman to be named to the post. She brings with her an extensive experience in
policy-making, regulatory and legal issues of the banking sector. She has been
involved in the restructuring process of banks in South East Asian economies and
has interfaced regularly with the Bank of International Settlement on Basel Standards.
Ian is the business continuity management specialist consultant within the EDS Asia
Pacific Business Continuity Management organization. In this capacity he acts a
subject matter expert (SME) in all aspects of BCM. Ian brings over 30 years of business
and leadership expertise. Ian was elected as a member of the Business Continuity
Institute in 1996 and elevated to a Fellow of the Institute in 1999. Since then he was
appointed as the country representative for the BCI in New Zealand and was elected
to the Board of Directors of the Institute in 2002 and to a seat on the Executive
committee of the Institute in 2004. As part of his duties within the BCI he is the
incumbent Chair of the Standards and Compliance Committee.
With over nineteen years of Information Systems experience and six years of security
experience, Sebastiao brings experience, creativity, structure and innovation to the
E-Business Computing. As CEO at E-Security Gulf Group; he architects business
focused security solutions. Previously associated with Computer Associates Middle
East and Computer Associates Canada, he implemented leading enterprise
management, security management and several mission critical applications. Sebastiao
also authored a Consumer Credit and Information book titled " LA Face Cachee du
Horst Simon is currently Head of Operational Risk, Group Risk Management at
Emirates Bank Group, based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He has been in
commercial banking for more than 25 years and held previous positions with Barclays
Bank plc, Africa and Middle East Regional Head-Office and with the Standard Bank
Group of South-Africa Ltd. He has spoken internationally on a number of operational
risk topics, including; people risk, electronic banking risk and disaster recovery
planning. He has also facilitated Operational Risk training workshops for banks in
With twenty five years of business leadership experience in the USA, Japan and
Pakistan with full P&L responsibilities, Aamir's professional diversity includes general
management, strategic planning, corporate governance and human resources in
Fortune 500 companies. These include FMC Corporation, Sumitomo Heavy Industries
and The BOC Group. He is currently a Director of BOC Pakistan Limited, with
positions in other leading organizations as well. His Experience includes building
businesses around pro-active Risk Management and its direct linkage to business
Registration Form
Please register the following:
Delegate Details
Registration & Payment Options
E-mail or Fax your nomination(s) to:
E-mail:, Fax: 021-4546639
Organization Details
For further details:
Rizwan Ahmed Khan
Faraz Siddiqi
Contact Person
Company Name
Registration Note
Participation will be confirmed subject to receipt of payment.
Refunds are not allowed, however substitutes may attend,
provided you inform us in writing at least 3 working days in
advance. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, Organizers
reserve the right to cancel the event.
Payment: Rs.
By: Cheque
per participant
Continued Overleaf
Official Couriers
Pay order
Official Airline
Technology Partner
Lead Sponsor
In Collaboration With
Host & Organizer
The Media and Marketing Event of the Year
Media &
Conference - Workshops - Exhibition
3rd, 4th and 5th September 2007
Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi - Pakistan
Hilmy Cader
Global CEO,
MTI Consulting Worldwide, Bahrain
Event Highlights
Asad ur Rehman
Global Communications Director,
Unilever, UK
6 Powerful Conference Sessions
Thought Provoking Keynotes, Presentations and Panel Discussions
20 International Expert Speakers and Panelists
3 International Workshops by Marketing Guru Ian Ruskin Brown;
Google Inc.; and Cisco Systems
1st Exhibition of Marketing Services Providers
Cutting Edge Insights of the Media & Marketing Industry
Innumerable Opportunities of Networking
International Case Studies in Marketing
Hamad Malik
Director Marketing and Corporate
LG Electronics MENA
Chris Kinsville-Heyne
Global Media and Public Relations
Special and Exclusive Session
Dr. Madan Kataria
Founder, Laughter Yoga, India
Logistics Partner
Official Carrier
International Media Partner
Website Partner
Media Partners
Message for Media and Marketing Festival by
Mr. Mohd. Ali Durrani
Honourable Minister for Information and Broadcast
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
It is indeed a great pleasure to welcome distinguished and prominent national and
international speakers and consultants who are gathered for the mega Media & Marketing
Festival organized by Octara (Pvt) Ltd. It is certainly the first of its kind to be ever held
in the country aimed at promoting and reviewing the marketing profession and provide
guidance to the businesses operating in the industry.
In the current age amid the high competition among businesses to capture the market
share, only the enterprise with innovative techniques and effective marketing knowledge
can influence customers. The festival is rightly aimed at identifying those tools and guide
businesses with the ways and techniques to present their products and services in an
effective way to extract the best out of the industry.
The government created opportunities to transform the face of media in Pakistan and
has provided numerous avenues to organizations to reach the widest possible audiences
in all parts of the world. The Media & Marketing Festival is thus timely and relevant
for the Pakistani market. With this, I wish the organizers all the success for their future
events and hope the Media & Marketing Festival will be a regular feature on the regional
Word from the host
Dear Media and Marketing Professionals,
Intense competition on the international level, virtually unlimited choices for consumers,
glut of advertisements and promotions on all media! What can you do make your
products and services stand out from the rest?
This dilemma faced by our marketers forms the heart and sole of Pakistanís first Media
& Marketing Festival to be held in Karachi from the 3rd to the 5th of September 2007.
A mega international conference with some of the leading names in the media and
marketing industry, 3 international master class workshops by Marketing Guru Ian Ruskin
Brown, Google Inc. and Cisco Systems and an exhibition of Marketing Services Providers
are part of this festival.
The event is aimed at providing marketers with new avenues of reaching target audiences
through conventional and new media and extending insights and best practices in
marketing from expert professionals from Europe, Middle East, South Asia and of course
This is our first attempt in this direction and we hope to bring you a bigger Media &
Marketing Festival next year and in the years to come to celebrate the booming media
and marketing industry of Pakistan. .
We here at Octara take it as our responsibility to ensure a constant stream of international
knowledge sharing for all professional and personal development spheres for the benefit
of the Pakistani corporate, government and NGO sectors and we look forward to your
support in helping us bring in the experts of all fields to Pakistan.
Lead Sponsor
Converge Technologies is a mobile content delivery innovator, offering out of the box
marketing platforms which are based on novel telecommunication solutions catering
to the unique characteristics of the Pakistani market. Using the advantage of
communication technology, Converge can offer companies with customized solutions,
catering to their corporate or brand objectives.
Converge has launched some of the biggest entertainment brands such as Citigold Lux
Style Awards 2007, IIFA Awards 2007, ITCN Asia 2007 and Spiderman 3 in Pakistani
telecom space.
Its products enable the development of revenue-generating mobile portals and
downloadable applications for advertising, media, sports, complaints and entertainment
clients, including industry-first experiences for music, film, and television clients.
Seamless content management and delivery capabilities through a visually powerful,
intuitive interface, subscription and billing functionality, content management, automated
image and video formatting as well as advanced user management are part of Converge’s
range of services. With robust growth in the tele-denesity, broader market coverage and
declining tariffs, Converge can reach anyone who owns a mobile phone.
MMF Exhibition
3rd and 4th September 2007
Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi
The main highlight of the event would be the media and marketing exhibition
which would showcase vendors, suppliers, media channels and equipment and
service providers in a colorful display of exhibition stalls. The exhibition would
target over 2000 marketing professionals from leading advertisers and corporates
who would visit the exhibition and interact with service providers. This exhibition
would enable service providers, vendors and marketing channels to get a oneto-one interaction with their leading prospective customers and showcase their
products and service for a first hand display for marketers.
Potential Exhibitors
The exhibition would be most
beneficial for:
• Television Channels
• FM Radio Channels
• Advertising Agencies
• Design Houses
• Production Houses
• PR Agencies
• Printers
• Corporate Gifts and Giveaways
• Flex Printing Houses
• Hotels and Event Venue Providers
• Alternate Marketing and New Media
• Web Designers and Online
Marketing Companies
• Marketing Research Companies
• Call Centers
• Outdoor Advertising Agencies
• Other related service providers
• Unbelievable networking, business
development, and showcasing
• One-to-one meetings and
presentation opportunities with the
top marketers and companies of
the country
• Access to the greatest database of
marketers for future business
Benefits to Marketers
• The best vendors, ad agencies,
design houses, marketing services
providers, media organizations and
new media providers under one roof
• Discover innumerable options to
present your products and services
for targeted audiences
• Learn what your competition is
doing and study new avenues to
compete for market leadership
Benefits to Exhibitors
• The biggest gathering of Marketing
and Brand Managers under one roof
Selected Stalls
Book a place for your business at the MMF exhibition today and
get exposure to around 2,000 individuals that comprise the
movers and shakers of the marketing industry
For stall booking contact:
Akbar Aqil
021-4541353, 0302-8221024,
Tanvir Hussain
Cell : 0300-8266595,
MMF Conference
3rd September 2007, Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi
Key Issues
This landmark international gathering of industry experts will dwell on
the relevant and important issues of:
• Mega Brand Trends
• Engaging Diversified Media
• Brand Identity Switch
• Importance of PR in marketing spend
• Interactive Marketing
• New Media Environment
• Power of Media
• Confronting the Clutter - TV and Press
• Best Practices in Media Buying
• Laughter Yoga
Conference Speakers
and Panelists
Who Must Attend
Dr. Arif Ahmed
CEOs, Directors, Managers and Professionals engaged in Marketing, Communications,
Brand Management, Media Content Development and related services from
Javed Jabbar
Chairman, Citizens Media Commission,
Ruediger Koppelmann
Director Marketing, Procter & Gamble,
Mir Ibrahim Rehman
CEO, Geo TV, Pakistan
Duraid Qureshi
CEO, Hum TV, Pakistan
EVP - Head of E-Commerce, UBL, Pakistan
• Manufacturing Industry
• Service Industry
• Electronic and Print Media
• Advertising and Creative Agencies
• Media Buying Houses
• Marketing Consultancies
And all associated sectors
Badar Khushnood
Star Conference Keynotes
Shakeel Khokar
Hilmy Cader
Global CEO, MTI Consulting Worldwide, Bahrain
Hilmy Cader is recognized as one of the best globalmarketing and business
strategy consultants. He has worked on management, consulting, training and
speaking assignments in 42 countries. MTI is working with the TDAP to
reform Pakistan’s export strategy, structure and processes.
Chris Kinsville-Heyne
Global Media and Public Relations Consultant
Country Consultant Pakistan, Google Inc.
Syed Fakhir Jamil
CEO, Converge Technologies, Pakistan
Dr. Irfan Ahmed
Director, Yahoo Ad Sales, UAE
Michael Hansen
Director Products and Pricing, Telenor,
CEO, Ogilvy, Pakistan
Sohail Ansar
MD, Group M, Pakistan
Salman Danish Naseer
CEO, Media Logic Pakistan
Adil Ahmed
Sales and Marketing Director,
The Symmetry, Pakistan
Chris Kinsville-Heyne has worked for over 17 years as a media trainer with
over 20 years in public relations. Besides corporate accounts, he has trained
Government, NATO and UN Spokespeople including Prime Ministers.
Salman Abedin
Hamad Malik
Usman Javaid
Director Creativity, Contract Advertising,
Director Marketing and Corporate Communications, LG Electronics, MENA
Strategic Media Manager, Nestle Pakistan
Hamad currently spearheads LG’s marketing and corporate communications
department and leads a Marcom network that spans 78 countries in Middle
East & Africa region.
And others
Dr. Madan Kataria
Founder President, Laughter Yoga Clubs, India
Moderators and
Discussion Hosts
Known as the Merry Medicine Man, Dr. Kataria leads a network of over 50,000
Laughter Clubs across the globe. He has been featured on Oprah Winfery Show,
CNN, BBC, National Geographic and numerous international forums.
Rabia Garib
Neeraj Roy
Sidra Iqbal
Managing Director and CEO, Hungama Mobile, India
Neeraj heads, Hungama Mobile, owners of the two biggest entertainment
portals in South Asia, and Neeraj is on the Board
of the Mobile Entertainment Forum.
Asad ur Rehman
Global Communication Planning Director, Unilever, UK
Asad globally leads the Communication Planning discipline for Unilever’s
deodorants and haircare business. He adds harmony and value to these brands
across the world.
Qazi Fakhir Jamil
Chief Executive Officer, Converge Technologies, Pakistan
The driving force, Fakhir is responsible for running the company and setting
its direction. He has extensive experience in management positions in the
technolofy and telecom sectors.
Editor-in-Chief, Netexpress and Media
Consultant to the Pakistani IT Industry
CEO, Enteract and Celebrity Public Speaker
and TV talk show host
Syed Akhtar Mahmud
CEO, Brand Image
Hassan B. Rizwan
Trainer & Consultant, Octara
* Some speakers may not be confirmed at
the time of going to print
MMF Workshops
Innovative Product
Development Strategies
(B2B and B2C)
4th September 2007
Pearl Continental Hotel - Karachi
By Ian Ruskin Brown,
Principal, Ruskin Brown Associates, UK
Author, International Marketing Trainer and Consultant, Member of the
Chartered Institute of Marketing, Fellow of the Institute of Sales and Marketing
Management, Member of the British Institute of Management.
Ian Ruskin Brown is a Principal of Ruskin Brown Associates, an independent
marketing consultancy set up in 1983 in the UK. This consultancy continually
brings him into contact with a wide range of marketing situations in United
Kingdom, United States of America, Asia and Europe. Over the last 35 years
he has gained a wide range and dept of experience in marketing and in
Strategic Management.
Course Content
The need to innovate in any market spelled out:
Product Portfolio analysis,
3 The power of the Mckinsey Grid,
3 The ‘R’ Matrix introduced,
3 Succession Planning for Products, e.g.:• Replacement products
• Augmentation1
• Potential New
• Contingency2
• ‘Fighter Brands’
Appraising the Options for growth:• Ansoff revisited,
• Product Enhancement?
• Line extension?
• Product Positioning & Pricing
(inc.landscape Grid)
• Invigorate, re-vamp the current range etc.
3 The implications of the Product Life Cycle,
3 The 3 different types of innovation:Continuous Innovation,
Discontinuous Innovation,
Dynamic Discontinuous Innovation..
3 What these are and the implications
Ian’s business career has a strong bias towards marketing management in
the operational field and planning functions working for companies globally.
In Pakistan he has trained participants from UBL, Ufone, Mobilink, Habib
Bank, PSO, BASF, Dalda Foods, Tapal Tea, CDC and other organizations.
Course Overview
All products, be they ‘goods’ or ‘services’ or a combination of the two have
a finite commercial life. Whereas in the days of our grandparents a product’s
life cycle would be measured in several decades, today few products can
be expected to last more than five, let alone ten years, this particularly
applies in consumer markets, and especially in the IT sphere. Hence the
need for a constant stream of new product ideas to feed the need for product
innovation. In today’s markets especially, our motto must be ‘innovate or
This one day session will examine and explain the critical tools of Product
Innovation, Development, and Commercialisation, required by today’s
businesses just to stay alive.
Participants would be required to fill in a pre-workshop questionaire.
Who Must Attend
CEOs, Directors, Department Heads, Managers and Professionals involved
in product development, branding, marketing and related functions from
manufacturing and service industries.
Best selling books by
Ian Ruskin Brown
for your business.
Generating Potential new Products ideas
(for Goods and/or Services):
How many ideas does your business
require each year?
Sources of ideas - from:• Marketing Research (Qualitative &
Quantitative), and continuous data e.g.
MIS, CIS the how’s, why’s & wherefores,
• Problem Analysis (if appropriate), i.e. Gap
Analysis (want vs. got)
• Creative Techniques - examining the
relevant teachings of Edward de Bono,
Tony Buzan, Simon Majaro etc.
Screening the ideas:
Learning, and possibility analysis
The Interim screening and why
The 10 critical factors behind NPD success
Analysis of the financial model for
reality checking
Capital budgeting
The probable attrition rate of ideas to
Using Marketing research (mainly Qualitative)
at the start and the end of this process
The how’s and why’s of so doing
Test marketing:
The why’s and wherefores
The downside of Test marketing
Practical Internet Marketing
5th September 2007
Pearl Continental Hotel - Karachi
By Badar Khushnood, Country Consultant Pakistan, Google Inc.
Badar specializes in B2B & B2C online strategy development, internet & email marketing and brand
management with experience in developing and implementing: business strategies, project plans, and
negotiating formal business relationships. He also has extensive experience of working in multi-cultural,
multi-stake-holder and public-private-donor partnership business models.
His strengths include a strong ability with relevant experience to interact with stakeholders, customers and suppliers;
capabilities of recruiting, managing and working as a team of professional employees, skills at advanced ICTs (Information &
Communication Technologies) related project management & solutions consulting, in-depth local business & industry knowledge and
experience in Pakistan.
Course Overview
A full day session to provide a toolkit of
online marketing to companies who would
like to harness the power of the internet to
promote their products and services to the
widest possible audience at the lowest costs.
The session would explore various tools
and applications for marketers made
available by Google, Pakistan’s most visited
web portal, in a detailed overview.
Workshop Benefits
Internet Marketing with Google
AdWords (Part 1)
Make your web presence effective
Increase traffic on your website
Identify your target market
Reach your customers at the lowest cost
Benefit from unexplored Google Tools
Track your success on the net
Workshop Contents
Google Overview
Google Apps for your Domain
• Product Offering
• BYOD - How SMEs/Corporate
Can Benefit?
• Deployment Scenarios &
Backup Options
• Live Demonstration + Case Study
The Vanishing Mass Market
Why Online & Why Google?
Behind Google
Distribution Preference
How to Reach Your Customers
Learning the Basic Definitions
Learning the Account Structure
Identify Campaign Objectives
& Success Metrics
Identify Target Market &
Language (Live online)
Creating a Campaign (Live online)
Keyword Research (Live online)
• Trends & Zeitgeist
• Keyword Tool
• Negative Keywords
Keyword & Site Targeting (Live online)
Traffic Estimator (Live online)
Google Auction Model
Moments of Relevance
Internet Marketing with Google
AdWords (Part 2)
3 Sweet Spot
3 Trial Coupons
3 GAP Qualification
• Benefits of GAP
• GAP Requirements
3 Case Study
Online Presence
3 Degree of Stickiness
• Stages of Online Presence
• A Sample Website Audit
3 Communicate, Show & Share
• Blogger, Orkut & Groups
• Picasa & Picasa Web
• Calendar & Docs
• Earth & Sketchup
• Video & Youtube
3 Webmaster Resources
• Sitemaps
3 Track Your Success with
Reports (Live online)
3 Analytics (Live online)
All participants qualify for a
complimentary US$ 25/- Trial
voucher from Google Inc.
(Conditions Apply)
Who Must Attend
All managers, executives and professionals
involved in marketing and branding who
would like their products and services to
gain maximum visibility to the widest
audience at the lowest cost by harnessing
new technologies and the power of the
Participants are encouraged to bring their laptop systems with them this session
W o r k s h o p
Technologies for Media
By Cisco Systems Pakistan
3rd September 2007
Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi
An exclusive half day session for IT professionals engaged in the Media Industry.
By Invitation Only. Please register for invitations.
The Media and Marketing Event of the Year
Media &
3rd, 4th and 5th
September 2007
Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi - Pakistan
Conference - Workshops - Exhibition
Registration Fee
To Register
Conference 3rd Sept
Workshop Ian Ruskin 4th Sept
Workshop Google 5th Sept
1- 3 Participants Rs. 7,500/- per participant
4 + Participants Rs. 6,500/- per participant
Rs. 11,500/- per participant
Rs. 5,500/- per participant
Phone Octara
021-4534261, 021-4341353
0300 8275351 / 0302 8221024
For Group Discounts on 4+ participants, please contact
Rizwan Ahmed Khan (0300-8275351)
021-4520708, 021-4546639
Gold Pass
Silver Pass
Bronze Pass
Conferance + Ian Ruskin + Google
3rd + 4th + 5th September
Conferance + Ian Ruskin
3rd + 4th September
Conferance + Google
3rd + 5th September
Rs. 20,500/-
Rs. 15,500/-
Rs. 10,500/-
You Save Rs. 4000/-
You Save Rs. 3,500/-
You Save Rs. 2,500/-
Rizwan Ahmed Khan
Octara Private Limited
2/E-37, Block 6, P.E.C.H.S.,
Participant(s) Details
Registration for (Please Tick One)
Gold Pass
Silver Pass
Bronze Pass
Ian Ruskin
Gold Pass
Silver Pass
Bronze Pass
Ian Ruskin
Gold Pass
Silver Pass
Bronze Pass
Ian Ruskin
Gold Pass
Silver Pass
Bronze Pass
Ian Ruskin
Gold Pass
Silver Pass
Bronze Pass
Ian Ruskin
Organization Details
Contact Person
Company Name
Copies may be made for additional participants
Send Crossed Cheques in favour of Octara Private Limited to
Rizwan Ahmed Khan
Octara Private Limited
2/E-37, Block 6, P.E.C.H.S., Karachi - 75400, Pakistan.
Tel: +92-21-4534261
For Any Other Information Contact
Octara Private Limited
Tel: 021-4534261 / 4541353
Fax: 021-4520708, E-mail:
Registration Note
Your participation will be confirmed subject to receipt of
payment. Refunds are not allowed, however substitutes
may attend, provided you inform us in writing at least 5
working days in advance. Gold, Silver, and Bronze passes
are non transferable and only the person nominated may
atted. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, Octara
reserves the right to postpone, amend or cancel the event.
5th April 2007, Marriott Hotel
Training Conferences Events Publications
09:00 am to 05:00 pm
An engaging one-day presentation
to give you and your team winning
sales techniques
and h
e’s no
t alon
CSP, CMT, Consummate Speaker of the Year
2000, International Platinum Speaker since 1999,
Author and Recognized International Sales Guru
Farhad Karamally, CEO Navitus
Discover how you can ALSO
exceed your sales targets year
after year!
Official Carrier
Logistics Partner
Technology Partner
Book your seat today
Tel: +92-21-4534261, Cell: 0300-8275351 Fax: +92-21-4520708 E-mail:
The Sales Success Seminar
5th April 2007, Marriott Hotel
Bob Urichuck, CSP, CMT, Consummate Speaker of the
Farhad Karamally,
Year 2000, International Platinum Speaker since 1999,
Author and Recognized International Sales Guru
CEO Navitus
Bob Urichuck is internationally recognized for his work in the areas of
motivation, leadership, sales and team skills, and specifically for his "12
Disciplines" approach to personal leadership and his "ABC, 123 Sales
Results System"--a non-traditional sales process. He is a successful
entrepreneur, motivational speaker, sales trainer, salesman and coach.
Over the past 25 years, Bob's experience has taken him from door-todoor to executive boardroom sales, from product to franchise development,
from small business to some of the world's leading corporations, and
from Canada to international destinations, including Singapore, Dubai
and Pakistan.
Bob is a Certified Master Trainer (CMT) and Certified Sales Professional
(CSP) who also trains and certifies others through the Canadian
Professional Sales Association. Recognized as a "Consummate Speaker"
by Sharing Ideas News Magazine and a "Platinum Speaker" by Meeting
Professionals International, Bob is an accredited member of the Canadian
Association of Professional Speakers and the founding president of the
Ottawa Chapter of that organization. A frequent radio and television guest
and a contributor to publications worldwide, Bob is the author of Online
for Life: The 12 Disciplines to Living Your Dreams and Up Your Bottom
Line: Featuring the ABC, 123 Sales Results System.
• Dissatisfied with your sales results?
• Wasting too much time on nonproductive activities?
• Making too many bids and
proposals that don't turn into sales?
• Experiencing difficulties closing
the sale?
• Experiencing sales cycles that
take too long?
• Missing out on the margins &
profits that you need & want?
• Lacking a structured sales system?
• Wanting to be more confident,
self-motivated and self-driven?
If you answered yes to
any of the above,
It is a clear cut case of being professional and following a non-traditional,
yet proven sales results system.
Doing the opposite of what you may have been trained to do that is, if
you want to be different from most sales people out there. The difference
will be to get your customers to buy rather than you having to sell to
You need a system to help establish rapport and trust, to communicate
effectively and to develop and maintain lasting relationships.
Farhad Karamally is the
CEO of Navitus. He has
extensive national &
international experience. His unique ability to
relate with people from diverse backgrounds
& occupations is his core strength. It has made
him prominent amongst the management
practitioners in Pakistan. Farhad is a leading
inspirational speaker and change 'artist'
specializing in unleashing human genius
through Leadership, Creativity & Change
Management. experiences
"Farhad is perhaps the most spontaneous
trainer I have ever met. He connects with the
teams immediately & creates a very open &
conducive learning atmosphere".
Nael Ahmed, Country Head, Reckitt Benckiser Sri Lanka
"Learning is Fun & You Proved It!"
Ed Scannel (author of 15 books including 'Games
Trainers Play')
"Excellent! New Ideas! Clear orator,
kept up the interest throughout the
day. Established clear understanding
of the topics"
Air Arabia
"Despite the challenge of having to
speak to an audience coming from
diverse cultures and businesses,
Bob's candor and knowledge of
sales made rapport and learning
Reed Elsevier (S) PTE. LTD.
"Bob stimulated and revolutionized
the thinking of the team towers
Standard Chartered Bank,
Middle East and South Asia
"Bob's presentation was brilliant.
He brought in plenty of energy that
boosted our spirits both as a team
and as individuals"
Reuters Gulf
"Bob's sales training for our sales
and marketing team has made a
difference in the way they carry out
their functions"
Sheraton Towers, Singapore
The ABC's and 123's of the Sales Results System
Section A.
The Bull's Eye Attitude Selling from the Inside - Out
The world market is heating
up. Competitors are
appearing out of nowhere
and expectations are high,
especially from the top. In
today's market both the
business owner and
seasoned professional
salesperson have to be
producing at their absolute
best to stay up with the
industry leaders.
With this in mind, Bob
Urichuck has created The
Sales Success Seminar
which features his ABC, 123
Model, a sales results
system designed to help
business people develop all
the above characteristics and
skills. Bob and his team have
an internationally proven
track record in providing the
results that businesses are
Bringing you a Double
Whammy this exclusive
workshop features the
acclaimed Sales Guru from
Pakistan, Farhad Karamally,
in a team up with Bob to give
a practical view of Bob's
teaching in the Pakistani
environment and facilitating
the discussions throughout
the day.
Section B.
Bull's Eye Behavior Targeting Your Sales Effort
Why you come to work
What do you expect to achieve at work?
Targeting your sales efforts
Section C.
Bull's Eye Competencies - Hitting,
Penetrating and Staying on Target
Building Relationships
Qualifying Opportunities
Prescribing Solutions
Seminar Benefits
After attending this seminar, participants and their
organizations would find themselves
Aware of their target market
Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Satisfied with their sales results
Prioritizing, Retaining, Developing and Regaining their customers
Effectively materializing sales from bids and proposals
Easily closing sales and deals
Attaining the margins and profits that they need and want
Establishing a structured sales system
Going about work with a positive outlook
Business people today have
to be pro-active, highly
energetic, entrepreneurial,
self-driven and really
concerned about efficiency.
He or she needs to be
honest, sensitive, a master
problem solver and above
all, a personal marketing
genius with a win/win
You - The Bull's Eye Attitude
Your Bull's Eye Attitude Towards your Organization
Your Bull's Eye Attitude Towards your Market
National Sales Managers
Business Development Managers
Customer Relationship Managers
Regional Sales Managers
Sales Team Leaders
Marketing Professionals
Sales Professionals
Customer Service Professionals
and all those who come in direct contact
with customers be it from Industrial or
Service industries and selling on the retail
or corporate level
The Sales Success Seminar
Please contact
Muhammad Arif at or
call at 0300-8275091 for further details
Book Today!
Sales Success
Seminar Contents
Turn over for fee &
registration details
The World
Revolves Around
Buyers Are
What Are
To Help
Them Buy?
Relationship Building
Rapport Building
n Ma
Buying Motivators
Bob Urichuck with The Sales Success Seminar
Registration & Payment Options
E-mail or Fax your nomination(s) to:
Fax: 021-4520708
Send us your:
Name, Designation, Organization,
mailing address, phones, fax and e-mail
Send your cheque in favour of
“Octara Private Limited” to:
Rizwan Ahmed Khan
Octara Private Limited
2/E-37, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., Karachi.
Tel: 021-4534261, 021-4548428
Cell: 0300-8275351
Registration Note
Participation will be confirmed subject to
receipt of payment.
at least 10 working days prior to the course
will be refunded in full. If a booking is
cancelled 10 to 7 working days before a
course, a Cancellation Fee of 25% of the
course fee is payable. For cancellations made
within 7 working days, no refunds can be
given. Cancellations must be confirmed by
letter, fax or email. Substitutions may be
made at any time. Notwithstanding the
above, delegates may transfer to another
course to be run within 12 months
Octara Private Limited is an
independent enterprise and
a Business Information
Management company of
Training Conferences Events Publications
t h e Tr a n z u m G r o u p
specializing in Corporate/Management Training & Workshops,
Seminars & Conferences, Event Management, Publications
and Public Relations.
Octara has to its credit events such as the landmark 10th
Management Convention of Management Association of
Pakistan, the 10th General Meeting of the Asia Pacific CSD
Group, the Asia Pacific Telecommunity International Symposium,
Valuing the People Factor Conference, Excellence Award
Ceremonies of CFAAP, ITU World Telecom Day Conference,
first international OHSE Conference, and numerous workshops
and seminars with world-class speakers in Dubai, Karachi,
Lahore and Islamabad.
In the UAE, Octara has partnered with organizations like Etisalat
Academy for international and regional events. As a strategic
partner to Leading Minds, Octara marketed in Pakistan the
2005 & 2006 edition of the annual event "Leaders in Dubai".
Octara manages TCS Private Limited's acclaimed flagship
publication CONNECT, SHV Energy Pakistan's newsletter
AATISH and other designing and publication requirements of
Octara is about YOU, so help us help you find and nurture your
inner strengths and realize your business ambitions today.
Octara thanks its valued clients,
sponsors and patrons
In the event of unforeseen circumstances,
Octara reserves the right to cancel or
postpone the event.
Management Association of Pakistan
To receive this flyer by e-mail drop us a line at
To view reports on our past training workshops
and events logon to
Program Fee (Per participant)
Rs. 9,500 /Includes course material, Octara certificate,
lunch, refreshments & business networking
Avail a Group Discount of
10 percent on total investment on registering
3 or more participants from one organization
Management Consultants
Octara Private Limited is a company of
alongside the flagship company
Travel & Tours and other concerns offering logistics, visa
drop box services, air and sea freight, warehousing and
gift delivery services.
Sales Success Seminar
Register Online
Training Conferences Events Publications
Tel: +92-21-4534261, +92-21-4536315, Cell: 0300-8275351,
Fax: 021-4520708, 021-4546639, E-mail:
Taking Sales Professionals to the Next Level
CSP, Consummate Speaker of the Year, Motivational Speaker of the Year,
Ronald Reagan Gold Medalist 2004 & Pearson Prentice Hall author of 12 books
Michael A. Podolinsky CSP (Certifed Speaking
Professional) is a Passionate Sales
Professional. He has helped sales people SELL
more and his clients prosper and grow effective
sales teams. His specialized knowledge is
sought out over 6 continents in 29 countries.
More than 11 million people worldwide have
benefited from his inspiring message!
As a former advertising account executive,
award winning sales rep for the world's largest
printer, he is an experienced sales pro. He also
sold for America's largest telephone interconnect
company so in sales, he speaks from
Michael is the Pearson Prentice Hall author
of 12 books including ‘Marketing Masters’,
‘Mining For Gold TM ’ and 10 other works,
including: Go For Your Goals!, Winning At Work,
Smart Leadership, E-mail and Voicemail Tools,
From Stress To Success, The Great Persuaders
and The Great Communicators as well and
produced a 44 minute motivational video called
"Montai Magic... The Professional's Secret
Weapon!" and over 500 journal articles for
Successful Selling magazine, Life
Insurance Selling, Today's Manager,
Meetings & Conventions magazine, Training
Magazine and others.
Michael’s sales background and being on
straight commission for 27 years enables
him to teach real world sales, not theory. He
has sold both in relationship selling modes
and hard sales (cold-calling) for high ticket
electronic telephone systems.
Michael will teach you and your sales
people rock solid sales techniques they
can implement immediately upon leaving
the program as well as time tested time
management techniques to help them sell
so much more in the long run. The
motivational aspect will help them out of
slumps and give them an immediate jab
in the arm to go out and start selling more
He knows and lives the sales process as
well as underdstands the professsion
of speaking to persuade an audience.
“He will hammer home the 2 step approach and how to
deal with objections and close your sales”
600 + Clients Include
3M, Nokia, Citigroup, Maybank, Tyco, JVC, Toshiba,
Philips, BP, Shell, GSK, IBM, Mobil, Pepsi/Frito-Lay,
Seagate, Caterpillar Asia, Prudential, Arab-Malaysian
Life Assurance, Young Presidents Organization,
Singapore Airlines, Holiday Inn, Hyatt
Hotel, National Semiconductor,
United Nations, etc.
What Participants Say About Michael
"Entertaining and inspirational, you really DID double
our productivity and triple our effectiveness!"
“Our employees rated you a 10”
Southern California Gas
"The most dynamic, impressive, knowledgeable,
remarkable, magnificent trainer... YOU!”
Thai Airways
“Fresh, inspired, avant- garde.”
“Even after a heavy buffet lunch, there was no chance
for a ‘nap’ or ‘shut eye’ as you kept us on our feet with
mind boggling team building exercises. We were
psyched and pumped up, asking for more”
AAR International
“Michael really customized his program to our sales
team, helping us make more sales. He’s a great trainer”
BAX Global Pvt Ltd.
Learn how to take the
essential skills of today's
sales professional to the
next level and Sell MORE
and to Sell SMARTER.
Included in this fast paced
program are the secrets of
how to prospect more
effectively, how to get more
referrals using NLP and
other scientific tools,
getting better testimonial
letters, how to sell the
value of your product at
higher prices, how to stop
"selling" and start
"partnering", how to build
relationships, how to stop
leaving money on the
table, how to master
objections, how to close
more sales and how to
close them FASTER. You
can literally DOUBLE what
you are selling now and
learn how to keep yourself
motivated to move to the
next level in sales.
was also an
Award Winning
for the world’s
largest printer
11th August 2008, Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Karachi
Program Content:
• Precall planning
• Software and your notebook computer... the essential tools
for any sales pro today
• The #1 CHALLENGE for sales people & how to handle it
• Ways to gain more prospects
• 3 Keys to effective negotiation and how to control them
• The Art & Science of how to prospect more effectively
• Attracting bees to your nectar: How to get people to
come to you without you going out to find them
• First Contact: How to make a great first impression
using NLP and good old fashioned sales skills
• Two step appointment / sales approach to gaining more
accounts and more business (This is not new, but
surprising how many sales people have it wrong-do you?)
• Sales letters that SIZZLE! (Hot new ways to make
sales letters, e-mails and cover letters that sell)
• Stay in touch with prospects in CREATIVE ways
and within a tight budget
• Remember what your business has that no other
business can offer!
• Building rapport & asking the RIGHT questions at the RIGHT time
• Learn "Podolinsky's Master Sales Presentation Skills"
• How to get more referrals using NLP and other scientific tools
• How to get FANTASTIC testimonial letters and then how to use them
• The how and why you want to stop "selling" and start "partnering"
• Turning the Tables... 5 ways to overcoming Objections
• 5 ways to close more sales and close them FASTER
• Where to find your motivation when in a slump
• Sales Motivation! How to keep it running high!
Who Should
Sales professionals from most
business to business sales situations
and business people who sell high
ticket items to consumers.
BRING In-house
Sell More, Sell Smarter
These workshops can be customized to suit specific
needs of your organization at significant savings!
Please contact Muhammad Arif at or
call at 0300-8275091 for more details
Book Today!
To Avail the Limited Time Offer & Be Included in the
Speaker Special Event, Turn Back for Details
S e l l
M o r e ,
Program Fee
(Per Participant)
S e l l
S m a r t e r
1-4 nominees US$ 199/*Please Note - Program fee can be paid in
Pakistani Rupees as per the current coversion rate
Includes course material, Octara certificate, lunch, refreshments & business networking
10% Group Discount on 5-9 nominees
Networking Lunch & Coffee Break
This seminar will give an opportunity to business
professionals to network with their peer groups with
diverse industry backgrounds during the coffee and lunch
Limited Time Offer! (15% Discount)
Reserved Seating Area (15% Group Discount on 10+ nominees)
This is an open seated seminar. However, if you book
a group of 10 or more, you will have the privilege to be
seated in the front section of the seminar hall.
This seating is limited and is allocated on a first
come first serve basis.
Speaker Special Events (20% Discount)
Speaker Special Events (20% Group Discount on 15+ nominees)
This is a rare opportunity to meet face to face with Michael
Podolinsky, group bookings of 15 or more delegates can
enjoy the privilege of ‘private’ time with Mr. Podolinsky,
to chat informally and exchange ideas over coffee or
Registration & Payment Options
E-mail or Fax your nomination(s) to:
Fax: 021-4520708, 021-4546639
Send us your:
Name, Designation, Organization,
mailing address, phones, fax and e-mail
Send your cheque in favour of
“Octara Private Limited” to:
Muhammad Imran Anwer
Octara Private Limited
2/E-37, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., Karachi.
Tel: 021-4534261, 021-4536315,
Cell: 0321-2670041
Logistics Partner
Official Carrier
To view reports on our past training workshops
and events logon to
Registration Note
Participation will be confirmed subject to receipt of payment.
Octara Cancellation Policy
Our Cancellation Policy is activated as soon as an invoice is received by the
client. Due to any reason if the client is not able to attend the workshop/conference,
they may inform Octara Sales/Finance department in writing within 48hours of
the receipt of the invoice. In case of no intimation from your organization we
reserve the right to claim the invoiced amount. Cancellations made at least 10
working days prior to the course will be refunded in full. If a booking is cancelled
10 to 7 working days before a course, a Cancellation Fee of 25% of the course
fee is payable. For cancellations made within 7 working days, no refunds can
be given. Cancellations must be confirmed by letter, fax or email. Substitutions
may be made at any time. Notwithstanding the above, delegates may transfer
to another course to be run within 12 months.
Technology Partner
Strategic Partner
This one-day event will feature:
Stimulating panel discussions
Hands-on advice to write powerful resumes
Opportunity to meet with business leaders
Useful insight on job interviews
Insight on starting a successful business
Personal and career development tips
Provocative talks about the latest career trends
Discover untapped job opportunities
Hosted by
Knowledge Partners
Media Partners
Register Online
Tel: +92-21-4534261, +92-21-4536315, Cell: 0300-8275351, Fax: 021-4520708, E-mail:,
Octara is a firm believer in the immense potential of our youth given direction and the
right opening. In keeping with our tradition of introducing new dimensions to the
corporate learning culture in Pakistan, we are proud to announce Careers 2.0, the first
and most comprehensive event of its kind. It’s a premier conference on all aspects of
career development that is sure to change the way YOU approach your career!
This conference is all about learning the skills that make you stand out in the crowd
and place you at the forefront of the list of potential candidates. In today’s highly
competitive market, many a times talent is wasted due to the lack of guidance in areas
like acquiring interviewing skills that impress or the ability to showcase skills effectively
in a resume. Graduates facing failure often lose heart and do not realize the multitude
of untapped opportunities out there.
Careers 2.0 aims to address these issues by changing mindsets, challenging stereotypical
job descriptions and bringing to light the undiscovered career potential of offbeat
functions and industries. It highlights the need to plan out your career and thus launch
yourself effectively in the job market!
09:45 Welcome Address
01:50 Lunch and Prayer Break
10:00 A visionary’s take on Youth and Careers in Pakistan
02:50 Energizer
*Asad Umar, Chief Executive Officer, Engro Chemicals
Introducing the fun element to career
Saad Haroon, Creator, BlackFish & SHARK
10:30 Stand Out in the Crowd
15 ideas to make sure your resume receives the
attention it deserves
tips on filling out online
Tanvir Haque, Former Head, MBA & Graduate Recruitment, SCB
11:00 Tea Break
03:20 Untapped Career Opportunities
Become pioneers of emerging industries
and carve out careers in lucrative off-beat
Moderated by: Salman Abedin
04:00 Tea Break
11:30 Get Noticed - Be Heard
Interactive presentation with tips on giving job
interviews --- - live questions with participants and
practical tips for impressive response
Rahila Narejo, CEO, Narejo Human Resources
04:30 Self Assessment for Career Guidance
Learn to use career assessment tools effectively
to gauge how you measure up to benchmarks
and recognize areas for improvement
Saleem Qureshi, President & COO, HireLabs
12:00 Staying Productive during the Job Hunt
A high energy session on the alternatives to warming
the couch at home while hunting for work. We teach
you how to release hidden creativity using yoga,
meditation, mind mapping, speed reading and
stay connected using social networking
05:00 Leadership through Community Engagement
Explore diverse community engagement initiatives
and leverage your experience to propel your career
Nadeem Baig, Director HR, EMAAR Malls Group, UAE
12:40 Down but not Defeated
Failures as stepping stones to success
Salman Abedin, Director Strategic Planning, Starcrest
01:10 The Start-up Tips
A discussion revolving around the opportunities
for self employment and entrepreneurship, common
challenges all start-ups face, mistakes to watch out
for and success tips to make your first $ $
Moderated by: Hassan B. Rizwan,
CEO, Prymus Technologies, Consultant and Facilitator, Octara
“The most difficult part of
getting to the top of the ladder is
getting through the crowd at the bottom.”
Arch Ward
Syed Mustafa Kamal
*Asad Umar
City Nazim, Karachi
Chief Executive Officer,
Engro Chemicals
This is a rare opportunity of a special 25 minutes
session with business leaders. Register* to enjoy
the privilege of a private small group meeting with
a speaker of your choice.
Rahila Narejo
CEO, Narejo
Human Resources
Tanvir Haque
Former Head, MBA &
Graduate Recruitment
(global) at SCB
*Registration on first come first serve basis.
Only 10 participants per speaker will be registered
Adnan Asdar
CEO, Multinet
Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.
Amin Rammal
CEO, DiGi Space
Experience a new, innovative way of
rediscovering personal strengths and assessing
aptitude using
Sabeen Mahmud
Director, PeaceNiche
Complimentary trial offered by HireLabs
to Careers 2.0 participants
Nadeem Baig
Director HR,
EMAAR Malls Group,
Aun Rahman
Director, Acumen
Fund Pakistan
Career Sense is a revolutionary career assessment tool
Salman Abedin
that generates customized tests based on career choice
Strategic Planning,
and gives a complete assessment
of the user’s strengths and
weaknesses and suitability for
the chosen career.
Badar Khushnood
Country Manager,
*Ghias Khan
Careers 2.0 is a one-stop
solution to all career related
problems and the most effective way
to ready yourself to make an entry
into the corporate world with special
emphasis on how to strategically
launch your career!
CEO, Inbox Business
Azra Maqsood
Deputy Director,
Saad Haroon
Students, graduates, interns,
fresh hires and management trainees who
believe in self-empowerment and want to
create an impact at their workplaces Must Attend.
Hassan B. Rizwan
Creator, BlackFish
CEO, Prymus
Saleem Qureshi
Note: Unique Opportunity for HR professionals who are
responsible for career development initiatives at their
respective organizations
Head of HR, Aman Foundation
President & COO,
The Student-Corporate Junction
The interAkt Forum is conceived on the belief that a
knowledge-sharing and networking platform needs to be
established that connects the student community to the corporate sector.
interAkt aims to create a setting where you can learn from the experience of your peers,
hear industry leaders along with international & local speakers who share their views on a variety
of topics and talk about issues that concern you.
This interactive forum will hold regular events throughout the year in an open and candid environment.
We will raise pertinent issues, trigger ideas, introduce new practices and bring about
a convergence of ideas in our youth and corporate executives. We will help them
enhance their education, advance their careers, and build their networks.
*Participants of Careers 2.0 will be offered membership as Pioneers of
Registration & Payment Options
Send your name, designation, organization,
mailing address and phone to:
: 021-4520708, 021-4546639
Deposit the fee in any branch of
Standard Chartered Bank
Account Title
Account No
Octara Private Limited
Standard Chartered Bank
Main Branch,
I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi
Send a pay order in favor of
“Octara Private Limited”
Remember to e-mail or fax a copy of the deposit
slip/ bank receipt as soon as you make the payment
Muhammad Imran Anwer
Octara Private Limited
2/E-37, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., Karachi.
Tel: 021-4534261, 021-4536315
Cell: 0321-2670041
Registration Note
Participation will be confirmed subject to receipt of payment
Octara Cancellation Policy
Our Cancellation Policy is activated as soon as an invoice/ payment is received.
Due to any reason if the participant is not able to attend the conference,
they may inform Octara Sales/Finance department in writing . In case of no
intimation we reserve the right to claim the invoiced amount. For cancellations
made within 7 working days, no refunds can be given. Cancellations must be
confirmed by letter, fax or email. Substitutions may be made at any time.
per student
per corporate
Avail 1 free registration on every 4 registrations!
To receive this flyer by e-mail drop us a line at
Note: Only one discount offer is applicable at any given time
Marie-Josée Primeau
Managing Partner, Bionest, ME,
Vice Chairman, Canadian Business
Council, Dubai & Northern Emirates
Katrina A Prentice
Author, Speaker and
Strategist, UK
Zaufyshan Haseeb
Managing Partner
Intek Solutions, UAE
3rd April 2009, Marriott Hotel, Karachi
7 Excellent Reasons to Attend this Forum
1. Discover practical strategies to deal with the hottest
challenges you are facing
2. Discover how Emotional Intelligence (EI) can help you
at work – it’s not just for managers!
3. Create a positive impact at work to influence and
achieve results
4. Explore guidelines of Personal Branding and Professionalism
5. Learn the latest Travel Tools to make executive travel plans
easy and effective
6. Perfecting the tasks at the Executive Office with basic
Project Management tools
7. Add to your expertise with the achievements from a
success story of an experienced Executive Secretary
Ken Marshall
Sales Manager
Etihad Airways, Pakistan
Shireen Naqvi
Chief Executive Officer
School of Leadership,
Senior Associate Navitus, Pakistan
By Zaufyshan
Haseeb, UAE
4th April 2009, Marriott Hotel, Karachi
7th April 2009, Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore
Rose-marie Fernandez
Head of HR,
Aman Foundation, Pakistan
Hassan B. Rizwan
Chief Executive Officer
Prymus Technologies, Consultant
and Facilitator, Octara, Pakistan
Exclusive TV Media Partner
Logistics Partner
Achieve Professional Excellence to Meet Challenges at Work
Professional Excellence in today’s technology-driven organizations requires efficient and flexible responses from Executive
Secretaries, PAs and Office Managers with a skilled human focus. This one-day Conference of Octara is intended to provide
participants with the latest information relevant to their roles and highlight effective practices that will assist them in building
successful careers with professionalism enabling them to keep up with the fast-paced business world their bosses operate in.
Welcome address
Keynote Presentation: Step into Your Full Power
• Discover your personal leadership qualities to fulfill
your mission.
• Step out of your comfort zone to achieve your goals.
• Align your leadership with your best practices.
• Get ready to sweat and run the extra mile.
Marie-Josée Primeau, Managing Partner, Bionest, ME,
Vice Chairman Canadian Business Council,
Dubai and Northern Emirates
Using Emotional Intelligence to Manage Conflict,
Difficult People and Situations
• Using Emotional Intelligence (EI) in conflict
prevention and management – ‘Know Yourself.’
• Managing work related and personal relations
using EI – ‘Choose Yourself.’
• Make an impact and take ownership of difficult
situations – ‘Give Yourself.’
*Katrina A Prentice, Author, Speaker and Strategist, UK
Zaufyshan Haseeb, Managing Partner, Intek Solutions, UAE
Networking Break and Refreshments
Personal Branding and Professionalism
• Developing confidence from knowing
what makes you distinct.
• Perspectives, perceptions and image that
constitute branding.
• Exploring professionalism & ways of enhancing it.
• Barriers to professionalism.
Planning Business Travel: Travel Tools to Make
Your Planning Easier
• Managing travel plans & developing the itinerary.
• Sourcing the best bargains.
• Using external travel consultants – how to choose
the best one for your needs.
Networking Break and Refreshments
You and Your Boss – Working Together
In this highly informative Panel discussion, you will have
an opportunity to experience effective practices and
ideas on how you can develop a comprehensive
understanding with your boss and produce best results
in today’s challenging business environment. Possible
topics include:
• Agree how you can best work together.
• Add real value to your boss’s life.
• Communicate openly and directly.
Success Story - Achievements and Accomplishments
at Work!
• A highly inspirational talk by a seasoned Corporate
Executive regarding the achievements and proven
successful experiences adding a boost to his/her
respective professional career.
The Conference will culminate at this exciting session
which will keep your memories refreshed and give
you valuable insights as precious takeaways from the
Ken Marshall, Sales Manager, Etihad Airways
Positive Impact in the Workplace:
How to Create it, Maintain it and Use it!
• How do YOU stand out from the crowd?
• What impact do YOU create at your workplace?
• Pick up powerful tools from this presentation that
will help you maximize your personal impact within
your organization.
Rose-marie Fernandez, Head of HR, Aman Foundation
Perfecting the Tasks at the Executive Office with
Project Management Tools
• What is Project Management?
• The keys and tools to project success.
• The end of the project – what did you learn and
how can you make sure it’s remembered for next
Hassan B. Rizwan, CEO, Prymus Technologies, Pakistan
Consultant and Facilitator, Octara
Shireen Naqvi, CEO, School of Leadership
Preparing for Managerial Responsibility
• Clarify your role and responsibilities with management
and co-workers.
• Degree of delegation, scope and decision making.
• Delegating tasks to others.
• How to establish credibility as an influential member
of the management team?
• Handling of a working team.
• Maximizing each other’s talents, skills and strengths.
*To be confirmed
Maximize your potential as the “Power behind the Throne”
4th April 2009, Marriott Hotel, Karachi I 7th April 2009, Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore
Course Facilitator
Course Outline
Zaufyshan Haseeb, UAE
The role of the Executive Secretary
Zaufyshan, a gold medalist in M.Sc.Behavioral Psychology and an extremely
empathetic person, is dedicated to
facilitate people in improving their lives.
Zaufyshan had the opportunity of
experiencing education in a diverse culture in Singapore,
where she studied the method of "Imparting Education
Without Stress" in young formative years.
She has extensive practical experience of the corporate
world. Her prime areas are Stress Management,
Strengthening Women in Management, Communication,
Cross Cultural Trainings, Integrity, Self Development and
Organizational Behavior.
As per her belief, people sometimes limit their own progress
by building barriers and self-defeating prophecies and she
enjoys assisting them to successfully overcome them.
Her greatest strengths are in understanding the needs of
participants and helping them to achieve their objectives.
This workshop will equip your Secretary with the latest
computing and managerial skills and hence assist in
increasing your productivity, yet further.
What delegates have said about
Zaufyshan’s previous courses:
"I consider such exercises very effective. The environment
& the ambience created by Haseeb & Zaufyshan were
great. It allowed all the participants to be very candid,
open & provided everybody with a platform to be on equal
footing (leave the organization levels back at the office)."
General Manager, Alserkal Group, Dubai, UAE
"She used internal jargons very fluently. We never got the
feeling that we are sitting in an alien environment and
discussing just theories. I believe that there should be a series
of such sessions which will not only help us to get the true
picture of our objectives but also will provide the motivation
and skill to transfer the same into our team mates."
Plant Manager, OLNG, Oman
Key functions of your role
Mapping and defining your role within the organization
Expand your administrative management skills
to enhance your upward mobility
Effective presentation skills
Scheduling busy work loads
Organizational planning for yourself and your boss
Developing a workable and flexible prioritization strategy
Handling work pressures with confidence
Helping your boss to achieve their targets
Communicating for Results
Recognizing the different communication styles
Overcoming the common obstacles to effective communication
Problem-solving and decision making
The five-step time management plan
The dynamics of business and professional etiquette
Raising your personal profile and visibility
Managing Work
Time management
Managing stress
Goal setting
Prioritizing: the S.M.A.R.T. way to set goals
Maximize and manage meetings
Assisting your boss in making the right decision
Managing Conflict
Dealing with difficult situations - people and emotions
Finding an appropriate conflict management style
Ensuring that you get your point across clearly and effectively
Who Should Attend
• Executive Secretaries
• Executive / Personal
• Executive Support
• Office Executives
Office Managers/Assistants
Office Professionals
Professional Assistants
Zaufyshan has trained participants from:
"It was really valuable and provided me time to ponder
over the skills that I lack to break the success barrier."
General Manager, Mobilink, Pakistan
"Each and every minute spent and each and every word
delivered by the trainer was worth assimilating."
Sales Manager, Medical Publications, Greece
This workshop can be customized to suit specific needs of your organization at significant savings!
Please contact Muhammad Arif at or call at 0300-8275091 for more details
Sponsoring this event provides a great
opportunity to promote your company’s
corporate image, products and services as
well as creating greater market awareness.
To find out more about the sponsorship details
please contact:
Rizwan Ahmed Khan / Zain Alam Shamsi
Tel: +92-21-4534261, +92-21-4536315, Cell: 0300-8275351
Fax: 021-4520708, E-mail:
Registration & Payment Options
E-mail or Fax your nomination(s) to:
E-mail :
: 021-4520708, 021-4546639
Send us your:
Name, Designation, Organization,
mailing address, phone(s), fax and e-mail
Send your cheque in favor of
“Octara Private Limited” to:
Muhammad Imran Anwer
Octara Private Limited
2/E-37, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., Karachi.
Tel: 021-4534261, 021-4536315, Cell: 0321-2670041
To receive this flyer by e-mail drop us a line at
Adding value to the spirit of enterprise
Octara Private Limited is an independent enterprise and
a Business Information Management company of the
Tranzum Group specializing in Corporate/Management
Training & Workshops, Seminars & Conferences, Event
Management, Publications and Public Relations. Octara
has to its credit events such as the landmark 10th
Management Convention MAP, the 10th General Meeting
of the Asia Pacific CSD Group, Valuing the People Factor
Conference, The Media & Marketing Festival just to name
a few and numerous workshops and seminars with worldclass speakers in Dubai, Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad.
To view reports on our past training workshops
and events logon to
Registration Note
Participation will be confirmed subject to receipt of payment.
Training Partner
Octara Cancellation Policy
Our Cancellation Policy is activated as soon as an invoice is received
by the client. Due to any reason if the client is not able to attend
the workshop/conference, they may inform Octara Sales/Finance
department in writing within 48hours of the receipt of the invoice.
In case of no intimation from your organization we reserve the
right to claim the invoiced amount. Cancellations made at least 10
working days prior to the course will be refunded in full. If a booking
is cancelled 10 to 7 working days before a course, a Cancellation
Fee of 25% of the course fee is payable. For cancellations made
within 7 working days, no refunds can be given. Cancellations must
be confirmed by letter, fax or email. Substitutions may be made
at any time. Notwithstanding the above, delegates may transfer to
another course to be run within 12 months.
Technology Partner
Strategic Partner
An engaging one-day presentation to give
you and your team winning sales techniques
Course Facilitator:
Bob Urichuck
CSP, CMT, Consummate Speaker of the Year 2000,
International Platinum Speaker since 1999,
Author and Recognized International Sales Guru
• Dissatisfied with your sales results?
• Wasting too much time on nonproductive activities?
• Making too many bids and
proposals that don't turn into sales?
• Experiencing difficulties closing
the sale?
• Experiencing sales cycles that
take too long?
• Missing out on the margins &
profits that you need & want?
• Lacking a structured sales system?
• Wanting to be more confident,
self-motivated and self-driven?
If you answered yes to
any of the above,
It is a clear cut case of being professional and following a non-traditional,
yet proven sales results system.
Doing the opposite of what you may have been trained to do that is,
if you want to be different from most sales people out there. The
difference will be to get your customers to buy rather than you having
to sell to them.
You need a system to help establish rapport and trust, to communicate
effectively and to develop and maintain lasting relationships.
In Pakistan,
Bob has trained
participants from
What delegates have said
about Bob’s previous programs:
Section A.
This requires to be more creative,
innovative and aggressive in your
sales approach that will take you
among those successful sales people
who are truly driving sales growth
upstream despite the harsh
economic back current. With this in
mind, Bob Urichuck has created The
Sales Success Seminar which
features his ABC, 123 Model, a sales
results system designed to help
business people develop all the
above characteristics and skills.
Bob has an internationally proven
track record in providing the desired
growth results with the right attitude
for success! Thus just remember,
“sales” is all about
you and your belief
in yourself, your
organization, its
products and
services and
your market.
Section B.
Bull's Eye Behavior Targeting Your Sales Effort
Why you come to work
What do you expect to achieve at work?
Targeting your sales efforts
Section C.
Bull's Eye Competencies - Hitting,
Penetrating and Staying on Target
Building Relationships
Qualifying Opportunities
Prescribing Solutions
After attending this seminar, participants and their
organizations would find themselves
Aware of their target market
Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Satisfied with their sales results
Prioritizing, Retaining, Developing and Regaining their customers
Effectively materializing sales from bids and proposals
Easily closing sales and deals
Attaining the margins and profits that they need and want
Establishing a structured sales system
Going about work with a positive outlook
National Sales Managers
Business Development Managers
Customer Relationship Managers
Regional Sales Managers
Sales Team Leaders
Marketing Professionals
Sales Professionals
Customer Service Professionals
and all those who come in direct contact
with customers be it from Industrial or
Service industries and selling on the retail
or corporate level
Book Today!
Today, without question, most
salespeople recognize that they are
experiencing “the worst of times”,
but with the right strategy, skills and
effort, this can also be turned into
“the best of times”. Therefore, to
drive the desired sales growth, we
have to out-think, out-strategize, and
out-sell our competitors.
You - The Bull's Eye Attitude
Your Bull's Eye Attitude Towards your Organization
Your Bull's Eye Attitude Towards your Market
Turn over for fee &
registration details
An engaging one-day
presentation to give you and
your team winning sales
per participant
Special Discounted Package
*from the same organization
Includes course material, Octara certificate, lunch,
refreshments & business networking
Strategic Planning for
Business SUCCESS
Sualeha Bhatti
24-26 November 2009, KHI
Amer Qureshi
11-12 November 2009, LHE 8-10 December 2009, LHE
18-19 November 2009, KHI
E-mail or Fax your nomination(s) to:
E-mail :
: 021-4520708, 021-4546639
Send us your:
Name, Designation, Organization,
mailing address, phones, fax and e-mail
Send your cheque in favour of
“Octara Private Limited” to:
Muhammad Imran Anwer
Octara Private Limited
2/E-37, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., Karachi.
Tel: 021-4534261, 021-4536315, Cell: 0321-2670041
To receive this flyer by e-mail drop us a line at
Salary Survey and Job
Evaluation Methodologies
Course |
The HR Balanced
Rahim Shirazi
December 2009, KHI & LHE
05 November 2009, Lahore
Course ||
Registration & Payment Options
Winning Decisions
Creating ROI on HR
Effective Key Account
Ian Ruskin Brown
December 2009, KHI & LHE
06 November 2009, Lahore
Paul Walsh
Course |
The Power of Positive
Creativity and Innovation
for Business
December 2009, KHI & LHE
Baseer Sami
19 November 2009, Lahore Course ||
9 December 2009, Karachi Winning & Retaining
Assertive Writing
Customers in Tough Times
December 2009, KHI & LHE
Hassan Bin Rizwan
Sandra Reeves
24 November 2009, Lahore
8 December 2009, Karachi
To view reports on our past training workshops
and events logon to
Registration Note
Participation will be confirmed
subject to receipt of payment.
Octara Cancellation Policy
Our Cancellation Policy is activated as soon as an invoice is
received by the client. Due to any reason if the client is not
able to attend the workshop/conference, they may inform
Octara Sales/Finance department in writing within 48hours
of the receipt of the invoice. In case of no intimation from
your organization we reserve the right to claim the invoiced
amount. Cancellations made at least 10 working days prior
to the course will be refunded in full. If a booking is cancelled
10 to 7 working days before a course, a Cancellation Fee of
25% of the course fee is payable. For cancellations made
within 7 working days, no refunds can be given. Cancellations
must be confirmed by letter, fax or email. Substitutions may
be made at any time. Notwithstanding the above, delegates
may transfer to another course to be run within 12 months.
*Octara reserves the right to change courses,
dates, content or method of presentation.
Logistics Partner
Strategic Partners
After having attended this session, all participants will:
Understand the world of social media
Acquire important knowledge about the most famous social media platforms
Know how to create their own or their brand’s social media presence
Identify ways to use social media to develop a strong professional network,
generate leads and get referrals
Become aware of the ‘rules of engagement’ in the world of social media
Social media is the fastest growing phenomenon over
the last 3 years. It's a way for professionals to collaborate
across continents, for companies to reach out to their
customers and for people to build stronger networks
beyond their physical outreach. Social media is
becoming an industry with hundreds of new products
and services emerging every year. It is estimated that
by 2015, social media-related professions will feature
in the 10 most sought after professions worldwide. The
biggest misconception among general people about
social media is that its scope and value are restricted
to entertainment. Social media is evolving to be the
biggest facilitator for career growth, professional
networking, lead generation and project collaboration.
This seminar has been designed to share with you the
tools of the trade that one needs to start gaining traction
in the social media space. You will walk away with a
solid action plan to boost your career, build your
business and enhance your corporate presence, and
all that with the lore and gear to bring them to life.
This program is equally well suited for young & senior professionals
throughout the management cadre who wish to build their skill set on social
media marketing, uplift their social presence and translate it into results for
personal and organizational growth.
New Rules – The Changing Face of the Internet
What is social media?
The most socially-active platforms : Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
Using these platforms for professional objectives
Using Social Media to Build a Strong Online Presence
Key statistics and internet trends in Pakistan and the region
Fundamentals of building a strategy for interacting in social media
The P (people) O (objectives) S (strategy) T (technology) approach
to strategy creation
Building a network of ‘mavens’ and ‘influencers’ to increase your outreach
Social Media for Referrals, Lead Generation and Career Growth
Understand and identify your profession’s ‘online real estate’
10 ways to build and grow your professional network
Get attention and Gain traction within your networks
Capitalize on your professional contacts to put your career on a fast track
Hassan Bin Rizwan is an entrepreneur, management consultant and conference leader with detailed professional
experience in management consultancy and HR training both in the U.S. and Pakistan. Hassan is a social media
enthusiast and evangelist. Hassan is heading the international sales and channel development of HireLabs, a talent
assessment firm. Over the last two years, Hassan employed a social media strategy to build HireLabs’ web presence –
the concept of gaining real estate for your brand in the online world. Today, HireLabs has the strongest web presence
in its industry, out-competing the world’s global assessment brands.
Hassan is an avid practitioner of social media tools himself. With his presence
on several platforms, Hassan leverages his professional and social relationships
to gain traction for his personal and professional objectives. Learn more
about Hassan from any of the following platforms :
This workshop can be customized to suit specific needs of your
organization at significant savings. Please contact Mohsin Rahim at or call at 0321-2133409 for more details
Upcoming Programs Book your seat TODAY!
Course hand-outs, refreshments & business networking
Registration & Payment Options
E-mail or Fax your nomination(s) to:
E-mail :
: 021-34520708, 021-34546639
Send us your:
Name | Designation | Organization
Mailing Address | Phone | Fax and E-Mail
Send your cheque in favor of
“Octara Private Limited” to:
Muhammad Imran Anwer
Octara Private Limited, 2/E-37, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., Karachi.
Tel: 021-34534261, 021-34536315, Cell: 0321-2670041
To receive this flyer by e-mail drop us a line at
To view reports on our past training workshops
and events logon to
Registration Note
Participation will be confirmed subject to receipt of payment.
Octara Cancellation Policy
Our Cancellation Policy is activated as soon as the duly filled signed
& stamped Octara Registration Form is received from the client.
Cancellations made at least 10 working days prior to the course will
be refunded in full. If a booking is cancelled 10 to 7 working days
before a course, a Cancellation Fee of 25% of the course fee is payable.
For cancellations made within 7 working days, no refunds can be
given. Cancellations must be confirmed by letter, fax or email.
Substitutions may be made at any time. Notwithstanding the above,
delegates may transfer to another course to be run within 6 months.
Variance in the course fee will be invoiced or adjusted accordingly.
*Octara reserves the right to change courses,
dates, content or method of presentation.
Logistics Partner
Strategic Partners
Know your Country better
to be an even better Manager
and Leader.
Strengthen your Motivation
to make a vital Difference
to your Corporation,
your Community,
your Country.
Octara presents
An Interactive Seminar with Javed
19th May 2011, Marriott Hotel, Karachi | 9:30am to 5pm
7 hours with Javed Jabbar on what makes Pakistan truly one-of-a-kind.
Be a participant and contributor of your own views for a stimulating
journey on discovering and renewing Pakistan.
Hear Javed Jabbar's vision of Pakistan in 2047, 100 years after its birth.
Discuss deep insights into Pakistan's past and present to reinforce
confidence in the future.
Address with him the critical challenges Pakistan faces and the
possible ways to address them.
REDISCOVER PAKISTAN to better understand a unique nation-State
destined to play a significant role in world affairs in the 21st century.
Be challenged to take responsibility and assume charge for shaping
a great Pakistan.
The structure and content of the seminar enables each participant
to share in an informative, stimulating journey of discovery and
renewal which will empower them to make a beneficial
contribution to the work-place, to the family and to the nation.
Exclusive Offer!
Participants will receive
an autographed copy of
Javed Jabbar’s
Pakistan-Unique Origins;
Unique Destiny?
For Details & Registration:
Tel: 021-34534261, 021-34536315, Fax: 021-34520708
E-mail: |
Book your seat by 10 May, 2011 &
SAVE PKR 1,500
Register Today! See overleaf for fee & registration details
reasons why you must participate in this seminar:
Seminar Leader: Javed
Javed Jabbar has diverse interests in writing, filmmaking, media, international and national affairs
and voluntary work.
He is the husband of Shabnam Jabbar, an independent entrepreneur
and father of the film-maker, Mehreen Jabbar and Barrister Kamal K.
Thirteen books and monographs comprising his writings and material
compiled/edited by him on a range of subjects have been previously
published to highly laudatory reviews. “Pakistan – Unique Origins;
Unique Destiny?” is his first full-length book.
He lectures at leading universities, research centres and think-tanks
Seminar Fee
in Pakistan and in overseas countries. As part of his voluntary work,
he was re-elected for a 4-year term (2009-2012) as one of the four
global Vice Presidents of IUCN-International Union for Conservation
of Nature, the world’s largest and oldest environment organization.
He has served as a Minister in three Federal Cabinets of Pakistan and
as a Senator for a 6-year term. He has drafted several progressive laws
and policies including the PEMRA law which introduced private
electronic media to Pakistan and the Freedom of Information Law.
Several grass-roots development organizations founded/co-founded
by him include Baanhn Beli and SPO (Strengthening Participatory
Organization) work in over 2000 villages and communities across
Octara’s Upcoming Programs INVEST TODAY!
Improving Sales Performance through
Effective Sales Leadership
16 - 17 May 2011, Lahore
23 - 24 May 2011, Karachi
Jerry Brown
PKR 7,500/- per participant
10% Group Discount on 2+ nominees
Early Bird Discount
Book your seat by 10 May, 2011 & SAVE PKR 1,500
CRISIS TALK-Mastering the Language of Crisis
17 May 2011, Karachi
19 May 2011, Lahore
20 May 2011, Islamabad
Jeremy Parsons
Note: Only one discount offer is applicable at any given time
Fee includes Javed Jabbar’s autographed book, learning material,
CD of day’s presentation, lunch, refreshments & networking
Registration & Payment Options
Leading with Emotional Intelligence
18 May 2011, Karachi
20 May 2011, Lahore
9 am to 1 pm
E-mail or Fax your nomination(s) to:
Muhammad Adeel Khalil
E-mail :
: 021-34534261, Cell: 0300-8937513
: 021-34520708, 021-34546639
Mind Mapping for Business Success
18 May 2011, Karachi
20 May 2011, Lahore
2 pm to 6 pm
Graham Moore, UK
Send us your:
Name | Designation | Organization
Mailing Address | Phone, Fax and E-Mail
Leadership: Ethics & Values
7 June 2011, Karachi
9 June 2011, Lahore
Ramiz Allawala
Send your cheque in favor of “Octara Private Limited”
To: Muhammad Imran Anwer
Octara Private Limited
2/E-37, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., Karachi.
Tel: 021-34534261, 021-34536315, Cell: 0321-2670041
To receive this flyer by e-mail drop us a line at
The Leader Shift
19 July 2011, Karachi
21 July 2011, Lahore
Dr. Tommy Weir
To view reports on our past training workshops
and events logon to
You can access our quarterly newsletter online at
The Balanced Scorecard Strategy for
organizational performance
20 - 21 July 2011, Lahore
24 - 25 July 2011, Karachi
Octara Cancellation Policy
Our Cancellation Policy is activated as soon as the duly filled signed & stamped
Octara Registration Form is received from the client. Cancellations made at least
10 working days prior to the course will be refunded in full. If a booking is
cancelled 10 to 7 working days before a course, a Cancellation Fee of 25% of the
course fee is payable. For cancellations made within 7 working days, no refunds
can be given. Cancellations must be confirmed by letter, fax or email. Substitutions
may be made at any time. Notwithstanding the above, delegates may transfer
to another course to be run within 6 months. Variance in the course fee will be
invoiced or adjusted accordingly.
Capacity Planning & Demand Management
22 July 2011, Lahore
23 July 2011, Karachi
Alan Power
Strategic Partners
*Octara reserves the right to change courses,
dates, content or method of presentation.
Mpower (UK) Ltd.
Logistics Partner
with Octara on
social networks:
Ron Kaufman
Be Inspired
Be Provoked
It’s about Business
It’s about Service
A dynamic, lively and enlightening
program with worlds’s leading
expert in Service Partnerships
and Customer Focus
The Proven Path to Service Transformation for
Sustainable Competitive Advantage
21 April 2012, Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Karachi | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Diamond Sponsor
Gold Sponsors
All participants will receive a
complimentary copy of Ron’s
highly acclaimed book
Supporting Partners
Management Association
of Pakistan
of Pakistan
Media Partner
Service ICON
What goes around, comes around.
What you send out does come back.
Service is a two-way street. Life is, too.
• Author - Uplifting Service and 14 other books on service, business & inspiration
• Rated as one of the world’s “Top 25 Who’s Hot” speakers by Speaker Magazine
• Brings powerful insights from working with clients all over the world in every
major industry for more than twenty years
• Inspiration to leaders, managers and service providers in his high-energy
speeches and workshops
Ron Kaufman is one of the world’s most sought-after educators, consultants,
and thought-leaders in achieving superior service and uplifting
service cultures.
Ron understands that the only reliable way for a company to
achieve and maintain its competitive edge is to create a culture
that empowers every employee to surprise and delight customers
and colleagues with truly uplifting service.
Ron works with a successful clientele of government agencies and
multinational corporations. He delivers powerful insights and global
best practices enabling organizations to gain a sustainable advantage
through service.
“The results speak for themselves
- YTD Month 10 Revenue Growth
32%, 53% Gross Profit Growth and
52% Net Profit Growth.”
Xerox Emirates
“Ron’s energy and enthusiasm for
service leaps off the stage. We are
still talking about his presentation
months after the conference!”
“We created an action list for twelve
months from just one session. Ron
is way above other speakers in
impact, relevance and value.”
“Ron’s insights and experience are
unmatched. His ability to illustrate
new ideas with global benchmarks
and best practices is amazing.”
Johnson & Johnson
Ron is a regular columnist at Bloomberg BusinessWeek. He is the
author of 14 books on service, business and inspiration and has been
featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and USA Today.
“Ron Kaufman designs and delivers service
improvement programs for our management, country
offices, sales teams, ground staff, pilots and cabin
crew. He helps us keep our service flying high!”
Look who is learning with Ron!
One Day
Uplifting Service
Program Overview
In today’s global economy, customer expectations in almost
every industry are rising. What was once considered a perk,
bonus or plus is now a promise clients expect – and even
demand – time and again.
Uplifting Service Culture
Everyone agrees that providing excellent service is essential
for continued success in today’s competitive world. But too
often, many executives regard quality service as “the fuzzy
stuff” and don't know how to measure, manage or implement
it on a companywide scale.
Uplifting Service clears the fog and shows everyone, from the
C-suite to the front lines, specific actions and concrete steps
to fly over customers’ rising expectations and immediately
transform the quality of service delivered at all levels of the
Participants will learn how to build strong internal and external
partnerships with their customers, colleagues, managers and
suppliers while moving their teams toward greater progress,
performance and profits!
Who Should Attend?
This high-energy, high-content workshop will upgrade service
skills and uplift the spirit for service for everyone serving
external customers or internal colleagues. Appropriate for all
levels, from managers to frontline staff.
For immediate service improvement, register everyone on your
“A visionary on service.
Passionate, practical
and powerful.”
Federal Express
Build an Uplifting Service Culture for
Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Why an uplifting service culture earns
you a sustainable advantage
How to engineer your service culture with a proven
three-part architecture and implementation roadmap
How to align The 12 Building Blocks
of Service Culture to get more impact from the
activities you are already doing
How to track, improve and measure the value
of your service culture
Why a weak service culture leads to more
complaints, lower margins and higher staff
turnover – and how you can avoid these problems
Secrets of Superior Service
Keep your customers Happy, Loyal
and coming back for More!
Exceed your customers’ rising expectations
Stand out with excellent service mindset
Climb the stairs to unbelievable levels of service
Manage your customers’ expectations
Appreciate the value of customer complaints
Bounce Back! with effective service recovery
Shift from blame and shame to taking
personal responsibility
See the world from customers’
point of view
21 April 2012, Karachi
Program Investment
PKR 30,000/-
Join the
per participant
10% Group Discount
on 3 or more nominees
Special Group Packages
Special Packages available for registrations
in Bulk. Contact us for more information.
Branded Courseware, Complimentary
Book, Participation Certificate,
Lunch and Refreshments.
Complimentary Passes
Easy Ways to Register
Utilize the maximum of your sponsorship investment and
have your clients, employees and prospects attend
a one of its kind service event.
Position Your Company Brand
Octara Private Limited
2/E-37, Block-6,
P.E.C.H.S., Karachi.
A confirmation letter/e-mail
and invoice will be sent upon
receipt of your registration.
Note: Full payment must be received in
advance to confirm enrollment.
Send your cheque in favor of
“Octara Private Limited”
To: Muhammad Imran Anwer
Octara Private Limited
2/E-37, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., Karachi.
Tel : 021-34534261, 021-34536315
Cell : 0321-2670041
Connect your brand with Ron Kaufman’s globally acclaimed
service program to mark a strong competitive footprint.
Media Campaigns And Promotions
Hit the news with exclusive media campaigns and
promotions for the event.
New Sales Leads
Showcase your products or services either by exhibiting or taking
part in the program to meet key strategy execution decision makers.
Build Customer Loyalty
Face to face contact at conferences cements your position as
a market leader and helps develop client loyalty.
Brokering New Business Partnerships
Partner with delegates or other sponsors to deliver more
compelling solutions to your clients.
Contact us for details on tailored
sponsorship packages to meet your needs on
021-34548428, 111-002-004 OR,