August 2015 Newsletter - Chambersburg Memorial YMCA
August 2015 Newsletter - Chambersburg Memorial YMCA
BACK TO SCHOOL BACK TO FITNESS CHAMBERSBURG MEMORIAL YMCA NO ONE FAILS AT THE Y! Connect with the Chambersburg Memorial YMCA through Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Labor Day - YMCA Closed Session 6 Begins Volleyball Leagues Begin Sprint Triathlon Walleyball League Begins MTeC Adventure Race September 7th September 8th September 14th September 26th October 1st October 25th FALL, WINTER AND SPRING HOURS OF OPERATION The Chambersburg YMCA’s Fall, Winter and Spring hours of operation will begin on Monday, September 14, 2015 and will be in effect until Saturday, May 28, 2016. To view the Fall, Winter and Spring hours of operation please click here. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Employment Application Youth Counselor Lifeguards The Y is seeking qualified lifeguards to work various shifts. Lifeguards should have current certifications plus CPR for the professional rescuer certifications. If interested in this position, please contact Angi Johnson at 717-263-8508 ext. 127 or email The Y is hiring part-time staff for its Before & After School program. Staff supervises youth, as well as helps with homework, organizes gym games and plans activities for children in grades K-5. Applicants preferably have experience with children, but those working on degrees in education are encouraged to apply! Hours are Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Applicants can work all shifts or whichever shifts correspond with their schedules. Preschool Teachers The ARK Child Development Center is seeking qualified lead and assistant teacher applicants. Contact Melanie Cook at or 717-446-0533 for more information. YOUTH DEVELOPMENT IS OUR GOAL FRIENDLY COMPETITION AMONGST COWORKERS YOUTH SOCCER Chambersburg YMCA Corporate Soccer League Saturdays at 10:00 AM From September 12 - October 24 Begins Wednesday, September 16th This program allows children ages 4 to 6 to receive foundational soccer skills as well as participate in games that encourage cooperation rather than competition. Games held on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 PM and 6:30 PM To view the brochure/ registration form, please click here. For more information, please contact Daniel Shoap at 717-263-8508 or To view the registration form, please click here. For more information, please contact Chris Misner at 717-263-8508 or TheThe YMCA WANTS YOU YMCA WANTS YOU totobebethe the next next MTeCCHAMPION! CHAMPION! MTeC on October 25th, 2015 on October 25th, 2015 Challenge Yourself allenge yourself Challenge Others Challenge others DON’T KNOCK IT TILL YOU “TRI” IT Chambersburg YMCA Sprint Triathlon Saturday, September 26, 2015 Test your swimming skills in the YMCA pools and run and bike your way through the scenic farmland of the Chambersburg area. To view the registration form and for more information, please click the icon below. Prove your skills in running, biking, and paddling against other asrunning, you compete for the infamous Prove yourteams skills in biking, and paddling against other teams you of compete for the infamous MTeCasrock champions!!!!! MTeC Rock of Champions!!!!! Registration ends October 2, 2015 Registration ends October 2, 2015 For more information and to view the registration form, please click here. *Please register by Monday, September 21st* FRIDAY NIGHT OUT! 2015 - 2016 What are you doing Friday Night?!? At the YMCA, students ages 6 to 12 can come and enjoy a time to unwind after a week at school. We offer dinner, swimming and cooperative gym gaming. Come on out to the Chambersburg Memorial YMCA from 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM for Friday Night Out!! For program dates, please click here. For more information, please contact Jonathan de Salis at 717-263-8508 or WELCOMING A NEW STAFF MEMBER TO THE TEAM Jonathan de Salis is a new Youth Director at the Chambersburg Memorial YMCA. Jonathan holds a Bachelor of Music degree from West Chester University of Pennsylvania in Music Education with a concentration in voice. While at West Chester University, Jon participated in many music ensembles and led one of the campus ministry organizations. When he was on winter or summer break from college, he worked part-time for the YMCA Summer Camp & BASFC programs and has just finished his fifth summer with the YMCA. Jonathan will now be responsible for three of the BASFC sites (Grandview, Guilford Hills and Scotland), family programming and Friday Night Out. He is looking forward to growing with the students and families at the YMCA while teaching them about the fine arts. Jonathan enjoys singing, playing piano for the worship team at his church, reading, hiking and the Steelers. WE SET IT UP FOR YOU TO SPIKE IT DOWN! CAN YOU DIG THIS CHAMBERSBURG YMCA WALLYBALL LEAGUE Reg iste r To d ay Chambersburg YMCA Volleyball League Begins Monday, September 14 Men’s Division Co-Ed A Division Co-Ed B Division Starts Thursday, October 1, 2015 Matches will be held at the Chambersburg YMCA on Thursdays at 6:30pm Co-Ed league with a 4 v 4 format (must have 2 females on the court) Team fee: $50.00 Individual Fee: Member-Free Non-member $25.00 Contact Chris Misner at for additional information To view the registration form, please click here. For more information, please contact Chris Misner at 717-263-8508 or Swim Lesson Graduates Aqua tots Caleb Atherton Owen Esposito Intro to Skippers Sophia Beegle Ryan Boardman Jonas Burkholder Ryan Lesher Ray Diego Plaza Raven Rockwell Charles Smith Rozalyn Cohen Pike Leena Amlah Praneet Borkar Miriam Dick Shelby Dick Cheyenne Eby Caleb Gaimey Brody Peterson Hudson Rager Nathan Weis Journey Wright Guppy Kyle Boardman Cooper Carbaugh Kamryn Gee Eva Medina Hailee Swartz Dylan Peters Kiley Milesky Gloria Pope Camryn Richardson Caliegh Welsh Polliwog Jaxson Bostik Christian Burkholder Journey Coons Diana Devere Elizabeth Dick Miranda Dick Rachel Fredrick Nache Hunter Grant Lehman Sabeen Safi Yazaan Safi Reese Schaffer Morgan Shaffer Foster Santoriello Christianna Small Kattarina Smal Addelyn Shubert Esmund Wu Raymond Wu Minnow Brynn Sekel George Webster Trinity Coons Peyton Richardson Eel FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Preschool Discovery Center Register Now For The 2015 - 2016 School Year! Activities will focus on a variety of skills, including early reading, writing and math concepts, art projects, science experiments, music, gym, field trips and much more. YMCA Preschool Swimming Lessons are incorporated into the weekly curriculum. Three Year Old Class Four & Five Year Old Class Tuesdays and Thursdays Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM To view the registration form, please click here. For additional information, please contact Rachel Hile at 717-263-8508 or CHAMBERSBURG CHARGERS STRONG SWIMMERS START HERE Registration Night is August 27th at 6:00 PM Swim Lessons For All Ages Swim Team Begins September 14th Session 6: September 8 - October 24 Session 7: October 26 - December 12 session dates Try the Charger swim team with no financial obligation. Two week no obligation trial Monday & Wednesday nights from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM, Sept 14-23. To view the Competitive Aquatics Program Sheet, please click here. To view the Chambersburg Chargers website, please click here. To view the Swim Lesson Program Sheet, please click the icon above. For more information, please contact Anthony Addlesberger at 717-263-8508 or For more information, please contact the Aquatics Director, Angi Johnson, at 717-263-8508 or DIVING LESSONS September 21st - October 29th Mondays and Thursdays 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM To view the Competitive Aquatics Program Sheet, please click here. For more information, please contact Angi Johnson at 717-263-8508 or FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT DEDICATED TO TODAY’S YOUTH Before and After School Fun Club Registration is now open for the 2015-2016 school year. Before and After School Teen Club All locations provide quality supervision and homework assistance, recreation, socialization and a snack. YMCA Location Serves the Following Elementary Schools: Registration is now open for the 2015-2016 school year. • • • • Andrew Buchanan, Falling Spring and Stevens Homework Assistance Physical Activities Socialization with Peers Arts and Crafts Satellite Locations Include: Ben Chambers, Fayetteville, Grandview, Guilford Hills, Hamilton Heights, New Franklin, Scotland and South Hamilton To view the registration form for the YMCA location, please click here. Please contact Daniel Shoap at 717-263-8508 or for more information. To view the registration form for the satellite locations, please click here. For additional information, please contact Jennifer Gossert at 717-263-8508 or To view the registraiton form, please click here. SERVING UP SOME YOUTH DEVELOPMENT CHAMBERSBURG YMCA YOUTH VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE Program starts with a clinic on Saturday, September 26th League begins on Saturday, October 3rd Saturdays from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM HEALTH SCREENINGS FOR HEALTHIER LIVING On September 14th from 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM, a Chambersburg Hospital Representative will be providing blood pressure testing at no charge to YMCA members. The testing will occur outside the fitness center and is a great opportunity for members to receive a quick reading of their blood pressure. This convenient testing opportunity is another way the YMCA is improving the community through healthy living. 2015 Mason Dixon Heart & Stroke Walk Sunday, September 27th Greencastle Antrim Elementary School To view the brochure/registration form, please click here. For more information, please contact Chris Misner at 717-263-8508 or The Chambersburg YMCA will be entering a team into this year’s Mason Dixon Heart & Stroke Walk. The Y is encouraging members to join the team and help support this great cause. All proceeds will be used to support The American Heart Association in their fight against heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. If interested in the joining the YMCA Heart Walk Team, please contact Chris Misner at 717-263-8508 or TOUR D’EXPRESSO CHAMPIONS During the month of July, Interactive Fitness hosted the Top 100 3rd Annual Tour d'Expresso challenge on our Expresso Bikes. Congratulations to our team champions Laszlo Madaras, Kevin Sanders, Angela Johnson and Johna Bolinger. Together they completed 2,547 miles and burned 106,076 calories. Way to go team!! ATTENTION! Walker Pool Closed Walker Pool is closed due to maintenance and improvements. The maintenance and improvements consist of installing a Paddock Pool Evacuator system. This system will ensure better air quality in the natatorium area for all to enjoy. The pool is tentatively scheduled to reopen September 8th. DON’T GIVE UP, PUSH UP! Through the month of July, the YMCA fitness center held a push-up competition which measured how many pushups one can do without any pause or break. The women did it in modified (knees). Both genders were required to bend 90 degrees at their elbows. Champion’s Statistics Miles: Calories: Points: Guest Tour: 2,547 106,076 400 n/a Miles / Bike: Calories / Bike: Points / Bike: Score: 637 26,519 100 2,381,332 Megan Arnold won the female division with 46 push-ups and Zachary Stinson won the male division with 95 pushups. Congratulations to the winners for putting up these impressive numbers.
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