2014 Spring Issue - Chambersburg Road Runners Club
2014 Spring Issue - Chambersburg Road Runners Club
CRRC Tim Fisler Out ‘N Back Chambersburg Road Runners Club Spring Issue 2014 March 8 provided beautiful weather for 191 finishers at the 35th running of the Chambersburg Half Marathon. Chambersburg’s longest-running race featured runners from as far away as Las Vegas and San Antonio. Race director, Mike Hayduk, and assistants, Pete Fleury and Chris Monheim, worked to make the race a success! CRRC offers a special thanks to all the volunteers who aided runners before, during, and after the race. The 36th annual Chambersburg Half is scheduled for March 7, 2015. Early, discounted registration information is available at http:// www.chambersburgrrctest. org/images/2014_crrc_half_ flier_3_11.pdf Former CRRC president and founding member, Chuck Lesher died on March 3, 2014. He started the Chambersburg Half Marathon, which began with a moment of silence in his honor. Chuck was 93 years old and was married to his wife, Marion, for 72 years. They had been friends since 1st grade. The CRRC has made a memorial contribution to First Lutheran Church. His obituary is at http:// www.legacy.com/obituaries/ publicopiniononline/obituary. aspx?pid=169988497 The Chambersburg Half is the harbinger of the racing season. Mark some races on your calendar and start your training! See you at the races! Finish well, Tim Fisler http://www.chambersburgrrc.org/ 1 CRRC Out ‘N Back Chambersburg Road Runners Club Spencer Dann Bill Dann, a local runner and a CRRC Board Member, has quite the running resume. He recently qualified for Boston, has trained with Mercury Endurance, logs 60 miles a week and co-directs the Tom Ausherman Summer Runs with Brian Mount. Many folks would guess he started training at a young age, a lifer in the running world. In fact his real training began in 2008 when his daughter Carolyn, joined the Junior High Cross-Country team. She asked her father to take her to the Ausherman Series Summer runs. Bill decided to join in and run while he was there. He ended up walking half way through the 2-mile run. This small beginning set the foundation for greater distances, faster times and a life’s passion that has seeped into every member of his family. Young Carolyn not only inspired her father but her younger brother Spencer. Spencer Dann is a junior at Chambersburg Area High School and a member of the school’s track and field and cross-country teams. This spring season Spencer will be competing in the 800m and 1600m distances. He is also working on the 3200m but it is not his favorite event. He has had the opportunity to work with world-class coaches like Chris Monheim, John Ambrosio and Steve Spence. Running is a major part of his young life, logging 30-50 miles a week plus speed workouts. He explains, “I run because being healthy and fit is very important to me.” This seems to be a theme within the Dann family. Spencer has balanced his passions with running with his other interest including music, astrophysics and strength training. Spencer plays the drums, piano, guitar and harmonica focusing on music from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. His love stems from their diversity and song writing ability. His favorite artists are the Beatles and Billy Joel. In a time of suppressing technology demands for work and school, Spencer steers away from social media. He does not subscribe to any social media including Facebook. He finds Facebook and the alike to be a waste of time. Perhaps this habit frees up his time to research space, the cosmos and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. He is considering these interests for his life’s work. As with many busy families that are juggling schedules of work, school, training and extra-curricular activities, the Dann family finds more time to train together during the summer. Last summer, Spencer completed Coach Ambrosio’s 500-mile challenge in which the athletes log 500 miles between June 1st and August 31st. On the last day of the summer, Bill and Spencer set out to complete the last 7 miles of the 500-mile challenge. The day was estremely hot, near the upper 90’s, with little shade on the route but the father and son ticked off the final miles together. Training Tips from Spencer: “Run often but also eat healthy. Listen to music everyday.” Training Tips from Bill: “Try interval workouts on the road. ” http://www.chambersburgrrc.org/ 2 CRRC Out ‘N Back Chambersburg Road Runners Club Chambersburg Half I now feel kind of silly for going on and on in the last newsletter about how special the Chambersburg Half Marathon is to me. weekend several club members and I spent in Florida this winter. (That actually was the weekend my hip started hurting.) Because this year, for the first time in ages, I ended up not even being there. Ron Kelly, Dan Knepper, Tim Schuler, Matt Elgin and I went to Pensacola for the Double Bridge 15K -- a scenic, point-to-point race on Feb. 1 with a sold-out field of about 2,500 runners. The idea was to get away, have some laughs, run a race and drink some beer -- in no particular order. It was a smashing success, as we also managed to flex some Chambersburg muscle a long way from home. I can use the excuse that my boys’ last basketball game of the season was that morning at the Hagerstown YMCA. I also can use the excuse that I’ve been injured. My right hip hurts. As I write this, I haven’t run in about six weeks, and I’m not sure when I’ll start again. It’s frustrating. Six weeks off and I hardly even feel like a runner anymore. In fact, I almost don’t even feel like running anymore, or even writing this piece about running for a running newsletter. Running just isn’t as simple as it’s supposed to be sometimes. My plan was just to write something simple about the long Schuler, Elgin and I swept the top three Masters spots, as all three of us were separated by only 11 seconds at the finish. Kelly placed fifth out of 125 in his age group, and Knepper switched to the 5K because he was ailing a bit and placed third in his age group in that race. … Then we really cashed in after Knepper figured out how to make counterfeit tickets for the post-race beer. And the good times continued to roll. My hip was just starting to bother me then, but it didn’t matter because I was having fun. And it really shouldn’t matter now because there’s more fun to be had. It’s all part of the game. You run hard, play hard and eventually have to spend a little time on the DL. The targets I’m going to put on the backs of Elgin and Schuler will help motivate me when I return. Moving forward is the ticket to success. And tickets like Knepper’s help keep it fun. http://www.chambersburgrrc.org/ 3 CRRC Executing the Proper Taper Recently at a get together with many running friends, the topic of taper came up. I noticed that many of these people had great training plans but had little idea what to do in the last few weeks leading up to the race to make sure they get the most out of their body. Tapers, just like training plans, are going to be specific to the race distance. The longer the distance the longer the taper. I will cover some things to help you nail down the perfect taper for your next race no matter what the distance. Marathons & Half Marathons One of the trickiest races to not only train for but to taper for is the marathon. It is a race that you do almost on your redline for 3 plus hours. It is paramount to step onto the start line as recovered and rested as possible. Your longest workout should be 3 weeks out from race day. You will gradually cut back your weekly mileage from there each week. Now, where many people make their mistake is cutting back both mileage and in- Out ‘N Back Chambersburg Road Runners Club tensity. You should keep the intensity, just increase the rest after the interval. For most of my runners and triathletes I coach, I have them cut back their total mileage by 25% each week. By race week they are doing 25-30% of their peak mileage. In addition I will have them do several short speed sessions like 400s and 800s. I will also have the athletes do striders after some easy runs to keep the snap in their legs and to avoid the stale feeling leading up to race day. The intensity on the striders should be at a 5k pace or slightly faster with full rest in between to allow the body to recover. Remember, this is not a workout you are doing to gain fitness but maintain fitness. workouts will be similar to the training for the longer races with some modifications. The sessions will usually include 200s and 400s or a good ladder set where you work your way down and finish hard. One of my favorite tapers is 4 x 400 all out with full recovery (usually 90 - 120 sec), then 1 min rest and 8 x 200 hard with full recovery. Some of the most common mistakes athletes make is to either do too much during the taper or do too little ( cutting everything out both speed and distance). It is important to remember that no workout done in the last 21 days will give you a performance boost for race day, but they can hinder your 5k and 10k Races performance. It takes 14-21 days Tapering for 5k and 10k races is a for your body to get performance little trickier. If you miss the tagains from a workour. Don’t think per, you can hold the form for 2-3 that sneaking in one last track sesweeks so you can race again and hit sion 10 days before your big race your goal. For these race distances, is going to give you a 5 minute you will want to cut the mileage PR. It could adversely affect your back as well. The speed sessions performance and leave you limping are going to be much faster. The home missing your goal. http://www.chambersburgrrc.org/ 4 CRRC Springtime Running: It has been a long winter for us here in South Central PA. We have had a few teaser days and spring will soon be in full bloom. With that comes a reprieve from either running on the treadmill, cutting back our mileage or for some of us, not running at all over the winter. Some of us will be tempted to head out the door and go full tilt as if we had been training hard all winter. That is a recipe for disaster that can put you at high risk for injury. So this Spring, when you head out the door keep several things in mind. Begin slowly, at about 25 % of your peak miles over the previous running season, and increase 10 % per week. Make sure your running sneakers are of appropriate size and are not worn out. Check to see that your running Out ‘N Back Chambersburg Road Runners Club socks have not become worn or “holy” If you have medical issues (heart disease, diabetes, etc.), check with your physician to make sure it is safe to increase your activity level and how to do so appropriately. Replace your over the counter inserts if they are older than 6 months and you ran in them regularly. If you were thinking about changing your sneaker brand/ style, this is the time as you will be starting out slow and gradually increasing your mileage. Make sure you obtain a good weekly base mileage before adding speed work or hill work to your weekly schedule. Running on a treadmill is easier than running outside, so you may need to adjust your pace to compensate for this. If you ended the peak running season injured, have your physician check you to make sure it is safe to begin running again. Returning to your pre-winter running level without a gradual transition will put you at a much higher risk for injury. Some of the common overuse injuries that can develop are: plantar fasciitis (heel pain), Achilles tendinitis, stress fractures, shin splints, neuromas (burning pain), pulled muscles, joint injuries and metatarsalgia (pain across the ball of the foot). Caution and common sense will keep you injury free so you can enjoy a very welcome spring. Of course, if you have trained hard throughout the winter, then enjoy the freedom of running once again without layers of clothing. http://www.chambersburgrrc.org/ 5 CRRC I Kneeded Surgery What was thought to be a small overuse injury, after three months of frustration over the inability to run without pain, I had knee surgery on March 6th. I went through a host of diagnoses such as ITB Syndrome, Patella Tracking, Patella Femoral Syndrome, Bursitis, Tendonitis, and a Shifted Femur. After I could do every motion without pain EXCEPT run, I just snapped… I was done with the guessing and got an MRI. It came back with an unusual report. I have Patella Bipartite. My knee cap never fused into solid bone and there is a stripe of cartilage causing an inherent weakness. My knee cap essentially “fractured” along this line, leaving me with pain every step as the muscle and tendon fibers constantly yanked the bone apart. I work with the folks at Ship Physical Therapy. They were very straight forward with me. Out ‘N Back Chambersburg Road Runners Club It won’t heal. Crap! They got me an appointment with a surgeon at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA the very next day and surgery was scheduled just a week later. The surgeon had done this exact operation on other runners. Since I was able to get in right away, there was no more wasted time… and as you know, runners are all about time. who has helped me the past 4 years take my running to the next level. Speaking of coaches, my Get Running Coaching Service has been more rewarding than I imagined. We have athletes I am healing, and every day is ranging from 7th grade track to one day closer to running again. masters marathoners. Getting to To keep me busy, I have enjoyed: know each individual and design being back in Franklin County, a training plan to match their escaping the Michigan snow, being the announcer for the PSAC needs, goals, and lifestyle is a fulfilling experience. We have had indoor track and field college the privilege to work with CRRC championships, had the honor member, Craig Leisher, who ran of being inducted into the PIAA 3:23 for the marathon in February, high school Hall of Fame, was a guest speaker with my famous dad and 1:37 for 3rd in his ager group at the Chambersburg Half! at Messiah College, volunteered with the Shippensburg Girls On If you, or a friend, are looking for The Run program, and visiting some training guidance for the with friends and family in upcoming summer, please contact between. Though I can’t run yet, I me! still get my work in through daily Website: www.neelyruns.com trips to Results Fitness to visit Twitter: @neelyspenceG my strength coach Doug Lentz http://www.chambersburgrrc.org/ 6 CRRC The Incredible Edible Egg From Fridge to Freeway Strangely enough, my introduction of scrambled eggs into our morning routine came from my determination to feed my teenage daughter and husband a well balanced healthy breakfast as they were headed out the door each morning - and I do mean literally “heading out the door.” Despite the fact that as a runner I knew that an egg sandwich would be a perfect part of my post-run meal, as a busy mom I always thought the time and hassle involved made it easier to opt for a protein shake. Imagine my surprise when I found out that I could create a balanced breakfast for four that included scrambled eggs on a whole wheat English muffin and a dish of Out ‘N Back Chambersburg Road Runners Club fresh fruit in less than 10 minutes from fridge to freeway! Eggs are simple - simple to buy, simple to make, simple to eat! -Pick up a couple dozen at your local farmer’s market - North Square Farmer’s Market will be opening May 24! -Break 4 - 6 eggs directly into a lightly oiled (extra virgin olive oil) heated non-stick frying pan. Cook over medium heat for 6 - 8 minutes until cooked through. -Switch it up occasionally by throwing in peppers, onions, spinach, or Feta cheese! Enjoy! Eggs are rich in muscle-friendly protein, vitamin K (vital for healthy bones), choline (aids in memory), lutein (healthy eyes) & vitamin B12 (necessary for energy maintenance) among other nutritional benefits. Worried about cholesterol? Know your body, do your research and, as in most things, moderation is the key. As Easter approaches, take advantage of all those hard boiled eggs (be sure they are stored properly) to explore some new recipes! Be creative! Healthy Egg Salad 4 hard boiled eggs chopped 1/2 avocado chopped 1/4 cup Greek yogurt 2 tablespoons golden raisins 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1/4 cup chopped onions 1/4 cup chopped celery 1/2 teaspoon curry 1 teaspoon vinegar Pepper to taste Cilantro Mix all ingredients. Enjoy on a whole grain wrap, bagel, toasted English muffin, rice crackers or a bed of Romaine lettuce. Garnish with Cilantro. Serves 4. Visit http://www.pinterest.com/eatsleeprungrow/the-incredible-edibleeggand-then-some/ for more information about eggs to include recipes & natural egg dyes. http://www.chambersburgrrc.org/ 7 CRRC Out ‘N Back Chambersburg Road Runners Club What: Later Daily Morning Run Where: YMCA, McKinley Street, Chambersburg, PA Day/Time: Monday thru Friday at 7:45AM Comment: Meet in lobby; easy run from 4-8 miles depending; call day before to confirm Contact: Pete Fleury (631) 897-3849 What: Speed Work Where: Chambersburg YMCA, Chambersburg, PA Day/Time: Thursday warm up at 5:45AM for session at 6:00AM Comment: Open to all levels; meet in Chambersburg YMCA parking lot Contact: Tim Fisler (717) 496-7431 What: Easy Sunday Morning Run Where: St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Norland Avenue, Chambersburg, PA Day/Time: Sunday at 9:30AM Comment: Easy run from 5-8 miles depending; call day before to confirm Contact: Pete Fleury (631) 897-3849 What: Cumberland Valley Athletic Club Speed Work Where: Hagerstown Community College, Hagerstown, MD Day/Time: Wednesday at 8:30AM Comment: Open to all levels; led by Mike Spinnler Contact: Tim Fisler (717) 496-7431 What: Sunday Afternoon Trail Run Where: Caledonia State Park Day/Time: Sunday 1:00PM Comment: Open to all levels; meet at parking area north of Routes 30 & 233 Contact: Sara Boward (717) 816-8907, http://www.facebook.com/groups/253343578038380/ What: Sunday Morning Run Where: Chambersburg Area Middle School South, Chambersburg, PA Day/Time: Sunday 7:00AM Comment: 1-2 hours 8 minute per mile or faster pace Contact: Tim Fisler (717) 496-7431 http://www.chambersburgrrc.org/ 8 CRRC Out ‘N Back Chambersburg Road Runners Club DATE DAY TIME EVENT LOCATION 3/8/2014 Sat 8:30 am Half Marathon Chambersburg, PA 860-7636 Hayduk/Fleury 631-897-3849 4/12/2014 Sat 8:30 am Flannery Pub Half Mercersburg, PA Secrest 4/5/2014 5/2/2014 5/3/2014 5/10/2014 5/24/2014 6/3/2014 6/17/2014 7/1/2014 7/12/2014 Sat Fri Sat Sat Sat Tue Tue Tue Sat 8:30 am 6:30pm Martin's Mill 5 Mile CVAS 5k 10:00 am Breast Care 5K 8:30 am May Day 7:00 pm Ausherman SS 9:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Tom Shelly 5k Ausherman SS Ausherman SS 8:00 am Tim Cook Mile Greencastle, PA Chambersburg, PA Chambersburg, PA Chambersburg, PA Chambersburg, PA Chambersburg, PA Greencastle, PA Waynesboro, PA Chambersburg, PA POC PHONE Secrest 360-7557 Hostetter 263-7675 Monheim Fisler Shelly Fisler Fisler Fisler Monheim 360-7557 496-5654 496-7431 717-262-3922 496-7431 496-7431 496-7431 496-5654 EMAIL michaelhayduk@comcast.net richsecrest@hotmail.com richsecrest@hotmail.com www.cvas-pets.org monheim4@comcast.net timfisler@mris.com tes5193@psu.edu timfisler@mris.com timfisler@mris.com timfisler@mris.com monheim4@comcast.net 7/15/2014 Tue 7:00 pm Ausherman SS 8:30 am Ship Fair 5K Mercersburg, PA Fisler 496-7431 timfisler@mris.com 7/29/2014 Tue 7:00 pm Ausherman SS Shippensburg, PA Fisler 496-7431 timfisler@mris.com 8/9/2014 Sat 8:30 am Ausherman 5M Chambersburg, PA Ausherman 264-1848 jausher@pa.net 7/26/2014 8/2/2014 8/12/2014 8/16/2014 8/23/2014 9/13/2014 9/13/2014 10/4/2014 11/8/2014 11/22/2014 11/27/2014 12/6/2014 Sat Sat Tue Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat 8:30 am 7:00 pm 8:00 am 8:30 am Fred Kaley 5K Ausherman SS Gary Brown 5miler Race for the Nation 5K 10:00 am Carrerra 5K 8:00 am Mad Anthony Half 9:30 am Dash for Drew 2M 9:00 am 9:30 am 9:00 am 8:30 am Harmon 5K Sophie’s Six 6K Turkey Trot 5K Shippensburg, PA Greencastle, PA Chambersburg, PA Williamsport, MD Chambersburg, PA Chambersburg, PA Waynesboro, PA Chambersburg, PA Greencastle, PA Chambersburg, PA Greencastle, PA 10K Christmas Cash Dash Chambersburg, PA Kessler Secrest Fisler Spinnler Pereschuk Lagiovane Lehman Fleury Taylor Frey Secrest Fisler 264-3775 360-7557 496-7431 301-739-7004 717-830-0051 658-4666 360-4786 631-897-3849 360-4945 262-2012 360-7557 496-7431 http://www.chambersburgrrc.org/ blkess@innernet.net richsecrest@hotmail.com timfisler@mris.com mspinnler@cvac-md-us Chris.Pereschuk@nova-dine.com plagiovane@chambersburgpolice.com drlehman@pa.net kpfleury67@comcast.net rtmt@pa.net info@sophiessix.com richsecrest@hotmail.com timfisler@mris.com 9 CRRC Kristen Pixler Kristen is the current newsletter editor for the CRRC. She has her Masters of Fine Arts in Photography from Virginia Commonwealth University and is an adjunct professor of design at Harrisburg Area Community College in the Web Design and Development Department. She is currently freelancing as a fine and commercial artist. Kristen is an avid athlete with varying interest from soccer to yoga and rock climbing. Running has been the constant throughout her life and has raced distances from 5k to marathon. Andy Mason Andy is a longtime running enthusiast and a racer of all distances, from 1 to 100 miles. He’s run 2:44 at the Boston Marathon, 6:34 at Out ‘N Back Chambersburg Road Runners Club the JFK 50 Mile and even once ran a 2:50 marathon on a 200-meter indoor track. Andy is Assistant Sports Editor at The Herald-Mail newspaper in Hagerstown. Peter Holdaway Pete is a podiatrist with special interest in sports medicine. He is board certified by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery and American Board of Podiatric Orthopedics and Primary Care. Member American Diabetes Association. Graduated from the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine. Podiatric Surgical residency: Sheehan Memorial Hospital, Buffalo, NY. Private practice Chambersburg PA for the past 20 years. Rick Meyers Rick is an ultrarunner and the owner of The Runner’s Sole. He was formerly a Trauma ICU RN. Rick has turned his passion of running into his business. With over 20 years of medical experience and over 100 running events of various distances, he provides injury prevention and running tips to his customers. Rick also coaches adult and youth runners to achieve their own running goals. Despite his busy day, he still finds time to run over 100 miles per week and has 10 ultramarathons scheduled for this year. To contact Rick, email therunnerssole@embarqmail.com or to visit the store www.therunnerssole. com. Jamie Boward Jamie is the Owner/ Head Coach of Mercury Endurance. He is a USA Triathlon Level 1 certified coach. He ran track for the All Marine Track Team as 5000 meter specialist with a PR of 15:12. Jamie opened Mercury Endurance in 2006 and has coached over 75 athletes world wide. http://www.chambersburgrrc.org/ 10 CRRC Neely Spence Gracey A new contributor to the CRRC newsletter, Neely is excited to become more involved with the running community. She was born in Chambersburg and graduated from Shippensburg University in May with a degree in human communication and a minor in coaching. Currently, she resides in Michigan, where she is a professional athlete, running for Hansons-Brooks Distance Project. She is currently managing a running website where she keeps a blog, writes about recent running events or activities, and posts interviews with fellow members of the sport www.huxleyrunningco.org. Out ‘N Back Chambersburg Road Runners Club Brenda Miller Brenda received her certification as a Holistic Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She believes in nourishing the body with whole & natural foods, healthy relationships, satisfying career choices and physical activity in order to create balance. As a coordinator for the annual women’s event, Eat Sleep Run Grow, Brenda’s goal is to share her belief that good nutrition, fitness and balance will instill an inner confidence that will flow over to all areas of life. http://www.chambersburgrrc.org/ 11
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