2012 Spring - AHS Region 11


2012 Spring - AHS Region 11
Spring 2012
Region 11 American Hemerocallis Society
June 29-July
29-July 1,
1, Hosted
Hosted by
by the
the Mo-Kan
Mo-Kan Daylily
Daylily Society
MoKanOk Daylily
by Michael Bouman
to the Salter’s and others’ gardens by her father Pete Harry, who is the new owner of
“Frank Smith Daylilies.” Nicole has a vivid
memory of her childhood, having stepped
out of it not twenty years ago! She got over
A record crowd of 74 people converged in
her dislike of garden visits and got bitten by
Tulsa for a spring-like weekend to break out
the hybridizing bug, and therein lies a tale
of the winter blahs. People came from all
that kept everyone interested.
over the Region, including several AHS
Nicole Harry DeVito
Youth Members, one of whom is already a
hybridizer at age 12! Classes in Garden
Judging and Exhibition Judging took place
Friday night and were well-attended.
Jamie Gossard
On Saturday morning, Jamie Gossard
gave a wonderfully-illustrated talk on the
conversion of diploid daylilies to tetraploid.
Some people might find such a topic wide of
their interests, but in Jamie’s hands we felt
like we were in the presence of just another
curious gardener, somebody we might invite
over some weekend for pizza. He put everyone at ease and kept the program interesting.
Nicole Harry DeVito (Nicole’s Daylilies)
gave a fascinating talk on “Evaluating Daylilies” after our lunch break. Nicole is a central Florida hybridizer who, as a child, was
taken under heavy protest on day-long visits
Jamie followed Nicole with a presentation
on the daylily farm he established on the
grounds of a former local air strip. We all
imagined the chunks of asphalt and rubble he
still finds in the soil. Jamie has such an easy
way of presenting material, that his enthusiasm for “the chase” after what doesn’t exist
yet infected all of us.
Jamie and Nicole jointly moderated a hybridizers’ round table discussion. More fascinating conversation about how to decide
what to do with a seedling that “speaks” to
After dinner we had another blockbuster
of a daylily auction and made over $7,000 to
help fund the MoKanOk this coming year.
This event is an unmatched way to continue
friendships already made and to start some
new ones. Don’t miss the next one!
MoKanOk Daylily
The MoKanOk Daylily
Report on Winter Gathering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Officers Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
Treasurer’s Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Minutes of Winter Gathering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Garden Judges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Note from Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Ask the Ombudsman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-11
Youth Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Festival of Daylilies Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Festival of Daylilies Gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-19
Hybridizers Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-29
Club Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30-33
2012 Club Officers for Region 11 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Auction Plants & AHS Ads . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
2012 Region 11 Officers, Committee Chairs & Liaisons . . . . . . . . . .36
Editorial Policy/Membership Info. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2011 Region 11 Club Presidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
More Winter Gathering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Still More Winter Gathering . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover
IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT! Be sure to save your MoKanOk
wrapper. Two important forms are printed on the inside pages-your ballot to vote for Region 11 Director & President and the
2012 Popularity Poll ballot. We have also included a tear-out page
stapled in the center of your magazine. There you can find the
Registration Form for the Summer Regional plus a copy of the
Schedule that you can tear out and take with you to Regional.
MoKanOk Daylily
Mary Lou Lundblade
Regional Director
reetings from the sunny South. As I write
this I am beginning to prepare for my trip
home to Kansas. It has been warmer than usual here
this Winter, and warmer than usual at home in Kansas
also. Keep it up. I love it.
In this issue you will find a ballot for the election
of your new RP, and also the Director. Both Randall
and I are leaving. I am termed out, and Randall has
elected not to run for another term. This will be your
only chance to vote. Our Region voted to use the By
Mail Option. Your ballot will be found in this issue,
and must be returned to the Chair Of The Nomination
Committee, Ron Azzanni no later than June 13th. 45
days prior to our Summer meeting. Our Summer Regional business meeting will be held in Independence,
MO on Sunday July 1st.
There will be a place for write in candidates. If
you do use this option, be sure your candidate meets
the AHS requirements which can be found on the
AHS Portal. www.daylilynetwork.org
The book has been revised
and split into two books. One
for Exhibition Judges, and
one for Garden Judges. Each
can be printed out separately from the AHS Portal, or
ordered from Jimmy Jordan, Publications Chair. The
Exhibition book is $12, and the Garden Judges book
is $6. Or you can order both for $17.
As of July 1st, all of the Judging material will be
moved to the Portal, and will no longer be available
on the AHS site. Actually, all information pertaining
to AHS members only will be moved to the Portal as
time permits.
The Board has approved the request from Atlanta
to host the 2015 Convention.
Till next time. Your AHS Board member, at your
daylilyqueen@sbcglobal.net, 316-755-1964
Randall Barron
Regional President
pring is here and daylilies and other beautiful plants are glorious with color in our gardens. It seems as if the mild winter has led to an early
spring. I think we can expect daylilies to be two to
three weeks earlier in 2012.
The year began with a great Winter Gathering in
Tulsa. Thanks to all those attending and donating
beautiful plants for the auction. Winter Gathering
keeps getting better and better with increased attendance and wonderful programs. Jamie Gossard and
Nicole DeVito gave outstanding programs and a good
time was to be had by all with good entertainment and
fellowship. We set a record
for the number of plants in
the auction again in 2012.
The year of 2012 will be
the year of the ballot in Region 11. We have great candidates seeking elections
for both President and Regional Director. I encourage
everyone to vote and mail in your ballots. Make your
vote count. The winners will be announced at Summer Regional in Kansas City.
MOKAN Daylily Society with host the Region 11
Summer Regional during the weekend of June 29th –
July 1 of 2012. “Festival of Daylilies” featuring hy-
MoKanOk Daylily
bridizer Don Herr promises to be over the top. I will
meet you there.
Tulsa Area Daylily Society is making big plants
for the 2013 Summer Regional in Tulsa on June 14th 16th. The Oscie Whatley Seedling bed is set up and
ready for your entries. Send all the Oscie Whatley
Seedling bed entries to Randall Barron
(randallbarron@cox.net). The earlier you get your entries in the bed the better they will display in June of
The Popularity poll will be a point of emphasis
again in 2012. Linda Farris, Region 11 PDF, continues to do a good job promoting the poll. I encourage
each member of each club to fill in the ballots and get
them back to Linda Farris as soon as possible.
Randall Barron, President
Linda Farris
Regional Publicity Director
s we approach another
bloom season (hopefully
a better one than last year for
those of us in the drought areas), it is again time to determine the favorite daylilies we grow here in Region
11. We do this through our votes in the annual Popularity Poll. As an educational service to its members
and the general public, the American Hemerocallis
Society (AHS) established this poll among all its
members many years ago to determine their favorite
daylilies. This poll can: 1) present a picture of which
daylilies perform well in our area, and 2) serve as a
recommendation to both members and non-members
who make daylily selections to purchase for their gardens. By sharing and comparing this information
across different regions, daylilies performing well
over multiple areas are evident. We vote each year by
a ballot marked for the following year’s favorites. For
example, this year our ballot is listed as the 2013
Popularity Poll ballot; however, we will be voting it
through this 2012 bloom season. Those results will be
listed as the 2013 Region 11 Popularity Poll winners
on the AHS website and in the national journal. This
system has been confusing at times, and our Pop Poll
Committee has made input to the national chairperson
that she will bring forward to the national board in the
fall to consider simplifying it in the future to avoid the
multi-year designations.
Last year marked a turning point in our Region 11
poll when many of you participated for the first time
ever! Thanks to promotion by our Regional President, Randall Barron, and Presidents and Program
Chairpersons in every club, we beat the national odds
and actually increased our participation dramatically.
While we did not reach the 50% participation rate I
had hoped for last year, we can do it this year with
your help. In this MoKanOk, you will find a copy of
the 2013 Pop Poll Ballot. Pull it out, carry it with you
as you visit local daylily gardens and our Summer Regional Conference in Kansas City. Mark your ballot
as you go, and return it to me by September 1, 2012.
It’s just that easy. Every one of our Region 11 AHS
member can and should mark a ballot to have their
vote count this year.
If you don’t see your favorite candidate listed,
there is a section on the ballot to write it in. Each
member has the opportunity to write in five candidates. Garden Judges, in particular, are encouraged to
use the write-in section to keep the ballot fresh with
newer cultivars they observe that have performed well
here in Region 11. With this way of voting and adding
cultivars to the list, a few will drop off the list annually and new ones will be added from write-ins. Annual results are published on the AHS website across
all regions and in our Fall/Winter issue of the MoKanOk for Region 11. Some regions elected to have
only paper ballots, some only electronic ballots, but
here in Region 11 we have both! Many of our members do not have reliable computer access, or prefer
the “feel” of a paper ballot. Others have long ago
MoKanOk Daylily
gone paperless. Therefore, In recent years, the AHS
posts each region’s ballot as an electronic voting option on their web site. (www.daylilies.org/PopPoll)
Soooooooo…… Why don’t we all make a commitment to Region 11 and cast our vote?
We here in Region 11 are lucky enough to be able
to grow an enormous variety of daylilies. Let’s let the
daylily world know which ones work the best for us.
I’ll be looking for your votes in August.
Happy balloting!
Linda Farris, RPD
Lois Hart
he financial picture
for Region 11 is
looking very good after a
successful 2011. We started
the year with Winter Gathering in Kansas City netting $6505.92. The dynamite
combination of our guest speakers Nikki Schmith and
Bob Faulkner as auctioneers grossed $8,030.
The first annual Spring On-Line Auction began in
April and 90 plants netted $2228.35. The summer OnLine Auction made $1807.27 on 73 plants. The Lily
Auction is bringing in money from around the country
so we in Region 11 are not supporting ourselves.
($780 from Region 11, $3250 non-Region 11). Unfortunately we had over 80 donated plants that did not
sell. The summer drought kept a lot of people from
participating in the auction.
I want to thank the following donors for all the
work they put in digging and shipping for us: Helen
Adams, Steve & Jane Amy, Al Apshire, Clint Barnes,
Becky Bates, Randall Barron, Debbie Carriker, Debra
Cole, Jess Danner, Linda Farris, Jill Gibson, Harry &
Sharron Gregory, Carol Fischer, David Hoffman,
Brenda Jindra, Irene Johnson, Kathy Krattli, Loreta
Knoche, Cathy Minkler, Seajay Mock, Jim MuellerLarry Gooden, Hugh Stout, Bob & Eric TankesleyClarke, Chris Vizvare, Patti Waterman, Andrea
Weaver, and Dennis White.
I want to thank the following clubs for donations
to the MoKanOk fund: Columbia, Bluestem, Flint
Hills, Mo-Kan, Prairie Winds, Topeka, Central Oklahoma, Tulsa and Wichita.
We had two memorial donations from the St.
Louis Club for William “Bill” Pitcher, Sr. and Ms.
Dorothy Darst.
We finished 2011 with a gain of $6,367.60. Thank
all of you!
We have begun 2012 in a very positive position as
the Winter Gathering in Tulsa had 72 attendees taking
judge’s training and enjoying hybridizing discussions
with Jamie Gossard and Nicole DeVito. The auction
brought in $7145 and after expenses we have a winter
gathering profit of $5100. Thanks to all those who bid
on about 150 daylilies.
The Spring On-Line auction is in progress and
will continue into April so please help support Region
11 with your participation.
Thanks for your support, Lois Hart
Though no one can go back and make a brand new
start, ANYONE can start from NOW and make a
brand new ending.
Carl Bard
MoKanOk Daylily
Treasurer’s Report--Lois Hart, Treasurer
Out of region subscription
Postage Reimbursement-AHS
Printing and mailing
Plant Auction
Silent Auction
Chinese Auction
Speaker's travel hotel
Speaker's fees
Hotel Expenses
Miscellaneous expenses
$ 12,018.00
$ 1,218.00
$ (1,552.61)
$ (4,117.04)
$ (6,917.84)
$ 5,100.16
Internet auction-Spring
Internet auction-Fall
Director's Expense
RPD Expense
AHS Insurance
Office expense
$ 13,343.41
$ (6,917.84)
$ 6,425.57
MoKanOk Daylily
Minutes of AHS Region
11 Regional and Club Officers’ Meeting
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Hilton Southern Hills Hotel,
Tulsa, OK
The meeting of regional and
club officers took place in conjunction with the annual Winter
Gathering. Present were Randall
Barron, Region 11 President;
Irene Johnson, Youth Liaison;
Lois Hart, Treasurer; Michael Bouman, Secretary; Brenda
Jindra, Historian; Mary Lou Lundblade, Regional Director; Ron Azzanni, WG Registrar; Harry and Sharron
Gregory, MoKanOk Editors; Connie True (Wichita
club), Lois DeKamp (Central OK club), Richard Longberg (Vice President of the Wichita club), Connie Snow
(MoKan club), Barbara Anderson (Tulsa club), and Bob
Tankesley-Clarke (Central MO club).
President Randall Barron called the meeting to order
at 7:30 am.
Minutes of the Summer 2011 Regional Meeting: approved as printed in the MoKanOk
Treasurer’s Report: Lois Hart explained the marketing ideas behind staging an internet auction in February
and March. Ours has begun already and she needs donated plants to keep our auction lively.
Old Business: Randall Barron underlined the need to
secure sponsoring clubs for the 2014 and 2015 Regional
meetings. It’s urgent that we work around challenges and
restore a sensible order of geographical movement for our
New Business: The MoKanOk will need a new Editor in 2013. The Gregory’s have maintained our high
standard during their tenure and have given a year’s notice that it’s time to bring in new talent. Randall said that
his review of all the other regional publications makes
him very proud of ours. He thinks the MoKanOk is one
of the best.
This year the terms of Regional President and Regional Director expire in the same year, so both positions
have to be filled by postal ballot. A nominating committee of three people, one from each state, will be selected
at the business meeting tomorrow.
The meeting adjourned at 9 a.m.
Minutes of the Region 11 Business
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Hilton Southern Hills Hotel, Tulsa, OK
Before the meeting was called to order, President
Randall Barron awarded various attendance prizes. The
“Bragging Bell” for the club with the highest number of
registrants at Winter Gathering went to the Tulsa club for
the second year in a row. Club members kept their bragging civil and within reason. A drawing for winners of the
top two “early registration” prizes awarded Gossard’s
VENUS FLY TRAP to Barbara Anderson and Niswonger’s GASPING FOR BREATH to Brenda Jindra. A third
drawing open to all other registrants was won by Dave
Niswonger, who will receive Nicole DeVito’s 2012 sizzler, CAN’T TOUCH THIS. Barbara Anderson won Gossard’s KING COBRA for the largest auction wins.
Randall recognized Regional award winners: Jess
Danner of Topeka won the AHS Tri-Color Award. The
Region 11 Service Award went to Steve and Jane Amy,
and the Jerry Mix Memorial Award went to Rick Pearce.
Randall called the business meeting to order at 11:00
The minutes were approved as printed in the MoKanOk.
Treasurer Lois Hart reported that we ended the year
$6,300 in the black thanks to the Winter Gathering auction.
Randall emphasized the need for clubs to sponsor the
2014 and 2015 regional meetings. We are out of rotation
and need to get things lined up again.
Randall called for applicants for the position of MoKanOk Editor beginning in 2013.
Randall asked for nominations from each state to
form a three-person nominating committee to find candidates for Regional President and Regional Director.
Those present elected by acclamation Ron Azzanni (MO),
Brenda Jindra (OK), and Mary Lou Lundblade (KS).
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Michael Bouman, Region 11 Secretary
MoKanOk Daylily
Region 11 Garden Judges and Instructors
by Michael Bouman, Region 11 Garden Judges Liaison
As of March 29, Region 11 has a net loss of seven Garden Judges. We added one new Garden Judge in 2011 and
lost eight, I regret to say. Kansas leads the region in Garden Judges and Instructors. Our Wichita instructors are willing
and able to travel to Oklahoma to help increase the number of Garden Judges there. I am willing to travel anywhere in
Region 11 to teach Garden Judges Workshops.
Workshop I is always offered at our Winter Gathering and Workshop II is always offered at our Regional meeting.
Both workshops are offered at the National Convention.
Here is a listing, by state, of our Garden Judges and Instructors, with the year their current appointment expires. All
judges are appointed for a term of five years and must apply for reappointment at the end of the fifth year.
~ 10 ~
MoKanOk Daylily
A Note from the Editors,
Happy New Growing Season to everyone! We were very skeptical about what Spring would bring after
last summer’s extreme heat. We did lose a couple of trees, two shrubs and a few daylilies that had already
died by the end of the summer. But a mild winter and early spring has brought an unbelievably lush garden
to life. So many of our daylilies went dormant during the heat last year--perhaps the extra rest and the mild
weather has brought them back stronger than ever! Personally we were also blessed to have no damage
from the barrage of tornadoes that recently streaked across Oklahoma & Kansas. Hopefully no one in the
Region was seriously affected. What a scary time--reminds us of the amazing power of nature!
Winter Gathering was another tremendous success. While we love visiting the summer gardens, Winter
Gathering provides a special place and time for sharing knowledge and plans about daylilies with many old
and new daylily friends. If you missed this event, you need to make plans to attend next year. You won’t be
On a sad note for us, we have given Randall and the Board notice that we will be doing the MoKanOK
for the rest of this year only. We have been editors for four years now and feel it is time to turn it over to
someone new. We are both retired and want to schedule more travel and activities so we need a little more
time than we have now. We will miss it but must set some new priorities. After starting out with no publishing background, we have learned so many new skills. But the best part has definitely been making many
new Region 11 friends. Everyone has been so supportive! There has really has been so much that we have
received just by serving as Editors.
If anyone is interested in the position, be sure to contact Randall. We will be still be here to help you in any
ways we can! And call or email us if you have any questions about what is involved.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in Kansas City,
Sharron & Harry Gregory
Part One – Why do we need the For Members Only Portal?
By Donna Peck, AHS Ombudsman, with comments from Julie Covington and Mary Collier Fisher
Over the past several years, it became clear to several Board members that a different method for the rapid updating of AHS information on the web was needed. The type of platform that supported www.daylilies.org changes were
extremely labor intensive for our capable Webmaster. The AHS President asked Technology Chair and Committee to
research additional methods. In the course of that research several social networking companies were identified. The
concept of AHS having an interactive social networking site that would not only allow materials to be uploaded from
PDF documents easily but that would expand greatly the services we could offer our members. This was discussed
widely among the Board, Staff and Committee Chairs who felt it would be an enhancement to our Membership Services.
So in May 2010, at the Board of Directors meeting in Valdosta Georgia, the Membership Chair, Joe Goudeau, noted
that this research was underway to explore the feasibility of establishing a member’s only section on the web. When Joe
brought the proposal up again for a vote at the fall 2010 fall board meeting, the AHS Board of Directors approved funding to authorize the development of the Members Only Portal. The site opened for members in early March, 2011.
The Portal has now been set up for nearly a year, and I am still getting questions about WHY AHS is doing this and
HOW it works. This column is devoted to the WHY question. Next time we will have the HOW column.
MoKanOk Daylily
~ 11 ~
Over the last decade, AHS has been seeking incentives
for individuals to join AHS and incentives to retain members. Membership numbers had been declining steadily
since 2002. The voucher program is working very well, the
trial membership we started last year has over 200 members who have already joined, and our fantastic Daylily
Journal is a must read for daylily growers. Our Board and
our membership chair, Joe Goudeau, kept trying to provide
members with more benefits. By the fall 2010 Board meeting in Columbus, Ohio Membership and Technology presented the proposal that AHS work with the Your Membership firm to build a robust social networking site for AHS
Members only, to enhance the capabilities AHS has to provide services and information to members. This proposal
passed the Board unanimously.
The site could be used to search for AHS member’s
name, city and state by other members, for Regional and
National Publications, for educational forums, regional and
other groups such as Garden Judges, promotion of regional
and local activities via community and regional calendars,
automatic reminders of many AHS deadlines including
membership renewal via email messages. It provides members with a safe environment to post pictures, participate in
a forum and connect with other members. It even allows a
protected group for our AHS youths to network about daylilies without non-youth members allowed. The benefits
are still being explored and developed.
Another benefit many members took advantage of over
the holidays was the AHS store which has daylily merchandise. Tee Money has volunteered to design some great
daylily merchandise. She is even able to accommodate one
-time special orders for clubs and groups. The Members
Portal is a source of ‘One-stop Shopping’ for our members.
Items can be purchased, memberships can be issued or renewed, donations can be made, interesting programs can
be purchased (some are even free) using credit cards, echecks, and PayPal.
Julie Covington, AHS President, mentions that
“beginning with the Spring 2012 issue, you will be able to
view the Daylily Journal online at the Portal. The pages
are viewable in a PDF ‘Book format,’ and you can also
zoom in on pictures and articles on each page. Under the
‘Daylily Journal’ tab will be a complete page of archived
items reprinted from past Journals and you can suggest
other articles you’d like to see added.
Several other changes have been made to the front
page. We are featuring different members on the left rail,
and hope to do that more frequently in 2012. Be sure to
look under the ‘Contact Us’ tab, where you can find a link
to a leader of all AHS sponsored robins and other ‘go to’
people, as well as contact information for the Portal leaders, AHS officers, Staff and Special Chair contacts. Another new tab is called ‘Administrative Files.’ While this
contains AHS and Regional files, this page is not intended
for Regional and National officers only, as we wish to keep
the working of this organization transparent for all of our
members. One feature on the page is called ‘Regional Offices at a Glance.’ Anyone who is asked to accept a position as a Regional Officer or Liaison can check these pages
and quickly find out what is involved in the job!
The direct link to the Portal is http://
www.daylilynetwork.org. Another way is to go to the AHS
website (www.daylilies.org) and then, click on the AHS
Home page. When that appears, look on the left hand side
and click on AHS Members Portal.
Next column Julie Covington along with MaryAnn
Pruden, Portal community Manager, will discuss in more
details about HOW to access the Portal including how to
find your password (which I’ve had many questions
about). Also check out the excellent Portal article in the
2012 Spring Journal written by Sandy Holmes.
If you have any comments about the WHY we have the
portal and the information that Julie and Mary have given
here, please email me and I’ll include that in the next column….email me at Ombudsman@daylilies.org . I’m hoping to hear from you, either with your positive comments
about the Portal or further concerns you’d like to discuss
concerning this subject.
Always try to grow in your garden some plant or plants out of
the ordinary, something your neighbors never attempted. For
you can receive no greater flattery than to have a gardener of
equal intelligence stand before your plant and ask “What is that?
Richardson Wright
~ 12 ~
MoKanOk Daylily
Our New Youth Members
by Rick and Irene Johnson, Region 11 Youth
Committee Chairs
It was exciting this year to have two youth attend our
Winter Gathering Meeting. Youth attendees were: Ashton
Lopp (aka kidfishing) from Spencer, Oklahoma and Rebecca Barron of Bixby, Oklahoma. Rebecca is the granddaughter of Randall Barron, our Regional President, and
she has entered daylilies in the Tulsa Area Daylily Show.
Ashton Lopp and Rebecca Barron at the Saturday night dinner during Winter Gathering. Welcome to both of you--hope you had a wonderful
Ashton and his dad had a chance to visit
with Region 11 hybridizer, Dave Niswonger
Ashton is interested in hybridizing daylilies. We hope
he and Rebecca enjoyed the knowledge and enthusiasm at
this meeting to help them along in their future years of gardening.
This year our youth were presented a $50.00 coupon
towards their daylily purchase at our Winter Gathering
Auction held Saturday evening. It was fun and exciting to
see those two bidding and winning several daylilies. Most
of us wish we had gotten into daylilies at their young age
and have the opportunity to meet more daylily hybridizers
and the knowledge they share with us.
Youth Group Contest
on the AHS Membership Portal
Each of these tasks must be done at least once a month.
Contest runs from April 1 to July 31, 2012
Every month there will be a drawing for a daylily donated
by a member of the AHS Youth Committee.
At the end of the contest, there will be a grand prize drawing for a new daylily from MN hybridizer, Karol Emmerich.
1. Upload a photo. (Add a photo to the group album or
your personal album.)
2. Post to a forum. (Write a message or start a new
3. Post to the wall. (Write a message longer then two
Bonus task, for qualifying contestants, gives you an extra
chance in the grand prize drawing.
Add or change something in your profile, one time, during
To qualify for the grand prize drawing, perform the monthly the contest’s four month period.
required tasks, every month, during the contest’s four
Official rules are posted on the portal. For questions or asmonth period.
sistance, contact the Youth Chairperson.
Required tasks must be performed within the youth group
Refer to your AHS membership card, included with the
on the portal:
spring 2011 Daylily Journal, for portal sign on information.
To qualify for the monthly drawing, perform the monthly
required tasks.
MoKanOk Daylily
2012 Festival of Daylilies Schedule
June 29-July 1
FRIDAY – June 29
9:00 - 4:00
2:00 - 7:00
2:00 - 6:00
2:00 - 6:00
3:00 - 4:00
4:00 - 5:00
6:00 - 7:00
7:00 - 9:30
9:30 - ?
Open Gardens
Hospitality Suite
Executive Board Meeting
Hybridizer Round Table
Dinner on your own
Social Hour
Plant Auction
Hospitality Suite
SATURDAY – June 30
6:00 - 7:15
6:00 - 7:00
Buses begin loading
Buses depart for Knoche & Hart Gardens
Lunch @ Knoche Garden
Buses depart for Overland Park Arboretum
1:30 - 4:30
Exhibition II Class at Hotel
12:30 - 2:30
Garden Judge II at Knoche Garden
Buses return to Hotel
3:30 - 5:30
3:30 - 5:30
Hospitality Suite open
4:00 - 5:00
Executive Board and Club Officers Meeting
6:00 - 7:00
Social Hour
7:00 - 9:00
Banquet, Guest Speaker-Don Herr
Silent Auction/Chinese Auction end
(Items to be picked up by 10:30)
9:30 - ?
Hospitality Suite
SUNDAY – July 1
6:00 - 7:00
Buses begin loading
Buses Depart to Hamilton, Durham, Niemeyer,
Yelenik Gardens
12:00 - 12:15
Buses return to hotel
Lunch and Region 11 Business Meeting
Meeting adjourned
~ 13 ~
~ 14 ~
MoKanOk Daylily
Festival of Daylilies
-- Hosted by the Mo-Kan Daylily Society -Kansas City, Missouri
Judith Durham Garden
This garden is a
great example of a
“big town” garden. A
city lot has been transformed into a formal
garden full of random
splendor. Judy was
born and raised in Independence, and has
spent 30 years creating this spontaneous
yet mature garden
learned her gardening
skills from her mother,
who was always planting something new.
It’s no surprise then
that Judy says, “I’m always changing things – a garden is
in constant motion.”
Her garden is set out along formal lines, but the plants
are set in at random, creating a lively, spontaneous feel.
Although relatively small in size, you will find 250 daylily
varieties, 50 peonies, 30 iris and over 100 varieties of daffodils planted between the daylilies, as well as phlox, crape
myrtle, clematis, Japanese maples, magnolias and a long
list of other varieties nestled in to create a unique and personal space. Her tall garden phlox reseed and as long as it
stays at the back of the beds, she leaves it alone to grow
and mature. In August, the garden is a sea of pink.
Judy became interested in daylilies more or less accidentally – or perhaps it was divine intervention! At any
rate, she was driving down the road one day and spotted a
woman working in her
garden. She stopped to
talk with the woman and
admire her garden. Judy
had grown daylilies in
the past, but not the kind
she saw in this garden.
The local daylily club
held its garden tour the
next day and Judy’s new
friend invited her to
come along to see other
local gardens. Judy became an AHS member
on the spot. The rest, as
they say, is history for
this avid collector.
MoKanOk Daylily
~ 15 ~
Carl Hamilton Garden
Carl grew up in rural Southeast Kansas near the town
of Columbus where his mother had large vegetable and
flower gardens. She shared what she grew with neighbors,
friends and relatives. She was fond of telling Carl “the
vegetables are for the stomach and the flowers are for the
spirit.” His interest in flower gardening began during this
Carl retired in 2004 after 33 years of teaching. That
summer he dug the first garden. It had just four daylilies
along with some other plants. The next year garden #2 was
dug and had 20 daylilies. Well, fifteen more garden areas
later, 260 more daylilies and as they say, "the rest is history".
Carl’s gardens are very eclectic. Daylilies are by far
the most numerous plants but he has a mixture of perennial plants and shrubs that bloom from spring to fall. Interspersed among the perennials are colorful, hardy annuals
like vincas, marigolds and petunias. The gardens have art,
stones, birdfeeders, solar lighting and other objects of interest. Carl’s daylily tastes are very eclectic, too. No one
type appeals to Carl - even the year they were registered
varies greatly. It's a garden area that has something for everyone from morning to night.
Over the past two years Carl has been busy creating a
garden honoring both family and friends. He is planting
daylilies for his late wife Sandy, his daughters, friends and
other family members. This "family and friends" garden
has been a very enjoyable undertaking.
Carl took some of his daylilies and planted a garden at
the courthouse in his hometown. Carl hopes to begin doing
some hybridizing. He finds that he really enjoys learning
from other club members and visiting their gardens.
~ 16 ~
MoKanOk Daylily
Lois & Bill Hart Garden
Lois and Bill sell antiques at a local mall as their hobby
and Lois operates a stained glass business. Bill is not a
gardener, but he is a member of two Garden Railroad
A MoKan club member and AHS member since 1994,
Lois has served as treasurer for the MoKan club and is currently co-vice-president. She also holds the office of Region 11 Treasurer. She helps to coordinate the Internet auctions, which are the primary fundraising events for Region
11. She is a big fan of the Region 11 Winter Gatherings,
having attended each of them. She hosts an open house
nearly every year for the local community to learn about
Lois and Bill live on 40 wooded acres. When they built
their home in 1992, Lois’ boss advised her to buy some
daylilies, since they were low maintenance. She ordered a
few pink and apricot daylilies from Gilbert Wild in 1993.
As soon as they bloomed, she immediately ordered red and
purple ones to mix in, because she thought the pastels were
too boring! She now has just over 900 varieties.” Lois also
has quite a large selection of shade plants, perennials,
hostas and lilium.
Lois confesses, “I consider myself a collector, as I do
not hybridize. I really like the various forms and have over
130 doubles and 150 spiders & UFs”. Lois has 68 cultivars
eligible for the Region 11 hybridizer’s award.
We think you’ll be surprised as you walk through the
many gardens here. Watch for garden art of a whimsical
nature. Lois and Bill have planned a very secluded, lovely
landscape enriched with daylilies galore. P.S…don’t forget
to ask to see Bill’s “garden railroad”.
MoKanOk Daylily
~ 17 ~
Elroy and Loreta Knoche Garden
The Knoche Garden is a sprawling, wandering wonderland situated on a several acre country location. Loreta says
that she just plants where she has room, and she has a lot of
room here! You will find a dry streambed with a lovely
bridge, giant rocks, a beautiful garden cottage/playhouse, a
bottle tree and did I mention ROCKS? Large rocks, small
rocks, tiny rocks – all gathered over a lifetime of collecting. The same can be said for the gardens too; all the materials have been gathered and cherished over a lifetime.
Elroy prefers vegetable gardening, but does include his
spectacular selections of cockscomb among his veggies.
Loreta prefers just about anything else that blooms. You
will find peonies, iris, hosta, coneflower, cleome, balsam,
zinnias, ornamental grasses, vines, flowering trees, and of
course, daylilies planted all around the house and in large
beds throughout the grounds.
Elroy and Loreta moved to their current home 27 years
ago and didn’t know anyone in the neighborhood. Loreta
started visiting a neighbor lady who had a barn full of antiques and crafts. One day she asked if Loreta liked daylilies, and Loreta told her she really didn’t care for those
ugly orange things. Well, she didn’t have any ugly orange
things, she had a good collection of modern daylilies, and
Loreta was hooked.
From the formal to the whimsical and from the newest
daylilies to older cherished favorites to the seedlings from
Loreta’s hybridizing talents, you will find a love of gardening and a relaxed natural atmosphere that fairly bubbles
with the Knoches’ personality.
~ 18 ~
MoKanOk Daylily
Mary Niemeyer Garden
Located just 3 miles from her childhood home, Mary’s
garden began about 19 years ago when she purchased her
current home and began adding new flower beds. Mary’s
sister-in-law introduced her to daylilies, but a visit to the
local Lenington Daylily Garden was the catalyst to begin
collecting in earnest. Her garden now plays host to 350+
varieties of daylilies. Mary admits to being partial to spiders and UFs and there are now about 70 varieties.
You’ll also find an abundance of companion plants.
There are seven rose bushes scattered about the garden
along with coneflowers, coreopsis, clematis, hostas, ferns,
and lavender.
There are also burning bushes, red twig dogwoods,
boxwoods, and a crape myrtle. Walking through this garden you will find many older daylilies mixed with the new.
She lives here with her husband Gary, and with Cosmos the cat. She is active in the community volunteering at
the Kaufman Gardens. She is on the Membership Committee for the MoKan Daylily Society and helps with plant
cleaning and the two annual daylily sales the club hosts.
As you stroll through this charming garden, be sure to
meet Cosmos, Mary’s big orange tabby. Cosmos helps
with critter control in the garden!
Two water fountains
supply the soothing sound
of water and a large Magnolia tree lends shade and
provides the perfect setting
for hostas, ferns and coral
bells. A trumpet vine
adorns her arbor and attracts hummingbirds while
a bird feeding station and
birdbath provide a beckoning habitat for songbirds,
and a perfect backdrop for
bird watching. On the
south side of the house
there is a small raised vegetable bed for tomatoes and peppers and also an area for more flowers.
MoKanOk Daylily
~ 19 ~
Gayle Yelenik Garden
Gayle got her gardening genes from her grandmother
who continued to love flowers up until the age of 103.
When she was looking to buy her first house, Gayle prioritized having a yard, established trees, and space for gardens. Gayle credits one of her neighbors and good friend,
Mary Niemeyer, with having “aided and abetted” her on
her wonderful daylily journey. Mary introduced her to Lenington Gardens in Kansas City. Gayle and Mary became
regulars and enjoyed talking and learning about daylilies
from Bob and Alice Lenington. Gayle joined the MoKan
Daylily Society and has been active on the Membership
and Education committee, has helped with cleanings, plants
sales, library displays and this Region 11 annual meeting.
There are three sitting areas, each surrounded by daylilies and offering a different perspective of the gardens.
There is a flagstone patio by the house, a small area by an
old fireplace at the back of the yard, and a bench garden in
one corner. Gayle invites you to sit a bit if you have a few
minutes to spare on the tour.
She has also dabbled in creating garden art--a rebar
trellis, stepping stones and pottery. Her garden also provides much more--she loves cooking with herbs, harvesting
vegetables, having fresh cut flowers and photographing
daylilies to make garden note cards.
Gayle’s backyard is informal and includes a variety of
daylilies, 350 cultivars at last count! There are trees,
shrubs, perennials, herbs, vegetables, annuals, wind
chimes, and bird and hummingbird feeders. She likes growing plants that attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and beneficial insects to the gardens. She admits to not liking to
mow, so each year she adds another flowerbed.
Mildred Meinke utilizes her space well in her beautiful English-style garden. Daylilies (over 400), roses, hostas, clematis, iris, fruits and vegetables all organized and labeled for visitors.
Tom Collier grows over 500 daylilies including doubles, spiders, late bloomers and many specialty irises - all for sale.
Worth the trip.
Zena Purdum’s one acre yard has a 150-year-old walnut tree shading hostas, ferns, and liliums. There are daylilies
(over 400) including ZENA and MAE WEST along with a vegetable garden. Definitely worth seeing.
(For addresses and directions, see the tear-out schedule page.)
~ 20 ~
MoKanOk Daylily
Michael Bouman
624 Hidden Lake Drive
St. Peters, MO 63376
314.578.2716 Cell
10-66 is my "Clearest Pink" from
[Ed Brown x (Rose Impact x Great
White)] X [Ain't She Nice x (Best
Kept Secret x Rose Impact)] The
exceptional clarity is coming from
Stamile's AIN'T SHE NICE, and it's
a nice surprise to get deeper pinks
because all of my AINT SHE NICE
keepers are the same perfectly
clear shade of blue pink.
10-110 was among the best overall
selections in 2011 and is a likely future from the excellent parents, LUNAR EMPIRE X THE GOLDILOCKS
10-65 is my "Clearest Rose" from
[(Tarta x America's Most Wanted)
x Michael Miller] X [Ain't She Nice
x (Best Kept Secret x Rose Impact)]. I haven't had an established clump to measure because
of the garden move last year.
My only 2012 introduction is COME
Heavily and heavenly ruffled pale yellow
cream from Butter Cream x Victorian
Lace. The flower is 6.75" across, 43"
tall, dormant, midseason, early-morning
opener, with 3 branches and 17 buds
plus easy fertility. Flowers open perfectly every time, so a clump will become a dominant eye-catcher in the garden. $150 DF. (Photo at right)
06-08 is being increased for registration. I was one of my best
overall plants in 2006, tall, wellbranched, always a perfect
flower, and fertile. It is the parent
of my best overall selection in
2011, so it's going to get a lot of
breeding use while I increase
MoKanOk Daylily
~ 21 ~
Jessie Emmons
39093 Maries Road
Dixon, MO 65459
Late July, 2009, Emmons,
Techny Peach Lace X Sweet
Summer Heat, 28 tall, 3
branches, 19 buds, 5.75 flower,
Jesse's Bloomin Fool, 2008
Emmons, unknown x unknown, 30
tall, 4 branches, 20 buds, DOR M
Mo River Sharkie, 2011,
Emmons, seedling x Spiney Sea
Urchin, 32 tall, 3 branches, 20
bud, 5.75 flower, SEV Sharks
Teeth (Photo at left)
Mo River Eyes, 2012, Emmons,
Little Light of Mine X unknown, 25
tall, 3 way branching, 17 buds,
5.75 bloom, SEV
Mo River Sun Set,
2011, Emmons, seedling x Spiney Sea Urchin, 34 tall M 2
branches, 15 buds 6
flower SEV
Mo River Sun Rise, 2011,
Emmons, Jack Carpenter
seedling x Robes of the
Queen, 30 tall 3 branches 20
buds 5.5 bloom SEV
~ 22 ~
MoKanOk Daylily
Sherryl Fitzpatrick
2869 N Tee Time Court
Wichita, KS 67205
H. ‘Dancing Bees’ 27” 3” dor dip. Yellow with a
red overlay, red eye and a yellow to green throat. It is
an early bloomer and occasionally it will reblooms.
Kathy Krattli
312 Capri Drive
O’Fallon MO 63366
Seedling TTLNS9RS-3
Dor Dip 32"tall 8" bloom
with candelabra branching.
(Seedling x Rainbow
Seedling TTLNS3POD2
Dor Dip 26" tall 8" bloom, reblooms
(seedling x seedling)
Seedling ICDFA1
Dor Dip 27" tall 5.5" bloom A budbuilder and reblooms.
(Ice Cream Dream x Frances Alicia)
Seedling TTLNS9RS4
Dor Dip 60" tall 7.5"
bloom with candelabra
(Seedling x Rainbow
MoKanOk Daylily
~ 23 ~
Carol (Seajay) Mock
232 Eugenia Street
St. Louis, MO 63141
Seedling 264-11 Mid-late,
diploid, bloom 6", scape
26", bud count 20 (pink pistil)
Seedling 195-11 Midseason,
diploid, bloom 6", scape 35",
bud count 25-32 (bud builder)
Seedling 151-11 Midseason,
tetraploid, bloom 7", scape 39",
bud count 26
Seedling 55-11 Midseason, diploid,
bloom 8", scape 50", bud count 28
Seedling 282-11 Mid-late, tetraploid,
bloom 6.5", scape 39", bud count 25-29
~ 24 ~
MoKanOk Daylily
Ann Redmon
2232 Cedar Acres
Manhattan, KS 66502
Baby Blue Eyes kid
Heavenly Flight of Angels
sdlg 623
Grey Witch sdlg close
Heavenly Flight of Angels sdlg
bs x nwd probably
MoKanOk Daylily
~ 25 ~
Bob Scott
10116 W Wilshire
Yukon OK 73099
www. Bobscottnursery.com
Seedling 10092
Seedling 11029
Seedling 11093
Seedling 11025
~ 26 ~
MoKanOk Daylily
Gene & Velma Walker
545 Road 140
Emporia KS 6801
www.flinthillsdaylily garden.com
Flint Hills Judy (Walker
2011) 28” EM 6.75” Bright
yellow-gold with a green
throat, and yellow-gold eye
zone, Bright gold edging on
petals, SEV Tet
A vigorous growing plant.
(Border Lord x unknown)
Flint Hills Aloha Velma (Walker
2011) 28” ERE 5.5” Bright fuschia
pink bitone with a gold-green throat
and gold eye zone. A heavily ruffled
very vigorous daylily with four-way
branching and 20 buds. Dor Tet
(Leslie Renee x Pink Aloha)
Flint Hills Jerry (Walker
2011) 24” E 4” Ruby tones
with a large dark wine eye zone,
green throat, SEV Tet
A real “eye catcher,” in the garden.
(Lavender Blue Baby x Flint
Hills Blush)
Flint Hills Karen (Walker
2011) 26” EM 5.5” Bright
purple self with gold-green
throat and light ruffled gold
edging on petals. It has very
heavy substance. SEV Tet
Three-way branching with
15+ buds.
(Flint Hills Royal Braid x
Flint Hills Sheila (Walker
2011) 28” EM 6.5” Rose-purple
blend bitone with a gold-green
throat, and a “pie crust”, gold
edging on petals. This is an exquisite flower in the garden.
Three-way branching with 15+
buds. EV Tet
(Flint Hills Party Prince x Unknown)
MoKanOk Daylily
~ 27 ~
Patti Waterman
138 Whippoorwill Lane
Linn, MO 65051
H. 'Developing
Waterman 2011/12
34" EM Re 4.75"
Dor Ext Dip
4 branches 35 buds
H. ‘Sweet Talkin' Tom'
Waterman 2011/12
29" EM Re 6.5" Dor Ext Dip
3 branches, 18 buds
H. 'Music Please'
H. 'Happy Dance'
Waterman 2011/12
33" ML 5.5" Dor Ext Dip
2 branches, 17 buds
Waterman 2011/12
28" M 5.5" Dor Ext Dip
3 branches; 35 buds - bud
H. 'Cock of the Walk'
Waterman 2011/12
33” M 6.75” Dor Noc Dip
3 branches; 19 buds
~ 28 ~
MoKanOk Daylily
Dan White
2457 Kinder Place
Glen Carbon, Il 62034
HTVF8 R2 Venus Flytrap kid Tet 6.5
inch bloom, 28 inch scape, 15-20 buds,
3 way branching
Thorny Issues
Dan White 2012, Tet
6 inch bloom, 30
inch scape, Yellow
self with toothy
edge. ( Heal Thy
Spirit X Jaws of Life)
FT401 Heavenly Pink Fan kid
Tet 6 inch bloom, 25 inch scape, 15-20
buds, 3 way branching.
Sun Bear kid
Tet 6 inch
bloom, 28 inch
scape,18 buds,
3 way branching
Plum Blue Velvet Dan White 2012, Tet 5 inch
bloom, 27 inch scape, Plum with blue eye and
light wire edge, ( Hologram X Ashwood
Blue Highway)
MoKanOk Daylily
Jo Ann White
2457 Kinder Place
Glen Carbon, Il 62034
TASTE de VIN Jo Ann White 2012
Tet 5 inch bloom, 28 inch scape..dark wine
with velvet texture, slight ruffles edge
above yellow to green throat (Father Joseph Foster X Velvet Haze)
ET231...Orange City Kid
Tet 6 inch bloom, 29 inch scape
Orange with red eye
ET 374
(Father Joseph
Foster X Jane
Mahn) Tet 5.5
inch bloom, 28
inch scape, 20+
buds, dark velvet
purple w/darker
ET614-949 427
Tet 6.5 inch bloom, 28 inch scape, Orange
red brown color with texture ridge above a
dark burgundy eye
~ 29 ~
~ 30 ~
MoKanOk Daylily
Welcome to all the new or returning club reporters. The special topic for the next issue will
be membership recruitment. Membership overall has been recently declining. Does your club
have any tips for ways to reach potential new members? Do you offer special benefits and
provide ways to keep new members involved once they join? You input may be a huge help
to another struggling club. Let’s all work together to help raise membership in Region 11!
Bluestem Daylily Society
by Marcia (Kaye) Waite
The daylilies are up and growing well due to the very
mild winter we had here in Kansas, so we wonder what’s in
store for us during the rest of spring and summer! Hopefully, it won’t be as hot and dry as 2011!
Fund-raising activities for 2012 include our daylily sale
held May 12th from 10:00-5:00 at the Central Mall in Salina; selling potted daylilies during our bloom show July
7th, also at the Central Mall from 10:00-5:00; and holding
a silent auction during our September 6th meeting held at
the Carver Center in Salina, 6:30 pm – about 8:30 pm.
Our speaker for the March meeting was Darrin Wright,
a member of our club who works for the city parks department and also landscapes as a secondary business. He
spoke about xeriscaping. The program for April was the
AHS media program, “Shapes of Distinction”. Both programs were quite informative and interesting. We will not
have a speaker again until our October 4th meeting, and at
this time the speaker is as yet unconfirmed.
Website: www.bluestemdaylilysociety.com.
Central Missouri
Hemerocallis Society
by Nancy Rold
2012 is of to a good start here in central Missouri. Our
new officers have put together an excellent program for the
year which kicked off with a February program by member
and Master Gardener Billie Long on the always popular
topic, “Moles and Voles”. Billie will return April 15 to discuss the weeds that plague us. Meanwhile spring arrived
early with unseasonably warm temps in March followed by
welcome rain. We are hoping that the showers will continue and bring us an abundance of daylily blooms for our
annual daylily flower show and photography exhibit on
June 23. Also, we are hoping that daylily enthusiasts from
all around the region will join us for a presentation by hybridizer Mark Carpenter on October 14. Get the details on
all these programs from our website at:
Our annual daylily sale on August 26 will be our main
fundraiser of the year. We set up booths at two local farmers markets and sell from opening bell until we sell out.
Plants have been separated, washed and tagged in the evenings of the previous week at work nights that are accompanied by much laughter and fellowship. The markets help
us with advertising and we have many regular customers
who come to see what we have to beautify their gardens.
Some know exactly what they want and others ask for recommendations. Some are even glad to get a bargain grabbag of plants whose tags were lost. Late in the morning
plant prices are reduced if necessary for quick sale. When
we have had leftover plants at the closing bell, they have
been donated to the city park “Adopt a Spot” program.
Another fundraising idea that we have used in the past
was to auction off newly divided plants to fellow members
during our April meeting. This was particularly effective
when we wanted to raise some “seed money” for regional
meeting preparations.
Central Oklahoma
Hemerocallis Society
by Theresa Beecham
Our club fundraising includes a spring and fall daylily
sale and a plants-for-members auction. Plants-for-members
is mainly for getting newer cultivars in our members' gardens. Members in good standing get two fans, keep them
for one to two years, returning the extra fans for the next
auction (keeping two) . The auction is more a break even
Spring Daylily Sale - Saturday, April 21 - 8:00am to
2:00pm - Will Rogers Park
Fall Daylily Sale - Saturday, September 15 - 8:00am to
2:00pm - Will Rogers Park
Plants-for-Members Auction - Friday, Sept. 21 - 6:00pm 9:00pm Program to be announced.
Covered dish dinner, Club pro
vides meat dish. - Will Rogers
MoKanOk Daylily
Club Happenings:
We will be taking a bus to AHS, Region 11 Convention and Garden Tours in Independence, MO, June 29th.
We will be stopping at Judy Faraboughs garden on the way
and will pick up some Tulsa people there. We will also
stop in Wichita to pick up some more people. If interested
in joining the bus trip, call Ann Large. The cost of the bus
ride is about $60. (mol)
We will have a garden tour to the Bustani Plant Farm
in Stillwater and the OSU Garden. The Bustani owners,
Steve and Ruth Owens, search for the best plants that perform well in warm summers. They have assembled a
unique collection of hard-to-find plants. If interested in the
tour, call or email Ann Large. annlarge@cox.net 1-405348-4746
Our May 18th speaker will be Randall Barron on the
topic of grooming daylilies for show. 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Visitors welcome. There will be a covered dish dinner with
the club providing the meat dish.
~ 31 ~
ryone is welcome.
Missouri Botanical Gardens has a new director and
apparently he has planned a lot of new activities. So many,
that we were not able to reserve the room where we usually
have our big daylily sale in late August or early September.
That’s really our only fund-raiser. So we are going to try
something different this year. We have “digging parties’
planned where we hope to dig, divide and pot up members’
extra daylilies and then take them to local flea markets to
sell. We hope this is successful.
We have a “members’ only” auction for our May
meetings, but this is not a money maker, we always just
hope to break even.
Looking forward to another daylily season and our
Region 11 meeting in June.
website: www.safehavengardens.com/gsds.html
Mineral Area Daylily Society
by Charles Pickett
Flint Hills Hemerocallis
by Ernie Minton
In the fall/winter 2011 issue of the MoKanOk, we
looked at the net profit from our club’s only principle
fundraiser over the past several years. Although we collect
nominal club dues from members, our major source of
revenue is our fall plant sale. The graphic data we presented in the last issue suggested that new approaches to
revenue generation will likely be important in coming
years. In fact, at our first meeting of 2012, our treasurer’s
report confirmed that our club expenses for 2011 exceeded
our revenues—yikes!
The requested topic for this submission to the MoKanOk was to be around club fundraising. We also look forward to learning of innovative ideas other clubs are utilizing to help resource the activities of their clubs. At this
point, our fall plant sale remains our key fundraiser. It is
scheduled for September 8, 2012, and we are hopeful the
net profit trend line bends upward!
The Greater St. Louis
Daylily Society
by Kathy Krattli
Our first meeting of 2012 was held in Feb. with our
usual carry-in dinner. Dan White gave an interesting program for our March meeting. We will have Mark Carpenter give a program for our April 20th meeting at 7:30. Eve-
The Mineral Area Daylily Society holds two major
fund raisers each year. The first, on Saturday, April 21st, is
a MEMBERS_ONLY auction at the Farmington, Mo.,
Senior Center. The highlight for this event is bidding on
the Pete Harry 2012 Daylily Collection, purchased especially for this. We are fortunate to have a number of nationally known daylily hybridizers in our membership.
Through their generosity we are able to offer our members
early access to their latest creations donated to both of our
Our second auction takes place on Saturday, August
25th, also at Farmington, Mo., Senior Center. This one is
open to the public.
Throughout the year our club holds drawings for four
Susan Menees, friend of the
club, baked this sugary depiction of the Greek word
from which our favorite
flower gets its' name. How
to depict the stamens? solution: chocolate dipped
toothpicks with raisins on
the ends!
Dan and Joann White, (on
the left), owners of Kinder
Place Gardens, presented
an informative program on
their hybridizing in spider
and UFO forms. (Bob
Skaggs, Mineral Area Iris
Society, president, is on
the right)
~ 32 ~
MoKanOk Daylily
door prizes at each meeting. Lucky winners are allowed to
choose any new introduction up to $150.00 value and the
club pays for it, as well as the shipping costs. They are
then required to grow the daylily for a year and bring a
plant of it, as well as a plant of any bonus varieties the
grower may have included to this sale.
Once members have returned their required plants they
again become eligible to win a door prize.
A feature eagerly awaited by our public is a special
$1.00 table, where members bring extra plants of their
tried and true classics to share with novice growers and
possible future members.
Mo-Kan Daylily Society
by Judith Durham
Greetings from the MoKan Daylily Society. Our club
is busy getting ready for this summer's Regional Meeting.
We will have six gardens on tour, two are larger ones and
four not so large. The four smaller gardens are located in
residential subdivisions and are great examples of what
you can do with your own backyard. We have spent many
hours planning for this event and hope you can plan to attend. Friday's auction will be hosted by Nikki Schmith and
Don Herr will be Saturday's speaker.
At our February meeting we had a Master Gardener
from Miami County, Kansas give a presentation on attracting butterflies to your garden. Our April meeting will be
our plant auction. Part of it is for cash and the other
part will be for Daylily Dollars with volunteer hours as the
currency. We are trying to get a nationally known speaker
for October.
Our plant sale in April is being moved to the Cave
Spring Park in Raytown, MO. It is one of two sales we
hold each year. The other one is at the end of August at the
Loose Park Garden Center where we have our regular
meetings. These are the only fund raisers we hold each
Visitors are always welcome to our meetings.
Ozark Daylily Club
by Bev Long
Fundraising: Our club’s primary fundraising activities are
sales and we have had the most luck with combining our
sales with other events held at the Springfield Botanical
Center. After two years of having sales in conjunction with
the Master Gardeners, we now hold our sale in conjunction
with the Butterfly Festival which will be held on July 21st
this year.
Special Program:
April 14, 2012 Meeting 3-5 pm Botanical Center
Program: Dr. Clydette Alsup-Egbers, Associate Professor
of Horticulture, Missouri State University will present a
program about tissue culture regarding creating new
Website: www.ozarkdaylily.org
Prairie Winds Daylily Society
by Connie Larkin
My yard looks like a jungle and it's only the 12th of
April! Everything looks happy and healthy, as is the club
this year. Our year started off with a speaker, even before
we had our 1st meeting! Tim Herrington came and spoke
at Botanica on March 18th. Tim stayed with us…and he is
truly a delightful southern gentleman. He gave a fantastic
program and we were fortunate to have a few out of town
guests from other clubs join us. Melanie Mason will be
coming this Fall. We have her scheduled for 10-28, a Sunday, at Botanica. Please come if you have the opportunity.
The club is gearing up for our Annual Plant Sale at
Botanica on May 12th. We also have another fundraiser on
June 23rd. The club is having an Open Garden in one of
our member’s garden. The date is June 23rd. the location is
9412 W. Douglas, Wichita, Kansas. This will be at the
home of Connie Larkin and open to the public. We look
forward to seeing some of you at Regionals this summer.
Topeka Daylily Club
by Marian Quinlan
The Topeka Daylily Club hold regular club meetings
on the 4th Tuesday in the months of January, March, April,
May, September and October at 7-9PM in the Preston Hale
Room, 124 N. Fillmore, Topeka in Old Prairie Town.
Rita and George Arnold from Arnold's Greenhouse in
LeRoy, Kansas presented the January program. George
opened the program, giving an overview of the Tallgrass
Prairieland and his enthusiasm for re-establishing native
plants to the landscape to help the environment. Rita presented a slide show of many new perennials and native
plants. Open House at the Greenhouse in Leroy is planned
for April 2, 2012.
Program Schedule:
February 17-19: Winter Gathering in Tulsa, OK Topeka
Lawn and Garden Show (Expo Center)
March 27:
Hybridizer Richard Norris from Ash
wood Gardens, Glouster, OH
April 24:
Randall Barron, Regional President
MoKanOk Daylily
May 22:
June 23:
June 29-July 1:
July 7:
July 11-14:
August 18:
September 25:
October 23:
December 7:
Members Only Plant Auction
Topeka Flower Show-Fairlawn PlazaTopeka
Regional Meeting, Kansas City, MO
Topeka Daylily Club Garden Tour with
AHS National Convention, Columbus,
Plant Sale, Farmer's Market, Topeka
Pizza Party -6:30PM- Garden House,
Lake Shawnee-Tim Bell
AHS slide show" Daylilies Over the
Years-The Sky is the Limit."
Christmas Party
Tulsa Area Daylily Society
by Susan Snodgrass
We have two fund raisers yearly that are open to the
public; the first is on June 9th this year.
We host a potted plant sale in connection with our
June Flower show. This is always a popular event.
Members of the public come in and see all of the exquisite flowers that are grown in the members gardens and
then they purchase plants, many of the plants are in bloom.
Our second public sale is in September; this sale began
as a bare root sale but has since morphed into a bare root
and potted plant sale. We provide color pictures of most of
the flowers and this is usually a really good fundraiser.
During the year we hold member auctions for plants
provided by hybridizers. This is a great way to place excellent plants in members' gardens, gives the hybridizer good
exposure and provides funds for the club and the hybridizer.
Website: www.tulsadaylily.org
West County Daylily Club
by Betsy Alexander
Our 2012 calendar started with a program on March
2nd by Paul Owens, A Slightly Different Nursery. Paul
gave a dynamic PowerPoint talk and auctioned recent introductions that he had brought with him.
We are finalizing plans for a summer tour of local gardens. Details should be available for our April 13 meeting.
Hopefully, this current weather won't set the bloom
season off the usual peak.
Our schedule for this year is rather different than previous years.
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The first auction meeting is Friday, April 13, 7:30 pm
at the Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG) Ridgeway Center, Beaumont Room.
Our major fund raiser is a plant sale of daylilies donated from members' gardens, Saturday April 28, 7 am
setup, MBG, Ridgeway Center's Beaumont Room.
A regular meeting with a featured speaker is June 1,
7:30 pm, MBG Ridgeway Center, Missouri Room.
The plant auction to benefit the Botanical Garden is
Friday, August 10, 7:30pm, MBG Ridgeway Center's Missouri Room.
The annual MBG plant sale is Saturday, September 15,
setup 7 am in MBG's Ridgeway Center, Ortwein Hall. Our
members run this sale. All proceeds go back to MBG for
maintenance of its Jenkins Daylily Garden.
The last regular meeting of the year is on Friday, September 28, 7:30 pm, MBG'S Commerce Bank Education
Center, room 125. The Commerce Bank Education Center
is west of MBG at the corner of Shaw and Kingshighway.
There is free parking in the west parking lot.
Our year ends with the annual banquet on Friday, November 2, the location to be determined. A nationally recognized hybridizer is the featured speaker.
Check our website for updates and details of club
news, meeting locations, program speakers.
Website: westcountydaylilyclub.com
Wichita Daylily Club
by Lisa Fitzsimmons
Fundraising events in 2012 for the Wichita Daylily
Club include our annual sale August 25th at Botanica. This
year we are also have a live auction of plants from Slightly
Different Nursery, hybridizer was Paul Owens, at our April
meeting, April 9, 2012. And at most of our meetings we
will have a silent auction of 10 plants.
Programs of Note
Several clubs have already had guest hybridizers as speakers already this year. Two future programs are:
10-14 Mark Carpenter hosted by the Central
MO Hemerocallis Society, Boone CO Univ.
Ext. Ctr., 1:30 pm
10-28 Melanie Mason hosted by Prairie
Winds Daylily Society, Botanica, 2:00 pm
Members of other clubs are invited to attend.
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MoKanOk Daylily
Welcome to New Members:
Pat Clayell
8067 Mapavi BRH 2
Bonne Terre Mo 63628
Ashton & Terry Lopp
6910 N Anderson RD
Spencer OK 73084
“Happiness must be
grown in one’s own
garden.” -- Mary Engelbreit
Region 11 Club Officers
Bluestem Daylily Society
Faye Yoder
Vice President: Marcia Waite (Kaye)
Karen Laas
Becky Bates
Marsha Waite
Central Missouri
Hemerocallis Society
Vice President:
Karen Blackmore
Blaise Brazos
Edyth Jenkins
Carol Schultz
Nancy Rold
Central Oklahoma
Hemerocallis Society
Lois DeCamp
1st Vice President: Emily Elliot
2nd Vice President: Ann Large
3rd Vice President: Brenda Jindra
Recording Sec.:
Judith Miracle
Nancy Kowalchyk
Corresponding Secretary:
Marthella Shoemake
Theresa Beecham
Flint Hills Hemerocallis
Vice President:
At-Large Member:
Jim Parker
Steve Amy
Ernie Minton
Ruby Zabel
Frank Schmeidler
Ernie Minton
Greater St. Louis
Daylily Society
Vice President:
Carolyn Myers
David Hoffman
Judy Schneider
Gayle Neumann
Kathy Krattli
Mineral Area
Daylily Society
Vice President:
Bob Skaggs
Al Roderick
Judy Skaggs
Karen Sherrill
Rod & Barb Gault
Charles Pickett
Mo-Kan Daylily Society
Vice President:
Vice President:
Connie Snow
Lois Hart
Jane Shepherd
Judith Durham
Catherine Boyle
Judith Durham
Ozark Daylily Club
Vice President:
Frieda Alexander
May Moore
Bev Long
Walt Long
Prairie Winds
Daylily Society
Connie Larkin
V-P/Program Chair: Sharron Gregory
Secretary/Reporter: Pam Jakoplic
Andrea Weaver
Newsletter/Hist.: Harry Gregory
Topeka Daylily Club
Jess Danner
Debra Cole
Marian Quinlan
Ann Redmon
Tulsa Area Daylily Society
Randall Barron
Vice President:
Barbara Gardener-Anderson
Jean Rodgers
Emily Elliott
West County Daylily Club
Vice President:
Bill Lenz
Betsy Alexander
Diane Hurwitz
Chick Buehrig
Betsy Alexander
Wichita Daylily Club
Vice President:
Connie True
Richard Longberg
Lisa Fitzsimmons
Sherryl Fitzpatrick
Rick Mourning
MoKanOk Daylily
Lily Auction - Spring 2012 Plants That Are Still Available
Adam Pitkin Hurd
April LaQuinta
Best Kept Secret
Beyond Thunderdome
Carolina Biscuit
Cherished Memories
Classic Romance
Dark Memories
Destin Dreamin’
Dragonfly Charmer
Elizabeth Salter
Florissant Rose
Gadsden Light
Georgiana Darcy
Heaven’s Gatekeeper
Horatio Alger
Inherited Wealth
Juan Tapia
Judy Farquhar
Lady Betty Fretz
Last Lama
Lexington Avenue
Curt Hanson
Smith, FR
Metallic Butterfly
Mountain Bluebird
O Soave Fanciulla
Ocean View
Oliver Billingslea
Orange Electra
Patsy Carpenter
Renie’s Delight
Rose Odyssey
Roses in Snow
Hansen, D
Ruby Storm
Scintillation in Pink
Sink into Your Eyes
Suburban Jim’s Memento
Suburban Pompadour
Supreme Tangerine
Sycamore Fruit Punch
Topguns Autumn Ruffle
Tea Cozy
Texas Big Red
Tongue Twister
Contact Lois Hart for prices and availability.
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MoKanOk Daylily
American Hemerocallis Society Officers
Executive Secretary
Editor - Daylily Journal
Julie Covington
4909 Labrador Drive
Roanoke VA 24012-8537
Pat Mercer
P.O. Box 10
Dexter, GA 31019-0010
Meg McKenzie Ryan
1936 Wensley Ave
El Centro, CA 92243
2012 Region 11—Officers, Committee Chairs and Liaisons
Region 11 Director
Mary Lou Lundblade
511 W Ness
Valley Center, KS 67147
RP - Randall L. Barron, Sr.
13539 South 91st East Avenue
Bixby, OK 74008
918.369.1581 phone
918.691.5979 cell
918.369.1561 fax
RPD - Linda Farris
15726 SW 143rd ST
Rose Hill, KS 67133
Treasurer - Lois Hart
PO Box 100
Louisburg, KS 66053-0100
Secretary - Michael Bouman
624 Hidden Lake Drive
St. Peters, MO 63376
636-284-7745 phone
314-578-2716 cell
New Member Liaison
Linda Farris (See Above)
Auction Co-Chairs
Lois Hart (See above)
Lisa Fitzsimmons
4820 N Glendale St
Bel Aire, KS 67220
Historian - Brenda Jindra
RR 1 Box 198
Cashion, OK 73016-9748
Newsletter Editors
Harry & Sharron Gregory
1138 Amidon Ave
Wichita, KS 67203
Electronic Communications
Chair - John R. Eiseman
10133 Springwood Dr
St. Louis MO 63124-1225
Exhibition Judges Liaison
Elaine Holmstrom
4042 SE 34th St
Topeka, KS 66605-3052
Service Award Chair
Bob Tankesley-Clarke
31642 Wieneke Branch Rd.
California, MO 65018-4044
Garden Judges Liaison
Michael Bouman
624 Hidden Lake Drive
St. Peters, MO 63376
636.284.7745 phone
314.578.2716 cell
Science Liaison
Dr. Steve Thien, Professor of
Soils Science KSU
3400 Windsor Court
Manhattan, KS 66503-0335
Hybridizer Liaison
Dave Niswonger
822 Rodney Vista Blvd
Cape Girardeau MO 63701
Editorial Advisory Committee
Chair - Hank Riggs Jr.
904 Cowan Dr.
Columbia, MO 65203-2306
Youth Committee Chairs
Irene & Rick Johnson
15355 Booth Creek Rd
Olsburg, KS 66520
MoKanOk Daylily
~ 37 ~
Rates and Editorial Policy
Submission of articles, club updates and pictures is very important to keeping The MoKanOk
Daylily interesting to all members of Region 11.
Please share local happenings and items of interest. All submissions are given equal consideration and will be published if at all possible.
Submit all articles and photos to mokanokeditors@cox.net
Out of Region Subscription Rates:
AHS Membership
Membership is on the calendar
year: January to December.
$18.00 per year. Please send check to the editors payable to AHS Region 11.
Editorial Policy
The American Hemerocallis Society Region 11 / The MoKanOk Daylily is
published for the benefit of the American Hemerocallis Society members
residing in Region 11. As such, the editorial focus of the publication centers
on: 1) Hemerocallis, 2) AHS and Region 11 events, or 3) Region 11 members and hybridizers.
Submissions are encouraged. The editors reserve the right to edit for
space, grammar, and focus on the three criteria cited above.
Submission Deadline
Publication Date
March 15
April 15
July 15
September 1
October 15
December 1
Advertising Rates:
One issue -- Full Page - $100
Half Page - $75
Quarter Page - $30
Half Page - $200
Quarter Page - $75
-- Full Page $250
Region 11 Website: http://ahsregion11.org
Looking Ahead
*Summer Regionals*
One year
Three years
(2 people, same household)
One year
Three years
New members are eligible to participate in the AHS voucher program.
Send all dues, address changes,
and membership inquiries to:
Pat Mercer
AHS Executive Secretary
P.O. Box 10
Dexter, GA 31019
Make all checks payable to the
American Hemerocallis
2013 Tulsa Area Daylily Club June 14-16, 2013
AHS Website:
~ 38 ~
MoKanOk Daylily
Region 11 Club Presidents
Bluestem Daylily Society
Faye Yoder
PO Box 23
107 W 2nd
Brookville, KS 67425
Central Missouri
Hemerocallis Society
Karen Blackmore
2312 Deer Creek CT
Columbia MO 65201
573.808.5316 Cell
Central Oklahoma
Hemerocallis Society
Lois DeCamp
821 NW 9th St
Moore OK 63160
Flint Hills Hemerocallis
Jim Parker
1604 Barrington DR
Manhattan KS 66503
Greater St. Louis Daylily
Carolyn Myers
621 Packford DR
Chesterfield MO 63017
Mineral Area
Hemerocallis Society
Bob Skaggs
5425 Peaceful Ridge
House Springs MO 63051
MoKan Daylily Society
Connie Snow
7306 Murkins RD
Kansas City MO 64133
Ozark Daylily Club
Frieda Alexander
4211 S Sulgrove AVE
Springfield MO 65804
Prairie Winds Daylily
Connie Larkin
9412 W Douglas AVE
Wichita KS 67212
Topeka Daylily Club
Jess Danner
2525 SW Fairmont
Topeka, KS 66614
Tulsa Area Daylily Club
Randall Barron
13539 S 91st E AVE
Bixby OK 74008
West County Daylily Club
Bill Lenz
5260 Ozarkglen DR
St. Louis, MO 63128
Wichita Daylily Club
Connie True
5441 W 79th St S
Haysville, KS 67060
If you are not yet a Daylily E-News subscriber, you
can sign up via the AHS website www.daylilies.org.
Future National AHS Meetings
2012 Metropolitan Columbus Daylily Society – Columbus, Ohio
July 11-15, 2012 – Region 2
2013 Hemerocallis Society of Minnesota - Minneapolis, MN
July 24-27, 2013 - Region 1
2014 Western North Carolina Daylily Club - Ashville, NC
June 25-30, 2014 - Region 15
Note: Dates are subject to change.
MoKanOk Daylily
~ 39 ~
See pages 2 and 12 plus the Back Cover for more Winter Gathering News
From Arkansas: Jim & Jane Mahan
and Judie Branson
From Colorado: Shelley & Susanne
We were fortunate to have
several wonderful out-ofregion guests join us.
From Texas: Darren Heppel & Bob Harper
The Bragging Bell Award went once
again to the Tulsa club. For the second
year in a row they had the most members in attendance.
Huge congratulations to the Tulsa Area
Daylily Society!
BREAKING NEWS: The local sheriff brought
to our attention that several of our Region 11
members were wanted for some serious
‘daylily crimes’. As you may notice, they include Bob Tankesley-Clarke, Mary Lou Lundblade, Randall Barron & Michael Bouman---all
leaders in Region 11!!
A very well-run auction of 150
spectacular daylilies bought in
$7,145 so we ended up with a
Winter Gathering profit of $5,100.
Great job everyone!
Two additional award winners were
announced. The Tricolor Award to
Jess Danner who won both the
Topeka and National honors. And
the Mavis Smith Service Award to
Steve & Jane Amy. This will be presented at a later date.
Did you notice that the group alsoincluded none other than our Regional President, Randall Barron!
The Jerry Mix Award was presented by Randall Barron to Rick
Pearce. Rick was selected for being
someone who best shows the traits
of an exemplary Region 11 member. Congratulations, Rick!