Eildon and Leaderfoot NSA Leaderfoot Valley


Eildon and Leaderfoot NSA Leaderfoot Valley
line section
AT / U / V
Eildon and Leaderfoot NSA
Leaderfoot Valley
132 kV overhead line seen against the backdrop of the Eildon Hills
Landscape and visual context
One section of 132 kV overhead line crosses the valley of
the Leader Water in the north of the National Scenic Area
(NSA). A further two overhead lines are in proximity to the
NSA, running parallel with the north and west boundaries.
The valley of the Leader Water is contained by deciduous
woodland with geometric blocks of coniferous woodland
and enclosed farmland creating a relatively intimate scale
landscape. The conical shaped landmarks of the Eildon
Hills form the key focal point of views within and to the
NSA, and offer long distance views of the two lines located
outside the NSA boundary.
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Landscape and visual impacts
The low vertical scale of the line crossing the NSA is
generally well contained within the intimate farmland
and valley landscape through which it passes. Overall the
landscape impact is Medium.
Eildon and Leaderfoot NSA
Views of the lines are limited to those experienced within
proximity, including from the Southern Upland Way to
the north of the NSA. The A68 runs perpendicular to
the overhead line west of the Leader Water, from where
glimpsed views of the line are possible as it crosses the
valley. Longer distance views of the lines outside the NSA
are possible from the summits of the Eildon Hills, where
the lines appear as a minor element in the view. Overall
the visual impact is Medium.
Assessed line section
Line section in focus
Potential realignment route
Potential underground cable route
Tower location
Borders Abbeys Way
Southern Upland Way
St Cuthbert's Way
National Cycle Network route
Regional Cycle Network (RCN)
Core Path
© Crown copyright and database rights 2015 Ordnance Survey 0100031673.
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
Mitigation proposals
Removal of 8 km of existing overhead line and
undergrounding (within the NSA).
Re-routeing of 8 km of existing overhead line along
an alternative alignment to the north of the NSA.
Landscape enhancement
Development of an Eildon and Leaderfoot NSA
Management Strategy/Plan. The plan must include
objectives linked to the mitigation of visual impacts
associated with overhead line infrastructure,
and a chapter on the topic (rationalisation of
infrastructure, removal of clutter, future rerouting
out of the NSA).
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