Volume 60 Issue 4 Summer Edition 2014
Volume 60 Issue 4 Summer Edition 2014
Volume 60 Issue 4 Summer Edition 2014 Brothers, Summer greetings from Bellmore Council # 3689!!! This is going to be a great year moving forward with our future council. As we are moving forward, let us never forget our past and all of our great memories that were made. Our new council address will be 101 Frederick Avenue located right in the heart of Bellmore. I want you to know if you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please do not be afraid to voice them. Remember the way we get through new ventures and tough situations is instilled in us at our second degree “unity”. Unity is defined as working together towards a common goal. The way we can work together is by communicating openly and honestly with each other. This year we will put forth several new ideas and ways of conducting business while still maintaining our traditional values. One of the things changing this year will be the creation of another committee under the Grand Knight called the Past Grand Knight and Past Presidents of the Columbus Club Association. If you are a PGK or Past President please join us!!! Your opinions and knowledge are valuable to your council. As we kick off the Columbian Year there will be several events taking place. I hope to see each and every one of you at one of our upcoming events. My challenge to you is that you attend at least two meetings this year and volunteer for at least one event (more hands make work easier, more productive and fun). Annual due notices are being sent out and are due in July. Once again I will be conducting a raffle sometime during the early Columbian Year for those whom have paid their dues. Welcome back to a new Columbian Year and I look forward to working and getting to know each and every one of you during my year as Grand Knight. Vivat Jesus, James F. Ruescher, GK Memorial Day Flag Planting - Pinelawn National Cemetery COUNCIL OFFICERS Grand Knight James Ruescher Chaplain Charles Omotu Deputy Grand Knight William Styne Chancellor Thomas Ancona Warden Ken Yager Recorder Kenneth Geiger Financial Secretary John Ruggiero Treasurer Thomas Borst Advocate Austin Cannon Jr., PGK, PFN, FDD Lecturer Joseph DeFino Outside Guard Peter Zapryluk Outside Guard Brian Kasper Inside Guard Gustavo Ham Trustee Robert Saylor, PGK Trustee John Murphy, PGK Trustee Austin Cannon III, PGK COUNCIL ACTIVITIES Blood Donor Program Joe Camillery, PGK Church Frank Mazzara Community Ken Yager C&B Austin Cannon III, PGK Degree-Ceremonial Ken Karchinski, PGK Directory William Styne Family Life Brian Kasper Fourth Degree Ken Karchinski, PGK Fraternal Vince Murray Membership Gustavo Ham/Thomas Ancona Pro-Life TBD Public Relations TBD Retention James Ruescher Retirees Bob Dunbar Vocations/Scholarships Austin Cannon Jr., PGK Youth Activities Gustavo Ham/Brian Kasper COLUMBUS CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Vice President Treasurer Secretary John O’Leary, PGK Vacant Bill Styne Ken Geiger Austin Cannon III, GK James Ruescher, DGK James Ruescher, Sr. William Palladino Mark Ruescher John Murphy, PGK Joseph McNeill Larry Oakley John Mahon Honorary Directors: Harold Dean, Pete Hackett, Edward J McGlone, Patrick Neville, PGK, Steve Amante, Frank Senatore BANQUET MANAGERS John P. Murphy, PGK Teresa Ruescher 516-785-9407 SUPREME COUNCIL INSURANCE AGENT Robert Gordon Charlie Droessler Karl Droessler Joe Donohue Dick Huhn Bill Dwyer, PGK Kevin Coleman, PGK Ray Radziski, PGK Special Intentions Jerry Curley Tom Waters Peter Zapryluk Neil Muenzen John Sullivan Shona Allen Patrick Hoyne Jerry Guilfoyle Joe Camillery, PGK Noel Camillery Ralph Esposito & Family Bill Styne Marion Orleman John Ruggiero Bob Tepe Deceased: ANNUAL FAMILY PICNIC FOREST CITY PARK, WANTAGH (Town of Hempstead Park Facility) SUNDAY, JULY 27, 2014 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM $30 / Family $20 / Couple $15 / Individual Bill of Fare Hamburgers Hot Dogs Sausage Corn on the Cob Soda & Beer Reservations Bill Palladino 516-781-3230 summerplace@optonline.net 516-551-7838 COMMUNICATIONS STAFF Log Editor Thomas Borst Checks payable to: Bellmore Knights of Columbus bell3689log@hotmail.com Fraternal Fishing Trip - Saturday, June 7 Log Business Manager John Weber, PGK jwmusic88@verizon.net Log Distribution Manager Kenneth Geiger kengeiger@optonline.net Photographer William Palladino Sick & Distressed summerplace@optonline.net Website Webmaster Content Manager & Contact Ken Yager toxguy2000@aol.com Editor’s Note: The cutoff date for The Log is the 20th day of each month. Submit all articles via e-mail Page 2 Bellmore Knights of Columbus - Prospective New Home JULY 2014 3rd Officers Meeting 4th Independence Day Parade 10th Council Meeting 17th Columbus Club Meeting 27th Family Picnic - Forest City Park 31st Past Grand Knight Assn. Meeting 8:00 pm 9:00 am 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 10:00 am 8:00 pm AUGUST 2014 3rd Officer Installation (Church) 7th Officers Meeting 8:00 pm 14th Council Meeting 8:00 pm 21st Columbus Club Meeting 8:00 pm 31st Communion Breakfast Immediately following the 9:00 am Mass 101 Frederick Ave SEPTEMBER 2014 2nd Retirees Meeting 3rd Ladies Auxiliary 4th Officers Meeting 11th Council Meeting 12th Children’s Ice Cream Social 16th Retirees Social 18th Columbus Club Meeting 19th-21st Bellmore Street Fair 25th Council Meeting 1:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 1:00 pm 8:00 pm Virgin Mary statue in Bellmore vandalized — again Figure beheaded, toppled outside Knights of Columbus building; similar damage occurred at same location in July 2013 Unfortunately, we again have been the victims of vandalism. One morning the statue of the Blessed Mother was found on the ground broken in half. We have contacted the Nassau County Police and reported this crime. 8:00 pm Packing Up & Moving Out Page 3 Ladies Auxiliary News Retirees As our elections are over ,all our officers remain the same. We are looking to help the council in their new home and help with all fundraisers they are planning. The next two months the Retirees will not be meeting. However, we will continue to have our monthly luncheons. We are having a banner made for ourselves plus shirts so people know who we are . October will be our first real fundraiser but we not have a date yet because we are waiting for the grand opening of our new building . We will be doing a meet and greet when the new building opens to welcome all including any new prospects that want to join The Auxiliary or just want to check us out. The new Grand Knight will make that call when the time arrives. Teresa Ruescher, Chairwoman Mark your Calendar July we will visit EB Elliot's on the Miracle Mile in Freeport and in August return to one of our favorite places, Popei’s in Bethpage. At our June luncheon at Cara Mia Duo, Frank Accardi was presented with his symbolic K of C ring for his years of service as Chairman of the Retiree's Club. It was a total surprise to Frank and his wife, Barbara. There were 40 people at the luncheon so we had a nice group to honor Frank. In the fall we are waiting for directions on what we can do to help in making the new council headquarters ready for the membership. Once we are settled in, a couple of guest speakers will be invited to address the group. Bob Dunbar, Chairman Membership Directory PGK Testimonial for Austin Cannon III The time will be coming soon to place your personal ad in the next directory honoring PGK Austin Cannon. When completed send your ad to me via email at kjak49@aol.com More details to follow in the upcoming months. Fraternally Ken Karchinski PGK,PFN Sunday January 11 or 25 (TBD) 4th Degree News The next Fourth Degree Exemplification will be on October 12 - the Sunday of Columbus Day weekend - at the Melville Marriott. All 3rd Degree members are invited to join. Location to be Determined Applications can be obtained from Ken Karchinski at 516-781-8710 or e-mail at kjak49@aol.com or Kevin Benes. E-mail Notifications C&B Program – 2014 Not getting The Log or updates to Council news or events by email? Please contact us at bell3689log@hotmail.com so we can update our e-mail records. Visit Bellmore Council’s website for the latest news and activities being planned for the 2014-15 Columbian Year. Add to your favorites: www.bellmoreknightsofcolumbus.com The Charitable & Benevolent Program is now underway. Raffle tickets were mailed to all Brother Knights - we ask that you buy or sell two chance books. The C&B program supports the Charities of our State and Council. Anyone who can help sell raffle ticket at supermarkets - even an hour or two a week, please contact Austin Cannon III, PGK. End of Year Awards - 2013-14 Vocations th On Saturday June 14 Bishop William Murphy, Bishop of Rockville Centre, ordained four men to the priesthood. Two of those men have ties to Saint Barnabas Parish and Bellmore Council. Citizen of the Year Award Joan Phillips Knight of the Year Award Kurt Bickom Father James Shelton spent his Pastoral Year at Saint Barnabas and was a frequent visitor to our council. Father has been assigned to Good Shepherd Parish in Holbrook. Lifetime Achievement Award Joe DeFino Scholarships Congratulations to Casey Leimback, granddaughter of Brother Ken Keller, on her reception of the Nassau Chapter Catholic High School Scholarship for this Fraternal Year. She will receive a $1,000 per year tuition grant for her four year in Catholic High School. She was also a recipient of a $500 grant from the New York State Knights of Columbus. Father David Antansio was assigned during his Deacon year to weekend duty at Saint Barnabas. During that time he assisted the priest at Mass and often preached as well. Father has been assigned to Saint Patrick’s Parish in Bay Shore. Seminarian Tom Griffin has completed his first year at Saint Joseph’ Seminary. Tom is the recipient of a RSVP grant from our council. Please pray for these men and all our priests and seminarians as they follow God’s call to service for the people of our diocese and the Church. Page 4 Maureen Hirten Agostinacchio,CBR,GRI Licensed Real EstateAgent Fine Homes & Estates Est. 1987 Still N0. 1 The Ultimate Doll & Gift Boutique www.DLDollies.com Dear Little Dollies, Ltd. tel: 516-679-0164 418 Bedford Avenue info@DLDollies.com Bellmore Village, NY 11710 www.DLDGallery.com Office 2003-2006 AA Realty 3900 Sunrise Highway Seaford, NY 11783 Business 516-826-8100 Ext 248 Cell 516-524-8306 Fax 516-826-3044 E-Mail maureena@century21aa.com Office 2003-2006 Each Office is Independently Owned And Operated “One of Long Island’s Best” Grill Newsday “ Support those that support the Knights” Diner & Restaurant Open 7 Diamonds Set, Maureen Hirten Agostinacchio,CBR,GRI Days Diamond Catering Specialists LicensedRings RealSized EstateAgent 2770 Sunrise Hwy., Wantagh, NY 11710 WHILE-U-WAIT & WATCH Fine Homes & Estates 195 Bedford Avenue 516-679-8787(8) 221-8721 Still N0. 1 in Bellmore Village 785-0134 Ask for Brother Knight Discount AA Realty 3900 Sunrise Highway Todd, Debbie & DenisNY Mouzakes GEORGE PARSONS Seaford, 11783 BELLMORE mate Doll & Gift Boutique 516-221-3749 Business 516-826-8100 Ext 248 Fax 516-221-8465 www.DLDollies.com Cell 516-524-8306 All Phases of Remodeling VETERINARY Fax 516-826-3044 s, Ltd. tel: 516-679-0164 E-Mail maureena@century21aa.com nue info@DLDollies.com HOSPITAL GENERAL CONTRACTING CORP. Since 1955 , NY 11710 www.DLDGallery.com Each Office is Independently Owned And “You’ll OperatedLove Coming Home Again.” Office 2003-2006 Petite Florist Office 2003-2006 Third Generation in the Floral Business Fruit & Gourmet Baskets Gift Baskets • Baby Baskets 2699-2701 Pettit Ave., Bellmore, NY Restaurant ord Avenue -8721 WHILE-U-WAITContractors & WATCH Hours: Mon., Thurs. 8 to 8 • Tues., Wed. 8 to 6 • Fri. 8 to 5 BELLMORE SURGICAL KEEZAC PHARMACY Open 7 Days keezacpharmacy@yahoo.com Greg Conneely WE FLAVOR Est. 1987 Catering Specialist s 516-221-4022 MOST LIQUID 2770 Sunrise NY 11710 SAM Hwy., SHETH,Wantagh, RPh MEDICATIONS IMMUNIZATION Plus COMPOUNDING 516-679-8787(8) Brother Mickey Lynch in Bellmore Village 785-0134 516-781-7423 Denis Mouzakes Tel: 516-308-4050 Bellmore, NY 11710 Fax: 516-308-4049 www.bellmorevet.com www.georgeparsons.com “ Support those that support the Knights” John F. Lynch & Sons Diamonds Set, Licensed Diamond Plumbing Rings Sized & Heating Newsday 229 Bedford Avenue 1-516-616-ROOF (7663) • 1-516-437-7955 Member of Bellmore Chamber of Commerce rill KEVIN CRONIN D.V.M. Dormer & Extensions Specialists • All Phases of Remodeling “One of Long Island’s Best” 2539 Merrick Road, Bellmore, NY 11710 Agency Principal The Conneely Agency, Inc. 2712 Grand Ave. Bellmore, NY 11710 Tel: 516-781-7722 Fax: 516-781-2975 The Ultimate Doll & Gift Boutiqu SERVICE AVAILABLE Ask for Brother Knight Discount Claims 800-255-7828 www.DLDollies.com Dear Little Dollies,GConneely@allstate.com Ltd. tel: 516-679 418 Bedford Avenue info@DLDollie 109 Bedford Ave., Bellmore, NY 11710 Bellmore www.allstateagencies.com/GConneely Village, NY 11710 www.DLDGalle Auto, Home, Business, Life Accepting ALL RX PLANS & WORKER’S COMP. Free Local Deliveries 1248 Powell Ave. N. Merrick, NY GEORGE PARSONS Gerard Lynch Leonard Lynch BELLMORE VETERINARY NATURAL PROFESSIONAL • DISCREET SERVICE Florist Brother GENERAL CONTRACTING CORP. T.P. EXTERMINATORS Chiropractor 1955 A & J Caterers HOSPITAL CHIROPRACTIC •Termites • Roaches “You’ll Love Coming Home Again.” “For All Your Catering Needs” TOM BRUCIA, CFP n the Floral Business • Mice C ARE •• Wasps Dr. Chris Wildenauer Fleas • Carpenter Ants Dormer & Extensions Specialists • All Phases of Remodeling Fax 516-221-8465 Chamber of Commerce (516) 521-7362 nch & Sons ensed D.V.M. Bro. Anthony KEVIN Aliberti CRONIN Fellow Brother Knight www.georgeparsons.com twbrucia@gmail.com BELLMORE SURGICAL KEEZAC PHARMACY 516-221-4022 SAM SHETH, RPh WE FLAVOR MOST LIQUID MEDICATIONS 2027 Seamans Neck Court Seaford, NY 11783 www.tpexterminators.com Office: 516-781-1018 195 Avenue Hours: Mon., Thurs. 8 to 8Seaford, • Tues., Wed. to 6 • Fri. 8 to 5 Bedford Cell Phone Office & Fax NY 811783 Cell: 516-510-5465 516-781-6046 516-983-6841 516-781-9432 516-781-1018 221-8721 SCOTT PERRY Fax: 516-679-2589 Web: www.wildenauer.topchiro.com Greg Conneely Todd, Debbie & Denis Mouzakes Agency Principal The Conneely516-221-3749 Agency, Inc. Fax 516-221-8465 2712 Grand Ave. Bellmore, NY 11710 Petite Florist Tel: 516-781-7722 Since 1955 IMMUNIZATION Plus COMPOUNDING SERVICE AVAILABLE ickey Lynch 81-7423 e. N. Merrick, NY Leonard Lynch Fax: 516-781-2975 Third Generation in the Floral Business Claims 800-255-7828 Fruit & Gourmet Baskets GConneely@allstate.com Accepting ALL RX PLANS & WORKER’S COMP. Free Local Deliveries Gift Baskets • Baby Baskets www.allstateagencies.com/GConneely 2699-2701 Pettit Ave., Bellmore, NY Auto, Home, Business, Life 109 Bedford Ave., Bellmore, NY 11710 MON. - FRI. - 9:30am - 7:00pm • SAT. - 9:30am - 4:30pm A & J Caterers “For All Your Catering Needs” Bro. Anthony Aliberti Catering to the Council for more than 15 Years 516-781-6046 Grill • and all other pests • FHA Termite Inspection Diner &VA –Restaurant Certified & Insured 229 Bedford Avenue Tel: 516-308-4050 Catering to the Council Bellmore, NY 11710 Fax: 516-308-4049 for more than 15 Yearswww.bellmorevet.com 2027 Seamens Neck Ct. keezacpharmacy@yahoo.com & Heating ractors MON. - FRI. - 9:30am - 7:00pm • SAT. - 9:30am - 4:30pm All Phases of Remodeling CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER urmet Baskets • Baby Baskets RETIREMENT & INVESTMENT 2539 Merrick Road, Bellmore, NY 11710 Ave., Bellmore, NY PLANNING 1-516-616-ROOF (7663) • 1-516-437-7955 Member of Bellmore Chamber of Commerce Printers of Chiropractor This Journal PROFESSIONAL • DISCREET SERVICE John F. Lynch & Sons T.P. EXTERMINATORS •Termites of Merrick• Roaches Licensed • Wasps • Mice Plumbing & Heating Dr. Chris Wildenauer • Fleas • Carpenter Ants • PRINTING • HIGH SPEED•COPYING Contractors and all other pests • Fellow Brother Knight • COLOR LASER COPYING Brother Mickey Lynch VA – FHA Termite Inspection • DIGITAL SIGN SERVICES Certified & Insured 516-781-7423 255 Sunrise Highway, www.tpexterminators.com 2027 Seamens Neck Ct. Merrick, New York 11566 1248 Powell Ave. N. Merrick, NY Cell Phone Office & Fax Seaford, NY 11783 (516) 546-2312 • Fax:516-983-6841 (516) 623-0870 Gerard Lynch Leonard Lynch 516-781-9432 516-781-1018 Still www.mmpmk.com • info@mmpmk.com SCOTT PERRY “ Support Dia WHIL in Bellm GE Al G “You’ll Dormer & Exte 2539 1-516-6 BEL KE k IMMUN Accepting A 109 Bedf MON. - FRI. A & J Cate “For All Your Caterin Industrial & Remodeling Company Clair ClairS. S.Bartholomew Bartholomew&&Son, Son,Inc. Inc. Funeral FuneralHome Home 302 S. Bedford Avenue, Bellmore, NY 11710 302 S. Bedford Avenue, Bellmore, NY 11710 Largest Chapel in the Area Largest Chapel in the Area 516-785-0225 516-785-0225 Complete Reconstruction IICRC Certified Complete Reconstruction IICRC Certified & GIFT SHOP Colonial Flower Quality * Service • Artistic Arranements 2510 Jerusalem Ave. N. Bellmore, NY 11710 & GIFT SHOP 516-785-2069 QualityWhisper * Service • Artistic Flowers What Words CanArranements Never Say 2510 Jerusalem Ave. N. Bellmore, NY 11710 516-785-2069 INCORPORATED Industrial & Remodeling Company Flowers Whisper What Words Can Never Say of Merrick PRINTING • INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL •INCORPORATED RESIDENTIAL • Industrial & Remodeling Company • INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • Colonial Flower All Services 24 Hours a day 7 Days a Week For The Job You Needed Yesterday Full Service Copies Pick-Up & Tel: 516-546-2312 Delivery of Merrick Service Fax: 516-623-0870 PRINTINGAvailable Discounted Invitations Andrew Moreno Computer Consulting Andrew Moreno • Upgrade-Repair-Training Computer Consulting • Network Planning Trouble Shooting •• Upgrade-Repair-Training • Installation • Network • CustomPlanning Software •646-831-8172 Trouble Shooting • Installation • Custom Software • 646-831-8172 EYECARE • VISION PEOPLE Knights Knightsof ofColumbus Columbus 2333Bellmore BellmoreAvenue Avenue 2333 Bellmore,NY NY11710 11710 Bellmore, www.bellmoreknightsofcolumbus.com www.bellmorekofc.com The Log Bellmore Council No.3689 Knights of Columbus 2333 Bellmore Avenue Bellmore, NY 11710 www.bellmorekofc.com All Services 24 Hours a day 7 Days a Week Todd W. Althenn Todd W. Althenn Storage Trailors/Office Trailors Storage Containers The L Bought/Sold/Rented/Moved Storage Trailors/Office Trailors Storage Containers Bellmore C&T CONTAINERS Bought/Sold/Rented/Moved Knights o Brother Thomas Coughlin President C&T CONTAINERS 2333 Bellm 800-244-6697 Bellmore, Brother Thomas Coughlin 516-694-6697 President www.bellm 800-244-6697 516-694-6697 PROFESSIONALS BROTHER LAWRENCE LUPO, O.D. 2766 Sunrise Highway, Bellmore,EYECARE NY 11710 King Kullen Plaza PROFESSIONALS Mon.-Fri 10 to 8 P.M. • Sat. 9 to 5 P.M. VISION PEOPLE (516) 826-2020 Many Insurances Accepted For The Job You Needed Yesterday BROTHER LAWRENCE LUPO, O.D. Full Service Copies Bellmore, NY 11710 Pick-Up & 2766 Sunrise Highway, Kullen Plaza Tel: 516-546-2312 Delivery Mon.-Fri 10King to 8 P.M. • Sat. 9 to 5 P.M. All Services 24 Hours Fax: 516-623-0870 Service (516) 826-2020 a day 7 Days a Week Available Many Insurances Accepted Discounted Invitations Bellmore BellmoreCouncil Council No.3689 No.3689 The TheLog Log • INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • Family Owned & Operated Since 1963 516-221-9459 2765 Broadway, Bellmore, NY 11710 Family Owned & Operated www.BANNERTRANSMISSION.com Since 1963 516-221-9459 2765 Broadway, Bellmore, NY 11710 Non-Profit Organization www.BANNERTRANSMISSION.com U.S. Postage PAID Permit #532 Bellmore, NY 11710 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit #532 Bellmore, NY 11710
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