A Catholic Community in Bellmore, New York Since 1912


A Catholic Community in Bellmore, New York Since 1912
St. Barnabas
A Catholic Community in Bellmore, New York
Since 1912
Rev. Adrian McHugh, Pastor
Rev. Charles Omotu
Rev. Francis Agyeman
Deacon Bernard F. Sherlock
2320 Bedford Avenue, Bellmore, NY 11710
516-785-0054 Fax: 516-221-7789
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM;
Friday: 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM;
(Closed Weekdays: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM)
Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Emergency Only: 516-280-0359
Monday to Friday: 6:30 and 9:00 AM
Saturday: 8:00 AM Vigil : 4:30 & 7:00 PM
Sunday: 7:00, 9:00, 10:15, 10:30 AM,
12:00 Noon & 5:00 PM
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Regional School
Principal, Ms. Leeann Graziose
St. Barnabas Christian Formation
Mrs. Marjorie Lampert 516-785-0130
Social Ministry
Mrs. Alice Witt 516-785-6243
Music Ministry
Mr. William R. Dione
Youth Ministry
Mrs. Margaret Harnisch
Pastoral Care
Sister William Noreen Reilly, S.C.
Business & Personnel
Mr. John G. Nappi
St. Barnabas the Apostle
Third Week of Easter
Monday, April 11 St. Stanislaus
6:30 AM
Robert Strasser
9:00 AM
James Spillane
Pauline & Vincent LoCurto
Dolores Young
Tuesday, April 12
6:30 AM
Margaret Gerdes
9:00 AM
Kathleen Uttendorfer
Wednesday, April 13
6:30 AM
Brandon Connel
9:00 AM
Kathleen & Gary Box
Thursday, April 14
6:30 AM
Toni Rabbito
9:00 AM
Brian Dione
Friday, April 15
6:30 AM
9:00 AM
2017 Mass Book
Requests for 2017
Masses can be made
on Saturday, April
30th in the school
lobby from 10:00
AM - 12:30 PM.
After this date
requests can be
made at the rectory
during regularly
scheduled rectory
The offering for all
Masses is $20.
Altar Flowers
The flowers on the Blessed Mother’s Altar
are in gratitude to Our Blessed Mother for all
Her amazing blessings from RMCMC+.
Bread & Wine
Raymond Vogts
Fr. Anthony LaBau SJ
Saturday, April 16
8:00 AM
Fr. Francis 4:30 PM
Fr. Adrian 7:00 PM
Colleen Buzanga
Kevin Rose
Margaret Quinn
Louis & Mary Marsico
John Rosalia
Gerald Curley
Renee DeSantis
Blanche Luft
Sunday, April 17 Fourth Sunday of Easter
Fr. Francis 7:00AM
Angelina Mammone
Fr. Charles 9:00AM
Thomas Diehl
Fr. Francis 10:15AM
Jean Gibney
Fr. Adrian 10:30AM
For the People of
Our Parish
Fr. Charles 12:00 PM
Patricia Kerley
Fr. Adrian 5:00 PM
Anna O‘Neill
Find us on Facebook
The Eucharistic Bread & Wine will be
offered this week in loving memory of Alice
Goldsmith from the Bellmore/North
Bellmore Mercy League.
The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on
the second, third and fourth Sundays of the
month. The Baptism Class is held in the
Church on the first Tuesday of the month at
7:00 PM.
Contact the rectory for an
appointment with a priest.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is
celebrated on Saturday from 12:30 PM to
1:30 PM or by appointment with a priest.
For the Sacrament of Matrimony contact the
rectory for an appointment with a priest.
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is
celebrated on the fourth Saturday of every
month following the 8:00 AM Mass. To
arrange a visit to a sick person by a priest,
contact the rectory.
The St. Barnabas Food Pantry was very fortunate to have received 70 Hams through the cooperation
of Stop and Shop and Island Harvest. The event was very exciting as a chain of students from our
regional school passed the hams and delivered them into our freezer.
A tremendous thank you to all who participated.
Next weekend, April 16th and 17th, referrals, cribs, car seats, diapers
St. Barnabas Parish will host a …and all other baby items that
Baby Bottle Fundraiser to benefit may be needed.
The Life Center of Long Island.
We are asking that you pick
up a baby bottle and fill it with
your change. Most importantly,
we are asking you to recite the
prayer on the bottle. PLEASE
21st & 22nd.
The prayer attached to the
bottle will enable the counselors at
The Life Center to say just the
right words a mother or father may
The Life Center is a crisis need to hear. It especially opens a
pregnancy center that counsels mother‘s heart to accept the truth.
women and men who are We believe these prayers lead
experiencing an unplanned abortion-minded women to call
pregnancy. Did you know that they The Life Center in the first place.
provide: free pregnancy tests, Let us pray with our whole heart
maternity housing with eligibility for the lives of our unborn
requirements, medical care, children.
St. Vincent de Paul
The Nassau Suffolk Law
Services provide FREE
legal assistance in civil
(non-criminal) matters to
disadvantaged persons.
To receive assistance call
law services at 292-8100
to make an appointment.
Merely to feel
sorry for the poor and
needy is not enough,
thanks to your generosity
and donations SVDP has
been able to provide the
poor and needy in the
parish a decent life and
help them to restore their
dignity. Anyone needing
assistance please call the
Parish Social Ministry at
Last week, we heard about Thomas,
his doubts, his questions about the
risen Jesus. This week we hear of
Jesus standing there on the shore —
but the disciples did not realize that it
was Him. Makes me wonder why? I
mean, here Jesus was standing right
in front of them and they couldn‘t
believe their eyes. It makes you
wonder why. Didn‘t they hear the
teachings of Jesus? Didn‘t they hear
Jesus explain that ‗the son of man
will be killed, but on the third day he
will rise again?‘ So, why were they
so surprised and unbelieving when
Jesus appeared to them after the resurrection?
According to John it was the moment when
he broke bread and shared a meal that the penny
dropped. Can‘t you hear them say ‗Ahhh!‘ ‗Ohh!‘
‗Riiiiight!‘ ‗Of course!‘ ‗Why didn‘t I see that?‘
It took Jesus himself to unlock their minds; it took
a revelation by God for the disciples to get it.
Have you ever wondered why two people
can look at nature and one sees the signature of
God in it and starts praising the Maker, and the
other sees nothing but a bunch of molecules
caught in the cycle of evolution?
Have you ever wondered why two people
read the same scripture and one meets the living
God and receives strength and peace and joy for
every-day living and another sees nothing but a
collection of ancient human writings?
Fact is, that it takes an act of God, a special
revelation to each one of us personally in order for
us to see the light of God. Just like Jesus had to
open the disciples‘ minds, God needs to open our
minds, too, so we can understand.
Opening our minds, of course, is the work
of the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit. That‘s why
we pray ‗Come Holy Spirit.‘ We need God to
help us believe. The fact that we understand
something of the mystery of God, is not rooted in
any of our doing, it is rooted in God‘s grace alone.
It is God who is doing the revealing of God‘s
truths, it is not our natural intellect who
True Wisdom is not something we can
obtain, we can‘t get it on our own - not even if we
worked extremely hard and studied all there is to
study. God‘s wisdom is not like earthly wisdom,
His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
Anyone who teaches Religious Education
knows this. You can teach all you want, but even
the best curriculum will not cause any of those
kids to learn and understand matters of faith. It
has to be revealed by God. They have to have an
experience of God in order to really understand.
And that we can only pray for.
If God gives understanding to whom God
wills, is there anything we can do in the process of
growing spiritually? Yes, I believe there is. We
can be open, we can pray that God may open our
minds. ‗Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your
faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And You shall renew the face of the earth. O,
God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did
instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the
same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever
enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord,
Amen.‘ What a wonderful prayer this is.
Eagle Scout Project
Altar server and youth group member Thomas Ham is a
member of Boy Scout Troop 285 and is currently working
on his Eagle Scout project. Thomas‘ project is to renovate
the St. Barnabas Youth Group Room situated in St.
Elizabeth Ann Seton School. His plan is to buy shelving
for storage, replace the rug and the seating area (couches),
purchase an entertainment center with television and a
DVD player. The approximate cost of this project is
$1,650. Thomas is requesting donations of money and
materials. If you can help, please send checks payable to
―Troop 285‖ and in the memo section note, ―Thomas Ham
Eagle Scout Project‖ to 332 Frederick Ave., Bellmore, NY
11710. If you can help, please contact Thomas at 8040012 or email thoham285@outlook.com.
Financial Reports
The Week at a Glance
Weekend Collections
Cub Scout Bake Sale after AM Masses
Church Lobby
1:30 PM
Baptisms, Church
7:30 PM
Al-Anon Meeting, School Cafeteria
$14, 816
$15, 683
7:30 PM
Drive Carefully
In order to maintain the safety of our
pedestrians, a speed bump has been
installed on the rectory side parking
lot. Please drive with caution.
Parish Families Registered 5,005
Envelopes # Mailed 1,463 # Used 695
# Envelopes 4/5/15 - 578
2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal
Goal: $107,900
Pledged: $94,369.00
Donors: 421
Received: $55,079.25
Second Collection This Week
Maintenance & Repair of our Parish.
Rice Bowls
Please return donations converted to a check
payable to St. Barnabas.
They will be
forwarded to Catholic Relief Services.
7:00 PM
Charismatic Prayer Meeting,
Holy Family Chapel
Family Music Practice
Holy Family Chapel
7:00 PM
RCIA Meeting,
Convent Meeting Room
7:30 PM
Al-Anon Meeting,
Rectory Meeting Room
8:00 PM
Choir Rehearsal, Church
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
12:30 PM
Bible Study,
Rectory Meeting Room
Super Market Bingo
Catholic Daughters Sponsor, School
Confessions, Church
Level 7 Rite of Welcome
will take place at all Masses
Saturday, April 16th &
Sunday, April 17th.
US Army:
General Paul Hurley, PFC David Calame, Jr., PFC
Justin Oney, Chaplain Spec Kevin A. Bauer, Major
Eric Reid, SPFC Sean Luhman, SPC Andrew Crowley
III, Lt. Richard Joseph Holahan, Major Benjamin H.
Klimkowski, Staff Sgt. Eric S. Loughran, Staff Sgt.
Christopher Price, SPC Kieran Riordan, First Lt
Marlene Dwyer, Pvt. Victoria Caudillo.
National Guard:
Major James McLean, A1C James Mikowski, Airman
First Class Thomas Ruggiero.
US Navy:
STS Thomas Kerley, Petty Off. ET3 Edward F.
Faulkner, GM1 Brian Kopp, Ensign John Connors,
HM3 Philip LeSueur MA2 Richard Kaercher, CPO
Nicolas Cuervo, Richard E. Feldman, SN Andrew
Freire, Joseph Polizzi, Christopher Polizzi.
US Marines:
Sgt. William D. Loughran, IV, Sgt. William
MacKenzie, Major Luke T. Holian, Gunnery Sgt. Scott
Murray, PFC Richard Kelley, Corporal Joseph Finno,
LCPL Brendan Whelan, PFC Ryan Baranek, Pvt. Brian
Hussey, Pvt. Richard Graziano, PFC James Brush, PFC
James Owens.
US Air Force:
Capt. McLean G. Bethea, Nicholas P. Wright, Rev.
Major Timothy Hirten
US Merchant Marine:
Lt. J.G. Eric Stumpel.
US Coast Guard:
Lt. J.G. Robert M. Scaduto, Jr.
US Peace Corps
Patrick Coons
Welcome home Commander Donald Moore
& Thank you for your service
Level 8 Rite of Enrollment
will take place at all Masses
Saturday, May 7th &
Sunday, May 8th.
We Pray for the Sick
Nicoletta Russo, Meghan Alice Roach,
Debbie Cain, Stephen Rich, Patrick Hoyne,
Rosemary Grandwilliams, Barbara Cannon,
Lillian Rocco, Pat Simone, Don Davis,
Louis Romano, Eugene Ryan, Richard Huhn,
Kristin O‘ Halloran, Patricia Merget,
Mildred Scalesi, Rita Lemma,
Donald Grimes, Jacob Daniel Haubeil,
Damon Capobianco, Carol Chiasera,
Diane LaBianca, Francis G. Noonan,
Terri-Ann Clarke, Charlie Riiska,
Natalie Martin, Patrick ClarkeKevin Keegan,
Jason Todhunter,
John Nalick, Corinne Capozzi,
Theresa Anselmo, John C. Hannan Sr.,
Clarence Anspake, Vic Caliguiri,
Dr. Lawton Manderson, Terrie Manderson,
George Stockerl, James P. Corliss, Jr.,
Lottie Smakowski, Dominick Schiavone,
Lucas Spina, Nicole & Baby Ella McKernan,
Raffaele Esposito, Rudolph Brochhagen,
Joyce Caggiano, Faye Marie Jamison,
Charles Young, Dolores Trimboli,
Kathleen Rathgaber & Mary Glacken
Important Dates - Confirmation will be held
on Monday, May 23rd – parents/students
should have received a letter with the time of
their Mass as well as the rehearsal
Saturday, April 16th & Sunday, April 17th –
Level 7 Rite of Welcome – please note the
Rite of Welcome will take place at all Masses
this weekend. A letter explaining the details
will be sent home.
Monday, April 18th – Thursday, April 21st –
Last classes for the 2015-2016 Religious
Education year.
Saturday, May 7th & Sunday, May 8th –
Level 8 Rite of Enrollment – please note the
Rite of Enrollment will take place at all
Masses this weekend. A letter explaining the
details will be sent home.
Please remember to check the Religious
Education grade level calendars as well as the
website to keep informed of dates of classes,
as well as when classes are not in session,
homework assignments, and requirements.
Mother‘s Day is soon approaching and we will
once again support our local agencies - Birthright,
Momma‘s House, Regina Residence and Life
Center with help for their moms and babies.
They have sent us their Wish Lists and hope we
can fill them as much as possible. The items
Banns of Marriage
Brendan Ward & Jennifer Kane
New infant and toddler clothing
Diapers and Wipes
Baby wash, lotion, shampoo, oil
Baby towels and wash cloths
Baby bottles
Crib sheets
Baby tubs
Some can also make use of gently used:
Bassinets, car seats, strollers, pack ‗n plays and
monitors. Gifts for the moms are also welcome.
Thank you so much for supporting our Mother‘s
Day Baby Shower. Donations can be brought to
the church lobby or rectory next weekend and
continue through the weekend of April 30th/May
1st. Your generosity is greatly appreciated .
Widow & Widowers Luncheon
Faith On Tap
Our next luncheon will be on Wednesday, April 20th,
at 12:30 PM at the Oak Chalet on Bellmore Ave. in
Bellmore. The cost is $22. Payment should be sent
before April 10th to Kathy Lowe at 945 Leeds Drive,
N. Bellmore, 11710. If you have any questions call
Kathy at 785-3981.
Faith on Tap will be at the Wantagh Inn,
3264 Railroad Avenue, on Monday April
11th at 7:30 PM. Brother Timothy Driscoll
is a Marianist Brother of the Province of
Meribah and an educator for the past 35
years teaching in Chaminade High School
and Kellenberg Memorial High School.
The topic for the evening is: ―The Art of
Mercy‖ Rembrandt‘s Return of the Prodigal
Son.‖ Bringing together his passion for art
and drawing young people closer to Christ,
this is a talk you don‘t want to miss.
Questions or for more information, email
Marianne Sheridan at msheridan @drvc.org.
Atlantic City Trip
You are invited to join the Widow & Widowers on a
bus trip to Atlantic City/Tropicana on Sunday, May
15th. The cost is $40 and includes $15 in slot play.
The bus leaves at 8:00 AM from Wantagh. (Friendly
Card Shop, the corner of Park Avenue & Wantagh
Ave.). Seating is limited, send payment, no later then
April 15th to Celine Beasley, 35 Croyden Dr.,
Bellmore or call her with questions at 785-7239.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Supermarket Bingo
Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Mother
Seton #2413, are holding their annual supermarket on
Friday, April 15th at 7:30 PM in the school cafeteria.
Cost is $5 which includes coffee and cake. Raffles will
include a money hat, lotto board and 50/50. Call Jackie
at 781-7846 after 7:00 PM.
Marian Healing Ministry
On Tuesday, April 12th, at 7:00 PM, there
will be a Rosary Mass and Healing Service
at St. Anastasia‘s Church, 45-14 245th St.,
Little Neck, NY. The celebrant is Fr.
Augustine Fernando, assisted by Deacons
Joseph Mercolino and Michael Vicinanza.
Music by Tony Owen. For information
contact St. Anastasia‘s Church at (718)6314454.
Business Manager
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Lindenhurst, is seeking
to fill the position of Business Manager. The ideal
candidate will possess a skill set which includes the
 Money management and analysis;
 An Accounting background including budgeting,
financial and operational auditing, and operational
procedures and controls;
 Basic technology skills for troubleshooting hardware
and software;
 MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint with PDS and
QuickBooks major plusses;
 Human resources knowledge including payroll and
proven management skills to oversee buildings,
grounds and all support staff;
 Familiarity with business law would be helpful, but not
Three days a week - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday with
flexibility for attendance at occasional evening or weekend
Resumes may be sent to Msgr. Joseph
DeGrocco at msgrjoe@oloph.org.
Widows, Widowers Divorced &
Single Catholics of Long Island
Meetings are held every fourth
Tuesday of the month at St. Frances
De Chantal School in Wantagh. The
next meeting will be April 26th at
7:30 PM. Please bring proof of
single status to join. Contact Carol
at 794-4933 or Barbara at 798-2858.
Bereavement Counseling and
Curé of Ars will hold a 7 week
session on Wednesday evenings
from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM in the
Rectory Lower Level on April 13th,
20th, 27th, May 4th, 11th, 18th.
The closing Mass is on Thursday,
May 26th in Msgr. Leonard Hall.
Register by calling 623-1400 est.
Massapequa Kiwanis:
A Summer Family Retreat
The Drug Initiative
Please join us for our Community Summit on
Tuesday, April 12th at 7:00 PM in the Massapequa
High School - Auditorium. The Kiwanis of
Massapequa see too many of our children facing
the loss of friends and/or family members due to
the addiction of prescription drugs or heroin. We
have developed an 8 point drug awareness program
and are working with elected officials, businesses,
local organizations and Kiwanis from all over New
York to help us combat the drug epidemic plaguing
our community. If you have any questions, please
contact Robert Thompson at rthom60@aol.com.
The Marianist Family Retreat Center in Cape
May Point, NJ is sponsoring retreat weeks that
start each Monday beginning June 29th
through the end of August. Join together with
several other families to form a Christcentered community for the week. Mass and
other family liturgies are complemented by
skits, presentations, family sharing, peer group
discussions, sunset, beach walks and other fun
activities. Scheduled recreation and free time
(4-5 hours each day) with ocean swimming is
part of the retreat. For additional information
or to make reservations visit:
Communion for Every Community
Donate a Communion Dress. Over 50 young girls
on Long Island‘s East End make their Communion
each year and don‘t have a dress for this important
day. With your donation of a Communion dress
(any nice white/flower girl dresses in any size can
be donated as well), you will give these girls the
special outfit to make their Communion a day they
will remember forever.
Drop off location:
Chateau Cleaners, 61 Berry Hill Road, Syosset.
Partner Parish: Sister Margaret Rose Smyth, North
Fork Spanish Apostolate.
If you have any
questions, or would like further information please
contact Sally Hooey at sallyhooey@gmail.com
Walk the Path of Literacy
Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville are sponsoring
a walk-a-thon to benefit the Opening Word
Program. There will be clowns, face painting etc.
The walkathon will take place at the Queen of the
Rosary Motherhouse at 555 Albany Ave.,
Amityville on Saturday, April 23rd from 1:00 PM
– 3:00 PM (Rain or Shine). For information call
Andréa Moreale or Debbie DeRupo at (631)8426000.
Knights of Columbus Insurance
The Knights of Columbus is looking for brother
Knights to help continue Venerable Father Michael
J. McGivney‘s mission of protecting Catholic
families. Contact Charles Lyon, General Agent at
223-2339 or e-mail Charles.lyon@kofc.org.
Friars Golden Kids Carnival
On Sunday, April 24th, St Anthony‘s High
School will be hosting a carnival for children
with special needs and their families from 1:00
PM - 4:00 PM. The day will include
inflatable's, carnival games, dancing, face
painting, bubbles, chalk, a variety of sports, a
photo booth, a quiet coloring area and other
appropriate activities. A late lunch/early dinner
will be provided. Check in is at 12:30 PM in
the Student Center of St. Anthony‘s. Each
child will be matched up with student ―Buddy‖
volunteer. There is no cost for this event but
any donation would be appreciated and will be
used to offset the cost of the days activities.
Registration is required no later that Friday,
April 15th. For registration and information
email FriarsGoldenKidsCarnival@gmail.com.
Hi Everyone,
One of my favorite things about the Easter season is the First
Reading each week from the Acts of the Apostles. It‘s such a great
history of the early Church. It tells us how the early followers had to live their lives and figure things
out as they grew. Sometimes things were good and they added many followers along the way.
Sometimes, things were not easy and as we see today, they were questioned and told to stop teaching
in Jesus name. This seems so timely in our time now. We live in a society that does not want to hear
the truth. Especially for our young Church. Our teens are living in a society where faith is attacked
almost on a daily basis. This reading shows us how Peter and the apostles were able to stand strong in
their faith and follow their faith. I think we can take a lot from that. Is there a part of our lives where
we don‘t stand up for our faith like we should? We can do it in simple quiet ways, like becoming
involved in parish activities or youth group. Maybe inviting a friend to come to church with us. If the
disciples could do it during a time they might be martyred, I think we can do it as well!
Have a blessed week! Peggy
Youth Ministry meet a couple of times each month to play games and talk about different faith topics.
We meet in the school cafeteria on Fridays. I hope you will join us!
We will be going to the next Holy Hour/Dodgeball on Friday April 15th!
RCIA At the Easter Vigil this year, Richard Hueglin was baptized, and Louis Romano, Yev Guyduy,
Kevin Coons and Kasey Estey, were welcomed into full communion with the Catholic Church. They
now enter the period of Mystagogy, a time to be welcomed into the daily activities of the church.
Are You Considering Becoming Catholic?
Are You A Catholic Interested In Being Confirmed?
Join Us For RCIA
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Paul Camillery
Theresa Hubert
Brian Kenny
Theresa Lyons
Mary Lou Till
Members’ Observing:
Margaret Albertini
Rosemary DeFrancisi
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, or RCIA, is a series of classes
that present an adult exploration of the Catholic faith. RCIA is a chance for
people to learn the basics of what it means to be Catholic, to ask their
burning questions, and to seek ways to more fully open their lives to Jesus
RCIA is primarily for adults considering becoming Catholic and for
Catholics who were never Confirmed. RCIA prepares men and women to
make a conscious choice whether or not they want receive the sacraments
of initiation offered by the Catholic Church (Baptism, Eucharist, and
Each year men and women embark on an exploration of the Catholic faith.
Together we witness to the fact that our search for God is a lifelong
journey, a journey on which we make the most progress when we walk it
with others and with intention.
The RCIA group meets every Wednesday evening from September to
Easter. This is the primary time commitment, and there may be other
commitments depending on what part of the process you‘re going through.
How to Signup:
Call the rectory and leave a message for Terry Hubert.
knights of columbus
HATS OFF to the Mets
for their trip to the 2015 World Series!
HATS ON to YOU for supporting our
fundraiser benefitting Catholic Education
For more information please visit: tomorrowshopefoundation.org
For more information please visit: education.futuresineducation.org
Join us at Citifield on
Monday, May 2, 2016 at 7:10 PM
Atlanta Braves vs New York Mets
Tickets ONLY $40.00
Knights of
portion of
the proceeds will
be donated
to Tomorrow’s
Brother Knight Joe Peluso
singing our National Anthem
Field Level in the
Big Apple Section
Knights of Columbus Color Corp
Hope Foundation and Futures in Education
Make Check or Money Order payable to: NYS COUNCIL, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
In memo, please put: METS 2016
Name: ____________________________________________________ Council #: _________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip:
Phone: _______________________________ Email: ________________________________
# of tickets: _______ @ $40.00 each Total Amount Enclosed: $________
(631) 926-1345 / kjak49@aol.com
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Regional School
Where we “LIVE” with Respect, Responsibility & Reverence
Please visit our website at www.steas.com for all our news and current events
At SEAS you will watch your child grow from a
“Follower of Jesus” into an “Ambassador of Christ”
Sunday, May 1st ~ 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Celebrating over 20 years of Academics, Faith & Service
Nursery-8th Grade New York State Fully Accredited Faculty
New York State Certified Teachers & New York State Curriculum Compliance
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Regional School is a Middle States Accredited Catholic School for Nursery
through 8th Grade Children. We offer an Early Childhood Program that consists of Half-Day Nursery,
Half and Full Day Pre-K and Kindergarten, as well as Our Time, which is a Two-Year Old Child and Parent
Transitional Program. The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School curriculum is fully aligned with the
Diocese of Rockville Centre. SEAS strives to create a nurturing educational environment of
Academics, Faith, and Service.
Setting the foundation today… for the Graduates of tomorrow!
Come fall in Love with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School!
We congratulate the April recipients:
Followers of Jesus:
Alyssa Acosta, Jonathan Bacon, Jaeda Bartfield,
Adrian Bilas, Benjamin Brodish, Landon Butler,
Emily Connelly, Gabriella Garcia, Guillermo
Granados, Hunter Harrison, Patrick Iannotta, Ashley
LaMaina, Alexandria LaVacca, Katie Maldonado,
Evelyn McBrien, Emily Merlo, Chase Pollitt,
Madelynn Prusiecki, Brooklyn Scavo & Mateo Solis
Ambassadors of Christ:
Gisele Graziose, Katherine Keegan, Brienne Lange,
Sophia Mazza & Kayla Paz
Family-Week Out April 10th – 15th
Dine at Elisa‘s Restaurant of North
Bellmore April 10th- 15th and a
percentage of the sale goes back to our
school! Go to our website to print the
flyer & present it the day you go to eat at
Elisa‘s. It will ensure SEAS receives the
SAVE THE DATE: April 22nd – Family
BINGO – 6:30 PM in Msgr. Leonard
Hall on the Cure of Ars‘ campus. ALL
families & Bingo lovers welcome!
Snacks available for purchase. If you
would like to donate baked goods or join
Children @ St. Barnabas
Seven up @ St. Barnabas