st. anthony catholic church frankfort, il st. anthony catholic church
st. anthony catholic church frankfort, il st. anthony catholic church
S E C O N D S U N DAY OF EASTER April 27, 2014 ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH FRANKFORT, IL Page Two — April 27, 2014 Saint Anthony Catholic Church DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY ON THIS SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER, THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES CELEBRATES the Holy Spirit’s gift of unity to the infant Church, while John’s Gospel shows the Risen Jesus’ Divine Mercy bestowing the reconciliation from which such unity is born. Fittingly, therefore, we rejoice today with the Church throughout the world, as Pope Francis canonizes the Pope of Unity, Saint John XXIII, and the Pope whose devotion named today as the Sunday of Divine Mercy, Saint John Paul II. Let us pray... That through the prayers of Pope Saint John XXIII, the God of peace may help leaders of nations, in their thoughts and decisions, to reject every escalation of hatred and violence; and that all human relations may reveal the victory of Jesus risen and alive, let us pray to the Lord. That through the prayers of Pope Saint John Paul II, the God of life may inspire a passionate commitment to human dignity among men and women of culture, science, and government; and that, in every human person, honor may be given to Jesus risen and alive, let us pray to the Lord. S T . A N T H O N Y C H U RC H C A L E N DA R DATE DAY 27 Apr SUN UPCOMING EVENTS Baptism Ceremony OF E VENTS LOCATION TIME Church 1:15 PM PRESCHOOL BACK TO SCHOOL THIS WEEK! 28 Apr MON Small Christian Communities Padua Center SAM 7:00 PM 29 Apr TUES Tuesday Morning Rosary Group Padua Center ESA 9:30 AM 29 Apr TUES REP First Communion Practice Church 5:00 PM 29 Apr TUES RCIA Padua Center ESA 6:00 PM 29 Apr TUES REP First Communion Practice Church 7:00 PM 29 Apr TUES Holy Spirit Prayer Group Padua Center SAM 7:00 PM 30 Apr WED Traditional Choir Church 7:30 PM 1 May THUR Children's Choir Church 5:00 PM 1 May THUR Teen Choir Church 6:15 PM 1 May THUR Praise Choir Church 7:30 PM 2 May FRI Wedding Rehearsal Church 6:00 PM 3 May SAT Biblical Institute Padua Center SAM 9:00 AM 3 May SAT Wedding of Christopher Feminis and Alyson Shelton Church 2:00 PM 3 May SAT Reconciliation Church 4:00-4:50 PM SUN, MAY 4 REP FIRST COMMUNION DAY 2:00 PM CHURCH AND ST. ANTHONY HALL Divine Mercy Sunday April 27, 2014 — Page Three Parish Photo Directory from Lifetouch CATHOLIC MINISTRIES 2014 ANNUAL APPEAL OUR PARISH GOAL IS $114,765. We have $115,292 pledged and $75,041 amount paid. We have 572 donors. IF YOU HAVE NOT YET MADE your contribution to the 2014 Catholic Ministries Appeal, please consider doing so. One pledge can make a difference, especially when combined with all the other pledges made throughout the diocese. PLEASE GRATEFULLY CONSIDER providing your financial support to this Appeal. You can and will make a difference. AFTER OUR PARISH EXCEEDS its Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal (CMAA) goal of $114,765 in paid pledges, 60% of any additional funds are returned for use in our parish. If you had your picture taken with Lifetouch, you may stop in the Parish Office and pick up your book. If you have any questions, please call 815-469-3750. Thank you. MOTHER'S DAY FLOWER SALE Saturday, May 10 Sunday, May 11 After All Masses The St. Anthony Pro-Life Group will sell beautiful bouquets of fresh flowers after all Masses. You will find the perfect gifts from an array of roses, carnations, mixed floral arrangement and beautiful garden bouquets. Each bouquet is wrapped in tissue and ready to present to your Mother... Stepmother...Motherin-law...or Grandmother. Proceeds from your purchase will be used for The Women’s Center. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous response. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY ST. ANTHONY CONFERENCE In the Gospel today, Jesus stands in the midst of us and says: “Peace be with you!” During Mass we turn to each other and say “Peace be with you!” As you put your gift into the St. Vincent de Paul box you say “Peace be with you!” to those who are poor and hungry. In March, your generous donations of food and funds, $8,105, allowed us to help over 28 families with $7,929 in nonperishable and fresh food, as well as help with rent and utility payments. Your open hearts continue to amaze! God bless you in this Easter season. FIRST SATURDAY MASS IN HONOR OF THE BLESSED MOTHER WILL BE CELEBRATED IN THE CHURCH AT 8:00 AM MASS ON SATURDAY, MAY 3RD. Page Four — April 27, 2014 Saint Anthony Catholic Church Scripture Reflections for SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER/ DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY GOSPEL LIVING the WORD Sunday, April 27, 2014 THIS WEEK’S FOCUS: SEEING IS NOT ALWAYS BELIEVING In today’s world, we look for evidence that things are true. When it comes to the Resurrection, the only evidence that others have of its truth is the witness of those who follow the Risen Lord. FIRST READING All who believed were together and had all things in common (Acts 2:42-47). Luke tends to be very optimistic in his view of community life. He was trying to bring pagans to conversion, so he wanted them to see how wonderful Christian life was. In this sense, we could call him the community’s first vocation director. The members of that community are dedicated to the breaking of the bread (Eucharist), prayer and mutual support. SECOND READING God has given us new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus from the dead (1 Peter 1:3-9). We are adopted as God’s children with an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading and allows us to live forever with God. We should view suffering from this perspective. Peter argues our suffering will lead to our purification and we learn what is important and worth living/dying for. It purifies our intentions. It teaches us to trust without limit in the providence of God. It also changes our view of sin—it no longer is the breaking of rules but living in a manner that falls short of the dignity to which we have been called. Jesus taught us that we are too good and precious to sell ourselves for such a cheap price. He thought so highly of us that He died for us. Should we not value ourselves as highly? Eight days later Jesus came and stood in their midst (John 20:19-31). Jesus’ first apparition to the disciples filled them with fear, but Jesus greets them with the words “Peace be with you.” There are no recriminations or accusations. Rather, there is total acceptance. Jesus breathes them. Through this gesture, He breathes His Holy Spirit into them. The handing of the Holy Spirit is associated with the forgiveness of sins. The Spirit is the Father’s love for Jesus and His love for the Father and their love for us. It is only through a powerful outpouring of love that our sins can be forgiven. Thomas did not want to believe in the resurrection until he had concrete evidence. We cannot always have absolute proof for our faith. We often must trust and take a leap of faith. Jesus is truly risen in the flesh (Thomas could touch His wounds). Those who believe without seeing (those in the generations after that of the eyewitnesses) are commended for believing. REFLECTION Both the second reading and the Gospel give us an opportunity to reflect on “seeing” and “believing.” In the Gospel, Thomas says that he will not believe unless he sees the risen Jesus himself. Jesus obliges him by appearing to him, but also saying, “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” In the second reading, the author makes much the same point. “Even though you do not see Him now yet believe in Him, you rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy.” In both of these readings, it is a willingness to believe what goes beyond the evidence of our eyes that is praised. But it remains part of human nature to desire a sign, some evidence prompting us to an act of faith. In the first reading, the Acts of the Apostles, it seems that people come to faith in the risen Jesus because of the kind of life that they see His followers living. They see people dedicated to living a life together, who willingly share their goods, and who break bread with each other “with exultation and sincerity of heart.” Because of the witness of the Christian community in Jerusalem, “the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.” They were the sign that Jesus was truly risen. Even today it remains the role of the Church to be a sign of the resurrection of Jesus, which can prompt those who witness our love and joy to believe in the risen life of the One whom they cannot see. The Church is not simply a place where we go to be spiritually nourished; it is a reality in which we all have the role of serving as a sign of the reality of Easter. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday, April 28 Acts 4:23-31 Jn 3:1-8 Tuesday, April 29 Acts 4:32-37 Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday, April 30 Acts 5:17-26 Jn 3:16-21 Thursday, May 1 Acts 5:27-33 Jn 3:31-36 Friday, May 2 Acts 5:34-42 Jn 6:1-15 Divine Mercy Sunday April 27, 2014 — Page Five PRAYERS FOR OUR FAMILY MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, APRIL 28TH 8:00 AM = Harriet Cieslak/Family TUESDAY, APRIL 29TH 8:00 AM = ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, VIRGIN & DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH = Kristina Richards/Mitchell Family WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30TH = 8:00 AM = Mary Lois Delaney/Eileen and David Klen THURSDAY, MAY 1ST 8:00 AM = John Josa/Ron and Elizabeth Miller = Geri Tropp/Len = Zbigniew Cieslak FRIDAY, MAY 2ND = ST. ATHANASIUS, BISHOP & DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH 8:00 AM = Vivian Frighetto/Gloria Ziolkowski = Zbigniew Cieslak SATURDAY, MAY 3RD ST. PHILIP, APOSTLE ST. JAMES, APOSTLE = 8:00 AM FIRST SATURDAY MASS IN HONOR OF THE BLESSED MOTHER = Irene Danahey = 5:00 PM = Ethel and Peter E. Lazzarotto/Family = Zbigniew Cieslak SUNDAY, MAY 4TH THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER = 7:30 AM = Janet Egan/Leona Andruska = Richard Schroeder/Lorraine =9:00 AM = For the Parish Family of St. Anthony = Leo Michuda/Deb Tullier and Sons = Gloria Nunez/Aguilar-Nunez Family =10:30 AM = Christina Lindsay Finley/Mom and Dad Intention of Baby Piotr Zajac/Grandma and Grandpa = Michelle DelCotto/Mr. and Mrs. John Tone = Richard Boukal (Remembrance-50th Wedding Anniversary)/Connie 12:00 PM = Raymond Dela Rosa/Rick and Jeanne DeFries = Jane Katherine Kaminski Nannizzi/Mother 6:30 PM = Irene Danahey = Zbigniew Cieslak For the Sick Please pray for all the sick and their families… PLEASE PRAY FOR VOCATIONS 27 Dcn. Laurence Lissak, Dcn. Patrick Lombardo Dcn. Jose L. Lopez, Dcn. Marco Lovero Dcn. Daniel Mahoney 28 Bishop R. Daniel Conlon 29 Senovia Sarabia (Seminarian) 30 Fr. James Schwab, Fr. John Sebahar 1 Br. Alphonsus Brown, Br. Charles Pratt BGS Br. Robert May CFC 2 Sr. Ann Ellen Quirk BVM, Sr. Ritamary Corso CCVI Sr. Beatrice Baker, Sr. Theresa Galvin Sr. Helen Kavanaugh CND 3 Fr. Daniel Torson CPPS, Fr. Robert Lucas CM PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY A1C Antonio Cap y Sr. Airman Lawrence Clark Cpl. Ryan L. Gower y Petty Officer William Hartley Cpl Michael Horbaczewski y Capt. Timothy Hornik Major Thomas John-T.J. Hornick y LTC Alejandro Lopez LCDR John P. Ladowicz y LCDR Timothy Ladowicz Airman 1st Class Matthew G. Lusson y Sgt. James Talley Seaman Brianne Dillman y ITSN Donald Hammond Lt. Cmdr. Daniel Papp y Capt. Thomas Pierczynski Seaman Bridget Reynolds y Spec E4 Michael Santoyo Tech. Sgt. Michelle Shalloup y PO Thomas F. Shereck Lt. Kyle R. Smolek USAF y Lt. Joseph P. Stanek Corpsman Jonathan Waters y Lt. Thomas M. Zager PARISH REGISTRATION FORM WELCOME TO ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH Our warmest wishes to all who celebrate with us. If you are not registered at St. Anthony or are and need to make changes, please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or mail to the parish office. Forms also available at ____________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ City _____ _______________ (_____)____________________ State Zip Code Phone ____________________________________________________ Email Address ( ( ( ( ) New Parishioner, please contact me ) New Address or New Phone Number ) Moving—Please remove from membership list ) Email –Please add email address to your records. Page Six — April 27, 2014 Saint Anthony Catholic Church THANK YOU... to the many people in our parish family for their help with our 2014 RCIA program. We are fortunate here at St. Anthony to have so many people that graciously and generously shared their individual faith journey and their knowledge of our Catholic Faith with the ten adults who sought to join us as Catholics. Together they walked with them on their faith journey to a deeper understanding of our God. They shared their love of their Catholic Faith as they helped others to know and love the Lord in a uniquely Catholic way. I WISH TO ACKNOWLEDGE THOSE WHO HELPED me prepare the ten individuals we welcomed into our St. Anthony Community of Faith at this year’s Easter Vigil. Our RCIA Team: Sister Ella Binz, Tree Guzy, Vicky Stasulus, Colleen Mora, and Paul Greenawalt who faithfully attended our Tuesday night classes at the Padua Center. Our guest speakers, the “heart and soul” of our RCIA program, who presented on a wide variety of topics pertaining to our Catholic Faith and are such a wonderful asset to our program: Carol & Ray Bodnar, Deacon Don Higgins, Pat Greenawalt, Sr. Ella Binz, Deacon Tony Schlott, Deacon Rich & Dianna Rosko, Deacon Don Berkey, Sophie Follenweider, Deacon Candidate Kevin Helwig, Barb Boucek, Deacon Dan Danahey, Paul Greenawalt, Jan & Wally Gorczowski, Deacon Joe Johnson, Linda Pierzchalski, Roy Corrigan, Bill Kenny, and Mike Guzy. Father Greg Skowron, our pastor, who presided at the Teaching Mass that introduced the class to the weekly celebration of the Eucharist which is at the center of our Catholic Faith. Wayne Luff and Colleen Mora for taking pictures of our RCIA Class members. Colleen Mora who created the photo display of this year’s class that you see in the atrium of the church. Bev Regalado who provided secretarial support for our RCIA classes and Lisa Huguelet who assisted in running off many of our hand out materials. Jeanne DeFries who helped secure meeting places and church times for our RCIA classes and events. Raul Mendoza who helped set up our meeting room in the Padua Center for our weekly classes. Deacon Tony Schlott who helped recruit the members of our RCIA class through the Office of Adult Faith Formation. Ann Wator and Linda Pierzchalski who made the beautiful baptismal stoles for our RCIA Elect. Deacon Joe Johnson who planned and coordinated all of the various RCIA liturgies and Rites. Karen Kiley who made the arrangements for our Fall RCIA Welcome Dinner and the Easter Vigil Reception and Andy Pawiowicz who helped Karen with the Easter Vigil Reception. Special thanks to our pastor, Fr. Greg, who has worked with me behind the scenes on many of the aspects of the RCIA program and graciously hosted two wonderful dinner receptions for our RCIA Class and their families. Father Ron Scarlata, Chaplain at the Franciscan Mother House, who heard the 1st confessions of our RCIA Class and others who were on our RCIA Retreat. Sister Maria Brizuela, who welcomed us at the Franciscan Mother House for our retreat and gave us an unexpected tour of the grounds and the Chapel brought here from Indiana. And finally to my wife, Barb, who has been my right hand and steadfast support in all of the ministries that I am blessed to perform. Her constant support and helpful suggestions have been a real asset to my ministry as a deacon. M AY GOD BLESS ALL OF THOSE WHO HELPED ME SHEPHERD THIS YEAR’S RCIA CLASS into our St. Anthony Community of Faith. Please forgive me if have inadvertently forgotten to mention anyone who helped me this year with our RCIA Class. As you can see from the number of people listed, the St. Anthony RCIA Program is by no means a one-man show but rather a community of believers dedicated to spreading our Catholic Faith. Thanks and God Bless all of you! Deacon Bill Boucek Divine Mercy Sunday April 27, 2014 — Page Seven Page Eight — April 27, 2014 Saint Anthony Catholic Church THE POWER OF AN UNBORN BABY Dear Friends and Family, Sometimes a baby saved can change the world before he even enters it... JUST TWO DAYS AGO, WE RECEIVED the much anticipated news that "Baby T" had arrived after 40 long hours of labor. His mother and grandmother had come to us seeking an abortion. By listening to their concerns with compassion and assuring them there was help available, they left with a sense of relief. Later, after seeing the ultrasound of her 6-week-old baby's heartbeat, this courageous young woman chose life. But her journey would only get more difficult, and our work was far from over... THIS 21-YR-OLD FACED FOUR MONTHS of intense morning sickness, and our nurses coached her through it. The father of the baby threatened in-vitro paternity testing, so we obtained legal counsel for her. It seemed nothing would come easy for her, and yet with each struggle she grew more and more in love with the baby growing inside her. Then just two days before she went into labor, she broke the news to us that her baby had been diagnosed with Down syndrome. Instead of succumbing to despair over yet another trial in her pregnancy, this brave young woman told us that she could never imagine living without her baby and was up for any challenge. She told us that her parents (whom she originally feared would kick her out with the news of her pregnancy), would pat her stomach and talk to the baby. And the baby's father? HE NOW ACCOMPANIED HER enthusiastically to her doctor appointments and provided incredible support when the diagnosis came. In her words, he was "in love" with the life inside her. "Baby T" reminds us that every life is sacred and has a purpose. HE HAS DRAWN THIS FAMILY TOGETHER in a powerful circle of love. In the words of his doting grandmother, "he is perfect in our eyes". His mother says she is now staunchly "pro-life" and wants to give witness to those in similar situations. WE CONTINUE TO PRAY IN THANKSGIVING FOR ALL OF YOU - our volunteers, donors, and prayer warriors - for participating in our lifesaving work. And above all, we thank God who continually shows us the value of His creation. In Faith, The Board and Staff of Waterleaf Women's Center, Inc. P.S. To support our ministry, please visit Divine Mercy Sunday April 27, 2014 — Page Nine PRO LIFE REFLECTION and PRAYER "Everyone who does evil hates the light and avoids coming near the light so that his misdeeds may not be exposed." — JOHN 3:20 REFLECTION On the first morning of Jesus' Resurrection, the women having seen the empty tomb, ran back to the disciples. Peter and John, having heard the women's story, ran toward the tomb. And in the end, of course, all the apostles ran into the world to announce this greatest news of history. We, too, must run to announce the Gospel of Life with vigor and to save the unborn with urgency. PRAYER Lord, fill me with the vigor of Easter each day so that I may announce the victory of Life! NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING CLASSES AVAILABLE ONLINE Do you know that you can learn Natural Family Planning without ever having to leave your house? Natural Family Planning classes are available online. All you need is a computer or iPad, and speakers. The course features presenters on a live video feed, and you can ask questions through a live chat feature. A new virtual class is beginning April 25th at 7pm. New virtual classes in English and Spanish begin monthly. Questions? Please call Monica Cassidy at 847-724-7206 or to register please visit their website at PRO-LIFE HOLY HOUR You are invited to a Pro-Life Holy Hour on Friday, May 2nd at 7 pm in St. George Church (6707 W. 175th St., Tinley Park). We will pray before the Blessed Sacrament for true respect for all human life from conception to natural death. Please come to pray that our nation will be converted to a culture of life. REPORTING SEXUAL ABUSE Anyone who has reasonable cause to suspect the sexual abuse of a minor by a member of the clergy or other Church personnel is urged to report the matter immediately. To inform the Diocese of Joliet, call Mrs. Judith Speckman (Victim Assistance Coordinator) at 815263-6467 or write the Diocese of Joliet, 425 Summit St., Joliet 60435. Contact DCFS at 1-800–252-2873 or call the local County State’s Attorney office. Silver Star Expositions All seniors in the parish are invited to attend Active Senior Expo at no charge (regular admission is $2). The event will be held on Wednesday, April 30 at Chicago Gaelic Park, 6119 W. 147th St. in Oak Forest. Active Senior Expo features hundred of products and services for seniors, free seminars, free health screening, free musical entertainment and free door prizes. Show hours are 9:30 am-2 pm and parking is free. Simply present this bulletin (or photocopy) at the door and you and all members of your party will be admitted free of charge. Phone Prayer Line St. Anthony Holy Spirit Prayer Group has a group of people who will pray daily for your needs. If you have a need please call Dcn. Rich and Dianna Rosko at 815-469-2495. They will then call the prayer warriors with your request. All requests are kept in confidence. ADORATION CHAPEL OF MERCY "Talk, Talk, Talk... No!" "My experience is what I feel in front of the tabernacle, when I go in the evening to pray before the Lord. Sometimes I nod off for a while; this is true, for the strain of the day more or less makes you fall asleep, but He understands. I feel great comfort when I think of the Lord looking at me. We think we have to pray and talk, talk, talk... No! Let the Lord look at you. When He looks at us, He gives us strength and helps us to bear witness to Him." — Pope Francis Consider giving one hour a week to spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Open hours: Sunday 2, 3 AM, 1, 3, 11 PM Monday 1, 2, 6, 11 AM, 12 PM Tuesday 3AM, 9, 10 PM Wednesday 3 AM, 12, 1, 2, 4, 6, 10 PM Thursday 12, 1, 2 AM, 8, 9 PM Friday 10, 11 AM, 1 PM Saturday 2, 3, 4, 11 AM 12, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 PM To become an adorer please fill out an Invitation to Adore (located in chapel), place in the collection or the church office or contact Soledad Shereck, Chapel Coordinator: or 815-2363387. Page Ten — April 27, 2014 St. Anthony Catholic Church Saint Anthony Church Religious Education REP OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY-THURSDAY: 9 9:00 AM-4:00 PM CLOSED FRIDAY 2014-15 REP REGISTRATION IMPORTANT DATES FIRST COMMUNION PRACTICE and SCAPULAR INVESTURE Tuesday, April 29th 5-6pm (May 4th-2pm Communion date) Tuesday, April 29th 7-8pm (May 18th-2pm Communion date) Both in Church and St. Anthony Hall Divine Mercy Sunday April 27, 2014 — Page Eleven Boy Scouts of America Religious Awards "Without vision the people will perish." — Proverbs 29:18 A Vision for Manhood 2014 Joliet Diocese Catholic Men’s Conference Saturday, May 31 — 8:30 am-4:30 pm Providence Catholic High School, New Lenox Mass with Bishop Conlon at 7:30 am Keynote Speakers include: Danny Abramowicz, Curtis Martin, Pat Sullivan Continental Breakfast and Lunch CONGRATULATIONS This day of prayer, encouragement and fellowship will be a spiritual renewal for men of all ages. For information on speakers/breakout sessions/Spanish sessions/registration:; call 877605-7713; email Boy Scouts of America Religious Awards were presented by Bishop Conlon to Matt Ketchen, Matt Mills, Nicholas Pozza, Nathan Schutzius, Nathan Steinke, John Tijerina, Robert Kall and Alex Steinke. — YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY — Spirit and Truth Young Adult Eucharistic Adoration Communities Tuesdays 7-9 pm at St. Elizabeth Seton, Naperville; Thursdays 7-9 pm at St. Mary Immaculate, Plainfield; Fridays 7-9 pm at St. Joan of Arc, Lisle. For information please visit SPECIAL DIOCESAN DIACONATE ORDINATION PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI (pictured above with Deacon Don Berkey, Jim O’Brien and Jim Schutzius) St. Rita High School Hosts Youth Summer Camps St. Rita of Cascia High School, 7740 S. Western Ave., Chicago, hosts a variety of camps for youth of all ages. Boys: Baseball, basketball, volleyball, football quarterback, football fundamentals, golf, soccer, lacrosse, swimming, water polo, speed & agility, and strength & speed training camps. Girls & Boys: Recreation, band and iPad camps. For more information or to register please visit or contact Mrs. Mary Rita Insley at 773-925-6600 x 6620. September 26 thru October 5, 2014 Join Bishop Joseph Siegel and Fr. Burke Masters on a Pilgrimage to the Eternal City for the Ordination to the Diaconate of our very own Seminarian, Mr. Paul Solomon. Experience many of the beauties and antiquities of ROME, including its awe-inspiring churches: St. Peter's Basilica; the Scavi Excavations where we find the bones of St. Peter; the hillside town of Assisi. We will be privileged to participate in the Pontifical North American College’s 2014 Diaconate Ordinations. This promises to be a blessed event that will bring us great joy and fond memories. Other highlights of the pilgrimage include visits to Vatican Museums, a Wednesday audience with Pope Francis, a visit to the Pontifical North American College, and a walk through Ancient Rome. For info or to RESERVE YOUR PLACE call Sofia at 800-653-0017; email for brochure/reservation form. Page Twelve — April 27, 2014 St. Anthony Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church — Electronic Giving Authorization 7661 West Sauk Trail Frankfort, IL 60423 Parishioner Authorization Form Effective date of authorization: ____________________________ Type of Authorization: New Authorization Change donation amount Change donation date Last Name Change Banking information Change Credit Card information Discontinue Electronic Donation First Name Address City State Home Phone: Email: Zip Account Information Please choose either Banking information or Credit Card information. Provide information for one account only. Banking Information for Checking Account or Savings Account Debits Please debit my contribution from my (check one): Routing Number: _______________________________ Checking Account (attach a voided check) Valid Routing # must start with 0, 1, 2, or 3 Savings Account (attach a savings deposit slip) Account Number: _______________________________ Monthly on the 1st Monthly on the 15th Date of first contribution _____/_____/_____ Amount Per Contribution $________________ Credit Card Information Credit Card Type Mastercard Visa Discover American Express Credit Card #:_______________________________ Credit Card Exp. Date:________________________ Date of first contribution _____/_____/_____ Amount Per Contribution $__________________ AGREEMENT II authorize St. Anthony’s Anthony’s and and The Vanco Services to process debit entries to my account. I understand that this authorize St. Cunneen Company to process debit entries to my account. I understand that this authority will remain remain in in effect effect until untilIIprovide providereasonable reasonablenotification notificationtototerminate terminatethe theauthorization. authorization. Authorized Signature:_______________________________________________________________ Date:________________ Reminder: For Checking Account Debit: Please attach your voided check For Savings Account Debit: Please attach deposit slip LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE May 3 May 4 Celebrant 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Reconciliation 4-4:50pm Rec-Fr. Greg/Fr. Miro Mass-Fr. Greg Skowron Fr. Greg Skowron Fr. Miro Stepien Fr. Greg Skowron Fr. Miro Stepien Fr. Miro Stepien Lectors J. Stanker Sr. M. Brizuela S. Berkey L. Krech J. Johnson C. Scanlan C. Mast R. Williams B. Boucek J. Manns EOM S. Matthews T. Morrow A. Morrow L. Pammer C. Murnighan Sr. Ella R. Govert P. Lagger T. Lagger E. Allemand D. Allemand V. Doubrawa G. Stepenski J. Moyle L. Walsh M. Race R. Zych J. Sues P. Martin J. Major T. Carlson P. Ricker M. Rafacz J. Hickey L. Glancy D. Holmes L. Holmes M. Clifford D. Ducett T. Donovan A. Helwig T. Saccone K. Saccone K. Kiley P. Williamson L. Al-Muddaris M. Canoy S. Graham N. Oberg D. McHugh L. Murphy MC Altar Servers C. Isioma L. Vilutis A. Vanderpool E. Karl J. Dirienzo N. Matheu M. Adams M. Doyle K. Thomas A. Rea K. Sciarini A. Bernal J. Tijerina D. Kane B. Gargas M. Gorski Music Praise Choir Cantor Cantor Traditional Choir (subject to change) D. Walenga B. Herrick J. Manns U. Manns V. Manns Cantor Welcome to St. Anthony Catholic Church 7659 West Sauk Trail z Frankfort, IL z 60423 z Daily Mass: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. (Morning Prayer: 7:45 a.m.) First Saturday of Each Month Mass: 8:00 a.m. Saturday Reconciliation: 4:00-4:50 p.m. Saturday Masses: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Mission Statement We, the members of St. Anthony Catholic Church, gather together to worship and celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, as we strive to live the Gospel in our daily lives. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to invite, inform, inspire and ignite the community in our faith journey by fostering stewardship through sharing of our gifts of time, talent and treasure. We are further called to share our faith through active evangelization and charitable outreach. CONTACT INFORMATION: Parish Office Office 815-469-3750 Fax 815-469-6514 z Rev. Greg Skowron, Pastor, x 115 (emergency 815-791-6073) z Rev. Miroslaw Stepien, Parochial Vicar z Deacon Joe Johnson, Pastoral Associate, x 111 (cell) 815-922-9796, z Deacon Tony Schlott, Business-Facilities Manager, x149 z Deacon Don Berkey, z Deacon Richard Rosko, z Deacon Dan Danahey z Deacon Bill Boucek z Paula Bucciferro, Accountant, x 126 z Jeanne DeFries, Parish-Pastor’s Administrative Assistant., x 110 z Beverly Regalado, Secretary, x 112 z Lynette Rea, Music Ministry Director, x 122 Adult Faith Formation (815-469-6198) z Deacon Tony Schlott, Director, x 149 Religious Education (Grades 1-8) Office 815-469-6072 Fax 815-806-9421 z Kathleen Littleton, Director, x 143 z Sophie Follenweider, Director, x 144 z Maureen Hughes, Secretary, x 142 z Lisa Huguelet, Secretary, x 146 Preschool (815-469-5417) z Karen Kiley, Principal, x 148 z Lindsay Fitzgibbon, Principal’s Asst., x 147 B.O.L.D. (Becoming our Lord's Disciples) Youth Ministry z Jade and Art Fojas z St. Vincent DePaul Society 815-469-3750, x 114 Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon Bishop, Diocese of Joliet Rev. Vytas Memenas, Pastor Emeritus MASS AND OFFICE SCHEDULES REGULAR MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 Noon, 6:30 pm REGULAR OFFICE SCHEDULE PARISH OFFICE: 815-469-3750 Monday-Friday: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm REP OFFICE: 815-469-6072 Sunday: 7am-12 Noon; 4-6:30pm • Tuesday-Thursday: 9am-4pm • Closed Monday and Friday PRESCHOOL OFFICE 815-469-5417 Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. • Closed Friday