Newsletter - Hope Lutheran Church


Newsletter - Hope Lutheran Church
Anchored in Christ…to Build and Grow Faith
Hope Happenings
June 2016
Volume 39 ● No. 06
Inside this issue:
Council News
Building Hope for Future 4
Hope Children’s Center
Children News
Youth News
Prime Timers
Prime Timers (50+)
11:30 am-1 pm
Thursday, June 9
details pg 14
Men’s Breakfast
8 am Sat, June 11
at Journey’s End
Senior Quilt Sunday
10:15 am June 5
Join us as we wrap
some of Hope’s High
School graduates in quilts that
share God’s love and OURS!
H. S. San Diego
Mission Trip
July 10-15
Registration due
by June 8
details pg 11
Congregational Forum
9:15 - 9:45 am
Sunday, June 26
Hear an update on our
church and preschool
building project
details pg 6
Youth Events
(6th grade & up)
Bowling - June 12
Rock - June 15
Beach - June 23
details pg 11
June 26-July 1
details pg 11
This year’s theme is:
Cave Quest - Following the Light
of the World
VBS will ground kids in the rock-solid
foundation of God’s love, a love that
takes us through life’s dark times.
On-line/in-person registration
(preschool thru 5th grade) is open.
details pg 7
Page 2
Hope Happenings
Worship is the heart of all we do
Volume 39 ● Number 06
By Elizabeth A. Eaton
Given competition, is it ‘hub of our week, space of our regrouping”?
There is a Seattle-based caffeinated beverage
keep it holy) and Martin Luther’s explanation (We
company that goes to great lengths to provide
are to fear and love God so that we do not neglect
excellent customer service. Its campaign is to make
his word and the preaching of it, but r regard it as
itself everyone’s “Third Place.” “First Place” is home,
holy and gladly hear and learn it) remind us that
“Second Place” is work and “Third Place” is the local
worship is central in the life of faith. Worship is not just
coffeehouse. There is meticulous training for
another item on the list of programs and activities in
employees, relentless market research and creative
a congregation. It is the heart.
adaptability employed by the company to retain
Sometimes worship can become a sort of lived-in
room—everything has become so familiar that we
Employees practice the “hand-off plane” where
don’t notice the frayed furniture. What if we entered
they are taught to make eye contact when
worship as if it were our first experience of it? What if
handling over the vente mocha latte to the
we saw the congregation and the liturgy through
customer. This is so the customer will have a
the eyes of a guest? Is the building clean? Where is
transformative experience while sipping a cup of
the real front door? Does anyone greet us? Is the
joe. And it works. In a letter to thank the staff a
bulletin easy to navigate? Where are the nursery
woman wrote, “You are the hub of our week, the
and the restrooms? Are instructions for communion
space of our regrouping.” And she went on to
describe a multigenerational, multicultural, multiAnd what about the worship service itself? We
socioeconomic community where she and her
are a liturgical church. There is a certain humility and
family found comfort and a sense of belonging.
beautiful communion in not trying to reinvent the
This is our competition.
service each time, but to join
Most of all we should come with brothers and sisters
We are church. At the heart
of what we do is worship, and at
the world and across
to worship expecting to be throughout
the heart of our worship is the
the centuries. And please,
changed. We are touching, please do not rewrite the
crucified and risen Christ.
Everything else we do is formed,
It took the church a
tasting, feeling, hearing and creeds.
nourished, sustained and
couple of centuries to come up
transformed by our life as a faith seeing the one who knows with the Nicene Creed. Why do
community gathered around
think we can do better
us and loves us completely. we
word and sacrament, abiding in
knocking it out on our laptop?
the love of God. Without this
This has nothing to do with
intentional, regular communion with God and each
styles of music – there is a breadth of hymnody in
other it’s not possible for us to speak an authentic
Evangelical Lutheran Worship and related resources.
word of hope to a broken world – the world God so
Gospel, Bach, contemporary and world music are
all powerful ways of hearing God’s word and signing
When we gather for worship we hear God’s word
praise. It’s good to be fluent in the music vernacular
of promise, we confess our helplessness; receive
of our communities and to try those of others.
forgiveness; we pray; and we welcome new
Most of all we should come to worship expecting
brothers and sisters through baptism. promising to
to be changed. We are touching, tasting, feeling,
support them in their walk in faith. We are fed with
hearing and seeing the one who knows us and loves
the bread of life and receive our Lord poured out for
us completely. Our lives are restored. We are set
us. And then we are sent back into the world.
free. Fed for the journey we are set loose to go in
Worship is essential for the church’s life and service.
peace and serve the Lord. Thanks be to God.
But how much attention do we pay to the
preparations and execution of our corporate\ate
worship? Is it the “hub of our week, the space of our
regrouping”? Do we expect to have a
transformative experience? The Third
Commandment (Remember the Sabbath day, to
Reprinted from The Lutheran Magazine, May 2015
issue with permission from Augsburg Fortress. The Rev.
Elizabeth Eaton is the Presiding Bishop of the ELCA.
Hope Happenings
Volume 39 ● Number 06
From Hope’s Council
Dear Friends in Christ,
When I opened the Bible this morning without
searching for a specific book or verse, it fell open to
what is probably one of the most known verses:
Ecclesiastes 3 – Everything has its Time: For
everything there is a season, and a time for every
matter under heaven . . . and this month it was time
for us to dance, to laugh and to embrace Karen
Hansen, our key communicator with the HOA. It
was the time for the HOA to write: Congratulations,
you have the necessary YES votes! The change in
HOA CC&Rs was approved and our neighbors
essentially voted for us to begin the next steps in our
Building Hope for the Future journey. Thank you
God! We signed the documents, paid our HOA bill
of $30,000+, our fees for the second mailing of the
ballots ($230) and we are not looking back, only
looking forward and focusing on the work that
needs to be done.
The next step is to meet again with First Citizens
Bank and to bring all pertinent documents to them
so that they can complete the loan documents.
We have preliminary loan approval for $1M, but
now the bank needs to see the bids for each
construction step, contracts and our financial
records. With the delay in getting HOA approval,
construction costs have risen, and the Steering
Committee and finance committee will meet with
our builder and analyze costs and needs.
Ecclesiastes 5 . . . a time to throw away stones and
a time to gather stones – the time to generate
ideas for Hope’s Capital Campaign. By not filling
positions and keeping up with our regular giving,
our general budget is balanced for the first time in
many years. Please pray for all of us to share ideas
and plan a successful capital campaign to support our
building costs. Details on the building process, outcomes
of upcoming conversations with builder, bank,
contractors and plans for the Capital Campaign will all
be shared at our next Hope Forum on June 26 at 9:15
am. Please mark your calendars and come participate.
It is also time to give thanks and praise for the leadership
of Neil Nevills and the Steering Committee for its work!
We give thanks to God and our Hope Children’s Center
that the preschool is able to budget 50% of the
increased lease costs we will need to pay for the time
the school stays at the Julian Charter School location.
The Children’s Center continues to be an important
ministry of Hope and the dedication of its director Jane
Osuna, staff and Board of Directors makes the school a
great blessing to our little ones in the community.
Council also thanks Tony Chavez for purchasing the
storage pod that now holds our green chairs (the
furniture needed to be moved from a free storage
place) and great thanks to Pastor Sandy and team for
getting the ”ELCA Partnership” application for a
relocation grant finished in time. Lots of energy, passion
and blessings going on!
It is always time to be filled with joy and thanksgiving.
Your Church Council/Renate Jefferson
Financial Update for April 2016:
Mission Plus MM $81,005
Building Hope FF $92,634
April Revenue
$27,432 April YTD Revenue $119,162
April Expense
$28,815* April YTD Expense $124,206
Net Total April
$-1,383 Net April YTD
*still includes some benefit expenses from previous
Hope’s 2016 Church Council
Renate Jefferson
Diane Anderson
Sherry Ito
Cheryle Fritsch
Marta Bills
Chuck Coe
Craig Cotten
John Hanson
Jim Seguin
Pr. Sandy Bentz
Vice President
Member - at - Large
Member - at - Large
Member - at - Large
Member - at - Large
Member - at - Large
Page 3
951-676-6262 ext 205
Page 4
Hope Happenings
Steering Committee
Your prayers, God's grace and the hard work
of the Steering Committee and Church
Council have helped Hope to move closer
to the start of construction. The Los Ranchitos
HOA has received the needed YES votes on
the change to HOA CC&Rs that enables
church construction to take place! This is truly
something worth celebrating!
The Steering Committee is working through
the logistics of the construction plan right
now with the architect. Bids have been
received for some of the work and several
Volume 39 ● Number 06
members of the team are discussing ways to work
with the increased costs associated with
construction. Earlier calculated estimates of costs
have risen since initial plans were made. A capital
campaign and some willing volunteer workers
will help with those challenges as we get our
new church home and preschool building built!
Marta Bills, Pastor Sandy, Renate Jefferson and
Chris Lindberg have been working on a relocation
grant that has been submitted to the ELCA Mission
Division. If successful in being awarded this grant, it
could help with some ministry expenses related to
our relocation.
$92,634 as of May 22
Please continue your prayers for our progress!
To give a gift to help with
Building Hope for the Future...
A separate account has been established for Building Hope for the
Future donations. Gifts to this fund will be used only for expenses
directly related to Phase 1 development (surveys, permits, grading
and site work) and other building-related expenses in developing
Hope's 3 acre parcel. If you would like to give a gift for this purpose,
simply write a check to Hope Lutheran Church with “Building Hope
for the Future” in the memo line.
Important: Craftsmen NEEDED!
As bids come in, we see the need to reduce construction costs by contributing labor and skills.
NOW is the time to make that list and plan what WE can contribute!
Do you know skilled trades people who might do great work at
lower than expected contract cost?
Are you able to perform specific tasks such as painting, dry
walling, landscape construction, stonework, cement, pulling wire?
Please contact Jim Miller at 951-600-8018 or
Thank you, Building Hope for the Future Steering Committee
8 - 9 am
Saturday, June 11
Journey’s End Restaurant
at Pechanga Golf Course
We meet to share breakfast, fellowship and
end with a short time of Bible study.
All men, young or older, are welcome!
Questions? Call Howard Cunningham
951-907-9626 or Jim Allmon 951-676-1597
6 pm Wednesday, June 15
June Theme: Jesus is the Rock!
Join us for pizza & salad, fellowship &
Word in the middle of the week
6 - 6:30pm Pizza! ($2 donation)
6:30 - 7pm Praise
Come experience God’s
word in some new ways.
We also share communion.
Hope Happenings
Volume 39 ● Number 06
Peanut Butter & Jelly Collection Sunday, June 12!
With school in recess for the summer many families with students receiving free or low-cost
breakfasts and lunches will not have access to these programs. Please join Hope’s Hunger
Ministry Team and Thrivent in helping to fill this void. Drop off your donations 7:45 - 11:30 am
Sunday, June 12, in vehicles parked near both Redhawk entrances. Your donations will be
delivered directly to Project T.O.U.C.H. to be shared with our neighbors in need.
Thank you for your continued support in this important ministry!
Hope’s Hunger Ministry Team
Check IT Out!!
Need Bible
Want to request prayer?
See drawings of our new campus!
Check out calendar/events!
Hope Children’s Center Preschool
a ministry of Hope Lutheran Church
Come one, come all! To our end of the school year BBQ!!
11 am to noon Thursday and Friday, June 2 and 3
Join us as we celebrate the end of another very successful and fun-filled school year!
We will have a Jolly Jump, face painting and lots of yummy food!
Hip, hip, hooray! We’ve seen a record increase in enrollment for our coming school
We're not full yet, though, so if you or someone you know is looking for a high quality,
very Christ centered, loving learning environment for preschool, please call or come by
and see us! School is still in session through June 3 and our 2016/17 school year begins Aug15.
The preschool office will be closed in June, but will reopen July 5. Office hours will be 9 am - 1 pm Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday. Voice mail messages will be checked frequently throughout the summer. Classes
begin August15!
Thank you for your continued prayers for the preschool and all the little ones God sends our way!
Our 2016/2017
school year
begins August 15
and classes are
filling quickly
Classes are offered Monday thru Friday for children ages 3 to 5.
To tour the preschool or for more information, contact Director Jane Osuna at
951-694-3607 or
See more information including tuition at
(click “preschool” on the menu bar)
NOTE: Our preschool remains at the Vallejo campus (29141 Vallejo Ave)
Page 6
Hope Happenings
Volume 39 ● Number 06
2016 Pacifica Synod Assembly Recap
The 29th Annual Pacifica Synod Assembly was held at the Irvine Marriott Hotel May 5-7.
The assembly, like a congregational meeting for the synod, hears reports of work done
over the past year, elects people to serve in synod and churchwide leadership,
deliberates issues and considers and approves the synod budget. Voting membership of
the assembly includes laypersons from each congregation plus clergy, associates in
ministry and diaconal ministers. At least 60% of voting members of the assembly are
laypersons. There were 349 total voters. Attending from Hope were Tony Chavez, Mark
Medin, Diane Anderson and Shirley Lee who joined 345 other voting members of the
Pacifica Synod.
Much of this year's assembly was dedicated to the election of a new Bishop and the transition our synod will
undergo. We were reminded that we are all "Called for Such a Time as This” the theme of this year’s assembly.
Goodbye Bishop Murray- Hello Bishop Andy
• The election-process was led by ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton
• There were five total ballots, with the first including eight pre-selected nominees
plus write-in candidates.
• The fifth ballot contained the names of the top two – Rev. David Nagler and
Rev. Andrew Taylor
• Pastor Andy Taylor was elected in the final round by a close vote and is now
called to serve as our next Pacifica Synod Bishop.
• Bishop-elect Andy Taylor is currently pastor at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church in
San Diego and has been ordained for 30 years. He will officially begin his 6-year
term as Bishop August 1.
• The assembly included many moments of tribute and thanks to honor Bishop
Murray Finck, Pacifica Synod Bishop 1998-2016. Friday evening’s celebration
dinner honored and roasted Bishop Murray with songs, dances and speeches.
Interspersed with the business there were opportunities for assembly members to be inspired, grow in
understanding and experience a depending of faith through worship, speakers, Bible studies and workshops.
Highlights from Assembly Workshops:
Responding to Extremism was led by Pastor Darin Erisman of House of Prayer in Escondido; he has a Masters in
Islamic Studies and has done his doctoral work in Christian-Muslim relations. This was a fascinating glimpse
into the very complex religion of Islam and how it intersects with Christianity. Pastor Erisman gave a talk on
this topic to WELCA last year here at Hope which was very well attended and received. Illuminating and
clarifying confusion surrounding this topic will go a long way to calm our fears and bring people together in
peace under a loving God.
Social Media and the Church was led by Desta Goehner, Communications Director at California Lutheran
• The social media phenomenon has been compared to the revolutionary effect of the Gutenberg Press.
• Two billion people utilize social media, and there are more mobile internet connections in the world than
there are people.
• The local church can use social media to connect and interact with people in ways not otherwise
possible: to manage and monitor public perception of its ministries, magnify its ability to listen to its
members and surrounding community, utilize feedback to become more relevant, and share
conversations and content that go beyond the immediate church body experience.
• Social media is important enough for local churches to appoint a member to be a Digital Assistant or
Social Media Associate Minister.
• Churches need to realize that this is not strictly about telling others what we are doing, but also using
social media as an integral part of what shapes on-going ministry.
Thank you for the privilege of attending Assembly and for the reminder that we are all part of the larger Church
and an active part of the body of Christ.
Diane Anderson, Tony Chavez, Shirley Lee and Mark Medin
Hope Happenings
Volume 39 ● Number 06
Page 7
Transform your kids' summer into
an unforgettable faith adventure
with this
12 - Week Summer
Bible Story Reading Plan
For kids age 4 (by September 1, 2016) thru
those entering 5th grade in 2016
Suggested Donation:
$35/1st child in family; $25/2nd child;
Family maximum: $65 (3 or more children)
Register in person at Hope or
online at
Scholarships are available
Contact Shirley Lee, 951-676-6262
Before VBS • Pray for those leading VBS and the children attending
• Donate supplies - See Sunday bulletins for items needed
• Prepare materials or make decorations
• Decorate & Set Up for VBS 9 am - 5 pm Sat, July 16 at TUMC
Every week kids will explore one of
the 12 best-loved Bible stories of all
time through art, cooking, coloring,
and other fun activities.
Use the colorful Summer Reading
Tracking Sheet as fun way to keep
track of their summer reading. Kids
color or stamp each box as they
complete the Bible reading for that
This reading plan pares well with the
Spark Bibles. Don’t have one? Use any
Bible or check one out with Miss Shirley.
To download the complete reading
plan—log on to
Click on connect, then select “Summer
Reading Program” under resources
During VBS - Serve as
• small group guide
• station leader or assistant
• snack assistant in the kitchen
• welcome host or help check kids in
Contact Cheryl Morg at 708-476-5549 or
cnfmorg@ to help with VBS
Questions about anything on this page? Want to get involved with something above?
Contact Shirley Lee 951-676-6262 ext. 203 or
Page 8 & 9
Hope Happenings
Volume 39 ● Number 06
11:00 AM HCC End of
the Year BBQ
6:30 PM Chapel Choir
at Redhawk
Senior Quilt
8 & 10:15 AM Worship
Faith Explorers (3 yr - 5th
gr) during 10:15 am
11:30 AM Music
1:00 PM Staff
6:30 PM Bell
Lutheran, Murrieta
6:30 PM YAC
12:00 PM Interfaith
Council at Miller
9:15 AM
11:30 AM Music
1:30 PM Confirmation
Camp at LRCC
Church Office
8:00 AM Men’s
6:30 PM Music
2:15 PM (6th grade &
up) Youth Rock
Climbing Event/Pizza
6:00 PM Pizza &
5:45 PM Council
6:30 PM Music
Church Office
1:00 PM Staff
8 & 10:15 AM Worship
Faith Explorers (3 yr - 5th
gr) during 10:15 am
Church Office
Father’s Day 19
8 & 10:15 AM Worship
Faith Explorers (3 yr - 5th
gr) during 10:15 am
11:30 AM Music
6:30 PM Chapel Choir
at Redhawk
Church Office
11:00 AM HCC
End of the Year
6:30 PM Music
11:30 AM Prime Timers
at Temecula
Assistance League
1:00 PM Staff
6:30 PM Bell
8 & 10:15 AM Worship
Faith Explorers (3 yr - 5th
gr) during 10:15 am
P.B & J Collection
11:30 AM Music
TBD Three-Church Youth
Bowling Event
at Temecula Lanes
Preschool Office
Closed until July 5
3 - 10 PM (6th grade &
up) Youth Beach Trip
6:30 PM Music
Camp at LRCC
1:00 PM Staff
Camp at LRCC
Confirmation Camp
Confirmation Camp at
6:30 PM Music
Page 10
Hope Happenings
Volume 39 ● Number 06
just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the
Hope Helpers “For
body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”
1 Corinthians 12:12
It takes ALL of us to be Christ’s Body
here at Hope. While it is impossible to
thank everyone individually for all their
acts of discipleship, each month we try
to highlight a few folks who have been
“especially supportive!”
To suggest someone to be included
in our “Backbone of Hope” list, please
contact the office who will forward
those names to council.
• Neil Nevills for bringing his
equipment to abate the vegetation on our
Vallejo property, and for all the other good
work he has done and is currently doing as
Steering Committee Chair
Our Steering Committee for endless hours of
work, especially Karen Hansen for extensive
work with the HOA Board and team
6th and 7th grade families who hosted the
confirmation reception
Shirley Lee sewing confirmand's stoles &
Suzanne Holms' support
Hope’s Youth Advisory Council (YAC)
members: LaNett Hollenkamp, Megan GraffHollenkamp, Cheryle Fritsch, Katie Fritsch,
Marigold Velasco-Dong, Cal Frantz, Hannah
Dixon and Diane Anderson
BMC team for their follow up and support for
the 5 new ministry initiatives: Marta Bills,
Deborah Gallup, Chris Lindberg, Mark Medin
and Pastor Sandy
Tony Chavez, Craig Cotten, Dave Koltvet,
Mike Wall and Wes White for moving chairs
from barn to new storage pod
Marta Bills, Renate Jefferson, Chris Lindberg
and Pr. Sandy for many hours of work on the
grant application for ELCA relocation funds
Teams helping clean Redhawk in May: Wes/
Donna White, LaDonna Klaus, Barb Eagle,
Lynn Petroff, Guylean Morgan, Gary/Renate
Well done good and faithful servants!
Women of Hope
In the second chapter of Joel, we
read about dreams and visions. This
congregation of Hope has those
who dream. When they share those dreams, they
inspire others to see what it is that the Holy Spirit is
doing among us.
Now that the Los Ranchitos homeowners have also
agreed to share our dream of a new building, we
have momentum for more work. WELCA is planning
to offer opportunities for fundraising to make our
landscaping dreams come true. Linda McLagan has
outlined many ideas for projects that allow us to
envision a prayer garden, planted trees and finished
walkways that will invite worshipers to the sanctuary.
So you see roses? Olive trees? Ground cover? Irises?
Day lilies? Succulents? Would you like to have tiles or
bricks to commemorate baptisms, weddings,
anniversaries, or birthdays? We can see note cards
created by our children and calendars with pictures
of our lovely Temecula valley. Of course, we need
willing hands to bring these dreams to fruition. Watch
for information in the bulletin, flyers and Hope
Happenings. Get involved! Share your talents
to help create a life-long legacy to be passed
to the next generations!
WELCA has two monthly women’s circles and a
weekly Bible study group, all providing women’s
fellowship and Bible study.
• The Joy Circle meets at 2 pm, the third Wednesday,
in a member’s home. For more information call Sally
Glahn at 951-698-8236.
• The Martha Circle is on a break and will resume in
the fall. For more information call Ella Loschky at 951894-2372.
• A weekly Bible study meets in Temecula (42149
Camino Romo) Mondays 1-2:30 pm. For more
information call or email Joan Neidig, 951-676-2928 or
To start a new group, please call Ella Loschky at
951-894-2372 for information and ideas.
Hope Happenings
Volume 39 ● Number 06
Page 11
Youth News
San Diego Summer Mission Trip
July 10-15
Open to those entering high school through college
Stay in Pacific Beach, serve in and around San Diego. We will be working through LRCC
Connections to serve in the San Diego area – doing a different mission experience each day.
Earn community service hours! Mission experiences will include:
• Feeding homeless / hungry with TACO (Third Avenue Charitable Organization)
• Leaving water in desert areas for those crossing the border who might
otherwise die of dehydration
• Outdoor clean-up of an estuary (green space)
Morning and evening worship, campfires and other fellowship time will be shared with other youth groups
$100 deposit is due June 8. Balance of $125 is due June 30.
A minimum of 4 students are needed for trip to go forward!
Rock Climbing - Wednesday, June 15
2:15 PM meet at Hope and we will
return to Hope by 6 pm for Pizza & Praise
Cost $20 - RSVP by June 13!
Enjoy a fun-filled 2 hours of rock climbing, slack-lining,
high-lining, dodge ball, basketball or volley ball at Rock
Fitness, Wildomar. Waiver required! Complete online at and select “online waiver”
Following the fun we will head back to Hope for Pizza and Praise
where the theme for the evening will be “Jesus is the Rock.”
At Moonlight Beach - Encinitas, CA
Fun in the surf and sun, barbecue & worship by bonfire
3 PM MEET AT Hope - Return by 10 pm
RSVP by June 21
Bring: $5, swim suit, towel, sun screen, boogie boards,
sand buckets and shovels
Friends welcome!
Driver & chaperones needed.
Three-church bowling event
Join youth from Hope, Grace & TUMC
Sunday, June 12
friends welcome!
Temecula Lanes
Watch for more details!
Join us Sunday, June 5
to celebrate our high school
9:15 AM - Reception for graduates
Cake & pictures of seniors growing up at Hope
10:15 AM - Worship with Quilt Service
Presentation of quilts to those who chose to
participate in the quilt project:
Connor Edwards, Jessie Jones, Rosie Jones,
Jaya Mapleton, Coco Standoff, Matt Standoff,
and Taylor Zinna
Many thanks to our quilters who sewed
these memory quilts of love.
Confirmation Camp
(6th(6th-8th grade)
A few openings still available!
June 26 thru July 1 at
Luther Glen
Camp begins 3 pm Sunday, June 26 and ends
with a family barbecue on Friday, July 1
Total cost: $215 due June 8!
Partial Scholarships available!
For details on any event, questions or ways to get involved with Hope’s Youth Ministry, please contact
Shirley J Lee, AIM, 951-676-6262 ext. 203 or
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Hope Happenings
Volume 39 ● Number 06
The first Sunday of each month we celebrate baptismal
anniversaries at the beginning of worship. If your baptismal
anniversary is not listed below, please call the church office
and make sure we have the date.
Terry Bills
Stephanie Campos
Gary Check
Donna Wulff-Davis
Dave Edwards
Greg Lumsden
Cliff Marks
Kevin McKenzie
Lorrie McKenzie
Andrew Olson
Joseph Prystash
April Smith
Neil Krause
Jessica Kunze
Jennifer McKelvey
Isabelle McKelvey
Kayla Faustina
Anthony Gallup
Betty Cholewinski
Priya Mapleton
Brody Faustina
Marilyn Howard
9) Ruth Landosky
12) Brianna Provost
13) Kerri Jensen
Celia Lamke
14) Dana Dixon
Justin Moreno
15) Austin O'Rourke
16) Owen Doty
19) Mary Ann Mericle
20) Suzanne Holm
21) Isabelle Marx
21) Andrew Roberts III
22) Nathan Krause
Danielle Moreno
23) Terra Shelton
24) Kaitlyn Utke
25) Grace Krstich
26) Steve Faustina
29) Paula Fenton
30) Sammi Kunze
Barbara Miller
For health and healing
Dee Meinke
Guylean Morgan
Holly Veron
Dick & Sherry Sehnert
Ray Cotten
Nancy Wilkinson
Eunice Preku
Kate Kempston
Gordon Kent
Bill & Molly Nelson
Max Green
Ella & Pete Loschky
Rodger Stroud
Grace & Gene Holtz
Erica & baby
Art & Janet Yorke
James Woodrow
Wayne & Janice Scherkenback
Jill Stokes
Steve Krstich
Shirley Petroff
Carol Scheer
Brandon White
Please Call Us!
Josh, Erica, Jaycee and Baby
We want to include
you in our prayers,
arrange for pastoral
visits and announce
information to the
congregation when
appropriate. Please
notify the Church Office 951-676-6262
For grief
For travel
Jim Gero & Chuck Coe
Gordon and Carrol Kent
Brooke Ito
Kari Scheer & Matthew S
For military
Staff, students & Temecula Prep school families
Ann & Ralph Sanzari family
Linde family
Renee Stein
Barbara Strutz
For those unable to regularly worship with us, including
Dale Johnson
Rodger Stroud
Jim/Leslie Riley
Helyn Coe
Janice/Wayne Scherkenback
Other prayer requests:
Bishop-elect Andy Taylor, Synod office transition
All recovering from natural & weather related disasters
around the world
All in law enforcement and those serving in the military
and their families
An end to violence, terrorism and oppression around
the world
Those seeking employment
A member, family member or
someone you know dies
You or someone you know, is ill or
You or someone you know, is in the
You or someone you know wants to
plan a baptism, wedding or
You moved, changed email
addresses or change phone numbers
If the office is closed and you have an
urgent need, call the church office and
follow instructions to dial ‘4’. A message
will be sent to someone on call.
Hope Happenings
Volume 39 ● Number 06
Page 13
Thank you for your gifts supporting Hope Ministries!
Hope relies on the regular financial support of our congregation. Consider automating
your gifts for God’s work through Hope by using electronic giving. Electronic giving
offers an easy way to give on a one-time OR recurring basis. Simply follow these easy
1. Visit the church website at
2. Click on “Give” near the top of the page, then click on the “online giving” button.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your
one-time OR recurring contributions. You can change your financial giving at any time.
If you have questions or need help with online giving, please contact
Laura Stevens at 951-676-6262 or email her at:
6) Lana Riesenberg-11
7) Lauren Bradley
Montana Massone
Jim Miller
8) Steve Krstich
Priya Mapleton-13
9) Landon Hornung-9
10) Haylie Moses
11) Kamyar Akhbari
Noah Cicciarelli-18
Michael Martinez
12) Audrey Smith-8
13) Madison Bender-11
Marilyn Clark
Danielle Mayer
14) Taylor Baggest-14
15) Kari Coronado
Kevin Prelgovisk
Dick Sehnert
1) Paul Albertson
2) Marissa Bills
Kelly Faustina
Neil Krause -18
Israel Martinez
Erik Riley-6
5) Baerbel Powell
Pam Reylek
6) Barbara Miller
15) Donna Shelton
Danielle Watchorn-12
16) Patricia Bradley
Pete Loschky
17) Marv Anderson
Amanda Jones-12
Angelina Jones-12
Cat Velasco-Dong-17
Tucker Ziobro-8
18) Ethan McKelvey
19) Bill Frommling
Matt Shelton
Mike Shelton
Judee Tompkins
20) Elaine DeVantier
Rich Moffet
Ted Olander
21) Jordan Cicciarelli
Linda McLagan
Robert & Shirley Zellner-59
Roger & Rosalie Hayward-55
Richard & Sharlene Campbell-10
Andy & Donella Wetherbee-24
Everett & Linda Thompson-15
Cliff & Nancy Marks-23
Glen& Tracy Nielsen-24
Larry & Amy Gabrielson-30
Dean & Sally Glahn-58
Jack & Jan Ritt-19
15) John & Cindy Hanson-20
Dan & Patti Zimmerman-31
21) Andrew Roberts III
Jenny Miller
22) Greg Shepherd
23) Jan Miller
Mary Peterson
Katie Prystash
Art Yorke
24) Ty Steffen
25) Robert Zellner
26) Kristen Simar
27) Dan Zimmerman
28) Peyton Moses-3
Cailyn-Heidi Orrel-11
29) Kelsey Miller
30) Nicole Lequia
Tim Miller
Rich & Bernice Moffet-49
Shawn & Megan Wright-16
Randy & Doris Luth-29
Kraig & Tonya Broach-19
Tracy & Barbara Meinke-31
Neil & Pamela Nevills-54
Fran & Linda Foresta-26
Don & Janet Van Every-56
Mack & Maria Jones-24
Shinoo & Stacy Mapleton-24
Mark & Cheryl Medin-35
Redhawk Cleaners
Thank you to the following scheduled cleaners:
June 5
Sherry Ito
June 19
June 12 Greg/Mary Ann Ahola
June 26
Sherry Ito
- - OPEN - -
Please remember to check the cleaning chart on the kitchen wall and sign up when
you can. Details and cleaning instructions are posted next to the chart.
Questions? Email Renate Jefferson at
New Cleaners Welcomed!
Page 14
Hope Happenings
tours of the museum as well as walking
tours of historic Old Town Temecula.
Prime Timers
January Luncheon and Program
11:30 am Thursday June 9
Guest: Steve Williamson from the
Temecula Valley Museum
Prime Timers luncheon is at Assistance League
Temecula Valley Meeting Room, 28720 Via
Montezuma. From Jefferson turn onto Montezuma
and enter the first driveway to the right.
Steve Williamson has lived in Temecula for 26 years
and has been a staff member at the Temecula
Valley Museum for 8 years. Since joining the
museum, he has educated himself on the history of
the Temecula Valley and is considered to be an
expert on the life and career of mystery writer Erie
Stanley Gardner, creator of the famous fictional
lawyer Perry Mason. Williamson regularly conducts
was a special congregation event
held on Sunday, April 10. This fun
activity provided an opportunity for
participants to DISCOVER their
passions, hobbies and resources,
then bring it all together to DREAM
and create unique opportunities for
ministry. During this process five
potential ministry groups emerged.
Steve will give us a brief 30-minute of the
history of our community with a focus on
some of the interesting facts in
Temecula’s history. Whether you are a
long-time resident or a newcomer to Temecula, you
are sure to enjoying this interesting and informative
talk on the rich history of the place we all call home.
Please sign up on the easel located in the back of the
Worship Center either of the two Sundays prior to this
event so we know how many are coming. Don’t
forget to sign up, and please remember we must pay
the caterer $9 for every name on the list.
We hope members and friends over 50 will attend this
program, enjoy the delicious food, and bask in the
fellowship. Don’t miss it!
See you all there.
Education Oriented
Explore ways to support our
school children through activities
such as tutoring, workshops,
homework clubs, etc.
Homeless, Hunger, Habitat
Creative Arts
Possible activities include:
• Summer Music/Arts/Drama
• Monthly Master of the Arts
(teach children about different
• Saturday One-Day workshop:
Fun Fellowship Picture Painting
• Music Therapy with
developmentally challenged
children and elderly
Volume 39 ● Number 06
Expand Hope’s existing
outreach with Project Touch
Support transitional housing,
Habitat for Humanity or
sponsor community gardens
Mentor individuals and
families in home ownership,
parenting, job skills, etc.
Outdoor/Health Focus
This ministry group has already
held its first event (hiking the
Santa Rosa Plateau). Other
possible events include:
• Fitness walking group that
Friday, July 15
meets regularly
Support group for those who
need help making healthy
habits a part of the lifestyle.
Camping outings led by
experienced campers
Biggest Loser type program
Yoga, meditation and
mindfulness group
Water oriented activities
Book Club
Hope and community members
read books (selections made by
group) and then meet to
discuss them.
Interested in further information
or joining a ministry group?
Contact the church office at
or 951-676-6262
Storm Baseball “Night of Fellowship”
Lake Elsinore Storm vs. Visalia Rawhide
Game Time:
7:05 pm—Fireworks follow the game
Game Tickets: $8 each /Parking Passes are $4
Pre-Game Picnic: 6 pm with Christian Band Music
Picnic Ticket: $5.50 Picnic tickets MUST BE PRE-ORDERED (Hotdog, Chips, Drink Served until 7pm)
Order tickets on Sundays OR go online at
LAST day to order tickets, parking passes and pre-game picnic meals is Sunday, July 3.
Pick up tickets July 10 at Hope
Tickets not picked up will be mailed on Monday, July 11
Hope Happenings
Volume 39 ● Number 06
Page 15
After Hour Emergencies
Hope Lutheran Church
If you have a pastoral care
emergency that cannot wait for
office hours (M-Th 8:30 - 4 pm),
you can leave a message on
Hope’s emergency line.
A n E LC A C o ng r e ga t i o n
After office hours, call Hope’s main
number (951-676-6262) and follow the directions to dial ‘4’.
A message will be sent to someone on call.
M inis ter s : Pe op le of Hop e
Pa s tor : Sa n d y B en t z , ext . 2 05
sb en t z@h op et emec u l a .org
M inis ter of F a mil y L i fe & Y outh:
Sh i rl ey J . Lee , AI M , e xt . 20 3
sl ee@h op et emec ul a .org
M inis ter s o f M us i c:
Thank you to all who remember to come
to church hungry for 4th Sunday
Homemade Cinnamon Rolls!
Donations support Hope youth ministries.
Cinnamon Roll Sunday,
June 26!
B a rb a ra M ei n k e, 95 1- 674- 744 7
t b .mei n k e5 @veri zon .n et
La u ra An n M a dot t , 7 57- 817- 0 640
l a ma dot t @ya h o o .c o m
Sound M inis ter s :
H a n n a h D i xon , 9 51- 7 75- 0091
h a n n a h di xon .c a t sc ra dl e@gma i l .c o m
D ust i n Pa rk e r , 95 1- 77 5- 0091
p a gesb yd ust i n @gma i l .c om
Attention all Ralph’s
If you receive rewards from Ralphs
when you use your card, did you
know you can designate an
organization like Hope Lutheran
Church to receive rewards from your purchases?
To designate Hope as a recipient register your card online at If you registered Hope as your organization, it
expired and will need to be re-designated! We currently have
ONE family who has designated and is using their Ralph’s card,
but we’d like lots more!
Fact sheets and more information is available from the church
office. Hope’s ID is 81928
Help with Sunday Hospitality?
Help set out/pick up signs and/or unlock
Come early Sunday morning to start the
coffee (6:45 am) and put out Hope signs?
Bring the signs in and help empty coffee
pots after 10:15 worship?
Contact the church office 951-676-6262
C hur ch O f fic e
C hur ch S ecr e ta r y:
La u ra St even s , e xt . 2 01
st a ff@h op et emec ul a .org
Fina nce M inis ter :
Jec k i e Al c a ra z , ext . 204
ja l c a ra z@h op et emec ul a .o rg
C hur ch O f fic e Ho ur s
M on da y - Th ursda y :
8:30 a m - 4 :0 0 p m
C los ed Fr id a y
Ch urc h Ph on e : 951- 676- 626 2
E ma i l : st a ff @h op et e mec ul a .org
w ww .h op et emec ul a .org
H o p e C h il d r en ’ s C e n t er
Ja n e O sun a , Pr esc h o ol D i rec t or
Ph on e : 951- 6 94- 36 07
H ou rs : M on da y- Fri da y :
9:00 a m- 2 :00 p m
E ma i l :
hope chil dre nsct r@hot m ail .com
Hope Lutheran Church
An ELCA congregation
32819 Temecula Parkway, Suite B
Temecula, CA 92592-9676
Phone: 951-676-6262
Help us “GO GREEN”.
To start receiving Hope’s
newsletter by email,
please call the church
office at 951-676-6262
OR email
Our Sunday schedule is
8:00 am (traditional)
10:15 am (blended)
Holy Communion is served weekly at both services
Coffee and Fellowship
9:10 - 10 am
Faith Explorers for 3 yrs - 5th grade meets DURING 10:15 am worship
Our Mission: Anchored in Christ… to Build and Grow Faith
Our Purpose: To share Jesus’ love by reaching out and welcoming all
Our Vision:
We will
trust God in the midst of what makes us anxious,
choose faith instead of fear and
serve mission instead of our own comfort.
Our Guiding Principles:
We are servants of God and members of the Body of Christ.
We value each other.
We practice open and honest communication.
We make decisions that we believe are in the best interest of the
whole congregation and will bring glory to God.