East San Gabriel Valley


East San Gabriel Valley
East San Gabriel Valley
APRIL 2008
Calendar of Events
April 19
Expanding Horizons Women’s Conference
Citrus College
1000 W. Foothill Blvd., Glendora
April 20
Volunteer Recognition Day
April 26
Ballot Briefing for June Primary
East Los Angeles Library
4837 E. Third Street, Los Angeles
May 17-18
LWVC Leadership Council —
“Bridge to the Future”
Holiday Inn, Sacramento
May 19
Last Day to Register to Vote in June 3 Election
June 3
Primary for Congressional,
State and County Offices
June 13-17
LWVUS Convention (Portland, OR)
July 6
Popovers in Pasadena
Pasadena Womens Club
Serving the communities of:
Azusa, Baldwin Park, Bassett, Charter Oak, Covina, El Monte, Glendora, Hacienda Heights, Industry,
La Puente, Rowland Heights, San Dimas, South El Monte, Valinda, Walnut and West Covina.
League of Women Voters
East San Gabriel Valley
Post Office Box 4242
Covina, CA 91723
(626) 967-8055
e-mail: info@esgv.ca.lwvnet.org
Web page: www.esgv.ca.lwvnet.org
Term Expires
Vice President
Rosie Fabian
Marie Palmeri
Mary Indenbaum
Adrianne Whitmore
Dayle Coleman
Caroline de Llamas
Fred Feldheim
Norm Klemz
Pat Klemz
Sally McMahon
Karen Pihlak
Chair (Off-board)
Sandra Gavran
Member (Off-Board)
Olivia James
Member (Board)
Caroline de Llamas
Member (Board)
Fred Feldheim
Karen Pihlak, Director (Chair)
Adrianne Whitmore, Treasurer
George Ogden, Member
Rosie Fabian, President
Marie Palmeri, Vice President
Mary Indenbaum, Secretary
Adrianne Whitmore, Treasurer
Norm Klemz, Director
Pat Klemz, Director
The VOTER is published by the LWV-ESGV 10 times a year.
Members subscribe through their annual dues.
VOTER Editor: Dayle Coleman
President’s Message
Hello Friends of the League,
ou don’t hear the word “pioneer” very often these days. You might
envision something out of a western movie with “settlers” traveling in wagons across
the country. But, I have had several occasions to use that word in the last few
months. A pioneer is someone who is leading the way, to prepare or establish
Since October, our members have accomplished many things for the very first time . . . These activities were in addition to our regular ongoing projects.
Birthday Brunch – LWV 88th Anniversary
• Honoring Members with more than 25 years
of Service
• Proclamations from Senator Gloria Romero
Attending were Baldwin Park Councilwoman Marlen Garcia and Councilwoman Monica Garcia
Candidates’ Fair – Invited more than 100 candidates from the Nov 2007 Election
Norm and Pat Klemz
Cable TV
Marie Palmeri
“Fun” Subcommittee – Fundraiser Planning
Dayle Coleman, Chair, with Caroline de Llamas, Karen Gallivan, Karen
Pihlak, Marie Palmeri, Sally McMahon
Moderators – Candidates’ Forums
Karen Gallivan and George Ogden
Permanent Home for LWV ESGV
VFW Post in West Covina
Project Coordinator Jorge Marquez, George Ogden Printing and Press
Press Coverage – Membership Recruitment Initia- SGV Tribune, SGV Examiner, Walnut Weekly (Armijo Newspapers)
Resident Council Elections – Los Angeles County
Housing Authority
Olivia James, George Ogden, Karen Pihlak and Jean Perkins
At the March Board meeting we discussed participating in other activities to be visible in the community. We can organize Voter Registration Drives, especially in April and May, to prepare for the June Election.
If you know of an upcoming festival, it may be an opportunity for two to four members to host a table. Keep
your eyes and ears open!
We are also looking for a few good men and women to help carry on our mission. Join LWV where
citizens like you are actively engaged in effecting change to keep our community strong. If you join now, you
will pay the reduced rate of $30. This time-limited offer is available through the month of
Have a Rosey Month,
Rosie Fabian
Board NEWS
A Board meeting was held March 20th at the VFW Post, 2328 W. Merced, in West Covina. Topics
Review/Approve Board minutes for February, 2008;
Update on Membership Recruitment-Community Poll
ILO County Convention Attendance/Carpooling
Schedule of Upcoming Meetings for Observer Corp.
Program Development Results
Fundraiser Update
Report from Nominating Committee
The next meeting is scheduled for 6:30pm on April 24, 2008 at the West Covina VFW Post, 2328
West Merced Avenue in West Covina. All members in good standing are welcome.
Donald A. McMahon,
husband of Board member, Sally McMahon, passed away Monday,
March 31, 2008. Don was born November 24, 1935 in Pasadena. He married Sally on September
29, 1956 in Woodland Hills. The McMahons were 48-year residents of Covina and West Covina before moving to La Verne in 2006. Sally does not mind phone calls. You may call the house at 909596-5624 or her cell, 626-201-1710.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the West Covina Elks Crippled Children's Fund.
Donations may be mailed to West Covina Elks, 841 West Merced Avenue, West Covina, CA 91790.
Shirley Shaffer, former League member, passed on February 19, 2008. Shirley was a career
educator at Willowwood Junior High and in retirement an advocate for the elderly as a member of
the California Senior Legislature. During her membership with the League, she volunteered in many
capacities, including Chair of the League’s Nominating Committee
and Action Chair. She also served on several education study committees.
Sidney I. Siegel, MD, longtime member and friend of the
League. Passed away December 20, 2007. Began the Citrus Valley
Urological Group; was Chief of Staff at Queen of the Valley Hospital
before retiring in 1997. Siegel was a master model ship builder and
his model ships may be seen at the Newport Nautical Museum. He
was also an accomplished artist.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Citrus Valley
Hospice, 820 N. Phillips Avenue, West Covina, CA
Electing the President
A Guide to the Election Process
Excerpt from “Electing the President,
A Guide to the Election Process, by League of Women Voters.
What are the important
War issues in Iraq (43%),
the economy (15%),
Healthcare/health insurance (10%), homeland security/military defense (7%),
education (6%), illegal Immigration (5%).
A number of other issues are important to the
nation’s, and even the world’s, future, such as global
warming, the aging U.S. population and the pressures
that will bring on Social Security and healthcare, the
American people’s zero savings rate, and America’s
huge and persistent trade deficit and federal budget
The U.S. presidential election is the biggest event in
American politics. It’s an exciting and complicated process that begins immediately after the preceding election
and doesn’t end until the voters have their say.
What happens during this extended campaign
is a quest not just for votes, but also for political contributions, favorable media coverage, internet attention,
endorsements, and all the other makings of a winning
candidacy for the highest elected office in America.
We the People
The most important players in the election of a U.S.
president are not the candidates or their staffs, not the
political parties or the other organizations, and not the
media pundits. A presidential election revolves around
the beliefs and the actions of American voters. Come
Election Day, no one else’s opinions matter, and no one
else has control over the outcome.
Election Day
On the Tuesday in November that falls between November 2 and November 8, control of the presidential
election finally passes into the hands of the American
voter—where it belongs. It comes down to this: the voters’ decision about which of the candidates they feel is
most qualified to lead the nation. Hoping to boost voter
turnout, states are increasingly allowing voters to vote
as much as a month early, by mail or in person.
Presidential Election Campaign
What happens when a taxpayer checks the Presidential
Election Fund box on their tax return? Checking the box
at the top of your tax return does not increase the taxes
you pay or reduce your refund. It simply deposits $3.00
of the tax you’ve already paid into the Presidential Election Fund. It’s the only part of your taxes that you actually can designate for a specific purpose.
Making it Official
Normally, by the morning after the election, the final
results are in, and the entire country knows who the
next president and vice president will be. But whether
we have a normal election or a contested one, the outcome still has to be made official. In December, the
members of the Electoral College travel to their state
capitals to cast their official electoral votes, sign some
necessary documents, and pose for pictures, before
returning home. When Congress convenes in January,
senators and representatives father for a joint congressional sessions and the official results are announced
from all the states.
The Delegates: Who Are All These People
In 2008, the Republican convention will seat about
twenty-five hundred delegates, and the Democratic
convention about forty-three hundred.
Convention delegates are selected based on
the results of the primaries and caucuses in their states,
with most of the delegates coming to the convention
pledged to support a specific candidate.
The job of the convention delegates has not
been to choose the party’s standard-bearer but to confirm the choice that voters throughout the country made
months before during the primaries and caucuses.
Learn more about the presidential selection process from the League of
Women Voters’ comprehensive guide, Choosing the President 2008: A Citizen’s Guide to the Electoral Process. This reader-friendly book offers pointers
for getting the most out of the upcoming election. It covers all of the major
steps in the presidential election process and suggests what to look for during
the debates, how to evaluate media coverage and ads, where to find useful
information, and more. The League of Women Voters is offering this exceptional guide for purchase at its online store, www.lwv.org/store.
Educational Updates, etc...
Educational Tidbits. . .
EdSource has been working hard to keep us all informed on budget cuts in education and their ramifications. A full and official set of documents released by the Governor’s
Blue Ribbon Reform Committee in posted at CaliforniaSchoolFinance.org in the “Reform
Proposals” section. You can access the complete final Summary Report in English and
Spanish, along with a Technical Report that provides extensive information about the deliberations and research on which the Committee's recommendations are based.
The new Reform Proposals section of the California School Finance website also
includes the P-16 Council report on closing the achievement gap and the wealth of policy
recommendations submitted to the Education Policy Convening, hosted by EdSource in October 2007.
Financial information from 20062007 for school districts, county offices of
education, and the state as a whole, is
now available on the Ed-Data website:
Covina-Valley USD, as well as
other local districts, are having to cut not
only certificated teaching staff and classified or office positions but consideration of
school closures is coming as well.
In the State of California there
were 18,000 teacher layoff notices issued March 15, 2008. More budget cuts are assured
for 2008-2009. Most districts will be looking at going back to 30 or more students in K to 3rd
grades beginning September, 2008.
Our Jeopardy Answer for March: "This dog won the hearts of the Westminster
Dog Show for 2008".
The Jeopardy Question: " Who is Uno?" That fun-loving dog is a beagle of
course and has continued to delight all who meet him.
Our April Jeopardy Answer: "This 2000 Presidential Candidate may have
changed history in that campaign and is the author of Seven Traditions". If you
have been reading this column you will have NO problem figuring this one. Good
Marie C. Palmeri, Vice-President
This & That
Volunteer Recognition Day
Volunteer Recognition Day honors the legions of volunteers who dedicate themselves to
causes and helping others. They are making big and small differences in the lives of millions
of people all over the world. They are saving lives, improving lives and providing comfort.
They assist people, animals, and nature.
Most volunteers do not ask for recognition. They just want to help and to "give back"
where they can.
There are many groups and causes that need volunteer efforts. And, the needs are
so broad and urgent, that everyone can find someplace to volunteer and make a difference.
Celebrate this "Volunteer Recognition Day” by:
• Thanking volunteers for their work;
Getting involved in a volunteer activity;
Donating to a volunteer group.
BTW: Volunteers are keeping a big secret from those who don't volunteer. Volunteer activities are energizing and rewarding. And, it involves
lots of fun and camaraderie.
Try it and see!
Mt. SAC Relays
The Mt. San Antonio Relays will be
celebrating a golden milestone, presenting its 50th running in April. The
five-part track and field events began
with the LA84 Foundation Youth days
April 4-5. That race featured elementary and middle school students. The
Community College invitational is
slated for April 12, with the High
School Invitational following on April
19th. The Mt SAC Relays will conclude
April 20th, with both the Mt. SAC
Collegiate Classic and the international Day of Champions, which will
feature elite competition. All events
will be held at Mt. SAC’s Hilmer
Lodge Stadium. For ticket information, visit www.mtsacrelays.com.
California Voter Turnout on Super Tuesday
was Biggest in 25 years
Californians headed to the polls in record number in
February’s presidential primary, with the highest
percentage turnout in more than 25 years, according to a report from California Secretary of State
Debra Bowen.
More than 9 million Californians voted in the
February 5th primary—topping the previous primary
record set in 2000 by 1.2 million votes. The final
turnout represented 57.71 percent of registered
voters, the highest percentage in a primary since
1980, though still below the all-time record of
nearly 73 percent in 1976.
Democrats outnumbered Republicans 55
percent to 34 percent. Eight percent refused to
state a party preference.
These photos were taken at the League of Women Voters 77th birthday celebration, held February 23, 2008, at Guadalajara Grill in Baldwin Park. — Photos by George Ogden.
Councilwoman Marlen Garcia (left), along with Joel
Torrez (rear) of Senator Gloria Romero's Office presented Proclamations for more than 25 years of service to Laura Brady (second left) and Nancy Manners
(second right). Torrez also presented a Proclamation
to LWV ESGV President Rosie Fabian (right) recognizing all LWV members for their volunteerism and community service.
Adrianne Whitmore, LWV ESGV Treasurer, at Registration Table with Student Volunteer, Robert De La
Join the League!
Cookie Lee
Clothes You Love to Live In
Fine Fashion Jewelry
As an LWV member, you can become part of
an organization where smart, active leaders
create lasting change in their communities.
Independent Fashion Coordinator
For membership information
Call 626.967.8055
Ph: 626.339.6412
Fax: 626.339.3227
E-mail: DASKM@aol.com
Sally K. McMahon
City of Covina
Literacy Coordinator
Plumbing-Sewer-Electrical-Backflow Testing
Since 1957 * Contractors License #800472
(626) 858-5553 * Fax (626) 915-89152
(626) 331-0701 (909) 860-1130
Fax: (626) 339-0107
234 N. Second Avenue
Covina, CA 91723-2198
Email: lvalore@ci.covina.ca.us
120 East Badillo, Covina, CA 91723
Covina Museum
Open Sundays 1:00pm—3:00 pm
Complete Floral Services
(626) 919-3404 or (888) 662-9288
Fax (626) 919-2559
(626) 966-3978
811 West Covina Parkway East (at Glendora Ave.)
West Covina, CA 91790
119 E. College Street
Covina, CA 91723
State of California Senior Assemblymember
California Senior Legislature
Representing Older Californians in L.A. County
Marie C. Brown, M.A.
AZUSA, CA 91702
(626) 338-1780 *
Fax (626) 338-9801
4130 Cutler Ave., Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Email: sallywieck@aol.com
(626) 332-3002
Authorized UPS Shipping Outlet
Private Mail Boxes * Stamps
Notary * Keys Made * Copies *
2694 E. Garvey Ave. So.
West Covina, CA 91791
(626) 858-0722
Fax: (626) 858-0711
9-6 M-F 10-2 Sat
Mike Rosen
Carol Hall
CALL LWV @ 626.967.8055
For more information
Country Club Center South of 10 Freeway at Citrus
East San Gabriel Valley
League of Women Voters
Post Office Box 4242
Covina, CA 91723
You Can Make a Difference
Membership in the League of Women Voters is open to all men and women of voting
age who are U.S. citizens. Annual dues of $60 includes membership at local, county,
state and national levels of the League. Student and additional family members pay
$30.00 ($90.00 per couple). Dues are not tax deductible; however, contributions to the
League of Women Voters Education Fund are tax deductible. Send your check and
application to:
LWV—ESGV, P. O. BOX 4242, Covina, CA 91723
State ________
For further information, call (626) 967-8055 or info@esgv.ca.lwvnet.org