Have Your Own Home at MERU


Have Your Own Home at MERU
Have Your Own Home at MERU
A Rare Opportunity to Make Your Home
at MERU and Grow in Enlightenment
The Plan
MERU is planning to build two 3-story houses
with luxurious and exquisite apartments where
dedicated Governors and Sidhas who wish to
lead a spiritual life in the beautiful and pure
atmosphere of Maharishi’s Global Capital in
Holland can have their own home.
These apartments, overseeing the beautiful scenic
Meinweg forest reserve, will have a private forest
garden with walkways and all the facilities and
amenities, including meditation halls, high speed
broadband internet, balconies, extra storage space
in the attic for individual apartments, laundry
rooms, car parking, etc. Residents will have
access to MERU services, such as kitchen and
dining providing organic meals, linen change,
laundry and dry cleaning, maintenance and
cleaning staff.
b.k. Kalash
+ 18,90
b.k. nok
+ 15,70
b.k. goot
vrije hoogte ruimtes
vrije hoogte ruimtes
vrije hoogte ruimtes
= +-0,00
afgewerkt maaiveld =
bestaand maaiveld
Maharishi European Research U
Station 24, 6063, NP-Vlodrop, Ne
Life at MERU
Life at MERU is just magical! Those who have had an opportunity to
stay at MERU know this unforgettable experience of staying at this
unique place in the world, combining the influence of perfect Vastu with
an atmosphere that is charged with Maharishi’s blessings and the
coherence created by years of long group Transcendental Meditation
The special features of life at MERU include experience of deep
meditations in daily group programmes, listening to Maharishi tapes,
and yearly celebrations, such as 12th January, Guru Purnima,
Maha Lakshmi, Navaratri, Victory Day, and other important celebrations
from the Vedic calendar, and birthday celebrations, all at the
Brahmasthan of Maharishi’s Peace Palace. There are also daily live
performances by Maharishi Vedic Pandits.
Vedic expertise is available for courses, consultations, and treatments,
including Advanced Techniques, Maharishi Ayur-Veda, Pancha Karma
treatments, Maharishi Gem Therapy with Light, Maharishi Vedic
Vibration Technology, Maharishi Aroma Therapy.
Moreover, in the area around MERU you will also enjoy the most
beautiful parks and meadows, walking and cycling pathways, and scenic
spots in the forest.
The nearness to several international airports and major train connections
to the main cities of Europe is an added advantage.
In short, your life at MERU will be beautiful and heavenly, a life with
fullness of inner richness and outer glory, an enlightened life in bliss,
peace, happiness, health, and harmony.
2e verdieping
The investment
Each of the two buildings will have about 20 apartments varying from
three bedrooms plus kitchen/dining and living room, to two-rooms or
single-room apartments, ranging from approximately 135 square meters to
28 square meters living space plus balcony.
If you would like to discuss your financing needs or plans including the
size of the apartment we would be happy to hear from you.
Also, there may be the possibility to have some of the apartments on a
time-share basis, which would allow each occupant to live in the apartment
for a period of 3 to 6 months every year.
When an apartment is not occupied, arrangements can be made with
mutual consent to allow the apartment to be rented for MERU courses,
and this to share the profits with MERU.
The apartments will be sold on a right-to-live basis. If needed, it will be
possible to disinvest at any time by finding another client, in agreement
with MERU, and any profit will be shared equally with MERU.
Interested Governors and Sidhas, please contact your National Director
or representative at the contact email provided below.
Maharishi European Research University
Maharishi Vedic University
MERU - Maharishi European Research University
Station 24
6063 NP Vlodrop
Email: apartmenthouse@Maharishi.net
Web: http://meru-mvu.org/apartmenthouse
b.k. Kalash
+ 18,90
b.k. nok
+ 15,70
b.k. goot
vrije hoogte ruimtes
vrije hoogte ruimtes
vrije hoogte ruimtes
= +-0,00
afgewerkt maaiveld =
bestaand maaiveld
MERU - 2013
Maharishi European Research University
Station 24, 6063, NP-Vlodrop, Nederland
Dipl. Ing. Christian Schweizer
independent architect, Station 24, 6063, NP-Vlodrop
tel: ++31-475-538539, sthapan@arcor.de