The Old Town - Prague City Line
The Old Town - Prague City Line 1 Socha sv. Václava 2 na Václavském náměstí Dear visitors of Prague, we are very pleased that we can invite you to the tour through our Capital City. Prague – is one of the most visited cities in Europe – it has got many adjectives: magical, mysterious, romantic, the City of a hundred towers. The charm of Prague and its magic has developed through the uninterrupted one thousand years long development. The streets we walk through often follow the trading routes of the bygone era of the City origins. Since then, each century, each architectural and cultural style has left its trace here. A visitors of the City, when he has a good guidebook at his disposal, may touch the rare history, imagine the changes, which took place through the development, and at the same time to learn about the City od today. Prague likes to uncover its secrets to sensitive eyes and hearts and our main wish is that you enjoy every moment, which you will stay in this beautiful City, and that Prague will stay forever recorded in your memories. Follow this guide during your stay in Prague, and it will make your understanding of the City easier. We wish you a pleasant spending of your days in Prague with the Prague City Line. Yours Prague City Line 3 The Old Town Prague 1 (Praha 1) The route through the Prague 1 will show you the most interesting places and sights in that area. The route forms a complete circle, and therefore it doesn’t matter where you will start your trip and which direction you will choose. Prague 1 still belongs to one of the most attractive parts of the whole Prague. Probably nowhere else you can find such a concentration of historic monuments and places where the history and romance of bygone times are all around you. (Staré Město Hardly anywhere you can stop and relax in numerous of beautiful trim gardens and well-kept pražské) parks. Hardly anywhere you can walk on the same paths where were walking Franz Kafka, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and the Golem of Pra- The Old Town was settled as early as the 11th gue or Johannes Kepler. century, and along with Prague astle, is the oldest part of Prague. At the centre of the Old Town is Prague 1 is not only a place where you can find the Old Town Square. Part of the Old Town has the crowds of tourists, but there are also streets kept its original medieval layout with narrow lanes with cracked facades, which live their quiet life till lined with houses resting on Romanesque cellars. today and maybe it describes even more the charm of the old Prague. The Old Town 4 ——————————— 1. The Municipal House (Obecní dům) ——————————— Náměstí Republiky 5, 111 21 Praha 1 Tel: +420 222 002 101 E-mail: Open: daily 10.00—18.00 More informations: municipal-house The Municipal House situated next to the Powder Tower was built by the City of Prague in 1906-12 and designed by architects Balšanek and Polivka. This Art Nouveau building’s facade is decorated with a mosaic by Karel Špinar called Homage to Prague and a sculpture by Ladislav Šaloun entitled The Humiliation and Resurrection of the Nation. Such great names as Alfons Mucha (Mayor’s Hall), Max Švabinsky (Rieger’s Hall), Mikolaš Aleš and Josef Vaclav Myslbek worked on the decoration of the six halls and state rooms inside. The Municipal House Visitors will also find the Prague’s main concert hall here, the Smetana Hall, topped with an impressive dome. It was here on October 28, 1918 that the independent Czechoslovak Republic was declared. Bageterie Boulevard is a modern, fast-growing chain of fast-food restaurants. It is based on assortment of fresh baguettes prepared for order of customer 5 Celetná street (Celetná ulice): during the reign of one of the most prominent Czech and European rulers, Emperor Charles IV, the importance of Celetna Street grew when it became part of the so -called Royal Way. The Royal Way was a route through the city which Czech kings had to follow on the day of their coronation. It leads from Vyšehrad – Prague’s second castle – along Celetna Street, over the Old Town Square, along Karlova Street and across Charles Bridge up to Prague Castle, where the coronation would také place in the Cathedral of St Vitus. The Powder Tower The name of the Street is probably derived from the word Calty – a type of bread baked here in the Middle Ages. Celetna Street is full of interesting and historically valuable buildings whose foundations go back to the Gothic period. These structures then underwent Renaissance and then mostly baroque reconstruction. Celetna Street is regarded as one of the highlights of Prague’s architectural treasure trove. Some of its most noteworthy buildings are the House of the Black Madonna, the Pachta Palace and the House of the Golden Angel. ——————————— 2. The Powder Tower (Prašná brána) ——————————— Na Příkopě, 111 21 Praha 1 Tel: +420 724 063 723 Open: 1.4.—2.11, daily10.00—18.00 More informations: powder-tower ——————————— 3. The House of The Black Madonna (Dům U Černé Matky Boží) ——————————— Ovocný trh 19, 110 00 Praha 1 Tel: +420 724 063 723 The Powder Tower is the gateway to the Old Town. It Open: daily except Mondays 10.00—18.00 replaced the Přemyslid dynasty era gate in 1475 and More informations: was built in the Gothic style by Matěj Rejsek as a gift house-of-the-black-madonna from the Old Town to King Vladislav Jagiello. Originally called the ‘Horska’ gate it acquired the name ‘Powder’ in the 17th century, when it was used to store gunpowder (‘prašna’ coming from the word ‘prach meaning powder). The appearance of the tower today dates back to 1875 - 76, when it was given a neo-Gothic makeover by architect Josef Mocker. Sculptures representing the Czech kings adorn the tower – on the eastern side we find Přemysl Otakar II and Charles IV and on the western side George of Poděbrady and Vladislav Jagiello. The House of the Black Madonna is situated at the corner of Celetna Street and Ovocny trh. It was built in 1911 – 1912 by architect Josef Gočar in the cubist style. With some exceptions, cubist architecture is specific to the Czech lands and this building is one of the best examples. Cubism uses geometrical shapes in its architecture. This comes from the architect’s conviction that the basic geometrical form is the cube. The House of the Black 6 The House of The Black Madonna Madonna was originally a multifunctional building with shops on the ground floor and offices, flats and the famous Orient coffee house with its cubist furniture on the floors above. At present the building is a national monument and houses a collection of Czech cubist paintings, furniture, sculpture and architects’ plans. The Church of St James was originally a part of the Minorite Monastery and dates from the 13th century. In 1311 a feast to mark the coronation of King John of Luxemburg and Eliška of the Přemyslids was held here. After a fire in 1366 it was rebuilt in the Gothic style, but burnt down again in 1596 when it was hit by a lightning. Only at the end of the 17th century after yet another fire The name of the building comes from the Black Ma- did it acquire its current baroque appearance. The donna house symbol on the corner, kept behind gold church has excellent acoustics and concerts often take Renaissance bars. place here. The church also boasts a tremendous baroque organ from 1702. The creator of the stucco decoration on the church fa_ade is the Italan Ottavio Mosto. Above the main entrance visitors can see St James in traditional pilgrim’s attire holding a stick. ——————————— There are 21 altars in the church made by such master craftsmen as Heinsch, Brandl and Reiner, whose painting called The Martyrdom of St James adorns the main sv. Jakuba) altar. After the Cathedral of St Vitus, the Church of St James is the longest church in Prague. In the left nave the baroque tomb of the Czech chancellor Vratislav of Malá Štupartská 6, 110 00 Praha 1 Mitrovice attracts most attention. It was designed by Tel: +420 224 828 816—817 Jan Bernard Fischer of Erlach and decorated with Open: daily 9.30—12.00 and 14.00—16.00 More informations: sculptures by Ferdinand Maxmilian Brokoff. It is regarded as the most attractive tomb in the Czech lands. church-of-st-jacob Underneath the tomb is a crypt containing the tombs of 4. The Church of St. James (Kostel ——————————— 7 the Earls of Mitrovice. There is a well known legend associated with the tomb – the earl was buried alive by mistake and four years later, when the tomb was opened, his body was found in the sitting position trying in vain to lift the top off the tomb. In reality he died and was buried in Vienna. On the main altar can see wooden statue of the Virgin Mary, a priceless piece from the 15th century. As legend would have it, this statue was always considered to have miraculous powers and people brought it all kinds of valuable gifts, even gold. ——————————— 5. Ungelt (Ungelt) ——————————— Malá Štupartská 6, 110 00 Praha 1 Tel: +420 224 828 816—817 Open: daily 9.30—12.00 and 14.00—16.00 More informations: ungelt The Church of st. James 8 Ungelt - panoramatický pohled Ungelt A walled courtyard housing a customs post for merchants entering the Old Town was situated here as early as the 12th century. Every merchant had to submit his goods and pay duty (um Geld – Geld is German for Money, hence the name). In return the ruler would guarantee his safety. Customs duty was paid here until the end of the 16th century. The original shape of the courtyard with two gates either end has remained. Around the Ungelt a hospital and church for the merchants were built and in 1135 a pharmacy was added, the oldest in Prague. In houses near the two gates to the courtyard one can still find remains of Romanesque houses in the cellars (at the turn of the 13th century, when Prague was experiencing huge problems with flooding, the whole of the Old Town was raised by 3.5—4m, meaning the ground floor of the buildings we see today would have been the first floor of Romanesque era structures). Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí) More informations: old-town-square Alongside Prague Castle the Old Town Square is the most important place in Prague. Its long history goes back to the 11th century when the square formed the crossroads of several long-distance trade routes and served as a marketplace. It was known across the whole of Europe at that time. Celebrations, jousting tournaments and executions took place there. In the enclosed courtyard stands the Granovsky House, one of the best preserved Renaissance buildings in Prague. The loggia of the wing we can see from the In 1321 King John of Luxemburg held a jousting tournacourtyard is decorated with religious and mythical mo- ment in the square, which he took part in himself. He tifs. was badly injured and for a long time his life hung in the 9 10 11 12 Sights on the Route: 49. The Old Town / Staré Město pražské 1. The Municipal House / Obecní dům 2. The Powder Tower / Prašná brána 3. The House of The Black Madonna / Dům U Černé Matky Boží 4. The Church of St. James / Kostel svA. Jakuba 5. Ungelt / Ungelt Old Town Square / Staroměstské náměstí 6. The Church of Our Lady of Týn / Týnský chrám 7. House at The Stone Bell / Dům U kamenného zvonu 8. The Jan Hus Monument / Pomník Mistra Jana Husa 9. The Old Town Hall / Staroměstská radnice 10. Church of St. Nicholas / Kostel sv. Mikuláše The Jewish Town—Josefov / Židovské město 11. The Pinkas Synagogue / Pinkasova synagoga 12. The Maisel Synagogue / Maiselova synagoga 13. The Old Jewish Cemetery / Starý židovský hřbitov 14. Jewish Ceremonial Hall / Obřadní síň 15. The Klaus Synagogue / Klausova synagoga 16. The Old - New Synagogue / Staronová synagoga 17. The High Synagogue / Vysoká synagoga a Židovská radnice 18. Spanish Synagogue / Španělská synagoga 19. St. Agnes Convent / Anežský klášter 20. St. Castullus Church / Kostel sv. Haštala 21. Ministry of Industry and Trade / Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu 22. Faculty of Law UK / Právnická fakulta UK 23. Straka Academy / Strakova akademie 24. The Rudolfinum / Rudolfinum 25. Manes Bridge / Mánesův most Malá Strana District / Malá Strana 26. The Valdstejn (Wallenstein) Palace / Valdštejnský palác 27. The Ledeburg, Fürstenberg and Pálfy Gardens / Zahrady pod Pražským hradem 28. St. Tomas Church / Kostel sv. Tomáše 29. Malostranske Square / Malostranské náměstí 30. Nerudova Street / Nerudova ulice 31. The Trinity Column / Sloup Nejsvětější Trojice 32. The Church of St. Nicholas / Chrám sv. Mikuláše 33. The Church of Our Lady Victorious / Kostel Panny Marie Vítězné 34. Church of Mary Virgin under the Chain / Kostel Panny Marie pod řetězem 35. Kampa Island / Kampa 36. Sovovy mlyny / Sovovy mlýny 37. The Malá Strana Tower / Malostranské mostecké věže 38. Charles Bridge / Karlův most 39. The Old Town Bridge Towe / Staroměstská mostecká věž 40. Krizovnicke Square / Křížovnické náměstí 41. Church of St. Francis of Assisi / Kostel sv. Františka z Asissi 42. The Clementinum / Klementinum 43. The Bedrich Smetana Museum / Novotného lávka a Muzeum Bedřicha Smetany 44. Kranner´s Fountain / Krannerova kašna 45. The National Theatre / Národní divadlo 46. Chapel of The Holy Cross / Rotunda sv. Kříže 47. The Bethlehem Chapel / Betlémská kaple 48. Church of St. Martin in the Wall / Kostel sv. Martina ve zdi 50. 51. 52. 53. Church of Our Lady of The Snows / Kostel Panny Marie Sněžné Wenceslas Square / Václavské náměstí Church of St. Gall / Kostel sv. Havla The Estates Theatre / Stavovské divadlo The Carolinum / Karolinum Restaurants(*yellow numbers on the map): 1. Bageterie Boulevard Bageterie Boulevard Vodičkova Vodičkova 21, Praha 1, Tel: +420 222 514 559, Mobil: +420 724 218 466, E-mail: Opening hours: Mo - We: 7.00 - 23.00, Thu - Fri: 7.00 - 24.00, Sa: 8.00 - 24.00, Su: 9.00 - 22.00 Bageterie Boulevard Národní Národní 27, Praha 1, Mobil: +420 777 471 070, E-mail: Opening hours: Mo - Thu 7.00 - 24.00, Fri: 7.00 - 01.00, Sa: 8.00 01.00, Su: 9.00 - 23.00 Bageterie Boulevard Palác Koruna Václavské náměstí 1/Na Příkopě 2, Praha 1, Mobil: +420 777 471 069, E-mail: Opening hours: Mo - Thu : 8.00 - 23.00, Fri - Sa: 8.00 - 00.30, Su: 8.00 - 23.00 Bageterie Boulevard Na Poříčí Na Poříčí 42, Praha 1, Tel: +420 222 314 667, Mobil: +420 725 856 996, E-mail: Opening hours: Mo - Fri: 7.00 - 23.00, Sa: 8.00 - 22.00, Su 9.00 22.00 2. U krále Brabantského Thunovská 198/5, Praha 1, Tel: +420 257 217 032, Mobil: + 420 602 524 725, E-mail:, Opening hours: Mo : 11.00 - 22.00, Su - Thu: 11.00 - 23.00, Fri, Sa: 11.00 - 24.00 7 Tacos Restaurant & Café Ortenovo nám. 22, Praha 7, Tel: +420 220 407 088 E-mail:, Opening hours: Mo - Sa: 6.30 - 23.00 3. Gastro Žofín Žofín 226, Praha 1, Mobil: +420 774 774 774, E-mail:, Opening hours: Mo - Sa: 12.00 - 21.00, Su: 11.00 - 21.00, 4. Pivnice U Pinkasů Jungmannovo nám. 15/16, Praha 1, Tel: +420 221 111 150, 13 E-mail:, Opening hours: Mo - Sa: 16.00 - 01.00 5. Restaurace Como Museums and Galleries (*red numbers on the map): Muzeum a galerie Kubistického designu v Bauerově vile Václavské nám. 45, Praha 1, Tel: +420 222 247 240, E-mail:, Opening hours: Mo - Fri: 6.30 - 01.00, Sa - Su: 7.00 - 01.00, Lidbořice č.p. 111, okr.Kolín Mobil: +420 602 188 419, E-mail:, Opening hours: Tue - Su: 9.00 - 16.00 6. 1. Restaurant Triton Václavské nám. 26, Praha 1, Tel: +420 221 081 218, E-mail:, Opening hours: Mo - Su: 11.30 - 23.00 Galerie Miro Kostel sv. Rocha, Strahovské nádvoří 1, Praha 1 Tel: +420 233 354 066, E-mail:, Opening hours: Mo - Su: 10.00 - 17.00 Accommodation (*blue numbers on the map): 1. Hotel Černý slon **** Týnská 1, Praha 1, Tel: +420 222 321 521, E-mail:, Hotel Arlington *** Kurta Konrtáda 22, Praha 9, Tel: +420 284 813 005, Mobil: +420 602 772 842 E-mail:, Hotel Popelka **** Na Popelce 215/12, Praha 5 Tel: +420 251 115 001, Mobil: +420 734 860 897 E-mail:, Hotel Alta Plaza **** Ortenovo nám. 22, Praha 7, Tel: +420 220 407 082 E-mail:, 2. Home Sweet Home Politických vězňů 5, Praha 1, Tel: +420 222 312 488 E-mail:, 3. Residence Lundborg **** U Lužického semináře 3, Praha 1, Tel: +420 257 011 911, Mobil: +420 602 158 122 E-mail:, 4. 1. Klenoty Aurum OC Paladium, Náměstí Republiky 1, Praha 1 Tel: +420 225 771 226, Mobil: +420 725 208 252 Opening hours: Mo - Su: 9.00 - 21.00 2. Blue Praha E-mail:, Opening hours: Mo - Su: 9.00 - 21.00 Malé náměstí 14, Praha 1 Tel: +420 224 216 717, Mostecká 24, Praha 1 Tel: +420 257 533 716, Celetná 2, Praha 1 Tel: +420 224 224 580, Melantrichova 6, Praha 1 Tel: +420 224 283 652, Art in Wood - Martin Patřičný River Town Prague Bubenské nábř. 306, Praha 7 Opening hours: Mo - Fri: 7.00 - 19.00, Sa: 7.00 - 14.00 Boutique hotel Jalta **** Václavské nám. 45, Praha 1, Tel: +420 222 822 888, E-mail:, 5. Shops (*green numbers on the map): Happy House Rentals Jungmannova 748/30, Praha 1, Tel: +420 224 947 623, Mobil: +420 774 480 450 E-mail:, Incoming Travel Agents (*pod fialovými čísly je najdete v mapě): HCZ—Travel Osluněná 627 3, Praha 5, Tel: +420 283 883 045, E-mail:, 14 15 2 1 3 3 16 1 6 2 4 5 5 4 17 Contact: ROVOJ CESTOVNÍHO RUCHU o.s. Jagellonská 2428 130 00 Praha 3 Tel: +420 724 333 242 E-mail: 18