STAR FURY - Strategy First
STAR FURY - Strategy First
STAR FURY USER’S GUIDE Warranty Disclaimer STRATEGY FIRST AND MALFADOR MACHINATIONS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. NEITHER STRATEGY FIRST, MALFADOR MACHINATIONS NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH SOFTWARE EVEN IF STRATEGY FIRST OR MALFADOR MACHINATIONS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR CLAIMS. IN NO EVENT SHALL STRATEGY FIRST OR MALFADOR MACHINATIONS LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES EVER EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE LICENSE TO USE THE SOFTWARE, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF CLAIM. THE PERSON USING THE SOFTWARE BEARS ALL RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF THE LIMIT OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AND SHALL INURE TO THE BENEFIT OF STRATEGY FIRST, MALFADOR MACHINATIONS AND ANY SUCCESSORS, ADMINISTRATORS, HEIRS, AND ASSIGNS. ANY ACTION OR PROCEEDING BROUGHT BY EITHER PARTY AGAINST THE OTHER ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE BROUGHT ONLY IN A STATE OR FEDERAL COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION LOCATED IN WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. THE PARTIES HEREBY CONSENT TO IN PERSONAM JURISDICTION OF SAID COURTS. STAR FURY ”2005. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Convention. No part of this Manual or Program may be copied or reprinted without the written permission of Strategy First and Malfador Machinations. Strategy First, Inc ii Star Fury Table of Contents Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 2 - Getting Started Chapter 3 - The Universe Chapter 4 - Starship Controls Chapter 5 - Starship Design Chapter 6 - Combat Chapter 7 - Colonies Chapter 8 - Jobs Chapter 9 - Default Key Bindings Chapter 10 - Components Chapter 11 - Alien Races Chapter 12 - Ships Chapter 13 - Game Screens Chapter 14 - Credits Strategy First, Inc iv 1 2 4 8 13 17 19 20 21 22 26 30 42 83 iii Star Fury Chapter 1: Introduction Welcome to the world of STAR FURY. STAR FURY is a game of starship combat set in the universe of Space Empires IV. You will control a single starship and pilot it through solar systems throughout the quadrant. The main story-line of the game is comprised of three different campaigns. In addition to completing missions, you will also need to make some money on the side. You will have the option of working in many different lines of work such as Mercenary, Merchant, or Pirate. With enough money, you can repair your ship, refit your starship with new components, or buy entirely new starships. The choice is up to you. In addition to the basic game itself, the data files for the game are completely customizable. Additional campaigns can be added easily and you should check our websites ( & regularly for new downloadable campaigns. All of the data files that come with the game are simple text files that you can modify with any text editor. Graphics and models are also in standard formats that you can change or modify. Everyone here at Strategy First and Malfador Machinations would like to thank-you for playing this game. Chapter 2: Getting Started System Requirements To play STAR FURY you’ll need the following hardware. • • • • • • • • Pentium 500 MHz or Better Processor Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, XP, or ME 32 megabytes of memory Minimum 1024 X 768 Display 16 bit color display or better DirectX 7.0 or better A video card with 3D acceleration 400 megabytes of hard drive space. Installation To install the game, insert the STAR FURY CD into your CD-ROM drive and choose one of the following actions: If your CD-ROM drive has Autoplay enabled, the install program will run automatically. Just follow the directions to select a location, and then install the game to your hard drive. If Autoplay is not enabled, double-click on the “My Computer” icon on your desktop. Doubleclick on the CD-ROM drive icon. Double-click on the “Setup” icon. Once the install program begins to run, just follow the on-screen instructions. Startup Window Once the install program has completed, you can run the game by double-clicking on the STAR FURY icon (either on your desktop, or under your Start Menu). When the game is running, you will first see the Startup Window. This window allows you to choose from various startup options. You will want to select “Start”. Title Screen Window After selecting “Start”, you will see a few different credits screens before you finally get to the Title Screen Window. From this screen, you will want to select “New Game”. Select Campaign Window The Select Campaign window allows you to choose which campaign you want to play. You should choose “Campaign 1 – Homefront”. Difficulty Window The Difficulty window allows you to select how difficulty you want this game to be. For your first game, you should select “Easy” or “Average”. Starting Ship Window Different campaigns have a selection of possible ships to start the game with. For Campaign 1, there is only one ship selection available. You should click on the “Terran Destroyer Mark I” in the list. You will now see a rotating display of the ship and a general description for it. You will want to enter a Ship Name and Captain Name for your game (you can also hit the Random buttons to have the game pick some randomly). When you are done, press the OK button. Progress Window Now that you have selected all of the required options, the game will create the maps for the campaign you are about to play. The Progress window will be displayed to show you the progress of the creation of the campaign. Once the bar reaches 100%, the full game will start. Strategy First, Inc 2 Star Fury Main Control Window Once the full game starts, the Main Control window will be displayed. On top of the Main Control window, an introduction will be displayed to describe the story line for this campaign. Once you’ve read through it, close the window and you can begin to play the game! Game Screen Details For information on how to control your ship, see Chapters 4 and 5. For more details on the game windows, see Chapter 13. Troubleshooting • Error after hitting the Start Button Make sure that you have DirectX 7.0 or better installed on your machine. • Garbled graphics in game Some video cards have trouble with graphics stored in video memory. When you start the game, select Setup. In the Setup window, click the Change button next to Video Memory Usage so that the value reads "Safe". This will make sure that all graphics are loaded into system memory and should clear up your problems. • Slow Game Play The game defaults to having the maximum details possible. You can set these lower to increase your game performance. When you first run the game, select the Setup button. In the Setup window you can do the following: Video Mode Set your video mode to a lower screen resolution. 3D Device Be sure that your 3D Device is Direct3D and not software emulation. Sight Distance Set this to Medium or Low. Stellar Detail Set this to Low (you’ll need to start a new game). Background Detail Set this to Low. Latest News, Mods, and Patches Visit our website at or visit the Forums at Strategy First, Inc 3 Star Fury Chapter 3: The Universe Star Systems Star systems, or solar systems, are locations in space where a star is orbited by other stellar bodies such as planets, asteroids, nebulae, and warp points. The center of a star system is normally a star which forms the tremendous gravity well which keeps all of the other stellar bodies in orbit. A star system may have more than one star at its center. Due to the massive size of a solar system, distances in space are measured in light seconds (ls), which is the distance that light can travel in one second. Stars Stars are huge fireballs located at the center of star systems. Their massive size provides the gravity which keeps a star system together. The fusion reaction that goes on within their core provides the light and energy that blankets the system. Stars come in different sizes and in different colors. The color of a star tells you approximately its age in the cosmos. Warp Points A warp point is a location within a star system where the fabric of space itself is weak. Through the use of a strong energy field, starships can pass through this “hole” in space. A ship that moves through a warp point will instantaneously find itself in another star system anywhere in the quadrant. The formation of warp points requires a gravity well like that found on the edges of a star system. The two locations in space that are connected by a warp point will remain so for the lifetime of the warp point. In STAR FURY, you will travel from one star system to another by means of connecting warp points. Your ship merely needs to enter the event horizon of the warp point and your ship will automatically generate an energy field to pass through it. Your ship will enter a warp point in one star system, and then exit the connecting warp point in another star system. Your Quadrant Map displays all of the known star systems and the connections via warp points between them. Strategy First, Inc 4 Star Fury Planets Planets are formed by the collection of stellar gasses within a star system. These gasses are condensed by gravity to form large physical bodies. A planets is categorized by the type of environment produced on its surface. A Venus like planet is one that is close to a star and has tremendously high temperatures on its surface. A Gas Giant is a very large planet which is mainly composed of thick gases which cover its surface. An Ice planet is a planet that is very distant from its star and has very cold surface temperatures. A Terrestroid is a planet that forms at the proper distance from its star so that it can have liquid water on its surface. The only planets which can support life (unaided through mechanical means) are Terrestroid planets. And finally, Moons are much smaller planets which form in orbit of larger planets. They usually have no atmosphere of their own. In STAR FURY, you will find colonies and outposts on planets in various systems. At these colonies, you can repair your ship, purchase new ships, contact the local authorities, or even look for work. Asteroids Asteroids are small chunks of planetary debris which float through space. They normally collect into vast fields which orbit the solar system. Asteroids can be good sources of raw materials or rare ores. In STAR FURY, asteroids are a navigation hazard. Your ship will not survive a direct impact with an asteroid. Strategy First, Inc 5 Star Fury Nebulae and Storms Nebulae and Storms are fields of stellar gas that are often found in a star system. Storms have large energy discharges throughout them and can cause various deleterious effects on your starship. Nebulae are often opaque to sensors. Bases As the various races moved out into the galaxy, they created large space bound structures for servicing their starships. These bases are used to provide protection for planets, repair and resupply services for starships, and often serve as a commerce center. Because of their massive size, bases cannot move. Ships Starships are the transport vehicles for the different races. They employ some type of engine to move through a star system, and have the capability to move through warp points to other star systems. Most ships also contain an array of weapons and defensive systems. Satellites Satellites are small unmanned space platforms which provide sensor and weapons capabilities. They are normally set to automatically fire on any enemy starships and to scan all passing vessels. Strategy First, Inc 6 Star Fury Fighters Fighters are small single passenger space vehicles. They can move faster than normal starships and are used to overtake and attack enemies. Cargo When a ship is destroyed, sometimes some of its cargo will be dropped into space. Strategy First, Inc 7 Star Fury Chapter 4: Starship Controls Propulsion The basic movement of your ship is provided through propulsion. The engines you have on your ship provide the propulsion that drives your ship through space. The number and type of engines will indicate the total amount of propulsion that your ship can generate. The actual maximum speed of your ship is the total propulsion of all of your engines divided by the number of engine slots in your ship’s hull. This maximum speed may be capped by the maximum speed your hull can withstand. The maximum speed may also be lowered by damage to the engines of your ship. The maximum speed of your ship indicates the highest speed it can move through a solar system. You don’t necessarily need to always move at your top speed. Your ship will try to move as fast as your “set” speed. This is the speed that you want to move at. If your ship is moving slower than the set speed, your ship will accelerate up to the set speed. If your ship is moving faster than the set speed, your ship will decelerate down to the set speed. Helm Control To change your ship’s course, you will need to turn your ship to a new heading. By clicking on the main display, you set a course for your ship to turn towards. The “turn rate” of your ship dictates how fast your ship can turn from one course to another. Keep in mind that the higher the distance you need to turn, the slower you must travel. Your ship will automatically slow itself as you turn from one heading to another. Once the remaining distance in the turn is lower, your ship will accelerate back to your set speed. Your current heading in the solar system is displayed on the Main Control Panel as a degree amount. Weapon Banks Your ship’s weapons are divided into 4 weapon banks. These banks are determined by you in the Inventory Window. A weapon bank is merely a grouping of weapons that all fire together at the same time. You can use the number keys 1 through 4 on the Main Control Window to fire all of the weapons within that designated weapon bank. In addition, the current status of your weapon banks is displayed on the Main Control Window. Each bank indicates whether it is ready to fire or how long until the weapons in that bank can fire again. Strategy First, Inc 8 Star Fury Targeting For your weapons to be able to fire on an enemy ship, you have to select which enemy ship is your current target. You can do this in the Main Control Window by right clicking on any enemy ship that you see. You can also use the keyboard to automatically select nearby enemy targets. The current target for your ship will be surrounded by a red box, with details about the target displayed under the box. If you fire any of your weapons, they will fire at the currently selected enemy target. All targets will list their name at the bottom left of the red box, and the distance to this target (in light seconds) at the bottom right. Inventory A major portion of your ship’s systems can be viewed in the Inventory Window. This window displays your entire ship’s contents and the components that make it up. When you take your ship in to a Spacedock, you will be able to add and remove components from within your ship. The components you choose to use on your ship will give it different abilities, weapons, and defenses. The abilities your ship can use are all provided by the components that make it up. These components fall into categories such as weapons, engines, sensors, shield generators, armor, etc. Each component takes up a certain tonnage of space within your ship’s hull. The size of your hull dictates the maximum tonnage of components that can be placed within it. See Ship Design for more details on how to design your ship. Cargo & Usable Components In addition to the components that are actual being used by your ship, you can also carry many components in the cargo space of your ship. These components are not active within your ship and are merely being stored for transport. Merchant ships will often have large cargo capacities to move cargo from planet to planet. Some components can be used from within your cargo bays. These are usually components which can only be used once. Useable components are displayed in a list on the Main Control Window. Merely right-click on a component to use it immediately. Usable components are often things such as power packs or armor plating that are used to repair your ship. Usable components also include fighters and mines that you have in your cargo hold. Fighters and mines can only be launched if you have a fighter bay or mine layer component installed in your ship. Strategy First, Inc 9 Star Fury Proximity Radar All ships come equipped with a proximity radar system. This system can display all of the planets in a solar system, or show ships within a short distance from your ship. The Proximity Radar is displayed in the lower left of the Main Control Window. It can display in several modes such as system wide or ship tracking at various ranges. Ship Readouts All ships come with sensors that allow them to scan enemy ships. These scans provide details on enemy targets such as shield and armor levels. They also indicate how much damage has been done to a ship’s hull. On the Main Control Window, there are two ship readouts. The first one shows scans on the currently selected target ship, the second one displays scans of your own ship. Communications and Messages Just above your main control window is a location where messages may be displayed (they will display over your view of space in the bottom left of the main window). Messages are displayed when you change the orders for your ship or something important is happening. If other ships communicate with you, these communications will also be displayed in the color of the race that sent them. Messages will scroll up from bottom to top, with new message appearing at the bottom of the list. All of your messages and will fade out as they get older. Stardate In the center of your main control window the current stardate is listed. This may be very important if you are attempting to complete a job within a specified time. If the current time rate of the game is faster then normal, the time acceleration factor will be listed below the Stardate. Strategy First, Inc 10 Star Fury Quadrant Map As you move through the quadrant, you will acquire maps of the interconnections of warp points between the solar systems. Your Quadrant Map displays a high-level map of all of the solar systems you have visited in the quadrant. Lines between the solar systems indicate warp points which connect the two solar systems. You can think of the Quadrant Map as a road map to the galaxy. System Map In addition to your Quadrant Map, you also have a map of the solar system you are currently in. This map will display all of the planets, stars, nebulae and such that you can detect in the solar system. It will also display any ships that are within sensor range of your ship. You may find the system map most useful when trying to locate specific colonies in a solar system. Shuttling to Planets and Bases There are numerous colonies and bases located in the quadrant. You will want to visit many of them to repair your ship, take on jobs, and contact the authorities. To visit a colony, you just need to move your ship close to it and target it. If the planet you are currently targeting has a colony, a button will be displayed titled “Shuttle Over”. Once you get close enough to the colony, the button will light up. Pressing the button will allow you to visit the colony. Picking up Components from Space As you move through space, you may often find cargo that has been dropped by other ships. In fact, one of the main benefits of destroying enemy ships is that they will often leave cargo behind in their debris. When you see cargo floating in space, you merely need to move your ship on to it to pick up the cargo and have it placed in your cargo hold. Be careful that you do not pick up too much cargo or your ship will become overloaded and your speed will decrease. You can always jettison cargo that you pick up from within the Inventory window. Also note that some cargo is illegal. If you have it in your cargo hold then the authorities (even your allies) will open fire on you. When you look at the component report it will tell you if a component is illegal. Strategy First, Inc 11 Star Fury Solar System Boundaries A solar system takes up a huge amount of space, but it is finite. Your system map / radar map will indicate your position within the solar system. If you decide to take your ship out of the solar system itself and into the interstellar void, prepare for a very long voyage. Once you leave the solar system, your speed will be automatically cut to _ to conserve fuel for the hundred year voyage ahead of you. Strategy First, Inc 12 Star Fury Chapter 5: Ship Design Ship design is a task that all ship captains will have to undertake. When your ship is at a spacedock, you can have components removed or added in to your ship. How these components are placed and the types that are used will determine your ship’s abilities. Tonnage All ship classes are rated with a maximum tonnage that they can support. Each component that you add to your ship will take up a specified amount of tonnage. You can keep adding components to your ship until you reach the tonnage limit for your ship class. Ship Slots Each ship class has a layout with different slots that you can place components into. Some slots will only allow certain types of components. For example, each ship class has a certain number of slots which can only have engine components placed into them. The following are the different slots types you will find on all ship classes: Weapon (Light) This slot allows weapon types of beams and bolts. Weapon (Heavy) This slot allows weapon types of torpedoes or heavy beams. Armor This slot allows different forms of armor. Shield This slot allows different forms of shield generators. Engine This slot only allows engine components. Hull This slot allows all other types of components not already mentioned above such as Bridges, Life Support, Crew Quarters, Point Defense, Combat Sensors, ECM, etc. Engines Engines provide the thrust for your starship. The types of engines you use on your ship will determine the maximum speed that your ship can move at. The maximum speed of your ship is calculated as the total amount of engine power provided by engine components divided by the total number of engine slots on the ship class. Weapons Weapons come in many sizes and flavors. There are six major weapon classes that you will encounter: Beam An energy beam that arcs through space from the firing ship to the target ship. Beams cannot be blocked, but they can miss their target. Beams will do damage to the target for as long as they hit the target. Bolt A bolt is a bundle of energy which travels through space on a direct line towards its target. Once fired, the bolt will travel on a direct line towards the target. A bolt cannot be blocked or stopped once fired. Bolts will only miss if the target moves out of the way. Torpedo A torpedo is a device which, once launched, will seek towards its target and explode against it. A torpedo moves at a set speed and will change course as its target moves. Torpedoes will only track for a certain amount of time until they will self destruct. Torpedoes can be fired upon by Point Defense weapons. Directed Torpedo A directed torpedo is much like a normal torpedo except that it must actually turn towards its target. Where a normal torpedo will immediately change course after its target, a directed torpedo must actually turn towards the target which takes time. Heavy Beam A heavy beam is much like a normal beam but much more highly powered. Strategy First, Inc 13 Star Fury Point Defense Point defense is a bolt weapon which fires automatically against torpedoes which are coming towards your ship. The bolts will usually destroy the incoming torpedo if they hit. Ship Sides When damage is taken by your starship, it will be taken on one of the 4 sides of your ship. To prevent this damage, you will want to place shield generators and armor on each of the four sides. If you have no protection for your ship on a given side, and you are hit their by weapons fire, your internal components on that side will take damage. Shield Generators Shield Generators are devices which generate a protective energy envelope around your starship. The shields of your starship will prevent incoming weapons from hitting your ship. As your shields take damage, they will decrease in effectiveness until they drop completely. The shield generators on your ship must be placed on one of the four sides of your starship. The side it is placed on will cause that shield generator’s shields to be created on that side of the ship. Your shields will recharge over time, or they will be regenerated automatically at a spacedock. Armor Armor is protective material which covers the outside of your starship. You must place armor components on one of the four sides of your starship. If your shields are down, then damage taken by your ship on a side, will first damage the armor components on that side of the ship until they are gone. Once your armor is completely damaged on a side, then additional damage will effect your internal components. Hull Components Most components are placed in the general Hull area of your starship. The Hull area of your starship will only take damage once the shields and armor on one of the sides of your ship is gone. Power Generation Some of the components on your starship, most notably your weapons, require power to be operational. To that end, you will need to place Power Reactor components on your ship to provide that power. If you don’t have enough power generation on your starship, then weapons and other components will not operate at full capacity. Speed, Turn Rate, and Acceleration The maximum speed of your ship is determined by the engines you are using and by the maximum limits your ship class can withstand. In addition, the turn rate and acceleration of your ship are also determined by the base capabilities of your ship class, and any special components you have on your ship. Your ship’s turn rate determines how quickly your ship can turn in space from one heading to another. The acceleration rate of your ship determines how quickly you can change your ship’s speed. Certain components you add to your ship can improve these capabilities. Component Effects There are many other component abilities or effects which your ship components can provide: System Scanners System Scanners determine how far away you can detect enemy vessels on your radar. Long Range Scanners Long Range Scanners can execute a deep scan of an enemy ship and show you the exact components on the ship. Regenerations Some components can increase the rates at which your hull, armor, and shields regenerate. Attack Rating The attack rating is your ability to target and hit enemy ships. Defense Rating The defense rating is your ability to dodge incoming weapons fire. Resistances Certain weapons can have special damage effects on your Strategy First, Inc 14 Star Fury Radar Display Target Readout Display Self Readout Display Quadrant Map System Map Prevents Crew Death ship such as skipping your shields, slowing your speed, or killing your crew. Some components can increase your resistances to these special damage types. Your radar display indicated the presence of other ships at range. To even have a radar display, you must have a functioning component that provides the ability. The Target Readout Display shows you the damage, shields, and armor of your current target. To be able to see a quick readout on your target, you need a functioning component which provides the ability. The Self Readout Display shows you the damage, shields, and armor of your own ship. To be able to see a quick readout on your own ship, you need a functioning component which provides the ability. The quadrant map shows you all of the system you know of in the quadrant. The map of the entire quadrant is only available with a properly functioning component. The system map shows you the planets, storms, and warp points in the current solar system. The map of the current solar system is only available with a properly functioning component. Life Support and Crew Quarters keep your crew from slowly dying in the vacuum of space. Mines If you wish to drop mines in space, you can do so by putting a mine layer component on your ship. This component will allow you to drop mines from your cargo hold into space directly behind your ship. You will also need to have a supply of mines in your cargo hold. When a mine is dropped it is inactive so that it will not detonate against your own ship. A mine will become fully active 2 seconds after you drop it in space. Mines will then sit silently and wait for a ship to wander too close. When a ship gets within a certain radius of the mine, it will explode and damage any nearby ships. Once dropped, a mine can never be picked up again. Mines that can be dropped into space will be displayed on the Usable Components list on the Main Control panel. Just click on a mine to launch it behind your ship. Fighters Ships can also carry fighters that they can launch into space. A ship merely needs to put a fighter bay on board, and have a fighter in its cargo bay for use. Fighters that can be launched will be displayed on the Usable Components list on the Main Control panel. Just click on a fighter to launch it from your ship. You can only have 1 fighter in space for each fighter bay installed on your ship. Once you have launched a fighter into space, a special fighter order panel will be displayed on the main window. This panel allows you to give orders to your fighters and control them. The available commands are: Recover All Fighters This tells all of your fighters in space to return to your ship. When a fighter is recovered it will be repaired completely. You will want to be sure and recover your fighters before going through a warp point. Recover This Fighter This tells the current fighter you have targeted to return to your ship. Attack My Target This commands all of your fighters to attack the ship you currently have targeted. They will continue to attack the ship until its dead or you give your fighters other orders. Form Up On Me This will cause your fighters in space to enter into formation with your ship. They will usually fly up ahead of your ship in a line. Break And Attack This commands your fighters to stop what they are doing and Strategy First, Inc 15 Star Fury fly freely around your ship. They will attack any and all target of opportunity. Fighters in space cannot transit through warp points on their own. You will need to recover all of your fighters if you want them to transit a warp point into another solar system. If you leave a fighter behind, it will roam the system on its own and will no longer be under your command. Strategy First, Inc 16 Star Fury Chapter 6: Combat Combat occurs when two enemy starships get within weapons range of each other. Ships will fire weapons at each other that cause many kinds of damage to each other. Weapon Arcs Weapons on a starship have a specific firing arc. This is the angle at which they can hit a target from their firing point on the ship. For example, the weapons on the front of your ship might have a 90 degree arc facing forward. That means that they can only be fired on ships which are in the 90 degrees in front of your ship. If a target is behind your ship, the front weapons will not be able to fire on it. Weapon Firing & Reload All weapons can fire when fully charged. But once they have been fired, they need a certain amount of time to reload before they can fire again. Different weapons have different reload rates, usually dependent on the size and power of the weapon. Bolt weapons usually reload the quickest, while torpedoes take the longest to reload. Weapon Range & Damage All weapons have a maximum range within which they can hit a target. For beams, this is the maximum distance at which a target can be for the weapon to fire on it. For torpedoes and bolts, this is the maximum distance the weapon can travel before it expires or self destructs. Each weapon is rated with the damage it will do at a given range to the target. For beams, the damage of the beam decreases with the range to the target. For most torpedoes and bolts, the damage that occurs to the target does not decrease with distance. Attack & Defense Ratings All ships are rated with both an attack and a defense rating. The attack rating of a ship is its ability to target and hit enemy ships. A ship’s defense rating is its ability to dodge or evade incoming weapons fire. When a ship fires a beam against an enemy, the attack rating of the firing ship is compared against the defense rating of the enemy ship. This comparison, with a natural decrease in range factored in, determines whether the beam will hit the target when fired. Torpedoes don’t use attack & defense ratings because they seek towards their target and never miss. Shields Shields are the first line of defense for a starship. They are an energy barrier which protect a starship from most forms of physical damage. Shields are generated by shield generators on each of the 4 sides of a starship. As your ship takes damage on a side, its shields will be reduced. Once your shields on a side are gone, incoming weapons fire on that side of your ship will actually hit your ship. Shields can be regenerated over time by other components. Armor Armor is a protective material which coats the 4 sides of your starship. When your ship is hit by weapons fire, your armor will get hit first and take damage. When all of the armor on a side of your ship are gone, any additional damage will hit your internal components. Armor can be regenerated over time just like shields. Internal Damage Internal damage occurs when a ship is hit with weapons fire on a side where it no longer has shields or armor. Components on that side of the ship will take damage from the weapons fire. As your ship takes internal damage your ship will lose its abilities. Once all of your internal components are destroyed, your ship will be completely destroyed. Every component is rated with its tonnage structure. This is the amount of damage the component can take before it becomes inoperable. When you view the Damage display for your Strategy First, Inc 17 Star Fury ship’s inventory, each component will have its damage percentage displayed. An undamaged component shows 0%, a completely destroyed component shows 100%. As the damage of a component increases, its abilities decrease in equal measure. For example, an engine which provides 500 units of thrust, will only provide 250 when it is 50% damaged. Damage Repair You can repair your ship’s internal damage easily at a spacedock. But sometimes you need to repair damage while actually traveling through space. For that purpose you need a Repair Bay or a good crew to slowly regenerate your internal components. Damage Types Most damage is categorized as “normal” which means that it will damage your shields first, then your armor, then your internal systems. But there are unusual types of damage that your ship can suffer. Shield Piercing Weapons with this damage type will go straight through your shields as if they weren’t there. Armor Piercing Some weapon energy will hit shields, but will pass straight through armor. Energy Absorption This weapon damage will do no structural damage to your ship, but will deplete your energy stores. Without energy, your weapons will no longer reload. Crew Toxins Crew toxins do no structural damage, but they will kill your crew. Once your crew is dead, your ship is dead. Psychic Psychic attack on your crew can kill them, render them incapacitated, or drive them insane. Speed Slowing Ion weapons will leave your ship alone, but will cause your engines to lose their thrust. With your engines at decreased capacity, you will be an easy target for your enemies. Strategy First, Inc 18 Star Fury Chapter 7: Colonies You will find enclaves of populations throughout the quadrant in colonies on planets. The larger ones are found within the territories of the major empires, but there are many throughout the Neutral Territories. You will also find colonies on starbases that are placed on the borders of the major empires. Different colonies will have different facilities that you can utilize. The different capabilities are listed below. Spacedock The most often used facility as at colony is the Spacedock. The Spacedock is a mechanical facility which can perform repairs or upgrades on your starship. This is where you can purchase new components for use on your ship, or sell ones that you no longer need. You can also pay to have your ship repaired completely. Ship Dealer You may find a ship dealer at a colony who can sell you an entirely new starship. The ship dealer will provide you with complete specifications on the starships that he has available. For a one-time fee, you can purchase a new starship, and even get a trade in value on your current ship. All of the components you currently have on your starship will be transferred over to the new ship. The ships that are available at a ship dealer depend on the owning race of the colony, the size of the colony, and just simple availability. Job Guilds Colonies may have local chapters of the various job guilds that you can visit. The Job Guilds will provide you with a list of different jobs that you can undertake for pay. A detailed list of job guilds can be found in Chapter 8. Contacts At some colonies you may be able to open a communications link with various major power contacts you have. The communication link will allow you to speak to your contact as if they were actually there. Strategy First, Inc 19 Star Fury Chapter 8: Jobs There are numerous jobs that you can undertake in the quadrant to make a little money. You’ll find that keeping your ship supplied and repaired is a costly business. At the various colonies and bases throughout the quadrant you will find different Guilds that offer jobs for you to undertake. Each job has a credit amount you will get paid for successful completion, though most also have a credit charge for failing to complete the job as well. Most jobs will give you specific details on how to complete the job and a time limit that the job needs to be completed within. You can only undertake 3 jobs at any given time. Jobs vary based on the Guild Type, the location of the Guild, and the race that supports the Guild. Merchant The Merchant Guild was established by free traders that roam throughout the Neutral territories. As a collective group, they were able to establish regular routes and demand set payment levels from the various planets they trade with. Merchants are charged with delivering cargo between planets throughout the quadrant. Its safe work, but the pay is mediocre at best. The only trouble Merchant’s deal with are the occasional pirates that attack and steal their cargo. Within the different empires borders, Merchants can expect a certain level of protection. The Neutral territories are a bit more wild however. Be cautious when delivering cargo or just traveling through unprotected space. Mercenary The Mercenary Guild is a collective of bounty hunters, law enforcement groups, mercenaries, and planetary defense forces. The Guild provides military assistance for a price throughout the quadrant. The primary military forces of the various empires do what they can, but a lot of areas fall through the cracks, especially in the Neutral Territories. Jobs listed at the Mercenary Guilds include hunting down criminals, protecting freighters, and even exploring uncharted space. If you do decide to follow the Mercenary way of life, be sure that your ship is well armed. You will definitely see plenty of action even on seemingly “simple” jobs. Pirate The Pirate Guild is notorious throughout the quadrant. Pirates are the major criminal element in the Neutral Territories. They routinely attack freighters and other ships to steal their cargo, or even just steal the entire ship. Lately they’ve even been attacking smaller ships and ship groups of the major empires themselves. Pirates are fired on immediately when they are encountered. You will not find any outlets for the Pirate Guild on mainstream planets. They are known to operate at smaller colonies in the Neutral Territories. Its is even rumored that they have hidden starbases in uncharted regions of the Neutral Territories. Jobs offered through the Pirate Guild will be of the criminal kind and very lucrative. Pirate jobs often include transporting illegal cargo, attacking unescorted freighters, or even attacking law enforcement authorities. Strategy First, Inc 20 Star Fury Chapter 9: Default Key Bindings Navigation Increase Speed _ Decrease Speed _ Full Speed Zero Speed Shuttle Over Turn Left Turn Right Ship Control Use Shield Repair Use Armor Repair Use Hull Repair Next Radar Mode Next Target Ship Readout Mode Weapons Fire Weapon Bank 1 Fire Weapon Bank 2 Fire Weapon Bank 3 Fire Weapon Bank 4 Lay Mine Targeting Next Target (Any) Next Target (Ally) Next Target (Enemy) Target Nearest Enemy Clear Targeting Window Display Display Game Menu Display Quadrant Map Display System Map Display Missions Display Inventory Display Ship Status Views Change View – Set Offset Change View – Ship Front Change View – Ship Left Side Change View – Ship Right Side Change View – Ship Rear Change View – High Above Ship Change View – Above And Behind Ship Change View – Ship And Target Game Options Increase Time Rate Decrease Time Rate Show System Grid Pause Game Increase Brightness Decrease Brightness Fighter Control Recover All Fighters Recover This Fighter Attack My Target Form Up On Me Break And Attack Launch Fighter Strategy First, Inc Default Key ] [ \ Backspace S Left Right Q W E R F 1 2 3 4 M I U Y T O Z X C V B N F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 + G Space K L Ctrl + R Ctrl + T Ctrl + A Ctrl + F Ctrl + B Ctrl + L 21 Star Fury Chapter 10: Components Bridge Command center of a starship. Crew Quarters Quarters for crew to sleep in. Life Support Required component to generate atmosphere inside a starship. Ion Engine Standard ion driven engine which allows sub-light inter-system travel. Jacketed Photon Engine Harnessed light drive which allows sub-light inter-system travel. Contra-Terrene Engine Anti-Matter reaction drive which allows sub-light intersystem travel. Quantum Engine Quantum singularity reaction drive which allows sub-light inter-system travel. Standard Shield Generator Provides standard energy shields for a starship. Shield Regenerator Increases the speed at which shields can be regenerated. Crystalline Armor Crystalline based armor which can regenerate itself. Afterburners Provides improved acceleration for a starship. Phased Shield Generator Provides advanced phased energy shields for a starship. Standard Armor Provides standard armor to protect the exterior of a starship. Emissive Armor Advanced composite armor which absorbs and then bleeds off energy attacks. Scattering Armor Advanced hyper-alloy armor which deflects shield piercing damage. Organic Armor An organic mesh armor that can regenerate itself over time. Stealth Armor Absorbing armor which decreases a starship's electromagnetic profile. ECM Electromagnetic counter measures that decrease the chance for enemies to target the ship. Long Range Scanners Scanners which can detect system details at range. Multiplex Tracking Advanced targeting system which allows main ship weapons to fire on small craft. Master Computer Advanced targeting computer used to direct weapons fire. Emergency Energy Core Emergency energy supply used to bolster ship reserves. Strategy First, Inc Combat Sensors Combat sensors which improve the chance to hit enemy targets with weapons fire. Scanner Jammer Jamming technology which decreases the targeting ability of enemies. Tachyon Sensors Tachyon sensors can detect cloaked ships at range. Neural Combat Net Advanced AI neural net computer which improves a ship's defenses. Medical Bay Elite medical facility which can help keep crew alive. Emergency Shield Capacitor Capacitor which stores shield energy that can be added to current shields. 22 Star Fury Emergency Armor Plating Armor plating which can be used to repair current armor. Quantum Reactor Quantum singularity reactor which generates energy. Emergency Hull Plating Hull plating which can be used to immediately repair the hull. Standard Mine A small warhead that will detonate when an enemy ship comes too close to it in space. Terran Fighter A small space vehicle which can be launched to combat your enemies. Pirate Fighter A small space vehicle which can be launched to combat your enemies. Fazrah Fighter A small space vehicle which can be launched to combat your enemies. Repair Bay Bay which can automatically repair hull damage. Energy Storage Storage pod for additional energy reserves. Mine Layer Lays a mine in space without detonating it. Anti - Matter Torpedo A seeking torpedo comprised of an anti-matter warhead. Capital Ship Missile Heavy duty missile with nuclear warhead designed to attack starships. Energy Dampner ECM Pulse beam which disrupts energy generation on a starship. High Energy Magnifier A series of focusing crystals that magnify a simple energy beam a thousandfold. Ionic Pulse Missile A seeking missile which delivers an anti-ionic pulse and disrupts engine operations. Phased Polaron Beam Multi-phasic energy beam which can penetrate normal shields. Incinerator Beam Fusion energy beam used as a medium range weapon. Fighter Bay Bay which can house a fighter on your ship and launch it into space. Abbidon Fighter A small space vehicle which can be launched to combat your enemies. Xiati Fighter A small space vehicle which can be launched to combat your enemies. Weapons Strategy First, Inc Depleted Uranium Cannon Medium range cannon which fires large depleted uranium shells. Graviton Hellbore Intense gravitational sphere fired in a torpedo which can pierce a ship's armor. Ionic Disperser Anti-ionic beam which disrupts all engine operation and burns them out. Meson Blaster Medium range meson cannon which fires tunneling mesons in cohesive bursts. Plasma Missile Seeking plasma powered missile with an anti-matter core. 23 Star Fury Point Defense Cannons Small mobile cannons which can target and destroy incoming fighters and torpedoes. Repulser Beam Gravitational beam which rends an enemy ship apart. Quantum Torpedo Highly charged quantum core warhead on a seeking torpedo. Ripper Beam A highly focused energy beam which cuts long slices out of enemy ships. Tachyon Cannon Polarized tachyon particles fired in a beam that can pierce all shields. Shield Depleter Gamma radiation beam which saps shields but does no other damage. Null - Space Projector Projector which launches a cohesive ball of null-space at its target. Psychic Flailer Psychic attack that stuns and then kills the crew of a starship. Weapon Disrupter Modulating pulse beam which disrupts weapons fire on a starship. Anti - Proton Beam Focused energy beam used as a medium range weapon. Toxic Injector Seeking torpedo which delivers a biological weapon into a starship and kills its crew. Gamma Pulse Torpedo Torpedo armed with a gamma pulse warhead that uses massive gamma radiation to cause damage. Lightning Ray Massive electricity discharge which can be targeted at enemy starships. Subspace Rupture Beam Beam which causes space to rupture and explode outward. Common Cargo Solar Collector Panels Panels which can collect and harness the power of stars into usable power. Orbital Relay An orbital satellite used to relay communications from one planet to another. Composite Hypersteel Advanced composite steel alloy used for building construction. Nanotech Builders Nanotechnology machines used to construct advanced devices and structures. Atmospheric Shuttles Shuttle used to transport goods anywhere on a planet. Transgenic Imaging System Advanced imaging system which can create detailed three dimensional holograms. Strategy First, Inc Atmospheric Processor Machinery used to process the atmosphere of a planet and change it to oxygen-nitrogen. Transdermic Plating Composite metal alloy used for starship hull plating. Shuttle Resupply Pod Pods used on planetary shuttles to carry cargo. Ore Processor Industrial ore processor used to extract ore from raw planetary material. Energy-Matter Replicators Machinery which can convert energy into a specific matter pattern. Radiation Siphon A device which can generate large amounts of energy from radiation fields. 24 Star Fury Hyper Optics Advanced communication conduit using hyper optic technology. VR Simulator A virtual reality simulator which can recreate any location to the senses. Combine Engine Industrial farming engine used on most agricultural worlds. Ice Oxygenator Drilling machine used to process large amounts of ice into water and oxygen. Antigrav Core Element Basic anti-gravity element used in most vehicles. Organic Resequencer Device which can resequence organic molecules into new forms. Hyper Density Cables Incredibly dense alloys spun into cables for use in planetary construction. Quantum Computer Computer built from individual atoms and powered by a quantum singularity. Hyper-Magnetic Centrifuge Scientific device which uses hypermagnetic waves to centrifuge materials. Grain Thresher Farming equipment used to clean and sort grain from the fields. Fusion Generator Standard generator using a fusion reaction to generate clean power. Food Container Container which can store many different food types for transport. Universal Inoculant All encompassing inoculant which protects against 95% of the known diseases. Illegal Cargo Plasma Bombs High-energy plasma that delivers non-radioactive explosions. Anti-Matter Bombs Warheads which use a matter anti-matter reaction to create massive amounts of energy. Computer Virus Death's Head virus which can render most computer systems inoperable. Rigelan Ice Crystals Ancient ice crystals found on the crypts of Rigel which are rumored to extend the lifespan of any being. Strategy First, Inc Ionic Bombs Warhead which delivers a blast of radiation which disables ionic energy sources. Gamma Warheads Warhead which delivers a massive gamma radiation burst killing all organic lifeforms. Bio-Strength Enhancer Genetic serum which will enhance physical strength and resistance. Demon Egg Ancient eggs found on Okularin II which contain living killing machines known as "Demons". 25 Star Fury Chapter 11: Alien Races Terran Terrans are an aggressive species which seek to expand their economy to every corner of the galaxy. Biological Description: The Terrans are one of the few species that is made up of several sub-categories that have followed different evolutionary and cultural paths. As a result, Terrans, or Humans as they call themselves have developed into one of the most diverse races in the galaxy. Physically, they aren't anything special. Bipedal with two arms and a head, they are a remarkably ordinary-looking race. A positive byproduct of this fact is that their appearance is inoffensive to most, which allows them to make treaties and trade with other races with relative ease. Society Description: The Terrans are governed by a very liberal democracy. The large numbers of freedoms granted by this system result in feelings of happiness and well being amongst the general population. However, this openness also leave the Terrans vulnerable to infiltration. General History Description: With so many different cultures all evolving at the same time, even a brief summary of Terran history would take volumes. The Terrans do have a pronounced history of killing each other that stretches back to the beginning of their race. As a result, they have become extremely proficient at the art. Abbidon A neutral race which holds art above all else and is latently psychic. The Abbidon are a peaceful and serene people. Biological Description: The Abbidon are one of the rare species to evolve on a gas giant planet. Their bodies are naturally quite flat and undulate to propel them through the swirling gasses of their planet. Their eyesight is quite poor, but they have a form of natural radar that they emit to navigate. Their bodies are approximately 3 meters long and they live about 90 years. Their skin is normally dark orange in color, but can change depending on their mood. Society Description: The Abbidon society is not really much of one. It contains no real structure but is merely a collection Strategy First, Inc 26 Star Fury of individuals who congregate as it pleases them. The fact that they can build and maintain starships has left many a scholar puzzled. They don't take much interest in material matters, but prefer their aerial artwork which consists of convoluted vapor patterns created by their bodies as they move through the atmosphere. General History Description: The Abbidon did eventually move out into space, but only after they were forced to. They were content to remain on their home planet with little interest in space travel. However, a devastating asteroid strike changed their minds. With half of their homeworld's population decimated, they devoted themselves to obtaining space travel. After many decades of arduous work, the Abbidon moved out into the galaxy. Xiati The Xiati are aggressive and known as devious schemers. Biological Description: The Xiati are a humanoid race which evolved on an Oxygen world. They stand approximately 2 meters tall and are dull brown in appearance. Their average lifespan is approximately 70 years, and they are striking for their dark black eyes. Of additional note is the high level of cybernetic enhancement which the Xiati perform on themselves. It is estimated that 30% of a Xiati's mass is made up of non-organic technology. Society Description: The Xiati are an archetypal empire dedicated to spreading its control across the galaxy. The government keeps all of its citizens in line and allows no dissention. The society is ruled absolutely by the current emperor, with new emperors coming to power only after the current one has aged to ineptitude. There are the occasional rebellions, but they are put down quickly and violently. Most of the galaxy has heard of the infamous Omicron Theta rebellion during which 30 million Xiati were bombed out of existence by imperial ships. Rumor has it that only 100,000 miners at the colony were actually refusing to work. General History Description: Originally the Xiati were not considered much of a threat to other species. They were intelligent and aggressive, but their technology was a bit dated. That all changed when the Xiati allied themselves with the Fazrah. The new technology they gained through trade greatly increased the Xiati military arsenal. With an arsenal of devastating starship weapons at their disposal, the Xiati became a force to be reckoned with. Strategy First, Inc 27 Star Fury Fazrah The Fazrah are a young species who are very prone to violent conflicts. They have survived this long solely on their tremendous luck. Biological Description: The Fazrah are an aquatic species which must remain immersed in a salt-based liquid to survive. They are approximately 3 meters tall (if upright), and move through the use of 4 flippers at the bottom of their torso. Their upper body is very humanoid with a head and two arm-like appendages. The average lifespan of a Fazrah is 50 years. Society Description: The Fazrah are originally from a violent aquatic world. Most of the ocean they originated from was filled with predatory species much larger then the Fazrah themselves. Being under constant threat of attack has led the Fazrah to become a very diverse and violent culture. The Fazrah society is very disjoint with many different factions operating independently. The factions are often quite violent in their means. General History Description: The Fazrah do not have a collective history as such. Normally moving in small groups, they have spread throughout the galaxy and are often hunted. Their violent and reclusive nature does not lend itself well to relations with other species. Their history is mainly dominated by their common usage as mercenaries for hire. Amonkrie The Amon'krie are an intellectual race with advanced technology. Though physically weak, they make up for it with powerful organic warships. Biological Description: The Amon'krie are small worm-like beings just under 2 meters long. They propel their bodies by undulating their underside. They have several small tubules near their head which they use to grasp tools. They prefer to make their homes under the soil of a planet and have very poor eyesight. Their average lifespan is about 50 years. Society Description: The Amon'krie have a society made up of several groups of governing personnel. Each group has absolute authority over a different sector of their government. They work together in a delicate network of checks and balances. Their society is strongly xenophobic and does not interact well with other races. Strategy First, Inc 28 Star Fury General History Description: The Amon'krie are thought to have evolved on a planet far on the rim of the galaxy. They developed spaceflight relatively quickly, but found no other sentient life near them. Over the centuries, they developed the belief that theirs was the only race in existence. As they ventured further into the galaxy, they did finally encounter other species but their isolation had already left them strongly xenophobic. Strategy First, Inc 29 Star Fury Chapter 12: Ships Terran Battlecruiser Armaments: 2 x Anti-Proton Beam, 2 x Quantum Torpedo Armor: Moderate Shields: Moderate Speed: Moderate Terran Battleship Armaments: 4 x Anti-Proton Beam, 2 x Quantum Torpedo Armor: Heavy Shields: Heavy Speed: Slow Terran Carrier Armaments: 4 x Anti-Proton Beam, 2 x Quantum Torpedo Armor: Heavy Shields: Heavy Speed: Slow Terran Cruiser Armaments: 2 x Anti-Proton Beam, 2 x Anti-Matter Torpedo Armor: Moderate Shields: Moderate Speed: Moderate Strategy First, Inc 30 Star Fury Terran Cruiser Armaments: 4 x Anti-Proton Beam Armor: Moderate Shields: Moderate Speed: Moderate Terran Destroyer Armaments: 2 x Anti-Proton Beam Armor: Light Shields: Light Speed: High Terran Fighter Armaments: 1 x Anti-Proton Beam Armor: Very Light Shields: Very Light Speed: Very High Terran Frigate Armaments: 2 x Anti-Proton Beam Armor: Light Shields: Light Speed: High Strategy First, Inc 31 Star Fury Terran Frigate Armaments: 2 x Anti-Proton Beam Armor: Light Shields: Light Speed: High Terran Satellite Armaments: 1 x Anti-Proton Beam Armor: None Shields: Very Light Speed: None Terran Starbase Armaments: 4 x Anti-Proton Beam, 4 x Anti-Matter Torpedo Armor: Very Heavy Shields: Very Heavy Speed: None Abbidon Battleship Armaments: 4 x Anti-Proton Beam, 2 x Phased Polaron Beam Armor: Heavy Shields: Heavy Speed: Slow Strategy First, Inc 32 Star Fury Abbidon Carrier Armaments: 4 x Phased Polaron Beam, 2 x Quantum Torpedo Armor: Heavy Shields: Heavy Speed: Slow Abbidon Cruiser Armaments: 2 x Anti-Proton Beam, 1 x Phased Polaron Beam, 1 x Quantum Torpedo Armor: Moderate Shields: Moderate Speed: Moderate Abbidon Cruiser Armaments: 3 x Anti-Proton Beam, 1 x Weapon Disrupter Armor: Moderate Shields: Moderate Speed: Moderate Abbidon Destroyer Armaments: 4 x Anti-Proton Beam, 2 x Quantum Torpedo Armor: Light Shields: Light Speed: High Strategy First, Inc 33 Star Fury Abbidon Fighter Armaments: 1 x Phased Polaron Beam Armor: Very Light Shields: Very Light Speed: Very High Abbidon Frigate Armaments: 2 x Phased Polaron Beam Armor: Light Shields: Light Speed: High Abbidon Satellite Armaments: 1 x Anti-Proton Beam Armor: Very Light Shields: Very Light Speed: None Abbidon Starbase Armaments: 6 x Phased Polaron Beam, 3 x Quantum Torpedo Armor: Very Heavy Shields: Very Heavy Speed: None Strategy First, Inc 34 Star Fury Pirate Cruiser Armaments: 2 x Repulser Beam, 2 x Tachyon Cannon Armor: Moderate Shields: Moderate Speed: Moderate Pirate Destroyer Armaments: 2 x Repulser Beam Armor: Light Shields: Light Speed: Moderate Pirate Fighter Armaments: 1 x Repulser Beam Armor: Very Light Shields: Very Light Speed: Very High Pirate Spacestation Armaments: 2 x Repulser Beam, 2 x Tachyon Cannon Armor: Very Heavy Shields: Very Heavy Speed: None Strategy First, Inc 35 Star Fury Xiati Battleship Armaments: 3 x Incinerator Beam, 2 x Meson Blaster Armor: Heavy Shields: Heavy Speed: Slow Xiati Carrier Armaments: 2 x Plasma Missile, 4 x Meson Blaster Armor: Heavy Shields: Heavy Speed: Slow Xiati Cruiser Armaments: 2 x Incinerator Beam, 3 x Meson Blaster Armor: Moderate Shields: Moderate Speed: Moderate Xiati Cruiser Armaments: 5 x Meson Blaster Armor: Moderate Shields: Moderate Speed: Moderate Strategy First, Inc 36 Star Fury Xiati Destroyer Armaments: 2 x Meson Blaster, 1 x Plasma Missile Armor: Light Shields: Light Speed: High Xiati Fighter Armaments: 2 x Meson Blaster Armor: Very Light Shields: Very Light Speed: Very High Xiati Satellite Common Armaments: 1 x Meson Blaster Armor: Very Light Shields: Very Light Speed: None Strategy First, Inc 37 Star Fury Xiati Starbase Armaments: 4 x Incinerator Beam, 4 x Plasma Missile Armor: Shields Speed: Very Heavy Very Heavy None Fazrah Cruiser Armaments: 2 x Ripper Beam, 2 x Energy Dampner Armor: Moderate Shields: Moderate Speed: Moderate Fazrah Destroyer Armaments: 2 x High Energy Magnifier Armor: Light Shields: Light Speed: High Strategy First, Inc 38 Star Fury Fazrah Fighter Armaments: 1 x Ripper Beam Armor: Very Light Shields: Very Light Speed: Very High Fazrah Satellite Armaments: 1 x Ripper Beam Armor: Very Light Shields: Very Light Speed: None Fazrah Starbase Armaments: 4 x High Energy Magnifier, 4 x Gamma Pulse Torpedo Armor: Very Heavy Shields: Very Heavy Speed: None Strategy First, Inc 39 Star Fury Amonkrie Cruiser Armaments: 2 x Lightning Ray, 1 x Shield Depleter, 1 x Graviton Hellbore Armor: Moderate Shields: Moderate Speed: Moderate Amonkrie Destroyer Armaments: 1 x Lightning Ray, 1 x Shield Depleter Armor: Light Shields: Light Speed: Moderate Amonkrie Starbase Armaments: 3 x Lightning Ray, 3 x Graviton Hellbore Armor: Very Heavy Shields: Very Heavy Speed: None Strategy First, Inc 40 Star Fury Freighter Armaments: 1 x Anti-Proton Beam Armor: Light Shields: Light Speed: Slow Strategy First, Inc 41 Star Fury Chapter 13: Game Screens Startup Window Description This is the initial window you will see when running STAR FURY. This screen allows you to launch the full game or make any graphics changes before you play the game. Controls Version Buttons Play Setup Website Uninstall Quit Strategy First, Inc Displays the current version number of the game. Be sure to check our website from time to time to see if new patches are available. Once a patch has been installed, the version number will change to indicate the newer version of the game. This button will launch the main game using the graphics settings specified under the Setup button. The next window displayed will be the Title Screen Window. This button will launch the Display Setup window so that you can modify the graphics settings for the game. This button will launch your default browser and bring up the Malfador Machinations website. Pressing this button will begin the uninstallation of the game. This will remove the game entirely from your hard drive. This will cause the game to shutdown completely. 42 Star Fury Display Setup Window Description This window allows you to set the graphics settings that will be used in the game. These settings control how the 3D rendering will occur and what options your 3D Accelerating Video Card should use. Controls Display Driver Video Mode 3D Device Video Memory Usage Strategy First, Inc Displays the display driver you will use for the game. This will usually be your primary display driver. Displays the Video Mode that you have selected to run the game in. The numbers displayed are the width and height of the screen resolution, and the color bit depth being used. Displays the 3D Device that you have selected for the game to use. This item will display what type of Direct 3D you are using, or if you are using RGB emulation. When the Video Memory Usage is set to Auto, then images will be first loaded into your video card’s memory, and then when that space is exhausted, the remaining images will be loaded into system memory. If you find that the game is displaying some images garbled, you should set this value to Safe. 43 Star Fury Sight Distance Stellar Detail Background Detail Buttons Change (Display Driver) Change (Video Mode) Change (3D Device) Full Screen Antialiasing Sight Distance Video Memory Usage Close Strategy First, Inc The Sight Distance indicates the approximate distance you will be able to see into the solar system. The farther the distance the more power required from your video card. If the game is running slowly for you, you should set the sight distance lower. This setting controls how much detail there is in stellar objects such as nebulae and asteroids. You should set this to low if your game is running slowly. This setting controls how detailed the background space map is in your game. You should set this to low if your game is running slowly. Pressing this button will display a window allowing you to select from all of the available display drivers on your computer. Pressing this button will display all of the video modes that your video card supports. Only display resolutions of 1024x768 or higher will be displayed. The minimum color depth is 16 bit, but 24 bit or better is recommended for a better looking game. Pressing this button will display all of the 3D devices that are available through your video card. RGB emulation is a method where software is used to emulate the 3D features needed (this is the slowest method). If you video card support hardware acceleration, then several Direct3D devices will also be listed. This option indicates that you want your video card to anti-alias each scene before it is displayed to the screen. This option will present much smoother looking images, but will also slow down your display speed. Toggles the Sight Distance setting between Short, Medium, and Long. Toggles the Video Memory Usage value between Auto and Safe. Closes this window and returns you to the Startup Window. 44 Star Fury Title Screen Window Description This is the main title screen for STAR FURY. From here you can start a new game, resume a saved game, or check our your high scores. Controls None Buttons New Game Resume Game Load Game High Scores Credits Quit Strategy First, Inc This button will display the Select Campaign window so that you can start a new game. This button will load and start your last saved game. The Progress window will display to indicate the status of the game being loaded. This button will display the Load \ Save Game window so that you can choose a saved game to load and play. This button will display the High Scores window. This will display a list of all of the hard working people who helped make STAR FURY. This selection will shutdown the game. 45 Star Fury Load \ Save Game Window Description This window is used when you wish to load or save your game. Each slot that is listed represents a different saved game. When you are loading a game, you just need to select which game you want by clicking the option button in front of the slot, then press the OK button. If you are saving a game, you must select a slot by pressing the option button, then enter a name for the save game in the slot, then press the OK button. Controls Save Game Slots Buttons Save Game Slot Option OK Strategy First, Inc There are 10 save game slots listed in the window. Each slot has an option button and then a text portion. If you are loading a game, then the text portion will list the save game name. If you are saving a game, then you can type in a new name in the text portion for the save game. The option button indicates which save game you are interested in. Pressing this button will cause the currently 46 Star Fury Cancel Strategy First, Inc selected save game to be loaded or saved. Pressing this button will close this window and cancel the load \ save you were attempting. 47 Star Fury Highscores Window Description This window displays all of the high scores that you have ever achieved. The scores are listed with the highest ranks and then experience points achieved. Controls High Score Slot Buttons Close Strategy First, Inc Each slot lists the name of the captain, his ship size and name, the captain’s rank, and experience achieved. Closes this window. 48 Star Fury Select Campaign Window Description This window allows you to choose the campaign you wish to undertake. Controls Available Campaigns Campaign Details Buttons OK Cancel Strategy First, Inc Lists all of the available campaigns you can choose from. You must select one of these campaigns before you can press OK. Once a campaign has been selected, a brief description will be displayed here. Selects this campaign and starts it. The window will then close. Cancels the selection of a campaign and returns you to the Title Screen window. 49 Star Fury Difficulty Window Description This window allows you to select the difficulty for your game. The higher the difficulty, the stronger the enemy ships will be and in greater numbers. Controls None Buttons Easy Average Advanced Expert Cancel Strategy First, Inc An easy difficulty level which all players can handle. An average level of difficulty which will provide a challenging game for most players. For players who are experienced and want more of a challenge, advanced difficulty presents strong and numerous opponents. Expert difficulty is for those players who have mastered all previous difficulties and want an obscenely hard game. Closes this window and returns you to the Title Screen window. 50 Star Fury Starting Ship Window Description Before you can begin a game, you need to select your ship and provide details about your character. Controls Available Ships Ship Details Ship Description Ship Name Captain Name Buttons Random (Ship Name) Random (Captain Name) OK Strategy First, Inc This lists all of the ships you can choose to start the game with. Once an available ship has been selected, its rotating profile will be displayed in this section. Once an available ship has been selected, a text description of the ship will be displayed here. This edit box allows you to enter a name for your ship. This edit box will allow you to enter a name for your character. Pressing this button will generate a random ship name for you to use. Pressing this button will generate a random character name for you. This button accepts all of the entries you have made and displays the Progress window as the game is being generated. You will not be able to start your game until you pick a ship, ship name, and captain name. 51 Star Fury Cancel Strategy First, Inc Cancels your selections and returns you to the Title Screen window. 52 Star Fury Progress Window Description This window is displayed anytime the game must take some time to process an action. You will normally see this window when you are starting the game and the system maps are being generated. You will also see this window when you are loading or saving a game. When the bar has reached full length, the action will be complete. Controls None Buttons None Strategy First, Inc 53 Star Fury Main Control Window Description This is the main display for the game where you control your ship. You will see your ship in the center of the screen with the rest of the solar system surrounding it. Controls Main Display Ship Control Targeting Firing Weapons Different Viewpoints Strategy First, Inc The main display is where your ship is located in the middle of the screen. It is in this area that you control your ship’s movement and targeting. You control your ship by clicking in the Main Display with your left mouse button. The mouse click will determine the heading your ship will take. Your ship will turn towards the direction you click. You can right click on anything in the Main Display and this will put a red target reticle around it. Underneath the red reticle will be text describing what the object is, who owns, if there is a colony present, etc. Only one object can be targeted at a time. Once a ship is targeted, you can use the keys 1, 2, 3, and 4 to fire your weapon banks at that target. You set weapons banks in the Inventory screen but the default is for all weapons to be assigned to bank 1. You can change your view of the area surrounding your ship by pressing F1 – F8. F1: View from a fixed point above your ship. F2: View from the front of your ship looking 54 Star Fury System Map / Radar Map Compass Weapon Banks Stardate Usable Components Speed Strategy First, Inc back. F3: View from the left side of your ship. F4: View from the right side of your ship. F5: View from the rear of your ship. F6: View from high above your ship. F7: View from above and behind your ship. F8: View from above and behind your ship but always looking towards your selected target. The system map displays the entire solar system in a scaled down representation. The dots represent the different planets, ships, and stars, with a different color used for each. Because of your limited sensor range, the system map may not show all of the ships in the entire system (until you get closer to them). This can be changed to your short ranged radar display by using the “R” key. The compass displays your degree heading in the solar system. As you turn, so will it. 0 degrees is the top of the solar system map, 90 degrees is the east side of the map, 180 degrees is the southern side of the map, and 270 degrees is the western side of the map. These four number represent your 4 weapon banks. You can fire each one be pressing the corresponding number key. Each weapon bank is a group of weapons on your starship (set in the Inventory Window). The weapon banks are displayed in different colors to represent their status. Green: At least of the weapons in this weapon bank can fire at the current target. Yellow: The weapons in this weapon bank are ready to fire but cannot currently fire at the select target because it is out of range, or it is not the weapon arc for the weapon. Blue: The weapons are recharging/reloading and cannot be fired. The blue will fill up the weapon bank and when it reaches the top the weapon will be ready. In the center of your control panel is a green grid section which displays the current stardate. If you use one of the time acceleration features, then the current time acceleration factor will be displayed here as well. Listed at the bottom of the window are components you have in your inventory which can be used immediately. Just right-click on the component to activate it. This will cause the component to be used-up and it will disappear from the Usable Components List. Some components give you extra shields, some give you emergency armor; check the specific component’s report to see what it will do for your ship. This bar indicates the current speed at which your ship is traveling. If there is no bar, then your ship is stopped. If the bar extends all the 55 Star Fury Crew Energy Target Readout Our Ship Readout Buttons Shuttle Over Game Menu Quadrant Map System Map Mission Status Inventory Ship Status Strategy First, Inc way to the right, then your ship is moving at it’s maximum speed. This bar indicates how many crew you have living on your ship. When the bar is full, your ship is fully crewed. If the bar is gone, then you have no more crew to run your ship and you are effectively dead in space. This bar displays how much energy your ship currently has available. Using specific component abilities drains your ship of energy. If the bar is too low, you will not be able to activate further components. This section displays a picture of the ship or base you currently have targeted. Also displayed is that ship’s current shields, armor, and hull amount. Your weapons fire will normally have to knock down the target’s shields, then its armor, then its hull to destroy it. If your ship is equipped with Long Range Scanners, and the target ship is within range, an “LRS” button will be displayed at the top left of the target readout. Pressing this button will display a detailed layout for the target ship (much like your inventory screen). This section displays a picture of your ship and its current level of shields, armor, and hull. If your hull level reaches zero, then your ship is destroyed. This button is displayed when you are currently targeting a starbase or planet which allows you visit. The button will remain disabled until you get close enough to the location. When you press the button, the Colony window will be displayed. Pressing this button will display the Game Menu window. Pressing this button will display the Quadrant Map window. Pressing this button will display the System Map window. Pressing this button will display the Mission Status window. Pressing this button will display the Inventory window. Pressing this button will display the Ship Status window. 56 Star Fury Missions Window Description This window is used to convey specific plot points and give you new missions to accomplish. Controls Event Picture Text Display Stardate Buttons Page Buttons Scroll Buttons Close Strategy First, Inc Displays a picture that goes with the current narrative of the text. A complete description of the current plot line or mission. The current stardate. Scrolls the text to the next or previous page. Scrolls the text up and down the current page. Closes this window. 57 Star Fury Game Menu Window Description The Game Menu allows to you save or load your current game, or to change options for the current game. Controls None Buttons Load Game Save Game Options Controls High Scores Next Campaign Quit Game Close Strategy First, Inc Pressing this button will display the Load \ Save Game window so that you can load a new game. Pressing this button will display the Load \ Save Game window so that you can save the current game. Displays the Game Options window. Displays the Controls window. Displays the High Scores window. This button is only available when you have completed the campaign. Pressing it will cause the next campaign to begin. Quits STAR FURY and returns you to your Windows desktop. Closes this window and returns you to the Main Control window. 58 Star Fury Game Options Window Description This window allows you to change options used in STAR FURY. The options you select will still be used for the current and any future games you play of STAR FURY. Controls Sound Music Show FPS Show Background Grid Sound Volume Music Volume Buttons Close Strategy First, Inc With this option selected, you will hear sound effects in the game. With this option selected, you will hear the background music while playing the game. This option indicates whether you wish to see the Frames Per Second statistics displayed on the Main Control window. This option controls whether a blue grid is displayed to show the extents of the solar system in the Main Control window. The arrow buttons allow you to set the relative volume for the sound effects in the game. The arrow buttons allow you to set the relative music volume in the game. Closes this window and returns you to the Main Control window. 59 Star Fury Controls Window Description This window allows you to change the default key bindings used in the game. Controls Categories Keys List Buttons Arrow Up, Arrow Down Default Close Strategy First, Inc This list contains all of the different categories of keys that are used. Select an item to display those keys in the Key List. Displays the list of action descriptions and the specific key that causes that action. To change the key binding for an action, just select the key box, and when a blinking underline cursor is displayed under that key, press the new key to use for that action. Scrolls the list of key bindings. This button will restore all of the key bindings to their original values when the game was first installed. Closes this window and returns you to the Main Control window. 60 Star Fury Quadrant Map Window Description This window displays a map of the solar systems in this quadrant. Controls Map Display Each system is displayed as a colored sphere with the name of the system under the sphere. Lines between the systems indicate that there is a warp point connection between these two systems (you can travel between them). The color of the sphere indicates what race currently has control over that system (or if its is a neutral system). The system your ship is currently in is indicated by yellow triangles pointing at the system. The quadrant map is larger than can be displayed on just one screen. You can scroll the map to see more of the systems that are off of the edge of your screen. You can click on the map to get it to scroll to the location you click on. You can also use the scroll arrows to move the display as well. Not all systems are displayed on this map. There may be additional systems that can still be discovered. Once you visit a system, it will be displayed on this map. Buttons Arrows Strategy First, Inc Scrolls the map in the direction of the arrow. 61 Star Fury Close Strategy First, Inc Closes the window and returns you to the Main Control window. 62 Star Fury System Map Window Description This window displays a high level map of the system your ship is currently in. Controls Map Display Show Planet Names Show Moon Names Show Colony Types Buttons Arrows Plus / Minus Close Strategy First, Inc The map area displays a overhead view of the current system. All planets, moons, and stars are displayed. Your ship is also displayed with its name under it and with a yellow triangle around it showing which direction it’s heading. Only ships that are within your scanner range are displayed on this map. You can click on the map to get it to scroll to center on the location you clicked. This option indicates whether the names of the planets should be displayed under their picture. This option indicates whether the names of the moons should be displayed under their picture. This option indicates whether you want the colony name to be displayed under any colony planets. Scrolls the map display in the direction of the arrow. Zooms the map in or out on your display. Closes this window and returns you to the Main Control window. 63 Star Fury Mission Status Window Description This window shows all of the missions you have in progress or have completed. Controls Mission List Stardate Show Completed Show Failed Buttons Close Strategy First, Inc The Mission List displays all of the missions you have in progress or have completed \ failed. Each mission has a brief text description and an indicator for its status. The current stardate in the game. When this button is off, no completed missions will be shown in the list. When this button is off, no failed missions will be shown in the list. Closes this window and returns you to the Main Control window. 64 Star Fury Inventory Window Description This window displays the physical layout for your ship. There are boxes on the portrait of your ship indicating the components you are currently using on your ship. There are also boxes for the general cargo that you are carrying. You can move components between these boxes to outfit your ship. You can only change the components used on your ship when your ship is in spacedock. Controls Cargo To Jettison Boxes Ship Inventory Boxes If you want to jettison components from your ship, just place them in one of these boxes. When you close the window, these components will be dropped into space. The boxes on your ship portrait allow you to place components on your ship for use. All boxes will have a letter identifier displayed at the top left of the box (and a corresponding color for the box). This letter (or letters) indicate what types of components can be placed in this inventory location. See Chapter 5: Ship Design for more information about the different inventory box types. For example, only a Weapon can be placed in a box with a W(L) or W(H). In addition, you will only be able to move components on your ship when you are in Spacedock. Once a component is placed on your ship, it will immediately be used. For example, if you place a Shield Generator into a General box, then your ship’s maximum shields will immediately Strategy First, Inc 65 Star Fury go up. If you place a weapon on your ship, then that weapon will be available for firing. Ship Statistics On all of the weapon boxes there is a number displayed in the bottom right corner of the box. This number indicates the weapon bank that this weapon is in. When you are controlling your ship, you press this button number to fire all weapons in this weapon bank. You can set the weapon bank in this window by putting your mouse over the weapon inventory box and pressing the number keys 1 through 4. At the top right of the Inventory window is a selection of Ship Statistics or Display Options. The current one you are viewing will have a blue bar around the name. Just click on either to show their particular options. The Ship Statistics display is divided into three sections. The first section shows you the total amount of tonnage you are using for different types of components. It doesn’t matter how much tonnage is in each section, but the total cannot exceed your maximum tonnage allowance for your ship class. The second statistics section displays how much shields and armor you have on each side of your ship (based on the components you have on your ship). The value indicates approximately how much damage you can take on that side of your ship before your defenses are gone. Total Hull Structure is the total amount of tonnage structure that your components provide for the internals of your ship. Once you take this much damage, your ship will be destroyed. The Power Usage indicates the total power usage of your components out of how much your ship is generating from reactors. Display Options General Cargo Strategy First, Inc The third statistics section indicates current values for your ship such as speed, turn rate, and acceleration. The final value indicates how many credits you have available. The Display Options control what you see on your ship layout. For more information see the Inventory Window (Display Options) section following this one. The General Cargo header displays the amount of cargo space you are using out of the total amount of cargo space you have. The current amount of cargo space you are using is the total tonnage space of all of the components in the three cargo bays. It is possible to carry more cargo tonnage then you have space available, but in this case your maximum speed will be reduced. 66 Star Fury Bay 1 - 3 General Cargo Boxes Credits Buttons Close Strategy First, Inc These three headers indicate the Cargo Bay that you are looking at. The current cargo bay will have a blue box around the name. All of the cargo shown in the General Cargo Boxes will be for the currently selected bay. The general cargo boxes indicate the general cargo hold of your ship. Any cargo you pick up from space will be placed here. None of these components are being used on the ship, they are just being stored in the cargo holds. You can move components from here to the Ship Inventory as needed when you are in a spacedock, and you can always move components from here to the Jettison boxes. Displays the number of credits you currently have. Closes this window and returns you to the Main Control window. 67 Star Fury Inventory Window (Display Options) Description This window is actually part of the Inventory window. It allows you to select displaye options for your ship’s inventory display. Controls Sections – Shields \ Armor, Engines, Weapons, Hull Used Tonnage Damage Firing Arcs Power Usage Repair Priorities Strategy First, Inc The “Sections” toggle buttons indicate what type of inventory boxes you want to have be displayed. With all of the section toggle buttons on, you will see all of your ship’s inventory boxes. With this option button on, a number will be displayed at the top of each of your used inventory boxes. The number indicates the tonnage space taken up by each component on your ship. With this option button on, the damage percentage for each component will be displayed at the top of each used inventory box. This option will cause all of your weapon inventory boxes to display the weapon arc that they use. Any weapon component placed into this inventory box will only be able to fire at targets that are within the displayed arc. With this option on, each component in your inventory will display how much power it consumes. This option will display the repair priority of all 68 Star Fury of the components on your ship. The repair priority is the order number in which components will be restored when your ship is repaired. The numbers are in ascending order. So if your ship was completely damaged, all components with a repair priority of “1” would be repaired first. Once they were all fully restored, then components with a repair priority of “2” would be worked on. When this option is being used, you can change the repair priority of a component by moving your mouse cursor over the component, and pressing the 1 through 9 key. Strategy First, Inc 69 Star Fury Ship Status Window Description This window gives a status overview of your starship. All of the statistics for your ship are displayed along with buttons to spend command points if you have some available. Controls Ship Name Captain Rank Experience Experience Needed For Next Rank Offensive Skill Defensive Skill Negotiation Strategy First, Inc The name of your starship. Your character’s name. The current military rank you have achieved. The number of experience points you have accumulated at your current rank. When you achieve a new rank, your experience resets to zero. The number of experience points required for you to gain your next rank. Each time you gain a new rank, you will receive 5 command points to spend on your starship. The level of offensive skill of your crew. Offensive skill determines how easy it is for your ship’s gunners to hit other ships when firing on them with your ship’s weapons. The level of defensive skill of your crew. Defensive skill determines how well your crew can defend against enemy weapons fire. This value indicates how adept you are at negotiating with shop owners. The better your negotiating skills, the cheaper components will be in the spacedock. 70 Star Fury Hull Repair Armor Repair Shield Repair Power Systems Repair Hull Armor Shields Energy Crew Maximum Speed Acceleration Turn Rate Resistances Shield Piercing Armor Piercing Energy Absorption Crew Toxins Psychic Speed Slow Points Available Buttons Plus Close Strategy First, Inc The ability of your crew to repair the hull of your ship. The ability of your crew to repair the armor of your ship. The ability of your crew to re-power your shields. The ability of your crew to repair the power systems of your ship. The current and maximum values of your hull. The regen amount indicates how much hull will be replenished each second. The current and maximum values of your ship’s armor. The regen amount indicates how much armor will be replenished each second. The current and maximum values of your shields. The regen amount indicates how many shields will be replenished each second. The current and maximum values of your energy. The regen amount indicates how much energy will be replenished each second. The current and maximum values of your crew numbers. The regen amount indicates how many crew will be replenished each second. The maximum speed that your ship can currently travel at. The rate at which your ship can accelerate up to its maximum speed. The rate at which your ship can turn in space. Resistances are defenses your ship has against special attacks. The percentage listed is the amount of damage that is removed from each attack. For example, a value of 20% means that when you are hit by a special attack, you will only take 80% of the damage. Attack which skips normal shields. Attack which pierces the armor on your ship. Attack which absorbs the energy from your ship but does no actual physical damage. Attack which kills the crew of your ship. Attack which drives the crew of your ship insane, or attempts to mentally dominate them. Attack which slows down your ship but does no actual physical damage. If you have command points available to spend, the amount will be listed at the bottom of the window. If you have command points available, plus buttons will be displayed next to each of the skills for you to indicate what skill you wish to spend each point on. Just press the plus button to spend 1 point on that skill. When all of the command points have been spent, the plus buttons will disappear. Closes this window and returns you to the Main Control window. 71 Star Fury Colony Window Description This window is displayed when you “Shuttle Over” to a planet or starbase. The name of the colony or base will be displayed at the top of the window. Option buttons will display what different areas of the colony you can visit. Controls News Center This option will display the Mission window to show you all of the current news items on the Galactic News Services. Terran Contact This option will display the Missions window to all you to talk with your contact in the Terran government. Commerce Guild This option will display the Jobs (Commerce Guild) window so that you can look through and pick commerce jobs to undertake. Mercenary Guild This option will display the Jobs (Mercenary Guild) window so that you can look through and pick mercenary jobs to undertake. Spacedock This option will display the Spacedock window so that you can buy and sell components. Ship Dealer This option will display the Ship Dealer window so that you purchase new starships. Buttons Go To Area Close Strategy First, Inc Once you have selected an area from the option buttons, press this button to go to that area. Closes this window and returns you to the Main Control window. 72 Star Fury Jobs (Commerce Guild) Window Description This window displays all of the jobs currently available at this colony or base through the Commerce Guild. The Commerce Guild is a collective group of the large number of freighters that move cargo from planet to planet. Controls Job List Stardate Jobs in Progress Displays a list of all of the available jobs at this location. Each job will list the details of the job, where you need to deliver your cargo, how long you have to complete the job, and how many credits you will receive when you complete the job. You should note that there is often a penalty fee imposed on you if you accept a job and do not complete it within the allowed time. Each job has an option button after the job description that you should toggle to select that job. All jobs you have selected will be taken on by you when you press the Accept button. The current date in the game. The number of jobs you have in progress, and the maximum number of jobs you can be on at one time. Buttons Strategy First, Inc 73 Star Fury Map Accept Close Strategy First, Inc Pressing this button will display the Quadrant Map Window. Pressing this button will accept all of the jobs that you have toggled “on” in the Job List. Some commerce jobs will load cargo on your ship for you to transport to a new location. Closes this window and returns you to the Main Control window. 74 Star Fury Jobs (Mercenary Guild) Window Description This window displays all of the jobs currently available at this colony or base through the Mercenary Guild. The Mercenary Guild is central point for law enforcement and military authorities to post jobs that need to be carried out. Jobs can range from hunting down criminals, to escorting freighters, or to surveying new star systems. Controls Job List Stardate Jobs in Progress Strategy First, Inc Displays a list of all of the available jobs at this location. Each job will list the details of the job, what you need to do to complete the contract, how long you have to complete the job, and how many credits you will receive when you complete the job. You should note that there is often a penalty fee imposed on you if you accept a job and do not complete it within the allowed time. Each job has an option button after the job description that you should toggle to select that job. All jobs you have selected will be taken on by you when you press the Accept button. The current date in the game. The number of jobs you have in progress, and the maximum number of jobs you can be on at one time. 75 Star Fury Buttons Map Accept Close Strategy First, Inc Pressing this button will display the Quadrant Map Window. Pressing this button will accept all of the jobs that you have toggled “on” in the Job List. The goals of the jobs you take on will be listed in the Mission Status window. Closes this window and returns you to the Main Control window. 76 Star Fury Ship Purchase Window Description The Ship Purchase window allows you to purchase a new starship. Depending on which colony you are at, a number of different ships will be listed in this window. When you decide to purchase a new starship, you will be charged a set fee, and then you will also sell your existing starship to the dealer. You can only control one starship at a time. Controls Available Ship Classes Ship Diagram Class Details Trade In Value Credits History This section lists all of the classes that the Ship Dealer has available for purchase. When you click on an item in the list, that ships details will be displayed. Displays an overview picture of the ship. If the “Show Component Hardpoints” button is selected, then the inventory boxes for the ship will be overlayed on the ship picture. This section displays vital information about the ship. Information such as the class name, cost, tonnage, handling characteristics, and class history are displayed about the ship. This is the amount of credits you will receive as a trade in value on your current ship. This is the number of credits you currently have in your bank account. To purchase a ship, you will need this number to be equal or greater than the cost of the ship. A brief description of the history of the ship class. Buttons Strategy First, Inc 77 Star Fury Show Component Hardpoints Show Weapon Firing Arcs Purchase Close Button Strategy First, Inc When this option is selected, the inventory boxes for the ship class will be superimposed over the picture of the ship. When this option is selected, the weapon arcs for the weapons of the ship will be displayed over the inventory boxes. This button will execute the purchase of the displayed starship. Pressing this button will close this window and return you to the Colony window. 78 Star Fury Spacedock Window Description The Spacedock window is the general repair shop at a colony or base. From here you can purchase new components, sell your existing components, or repair your ship. Controls Component Categories List Components This section lists all of the different component categories that are available at this location. When you select a category, all of the available components of that type are displayed. This section displays all of the components that are available for purchase (of the selected component category). To purchase a component, just click on it to pick it up. The cost in credits will immediately be deducted. You can then drag it over to your ship and place it in your cargo or on your ship. If you don’t have the necessary credits, then you will not be able to pickup the new component. Ship Diagram Strategy First, Inc To sell a component from your inventory, just pick it up from your inventory by clicking on it, drag it to this window, and then place it in one of the Component boxes on this window (by left clicking). The ship diagram indicates all of the components currently being used on your ship. While you are in spacedock, you can freely add 79 Star Fury Ship Statistics / Display Options Buttons Repair Close Strategy First, Inc and remove components from within your ship. This section is identical to that in the Inventory window. See the Inventory Window description for more details on how this works. When this button is pressed, a window will display the cost to repair your internal components, and to repair your components in cargo. You can select one or the other, or both. The cost listed is the amount to repair your components. If you do not have enough money for a full repair, the cost will be the total amount of credits you have. If you have enough credits, you can get everything repaired. If you don’t have enough credits, the spacedock will repair as much as it can with the credits you have. Pressing this button closes this window and returns you to the Colonies window. 80 Star Fury Component Report Window Description Anytime you move your mouse pointer over a component, a report about that component will be displayed on screen. Controls Name Description Component Type Level Cost / Sell Price Weapon Type Targets Damage Type Reload Rate Energy Consumption Range / Damage Effects Strategy First, Inc The name of the component. A text description of the component and its purpose. The type of the component. The possible component types are General(G), Weapon(W), Command(C), and Engine(E). A component can only be placed in an inventory position of the same type. The level of the component. The higher a component’s level the more powerful it is. If you are at a spacedock, then the cost / sell price will be displayed for the component. You will be charged the cost if you are buying the component from the spacedock, or you will be given the sell price if you are selling the component to the spacedock. If this component is a type of weapon, then the weapon’s type will be listed here. Possible component types are Beams, Torpedoes, and Point Defense. For weapons, this will indicate the type of target the weapon can be fired on. This indicates the type of damage that is done to a target when it is struck by the weapon. The time it takes for the weapon to reload and be able to fire again. The amount of energy which is consumed when you fire this weapon. This grid lists the weapon range in light seconds (ls) on the top and the damage it will do at that range on the bottom. If the component has any special effects, they will be listed in red. 81 Star Fury Death Window Description This window is displayed when that unfortunate state of death occurs. The text will indicate what rank you achieved and the final cover story given to your demise. Controls None Buttons Close Strategy First, Inc Closes this window and returns you to the Title Screen Window. 82 Star Fury Chapter 14: Credits Malfador Machinations ( Game Design Aaron Hall Programming Aaron Hall Artwork Tim Spanjer – Models Mike Haynes – Effects, Textures Aaron Hall - UI Zeke Mass – Models David Gervais – UI Sound Effects Christopher DeLaurenti Music Bjorn Lynne Beta Testers Richard Arnesen Robert C. Engvall Luke Hazlett Nolan Roy Kelly Philipp Kullmann Noah Maximov George C. Perley Matt Selnekovic Raymond Williams Mauro Casarotto David E. Gervais Boris Jenjic Peter von Kleinsmid Michael S. Labrow Tim McElwain Michael Putman Randy Stulce Paul Zimmerman Nick Dumas William Harris Thomas Jett Edward Kolis Arlen R. Lakeman Soenke Nickelsen Brad Scarlett D. Theron S. Williams Game Mascot Brutus (Akita / Bullmastif) Special Thanks Wife Melissa Strategy First, Inc 83 Star Fury Strategy First Inc. Director of Marketing Steve Milburn Business Development Manager Pro Sotos Sales Manager Jessica Hawker Localization Manager Jay Podilchuk Producer Jay Podilchuk Manufacturing Coordinator Emanuel Protopapas Graphic Design Les Parsons Web Design Hugo Trepanier PR Associate Alison Sutton Customer Support Jason Elsliger President Don McFatridge Senior V.P. Brian Clarke V.P. Creative Development Richard Therrien V.P. Systems Dave Hill Strategy First, Inc 84 Star Fury TECH SUPPORT PAGE Should you experience a technical problem concerning the operation of this product, please contact our technical support staff. Before you call, please check for README.TXT files on the CD to see any last minute recommendations pertinent to your problem. Also, check out the Support page on our web site listed below. When you call, please be at your computer and have the following information available: • Computer make and model • Windows version/Mac version • Total system RAM • Total Hard Drive space • Video card make and model Phone: (514) 844-2433, Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm Fax: (514) 844-4337, Attn: Support Internet e-mail: For prompt technical support via email, please fill out our online form at For any other technical support questions or concerns, contact us at Strategy First web site: Strategy First, Inc 85 Star Fury