- Capitol City Seventh


- Capitol City Seventh
 Church Staff Senior Pastor, Damian Chandler ...................................... (209) 597-3801
Associate Pastor, Chanda M. Nunes……………………...(916) 265-4330
Administrator, Dr. Ella Tolliver ......................................... (916) 685-9755
Administrative Assistant, Margrietta Geter ..................... (209) 241-1134
AYS Leader, Vernon McZeek……………………………….(916) 905-9474
Communications Leader, Allana Chambers……………..(916) 934-9717
Education Ministry, Dr. Marnel Goins .............................. (559) 278-8804
Family Life Ministry, Sandra Little ................................... (916) 684-2496
Funeral Director, Nola Grice ............................................ (916) 215-0351
Health & Temperance Ministry, Karen Higgins, M.D ...... (303) 929-3972
Head Clerk, Karone Jackson............................................. (916) 896-2316
Head Deacon, Jokatama Vukiduadua ............................... (916) 753-2721
Head Deaconess, Kathy Whiteside .................................. (916) 428-2398
Head Elder, Kevin Anderson ............................................. (916) 419-0338
Head Usher, Alma Vaughn................................................ (916) 381-1165
Hospitality Leaders, Serita & Andre Katz ........................ (916) 501-2621
Internet/Information Ministry, Alisa Hill........................... (916) 548-8009
Minister of Music, Shawn Williams .................................. (916) 524-1128
Pathfinder Ministry, Atherine Chambers .......................... (916) 988-5251
Personal Ministries, Lorris Washington ........................... (916) 798-0926
Prayer Ministry, David & Nola Grice ................................. (916) 215-0351
Sabbath School Superintendent, Amani Rokoseba ....... (916) 583-3099
Senior Ministry, Dorothy Shelby ....................................... (916) 952-0814
Stewardship, Kwasi Donkor .............................................. (916) 878-8353
Treasurer, Kenneth Jackson ............................................. (916) 508-4369
Wedding Coordinator, Diane Porter ................................ (916) 595-8567
At Your Service ~ This Week
Elder of the Week………………….Elder Kevin Anderson (916) 549-2398
Deacon of the Week………………....Bro. Antwan Padilla (916) 512-9864
Deaconess of the Week…………Sis. Kathy Whiteside / Sis. Ana Direwa
Contact Information
Physical Address
Capitol City SDA Church
6701 Lemon Hill Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95824
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday:
10:00 am - 3:30 pm
Mailing Address
Capitol City SDA Church
P.O. Box 245156
Sacramento, CA 95824
Fax: (916) 381-3428
Capitol City SDA
Telephone: (916) 381-5353
Email: info@capitolcitysda.org
6701 LEMON HILL AVE . SACRAMENTO . CA . 95824 . 916-381-5353
Website: www.capitolcitysda.org
Mission & Vision ==
Women’s Ministry Our Mission is to reveal the love of God and bring hope and healing to
everyone within our influence.
Vision: We strive to be one of the most dynamic churches in the
Sacramento region by displaying the love of Christ to each other and the
We are certainly enriched and blessed because of your presence. Just
know, whether you’re visiting for the first time or returning as a friend, we
are honored to have you study and worship with us today. Be blessed
and remember this is a place just for you.
“The expansion of Black History Week to Black History Month was first
proposed by the leaders of the Black United Students at Kent State
University in February 1969. The first celebration of the Black History
Month took place at Kent State one year later, in February 1970. In 1976
as part of the United States Bicentennial, the informal expansion of Black
History Week to Black History Month was officially recognized by the
U.S. government.” C.G. Woodson, “Black History Week,” Journal of
Black History, vol. 11
Sis. Nell Verrett 686-6437
Sis. Gladys Jackson 508-4369
Bro. Al Weathington 688-3195
Sis. Diane Pitre 531-0871
Sis. Cheryl Lee 681-5477
Sis. Rose Coleman 284-6836
Nancy Baker (916) 395-7994
Barbara Holloway (707) 676-5553
Sis. Ella Mae Lawson 214-5590
Sis. Rose Davis 224-6556
Sis. Lessie Hillard 383-6511
Bro. James Murray 661-0841
Sis. Nellie Bumpers 617-8802
Sis. Kellie Williams 529-0947
Adi Nanise Moceidreke (916) 3860473
4% Taxes & Insurance
Annual Budget:
9% Facility Maintenance
Annual Budget Received:
41% Utilities & Operations
Monthly Budget:
29% Ministries
Monthly Budget Received:
17% Administrative & Salaries
Monthly Budget Needed:
$ 2,483.03
Upcoming Events Announcements 1) Church Notification: Please remember to notify the church office when
the following events occur:
(a) Church member is ill
(c) Church member passes away
(b) Church member hospitalized (d) A family member passes away
Order of Service February 6, 2016 Sabbath School
9:40 am - 10:40 am
Song Service…………………………………………….Bro. Amani Rokoseba
Superintendent of the Day…………………………….Sis. Stacey DeRossett
2) Power Hour: Please come out and be blessed at Wednesday night Prayer
Meeting and Bible Study from 7:00 - 8:00 pm.
Opening Song……………………………………………………..Congregation
3) If you live in Sacramento and need a ride, call the Church at 381-5353.
Hymn # 312 Near the Cross
Scripture / Prayer……………………………………...Bro. Panapasa Rabuka
4) Do you want to pray for a stranger? Do you want to pass out tracts and greet
people you don't know? Do you want to "Go ye into all the world and preach the
gospel (Good news) to every creature"? Do you have a smile? Do you want to
practice your smile? Every 2nd and 4th Sabbath of each month we meet in the
multi purpose room after church, then go out for one hour of God's work. You’re
needed by God to spread his word and pray for those He sends your way. Thank
you in advance. "God needs you". Personal Ministries
5) Reconnecting Members Ministry - We are soliciting your continual and
earnest intercessory prayers on behalf of the members who no longer worship
with our congregation. Please lift them up in prayer at least twice a day between
now and February 27 2016. Our specific prayer is that they would prosper
spiritually, physically, mentally and socially. “Solicit prayer for the souls for whom
you labor; present them before the church. Objects for the Supplication...” MM 244
Welcome………………………………………………...Sis. Stacey DeRossett
Lesson Study
Victory in the Wilderness
Mission Story………………………………………………Bro. Phillip Matthew
Special Music……………………………………………......Bro. Jerry Herbert
Divine Worship Service
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Introit………………………………………………………………...Praise Team
“Lift Every Voice”
6) Psalm 86:9 declares that all nations God has made shall come before Him and
bring glory to His name. With this in mind, Capitol City invites you to the
celebration of Nations February 27, 2016 at 11 am and 4 pm for an International
concert featuring a very special Black History guest speaker. We’re asking you to
join us for worship in the native attire of your country. For the Parade of Nations,
we’d like you to invite your friends and family from your country including the
United States of America to take part in this wonderful event. A sign-up sheet will
be available in the church foyer starting February 6, 2016 for those planning to
participate in the Parade of Nations and for the type of food you plan to prepare.
Please prepare a dish that can feed 10-20 people. Thanks!
7) BLACK HISTORY MONTH: February is an annual observance of Black History
Month. It celebrates and recognizes the contributions and determined efforts of
numerous African Americans who helped carve American society. Capitol City
invites you to join us in this month long journey. Don’t miss the displays on each of
the following Sabbaths immediately following Divine Service on Sabbath, February
6- Books written by and about African-Americans, Sabbath, February 13- African &
African American Artifacts, Sabbath, February 20- Salute to President Barrack
Obama and Family. If you have items that fit into any of the above categories and
would like them to be displayed, please contact Elder Ella Tolliver at 916-6859755.
MLK Jr. Monologue
Invocation…………………………………………….Pastor Chanda M. Nunes
Welcome……………………………………………..Sis. Beverly Witherspoon
Announcements …………………………………….Pastor Chanda M. Nunes
Children’s Story…………………………………………….Bro. Jermaine Erby
Special Music…………………………………………………...Choice Phase II
Prayers of the People…………………………………..Elder Kevin Anderson
Capitol City Honors- Edward Bush, PH.D.
Praise & Worship…………………………………………………..Praise Team
Tithe & Offering……………………………………...……...Bro. Kwasi Donkor
Special Music…………………………...................................Choice Phase II
Spoken Word……………….……......................................Dr. Emil D. Peeler
Benediction…………………………………………..Pastor Chanda M. Nunes
Sunset: 5:33 pm
Upcoming Events Black History Month Media Birthdays Announcements 8) Church Family Business Meeting- Wednesday, February 10, 2016, a
brief Business Meeting will be held right after Prayer Meeting (8:00pm8:45pm). We are asking that you attend this very important meeting.
9) 2016 Year of Service!- Volunteer Opportunity to serve the homeless
community at Loaves and Fishes. 1st Sunday and 5th Sabbath of the month,
throughout the year. To volunteer or get more information contact Tim White,
Community Services Leader 916-236-9399.
Church Notification
10) Mission Ministry Council meeting today February 6th from 1:00 pm - 3:00
pm. Please meet in the library. Thank you, DSimmons
11) Reading tutors needed! Capitol City Education Ministry, along with
Missions Council and Women's Ministry, is looking for reading tutors for
Peter Burnett Elementary School. All we need from you is a one hour per
week commitment! Contact marnelgoins@gmail.com for details.
12) Do you have blankets that you don't need? The Capitol City youth are
collecting gently used, clean blankets to give to the homeless in
Sacramento. Drop off your blankets in the lobby by February 13th. Baby
blankets are also needed. Thank you!
13) Announcements- If you have any announcements you would like
placed into the bulletin, please email all announcements to
announcements@capitolcitysda.org. All announcements and/or corrections
must be sent by Tuesday at 12 noon. Thank you.
14) Power Hour-Join us each Wednesday in the month of February as we
unleash the power in God's Word through a series of tools and techniques
guaranteed to enhance your personal time with Jesus. Each Wednesday will
be an hour of power through the Power of "The Word".