Sean Paul Reuel Bargen Susannah Rose Mahon


Sean Paul Reuel Bargen Susannah Rose Mahon
Wednesday 10:00 am Women’s Section a Day
7:00 pm Prayer Meeting
8:15 pm Board of Administration Meeting
“Our Vision at Mountain Lake Alliance Church is to be a
community of healthy followers of Jesus Christ who are
impacting our community, region and world for His Glory.”
We accomplish this vision when we intentionally connect
people in fours ways:
With God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
With His Word (The Bible)
With Each
Other (The body of Christ)
With the World (our neighbors)
6:00 am Men’s Group
7:00 am Prayer Time
NO 8:15 am Worship Service
NO Life Learning Time
10:00 am Worship Service in the Gym
Mark Your Calendars
January 27 - 29, 2012
Women’s Retreat - (See insert)
February 24 - 26, 2012
Men’s Retreat at Big Sandy
NURSERY: (for TODAY, December 18)
8:15 Jackie Strom and Beth Swanson
9:30 Rachel Potter and Susan Fast
10:45 Paula Christophel and Kyle Thiessen
(2 yr olds - Kindergarten)
8:15 Joan Junker
10:45 Matt & Amy Crowell
10:45 NO Worship Kidstyle today
8:15 am
9:30 am
9:30 am
9:45 am
10:45 am
Christmas Cantata in the Gym
Coffee & Fellowship Time
Life Learning (LL) for Children
Youth and Adult Life Learning Classes
Christmas Cantata in the Gym
LADIES, thank you for your kindness and generosity
to us through your gifts of love through
your friendships, prayer support, and encouraging words. Thank you also
for the gift certificate to The Lighthouse that we each received at the Ladies
Christmas Party! We appreciate you ALL!
Linette, Tanya, Jackie, Miriam, Colleen and Janell
NURSERY: (for next Sunday, December 25)
10:00 Linda and Kailee Heltemes,
Curt & Sarah Gwin and
Lucas & Candice Bartel
(2 yr olds - Kindergarten)
10:00 Brad & Karin Samdal Family
(2nd service only - 4 yr olds-1st)
10:00 Colleen Johnson and
Kristen Walzak
If you cannot serve on your designated date, please switch with someone so
there is coverage in all ministry areas.
Susannah Rose Mahon
Sean Paul Reuel Bargen
Daughter of Sam & Anne
Son of Josiah & JoyLynn
Susannah is welcomed home by
siblings John and Lizzy Marie
Proud Grandparents are:
Ken & Rachel Yoder
Bryan & Janell Bargen
Proud Grandparents are
Ken & Rachel Yoder
DOB: December 2
Weight: 6 lb 15 oz
Height: 19 3/4 in.
Very thrilled Uncles are:
Daniel, Micah, Caleb and Antti
DOB: December 11
Weight: 7 lbs 7 oz
Height: 19 in.
If you know of a family that is in need this Christmas time and could use a food
box, please let Ivan Flaming or Dennis Siebert know of the need.
We have funds available in the “Cup of Water” ministry to be a blessing to
others in our region.
Has your address changed, did you get a new email address,
or do you have a new phone number?
Our Alliance Women’s Retreat will be here before you know it. Here is
an area that we would like you to consider as to how you can be involved.
The women’s retreat planning committee is looking for businesses or
individuals willing to donate items for the retreat. Big or small, we
accept them all! From pens to water bottles to gift cards and gift certificates (and everything in between!), we would much appreciate
any items you have to offer! Please talk to Kelly Nelson or Marta
Men mark your calendar:
Men’s Winter Retreat at Big Sandy Camp
February 24-26, 2012
Alliance Missionary Church
General Fund Income
General Fund Expenses
General Fund Balance
Missions Giving
$ 3,810
Thank you for your generous
giving to the General Fund.
Remain in prayer as you seek
God’s leading in continuing to
support Kingdom Work
at Alliance
This is the last request for updated information for the Church
Directory. This directory will be printed the end of December or early January. Please contact the Church Office with
any changes by December 25.
Also, please let us know if there are any changes to the Birthday and Anniversary list. Thank you!
Please update your directory to show the following change:
New Address for: Jessica Gartner
122 Knollcrest Drive, Apt. #302
Mankato, MN 56001
Please listen to the following radio stations for
church events’ weather related closings:
KDOM - 94.3, KJIA - 88.9, and KJLY - 104.5.
Also, we will post any closings on the homepage
of the Church’s website at
The normal protocol is that if school closes for the day, all
church activities will also be cancelled for the day.
Please take time to read the recent newsletter
Byron & Linda Emmert, which is located on the bulletin
board in the foyer.
Prayer Request for the Week of December 18
Do you have prayer requests for this publication? Please contact me at
507-427-3691 or by email at
 Pray for our Children’s Christmas Program tonight and Colleen
 Pray for Martha Standerwick’s mother, Louise Dukes, who is recovering in Omaha from complication of surgery.
 Praise the Lord for the pastor’s sermon Sunday on giving. Our offerings for the month and for the Celebration Supper were well over
expectations! God is so good! Now, pray for wisdom as the boards
of the church decide how best to use that money.
 Praise the Lord for the Christmas story that is being proclaimed
through many of the Christmas programs that are performed during
this season of celebration.
 Praise God for the new members that were welcomed into our
Church membership recently.
 Continue to pray for those with ties to our church who are engaged in full time ministry either at home or abroad. This week pray
for these: Daren and Sarah Stokke, who have an Independent ministry in Texas; Terry Esau, who has an Independent ministry speaking
and writing; Rick and Diane Porter, who are part of a ministry in
Iowa; Doug and Kris Tader, who have a school ministry in China;
Jason and Anne Siebert, who pastor a church in Colorado.
 Pray for our missionaries as they tell the Story of Jesus to many who
have never heard it.
 Pray that thousands will make their decision to accept what God did
for them and to put their trust in God’s provided Savior.
 Christmas marks the day we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Think about the blessings that have come to us because of Him. Give thanks for the blessings, but also pray for the
millions who have never heard of what they are missing. They are
perishing without HIM.
 Many of our people will be coming and going over the Christmas
vacation time. Pray for good weather and safety in travel for our
For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us;
And the government will rest on His shoulders;
And His name will be called
Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God,
Eternal Father,
Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6
Elders -
John Engstrom
Steve Syverson
Ivan Flaming
(starting 1/1/12)
Bryan Bargen
Mark Loewen
Wade Nelson
Trustee Board - Doug Hartzler
Brandon Junker
Rod Junker
(starting 1/1/12)
Bruce Swanson
Mike Christophel
Randy Sawatzky
Deaconesses - Bonnie Junker
Karin Stoesz
Cindy Green
Lori Golinghorst
(starting 1/1/12)
Linette Walzak
Brittany Siebert
Dee Haglund
Gladys Crawford
Trustee Representative to the
Board of Administration Doug Hartzler
2012 Budget Accepted
Church Treasurer - Norm Holmen
Board Members at Large Rich Haglund
Gary Poortvliet
Burton Stoesz
Recording Secretary - Chad Klassen
Assistant Treasurer - Gene Bottin
Continue to keep these individuals lifted up in
prayer as they faithfully serve our Church
to help further the Kingdom of God!
The Annual Report will be compiled next month. Reports are needed from
the following: Head Elder, BOA Recording Secretary, Head Trustee, Head
Deaconess, Children’s Ministry Director, Youth Director, Music Ministry Director, Women’s Ministry, WMPF Chair, WMPF Treasurer, Flower Committee,
Library Chair, and the MLC Auxiliary Representative. Please submit these
reports to Janell Bargen no later than January 15, 2012.
Please save your used postage stamps!
As the Christmas Season is upon us and the many cards
begin to arrive, please remember to save your stamps.
Leave 1/4 - 1/3 inch edge around the stamp and place
them in the “stamps” box under the mailboxes by the
balcony stairs.