Newsletter Update - Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg
Newsletter Update - Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg
Newsletter Update OCTOBER 2011 Introducing the New & Improved Club Newsletter! Issue Highlights Message from the President....2 Student Update................4 Bat for the Cure Project......5 Club Networking Meeting.......6 Michigan State Game Watch.....7 Pittsburgh Bus Trip...........8 USC/ND Ticket Raffle.........10 Excellence in Teaching.......12 “Monk” Malloy................13 Notre Dame's Administration Building with its World Famous Golden Dome Hesburgh Lecture Series......13 Football Exchange Program....15 Schedule of Events...........17 Pray at Notre Dame For many, the University of Notre Dame is draw strength to love, to suffer in hope, their path, and ultimately, to remember website is the university's effort to combines written text with a beautiful campus. You are invited to send your remembered at the Grotto. a sacred place where people of all ages to find faith in challenge, to discover their purpose. The create a prayer experience that music video of a sacred place on prayer requests that will be Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 Message from the President Friends, Hope you enjoy the new format of our monthly newsletter as much thanks go out to our collegial colleagues from the Gettysburg Club for giving me the idea of transforming our communication efforts. Many thanks also go out to Derek Eichenberger, our newest Board Member, for his amazing creativity in formulating this effort. These past three months have been very exciting for me as your new President as I very much appreciate the support I received from the officers and board members in terms of implementing fun and often very significant money making projects: • Pittsburgh Game Bus Trip. Project earned a profit of approximately $1,500 which will be used to finance other club projects. Kudos to Project Chairman Jim Boyer for his excellent organizational skills. • Maryland Game Bus Trip. Project is expected to earn a profit of approximately $1,000 which will be used to finance other club projects. Project Chairman Gerry McGlynn is using his extensive bus trip experience to pull off yet another successful venture. (Continued on next page…) 2 Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 • USC/Notre Dame Game Tickets Raffle. Project earned approximately $3,000 to be used to finance scholarship awards to local students attending Notre Dame. Kudos to Project Chairman Rick Martini for his hard work and dedication. • Hesburgh Lecture Series. Our partnering with the Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC will give our club much positive recognition in the local business community. Project Chairman Joe Massa has been doing a fantastic job… • Excellence in Teaching Conference at Notre Dame. We have an outstanding Bishop McDevitt teacher in Michael DiMarco scheduled to attend and are very excited to have won a competitively awarded Notre Dame funded scholarship to cover registration expenses. Three cheers to Project Chairwoman Rose Ann Carr for her great efforts. • Game Watches. The first of three scheduled Game Watches was held and resulted in great fun and club camaraderie! Going forward, I would appreciate feedback from everyone in terms of what they expect from the club and also what they have to contribute in terms of suggesting/chairing new or traditional projects! Our goal this year is to win the “Club of the Year” award and with your support we will indeed achieve that goal! If you are not a club member and like what you read and see, then please consider completing the attached Membership Form in order to formalize your relationship with us! I hope you will visit as you can pray at Notre Dame from wherever you are. You can also ask to have candles lit at the Grotto for special intentions and submit Mass Cards for services at the Basilica. Always feel free to contact me at (717) 732-8562 or at Yours with Our Lady, Jack Wright Club President 3 1 2 Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 Student Update For each newsletter, we dedicate a page to an area student who is attending The University of Notre Dame. This month we are pleased to present Mairead Mumford (pictured sixth from left, standing), a graduate of Trinity High School Class of 2010. In her own words… “The first few weeks of the semester have flown by and I can barely believe that I’ve been here for a month already. With classes, dorm flag football practice (Go Lewis Chicks!), and Irish dance keeping me busy, I have to work hard to find time for my favorite activityobsessing about football. Even though the losses to USF and UM were disappointing, I’m still looking forward to a great season. I’m definitely not alone in my optimism- the students here are as spirited as ever, and our fans’ willingness to shake down the thunder after two weather delays at the USF game is a testament to that spirit. I’m so glad to be back at my “home under the Dome”! Go Irish!” Mairead Mumford Notre Dame Class of 2014 4 Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 Bat for the Cure Project Hits a Home Run! The Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg had representatives this summer promoting prostate cancer awareness through the “Bat for the Cure” program at minor league baseball games in Harrisburg, York and Lancaster! The club’s thanks go out to Joe Massa and Keith Kirchner for their participation. Joe Massa and Jack Wright hard at work. During each game, club members distributed prostate cancer awareness literature and collected names for the raffle of a bat autographed by the players on the local home team! Heather Long, Deputy Editorial Page Editor of The Patriot-News, mentioned in her August 13, 2001 column the following: “CHEERS for the Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg for its efforts to “strike out” prostate cancer. The group handed out information and fun freebies at the Harrisburg Senators this week, including an autographed baseball bat. It wants all men to be deemed “safe”. Joe Massa signs up another raffle entry. 5 Top right: Fan signing up for raffle of autographed bat. Bottom right: Joe Massa and a fan mug for the camera. Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 Club Networking Meeting On August 23, 2011, club members held a Networking Meeting at ESPN’s Harrisburg Office thanks to our good friend and gracious host Ron Giovanniello, VP/Market Manager, Cumulus Media! With plenty of good food and drink on hand, members certainly “talked the talk” when it came to providing opinions on the upcoming Irish football season and local high school sports scene. From left: John Hickey, Rick Martini, Jack Wright, Joe Massa, Ron Giovanniello. The club’s hearty thanks go out to Ron for once again providing the networking venue! Please be sure to join us for a post-season Networking Meeting scheduled for November 15th at 6:00PM at ESPN Offices, 2300 Vartan Way, Harrisburg. From left: Ron Giovanniello, Rick Martini, John Hickey, Joe Massa. Sponsors Wanted for Notre Dame Football Radio Broadcast Club member and strong supporter Ron Giovanniello informs us that ESPN is looking for businesses to sponsor portions of Notre Dame football game broadcasts for both this year and next. If not enough sponsors are secured, the broadcasts will have to come to an end which would be a shame for the legions of loyal Irish listeners throughout the mid-state! Please consider having your business sponsor a portion of an upcoming Notre Dame football game. Interested parties should contact Sales Manager Matt Raback at: (717) 901-3462 or 6 Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 A good time was had by all at the Michigan State/Notre Dame Game Watch held on September 17th at Molly Brannigans Irish Pub & Restaurant in downtown Harrisburg. Irish fans gathered to watch our team pull out a victory against the previously ranked Spartans! For great camaraderie, please be sure to stop by at the next Game Watch: Saturday, October 29th, 3:30PM at Morgan’s Place at 4425 North Front Street, Harrisburg. Above: The FitzGerald's had a great time: Kelley, Meghan, Maureen and Mike Jim Boyer's happy with the Win. Coyle School of Irish Dancers as it was halfway to St. Patrick's Day. Molly's was appropriately DeckedOut. Michael Floyd had a great day! Above: A great looking crew cheered the Irish on to victory! Left: There's no question who's No. 1. 7 Left: These folks look familiar! Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 Pittsburgh Game Bus Trip Great Fun Combined with a Victory! Bill and Lori Tully make their feelings known! Lisa and Laura Stokes looking forward to the game. Lou DeLutis and Derek Eichenberger showing whose side their on! The verdict is in and the Pittsburgh Game bus trip adventurers have declared themselves “Guilty” of having a great time! There is nothing but good news to report on the trip as all went well under the very capable hands of Project Chairman Jim Boyer who did an outstanding job. Now, if we can only talk Jim into running the Wake Forest trip to South Bend next year…. Rick Martini and Al Yancoskie can't wait to watch a big Irish victory! The trip stayed within budget and made approximately $1,500 in profit, which will be used to finance club projects such as the Hesburgh Lecture, Bread of Life Food Drive, Excellence in Teaching Conference and our St. Patrick’s Day Parade Float. Irish Faithful. First down on the Pittsburgh 45 yard line. 8 Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 (Pittsburgh trip cont’d…) Time to Tailgate. The Gallagher and O'Neal clans can't wait for kickoff! cc ts m en e wi pi e c t thou on e ck in a b and here t t i os ! de pot” d great! us vide s e ma ost! e h p W e t tast ü “hit ng l s cam getti sas that rchased ll Tully’ y”! eat u d i o d gr p u B n m R a i g m “ i n , d ü M e subs J watchi c movie od frien f h o o si ed ü T e enjoy the clas on by g as a lot ich h w w i p. l ü W ong with contest ’Nei bottle, w pionsh O l y m a r a a 7Up trivi with r Lar l Ch im’s pporte ze was a ationa talking , J ü su ri burg d 2N arris us. Irish arry’s p the 197 eeing an H L m s s o fun. emorate we had d bus fro ht next t me a t g m n com joymen n a seco gated ri n a pre-g he n l t i i o e he ly ta nds ting ng with ü T any frie cidental articipa o l p ub a m in ll h co was had urgh Cl c i up a h g b w n s n i t it fu alk rs. uch the P se w eade ü M rty with e cheerl e exerci … ! !! pa om adium tory am s c i t D v o e t g Notr rtainly de the s -needed i h e s c n u e i m c s ü W ose step t back a th ug h e b ro W ü T Bu s This picture says it all! ri p A lish om p Good friends from Harrisburg pulled up next to us. Mid-State Tailgate. 9 Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 John Roda ’82, JD ’85 Wins USC/Notre Dame Game Raffle Tickets During half time of McDevitt’s October 1st game, Principal Sister Mary Ann Bednar, drew the winning ticket which was announced on the public address system. The winner is club member John Roda from Lancaster. Not only will John be receiving two game tickets, but he will also be staying in a local Comfort Suites hotel for two nights! Thanks largely to Project Chairman Rick Martini’s hard work; this project was a HUGE success as evidenced by a profit of approximately $3,000!!! The profits will be deposited into the club’s Scholarship Fund, which will financially assist local students attending Notre Dame. Many thanks to the numerous club members and friends who purchased tickets! Project Chairman Rick Martini and Assistant Sue Kunisky hard at work. Despite the rain, a nice crowd rooted the Crusaders on to victory! The Tullys are everywhere This way for your raffle tickets... McDevitt Principal Sister Mary Ann Bednar pulling the Winning Ticket on the field during half time while Rick Martini and Jack Wright witness. 10 Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 11 Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 Michael DiMarco of Bishop McDevitt Selected as Excellence in Teaching Conference Representative Notre Dame Awards Scholarship to Club!!! This year’s sponsored teacher for the Excellence in Teaching Conference at Notre Dame on October 15th-16th will be Mr. Michael DiMarco. The club is very excited to announce that Mr. Bob Mundy, Notre Dame’s Director of Admissions and a native of Tamaqua, PA, has informed us that we have been awarded a competitively based scholarship from Notre Dame which will finance Mr. DiMarco’s $255 registration fee. Michael DiMarco serves on the faculty of Bishop McDevitt High School on Market Street in Harrisburg, where he has taught Religion and Latin for the past five years. Michael also happens to be an alumnus of McDevitt, having graduated in 2000, after which he studied for the Catholic priesthood for three years at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia. He earned his BA in Philosophy from the University of Saint Thomas in St. Paul, MN and will complete an MA in Pastoral Theology this December from the Augustine Institute in Denver. Mr. DiMarco truly loves teaching, enjoys incorporating modern methods and allusions in teaching his students ancient subjects, and he is, needless to say, a strong supporter of Catholic education. In addition to his classroom instruction, he co-chairs the Pro-Life Club, the school’s largest service organization, and leads Contra Mundum, a men’s group dedicated to building peer-driven character formation and awareness of Catholic culture and tradition. Michael is particularly excited to attend the Excellence in Teaching Conference because of its location at Notre Dame, a campus he fondly remembers visiting many times on his long trek back and forth to Minnesota. “I think my favorite spot must be that beautiful Gothic basilica,” he explained. “Of course, what Latin teacher would miss the occasion to be greeted by the large SALVE mosaic at the entrance of the Main Building, one of the most recognized structures in higher education.” This conference promises to assemble fine educators from across the nation who will have the opportunity to network, share strategies and know-how, and listen to presenters such as Dr. Adolph Brown III and Susan Tolley who will inspire them to excel in their trade and to motivate another generation of American students. “Few things in society are as important as passing on the heritage of faith and civilization to our upcoming generations,” says Mr. DiMarco, adding, “So we must strive to find fresh and successful means to teach the oldest things to the youngest people. Restoring the basic priorities of truth, virtue, wisdom and promotion of the common good is the solution to the dilemmas of our time. ” Mr. DiMarco offers the Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg his most heartfelt gratitude for our choosing to sponsor him for this wonderful opportunity for professional development ultimately aimed at furthering his mission in Harrisburg. 12 Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 Former University President Father “Monk” Malloy Coming to Harrisburg • • • • • • • Catholic Charities “Come and See” Dinner benefiting the 4 Homes for Healing Rev. Edward A “Monk” Malloy C.S.C. – Keynote Speaker Monday November 7, at 6pm Cardinal Keeler Center at the Diocesan Offices – 4800 Union Deposit Road, Harrisburg Contact: Chris Meehan - Catholic Charities Director of Development o o 717-657-4804 x284 On-line registration available shortly at Dinner tickets and Sponsorships for $100 - $10,000 Michael J. Pries, Ph.D. to Deliver Hesburgh Series Lecture Project Chairman Joe Massa reports that Michael J. Pries, Notre Dame Associate Professor, Economics and Econometrics will deliver a Hesburgh Series Lecture on October 19, 2011 from 6:00PM to 8:00PM at the Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC Offices at 3211 N. Front Street, Suite 201, Harrisburg. Light appetizers will be served. The topic to be presented is: “Our Growing National Deb and What It Means for Our Economic Future” We are extremely excited about partnering with the Chamber/CREDC as they will actively market the lecture to their 1,400 members thereby giving our club much exposure to the business community. Please mark your calendar and make a special effort to attend this informative event! (Continued on next page…) 13 Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 14 Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 Football Program - Ticket Exchange This year the Club is formalizing its Football Ticket Exchange Program. The guidelines are as follows: 1. Participants must be dues paying members. 2. Participants may be alumni, subway alumni, students, their parents, or otherwise friends of the University. 3. Tickets must not be sold through the Club's exchange for greater than face value, subject to the University's ticket resale policy. 4. Anyone willing to either buy or sell football tickets should email Rick Martini at and indicate the dates and game(s) involved. It is the responsibility of the buyer and seller to have their names deleted from the list once their requests have been satisfied. 5. The role of the Club is to act as a facilitator between parties wishing to buy, sell or exchange football tickets. The Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg assumes no responsibility nor liability for representations made, commitments between parties nor any arrangements, which failed to materialize. Before contacting Rick Martini, please go here to see the current status of ticket availability. If tickets are not available for the date you want, we'll add your request to the Tickets Needed list. Game Date Opponent Location Game Time Tickets Available Tickets Needed October 8 Air Force HOME 3:30 PM October 22 USC HOME 7:30 PM 2 tickets October 29 November 5 Navy Wake Forest HOME AWAY 3:30 TBD 4 tickets, 4 tickets 8-10, any November 12 Maryland AWAY 7:30 PM November 19 Boston College HOME 4:00 15 2-4 tickets Misc: Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 In other news… * Maryland Game Bus Trip Sold Out! Project Chairman Gerry McGlynn is personally organizing a second bus for this November 12th game. Folks can make reservations on this bus with Gerry at either (717) 525-3103 or at The cost is $125/person. * Boston College Tickets Still Available! For information, contact Barry Ryan at 443-2665 or * Congratulations! The club extends its hearty congratulations to former President Nicole Borda who married Brandon Conway on October 1, 2011. * Please Keep In Your Prayers Please keep in your prayers Jim Morrissey, former club First Vice President who was in a terrible car accident in Raleigh, North Carolina. A card can be mailed to Jim at 2048 Oakton Drive, Raleigh, N.C. 27606. Please Consider Visiting the Following Website/Links: (Stay tuned for some exciting club website updates!) Favorite Links • The University of Notre Dame ( • Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg ( • Notre Dame Trumpets ( • ( • Notre Dame License Plates ( • ND Nation - Notre Dame Sports ( 16 Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 2011 Schedule of Events for Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg October 14-16, 2011 – Excellence in Teaching Conference. Notre Dame Campus. Bishop McDevitt teacher Michael DiMarco will represent us. October 15, 2011 - Region 12 Meeting. Wilmington, Delaware. Hosted by Barry Ryan, Region 12 Director 8:30AM to 5:00PM. October 19, 2011 - Hesburgh Lecture Series. Michael J. Pries, Ph.D. “Our Growing National Debt and What It Means for Our Economic Future” Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC Offices, 3211 N. Front Street, Suite 201, Harrisburg 6:00PM to 8:00PM. Light appetizers will be served. October 29, 2011 – Game Watch. Notre Dame Vs. Navy Morgan’s Place Restaurant. 4425 North Front Street, Harrisburg 3:30PM October 31, 2011 - Feed the Homeless Project. Basement of St. Patrick's Cathedral. Project Chairman Barry Ryan 443-2665 3:00PM November 2, 2011 – Board Meeting. All are welcome. INA, Inc. 5235 North Front Street, Harrisburg 6:00PM November 7, 2011 – College Fair. Conestoga Valley High School. Project Chairwoman Amanda Martin Owens (717) 238-6106 or November 7, 2011 – Catholic Charities “Come and See” Dinner featuring former Notre Dame President “Monk” Malloy. Contact Chris Meehan at or (717) 657-4804 X284 6:00PM November 7, 2011 - Feed the Homeless Project. Basement of St. Patrick's Cathedral. Project Chairman Barry Ryan 443-2665 3:00PM November 12, 2011 – Bus Trip to Washington, D.C. Fed-Ex Field for Maryland Vs. Notre Dame Game. Sold Out! Project Chairman is Gerry McGlynn. (717) 525-3103 or November 15, 2011 – Networking Meeting. ESPN Offices, 2300 Vartan Way, Harrisburg 6:00PM to 8:00PM November 19, 2011 – The Big Memorabilia and Autograph Show featuring Jerome Bettis, Rocky Bleier and Antonio Brown. Harrisburg Mall. Visit for tickets and details November 26, 2012 – Game Watch. Notre Dame Vs. Stanford The Grotto Pub. 104 Market Street, Enola. 5:00PM 17