April 2014 - Osawatomie Chamber


April 2014 - Osawatomie Chamber
Osawatomie Chamber of Commerce
Monthly Newsletter
April 2014
In This Issue
Easter Activities
Easter Activities
If you are planning a community Easter activity, such as
an egg hunt, please let us know. We're happy to include it
in the weekly update and on our website and community
calendars for you.
Item Request
Dig Scholarships for OHS
Miss Oz Sign Up Meeting
this month
Vintage Park Chamber
Flamingos on Parade
Website for rural
Today is Election Day
Membership Drive
Home & Business Expo
Kansas Anthropology
Association to visit this
Job Postings
Like us on Facebook
Quick Links
Chamber Website
City of Osawatomie
USD #367
Osawatomie Alumni
Request for Visitor Items
As many of you are well are, there is an exciting event
taking place here this summer. The Kansas Archaeology
Training Program Field School will be in town May 30thJune 14th. Organizers are expecting 100-150 participants
throughout the two week period and have requested that
visitor information bags be available to them.
If you would like to provide brochures, coupons, or
similar information to invite these visitors to your site,
store, or restaurant, please get 150 pieces to the chamber
office by the end of the month. Bags will be put together in
early May.
We've been told that attendees enjoy exploring the
communities they are in and often look for things to see
and do in their free time, so this is a great opportunity for
you to attract some new people to your place of business.
Please help us spread the word so we can provide a great
overview of all our community has to offer in these bags.
Chamber to offer Excavation Scholarships
The Chamber Board of Directors recently voted to
sponsor up to five Osawatomie High School students that
are interested in participating in the Adair Cabin
Site Excavation this summer.
The school district has agreed to offer an essay
opportunity to their high school students. The board will
review those essays later this month and make
their selections. Winners will have their participation fees
Board of Directors
President: Donna Darner
Vice President: Lori
Needham, Hanes Florist
Treasurer: Casey Jones
First Option Bank
Cami Akes, Landmark
Teri Auten, Auten
Kim Bolen, MCMC
Chris Cooley, Chris's Cafe
& Bakery
Steve Eichorn, Donna and
Viola's Shirts & Etc.
Amanda Moon, Moon's
Hometown Market
Joyce Schrader,
Coach Light
Amiee Seck, Life Care
Mayor Mark Govea , City
Council Liaison
covered by the chamber.
City Councilman, Jeff Walmann is also sponsoring
interested students.
Miss Osawatomie Pageant Sign Up this month
For the third year in a row, the chamber board will be
overseeing the Miss Osawatomie Pageant as part of the
2014 John Brown Jamboree.
This free event will be held on Friday evening, June 20th
on Memorial Hall's outdoor stage. Each contestant will take
the stage in two outfits- the first to align with this year's
theme "Southern Fried Jamboree" and the second in an
evening gown or dress.
It's open to young ladies currently attending Kindergarten
through 12th grade in Osawatomie Schools. Home
schooled children are also welcome but they must reside
within the USD #367 boundaries and be within the age
range stated above.
Interested participants and a parent should attend the
Informational Sign Up Meeting on Wednesday, April 23rd
at 7:00pm, at Memorial Hall. We'll have packets of
information, be taking (optional) t-shirt orders and will be
taking a head & shoulders shot of the girls for use in the
Jamboree booklet. Each participant also has the
opportunity to pre-sell concert tickets. Although these
sales have no impact on the pageant scores, it does come
with its own set of incentives- including payback for every
pre-sell ticket sold.
Please share this information with anyone that may be
interested. We strive to make this a fun and enjoyable
experience for all the girls.
Monthly Coffee- Vintage Park
Vintage Park, Osawatomie was the host of the March coffee. attended and got a chance
to meet their new director, Carmen Behm, and other area staff. Refreshments and
announcements were shared and guests were treated to a tour. Roberta of Main Body
Works was the lucky winner of the door prize basket!
The facility in opened in October of 2003. Carmen (2nd from left) has been the director
there since December 2013. This Assisted Living Facility provides 24 hour care to our
residents and is licensed for forty beds. The suites are very spacious, and allow residents
to bring their own furnishings from home. They love and encourage community
volunteers! If you would like more information, please call Carmen at 913-755-2167. Visit
and like our facebook page to view more pictures of the get together.
They will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt on Friday, April 18th, for children 10 & under. It
starts promptly at 2:30pm and is open to the public. Don't be late!
Chamber coffees are a great way to showcase your business to other business people in
our community. They are easy, usually last about 30 minutes, and are a great inexpensive
advertising tool for you. We will even provide the snacks for you upon request.
Do you have a business anniversary coming up? Are you moving to a new location? Are
you a new Chamber business?
s? Do you have a new product or service you would like people
to know about? All of these are excellent reasons to host a coffee! Please contact the office
to set a coffee date for 2014. We will work with your schedule to find a time that is
convenient for you.
Flamingos on Parade Update
OHS Art Teacher was very appreciative of the response from local businesses and
individuals concerning her student flamingo project. She hopes to continue this project in
the future! All the flamingos paraded at the Expo last Saturday, too. A lot of time
effort went into creating them and we appreciated seeing all that hard work on display.
Sponsors included: Michelle Burroughs & Curt Backer, Bill & Pat Butler, First Option Bank,
John Brown Museum, Joe Summers, Karen LaDuex, Jan Marsh, and Moon's Hometown
Winners shown below include Kim Luebben (1st), Stephanie Schrader (2nd), and Shyann
Robinson (3rd).
Website for Rural Communities
I recently had a link sent to me that I wanted to share. This site includes all sorts of
helpful information for rural communities including business marketing, how to start a
business, and support for business owners from others that know what it's like.
like Take a
look by clicking here and see what a "positive look on rural" has to offer. You can even
subscribe to their mailing list.
Candidates Forum was held last month
month- Remember to Vote Today
The crowd was light for last month's Candidates Forum. Those in attendance got to hear
from everyone on the ballet and witness some interesting debate on a variety of topics.
Please remember to vote today. This event was sponsored by the Osawatomie Graphic and
Chamber of Commerce.
• Ward 1: Lawrence Dickinson (unopposed)
• Ward 2: John Farley (unopposed due to recent appointment of Cristina Ramirez)
• Ward 3: Mark Marquez challenging incumbent Karen LaDuex
• Ward 4: Tamara Maichel (unopposed)
Membership Drive Continues
We are in the midst of our 2014 Membership Drive. Rates remain steady and renewal
forms were sent out last fall. Forms are printable from our website or available by
contacting the office.
Referrals are always appreciated and are best when coming from you- a current member.
If you get a new business interested, you will receive $20 in Chamber Bucks once they
officially join. We have already welcomed seven new members this fiscal year and many
of you have renewed already. Thank you for your continued support.
March 2014 Renewals
Paola Do It Best Hardware, Tri-Ko, Inc.,
Bradley Air Conditioning & Heating,
Kansas Gas Service, KWJP Radio 89.7FM
6th Annual Home and Business Expo/Health Fair/Job Fair Overview
This event was held this past weekend and included 45 booths of area businesses and
organizations along with a Health & Wellness Area and Job Fair which included over 10
businesses that were hiring. Attendance was steady and we had beautiful weather for the
Lakemary Recycling area.
The committee worked very hard to promote and grow this event this year and would
like to thank everyone that planned, participated and attended.
Congratulations to Tri-Ko- their tropical booth décor was the most voted on via the public
so their booth will be free in 2015! Main Body Works was randomly selected out of those
that turned in their evaluation form so they will also receive a free booth next year.
We really appreciate your continued support of community events such as these! See
pictures on our facebook page.
Kansas Anthropology Field Training Program Information
The Kansas Archaeology Training Program will be bringing a field school to undertake
intensive testing at the original site of the Adair cabin this May 30th - June 14th. Each
year, the Kansas State Historical Society chooses a site and people come from all over the
US to be a part of it and help with the excavation.
Complete details and registration forms are available on their website www.kshs.org. It's
less expensive if you register by May 1st.
Job Postings Page on Website
Our website now includes a page for Job Postings. If you have an open position, this is
another tool to help you get the word out and gives the public another avenue as they
seek employment opportunities. We're happy to also include it in the weekly updates.
Just let us know what you have available and we'll get it listed. They are dated and we'll
delete once we're notified that the position has been filled.
Social Media
Please like our facebook page and we'll be glad to do the same for you! We post event
pictures, weekly updates, announcements, and more on there and it's just one more way
we're trying to promote the Osawatomie Business Community.
Contact us:
Osawatomie Chamber of Commerce
628 main Street, PO Box 63
Osawatomie, KS 66064
(913) 755-4114 chamber@osawatomiechamber.org
Cell Number: (913) 731-0518
Regular Office Hours are Monday through Friday 8:00am to 12:00pm
Shelagh Wright
Executive Director