R8399 - Poster Persimmon


R8399 - Poster Persimmon
Persimmon (Diospyros kaki ):
Processing and Product Information
How to classify persimmons?
They are classified into two major types based on
fruit astringency:
⇒ Non-astringent types: fruits may be eaten while
they are still mature and firm
⇒ Astringent types: fruits must be soft or artificially
treated to make them suitable for eating
Why process persimmons?
The fruit is an excellent source of energy as it is
high in carbohydrate
The fruit is rich in sodium, potassium, magnesium, manganese and iron. It is a good source of
vitamin A and a fair source of vitamin C. Pulp
and peel are both good sources of fibre.
Processing increases the shelf-life of the fruit
Processing adds value and increases income
Potential processed
Frozen pulp
Sherbet/ice cream
Dried persimmon
How to handle persimmons after harvest?
Grade fruits according to their
size, shape, firmness, degree of
blemish and colour
Fresh fruits
Induce fruit softening and removal of astringency
as follows:
⇒ Freeze fruits for 24 hours
⇒ Place fruits in a loosely closed plastic bag with an
apple or banana
⇒ Cover fruits with uncooked dry rice for 3-5 days
⇒ Enclose fruits for 3 days in an airtight container
and expose them to the vapours of 35-40% ethyl
alcohol (13-18 ml per kg fruit). Keep them afterwards at room temperature for several days.
How to process persimmons?
Dried persimmons
Remove green and
injured fruits
Washed fruits
Cut in half
Scoop out pulp
Cut in slices or
Ripen and remove
Typical export size
for fresh fruit: 200-250 g
How to soften and to remove
astringency of persimmons?
Pack and store
How to store persimmons?
In general, non-astringent fruits are less suitable for
storage than astringent fruits.
⇒ Store non-astringent fruits for up to 30 days at
room temperature when packed into single layer
⇒ Store them for 2-3 months at 0-2ºC and 90-95%
relative humidity
⇒ Store them for 4-5 months at 0ºC when individually wrapped in thin polythene
Puree pulp
Place in containers
and seal
Packaging and Storage
Seal in polythene bags or pack in
tightly capped, clean plastic jars.
Store in a freezer for several
Washed fruits
Dry fruits until weight
loss is about 75-85%
in a cabinet dryer:
a) for about 18 hours
at 45ºC when cut in
b) for about 18 hours
at 65ºC when cut in
Pack and seal
Packaging and Storage
Pack in moisture-proof containers,
e.g. 400 gauge polythene pouches or
biscuit tins and store in a dark cool
place for several months.
Fruits for the Future
Collins, R. (1998) Persimmon. In: The new rural industries. A handbook for farmers and investors. Editor: K.W. Hyde. RIRDC,
Kingston, Australia: 302-305.
Crisosto, C.H. (1999) Persimmon. Postharvest quality maintenance guidelines. University of California, Davis, USA.
Miller, E.P. and Crocker, T.E. (1994) Oriental persimmons in Florida. SP 101. Florida Co-operative Extension Service, Institute of
Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, USA.
Parker, M.L. (1993) (revised) Growing oriental persimmons in North Carolina. Leaflet No: 377. Department of Agriculture, and
local governments co-operating, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
Testoni, A. (2002) Post-harvest and processing of persimmon fruit. In: First Mediterranean symposium on persimmon. Editors:
E. Bellini and E. Giordani. CIHEAM-IAMZ, Zaragoza, Spain: 53-66.
Please contact ICUC for further references.
Prepared and published by the International Centre for Underutilised Crops (ICUC), School for Civil Engineering and the Environ- This publication is an output from a research project funded by the United Kingdom Department of International
ment, University of Southampton. Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK. Tel: +44-23-80594229 Fax: +44-23-80677519
Development for the benefit of developing countries. The views expressed are not necessarily those of DFID [R8399 Forestry
Email: icuc@soton.ac.uk Website: http://www.civil.soton.ac.uk/icuc © 2004 International Centre for Underutilised Crops, UK Research Programme].