Diamondback Moth - Agri


Diamondback Moth - Agri
Diamondback Moth
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The diamondback moth is a
serious pest of canola and
cruciferous crops such as
cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower
and kale. Plant damage is
caused by larval feeding.
Damage to plants depends on
plant growth stage, larval
density and size.
infestations result in the
complete removal of foliar
tissue except the leaf veins.
Advantages of Pheromone Trapping
! Detecting the build-up of pests well before economic
damage can occur.
! Pinpointing locations of infestations.
! Ensuring correct decisions on whether control
measures are necessary.
! Selecting the most appropriate control measures.
! Optimising the timing of spraying.
! Assessing the effectiveness of direct control
Trap and Lure Installation:
Assemble traps making sure Wing Trap tops and bottoms
fit together. Consult trap assembly sheets for Wing Trap I,
Wing Trap II and Plastic Delta Trap.
Wear disposable gloves to avoid touching pheromone
lures with bare hands. These precautions will avoid
possible lure contamination and cross contamination.
Suspend lures from the underside of trap tops using the
lure holder. Do not throw lure into the glue on the trap
Trap Placement and Density
Traps should be placed in the field from the beginning of
May until mid-August. Place 3 to 5 diamondback moth
pheromone traps in a field. Deploy traps at least 100 m
(300 ft) apart and approximately 1.2 m (4 ft) above the
Trap Maintenance
Check traps weekly and record moth counts. Take care
to distinguish the diamondback moth from other moths
that might also be caught. Consult your local experts if
It is essential that sticky surfaces be kept free of dust and
debris. Sticky trap parts should be replaced when >50
insects of any type have been captured, or if debris
accumulates. Check to ensure trap bottoms are still
sticky each time you inspect the traps, especially in dusty
conditions (near roads). When changing lures, do not
discard old lures on the ground residual pheromone may
interfere with trap catches.
The lures have a nominal three week field life; replace the
lures as required.
The presence and relative
abundance of adult moths
can be determined by
u s i n g P h e r o Te c h ’ s
diamondback moth
pheromone lure deployed
in either the Plastic Delta
Trap, Wing Trap I or Wing
Trap II.
Lure Storage
Freeze lures and store in the bag in which they were
shipped. Use the lures within 12 months of purchase. If
you only remove a few lures from the bag, ensure the rest
of the lures are returned to the freezer and the package
they are in is closed tightly.
Helpful Hints
In addition to monitoring for insects, growers should use
regular inspections of plants to detect larvae and their
damage. Walk a figure-8 pattern through the crop looking
at plants at regular intervals. Inspect the whole plant
including both sides of leaves. Signs of leaf mining and
holes in the leaves indicate the presence of Diamondback
Growers can take measures to prevent outbreaks of the
Diamondback moth by tilling any remaining foliage into
the soil after harvesting. Intermittent overhead irrigation
can disrupt egg laying by female Diamondback moth.
*Pheromones are naturally occurring chemicals that insects and other
organisms use to communicate with members of their own species.
Phero Tech Inc. certifies that this product meets and conforms to the description on the
information sheet. No expressed or implied warranty is made. Phero Tech Inc. will not
be liable for incidental, consequential or special damages resulting from the handling,
storage, or use of this product.
Come to us for:
, Trapping Products: Card Traps,Delta Traps ,Wasp Trap ,Wing Traps I & II.
, Glues
, Pheromone Lures: Codling Moth, Leafrollers, Mullein Bug, Peach Twig
Borer,Oriental Fruit Moth and more.
: used for pollination of pear, apple, kiwifruit,
blueberry and more.
Phero Tech Inc.
Printed in Canada
A018 (11/25/03)
Toll Free: 800-665-0076
Sales Fax: 604-940-9402
www. pherotech.com