East FCB-v5.indd - Pri-Med
East FCB-v5.indd - Pri-Med
SEPTEMBER 11–14, 2014 BOSTON CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTER BOSTON, MA GOOD HEALTH BEGINS HERE Earn up to 25.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ or 25.5 AANP contact hours of continuing education in 4 days. Pri-Med East TABLE OF CONTENTS PROGRAM OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CONTENT DEVELOPERS AND FACULTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–5 NEW PROGRAM FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 KEYNOTE ADDRESSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PRIMARY CARE UPDATES SCHEDULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ANNUAL CONFERENCE SCHEDULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–10 FEATURED CERTIFICATION TRACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 SAFE OPIOID PRESCRIBING: STRATEGIES. ASSESSMENT. FUNDAMENTALS. EDUCATION. EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 EXHIBIT HALL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 HOTEL AND TRAVEL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 CME INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 TWO EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: www.pri-med.com/east/r42 or 844-300-6339 Register for just $40 by September 7 using discount code Download4Brochure 2 PRI-MED EAST OVERVIEW Primary Care Updates Presentation Theaters A pre-conference, multitrack day of CME programs to supplement your education. Live discussions led by prominent medical thought leaders. Get an in-depth look at the latest tools and treatment options. Thursday, September 11 Up to 6.5 credits Type of Credits: AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™, AANP contact hours of continuing education, or AAFP (Application for CME credit has been filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians. Determination of credit is pending). Accredited Provider: pmiCME Annual Conference An entirely new cutting-edge CME curriculum developed in collaboration with the American College of Physicians and the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Ultrasound Institute. Friday, September 12, 7:30am–6pm Saturday, September 13, 7:30am–6pm Sunday, September 14, 7:30am–3:45pm TICK Friday–Sunday, September 12–14 Not certified for credit Exhibit Hall Have face-to-face conversations with industry professionals, gain helpful takeaways, and experience engaging floor activities, such as live demonstrations, outside your office hours. New Features Added! Check out the Nutrition and Wellness Pavilion along with the Knowledge Zones. Friday, September 12, 8:30am–2:30pm Saturday, September 13, 8:30am–2:30pm Sunday, September 14, 8:30am–2pm Not certified for credit Educational Symposium TICK Earn up to 19 credits Type of Credits: AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™, AANP, or AAFP (Application for CME credit has been filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians. Determination of credit is pending.) ET ET Accredited CME session to expand your learning during breaks from the core curriculum. Friday, September 12 Session held during mealtime break. Accredited Provider: pmiCME Up to 2.5 credits per symposium Content Development: pmiCME, the American College of Physicians, and the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Ultrasound Institute. Type of Credits: AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ or AANP contact hours of continuing education Accredited Provider: pmiCME or independent medical education provider TWO EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: www.pri-med.com/east/r42 or 844-300-6339 Register for just $40 by September 7 using discount code Download4Brochure 3 ANNUAL CONFERENCE CONTENT DEVELOPERS AND FACULTY This educational program is developed by pmiCME in collaboration with the American College of Physicians, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Ultrasound Institute (UofSC), and content developers. All decisions about the faculty and program content are made exclusively by the ACP, Pri-Med, and UofSC. The faculty is listed below in alphabetical order. Charles Argoff, MD Professor of Neurology, Albany Medical College Director, Comprehensive Pain Program, Albany Medical Center Albany, NY Ali R Assefi, MD Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine Georgetown University Medical School Chief, Renal Section, Inova Fairfax Hospital Falls Church, VA Daniel G. Blazer, MD, PhD JP Gibbons Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Duke University Medical Center Durham, NC Michael J. Bloch, MD, FACP, FASH Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Nevada School of Medicine Medical Director, Vascular Medicine and Anticoagulation Services, Renown Heart and Vascular Institute Reno, NV Michael J. Brennen, MD Medical Director, Pain Center of Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut Associate Director, Chronic Pain and Addiction, Silver Hill Hospital New Canaan, CT Alan S. Brown, MD, FACC, FNLA Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University Medical Director, Midwest Heart Disease Prevention Center Interventional Cardiologist, Midwest Heart SpecialistsAdvocate Medical Group Chicago, IL Marie T. Brown, MD, FACP Assistant Professor of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine Rush University Medical Center Governor, Illinois-N Chapter American College of Physicians Operations Committee National Diabetes Education Program Chicago, IL M. Susan Burke, FACP, MD Clinical Assistant Professor Thomas Jefferson University Medical School Senior Advisor, Internal Medicine Clinical Care Center Lankenau Medical Center Philadelphia, PA Virginia Collier, MD Hugh R. Sharp, Jr. Chair, Department of Medicine Christiana Care Health System Professor of Medicine Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, PA Michael Dansinger, MD Nutrition doctor for NBC’s hit prime-time series The Biggest Loser Diabetes Doctor for WebMD Director, Diabetes Reversal Program, Tufts Medical Center Boston, MA Aashish Didwania MD, FACP Assistant Professor, Medicine Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Chicago, IL Danielle Duffy, MD, FACC Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Jefferson Medical College Director, Cardiovascular Risk Reduction, Jefferson Heart Institute Philadelphia, PA JoAnne Foody, MD, FACC, FAHA Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Director, Cardiovascular Wellness Program, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston, MA Katherine Galluzzi, DO, CMD Professor and Chairperson, Department of Geriatric Medicine Director, Comprehensive Care, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Medical Director, Hospice of Philadelphia, VNA of Greater Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA Stephen J. Gluckman, MD, FACP Professor of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Medical Director, Penn Global Medicine Philadelphia, PA Jeffrey Gudin, MD Director, Pain and Palliative Care, Englewood Hospital and Medical Center Englewood, NJ Kalpana Gupta, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine Boston, MA Richard Hoppmann, MD, FACP Professor of Internal Medicine and Rheumatology, Director of the Ultrasound Institute of the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Columbia, SC Rosalind Kaplan, MD, FACP Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, Temple University School of Medicine Director, Temple Health Women’s Care Philadelphia, PA TWO EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: www.pri-med.com/east/r42 or 844-300-6339 Register for just $40 by September 7 using discount code Download4Brochure 4 ANNUAL CONFERENCE CONTENT DEVELOPERS AND FACULTY cont. Deborah Korenstein, MD, FACP Editor-in-Chief, ACP Smart Medicine, American College of Physicians Philadelphia, PA Pamela R. Kushner, MA, MD, FAAFP Clinical Professor Department of Family Medicine University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA Jonathan Lown, MD Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Stony Brook University Diplomate of Sleep Medicine Stony Brook, NY Salvatore Mangione, MD Associate Professor of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, PA Bill H. McCarberg, MD, FABPM Founder, Chronic Pain Program, Kaiser Permanente San Diego, CA Brad Nieder, MD, CSP Kent Nilsson, MD, FACC Assistant Professor of Medicine Director, Complex Ablations, Athens Regional Medical Center University of Georgia/Georgia Regents University Athens, GA Douglas S. Paauw, MD Professor of Medicine, Rothman Family Foundation, Endowed Chair in Patient-Centered Clinical Education, University of Washington School of Medicine Seattle, WA Greg Piazza, MD Instructor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Staff Physician, Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston, MA Jordan M. Prutkin, MD, MHS, FHRS Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology/Electrophysiology, University of Washington Seattle, WA Nancy Reau, MD Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago Chicago, IL David C. Ring, MD, PhD Chief, Hand and Upper Extremity Service Director of Research, Hand and Upper Extremity Service Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School Boston, MA John Russell, MD Clinical Professor, Family and Community Medicine, Temple University School of Medicine Director, Family Medicine Residency Program, Abington Memorial Hospital Abington, PA Daniel Z. Sands, MD Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Attending Physician, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, MA Christine Sinsky, MD General Internist, Medical Associates Clinic and Health Plans Dubuque, IA Christopher Smith, MD, FACP Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Division of General Medicine and Primary Care, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, MA Daniel Soffer, MD Physician, University of Pennsylvania Health System Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine, Penn Medicine at Radnor, Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine Philadelphia, PA Matthew Sorrentino, MD, FACC Professor of Medicine, Associate Director, Bucksbaum Institute for Clinical Excellence, University of Chicago School of Medicine Chicago, IL Kelly Anne Spratt, DO, FACC, FACP Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Steven P. Stanos, DO, FABPM Medical Director, Center for Pain Management, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Assistant Program Director, Multidisciplinary Pain Fellowship, Feinberg School of Medicine Northwestern University Chicago, IL Thomas Sinsky, MD General Internist, Medical Associates Clinic and Health Plans Dubuque, IA Neil Skolnik, MD Professor, Family and Community Medicine, Temple University School of Medicine Associate Director, Family Medicine Residency Program, Abington Memorial Hospital Abington, PA TWO EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: www.pri-med.com/east/r42 or 844-300-6339 Register for just $40 by September 7 using discount code Download4Brochure 5 NEW PROGRAM FEATURES ULTRASOUND WORKSHOPS Explore the latest ultrasound technologies in hands-on workshops, developed in collaboration with the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Ultrasound Institute . You will have the option to select this additional opportunity during registration for an additional fee . GOOD HEALTH BEGINS HERE GOOD HEALTH BEGINS HERE INITIATIVES Participate in the Wellness Walk that takes place prior to the Keynote Address on both Saturday and Sunday and receive special goodies when you’ve completed the loop around the convention center . You will also have access to the Nutrition and Wellness Pavilion in the Exhibit Hall, where you can meet with a number of exhibitors who focus on health-and-wellness . CAN’T MAKE IT FOR THE ENTIRE PROGRAM? We have a flexible scheduling option at a discounted registration rate . $10 one-day Saturday or Sunday Pass or $20 Weekend Pass . Full Conference Pass: $40 before September 7 using discount code Download4Brochure. TIC KET NEW TICKETING POLICY For 2014, Pri-Med is implementing a new ticketing policy to give all attendees equal opportunity to attend the additional events within the conference . Distribution of all additional opportunity tickets will happen at the Ticket Booth beginning at 6:45am, as follows: KNOWLEDGE ZONE Located in the Exhibit Hall, the Knowledge Zone is the single best source for small group presentations and opportunities for 1:1 discussions with industry experts . Topics focus on health-and-wellness through the eyes of preventive care, diagnosis, treatment decisions, and patient adherence . Friday, September 12: Ticket pickup is available for Friday additional opportunities only . Limit 2 tickets per person . Saturday, September 13: Ticket pickup is available for Saturday and Sunday additional opportunities . Limit 4 tickets per person . FACULTY MEET-AND-GREETS Dr . Walter Willett, author of Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy, Thinfluence, and Eat, Drink, and Weigh Less, will be in the Exhibit Hall on Friday, September 12 from 8:45–9:45am for a health-and-wellness book signing and meet-the-author opportunity . Friday, September 12, 8:45–9:45am Exhibit Hall COMPLIMENTARY COFFEE Available each morning prior to the Keynote Addresses . Put the pep back in your step during break times and between sessions – free coffee and snacks will also be served at the Recharge Lounge in the Exhibit Hall . TWO EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: www .pri-med .com/east/r42 or 844-300-6339 Register for just $40 by September 7 using discount code Download4Brochure 6 KEYNOTE ADDRESSES F R I D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 | 7 : 4 5 A M KEYNOTE: The Future of Medicine Daniel Kraft, MD Daniel Kraft, MD, is a Stanford- and Harvard-trained physician-scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, and innovator . With over 20 years of experience in clinical practice, biomedical research, and healthcare innovation, Kraft has chaired the Medicine Track for Singularity University since SU’s inception . He also founded and is Executive Director of Exponential Medicine (formerly called FutureMed), a program that explores convergent, rapidly developing technologies and their potential in biomedicine and healthcare . S AT U R D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 3 | 7 : 4 5 A M KEYNOTE: Laughter Is the Best Medicine Brad Nieder, MD Brad Nieder, MD, is a funny doctor, keynote speaker and clean comedian who blends healthcare humor with wellness advice and an uplifting message . Audiences love his “Laughter is the Best Medicine” program, finding it entertaining, inspiring, and informative—without being boring . Dr . Brad explains, “Laughter really is good medicine, for managing pain, enhancing immune-system function, reducing stress, and more .” S U N D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 4 | 7 : 4 5 A M KEYNOTE: Obesity in America from the Dietary Counselor and Lifestyle Coach from The Biggest Loser Michael Dansinger, MD Michael Dansigner, MD, is the nutrition doctor for NBC’s hit prime-time series The Biggest Loser, Diabetes Doctor for WebMD, and Director of the Diabetes Reversal Program at Tufts Medical Center in Boston . He will share his insights and opinions about the global obesity epidemic, the USDA food pyramid, popular weight-loss diets, reality weight-loss shows, losing 100 pounds in 100 days, obesity surgery, reversing type 2 diabetes, how to feed your children, and what to do about “decadent, mouthwatering, quadruple-layer chocolate, molten-lava fudge cake .” TWO EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: www .pri-med .com/east/r42 or 844-300-6339 Register for just $40 by September 7 using discount code Download4Brochure 7 PRIMARY CARE UPDATES Earn additional credits by attending a full day of pre-conference sessions that focus on disease-specific treatment and management approaches . This program includes clinically relevant topics and is designed to provide you with a well-rounded curriculum, so you remain in the same track throughout the day . These sessions are included in your registration fee but are ticketed separately because space is limited for them . Be sure to include Primary Care Updates in your registration to ensure that you receive a ticket . T H U R S D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 Track 1 Track 2 6:45–7:35am Registration and Breakfast 6:45–7:35am Registration and Breakfast 7:35–7:45am Opening Remarks 7:35–7:45am Opening Remarks 7:45–9am Managing Shift Work Disorder in Primary Care: Overcoming Barriers to Improve Patient Outcomes 7:45–9:15am Improving Outcomes for Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: Best Practices for Primary Care Clinicians 9–9:15am Networking Break 9:15–9:30am Networking Break 9:15–10:30am Applying Stroke and Bleeding Risk Assessment in Atrial Fibrillation to Optimize Anticoagulation Therapy 9:30–10:30am Gout: Optimizing Disease Management 2014 10:30–11:45am Improving Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes: Integrating GLP-1 Receptor Agonists into Multimodal Treatment Regimens 10:30–11:45am The Evaluation and Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in the Primary Care Setting 11:45am–12:30pm Lunch Break 11:45am–12:30pm Lunch Break 12:30–1:45pm Caring for Patients with Chronic Pain: Responsible Opioid Prescribing to Achieve Individualized Functional Goals 12:30–2pm Against All Odds: Improving Insulin Use in T2DM through Individualized Clinical Decision Making 1:45–2pm Networking Break 2–2:15pm Networking Break 2–3:30pm Current Perspectives and Emerging Approaches in Lipid Management 2:15–3:30 Session Information to Come Session times are preliminary . Sessions and schedule subject to change . For full details, including the most up-to-date session topics, speakers, and accreditation information, visit www .pri-med .com/east/r42 . These activities are sponsored by pmiCME . To date, the following organizations have provided educational grants in support of Primary Care Updates Track 1: AstraZeneca; Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc .; Daiichi Sankyo, Inc; Teva CNS; Teva CNS and Endo Pharmaceuticals . To date, the following organizations have provided educational grants in support of Primary Care Updates Track 2: AstraZeneca; Lilly . For further information concerning Lilly grant funding visit www .lillygrantoffice .com; Novo Nordisk Inc .; Takeda Pharmaceuticals International, Inc ., U .S . Region . 8 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Annual Conference curriculum developed in collaboration with the American College of Physicians . Hands-on workshops on the latest ultrasound technologies developed in collaboration with the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Ultrasound Institute . F R I D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 7:45–8:45am K E Y N O T E : T h e F u t u re o f M e d i c i n e — D a n i e l K r a f t , M D 8:45–9:45am EXHIBIT HALL AND ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES 9:45–10:45am Targeting Better Cardiac Outcomes for High-Risk Patients — Daniel Soffer, MD 10:45–11:45am Understanding Dyslipidemia Testing and Screening: Importance of Lipoprotein Particle Analysis — Matthew Sorrentino, MD, FACC, FASH SAFE Opioid Prescribing 1:45–3:15pm Charles Argoff, MD; Michael Brennan, MD, FACP, FASAM; Jeffrey Gudin, MD 1:45–2:30pm Evaluation Is Essential for Safe and Effective Pain Management Using ER/LA Opioids 2:30–3pm Best Practices for How to Start Therapy with ER/LA Opioids, How to Stop and What to Do In Between 4–4:30pm Ultrasound for the PCP — Richard Hoppmann, MD, FACP 10:45–11:45am Introduction to Ultrasound and Case Presentations — Richard Hoppmann, MD, FACP EXHIBIT HALL AND ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES 11:45am–1:45pm 3–3:45pm 9:45–10:45am Evidence-Based Tools for Screening for Patients at Risk and Monitoring for Adherence to Prescribed ER/LA Opioids Talk to Me: Proven Methods to Counsel Your Patients on ER/LA Opioids and Achieve Positive Outcomes 4:30–5pm Everything You Always Wanted to Know about ER/LA Opioids as a Drug Class 5–5:30pm Getting the Most Clinical Insights from Specific ER/LA Product Information Sources 5:30–6pm Medical Brain Game 3:15–3:45pm 3:45–4pm 4–5pm 5–6pm Insulin Therapy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Current and Emerging Basal Insulins* Engaging e-Patients: How e-Messaging, Personal Health Records, and Patient Activation Can Transform Your Practice — Daniel Sands, MD, MPH NETWORKING BREAK Test Your Skills in Difficult Cases: Atrial Fibrillation — Kent Nilsson, MD, FACC Tips for Managing Behavioral Issues in Elderly Patients with Dementia — Katherine Galluzzi, DO, FACOFP, CMD 1:45–6pm Ultrasound Workshops Hands-on diagnostic workshops developed with the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Ultrasound Institute offered at an additional cost . Ultrasound Workshops will include six rotating modules on: Neck (thyroid, and ultrasound principles); Basic ECHO (including aorta and inferior vena cava); Abdomen (gallbladder and liver); Knee (includes guided procedures) Learning Objectives: • Identify the essential features of portable ultrasound systems • Understand important practical principles of ultrasound image acquisition • Learn how to perform basic point-of-care ultrasound examinations of the neck, the heart, the abdomen, and the knee • Learn how to perform ultrasound guided procedures *To date, Primary Care Updates has been supported by an educational grant from the following organization: Sanofi US Diabetes . Schedule subject to change . For full details, including the most up-to-date session topics, speakers, and accreditation information, visit www .pri-med .com/east/r42 . TWO EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: www .pri-med .com/east/r42 or 844-300-6339 Register for just $40 by September 7 using discount code Download4Brochure 9 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Annual Conference curriculum developed in collaboration with the American College of Physicians . S AT U R D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 3 7:45–8:45am KEYNOTE: Laughter Is the Best Medicine — Brad Nieder, MD 8:45–9:45am EXHIBIT HALL AND ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES 9:45–10:45am Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Interventions That Will Help Your Patients Sleep Better — Jonathan Lown, MD 10:45–11:45am VTE Prevention: Avoiding the Avoidable in Medical and HighRisk Patients — Gregory Piazza, MD Infectious Diseases Update in Primary Care — Kalpana Gupta, MD, MPH 10:45–11:45am Fighting a Growing Epidemic: A Viral Hepatitis Update — Nancy Reau, MD EXHIBIT HALL AND ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES 11:45am–1:45pm 1:45–3:45pm 9:45–10:45am Live Demonstration Orthopedic Exam: See It, Do It — Christopher Smith, MD, FACP 1:45–3pm Addressing Renal-Mediated Glucose Homeostasis: Diabetes and the Kidney* 3–3:45pm Medical Brain Game 2014: PCP Edition — M. Susan Burke, MD, FACP, Katherine Galluzzi, FACOFP , DO, CMD NETWORKING BREAK 3:45–4pm 4–5pm Lipid Management: A Primary Care Perspective — Alan Brown, MD, FACC, FNLA , FAHA 4–5pm The Problem Pests: Ticks, Mites, Bed Bugs, and Lice — Stephen Gluckman, MD 5–6pm New Insights into Reducing CV Risk in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes — JoAnne Foody, MD, FACC, FAHA 5–6pm Critical Caveats for Common Medications — Douglas Paauw, MD S U N D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 4 7:45–8:45am KEYNOTE: Obesity in America from the Dietary Counselor and Lifestyle Coach from The Biggest Loser — Michael Dansinger, MD EXHIBIT HALL AND ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES 8:45–9:45am 9:45–10:45am In Search of Joy in Practice: Innovations in Patient Centered Care — Christine Sinsky, MD, Thomas Sinsky, MD 10:45–11:45am Lung Sounds: A Primer on Pulmonary Auscultation — Salvatore Mangione, MD 9:45–10:45am Women’s Health Update: Clinical Pearls for Primary Care — Kelly Spratt, DO, FACC, FACP 10:45–11:45am Improve Patient Outcomes with Effective Diagnosis and Treatment of Underlying Psychiatric Disorders —Rosalind Kaplan, MD, FACP EXHIBIT HALL AND ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES 11:45am–1:45pm 1:45–2:45pm Practical Approaches to the “Dizzy” Patient — Aashish Didwania, MD, FACC 1:45–2:45pm Hot off the Press and into Your Practice 2014 — Marie Brown, MD, FACP 2:45–3:45pm About My Error — David Ring, MD, PhD 2:45–3:45pm Optimizing the Management of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease — Ali Assefi, MD *To date, Primary Care Updates has been supported by an educational grant from the following organization: AstraZeneca . Schedule subject to change . For full details, including the most up-to-date session topics, speakers, and accreditation information, visit www .pri-med .com/east/r42 . TWO EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: www .pri-med .com/east/r42 or 844-300-6339 Register for just $40 by September 7 using discount code Download4Brochure 10 FEATURED CERTIFICATION TRACK SAFE OPIOID PRESCRIBING: STRATEGIES . ASSESSMENT . FUNDAMENTALS . EDUCATION . In 2012, the U .S . Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined that a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) is necessary for safe prescribing of ER/LA opioid analgesics . This strategy was developed by the FDA in collaboration with a variety of stakeholder groups to ensure that the benefits of ER/LA opioid analgesics continue to outweigh the risks of adverse outcomes that often result from inappropriate prescribing, abuse, and misuse . Attend this track and receive your REMS-compliant training certificate . F R I D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 2 1:45-2:30pm Evaluation Is Essential for Safe and Effective Pain Management Using ER/LA Opioids Practicing clinicians face the challenge of evaluating patients for aberrant drug behavior when prescribing opioid therapy for pain management . This session will help improve your ability to identify risk factors for drug-seeking behaviors and to differentiate between opioid tolerance, physical dependence, and addiction . 2:30-3pm Best Practices for How to Start Therapy with ER/LA Opioids, How to Stop, and What to Do in Between Improve your ability to adjust treatment when converting from immediate-release opioid formulations to extended-release/long-acting preparations, as well as your ability to identify risk factors for opioid-induced respiratory depression . 3-3:45pm Evidence-Based Tools for Screening for Patients at Risk and Monitoring for Adherence to Prescribed ER/LA Opioids Improve your ability to manage adverse reactions with extended-release/long-acting opioid formulations and to monitor patient adherence to treatment . 4-4:30pm Talk to Me: Proven Methods to Counsel Your Patients on ER/LA Opioids and Achieve Positive Outcomes This session will provide important takeaway strategies for counseling patients and caregivers to ensure appropriate use of extended-release/long-acting opioids and recognition of signs of overdose . 4:30-5pm Everything You Always Wanted to Know about ER/LA Opioids as a Drug Class When individualizing your pain management treatment approach, learn how to assess differences in opioid metabolism and potential drug interactions in your patients, and how these factors will impact treatment . 5-5:30pm Getting the Most Clinical Insights from Specific ER/LA Product Information Sources Improve your understanding of the official prescribing information for available extended-release/long-acting opioids, as well as the doses indicated for opioidtolerant patients . 5:30-6pm Medical Brain Game: SAFE Opioid Prescribing Edition This session uses an engaging quiz show format to reinforce the essential elements in the appropriate use of opioids in pain management . Schedule subject to change . This educational activity is supported by an independent educational grant from the ER/LA Opioid Analgesic REMS Program Companies (RPC) . Please see www .er-la-opioidREMS .com for a listing of the member companies . This activity is fully compliant with the ER/LA Opioid Analgesics REMS education requirements issued by the U .S . Food and Drug Administration (FDA) . TWO EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: www .pri-med .com/east/r42 or 844-300-6339 Register for just $40 by September 7 using discount code Download4Brochure 11 EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIA TICK ET Informed by emerging research in treatment and therapy, these independent, educational sessions are scheduled during lunch and dinner on Friday, September 12. Registration is limited to physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners currently engaged in patient care. Support for these sessions are made possible by educational grants from industry. Disclosure of industry support will be provided to attendees in advance of the symposium. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 Engaging Your Patient in Obesity Management: Techniques, Tactics, and Tools for Customized Disease Treatment Workshop: A Hands-On Approach to COPD Treatment Lunch 12–1:30pm Dinner 6:15–8:45pm Learning Objectives: • Describe diagnostic criteria and general goals of treatment for adult obesity • Determine appropriate multifaceted treatment approaches for adults with obesity, considering individual patient clinical characteristics, current treatment algorithm recommendations, and emerging evidence • Identify techniques, tactics, and tools to engage and support patients in the care of obesity as a chronic disease Learning Objectives: • Recognize the stages of COPD and identify the clinical features that differentiate COPD from asthma • Perform spirometry and interpret results to diagnose and classify disease severity in patients with COPD • Apply current guideline recommendations to individualize treatment with bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory therapies based on disease severity and classification for the long-term care of patients with COPD • Incorporate long-acting bronchodilators into COPD treatment regimens involving novel long-acting ß2agonists and muscarinic antagonist therapies for the management of COPD • Demonstrate proper inhaler technique for various inhalation devices used to treat patients with COPD Brought to you by an independent educational grant from Novo Nordisk Inc. Brought to you by an independent educational grant from Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Schedule subject to change. These Educational Symposia are included in your registration fee but are ticketed separately because space is limited. Content presented in the Educational Symposia is not planned or reviewed by pmiCME, ACP, or the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Ultrasound Institute. TICKET BOOTH For 2014, Pri-Med is implementing a new ticketing policy to give all attendees equal opportunity to attend the additional events within the conference. Distribution of all additional opportunity tickets will take place at the Ticket Booth, located in the North Lobby, beginning at 6:45am, as follows: Friday, September 12: Ticket pickup is available for Friday additional opportunities only. Limit 2 tickets per person. Saturday, September 13: Ticket pickup is available for Saturday and Sunday additional opportunities. Limit 4 tickets per person. Friday, September 12: 6:45am–4:30pm Saturday, September 13: 6:45am–4:30pm Sunday, September 14: 6:45am–12pm The Ticket Booth will close once all available tickets have been distributed. TWO EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: www.pri-med.com/east/r42 or 844-300-6339 Register for just $40 by September 7 using discount code Download4Brochure 12 EXHIBIT HALL INFORMATION Take the time to investigate the many booths showcasing cutting-edge products, treatments, and technologies, and speak with healthcare industry representatives, on your own schedule, to evaluate the best options for your practice. • A Fashion Hayvin, Inc. • Gensco Laboratories • Sanofi Pasteur, Inc. • AbbVie • Gilead Sciences • Scarf King • Aegis Sciences Corporation • Grifols USA, Inc. • Singulex, Inc. • Akrimax Pharmaceuticals LLC • Health Diagnostic Laboratory • Southcoast Hospitals Group • Alzheimer’s Association • Hemosure, Inc. • Summit Doppler Systems • Amazing Charts • HireNurses.com • Take Shape for Life • American College of Physicians • I.C.E., Inc. • Takeda Pharmaceuticals • American Express Open • International Tree Nut Council • American Latex Allergy Association (ALAA) • American Occupational Therapy U.S.A., Inc. Nutrition Research & Education • Tec Laboratories, Inc. Foundation • Televox Software, Inc. • IPC The Hospitalist Company • The Dannon Company • Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. • The Gideons International • AndaMEDS • Kareo • The New York Times • Argyll Diagnostics • Kowa Pharmaceuticals • Ultimate Creations • Aspirin Works By Corgenix • Lab USA, Inc. • Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc. • Astellas Pharma U.S., Inc. • Laclede Inc • Verathon Medical • AstraZeneca • Lippincott Williams & Wilkins • Shire • Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. • LocumTenens.com • ViroPharma, Inc. • Bankers Healthcare Group, Inc. • Magic Massage Therapy • Vital Nutrients • Bassett Healthcare • Magine Events • Vita Mix Corp • BICOM, Inc. - Diaton • Maico Diagnostics • Wexford Health Sources • Bionix Medical Technologies • Massachusetts Department of • WynnPharm, Inc. Association • Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Public Health • Merck • Boston Heart Diagnostics • Micro Direct, Inc. • Calmoseptine • Minute Clinic • Cegedim • Mission Pharmacal Co. • CEKeeper • Monthly Prescribing Reference • Cell Science Systems/ALCAT • Mylan, Inc. • Concordia Healthcare USA, Inc. • Neilmed Pharmaceuticals, Inc. • Crown Healthcare Apparel • New England Journal of Medicine Service • Novo Nordisk, Inc. • CryoProbe • Nurse Practitioners OnCall • CryoSurgery, Inc. • Nutramax Laboratories, Inc. • Diva International Inc. • OAPI - Medical Device Division • Doximity • Omron Healthcare • Edge Systems Corporation • Otto Trading, Inc. • Eisai, Inc. • PA Beef Council • Elsevier Medical Books • Pfizer, Inc. • Exalenz Bioscience Ltd. • Rome Foundation • Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. • Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. • Genova Diagnostics, Inc. • Sanofi • Xenna Corp. To view our up-to-date exhibitor list, visit www.pri-med.com/east/r42 and click the “Exhibit Hall” tab. EXHIBIT HALL HOURS Friday, September 12 8:30am–2:30pm Saturday, September 13 8:30am–2:30pm Sunday, September 14 8:30am–2pm TWO EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: www.pri-med.com/east/r42 or 844-300-6339 Register for just $40 by September 7 using discount code Download4Brochure 13 EXCLUSIVE HOTEL & TRAVEL DISCOUNTS You deserve the best rates and the best service. Pri-Med’s official housing partner, onPeak, is a one-stop shop for all your hotel and travel needs: A simple reservation system—over the phone and online Discounted hotel rates at official show hotels Complimentary services and special offers upon booking Reserve your room by August 18, 2014, to receive reduced rates at: 1. Renaissance Boston 606 Congress St. Single/Double: $246 2. Seaport Hotel 1 Seaport Ln. Single/Double: $288 3. Westin Boston Waterfront 425 Summer St. Single/Double: $269 2 1 Plan ahead. Reduced rates are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Rates do not include current tax of 14.45%, subject to change. 3 Book your hotel and travel reservations through onPeak today: www.pri-med.com/east (click on the Hotel & Parking tab) (800) 584-9017 primed@onpeak.com TWO EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: www .pri-med .com/east/r42 or 844-300-6339 Register for just $40 by September 7 using discount code Download4Brochure 14 CME INFORMATION PRIMARY CARE UPDATES ANNUAL CONFERENCE cont . ACCME pmiCME is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians . AAFP An Accreditation Application for CME credit has been filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians . Determination of credit is pending . pmiCME designates this live activity for a maximum of 6 .5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ . Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity . AANP pmiCME is approved as a provider of nurse practitioner continuing education programs by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners . AANP Provider number 040308 . AAFP An Accreditation Application for CME credit has been filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians . Determination of credit is pending . AANP pmiCME is approved as a provider of nurse practitioner continuing education programs by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners . AANP Provider number 040308 . This program was planned in accordance with AANP CE Standards and Policies and AANP Commercial Support Standards . This program has been approved for 19 contact hours (which includes 9 .5 hours of pharmacology) . CME CERTIFIED EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIA This program was planned in accordance with AANP CE Standards and Policies and AANP Commercial Support Standards . Accreditation These educational symposia are accredited by independently accredited organizations . Please see the program syllabus for each symposium for details on accreditation and credit designation . This program has been approved for 6 .5 contact hours of continuing education (which includes 3 .25 hours of pharmacology) . AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES STATEMENT ANNUAL CONFERENCE ACCME pmiCME is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians . pmiCME designates this live activity for a maximum of 19 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ . Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity . In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, pmiCME seeks to make this conference accessible to all . If you have a need that might require special accommodations, please call (877) 4PRI-MED (877-477-4633) or email support@pri-med .com at least three weeks prior to the meeting . DBC Pri-Med, LLC, and pmiCME provide equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX requirements . © 2014 DBC Pri-Med, LLC . All rights reserved . Pri-Med is a registered trademark of DBC Pri-Med, LLC . All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners . 15 SEPTEMBER 11–14, 2014 BOSTON CONVENTION & EXHIBITION CENTER BOSTON, MA GOOD HEALTH BEGINS HERE Earn up to 25.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ or 25.5 AANP contact hours of continuing education in 4 days. Pri-Med East TWO EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: www .pri-med .com/east/r42 or 844-300-6339 Register for just $40 by September 7 using discount code Download4Brochure
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