G R A N D E N O V A A L T O Te l . 0 0 3 3 4 7 7 4 3 5 7 0 0 - Fa x 0 0 3 3 4 7 7 4 3 5 7 0 4 - w w w. f o c a l - f r. c o m © Focal-JMlab 2004 JMlab®, Utopia®, “W”® sandwich, OPC® crossover, Gamma Structure®, Focus Time®, Focus Ring®, Power Flower® Be Tweeter® are registred trademarks of Focal-JMlab® Due to constant technological advances, Focal-JMlab reserves its right to modify specifications without notice. Images may not conform exactly to specific product. ® Focal-JMlab - BP 374 - 108, rue de l’Avenir - 42353 La Talaudière cedex - France Focal-JMlab® - SC/AB 040305/1 - Photos Studio 36 - Saint-Etienne D I V A M I C R O C E N T E R S U B U T O P I A B e r y l l i u m G R A N D E U TO P I A B E RY L L I U M : A W O R L D R E F E R E N C E Winner Golden Sound and Grand Prix awards Best Sound of the year S t e r e o S o u n d m a g a z i n e , J A PA N . “A remarkable tour de force” Hifi News magazine, UK. “The finest loudspeaker on the planet? Possibly” > Jacques MAHUL - Founder of Focal-JMlab Stereophile magazine, USA. ™ utopia beryllium of the World!” A u d i o , G E R M A N Y. “A new and fascinating sound universe” Uniquely Utopia Uniqueness symbolizes the Utopia Be range of loudspeakers. Unique by their technological achievements. The Beryllium tweeter of course, but also the numerous innovations and refinements they encompass: “W” cone sandwich, magnet systems (Focus Ring, Power Flower, Multiferrite), cabinetry (Focus Time, Gamma Structure) and crossover (OPC). Unique in quality of materials and craftsmanship. The aerospace materials used in the composite W cones, the finest lacquers from the automobile industry, the careful selection of the real woods, the 14 coats of varnish – each layer hand sanded to perfection. Unique in the harmony of function and form they embody. A blend of super high technology, luxurious materials and elegant form to bring the ultimate stereo or multichannel experience to your home. “The Grande Utopia Be the best speaker Re v u e d u S o n , F R A N C E . In short, uniqueness born from our obsession for attention to detail… This Utopia Be range of loudspeakers is the result of 25 years of research and development, brilliantly orchestrated by Jacques Mahul, driven by a passion for the accurate reproduction of music. 25 years of continual investment in novel industrial solutions to gain complete control of the whole manufacturing process. From the forming of the pure Be metal dome to the final finishing of the cabinetwork, every element is under the total control of our French workshops. It’s the ultimate in freedom of development - every detail can be examined, adjusted, tuned, evaluated and finalized with the utmost control and efficiency. This applies not only to each individual component, but also the whole. Each loudspeaker in the Utopia Be range has undergone a thorough technical research, followed by countless hours of listening and evaluation to achieve… total enchantment. It is our great pleasure to share our “Spirit of Sound” with you. Beyond this, the Utopia Be range that you will discover over the following pages was a unique human adventure for the team at Focal-JMlab. Enthusiasm and passion are the most powerful driving forces… Here they have been greeted by praise from the most renowned international audio critics, beginning with the Grande Utopia Be in 2003, recognizing the arrival of a new landmark in the history of sound reproduction. > Gérard CHRÉTIEN - Managing Director > Structure of the Utopia Beryllium tweeter Focal-JMlab’s acknowledged expertise in the field of loudspeaker design is largely based upon the company’s development of the inverted dome tweeter: a major innovation refined and improved throughout the past twenty years. Famed for offering superb directivity and exceptional dynamic behavior, the Utopia Beryllium Line now takes the inverted dome concept on to an altogether higher plane by introducing the first dome made of pure Beryllium (Be). Such a significant technological advance is due to the metal’s exceptional properties: Beryllium is 2.5 times lighter than Titanium yet 3 times more rigid and propagates sound 3 times faster. Witch means that for a dome of identical mass, a beryllium version is 7 times more rigid than one made of titanium. These three fundamental characteristics allow the new Utopia Beryllium Tweeter to offer performance that was previously considered impossible. Beryllium allows a single driver to accurately reproduce frequencies over five octaves from 1kHz to more than 40kHz, thereby answering the demands made by new formats such as SACD and DVD-A without the compromises associated with simply adding an additional “super-tweeter”. Using just one driver to accurately reproduce all of the high frequencies results in a perfect impulse response, but without creating phase problems, to ensure the total coherence of the loudspeaker - something no other technology or solution can currently guarantee. In fact, the benefits of Beryllium proved so significant to Focal-JMlab that the company was compelled to try and overcome the enormous challenge of developing a new manufacturing process to form pure Beryllium domes. After years of intense research the company has successfully found a solution and a patent has been filed. Such an enormous undertaking is unusual in the world of sound reproduction, but it is proof of Focal-JMlab’s philosophy: true progress can only be made when design and manufacturing are controlled directly, without compromise. The use of Beryllium is a direct consequence of its exceptional properties, but is also due to the limitations of traditional materials. beryllium tweeter When only the best will do ™ The precision machined Aluminum fascia allows a precise flush-fitting of the tweeter to guarantee a reflection free response. Aluminum Utopia Beryllium tweeter Titanum Beryllium > Comparison of Beryllium with Titanium and Aluminum. Beryllium is the lightest, stiffest and has the highest velocity of sound. Real size view Stainless steel machine screws are used throughout the Utopia Be Line. Utopia Beryllium tweeter measurments > Frequency response extends over five octaves from 1kHz to more than 40kHz. A factor determining how a single tweeter succeeds in offering a “broad band” while avoiding the phase problems caused by an additional “super-tweeter”. > The impulse response clearly shows the exceptional characteristics of the Utopia Beryllium Tweeter - a clean and fast initial transient response is perfectly damped for a detailled sound free of coloration. Pole piece Neodymium Focus Ring Top Plate Samarium Cobalt principal magnet Terminals > A central Samarium Cobalt magnet is surrounded by Neodymium Focus Rings. ™ focus ring Addressing the limitations of the magnet The exceptional performance of the Beryllium Tweeter demanded new technical solutions to be found in other areas. In addition, the more extreme requirements created by modern recording technology also have to be taken into account. The very high energy levels that can be developed impose new demands in terms of power and temperature handling and in particular impose limitations on the use of Neodymium magnets. Although Neodymium does not have a very low Curie value, the material can not be used in situations where very high, localised temperatures are generated without the risk of irreversibly demagnetizing the magnetic circuit. Focal-JMlab’s new Focus Ring technology innovates by adopting a rare earth magnet of Samarium Cobalt which has a much higher Curie value. To further increase the output of the Samarium Cobalt, a peripheral ring of Neodymium is used to concentrate the magnetic field within the gap. By combining the characteristics of the two materials a considerable magnetic field of 2 teslas is generated, while also guaranteeing an increase in reliability and a consistent performance even under the most extreme conditions. Magnetic material Neodymium Nd Fe B 319° C Ferrite 450° C AINiCo 810° C 2 > The very high Curie point of Samarium Cobalt compared to Neodymium makes it possible to preserve a comfortable safety margin against any risk of demagnetization. Curie Temp. 14 Samarium Cobalt Sm Co 2 17 825° C > The Power Flower® structure matches shaped plates to a Multiferrite magnetic circuit and guarantees the maximum performance of the driver thanks to a significant reduction in magnetic losses. power flower The search for ultimate performance leads to novel solutions While the acoustic engineering of loudspeakers is often compared to alchemy - producing magic from an extraordinarily subtle application of infinite parameters and know-how the Utopia Be Line sets new standards of performance thanks to its major technological innovations. The new 61/2” (165mm) mid-range driver is one such example of Focal-JMlab’s search for perfection, because by specifying a cone capable of accurately reproducing a frequency range from 250 to 2500Hz, the company is seeking to create an exceptional driver. The composite structure of the “W” membrane is Focal-JMlab’s solution in offering a combination of lightness, high rigidity and damping without equal. It is a driver so close to the ideal that the phase plug that is usually required to control dispersion problems can be removed and replaced by a large aluminum focus plug. However, it is also a driver that requires extremely high manufacturing tolerances and mechanical optimization with regards to the associated motor assembly, including the Multiferrite array - a solution pioneered by Focal-JMlab 20 years ago. In the Utopia Be line, the Multiferrite assembly has been further refined into a new configuration called “Power Flower“ which is designed to guarantee that the new “W” cone reaches its full potential. The Power Flower technology makes it possible to reproduce the full performance of one very large and powerful magnet, but without the considerable magnetic losses that can be created when attempting to produce and bond a large diameter ferrite and thick plates. The flower shape of the plates marries perfectly to the reduced area of the six magnets to eliminate projecting edges and surface irregularities. These irregularities could produce unacceptable losses, especially when the aim is to produce a driver with exceptional qualities. ™ ™ “w” cone composite membrane technology The“W”cone was already a leading innovation: yet we have improved it further Having introduced the concept of composite membrane drivers, Focal-JMlab are launching a new refined version of the technology in the Grande Utopia Beryllium, despite the fact that the original formulation launched in 1995 still outclasses all alternative solutions. The discussion of the relative merits of different cone materials could go on into eternity. However, there are three key fundamental characteristics that have a direct effect on outright sound fidelity and realism: the rigidity of the cone, its weight and damping. Higher rigidity guarantees reduced rates of distortion because the behavior of the cone remains that of a perfect piston. The lighter the cone’s weight the more ideal its dynamic performance and cones with high internal damping give a more natural and uncolored sound. Almost uniquely, the design of cone “W” is capable of reconciling these three normally contradictory demands. The concept is based on a structural foam normally used in the aerospace industry and which has exceptional characteristics (weight/rigidity ratio, constant tolerances and high internal damping). The foam is then bonded to tissues “glass” layers whose fibrous nature also ensures an uncolored sound reproduction. The composite nature of the structure allows Focal-JMlab to optimize the characteristics of each driver for the frequency band in which it will operate. By adjusting the thickness of the foam, or the number of ‘glass’ layers, the weight, rigidity and damping can all be altered independently or in combination. Focal-JMlab believe that this accurate mechanical control of the behavior of the membrane is essential to its superb performance and allows the optimization of the driver at the “source” as a opposed to the alternative of adding electrical filtering. This flexibility sets the material apart and also in the case of the cone “W” woofer used in the Utopia Be Line reaches a record index of rigidity, at least 20 times more rigid than other materials. But Focal-JMlab realises that numbers are only part of the story and the science of dynamics needs to partner total transparency and neutrality to ensure that the expression and emotion of the music are also conveyed. The optimization of the cone “W” concept ensures that the Focal-JMlab drivers can be matched to ensure a remarkable performance consistency across the full frequency range. The structure of cone “W” answers all of the demands placed on a speaker cone to ensure absolute realistic sound reproduction. 15” 11” 6” > For an equal mass and diameter, the indices of rigidity for the “W” cone woofer outclass all other commonly used materials. > The hand-made manufacturing of the “W” cone. > “W” cone uses a high tech structural foam covered by “glass” tissues. By varying the layers of glass tissue and the thickness of foam it is possible to modulate the characteristics of the membrane avoiding the need to use corrective filtering elements. “W” sandwich cone of foam and woven glass tissue for rigidity and low mass. Multiferrite TECHNOLOGY Voice coil edge wound with flat copper ribbon on a Kapton® former. Individually machined parts for the highest precision. Low carbon steel for maximum magnetic charge. “Butyl” rubber surround for a long life and consistent performance. A massive die-cast aluminum chassis - mechanical vibration is kept to a minimum. Twelve magnets for maximum magnetic force and ideal ventilation. The sandwich “W” cone of the woofer is highly optimized over its range, in particular in terms of rigidity. This high rigidity allows the membrane to behave as a true piston reducing distortion to an absolute minimum. This membrane is powered by a Multiferrite magnet system which has a highly stable magnetic field and also decompresses the air under the dust-cap. The result; exceptional dynamics free from compression even at high levels, ultra low distortion and deep firm bass. T I M E U S F O C > The Focus Time design is curved to follow the principle that all drivers should be an equal distance from the listener. ™ focus time Fonction dictates form The striking form of the Utopia Be Line has not just been dictated by athestic considerations. It is the result of many years of research into what represents the ideal form for a loudspeaker. Theoretically, the perfect loudspeaker would be able to reproduce the full range of audio frequencies from a single point. However, Focal-JMlab’s performance parameters for the Utopia Be Line are to reproduce an extended bandwidth, which represents an impossible target for a single driver. The only possible solution is to divide the frequency range between an array of drivers each dedicated to a specified frequency band and carefully arranged to simulate a single emissive point. It is commonly accepted that it is essential that all the frequencies emitted by each loudspeaker arrive simultaneously at the listener’s ear. If the high, medium or low register arrives in advance of one or the other, the coherence of the overall sound will be inevitably corrupted. The concept takes on more significance when considering the operation of the OPC filter, which has been optimized assuming that this alignment ideal will be achieved. Focus Time is Focal-JMlab’s solution and aligns all of the drivers on a “virtual” circle, the centre of which corresponds to the distance and height of the listeners > On a traditional enclosure, the loudspeakers are placed in the same plane. The distances between the listener and the emission points for the high, mid and low register are not equal leading to time distortion and poor sound coherence. ear and ensures that all frequencies - low, medium and high - arrive simultaneously. Critically the tweeter is placed in the center of the array to guarantee that it is directly on axis with the listener’s ear. Focus Time thus brings a real solution despite the many constraints imposed when attempting to reach a theoretical ideal. The sound’s image is always reproduced with exemplary stability whatever the amplitude of the signal. > When the drivers are aligned in a curve, they are at an equal distance from the listener’s ear, recreating the fundamental advantage of the ideal single point source. > Panel sizing > Computer controlled machining > Real wood veneering > The hardwood edging is ultra sonically bonded > Manuel sanding > Assembly γ gamma struc ture “ ” > Gloss laquering > Final polishing ™ Music starts with silence The mass of an enclosure is very important. It is well known that loudspeakers convert electrical energy into a mechanical force that energises the driver membranes allowing them move air molecules. And to create reference class performance, the energy generated needs to be transmitted directly into driver cones and not lost to movement within the structure. Physics tells us that there is only one way to prevent such losses and it requires the mass of the enclosure to be increased and as close to infinity as possible. The structure of the Utopia Be speakers offers many radical solutions and in particular the use of massive - 2” (50mm) thick - MDF panels. Already rigid and inert, the enclosure also benefits from many internal reinforcements that have been designed to ensure maximum strength but without restricting the movement of air within its interior. In fact, after detailed research the enclosure reinforcements have been designed so that they act as “wave guides“ to prevent the risk of distortion caused by standing wave reflections reaching the rear of the cones. The result is a speaker with an authoritative performance, superb dynamics and a more precise sound representation, free from the parasitic vibrations likely to mask the detail within the reproduced material. The Grande Utopia Be consists of five cabinets each with a 2” (50mm) thick front baffle. Each driver is completely isolated, both physically and mechanically, from the others. The Utopia Be Line is assembled in a separate dedicated manufacturing unit and under highly controlled conditions. The luxurious finish is the result of exceptional skill from a dedicated team of experienced technicians responsible for the cabinet assembly. All work is conducted under precise lighting conditions (700 lux per square meter) to ensure total quality control and zero defects. opc > Grande Utopia Be aluminum crossover panel allows bi-amplification. ™ The purpose of a filter? To filter, nothing more The crossover is a key element in the design of a loudspeaker. Its role and its design are very complicated; the quality of a loudspeaker depends on it. Taking the full range signal from the amplifier, the crossover has the task of distributing the correct level, frequency range and frequency contour to each of the drive units in a multiple way loudspeaker. The human ear is most sensitive at upper midrange frequencies, precisely the point where, for other reasons explained below, we need to integrate the midrange and tweeter of a loudspeaker. The size of a midrange driver dictates the frequency after which the dispersion of sound becomes narrow and inaccurate in energy distribution, often referred to as “beaming”. Without a wide distribution of energy it is impossible to faithfully reproduce the distinct characteristic of an instrument, so it is very important that the tweeter takes over before the dispersion of the midrange driver starts to narrow. Here our inverted dome tweeter offers a unique advantage in that its design allows it to work down to frequencies sufficiently low enough to avoid the effects of midrange beaming. To be able to radiate sound coherently over a wide dispersion angle, the phase relation between each of the drive units in a system must also be carefully aligned. With the phase between each of the drive units perfectly matched, a loudspeaker system is capable of producing a stable wave front of energy and can become truly capable of reproducing a realistic image of a musical instrument. These aforementioned criteria form the basis of OPC technology. However, it would be naive to think that this ideal could be reached simply through an extensive development of crossover technology. It is necessary to have total control over the response and performance of the transducers themselves, as is only possible for a few manufacturers who develop their own drive units. Focal-JMlab develops a specific drive unit for each individual product, taking into consideration the form and size of the cabinet as well as all other acoustical parameters. This translates into a sound that is extremely coherent and with a natural timbre. Imaging is extremely precise and at the same time dispersion wide so that the result can be enjoyed over a wide listening area. > WBT specially developed binding posts for Focal-JMlab. ™ opc optimum phase crossover Coherence is a question of phase… 5 000Hz > A single pair of WBT terminals are provided. 2 500Hz > A bass-mid drive unit will radiate sound in an increasingly directional manner as frequency increases. It becomes more directive.Therefore the crossover should introduce the tweeter before this phenomena starts to take effect. > Grande Utopia Be frequency response > Grande Utopia Be impedance > Grande Utopia Be impulse response gr ande utopia be To create the absolute reference loudspeaker; forever a benchmark for others to try and reach The Grande Utopia represents much more than a speaker. It is a true technical concept and the end result of a single idea: to create the ultimate reference product without limitation, constraint or compromise. The first Grande Utopia of 1995 was originally developed as an experimental vehicle that would be used both to guide all of the company’s research and development and to also act as an absolute bench mark for all of Focal-JMLab’s future products. In fact a number of technical innovations that are the foundation of today’s Focal-JMLab designs were developed for the original Grande Utopia project including: “W” membrane cones, Focus Time and Gamma construction. The successful realisation of this idea resulted in the Grande Utopia being quickly elevated to the position of World reference loudspeaker, creating a new standard that other manufacturers would have to attempt to match. Launched in 2003, the Grande Utopia Be is effectively a completely new loudspeaker which does not share any common parts with the original version. In fact, each and every element has been carefully reconsidered and optimised. But more was needed: it was necessary for the company to set the development team new goals and challenges. Mastering the exclusive production and implementation of pure Beryllium cones and the creation of Focus Ring and Power Flower magnetic motors are some of the key innovations that resulted and have moved Focal-JMLab one step nearer to perfection. As a true technological work of art, the Grande Utopia Be has once again set the International reference standard: proven by the speaker winning all of the most prestigious global awards. > The spikes are presented in a miniature wooden box that mimics that of the loudspeakers. > Four cones with adjustable points provided. GRANDE utopia be Woofer > 11” (27cm) W-type cone > 21/2” (65mm) coil > 12 x 23/8” (60mm) magnets Midranges > Two 61/2” (16,5cm) W-type cone > 11/2” (40mm) voice coil > Focus plug > “Power Flower” magnet system Port > Rear firing twin circular for woofer Tweeter > Pure Beryllium inverted dome > 3/4” (20mm) voice coil > “Focus Ring” magnet system > Avant Garde > Classic > Signature Subwoofer > 15” (38cm) W-type cone > 3” (75mm) coil > 12 x 27/8” (72mm) Multiferrite magnet system Description 4-way bass reflex floor standing speaker Low frequency point (-6dB) 16Hz Frequency response (+/ -3dB) 20Hz - 40kHz on reference axis Efficiency (2.8V/1m) 92dB Nominal impedance 8Ω Minimum impedance 3Ω Crossover frequencies 50Hz / 250Hz / 2500Hz at 24dB/octave Maximum power handling with music program 500W Recommended amplifier From 50W Dimensions (HxWxD) 681/2x195/8x303/4“ (1740x500x780mm) (without cones) Weight 462,5lbs (210kg) Front covers Two grilles for subwoofer and woofer Accessories Adjustable spikes Port > Front firing laminar for subwoofer Crossover technology > OPC > WBT binding post terminals > High purity silver plated copper internal wiring > Biamplification possible Cabinet > “Focus Time” construction > “Gamma” structure NOVA utopia be Concentrated form for the outright reference The form factor of the Grande Utopia Be, but concentrates it’s components into a much smaller enclosure. However, the speaker still enjoys the extraordinary finesse of the pure Beryllium inverted dome tweeter and has the two midrange Power Flower drivers arranged in a similar configuration to the larger model. ALTO utopia be The Nova Utopia Be follows much of The junior reference nova a lto Closely derived from the Nova, the Alto Utopia Be once again features all of the common technological elements of the Utopia Be range. However, the Alto establishes a more simple technical solution with a single Power Flower mid-range driver and a 11“ (27cm) woofer, acting together with exceptional integration. Simple to set-up and an easy load to drive, the Alto Utopia Be is above all a reference quality speaker that is still easy to live with day to day. A fascinating speaker, of pure heritage and design and with an ability to reach the most exceptional musical performance. The elaborately constructed cabinet again adopts independent enclosures, for each of the drivers, to avoid any form of unwanted interaction. The Nova Utopia represents a reference quality solution for a wide range of rooms. nova utopia alto utopia be Midranges > Two 61/2” (16,5cm) W-type cone > 11/2” (40mm) voice coil > Focus plug > “Power Flower” magnet system be Midrange > 61/2” (16,5cm) W-type cone > 11/2” (40mm) voice coil > Focus plug > “Power Flower” magnet system > Natural Burr Ash Tweeter > Pure Beryllium inverted dome > 3/4“ (20mm) voice coil > “Focus Ring” magnet system > Slate grey metallic lacque Tweeter > Pure Beryllium inverted dome > 3/4” (20mm) voice coil > “Focus Ring” magnet system Crossover technology > “OPC” > WBT binding post terminals > High purity silver plated copper internal wiring Woofer > 13” (33cm) W-type cone > 3” (75mm) voice coil > 12 x 27/8” (72mm) Multiferrite magnet system Port > Front firing laminar Cabinet > “Focus Time” construction > “Gamma” structure Crossover technology > “OPC” > WBT binding post terminals > High purity silver plated copper internal wiring Woofer > 11”(27cm) W-type cone > 11/2” (40mm) voice coil > 55/8” (135mm) magnets > Gold Burr Ash > Slate grey metallic lacque Cabinet > “Focus Time” construction > “Gamma” structure Port > Front firing laminar Description 3-way bass reflex floor standing speaker Description 3-way bass reflex floor standing speaker Low frequency point (-6dB) 20Hz Low frequency point (-6dB) 25Hz Frequency response (+/ -3dB) 25Hz - 40kHz on reference axis Frequency response (+/ -3dB) 30Hz - 40kHz on reference axis Efficiency (2.8V/1m) 91,5dB Efficiency (2.8V/1m) 91dB Nominal impedance 8Ω Nominal impedance 8Ω Minimum impedance 3,6Ω Minimum impedance 3,2Ω Crossover frequencies 250Hz / 2 500Hz at 24dB/octave Crossover frequencies 250Hz / 2 500Hz at 24dB/octave Maximum power handling with music program 350W Maximum power handling with music program 250W Recommended amplifier From 50W Recommended amplifier From 30W Dimensions (HxWxD) 521/2x171/4x241/2” (1 337x440x621mm) without cones Dimensions (HxWxD) 471/4x143/4x203/4” (1 208x370x530mm) without cones Weight 274,2lbs (124kg) Weight 166,2lbs (75,5kg) Front covers Grille for woofer Front covers Grille for woofer Accessories Adjustable spikes Accessories Adjustable spikes > Burgundy Burr Ash > Slate grey metallic lacque > Detailed representation of the two 21cm loudspeakers, benefiting from the “W” cone and “push-push” technologies. diva utopia Performance, integration Midrange > 61/2” (16,5cm) W-type cone > 11/2” (40mm) voice coil > Focus plug > “Power Flower” magnet system Cabinet > “Focus Time” construction > “Gamma” structure Tweeter > Pure Beryllium inverted dome > 3/4” (20mm) voice coil > “Focus Ring” magnet system Crossover technology > “OPC” > WBT binding post terminals > High purity silver plated copper internal wiring Port > Front firing Woofers > Two 8” (21cm) W-type cone > 11/2” (40mm) voice coil > 43/4” (120mm) magnets Description 3-way bass reflex floor standing speaker Low frequency point (-6dB) 30Hz Frequency response (+/ -3dB) 35Hz - 40kHz on reference axis Efficiency (2.8V/1m) 90dB Nominal impedance 8Ω Minimum impedance 3Ω Crossover frequencies 180Hz / 2 500Hz at 24dB/octave Maximum power handling with music program 200W Recommended amplifier From 20W Dimensions (HxWxD) 431/4x95/8x21” (1 100x250x532mm) without cones Weight 105,7lbs (48kg) Front covers Two lateral grilles for woofers Accessories Adjustable spikes be and design at the highest level As the first “lifestyle” speaker in the Utopia Be range, the Diva is the result of a clear brief: to adapt and transfer all of the technologies of the Utopia Be line-up into in a compact floor-stander, optimised to operate in any size of room. The Diva adopts a mid-high end driver arrangement, closely derived from the two-way compact Micro Utopia Be speaker, including the famous pure Beryllium inverted dome tweeter and a 61/2“ (165mm) Power Flower mid-range cone, but develops extra deep bass from twin 8“ (21cm) “W” cones - operating in push-push mode - mounted on each side at the base of the speaker. This original solution makes it possible to preserve the natural fluid sound of a narrow column, but without conceding a loss in overall performance. The magic of the beryllium tweeter and the definition and natural sound of the Power Flower mid-range are now delivered together with an exceptionally deep and detailed bass performance for such a compact enclosure. Thanks to this approach, the Diva represents the ideal choice for smaller rooms, allowing outright performance and easy integration to co-exist. The Micro Utopia Be is the latest and ultimate incarnation of a long line of high performance co mpact two-way loudspeakers developed at Focal-JMLab. By assembling, in a compact enclosure, the same collection of hi-end technologies - Beryllium tweeter, Focus ring, “W” cone, Power Flower, OPC, Gamma and Focus Time construction – found in the Grande Utopia Be, the Micro Utopia Be can still rightly claim its place as a true member of the Utopia Be family; right down to the same high quality WBT connectors. Designed to be mounted on the dedicated, sand filled and cosmetically matched SMU stand, the Micro Utopia Be has the most appealing and accurate sound thanks to the superb integration of mid-range and tweeter while the warm but detailed bass ensures a performance which is exceptional for such small enclosure. m icro utopia be The simplest expression of what is Utopia Be Tweeter > Pure Beryllium inverted dome > 3/4” (20mm) voice coil > “Focus Ring” magnet system Cabinet > “Focus Time” construction > “Gamma” structure Port > Front laminar Crossover technology > “OPC” > WBT binding post terminals > High purity silver plated copper internal wiring Mid-bass > 61/2” (16,5cm) W-type cone > 11/2” (40mm) voice coil > Focus plug > “Power Flower” magnet system Description 2-way bass reflex stand mounting speaker Low frequency point (-6dB) 40Hz Frequency response (+/ -3dB) 50Hz - 40kHz on reference axis Efficiency (2.8V/1m) 89dB Nominal impedance 8Ω Minimum impedance 5Ω Crossover frequencies 2 500Hz at 24dB/octave Maximum power handling with music program 100W Recommended amplifier From 20W Dimensions (HxWxD) 165/8x97/8x15” (425x250x380mm) Weight 38,5lbs (17.5kg) Front covers - Accessories Optional SMU stand (241/2’’ height) Rightly considered an essential part of any multi-channel system, the center speaker needs to be exceptional if it is to match the quality of the other speakers in the Utopia Be range. A true three-way model, the Center Utopia Be incorporates a 10” (25cm) bass driver on the top of the enclosure, with two Power Flower mid-range cone “W” drivers, one mounted on each side of the pure beryllium inverted dome tweeter. The L&R Utopia Be version is specially adapted technically and aesthetically to allow the speaker to be used vertically mounted. It provides an ideal solution for very high quality Home Cinema or multichannel music systems that require all of the speakers to be of an identical size and type. The Center and L&R Utopia Be has also been designed to be mounted on the dedicated, sand filled SCU stand which positions the speaker at the optimal height. center and L&R utopia be Two speakers for multichannel in all dimensions Crossover technology > “OPC” > WBT binding post terminals > High purity silver plated copper internal wiring Woofer > 10” (25cm) W-type cone > 2” (50mm) voice coil > 61/4” (160mm) magnets Tweeter > Pure Beryllium inverted dome > 3/4” (20mm) voice coil > “Focus Ring” magnet system Port > Rear firing twin circular Cabinet > “Focus Time” construction > “Gamma” structure Midranges > Two 61/2” (16,5cm) W-type cone > 11/2” (40mm) voice coil > Focus plug > “ Power Flower ” magnet system L&R Description 3-way bass reflex stand-mounted speaker Low frequency point (-6dB) 35Hz Frequency response (+/ -3dB) 45Hz - 40kHz on reference axis Efficiency (2.8V/1m) 90dB Nominal impedance 8Ω Minimum impedance 3,4Ω Crossover frequencies 250Hz / 2 500Hz at 24 dB/octave Maximum power handling with music program 250W Recommended amplifier From 40W Dimensions (HxWxD) 113/4x275/8x171/2” (300x700x443mm) without cones Weight 85,9lbs (39kg) Front covers Top grille for woofer Accessories Optional SCU stand (20” height) Center L &R L &R L &R L &R sub uto pia > The Sub Utopia Be features an exclusive back TFP port, which ideally controls the air flow within the port. be Do in the bottom what we have achieved in the top end with Beryllium Amplifier > 1000W BASH™ Amplifier > Balanced XLR and Unbalanced RCA connectors > Stereo and Multi channel modes Subwoofer > 16” (40cm) W-type cone > 3” (75mm) voice coil > 18 x 3” (75mm) Multiferrite magnet system Cabinet > “Gamma” structure Port > Turbulence Free Port (TFP) Description Active bass-reflex subwoofer Low frequency point (-6dB) 16Hz Frequency response (+/ -3dB) 20Hz – 160Hz Amplifier BASH™ 1000W Line inputs LFE Direct on RCA LFE Direct on XLR (balanced) Stereo on RCA Stereo on XLR (balanced) Line outputs LFE Direct on XLR (balanced) Active crossover Adjustable from 40 to 160Hz (18dB/octave) Stereo on XLR (balanced) Phase Adjustable from 0 to 180° Mode selector Auto/off/on Dimensions (HxWxD) 193/4x205/8x245/8” (500x530x633mm) Weight 114,6lbs (52kg) Front covers Grille for woofer Accessories Adjustable spikes The Sub Utopia Be completes the last link in creating a multichannel or stereo system of the very highest level. The 16“ (40cm) “W” membrane is powered by a gigantic Multiferrite motor adding up to more than 8kg of magnet and delivering considerable energy into a high tech four-layer voice coil. The motor is driven by a high-output 1000 watts BASH® technology amplifier. This combination delivers an exceptional output level of 125dB and reaches a real 16Hz in normal domestic rooms. With such very high performance levels, the Sub Utopia Be can faithfully recreate the most demanding movie sound effects with a realistic, punchy delivery guaranteed whatever the dimensions of the listening room. But the design of the Sub Utopia Be is not just about the recreation of impressive numbers. Much attention was paid to dynamic qualities of the low bass reproduction. A new Turbulence Free port (TFP) was also developed to remove the “chuffing” effect and dynamic compression. The cabinet is in MDF to a thickness of 21/2“(65mm). It results in a weight of some 114,6lbs (52kg), and presents the only solution to guaranteeing a vibration free, mechanically-stable and totally inert structure.
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