our solution - Business Cluster
our solution - Business Cluster
2001 | Voted Best Young Entrepreneur in the Province of Salzburg by Gewinn Magazine ABOUT US In case you haven’t heard of the full-service advertising and communication agency zooom - that’s us, pleased to meet you! The ‚full-service‘ bit means that you don’t have to run from pillar to post to get all the stuff you want – you just tell us and we do all the rest for you. Primarily focused on lifestyle topics, youth and sports, we have impressive knowledge of the latest trends and techniques to sell your product to a skeptical target group. If you are looking for a credible way to approach the world’s trailblazers, you have come to the right address. Falls Sie noch nichts von der Werbe- und Kommunikationsagentur zooom gehört haben sollten – das sind wir, schön Sie kennen zu lernen! Als Full-Service-Agentur kümmern wir uns von A-Z um Ihre Werbebedürfnisse. Dank unseres innovativen Fokus auf Lifestyle-, Jugend- und Sportmarketing sind wir stets am Puls der Zeit und wissen, wie wir Ihr Produkt glaubwürdig und authentisch an eine der skeptischsten Zielgruppen bringen. Wenn’s also darum geht, die jungen Trendsetter der Welt werbemäßig am Kragen zu packen, sind Sie bei uns an der richtigen Adresse! THE PEOPLE We live our passion for youth culture and sports in and out of the office. That’s why we apply an extra bit of energy to everything we do for you and have a natural instinct when it comes to surprising solutions at the cutting edge of freesports, music and lifestyle. Add to that over 15 years of business and marketing experience and what you get is a skilled team of young professionals who are able to predict the next hot thing before it comes around the corner! Wir leben unseren Job selbst noch, wenn wir abends das Büro verlassen. Diese Leidenschaft stecken wir in jedes unserer Projekte und entwickeln so regelmäßig überraschende Lösungen am Brennpunkt von Freesports, Musik und Lifestyle. Packt man dazu noch über 15 Jahre Branchenerfahrung und Marketing-Knowhow, steht am Ende der Gleichung ein junges Team an motivierten Profis, die den nächsten Trend bereits kommen sehen, bevor er tatsächlich um die Ecke biegt. 2003 | US How Magazine merit for best international catalogue performance for Raid Gauloises brand marketing communication advertising event buzz marketing concepts graphic web multimedia design content providing photo film production CMS software development ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE As a one-stop communication shop we offer you the complete package. Whether you need concepts, graphics, content providing or anything else related to your branding, advertising or communication, we will happily rack our brains for you. Als “One-Stop Communication Shop“ bieten wir Ihnen das komplette Paket an: egal ob es um Konzepte, Designlösungen, Content Providing oder einen anderen Aspekt Ihrer Werbe- und Kommunikationsbedürfnisse geht – wir zerbrechen uns gern den Kopf für Sie. We work for them Since its beginning zooom has experienced organic growth over the years. Check out the many renowned brands and companies that are currently placing their trust in us. And why not follow in their footsteps? Seit unseren Anfängen ist sowohl die Größe unserer Agentur als auch unsere Kundenliste organisch angewachsen. Hier sind jene versammelt, die derzeit ihre Marketing-Bedürfnisse vertrauensvoll in unsere Hände legen – wie wäre es damit, ihrem Beispiel zu folgen? Barry Callebaut Meteor Group Björn Dunkerbeck Nike 6.0 Braun NRG Callan Solem Odlo Dotz Wheels Outdoor Leadership Fischer Sports Procter & Gamble Flying Bulls Puma Hannes Arch Race to get there Hervis Sports Red Bull Ibérica Rutger Pauw Icezeit SalzburgerLand Tourismus Icon Aircraft Scott Speed JLindeberg Sebastian Prödl Jordy Smith Secreto del Sur JUFA Stars & Friends Leica Steve Fisher Lindsey Vonn Suunto Loic Jean-Albert TAOW Lunaqua TQH Heliskiing Lycra Travis Pastrana Mack Architects Universal Music Martin Tomczyk Vedad Ibisevic Masterconcept Wicked Quick Masterplanning Zanier Gloves 2004 | A feature in Rockport’s 2004 »Design Secrets« edition PROJECTS « AirPower09 is one of the world’s biggest and most important airshows. It takes a creative and thought-through online concept to present all the info on this huge event on the world wide web. zooom managed to fulfill all our requirements in a very short time and contributed a big part to the success of this great event. Lukas Mayrl, Communications Manager AirPower, Fuschl am See, Austria THE MISSION After two successful events in 2003 and 2005, Europe’s biggest air show returned for a new edition in 2009. Together with the Province of Styria and Red Bull, the Austrian Armed Forces staged another impressive flight spectacle attracting more than 250,000 spectators. To bring home the AirPower action to the screens of aircraft enthusiasts, zooom designed a high-flying event website. OUR SOLUTION Website The 2009 edition of AirPower promised aviation fans a breathtaking show featuring well-known aerobatic pilots, historic flying machines and modern jets from the world of civilian and military aviation. To provide them with facts and news on the event, zooom came up with an online experience so realistic that viewers could almost smell the aviation fuel. The in formation-packed site www.airpower09.at features spectacular videos from previous shows as well as program information, an aviation glossary, an online Red Bull Air Race game and much more. All in all, a take-off with flying colors! Client AirPower | Title AirPower 09 | Since 2007 Website | Web www.airpower09.at CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events » « Battle Cranks was a superb event, lots of fun and some great competition too. I‘m really happy Wings for Life were involved. » Wolfgang Illek, Prevention Project Manager Wings for Life Foundation, Salzburg, Austria THE MISSION It‘s fast, furious and has more adrenaline than a rugby team: bicycle roller racing is making a comeback and with the premiere of Battle Cranks, zooom is part of the revival of this once-dead sport. Half-party, half-competition, Battle Cranks attracted members of the cycling community, exprofessional riders, endurance athletes, presented by: bicycle messengers and stunt pilots to take part with many more coming along Website to cheer the racing. OUR SOLUTION ÖSTERREICHS RADIKALSTES RENNRAD-ROLLENRENNEN Roller racing consists of two riders racing Jeweils zwei Teilnehmer treten in einem Rennen gegen die Zeit auf zwei fixen Rädern auf einer Strecke von 500m und bei Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 80km/h gegeneinander an. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos! head to head on static rollers and over a distance of 500m at speeds up to 80km/h, 27. NOVEMBER 2010 HOTEL MOHRENWIRT, FUSCHL AM SEE their progress tracked by a large dial. At ZEITPLAN: RENNRAD- Battle Cranks, an event developed and 18.00-21.00 Uhr Registrierung und Offene Qualifikation: Einfach im Hotel Mohrenwirt vorbeischauen, Namen eintragen, noch schnell ein Getränk und fertigmachen fürs Rennen! ROLLENRENNEN organized CRANK IT UP! 21.00-23.00 Uhr Knockout-Finale: Die besten 16 Männer und acht Frauen qualifizieren sich fürs große Knockout-Finale. by zooom, everyone was welcome to come along, grab a drink, race and party. Austria‘s most radical roller racing event took place in November 2010 at the Hotel Mohrenwirt in Fuschl am See and was a huge success, with riders ped- W W W. BAT T L E C RANK S . C OM aling and partying the night away. W W W . B A T T L E C R A N K S . C O M Sticker W W W. B AT T L E C R A N K S . C O M Poster Postcard Client ZOOOM PRODUCTIONS | Title battle cranks | Since 2010 FULL SERVICE | Web WWW.BATTLECRANKS.COM CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events cruZer facial styler 2007 | Worldwide Procter & Gamble Brand Building Award finalist for “Best Who” award for the Braun cruZer3 project THE MISSION Assigned by shaver manufacturer Braun as their global creative lead agency, we faced up to the topic of beard styling right down to the hairy details. When Braun noticed a shift in the shaving habits of young men away from the shavers they produced, our mission was to get the stylish guys of today back on track – and into the next shop to get hold of a Braun cruZer. An all-in-one tool that is used to shave, style and trim, the Website cruZer makes what you leave on essential rather than what you take off. Our goal was to get the word out that a beard doesn’t necessarily have to look like Magnum’s or Santa Claus’. OUR SOLUTION Ad Campaign For the facial shaver cruZer3, we hit the beardy guys right at the cutting edge of music, fashion and sports, working with aspirational themes centered on the freesports scene. Launched in 2004, zooom’s TV, print and online advertising resulted in cruZer3 sales that were 50% higher than Braun’s target figures and the London School of Economics using the package as a perfect example of an abovethe-line campaign. Subsequent testimonial projects for the cruZer3 granted customers a glance through the lenses of renowned Display freesports photographers, while the main theme for the face&body cruZer4 was based on surfing. All in all, the Braun cruZer made such an impact that even the guys from ZZ Top were rumored to consider a change of style. Advertorial TV Commercial Client Braun | Title Braun cruZer3 und cruZer4 | Since 2001 Full Service | Web www.braun.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « zooom has consistently delivered outstanding communication that is on target for the defined consumers across all relevant touch points. The teamwork with zooom has been essential. The team is versatile, nimble and very creative, so we are not surprised that our work with them has delivered excellent business results. » José Carlos González-Hurtado, COO Braun,Frankfurt, Germany cruZer facial styler and bodycruZer 2009 | European Media & Marketing Award for Braun bodycruZer project in the category of ‘Best International Launch’ Campaign THE MISSION Having sent several international campaigns for the cruZer facial hair styler and bodycruZer body groomer on their way to success, it was a special challenge for us to unite the two products under one common umbrella theme. In early 2009, Braun for the first time communicated the two products as part of one versatile product line for a young target group and we jumped in with an “illegally hot” holistic campaign to present the shavers in true style. Website OUR SOLUTION Want a perfect look from head to toe? cruZer face is the perfect choice to shave, style or trim your irresistible cool beard style. cruZer body is the ideal tool for the perfectly groomed body look you want. Find out more on Braun.com/illegallyhotstyling face body Based on the idea that using the multifunctional Braun shavers will make you look Braun cruZer face and cruZer body Designed to make a difference. illegally hot, we created a comprehensive BR090923_AMJ2010IllegallyAD_A4.indd 2 campaign featuring different multimedia 14.06.10 11:29 Ad Campaign tools. Revolving around the sexy Braun Style Agents who are out to catch the illegally hot looking Braun users, we produced a series of eye-catching print ads as well as an internationally aired TV spot. The project was also pushed with an array of stunning digital tools including a special cruZer/bodycruZer section on braun.com as well as a customizable video and interactive ‘style transformator’. Originally scheduled only for use in Western Europe, Banner the campaign turned out to be so successful that China and the CEEMEA markets have requested future use too. TV Commercial Client Braun | Title Braun bodycruZer | Since 2007 Full Service | Web www.braun.com/global/male-grooming/stylers.html CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « Creativity, speed & commitment – zooom simply delivers it all… with excellence! I have never experienced an agency that has shown this high level of quality across the board. zooom delivers best-in-class communication, no matter how tough the circumstances are. They are a true partner to deliver even against the most challenging business objectives. With the “Til Schweiger” promotion for Braun they have set the benchmark for marketing programs in the men’s shavers category. Michael Henzler, Brand Manager Braun, Frankfurt, Germany Til Schweiger testimonial campaign THE MISSION For Braun’s 2009 campaign launched in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the mission was to add to Braun’s traditional image as a high-quality and reliable shaver brand a bit more sexiness and style into the mix. In addition to the three advertised shavers, the campaign also featured a very special guest star: famous German actor, producer and director Til Schweiger, who has made an international name for himself with movies TV Commercial such as “Keinohrhasen”, “Barfuss” and “Knocking on heaven’s door”. OUR SOLUTION In this special shaver campaign, we had to deal Ad Campaign with four stars competing at the same time. On the one hand, the limelight was on the Series3, cruZer4 and bodycruZer – each of them a perfect tool for individual shaving and body grooming – on the other it also starred German actor Til Schweiger as Braun’s new testimonial. Themed around the concept of “Verboten gut aussehen” (“Looking illegally hot”), the Website campaign included some outrageously cool print and online solutions as well as a PR shoot Facebook Raffle and stylish TV spot, which was on heavy rotation on all German-speaking channels. The promotional website featured a special online competition where users could win an exclusive kidnapping by the hot Braun Style Force girls and took off like a rocket with 382,000 page visits in the very first month. It just goes Banner to show that looking good can sometimes be criminal! Client Procter & Gamble | Title Braun bodycruZer/cruZer/Series 3 | Since 2008 Full Service | Web www.braun.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events » « zooom treated me as if I were their only client and my project was their only project. Their commitment, dedication and execution are unsurpassed. » Pam Wildeman, Brand Manager Braun, Cincinnati, USA bodycruZer North America THE MISSION Upping the ante in the world of body grooming, Braun asked us to design the subsite for their exceptional “Women’s Movement For Well-Groomed Men“, led by Hollywood actress Emmanuelle Chriqui. Statistics show that women have significant impact on the purchasing decisions of men and therefore the global campaign’s goal was to encourage ladies to convince their boyfriends to shave below the neckline. Intro Video OUR SOLUTION With a full-screen video introducing users to well-known Canadian actress Emmanuelle Chriqui, spokeswoman of the “Women’s Movement For Well-Groomed Men”, the bodycruZade starts with a bang right from the first click. Emmanuelle guides users through the movement’s headquarters and tells them how to point someone they’d like to see better groomed in the right direction by sending him a Personalized Video fun personalized news flash video. Once the guys have been ‘converted’ into avid body groomers, they can also try their luck and win some great prizes in the Mr. BodycruZer online contest. So if you think you’re a real master of manscaping, show the world what you’ve got. Client Procter & Gamble | Title Braun BodycruZade | Since 2009 Full Service | Web www.braun.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « zooom created a concept that perfectly met the needs of our industry as well as those of a freaky generation of extreme sports fans. The great feedback on the print magazine and website confirmed me that I had chosen the right guys. They really know how to do stylish things – thank you guys! Gerry Samer, Brand Manager Dotz Tuning Wheels, Hirtenberg, Austria THE MISSION Stylish alloy wheel manufacturer Dotz Tuning Wheels needed a re-pimping and asked us to help position them as the blingingest brand in the fiercely competitive European tuning market. Based in Germany, Dotz rims are known for their design and manufacturing quality so it was apt that we were commissioned to jump into the driving seat for this job. Magazine 2010 | 2009 | 2008 OUR SOLUTION Magazine 2011 We wanted to set Dotz apart from their competitors and lend them an extra touch of class. Using freesports, music Layouts and other topics appealing to the desired target groups, we began a very special new project: turning the company’s product catalog into a visually appealing magazine packed with stories and features and exciting Print 2.0 augmented reality contents. We were not only responsible for the entire layout of the first four editions of the bilingual magazine and supported Website KONSTRUKTION DESIGN STYLE FINISH the project with texts and translations, CUSTOM HOLES CAR LIP KONSTRUKTION SUV DESIGN STYLE FINISH CUSTOM HOLES CAR LIP SUV but also designed a smashing website to FACE go with it. As a bonus, the casting for FACE LIGHT LIGHT the next ‘Dotz girl’ was undertaken at the agency and having 30 bikini-clad models PASSENGER CA R S PASSENGER PASSENGER CARS CA R S PASSENGER CARS wandering around was certainly one of the more unusual work experiences in our Icons Print 2.0 Fuschl office. Client Dotz Wheels | Since 2007 Full Service | Web www.dotzmag.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events » « zooom truly understood the spirit of our ‘Creative Factory’ concept and brought it to life in our stores and consumer events with colorful, eye-catching and emotional graphic designs and POP installations, resulting in a customized kaleidoscope of creativity and style. » Ryan Eckel, Head of Regional Marketing - Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa and India Puma, Salzburg, Austria THE MISSION As one of the world‘s leading sports-lifestyle companies, Puma has a reputation for designing and developing stylish and innovative footwear, apparel and accessories. On Logo occasion of the launch of their new “Creative Factory” concept, which allows customers to design their individual pair of sneakers, we worked on an array of POP installations and event decorations and also provided the company with a concept for a series of PR events. Poster Flyer OUR SOLUTION With Puma’s new “Creative Factory” shoe campaign revolving all around a colorful kaleidoscope of style, we wanted to reflect the spirit in a series of exciting POP materials to be used in their shops. From an eye-catching “cobbler’s table“ to intriguing displays and decoration materials, we Media Kit developed unique designs to showcase the cool customization program in a stylish light. In addition to the shoe campaign, we also created a buzz for a series of Puma PR events in EMEA countries by reflecting the creative factory concept in an array of colorfully creative communication materials and invitations. Point of Sale Hangtags Coasters Client PUMA | Title CREATIVE FACTORY | Since 2010 Full service | Web www.puma.com/creativefactory CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events THE MISSION Think Top Gun, think Con Air … think F lying Bulls! Propelled by some Tom Cruise-inspired aviation fantasies, we gave Red Bull’s collection of historic aircraft a website that brings the smell of kerosene and the sound of engines turning into the homes of the fans. We had designed their original site, but our goal for its 2009 makeover was to provide the Flying Bulls with a stylish site with lots of cool gimmicks that would immediately make everyone want to get their own pilot’s license. Website OUR SOLUTION We decided on an attention-grabbing design centered around a series of breath taking images from the world of aviation. Whether you’re a passionate plane spotter or lover of technical details, the Flying Bulls website provides you with all the aircraft info, images and videos you could possibly want. The whole site is built on a widget-style navigation, features realtime weather animations and plays on the idea of a flight radar featuring all the most important aviation facts. The end result is a site guaranteed to take off like a rocket, and attract praise from all corners of the flying community. Client The FLying Bulls | Since 2002 Website | Web www.flyingbulls.at CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « zooom has been a perfect partner for many years and I’m still impressed with the way they go about things. No matter if it’s aircraft or website design, communication tools or press kit – they always manage to capture my style. Their creative energy never ceases to amaze me – they’re the ideal support for any take-off! Hannes Arch, Red Bull Air Race 2008 World Champion, Salzburg, Austria » THE MISSION Of course we like to say about all of our clients that they are exceptional highflyers, but for our long-term customer Hannes Arch you can take this quite literally. As an all-round adventurer and Red Bull Air Race pilot, Hannes Arch has spent years ripping up the skies, working his way to becoming Red Bull Air Race World Champion in 2008. When we support: Hannes assigned us with the creation of a corporate identity and a series of communication tools, our target was for them to Aircraft Design HA090327 Poster _WC.indd 1 assist him on his flight path to success. 31.03.2009 15:33:03 Uhr Poster we support: OUR SOLUTION Hannes was decked out with a new corporate image and a feature-laden website which has its own MMS blog. Born in Trofaiach, Austria Lives in Salzburg, Austria Profession Pilot, skydiver, B.A.S.E. jumper and event organizer Philosophy Respect, accept and always stay grounded 1983 First solo flight with a hang glider at age 16 Hannes uses his mobile phone to post 1990 First ascent of the route “Big Time 8+/A3” in Alaska at Mount London Various sport climbs up to degree 10/8b 1995 Founded the Red Bull Acro Team, the heart of the free flying scene the latest images or messages direct from 2000 Founded “Airpro GmbH”, a company specializing in aviation marketing and extreme sports productions 2000 First person to B.A.S.E. jump from the Eiger N-Wall in Switzerland, exit 3000m MSL Website 2003 First person to B.A.S.E. jump from the Matterhorn N-Wall in Switzerland, the highest B.A.S.E. jump in Europe at 4000m MSL the cockpit. As if this wasn’t enough, we 2006 Gold medalist at the FAI European Aerobatic World Championship, category freestyle Qualified for the Red Bull Air Race World Series 2007 2007 Red Bull Air Race Rookie Of The Year also provided Hannes Arch the press kit 2008 Red Bull Air Race World Champion 2009 Red Bull Air Race Vice World Champion stay tuned for more to come on www.hannesarch.com all the info and pictures anyone could Autograph Card Media Lounge of his dreams, packed to the rim with ever ask for. To complete the re-vamp, we also designed his aircraft, hangar and clothing – an overhaul worthy of a world champion! Media Kit Merchandise Sticker Sheet Client Hannes Arch | Since 1996 Full Service | Web www.hannesarch.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « zooom delivered outstanding quality and impressive commitment. I regret ever turning to other agencies – I gladly came back to zooom because these guys are the right address for high-quality design that stands out from the rest! Frank Georg Klapp, CEO Ibérica, Tarifa, Spain THE MISSION When young Spanish beer manufacturer Cerveza Ibérica assigned us with the holistic conception of their new beer brand, it was time to put all our expertise of after-work drinks into designing a cool new beverage about to revolutionize the hottest bars and party locations. Package Design/Limón Package Design/Classic Bottle Design/Limón Bottle Design/Classic Flag OUR SOLUTION Short of brewing the beer ourselves Business Cards (which probably would have been a less successful project), we pretty much created the two new beverages Cerveza Ibérica (a beer) and Ibérica Limón (a shandy) from scratch. Starting out with some thorough zoological research to find the perfect bull for the brand’s logo, we continued with label, packaging, branding and collateral designs and moved on to creating their business cards and new website. So think of us the next time you have a refreshing beer – cheers! Website Client Iberica | Title Cerveza Iberica | Since 2009 Full Service | Web www.cervezaiberica.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events » THE MISSION ICON Aircraft has fused world-class industrial design and aerospace engineering to bring you the ultimate recreational vehicle – the ICON A5 Sport Aircraft. The unveiling of its proto type aroused strong interest in the public media, and rightly so. Its Porsche-like design is striking and its maneuverability means a pilot license can be obtained in as little as two weeks. Our mission for this high-flying project was to support ICON in bringing sport and adventure back into flying. Metal Invitation OUR SOLUTION Ad Campaign To make ICON Aircraft genuine advertising high-flyers, we kitted them out with a series of intriguing marketing tools ranging from special metal invitations for IA090527_Ad-AirVenture.indd 1 their launch party to elegant banners for their trade fair booth. Representing them online, we designed informative newsletters and online forms and provided them with plane-loads of other paraphernalia from lanyards and credentials to flyers and one-page ads in aviation-related magazines. Overall, the perfect toolbox to Credential take off in style! AIRVENTURE ’09 Booth: 162 iconaircraft.com 29.05.09 09:10 Newsletter ©2009 ICON Aircraft Poster Client ICON Aircraft | Since 2008 Full Service | Web www.iconaircraft.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « The guys at zooom gave JUFA a completely new face. They rejuvenated and modernized the brand in a dynamic way without losing sight of our basic values and principles. We are really happy with the stylish overhaul and looking forward to many more inspiring ideas from zooom! Kurt Danksagmüller, Marketing Director JUFA, Salzburg, Austria THE MISSION If guesthouses make you think of smelly dorms, old bunk beds and awful food you obviously haven’t heard about JUFA yet. With their guesthouses in Austria and its neighboring countries, Jugend und Familiengästehäuser stand for a new quality in hostelling and offer a perfect holiday alternative for the young and the young at heart. To match their great offers, our goal was to provide them with a set of Client Magazine youthful collaterals. Website OUR SOLUTION Shop Branding For starters, we kitted out JUFA with a comprehensive updated CI and brand book as a kind of basic recipe to gradually give their brand a more youthful appearance. In addition, we did a series of different communication tools ranging Image Folder from new folders, image campaigns and catalogs to website designs and worked on various different branding and business JUGEND & FAmILIENGästEhäUsEr materials. However, our mission didn’t stop there: throw in magazine layouts, t-shirt designs and lots of other neat Standee Campaign communication tools and what you get is a chain of guesthouses that is as cool as it can get! EINLADUNG zum Jazz Brunch mit Live Musik von Markus Linder & Kurt Wackernell Event Invitation Tricot Bus Branding Client Jugend & FamilienGästehäuser GmbH | Since 2008 Full Service | Web www.jufa.at CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events » THE MISSION LYCRA®, the manufacturer of Xtra Life LYCRA® fiber, a high quality spandex material used by many apparel brands, commissioned zooom to effectively connect their B2B brand to end consumers (B2C). To do so in a spectacular way, they assigned us with the design of a special contest website for the “Billabong Big Wave Bikini Contest” initiated by Lycra’s mother company Invista and surf wear brand Billabong. OUR SOLUTION Together with our partner agency TAOW Productions, we proposed the idea to host an online bikini design contest in conjunction with Billabong and Maya Gabeira. The result Website was our intriguing “Billabong Big Wave Bikini Design Contest“, in which users competed for the chance to design the signature swimsuit for four times XXL winner Maya Gabeira. The winning suit will go into production and become part of the Billabong 2011 swimwear collection. We not only developed the online Banner strategy and concept, but also designed and programmed a highly interactive contest website including an online bikini configurator, voting gallery and online community. The contest was successfully promoted through fashion and lifestyle magazines, newsletters, banners and a Facebook app through Billabong, the Nylon Mag and other fashion portals and blog sites. Client Lycra | Title billabong big wave bikini design contest | Since 2010 website | Web www.mylycra.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « The zooom team proved their international appeal as a great partner in developing our CI re-launch and new website. Anticipating our company re-positioning – which not even we ourselves were sure about at that point – was one of the main reasons for the successful result. The graphical realization and the quality of production is always state-of-the-art and we are proud of the compliments we receive from our clients and partners. This is what you expect in a constantly changing business environment – thanks to all that contributed! Gernot Leitner, CEO Masterconcept Consulting, Salzburg, Austria THE MISSION When Austrian project management company Masterconcept commissioned us with the creation of their new corporate identity we knew we wanted to give them a highly recognizable and distinctive new appearance that would reflect their company values, services and core philosophy. Website OUR SOLUTION Starting out with the company‘s key expertise it took only a small step to create a special “core” element that we Business Card integrated into a new logo. The visually exciting logo revolves around the company’s six main areas of work by overlapping six transparent layers into one central motive. To spread their new modern, clean and fresh look, the logo and CI were implemented in Masterconcept’s business cards, stationery and website. With a rejuvenated and stylish new look the company is bound to solidify their reputation as the true MASTERS of their trade. Notebook Image Folder Client Masterconcept | Since 2009 Full Service | Web www.masterconcept.at CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events » Apparel Website THE MISSION To create an eye-catching platform for their exclusive clothing line, Nike 6.0 a ssigned us with the creation of their new apparel site. Our mission for the website was to present the company‘s hip fashion line in an exciting and fresh way and offer users an appealing and easy-to-use online portal to spice up their wardrobe. OUR SOLUTION The Nike 6.0 Apparel site is more than just an average online shop. The striking, colorful design serves as a powerful background for the clothes that are modeled by renowned US athletes such as Garrett Website Reynolds or Nigel Sylvester. Boasting different categories, the website offers a comprehensive purchasing area and plenty of other cool features. Take a look and enhance your wardrobe! Banner Client Nike 6.0 | Title Nike 6.0 Apparel | Since 2009 Website | Web www. nike.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events Microsites THE MISSION From BMX to wakeskate movies and much more - the projects we’ve done for Nike 6.0 are diverse and exciting. No matter if our mission was to promote a new Nike 6.0 movie or design a platform to support one of their athletes, we were always keen to grasp the spirit of Nike 6.0 and implement it in a series of extraordinary and eye-catching projects. R iley Poor OUR SOLUTION Nike 6.0 commissioned us with the promotion of some of their cinematographic highlights, among them their groundbreaking BMX movie “Writing on the wall” and their wakeskate movie “Aquafrolics”, for all of which we designed attention-grabbing websites to promote the films with trailers, background info and other cool features. In order to promote the movie premieres of Aquafrolics and Writing on the wall, we implemented successful content provision strategies with special interest portal sites supported by imedia placements. In addition we also created a special ‘Rally for Riley’ website to support the recovery and raise donations for injured ski cinematographer and Nike 6.0 Team Manager Riley Poor. Partners in Crime Client Nike 6.0 | Title Microsites | Since 2008 Website | Web www.nike.com Banner Aquafrolics Writing on the Wall Banner Web www.nike.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « When you work with celebrities and global companies, an excellent visual identity is key to opening some doors. In our case zooom delivered more than we were hoping to get - extremely professional and dedicated! We want more of their expertise! Dieter Abt, Founder & Owner Meteor Group, Los Angeles, USA THE MISSION Designing the new web presence, logo and corporate identity of Los Angelesbased advertising agency Meteor Group turned out to be a star-studded project. The company specializes in mobile and entertainment marketing that also involves celebrity seeding. We designed their new appearance as an ‘out-of-thisworld’ experience reflecting the agency’s meteoric services. OUR SOLUTION Website To revamp the agency’s logo and corporate identity we gave them an image overhaul with a fresh, dynamic and rejuvenated touch. Both were implemented into a new website with a starry sky design that divides Meteor’s two main business pillars into two special sections for mobile and entertainment marketing. Once you have chosen your desired section from the meteoric sky, the view changes and you’re immediately taken to the respective content section. To sprinkle some extra stardust on Meteor’s services, you can also select a special shooting star cursor. Check out www.meteorusa.com and do a bit of star gazing for yourself. Business Card Client Meteor Group | Since 2009 Full Service | Web www.meteorusa.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events » « zooom‘s creativity, attention to detail and cutting-edge applications are second to none. Most important and impressive was the complete ownership and pride they took in building our site, as if they were building their own. » Wil Tidman, Chief Marketing Officer NRG Marketing, Los Angeles, USA THE MISSION Marketing gurus, adrenaline junkies or producers. Call them what you want, with offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago, NRG is one of the most unique marketing agencies the USA has to boast. NRG engages in brand activation, concept creation and event staging, and their impressive client list, which contains Jeep, ESPN, Panasonic and Red Bull, to name but a few, indicates their level of professionalism. To raise awareness for their innovative programs and services, they sought an experienced team to design their new website, which was where we came into play. OUR SOLUTION NRG’s new, energetic website constitutes a sleek and sophisticated representation of their services. Navigation is made by dynamic movement, and breathtaking images showcase the type of events they engage in. As a special feature, users can choose between NRG’s five CI colors in order to have the website displayed in their favorite shade. The result is that NRG’s web presence is aesthetically pleasing, functional and provides you with all the info you need on their services, case studies, team and vision – just feel the NRG! Website Client NRG MArketing | Title Experience NRG | Since 2008 Website | Web www.experiencenrg.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « To communicate our messages in an ideal way, Fischer Sports needed an agency with a profound understanding of our business. In addition to their professional and creative qualities, zooom productions excel through their comprehensive industry know-how. With the people at zooom we see the same kind of enthusiasm and passion for our sport that we experience in our own team. Franz Föttinger, CEO Fischer Sports, Ried, Austria THE MISSION » FISCHER SPORTS Everybody knows that the renowned international skiing brand Fischer Sports offers high-quality products and is well AT THE CUTTING EDGE HIGH TECH, TOP QUALITY AND AN EYE FOR DETAIL ARE OUR PASSION Thomas Drindl, Brand Manager established on the market as a company with a rich heritage. However, in terms THE FOUNDATION of emotional appearance and credibility the people at Fischer in their daily work – developing, marketing and selling first-class sports equipment. While looking at a rich and successful Since 1924, the entrepreneurial spirit and the wealth of ideas still remain the forces that drive history we do not want to rest on our laurels and try to stay ahead of the curve, break new boundaries and deliver the goods, every day of the year. especially in the freeskiing segment, Fischer could do with a little lifestyle FREESKI boost – and that’s where zooom came into fischersports.com DED COLD BLOO play as their creative lead agency. & KILLIN’ IT! Image Folder HIT IT FROM THE BACKCOUNTRY Freeskiers are a special breed of riders and at Fischer we recognize and want to nourish that movement. While being hard to categorize, certain elements seem to always be part of the equation: an abundance of snow, freedom, expression and lifestyle. And even if some people might only see the extreme aspect of freeskiing with massive cliff drops or mind-blowing tricks we strongly believe that every skier out there can enjoy and reap the benefits of a freeridespecific design in fresh snow and beyond. fischersports.com OUR SOLUTION fischersports.com FISCHER WORKBOOK By subtle yet effective changes of the current corporate identity and image 11 | 12 ALPINE of the freeride and touring lineups into ALPINE 11 | 12 mood world as well as better integration Freeski Logo Fischer’s brand strategy, zooom sought to into the brand and add value to its public NORDIC 11 | 12 inject an appealing lifestyle component DIFFERENT SKIERS – DIFFERENT ROCKERS the freeski logo a more dynamic touch and kitting the company out with a visu- 11 | 12 ALL MOUNTAIN ROCKER Eine um 2 bis 3 mm gerockte Alpinskischaufel ermöglicht eine harmonische, kontinuierliche Schwungeinleitung und erhöht die Drehfreudigkeit des Skis. Für kraftsparendes Fahren On- und Off-Piste. SKIES outdoor and adventure segments. Giving NORDIC FISCHER WORKBOOK TECHNOLOGY reception with a refreshed focus on the ALL MOUNTAIN / TOUR ROCKER FREESKI ROCKER fischersports.com ROCKER ally exciting set of communication tools ranging from image brochures to ads and Workbook FREESKI ROCKER Die lang gezogene, um 2 bis 5 mm gerockte Freeride Schaufel erzeugt optimale Auftriebseigenschaften. Die Powder Hull-Kante garantiert eine perfekte Steuerung des Skis, der UNKOMPLIZIERTES FAHRVERGNÜGEN: FISCHER ROCKER a comprehensive workbook, we are on our durch kontinuierlich harmonische Schwungeinleitung sehr kraftsparend zu fahren ist. ALL MOUNTAIN / TOUR ROCKER FREESKI ROCKER Die Rocker-Technologie wurde von Fischer für Läufer entwickelt, die optimale Performance erreichen wollen. Die kürzere Kontaktlänge der Ski sorgt für leichtere Schwungeinleitung und damit für vollen Fahrspaß way to solidifying Fischer’s reputation ROCKER ROCKER von Beginn weg. Die breiteste Stelle des Skis sorgt für die Sicherheit: Hier besteht nämlich während des Schwungwechsels kein Schneekontakt, wodurch ein Verschneiden der Ski verhindert wird. Die harmonische Schwungeinleitung ermöglicht eine besonders kraftsparende Fahrweise. Rocker garantiert beste On- und Off-Piste-Eigenschaften. as a leader in technology, giving them TOUR ROCKER Die Rocker-Technologie findet sich mit spezieller Dimensionierung in Mit 3 bis 4 mm Rocker und einer speziellen Geometrie schafft die Schaufel perfekte, kraftsparende Bedingungen für Tourenfahrer: Der Ski sinkt weniger leicht ein und ist damit diversen Modellen als All Mountain Rocker, Freeski Rocker oder Tour Rocker. perfekt zum Spuren geeignet – bei gleichzeitig optimalen Abfahrtseigenschaften aufgrund des perfekten Auftriebs. a new kind of standing in the freeskiing ALL MOUNTAIN / TOUR ROCKER FREESKI ROCKER ROCKER CONTACT POINT (RCP) TRADITIONAL CONTACT POINT (TCP) ROCKER scene and positioning them as a qualityoriented yet modern and daring brand on 4 fischersports.com the international market. Client FISCHER sports | Since 2010 FULL SERVICE | Web www.fischersports.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « Getting a huge adventure race like Red Bull X-Alps rolling is a major effort requiring expertise and in-depth know-how. zooom took excellent care of all graphic and communication needs and turned the event into a real milestone! Hannes Arch, Red Bull Air Race 2008 World Champion and Red Bull X-Alps Mastermind, Salzburg, Austria » THE MISSION To some extreme athletes, hiking or flying from Austria to Monaco through the Alps might sound simple enough. However, every two years, the competitors of Red Bull X-Alps find out otherwise. The event is a non-stop adventure race where athletes brave scorching heat and freezing rain as they race over an 864km course across Europe’s fearsome mountain range. This incredible spectacle attracts a huge amount of attention worldwide from nearobsessive fans to mainstream media. Website OUR SOLUTION For each edition of the biennial race, which began in 2003, we make the athletes’ awesome journey Poster a unique media happening. While the competitors run their feet off or soar at 5,000m, we bring the spectacle into the homes of hundreds of thousands of fans around the globe, via the official website’s Live Tracking map. Using mobile devices that linked athletes’ GPS tracking systems to the Red Bull X-Alps server, visitors can follow the participants’ exact location on their breathtaking journey across the Alps. In 2009 773,109 unique visitors were hooked on this high-technology feature for the duration of the 10-day race and the 2011 race is expected to be much bigger. We also manage the international event communication, ensuring widespread athlete Media Kit participation and massive media coverage. In 2009 this resulted in more than 400 hours of TV DVD broadcast hours and about 140 million reached contacts via print and online media. Client REd Bull | Title Red Bull X-Alps | Since 2003 Full Service | Web www.redbullxalps.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « Red Bull Illume is unmatched for action sports photography - Truly incredible images THE MISSION Freesports photography is a genre not usually given much credence in the art world, but with Red Bull Illume, we set out to change that and honor the people involved. In 2006 and 2009, action photographers from all over the globe were invited to submit their most inspired work, the 50 best of these to be exhibited in spectacular outdoor locations. With a huge amount of expertise in the photo- Limited Edition Photobook graphic industry and a passion for the medium, the project was an opportunity we embraced with open arms. Flyer Limited Edition Leica D-Lux 5 Camera Media Kit Exhibit Tour Program Poster CI Print Web Photo » Nick Hamilton, Director of Photography Transworld Snowboarding, Red Bull Illume Judge 2009, California, USA TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events Content Providing Event Management & Organization OUR SOLUTION From the initial concept by Ulrich Grill through to streamlined organization and event management we ensured that every Website phase of both Red Bull Illume Image Quests ran smoothly. An exciting 2,000 photographers submitted their pictures in the first year - by the second contest, Exhibition Lightboxes photographers knew what they were up against, with a staggering 4,773 photographers submitting over 22,000 images. zooom produced a host of materials ranging from coffee-table books and glowin-the-dark posters to a comprehensive interactive website. The finalist images were exhibited on illuminated life-sized lightboxes and brought the world’s premier E-Signature freesports photography event to stunning outdoor locations around the globe in an Wallpaper E-Invitation ongoing traveling exhibition. Newsletter Client Red Bull | Title Red Bull ILLUME IMAGE QUEST | Since 2005 FULL SERVICE | Web www.redbullILLUME.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events THE MISSION Containing high quality Red Bull imagery, the Red Bull Photofiles offers international media access to thousands of breathtaking photos free of charge. We drew up the initial Photofiles concept and are now responsible for collecting, editing, commissioning, archiving and processing images from photo shoots, events or Red Bull happenings. The mission: to make Red Bull imagery the world‘s premier action sports content and thus give Red Bull maximum media coverage around the globe. Website SEPTEMBER MAY May 15 Red Bull Manny Mania Skateboard Street Lima, Peru May 22 Red Bull Manny Mania Skateboard Street Guayaquil, Ecuador May 30 Grand Prix of Turkey Formula 1 Istanbul, Turkey 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JUNE 01 02 03 04 05 06 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Jul 22 - 23 Red Bull X-Fighters Motocross Freestyle Madrid, Spain design: www.zooom.at; surf shot by: Agustin Munoz; event: Red Bull Mentawais Surf Trip; athlete: Jordy Smith; location: Mentawai Islands, Indonesia Aug 07 Red Bull Air Race Air Racing Lausitz, Germany Aug 14 Red Bull X-Fighters Motocross Freestyle London, UK Aug 19 Red Bull Air Race Air Racing Budapest, Hungary Aug 28 Red Bull Chivichana Creativity Various La Habana, Cuba 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 Aug 29 Grand Prix of Belgium Formula 1 Spa-Francorchamps, Belgium www.redbull.com 14 15 16 17 Jun 05 Red Bull Jungfrau-Stafette Adventure Sports Zürich, Switzerland Oct 16 Red Bull Check Mate Music Vienna, Austria Jun 12 Red Bull Cliff Diving Cliff Diving Yucatán, Mexico Oct 17 Red Bull Lleva Lleva Creativity Various Lima, Peru Jun 13 Grand Prix of Canada Formula 1 Montreal, Canada Oct 23 Red Bull Street Kings Music New Orleans, LA, USA Jun 14 Red Bull Hare Scramble Motorbike Enduro Erzberg, Austria Oct 29 Red Bull Soundclash Music Antwerp, Belgium Jun 17 - 19 Red Bull Music Academy presents Sonar Dome Music Sonar Festival, Barcelona, Spain Nov 06 Red Bull Kasi Crawl Music Soweto, South Africa Jun 26 Red Bull X-Fighters Motocross Freestyle Moscow, Russia Nov 14 Red Bull Rocks and Logs Key Influential Sports Osaka, Japan Jul 09 - 11 Red Bull Music Academy Stage @ Oxegen Music Ko Cildare, Ireland Nov 18 Red Bull Big Tune Music Chicago, IL, USA Jul 11 Grand Prix of Great Britain Formula 1 Donington Park, UK Nov 27 Red Bull Drifting Xtreme Drift Racing Serra do Rio do Rastro, Brazil Jul 17 Red Bull Fierste ljep Adventure Sports Utrecht, Netherlands Jul 25 Grand Prix of Germany Formula 1 Hockenheim, Germany Aug 06 - 09 Red Bull Studio Live @ Oppikoppi Festival Music Johannesburg, South Africa 18 19 20 01 02 Jan 12 - 15 Red Bull Cliff Diving Qualifying Cliff Diving Hawkesbury River, Australia Oct 07 Red Bull Jabal Thrill Mountainbike Downhill Muscat, Oman Jan 15 Red Bull Crashed Ice Ice Cross Downhill Munich, Germany Oct 08 - 10 Grand Prix of Japan Formula 1 Suzuka, Japan Jan 15 Red Bull Linecatcher Vars 2011 Freeskiing Back Country Freestyle Face de l‘Eyssina, France Oct 10 Red Bull Flugtag Flugtag Hong Kong, Hong Kong Jan 18 Red Bull Jakarta Jump 2011 Cliff Diving Jakarta, Indonesia Oct 16 Red Bull Undercover Ride Mountainbike Downhill Sighisoara, Romania 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 Aug 08 Red Bull Cliff Diving Cliff Diving Polignano a Mare, Italy Dec 09 Red Bull Thre3Style International Final Music Paris, France 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Jan 22 Red Bull Soundclash Music Basel, Switzerland Oct 20 Red Bull Balcony Shot Soccer Amsterdam, Netherlands Oct 22 - 24 Grand Prix of Korea Formula 1 Yeongam, Korea Jan 29 Red Bull Rock Drop Waihi 2011 Mountainbike Downhill Waihi, New Zealand Nov 05 - 07 Feb 02 - Apr 04 Red Bull Music Academy Application Phase Music Worldwide Grand Prix of Brazil Formula 1 São Paulo, Brazil 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 01 02 03 06 07 08 09 10 11 Dec 11 Mika Kallio Ice Speedway Invitational Ice Speedway Helsinki, Finland Dec 17 Red Bull X-Wake The City Wakeboarding Cable Al Fahaheel, Kuwait 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Nov 12 - 14 Feb 26 Red Bull Pležuh Kros Winter Sports Various Maribor, Slovenia Grand Prix of Abu Dhabi Formula 1 Abu Dhabi, UAE Nov 20 Red Bull Clasico de Vitilla Baseball Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Feb 26 Red Bull Mahala Snowboard Cross Snowboard Cross Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina Nov 22 - 26 Red Bull Traffic Run Aerobatic Flying Johannesburg, South Africa Mar 04 - 05 Red Bull Nordix Cross Country Skiing TBC, Czech Republic Nov 27 Red Bull BC One Music Tokyo, Japan Mar 12 Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series 2011 Cliff Diving Easter Island, Chile Dec 09 - 14 Red Bull Middle Earth Mountainbike Downhill Waihi, New Zealand Mar 19 Red Bull Crashed Ice Ice Cross Downhill Québec, Canada Dec 11 - 12 Red Bull Skate Generation Skateboard Vert Florianópolis, Brazil Dec 17 Red Bull Project WAKE Wakeboarding Boat Dubai, UAE Mar 27 Australian Grand Prix Formula 1 Melbourne, Australia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Dec 21 - 22 Red Bull Hüttenrallye Skier Cross St. Anton, Austria Feb 05 Red Bull Crashed Ice Ice Cross Downhill Hvidovre, Denmark 23 04 05 Dec 11 Red Bull Conquer the Coast Adventure Racing Auckland, New Zealand Nov 11 Red Bull Soundclash Music Phoenix, AZ, USA 16 17 18 19 Apr 01 - 02 Red Bull Nordix Cross Country Skiing Davos, Switzerland Dec 19 - 21 Red Bull Harbour Cross Motocross Freestyle Auckland, New Zealand 26 27 28 29 30 31 Dec 31 Red Bull New Year. No Limits. Motocross Freestyle San Diego, CA, USA Apr 03 Red Bull Donkey Cross Motor Sport Various Makrinitsa, Pelion, Greece Aug 15 Red Bull Thre3Style Japanese Final Music Tokyo, Japan Aug 28 Red Bull Cliff Diving Cliff Diving Sisikon, Switzerland Aug 29 Red Bull Indianapolis Grand Prix Motorbike Road Racing Indianapolis, USA www.redbull-photofiles.com Apr 09 - 10 Red Bull Trolley Grand Prix Soap Box Racing Auckland, New Zealand RBPF100820_calendar10-03.indd 1 8/24/10 10:07 AM Apr 14 - 15 Red Bull X-Fighters Motocross Freestyle Dubai, UAE Apr 17 Chinese Grand Prix Formula 1 Shanghai, China Apr 30 Red Bull Cliff Diving Activation Cliff Diving Slap Kozjak, Kobarid, Slovenia 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan 21 - 23 Hahnenkamm Race Alpine Skiing Downhill Streif, Kitzbühel, Austria 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Jan 29 Red Bull Sparkstøtting Supercross Winter Sports Various Grefsenkollen, Oslo, Norway Feb 05 Red Bull Crashed Ice Ice Cross Downhill Valkenburg, Netherlands Feb 11 Red Bull Butter Cup Snowboard Slopestyle West Palm Beach, FL, USA Feb 13 Red Bull Crashed Ice Ice Cross Downhill Aalborg, Denmark Feb 26 Red Bull Crashed Ice Ice Cross Downhill Moscow, Russian Federation Feb 26 - 27 Red Bull Zjazd na Kreche Skiercross Kasprowy Wierch, Zakopane, Poland 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 www.redbullcontentpool.com RBPF101207_calendar11-RZ.indd 1 Poster Calendar JANUARY - APRIL 2011 03 04 05 Jan 07 - 17 Red Bull Illume Exhibit Tour Stop Art & Design Houston, TX, USA Oct 02 Red Bull Alalay Fly Paragliding Aerobatic Cochabamba, Bolivia 05 Jun 19 Red Bull Flugtag Flugtag Obolon, Ukraine 27 28 29 30 11 12 13 May 23 Red Bull Flugtag Flugtag Istanbul, Turkey Jul 24 Red Bull Cliff Diving Cliff Diving Kragerø, Norway 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Sept 23 Red Bull Latitude Zero Beach Volleyball Macapá, Brazil Sept 24 - 26 Grand Prix of Singapore Formula 1 Singapore, Singapore Mar 13 Bahrain Grand Prix Formula 1 Manama, Bahrain Mar 20 Grand Prix of Qatar MotoGP Doha, Qatar Mar 26 Red Bull 4SKINA Baseball La Habana, Cuba Mar 31 Red Bull Ragnarok Snowkiting Haugastøl, Norway Apr 03 Gran Premio de Espana MotoGP Jerez, Spain APRIL Aug 01 Grand Prix of Hungary Formula 1 Budapest, Hungary 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sept 30 - Oct 03 Red Bull Rampage Mountainbike Freeride/Slopestyle Virgin, UT, USA May 16 Grand Prix of Monaco Formula 1 Monte Carlo, Monaco AUGUST Jul 25 Red Bull U.S. Grand Prix Motorbike Road Racing Laguna Seca, USA 16 17 Oct 01 Red Bull X-Fighters Motocross Freestyle Rome, Italy DECEMBER 14 15 Jul 11 Red Bull Conquer the Coast Adventure Racing Auckland, New Zealand May 15 Red Bull Cliff Diving Cliff Diving La Rochelle, France Sept 19 Red Bull Box Cart Race Soap Box Racing Johannesburg, South Africa MARCH Jun 27 Grand Prix of Europe Formula 1 Valencia, Spain JULY Jun 19 Red Bull X-Fighters Jam Motocross Freestyle Narva, Estonia Jun 19 Red Bull Air Race Air Racing New York, USA Grand Prix of Spain Formula 1 Catalunya, Spain NOVEMBER 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 May 09 FEBRUARY Jun 05 Red Bull Air Race Air Racing Windsor, Canada May 07 Red Bull Art of Motion Freerunning Vienna, Austria OCTOBER May 14 Red Bull X-Fighters Motocross Freestyle Giza, Egypt 01 02 03 04 05 Sept 10 - 12 Grand Prix of Italy Formula 1 Monza, Italy Sept 12 Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series Cliff Diving Hilo, HI, USA design: www.zooom.at; Snowboard Freestyle shot by: Adam Moran; event: Red Bull Big in Japan 2008; athlete: Shaun White; location: Hokkaido, Japan May 01 Red Bull Flying Bach Music Berlin, Germany May 08 Red Bull Air Race Air Racing Rio de Janeiro, Brazil design: www.zooom.at; fmx shot by: Joerg Mitter; event: Red Bull X-Fighters Moscow; athlete: Mathieu Rebeaud; location: Red Square, Moscow, Russian Federation MAY - AUGUST 2010 Sept 03 - 05 Red Bulls Salute 2010 Ice Hockey Salzburg, Austria JANUARY 01 02 03 Sept 04 04 Red Bull Rookies Cup Motorbike Road Racing 05 Misano, Republic of San Marino 06 07 08 09 10 11 Sept 11 12 Red Bull Dolomitenmann 13 Adventure Sports Lienz, Austria 14 15 Sept 19 16 Red Bull Flugtag 17 Flugtag 18 Bucharest, Romania 19 20 21 Sept 24 22 Red Bull Big Tune Music 23 Minneapolis, MN, USA 24 25 26 Sept 25 27 Red Bull Upstream 28 Wakeboarding Cable 29 Ljubljana, Slovenia 30 Sept 25 - 26 Red Bull Motocross of Nations Motocross Lakewood, CO, USA Aug 31 - Sept 11 Red Bull Illume Unveiling Exhibition Art & Design Dublin, Ireland Apr 10 Malaysia Grand Prix Formula 1 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Apr 13 Red Bull Ball Park Cranks Baseball Philadelphia, PA, USA Apr 17 Red Bull Home Run Freestyle Skiing Åre Skutan, Sweden Apr 24 Grand Prix of Japan MotoGP Motegi, Japan USB Card www.redbull-photofiles.com 17.12.10 11:58 Wallpapers OUR SOLUTION Editing images, handling international media requests, supporting photo- graphers on-site at events, briefing photographers – the Red Bull Photofiles have become a gigantic and smoothly running machine since its inception in 1996. A professional team of adminisNotebooks trators and editors in Fuschl/Austria and Photographer Jacket Photographer Backpack Venice Beach/USA keeps the cogs turning and ensures that over 10,000 magazines are provided with the premium photographic content. Highest image quality and top service are key and zooom is certified as one of the top four companies in Austria for our quality of digital workflow and color management. Next time you see an awesome sporting image, chances are that it has passed through our Lenticular Athlete Cards Photographer Cards experienced hands. Client Red Bull | Title Red Bull Photofiles | Since 1996 Full Service | Web www.redbull-photofiles.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events THE MISSION In order to cater to their growing contents and media channels, Red Bull entered a new branch of business and launched a series of b2b platforms. zooom was commissioned with the design and implementation of these platforms, leading to the launch of several exciting new business websites. b2b.redbullmobile.com www.servustv.biz OUR SOLUTION As the first in a series of extensive business platforms, zooom launched the new web presence of Red Bull’s own TV station ServusTV. Providing in-depth facts and rates for advertisers, www.servustv.biz offers a comprehensive source of information for Red Bull’s business partners. Next up was the new website for the Red Bull Media House, which is the centre of planning, producing, managing and distributing Red Bull content worldwide. The zooom-designed website www.redbullmediahouse.com provides in-depth information on all Red Bull b2b.redbulletin.com media channels and was followed by more b2b websites for Red Bulletin and Red Bull Mobile. www.redbullmediahouse.com Client RED BULL | Title RED BULL MEDIA HOUSE | since 2010 website | Web www.REDBULLmediahouse.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « The guys at zooom gave us exactly what we wanted: a beautiful and eye-catching catalog that totally reflected the spirit of Secreto del Sur. Their work was remarkably stylish, efficient and fast. Frank Georg Klapp, CEO Secreto del Sur, Tarifa, Spain » THE MISSION Secreto del Sur is a Spanish event management company, who are based in the kitesurfing hotspot of Tarifa. The group of former windsurf pros and circus artists is specialized in staging high- All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are moveable, and those that move. end, exclusive parties and happenings at spectacular locations and stand for event management at its finest. For us, teaming La humanidad esta dividida en tres clases la que no se mueve, la que se puede mover y la que se mueve Image Folder up with Secreto del Sur meant to get the word out of their exquisite s ervices in the New Concepts Bamboo/Bolonia 6 7 most stylish way possible. Only three things in life are certain. Birth, death and change. Solo hay tres cosas seguras en la vida: el nacimiento, la muerte y el cambio. OUR SOLUTION New Concepts Dome/Madrid 10 11 Working together, we wanted to turn THE IDEAL PHRASE IS ONE THAT ISAND SHORT TO THE POINT them from a well-kept “secreto” into the latest buzz on the scene and reflect the LA FRASE IDEAL ES LA BREVEAL Y QUE VA DIRECTA GRANO. unique style of their events in a series of intriguing communication tools. We designed some extra stylish stationery for them and also produced a high-quality Sotogrande 14 15 catalog. With an appealing design and cool haptic elements, the catalog highlights the unique services of Secreto del Sur and has turned out a real eye-catcher. For the future, we are also planning a relaunch of the company’s website. Find inspiration for your next party with S ecreto del Sur! Stationery Business Card Client Secreto del Sur | Since 2009 Full Service | Web www.secretodelsur.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « zooom launched the youth project for the Salzburg State Board of Tourism and convinced us with their fresh and imaginative designs and concepts. It’s a real pleasure to work with this young and dynamic team, who perfectly converts our ideas into witty and unique marketing plans and activities. Their profound knowledge in youth culture puts the finishing touch to their strategies. For us, zooom is more than just a company: they are an innovative, dynamic and extraordinary creative partner. Leo Bauernberger, Managing Director SalzburgerLand Tourismus, Salzburg, Austria THE MISSION Salzburg is known for many things: for Mozart, The Sound of Music and other cultural highlights. One thing Salzburg isn’t known for are the countless opportunities for young travelers to spend an awesome holiday there. Seeing the potential on our doorstep, we embarked on a mission to get the word out. Salzburg is not just for the grey brigade, it’s a hotspot for freesports, offers and events. Forget Whistler Mountain and Chamonix – S alzburg is your place to be! OUR SOLUTION Poster Website Assigned by the SalzburgerLand Tourism board with the job of making the region known as a cool holiday destination for teens and tweens around the world, we put on our thinking caps and came up with the new sub-brand ONE BIG PARK. Portraying Sticker the SalzburgerLand region as one big playground for adrenaline-fuelled sports, cool events and customized package offers, we Image Folder drew on our extensive knowledge in youth Stencil culture and built the ultimate Salzburg experience around the topics of friends, music and sports. From a youth tourism symposium to an interactive website, and from smart folders to content providing – we pulled out all the stops to lure young travelers away from the beaches of Spain and right through the gates of ONE BIG PARK - SalzburgerLand. Face2Face Card Flyer Image Video Client SalzburgerLand Tourismus GmbH | Title One Big Park | since 2007 Full Service | Web www.onebigpark.at CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events » « If you aim for something special, you need special people to support you. That’s why we as one of the biggest football consulting companies have chosen zooom as our new partner to guide us in our future expansion and professionalization. Andreas Sadlo, Explorer Stars & Friends, Bad Harzburg, Germany » THE MISSION Austrian sports consulting company Stars & Friends is a special service provider for soccer players, promoting their careers on different levels. When they assigned us with the complete relaunch of their brand, it was our mission to give them a compelling corporate identity and brand character with a kick. OUR SOLUTION Website To make Stars & Friends stand out from the crowd and showcase their professional sports consulting services, we started out by giving their corporate identity a new, more dynamic look communicating their energetic, expert approach to athlete promotion. Working Greeting Card on the new company logo and claim of Stars & Friends, we wanted their core values to be represented in an eyecatching way and create a recognizable trademark to be implemented in all communication materials. In addition, stationery, greeting cards and website designs rounded off the new brand appearance and got the project rolling Stationery in style. Business Card Client Stars & friends | Since 2010 Full Service | Web www.starsandfriends.net CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « zooom‘s creativity in producing the campaign for our Outdoor product range was outstanding. Additionally, their content providing work on our top Suunto Ambassador stories has been exceptional. At Suunto, we are looking forward to continue working with zooom on many new projects. Markus Rampf, Sports Marketing Manager Suunto Global, Helsinki, Finland THE MISSION When it comes to incorporating the latest technology and high-tech instruments into outdoor sports, Suunto definitely rules the roost. They’re known for their varied array of wristop computers and high-quality Ads outdoor watches and wanted us to handle the launch of their new watch collections Core and Lumi. As their worldwide creative lead agency for the outdoor segment, our mission was to introduce both collections to the market with a bang and promote Website Suunto as the leader in adventure sport wristop computers. OUR SOLUTION As the Jackson Five taught us, ABC is as easy as 1 2 3. In fact you could say navigating through the wilderness is as easy as ‘Outdoor ABC’. We took this idea, which represents the watches’ most important functions – Altimeter, Barometer and Compass – and created an integrated campaign addressing the male Ads (Core) as well as female (Lumi) target groups. We produced a visual language and mood world for each of the watch lines, posters, POS a u t u n n o 2010 webtriathlon.com € 6,00 materials, consumer brochures and photography In questo numero: Cigana, Cortassa, Fontana, Gabba, Gomez, migliorini, mione, niederfriniger, Pedraza, sacchi, Vanhoenacker, Zamora... guides. Since 2008, we have also enhanced JaVier gomeZ dall’infortunio al successo mondiale Suunto’s communication activities with content Anno 2- Bimestrale - trIAtHLon Via Caramagna 16 - 10126 torino/ Poste Italiane spa. spedizione in abbonamento postale - DL 353/2003 [conv.in I.27/02/04 nr.46] art. 1 comma 1 torino nr 5/2010 providing, creating reports and articles for Suunto’s website and for distribution to external media. By managing photo shoots and writing interesting and credible text content, Suunto training trilife race allenarsi in squadra: i segreti un poker aZZurro per l’ironman hawaii la calda estate della triplice in 30 pagine come migliorare la forZa in palestra marino Vs. marcel: la sfida continua has been better equipped to leverage their stories Content Providing in core training and outdoor markets. Client Suunto International | Title Suunto Outdoor | Since 2006 Full Service | Web www.suunto.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events » « Few agencies can exist between pushing the edge of creativity and delivering on those concepts in a positive, unexpected and professional manner. zooom embraced our vision and challenges and exceeded our expectations. zooom’s approach to delivering design and functionality was professionally managed on time and within budget. Jeff Guettler, President TAOW Marketing, Portland, USA » THE MISSION To attract attention with a stylish web presence, US agency TAOW Productions assigned us with the design of their new website. A modern marketing agency out of Portland, Oregon, TAOW have worked for renowned clients such as Nike, American Express and Diesel and have specialized in experiential marketing. Our mission for their new web presence was to showcase their services and engage the user in a kind of personal dialog. OUR SOLUTION Website We wanted to give the user a feeling of vastness and space right from the very first second he or she clicked through to TAOW’s website. That’s why we used floating 3D elements that can be used to navigate through the main sections of the site to make the website appear like a dynamic entity in constant movement. To grab the users‘ attention, we made all the main navigation items into conversation elements. The site is kept in light and reduced tones to present the agency’s different services, references and case studies in a dynamic, elegant and innovative way that would prompt TAOW’s clients to say WOW. Client Taow productions | Since 2009 Website | Web www.taowmarketing.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « zooom gets it! From cutting-edge concepts to final production they deliver. They go beyond to understand and develop the concept. They want it right as much as you do ... which seems to be a lost art in customer service. What’s not to like about these guys. Tarran Pitschka, CEO and Founder Wicked Quick Industries, Portland, USA THE MISSION Wicked Quick is a leading US clothing brand rooted in the world of speed, rebellion and attitude. In line with their determination to push the limits with performance and power, their stylish men’s and women’s clothes are the coolest choice for the track and the club. In 2009, the fashionable label assigned us with the creation of a ‘wicked’ new website with lots of cool features. OUR SOLUTION In line with Wicked Quick’s determination to push the limits with performance and power, we designed a rocking site for them featuring everything from latest news to glimpses of their head-turning lookbook and stylish videos. You can also find out Website about the race drivers they sponsor and of course there’s an online shop where you can get your hands on all the coolest clothes – so what are you waiting for? Check out www.wickedquick.com! Client wicked quick industries | Since 2010 website | Web www.wickedquick.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events » « zooom has always understood how to capture the spirit of ZANIER GLOVES and translate it into suitable design solutions. The agency’s innovative input is a great support and their know-how within the young, sporty target market is incredible. The agency really lives the young spirit – and that’s why it’s fun to work with them. Markus Zanier, CEO Zanier Gloves, Lienz, Austria » THE MISSION Word of our excellent work has traveled as far as East Tyrol, where glove manu facturer Anniversary Logo Zanier approached us with a new project after hearing about us through the grapevine. Assigned with the complete rejuvenation and re-design of their brand, we soon were hand in glove with the well-known company and began revamping their brand with a new, headturning direction, literally making them Website the hottest brand on the mountain. Icons OUR SOLUTION As Zanier’s full service lead agency we set out to flip the company upside down with a completely new brand strategy. A new logo was followed by a series of striking ads, catalogs and communication tools. Catalog Layout We turned the spotlight on the Tyrolean family business and took a hand in all company aspects from packaging design Catalog Covers to stickers, folders, posters, hangtags and POS towers. The new, dynamic image we created for Zanier definitely caused quite a buzz. HINTERLASSEN SIE SPUREN. NICHT NUR IM FRISCHEN PULVERSCHNEE. AUCH IM WORLD WIDE WEB. Mit X-PLORE.XGX – dem weltweit ersten Handschuh mit voller GPS-Funktion. Zum Messen von Höhe, Geschwindigkeit, Distanz, Dauer und weiteren Daten Ihrer Outdoor-Erlebnisse. At home in the Tyrolean Mountains Point of Sale www.zaniergloves.com X-PLORE.XGX Ad Client Zanier SPort GmbH | Since 2006 Full Service | Web www.zanier.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events ATHLETE ACTIVATION PROGRAM THE MISSION Our origins lie in sports and we have an intimate knowledge of the scene, so we have always been a good choice when it comes to fitting out athletes with individual promotion and communication tools such as websites or autograph cards. In sports, the “one size fits all” philosophy simply doesn’t hold: ask a die-hard fan of any sport who will explain why every one of his favorite athletes is unique. Sure, there are comparisons, but everyone has their own style of play. Therefore, our mission always is to pick up on the special spirit of every athlete and reflect it in a set of customized communication tools that perfectly capture a personal style. « I was really impressed with the job zooom did. They really captured my style and I am happy that they aligned the look of my overall communication tools. Scott Speed, Racecar Driver, Manteca, California, USA » « I have been working with the zooom team for more than 10 years and they are getting better and more innovative every day. It really shows that they do whatever it takes to be the best and still have fun at what they’re doing – and that’s what I like about them! Keep up the good work and spirit! Björn Dunkerbeck, 35-time Windsurfing World Champion, Gran Canaria, Spain » OUR SOLUTION In the past we have created a considerable variety of communication materials and logos for numerous sportspeople from B.A.S.E. jumpers to surfers. Offering bespoke solutions for different needs, we can look back on a series of top-notch websites, which have all been highly commended. Our clients’ list reads like a “who’s who” of world-class sports stars. Kayaker Steve Fisher, FMX legend Travis Pastrana, soccer star Vedad Ibisevic or windsurfing champion Björn Dunkerbeck are but a few who have called on our services. With the development of our own content management system Whizz!, it has become even easier for athletes to update and manage their website. If you’re an athlete looking for a way to turn the spotlight on you, give us a call. Client Various | Title Various | Since 2005 Full Service | Web Various CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « zooom productions demonstrated their amazing abilities by taking a look and functionality that I‘d requested for a website frontend, and translating it into a functional and intuitive backend system. Friends who see the frontend are amazed to learn that I‘m the one doing updates and even more surprised at the speed that I‘m able to do them. Steve Fisher, Pro Freestyle Kayaker, Island in Uganda, Africa THE MISSION As one of today’s most influential pro kayakers, Steve Fisher needed a website to live up to his exceptional reputation. Known for riding awe-inspiring waters, the mission for his new web presence was to create some sizeable cyber waves. Website OUR SOLUTION Powered by zooom’s own content management system Whizz!, the website highlights Steve’s extraordinary kayaking trips around the globe and features a neat day and night mode, changing the page’s look into ‘night style’ after 6pm. Besides a gear section with intriguing videos, the site also contains plenty of other cool features – go and check it out on www.stevefisher.com. Client Steve Fisher | Since 2008 Website | Web www.stevefisher.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events » THE MISSION Needing a new website and logo, extreme sports athlete Travis Pastrana turned to zooom. Jumping at the chance to work with one of the world’s best motorcross riders, we decided to give his fans a stylish online ride through Travis’ thrilling life, showing the many faces of Travis Pastrana and making his online appearance accessible to the widest audience possible. Website | Flash OUR SOLUTION Reflecting Travis’ unconventional and wild personality, we designed an eye-catching logo and action-based website with an unusual navigation system. Users slide different parts of the website to the left or right, making browsing a special experience while at the same time offering a simple way to access content with just a few clicks. The site features individual technologies and layouts for Flash, HTML and Website | Flash mobile sites and has been optimized for use with mobile phones and iPad. Pastrana’s site offers all the facts and information on Travis’ successes, hair-raising stunts and latest news, plus boasts some stunning footage of his career highlights. Mobile Check it out at www.travispastrana.com. Website | HTML Client Red Bull North America | Title Travis Pastrana | Since 2009 Website | Web www.travispastrana.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events « Although our website features a plain and reduced design, it’s remarkably efficient. Thanks to zooom productions, users from all over the world visit our website and we keep getting lots of positive feedback! David Hasenschwandtner, Team Captain Red Bull Skydive Team, Salzburg, Austria THE MISSION Another high-flying team of world-class sportsmen decided to take off with zooom and assigned us with creating their new website. The Red Bull Skydivers are a savvy crew of air professionals traveling the globe, launching themselves from airplanes, helicopters, hot air balloons or just about anything else that flies. Our task was to create some exceptional flights of fancy together with these extra ordinary adventurers and provide them with a state-of-the-art web presence that would not only reflect the spirit of flying but also bundle up all necessary informa tion in a stylish and appealing way. OUR SOLUTION Website The new website had to be technologically advanced and aesthetically striking in order to grab the attention of global skydiving enthusiasts. In addition to many other neat features, the site has an MMS blog, which enables the latest free falling news to be online immediately. If you like the wind in your hair or want to experience the rush of plummeting towards the earth at terrifying speeds, check www.redbullskydiveteam.com Autograph Card Client Flying Bulls | Title Red Bull SKydive Team | Since 2008 Website | Web www.redbullskydiveteam.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events » « Perfect solution! I like the fact that Whizz is super easy to handle. You really don‘t have to be a technical whizkid to achieve great results with it! Rutger Pauw, Sports Photographer, Rotterdam, Netherlands » 2008 | Adobe EMEA Solutions Excellence Award for Whizz!CMS in the category of ‘Best Marketing Contribution’ THE MISSION In developing our very own content management system Whizz!, we wanted to give users a fully-fledged solution to administer and publish their website contents in the age of web 2.0. Our goal was to create a powerful MetaCMS with quick and easy implementation possibilities for bespoke CMS projects. While being easy to operate by non-technical whiz kids, we wanted Whizz! to offer an array of state-of-the-art features living up to the expectations of cutting-edge content management. Website OUR SOLUTION Whizz! offers a fully-fledged software application allowing you to combine powerful frontends with a high-class backend. It not only sports individual HTML and Flash front-ends, but also supports Deep Linking and search-engine optimization. In addition, Whizz! allows you to maintain your website by way of MMS. Last but not least, Whizz! offers you an interface that is so intuitive that you can start using it right away. Many renowned athletes and companies have already relied on Whizz!’s unique combination of impressive features and cost-efficient integration, with Björn Dunkerbeck, Rutger Pauw or Jean-Albert Loic being but a few of them. So if you are looking for a stylish tool to manage your website, look no further than Website Sample Rutger Pauw www.whizzcms.com. Client zooom productions | Title Whizz! | Since 2005 Content Management System | Web www.whizzcms.com CI Print Web Photo TV/Video/CD/DVD Content Providing Events OUR NETWORK In addition to our agency building in Fuschl am See, Austria we also have an office in the cultural melting pot that is Los Angeles, USA. On the one hand, this ensures better on-site support for our overseas clients and on the other, it really helps us improve our surfing skills. This combination of offices in idyllic Fuschl/Austria and bustling LA/USA might seem like an explosive mixture to you - but it’s these very opposites that fuel our imagination and keep us thinking outside the box. Neben unserem Office im österreichischen Fuschl am See haben wir auch eine zweiten Niederlassung im Freesports-Mekka Los Angeles, USA. Einerseits können wir so unseren Kunden verbesserten Support vor Ort anbieten – und andererseits ist es einfach ideal dafür, unsere Surf-Skills zu verbessern. Diese Kombination aus Fuschler Idylle und Los Angeles Hektik mag vielleicht wie eine explosive Mischung wirken – aber genau diese Gegensätze inspirieren uns zu Neuem und sorgen dafür, dass wir weiterhin Querdenker bleiben. we support: EU | Fuschl am See / Salzburg US | Venice / Los angeles OUR WORK SPACES Both our visually exciting office buildings in Fuschl am See and Venice Beach were designed by L.A.-based architect Mark Mack from environmentally friendly materials and turn more than a few heads. They are open, airy and modern, and so cozy inside that our team (almost) doesn’t want to go home at night! Unsere visuell spannenden Agentur-Gebäude in Fuschl am See und Venice Beach wurden beide von dem in L.A. ansässigen Architekten Mark Mack aus umweltfreundlichen Materialen erbaut und sind absolute Hingucker. Und das Wichtigste: die Häuser sind nicht nur hell, geräumig und modern, sondern auch so gemütlich, dass man am Abend (fast) nicht mehr nach Hause gehen möchte! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR ... EU zooom productions gmbh felderstrasse 12 5330 fuschl am see austria tel +43 (0) 6226 8848-0 office@zooom.at www.zooom.at US zooom productions inc. 2423 ocean ave. venice, ca 90291 usa tel +1 310 439 9700 office@zooomproductions.us www.zooomproductions.us advertising + communication