Daily Bull 2012-04-04
Daily Bull 2012-04-04
D AILY The Daily Bull is probably not suitable for those under age 18 and should not be taken seriously... like high school valedictorians! Wednesday, April 4, 2012 Local Restaurant Set Ablaze I feel sorry for people who don’t drink. When they wake up in the morning, that’s as good as they’re going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra By Olivia Zajac ~ Daily Bull Big O Inquires - Nicknames by Jon ‘Big O’ Mahan ~ Daily Bull Originally started 1-22-10 Nicknames can be a blessing and a curse. They can be used for good and they can be used for evil. Take, for instance, when a name is used for good. You’ve got three friends, all named Michael, but with different last names, such as Smith, Doe, and Eggurd-hausen. How do you address one of them but not all of them? Simple. Pick the one that has the hardest last name to say, or one that sounds like the stupidest name to say, and call them Michael, or Mikey. The others should go by their last name (make sure they know they are being called by their last name, and NOT Mikey) and thus, now your friends’ names are Doe, Smith, and Mikey. see They Call Me El Taco Loco on back BUL L Random Location, US - Local news reports that a chain restaurant, that wishes to remain nameless, has been burnt to the ground by one of their employees. It was evident that it was an inside job from the young woman that was found laughing hysterically outside of the blazing building, flailing empty gas cans about like a mad(wo) man. The manager, who we will refer to as Bubba, had this to say: burning the place down. Bitches be crazy.” The maniac in question is being held by local authorities for further questioning. Once she stopped “that damn creepy cackling”, as the late night officer commented, she calmed down enough to make a statement. “I went into work for like, the billionth time this semester. And the schedule that had been post“She always ed was redone seemed like such for the upteenth a good employee. time. I had almost She would come all of my hours in, do her work, cut outside of a and do it properpity shift. Somely. Then I decided thing...snapped in that another one me, I think. Years of her co-workers of working here deserved more Well, there goes the food service industry... without complaint hours than her for and then this. So. I no particular reason whatsoever, and figured they were going to fire me, and she became rather...unnerved when I decided to fire him first.” I didn’t have a reason. I can’t imagine why she would go so far as actually A crazed look entered her eye again see Burninating the Countryside on back The Steaming Pile Straight from You-Know-Where! Failed Cologne/Perfume Scents Rafflesia Flower Wet Fart Newborn Baby Cat Food Bacon Nasal Assault by Hollister Kentucky Fried Fragrance Crayons Creeper Down the Hall By Calvin Klein Jock Strap by Polo In Heat by Nature CS Scents Common Scents Old Folk’s Home Wet Dog Eat Fresh by Subway Chanel #69 Golden Water by Bear Grylls Ammonia Do I Smell like Chloroform to You? Sex Eau de Ballsweat Orphan Tears Trailer Fragrances by Brittany Spears Could’ve Had It by V8 Smoker’s Breath Toker’s Room by Jimi Hendrix Bud Light Platinum Preteen Tears by Taylor Swift Barf Bucket by Estee Lauder MegaMilky by Hello Kitty Passion in my Pits LMFAO Knockout by Chris Brown Special Friend by Michael Jackson Yesterday’s Sports Bra by Brandy Chastain The Red Carpet by Janet Jackson It’s a Trap by Admiral Ackbar Swamp Ass Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow by Blizzard T. Husky Brand New Sports Car Justice by Batman OH GOD YES by Jeanine Festering Wound New Intern by Bill Clinton Fourthmeal by Taco Bell Untraceable by Waldo Just Jizz Exotic by Carmen Sandiego Does This Smell Like Money by Glenn Mroz Iron-Clad by Carl Blair Super Spy by Archer 50 Scents by 50-Cent 2nd Best Fragrance in the World by HPB Pizzas Pizza Lovers Love! Daily Specials at www.thestudiopizza.com 10% Discount for All Students Downtown Hancock, across from Finlandia Don’t Settle For Crappy Pizza! Get A Large Studio Pepperoni Pizza For As Little As $8 !! www.thestudiopizza.com Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says 482-5100 the from They Call Me El Taco Loco on front Sounds good to me. And now you’ve solved your problems on how to address them! Unless of course you want to be an ass, and call ‘Mikey’ (as referred to above) Eggurd-hausen or something. Then you’re an ass. Brought to you by Jeanine Chmielewski STEER SEARCHER Constellations! However, with every good story, there is a bad one. It just occurred to me that nicknames based on someone’s land of origin, an action, or other vague idea can give other people some sort of lack of knowledge as to who someones real name is. Who is Samurai? What’s Mink-Fletcher’s real name? Who was Shank, and why was he given that name? I’m not necessarily saying it’s a horrible thing, it just can get inconvenient. Take myself for example. Daily Bull EDITOR IN CHIEF COMP EDITOR MONOPOLY GUY BREAD WINNER SCRIBE WEBMASTER ADVISOR Jon ‘Big O’ Mahan Cameron Long Alec Hamer Alex Dinsmoor Kay McMahon Kyle Roe David Olson v2.0 Writers of Awesome: Liz ‘Riz’ Fujita, Steve Whittaker, Olivia Zajac, Simon Mused, Nathan ‘Invincible’ Miller, Jeanine Chmielewski, Kara Bakowski, Benjamin Loucks, Sam Schall, Kayla Herrera, Ian Smith, Veronica Tabor, Ryan Grainger, John Pastore, Ben Harris, and chocolate cookies! ©2012 by the Daily Bull, a non-profit organization. All rights reserved. Articles may be freely distributed electronically or on late night talk shows provided credit is given, and that this notice is included. The Daily Bull reserves the right to refuse any advertisements or guest articles without reason. All opinionated letters sent to the editor (on paper or to bull@mtu.edu) will be treated as material to be published unless expressly stated otherwise by the sender. Original works printed in the Daily Bull remain the property of the creator, however the Daily Bull reserves the right to reprint any submissions in future issues unless specifically asked not to do so by the creator. If you keep reading this small text, you’ll stay up all night long. The Daily Bull would like to thank the Daily Bull for buying our own damn printer that this publication is printed on. We would also like to thank the Student Activity Fee for helping to pay for our paper and toner costs. And our vuvuzelas. Advertising inquiries, questions & comments should be directed to bull@mtu.edu I’m named after a) where I come from ANDROMEDA ANTILA and b) an anime, since I’m an otaku. AQUARIUS In fact, the name Big-O caught on so AQUILA well that half of my entire residence ARIES hall didn’t even know my real name! AURIGA Most of them had an ‘aha!’ moment BOOTES ERIDANUS INDUS ORION SAGITTARIUS TRIANGULUM CASSIOPEIA CAELUM when they finally heard my real name. FORNAX LACERTA PEGASUS SCORPIUS VELA CEPHEUS GEMINI MONOCEROS PHOENIX SERPENS VIRGO CORVUS Of course, for some people, my- CAMELOPARDALIS CANCER HOROLOGIUM NORMA PISCES SEXTANS VOLANS DELPHINUS self included, this could be a good CAPRICORNS HYDRA OPHIUCHUS RETICULUM TAURUS VULPECULA DRACO thing. My name is Jon. BORING. But BIG O? Now that’s a cool name. from Burninating the Countryside on front Plus, it can start up a conversation. as she continued to explain her- spray. Ooooohhhh those explod- remain until they perform a full self, with a bit more venom in ed real nice, and gave the restau- lobotomy, and be returned to “Hi! I’m Joe.” her voice with each progressing rant a nice, pleasant aroma. I made work at said restaurant after it is word. “So I just jammed the oven sure that no one was in the build- rebuilt. The reasoning? “Someone “I’m Big O” full of anything flammable that I ing that I actually cared about...” without an actual brain would be could find, doused it in all the the perfect person to work here. “How’d you get that name?” extra grease and any sort of pos- For fear of their own safety, the No complains, no issues,” Bubba sible flame accelerant, including insane girl was dragged off to a commented. “She’ll now be the “Well, have you ever killed a man?” some pressurized cans of garlic mental institution, wherein she shall ideal employee!”
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