THE COG - RCM Meeting 1559 Bulletin 25 November 2015
THE COG - RCM Meeting 1559 Bulletin 25 November 2015
Rotary Club of Morialta Inc. District 9520 P.O. Box 121 ATHELSTONE SA 5076 Secretary - Di Potter Home 8278 1424 Mob 0400 736 408 Email Website THE COG - RCM Meeting 1559 Bulletin 25 November 2015 President’s News Meeting this week – Wednesday 25 November 2015 –– 6.00pm for 6.30pm at the Rezz – Guest Speaker Helen Glanville – Second Chances SA The role/purpose of Second Chances SA is: “Engaging the community to pursue justice and healing in response to crime by seeing prisoners transformed, families reconciled and communities restored”. Bob Pomeroy will be Acting President this week. (Tim has a Business Forum and Christmas drinks event on Wednesday and off to Brisbane on Thursday). Penny Miller will introduce the guest speaker. Bob will also allocate some time for a report from Adel and Graeme on the big event “Breakfast in the Park”. Breakfast in the Park – Sunday 22 November What a fantastic day we had on Sunday - Breakfast in the Park 2015 was a great success. To deliver a big event, like this, requires a meaningful purpose (ShelterBox), detailed planning and a large team of coordinated workers. The efforts of Morialta members and partners/family who dedicated their time this year was significant. A big thank you to all members of the team who worked on both Saturday and Sunday, to help make this fundraising project a success. Early figures $$ indicate: The Raffle made a profit of $866. The Auction $325. We received a donation to ShelterBox of $100 from an attendee. Breakfast in the Park - could be up to $3000. This was achieved by 22 Morialta members and 8 Partners/ Family members on the day. I would also like to acknowledge the significant contribution made by our two event leaders Adel and Graeme. We have a busy period ahead before Christmas Norwood Christmas Pageant – This Saturday 28 November Sue Pullens is the coordinator of this event and will be in contact with all volunteers to arrange a meeting point at 9am on Saturday Morning before the Pageant. Page 1 Moonlight Market – Thorndon Park – Friday 4 December Another big fundraising effort needed - coordinated by Adel and Graeme. We will learn more on this (Timing & Rosters etc) over the next week. Carols in the Park – Thorndon Park – Sunday 6 December Volunteers will be sought for Carols in the Park. If you are unable to attend the meeting this week please contact Graeme Packer to volunteer. Morialta Christmas Function – Wednesday 9 December 2015 Final Bookings - Please?? RSVP and Payment to Peter Mayer To be held at “On Statenborough” Coopers Ave in Leabrook. Marian and the Fellowship Committee have put together a great dinner menu and entertainment. RSVP and Payment $40 per person to Treasurer Peter Mayer or direct to the Morialta Bank Account. Last date to pay for the Christmas function is this Wednesday 25 November. Notice to members - RC Morialta AGM – Wednesday 16 December 2015 - for 6.30pm Rezz Hotel Meeting last week Wednesday 18 November 2015 It was great to welcome two members from the Sturt Rotaract Club (Trephina and David ) to our meeting last week. We had a good fellowship night and everyone enjoyed the ShelterBox Video. Hope you can make it to the meeting this week - Wednesday 25 November at the REZZ Hotel 6.00pm for 6.30pm Best regards - Tim Calendar & Scheduling – Important Dates for you Diary SEPTEMBER IS BASIC EDUCATION AND LITERACY MONTH November is Rotary Foundation Month Wednesday 25 November – Helen Glanville – Second chances SA Wednesday 25 November Saturday 28 November – Norwood Christmas Pageant Wednesday 2 December – Committee meeting Friday 4 December - Moonlight Markets – Thorndon Park Sunday 6 December - Carols in the Park Wednesday 9 December – Christmas Dinner – On Statenborough Coopers Ave Leabrook in the Bistro 3 course meal and entertainment $40 pp Choice of 2 entrees and 2 mains, bread roll, dessert, coffee and mint. Drinks from the bar. Contact is Marian. Wednesday 16 December – AGM meeting Wednesday 23 December – No Meeting Wednesday 30 December – No Meeting Page 2 Dates for 2016 Wednesday 6 January - No Meeting Tuesday 12 January - Board Meeting Athelstone UC Wednesday 13 January - Thorndon Park BBQ Meeting Wednesday 20 January - Rotary Meeting REZZ Wednesday 27 January - Rotary Meeting REZZ Tuesday 2 February - Board Meeting Athelstone UC Wednesday 3 February - Rotary Meeting REZZ Friday 5 February - Moonlight Market Wednesday 10 February - Chinese Night at Chef Dong Chinese Restaurant 6.30 for 7.00 pm. Wednesday 17 February - Fred from the Rezz to speak to the Club on the proposed renovations (total rebuild) of The Rezz Hotel. Friday 4 March - Moonlight Market Saturday 5 March 5.00 pm - Star 2016 Disco - Held at the Klemzig Community Hall, Cnr of OG Road and Wellington Tce, Klemzig Provide and cook/serve a BBQ etc, approx. 5 members on the night, 4.30 till 6.30pm Friday 15 April - Quiz Night – Campbelltown Council Function Centre – get your friends together. OCTOBER/NOVEMBER Usa Japan Visit.- coordinated by Emiko Mayer Usa Rotary Club’s 50th Anniversary function Date now confirmed: October 23 (Sunday) 2016 Signing ceremony of Usa/Morialta Friendship Agreement will take place. Link to Rotary Club of Morialta google calendar - all these dates and further information about some of them can be found on our google calendar. COG EDITOR Please forward items and photos for the COG to Katarina Spudic with a copy to Judy Cushway so she can keep the Google Calendar, Website and Facebook page up to date. Club News BREAKFAST IN THE PARK 2015 click here to see photos COMMUNITY WORKSHOP SALE AND OPEN DAY click here to see photos MORIALTA CLUB SHIRTS We are ordering some more shirts for members. If you are interested in purchasing a shirt please contact Judy and Alan on CHRISTMAS CAKES AND PUDDINGS “Contact has been made with the Rotary Club of Glenelg who over the last 20 years have been the conduit in South Australia for the distribution of the Christmas Cakes & Puddings. Due to the problems encountered last year Christmas Cakes, Puddings etc will not be available this year”. Page 3 COMMUNITY WORKSHOP INFORMATION Community Workshop Christmas Lunch Friday 27 November 12.00 Clovercrest Hotel Cnr Montague and Kelly Rd, Modbury North 2 Courses - $20.00 / Head, partners Welcome. Payment to be collected before the day Rotary Members and partners most welcome Please contact Graeme Packer, Bob Pomeroy, and Kevin Jacka ASAP Last Workshop Day for 2016 Thursday 17 December First Workshop Day Back for 2016 - Tuesday 12th January 2016 USA JAPAN TRIP Peter Mayer would like those interested in going to Japan to get to together after the meeting on Wednesday 2 December to discuss the Usa Trip. See Peter QUIZ NIGHT Please note that the date for the Quiz Night has been changed due to a home game for the Crows against Sydney on the Saturday Night. Marian has checked with Council and the Quiz Master. Now 15 April 2016. HERE’S SOME PRACTISE QUIZ QUESTIONS (yep I have half a page to fill) 1. Name the only female competitor at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal who did not have to undergo sex test. 2. What is the name of the paranoid android in the book “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams? 3. What type of creature is a Dugite? 4. Who is the eldest of the Marx Brothers? 5. What type of animal was inside Sputnik 2 when launched into orbit in 1957? 6. Who won the first Australian Grand Prix in Adelaide? 7. Where does Whyalla get its fresh water from? 8. Which Adelaide born entertainer married Dawn Lake? 9. Which SA batsman was nicknamed “boof”? 10. What used to attract train buffs to Gladstone? Answers next week, if we remember. Page 4 PHOTOS Page 5 District 9520 Info FROM THE HERALD ShelterBox and their vital disaster relief work is a cause close to the heart of many Rotarians. Whether they're providing displaced Syrian families with shelter and dignity or providing victims of the Nepalese earthquake with warmth and a source of clean drinking water, ShelterBox and their response teams are providing urgent care where it's needed most. Our fundraiser show promises to be an entertaining night of laughs and comedy that needs to be seen to be believed. Purchase tickets for your friends, colleagues and family before December 25 and receive our EARLY BIRD discount rate of $30 per ticket. Come along, laugh your head off and feel fantastic about helping a great cause. Tickets available now: NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MEETING TIME AND VENUE The Rotary Club of Norwood has changed to an evening club and from January 2016 it will meet regularly on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays at 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm at the Kensington Hotel 23 Regent St Kensington. On the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays it is meeting informally at 1:00pm at the Manto Café corner of the Parade and George St Norwood. Page 6 The Herald is a pin board full of short messages that are a joy to share. The weekly goal is for 5 pages in total covering at least 10 stories. This publication is for Rotarians on the move, so read it on your watch, your phone, pad and laptop. DG Dick would like to be assured that most Rotarians in our District read “The Herald”, and use it share their stories. Editor Sam Cozens is waiting for your story and photo for the next “The Herald” at 2015-16 District Directory online Find your way around the District. Check out the District Directory (District Officers and Committees) From our Club Website and Facebook It’s YOUR website Photo Albums – click here to see Kiosk Album including photos of the fire at the Kiosk in 1998. Changes have been made to our Club Website, particularly in the “Member Area”. If you would like to have a look go to You will need a password. Please contact Judy or Alan if don’t remember it. It is no longer “undertaker”. If you know what it is remember the uppercase “R”. The Member Area is divided into three areas: Our Club; District 9520; Rotary International. Our Club will give you such things as: Morialta directory, directors list, by-laws, constitution, insurance certificate, Usa Trip Itinerary 2016, current forms, meeting activities and procedures President Profiles. District 9520 will give you: District directory, AFL Footy Tipping info, links to District Heralds and much more. Rotary International will give you: How to use MyRotary, brand guidelines, centurion info, theme months, All input is welcome. Have a look at the ”Stories” or “President Profiles” and if you would like to write your own story please do so. LATEST COG AND OTHER INTERESTING ROTARY VIDEOS OR PROGRAMS are available from our website The Voice of Rotary The Voice of Rotary Broadcast on 1197AM RPH Adelaide each Tuesday 7.30-8.00 pm From each Wednesday the broadcast program can be heard on-line at Nov. 24th Bob Schahinger - Sailing for the Disabled” Information available from Chris Hughes 8379 4633 0418 835 977 Page 7
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