02 Rotary COG Newsletter 6 July 2016
02 Rotary COG Newsletter 6 July 2016
Rotary Club of Morialta Inc. District 9520 P.O. Box 121 ATHELSTONE SA 5076 Secretary - Di Potter Home 8278 1424 Mob 0400 736 408 Email morialta@rotaryclub.org.au Website www.morialta.rotaryclub.org.au THE COG - RCM Meeting 1588 Bulletin 6 July 2016 President’s News PRESIDENT’S NEWS. Having presided over my first Meeting as President I am now somewhat relieved and I wish to thank all in attendance for going easy on me. It was great to have Ken Vear back in the Sergeant’s Chair and he kept the meeting rolling along. Other members who have indicated their willingness to do the Sergeant’s role this year are Geoff Brown, Penny Miller, David Riggall and Brian Sincock. If you have not undertaken the role of Sergeant previously and would like to have a go, speak to either myself or Judi Brown. Past President Damian Leach from the Rotary Club of Campbelltown attended and made a presentation of a 50th anniversary bottle of wine in a token of appreciation of thanks to Morialta following the assistance our Club provided earlier in the year for the Movies in the Park. This bottle will be opened and shared at next week’s meeting. Our Club’s subscriptions ($250.00) are now due and payable to Treasurer Peter Mayer who would appreciate your prompt payment. A draft list has been drawn up for the various committees for the 2016/2017 Rotary Year. These committees will be ratified at the Club’s Board meeting on 5th July 2016 and announced at next week’s meeting which will be a Committee Meeting night. Take this opportunity to hear from your relevant Director their plans for the year and be willing to share your thoughts and ideas. If you are unable to attend a meeting could you please advise Di Potter accordingly . Di can be contacted on 0400736408 or by email : diana.potter@bigpond.com See you all at next week’s meeting on Wednesday at The Rezz – 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm. Brenton Summers President Page 1 Calendar & Scheduling – Important Dates for you Diary dnesday 23 March Rezz Tuesday 5 July – Board Meeting Wednesday 6July – Rezz Committee meeting Wednesday 13 July – Rezz Wednesday 20 July – Rezz Sunday 24 July – Opening ARC Campbelltown BBQ Graeme Packer to advise **NB** CHANGE Wednesday 27 July – Rezz –Tom Tseregounes(Pharm)- Cold/Flu Prevention (P Miller Chair) Tuesday 3 August – Board Meeting Athelstone CH Wednesday 3 August – Rezz - Committee Wednesday 10 August – Rezz – Member who am I? Wednesday 17 August – Rezz Tuesday 23 August and Wednesday 24 August – RYDA – The ARC Campbelltown Sue Pullens/Judi Brown co-ordinators Wednesday 24 August – Rezz Wednesday 31 August – Rezz Monday 10 October 2016 - G7 Dinner at The Marche Club. DATE FOR JOINT GROUP 7 DINNER : MONDAY 10 OCTOBER 2016 VENUE : MARCHE CLUB COST : $40 PER PERSON to cover guest(s), presentation to speaker etc. with perhaps a donation to something from excess funds Sunday 23 October 2016 - Usa Japan Visit.- coordinated by Emiko Mayer Usa Rotary Club’s 50th Anniversary function Signing ceremony of Usa/Morialta Friendship Agreement will take place. Wednesday 30 November 2016. The incoming DG Sam Camporeale has contacted me this evening and we have agreed that he will visit our Club on (The previous date suggested coincided with the period that a number of Members will be in Usa). Next Conference will be in Mt Gambier. 27 - 30 April 2017. Some accommodation options here. http://www.bluelakeholidaypark.com.au/accommodation/ - all these dates and further information about some of them can be found on our google calendar. Page 2 COG EDITOR Please forward items and photos for the COG to Katarina Spudic katarinaspudic@gmail.com with a copy to Judy Cushway floyd@merlin.net.au so she can keep the Google Calendar, Website and Facebook page up to date. USA JAPAN TRIP Club News OCTOBER/NOVEMBER Usa Japan Visit.- coordinated by Emiko Mayer Usa Rotary Club’s 50th Anniversary function Date now confirmed: October 23 (Sunday) 2016 Signing ceremony of Usa/Morialta Friendship Agreement will take place. Some Photos, found on USA Web page Usa's webpage and found these photos under their "history". – Everyone looks very happy!!!! SPORTING NEWS Meanwhile in other sporting news, Wales produced a stunning upset to reach the Euro 2016 semi-finals, beating Belgium 3-1 and setting up a showdown with Portugal. That should make one of our member's happy. Page 3 KIOSK ROSTER It is with great pleasure that effective immediately (from 1st July onwards), I will be taking on the Kiosk Roster. Would you please notify me of any changes via sabrina.koetsier@bigpond.com It would be greatly appreciated if you can also copy in Brenton Summers (President), Richard Hurn (Keeper of the money) and Graeme Packer (Kiosk Organisor Extraordinaire). Please ensure there are always 2 people present for your own safety. If you would like to start letting me know when you can or cannot be rostered in at the kiosk over summer, please feel free to start doing this. I will be emailing members directly from late July onwards for their preferences for the October roster. Stay warm everyone! Kind Regards Sabrina Koetsier PHOTOS President Brenton, and Sergeant Ken Judi and Sue entertain PP Damien Leech C/Town member Consolation prize a SCRATCHIE!!!!!! Page 4 District 9520 Info District 9520 Info The Herald is a pin board full of short messages that are a joy to share. The weekly goal is for 5 pages in total covering at least 10 stories. This publication is for Rotarians on the move, so read it on your watch, your phone, pad and laptop. DG Dick would like to be assured that most Rotarians in our District read “The Herald”, and use it share their stories. Editor Sam Cozens is waiting for your story and photo for the next “The Herald” at samliz@internode.on.net. 2015-16 District Directory online Find your way around the District. Check out the District Directory (District Officers and Committees) DISTRICT 9520 FOOTY TIPPING Round 14 saw a solid performance by most tippers. More than half the tippers recorded a 5-out-of-6 score, with most failing to give St Kilda any chance against Geelong. However, one solitary tipper stood wasn’t swayed by any ladder rankings. Judy Cushway (Morialta) recorded a perfect 6-from-6 round – the only tipper to do so. This follows Judy’s 9-from-9 during Round 1 – clearly proving it was no fluke!! Unfortunately for Judy, this is still in middle of a 3-week mini-competition so there is no weekly prize. Judy will have to be satisfied with ‘bragging rights’ – which I expect she exercised vigorously at her club’s changeover function. So on to Round 15 which will complete the mini-comp. Remember that prizes will be awarded for the best 3-week total score. There are lots in the running so GOOD LUCK for finding a (winning) place. From our Club Website and Facebook IfIt’s youYOUR would like to read the correspondence received from the Rotary Club of Howe of Fife website and see the photos, please look here at our website “stories”. Does anyone have any “stories” to include in our website. This is an excellent way to keep the history of our club. Many stories are already included from the 10 year history of Morialta. see Stories here. Photo Albums are now stored on Facebook. Click here and I believe you can have a look without having a Facebook account. Give it a go. Photo Albums – click here to see Kiosk Album including photos of the fire at the Kiosk in 1998. Changes have been made to our Club Website, particularly in the “Member Area”. If you would like to have a look go to www.morialta.org.au. You will need a password. Please contact Judy or Alan if don’t remember it. It is no longer “undertaker”. If you know what it is remember the uppercase “R”. The Member Area is divided into three areas: Our Club; District 9520; Rotary International. Our Club will give you such things as: Morialta directory, directors list, by-laws, constitution, insurance certificate, Usa Trip Itinerary 2016, current forms, meeting activities and procedures President Profiles. Page 5 District 9520 will give you: District directory, AFL Footy Tipping info, links to District Heralds and much more. Rotary International will give you: How to use My Rotary, brand guidelines, centurion info, theme months, All input is welcome. Have a look at the ”Stories” or “President Profiles” and if you would like to write your own story please do so. The Voice of Rotary 2i The Voice of Rotary Broadcast on 1197AM 5RPH Adelaide each Tuesday 7.30-8.00 pm. From each Wednesday the broadcast program can be heard on-line at www.rphadelaide.org.au/Webcast.html To download a programme, right click on the “Voice of Rotary” and “save link as”. We also keep a file of past programmes. Should you want one from further back, contact Jock Thornton on johnjan4@gmail.com . Information available from -Jock Thornton johnjan4@gmail.com 08 8431 5132 0409 863 235 Entertainment book Orders - pre-order now for valuable Early Bird Offers! Link to our Entertainment Book Page. Support Rotary Club of Morialta - Pre-order your NEW 2016 | 2017 Entertainment™ Membership now! Page 6
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