502 Virtual Pig: Pfizer`s Animal Health 3


502 Virtual Pig: Pfizer`s Animal Health 3
August 12 & 13, 2010
Incorporating Games & Gaming Techniques
into Your e-Learning
Virtual Pig:
Pfizer’s Animal Health
3-D Serious Game
Adam Kane & Greg Meyers
Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
What we’ll cover
Project Sponsor
Project Developer (or why ForgeFX)?
Project Summary, Purpose, & Message
Project Details
Art & Technology
Project Demonstration
Lessons Learned
Polls: Job Role
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
Greg Meyers & Adam Kane, ForgeFX
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Polls: Simulation Development
Polls: What are you most interested in
getting out of this session?
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
Greg Meyers & Adam Kane, ForgeFX
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Project Sponsor: Who is the client?
 Pfizer Animal Health: 1 of the 4 divisions of Pfizer Inc.
 Who is Pfizer Animal Health?
• Leader in the discovery, development, manufacturing
of veterinary-prescription vaccines and medicines for
livestock and companion animals.
Project Developer: Why ForgeFX?
 Pfizer needed a 3D Simulation / Serious Game
development company
 ForgeFX specializes in the development of custom
interactive simulations real-time 3D software
 Coupled with a content expert, Carthage Veterinary
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
Greg Meyers & Adam Kane, ForgeFX
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Project Player Relationships
Why a real-time 3D serious game?
 We’re all bought into the idea of using Serious Games for
training, but why 3D?
 Technology Options: Video, live classroom, brochure,
textbook, simulation, etc.
 Realism
 Spatial relations.
 Requirement to be within the learning environment.
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
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Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Project Summary
 Virtual Walking the Pens is an interactive 3D simulation
game, that allows Pfizer customers to perform virtual
barn-walkthroughs of a wean-to-finish swine farm,
identifying and treating illness in the barn.
 FPS (First Person Swiner)
 A game-based Operator Training Simulator for barn
 A tracking system to assess both individual and group
aggregate performance data, including an online score
 Available in both French and English
Training Features
 Trainees are able to spend time in a virtual barn setting
identifying and treating sick pigs, without the associated
risks to real pigs or the associated costs of consumables
like food, water, and medications.
 Time Compression: Many different simulated strategies
can be tested in a single day, as opposed to one strategy
per season in the real-world.
 Worst Scenario: The simulation can take a user through a
worst case scenario situation. Something that you hope
never happens in the real-world, but something you need
to prepare for regardless. For example:
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
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Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Disaster Response Training
Too much Hydrogen Sulfide
Project Purpose
 Communicate the individual pig care message:
Proper individual care, including the correct application
of Pfizer medical products, contributes to optimal
 Simulation lets farmers directly experience how
application of medications increases profits.
 Bottom line: Simulation usage leads to increased product
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
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into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Project Message
 Individual Pig Care not Mass Treatment
 Identification and treatment of individual pigs saves lives.
 The first two weeks is the key period in the wean-to-finish
So how do you play?
11 unique levels (scenarios).
Daily observation process.
Score based on price per pound/per pig.
Actions increase/decrease profit.
Illness indicators: Lethargy, diarrhea, swollen joints,
sunken flanks, coughing, lifeless ears, etc.
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Game Overview
 Caregiver for 2400 head barn.
 Your decisions on 24 pigs is projected across 2400.
 Game allows you to see gross cost impact of decisions
made on a critical day in the barn.
 Identify individual and group problems.
 Check feeders, waterers, ventilators, and curtains.
 Contact virtual vet to report symptoms
 Receive virtual vet report.
Game Objective / How to win
 Maximize profit by keeping your pig healthy.
• Take care of your pigs.
• Identify problems.
• Treat problems.
 Minimize costs:
• Avoid unnecessary mass treatments
• Avoid misdiagnosis and associated costs / risks.
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
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into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Early Finisher Cough (SIV) #10
 Some pigs the barn are affected with SIV / H1N1
 Abnormal number of pigs remain lying down in the barn.
 User must identify the pigs in the barn that are lethargic,
feverish, and sometimes coughing.
 Diagnostic: The vet will ask the user to take pig
temperatures and get nasal swabs. An advanced user
would take the temperature of 10 pigs. A high temp is
about 103-105.
 Treatment: Barns water needs to be treated with water
antibiotic to prevent secondary infections and aspirin in
the water will lower pig temperatures and alleviate pain
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
Greg Meyers & Adam Kane, ForgeFX
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Mulberry Heart Syndrome #4
 User walks into the nursery and finds a number of
absolutely normal looking pigs have suddenly died.
 Upon necropsy they will see straw colored fluid around
the heart, and the heart will have raspberry color spots all
over it.
 Treatment: Add Vitamin E into the water. If vitamin E is
being used, check to make sure it hasn’t gone bad.
Bloody Diarrhea #3
 Pens contain hemorrhagic diarrhea (bloody).
 Stool smeared on some pigs and some of the pigs will
have a runny trail leading from their rear to the floor.
 Affected pigs appear pale from blood loss, some may die.
 Affected pigs will defecate anywhere instead of
designated areas.
 Diagnosis: Necropsy the dead pigs in the pen
 Treatment: Inject all pigs in the most affected pens, and
medicate the water.
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
Greg Meyers & Adam Kane, ForgeFX
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Art Production
 Primary tools used for the production of art assets for the
project are 3DStudio Max and Photoshop.
Content Experts
 Provide reference materials: Photos.
 When simulating and entire system you have to be
working with someone who knows that system inside and
 We worked hand-in-hand with the content experts to
produce pigs that accurately represented the multitude of
diseases and symptoms that the pigs demonstrate.
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
Greg Meyers & Adam Kane, ForgeFX
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Working with content experts
Replicating Real World Conditions
 Entertainment Games: Fantasy
 Serious Games: Reality
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
Greg Meyers & Adam Kane, ForgeFX
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
3D Models and Animation
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Hello Virtual Pig!
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into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Gaunt Pig
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into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Feverish Pig
Interactive Objects
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
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Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Medication Units
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
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Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Ventilation Controls
Exhaust Fans
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
Greg Meyers & Adam Kane, ForgeFX
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into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Video: Art Production Process
Game vs. Simulation Programming
Frame loop
Record Keeping
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
Greg Meyers & Adam Kane, ForgeFX
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Virtual Pig Technology
Adobe Director
DirectX 3D Graphics
Object Oriented Programming Language (Lingo)
Deployment: PC-based desktop applications
Client: Built using Adobe products
Server-side built on Microsoft.NET technologies
(ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server)
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
 Autonomy: Sub program for each pig that controls its
 Path finding
 Not pre-set paths
 Happens differently every time (non-deterministic)
 Dynamic reactions to users
 Internal States:
• Hungry
• Thirsty
• Scared (avoiding farmer)
• Sleepy
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
Greg Meyers & Adam Kane, ForgeFX
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Tech Development Environment
Post Mortem Highlights
 What went right
• A head turner for Pfizer.
• Metrics
• Engaged, participating content experts
 What went Wrong
• Target Audience (small Amish portion)
• Balancing Time Requirements
• Deployment
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
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Aug 12 & 13, 2010
2.0 Release
 New Scenarios
 New Scoring Calculator
 Minor Scenarios
2.0 Technology
 Microsoft technology for both client and server.
 Client: XNA(.NET, C#)
•Supports the most recent version of DirectX
•Modern technology with built-in components that we
can take advantage of.
•C#: Elegant high-level language with 99% of the
performance characteristics of C++.
• You can quickly build sophisticated applications that are
complex but run quickly, a feature that is critical in a 3D
•Productive IDE: Visual Studio is the same tool used to
develop applications like MSFT word.
•Auto Update
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
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Aug 12 & 13, 2010
XNA Graphics Features
 Enables stuff like shadows, High Definition Range
Lighting, Normal Map, Skinning, Multi-Pass Lighting, Lens
Flare, Collision Detection, Particle Systems, Billboards,
(for each one of these concepts)
Demo: XNA Features
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
Greg Meyers & Adam Kane, ForgeFX
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Questions on Virtual Walking the
Bonus Material
 Aircraft Deicing Simulator – Multi-million dollar
equipment, mission critical task, toxic chemicals,
complicated system, spatial training.
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
Greg Meyers & Adam Kane, ForgeFX
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Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques
into your e-Learning
Aug 12 & 13, 2010
Contact Information
 Download Virtual Walking the Pens:
 Learn more about Pfizer Animal Health:
 Learn more about ForgeFX: http://www.forgefx.com
 Learn more about Carthage: http://hotvet.com
 Contact Greg – gmeyers@forgefx.com
 Contact Adam – akane@forgefx.com
Session 502 – Virtual Pig: Pfizer’s Animal Health 3-D Serious Game –
Greg Meyers & Adam Kane, ForgeFX
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