Paris City of Licensing CONFERENCES BUSINESS MEETING PITCHING SESSION KAZACHOK FORUM THE INTERNATIONAL LICENSING RENDEZ-VOUS ! APRIL 11TH & 12TH 2012 HALLE FREYSSINET PARIS 13 WELCOME We are highly looking forward to welcoming you at the 9th edition of our Kazachok Licensing Forum. Paris will become the Capital of Licensing on March 11th & 12th April, 2012! By creating a new opening for Continental Europeans we are offering the entire trade an opportunity to exchange and sign deals during a strategic moment of the year. Whatever the field may be, the beginning of the Spring season is ideal to consider the properties that will be of interest for the coming periods. Our new arrangements as well as the presence of the new multicategory Showroom for Consumer Products, The Licensing Gallery! Created especially for category managers and decision makers from Retail, The Licensing Gallery ensure more intensity of discovering new opportunities. As usual, Conferences will take place during the Forum - one on each morning and each afternoon so that there will be time left to attend the Pitching Sessions as well as constructive business meetings with future partners. The Cocktail Party on April, 11th will allow networking to continue in a casual and fun atmosphere. This year, we are very pleased to welcome Zodiak Kids on this occasion. We hope that all of those attending - visitors and exhibitors - will find that the Forum meets their expectations and that it will be full of interesting encounters and business deals. Wishing you a great Forum, Nathalie Chouraqui KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 35 VISITOR’S GUIDE LA HALLE FREYSSINET 55 BOULEVARD VINCENT AURIOL 75013 PARIS - FRANCE An ideal place in downtown Paris. Very close to the «Bibliothèque François Mitterrand» > By subway: (line 6) Quai de la Gare or Chevaleret stops > Free parking spaces on the site ©Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, Toei Animation SPONSORS One Piece is the Special Guest of the Kazachok Forum 2012. He will guide you during your 2-days Fair. Enjoy and don’t forget to say «Hello» to the Toei Animation Team! KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 3 VISITOR’S GUIDE FORUM INFORMATION > DOORS OPEN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 2012 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM H Cocktail Zodiak Kids 6:30 PM H THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 2012 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM > ADMISSION > PRESS OFFICE H KAZACHOK LICENSING FORUM IS A TRADE FAIR. Prices by attendee include one badge for 2 days, access to the conferences, the properties area and pitching sessions. The Press Office is located on the Kazachok BOOTH A00. Access to the Press Office is only reserved for members of the press. HF EE PER PERSON: 45€ excl. VAT before April, 4th / 90€ excl. VAT from April, 4th. To attend the Forum, the payment has to be done. You can pay directly at the entrance. A badge is given at the entrance. > CLOAKROOM H A cloakroom service is provided during the Kazachok Licensing Forum. H It is located AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE. > ORGANISERS’ LOCATION > FACILITIES For any inquiries and more information about the Kazachok services, contact the Kazachok team on the BOOTH NUMBER A00 during the show or call +33 (0)6 99 60 69 03 during the event. HO n site food service: BARS AND RESTAURANTS are located in the «Properties Area». HFREE WIFI ZONE sponsored by Go on the Nickelodeon booth to keep your free login Website: http://forumlicence.kazachok.com > NEW FORUM FEATURES NE20W 12 HL ICENSING BEST-SELLER AWARDS will be presented by the French Licensing Federation (F2D2) during the Kazachok Forum. IN HT HE SCREENINGS present the film line-ups in order to anticipate and be positioned on the next property developments. > THE LICENSING GALLERY will showcase novel licensed products in real-life conditions for central buyers. More information page 7! KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 35 VISITOR’S GUIDE MY TIME LINE 11/04/12 12/04/12 8:30 AM >> OPENING > PITCHING SESSIONS F T HE PITCHING SESSIONS ARE PRIVATE SESSIONS for right owners to reveal their licensing strategies. Limited number of places. Representatives of brands in competition are prohibited (except if allowed by the speaker). 9:00 AM 8:30 AM >> OPENING 9:00 AM 9:30 AM CONFERENCE #1 10:00 AM PITCHING SESSION 10:30 AM END OF CONFERENCE #1 9:30 AM CONFERENCE #3 10:00 AM PITCHING SESSION 10:30 AM END OF CONFERENCE 11:00 AM TOEI ANIMATION 11:00 AM F YOU NEED TO REGISTER at the Forum before choosing the pitching sessions you wish to attend. Once you have registered for the Forum, please go to the «visitor area» in our website to plan your day: http://forumlicence.kazachok.com / space visitors. 11:30 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 AM 12:00 AM FY OU CAN ALSO DIRECTLY CALL +33 (0) 1 55 95 00 20 before the event or come to the Kazachok booth A00 during the Show 2:00 PM PRESENTATION 12:30 AM SCREENING WARNER BROS. 2:30 PM SCREENING WARNER BROS. 1:00 PM >> LAUNCH OF A NEW SECRET PROPERTY! PRIZE-GIVING 1:30 PM F2D2 2:00 PM 2:30 PM CONFERENCE #2 3:00 PM CONFERENCE #4 3:00 PM 3:30 PM END OF CONFERENCE 4:00 PM SCREENING THE KROSTONS 12:30 AM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM SCREENING THE KROSTONS #2 3:30 PM END OF CONFERENCE #4 AND PITCHING SESSION 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM CLOSING 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM END OF PITCHING SESSION >> C OCKTAIL ZODIAK KIDS APRIL,17TH & 18TH 2013 ©E .O./S ., T.A. SEE YOU NEXT YEAR! KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 #3 35 VISITOR’S GUIDE MEDIA PARTNERS LA REVUE DU AND ALSO… Kazachok is a member of the LIMA Association. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 Kazachok is partner with the F2D2, the French Licensing Federation. 6 VISITOR’S GUIDE CONFERENCES WEDNESDAY APRIL 11TH 2012 THURSDAY APRIL 12TH 2012 9:30 AM > 10:30 AM LICENSING AND THE DIGITAL WORLD 9:30 AM > 10:30 AM MARKET FIGURES ANALYSIS • New tools, new openings for licensing • How to develop properties for these new tools? • What is licensing’s share in the different fields of activity? MODERATOR: V LADIMIR LELOUVIER, MULTIMEDIA À LA UNE SPEAKER: •C ÉCILE POULET, GFK SPEAKERS: • A MANDINE CASSI, EURODATA • T ERENCE MOSCA, TM CONSULTING • J USTINE RYST, ENDEMOL 2:30 PM > 3:30 PM HOW TO DEAL WITH LICENSING FOR THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY? 2:30 PM > 3:30 PM BRAND EXTENSION OF ADULT BRANDS THAT COME FROM THE PRESS AND THE LUXURY FIELDS AMONG OTHERS • Which catalogue for which territories? • Issues and multi-territory approach SPEAKER: T BC • How to work these brands? • Case study of a specific model • Who are consumers? SPEAKERS: •D OMINIQUE CUVILLIER, CONSULTANT • LOÏC GUILLOUX, PRISMA MEDIA •C LAUDE-ERIC PAQUIN, JB MARTIN KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 35 VISITOR’S GUIDE PITCHING SESSIONS WEDNESDAY APRIL 11TH 2012 ROOM 1 9:30 AM ROOM 2 ROOM 1 ROOM 2 9:30 AM Turner CN Enterprises 10:00 AM Moonscoop 10:30 AM Warner Bros. Consumer Products 11:00 AM THURSDAY APRIL 12TH 2012 CPLG 10:00 AM 10:30 AM The Licensing Company Toei Animation * CPLG 11:00 AM 11:30 AM Zodiak Kids Mediatoon 11:30 AM 12:00 AM TF1 Licences Velib’ - Mairie de Paris 12:00 AM 12:30 AM Nickelodeon Consumer Products Biplano 12:30 AM 1:00 PM 4Kids Entertainment International The Krostons 1:00 PM 1:30 PM Ankama 2:30 PM Nelvana 3:00 PM France Télévisions Distribution Studio 100 Animation 3:30 PM Les Éditions Albert René 4:00 PM Canal+ Licence PITCHING SESSIONS REQUIRE PRIOR REGISTRATION AND CONFIRMATION WITH THE EXHIBITOR 4:30 PM Lagardère Active 2:00 PM DeLiSo / Sophie la girafe Viz Media Europe * 2:30 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM * Conference Room * Meeting Room TV Licensing & New Business 4:30 PM 5:00 PM M6 Licences 5:00 PM 5:30 PM License Lab’ 5:30 PM KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 35 VISITOR’S GUIDE © E.O./S.,T.A. © E.O./S.,T.A. 2:00 PM 1:30 PM FORUM FLOOR EVENTS COME ENJOY THE THE PERFECT OPPOR WEDNESDAY APRIL 11TH BOTH DAYS 1.30 PM 6.30 PM HC ONFERENCE ROOM, H ZODIAK DISCOVER THE NEXT BIG HIT! BE THERE! H I N S I D E KIDS COCKTAIL @ BAR REDAKAÏ H Zodiak Kids is delighted to invite you to their Cocktail Party to kick off the Kazachok Forum! E N T E R T A I N M E N T 4.45 PM H GLENAT H Glénat is happy to announce that Roland Garrigue - one of the talented authors on its P’tit Glénat label - will be signing his children books series «Comment ratatiner ?» (Smash’em up!) @ booth D13. Be one of the happy few! THURSDAY APRIL 12TH 1.30 PM KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 35 VISITOR’S GUIDE © E.O./S.,T.A. H F2D2 AWARDS @ BAR REDAKAÏ H E TWO-DAYS FLOOR EVENTS! RTUNITY FOR VISITORS AND EXHIBITORS TO MINGLE! H FIND THE BONUS HUNTING COWBOYH Try to win a leather case for your smartphone @ Eurogift’s booth B11! H MOONSCOOP H Renew your offer with CHLOE’S CLOSET on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th of April from 10 AM to 5 PM at Moonscoop’s booth C19 and receive gifts to see life in PINK! H THE KAZACHOK LICENSING WEBGUIDE H Check the information on your company @ Kazachok booth (A00) H GALLIMARD H ESPONTANEO H JEUNESSE H Don’t miss the opportunity of meeting French champions by dropping by espontaneO @ booth B14! Come celebrate Gallimard Jeunesse’s 40th anniversary with us at booth C15 and win books featuring our fun and delightful characters! BOTH DAY @ 3.00 PM H BESOMEONE FREESTYLE SHOW H Two of the best football freestylers in the world will perform a 10’ show during the Kazachok Forum. They’ll demonstrate their fantastic and spectacular skills. During the performance enjoy the buffet and soft drinks courtesy of BESOMEONE corner booth D07! Rita and Whatsit, Sponsor of the GFK conference, will present you in exclusivity the 1st images of the animated series. Thursday morning at 9:30 in the conference room, come and discover Rita & Whatsit and leave with your t-shirt! KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 35 VISITOR’S GUIDE EXHIBITORS Discover new properties or new companies in Licensing Ankoo Licensing BOOTH B22 2 rue du Buisson Saint-André - 60440 Peroy les Gombries - France P. +33 (0) 6 89 85 40 14 @ thibaut.gautier@ankoolicensing.fr Art Ask Agency SL BOOTH B09 Port Ginesta 603 - 08860 Les Botigues de Sitges, Barcelona - Spain @ info@artaskagency.com P. +34 936 452 225 W. www.artaskagency.com Carmen Ariza Licensing BOOTH A03 Plaça Llorenç Juncà 1, baixos 3 - 08203 Sabadell Barcelona - Spain P. +34 (0) 673 863 600 a @ joan@carmenariza.com W. www.carmenariza.com Dependable Solutions, Inc. BOOTH B24 222 N Sepulveda Blvd, Suite 2000 - 90245 El Segundo, CA - US F. +1 310 645 9384 @ sales1@dependablerights.com P. +1 310 335 2055 W. www.dependablerights.com Editions Casterman BOOTH B20 Cantersteen 47, bte 4 - 1000 Bruxelles - Belgium F. +32 (0) 2 209 83 01 @ s.levie@casterman.com P. +32 (0) 2 209 83 00 W. www.casterman.com Editions Delcourt BOOTH E07 54 rue d’Hauteville - 75010 Paris - France F. +33 (0) 1 56 03 92 30 @ slefoll@editions-delcourt.fr P. +33 (0) 1 56 03 92 20 W. www.editions-delcourt.fr Elastic Rights France BOOTH E09 21 rue de Fécamp - 75012 Paris - France @ nchevallard@elasticrights.com P. +33 (0) 7 86 72 38 37 W. www.elasticrights.com KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 12 VISITOR’S GUIDE EspontaneO BOOTH B14 141 avenue de Verdun bat D – 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux – France @ marie.sempere@espontaneo.fr P. +33 (0)6 48 05 90 07 W. www.espontaneo.fr Kop & Schouders BOOTH E06 Hoekeindseweg 81, 2665 KB Bleiswijk, Postbus 71 - 2660 AB - Bergschenhoek - Netherlands F. +31 (0) 10 529 88 26 @ info@monskey.nl Futurikon BOOTH E11 12 rue de Turenne - 75004 Paris - France F. +33 (0) 1 44 61 94 60 @ leslie.nelson@lnc-media.com Corporate Licensing Agency 8, rue de Berri – 75 008 Paris 01 42 99 94 47 sophie@lesfees.fr P. +31 (0) 10 529 88 24 W. www.kopenschouders.nl P. +33 (0) 1 44 61 94 61 W. www.futurikon.com Les Fées Existent BOOTH A01 8 rue de Berri - 75008 Paris - France P. +33 (0) 1 42 99 94 47 F. +33 (0) 1 44 61 94 60 @ sophie@lesfees.fr Millimages BOOTH E05 88 rue de la Folie Méricourt - 75011 Paris - France F. +33 (0) 1 49 29 49 60 @ millimages@millimages.com P. +33 (0) 1 49 29 49 69 W. www.millimages.com Téo Jasmin BOOTH B18 6 rue des Mûriers - 75020 Paris - France P. +33 (0) 1 45 21 06 22 F. +33 (0) 1 46 70 45 28 @ showroom@teojasmin.com W. www.teojasmin.com Viz Media Europe BOOTH C09 45 Rue de Tocqueville - 75017 Paris - France @ aadil.tayouga@vizeurope.com P. +33 (0) 1 72 71 53 58 W. www.vizeurope.com KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 13 VISITOR’S GUIDE 4Kids Entertainment International 4Sight Licensing Solutions 70 Conduit Street-1st floor Mutual House - W1S 2GF London - UK BOOTH D20 P. +44 (0) 20 72 97 59 80 F. +44 (0) 20 72 87 90 09 @ 4info@4kidsent.com W. www.4kidsent.com 4Kids Entertainment is a global organisation devoted to the development, production, broadcasting, distribution, licensing and merchandising of children’s entertainment products and adult brands via its 4Sight Licensing Solutions subsidiary. MAX ADVENTURES Max Adventures launched across Europe in 2011 through kids ice cream and is now a well known and desired character. A TV series is broadcast across major TV stations in Europe and an extensive on the ground campaign at retail, leisure parks and through kids’ activities has established Max as a well loved character. ARTLIST COLLECTION: THE DOG & FRIENDS Artlist Collection started out with The Dog which turned into a best selling retail brand with huge success across various categories. The Dog was joined by The Cat and The Pig and the latest additions include The Duck, The Hamster and The Rabbit. The entire collection is now called The Dog & Friends. CHICALOCA A strong feminine brand, Chicaloca represents the confident and fun attitude of modern teen girls, with graphics to represent any style. The Chicaloca style guide is exceptionally strong, offering great opportunities for retail differentiation through a range of themes and great potential for products across many categories. Alphanim BOOTH C11 (Groupe Gaumont) 8 avenue des Minimes - 94300 Vincennes - France P. +33 (0) 1 58 64 55 50 @ licensing@alphanim.com F. +33 (0) 1 43 98 17 80 W. www.gaumont-alphanim.com Alphanim is one of Europe’s leading producers and distributors of children’s entertainment with over 30 series. Since 2010, the studio is acting as licensing agent for the Jim Henson Company. Alphanim is currently working on Calimero’s return. DINOSAUR TRAIN: The «Jurassic Park» for kids! 15 licensees covering the main categories. TV broadcasting: France 5 and Piwi +. 132 episodes of 13 min (2 seasons). Target: boys & girls 3-6 years. THE GREEN SQUAD: At the Green Squad protecting nature is a family matter! TV broadcasting: France 5. Format: 52 episodes of 13 minutes. Target: 6-11 years mixed. Launch of the toy line in 2011. CALIMERO: The most famous black chicken of the TV is back in a new CGI series (104 episodes of 13 min) scheduled for broadcast on TF1 in 2013. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 14 VISITOR’S GUIDE BOOTH C13 Ankama 75 boulevard d’Armentières - 59057 Roubaix cedex 1 - France F. +33 (0) 3 20 76 82 30 @ jfabre@ankama.com P. +33 (0) 3 20 36 30 00 W. www.ankama-group.com ANKAMA is an independent group which produces digital creations for the entertainment industry: online games, publishing, animation, press, music, merchandise, toys and video games for next generation consoles and mobile phones. Following the international success of online game DOFUS, the first pillar of the universe known as the Krosmoz, ANKAMA is now developing WAKFU, a transmedia project in the form of an animated series, video games, a card game and comics. ANKAMA also supports artists, helping them bring their own worlds to life through screenplays, TV programmes, music albums or comic books. DOFUS “The Treasures of Kerub”, the declined series of famous video game DOFUS, arrives in 2013. Ankama’s Animations studio works actually to the production of 52 episodes of 13 minutes which will make the series “The Treasures of Kerub”. Directly inspired of the universe of online game DOFUS, known for its wealth and its 2.5 million active players, this series will pick up again the codes and environment of it. “The Treasures of Kerub” comes to supplement the scenario developed by the online video game, a collection of manga (more than one million past specimens), and also a range of derived products. The series will be hand over and diffused in 2013 on France 3. WAKFU TV Series 2 seasons produced and aired (2 x 26 x 26’). Third season in development. WAKFU has been voted the number one show for the 6-12 demographic in France. Our core audience is Boys/ Girls 6-12 who love action/adventure. Feb 28th, the WAKFU the MMORP Game will launch in North America, in partnership with SQUARE ENIX. BOOTH B02 Bref. / Hill Valley I N S I D E E N T E R T A I N M E N T 48 rue Laugier – 75017 Paris – France P. +33 (0)9 53 45 63 70 @ contact@hillvalley.fr HILL VALLEY, a new agency specialized in licensing and product placement will present for the first time a phenomenon brand, a sales boosting license: Bref. This short-com seduced whole France as well on the tv as on the internet. It became the most seen and most shared TV program in France. THE PHENOMENON TARGET AUDIENCE : IN TV : • 15 to 35 year old boys and girls • A TV series broadcasted in access prime time on Canal Plus until end of 2012 • 2.5 millions of TV spectators average a day ! A WEB PHENOMENON: • 2 millions of videos seen by day • 2 millions fans on FaceBook • 200.000 subscribers on TWITTER IN PRESS:• Press unanimously positive (program often analyzed as the phenomenon of a generation) • More than 300 newspaper articles in France (among which several coverage) A LONG LASTING LICENCE: • IN TV & DVD until end of the year 2012 • IN THEATRES in 2013 (movie project) KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 15 VISITOR’S GUIDE BOOTH C01 Biplano SAS 152 rue de Picpus - 75012 Paris - France P. +33 (0) 1 56 81 25 10 F. +33 (0) 1 56 81 25 11 @ osalomon@biplano.com W. www.biplano.com Biplano, one of the major licensing agents in Europe, starts a new adventure on the French market. We handle famous evergreen properties (Betty Boop, the Smurfs, Popeye, Miffy, Marilyn) and strong potential properties (SpongeBob, Lalaloopsy, Bali...). BETTY BOOP Evergreen property par excellence, Betty Boop personifies femininity, with a great success, for more than 80 years! A fantastic surprise will be revealed in the next few weeks... LALALOOPSY Lalaloopsy dolls are offering the licensing market their freshness and cheerfulness… They will benefit from tremendous news in the next two years. THE SMURFS Iconic figures of the 80’s in comic books and TV series, the Smurfs are once again inevitable thanks to the runaway success of their first animated film. And the adventure continues in 2013! MIFFY With its soft and simple design, Miffy accompanies toddlers since 1955. She still possesses a strong potential on the French market. KEITH HARING Keith Haring is one of the most successful artist of the 80’s. He managed to put Art within the reach of all. His unique street art style, inspired by the graffiti, offers an image top of the range, original and very vivifying. SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS SpongeBob Squarepants is a real star in the whole world thanks to its offbeat humour. Don’t miss the yellow wave submerging France! BOOTH D14 CANAL+ Licence 5/13 boulevard de la République - 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt - France P. +33 (0)1 71 35 23 70 F. +33 (0)1 71 35 23 87 @ leila.kadem@canal-plus.com W. www.canalplus.fr 20 years experience in licensing, products and promotions; long term strategies for each property; experience in licensing with world famous right-holders; strong relationships with major licensees; operations with key retailers. MANCHESTER UNITED / JUVENTUS / FC BARCELONA Be part of the legend with three historical and leading footballs: the best international players and outstanding records in national and Champions League. SAMMY 2 : THE GREAT ESCAPE The sequel of the adventures of Sammy, the most famous of the sea turtles, soon in movie theaters! An animated movie for the family, using brand new 3D technology, directed by the 3D world specialist Ben Stassen (S.O.S. Planet, Fly Me to the Moon). French release on the 15th of August, distributed by StudioCanal. A TV Show is currently on the drawing board for a release in September 2014. X GAMES THE WORLD LARGEST ACTION SPORT COMPETITION with two US-based events : Summer X Games (Los Angeles) and Winter X Games (Aspen), organised and broadcasted by ESPN. Since 2010, Winter X Games Europe in Tignes (France) organised and broacasted by CANAL+ (74,500 visitors in 2011). In 2013, X GAMES GLOBAL EXPANSION with 6 annual events worldwide. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 BÉCASSINE First female heroin of a comic book, Bécassine is an inevitable element of the french cultural heritage. 16 VISITOR’S GUIDE BOOTH B08 CPLG France 4 rue du Général Lanrezac - 75017 Paris - France P. +33 (0) 1 44 09 01 01 F. +33 (0) 1 44 09 01 03 @ cplginfo@fr.cplg.com W. www.cplg.com CPLG is the leading international licensing agency in Entertainment, brands and sport, owned by the Cookie Jar Group, a Canadian-based global entertainment and education company. CPLG creator of successful brands since 1974! FRENCH FOOTBALL FEDERATION Football is the sport n°1 in France Qualification for Euro and Olympics 2012 - The biggest sporting audiences in France - A total new style guide has been developed with target segmentation. WWE Classic Property - Mattel Master Toy Licensee - 4 Broadcasters (incl. NT1) - 2012 Live Events in Paris, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Lyon & Nantes - Exceptional Media Coverage Leading Video Games Franchise - Record Breaking #1 Collectibles Game - More To Come!!! STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE For over 30 years, Strawberry Shortcake has been loved by girls - Over 10 million books and 8 million DVDs sold worldwide Many events in the year - New style guides released quarterly. RABBIDS Hilarious and slapstick – “Raving” by essence - Target: 7 to 77 yo - 92% of awareness - 2011: 30 partners, 200 in-store products references - More than 2 million video games sold in France - 600,000 Facebook fans - An animated series in production for Q4 2013. POWER RANGERS SAMURAÏ Globally recognized brand - Target Audience: Kids 2 to 11 (core: boys 4-8) - 97% awareness - Super Samurai new season on Canal J and Gulli - Master toy partner: Bandai - Fantasy ActionAdventure with Humor - Nearly 20 years of proven success. DESPICABLE ME 2 After the success of the first opus with more than 2,8 million entries in France. Despicable Me will be back with more and more Minions and a new villain! Released July 3, 2013. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 17 VISITOR’S GUIDE BOOTH C03 BOOTH B11 Cyber Group Studios Eurogift 7 rue Letellier - 75015 Paris - France Parc Eureka - Bat. Blue d’Oc - 120 rue de Thor - 34000 Montpellier - France P. +33 (0) 1 40 58 65 34 @ cbleriot@cybergroupstudios.com F. +33 (0) 1 40 58 14 53 W. www.cybergroupstudios.com P. +33 (0) 4 67 10 81 86 @ pierre.briand@eurogift.fr F. +33 (0) 4 88 04 98 14 W. www.eurogift.fr Cyber Group Studios is a multi awarded French producer and distributor, specialized in top quality kids programming with strong international appeal. The company was created in 2005 by a team of top executives with more than 30 years of experience with industry leaders. How about a gift from us? We team up with your marketing department, accompany you in the design and manufacturing of your licensed products, premiums and personalised gifts for all your promotional operations. From the concept development right through to the final product, we guarantee complete project management, including meeting safety standards and ensuring manufacturing conditions. To turn your ideas into gifts: contact us! Eurogift: over 10 million products manufactured per year. ZOU: The daily life of a zebra family; curiosity, love and imagination based on the hugely successful books by Michel Gay. Zou is about family. It’s about growing up, about relationships between family members and friends. It’s about learning how the world works… It’s about Zou. Let’s follow Zou on a series of funfilled escapades, scrapes and experiences. TATONKA: Share great laughs and thrilling adventures in the wilderness. FISH & CHIPS: When a champion deep sea diver cat chases a fish… BOOTH B19 DeLiSo S.A.S. 6 rue des Glières - 74150 Rumilly - France P. +33 (0) 4 50 01 06 20 F. +33 (0) 4 50 01 50 25 @ info@deliso.fr DeLiSo company manage the Sophie la girafe worldwide rights for licensing. SOPHIE LA GIRAFE Sophie la girafe, an international icon! 50 years of existence, more than 50 million products sold since her creation, Sophie la girafe is the first baby’s toy, the must at birth. In France, she is in collective memory with an outstanding reputation and is now sold in 52 countries worldwide. Sophie la girafe is a license with timeless, classic, reassuring and friendly values which seduces a transgenerational target: moms and babies. This year, Sophie la girafe license consists in the creation of a new world, a new style guide according to the brand values. This world is gently, both chic and classic, with new friends for Sophie la girafe: Gabin the cuddly bear, Lazare the playful cat, Josephine the mouse who follows Sophie everywhere, Kiwi the bird, the smallest but the most greedy and Margot the turtle, always ready to play in the bath. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 18 VISITOR’S GUIDE BOOTH A13 Eurosport 3 rue Gaston et René Caudron - 92130 Issy les Moulineaux - France P. +33 (0) 1 40 93 80 00 F. +33 (0) 1 40 93 81 00 @ cviel@eurosport.com W. www.eurosport.com Since its inception as a single sports TV channel in 1989, Eurosport has grown into Europe’s leading sports multimedia platform. Its flagship channel, Eurosport, is the number one pan-European TV channel. EUROSPORT Live sport is the lifeblood of the Eurosport Group, and 2012 will see 5,000 hours of live broadcast across Eurosport and Eurosport 2. With emotion at its highest during live sport, Eurosport’s coverage provides fans with emotional interaction and a great entertainment experience. Diversity is also a key concept in Eurosport’s make-up. A line-up of over 120 sporting disciplines reflects its deep-rooted international culture and dedication to variety. These characteristics have contributed to Eurosport’s status as the leading European broadcaster, unrivalled in its coverage of a wide range of sports. In tennis, Eurosport brings fans three of the four Grand Slam tournaments, a selection of ATP events and a complete offering of WTA tournaments that simply cannot be matched. In cycling, no other channel can boast such depth and variety in live coverage, with all three major tours and track and road world championships comprising 300 hours of live broadcast. Year after year, Eurosport confirms its status as the ultimate winter sports destination too, covering 12 disciplines with 1,600 hours of broadcast. London 2012 marks 20 years of Olympic coverage on Eurosport. It was the first TV channel to dedicate itself to 24/7 coverage of the Games, and such dedication will be apparent again this year in London. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 19 FIA WTCC (FIA WORLD TOURING CAR CHAMPIONSHIP) The World Touring Car Championship (WTCC) is a spectacular and rapidly growing motorsport. Having started out in 2005, it is one of only three world championships sanctioned by the Fédération Internationale Automobile (FIA) and its global popularity is increasing each year. The WTCC is a sport which has a truly global footprint. Its presence is spread across five continents, with races in South and North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Such diversity is also felt in the line-up of drivers, in which fifteen nationalities are represented. It is little surprise then that coverage of the WTCC reaches over 459 million viewers in more than 170 countries. VISITOR’S GUIDE BOOTH D21 France Télévisions Distribution Immeuble «Le Barjac» 1 boulevard Victor - 75015 Paris - France P. +33 (0) 1 56 22 90 75 @ naouel.mered@francetv.com Generating success, France Télévisions Distribution works with producers and licensors to maximise the revenue of their programmes across all media platforms, including digital. France Télévisions Distribution : rights distributor, brand manager LULU VROUMETTE Lulu Vroumette, the heroine that makes Nature her playground! A funny tortoise ready for great discoveries with her friends. The TV series is broadcast in more than 20 countries. France Télévisions Distribution is worldwide agent. ÉMILIE émilie became known through the books published over the past 40 years. She is coming back in a 3D animated TV series in April 2012 in Zouzous on France 5. The little girl with the red hood will start enthusing girls 3 to 5 years old after being their mother’s hero when they were the same age! MR. MEN & LITTLE MISS We ♥ Mr. Men and Little Miss! More than 90 characters “à la mode” to collect. They bring the hype and know how to seduce trendy young adults… and children too! Little Miss Princess & Mr. Birthday are more than happy to warmly welcome their new licensor: Sanrio! THE NEW ADVENTURES OF PETER PAN The series “The new adventures of Peter Pan”, will be on air on France 3 end 2012. New look for characters with a modern approach of the storytelling at the 21st Century. Co-production of DQ Entertainment and Method Animation, in association with France Télévisions and ZDF. NODDY In 2013, The Circus starring Noddy & friends hits town! Make way for Noddy as our ringmaster, Whizz as the best juggler and Zim as the funniest clown ever! Let’s start the show under the world’s biggest top! Dedicated products, brand strategy based on this theme. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 20 VISITOR’S GUIDE BOOTH B07 FremantleMedia Enterprises 1 Stephen Street - W1T 1AL London - UK P. +44 (0) 207 691 6000 @ nathalie.delin@fremantlemedia.com W. www.fremantlemedia.com FremantleMedia Enterprises (FME) is a leading licensor of entertainment, character and lifestyle brands. Working both as a brand owner and as a licensing agent, we are responsible for building brands and extending them into new consumer experiences. REBECCA BONBON Rebecca Bonbon is the latest design property from the creator of Hello Kitty, Yuko Shimizu. Rebecca Bonbon is a French bulldog, living in New York City, with a penchant for shopping and sweets. FME acquired rights to Rebecca Bonbon from Crown Creative in 2008 and now represents the brand globally (excluding Japan and Korea). TREE FU TOM Aimed at 3-5-year-olds, Tree Fu Tom is a new landmark 3D CGI animated fantasy action adventure property. Tom appears to be a normal eight-year-old boy but putting on his magic belt and performing a special sequence of magic action-movements - known as Tree Fu - transforms him into a tiny but mighty magical super-hero. DOODLE JUMP Doodle Jump is an addictive gaming app where users must bounce the game’s protagonist Doodle the Doodler up an endless series of platforms, tilting their phone from side to side to avoid monsters, occasional UFOs and black holes. Doodle Jump has been downloaded over 20 million times and is a top 10 game in 84 countries. BOOTH C15 BOOTH D13 Gallimard Jeunesse Glénat 30 rue de l’Université - 75007 Paris - France 39 rue du Gouv. Gén. Eboué - 92130 Issy les Moulineaux - France P. +33 (0) 1 49 54 15 54 @ gwendoline.fayette@gallimard-jeunesse.fr F. +33 (0) 1 49 54 16 00 W. www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr P. +33 (0) 1 41 46 11 11 @ sophie.perez@glenat.com F. +33 (0) 1 41 46 11 13 W. www.glenat.com Founded in 1972, Gallimard Jeunesse is the # 1 French publisher for children books. With more than 250M books sold, Gallimard Jeunesse develops worldwide merchandising for its universes: Penelope, Rita & Whatsit, Trotro, The Pj Masks... Within Glénat Editions, Glénat offers innovative properties coming from comic books and children’s books. Our portfolio is in constant evolution alongside the editorial, TV and cinema market. NEWS FROM GALLIMARD JEUNESSE Come and discover our lovely preschool heroes already on TV: Trotro the donkey, and Penelope the blue koala. Coming soon on TV: Rita and Whatsit, a comedy show for pre-schoolers featuring an irresistibly insolent and hilarious duo: Rita, the determined and bossy girl, and Machin, the dog with no name, philosophical and lazy. And also The Pj Masks, the new superheroes franchise for toddlers. Want to join the success of those universes! Visit our booth C15. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 TOOTUFF: is back with more than 1 million copies this August 2012. Each new released volume reaches the 1st position in just a few months. P’TIT GLÉNAT: For 3 cups of good stories in a bowl, add a fair amount of talented illustrators, sprinkle with fun, bake for 3 to 8 years: P’tit Glénat, our new label! CHI’S SWEET HOME: Chi is a lovable cat coming from a manga (by Kodansha). No doubt, you will be under the spell of this new trendy character! 21 VISITOR’S GUIDE BOOTH D07 BOOTH D09 Globetrade Global Licensing Premiums with a buzz! 14 rue de Belzunce - 75010 Paris - France Globetrade: Aalbeeksesteenweg 84 - 8500 Kortrijk - Belgium P. +33 (0) 1 75 43 26 50 @ contact@global-licensing.fr F. +33 (0) 1 48 38 00 61 W. www.besomeone.fr P. +33 (0) 5 56 48 51 51 @ s.vielle@globetrade.fr W. www.globetrade.be Rooted in the urban culture BESOMEONE is an original, creative, dynamic on the Streetwear fashion market. Thanks to its original creations and its line of product, BESOMEONE is a brand with a unique place on the European market. Beetosee Innovative Premium supplier Beetosee: Noordkaai Straatsburgdok 29 - 2030 Antwerpen - Belgium P. +32 (0) 3 485 87 88 @ Nicole@beetosee.com BESOMEONE Being part of the urban culture since 2003, BESOMEONE is an original dynamic and competitive brand on the Streetwear fashion market. Through its original creations, based on universal a values (such as worthiness, self-confidence, respect, diversity) BESOMEONE distinguishes itself from the competition by the complementarity of the product range which makes it an unique brand on the European market. BESOMEONE collections are the result of the expertise of each licensee. Both companies are specialized in the development of custommade licensed premiums and support clients’ promotion policies, loyalty programs or DTR actions all over Europe. We are established in Europe and Asia with offices in Belgium, Holland, Italy, France, Spain, China and we are official suppliers of major clients all over Europe. BOOTH B13 BOOTH B06 Hyphen IMG Licensing SAS 131 rue Cardinet - 75017 Paris - France 5 bis rue Mahias - 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt - France P. +33 (0) 1 43 18 20 18 @ carole.braud@hyphen-comics.com F. +33 (0) 1 43 18 20 19 W. www.hyphen-comics.com P. +33 (0) 1 46 89 44 65 @ mickael.andreo@imgworld.com F. +33 (0) 1 46 89 44 50 W. www.imglicensing.com Hyphen is a company specialized in comic-book copyright management. We have been working for over 20 years with publishers such as Dargaud, Le Lombard, Bamboo and Fluide Glacial. In our catalog, you will find a large choice which is up-dated regularly. IMG Licensing is the World’s leading licensing agency. MLB and New York Yankees; PLAYBOY; US College; Volkswagen; Wimbledon; 24 Hours Le Mans; the Rugby World Cup; Gotcha; World Series Of Poker; or Muhammad Ali; have all trusted IMG to develop their brand. PLAYBOY IMG is honoured to represent worldclass brands. Playboy is one of the most celebrated and popular consumer brands in the world. Its enduring appeal derives from its fabulous history and unique status in global pop culture. Created in 1953 by the American gentleman Hugh Hefner, Playboy builds its legend around a glamour and fashion image which also appeals to a young audience through a fun and hype universe. Playboy is a truly global brand, relevant to male and female consumers alike. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 35 22 VISITOR’S GUIDE BOOTH B10 BOOTH B04 Kontiki Licensing Le studio d’imagination 14 route du Perollier - 69570 Dardilly - France 50 avenue Marceau - 75008 Paris - France P. +33 (0) 4 78 35 15 40 @ laloeuf@kontiki.fr F. +33 (0) 4 78 43 24 84 W. www.kontiki.fr P. +33 (0) 6 74 12 50 39 @ olegrand@me.com W. www.krostons.com Kontiki, distributor of successful brands since 1994 (Diddl, Kimmidoll, Topmodel) becomes agent for licensing in 2010. Now as an agent for Kimmidoll, KimmiJunior and Ukido Ninja Warriors, Kontiki’s strengthening its portfolio with Anooki. Le Studio d’Imagination gives a 2nd life to the Krostons, Small green demons created by Paul Deliège in 1968, the comics appeared simultaneously with the Smurfs into Le journal de Spirou, famous Belgian comics magazine. KIMMIDOLL COLLECTION: Kimmidolls are contemporary collectable dolls combining a fusion of traditional and modern creative sensibility. The Krostons are back in 2013 as a 3D television series and a feature film in relief, a Hybrid live action family movie with 3D animation Staring Jean Reno, Virginie Ledoyen and a very famous (and secret !) american actor. Also, the Krostons are back as comic characters continuing the adventure started in the 60s. They will become masters of the world... Dare you to discover them in preview during the salon? KIMMIDOLL JUNIOR: Kimmidoll Junior is the Kimmidoll’s little sister, targeted at the 4-10 year old market. ANOOKI: Two little white Eskimos move about within wide colourful spaces: Anook and Nooki, girl and boy. Anooki aspires to big kids between the ages of 25 and 50 and brings back memories of childhood characters. BOOTH B17 BOOTH D27 L’Équipe License Lab’ 4, cours de l’Île-Seguin BP 10302 - 92102 Boulogne Billancourt - FR 71 rue de la Victoire - 75009 Paris - France P. +33 (0) 1 40 93 20 20 @ flancien@lequipe.fr F. +33 (0) 1 40 93 24 44 W. www.lequipe.fr P. +33 (0) 1 53 78 24 82 @ licenselab@licenselab.fr F. +33 (0) 1 53 78 24 01 W. www.licenselab.fr L’Equipe has a leadership position in France for sports information with over 20M readers and users a month. L’Equipe is a subsidiary of the Amaury group (publishes Le Parisien & Aujourd’hui en France). It owns Amaury Sports Organization (Tour de France, Paris-Dakar Rally). Established by Telfrance Group, the 2nd largest French producer of primetime TV drama, License Lab’ markets the license LIFE’S SO SWEET, some animation series (LOOPDIDOO, CARMEN & CARMELITO,…) and also some design properties (LOL & THE LOLIES). LOL & THE LOLIES: is a design license represented by the Lolies: urban, romantic, modern & melancholic girls… 3 letters which make the unit of a generation! NEWS FROM l’ÉQUIPE L’Equipe became the key reference for sport-related news coverage since 1946. Currently printing over 293 000 copies, it offers a daily extensive coverage of French and international sporting events & a weekly print destination (L’Equipe Magazine). L’Equipe also has a strong presence on the web #1 online sports destination in France - on mobile, tablets & on TV with L’Equipe TV. The Group also publishes other magazines related to sports: France Football or Vélo magazine. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 MOTHERLY YOURS is THE family program of reference! The show invites parents to share their experience in a lively atmosphere. A wide licensing program is in development. LOOPDIDOO: For LOOPDIDOO the dog and his 5 years old owner and best friend Petunia, everyday life is just one big adventure! The 4th season will be broadcasted in 2012. 23 VISITOR’S GUIDE BOOTH B03/B05 Lagardère Active - TV Licensing & New Business 26/28 rue François 1er - 75008 Paris - France P. +33 (0) 1 41 34 60 00 F. +33 (0) 1 47 23 19 89 @ benoit.roque@lagardere-active.com W. www.canalj.fr In addition to its activities of diversification around brands TV channels (Tiji, Gulli, Canal J) Lagardère Active TV Licensing & New Business is also the licensing agent of well-known properties as Beyblade, Pokemon, Puppy in My Pocket and Yo Gabba Gabba. GULLI Gulli is more than ever the family’s brand reference! It continues its expansion growing with the opening of the 1st Gulli Parc in October 2011, the arrival of new products and 360° offers. PUPPY IN MY POCKET Puppy In My Pocket, a world full of fantasy and adventures for girls! It’s an animated series that performs on Gulli, collectible figurines and new licensing products. BEYBLADE Beyblade is the star of the year-end 2011: Hasbro spin is the 1st boy toy sold in Christmas and the property is the 1st boy license! In 2012, you may always count on Beyblade with a toy new line up, lots of special operations and the 3rd season in Autumn. YO GABBA GABBA The musical show, unique and original designed for children, arrives on Gulli! Already a success of hearings on TiJi and in the United States, Foofa, Muno, Brobee, Plex and Toodee just waiting for conquering the French market! POKEMON 2012 is the Pokemon’s year with a 15th season and a new feature film. The property has already many partners but lots of categories are still available. Lagardère Active TV Licensing, your contact in France! BOOTH C12 Les Editions Albert René 26 avenue Victor Hugo - 75116 Paris – France P. +33 (0) 1 45 00 41 41 F. +33 (0) 1 45 01 27 67 @ baptiste.cazaux@editions-albert-rene.com W. www.asterix.com Les Editions Albert René manages the Asterix universe worldwide rights. Asterix is a full entertainment brand with licensing, animated and live-action movies, theme park and a lot of new projects coming. Asterix was born in 1959. The 34 albums series has gone on to sell 350 million copies throughout the world with more than 110 languages translations! Asterix is a global and an international brand with many licensees, 3 live movies, 8 animated movies and a leisure park. 2012 will be very active for Asterix with: • The launch of The Asterix Tour, an immersive touring experience which begin in Germany and will travel in all Europe. • A lot of new licensed product such as: Benetton, Oysho, Ferrero, Ravensburger. • A new online and mobile game . • At last but not least, the new 3D live movie called «Asterix in Britain» will release on October 2012 in more than 40 countries. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 24 VISITOR’S GUIDE And the adventures continue in 2013 with the release of the 35th book of the collection! Don’t hesitate to come to see us on our booth. BOOTH C07 M6 Licences 89 ave Charles de Gaulle - 92200 Neuilly sur Seine - France F. +33 (0) 1 41 92 69 27 @ cgay@m6.fr P. +33 (0) 1 41 92 61 61 W. www.m6.fr M6 Licences has been working for 15 years with passion and know-how, aiming to position brands as licenses. Most crucially: we take brands seriously, we give them a home. That’s what makes us a «success booster»! T O P C H E F BASK’UP BASK’UP is a group of basketball prodigies united by passion for the game and a taste for fun and excitement! NBA Star, Tony Parker handpicked the young hopefuls to participate in a North American tournament of street basketball. UN DINER PRESQUE PARFAIT Un Dîner Presque Parfait, a successful license that is part of our everyday life! TOP CHEF, the biggest cooking competition for professionals comes back for a third season and is already a great success! MARTINE Martine is a transgenerational license that takes you to marvelous moments of dream and adventure... KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 25 VISITOR’S GUIDE D&CO A famous brand, a sales boosting license! D&CO is the n°1 decoration website in France, a great publishing success, more than 10 licensees and a lot of great products in store. D&CO is THE definite decoration reference! E=M6 You can now learn having fun or be surprised by Science with the license E=M6! BOOTH D01 BOOTH A09 Marsu Productions Marvel 9 avenue des Castelans - 98000 Monte Carlo - Monaco 1 rue de la Galmy - 77776 Marne la Vallée cedex - France P. +377 92 05 61 11 @ licencing@marsupilami.com F. +377 92 05 76 60 W. www.marsuproductions.com P. +33 (0) 1 64 17 50 00 W. www.disney.fr F. +33 (0) 1 64 17 55 47 Marsu is the right’s owner of very famous comics characters such as Marsupilami and Gaston Lagaffe for publishing, audiovisual, promotion and licensing. Marvel is one of the most internationally recognized entertainment brands with its library of more than 8,000 characters that include some of the most iconic Super Heroes in the world. Marvel became part of The Walt Disney Company in 2009. MARSUPILAMI Marsupilami was already a star on TV, in publishing and in licensing fields but it’s now a MOVIE STAR! «HOUBA! On the trail of the Marsupilami», this amazing adventure signed A. Chabat, is definitely awaited as the comedy of the year. From April 2012, everyone will want to adopt their Marsupilami. Come and meet the real animal on our booth D01! AVENGERS: The Super Hero team up of a lifetime, featuring iconic Super Heroes Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor & Captain America. A blockbuster movie released April 25th in France & launch of season 2 of the TV series “Avengers: Earth’s mightiest heroes” on Disney XD. SPIDER-MAN: The movie “The Amazing Spider-Man”, released July, will explore the origins of Peter Parker & his alter ego Spider-Man. A wide range of new products will be available. A new TV series Ultimate Spider-Man on Disney XD in September. GASTON LAGAFFE: Gaston Lagaffe is the coolest and funniest comic’s character. His humour is very modern and he has a great success in all fields. BOOTH C05 Mediatoon Licensing 15/27 rue Moussorgski - 75895 Paris cedex 18 - France P. +33 (0) 1 53 26 32 20 F. +33 (0) 1 53 26 32 30 @ laure.vouzelaud@mediatoon.com W. www.mediatoon-licensing.com Mediatoon Licensing develops a large licensing portfolio of animation, comics and manga licenses with famous properties such as Naruto, Garfield, Lucky Luke or Yakari. NARUTO LITTLE SPIROU The famous ninja with 110 millions mangas sold celebrates Still waiting for a good joke to make to Mr his 10th anniversary in France! Exhibitions, new licensees, Mégot, his gym teacher, Little Spirou only tie-in operation in food, new TV broadcasting on France Ô! The turns serious for the lovely Suzette or the Naruto program keeps growing on! attractive Ms Chiffre, his math teacher… In 2012, Little Spirou will be a cartoon hero on M6: a real survival kit for today’s children! BILLY & BUDDY The most famous cocker of comic book and his master go from joke to joke in a new 3D series to be aired in 2013 on one of the main channel. And there’s more: Billy and Buddy will be the stars of a live movie at spring 2013! GARFIELD Still on the best-rated French programs, Garfield continues his show with a third season coming on France 3! New Partners are joining the program: back-toschool, apps, apparel… And also tie-in operations planned in 2012. YAKARI 3rd season 26x13’ for fall 2012 and an animation movie for the end of 2013! KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 26 VISITOR’S GUIDE BOOTH D05 MJA Licensing LICENSING TIP 115 rue de la Pompe - 75116 Paris - France • Need to find new contacts? • Want to identify new properties? Find all the contacts and information in the Kazachok Licensing WebGuide, the international interactive platform dedicated to licensing! > Intuitive browsing: advanced search by property, licensee, licensor & agent, contact > Personalized: save your bookmarks, direct access among 7000 articles from the Newsletter and the Mag > Smart tool: 5 languages, videos, new properties and brand content P. +33 (0) 6 84 52 31 17 @ f.bouvet@mjalicensing.com W. www.mjalicensing.com Since more than 6 years, MJA Licensing focuses on teens and tweens markets with Art & Design and Fashion brands. Recently, the company has enlarged its portfolio with new successful brands for adults or kids. News from MJA Licensing: MJA will showcase BELLA SARA, coming from the n°1 trading cards, ME TO YOU, the cutest teddy bear, with a worldwide success, SONY PLAYSTATION and major games (GOD OF WAR, INVIZIMALS, LITTLE BIG PLANET, SINGSTAR) reaching new retailers and consumers. On Art & Design: IT’S HAPPY BUNNY, BARCODE KITTIES, WITHIT, SKELANIMALS, SOSO HAPPY, NICI and on fashion brands PINK COOKIE and CRUSADE will be there. With vintage SATURDAY EVENING POST, the heritage’s portofolio is growing with new famous French brands to discover. THE ACCESS IS FREE! USE IT AND SIGN IN AT WWW.KAZACHOK.COM BOOTH C19 Moonscoop SA 14 rue Alexandre Parodi - 75010 Paris - France P. +33 (0) 1 53 35 90 90 F. +33 (0) 1 53 35 90 91 @ cpg@moonscoop.com W. www.moonscoop.com Moonscoop, a company truly dedicated to creating, producing and marketing brands for children, has a gamut of novelties and developments in store for 2012/2013. Each property will reach terrestrial TV, consumer products, publishing, video and the net. CHLOE’S CLOSET With Chloe’s Closet, renew your collections for girls, and see the life of your ranges in PINK! Following its international TV Success, Chloe’s Closet season 2 is already in production (52x13’) to be broadcast end 2012/early 2013. Supported by a European marketing plan and anchor point of an ambitious merchandising program, GoldenBear, MasterToy, will launch its first line to UK end of 2012 before a global spread in 2013. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 CODE LYOKO EVOLUTION To be premiere in Kazachok Forum, Moonscoop unveils the first footages of Code Lyoko Evolution (26x26’), unique mix of 3D animation and live action! February/March sets the tone of the strong marketing around the property: new official website codelyoko.com, national casting organized (Moonscoop, France Télévisions, Lagardère Group), online Social Game launch on April 2012… First broadcast scheduled for early 2013. Come and see us on booth #C19 to share the news on Geronimo Stilton and Tara Duncan, as well to give you a sneak peak of our next productions! 27 VISITOR’S GUIDE BOOTH D25 Nelvana Enterprises 55 rue de Bretagne - 75003 Paris - France P. +33 (0) 1 42 71 08 28 F. +33 (0) 1 42 71 01 44 @ antoine.erligmann@corusent.com W. www.nelvana.com Nelvana, a Corus Entertainment company, is one of the world’s leading international producers and distributors of kids’ animated content. The merchandising team manages consumer licensed products for the famous brands Babar, Beyblade and Franklin. BABAR AND THE ADVENTURES OF BADOU In the TV series on TF1, Babar is a kindly and doting grandfather. His intrepid grandson, Badou lives many adventures with his friends. More than 30 licensees in France alone and the merchandising program is continuously expanding across Europe with new partners. The Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris is featuring an exhibit in honour of the Babar’s 80th anniversary. BEYBLADE The Beyblade spinning top toy and television franchise continues to take over the globe! The TV series is a hit with new episodes on air in Fall 2012 and a new season in production. The licensing program is growing globally, with licensees such as De Agostini, Leomil, Belltex, Van Der Erve, Panini, Mondo, and of course the Hasbro master toy line. FRANKLIN AND FRIENDS Good news for fans of everyone’s favourite turtle! Franklin is back in a brand-new CGI series (104 episodes). The undisputed star isn’t perfect but he is working on it and his daily adventures encourage kids to be curious about the world. A licensing program is being launched this year with new partners. BOOTH B01 BOOTH C17 PGS Entertainment Planeta Junior France 83 rue Réaumur - 75002 Paris - France 30, Place d’Italie - 75013 Paris - France P. +33 (0) 1 83 64 34 62 @ psoutter@pgsentertainment.com F. +33 (0) 9 52 80 85 16 W. www.pgsentertainment.com P. +33 (0) 1 44 16 06 34 @ hlancelin@fr.deaplaneta.com F. +33 (0) 1 44 16 05 13 W. www.planeta-junior.com PGS Entertainment is a leading International Brand Management company, exclusively dedicated to iconic kids and family Brands and handling all rights including Broadcast, Home Entertainment, Mobile, Online, Licensing and Merchandising. Planeta Junior is committed to children’s leisure through the exploitation of contents for TV, cinema, DVD, licence, promotions and publications. It manages licences for brands such as Maya The Bee, Heidi, Camille, Magiki... CAMILLE: All of Camille’s adventures come together in a new TV series. The story of this endearing character has captivated millions of children all over Europe through its books and has become a real phenomenon in France. Thanks to Camille and her inseparable teddy bear Nounours, small children will learn essential values. THE JUNGLE BUNCH Join Maurice, the penguin who thinks he’s a tiger, and his misfit friends as they embark on an adventure they will never forget! WIZE & OPE Wize & Ope is a Philosophy, a Lifestyle and a Brand! An open mind and being open to other cultures are the core values. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 MAGIKI: The Magiki is the name of the flow packaging designed by DeAgostini in 2009. The Magiki represent a delighted and wonderful world of ponies, dolphins and many other animals. 28 VISITOR’S GUIDE NICKELODEON / VIACOM CONSUMER PRODUCTS 22 rue Jacques Dulud - 92 521 Neuilly sur Seine Cedex - France BOOTH B26 P. +33 (0)1 70 94 94 94 @ cpfrance@vimn.com N/VCP is in charge of the development and the exploitation of the promotional rights and CP of the shows produced by the channels of the group. TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES are back from the NY sewers. The new adventures will start in 2013 with a new TV show and a dedicated CP program. A new film produced by Michael Bay and distributed by Paramount Pictures will follow. VICTORIOUS is the story of Tori Vega, aka VICTORIA JUSTICE, a new student trying to find her place in Hollywood Arts High School. Season 2 launch on NICKELODEON in April 2012 and season 3 greenlit to go on production! FANBOY & CHUM CHUM is the new NICKELODEON CG animation show where the ordinary world of 2 kids is turned into a fantastic place where anything can happen! On NICKELODEON and Canal+. With +32M fans on Facebook, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS has conquered the world with his happiness, everyone loves him: boys, girls, teens and adults! On TF1 and NICKELODEON, new episodes will arrive soon as the 9th season is on production! Maths are complicated? Not anymore with UMIZOOMI! Milli, Geo and Bo, the 3 mini heroes help preschoolers to solve everyday problems with their mighty math powers. On France 5 and NICKELODEON JUNIOR. Fisher Price is the Master Toy. JIMMY NEUTRON creates amazing inventions to make his life easier... But they never work the way they’re supposed to do… On NICKELODEON and France 3. With 20 seasons greenlit, SOUTH PARK heroes will keep on criticize their world. On Game One, MTV and NRJ12 and with +37M fans on Facebook, the 4 boys love to be different. 100% of the 4/6-year old girl know her and 75% love her… DORA THE EXPLORER is the star of the preschoolers. In 2013, Dora will be everywhere: on TV with a new look for the new episodes, on the ground, at retail with new products, online, on digital platforms… 5 seasons later, JERSEY SHORE is cult. The trash heroes are now big stars! Can’t wait for the French version! BEAVIS&BUTT-HEAD are back to give their caustic POV on the world. Childish and vulgar, the stooges have already their t-shirts range at H&M. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 Dive back into 30 years of MTV’s culture through MTV CLASSIC. The CP program pays tribute to the creative originality and uniqueness of the MTV brand and brings them to life from screen to product. 29 VISITOR’S GUIDE BOOTH D12 TF1 Licences Immeuble Atrium - 6 place Abel Gance - 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt - France P. +33 (0) 1 41 41 46 43 F. +33 (0) 1 41 41 15 85 @ cgeorges@tf1.fr W. www.tf1licences.com TF1 Licences manages famous and powerful brands: Babar and the Adventures of Badou, Barbapapa, Franklin, Ushuaïa, Mille Bornes, MasterChef… and new high potential licenses such as The Voice, Gogo’s Crazy Bones, Mike the Knight, Chuggington... MIKE THE KNIGHT THE VOICE The new preschool series on TFOU The most powerful media event on presents the adventures of Mike, a ten TF1 in 2012! This new musical show year-old knight-in-training. This HIT produced by Shine France is a TV Entertainment and Nelvana co-producphenomenon with blind auditions, tion (52x12 min) achieves excellent perforbattles and live performances. mances which promise a bright future for this new property. MILLE BORNES The popular game is released in several versions and applications (iPhone, iPad and iPod). USHUAIA L’Oreal Group enlarged Ushuaïa’s product line with new beauty & care products, already a success in stores! CHUGGINGTON Chuggington, broadcast on TFOU, follows the humorous adventures of three young trains-in-training. This preschool property has more than 250 licensees worldwide. GOGO’S CRAZY BONES The 3rd series of collectible figurines is available this spring! Distributed by Dif’ Press and TF1 Games, Gogo’s Crazy Bones is a real playground phenomenon! BARBAPAPA An international phenomenon with 120 licensees in Europe! The brand, whose legendary series influenced generations, celebrated its 40 years of success. Totally vintage, the “Barbamania” is an evergreen phenomenon in Europe. HELLO KITTY First license in the toys and games market, Hello Kitty is beloved by moms and little girls.* BABAR AND THE ADVENTURES OF BADOU For more than 80 years the King of the Elephants attracted adults and children. Now grandfather, Babar takes care of his grandson Badou, the hero of the two first seasons of the series broadcast on TF1 in TFOU. You can also find Babar into the museum of decorative Arts in Paris where a retrospective exhibition is dedicated to him. © 2012 Hit (MTK) Limited, © Hit Entertainment Limited. // © 2012 DUJARDIN marque déposée. Tous droits réservés // TM & © Nelvana. Jointly Licensed by Nelvana Ross // © 2012 A.T. // © Ludorum plc 2012 Chuggington ® is a registered trademark of Ludorum plc. // TM Corus/Kids Can Press © Bourgeois/Clark // GOGO’S/CRAZY BONES © 2012 PPI-MARTOMAGIC, S.L.U // © SHINE France 2012. Format créé par Franc Roddam et Shine TV. Emission produite et licence détenue par Shine France. // Ushuaïa © 2012 TF1 // Licenciée par Talpa Distribution, Format créé par John de Mol KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 30 VISITOR’S GUIDE *source: NPD 2011 MASTERCHEF In its second season, MasterChef, the popular cooking competition on TF1, achieved very high ratings. The brand has now over 14 partners. FRANKLIN AND FRIENDS Franklin is back with a new CGI series produced by Nelvana (52 x 11min), broadcast on TF1 in TFOU. Many products have been developed: plush, games/toys, arts and crafts, DVD, publishing, apparel. BOOTH D19 Propertiz Licensing / Method Animation LICENSING TIP 118-126 rue du Mont-Cenis - 75018 Paris - France P. +33 (0) 1 80 48 04 10 @ a.delahaye@propertiz.fr F. +33 (0) 1 80 48 04 11 W. www.methodanimation.fr FIND OUT THE LATEST LICENSING NEWS BEFORE EVERYONE ELSE! THE KAZACHOK LICENSING NEWSLETTER Licensing agency specialized in children’s properties, we manage the licenses of the French production house Method Animation. Propertiz also handles the rights of The Little Prince with Saint-Exupéry Estate and a network of agents all over the world. SENDS YOU THE LATEST MUST-HAVE DATA. Every Tuesday get the latest Licensing News. Plus every month the Kazachok Licensing WebGuide update - specific and varied news is announced for different territories! > Up to 1,000 pieces of news and reports per year > Exclusive, original and accurate news > Key data about the market, products, TV, Films… > International & French market trends THE LITTLE PRINCE: Created by A. de SaintExupery in 1943, The Little Prince resonates with all of humanity, cutting across all cultures and speaks to all generations. In 2013, the masterpiece will celebrate 70th anniversary! THE LITTLE PRINCE, TV SERIES: is broadcasted daily to a large audience of 18,4% MS. It is now airing on more than 40 channels, sold in more than 80 territories. WANT TO RECEIVE ONE ISSUE? jp@kazachok.com / +33 (0)1 55 95 00 26 CHAPLIN AND CO.: Come join Chaplin for 104 hysterical adventures. Colours, 3D, but still non-speaking, the famous tramp arrives in XXI century! Sagoo BOOTH B16 BOOTH D11 Sega Publishing Europe Ltd 141 avenue de Wagram - 75017 Paris - France P. +33 (0) 1 77 75 18 39 @ contact@sagoo-licensing.com F. +33 (0) 1 53 44 75 22 W. www.sagoo-licensing.com 27 Great West Road - TW8 9BW Brentford - UK P. +44 (0) 20 8995 3399 @ ineal-Hooke@sega.co.uk F. +44 (0) 20 8996 4499 W. www.sega-europe.com Sagoo represents tremendous properties for Europe and Middle East such as Paul Frank, Jeremyville, Emily the Strange, GAMAGO, The Public Zoo and David & Goliath. In addition Sagoo is the agent for The Beatles, Yellow Submarine and various Music Artists from Live Nation including but not limited to the Sex Pistols, Madonna, The Who… for France and Benelux. Sagoo also represents Josephine Baker worldwide, John Wayne in Europe and the beloved Moomin in France and Benelux. SEGA® Europe Ltd. is the European Distribution arm of Japan-based SEGA® Corporation, a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home. SEGA® develops and distributes interactive entertainment software products. SEGA® continues the momentum with over 20 new deals signed for Sonic The HedgehogTM across European markets in 2011, and many new products to be launched in 2012. From the start in 1991, Sonic quickly became a worldwide gaming icon due to his super fast speed, cool edgy character and his readiness for all types of adventure. Sonic has achieved over 70 million sales worldwide and is one of the most recognised video game icons. MOOMIN: Originated from Tove Jansson’s books (translated into more than 40 languages) and developed into virtually forms and media, the Moomins have gained a prominent position among the «classics». EMILY THE STRANGE: Created in 1993 by Rob Reger, Emily the Strange has grown from a skateboard graphic into a one of the most recognized counter-culture teen girl icons worldwide. DAVID & GOLIATH: David & Goliath’s products are mixed with a unique blend of attitude, sense of humour and irreverence to all traditional values. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 31 VISITOR’S GUIDE The Licensing Company France (TLC) 5, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré - 75008 Paris - France @ info@thelicensingcompany.com BOOTH C20 P. +33 (0)1 42 65 91 91 W. www.thelicensingcompany.com Founded in 1996 in London, TLC is the first international group specialized in brand extension program. Worldwide coverage through subsidiaries in Paris, New York, Tokyo, Munich and Shanghai. Double expertise in Brands and Entertainment properties Powerful portfolio of properties Innovative licensing programs whose success is part of a long-term strategy. A global strategy: consulting and strategic study, selection of partners, commercial negotiation, legal, creative and marketing supports. COCA-COLA Originally created in 1886, Coca-Cola is the most recognized trademark in the world and the biggest selling soft drink in history. In 2012, the brand brings together youth, music and sport for the campaign Move to the Beat for the Olympics, historically sponsored by Coke. STAR WARS Thanks to the worldwide success of the saga, Star Wars is today a major licensing property. The release in theatres of Episode I in 3D in Feb. 2012, promotional activities and development of consumer products ensure the popularity of Star Wars. JEEP Jeep, a major 4x4 vehicle manufacturers in history, is also one of the world’s best-known brands. Now the design and innovation that have come to define the brand is extended through a unique line of consumer products including shoes, apparel, luggage, outdoor products or products for kids. PEANUTS The funny pages created in 1950 have developed into a classic which will touch your heart or make you laugh. A new leap in the licensing program will enable consumers to discover again Charlie Brown’s dog and his friends the Peanuts. BOOTH C14 Toei Animation Europe SAS 37 rue du Four - 75006 Paris - France P. +33 (0) 1 75 00 15 53 F. +33 (0) 1 45 48 28 68 @ licensing@toei-animation.com W. www.toei-animation.com Toei Animation is a leading Japanese animation studio which holds a large number of worldwide successful brands such as Dragon Ball. Toei Animation Europe is in charge of the TV distribution and licensing exploitation of all the portfolio for EMEA. ONE PIECE Broadcast on Direct Star and MCM, One Piece meets a considerable success in France and a growing awareness among 6-25 year-old boys and girls. 2012 will be a very active year in terms of products releases & promotion activities. DRAGON BALL Z Broadcast on Game One and Direct Star, Dragon Ball Z has got 96% awareness among 6-25 yearold boys in France! Dragon Ball is the manga reference brand worldwide. SPACE PIRATE CAPTAIN HARLOCK New licensing activities! After its huge success in Europe back in the 80’s, Captain Harlock rises again in 2012 with a dedicated licensing program for all the vintage lovers. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 SAILOR MOON The magical girls Sailor Moon are hitting the Italian market with more than 20 partners on board! 32 VISITOR’S GUIDE SAINT SEIYA Saint Seiya has constantly renewed itself since the big hit in the 80’s. 2012 is shaping up to be a busy year for the series with new products releases: video game, DVDs, collector figurines, mangas, clothing items and more! A new series Saint Seiya Ω will be revealed at MIPTV. DR. SLUMP - ARALE Arale, a sweet robot girl with mega power! The new licensing program has already started in France and Spain. BOOTH D23 Turner CN Enterprises 115/123 avenue Charles de Gaulle - 92200 Neuilly sur Seine - France F. +33 (0) 1 72 25 18 36 @ sandra.selva-abril@turner.com P. +33 (0) 1 72 25 18 66 W. www.cartoonnetwork.fr Turner CN Entreprises is the EMEA licensing and merchandise division of Turner Broadcasting. Building on the success of our boy brands, we have added a range of new properties to rich pre-schoolers, girls, teens and adults. BEN 10 BAKUGAN The adventure continues with the new season Bakugan Mechtanium surge! New playability and product innovation, in three words: customisation, construction, explosion! 2nd actor of the market action figures, Bakugan remains the 3rd license in terms of spontaneous awareness with the 7-9-year-old boys! Media plan and ground operations in support of the property all year long. A property rich in contents, the 6th boys’ license and 55 licensees! In 2012, the CGI movie, the brand new serie Ben 10 Omniverse, the launch of the official magazine, promotional operations, all supported by a 360° communication campaign (TV, press, RP, Web, in store). GUMBALL The new European production of CARTOON NETWORK studios, created by the French man Ben Bocquelet. A spectacular animated comedy, innovative and intelligent in a revolutionary graphic universe mixing 2D and 3D, computer generated images, real decorations and traditional drawings. Already multi-rewarded and on the top of the Cartoon Networks’ audiences. JELLY JAMM New program for pre-schoolers! Welcome to Planet Jammbo, the origin of music in the universe. A place with a constant groove where creatures, plants and even the wind express themselves through music. This is the magical setting where Bello, Mina, Groomo, Rita and Ongo embark on all sorts of fun comedic adventures and, in the end, learn how to live in harmony on a planet that has a one-of-a-kind relationship with music. ADVENTURE TIME LAZYTOWN Coming soon: LazyTown leads the children to play, to move, to dance, to sing and to feel good by making healthy things and choices. This series is already a world phenomenon in particular in US, in United Kingdom and in Germany. Coming soon: the new comedy phenomenon in the US, produced by CARTOON NETWORK! Original graphics and totally crazy humor at several levels of reading… KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 ZOOBLES The success is confirmed! 2nd property in the mini-universe category, launch of the other categories of products starting in May, 2012! Still some opportunities to be seized! 33 VISITOR’S GUIDE BOOTH B12 Vélib’ - Mairie de Paris P. +33 (0) 1 42 76 64 12 4 rue Lobau - 75004 Paris Cedex 04 - France F. +33 (0) 1 42 76 79 25 @ gildas.robert@paris.fr W. www.velib.paris.fr With the constant success and impressive fame of the Vélib’ service under its belt, Paris Town Hall wants to develop its own range of branded spin-off products under licence. Paris is the most popular destination in the world. Vélib’ undoubtedly enjoys international fame. VÉLIB’ Since late 2010, Paris Town Hall has been developing its first range of spin-off products: safety accessories, licensed Smartphone applications, events with numerous businesses, the Michelin edition… Vélib’ is the biggest self-service bicycle system in the world. The aim of the City of Paris is to find a greater dynamic for the young, high-potential brand that is Le Vélib’ - and it can be found in Paris! With its image as a romantic city, rich heritage, diverse monuments and cultural activities, Paris enchants visitors. The charm of its districts and the reputation of its gastronomy are an invitation to the good life. Paris is also a city in motion. A real cultural change has taken place. Vélib’ is an efficient, economical means of transport as well as a service that conveys our values, helps increase individual mobility and is part of a way of life. Parisians and tourists have enjoyed rediscovering or discovering the city with Vélib’. BOOTH B15 BOOTH C10 Wiley Publishing Studio 100 105 rue La Fayette - 75010 Paris - France 111 River Street - 07030 Hoboken NJ - US P. +33 (0) 1 56 92 30 00 @ info@studio100animation.com F. +33 (0) 1 56 92 28 12 W. www.studio100animation.com P. +1 415 782 3108 F. +1 415 433 0499 Leader in the youth entertainment industry, Studio 100’s success is based on its strong classic brands catalogue (Maya the Bee, Heidi, Vicky the Viking) as well as an integrated 360° consumer approach. Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. provides must-have content and services to life-long learners worldwide. Wiley’s portfolio of best selling brands includes For Dummies / Pour Les Nuls, CliffsNotes, Frommer’s, and How to Cook Everything. MAYA THE BEE Maya the Bee has been relaunched in 3D (78 x 13’) with TF1 and TIJI in France. Already teaming-up with 200 licensees, STUDIO 100 is particularly looking for retail and promotional partnerships. NEWS FROM WILEY PUBLISHING In 2011, Pour Les Nuls celebrated 10 years with Editions First in France. For Dummies globally marked 20 years since the 1st title was published. Pour les Nuls has extended beyond best-selling books to include software, mobile apps, games, musical instruments, automotive products, self-help videos, music collections... This year, we are celebrating the success of “Le Jeu Pour Les Nuls,” a general knowledge trivia game that sold +7,000 copies in its 1st 7 weeks. Wiley wish to further extend the brand reach to more product & service categories. VICKY THE VIKING A new 3D animation (78 x 13’) of the ingenious little Viking is currently in development with TF1 and ZDF. To support its broadcast launch in 2013, STUDIO 100 is looking for a master toy and for publishing partners. KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 @ aweston@wiley.com W. www.wiley.com 34 VISITOR’S GUIDE BOOTH C16 / D16 Warner Bros. Consumer Products France 115/123 avenue Charles de Gaulle - 92525 Neuilly sur Seine cedex - France F. +33 (0) 1 72 25 13 76 @ adeline.dupui-casteres@warnerbros.com P. +33 (0) 1 72 25 00 00 W. www.warnerbros.fr Warner Bros. Consumer Products, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company, is one of the leading licensing and retail merchandising organizations in the world. BATMAN Super-hero by nature, he has global awareness and targets everybody thanks to his ongoing presence on France 3, France 4 and Cartoon Network but also thanks to the success of six blockbuster movies, multiple best selling video games and products in different categories such as toys, apparel, stationery with many key partners. LOONEY TUNES Real animation classics, Looney Tunes are a happy group of characters well-known from young and old alike: Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Sylvester, Taz, Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner. Smart, malicious, full of humour and energy, they will never go out of fashion! SUPERMAN He holds the first place in the Super Heroes’ Pantheon. Symbol of Good and Justice, he is known and is admired by all generations with the most famous shield. SCOOBY-DOO Scooby-Doo is all about fun, mystery and adventure with members of the Scooby-Gang: Velma, Daphne, Fred, Shaggy and... Scooby-Doo! Impressive TV success and well performing on kids... with Scooby-Doo it’s so funny to be scared! THE HOBBIT The Hobbit follows the journey of Bilbo Baggins, who is unexpectedly swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor that was long ago conquered by the dragon Smaug. Approached out of the blue by the wizard Gangalf, Bilbo finds himself joining a company of 13 dwarves led by the legendary warrior, Thorin Oakenshield. Their journey takes them into the Wild through treacherous lands swarming with Goblins and Orcs, deadly Wargs and Giant Spiders, Shapeshifters and Sorcerers. THUNDERCATS New TV series inspired by the 1980’s Thundercats, Thundercats is the grand origin story of Prince Lion-O’s ascension to the Throne and of those who would thwart his destiny at any cost. Full of intensity and action, Thundercats is the new animated series and will attract a new generation of boys! KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 35 VISITOR’S GUIDE TOM & JERRY Twice the mischief, twice the fun! Tom & Jerry is still a TV success. BOOTH C18/D18 Zodiak Kids 1 rue des Déchargeurs - 75001 Paris - France F. +33 (0) 1 44 34 66 45 @ patricia.dewilde@zodiakkids.com P. +33 (0) 1 44 34 66 00 W. www.marathon-media.fr Zodiak Kids, a division of Zodiak Media, which encompasses all of its kids companies, including Marathon Media, the top European producer of hits Totally Spies, Gormiti, and Redakai... Marathon Media, manages its own international CP rights as well as 3rd party’s such as Where’s Wally in France and The Saddle Club in Europe. REDAKAI A 6-12 y.o. boys action property created by Marathon Media & Spin Master, combining an innovative TCG and TV show (52x26’). Airing on Canal J (Oct 2011) & Gulli (Feb 2012) in France and on major international channels (CN US/EMEA/Latin America, Disney Asia, Clan TV, Panda, CITV…). An impressive toy line including the TCG, action figures and role play will be supported by massive promotion on TV and in stores. Licensed products in Q3 2012. THE SADDLE CLUB A 78x26’ live-action series set in the equestrian world, inspired by the successful books by Bonnie Bryant (+5M books sold in France). Airing on Gulli, it is the fastestgrowing horse brand, with huge successes in home video, a complete publishing range (magazines, comic books, arts & crafts…), stationery, apparel, bed linen, a 4th QSR promotion (mid-2012) and now a large toy line. WHERE’S WALLY? The pop culture icon will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2012 with an exciting program: limited edition products, events, promotions and partnerships! The phenomenal property targeting the whole family (with +50M books sold in 38 countries) was one of the best-selling apps in 2011 with +3.8M IPhone & IPad App downloads worldwide and +3.5M «likes» on Facebook. GORMITI The favourite adventure and superpowers series for 4-10 y.o boys is airing on Canal J in France and major channels across Europe. Season 3, featuring new characters, was launched in Q3 2011 with a related toy line supported by a 3rd QSR promo. DDEE This new show targeting preschoolers features the lovable 4 y.o Ddee, who dreams of becoming Miss Universe. The Korean animated series follows Ddee’s discoveries and learns about the trials and tribulations of growing up with a cheerful and perky attitude. TOTALLY SPIES Every girl’s favourite spies are coming back on air with a 6th new season! The worldwide franchise is now a 2.0 phenomenon, notably on Facebook with almost 150,000 fans of the official page and 4.5M fans playing the “Fashion Agents” Facebook game. Get ready for new and totally cool adventures! KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 36 VISITOR’S GUIDE COMPANIES BY ALPHABETIC ORDER COMPANY BOOTH PAGE 4 Kids Entertainment International / 4Sight Licensing Solutions D20 14 ActuKids E01 COMPANY BOOTH PAGE Lagardere Active TV Licensing & New Business B05 24 -- L’Équipe B17 23 C12 24 Alphanim (Gaumont Group) C11 14 Les Éditions Albert René Ankama C13 15 Les Fées Existent A01 13 Ankoo Licensing B22 12 Les Krostons / Le studio d’animation B04 23 Art Ask Agency B09 12 License Lab’ D27 23 Biplano SAS C01 16 M6 Licences C07 25 Bref. / Hill Valley Canal+ Licence B02 15 Marsu Productions D01 26 D14 16 Marvel A09 26 Carmen Ariza A03 12 Mediatoon Licensing 26 26 Casterman B20 12 Millimages E05 13 CPLG France B08 17 MJA Licensing D05 27 Cyber Group Studios C03 18 Moonscoop C19 27 DeLiSo B19 18 Dependable Solutions B24 12 Nelvana D25 28 Editions Delcourt E07 12 Nickelodeon Consumer Products B26 29 Elastic Rights E09 12 PGS Entertainment B01 28 Espontaneo B14 13 Planeta Junior C17 28 Eurogift B11 18 Propertiz D19 31 Eurosport A13 19 Sagoo B16 31 Evasion Communication A05 14 Sega Europe D11 31 Fédération Française des Droits Dérivés (F2D2) Studio 100 B15 34 E01b -- Tendance Objet E03b -- B18 13 D10/12 30 France Télévisions Distribution D21 20 Téo Jasmin FremantleMedia Enterprises B07 21 TF1 Licences Futurikon E11 13 The Licensing Company France C20 32 21 Toei Animation Europe C14 32 E03 -33 Gallimard Jeunesse C15 Glénat D13 21 Total Licensing Global Licensing D07 22 Turner CN Enterprises D23 Globetrade - Beetosee D09 22 Universal Music France - Bravado A07 -- B12 34 HKTDC E02 -- Vélib’ - Mairie de Paris Hyphen B13 22 Viz Media Europe IMG Licensing B06 22 Warner Bros. Consumer Products Kazachok A00 -- Wiley Kontiki Licensing B10 23 Zentrada Kop & Schouders E06 13 Zodiak Kids KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 37 VISITOR’S GUIDE C09 13 C16/D16 35 C10 34 D03 -- C18/D18 36 FLOOR PLAN MEETING ROOM B04 B02 B12 B10 B08 B06 A13 A09 A07 SPO NSO RED BY B07 A05 B01 A03 C01 A01 A00 B03 C07 5 - B0 C13 B11 B09 C09 C11 C1 C05 C03 C12 C10 D10 D 2 - D1 KAZACHOK BOOTH PRESS RECEPTION D01 B B13 BAR D03 D05 D07 D09 D11 D13 ACCESS TO THE LICENSING GALLERY MAIN ENTRANCE / EXIT PITCH SESSIONS ROOM # 1 REGISTRATION / CLOAKROOM 35 KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 ©Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, Toei Animation VISITOR’S GUIDE B24 B20 B22 B18 2 B16 B14 B2 6 BAR B17 B15 B19 C15 C18 D18 D20 D25 D16 ERE ROOM NCE E04 E02 E06 E11 E01 E01b E09 D23 E07 D21 D19 BY CONF D27 E05 D14 RED C20 E03 E03b 14 NSO C19 C17 C16 SPO PITCH SESSIONS ROOM # 2 KAZACHOK FORUM 2012 35 VISITOR’S GUIDE ProPerTIes conTacTs agenTs & LIcensors LIcensees diRecT Access to reports on the desired ProPerty or comPAny among 7,000 ARTicLes from the newsLetter* and the mAg’ free use IT! sign in at www.kazachok.com The International Interactive Multimedia Licensing Platform *by subscription only The Licensing Webguide user frIendLy sMarT TooL PersonaLIzed • AdvAnced seArch by ProPerty, Licensee, Licensor & Agent And contAct • intuitive browsing • 5 LAnguAges • discover videos, new ProPerties & brAnd content • sAve your bookmArks • Add PersonAL notes (AvAiLAbLe in 2012) • nAvigAtion monitoring (AvAiLAbLe in 2012) L i c e n s i n g data at your f i ng er t i p s sales@kazachok.com • +33 (0)1 55 95 00 26