9-25-14 - Mesa County
9-25-14 - Mesa County
PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING September 25, 2014 6:00 P.M. 544 Rood Avenue Grand Junction, Co. 1 MCPC Rolling Calendar September 25, 2014 Project # 2014-0124 RZ 2014-0135 RZ 2013-0187 CUP 2014-0104 MP October 7, 2014 October 16, 2014 2014-0138 CP October 23, 2014 Project # 2014-0146 CUP 2014-0125 CUP November 20, 2014 Project # 2014-0151 TXT Mesa County Planning Commission Hearing - 6 PM - 544 Rood Ave - Hearing Room Project Name Planner BoCC Status Springfield Lot 2 Rezone Chrisite 10/14 OK Villa Way Rezone Chrisite 10/14 OK Western Slope Flagstone Cameo Quarry Conditional Use Permit Randy 10/14 OK Roma Lot 4 Master Plan Amendment Kaye N/A Continued Mesa Design Guidelines & Standards Open House - 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Mesa Community Center - 48973 KE Road Mesa Design Guidelines & Standards Master Plan New MCPC 2/26/2015 Mesa County Planning Commission Workshop - 5:45 PM - 200 S. Spruce St - Conference Room 40A Kunau Concept Plan Building Envelope Removal Chrisite Mesa County Planning Commission Hearing - 6 PM - 544 Rood Ave - Hearing Room Project Name Planner BoCC Status New MCPC Deer Creek Disposal Facility Amend Conditional Use Permit Randy 11/18 OK Victory Life Church Signage Conditional Use Permit Randy 11/18 OK Mesa County Planning Commission Hearing - 6 PM - 544 Rood Ave - Hearing Room Project Name Planner BoCC Status Mesa Design Guidelines Text Amendment Kaye 12/16 OK New MCPC 2 Mesa County Planning Commission Public Meeting Joseph H. Moreng, Chair Phillip Jones, Vice Chair Chip Page, Secretary Christi Flynn Wesley K. Lowe Rusty Price David J. Hartmann George Skiff Ron Wriston (1st Alternate) Vacant (2nd Alternate) Vacant (3rd Alternate) Date: Thursday, September 25, 2014 Time: 6:00 p.m. nd Place: Mesa County Public Hearing Room, 544 Rood Avenue, 2 Floor, Grand Junction, th Colorado. Please use the 6 Street entrance. The following items will be presented at this public hearing of the Mesa County Planning Commission for their consideration. The Planning Commission will formulate a recommendation, which will be forwarded to the Mesa County Board of County Commissioners. If you have an interest in an item on the Agenda, the date and time of the County Commissioners’ hearing is listed after each agenda item. Your appearance at both hearings is important and encouraged. The purpose of a land use hearing is to have the facts of a case presented in a manner that will assist the decision-makers in making a fair, legal, and complete decision. The hearing is a factfinding forum by unbiased decision-makers, not a popularity contest. Unruly behavior, such as booing, hissing, cheering, applause, verbal outbursts, or other inappropriate behavior, detract from the hearing and will not be permitted. An “11:00 Rule” will be enforced. This rule does not allow new agenda items to be heard after 11:00 p.m. NOTE: Copies of Staff Reports for Hearing Items are available on the back table within the hearing room. A. B. C. D. E. F. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES 8-28-14 AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR PRESENTATIONS CONTINUED ITEMS: 2014-0104 MP ROMA LOT 4 MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT Property Owner: Roma, LLC Representative(s): Kim Kerk, Blue Star Industries Location: 2031 Roma Avenue; east of 20 Road and north of K Road Planner: Kaye Simonson, AICP, (970) 255-7189 kaye.simonson@mesacounty.us Request: Request to change the Future Land Use classification of Lot 4 of Roma Estates Subdivision, Parcel Number 2697-113-04-004, within the Mesa County/Fruita/Grand Junction “cooperative planning area,” from Rural/Agricultural 10 (R/A 10; a Rural Future Land 3 Use) to Estate (1-3 acres; an Urban Future Land Use), on the Future Land Use Map of the Mesa County Master Plan (which includes the Cooperative Planning Area in the Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan – an element of the Mesa County Master Plan). Details can be found at the following link: http://www.mesacounty.us/planning/proposed-master-plan-amendments.aspx Mesa County Planning Commission hearing continued to: 02-26-15 END OF CONTINUED ITEMS G. WITHDRAWN ITEMS: NONE END OF WITHDRAWN ITEMS H. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: Items placed on the Consent Agenda allow the Planning Commission to spend its time on the more complex items. These items are generally not perceived as controversial and can be approved by a single motion. The petitioners and staff are in agreement on all of the recommendations on these projects. The Planning Commission will pass these items to the Mesa County Commissioners, subject to staff and review agency comments. Anyone from the public or the Planning Commission may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration at tonight’s hearing. NOTICE: If an applicant agrees to have a project placed on the Consent Agenda for the Planning Commission, and it is approved on that Agenda, the project will be forwarded to the Mesa County Commissioner’s Consent Agenda. If an applicant decides to remove the item from the Board’s Consent Agenda, the project will be referred back to the Planning Commission and rescheduled for a new hearing date. 1. 2014-0124 RZ SPRINGFIELD LOT 2 REZONE Property Owner: Hayden Investments, LLC Representative: Julie Hayden Location: 3208 Springfield Road, Grand Junction, 81503 (32 & Springfield Roads) Zoning: C-2 Planner: Christie Barton, 255-7191, christie.barton@mesacounty.us Request: Rezone Lot 2 of Springfield Estates from the General Commercial (C-2) zoning district to the Limited Industrial (I-1) zoning district. Staff Recommendation: Approval Board of County Commissioners Hearing Date: 10-14-14 2. 2014-0135 RZ VILLA WAY REZONE Property Owner: Daniel Amico Location: 3172 E ½ Road, Grand Junction, 81504 (Villa Way & E½ Road) Zoning: PUD Planner: Christie Barton, 255-7191, christie.barton@mesacounty.us Request: Rezone approximately 1.5 acres of land from Planned Unit Development (PUD) zone district to Residential Multi-Family – 8 units per acre (RMF-8). 4 Staff Recommendation: Approval Board of County Commissioners Hearing Date: 10-14-14 END OF CONSENT ITEMS I. HEARING ITEMS: PRESENTATION RULES: Due to the volume of items to be heard the follow restrictions may be applied to help expedite the hearing process: a) Where practical, presentations by staff and petitioners will be limited to 15 minutes or less. Petitioners are asked to not repeat presentation information that the staff has correctly presented. Please address the clarification to the staff's presentation, new information or new developments to the project, and the staff and agency review comments and recommendations. b) Responses in favor or in opposition to the proposal will be limited to approximately 3 minutes each. We prefer only new information to be presented. A single speaker may be selected on behalf of organized groups. 3. 2013-0187 CUP WESTERN SLOPE FLAGSTONE, CAMEO QUARRY CUP AMENDMENT, RAPID CREEK ROAD ACCESS Property Owner(s): Rudolph Fontanari Representative(s): Trevor Grosse Location: 3998 Rapid Creek Rd, Palisade Zoning: AFT Planner: Randy Price, (970) 244-1759, randy.price@mesacounty.us Request: To amend the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for mining to allow up to 5 gravel haul trucks per day from the Western Slope Flagstone, Cameo Quarry to use Rapid Creek Road as a haul route. Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions Board of County Commissioners Hearing Date: 10-14-14 END OF HEARING ITEMS J. PLANNING DIRECTOR UPDATES NONE END OF PLANNING DIRECTOR UPDATES K. ADJOURNMENT The Mesa County Public Hearing Room is accessible to the handicapped. With advance 5 request, a sign language interpreter may be made available (call 244-1636 or TDD 256-1530). Mesa County Planning Division P.O. Box 20,000, 200 S. Spruce St. Grand Junction, CO 6 MCPC MINUTES 7 MESA COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION August 28, 2014 PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES In attendance representing the Mesa County Planning Commission, were: Christi Flynn, Wes Lowe, Chip Page, Rusty Price, David Hartmann, Ron Wriston and George Skiff. In attendance, representing the Mesa County Planning Division, were: Linda Dannenberger and Randy Price. Kathy Kinsey was present to record the minutes. There were five (5) citizens and two (2) Mesa County Planning Division staff members present throughout the hearing. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN PRO TEM Commissioner Lowe nominated Commissioner Page for Chairman Pro Tem for the hearing Motion for election: Commissioner Lowe Second: Commissioner Flynn Motion Approved 7-0 Approval of Minutes 7-24-14 Motion: Commissioner Flynn moved to approve the minutes as written. Second: Commissioner Skiff Approved 7-0 Continued Items 2013-0187 CUP WESTERN SLOPE FLAGSTONE, CAMEO QUARRY CUP AMENDMENT, RAPID CREEK ROAD ACCESS Property Owner(s): Rudolph Fontanari Representative(s): Trevor Grosse Location: 3998 Rapid Creek Rd, Palisade Zoning: AFT Planner: Randy Price, (970) 244-1759, randy.price@mesacounty.us Request: To amend the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for mining to allow up to 5 gravel haul trucks per day from the Western Slope Flagstone, Cameo Quarry to use Rapid Creek Road as a haul route. CONTINUED TO THE FOLLOWING DATES: Mesa County Planning Commission Hearing Date: 9-25-14 Board of County Commissioners Hearing Date: 10-14-14 Motion: Commissioner Price Second: Commissioner Lowe Continuation Approved 7-0 Consent Items None 8 Hearing Items 1. 2014-0097 CUP MOUNTAIN VIEW FARMS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Property Owner(s): Robert R Prescott Representative(s): Jeri Prescott Location: 3165 B 1/2 Rd, Grand Junction Zoning: AFT Planner: Randy Price, (970) 244-1759, randy.price@mesacounty.us Request: Application for minor entertainment events (Section 5.2.26, Mesa County Land Development Code) for a wedding venue. Events will be Friday, Saturday or Sunday with 2 to 4 events per month with up to 150 guests. Events will end at 11:00 pm. The house will be used as a bed and breakfast with 3 guest rooms. Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions Board of County Commissioners Hearing Date: 9-16-14 Staff Presentation Randy Price entered into the record Mountain View Farms LLC, Conditional Use Permit, project file 2014-0097, project review dated August 18, 2014, the 2000 Mesa County Land Development Code, Mesa County Land Use Plan, PowerPoint presentation as Exhibit A, and three exhibits that are letters that were received in the past week from the public concerning this request for a CUP. These exhibits are labeled as Exhibit 1, 2 and 3. Exhibit 1 is from Monty Joslin, Exhibit 2 is from Dennis Berry, and Exhibit 3 is from Don and Shirley Kramer. Mr. Price explained that the application is for a minor entertainment event under Section 5.2.6 Mesa County Land Development Code to be used as a wedding venue. He went on to explain that events at this location are proposed to be held on Friday, Saturday or Sunday with 2 – 4 events per month, up to 150 guests and to end at 11 p.m. Mr. Price provided background and location information about the property. He then showed the future land use map pointing out the Mesa County Land Overlay Zoning and also the Orchard Mesa Land Overlay District. He explained where the proposed projects’ property is located and showed a subdivision to the south of the property called Madison Acres Subdivision which is in the overlay zoning and the lots are 1.5 acres. Mr. Price then showed an aerial photo of the site explaining that it faces B 1/2 Road, the driveway accesses B 1/2 Road and the property is on 4.9 acres. The house and other structures that will be involved in the event area are on the west side of the parcel and a site plan map was shown. Mr. Price continued to point out and explain that the events would be held in the barn. He stated that there is a parking area on the western side for caterers, bride and groom and other people assisting with the event. He then explained that a traffic analysis has been done in regards to the driveway and it was determined that it is sufficient for the proposed use and no turn lanes would be required. He also stated that the sight distance in both directions is sufficient and okay for 150 vehicles. Mr. Price explained that there is a hayfield on the eastern side of the parcel and the applicant has proposed to use portions of the hayfield for parking. 9 Mr. Price then showed a picture of the barn that will be used for the events and pointed out where the additional parking and set up location for the people working for the event. He stated that the location where the events would take place is 305 feet to the nearest residence in the back. He showed several more pictures pointing out where people may gather during an event and also stated that in this application they are also proposing a bed and breakfast within the house. A bed and breakfast does not require a conditional use permit and can be approved through a site plan application and can be handled separately from this application. Mr. Price showed more photos taken of the driveway and other residences in the area. Mr. Price explained that minor entertainment events are approved through a conditional use permit and that the Mesa County Land Development Code was amended in 2010 and at that time provided criteria for approval of minor entertainment events. These events can only be held in AFT rural zoning districts and within these applications the staff looks for any adverse impacts such as noise, dust, odors, intrusive lighting and traffic conflicts. Any mitigation would include vehicle access, circulation, noise limits, hours of operation, distance to the event footprint from adjacent residences and screening and also sound insulation for the event barn which is 3,400 square feet. Mr. Price stated that with the traffic study that was conducted, it specified that there could be 21 events per year with the Notice of Intent approval. He showed additional photos and pointed out that approximately 4 months ago another minor entertainment event application that was approved under a CUP called A Place to Say I Do, this was approved in April 2014 and it is located 105 feet from the corner of each of the parcels between the two venues. Mr. Price read the CUP criteria in Section 3.8.7 of the Mesa County Land Development Code and the conditions that are listed with this proposed project and stated that no additional construction is going to take place and that signage is limited to a six foot square sign for the bed and breakfast in this zoning area. He stated that a mitigating measure regarding noise would be to have the event held in the barn which is an insulated structure. He also mentioned that dust from traffic could occur because the driveway is gravel and the parking area is a hayfield but a condition of approval states that the hayfield be watered after events occur. He went on to explain the other conditions of approval, reading the 16 conditions. Board of County Commissioners hearing is scheduled for September 16th. Questions Commissioner Price inquired about the use being for a bed and breakfast as well as a wedding event center and asked Mr. Price if the requirement for the septic system would apply for both uses. Mr. Price explained that that is one of the requirements and is also stipulated in comments from Robin Carnes from Environmental Heath. He stated that she does reviews with regards to the Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS). Commissioner Price stated that on condition #9 that the applicant will have an engineer certify that the system can handle the anticipated load in regards to the events or the bed and breakfast use. Commissioner Price also asked about a requirement for portable sanitary facilities on the site. Mr. Price said yes there is inclusion of those and 10 he doesn’t know exactly where they would be located and that they need an ADA compatible facility too. Commissioner Flynn wanted to see the photo of the barn where the weddings will be held. She asked if there was a fuel tank by the barn and if it was going to remain there. The applicant stated that it could be removed. Commissioner Flynn would like something to be added about that being removed for the safety of the people. Mr. Price added Condition #17 to the PowerPoint presentation to require removal of the fuel tank. Commissioner Page asked about the other event venue that was approved recently and he thought that amplified music wasn’t going to be allowed and that something like a string quartet would be used. Mr. Price said that the other venue uses DJ’s and prerecorded music. Chair Page asked what the amplification is and what the limits are. Mr. Price stated that if they can mitigate the sound inside the building and he also mentioned that the back of the building is next to the irrigation canal which is the property boundary and they must meet the 50 decibels requirement to that point. Ms. Dannenberger talked about a previous event application that did mention a string quartet but with this application the noise has to be mitigated. Commissioner Lowe wanted condition 7 clarified about the ending time for the events and asked if that meant that everyone needed to be gone by 11:00 p.m. Mr. Price stated that anyone there that was a customer would have left the property by 11 p.m. He said there would probably be caterers and others that would remain later to clean things up. Commissioner Hartmann asked about the traffic and that the applicants are expecting 24 events per month assuming business takes off and the traffic study assumed 21 events per year, is that math resolved in that study. Mr. Price said the traffic study did take into account 2-4 events per month but the applicant didn’t say how many events per year so he took that information off of the traffic study which was based on 21 per year and used that as the maximum. Commissioner Hartmann also inquired about the noise and wanted clarification asking how it would be handled if there was a complaint about the noise and if the applicant would have to do more testing and demonstrate that there the level is less than 50 decibels and if they are not, what would be done to enforce this. Mr. Price said yes they would be required to do more testing and that the applicant may have to mitigate that by putting more insulation in the barn so the outside level is decreased. Mr. Price stated that he suggested to the applicant that they purchase a sound meter so they can test it themselves during an event and take measurements. Ms. Dannenberger explained that if we get a complaint and they do nothing or can’t resolve it, we would bring the conditional use permit back to another hearing for review and possible revocation. She explained that at times applicants try their own methods and if this doesn’t work they hire a sound engineer to assist them but this is an expensive endeavor but could be required to happen. 11 Commissioner Wriston asked if having two wedding venues in close proximity would result in a traffic jam. Mr. Price pointed out that this venue accesses off of B 1/2 Road and the other venue doesn’t access off of B 1/2 Road. He pointed out on a map where the traffic flow could go and stated that it could impact traffic if they both let out at the same time. Mr. Price said the traffic study did not cover that possible issue. Applicant Robert Prescott, 3165 B 1/2 Road Mr. Prescott stated that they have owned the property for about 12 years and they have cleaned it up substantially. He said they plan on keeping things kept up nice and they are looking at a way to help the public come to their place and have a good time and to share the beauty of the property for a wedding venue. He mentioned that they are aware of the potential problem with noise issues and would be more than willing to turn the music down and not have it so loud. He talked about the trees they have planted recently and they plan on putting in more where they can. Mr. Prescott said there would probably not be any weddings on Sundays but they may have a function there with their church and it would not be a noisy or late event. He explained that the insulation in the barn is R-30 in the ceiling and in the walls, it has 5/8 inch sheet rock on all surfaces and they are working on the ceiling now. He stated if they have an outdoor event they would put the band inside the barn by the doors. Questions NONE Public Comments Bruce Peterson, 3156 Maddy Court Mr. Peterson explained that he has the corner lot in Madison Acres and when he sits in his back yard and patio he has a direct line of site to the house, the barn and everything around it. He stated that he bought his house in 2007 and he paid $600,000 and he has put $200,000 into it in landscaping. He has the house for sale at this time due to his wife’s health, for financial reasons and they need to downsize. He went on to say that they bought the house because it was in a peaceful area and is also in an agricultural area which appeals to him a lot. Mr. Peterson referred to the proposed event center as a nightclub and that he had no problem with the bed and breakfast. He doesn’t believe that a wedding venue and a bed and breakfast would be a good combination for people wanting the peace and quiet of a bed and breakfast and then having a big noisy wedding going on there too. Since he has had his house on the market and the sign has been put up in regards to this project, people ask what it’s all about. He tells them what the proposal is and most people lose interest in his property. Mr. Peterson is upset because he will also be able to see and hear everything that goes on when there is a wedding and that this will further destroy the value of his property along with the other wedding venue that is already in place 1000 feet away. He complained about the dust from driveway and the parking area and stated that there could be up to 3 or 4 people in each car and that could easily put the amount of guests over 150. 12 Dennis Berry, 3154 B Road Mr. Berry stated that he objects to this wedding venue but has nothing against the bed and breakfast. He said he doesn’t see why this is called a minor event center and that calling it a major event center would seem to be better suited. He did the math and it would be 48 events per year which would be more like a night club in his opinion not a wedding event center. He explained that he can hear everything that goes on from the current wedding venue and as the evening gets later the noise gets louder. He also stated that the way this one is worded it makes it sound like they are required to have 2 to 4 events a month and that the other venue is limited to 10 per year and is wondering why this one would allow for so many more. Mr. Berry said he believes the traffic from both venues will end up on B 1/2 Road causing a lot of traffic. He also stated that it would be possible for some people to use B Road but if they do that it means going across a one lane bridge to access B Road so the majority will probably use B 1/2 Road. He asked how many event centers are allowed in this radius in this area and wondered if there was a code limit or if this can just keep going on. Mr. Berry requested that Mr. Price point out where his parcel is located in relation to both of the event centers. Mr. Price pulled up a map and showed everyone where Mr. Berry’s property line is located. Mr. Berry voiced his objection to having another event center and them having an additional amount of events compared to the other location. He doesn’t see that this is needed at all. Mr. Berry went on to express his objection to this venue in regards to people drinking and driving, heavy traffic on a small arterial, the possibility of someone getting killed and why does this event center get to stay open later than the other. Commissioner Price asked to have Mr. Price explain why there is a need for another one of these venues in the same area. Mr. Price stated that he goes by the Land Development Code and it doesn’t specify a maximum number or density of minor entertainment events per area, there is no minimum distance between events, which was not put into the regulations. Ms. Dannenberger gave some history regarding this code amendment and in the original amendment separation and distance requirements were proposed but the board of county commissioners at the time didn’t want to be specific about any restrictions and they wanted to have general considerations and then have the planning commissioners and the board apply any restrictions to the neighborhood on a case by case basis. She stated that the concerns are all valid and consideration of the conditions of approval needs to be looked at as to whether they are appropriate or if the project is appropriate. Commissioner Price asked Mr. Berry if he would be more in agreement of this project if they had the time for the events to end be earlier in the evening. Mr. Berry said yes, he thinks it should at least be the same as the other event center. 13 Shirley Kramer, 3152 B Road Ms. Kramer stated that she was at the previous hearing for the other event center and now here is another one that she is not happy about. She stated that they have had to listen to the noise from the other venue 8 times this summer and it has been very noisy. She said they have 3 acres and it takes a lot of work to take care of it and they spend a lot of time outside. She stated that after the work is done and the sun is setting they like to go outside and enjoy their backyard but from about 8:30 p.m. every weekend and it sounds like a drunken brawl. She said the people at the other event center have asked the neighbors to call them if it’s too loud or goes on too long. Ms. Kramer stated that her husband has talked to them about it but there is never any change. Ms. Kramer asked where are their rights are in this. Ms. Kramer said she did some research and found many places around this area that you can get married for a reasonable price. She mentioned several of the venues that she found that people that can rent. She asked the commissioners to say enough is enough. John Kramer, 3152 B Road Mr. Kramer stated that he has spoken to the proprietor of the other venue on several occasions and she admitted that she can’t control the crowd noise. She told him that she sets up the amplified music to be 49 DB at her property line; Mr. Kramer is 1000 feet away and can hear her music. He said if her music is at 49 DB then the crowd noise is probably 60, 70, or 80 DB, he can hear individual voices at 1000 feet and he can’t yell across their own lot of 3 acres and be heard. Mr. Kramer called the sheriff not long ago and the sheriff went out and the proprietor told the sheriff she was in compliance and he believed her and told Mr. Kramer she was in compliance. Commissioner Price asked Mr. Kramer if he had made a complaint to the code enforcement department. Mr. Kramer said yes he has but he has not heard of any result from that complaint and he assumes it’s still in progress. He stated this was about 3 to 4 weeks ago. Applicant Response Mr. Prescott stated that their music will be indoors and they have sympathy for what the neighbors will have to endure. He stated that he has lived on this property since 1972 and he can hear the drag races every Sunday throughout the summer and they go until 11 or 12 p.m. at night. He said he would work with the county and the neighbors to help minimize the neighbors’ distress. Staff comments None Discussion Commissioner Flynn stated that she feels that they can’t deny one when they have allowed another prior to this application. She stated several other reasons that she 14 believes this should be approved including the fact that it meets all of the criteria needed. Commissioner Wriston stated that he doesn’t see how we can deny this one but he feels that they could possibly curtail the time to have events end earlier or on Sundays have the times be different. Commissioner Flynn said that she feels that 10 or 11 p.m. is a sufficient time because the younger generation isn’t going to want to go home any earlier. Commissioner Skiff asked if there was an issue with code enforcement and why wouldn’t both venues have the same time limits. He is concerned that they may not be looking at the complaint soon enough. Mr. Price and Ms. Dannenberger stated that code doesn’t go out at night and they may be waiting until there is another event and they can use a meter and get a print out from the events. Ms. Dannenberg stated that there are many different conductors of noise and people have had to hire an engineer to put things to the test. Ms. Dannenberger discussed Commissioner Hartmann’s concern about the traffic study and that condition #7 needs to be amended to match the number in the traffic study which is a maximum of 21 events. Commissioner Hartmann concurred. Commissioner Price stated his concern that the other wedding venue is limited to 10 events per year and this one is allowed 48. Ms. Dannenberger said we are suggesting that this wedding venue be maximized at 21 and that the other place volunteered to have their maximum be at 10. Further discussion took place about regulating this to the proper noise levels, amount of guests, amount of parties per year, and controlling crowd noise. Commissioner Lowe stated that he has had opportunities to interact with code enforcement and that he has found those to be very lacking and it’s sad. He said he doesn’t know how to protect individual rights and the ability of a person to use their property as they see fit so this is a gray area and doesn’t think the commission has a basis to reject this. Commissioner Page stated he lives within 2-3 miles of the fairgrounds and the race track and he can hear everything. He said he sympathizes with these people and their rights, to be able to enjoy their backyards and not have 2 parties going on in the neighborhood and hear it all in stereo so he objects to this application. Commissioner Skiff asked if the traffic study took into account having 2 wedding venues in the same area and maybe this should be taken into account. Mr. Price said they did not look at both venues with regards to the traffic study. Motion: Commissioner Flynn moved that 2014-0097 CUP be passed for approval with conditions. Second: Commissioner Hartmann 15 Roll call vote: David – yes Christi – yes Chip – no Wes – yes Rusty – no Ron – no George – yes Recommendation passes 4-3 Election of Secretary Motion made by Commissioner Price to elect Commissioner Page as secretary Second: Commissioner Flynn Election Closed Approved 7-0 Motion: Commissioner Price moved that the meeting be adjourned Second: Commissioner Lowe Motion Approved 7-0 Hearing adjourned at 7:30 PM Respectfully Submitted, ___________________________________ Chip Page, Secretary 16 Index/ Location Map 17 INDEX MESA COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION LAND USE HEARING SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 CONSENT ITEMS: 1. 2014-0124 RZ SPRINGFIELD LOT 2 REZONE, Pg 21 2. 2014-0135 RZ VILLA WAY REZONE, Pg 38 HEARING ITEMS: 3. 2013-0187 CUP WESTERN SLOPE FLAGSTONE, CAMEO QUARRY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT, RAPID CREEK ROAD ACCESS, Pg 57 18 Location Map 4 3 ! 2 ! 1 ! ! MCPC Hearing Items September 25, 2014 10 5 0 10 20 30 Miles 4 19 PROJECT REVIEW 20 MESA COUNTY OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Building Inspection – Code Compliance – Engineering – Environmental Health Fleet – Planning – Regional Transportation Planning – Road and Bridge Solid Waste Management – Traffic – Public Works 200 S. Spruce Street • P.O. Box 20,000-5022 • Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5001 Ph (970) 244-1636 Fax (970) 244-1769 PROJECT REVIEW September 15, 2014 I. 2014-0124 RZ SPRINGFIELD ESTATES LOT 2 REZONE Property Owner: Hayden Investments, LLC Representative: Julie Hayden Location: 3208 Springfield Road, Grand Junction, 81503 (32 & Springfield Roads) Parcel #: 2943-352-01-002 Zoning: C-2 Planner: Christie Barton, 255-7191, christie.barton@mesacounty.us Request: Rezone Lot 2 of Springfield Estates from the General Commercial (C-2) zoning district to the Limited Industrial (I-1) zoning district. Staff Recommendation: Approval Location and Zoning Map: I. SURROUNDING LAND USES, AND ZONING: Zoning within the 500-foot public notification area: AFT Urban zoning districts: RSF-4, RMF-5, RMF-8, C-2 and I-1 Page 1 of 5 21 Land Uses within the 500-foot public notification area: Residential to the northwest Springfield Estates Commercial/Light Industrial Subdivision Orchard Mesa Gun Club to the south Applicable Area Plans Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan o Future Land Use is Industrial Orchard Mesa Neighborhood Plan II. PROJECT HISTORY & DESCRIPTION: This application is a request to change the zoning on Lot 2 of the Springfield Estates Subdivision from General Commercial (C-2) to Limited Industrial (I-1). The Hayden’s’ own five lots and this lot is the only one zoned C-2. They want to have all their lots zoned the same district of I-1. This property is currently vacant. Consolidated Zoning Map for 3208 Springfield Road: The property is located within the Grand Junction Comprehensive Planning Area and is designated for “Industrial (IND)” land use. The Industrial District is primarily intended to accommodate light manufacturing uses within enclosed structures or developments that provide for a mix of office, light industrial and limited retail and service uses in attractive, business park settings. The I-1 District corresponds to and implements the Mesa County Master Plan’s “Industrial” future land use classification. The Orchard Mesa Neighborhood Plan (a neighborhood plan within the Comprehensive Plan) was adopted May 22, 2014. This property is served by the Clifton Sanitation District and meets the requirements for non-residential uses to be served by sanitary sewer. Page 2 of 5 22 Future Land Use Map: III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE MESA COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE: Section 3.4.7 Approval Criteria: In acting on a Rezoning application, the Board of County Commissioners shall consider the General Approval Criteria in Section 3.1.17, consider the stated purpose of the proposed zoning district, and may approve the Rezoning application only after considering the following: A. the rezone is consistent with the goals and policies of the Master Plan, including applicable special area, neighborhood and corridor plans; The property is within the Grand Junction Comprehensive Planning Area, adopted in February, 2010. It is also within the Orchard Mesa Neighborhood Planning area. Both Plans are elements of the Mesa County Master Plan. The property under consideration is designated in the Future Land Use Map as “Industrial” intended for light manufacturing uses within enclosed structures and light manufacturing uses. This rezone to I-1 is in compliance with the Future Land Use designation of the Master Plan. This criterion has been met. B. the proposed zoning district’s allowed uses are or can be made to be similar to or compatible with surrounding and nearby land uses; The request for the I-1 Zoning District is consistent with zoning established in the Future Land Use Map for this area. The district allows commercial and light industrial uses. The property owners own four adjacent lots all zoned I-1, and want to have all the lots the same zoning district. When the lots develop, the Site Plan application process includes screening and buffering review. This criterion has been met. Page 3 of 5 23 C. the land to be rezoned was previously zoned in error or conditions have changed so that the rezoning is consistent with county’s goals, policies and/or Master Plan; The property was not rezoned in error. Springfield Estates was rezoned from AFT to C-2 and I-1 in 2010 (file #2010-0128 RZ) as a result of the owners participation in the Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan update. The residential lots were not selling, and there appeared to be a deficit of commercial and industrial lots available. The Future Land Use was amended for the area and the property rezoned. The property owner of the lot wants to rezone Lot 2 so that all their lots will have I-1 zoning. the Future Land Use classification in the Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan shows the lot as Industrial. This criterion has been met. D. public and community facilities and services including but not limited to sewage and waste disposal, domestic water, irrigation water (where available), gas, electricity, police and fire protection, and roads and transportation are or can be made available to serve the types and scope of land uses allowed in the proposed zoning district; Facilities and services are available to serve the site. Clifton Sanitation District provides sanitary sewer service and domestic water is provided by Ute Water District. No irrigation water is available to the site. The Orchard Mesa Canal #2 forms the northwestern boundary of the site and no drainage or stormwater is allowed to flow into the canal. The subdivision was designed with shared retention basins located adjacent to the canal. Grand Valley Power provides electricity to the property. Emergency services are provided by Mesa County Sheriff’s Department and the Central Orchard Mesa Fire District. Access to the property is from Springfield Road, which has been constructed and in the review phase before it is petitioned into the County maintenance system. This criterion has been met. IV. 3.1.17 GENERAL APPROVAL CRITERIA: A. Complies with all applicable standards, provisions, and purposes of this Land Development Code. The intent of the I-1 zoning classification in the Mesa County Master Plan is to accommodate commercial and light industrial development. Public water, sanitary sewer and road access to a state highway are available to the property. This application meets the rezone criteria and the future Land Use designation in the Master Plan. This criterion has been met. B. Is consistent with review agency comments. The proposal is consistent with review agency comments. This criterion has been met. C. Is consistent with applicable intergovernmental agreements between the County and other entities. The project is consistent with Intergovernmental Agreement MCA 83-26 to send applications to the City of Grand Junction. The City of Grand Junction has made a comment that the rezone is consistent with the Future Land Use map. This criterion has been met. V. PUBLIC COMMENTS: As of the date of this project review, no public comments have been received concerning this application. VI. REVIEW AGENCY COMMENTS: All review agency comments received are a part of the hearing packet and the file. Page 4 of 5 24 VII. PROJECT RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division recommends APPROVAL of the rezone for 3208 Springfield Road from C-2 to I-1 on the basis that: the proposed rezone complies with the approval criteria for rezones in Section 3.4.7 of the Mesa County Land Development Code (2000, as amended); the proposed rezone complies with the general approval criteria in Section 3.1.17 of the Mesa County Land Development Code (2000, as amended); the proposed rezone is consistent with goals identified in the Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan, an element of the Mesa County Master Plan. the proposed rezone is consistent with the Future Land Use Map that designates the area for “Industrial.” Summary Rezone Criteria 3.4.7.A Consistent with the Master Plan 3.4.7.B Are or can be made compatible with surrounding and nearby land uses 3.4.7.C Error in zoning or conditions changed 3.4.7.D Adequate facilities and Services General Approval Criteria 3.1.17.A Compliance with applicable standards and provisions in the Land Development Code 3.1.17.B Consistency with review agency comments 3.1.17.C Consistency with applicable IGAs Has Been Met Has Been Met Has Been Met Has Been Met Has Been Met Has Been Met Has Been Met VIII. MCPC Hearing: September 25, 2014: IX. BCC Hearing and Decision: October 14, 2014: Page 5 of 5 25 HEARING NOTICE 26 Parcel/Notification Springfield Lot 2 Rezone Map 2014-0124 RZ September 8, 2014 Notification Buffer Legend 500 ft buffer Parcels Urban Growth Area 2943-352-01-002 0.095 0 0.095 0.19 0.285 " 0.38 Miles 27 PARCEL_NUM 2943-352-00-036 2943-352-00-052 2943-352-01-005 2943-352-00-038 2943-352-00-056 2943-352-00-051 2943-352-00-055 2943-353-00-984 2943-352-01-022 2943-352-01-019 2943-352-00-041 OWNER MAILING CITY ST ALLEN JO ANNE 174 32 RD GRAND JUNCTION CO BOWEN AYERS DOUGLAS 2721 RINCON DR GRAND JUNCTION CO HAYDEN INVESTMENTS LLC PO BOX 100 PALISADE CO JEFLANI PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 2557 GRAND JUNCTION CO KADRMAS MITZI G 731 BENNETT AVE GLENWOOD SPRINGCO KECK BETTY L PO BOX 4323 GRAND JUNCTION CO MCCLINTOCK NORMAN L TRUSTE 178 32 RD GRAND JUNCTION CO ORCHARD MESA GUN CLUB PO BOX 4354 GRAND JUNCTION CO SPRINGFIELD RANCHES LLC PO BOX 1380 CLIFTON CO WILLOW WOOD DEVELOPMENT LPO BOX 1380 CLIFTON CO YANEZ JOSE ROSARIO 3217 SUNNY HILL L GRAND JUNCTION CO ZIP 81503 81503 81526 81502-2557 816013417 81502 81503-9402 81502-4354 81520 81520 81503 28 REVIEW AGENCY COMMENTS 29 30 31 PRO2014-0124 - SPRINGFIELD LOTS REZONE Review Agency Comments Comments Due Date: 2014-09-10 User Review Agency Melinda Henderson MC TREASURER 8/20/2014 As of August 20, 2014 property taxes are paid in full on parcel 4:30:43 PM number 2943-352-01-002. MMH BRIAN WOODS SAN CLIFTON 8/21/2014 Clifton Sanitation has no additional comments regarding the 9:48:34 AM rezoning for this parcel. Future sanitary sewer service will be formally reviewed at the time of application for services. PERRY RUPP UT GV RURAL POWER 8/22/2014 GVP Review Comments 4:00:27 PM 1. The project is in the Grand Valley Power service area. 2. Single-phase power is available for this project, on site and along Springfield Road. 3. Any relocation of existing overhead power lines, poles, guy/anchors, underground lines, transformers or any other Grand Valley Power equipment is at the developer’s expense. Daniel Roussin CODOT-REGION 3 JIM DAUGHERTY WATER UTE Date/Time Comment 8/26/2014 I have no comments on the re-zone of the property. However, if 10:12:49 AM the use increase the traffic by more than 20% of the 17 peak hour traffic volume allowed by the access permit #307128; then a new access permit would be required. 9/2/2014 • No objections to rezone only. 3:45:18 PM • All fees and policies in effect at time of application will apply. If you have any questions concerning any of this, please feel free to contact Ute Water. Daniel Sundstrom MC TRANS PLAN 9/4/2014 No objections to re-zone, future development will require a traffic 9:25:05 AM analysis. BRIAN RUSCHE CITY GJ PLANNING DIV 9/5/2014 City of Grand Junction - Community Development: No objections 1:34:02 PM to proposed rezone, as it appears to be consistent with the Future Land Use map. MC DEV ENGINEER MC DEV ENGINEER 9/10/2014 MC Development Engineering 11:01:24 AM No comments. 32 NO PUBLIC COMMENTS 33 APPLICANT INFORMATION 34 We are requesting a rezoning of our property located at 3208 Springfield Road, GJ (Lot 2, Springfield Estates). The property is currently zoned C-2. Our request would change that to I-1. The future land use in the Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan is Industrial and our plan our be consistent with that plan. The majority of the surrounding lots are zoned I-1 there are only a few that have the C-2 zoning. We also own 4 additional lots on Springfield Road; 3214, 3220, 3226 and 3230 (Lots 3,4,5,and 6). We feel that changing the zoning for Lot 2 would not impact any additional properties because of the similarities and proximity of the lots already zoned I-1. We feel there would be no change of impact to the environment, neighborhood, storm water, wildlife or vegetation. To our knowledge there was no error made when the original zoning was done but due to the fact that we own 5 lots we would like to have the option of allowing potential lessee's the option of leasing more than one lot if more space is needed. Having the zoning the same would allow this to be an option. The market that we would like to target may need additional yard space and due to the drainage retention easements, drainage ditches, power line easements, etc. having the zoning the same would allow us to offer this to those interested. The property has electricity, domestic water, gas, sewer and paved roads. The change of zoning would not impact any of these services. Services would not be effected by this rezoning change. 35 36 PROJECT REVIEW 37 MESA COUNTY OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Building Inspection – Code Compliance – Engineering – Environmental Health Fleet – Planning – Regional Transportation Planning – Road and Bridge Solid Waste Management – Traffic – Public Works 200 S. Spruce Street • P.O. Box 20,000-5022 • Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5001 Ph (970) 244-1636 Fax (970) 244-1769 PROJECT REVIEW September 15, 2014 I. 2014-0135 RZ VILLA WAY REZONE Property Owner: Daniel Amico Location: 3172 E ½ Road, Grand Junction, 81504 (Villa Way & E½ Road) Parcel #: 2943-101-00-136 Zoning: PUD Planner: Christie Barton, 255-7191, christie.barton@mesacounty.us Request: Rezone approximately 1.5 acres of land from Planned Unit Development (PUD) zone district to Residential Multi-Family – 8 units per acre (RMF-8). Staff Recommendation: Approval Location and Zoning Map: I. SURROUNDING LAND USES, AND ZONING: Zoning within the 500-foot public notification area: Urban zoning districts: RSF-4 Residential Planned Unit Developments (PUDs): Villa Way Subdivision (1998-094), Villa Coronado Subdivision (1981-190) and Clifton Village Subdivision (1976-098) Page 1 of 5 38 Commercial Subdivisions: Coronado Plaza Bulk Development (1979-034) located east of the subject property; the Valley East Commercial Park PUD (1978-237) and the ThirtyTwo Road Commercial Park (1977-160), both of which are located south of I-70 Business Loop. Land Uses within the 500-foot public notification area: Residential Coronado Shopping Center Valley East Commercial Park and the Thirty-Two Road Commercial Park Applicable Area Plans Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan Clifton/Fruitvale Community Plan II. PROJECT HISTORY & DESCRIPTION: This application is a request to change the zoning of the property from Planned Unit Development (PUD) to RMF-8. The property was rezoned in 2006 to PUD (file #2006-051) in order to complete a residential subdivision similar to the surrounding neighborhood. Since the demand for subdivision lots is less, the owner wants to rezone the PUD that allowed smaller lots in order to be able to construct multi-family units on the property. The property currently has an existing house and associated outbuildings. The house would need to be subdivided from the area for the apartments, and that can be done using the Minor Subdivision process. Consolidated Zoning Map for 3172 E½ Road, Grand Junction: The property is located within the Grand Junction Comprehensive Planning Area and is designated for “Residential Medium High (RMH)” land use. The RMF-8, Residential-MultiFamily District is primarily intended to accommodate medium-high-density multi-family residential development, and to provide land use protection for areas that develop in such a Page 2 of 5 39 manner. It corresponds to and implements the Mesa County Master Plan’s “Residential/MediumHigh” future land use classification which allows single family and multi-family uses. The Clifton/Fruitvale Community Plan (a neighborhood plan within the Comprehensive Plan) was adopted October 19, 2006 and amended July 14, 2011. This property is in the South Fruitvale neighborhood within the Plan. The neighborhood is primarily residential, with the Grand Mesa Middle School, Central High School and Long Memorial Park located within its boundaries. Commercial activities are conducted at Coronado Plaza and Mesa Pointe shopping centers. Future Land Use Map: III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE MESA COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE: Section 3.4.7 Approval Criteria: In acting on a Rezoning application, the Board of County Commissioners shall consider the General Approval Criteria in Section 3.1.17, consider the stated purpose of the proposed zoning district, and may approve the Rezoning application only after considering the following: A. the rezone is consistent with the goals and policies of the Master Plan, including applicable special area, neighborhood and corridor plans; The property is within the Grand Junction Comprehensive Planning Area, adopted in February, 2010. It is also within the Clifton/Fruitvale Community Plan area. Both Plans are elements of the Mesa County Master Plan. The property under consideration is designated in the Future Land Use Map as “Residential Medium-High” intended for eight to sixteen units per acre density. This rezone to RMF-8 is in compliance with the Future Land Use designation of the Master Plan. This criterion has been met. Page 3 of 5 40 B. the proposed zoning district’s allowed uses are or can be made to be similar to or compatible with surrounding and nearby land uses; The request for the RMF-8 District is consistent with zoning established in the Future Land Use Map for this area. The district allows single family and multi-family residential uses. The applicant is interested in proceeding with the Site Plan application process to construct apartments on the property. The Site Plan application process reviews the need for buffering, landscaping and sidewalks. This criterion has been met. C. the land to be rezoned was previously zoned in error or conditions have changed so that the rezoning is consistent with county’s goals, policies and/or Master Plan; This property was rezoned from RSF-4 to PUD in 2006 so the owner could subdivide the property into eleven lots (7.8 units/acre). With an increase in the demand for multi-family housing, the owner is interested in rezoning the property to RMF-8. No errors have occurred but conditions have changed. The 2010 adoption of the Future Land Use classification in the Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan shows the area as Residential Medium-High. The RMF-8 zoning district implements this Future Land Use classification. This criterion has been met. D. public and community facilities and services including but not limited to sewage and waste disposal, domestic water, irrigation water (where available), gas, electricity, police and fire protection, and roads and transportation are or can be made available to serve the types and scope of land uses allowed in the proposed zoning district; Facilities and services are available to serve the site. Clifton Sanitation District provides sanitary sewer service. Domestic water is provided by Clifton Water District, and Palisade Irrigation District provides irrigation water. Grand Valley Drainage District and the 5-2-1 Drainage Authority provide drainage and stormwater services. Xcel Energy provides natural gas and electricity to the property. Emergency services are provided by Mesa County Sheriff’s Department and the Clifton Fire District. Access to the property is from E½ Road. This criterion has been met. IV. 3.1.17 GENERAL APPROVAL CRITERIA: A. Complies with all applicable standards, provisions, and purposes of this Land Development Code. The intent of the RMF-8 zoning classification in the Mesa County Master Plan is to accommodate medium high density multi-family residential development, with densities of 5-8 units/acre. Public water and sewer, roads and commercial services are available to the property, and it is close to Grand Mesa Middle School and Central High School. The Coronado Plaza is located approximately 300 feet to the east. This application meets the rezone criteria and the future Land Use designation in the Master Plan. This criterion has been met. B. Is consistent with review agency comments. The proposal is consistent with review agency comments. This criterion has been met. C. Is consistent with applicable intergovernmental agreements between the County and other entities. The project is consistent with Intergovernmental Agreement MCA 83-26 to send applications to the City of Grand Junction. The City of Grand Junction has commented that the project is consistent with the Future Land Use map. This criterion has been met. Page 4 of 5 41 V. PUBLIC COMMENTS: As of the date of this project review, no public comments have been received concerning this application. VI. REVIEW AGENCY COMMENTS: All review agency comments received are a part of the hearing packet and the file. VII. PROJECT RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division recommends APPROVAL of the rezone from PUD to RMF-8 on the basis that: the proposed rezone complies with the approval criteria for rezones in Section 3.4.7 of the Mesa County Land Development Code (2000, as amended); the proposed rezone complies with the general approval criteria in Section 3.1.17 of the Mesa County Land Development Code (2000, as amended); the proposed rezone is consistent with goals identified in the Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan, an element of the Mesa County Master Plan. the proposed rezone is consistent with the Future Land Use Map that designates the area for “Residential Medium-High.” Summary Rezone Criteria 3.4.7.A Consistent with the Master Plan 3.4.7.B Are or can be made compatible with surrounding and nearby land uses 3.4.7.C Error in zoning or conditions changed 3.4.7.D Adequate facilities and Services General Approval Criteria 3.1.17.A Compliance with applicable standards and provisions in the Land Development Code 3.1.17.B Consistency with review agency comments 3.1.17.C Consistency with applicable IGAs Has Been Met Has Been Met Has Been Met Has Been Met Has Been Met Has Been Met Has Been Met VIII. MCPC Hearing: September 25, 2014 IX. BCC Hearing and Decision: October 14, 2014 Page 5 of 5 42 HEARING NOTICE 43 Parcel/Notification Map Villa Way Rezone 2014-0135 RZ September 8, 2014 Notification Buffer Legend 500 ft buffer Parcels 2943-101-00-136 0.08 0 0.08 0.16 0.24 Urban Growth Area 0.32 Miles " 44 PARCEL_NUM 2943-101-02-009 2943-101-07-022 2943-101-00-136 2943-104-16-014 2943-101-23-018 2943-101-07-033 2943-101-08-005 2943-104-12-011 2943-101-19-003 2943-101-08-006 2943-101-08-010 2943-101-19-005 2943-101-23-001 2943-104-12-001 2943-101-02-026 2943-101-08-014 2943-101-07-024 2943-101-07-031 2943-101-19-004 2943-101-19-006 2943-101-03-001 2943-101-08-015 2943-101-22-008 2943-101-02-010 2943-101-08-012 2943-104-16-013 2943-101-19-002 2943-101-07-030 2943-101-02-011 2943-104-12-012 2943-101-17-002 2943-101-07-027 2943-101-23-019 2943-101-23-008 2943-101-23-002 2943-101-02-025 2943-101-17-006 2943-101-08-008 2943-101-02-013 2943-101-23-021 2943-101-02-017 2943-101-22-001 2943-101-08-011 2943-101-23-003 2943-101-07-023 2943-101-07-029 CITY OWNER MAILING AASEN GERALD M 568 1/2 BEVERLY LN GRAND JUNCTION ABEYTA JEFFREY D 567 1/2 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION AMICO DANIEL LOUIS SR 3172 E 1/2 RD GRAND JUNCTION ARNHOLD STEPHEN JOHN472 DUFFY DR GRAND JUNCTION ASHBY JUDY A 568 VILLA ST UNIT A GRAND JUNCTION BARROW LELIA M 2886 PINEHURST LN GRAND JUNCTION BERNER JUSTIN 566 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION BERRY COMPANIES INC PO BOX 829 WICHITA BINGHAM KENNETH R 3167 FORREST WAY GRAND JUNCTION BLACK JASON S 564 1/2 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION BONNER JOHN R 560 1/2 313/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION BRITTON DAVID W 3164 FORREST WAY GRAND JUNCTION BRUNET GREG 670 N SADDLE ROCK DGRAND JUNCTION BURRIS BRYAN D 155 29 RD GRAND JUNCTION C&C THOMPSON FAMILY 556 BEVERLY LN GRAND JUNCTION CABALLERO DAVID PO BOX 960 CLIFTON CADMAN VERNON D 565 1/2 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION CEJKA CHRISTOPHER 3021 ROYAL CT GRAND JUNCTION COBLENZ SHIRLEY MAY TR3169 FORREST WAY GRAND JUNCTION CONNORS EMERY E 2801 COTTAGE LN GRAND JUNCTION CORONADO PLAZA LLC 6500 S QUEBEC ST ST ENGLEWOOD COULTER DANIEL F 556 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION CREPINSEK VICKIE LYNN 571 VILLA ST GRAND JUNCTION DEAN TREVOR 2419 SANDRIDGE CT GRAND JUNCTION DELL KENNETH 558 1/2 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION DOWD BEN 3097 GUNNISON AVE GRAND JUNCTION EDMONDS CHAD 3165 FORREST WAY GRAND JUNCTION EISENACH MARCIA ANN PO BOX 23082 GLADE PARK ELK COUNTRY PARTNERS 504 W 26TH ST RIFLE EXTOL LLC 707 ARROWEST RD STGRAND JUNCTION FLORES OCTAVIO 557 VILLA ST GRAND JUNCTION FRANKLIN ZELDA I 563 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION FULLER ERIK 2873 FALL CREEK DR GRAND JUNCTION GLADU DAVID 568 1/2 VILLA ST UNITGRAND JUNCTION GMS LLC 605 25 RD STE 100 GRAND JUNCTION GRATTAN MICHAEL T 552 BEVERLY LN GRAND JUNCTION GRAY AUDREY J 563 VILLA ST GRAND JUNCTION HALSTEAD MICHELL C 4241 S PEARL ST ENGLEWOOD HARDIN TRAVIS C 564 BEVERLY LN GRAND JUNCTION HARRISON THOMAS E SR 2536 RIMROCK AVE S GRAND JUNCTION HENSON JOHN 562 BEVERLY LN GRAND JUNCTION HERRERA JUAN 557 CINDY ANN RD GRAND JUNCTION HOFFMAN JEFFREY J 560 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION HOLVOET JOSEPH EDWAR560 VILLA ST UNIT B GRAND JUNCTION HOOKER ROBERT M 626 CHACO CT GRAND JUNCTION HUTCHINGS BILLIE J 561 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION ST CO CO CO CO CO CO CO KS CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ZIP 81504-6008 81504-6069 81504-6000 81504-6241 81504 81503-3069 81504-6068 67201-0829 81504-7052 81504-6068 81504 81504-7048 81504-4041 81503 81504-6008 815200960 81504-6069 815044718 81504-7052 81506 80111-4674 81504-6068 81504-6202 815071653 81504-6068 81504-6372 81504-7052 81523 81650 81505 81504 81504-6069 815033057 81504-6254 81505-1282 81504-6008 81504-6052 80113-4741 81504-6008 81505 81504-6008 81501-4925 81504 81504-6245 81507-1040 81504-6069 45 2943-101-02-014 2943-101-00-027 2943-101-02-027 2943-101-07-026 2943-101-08-004 2943-101-23-009 2943-101-22-003 2943-101-02-020 2943-101-23-020 2943-101-25-006 2943-101-07-028 2943-101-07-032 2943-101-23-005 2943-101-08-007 2943-101-07-021 2943-101-08-009 2943-101-02-005 2943-101-02-012 2943-101-22-007 2943-101-02-015 2943-101-23-010 2943-101-23-006 2943-101-23-017 2943-101-17-001 2943-101-22-002 2943-101-08-002 2943-101-22-006 2943-101-22-005 2943-101-17-003 2943-101-17-004 2943-101-02-028 2943-101-07-034 2943-101-22-004 2943-101-08-013 2943-101-02-024 2943-101-23-004 2943-101-19-020 2943-101-07-025 2943-101-02-016 2943-101-02-008 2943-101-23-016 2943-101-25-007 2943-101-08-003 2943-101-23-007 563 BEVERLY LN GRAND JUNCTION HYDE FRANKLIN L SR JOHNSON MATT 3166 E 1/2 RD GRAND JUNCTION KAMPF DONNA M 557 BEVERLY LN GRAND JUNCTION KEEN GARY 563 1/2 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION KIRK CAROLYN G 566 1/2 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION KUHLMAN REBA 568 1/2 VILLA ST UNITGRAND JUNCTION LACEY JOHN S 565 1/2 VILLA ST GRAND JUNCTION LOVE KARIN LISA 560 BEVERLY LN GRAND JUNCTION MANLEY KERI M 564 VILLA ST UNIT A GRAND JUNCTION MARQUEZ JOSE A 574 MAXWELL DR GRAND JUNCTION MATHERS MARY T 561 1/2 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION MJER HOLDINGS LLC 3146 ELLINGWOOD A GRAND JUNCTION MOATS MARY M 566 VILLA ST UNIT A GRAND JUNCTION MYERS ERRIN STEPHANIE 564 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION NOSTRANT WAYNE 3094 SILVER CREST TRGRAND JUNCTION PERALTA MARI ANN 562 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION PEREA CARMEN I 570 1/2 BEVERLY LN GRAND JUNCTION PLANTZ KARY L 568 BEVERLY LN GRAND JUNCTION POPHAM JEFFREY 569 1/2 VILLA ST GRAND JUNCTION POTTER PATSY JO 2636 HICKORY DR GRAND JUNCTION PYLAND JESSICA MARIE 770 PONDEROSA DR FRUITA RALEY DIXIE LEE 566 VILLA ST UNIT B GRAND JUNCTION REES RUTH E 3655 SOMERSET DR NEW ORLEANS ROBLES MANUEL 555 VILLA ST GRAND JUNCTION ROLLINS ASHTON II 6101 CRESTBROOK DRMORRISON ROSE JERRY R 568 1/2 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION ROWLAND CHELSI 569 VILLA ST GRAND JUNCTION RUIZ HERMILO 567 1/2 VILLA ST GRAND JUNCTION RUTTERBUSH-RAYMENT C559 VILLA ST GRAND JUNCTION SAGE VALLEY LLC 1011 COUNTY ROAD 3NEW CASTLE SCHRAMMEL JAMES G 555 BEVERLY LN GRAND JUNCTION SCHROEPFER ANTONE M 555 1/2 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION SEDA JESUS Z 567 VILLA ST GRAND JUNCTION SEITZ DONNA K 558 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION SHIRK BEVERLY M 3162 E 1/2 RD GRAND JUNCTION SHUPING LADEEN TRUST 562 VILLA ST GRAND JUNCTION SMITH TOMMY J 3160 E 1/2 RD GRAND JUNCTION SPENCE THEODORE R 565 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION TAFOYA ERNEST I 4637 BASS LAKE CT DEBEQUE UMBERGER CHOYA LEE 570 BEVERLY LN GRAND JUNCTION VIALPANDO ANTHONY J 570 VILLA ST GRAND JUNCTION WEBB GARY W 576 MAXWELL DR GRAND JUNCTION WEST JUNE E 568 31 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTION ZENDER CHRISTOPHER 235 FRONTIER ST GRAND JUNCTION WELLS FARGO 3231 I-70 BUSINESS L CLIFTON CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO LA CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 81504 81504-6072 81504-6007 81504 81504-6068 815046254 81504-6049 81504-6008 81504-6251 815047039 81504-6069 81504 81504-6252 81504-6068 815046198 81504-6068 81504-6008 81501 81504-6201 81506 815219616 81504-6252 70131-7138 81504-6052 80465-2223 81504-6068 81504 81504 81504 81647 81504 81504 81504-6201 81504-6068 81504-6046 81504-6005 81504 81504 81630 81504-6008 81504-6203 81504-7039 81504 815032773 81520 46 REVIEW AGENCY COMMENTS 47 48 49 PRO2014-0135 - VILLA WAY II REZONE Review Agency Comments Comments Due Date: 2014-09-08 User Review Agency Date/Time Comment Daniel Roussin CODOT-REGION 3 8/26/2014 I have no issues with the access off Villa. The access off E 1/2 10:03:27 AM Road will need to close. This shouldn't need an access permit because the apartment complex isn't likely to increase by 20%. Thanks Melinda Henderson MC TREASURER 8/26/2014 As of August 26, 2014 property taxes are paid in full on parcel 10:03:40 AM number 2943-101-00-136. MMH CHRIS ROWLAND FIRE CLIFTON 8/26/2014 No problems with the re-zone. Be aware of access issues and water 10:23:16 AM supply for multiple family dwellings. KEVIN WILLIAMS IRR GV DRAINAGE 8/26/2014 "From what has been provided, it appears that this application is 10:43:07 AM only a zoning change with which the District has no comment on this application. AS THE PLANS CHANGE, WE WILL NEED TO REVIEW ANY CHANGES. If any storm water is expected t flow into the District facility located on the property, the District MUST be consulted and the following will apply for this project. For land uses from which storm water ("regulated water") is proposed to be discharged, directly or indirectly, into District facilities, the applicant/owner is advised: a. The Grand Valley Drainage District has rights-of-way and/or facilities potentially impacted by the proposed project/development. b. The applicant must pay the District a $150 development review fee before further review can occur. c. If future information or plans require more than a cursory review, the applicant will also have to pay 'administrative' fees, to cover the time and costs incurred by the District in reviewing the plans or application. Examples of administrative fees that applicant may have to pay: District personnel costs, District costs of consulting with engineers or other consultants; GIS, mapping and field inspection staff time, etc. d. Payment of development review fee or the administrative fees does not mean the District will accept 'regulated' water, nor allow the use of its facilities. e. In addition, a right-of-way fee of $1 per linear foot of District facilities in which regulated water from this development is expected to flow must be paid. The District will calculate the amount of this fee. f. Before any regulated water is authorized to flow into any District facility, each land owner must sign our Discharge License/addendum which will be recorded at the applicant's expense. Unless the District's requirements are met, the applicant/owner can expect that pipes, inlets or other structures conveying water to District facilities will be unilaterally removed by the District at the owner's expense, and the District may exercise other legal remedies. A copy of the discharge license, discharge license addendum and 50 District’s resolutions and regulations are available on the District website: thedrainagedistrict.org DAVE REINERTSEN WATER CLIFTON MARK BARSLUND IRR 5-2-1 DRAIN AUTH 8/26/2014 The Clifton Water District has no concerns at this time with this 11:44:14 AM request. However, without a number of units identified, comment can not be made regarding any water infrastructure updates that may be required for this project. As project gets better defined, direct conversations with the District would be advised. 8/26/2014 Any disturbance of 1 (one) acre or more will require a CDPHE and a 1:03:21 PM 521 storm water permit. BRIAN WOODS SAN CLIFTON 8/27/2014 The Clifton Sanitation has no objections to the zoning request. 10:03:45 AM Additional comments will be provided when a defined project has been developed regarding sanitary sewer service for this property. SANATAM KHALSA IRR PALISADE 8/27/2014 No objection to rezoning request. We may have comments as the 5:33:09 PM project develops. Shirley Beall MC ADDRESSING 8/28/2014 No comments. Shirley/Addressing 10:38:30 AM Daniel Sundstrom MC TRANS PLAN 9/3/2014 I do not have any objections to rezoning request, future 3:01:13 PM development will require dedication of right-of-way on Villa Street. Also, future development will require street improvements to include sidewalks to be consistent with the surrounding neighborhood. Future development will require the access on E 1/2 Road a major collector road to be closed and new access off of Villa Street a local road as required by Mesa County’s Road Access Policy. 4.5.3 – General Provisions of Access 3. In the development of existing residential parcels that are located on minor collectors or above as defined by the ROW classification map, access will be taken from the lower classification roadway on an alignment or connector to that lower classification roadway. 6. Parcels/lots with frontage on local road(s) may be permitted a maximum of two access points from the local road. Both accesses must be on the same road frontage. 8. Access from contiguous parcels under the same ownership or control shall be treated as one parent tract for the purposes of access permitting. BRIAN RUSCHE CITY GJ PLANNING DIV 9/5/2014 City of Grand Junction - Community Development: The property is 3:04:09 PM located outside the Persigo 201 boundary and therefore is not required to be annexed into the City. The proposed RMF-8 zone is consistent with the Future Land Use map designation of Residential Medium/High. No further comments. MC DEV ENGINEER MC DEV ENGINEER 9/8/2014 MC Development Engineering 11:06:02 AM No comments. 51 NO PUBLIC COMMENTS 52 APPLICANT INFORMATION 53 54 55 PROJECT REVIEW 56 MESA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Administration - Building - Engineering – Road and Bridge Traffic - Planning - Solid Waste Management 200 S. Spruce Street • P.O. Box 20,000 • Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5001 Ph (970) 244-1636 Fax (970) 244-1769 PROJECT REVIEW August 19, 2014 (Revised September 18, 2014) I. PRO2013-0187 CUP WESTERN SLOPE FLAGSTONE, CAMEO QUARRY CUP AMENDMENT, RAPID CREEK ROAD ACCESS Property Owner: Operator: Representative: Location: Parcel#: Zoning: Planner: Request: Recommendation: Rudolph Fontanari Western Slope Flagstone Trevor Grosse 3998 Rapid Creek Road 2709-344-00-070 AFT Randy Price, Senior Planner To amend the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for mining to allow up to 5 gravel haul trucks per day from the Western Slope Flagstone, Cameo Quarry to use Rapid Creek Road as a haul route (Pursuant to Chapter 5.2.13 Mining and Extractive Uses) Approval with Conditions 1 57 II. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: The property is zoned Agriculture Forestry Transitional (AFT) and is located at the mouth of DeBeque Canyon, 3.5 miles northeast of the town of Palisade. The mine is located on a gravel terrace 150’ above the Colorado River and up against the steep lower slopes of the Grand Mesa. The gravel deposits are weathered basalt from the Grand Mesa deposited during the last ice age. Gravel ranges from several ton boulders grading down to finer pea size. The mine predominantly produces rip-rap but has a large stockpile of 1 inch crushed basalt suitable for railroad track ballast. The gravel is underlain by sedimentary rocks that include sandstone and coal. Coal mining was a major economic driver in the past for the town of Palisade. Nearby, there are several coal mines that have been permanently closed. The mines are the Cameo, the Roadside, and the Go-Boy that are quite close to this operation. The Roadside mine has undermined a good portion of land within the permit area. The coal was mined by room and pillar method; the pillars hold up the roof (all of the overburden up to the surface) until 50% of the coal is removed. When that area is mined out, the operator will back out and “pull pillars” allowing the roof to collapse and this creates subsidence at the surface. This often creates cracks and chimneys (holes). The underground working extends over to the Ute Water treatment plant. The terrace that the Cameo gravel operation is on was previously peach orchard. However, undermining has created cracks that interfere with irrigation and if irrigation is attempted it tends to run down into the undergrounds workings. Areas that have been undermined are not suitable for residential structures because subsidence continues long after the area is mined and structures built in the area may be damaged as differential settling may occur. Even small amounts of settling may damage foundations. Subsidence propagates to the surface and spreads out so disturbance extends out in a cone of depression usually at about 45 degrees. Structures may still be damaged even if they are not directly undermined. South of this gravel mine is the Ute Water treatment plant and the Palisade Water treatment plants. Several waterlines cross the permit area. The Ute Water treatment plant receives deliveries from Rapid Creek Road of Chlorine on large semi-tractor trailers an average of 2 per week. Other uses in this area are agriculture and residences. The Kokopelli Farm Market is located just west of the gravel operation on land that adjoins land owned by the applicant. The Market uses several of the structures that once served the Snowcap Coal Company’s Roadside Mine. The portals have been sealed, backfilled and the mine waste piles have been reclaimed. Gay Johnson’s truck stop is zoned C-2 and it is 1.25 miles north of the gravel operation. There are 33 residences that access Rapid Creek Road between its intersection with Highway 6 and its termination past the Ute water treatment plant. At the end of Rapid Creek Road, there is trailhead parking for the Rapid Creek Trailhead managed by the BLM. The Western Slope Flagstone Cameo mine has two accesses, one to the south on Rapid Creek Road and the other is a private road owned by the Rudolph Fontanari. The north road accesses to the interchange on I-70 located at the Eagle Travel Stop. Commercial haul trucks operating from 2 58 the mine are currently only allowed to use the northern access. This was a condition of approval of the original conditional use permit approved in 1995. Rapid Creek Road is 1.8 miles from the intersection of Highway 6 to the end of County maintenance. The first .7 miles is paved and the rest is gravel surfaced. 1,500 feet of the road from the bridge at the Rapid Creek crossing up toward the Ute water treatment plant is signed one lane and has a posted speed limit of 10 mph. The US Postal Service stopped delivery of mail in 2010 to the residents along Rapid Creek Rd. James Sample resident on Rapid Creek Road made an inquiry as to why mail service was stopped. The Consumer Affairs representative in a letter attached at the end of this project report stated that the route was evaluated by the Palisade Postmaster and that the route was discontinued because it “posed a safety hazard to the carrier.” Eric Bruton, former Mesa County Public Works Road and Bridge Supervisor, followed up on this letter and contacted S.L. Gross of the US Postal Service who wrote the letter. S.L. Gross in her conversation with Bruton admitted that in addition to the safety concerns that it was also a cost saving measure. Mesa County Code Compliance Services has received numerous complaints in the past about Rudy Fontanari, the owner of the mine, driving haul trucks loaded with gravel and many of the complainants have felt that their safety had been jeopardized. As of the writing of this project report, 20 written comments have been received from people living near the operation. All of the comments are in opposition the proposal. Many of the letters describe incidents that they have had with trucks on Rapid Creek Road. Many of these people have complained about the operator in the past. All public comments are included within the hearing binder. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting to amend the Western Slope Flagstone Cameo Quarry Condition Use Permit to allow a maximum of 5 gravel haul trucks per day to use Rapid Creek Road as a haul route. In 1995 the mine was approved for 25 truckloads per day and up to 150 truckloads per day during periods of peak demand. The northern route was the only approved route in this CUP. The northern route follows the gravel terrace that the mine is on north then down a switchback to a road that Parallels I-70 then to the I-70 interchange at the Eagle Travel Stop. In 1995 a stipulation was applied to that approval stating that: MCM 95-103, stipulation #3 All commercial traffic excluding the owner shall not use Rapid Creek Road to access the quarry site, but is required to use the private road to the north as proposed. The northern route is more convenient for trucks heading up valley toward DeBeque; but, for trucks heading toward Palisade, a route on Rapid Creek would be shorter. To reach a location near Highway 6 and Rapid Creek the haul distance would be 2 miles on the Rapid Creek route versus 5.7 miles on the northern route. The proposed alternate route will save 3.7 miles on trips heading down valley. The mine does not own property adjacent to Rapid Creek Road so access 3 59 will be across preexisting easements granted to Public Service. The applicant purchased the Public Service property and claims the right to use these easements. The mining permit was expanded in 2001 from 9.5 acres to 191 acres with the approval of Conditional Use Permits C34-01 and C35-01. At this time all commercial traffic was to only use the northern access. Rapid Creek Road Westbound (downhill) Beginning of Narrow Section West (downhill) narrow portion of Rapid Creek Road 4 60 Rapid Creek Road is paved from the intersection of highway 6 to the bridge that crosses Rapid Creek for a distance of .7 miles. At the bridge, the road narrows to one lane and has a graveled surface treated with Magnesium Chloride. The northbound road is signed “one lane bridge” and is posted with a 10mph speed limit. After the bridge the road narrows and there are several unmarked areas that can be used as a pullout should an oncoming vehicle be encountered. There are several sections of roadway that appear too narrow for 2 automobiles to pass even less room for a truck and automobile. There appears to be uncertain shoulder stability so a driver would be taking a risk getting too close to the edge if the driver were trying to pass another car. There are several areas that have vegetation growing close to the roadway that reduces sight distance around corners. At 1600 feet beyond the bridge the road widens and there is a sign posted facing the opposite direction “one lane road ahead 10 mph.” The maximum posted The posted speed limit is 20 mph The currently approved access is to the north on property owned by Rudy Fontanari. This property fronts I-70 to the north. The road is gated 1,200 feet south of Gay Jonson’s Truck stop. This has been the primary access point. IV. COMPLIANCE WITH MESA COUNTY CODE REQUIREMENTS: Section 3.8.7 of the Land Development Code (2000, as amended) states that a Conditional Use Permit may be approved by the Board of County Commissioners after considering the following: A. The proposed use is not significantly different from adjacent uses in terms of appearance, site design, operating characteristics (hours of operation, traffic generation, noise, odor, dust, and other external impacts) or, if the use is different, that any adverse impacts resulting from the use will be mitigated to the maximum 5 61 extent practical and reclamation of the site will be adequate for appropriate future uses of the site where applicable. The operator is requesting to allow 5 truckloads a day to access Rapid Creek Road. The operator was previously approved to operate up to 150 trucks per day using the northern route. The northern route uses private property owned by Rudy Fontanari. This haul route is private and the public is not allowed on this roadway. There are no residences that access this road. There are no concerns with public safety along this roadway. Rapid Creek Road is a public roadway and provides access for 33 residences. This road is used by Ute Water and Palisade Water treatment plants for the delivery of Chlorine, construction/ maintenance and employee access. Rapid Creek is used by the public to access the trailhead for recreation and the Palisade High School use this road for running up for track club training. The Western Slope Flagstone Cameo Quarry has an existing access to the north that does not conflict with other users. This route, if used to deliver gravel to the south, is 3.7 miles longer than the proposed route on Rapid Creek. This route has been used for 19 years. Portions of Rapid Creek Road are not suitable for two way truck traffic without improvements to the roadway to meet County road standards. At the present time Mesa County Public Works is completing a written assessment of the roadway. The written report is expected to be completed by the MCPC hearing on September 25th. Initial conclusions are that clearing vegetation to increase sight distance and widening certain sections of the roadway will improve the safety factor to allow passage of two way truck traffic with the use of the pullouts. The cost burden for the improvements would be carried by both the County and Western Slope Flagstone. This would require the applicant to enter into a maintenance agreement with Mesa County. A condition of approval for the CUP amendments will be: Condition #1 Prior to using Rapid Creek Road as a haul route for carrying rock product, Western Slope Flagstone must enter into an agreement with Mesa County. The agreement will share costs with Mesa County for upgrading shoulders on portions of Rapid Creek Road and removal of brush and vegetation along the roadway to improve sight distance. Prior to commencing haul traffic, all work on the roadway must be successfully completed and the work approved my Mesa County Public Works. Haul traffic is limited to 5 trucks per day. This condition of approval supersedes Condition #3 in Mesa County BoCC Resolution MCM 95-103. This criterion can be met. B. Facilities and services (including sewage and waste disposal, recycling, domestic and irrigation water [where available], gas, electricity, security measures, police and fire protection, and roads and transportation, special fencing, and signage, as applicable) shall be available upon completion of the project to serve the subject property while maintaining adequate levels of service to proposed and existing development during regular, periodic, and peak usages. 6 62 With improvements and maintenance as specified in the above condition of approval, Rapid Creek Road can be used to convey truck traffic as proposed by the applicant. This criterion can be met. C. Access will be provided as necessary to prevent traffic hazards and to minimize traffic congestion in public streets and alleys. The proposed access location is and existing driveway at 3950 Rapid Creek Road has been evaluated and meets Mesa County sight distance and dimensional requirements. A Mesa County NOI has been given provisional approval contingent on a traffic analysis as requested by CDOT and their approval of the access location at the intersection of Rapid Creek with Highway 6. A condition of approval for this application is: Condition #2 Prior to using Rapid Creek Road as a haul route limited to 5 trucks per day, Western Slope Flagstone shall obtain approval of a CDOT access permit for the intersection of Rapid Creek Road and Highway 6. Haul traffic will not use North River Road and will only use Highway 6. This criterion can be met. D. Adequate assurances of on-going maintenance have been provided. This criterion can be met with compliance with the condition of approval in Section 3.8.7(A) above (condition #1) and compliance with previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. This criterion can be met with conditions of approval. E. Any significant adverse impacts on the natural environment will be mitigated to the maximum extent practical, including whether soils and geologic suitability are adequate for the proposed use, and whether prevailing winds might cause adverse impacts on site and off-site. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals F. There is a need for the use on a community wide basis. The Western Slope Flagstone Cameo Quarry provides rip-rap and gravel that is needed for construction projects that are vital to a healthy economy. This criterion has been met. 7 63 Section 5.2.13 Mining and Extractive Uses: Mining and extractive uses shall be subject to the County's Commercial Mineral Extraction Policy and the standards below: A. An excavation and rehabilitation plan shall be required for any mining or extractive use. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. B. An excavation permit, if applicable, issued by the State of Colorado in conformance with the Open Mining Land Reclamation Act, shall be required. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. C. Excavation or deposit of overburden shall not be permitted within 30 feet of a boundary of an adjacent property, easement, irrigation ditch, or right of way unless by written agreement of the owner of such property, easement, irrigation ditch or right of way. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. D. Excavation within 125 feet of a dwelling unit shall be prohibited unless by written agreement of the owner and occupant of the residence; excavation involving the use of rock crushers, asphalt plant, cement batch plant and other similar equipment within 250 feet of a dwelling unit shall be prohibited. The Decision Making Body shall be authorized to require the installation of a Landscape Buffer (see Sec.7.2) when necessary to control dust and mitigate other adverse impacts on surrounding areas. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. E. All excavation activities shall be set back at least 100 feet from road rights-of- ways and the 100 year floodway of any watercourses. The watercourse setback may be varied, based on Colorado Department of Wildlife comments concerning sitespecific factors. Existing trees and ground cover along the public road frontage and drainage ways shall be preserved, maintained and supplemented, if necessary, from the depth of the setback to protect against and reduce noise, dust and erosion. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. F. The operator shall submit a route plan (haul road plan) to the Public Works Department and seek permission to use, for haulage, any public right of way which is not designated by Mesa County as suitable for such haulage by reason of load limit, dust, right of way, or pavement width or other relevant factors. The Public Works Department may place reasonable restrictions on such right of way use. Alternative haul routes shall be developed where the haul route impacts the health, safety and welfare of the local area. 8 64 Mesa County Public Works Department is completing a written evaluation of Rapid Creek Road. The preliminary conclusion is that with sufficient sight distance, additional work on the road shoulder and with turnouts, the road can accommodate the proposed truck traffic. This requires adherence to the posted speed limit on Rapid Creek Road of 20mph and 10mph in the posted zone starting at the bridge across Rapid Creek. This criterion can be met with compliance to the condition of approval in Section 3.8.7(A) above (condition #1) and with the following condition: Condition #3 Western Slope Flagstone haul trucks will not exceed the posted speed limit on Rapid Creek Road of 20mph and 10mph in the posted zone starting at the bridge across Rapid Creek. G. Haul roads within the premises shall be maintained in a reasonably dust-free condition and shall be contained within the pit (after excavation allows) to the maximum extent feasible. Depending on local conditions, this may include watering, oiling, or paving. No concerns were noted with the existing haul road within the pit. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. H. The operation shall be limited to the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. unless longer or shorter hours of operation are approved as part of the Conditional Use Permit. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. I. The operator shall not excavate, store overburden, or excavate materials or dike in such a manner as to cause damage to public facilities, or increase any drainage or flooding on property not owned by the operator. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. J. Prior to starting excavation, where the operation is adjacent to subdivided or developed commercial, residential, or industrial property, fencing may be required to prevent the visibility of the mining operation, and buffering and screening may be required if deemed necessary by the Planning Director, subject to appeal to the Board of County Commissioners. The operator may fence, buffer or screen the entire parcel, or fence only areas of excavation as it proceeds. None of which shall be removed until rehabilitation has been completed. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. 9 65 K. Once mining has been completed, the site shall not to be used as an area to stockpile sand or gravel resources, if the operation is adjacent to subdivided property or to developed commercial or residential property. The mining operator is to reclaim those areas as soon as possible. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. L. Operations shall comply with noise, vibration, and other standards of Mesa County and noise standards enumerated in CRS §25-12-101. The applicant is required to comply with the noise and vibration standards in CRS § 25-12103.m. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. M. All air emissions shall comply with standards established by the Mesa County Health Department, State Health Department, and Colorado Air Quality Control Commission. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. N. All water uses and discharges shall conform to standards established by the State Water Pollution Control Commission and the water laws of the State of Colorado. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. O. All slopes shall be stabilized and land remaining in the natural water level must be revegetated in a manner compatible with the surrounding area. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. P. A development schedule shall be submitted describing the life span of the plan in years (ranges are acceptable), and, if applicable, the years per phase. Diligence in meeting this schedule is required. 1. Up to a two year extension may be granted by the Planning Director if a written request is submitted outlining the factors and reasons for the extension. 2. Requests for extensions up to five years and appeals of the Planning Director's decision will be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners at a public hearing. This criterion has been met Q. If the use has not operated or if no material has been extracted within three years of obtaining the Conditional Use Permit, and a request for extension has not been received and approved by the Board of County Commissioners, the Conditional Use 10 66 Permit will expire. Extension requests shall provide information concerning the factors and reasons for the request. The Board of County Commissioners will consider these factors and reasons as well as the extent conditions have changed in the area, if any, in granting extensions. This criterion has been met R. At the time of Conditional Use Permit review for a proposed Mining or Extractive Use Operation, the Board of County Commissioners shall require that the applicant provide financial assurance adequate to ensure that any structures or roads necessary to mitigate the impacts of the operation on nearby property owners or residents will be constructed at those times stated in any related condition attached to the Conditional Use Permit. Adequate financial security may include a deposit of money, an irrevocable bond or letter of credit backed by a reputable bank or financial institution, as determined by the County, or another form of financial security acceptable to the County. The amount of financial security required shall not exceed 125 percent of the estimated costs of taking the actions that it secures. The Planning Director shall be authorized to execute a partial release or to reduce the amount of the financial assurance from time to time as required construction or rehabilitation activities are completed. The Planning Director shall release all or any remaining amounts of any financial assurance within 30 days after completion of the last construction or rehabilitation action that the financial assurance secures. This criterion has been met Section 3.1.17, General Approval Criteria, must also be considered for Conditional Use Permit requests: A. complies with all applicable standards, provisions, and purposes of this Land Development Code; This criterion can be met 3.8.7 A, B, C B. is consistent with review agency comments; Review agency comments are contained within the Board packet. The town of Palisade is opposed to trucks traveling River Road and roadways within the town. Traveling Highway 6 is acceptable. CDOT has requested a traffic study to evaluate the intersection of Highway 6 and Rapid Creek Road. A traffic study has been submitted and is currently under review. This criterion can be met. C. is consistent with applicable intergovernmental agreements (IGA) between the County and other entities. 11 67 This proposal is consistent with intergovernmental agreements Mesa County has with the BLM and the town of Palisade. The BLM has not provided comments and Palisade’s comments are included. Palisade opposes truck traffic on River Road and within the town of Palisade. Ttruck traffic on Highway 6 south of Palisade is acceptable. This criterion has been met in previous Conditional Use Permit Approvals. V. REVIEW AGENCY COMMENTS: All review comments received are a part of the hearing packet and the file. VI. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mesa County has received 20 letters of objection to the proposed use of Rapid Creek road as a haul route. These letters are included as part of the hearing packet. VII. PROJECT RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division recommends Approval with Conditions of the Western Slope Flagstone Cameo Quarry use of Rapid Creek Road as a proposed haul route for a maximum of 5 trucks per day with the following conditions: 1. Prior to using Rapid Creek Road as a haul route for carrying rock product, Western Slope Flagstone must enter into an agreement with Mesa County. The agreement will share costs with Mesa County for upgrading shoulders on portions of Rapid Creek Road and removal of brush and vegetation along the roadway to improve sight distance. Prior to commencing haul traffic, all work on the roadway must be successfully completed and the work approved my Mesa County Public Works. Haul traffic is limited to 5 trucks per day. This condition of approval supersedes Condition #3 in Mesa County BoCC Resolution MCM 95-103. 2. Prior to using Rapid Creek Road as a haul route limited to 5 trucks per day, Western Slope Flagstone shall obtain approval of a CDOT access permit for the intersection of Rapid Creek Road and Highway 6. Haul traffic will not use North River Road and will only use Highway 6. 3. Western Slope Flagstone haul trucks will not exceed the posted speed limit on Rapid Creek Road of 20mph and 10mph in the posted zone starting at the bridge across Rapid Creek. 12 68 The bases for this recommendation: The petition complies with or has the ability to comply with the criterion in Section 3.8.7A – F, Section 5.2.13 A-R, and Section 3.1.17.A - C of the Mesa County Land Development Code (2000, as amended). Summary Conditional Use Permit Criteria 3.8.7 A. The proposed use is not significantly different from adjacent uses in appearance, site design, and operating characteristics or adequately mitigates adverse impacts B. Facilities and services are available C. D. E. F. Condition Can be met Can be met 1 1,2,3 Access is provided to prevent traffic hazards and minimize traffic congestion Can be met 2 Adequate assurances of on-going maintenance are provided Can be met 1 Significant adverse impacts on the natural environment have been mitigated to the extent practical A need for the use on a community-wide basis has been established Condition Has been met Has been met General Approval Criteria 3.1.17 A. Compliance with applicable standards and provisions in the Land Development Code Can be met B. C. Can be met Has been met Consistency with review agency comments Consistency with applicable IGAs Mining and Extractive Uses Section 5.2.13 A. Excavation plan B. State excavation permit C. 30’ from boundary D. 250’ from houses E. 100’ from roads/floodway F. Haul plan G. Dust-free condition H. Hours of operation Has been met Has been met Has been met Has been met Has been met Can be met Has been met Has been met 1,2,3 3 13 69 I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. Flooding Fencing Reclaim as soon as possible Noise & vibration standards Air Emissions Water uses and discharges Slope stabilization Development schedule Operation within 3 years Financial assurance Has been met Has been met Has been met Has been met Has been met Has been met Has been met Has been met Has been met Has been met IX. MCPC RECOMMENDATION (8/28/14) CONTINUED (9/25/14) X. BOCC ACTION (10/14/14) 14 70 15 71 16 72 \ 17 73 18 74 19 75 HEARING NOTICE 76 Western Flagstone, Cameo Quarry CUP Amendment 2014-0187 CUP August 8, 2014 Notification/Parcel Map Notification Buffer Legend 2500 Ft. Buffer Parcels Roads BLM Land Rapid Creek Road 0.45 0 0.45 0.9 1.35 " 1.8 Miles 77 PARCEL_NUM OWNER MAILING CITY ST 2937-022-00-051 ALLEN PATRICIA H 823 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-112-00-001 ANDREATTA-GOBLE AMY 751 CLYMER DR PALISADE CO 2937-022-00-082 ARMSTRONG OTTO LINN 839 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-022-00-121 ATCHISON EMERY T 3940 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-022-00-117 BATES FAMILY REVOC TRUST853 RAPID CREEK RD RT PALISADE CO 2937-022-00-092 BATES GARY 851 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-023-00-102 BEOUGHER JAMES W 822 HIGHWAY 6 AND 24PALISADE CO 2709-252-00-914 BLM 2815 H RD GRAND JUNCTICO 2937-022-00-116 BODIE DENNIS E 847 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-022-00-020 BOLLINGER DANIEL F 855 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-022-00-016 BORCHARDT LEE B 871 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-022-00-109 BORCHARDT LEE B 869 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-023-00-032 BROOKER CHRISTINA A 3999 HIGHWAY 6 AND 2PALISADE CO 2937-034-00-022 BROPHY BRADLEY 3916 HICKMAN RD PALISADE CO 2937-034-00-040 BUNCH ALAN W PO BOX 1407 PALISADE CO 2709-343-00-062 CAREY JASON P PO BOX 2123 GLENWOOD SPCO 2937-022-00-074 CARLSON KENNETH PARKER 861 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-023-00-066 CHRISCO CARL ADRAIN 828 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-023-00-038 CHRISTIANSON VINEYARDS L3907 N RIVER RD PALISADE CO 2937-031-00-928 COLORADO DEPT OF HIGHW606 S 9TH ST STE 1 GRAND JUNCTICO 2937-012-00-040 CONNER RUSSELL D 3984 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-034-00-058 COOLEY BILLY R PO BOX 521 PALISADE CO 2937-022-00-065 COREY JUDY ANN TRUSTEE 817 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-034-01-005 DISTEFANO THOMAS L JR 1024 BUCK RUN RD CANONSBURG PA 2937-023-00-031 ECORD ARRAGON 234 28 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTICO 2937-021-00-090 ERIKSON STEPHEN A 3960 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-022-00-075 FLESHER PAUL F 859 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-021-00-102 FONTANARI RUDOLOPH TRU3316 E 3/4 RD CLIFTON CO 2709-353-00-077 FONTANARI RUDOLPH JR 3316 E 3/4 RD CLIFTON CO 2937-031-00-947 GRAND VALLEY WATER USER1147 24 RD GRAND JUNCTICO 2937-034-01-006 GRAY RICHARD PO BOX 704 PALISADE CO 2937-031-00-052 HARRISON BRANT 860 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-021-00-117 HASSTEDT JOHN R 3972 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-023-00-103 HENDERSON DALE W 826 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-022-00-025 HIGGINS HENRY C PO BOX 250 PALISADE CO 2937-023-00-072 HODGES PETER R 824 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-022-00-079 JONES LAWRENCE M 857 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-023-00-096 KEDDY MICHAEL D 2490 CLUB RD LOS ALAMOS NM 2937-012-00-041 KING MATTHEW C 3989 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-012-00-046 LARSEN JON A 5 N HIGHWAY 101 UNIT WARRENTON OR 2937-023-00-113 LINCOLN CURTIS PO BOX 543 PALISADE CO 2937-023-00-056 MATERN AIMEE L 3997 HIGHWAY 6 AND 2PALISADE CO 2937-031-00-946 PALISADE IRRIGATION DISTRPO BOX 266 PALISADE CO 2937-022-00-101 PINNT TYSON 879 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO 2937-022-00-080 PRINSTER DELORES HELEN 839 1/2 RAPID CREEK RDPALISADE CO 2937-022-00-104 PROCTOR R COLE 880 RAPID CREEK RD PALISADE CO ZIP 81526 81526 81526-9402 81526-9405 81526 81526-9400 81526 81506 81526 81526-9400 81526-9400 81526-9400 81526-8770 81526-9801 81526-1407 81602-2123 81526-9400 81526-9401 81526-7700 81501-7768 81526 81526-0521 81526 15317 81503-2985 81526-9405 81526-9400 81520-8011 81520-8011 81505 81526-0704 81526-9401 81526 81526-9401 81526 81526-9401 81526-9400 87544-1502 81526-9405 97146-9313 81526 81526-8770 81526 81526 81526-9402 81526-9401 78 2709-344-00-090 PROVIDENCE PLACE INC 860 RAPID CREEK RD 2937-032-00-001 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY O550 15TH ST STE 1000 2937-022-00-105 RANCK DOYLE L 160 NANCY LN 2937-022-00-085 REAMS LIVING TRUST 899 24 1/2 RD 2937-012-00-045 SAMPLE SHARON B 3999 RAPID CREEK RD 2937-034-01-004 SELAN DERRICK PO BOX 1062 2937-023-00-097 SLOVER DAN G 3993 N RIVER RD 2937-034-00-041 SPANGLER C C 2177 H RD 2937-022-00-024 STACK DONALD V 841 RAPID CREEK RD 2937-023-00-928 STATE HIGHWAY DEPT 606 S 9TH ST 2937-022-00-078 STEPHEN LUKE A 849 RAPID CREEK RD 2937-022-00-099 STOUT JOE F III 867 RAPID CREEK RD 2937-022-00-100 TANKERSLEY EDWIN C 878 RAPID CREEK RD 2937-021-00-941 TOWN OF PALISADE PO BOX 128 2937-031-00-942 TOWN OF PALISADE 175 E 3RD ST 2937-012-00-947 UTE WATER CONSERVANCY PO BOX 460 2937-012-00-047 WILSON EDWARD NORTON 3118 E RD 2937-034-00-056 WISE DARRELL B PO BOX 1506 2937-022-00-027 WOODBURN FRANK 3598 G RD 2937-034-00-057 YELK WILLIAM D REVOC TRUPO BOX 502 2937-022-00-062 YOUNG BENNETT H PO BOX 178 PALISADE CO DENVER CO NEW COLUMBIPA GRAND JUNCTICO PALISADE CO PALISADE CO PALISADE CO GRAND JUNCTICO PALISADE CO GRAND JUNCTICO PALISADE CO PALISADE CO PALISADE CO PALISADE CO PALISADE CO GRAND JUNCTICO GRAND JUNCTICO PALISADE CO PALISADE CO EAGLE CO MOLINA CO 81526 80202-4256 17856 81505 81526-9405 81526 81526 81505-9702 81526-9402 81501 81526-9400 81526-9400 81526-9401 81526 81526 81502 815046148 81526-1506 81526-9790 81631-0502 81646-0178 79 REVIEW AGENCY COMMENTS 80 81 82 Review Agency Comments Date User 7/18/2014 10:35:56 AM mcdeveng Note MC Development Engineering EditDelete Public No comments. The additional truck traffic will generate noise, per “Resolution No 95-103, Book 2155 Page 540, item 2 states “The approved hours of operation are 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. as proposed”. The existing hours of operation should not change with this amendment and the applicant should be aware of the surrounding neighbors and possible noise concerns. The private road is a gravel road and Western Slope Flagstone will be required to maintain the road for dust control. The Notice of Intent (NOI) has the following conditions of approval and the applicant must comply with each of the following items; 1.The applicant is required to obtain a Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) access permit to access Highway 6 from Rapid Creek Rd prior to applying for the “Road Access Notice to Proceed” (NTP). Once obtained the applicant must submit the CDOT Access Permit to Mesa County Planning. 7/14/2014 10:55:00 AM Daniel.Sundstrom 2.Applicant agrees to install the access from the Private Road via Easements in accordance with the applicable sections of the Mesa County Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (excerpts attached). The finished driveway apron surface: a)Shall slope down and away from the public roadway at a two percent (2%) grade for a distance of six (6) feet minimum. b)Shall be a minimum of 6 inches of Class 6 aggregate (3/4 inch road base) compacted. c)Shall withstand all weather conditions and resist the tracking of surface material on the County roadway. d)Shall readily accommodate the weight of the largest design vehicle expected to use the access. e)Shall measure a minimum width of 18 feet at the edge of pavement or road surface (excluding radii), maintained to the County road Right-Of-Way. The maximum width of the apron at the edge of pavement is 30 feet. 3.The applicant is responsible to ensure that mud, dirt, rocks and other debris are not allowed to enter onto the roadway, nor be tacked onto the roadway by haul vehicles and all other equipment. If found to be in violation this access permit may be revoked. The applicant will be responsible for removal and 83 Review Agency Comments cleanup of any mud, dirt, rocks and other debris found on the roadway. 4.If and when the proposed conditional use permit is revised and approved, a Road Access Notice to Proceed (NTP) will be required prior to commencing work within the right-of-way. A Notice of Intent to Issue a Road Access Permit (NOI) approves the location of the access. 5.This NOI approves the location of the connection to the public road system. This NOI is in no way is to be construed as approving or revising the proposed conditional use permit for this project. 6.Intersection sight distance standards must be adhered to at all times. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that obstructions to visibility that pose a hazard to the travelling public are resolved. 7/2/2014 2:40:27 PM droussin 7/2/2014 9:51:20 AM trudy.brown 3/20/2014 4:48:34 PM Randy.Price 1/16/2014 9:39:03 AM Randy.Price 7.Any change in the number of access points, location, or use shall require further review by the Mesa County Planning Division. Thank you for the opportunity to review the Western Slope Flagstone. The applicant is proposing a new route that will use Rapid Creek Road (County Road). Their CUP allows for 500 trucks a year. This appears that this will effect the intersection of US 6C and Rapid Creek Road. Please have the applicant provide a traffic study to document the impacts of the new use on the County Road. If the traffic volume changes by 20% then a new access permit would be required. If you have any questions, please let me know. Mesa County Code Compliance Services has a closed case file (CE2011-0151) regarding the property at 3998 Rapid Creek Rd that was established regarding the potential violation of their CUP. Please contact Tony Piotrowski with Code Compliance Services should you need more information regarding the case file. Per our meeting today, the applicant will survey the easements and provide a map to the planning department. After Mesa County completes road improvements to Rapid Creek Road, the applicant will have a road assessment to determine whether Rapid Creek road can handle the haul traffic traffic safely. Met with Trevor and discussed what the Planning Div would like to see addresed in the narrative. Trevor also picked up a copy of the CUP file tha ws approved by the BOCC in 2001. 84 Review Agency Comments 12/19/2013 1:57:40 PM Vicki.Audino Trevor, Plesae upload the items from the checklist. Thank You Vicki 85 86 PUBLIC COMMENTS 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 8/11/2014 Mesa County Mail - Fwd: Western Slope Flagstone Amendment Randy Price <randy.price@mesacounty.us> Fw d: Western Slope Flagstone Am endm ent 1 message bproctor@frontier.net <bproctor@frontier.net> To: randy.price@mesacounty.us Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 9:25 AM ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: bproctor@frontier.net To: randyprice@mesacounty.us Cc: Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 09:17:32 -0600 Subject: Western Slope Flagstone Amendment Cole and Bernice Proctor, property owners who live at 880 Rapid Creek Road, are opposed to the Fontanari's request for increased use of Rapid Creek Road for hauling rock from their quarry. Rapid Creek Road is narrow, winding road with many blind curves and a narrow bridge which is not easy to navigate. The upper end of the road just past the bridge is marked as a one-lane road. Three years ago the US Post Office determined that this one-lane road was not safe for their mail delivery trucks and refused to deliver mail past this point. A mail delivery station was installed near the bridge to help resolve the problem, but the road is still a one-lane road despite the improvements made in 2013. The road is busier now than it was in 2009 when we moved here because the area has been promoted for tours, foot races, bicycle races and sightseeing. A walking trail was established within 1/2 mile of the Rapid Creek Road, which has drawn much interest to the vicinity. The Palisade high school track and field team and the wrestling team run up and down this road for endurance training. The point being that traffic has changed from when permits were issued in years past but the road basically has not been upgraded. On more than one occasion we have observed that the driver of the Fontanari dump truck (which has a distinctive grill with big teeth pattern in chrome) has disregarded the posted speed limit. He has pulled up close behind us in an attempt to intimidate us into driving faster, which is not safe. It is our opinion that the majority of Rapid Creek Road users will be better served if this permit is not allowed because the road is not suitable to accommodate any more trucks hauling loads on a regular basis driven by bully truck drivers. Respectfully, Cole and Bernice Proctor https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=3a64957206&view=pt&search=inbox&th=147c5aca98915005&siml=147c5aca98915005 118 1/1 119 120 121 122 123 124 8/14/2014 Mesa County Mail - Western Slope Flagstone, Cameo Quarry Conditional Use Permit Amendment, Rapid Creek Road Access file #PR02013-0187 Randy Price <randy.price@mesacounty.us> Western Slope Flagstone, Cam eo Quarry Conditional Use Perm it Am endm ent, Rapid Creek Road Access file #PR02013-0187 1 message NELLA SPRINGER <nellas@wildblue.net> To: Randy.Price@mesacounty.us Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 10:46 AM Mesa County Planning Division Department of Public Works August 8, 2014 Mr. Price, My wife and I have been residents of 849 Rapid Creek Road for 26 years and we would like to express our concerns regarding Mr. Fontanari and his Conditional Use Permit application/amendment to use Rapid Creek Rd. for his haul route, thus increasing the amount of traffic and safety concerns on this road. We were unable to attend the Neighborhood Informational Meeting on Tuesday, July 29, 2014 in Palisade but would like to express that we are NOT in favor of this idea for several reasons. Rapid Creek Road is not designed for heavy two way traffic. This type and all other traffic on this road has noticeably increased over the years. Our property sits directly above a fair portion of the road and it is quite visible from our location. This road is narrow, has multiple blind spots with limited visibility in areas and causes grave concern over the ability for big haul capacity trucks to react promptly and safely in emergency situations in order to avoid causing an incident/s with wildlife and/or people. People who are walking or bicycling, school kids practicing/conditioning for school related athletics by jogging up and down the road, hikers and seasonal hunters, ATV riders accessing the roads above the Ute Water Treatment Plant or someone simply pulling out onto Rapid Creek Road. Adverse weather conditions such as excessive rain showers resulting in "gully washers" that cover the pavement with gravel and dirt/sand debris as well as snow pack, icy conditions in the winter months raise the probability of even more adverse situations and safety concerns! Quite simply, Rapid Creek Road is not designed nor built for heavy traffic. It is our strong opinion that this proposal submitted by Mr. Fontanari WILL increase the risk for those of us who use the road as part of our daily lives and we do not wish to risk further challenges with any more big trucks that take up 3/4 of the road. Rapid Creek Road already has enough heavy traffic with the Ute Water Plant business. We've both already had some of those frightening "challenges", ESPECIALLY when some of the existing heavy haul trucks don't necessarily see it necessary to follow the posted speed limit signs! Yet to mention the even more dangerous stretch of road that lies North as it goes over Rapid Creek within a series of sharp turns and limited road improvements. We urge you to disallow any type of further increases in heavy commercial traffic on Rapid Creek Road using the existing roads. A road which was designed for the agricultural forest transitional land that surrounds it. Thank you and sincerely, Luke Stephen and Nella Springer 849 Rapid Creek Road Palisade, Co 81526 (970)-361-2255 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?ui=2&ik=3a64957206&view=pt&search=inbox&th=147b683df54e44bb&siml=147b683df54e44bb 125 1/1 126 127 128 129 130 131 APPLICANT INFORMATION 132 Introduction Proposed a review of Resolution No MCM.2001-99 not due to a proposed change in the conditional use permit document per se; rather the proposed change is to the supporting documents, specifically the narrative and accompanying plans submitted as part of the Mesa County Development Application: 1 – Narrative, Section 5 – “Site Access”, 2 – Narrative, Section 9 – “Transportation”, and 3 – any other items relating to exclusive use of the haul road to the north. Purpose The application is intended to be an extension of an existing conditional use permit approved by resolution no. MCM 2001-99. The existing conditional use permit was processed as Planning Department Application C34-01 and C35-01. Site Location The site is located south and east of the I-70 corridor, southeast of the former Cameo Electric Generating Station, and north of the Ute Water Conservancy District Rapid Creek Filter Plant. The site consists of a high mesa which slopes northerly at 5-6% grade toward the Colorado River and I-70 and also slopes southerly toward Rapid Creek. The parcels include the permitted quarry are contiguous and contain commercially valuable alluvial deposits of basalt mineral origination from the slopes of Grand Mesa north of Rapid Creek drainage basin. Site Access Private access to the site via Rapid Creek Road has been allowed for the operator and employees; however, commercial traffic has been directed north toward an I70 access road. The 4000’ access road has been maintained as part of the 133 operations of the quarry. Proposed is the allowance of some commercial traffic on Rapid Creek Road using the existing roads (owned by the operator, and/or used historically and/or under easement) that already permit private access. This access would minimize winter driving hazards associated with the haul road to the north, as well as minimizing haul distances and expenses associated with a circuitous route to the local market. Rapid Creek Road underwent significant improvements during 2013 to accommodate industrial/commercial traffic to and from the Ute Water Filter plant. Traffic that would be re-routed from the north haul road onto the Rapid Creek Road would be: ten-ton flat bed truck and/or dump truck used in support of quarry operations primarily in the Rapid Creek basin; maintenance vehicles (ie water trucks, backhoes); other passenger vehicles supporting quarry operations; and ten-ton flatbed truck and/or dump truck for use directly related to demand for quarry materials. At most, traffic from this proposal is estimated at 5 trucks per day. Dust control on the private access roads would be maintained with a water truck as needed, and gravel would be used to control mud. Compatibility of Land Use Proposed that Rapid Creek Road will be used for commercial transportation to and from the quarry, and that the traffic will have an impact similar to current commercial traffic generated by the Ute Water Filter plant (although average daily volume of traffic would typically be less). Continued use of the I-70 access road will continue, but will likely decrease in volume as some traffic would be re- 134 directed to use the Rapid Creek Road access to the south. Dust generated on the private access roads will be controlled with a water truck as needed. Maintenance on the private roads connecting the quarry with Rapid Creek Road will continue as part of quarry operations, and nominal road maintenance costs for Rapid Creek Road will be non-existent. Additional Notes • At most, traffic from this proposal is estimated at 5 trucks per day,. Dust control on the private access roads would be maintained with a water truck as needed, and gravel would be used to control mud. • Entry onto Rapid Creek Road from the south is via private road. 135