CITY OFVENTURA +\DMINISTRATIV£ REPORT Date: Agenda Item No.: Council Action Date: April 2, 2015 5 April 13, 2015 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Mark D. Watkins, City Manager Jeffrey Lambert, Community Development Director Subject: Residential .Allocation Program Initiation and Implement a Residential Permit Application Filing Window RECOMMENDATIONS In accordance with the City Council's February 2, 2015 action: a. Adopt a Resolution, title as follows: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of San Buenaventura Establishing a Residential Planning Application Filing Window. (Attachment A). b. Initiate and direct the Community Development Director to commence preparation of an "Expedited" Residential allocation program to be adopted by December 2015. c. Consider the budget and staffing implications of efforts to develop both the application window and the Residential Allocation Program. d. Authorize the City Manager to enter into professional service agreements to retain legal, land use and civic engagement consultants to prepare a residential allocation program, not to exceed $170,000; and e. Allocate $170,000 from City Council Contingency Fund. COUNCIL PRIORITIES This process supports the City Council's goal of: • Delivering Core Services 1 Administrative Report April 13, 2015 Page2 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION On February 2, 2015, the City Council directed staff to draft a resolution to establish a permit application delayed filing window for new residential permit applications and to create a policy/program to establish a residential allocation program (Attachment B). On August 4, 2014, the City Council approved twelve goals, next steps, a budget, and a timeline for a General Plan Refinement Work Plan and directed staff to return to the City Council in September 2014 with a detailed scope of work. Subsequently, during a Community Development Pending Projects Report on August 11, 2014, General Plan Ad Hoc Committee members discussed the need to adjust the workplan to include the creation of an allocation program for residential projects. In response, on September 25, 2014, the General Plan Ad Hoc Committee proposed a revised General Plan Refinement workplan to include and prioritize the creation of a residential allocation program and sent a policy consideration to the City Council. SUMMARY The proposed residential allocation program and permit application delayed filing window would address the City Council's stated concern regarding the types, pace, and scale of new residential development. The delayed application filing window would temporarily halt the review of pending and new residential planning permit applications for three or more new residential units and/ or legal lots of record, while Community Development staff and contracted professional services draft a citywide residential allocation program. The Application Filing Window would effectuate having the City accept and process new applications during certain months of the year so that they can be evaluated against other residential projects filed enabling the City Council to allocated limited resources to the most deserving applications. Applications that have been approved or deemed complete would continue to be processed. Community Development staff and contracted professional services would conduct an extensive civic engagement effort to ensure that all stakeholders have opportunities to provide input and feedback on the draft program, prior to completing policy analysis with the General Plan, including the Housing Element, conducting environmental review, and holding adoption hearings. In order to meet the City Council's goal of adopting a residential allocation program by December 2015, $170,000 in professional services ($100,000 for legal, $50,000 for land use, and $20,000 for civic engagement) are necessary, in addition to o.86 FI'E in City staff resources. Note that staffs alternative recommendation would result in longer program adoption (additional 6-8 months) but reduce outside professional services costs to $85,000. 2 Administrative Report April 13, 2015 Page3 DISCUSSION Over the past few years, progress has been made on both state-mandated and City Councildirected tasks related to long-range land use planning (see Attachment C). These tasks include adoption of the 2013 Economic Development Strategy, adoption of the 2014-2021 Housing Element Update, 2014 quarterly Community Development Director Reports on the status of pending projects, and initial Code Refinement working group meetings culminating in a draft template for revising form-based codes. In addition, General Plan land use designation analysis (Commerce/Industrial/Residential Mix) and discussions with the General Plan Ad Hoc Committee commenced in January 2015. Recently, however, the City Council directed staff to reprioritize efforts to establish a residential allocation program, which is the focus of this report. Analysis Residential Allocation Program Initiation The intent of the residential allocation program is to accomplish three goals: Provide the City Council authority and discretion over the housing types, pace of growth, and quality of residential development; 2. Thoughtful allocation oflimited City resources and services, such as water, land, sewer, and transportation, to ensure that high priority residential projects are developed in appropriate areas; and 3. Ensuring a range of housing types that accommodate all income levels, from executive estates to affordable housing units. 1. The creation of the residential allocation program would involve extensive participation from community members. Community Development staff would solicit input and feedback from the following organizations: • The Planning Process ad hoc committee, comprising members of the building community with extensive knowledge of the planning permit process. The City had convened this group in the past to advise on City land use policy and processes. • A group oflocal housing experts who convened during the preparation of the 20142021 Housing Element Update • The City's Community Councils • Downtown Ventura Partners and Downtown Ventura Organization • Ventura Chamber of Commerce • Other community stakeholders tracking the City's General Plan Work Plan efforts 3 Administrative Report April 13, 2015 Page4 The civic engagement process would involve: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Stakeholder participation in workshops to solicit comments and ideas regarding regulating a residential allocation program, for both the policy and implementation process; Consideration of stakeholder input into creating the draft program; A 2nd workshop for feedback on the draft program for potential refinements; Public review of CEQA document as may be required; and Planning Commission and City Council public hearings. Community Development staff will also engage members of the public through press releases, Nextdoor.com web announcements, and staff communications during upcoming Planning Commission hearings. Per the City Council's direction, adopting an "expedited" residential allocation program by December 2015 would require significant resources. Tasks would involve civic engagement, developing components of the policy/program, conducting research to determine residential allocation numbers to be granted, developing scoring/ criteria for residential project selection by the City Council, creating application forms and submittal requirements, preparing program adoption documents, including a General Plan amendment, completing environmental documentation, and preparing adoption hearings staff reports. The expected month for adoption would be December 2015, however, a timing provision is proposed if the City Council hearing process necessitates an additional hearing in January 2016 in order to still comply with the application filing window schedule, as noted below in this administrative report. Given the aggressive timeline and lack of adequate staff resources in both Community Development and City Attorney departments to complete this work by year end, a significant portion of the work effort would be conducted by a team of legal and land use planning consultants with Planning Division and City Attorney staff coordinating with the consultant team throughout the process. Based on estimates from two land use law consulting firms experienced with these tasks, the preliminary cost for such a work effort would be approximately $100,000 for legal assistance, and $50,000 for land use planning consultant assistance. An additional $20,000 is requested to ensure adequate resources for expedited civic engagement efforts. Therefore, the City Council is requested to authorize the City Manager to enter into contract and authorization immediately upon initiation action by the City Council of the residential allocation program. In addition to the creation of the residential allocation program, Community Development staff is continuing to process the General Plan Refinement workplan as directed by City Council (see Attachment C). This is one additional reason for the request to augment staff resources with consultant services since the City Council expectation on the General Plan refinement effort remains high. 4 Administrative Report April 13, 2015 Pages Furthermore, Ventura Water staff is continuing to implement a water shortage contingency plan, which establishes water reduction strategies for each stage of the current drought. The plan includes a requirement for "net-zero impact" to city water supply for all new development projects in Stage 4 and a building permit moratorium at Stage 6. This work effort will continue parallel to the creation and implementation of the residential allocation program. Permit Application Filing Window The attached resolution (Attachment A) would establish a planning permit application filing window for new and incomplete residential projects. During periods which application filing is closed, a "delay" in filing new permit applications or a hold in processing filed but deemed incomplete permit applications would occur. This would reduce the number of permit applications that would continue to be processed under the City's existing permit application process once the residential allocation program is implemented. In summary, the application window would apply to the following application and project types: 1. 2. New and incomplete residential formal permit applications that would result in three or more new residential legal lots of record (parcels), or three or more units on one parcel, which includes subdivisions, apartments, condominiums, and mixed use projects; and Applications for conceptual design review, pre-applications, and General Plan amendment pre-screens in any stage of application. The residential application and project types that would be exempt from permit application delay filing window include: All formal permit applications that are deemed complete by Planning Division staff for processing (with a written letter determination) or already have an approved planning permit entitlement; 2. Development Agreements for UC Hansen and Parklands Specific Plans; 3. Single family dwellings, duplexes, and residential second units; 4. Residential projects of which 100% of the units are affordable; and 5. Any amendment to an approved planning permit entitlement. 1. A table of all recently submitted, incomplete, complete, and approved applications as of March 31, 2015 is attached (Attachment D). The permit Application Filing Window would run from March 1, 2016 to April 28, 2016, with reference application materials and requirements made available during adoption hearing of the residential allocation program. Public Engagement As directed by the City Council on February 2, 2015, staff sent letters between March 31st and April 2nd, 2015 (Attachment E) to the four applicants whose projects would be affected 5 Administrative Report April 13, 2015 Page6 by the permit Application Filing Window. These applicants have submitted a formal application that is currently not yet deemed complete or whose applications for a Conceptual Design Review, Pre-application, or General Plan Amendment pre-screen are pending. They were notified that, if the City Council approved the subject resolution, their applications will not be reviewed until the Application Filing Window opens between March 1, 2016 and April 28, 2016. If the permit Application Filing Window resolution is adopted, then staff would send notifications to all applicants who have completed Conceptual Design Review, Preapplications or General Plan amendment pre-screens but not yet filed formal applications of the new filing requirement and window dates informing them of the application filing window and subsequent processing. IMPACTS Staff Impacts: Review of one General Plan Pre-screen, two Formal permit applications, and one Conceptual Design Review application would be delayed as a result of implementing the permit Application Filing Window. There are enough other pending cases to be processed that the postponement in processing these four applications will not impact the Planning Division case processing unit. Under the expedited residential allocation program, advance planning staff (0.5 FTE), the Planning Manager (0.2 FTE), the Community Development Director (0.1 FTE), the City Attorney (.01 FTE), and City Manager/Assistant City Manager (.05 FTE) would be involved in developing the residential allocation program with consultants. Collectively, this FTE effort and salary-only cost is $138,244. Legal Implications: The Application Filing Window is a somewhat novel approach, but based upon the approach taken by some cities for General Plan Amendments. Only during those times of the year when the application filing window is open are applications for General Plan Amendments accepted and processed. As a Charter City, San Buenaventura is not generally subject to State Planning and Zoning Law unless the City has adopted the same or the issue has been found to be a matter of statewide concern1 • It appears that the City has not specifically adopted State Planning and Zoning Law. Consequently, the City Council would be relying upon the authority of a Charter City pursuant to its charter to implement the Application Filing Window. Because the approach is novel, it is subject to legal challenge. The impact of a legal challenge at this point, besides the time and expense, cannot be See California State Constitution, Art. XI, Section 5(b) and Government Code, Sections 65090, 65700 and 65803. 1 6 Administrative Report April 13, 2015 Page7 determined. The City Attorney does not anticipate any legal challenges if staffs recommendation is adopted by the City Council. Fiscal Impacts: The refund amounts to the four applicants, who have submitted applications that processing will be delayed, where significant staff work has not already occurred, would be $g,136.20. Professional services costs for legal and land use consultants would be approximately $170,000. This not to exceed amount includes resources to assist in administration of the civic engagement effort (notifications and communication, meetings coordination, and comment collection) are estimated at $20,000. The estimated staff time costs as described above is $138,244. Therefore the total estimated costs of implementing the recommended action is $308,244. This work plan effort is unfunded in the FY2014-15 Community Development departmental budget and therefore would require the City Council to allocate $170,000 from the City Council Contingency Fund. ALTERNATIVES City staffs recommendation is that the City Council: a. Does not adopt the resolution. b. Extend the timeline to prepare a residential allocation program and bundle it with the General Plan Refinement workplan for adoption of both programs in mid-2016. c. Authorize the City Manager to enter into professional service agreements to retain legal and land use consultants to assist with the preparation of a residential allocation program, not to exceed $85,000. d. Allocate $85,000 from City Council Contingency Fund. Should the City Council select this recommendation, staff would continue to accept and process applications under the current application process. These applications would not be subject to the residential allocation program to be adopted in mid-2016 if they are deemed complete or approved before program adoption. This recommendation would allow staff and the City Council to make comprehensive General Plan land use and growth policy decisions as it would combine the analysis, civic engagement, and policy decisions within a single work plan. This recommendation would reduce potential legal challenges, but may also result in residential applications that would be reviewed concurrently under two different processes: one set to be processed outside of the residential allocation program, others to be processed post-adoption in late 2016. All civic engagement administrative costs would be handled by Planning Division staff and the land use and legal 7 Administrative Report April 13, 2015 Page 8 . consultant would shift to a "team member" with City staff, thereby reducing consultant costs to $85,000. Staff has also developed a range of additional alternatives that provide the City Council options to pursue variations on either the "expedited" residential allocation program initiation or changes to the permit application filing window; or the City Council could elect to only pursue current efforts of the General Plan Refinement Work Plan. 1. As an alternative to adopting a residential allocation program, but still provide the City Council greater discretion on residential projects, the City Council could elect to create residential design guidelines that result in high quality projects to address City Council's desire to improve the design of residential projects. Staff and the Design Review Committee could rely on new guidelines approved by the City Council to review future applications. 2. As an alternative to adopting a resolution for the permit Application Filing Window as proposed, the City Council could elect to revise the types of projects that would be subject to the permit application filing window, for example, by exempting the following: i. ii. m. Conceptual Reviews, Pre-applications, and Projects requiring ~egislative action through City Council approval (General Plan Amendment Pre-screens or other initiatives of the City Council). This alternative would reduce the number of applications that would be subject to the application filing window. The City Council would continue to review these applications as required by existing Municipal Code regulations. 3. Direct staff to prepare a residential allocation program similar to the previous Residential Growth Management Program. The program would be modified based on feedback to be received by the City Council and the community. This simplified alternative would meet the City Council's goal of adopting a program by December 2015 and could be selected with or without the Application Filing Window. 4. Take no action. Continue the Community Development Director's quarterly concept review check-in to allow the City Council to provide initial comment on proposed projects to the City Council's boards and commissions and staff for consideration during permit application development review proce~s. Staff would continue progress on the current General Plan Refinement Workplan and the code refinement process, which involves updating General Plan policies, updating the infill-first vision, and re-evaluating land use designations to ensure appropriate uses and density levels in priority focus areas. 8 Administrative Report April 13, 2015 Page9 Jeffr Com Reviewed as to fiscal impacts ~ tJrt"' ~ •e ~ {2"'Gilbert Garcia Finance and Technology Director ATTACHMENTS A. B. C. D. E. Draft resolution February 2, 2015 City Council meeting minutes General Plan Refinement Work Plan status update Residential Planning Permit Applications of Three or More Units March 31, 2015 letter to affected applicants 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 10 ATIACHMENT A DRAFf RESOLUTION 11 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 12 RESOLUTION NO. 2015A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BUENAVENTURA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A RESIDENTIAL PLANNING PERMIT APPLICATION FILING WINDOW WHEREAS, The City of San Buenaventura is a charter city and as such is generally not subject to state planning laws unless the same are specifically found by the courts to be a matter of statewide concern pursuant to the California Constitution, Article XI, Section 5(b); and, WHEREAS, Over the past two years, the City Council has expressed concern over the rapid pace and scale of new residential development, particularly in comparison to commercial and industrial development; and, WHEREAS, On February 2, 2015, the City Council directed City staff to draft a resolution to establish an "application filing window'' for new 2015-16 residential permit applications and proposed to revise the permit process to allow the City Council to evaluate residential applications; and, WHEREAS, Residential growth management programs are widely used by cities to control the pace of growth and the quality of development in their communities, and historically the City of San Buenaventura has previously adopted growth control measures since 1971; and, WHEREAS, Adopting a growth management program would enable the City Council to proactively shape Ventura's character as opposed to reacting to projects on a case-by-case basis; and, WHEREAS, Adoption and implementation of a growth management program in 2016 would ensure that finite resources and services, such as land, water, infrastructure, and public safety, are allocated to high priority residential projects and fulfill a range of housing types in areas of the City that can accommodate such growth; and, WHEREAS, Establishing an application filing window for the filing of new residential application submittals (formal and conceptual permit applications) will prioritize creating a growth management program. The application filing window will also ensure that the maximum number of applications will be subject to the growth management program process once it is established and minimize the number of permit applications that will continue to be processed under the existing inadequate permit L:\Wpdocs\D006\P002\00014204.Docx 1 A15-00083 13 application process with no formal input and direction from City Council regarding location, infrastructure, housing type, design, and quality development; and, WHEREAS, The City Council identified the project types and applications that are subject to, or exempt from, the application filing window and subsequent growth management program; and, WHEREAS, The City Council finds that applicants who have provided all necessary permit application materials or have received planning permit entitlements are to be exempt from the application window and allowed to proceed, subject to their entitlement conditions of approval; and, WHEREAS, The City Council finds and determines that the management of its personnel and the priority given to the work undertaken by City staff is a municipal affair subject to the City Council's determination pursuant to the Charter; and, WHEREAS, The City Council finds and determines that in establishing a residential application filing window it is doing so to manage the staff resources pursuant to the authority of a charter city under Article XI, Section 5(b) of the California State Constitution. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of San Buenaventura as follows: SECTION 1. APPLICATION FILING WINDOW ESTABLISHED. A. On the effective date of this Resolution, there is hereby established, pursuant to the City's status as a charter city, a residential Application Filing Window that will apply to all residential application types as set forth in Section 2 of this Resolution. For purposes of this Resolution, the phrase "Application Filing Window" shall mean that period for filing new residential applications that will commence no later than February 2, 2016 and end on March 31, 2016 at 5:00PM when the window is open and the City accepts new residential applications. At any time other time the window shall be deemed closed and no new applications shall be accepted or processed. B. Previously filed and deemed incomplete formal and conceptual planning permit application submittals and any proposed new formal and conceptual planning permit applications for residential development as defined in Section No. 2 below shall be subject to the Application Filing Window. A complete planning permit application means that it has been verified through written determination letter by the Community Development Director or designee as having all necessary information to begin permit processing, pursuant to the Permit Streamlining Act. L:\Wpdocs\D006\P002\00014204.Docx 2 A15-00083 14 SECTION 2. APPLICABILITY. Application Filing Window: Applications and project type subject to the A. The following filed and incomplete planning permit applications or new planning permit applications are subject to the Application Filing Window: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Housing Approval Program (HAP) Residential tentative tract maps ·Residential tentative parcel maps that creates 3 or more developable parcels Design Review for 3 or more new residential units Rezone application filed in conjunction with any residential planning permit application that would result in 3 or more new residential units. General Plan and Comprehensive Plan Prescreen Specific Plans and Specific Plan Amendments vi. vii. Conceptual design review and pre-applications for items i through v in the above application types would not be accepted outside of the Application Filing Window. B. i. ii. iii. iv. v. The following project types are subject to the Application Filing Window: Apartment, as defined in Sec. 24.110.11 O Family Residential: Large Multi-Family, as defined in Sec. 24.115.220 Family residential: Small Multi-Family, as defined in Sec. 24.115.220 Mobile home park, as defined in 24.110.1250, with 3 or more spaces Mixed use that includes 3 or more units SECTION 3. EXEMPTION. Application Filing Window Permit applications and projects exempt from A. Residential planning permit applications that meet ariy following criteria are exempt: i. ii. iii. iv. Residential Tentative Parcel Maps that create two or fewer parcels, as defined in Sec. 26.050.01 O Building and construction permits, pursuant to Division 12 Development pursuant to the approved Specific Plans and Development Agreements for UC Hansen and Parklands projects Development pursuant to an approved parcel or tract map, pursuant to Division 26 L:\Wpdocs\D006\P002\00014204.Docx 3 A15-00083 15 Ill r • B. Residential project types that meet any of the following residential uses are exempt: i. Residential projects that are 100% affordable, per the City Affordable Housing Program Boa~ding house, as defined in Sec. 24.110.240 Family residential: Caretaker, as defined in Sec. 24.115.220 Family Residential: Mobile Home, as defined in Sec. 24.115.220 Family Residential: Single Family, as defined in Sec. 24.115.220, of one or two units Family Residential: Two Family, as defined in Sec. 24.115.220 Farm Employee Housing, as defined in Sec. 24.110. 730 Group care, as defined in Sec. 24.110.849 Group Residential, as defined in Sec. 24.115.240. Guest house, as defined in Sec. 24.110.850 Like-for-like residential replacement, as defined in Sec. 24.110.990 Mobile home, as defined in Sec. 24.11 O.1240 Mobile home park, as defined in 24.110.1250, with one or two spaces Residential care, as defined in Sec. 24.110.1550 Residential second unit, as defined in Sec. 24.110.1560 Emergency Homeless Shelters in industrial zones ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. SECTION 4. Timeframe The timeframe for submitting new residential applications will commence no later than February 2, 2016 and end on March 31, 2016 at 5:00PM when the Application Filing Window is open. The Application Filing Window will coincide with the City Council's adoption and implementation of a growth management program. PASSED AND ADOPTED this_ day of _ _ _ _ _ 2015. Cynthia M. Rodriguez, MMC City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM L:\Wpdocs\D006\P002\00014204.Docx 4 A15-00083 16 A'ITACHMENT B FEBRUARY 2, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 17 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 18 CITY OF VENTURA CITY COUNCIL MINUTf.S Mayor Cheryl Heitmann J Erik Nasarenko, Deputy Mayor Neal Andrews, Councilmember Jim Monahan, Councilmember Carl E. Morehouse, Councilmember Mike Tracy, Councilmember Christy Weir, Councilmember Mark D. Watkins, City Manager Gregory G. Diaz, City Attorney Cynthia M. Rodriguez, City Clerk FEBRUARY 2, 2015· The San Buenaventura (Ventura) City Council met in regular session in the City Hall Council Chambers, 501 Poli Street, Ventura at 6:10 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Weir, Tracy, Andrews, Monahan, Deputy Mayor Nasarenko, and Mayor Heitmann. · Absent: Councilmember Morehouse. Mayor Heitmann presided. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Tracy led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Councilmember Monahan spoke about the St. Patrick's Day Parade to be held on March 14, 2015. PUBLIC .COMMUNICATIONS SPEAKERS Members of the public: Will Bill Hartin; Moses Mora and Marie Palasuelzos, Tortilla Flats Legacy Committee; Sue Brinkmeyer, Ventura Social Services Task Force Faith Subcommittee; John S. Jones; Jonathan Hall, First Christian Church; Michelle · Mullin, TLCC and Harbor Church; Lisa Hochberg-Miller, Ventura Interfaith Ministerial ·Association; Reverand Jerome Kahler, Ventura Interfaith Ministerial Association Faith Subcommittee; Orval Osborne, Lift Up Your Voice; Kathy Powell; and Rellis Smith. February 2, 2015 Ventura City Council Minutes www.cityofventura.net 1 19 Comme Forms: Will Bill Hartin, Riley Stiles, Lucy Duffy, Robert Barnett, Frank Peterson, sther R. Sorkin, and Audra Lucas, Coalition for Family Harmony. onse Grant U date 57 1. SPEAKERS Staff: Fire Chief David Enda DOCUMENTS PowerPoint. Council received the report·. Mayor Heitmann stated that Item Nos. 4 and 2 Item No. 3. 3. ould be heard after public comment on Re uest for Polic Consideration -- Sister RECOMMENDATION Direct staff to complete the application and pay the 150.00 fee to become a Sister City with Loreto, Mexico. SPEAKERS Members of the public: Kate Faulkner; Shull Bonsall, Jr.; aria Daily, Santa Cruz Island Foundation; and Cherryl Connally, Island Packer Cr ises. Mayor Heitman stated that action on this item would follow Item would be heard last. 4. . 4 and Item No. 2 Request for Policy Consideration - Residential Growth Management (40) February 2, 2015 Ventura City Council Minutes www.cityofventura.net 2 20 4. Request for Policy Consideration - Residential Growth Management (40) · RECOMMENDATION a. Direct Community Development staff and the City Attorney to draft a resolution to establish an "application window" for new 2015 residential permit applications. b. Direct Community Development staff and the City Attorney to create a policy/program to establish a residential growth management strategy.· SPEAKERS Staff: City Manager Mark D. Watkins, Community Development Director Jeffrey Lambert, City Attorney Greg G. Diaz, and Planning Manager Dave Ward. Members of the public: Jorge N. Deleon; Bill McReynolds, City Ventures; Karen Hoffberg, Voelker Family; Charles Spraggins, Save Our Water Ventura; Dan Cormode; Peder Nielsen; Cary Garman; Barbara Garman; Sister Joseph Cecile Voelker, Voelker Family; Carol Lindberg; Tim Piasky, Building Industry Association; Scott Ouellette, Williams Homes/Building Industry Association; Mary Zugmeyer, Voelker Property; Lori Steinhauer, Westside Community Council; Chuck Rogers; M. Laura Gulovsen; A. Mark Chacon; Jay B. McCoy, W.L. Rubottom Company; Wright Watling; Charlie Watling; Matthew Graczyk, Ventura Chamber of Commerce; Karen Flock, Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation; Helen Yunker; Kathy Bremer; Robert Chianese; Sandy Smith; Vincent Daily; Marvin Dixon; Paul Sheehan, Dyer Sheehan Group/University of California; Dawn Dyer, Dyer Sheehan Group; Diane Underhill; Roberta Scott; Eileen McCarthy; Keith York; Mark Abbe; Jim Barroca; Chuck Cohen; and Michael Tanner. RECESS The Council recessed at 9:51 p.m. and reconvened at 10:00 p.m. DOCUMENTS Comment Forms: Bobby L. Holmes, Enrique Reily, Pam Dixon, John Johnson, Mike Reily, David Voelker, Steven Voelker, and Lori Steinhauer, Westside Community Council. E-Mail: Norene Charnofsky, Judee Hauer, Claudia Armann, Patricia Butler, Jerry Breiner, Harvey Champlin, Barbara Evans, Carol Lindberg, Marc Welter, Charlie Watling, S.D. Schafer, Vic Georgino, Bob Chianese, and Dan Cormode. February 2, 2015 Ventura City Council Minutes www.cityofventura.net DRAFT 3 21 Handout from Community Development Department: 2015 Pending Residential Development Permit Applications. Letters: Sister Joseph Cecile Voelker, Voelker Family; Allen Meacham, University of California; Charlie and Wright Watling, Downtown Ventura Properties, Ill; Barbara E. Kautz and Eric S. Phillips, Goldfarb & Lipman LLP; Bill McReynolds, City Ventures; Peter A. Goldenring, Goldenring & Prosser; George and Donna Gaglini; and Diane Underhill. PowerPoint. Councilmember Weir moved to approve the recommendation and direct staff to (1) Confirm that UC Hansen and the other development agreements are both written in a way that would exempt them from stopping their process; (2) Return in April with a report outlining the community input process for adopting a growth management strategy and the amount of funding required to develop the strategy by the end of calendar year 2015; (3) Clarify the intent of the motion is not to impact any project that has previously been approved or has an application that has been deemed complete or approved by City staff and that the exemption also includes any implementing actions such as design review necessary to finalize an approved project; and (4) Mail a letter to the parties impacted by the City Council's actions. Mayor Heitmann seconded. The vote was as follows: AYES: Councilmembers Morehouse and Weir, Deputy Mayor Nasarenko, and Mayor Heitmann. NOES: Councilmembers Tracy, Andrews, and Monahan. ABSENT: None. Mayor Heitmann declared the motion carried. 3. ,, RECOMMENDA:rJON """"' ,~"'~ Direct staff to complete the'aRplication and pay the $150.00 fee to become a Sister City with Loreto, Mexico. ~"' ''~. '"""""'"'--,._ '· recommendation. Mayor Heitmann Councilmember Morehouse moved to approve··tne seconded. The vote was as f allows: " '~~ '·"·'·· "'"""-· "~·z_ "',."- ··~ February 2, 2015 Ventura City Council Minutes www.cityofventura.net DRAFT 4 22 ATIACHMENT C GENERAL PLAN REFINEMENT WORK PLAN STATUS UPDATE 23 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 24 General Plan Refinement Status Update - April 2015 Status Program Area • 1. General Plan land use and zoning compatibility analysis 2. Our Prosperous Community updates Next Si.t::p;» General Plan ad hoc committee is reviewing areas in the city where General Plan land use designations and zoning are incompatible. Staff is researching existing development and parcel history to examine the cause of the incompatibility and will return with recommendations. Completed 1/3rd of the city with two sessions remaining. City Council check-in in summer 2015 Staff drafted updates to the Our Prosperous Community chapter of the General Plan. The General Plan ad hoc committee has reviewed the changes. The project description is complete. Environmental review pursuant to CEQA (fall 2015) and adoption process {winter/spring 2016) - 3. Commerce, Industry, Mixed Use designation analysis ····- The Commerce and Industry designations would be revised to no longer support residential development. A new Mixed Use General Plan designation would be created and applied in areas where mixed use development would be appropriate. The General Plan ad hoc committee is reviewing all areas that are designated Commerce or Industry to evaluate which areas should be designated as Mixed Use. Completed 1/3rd of the city with two working sessions remaining. -- 4. Identification of priority focus areas 5. Infill strategy vision update 6. General Plan amendments for Montalvo amendments for Victoria Ave. Corridor City Council check-in in summer 2015 Staff is reviewing cost estimates for consultant fees for conducting analysis on three potential priority focus areas. City Council to review and approve budget in May 2015 Staff is reviewing cost estimates for consultant fees. City staff and the General Plan ad hoc committee are crafting revised language. City Council to review and approve budget in May 2015 General Plan designations would be revised to accurately reflect existing zoning. This would generally result in lower densities throughout the Montalvo neighborhood. Project description is complete. Environmental review pursuant to CEQA (fall 2015) and adoption process (winter/spring 2016) ·-· 7. Development Code I - The Moon Drive Overly portion of the Victoria Avenue Corridor Plan would be downzoned to decrease heights, increase setbacks, and emphasize residential development as opposed to commercial. Project description is complete. Environmental review pursuant to CEQA (fall 2015) and adoption process (winter/spring 2016) 25 General Plan Refinement Status Update - April 2015 Program Area Status . 8. General Plan amendments for The General Plan designation for the site would be revised from Neighborhood High to Industry. Project description is complete. 2325 Vista Del Mar 9. Density caps 10. Code Refinement Environmental review pursuant to CEQA (fall 2015) and adoption process I (winter/spring 2016) No progress Commence effort in summer/fall 2015 The Code Refinement Working Group has completed its recommendations. An improved template for all form based codes will result in clearer regulations. City Council workshop with DRC, PC, HPC. Anticipated summer 2015 Community Development Director has presented to the City Council twice describing pending planning projects. Pending April 13, 2015 City Council hearing direction ----. 11. Quarterly Council update Next Steps - ···-· j ' 26 ATIACHMENT D RESIDENTIAL PLANNING PERMIT APPLICATIONS OF THREE OR MORE UNITS 27 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 28 Residential Development Permit Applications of Three or More Units Project Type Project No. ·PRE:APPi.lcATION. 0R CONCEl>tOJ\il:J\!etlC4110rt!i'' ·:::\, }' Residential Residential PROJ-7736 PROJ-7910 · '85 Duvali Drive; MJL Capital Partners, LCC Thompson Village JMAC ... Ge~~;~I Plan A~endment to chan~·~ i~nd. ' j8s"o~~ali Ori~~. "'·· PC use designation from Neighborhood Low to Nieghborhood Medium 126 unit multi family residential 1571 E. Thompson Blvd Communities ·. · .·. ~o.:0Ar~R.ev1ew oR.1NcoMPLETe FOtiMA(:~rP.ticA:uqris .. 29 lof7 March/April 2015 Applicant/staff review Residential Development Permit Applications of Three or More Units Project Type Residential Project No. PROJ-00723 Project Name & Applicant Name Description !The Grove, John Broome !Specific Plan for 200-250 unit subdivision .1western terminus of Thille 1 with combination of single family, -------r=-=-:-- Mixed Use ---~-------- IPROJ-6984 Map Expiration Date IReview. Formal I DRC next step I L _______ L f I 1 Partners LLC 1 family/condominium units and 6,142 Junipero St. and Thompson square feet of commercial space. j Review, Blvd. Formal j DRC and Planning I I Commission Residential nit multi-family development PROJ-5085 Corporation 1 I I ················-··················-··· Residential ~ PROJ-4677 ···- . .......................... --'------···--··-······ . ··r LLC ···------- ... I PROJ-7224 Sanjon Vi.ll~ge JMAC Residential PROJ-8105 Anacapa Courts Charles Watling building types ranging from 3 to 5 stories •review I . -·--······------·············-· 50 unit senior apartments IPRQ;:-7951 . ,-- 1 ····-···- ' .. · · · - - - I ···-········ !applicant placed I ,project on hold 1 ··········---- -------·- . . . . . . . . . Ir-······-------·- ·············--· ·······-,I - - 11230 E. Thompson Blvd IPC next step I . --!------- ·---····· l --~-~-~l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l~~--~-1 14-story mixed-use development consisting 297-299 E. Main Street of 21-unit condominium units above 4,500 :::::::~~::~::~thority 1320 unit resideOliilI development I TVeS,;;ie..; Village I I 2 of7 ·····-······-· 2686 N. Ventura Ave 134 unit condominium ~~1es_ I I ··----·---r;;--··························· I i square feet of commercial space 'Residential -J - I ··········--- Residential ~1· In Pf~-nni~g 120 East Santa Clara St. ,Commission tegrated GIF Ventura, I- I consisting of Stacked Dwelling and Mansion high on 3.5 acres estside Renissance I Commence CEQA S ecif~F1?!1___ _____________ ...................... + - - · - - · · · - - - - - - - - - ___ Mixed use project of 138 multiVentura Ave., Santa Clara St., 11 Environmental _ MAR-Y-CEL, Ventura 1 Road and north of Copland IDrive condominium and apartment units and 1_ ___ Next Steps Address or location IDRC 12/17/14 , 1 1 I I I , ~:~e:~:d\EQA I I I I 30 Residential Development Permit Applications of Three or More Units Project Type · .Project No. · · Mixed Use Mixed Use PROJ-6811 PROJ-7323 306 apartment units and 100,000 square feet of commercial Ravello Holdings Inortheast of Johnson Drive/southeast of North Bank Drive Minor Change to a 26-unit mixed use condo 12200 E. Main Street Anastasi (ASBELL) project Mixed Use Mixed Use PROJ-04182 IPROJ-7125 INew Urban Ventures 80-unit mixed use condo project I Logue Family [125-unit Mixed Use project Staff review 1995 N. Ventura Avenue All Planning Approvals 9/4/2017 Obtained All Planning Approvals Obtained 9/22/2016 --r 12005 North Ventura Avenue !All Planning Approvals 1--------+---------1- -----+------ ······-·- _______ ----J.Obtained J ______________ _ Residential PROJ-6263 Saphire Engineering 8-unit apartment project 1254 Santa Clara Street All Planning Approvals Obtained Residential PROJ-1126 Buena Property 23-unit apartment project 264 Hemlock St. Management All Planning Approvals Obtained. DARLING APARTMENTS JENSEN In Plan Check All Planning Approvals Obtained Mixed Use PROJ-7166 Residential PROJ-6098 La Barranca 9 145-unit Mixed Use Project j9sFo- SE corner of LA ave and Darling Road ·······--- 15533 Foothill Rd --ru~d~-r-----+-Construction 3 of7 2/7/2017 ··--·-----·-! 31 Residential Development Permit Applications of Three or More Units Project Type Mixed Use Project No. IPROJ-6237 or - . riptioi'( !Ventura Harbor for New Construction of a mixed use Sonderman Ring Partners (SRP) development comprising of 300 residential on Northwest corner of Anchors All Planning Way and Navigator Drive Approvals units, 21,300 square-feet of commercial Obtained. space, a five acre park plus 1,650 linear foot public waterfront promenade, and 104 public boating slipson 26.92 acres of vacant MixedUse ----1 PROJ-0075~A-nastasi Landscape Plan to be approved by DRC land ·····--···-···· ···--·-······--·····- Development - Company I Residential Residential /PROJ=i8s7 IPROJ-04154 IJenve~ Village LLC ·····---······-··--· 138 condominium units, 6,691 square feet Southwest corner of Harbor of restaurant/cafe, and 13,923 square feet Blvd. & S. Seaward of commercial. sicondominiums - NE corner of Los Angeles !WESTSIDE RENAISSANCE, 1120 detached single-family units, 36 Ventura Westside Partners townhome condominiums, 50 low-income Residential IPROJ-4154 ICEDC Snapdragon senior apartments Iso Unit affo~d~ble housing Residential IPROJ-03826 IUC Hansen I131 SFR 34 condos 24 farmworker units Ave. and Snapdragon St. Under Construction 2686 North Ventura Avenue All Planning-----*'18/2011 Approvals ··-··· --·-····· ···- Snapdragon St and Los Angeles Av_.~_ _ ISoutheast corner of Saticoy Ave and Telegraph Rd -·-···-----·· Mixed Use IPROJ=0-3743 lventura can.nery Apartments, LLC 4of7 178 residential condomin~m units and 2,156 square feet of commercial area 111/l6/2017 Approvals Obtained -----------·--- -----------~--- f All Planning ··-1BO N. Garden st~eet Obtained -- Under Construction ······-·····---- All Planning Approvals Obtained -----------Under Construction I 8/19/2017 32 Residential Development Permit Applications of Three or More Units ProJitt: Type· Prc:ijict. No. Residential PROJ-4222 ription;r Naffi@i& nt~iMe ;>~~;:?fkf PARKLAND$ APARTMENTS, IAnnexation, Specific Plan, Zone Change and /Southwest corner of Wells Subdivision of a 66.7-acre site for 216 Westwood Communities and Telegraph Road single-family residential dwellings, 173 apartments and 110 town home Residential ·----- Residential --------- Mixed Use IPROJ-6187 ORCHARD COLLECTION CITRUS PLACE IPROHJ3614-- lv2v VENTURES - PALM & IENCLAVE.AT NORTHBANK-=- 91 Single Family Homes ·------- -----··--·-·····----·· Mixed Use -········------· Residential Residential 5of7 IPROJ-04691 jPROJ-7290 IAll planning approvals ------- ---------- INVESTORS IMichael Chapman -jSANTA CLARA COURTS (DALY) ·····-···· 11 ~~-- 2/4/2016 I1n Plan Che~k I 8/21/2018 ---------- -=r-·······-··-··'·-· l~-:lan Che~--3/26/2017 _ ------------------------ 43 Condominiums and 4,517 sq.ft. commercial --------· 7 Apartments ICondos - 24 units DR I obtained -·------- ------·- IPRoJ-02225 lcENTRAL coAsT 'Under construction SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SATICOY AV & NORTHBANK ----I PROJ-04315 lrv1.ATiuA. 1NvEsTMENr ___ ----15 Condominiums GROUP construction ICitrus & Peach WATI COMMUNITIES Residenti~I- IUnder j 3005 East Main Street Commercial .. li'RoJ-4184 check. IMixed Use 34 Condominiums & 6,175 sq.ft.1300 E. SANTA CLARA SANTA CLARA Residential units are in plan acres of open space and park area 159 Single Family 60 Townhomes 4/5/2016 Obtained. 173 apartment condominiums and approximately 11.62 ICASTILLO DEL SOL, Housing 140 affordable special needs apartment Authority units IPROJ-6355-·-/ciiv VENTURES- !All Planning Approvals 1350 & 1490 N VENTURA AV Amendments in ------...- 95 E Ramona St 172 W Santa Clara St ····---------- prog~e.ss Under construction !Under -·· construction 12/2/2017 33 Residential Development Permit Applications of Three or More Units Project Type Project No. Project Name & Aoolicant Name Description Address or location Steps Map Expiration Date Residential PROJ-2008 IISLAND VIEW 154 Apartments APARTMENTS - Alameda at 8th St. behind Under Montalvo Square construction ! jwESTWOOD I [COMMUNITIES '.::::::::t::t--b:: ' MAP APPRQVED, NO RECENT MATILIJA 211-235 N GARDEN ST ··-···-··----~-- Mixed Use Residential Residential Mixed Use Residential PROJ-04296 PALM & POLI ASSOC Southwest corner of Palm and Poli St GOLDBERG 1837 E. Thomoson Blvd. 809 E. Front Street 1570 E. Thompson Blvd. ~- ~Ec)J~9319~~ REXFQ~_l?__~ .. PROJ-01520 lv2v VENTURES, INC. HUGHES Residential 9/18/20161 2511 Vista Del Mar Dr. 3 new units on a vacant lot Manuel Pimental Residential 47 unit apartment project 11101 Carlos Street Formal application submittal Residential II 80 residential apartment units side of Citrus Dr, 400 east of Wells Rd IFormal application submittal Residential Regent Ventura estates unit single family home subdivision in Area 6of7 East of Lincoln Dr., west of Hall Canyon Road IFormal [application submittal 34 Residential Development Permit Applications of Three or More Units . Project Type · Project No. Mixed Use Residential I I IVentura Realty Company !J.E. Armstrong Architect, J45,000 square foot commercial/office building with potential residential 12781-2795 East Main St. Formal 124-Unit Apartment 1691 Riverside St. application submittal Formal application submittal 130-unit mixed use project 1117 Ventura Ave Inc. ·------··---~- Mixed Use I !Cannery II, Paul Essick 7of7 IFormal application submittal 35 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 36 ATTACHMENT E MARCH 31, 2015 LETTER TO AFFECTED APPLICANTS 37 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 38 CITY OF Vf.NTURA March 31, 2015 Name Address City, ST Zip RE: Permit Application Filing Window Implication for your PROJ. Dear Applicant: On February 2, 2015, the City of Ventura City Council directed staff to create a program that would set a maximum number of residential units that could be approved per year. The number of residential units would be distributed among residential projects and allocated through a competitive process. The residential growth management program would apply to planning permit applications that involve the creation of three or more new residential units and/or residential parcels. Information regarding the February 2 City Council hearing is available at: www.cityofventura.net/meeting/city-council-meeting-300. On April 13, 2015, the City Council will decide on whether to create an "application filing window" for planning applications that would be subject to the new residential growth management program. Any planning permit applications that have not yet been deemed complete pursuant to the California Permit Streamlining Act by April 13, 2015 would be subject to the application window. All conceptual design review applications, pre-applications, and General Plan Amendment prescreens would also be subject to the application filing window. · If the City Council approves the permit application filing window, your project, PROJ XX located at XXX, would be subject to the application window. WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU AND YOUR PROJECT: 1. Planning staff will stop review of your application. You may resubmit an application under the new residential growth management program during the application filing period, anticipated to be March 1, 2016 -April 28, 2016. 2. You can elect to have your application fee refunded, or the fee could be held and applied to your new application if you chose to resubmit. 50 I Poli Street • P.O. Box 99 • Ventura, California 93002-0099 • 805.654.7800 • cityofventura.net 39 3. If you chose to resubmit your application, you would be required to complete new application forms, exhibits, and questionnaires to assist planning staff in evaluating your application under the new residential growth management program evaluation criteria. We appreciate your cooperation and patience during this transition period. We are doing everything we can to make the transition as smooth as possible. Should you have questions, please contact Planning Manager Dave Ward, AICP at 805-677-3964 or dward@cityofventura.net. Sincerely, Jeffrey Lambert, AICP Community Development Director cc: Mark Watkins, City Manager XX, Case Planner PROJ No. Case File 50 I Poli Street • P.O. Box 99 • Ventura, California 93002-0099 • 805.654.7800 • cityofventura.net 40