Mineralogical, Elemental and Chemical Composition of Dinosaur
Mineralogical, Elemental and Chemical Composition of Dinosaur
P R O ME T H E US P R E S S / P A L A E O N T O L O G I C A L N E T W O R K F O UN D A T I O N Journal of Taphonomy (TERUEL) 2009 Available online at www.journaltaphonomy.com Luque et al. VOLUME 7 (ISSUE 2-3) Mineralogical, Elemental and Chemical Composition of Dinosaur Bones from Teruel (Spain) Luis Luque*, Luis Alcalá, Luis Mampel, Mª Dolores Pesquero, Rafael Royo-Torres, Alberto Cobos, Eduardo Espílez, Ana González, Daniel Ayala Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinópolis Avda. Sagunto s/n. 44002 Teruel, Spain Ainara Aberasturi Escuela Taller de Restauración Paleontológica, Gobierno de Aragón Avda. Sagunto s/n. 44002 Teruel, Spain Paz Marzo, Ramiro Alloza Laboratorio de Análisis e Investigación de Bienes Culturales Castillo de Capua, 10, nave 31. 50197 Zaragoza, Spain Journal of Taphonomy 7 (2-3) (2009), 151-178. Manuscript received 17 December 2008, revised manuscript accepted 7 July 2009. A detailed study has been carried out on 25 samples of dinosaur bone fragments which come from 8 sites belonging to six stratigraphic units that span from the Tithonian (Upper Jurassic) to Albian (Lower Cretaceous) in the province of Teruel, Spain. The aim of the study is to further understand the mineralogical, elemental and chemical composition of the bones which come from different depositional environments and try to determine the processes which created this composition starting from the initial biogenic phosphate. A diversity of chemical compositions within the same sedimentary environment, within the same site and even within the same fossil is documented. This supports the idea that fossilization and postmortem diagenesis is not a homogeneous process. The compositions of bones varied widely in their Article JTa086. All rights reserved. *E-mail: luque@fundaciondinopolis.org 151 Composition of Dinosaur Bones proportions of francolite, dahllite and hydroxyapatite phosphates. The most common cement is calcite but the presence of unidentified iron oxides is also very frequent. Haematite or barite cements are found more rarely. The association between the authigenic minerals kaolinite and palygorskite provides information about the geochemical processes occurring in the microenvironment of fossilization, and the presence of iron oxides, pyrite or barite is informative of microbial activity. Furthermore, different sources for fossils from a same site can potentially be differentiated. In sum, a direct relationship between the mineralogy of the bone and cement composition and the sedimentary environment cannot be inferred. Keywords: BONE, DIAGENESIS, AUTHIGENIC MINERAL, DINOSAUR, ARAGÓN Introduction Two of the processes that affect fossils during early and late diagenesis are 1) the chemical transformation of the organic matter and biominerals, such as carbonate hydroxyapatite (dahllite), which form the bone, into new minerals, mainly by replacing the earlier phosphates in the interior of the structure (Hedges, 2002), and 2) the precipitation of authigenic minerals influenced by direct environmental factors like geochemical composition of the sediment and the ground water during the burial, level of oxidation or reduction of the environment, its alkalinity and bacterial activity. Other indirect factors that may affect the mineralization are climate, local vegetation and the state of preservation of the bone. Therefore, theoretically, mineralogical composition, texture and structure of fossil bones are sources of information about biostratinomy (sensu Fernández-López & Fernández-Jalvo, 2002) and early and late diagenetic processes occurring to the bone in its burial-depositional environment. The diagenetic alteration of bioapatite in bones and teeth has been widely studied in archaeological remains and mammal fossils, but studies in the mineralogy of dinosaur bones are less frequent (e.g. Elorza et al., 1999; Martill, 2001; Sung Paik et al., 2001; Wings, 2004; Chinsamy-Turan, A., 2005, or Goodwin et al., 2007). Even if similar early diagenetic processes occur in most continental vertebrate sites, it is known that alterations of bone also depend on the microscopic bone structure (Nemliher et al., 2004; Goodwin et al., 2007). Late diagenesis differs necessarily among different sites due to the length of burial and the exposure to a variety of conditions of pressure and temperature, as in the case of dinosaur sites. From a geochemical point of view, bones are an open system interacting with biological, atmospheric and sedimentary environments, from the moment that the loss of organic matter begins. Once death occurs, the apatite is no longer in thermodynamic equilibrium with the atmosphere and reacts with its environment. This produces changes in its chemical composition, crystallographic parameters, crystallite size, and lattice strains (Nemliher et al., 2004). Diagenesis typically causes modification of its composition with substitutions of (PO4)3 for (CO3F)3, giving rise to isomorphous crystals of carbonatefluorapatite (francolite) (Kolodny et al., 1996). The substitution and the re-precipitation of the original carbonate hydroxyapatite occur early in diagenesis (Dauphin, 1998). In this first biostratinomical phase and in early diagenesis the bone micro-environment (specially pH 152 Luque et al. values) is mainly conditioned by collagen decay, while in later phases it is more influenced by external environmental factors (Trueman et al., 2003; Pfretzschner, 2004). Bone porosity is also affected and it determines some of the physical properties of the fossil (Hedges et al., 1995). The apatite can integrate calcite in its structure, which alters its solubility (Berna et al., 2004), as well as pyrite and iron oxides (Pfretzschner, 2001 a and b) and substitution of Ca for Sr, Na, K, U, Ba, Pb and other metals, as well as substitutions of P for As, V, Cr or Si. During diagenesis, the bone structure also becomes enriched in authigenic elements such as Al, Si, Mn, Fe (Dauphin, 1998; Elorza et al., 1999; Goodwin et al., 2007) and rare earth elements, which may reflect the original depositional environment (Trueman, 1999; Lécuyer et al., 2003; Trueman et al., 2003). These chemical modifications vary within the same deposit (Reiche et al., 1999) and within the bone (Dauphin, 1998). The alteration of the apatite in the bone depends, not only on environmental factors, but also on structural factors such as the density and relative porosity of bones and teeth (Nemliher et al., 2004; Goodwin et al., 2007). Other authigenic minerals cement the structure of the bone by filling the voids. These constitute a variety of neoformed minerals (Hubert, et al., 1996; Wings, 2004) related to the chemical conditions of the surrounding water and sediment, which in turn depend originally of the environment of sedimentation The objective of this study is to characterize the mineralogy and chemistry of the dinosaur bones in an area spanning a range of ages, depositional environments and lithologies in the Iberian Range partially located in the province of Teruel, Spain. Fossil bones are located in different stratigraphic units, ranging from Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (Figure 1). The samples exhibit a great variety of degrees of hardness, colors, mineral crusts and cements as well as apatite replacements. All the internal structural and mineralogical modifications should reflect their biostratinomic and diagenetic history. Methods The mineralogy of twenty five dinosaur bone fragments from eight sites (Figure 1) belonging to six stratigraphic units and four depositional environments has been analyzed through X-Ray diffraction (XRD) (Table 1) in Gabinete Minero TEY Laboratory. Other complementary techniques have been used, such as petrographic and microscopic analyses, given that it is known that these variations can occur in very small distances in the bone (Goodwin et al., 2007). These techniques include thin sections, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometer/electron probe micro-analyses (EDS). Furthermore, a visual study of the external characteristics of the fossils has been carried out using some magnification (lenses) with the aim of spotting features such as weathering, transport and pre and post burial bone breakage. Statistical analyses consists of multiple regressions to determine the relationships between independent and dependent variables, such as different mineral types in bones and sediments. This method has been previously employed by Goodwin et al. (2007) to compare element composition of dinosaur bones. Results have been represented in two dimensional scatter plots and regression lines. The software used to perform the statistical analyses is STATISTICA 7.1. 153 Composition of Dinosaur Bones AGE ALBIAN Forcall FORMATION ESCUCHA El Castellar LOCALITY UTRILLAS TYPE Cancellous Cancellous Cortex Cortex+Cancellous Cortex+Cancellous Cortex+Cancellous Cancellous Cortex Cortex+Cancellous Cortex+Cancellous Cortex+Cancellous Cortex+Cancellous Cancellous Cancellous Cancellous Cortex Cortex+Cancellous Cortex+Cancellous Cancellous Cortex+Cancellous Cortex Cortex+Cancellous Cortex+Cancellous Cortex+Cancellous Cortex+Cancellous Cortex+Cancellous XRD x5 x3 x2 x2 SECTION SEM THIN EDS Table 1. Analythical techniques employed with dinosaur bones from Teruel (Spain), and which samples were analysed (in grey): XRD, X-Ray diffraction; SEM, Scanning electron microscope; EDS, energy dispersive spectrometer/electron probe micro-analyses; x2, two thin sections analysed; x3, three thin sections analysed; x5, five thin sections analysed. Aptian Peñarroya de Tastavins Riodeva El Castellar El Castellar Gúdar Aliaga Xert Villar del Arzobispo Castellar Camarillas Lower Aptian Barremian Late HauterivianLow Barremian TithonianBerriasian SITE SAMPLE UT-2 CPT-2022 CPT-831 A CT-19 CPT-831 B CT-19 H Arsis ARS-90 CPT-2073 CPT-2071 A DS CPT-2071 B GUD-13 CPT-2007 GUD-14 CPT-2008 CPT-1995 A GUD-1 CPT-1995 B CPT-908 A CT-21 CPT-908 B CPT-10-12 B CT-10 CPT-10-12 A CPT-1179 CPT-1142 CPT-1121 RD-10 CPT-1132 CPT-1228 CPT-1137 CPT-973 CPT-1012 CPT-1091 RD-11-3 RD-1 RD-3 RD-6 RD-11 154 Luque et al. Analythical methodologies XRD: Twenty five dinosaur bone samples and twenty four sediment samples from the sites were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (powder method) to characterize the semi-quantitative ratio of the sample mineralogical phases. The XRD analyses were carried out using a Philips diffractometer PW 1830, Cu cathode with wavelength Ka = 1.54051. The angular scan was recorded from 3º to 65º 2θ with a digital register Philips PW 1710. The diffractogram of samples was studied with the XPowder software (version 2008) both for the qualitative and quantitative analyses. Petrographical and histological analyses have been carried out on twenty six thin sections of dinosaur bones. Thin sections were impregnated with red alizarine to determine calcite in the sample and observed under a the petrographic microscope Nikon Eclipse E-4000 POL with lenses from 4x to 100x magnifications. Binocular lenses from 10x to 40x were also used as well as 10x hand lenses. Six selected samples have been examined using an environmental scanning Figure 1. Location of the dinosaur sites studied in the province of Teruel (Spain) and their position within a stratigraphic scheme and general chronology. 155 Composition of Dinosaur Bones electron microscope (SEM) model QUANTA 200, housed at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), at backscattered and secondary electron mode, and a SEM of the Laboratorio de Análisis e Investigación de Bienes Culturales. Chemical analyses of these samples have been carried out with coupled Oxford-EDS/WDS detectors. EDS (EnergyDispersive X-ray Spectroscopy) analyses have provided element chemical composition of any specific area of interest within selected specimens. siliclastic (sandstone with conglomerates and red clay mud). Generally, fossil bones are found as clasts in a sandy channel fill or interbedded with red and grey mudstones of the floodplain. Fossils studied were collected from five sites: RD-1, RD-3, RD-6, RD-10 and RD-11 and present different characteristics according to the site where they were found. This is explained by the changes in the sedimentary environments within each one of the various sequences, spanning from tidal-marine to alluvial influence. Results RD-1: The findings on the surface consist of fragments of big bones and ribs of a sauropod dinosaur (Royo-Torres et al., in press). The cortical surface is intact, although some of the outer lamellae layers are missing. Localities, lithologies and external characteristics of fossils The main characteristics identified by macroscopic observations (Figure 2) and the mineralogical composition of the formations are presented in Table 2 and Table 3. In the case where multiple samples come from the same sediment of the same formation, the percentage values of each mineral is obtained by averaging the values of the samples from that formation. The standardized color chart has not been used due to the large variety of small color spots composing the general surface. - Limestone, sandstone and mudstone of the Villar del Arzobispo Formation in Riodeva. The paleoenvironment of this formation is a tidal flat (Mas et al., 1984) and its age corresponds to Tithonian-Berriasian (Bádenas et al., in press). In Riodeva, a variety of environments are represented within various sequences which are cyclical, spanning from an environment with coastal influence to a more continental one (Luque et al., 2005). In this area, Villar del Arzobispo Fm. is dominantly RD-3: The site contains remains of the stegosaurid Dacentrurus and undetermined fragments of vertebrates found on the surface (Cobos et al., 2008). This site shows possibly a mix of faunal elements, given that the external appearance of the bones is very different. RD-6: A group of fragments of vertebrae and ribs from an undetermined dinosaur found in sandstone. It most likely was transported since it shows signs of abrasion. The trabecular tissue is often directly exposed (Figure 2A). RD-10: The site is situated at the top of a channel fill deposit between gray clays and quartzitic sandstones. It yielded a large concentration of bones including the holotype of Turiasurus riodevensis (Royo-Torres et al., 2006) as well as remains of stegosaurids (Cobos et al., 2008). Some of the remains are found articulated and very well preserved (Figure 2B). 156 Luque et al. Figure 2. Some surface characteristics of the dinosaur bones studied: A. Rounded vertebra from the RD-6 site (Villar del Arzobispo Fm., Riodeva); B. Vertebra showing well-preserved thin laminae from the RD-10 site (Villar del Arzobispo Fm., Riodeva); C. Thin calcite crust on the CT-21 site (Villar del Arzobispo Fm., El Castellar); D. Diagenetical micro-fissures in CT-21 fossils; E. Different mineralogical composition of cements in voids of bones from the CT-10 site (Castellar Fm., El Castellar); F. Bone alteration on the edges of ribs from the Dehesillas site (Camarillas Fm., Aliaga); G. Iron oxide crust on iron rich bones from the Gúdar site (Camarillas Fm.), and; H, cortical bone lost and possible teeth marks in a vertebra from the Utrillas site (Escucha Fm.). 157 Composition of Dinosaur Bones Dark brown-gray COLOR No No TRANSPORT TRACES (Rounding and/or abrassion) Poorly preserved cortex Cortex well preserved Cortex well preserved WEATHERING TRACES (Cortex preservation) Iron oxide and calcite Gypsum No Table 2. Characteristics identified by macroscopic observations of fossil bone material. Arsis Dark brown Abrassion Abrassion Strong loss of cortex Strong loss of cortex No Iron oxide No Cortical preseved Cortical preseved, few losses Gypsum Iron oxide Microfissures longitudinal and perpendicular Longitudinal and perpendicular Large filled by calcite Longitudinal and perpendicular Multiple directions Microfissures to 120º and 60º from the main axis Few fractures filled by calcite and iron oxide Presure deformation Perpendicular filled by calcite Longitudinal Fissures filled by sediments, bites Oblique and perpendicular MINERAL FRACTURES CRUSTS AND FISSURES Xert CT-19 Cream to red oxide SITE Peñarroya de Tastavins Forcall Utrillas FORMATION El Castellar Escucha SITE LOCALITY Utrillas Abrassion A lot of cortex lost No No Cream to white Red to purple Abrassion Cortex well preserved No Partial loss of cortex, rootmarks RD-3 Reddish No Strongly eroded cortex and cancellous tissue No RD-6 Cream Strong abrassion Cream to gray RD-10 Reddish to deep red RD-1 CT-10 Villar del Arzobispo Villar del Arzobispo Riodeva El Castellar Rounded CT-21 No No Strongly eroded cortex Iron oxide and cancellous tissue Castellar Camarillas Dehesillas Black Red to deep red Gúdar El Castellar Aliaga Camarillas Black to deep red Gúdar 158 Luque et al. RD-11: This site consists of two diplodocid vertebrae and a number of unidentified dinosaur bone fragments found in a gray sandy mudstone deposit. - Villar del Arzobispo Formation in El Castellar. It is characterized by the presence, in the base of each sequence, of layers of micritic limestone deposited in a tidal environment that sometimes include dinosaur footprints. The fossils are found concentrated in small channels of sandstone and conglomerate in the middle part of the sequence, such as on the red and gray silty mudstones. The CT-10 site contains a stegosaurid vertebra and fragments of undetermined bones. Sometimes the fossils have an intense oxidation and a fine calcitic crust (Figure 2C). They have a characteristic micro-fissuration with angles of 60º and 120º with respect to the longitudinal axis (Figure 2D). - Lacustrine limestones and marls of Castellar Formation in El Castellar. This formation is from the Late Hauterivian to Lower Barremian age and is found discordant over the Villar del Arzobispo Fm. (Soria, 1997; Martín-Closas, 2000). The formation is divided into two sections -Soria et al. (2001)- which consist of muddy clays and distal alluvial sands in the base and marls and grey limestone of lacustrine origin above. The base of the formation consists of purple clays with siliceous nodules, enriched with clinochlore (resulting from alteration of minerals like amphibol, pyroxene or biotite) and clays, with embedded channel fills of very compact siliceous sands. The dinosaur remains are found in this lower section as well as between the limestones, and the studied site (CT-21) is found in an environment of siliciclastic alluvial plain. Some bivalves found within the sandy levels could be related to specific moments of marine influence (Soria, 1997). The CT-21 site produced fragments of ornithopod long bones as well as undetermined fragments found on the surface. There are not many diagenetic fractures but the bones are filled with calcite and iron oxides in their interior. There is a local variation of the cement with the presence of a pink fringe in the interior of the bone, parallel to the bone surface, formed of barite. - Red clays and sandstones of the Camarillas Formation in Aliaga (included in the European Geoparks Network). This formation has a Barremian age and is a generally light to dark red-colored alluvial plain grading to a clays representing a shallow ephemeral fresh water pond interbedded with white to reddish channel fill sandstones of fluvial origin (Simón, 1998). The site of the dinosaur remains that have been studied (called Dehesillas: DS) is situated in gray clays under a layer of laminated sandstone with bioturbation. The DS site yielded vertebrae and articulated ribs of an iguanodontid (Alcalá et al., 2007). The cement infill of the bones is white to oxide color and there are some shiny areas associated with pyrite. Fractures are diagenetic in origin and some of the bones have been deformed by being pressed together. Mineral regrowth affecting the bone can only be found on the edges of some of the ribs (Figure 2F). - Camarillas Formation in Gúdar. This site shows fluvial white and reddish laminated sandstones and red floodplain mudstones. It is situated in the middle part of the formation and the fossil remains have been found both in situ and on the surface. The first ones were included in lighter red and darker red mudstones with a micaceous and kaolinitic composition. 159 Composition of Dinosaur Bones Utrillas Peñarroya de Tastavins El Castellar SITE LOCALITY Castellar Villar del Arzobispo Escucha Xert Forcall FORMATION Fluvial Alluvial to lacustrine Tidal flat to Alluvial Tidal flat Shallow marine Shallow marine PALAEOENVIRONMENT Barremian HauterivianBarremian TithonianBerriasian Albian Lower Aptian Aptian AGE Silt/clay Silt/Clay Silt/Clay Sandstone Sandstone Silt/Clay Limestone Silt/clay Sandstone/ conglomerate Limestone Silt/Clay Sandstone Silt/Clay Sandstone Silt/Clay LITHOLOGY 44.6 25.1 7.3 7.2 15.1 5.7 14 20.5 52.5 99 34.9 68.2 46.3 34.3 17.5 53.7 41 33.4 8.9 30.3 25 36.2 11 7.7 86.4 13.5 39.7 99 2.2 1 2.5 8.5 14.2 9.2 4.9 6.2 5.8 9.1 5.1 7 1.7 <7 17.3 1 4.6 26.5 29 3.5 29 18.1 36.3 24.9 17.4 32.8 10.2 30.3 52.2 7.4 5.8 9 8.2 1.8 1 13 10.2 4.2 8.3 8.1 3.5 6.7 4.3 CALCITE QUARTZ FELDSPAR MICROCLINE ALBITE BIOTITE ILLITE CLORITE CLINOCLORE GYPSUM DOLOMITE KAOLINITE PYROXENE Gúdar Aliaga El Castellar Riodeva Camarillas Table 3. Paleoenvironments and lithologies of the dinosaur sites, and mineralogical composition (percentage) of the sediments where the studied dinosaur bones were found, SITE LOCALITY Peñarroya de T. El Castellar Utrillas Riodeva El Castellar Aliaga Gúdar 160 Luque et al. The bones of the site in Gúdar consist of undetermined fragments, vertebrae and dinosaur ribs that show a light red to intense dark red color in the interior, and a fine iron crust on the surface (Figure 2G). - Limestones and marls of the Xert Formation in Peñarroya de Tastavins. This formation, of lower Aptian age, is characterized by sandstones and sandy limestones at the base and calcarenite and bioclastic limestones with abundant marine fauna on the top. It was deposited in a coastal environment, with continental sediment supply, which progressively graded into subtidal conditions (Simón, 1998). The site consists of siltstones and mudstones of greenish color with oxidation on top containing remains of carbonaceous vegetation, rootcasts and marine invertebrates that have colonized part of the dinosaur skeleton (Royo-Torres, 2006). The remains belong to the holotype of the sauropod Tastavinsaurus sanzi (Canudo et al., 2008) found articulated in shallow marine deposits, which indicates little or no transport postmortem. It has been suggested that either the body was transported by flotation (Canudo et al., 2008) or flooded by a transgressive sea level rise after partial unburial (Royo-Torres, 2006). - Marls of the Forcall Formation in El Castellar. This formation is of Aptian age and lies conformably over the Xert Fm. It is made up of grey marl which intercalates bioclastic and nodulous limestones with orbitolines, planktonic foraminifera, echinoderms and ostreids, indicating a marine environment due to a trangressive trend (Simón, 1998). The site is found at the base of the Forcall Formation (Alcalá et al., 2007), in gray mudstones lying on a sandstone bed probably deposited in a marginal area of the basin. It indicates a coastal influence and shows signs of edaphization, which could indicate sub-aerial exposure. CT-19 yielded articulated and associated bones of the same sauropod dinosaur some of them orientated by water current or waves. Smaller bones (such as phalanges and tarsal bones) are poorly preserved and are partially crumbling but the larger ones show a well preserved cortex. - Limestones, sandstones and clays of the Escucha Formation in Utrillas. This formation of Lower-Middle Albian age mainly consists of gray to beige clay with redder levels that intercalate fine to coarse quartz sandstones rich in ostreids and other marine fauna. It is defined as the transition from a shallow platform to a tidal plain, a marshy environment and finally an alluvial plain (Pardo & Villena, 1979). The site is found in the Middle Member (Canudo et al., 2005), with facies of flood plain with tidal influence (Pardo & Villena, 1979). Bones are surface collected, but some of them show encrusted sandstone fragments which suggest their stratigraphic origin. Remains of vertebrae and undetermined dinosaur bone fragments have been found on the surface. The remains are very poorly preserved. Some bones are rounded and the surface exposes the trabeculae, sometimes showing marks that could be due to possible bites (Figure 2H). Mineralogical composition of dinosaur bones For the mineralogical study via XRD, samples of cortex as well as of cancellous tissue of the dinosaur fossils were selected. In this process we selected typical bone fragments. The total proportions between minerals of 161 Composition of Dinosaur Bones the cement and the quantity of phosphates varies considerably according to the quantity of voids in the bone. The results of the mineralogy of the fossils are shown in Table 4. - Forcall Fm. in El Castellar: The apatite is francolite and the cements are calcite and gypsum. Unlike other sites, biotite is found in abundance. - Villar del Arzobispo Fm. in Riodeva: There is a diversity in composition given the variety of environments in which the sites have been formed. RD-10 includes both dahllite and francolite suggesting two families of bones within the same site and two possible diagenetic histories. RD-1, RD-3 and RD-6 show a quite homogenous composition richer in dahllite with calcitic cement. - Escucha Fm. in Utrillas: There are no traces of phosphates. The bone remains analyzed in Utrillas show total original phosphate mineral replacement and calcite has replaced it by recrystallization. - Villar del Arzobispo Fm. in El Castellar: The apatite composition is 100% dahllite and the cement is dominantly calcitic. - Castellar Fm. in El Castellar: The apatite composition of the bone is 100% francolite showing calcite in its structure. The cements are mainly both calcite and barite with a rarer component palygorskite and kaolinite. - Camarillas Fm. in Aliaga: Two of the three samples taken come from the same bone (cortex and cancellous tissue). The apatite composition is 100% francolite and the cements are both calcite and gypsum. - Camarillas Fm. in Gúdar: Although the fossils are intensely red-colored their mineralogical composition greatly differs according to the fossil. A group of fossils show hydroxyapatite and barite while the other shows francolite and haematite. - Xert Fm. in Peñarroya de Tastavins. The sample shows a low mineralogical diversity, with dahllite and calcite as apatite and cement, with quartz as a detritic. Bone microstructure preservation and mineral cements Thin sections and SEM images analyses show that the bone micron-scale structures, such as Haversian canals and osteocyte lacunae in the compact bone or lamellae tissue, have been preserved in almost all the studied cases. In some few cases collapse of the internal cancellous structure exists (Figure 3A). These ruptures favor the transport of ions within the bone and its mineralization. The degree of breakage could be also related to bacterial activity, given that bone is weakened during biostratinomy and in the initial phases of diagenesis and, hence, it may collapse more easily. Furthermore, it could be related to the presence or lack of cements before the stresses which caused the breakage (Martill, 2001). Most of the fissures are filled with calcite, but iron oxide infill is also found relatively in abundance. Apatite and textural preservation The fibrous structure of the bone has been preserved in most cases although through the alizarine red tinting it looks that there is an incorporation of the calcite following the 162 Luque et al. Table 4. Mineralogical composition (percentage) of the samples of the dinosaur bones from Teruel. SITE LOCALITY FORMATION Utrillas Canaleta Peñarroya de T. Aliaga Utrillas Forcall Xert Camarillas SAMPLE CPT-2022 CPT-831 A CPT-831 B Camarillas El Castellar Castellar El Castellar Villar del Arzobispo DOLOMITE K-FELDSPAR BIOTITE ILLITE CLINOCLORE PALIGORSKITE 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 KAOLINITE 0 5.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CT-19 H 1.8 0 0 21.4 0 3.6 0 0 ARS-90 CPT-2073 5.38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.6 0 0 3.2 0 0 0 0 CPT-2071 A 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CPT-2071 B 4.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13.98 12.01 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 CPT-2007 Gúdar QUARTZ CPT-2008 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 CPT-1995 A 5.05 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 CPT-1995 B 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 CPT-908 A 6.8 0 0 0 0 0 12.4 4.9 CPT-908 B 6.8 0 0 0 0 0 5.1 0.9 CPT-1012 B 6.51 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 CPT-1012 A 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Riodeva Riodeva Villar del A. CPT-973 Villar del A. RD-3-8-R 2 1 Riodeva Villar del A. CPT-1091 CPT-1179 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 CPT-1142 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 CPT-1121 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 CPT-1132 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CPT-1228 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CPT-1137 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Riodeva SITE LOCALITY Villar del Arzobispo FORMATION Utrillas Utrillas Canaleta Forcall Peñarroya de T. Xert Aliaga Camarillas Gúdar Camarillas El Castellar Castellar El Castellar Villar del Arzobispo Riodeva Riodeva Riodeva Riodeva SAMPLE CPT-2022 CPT-831 A CPT-831 B CT-19 H ARS-90 CPT-2073 CPT-2071 A CPT-2071 B CPT-2007 CPT-2008 CPT-1995 A CPT-1995 B CPT-908 A CPT-908 B CPT-1012 B CPT-1012 A Villar del A. CPT-973 Villar del A. RD-3-8-R Villar del A. CPT-1091 CPT-1179 CPT-1142 Villar del CPT-1121 Arzobispo CPT-1132 CPT-1228 CPT-1137 FRANCOLITE HYDROXYAPATITE DAHLLITE CALCITE HAEMATITE BARITE GYPSUM 0 27.9 88 69.8 0 45.8 16.2 61.2 0 0 48.09 45.72 37.1 54.2 0 0 16.98 18.16 20.49 0 0 0 17.64 20.02 17.53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27.11 30.33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25.28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.29 69.81 63.41 56.38 59.75 40.91 32.97 21.43 53.42 51.81 36.47 97.9 66.2 8.1 3.5 69.33 30.6 18.1 25.7 0 0 0 0 28.3 33 81.19 28.06 16.81 20.53 14.04 49.72 59.82 75.01 28.94 23.23 46.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46.87 41.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40.87 69.64 0 9.37 10.4 40.87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.9 0 0 15.9 56.7 8.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 163 Composition of Dinosaur Bones structure and orientation of the crystallites of the Haversian system and the lamellae in many samples (Figure 3B). The iron oxide growth follows weak areas in the bone structure in relation to the Haversian systems (Figure 3B). Only in remains from the Arsis site the iron oxides grow independent of the bone microstructure. In other cases, the substitution of the phosphate by calcite looks total, retaining the bone structure, as happens in the samples from the Escucha Fm. (Figure 3C). Pore-infill mineral cements and crusts The cements that fill voids of the bone structures or bone fractures show the largest mineral diversity of the samples (Table 4). Depending on the site, different bone cements have been found, which indicate a differential exchange depending on the surrounding lithology and the ground table composition. The total proportion of the cement in relation to the apatite described in Table 3 is only related to the porosity of the bone. - Villar del Arzobispo Fm. in Riodeva: Samples from RD-10 show different phases of cementation, intercalating sparitic calcite and iron oxides which are undeterminable with XRD. The iron oxides are principally between the Haversian systems and between the voids of the cancellous tissue (Figure 3B) growing after calcite precipitation. RD-3 samples are very similar to RD-1, but microfissures are somewhat orthogonal (70-90º). These micro-fractures act as a path for dissolved iron penetration and iron oxide precipitation and calcite replacement. At RD-6, the gap infill is mainly calcitic with sparitic cement (Figure 3D). Bone EDS analyses in SEM does not show a clear tendency or distribution of the calcite replacement within the bone (Figure 3E). The iron oxides are not as widely distributed as in other sites and coating calcite microcrystals growth. Iron oxide is also found as nodules inside the calcitic cement as well as on the bone surface, conditioned by the fissures and the histological structures. The concentration of iron oxide in the bone is often diffuse and is associated with an increase of the porosity of the tissue (Figures 4A and 4B). - Villar del Arzobispo Fm. in El Castellar: The initial fissures, perpendicular to the bone structure, are filled with iron oxides and the later ones, parallel and perpendicular, are filled with calcite. The cortex shows iron oxides only in small fissures perpendicular to the structure and the conducts in contact with them. The cancellous tissue shows an increase of the iron oxides between the Haversian systems and towards the exterior. Tunnels surrounding the Haversian canals show also bacteria tunneling. - In the Castellar Fm. of El Castellar there are calcite crystals, which grew radially from the bone. In some of the bone gaps of the cancellous tissue, sedimentation of micrite formed in two phases of cementation separated by a small accumulation of iron, which was later covered again by iron oxide nodules. Finally, large crystals of barite are growing in the interior of the cancellous bone following the fringe parallel to the cortical surface with a thickness of 5-7 mm (Figure 2E). - Camarillas Fm. in Aliaga: SEM has shown that in some areas of the ribs there is formation of pyrite fringes covering the interior of the voids and in the hole left over calcite crystals that were partially dissolved afterwards (Figure 4C). The most common cement, however, is calcite rich in iron oxides. 164 Luque et al. Figure 3. Bone microstructure, cementation and element distribution of dinosaur bones from the Riodeva and Utrillas sites: A, Trabecular collapse in RD-10 bones; B, Cementation and mineral growth following apatite and Haversian system microstructure; C, Total replacement of apatite by calcite (right side tinted with alizarine red) in the Utrillas site; D, Sparitic calcite infill of voids in the RD-6 site remains, and; E, SEM EDS analysis of the same sample showing element distribution from surface (on the left) to the mid bone (right) from the RD-6 site. 165 Composition of Dinosaur Bones - Camarillas Fm. in Gúdar: the bones show voids filled with iron oxides opaque to the polarized light, consisting of haematites, in the Haversian canals and cancellous tissue and in the fractures formed by the collapse caused by pressure, indicating a possible late diagenetic origin. In some bone voids, within the oxide a barite infill can be observed which grows following the mentioned fractures and, which reaffirms this late post compression cementation (Figure 4D). The GUD-14 sample has two phases of barite crystal growth separated by a precipitation of iron oxides (haematite following XRD) (Figure 4E). The first generation of barite crystals is radial-fibrous and is only formed in the bigger voids. Also aluminosilicates have been found which could correspond to chlorite in the interior of some of the holes of the structure (Figure 4F). There are small tetrahedric phosphate crystals individualized on the internal surface of the bones (Figure 4F). - Xert Fm. in Arsis: The bone microstructure is well preserved showing iron oxide growth more intense in areas near the surface of the sample. There are at least four stages of cementation: the former consist of a partial gravitational sediment infill from the exterior. It consists both of very fine dark micrite and fine sands in a micrite matrix showing marine shell bioclasts. Secondly, a thin fringe of radial sparite growth is followed by a thin coat of sedimentary micrite. Finally there is a growth of mosaic sparite crystals that fill the voids. - The Forcall Fm. in El Castellar: As in many of the previous cases, we have noted a complex cementation that intercalates the formation of sparitic calcite crystals with iron oxides. The calcite is somewhat altered through dissolution and shows a possible re-precipitation. In general, the structure is in a much collapsed state. The larger fissures and bone surface show a fine gypsum crust. - In the fossils of the Escucha Fm. in Utrillas, the cement is dominantly calcitic with sparite crystals showing various phases of cementation. After a bone breackage partially filled with sparitic calcite a fine iron oxide layer is produced and a micritic gravitational infill occupies around 15% of the cancellous bone. Afterwards new calcite radial cement, which intercalates iron oxide masses, infilled the rest of the hole. The occurrence of micrite after a previous cementation may be related to processes of reworking or, at least, with significant re-sedimentation. Discussion Ionic exchange between the sediment, the water table composition and the bone is always occurring during fossilization. Due to their high porosity, which favors migration of fluids, bones are a suitable matter for the formation of secondary diagenetic minerals. Therefore, the authigenic minerals formed in the bone as substitution of the original mineral (dahllite) or as cements or crusts, should have a direct chemical relationship with the surrounding sediment and the fluids that circulate throughout the sediment. The type of sediment (lithology, structure, texture) is conditioned in turn by the environment of sedimentation and the matter of the source area. However, the correlation between these authigenic minerals and the environment of sedimentation is not as clearly defined as would be expected (Dauphin, 1998; Lécuyer et al., 2003; Wings, 2004). The same occurs in more recent archaeological burials (Hedges et al., 1995) or has been observed experimentally 166 Luque et al. Figure 4. A, Iron oxide concentration in the bone surface from the RD-10 site; B, Tunneling in iron enriched areas of the RD-10 site fossil bone; C, Pyrite and calcite infill of voids in dinosaur ribs from the Aliaga site; D, Void mineral infill in bone from the Gúdar site showing probable biogenic iron lamination and barite growth; E, Two barite precipitation stages separated by an iron thin crust in trabecular tissue from the Gúdar site, and; F, Authigenic apatite regrowth on the bone surface from the Gúdar site surrounded by haematite and an aluminosillicated mineral (clinochlore?). 167 Composition of Dinosaur Bones during bone decay (Nicholson, 1996; NielsenMarsh, et al., 2007). The taphonomic history in this way shows itself to be very complex and difficult to decipher (Nicholson, 1996). In fact, the interrelationship of the majority of the variables presented in this work: weathering, transport, cracking, color, lithology and sediment mineralogy, bone apatite replacement, bone cement composition, cementation phases or microbial activity traces in general do not show a direct relationship with the environment of sedimentation and seem to show that each site follows an independent taphonomic history. This variability is extended to the elements within the same site and even, in some cases, within each bone itself. Some of the more indirect parameters, such as color or abrasion, seem to have a correlation that is more direct with the environment than the bone mineralogy or chemistry. Apatite preservation and replacement General bone structure is well preserved in almost all the studied dinosaur samples in the region of Teruel. Chemically, the most common process in the bone structure has been the replacement of dahllite with francolite, although it is likely that fossil dahllite does not contain the original crystals but these have rather been replaced. These partial or total substitutions of carbonatehydroxiapatite during the diagenesis for carbonate-fluorapatite is common in many other dinosaur sites (Hubert et al., 1996; Elorza et al., 1999; Pereda-Suberbiola et al., 2000; González & Astini, 2007). In our results it seems that there is a divergent relationship between the quantity of calcite of the sample and the proportion of dahllite/francolite. In the case of many of the sites, when the bone shows more than 40% of calcite, almost all the apatite is exclusively dahllite, and francolite is not present (Figure 5). While in Riodeva, low calcite content implies a higher dahllite percentage, but in the last case, the linear trend of dahllite reduction when calcite increase is also related with porosity and calcite cement infill inside the bone. This may be related to what has been previously described as transformation from carbonate-hydroxyapatite into fluorapatite occurring with very low carbonate-ion content (Nemliher et al., 2004). The tendency during fossilization is to precipitate a variety of apatite with lower OH-ion content and a higher F content, which is related to the intensity of the diagenetic processes more than with the age itself (Nemliher et al., 2004). Perhaps the presence of early carbonated cement influences the capacity of transport and reaction of the fluids rich in fluorine and locks or delays the formation of francolite. The incorporation of calcite between lattice apatite suggested by thin sections has been described in Mesozoic reptiles (Holz & Schultz, 1998) but not in other cases with dinosaurs (e.g. Wings, 2004). This calcium carbonate may precipitate very early associated with shifts in pH in response to the decay process (Briggs et al., 1993). Iron oxides have also been observed in thin sections in the lattice apatite and it could be both the result of the iron oxide precipitation during the early diagenesis due to penetration of iron-rich water into collagen (Pfretzschner, 2000, 2001b; Wings, 2004) or the result of oxidization of biogenic pyrite previously precipitated under anoxic conditions (Pfretzschner, 2001a, 2001b). Successive EDS analyses from the core to the surface show divergent results of F and CO3 distribution into the bone. There is an increase of calcite both on the surface and 168 Luque et al. Figure 5. Relationship between francolite and dahllite versus calcite content. Note the linear trend of Villar del Arzobispo Fm. remains mainly related with porosity and cement content. in the inner part of the bones depending on the sample from the same site (RD-10 in this case). The distribution is not homogenous but apatite preservation does not seem to follow any trend in the selected bones. This fact has also been recorded by Hubert et al. (1996) who found no trends in the distribution of C, F, and P in the Morrison Fm. bones. The Gúdar site is the only place where a third phosphatic mineral phase has been found, the hydroxyapatite (Ca5(PO4)3OH). In this case the OH- ion has not been replaced by fluoride, chloride or carbonate. Biogenic hydroxyapatite has been found in caves and is associated with the reaction between the acids of bat dung and the calcite and clay minerals of the cave (Fiore & Laviano, 1991; Dumitras et al., 2003). Experimentally, with evaporation of complex aqueous solutions, it has been observed that an increase of the acidity of the environment (through acids in the solution or through increase of pCO2) increases the precipitation of the hydroxyapatite together with the dolomite (also appearing in one of these samples) while the calcite content decreases (Kochetkova et al., 2008). This all suggests that an acidic micro-environment has been established, perhaps organic or microbial in origin, in the reprecipitation of the original phosphate in the Gúdar site. Therefore, the type of apatite present in the dinosaur bones does not seem to have a direct relationship with the environment. Not even is there a trend of the maintenance of dahllite in more coastal environments than continental environments. This could be due to the precipitation of the calcite as cement more rapidly due to being inside the water during biostratinomy and early diagenesis. Contrarily, it has been observed that in coastal environments the chemical transformation of the hydroxyapatite increases the quantity of fluor, as if the environment has oxidizing conditions where the accumulation of iron and manganese hydroxides is very high (Nemliher, et al., 2004). Thus, the sites of La Canaleta (CT-19) and Utrillas are two exceptions of environments of coastal influence. In the case of El Castellar, in the 169 Composition of Dinosaur Bones CT-10 site, where bone is rich in fluorine, the alluvial facies are very siliciclastics and different from the carbonated ones overlying it, and it is possible that a burial may have been delayed in a similar way both in the shallow marine and the alluvial flood plain. In the case of Riodeva or the Villar del Arzobispo Fm. in El Castellar, there is no correlation between marine influence and an increase of fluor. In fact, there is a lack of francolite or this one is less than 25%. Therefore the data seem contradictory. As has been mentioned, the metabolic bacterial activity can create biogenic secondary minerals and alter the bone structure making it become more porous and delicate and conditioning geochemical reactions. As a consequence, the porosity of the bone is increased and may collapse with the subsequent change of form and shape (Holz & Schulz, 1998) and the diffusion of the solutes (Hedges & Millard, 1995). This influences precipitation and reprecipitation of cements inside. Microbial attack has been observed both in the Barremian bones of Gúdar and in the Titonian-Berriasian bones of Riodeva, coming from different sites, which correspond as much to a continental sedimentary environment as to coastal influence (mainly tidal). Microbial tunneling may be one of the earliest types of alteration during the biostratinomy phase, as much as in early diagenesis. In some cases like Utrillas or Gúdar, the cancellous bone collapse may be of bacterial origin but usually the structure preservation is high. This is the most typical level of alteration (Hedges et al., 1995; Trueman & Martill, 2002) given that possibly a higher level would mean the total destruction of the bone, as occurs with modern bones (Hedges et al., 1995). An alternative to bone preservation is to make mineral cements grow rapidly, which in turn fills the holes (Trueman et al., 2004). On the other hand, the frequent different infills in areas close within the bone itself, like iron oxides or barite, may be due to modifications of pH and other conditions possibly as a result of microbial activity, as has been seen in certain areas of vertebrae bones of the Upper Triassic and the Lower Cretaceous of the British Isles (Trueman et al., 2003). In the case of Gúdar, some small tetragonal phosphate crystals (EDS) occur on the edge of the bone surface inside the voids and surrounded by iron oxide (haematites). We do not dismiss the bacterial role in the precipitation of this phosphate, which constitutes quite a rare case of authigenic apatite formation outside the bone structure (Elorza et al., 1999). The usual absence of authigenic phosphate in the bones, in spite of the richness in phosphate and, the geochemical processes that give rise to other stable minerals in similar conditions, such as calcite or pyrite, can be due to the fact that the former needs an anoxic and acidic environment for precipitation, while the latter may develop in voids under anoxic yet alkaline settings (Briggs et al., 1993). Dinosaur bone mineralogy and cementation The mineralogical composition of the dinosaur bones from the sites of Teruel show that, apart from the presence of the different polymorphs of the apatite, there is a great variety in minerals forming the cement of the bone structure. The most abundant cement is calcite, which is generally present in various phases of the growth of sparitic crystals. The different phases in growth are usually separated by fine coatings or spots of iron oxide nodules, which are more abundant in 170 Luque et al. fissures and in weak areas within the bone histological structure. Barite and haematite are rare. There are also other cements like palygorskite, kaolinite or mica-chlorite which are also rare. Furthermore, detritic minerals are found incorporated to the bone structure, such as quartz, feldspar, illite, biotite or chlorites. Once again, the mineralogical analyses of the sediments from sites shows little relationship with the depositional environment (Tables 3 and 4): this could be due to very diverse factors: variations within the depositional environment itself, different source areas, different rates of sedimentation/burial, different edaphic processes, different evolution processes during diagenesis (hydrothermal conditions, tectonic stresses, etc.). This fact is important because if trying to correlate bone composition with environments of sedimentation, the divergence between the sediment and the depositional environment prevents a direct correlation between the fossil and its environment of fossilization. Bone cements contain the most abundant authigenic minerals and play a predominant role in the rest of the fossil history by conditioning the porosity, the permeability of the solutes, the physical resistance and as source of elements for later chemical reactions. Calcite is common in the dinosaur bone voids and fissures studied occurring with a variety of crystal sizes and shapes. This calcite cement has frequently been observed in other dinosaur sites or Mesozoic reptiles and it is considered one of the first minerals to have been formed (Hubert et al., 1996; Dauphin, 1998; Holz & Schultz, 1998; Martill, 2001; Sung Paik et al., 2001; Wings, 2004; Pyzalla et al., 2006; González & Astini, 2007). Generally, the calcite in bone samples is sparitic and intercalates visible opaque iron oxides in thin sections. Except in Gúdar (Camarillas Fm.), the latter is also the most typical cement in the dinosaur bones of Teruel. As the sites shows a very different lithology and depositional origin (tidal, fluvial to shallow coastal deposits), this suggests that the calcite precipitates easily and depends on the carbonated fluids that circulate inside the voids where it crystallizes. Therefore, the calcite does not bear any environmental indication: solutions rich in CO3Ca invade the vadose zone and precipitates almost independently of the environment of sedimentation. The other cement that is most abundant, especially in the Villar del Arzobispo Fm., is iron oxide that is not detected in XRD except as haematite in some samples from Gúdar. Iron oxide occurs in fissures and it is specially developed among Haversian systems in the compact bone. Occasionally it is the first precipitated mineral, but oxidation is also produced after the fractures and the infill of calcitic or other type cement, as occurs in the site of Laño (Pereda-Suberbiola et al., 2000). Those remains which show iron oxide distributed on the surface making nodules related to increased porosity of the apatite suggest bacterial origin during early diagenesis (Pfretzschner, 2001a). These iron oxides could be a consequence of the oxidation of pyrite or the microbial activity that rises the pH in the bone and favours its precipitation (Pfretzschner, 2001a, 2001b). Calcite and fissures coating by iron oxides can be explained by non biogenic changes of the pH or the redox condition into the voids during late diagenesis. Ironrich fluids reach holes or pores and an amorphous iron oxide mass can be formed (Pfretzschner, 2001b). These iron oxides are common and visible to the naked eye, but few crystalline remains have been detected by XRD as mentioned by Pfretzschner (2001b) in pyrite-derived iron oxides. 171 Composition of Dinosaur Bones The iron oxide in mineral phase (haematite) recognizable in XRD can be seen in the Gúdar site as a significant part of the volume of the bone. It can also result from pyrite oxidation and have a bacterial origin but haematites and other iron oxides can be formed easily by the water table in continental environments. During the wet season, close to the surface, reducing atmosphere soils retain cations as Fe2+ and during the dry season evapotranspiration and oxygenation generates the precipitation of goethite or haematite (Pereda-Suberbiola et al., 2000; González & Astini, 2007). This seasonal variation could characterize the fluvial atmosphere where the Gúdar site was formed. Barite is found in alluvial facies of the Castellar Fm. and in the fluvial facies of Gúdar sites. In this latter site, it is only found abundantly where there is no haematite, yet there is hydroxyapatite. Thus, francolite and/or haematite seem to inhibit the barite precipitation in some way. In the Gúdar samples, the whole voids and channels have been filled with iron oxides, and if there was a space in the former iron crust, barite crystals grow inside. This mineral has been found associated with cements of bone fossils from Triassic reptiles (Holz & Schultz, 1998), dinosaurs (Martill, 2001; Wings, 2004) and even in very early mammal diagenesis (Trueman et al., 2004). In bones from the Isle of Wight it usually occurs in discrete patches or aggregates inside bones (Martill, 2001). In our samples, barite is more evident in the thin sections than in XRD, as also described by Wings (2004). Having an inorganic origin, Martill (2001) associates it with later phases of diagenesis and subsequent to the precipitation of the calcite, but the barite itself does not allow us to determine specific geochemical formational conditions, given that it is considered a mineral of wide distribution (Wings, 2004). The bones from Castellar Fm. (alluvial and lacustrine environment) show an association between kaolinite and palygorskite. These clays may come from detrital processes or occur as typical secondary products during diagenesis. The palygorskite, which is more abundant, is associated with soils of arid or semi-arid nature, given that if rainfall rises lightly (only by 300 mm/year) it is transformed into montmorillonite (e. g. Paquet & Millot, 1972; Watts, 1976). In lacustrine conditions, it is associated with alkaline lakes and with high activity of Si and Mg and low Al activity (Singer, 1979). It is also associated with sepiolite, forming in lacustrine margins where silicate meteoric waters mix with lacustrine water with low pH. As it is found in the inside of the bone and not in the sediment, we can consider that it is not an hereditary but a secondary authigenic mineral. Kaolinite is a classical product of neoformation in soils under contrasting conditions (Wilson, 1999). As an authigenic mineral, it is typical of freely drained, acid and base-depleted tropical environments (warm and humid no lower than 15º C) in the presence of organic matter and is derived from Kfeldspars (like microcline) and muscovite in early diagenesis. It is also associated with fluvial facies low in pH and ionic concentration of meteoric waters (Hurst & Irwin, 1982). Kaolinite is frequent in the sediments of the Villar del Arzobispo Fm., both in Riodeva and El Castellar, given that it comes from the alteration of the frequent microcline. It is also found in the mudstones of Camarillas in Gúdar and above all in the Escucha Fm., but not in any of the fossils of these formations. It is only found in the fossils from Castellar Fm., where it is not in the sediments, which means that we can rule out that it is hereditary. Palygorskite and kaolinite are so opposite with regard to their conditions of 172 Luque et al. formation that they have been used to define periods that swing from a warm and humid environment with high rainfall to an environment with a progressive development of arid climatic conditions (Bolle & Adatte, 2001). So it is contradictory to find both minerals in the same fossil. However, the kaolinitization of the palygorskite has been observed as a result of root activity and organic matter decomposition as well as clay destabilization caused by Mg uptake by plants (Khademi & Arocena, 2008), which could explain the connection. This could indicate a semi-arid environment during the formation of the Castellar sites in El Castellar. The decay of the organic matter of the bones and the associated activity of plants could iniciate the kaolinite transformation from the palygorskite in an arid or semi-arid environment of the lacustrine-alluvial facies of the Castellar Fm. The clinochlore (an intermediary term of a series of solid solutions within the chlorites with the ripidolite rich in iron on one extreme and the penninite rich in magnesium on the other) appears in very small quantities in fossils from the Forcall Fm. (shallow coast), Villar del Arzobispo in El Castellar (tidal to alluvial), Camarillas in Gúdar (fluvial) and Escucha in Utrillas (tidal), which dismisses it as an environmental indicator. Frequently, mica is hereditary, given that the primary chlorites are easily modified under weathering, even though they may also be authigenic from soil solutions, after weathering of aluminous minerals such as feldspars, or even from decomposition of organic matter containing absorbed Al (Wilson, 1999). Chlorite, together with illite, are considered as common products of meteorization reactions in environments of cool temperature and/or dry climates (Li et al., 2000), as described for fluvial (Hubert et al., 1996) and distal floodplain (Sung Paik et al., 2001) environments. If we are dealing with diagenetic chlorites, it could mean environments with low organic matter content, oxidizing conditions and frequent wetting and drying cycles, as is typical in highly weathered soils (Wilson, 1999). The chlorites could, however, be products of alteration of the illite (frequent in Villar del Arzobispo and Castellar Fms.) or the biotite in the case of the Forcall Fm., given that neither amphiboles nor pyroxenes are found, which is another source of alteration. The illite would be inherited, given that it requires hydrothermal conditions for its authigenic origin. Another typical mineral in the bone fossils is pyrite, although we only found this in one sample from Aliaga. It can be explained by the large number of above mentioned samples enriched in iron oxides as a result of later oxidization of original pyrite (Pfretzschner, 2001a, 2001b). Pyrite appears in SEM inside Haversian canals and cancellous bone. Holes inside pyrite are partially filled in by secondary calcite that has been partially dissolved. The bone around the pyrite is chemically enriched in sulphur. This secondary product is very common in different sites even during early diagenesis and can be found both in the bones and in the surrounding sediment (Wings, 2004). Pyrite biomediated precipitation in the initial stages of the diagenesis, as a consequence of the decomposition of the organic matter, is the most probable origin in such early stages via bacteria colonization of the inner void surfaces (Canfield & Raiswell, 1991). It has been found in archaeological bones, tertiary mammals or dinosaurs (Hubert et al., 1996; Martill, 2001; Wings, 2004). Gypsum has only been found as part of the infill in the cancellous tissue in the Camarillas Fm., in Aliaga Fm. and in the Forcall Fm., where it forms a fine crust coating bones. In sediments, it is also found in the 173 Composition of Dinosaur Bones Forcall Fm., in Villar del Arzobispo Fm. and in Castellar Fm. In Villar del Arzobispo Fm. and in Castellar Fm. it is found as veins inside major fractures of the bones and, therefore, it is considered a product of late diagenesis by water table loaded with sulfates. All this data indicates that each bone of the site tells a different taphonomic story, depending on local factors. Therefore, despite the abundant information about the mineral composition of dinosaur bones at the moment, there is not a general model that correlates the composition of the fossil bones with a concrete environment of sedimentation, not even a determined composition of the sediment that covers the fossils. External characteristics of fossils which influenced their mineralization Collagen and apatite degradation due to weathering, abrasion due to transport and the presence of mineral crusts can deeply condition bone mineral preservation and replacement given their influence on the capacity of penetration of fluids with solutes. The degradation during the biostratinomic phase occurs on the surface mainly due to changes in temperature, humidity and the exposure to UV rays (Behrensmeyer, 1978; Bromage, 1985; Tuross et al., 1989), but once the remains have been buried, during diagenesis, the main environmental factors that influence the rate in which collagen degrades are the pH and hydrology of the soil, oxygenation, temperature, and changes introduced by soil flora and fauna (Henderson, 1987; Shiffer, 1987). Other conditioning factors are the time of exposure and burial, the anatomic element, the taxon bone microstructure and the state of conservation of the bone before its burial. Once that superficial characteristics and the natural fractures of the bones of the studied sites have been observed, there does not seem to be a direct application of these models to adjust the grade of weathering to a standard scale, given that neither longitudinal cracks nor splinters or flakes have been found on the fossil bones in a similar way to mammals. The fractures seem to be all diagenetic or as a result of transport. The flaking is limited to the flat very thin section on the surface of the cortical surface. It may end up disappearing until it shows again in the cancellous bone, and in the more advanced cases it is associated with abrasion by transport, given that the fractures also show roundness. Differences in color are considered, given that these have been attributed to weather conditions and to early burial (Martill, 2001). Fossils brighter in color, white or cream, are found in sites of tidal influence, such as those of the Villar del Arzobispo Fm. These colors are possibly a result of the total oxidation of their organic component swinging to atmospheric weathering while the bones were lying on the floodplain surface under alternating humid and semiarid seasons (Martill, 2001). However, these same sites include light to dark-red fossils, which could be related to different origins, as has been documented in the dinosaur site of Laño Quarry (Pereda-Suberbiola et al., 2000), where differences in abrasion and weathering were also noticed. The fossils that are clearly red are fluvial or alluvial/lacustrine from the Camarillas and Castellar Fms., which also have black-colored fossils. Furthermore, the black-colored fossils are found in two sites formed in shallow coastal environments (Xert and Forcall Fms.). It has been suggested that black and brown color in fossils from the Isle of Wight (Martill, 2001) may be due to the abundance of organic matter and with 174 Luque et al. rapid burial. This leads to sulfate reduction and pyrite formation that eventually may be the cause of the dark coloration. The black-colored bones of the formations Camarillas in Aliaga, Xert and Forcall are found articulated which may mean a rapid burial that preserved the organic matter too. Conclusions The dinosaur bones of Teruel show a diverse mineralogical composition independent from the surrounding lithology, the environment of sedimentation and age. A certain diversity of composition has also been found in the site itself and occasionally in the same sample. The original apatite has been replaced and different proportions of dahllite, francolite and hydroxyapatite are found with no direct relationship with the environment of sedimentation. The cements show a large diversity of compositions. Calcite is the most typical cement which seems to maintain a relationship with the type of phosphatic phase, given that an early cementation with calcite could favor the recrystallization of the dahllite as opposed to the francolite, given the limitation of the flow of fluorine within the bone. Iron oxide not detected by XRD is also common and could be due to microbial origin after oxidizing of biogenic pyrite. Its distribution into the bone is associated with increased porosity of the tissues. Other secondary minerals are haematite, barite, gypsum, chlorite, mica, palygorskite and kaolinite. Some of these contribute with environmental information. On the other hand, mineralogical, elemental and chemical analyses have been useful to interpret the presence of groups of remains with different sources prior to final burial (bone transport and fossil reworking). Acknowledgements Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural/ Gobierno de Aragón, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional-FEDER (Project CGL2009-07792BTE; El patrimonio paleontológico como recurso para el desarrollo: los yacimientos de dinosaurios de Aragón, Plan Nacional I+D+i), Rafael González (MNCN-CSIC) and Manuel Domínguez-Rodrigo (Universidad Complutense, Madrid). This study is part of the paleontological research projects subsidized by: Departamento de Educación, Cultura y Deporte and Dirección General de Investigación, Innovación y Desarrollo (Research Group E-62, FOCONTUR), Gobierno de Aragón. This manuscript benefited considerably from the useful comments of the referees Dr. Mark B. Goodwin, Dr. Oliver Wings and the special editor Dr. Julio Aguirre. References Alcalá, L., Aberasturi, A., Cobos, A., Espílez, E., Fierro, I., González, A., Luque, L., Mampel, L. & Royo-Torres, R. (2007). 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