n has been approved FW: Your Federal Tax lD Number (ElN)
n has been approved FW: Your Federal Tax lD Number (ElN)
41w13- HouseMail- FW:Your GriggsCountyCourt beenapporcd TaxlDNunber(ElN)Apdicationhas Guail FW:Your FederalTax lD Number(ElN) n has beenapproved Thu,Apr 25, 2013at 11:21AM Jon Arntson <JAmtson@aswbondlaw.com> <ci .anton@griggscountynd.go\D, "ConnieMacKenzie To: "CindyAnton(cindy.anton@griggscourntynd.gov)" ynd.gora,"MarinaSpahr gov)"<connie. (connie. mackenzie@griggscountynd. gov)"<marina.s .go!> (marina.spahr@griggs countynd. C i n d yC , o n n i ea n d M a r i n a : for Griggs TaxlD Number(Ell,''l) Hereisthe Federal haveanyquestions. let me knowif you Author ity.Please Building JonM.Arntson ArntsonStewartWegnerPC Phone;701-280-0195 Fom: support@us-tax-id-number.com [mailto: AM April25,201311:18 Sent:Thursday, number.coml To: JonArntson TaxID Number(EIN)Application beenapproved Subject:YourFederal Inc Thankyou for usingus-tax-id-nunter.com. to print and keepwith your file. ed is your FederalTax ID Number(EIN)for you 4tfil13 ' Griggs CountyCourtHouseMail - FW:Your Fe(eral TaxlD Nunber (ElN) Applicationhas beenapprored This EIN is your pernnnent numberand can be used imrnediatelyfor rpst of your businessneeds, i n cl u d i n g : . O p e n i n ga b a n k a c c o u n t o Applying for business licenses . Filinga tax retum by nrail However,it will take up to two (2) weeksbeforeyour EINbecornespart of the IRS'sperrnanent records.You must wait untilthis occursbeforevou can: o Filean electronicreturn o Makean electronicpayrnent o Passan IF{STaxpayerIdentificationNumber(TIN) rnatchingprogram Fe e lf r e e t o c on ta ctu s i f yo u h a vea ny questions or concer ns,and goodluckwith you r new b u s i n e s! s support@ us-tax-id-number. c om PH877 567 2995 ext. 1901 FAX877 693 2L17 FilingSeruicesLLC O 2013 Business CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:This message,includingall content,documents,filesor previousmessagesattached to it and any attachmentsare for the exclusiveand confidQntial use of the intendedrecipient.If you are not the intendedrecipient,you are herebynotifiedthat any disserlrination, distribution, release,or copyingof this communication is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Pleasedo not rEad,distributeor take actionin relianceupon this message'If you have receivedthis in error, pleasenotifyus immediatelyby returnemail and promptlydelete this messageand its attachmentsfrom your computersysfem. TAXADVICE/ LEGALADVICENOTICE:Tax advice,if any, containedin this e-maildoes not constitutea ,,reliance o p i n i o n a" s d e f i n e di n I R S C i r c u l a r2 3 0 a n d m a y n o t b e u s B dt o e s t a b l i s h r e a s o n a b lree l i a n c eo n t h e o p i n i o no f counselfor the purposeof avoidingthe penaltyimposedby Section6662Aof the InternalRevenueCode.The firm providesrelianceopinionsonly in formal opinionlette;scontainingthe signatureof a partner.As previously statedon the data submissionand footerof all relatedagencyfile processing websiteswe are not affiliatedwith or endorsedby any governmentalagency.We are a priva[estateand federalfilingagencyspecializing in business,trust and estatefilings. https://nail.goog le.corttlnail/ulw?ui=2&ile67d058e0c4&y;sri\Fpt&q=JArntson%40asr,r,bpndlaw.con8qs=fue&search=query&th=13e41fig1fe007{X 2t2 5t1t13 - Building GriggsCountyCourt Housefr/ail Ar.rthorityBond lssue CEc*iltyC'txtSle' BuildingAuthorityBondlssue Jon Arntson<JArntson@aswbondlaw.com> Wed,Apr24,2013at 1:30PM To: "MarinaSpahr(marina.spahr@griggscountynd.gov)" <marina.spahr@griggscountynd.go\tr, "CindyAnton (cindy.anton@griggscountynd.gov)" <cindy.anton@griggscQuntynd.gor>, "ConnieMacKenzie (connie.mackenzie@griggscountynd.gov)" <connie.mackenpie@griggscountynd.gol> Ladies: Hereis the informationconcerningthe contactat the Ban[ of NorthDakotawhichis the Trusteefor the Building AuthorityBondlssue: NancyGlass TrustManager (701)328-5609 nglass@nd.gov Nancywill be rcry helpfulto you and ableto answerany questionsyou hale aboutthe bondproceedsand payoutsftom the ConstructionFund. Pleaselet me knowif you har,eany question. Pleasenoteour newaddressbelow. JonM. Arntson ArntsonStewartWegnerPC North,SuiteB 3101Broadway Farp,ND 58102-1485 Phone:701-280-0195 Fax 701-280-1403 httpo//rnail.google.ccrtlnailltlU?ui=2&iled75ddc6ffie&Verrrept&search=inbox&nrsg=lkMteg1T73f27 1t2