Digital India Week
Digital India Week
GOIIDUT.*.NJL UIIIN&.RS[[Y, GADCHIROII (Established by Government of Maharashtra Notification No. MISC -2OO7l(322107 ) UNI -4 llareo 27rh Sept. 2011 State Universrty Governed by Maharashtra University Act, 1994 ) Office of the Board of College and University Development MIDC Road, Complex,GADctilSqLl 442 605 (M.S) Dr.S. M. Rokade a on32 21.65\4/ ))3104Fax:at1' )))6',1 Email : bcud.i:ondw,rna!nL!@-9I1]! l.!!t|rr DIRECTOR(lncharge) L No /GUG/ I& 3 'I'o. 'l hc Plincipa web:'1ondwa t2015 n qjltgitgLlr n ive rsity.a. Date : 25l 06 /2015 rgent Out today U l Atl Alllliated Colleges Gondwana University,Gadchiroli. Sub:- Regading to celebrate " Digital lnilia Week" tlorrr I'' July, 2i) 15. Ref :- l. E-rnail dated 20 June 2015. 2. Lctlcl No. DIlll/ Dieitallndia/2015-1616214 dated22 June 20 15. str. With reference to above correspondence kindly arrange to cclcbraic "l)it:.irrll ln.ii.r Week" as per the tempelate provided by the Hon'ble P. M. Oflicc and Ilir.ih;r.rrr,.i 'I'echnical Education Mantralaya, Mumbai. l'hc l)igirll Inclia Weck will be launched on N Iirri:tc| ol' lrrtlir. l" July 2015 by the Hon'ble prime I have also to request you to please send,the name of the co-ordinator anrl proposcd date along with content of the tvorkshop todav imnrccliatclr hr nrail r r registrar. gondwanauni versit-y@gmai l.corn. l:urthc'r'. I lrar c also rcqucsted you to pleasc scnd the action taken report after the celcbration o l'"Digital India Week". Please treat this as most urgent. Youls []aitlrlir ii'' (Dr. S.M./Rokadc) I)ircctor (ln-C'harec ). llCt.JD G "B$1ro.#JS$!Hlij oadchiroll (t .S.) tl, (iad cn i ro I i \+/ (jlllail - UltcENT: IMPOI{|AN |- Regarding Digital lndia (DI) we... , https:i /mail'goog|e'cun rnail'tl (),?ui 2&ik lt]6a5&r ?()6f itit .pt {fs{rcrffid,,rsftffi .'ar - .{l I cFRsrrqaffidfihrrfi rir{ ;i lntr'r. IOW . ftra r.., ..Q_A. tr. .....,.....-... re?rfi... ..,." (, I -- Shriram Rokade <> URGENTIMPoRTANT-RegardingDigita|lndia(Dl)WeekActivitiesat Higher Education Institutions .iean l.- Sat. Jun 20, 20'15 at : g.oo pM <jeannette.b marsh@accenture com> Scuii@rrrpune ac. in', 'statcell@unishivaji ac in'. statofficer@unishivaji ac in" profdghundiwale@gmail com', 'mahesh9493@yahoo co in', 'registrarsolapur@yahoo in''', 'dr.gartmnu@yahoo com',l9gelf1g.9l3l]j4icud office@bamu ac in" frmiffii;, '',' ,'','di ,''. registrar@dbatu ac in, '','registrardcol @gmail com',' in, directorateofart@gmail com, dhepune@yahoo co in, spyavalkar@yahoo com;bai@vet., maharastra gov in, jdbh utange@gmail com, jtdirl@dvet maharashtra rn , 'vcoffice@unlshlvaii ac in Cc:','',' ''.''.'','maldar.nn@gmail com','vc@sgbau ac in', v<;@nagpuru niveL sity. nrc. in'. 'vc@gondwana.digataluniversity ac', vcoffice, sagai nredhekar@accenture. com, Patilkirann@yahoo, kiran.patil74@nic. in,, Dear All. Please find betow the instructions from the Ministry of Human Resource and Deveiopmcni on conductrng a workshop for the Digital India Week. Hon'ble Drgitai lndra \^"/eek will be launched on Pl\4. Colleges and Universities are invited to hold their own workshops following this. The attached word doc contains a oroDosed format for the event. By end of day Monday,22-6-2015, please send in following details: ls the college/ university going to conduct a Digrtal lf yes, what is the proposed date of the workshop and the content of For addjtionai background, please refer to the email sent on 2SIn May 201 your conventence). tie workshop? S Thanks, Jeannette Marsh, Senior Consukanr - Department of Higher and Technical Education 9820082510 w From: [ jn] Sent: Saturday, June 20, 20j5 2:13 pM To:, in; I ol m; secy-edn-bih@nic. rn, i 20106/201 -5 5:i0 l,M 1'rnrl it(il \ I : | \'1 l)( ) t{ I A \l t- l{.gardiIs Digital India(t)l)We... https:,iimail.googlc.comrmail,tul0/?ui=2&ik:7962f836a5&vieu.=pt... -1, secy-edu-dd@nic in,; dir-educ.goa@nic. in; dp.dwivedi@ias. nrc. rn, secedu-he@gujarat. gov. in:;, srinivasan;;,; Marsh, Jeannette B.: in; kiran.patilT4@nic. in;, pksrivastava; in; secyedn.pon@nic. in; secylad. pon@nic. in, secreta; ps-h in; vk.6521, nnrrda @gnrail com,, secy-edu-dd@nic. in; vijaivardhan@hry. nic. in; i;; hedsec2o j pshe@punjab gov in, hrsec@tn.govin; Cc: carakhongwar@negp.,; subject: URGENT, IMPoRTANT- Regarding Digitat tindia (Dt) week Activities at Higher Education lnstrtutions Dear Sir/Madam. w th refefcnce to the DO tetter no. -8-2312013-TEL(pt. ) dated 8'n May 201s, issued from sh s. p Goyal, Joint Secretary Deptt of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource and Development. lt was requested that further necessary instruction to universities/colleges under your administrative control may be issues to start preparations for the DIW activities. The contact details of Nodal Officer nominated from your respecttve department in the State for DIW abtivities coordination may also be informed. We have received the informatron on the nodal officer from 3 states as on dare. This is to inform you that DeitY/NeGD has been instructed that the Digital India Week wilt be taunched on July 1st 2015 by Hon'ble PM. A proposed format of the event at htgher educational institutions is enctosed icr your referenc;e. NeGD has proposed to provide fund of @Rs 1.00 lakh per workshop (to a limited number ot institutions per state) for organizing the Dl Event after the Hon'ble PM's launch event i.e. after 1sl Ju y 2415 You are requested to share the number and list of colleges/universities as well as the proposed date of the workshop and the content of the workshop in your state/UT where the Digital India evenvworkshop has been planned. The details may be sent to carakhongwar@ in Monday/Tuesday (22no t23'd Junej. / in by Ajeet Kumar Consultant.Assessment. National e-Governance Division (NeGD), Department of Electronics and Informatjon Technology, Ministry of Communications and lnformation Technology, Electronics Niketan, 6 CGO Complex. New Delhi-03. 'rh 011-3048'1602 Ihis message s lor lhe dcsignatcd recrpienl on y and may contain privilegad. proprielary, or olherwise confidentiatinformatiof lfyouhavc error' please noiri/ the sender immedrately and delete the onginal. Any other usc ot lhe e matt by you is prohrbrled Where alowcd by locallaw. electronic communications wilh AccenlLtre and its afiiliates including e-maitand instant mcssaging (including conlcnt), may bc scanned by our systems lor the purposes of inlormalion security and assessrnent of inlernal compliance with Accenture Doticv. recelved il 1 !rv;ri/ ar.cef turc corl of3 20t06'?01 5 i:50 l)\1 Gnail.|]RCIlNl.:lMl,oR-|AN1:.Rcgar.dingDigitaJIndia(I)l)wC'..https:tllail.gotlglc' 2 attachments ,1 r - 3 of3 I f e.oposea Format of Event at Higher Education Institution.docx 15K noname.eml 1668K 6/)3i2i''t' .- ' URGFNT INIPORTANT- Regarding Digital India (Dl) Week Activiijes at Hjgher Education tr61trJ1ors - rokadel cmait com 1.42 pM (22 hOurS agO) to 'bcud, 'statcell, 'statofftcer, 'profdghundiwa., 'mahesh9. jcan nette. b. marsh@accentu re. Dear All, With ref to my mail on 20th June, this is a gentle reminder to send thc necessary information for Digital India Week by end of day today. Ml-iRt) rcq u ires it urgently. Thanks, nette Marsh, Senior Consultant - H&TED 9820082510 I ea n From: Ma rsh, Jeannette B. Sent: Saturday, June 20,2015 3:07 PM To:'';'';''; '';''; 'resistrarsolapur(';'kksustata@gmail.conl'; 'dr.gartmnu(.tvahcU rlr1'1'; '';''j''; 'rt_tangeshn,a rk| in';'d irectorbcud'; 'o r develorr rr'41@59!q1139.i1';'reeistrardc0l('; rr$X_a-gwa_Xlitgltail jJ_gr'; reeistr-qr@ d batu. ac. in; director@ dte. ors. in;d irectoratec j d (advet. m a ha rastra. jidbhutanee{; Asawaramesh(demail-com;itdir.l.@dvet.rnahara;r t Cc:'psec.hisheredu(';''; 'puvc(';'';''j 'vctoba;rl! ne:t'j ''; 'maldar.n'; ''; 'vc(dnaeourUnlv_eEil!=fllj!';'vc(A gondwa na. .ilj']].,,!gr!!ry,f l';vcoff ice.srtmun@ema i; Medhekar, Sagar; l)atilkrrnn(Qy!ttpp.SA.!n;kiran.oatilT4@nicin; kira nfa ! h a!dO@e_!0?.Ll.c!)Ut; t\aoar, v tclor Subject: URGENT: IMPORTANT- Regarding Digital lndia (Dl) Week Activities at Higher Ed ucation Institutions com 4:07 PM ('l I hOUrS ago) to kksubcud, ganesh manza, arga, 'bcud, 'statcell, 'statof jean nette. b. marsh@accentu re. Dea r All, I have spoken with several of you today regarding the Digital lndia Week. Please appoint a coordinator for this event and send their contact details immediatelyto take th is forward. We will communicate on this matter with the coofdinator on specifics of date and (onlent of the worl<shop. Thanl<s, J ea n nette data:text/hlm|;charset=Utf-8,o/o3cdivo/o20class%3ook2h7ok2dn%20ok2o^2aabirdex./.3Dyo22' 6t2312O15 URGENT: ll\TPORTANT Regarding Digitai lridia (Dl) Week Actrvilies at l-lighef Education InslilLiions - rokadel l3,{@gmarl com -Cl,r,.r; ?P)0n8.'qln - i rrn.r: i!lirr!lr l{iitnnctte B. Sent: 1'\,4ondaV, )une 22,2O!5 L:42 PM To:'p11;';'';''; '';''; 'reeistrarsolapur(';''; 'd r.eartnr n u (a va l.roo. cqr.yr'; '';'';''j 'maneeshwarkhede('; 'd irecto rbcud @ ssba u. ac. in'; '-'-. ll'/ilil;l1l!r! /q-t.g )]ttr-.1 if,';'ree.istrardc0l('; I :. ,,t .r,-, ,. ,,. '; ;,' j 'd irector@dte.ore. in'; 1 ,r 'r.i.,.rir,)l,rlto)gi,r.-rt.eq[l';'dhepune(';''; 'Ltd!r t!Uljrlh,ti(cdU,eLt]]!|!l3lbuA.Cey=ln';''; ']dbhrrtrrL&e-@cn-ar].fom';'Asaw4ra-mc!-b@g!0-a- -eqm' ' ',lLilr lr 'ilJ 1'-!r!- j.n',rjrgJ. :^ j Cc:'psec.hishered!(';''; 'ouvc('; '';'; 'vc(o)bamu.nct'; 'tr rlcl_VcsdnUn@5aIC_h;ir 11et. in'; 'ma ldar.nn @emai .com';'vc('; , :,i! rt,tll]i(ir !(,' j 'vc@gondwa na.diqita lu'; . ,l':' . r|'r.rrir{g,rratl!a-!0'; Medhekar, Sagar;'Patilkirann('; . ..-, , I .-' ,3,,r'r, ,r ; '('; Nadar, Victor Sub.iect: RE: URGENT: IMPORTANT- Regarding Digital India {Dl) Week Activities at Higher Education in stitutio ns Dear All, '.4/ii h re1 to my mail on 20th June, this is a gentle reminder to send the neccssary information for Digital India Week by end of day today. MHRD rcq u ires it urgently. Thanks, nette Marsh, Senior Co nsu lta nt - H&TED .Jea n 9820082510 From: Marsh, ieannette B. Sent: SaturdaV, lune 20,2015 3:07 PM To:''i 'statcell('; 'statoff;'; 'p1o_fglghundiwa]'; 'ma h es h9493 @va an'; 'r,: tislldi!!l.rlllI(l)yil hoo-in'; '';''; 'r,,r,r'. .i r.l.!rll.! r :,ql ! L',' bcLrd office@ bamu.ic. in';''; 'rna nge5r w.r' l( n';'directorbcud('; 'g[dg-ve lopnre n t (d sgba in'; 'registrardc0l (ogma il-com'; 'm:Ul]'; reeistra r@ d in; d irecto r@ dte. ore. in;d iLe_9!q-f?_LCE gov. in; d (cD dvet. nr a h a ra stra.;; Asawa ra mesh@sma; itd ir1@dvet. ma h a ra sht Cc:'psec.higheredu(';','; '.r){\r_@_u1gi_rc.a!-ilt';'vcoffice@unishivail,';'';''; ,:, ", . "rr.ut@-:,1.nlit4,Lneu-n';'';''; , ,:r,/f rs,t1! ]]tc..t['; 'vc@eondwana. dataleX'hlm]:cha.set=Utf-8%3od|vo/d20c|asso/o3Do/o22h7o/o2|h'noh20rh22.^2cnabnfkx./o3o./"22'1r/.22ok20s|\/|ea/.3Do/a Proposed Format of Event at Higher Education Institution Pre-Event Activities (7-10 Davs prior to the main event) . Posting of event details on the Institution's website/ social media pages notice boards of departments, library, central office and hostels etc . . o . Announcement and organization of corrlpetitions for students/faculty Selection of best entries of competitions lnviting local media personnel at the event Registration of Participants Main Event . o Showcasing Dl progress through posters, banners Talk & Display .: o (5 min) welcome speech and National Anthem o (30 min) Display of Digital India Films, Educational Portals (NPTEL. Nl\4ElCT National scholarships, UGC, MHRD, ICSSR etc) (10 min) Felicitation of winners (60 min) Session on Digital India & e-services, ICT in education, Cyber security & hygiene; e-Waste, Swachh Digital India, Research in e-governance o c : c . (10 min) Inauguration by unit/ institution director/head, speech on Digital India, ICT in education, lT4Jobs etc (30 min) Skit show by students (Optional) Digital India Fest/Exhibition- Stalls & MyGov registration Posting of updates, photos on Institute's website/ Social Media pages etc Post Event Activities o . Posting of local news coverage at Institute's website/ Social Media pages etc Reports (Online submission of event report) Page 1 of I Dear All, We have received a letter (attached) from the Ministry of HRD, New Delhi, to encourage Universities/Colleges and Technical/Ma nagement Institutions to celebrate Digital India Week to be held in May (Exact dates will be communicated once confirmed by pMO). All NKN/NMEICT conne€ted Universities/Coileges and TechnicaUManagement Institutions should take part in the Digital lndia Week (Broadca st/strea m ing of IEC videos and other audio-visual content on Digital India etc.). Students/faculty members from institutions not connected under NKN/NMEtcT are to be invited to participate in the nearest connected institution. Various activities such as competitions, sessions on digital services, Digital India Fest etc. are to be conducted during the DlW. Further specifics are in the enclosed attachment. In addition to this please also furnish the following details by end of day today. . . . ,-. contact details (vc/Principal/Director name, email-id, phone/fax number, etc) Streams of education (Humanitles, Science, Social Science, Commerce, lT, Management, etc) Levels of studies: Graduation, post Graduation, Mphil, phD, etc) Thanks, Jeannette Marsh, Senior Consultant 9820082510 - Department of Higher and Technical Educatron mhtml: 25/06/2015 rashtra Wob : Tel No.. To r--ofhe Registrar univ6rsity Ref. Copy ot Event to be conducted ls attached herewith. p:': .g . . ]' evsr'lt {.lela ls -tn :l: :nst, s Trebs Arnou::c€$eni ani gfganizailon oi cornp*;ticrrs foi Selectiail gi be$l e$tiia of s tnvrirng iocai i]]eJia peiso*nei at th€ e, c c . trcsting ai:oeel news covarage a: irstiiule.g u,eblitel R€oo(s C:,r;g t.rt Ssrc-. Jf even: .epcl:l l te, socja.