ILINK ProgrammazioneWeb 1 vernacular. o URL! Indirizzidellepagineweb:URL Some URLs are short and sweet. Others may look like crazy strings of characters separated by dots (periods) and slashes, but each part has a specific purpose. Let’s pick one apart. es use ocol, the plied. ames are as a way member. / • Ognipaginawebeognirisorsahaunindirizzo The parts of a URL • QuestosichiamaURL(UniformResourceLocator) A complete URL is generally made up of three components: the protocol, the site name, and the absolute path to the document or resource, as shown – livedeteognigiorno: nce to t may ut, but it ehind the to create nts in u’ll learn e the k to a r. – Figure 2-1. • inh4p:// 1 Protocol 2 Name of site 3 Absolute path http:// www.example .com /2011/samples/first.html Host name Domain name Directory path Document Figure 2-1. The parts of a URL. • leURLsonofaEeditreparF Ilprotocollo http:// – Ilnomedelserver The first thing the URL does is define the protocol that will be used for that particular transaction. The letters HTTP let the server know to use – Ilpathdellarisorsa Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or get into “web mode.” ProgrammazioneWeb 2 FilediDefault • alcuneURLnonincludonoilnomedelfile – indicanosolounadirectory – – • Seunarichiestanonpresentaesplicitamenteilfileilserverwebcercail fileindex.html – – • Ilnomedelfiledidefaultpuòessereconfiguratoepuòvariaredaservera server – – – – – index.html index.htm default.html index.php index.asp ProgrammazioneWeb 3 Elemen&ancora <ahref="...">...</a> • Esempio – <ahref="hEp://"><imgsrc="orm.gif" alt="O'Reillytarsierlogo"></a> • Ilcontenutodell'elementodiventaaVvo – ilbrowsercambiailcursore – untempovenivacoloratodibluesoEolineato – leimmaginiavevanounbordoblu – ilinkgiàvisitaFeranorappresentaFincolorporpora ProgrammazioneWeb 4 A4ributohref • SpecificalaURLdiundocumentonelweb – VascriEofradoppiapici DuemodiperspecificareleURL • URLassolute – inizianoconhEp:// – href="hEp://" • URLrelaFve – allaURLdeldocumentocorrente – href="recipes/index.html" – href="spoon.gif" ProgrammazioneWeb 5 Linkesterni Riferimento:serverdellapaginacorrente • Larisorsaèinunserverwebdiverso • Esempio – Sononellapagina:hEp:// – <li><ahref="hEp://">EasyPHP</a></li> • DevousareURLassolute – èsuunserverwebdiverso(normalmentesuunamacchinadiversa) • AEenzione: – hEp://èunserverdiverso!! ProgrammazioneWeb 6 Linkinterni • Linkaunarisorsanellostessoserverweb – spessodellostessosito • PossoomeEereilprotocolloedilnomedelserver • Devoindicareilpathdelfile – Ilpathseguelaconvenzioneunixconcartelleseparateda/ • DueFpidipath – PathrelaFvialpathcorrente – PathassoluF • relaFviallarootdelserver • quellochecomparirebbenellaurlassolutadopoilnomedelserver ProgrammazioneWeb 7 with the root directory at the top of the hierarchy. For the Jen’s Kitchen site, the root directory is named jenskitchen. For another way to look at it, there is also a view of the directory and subdirectories as they appear in the Finder on my Mac (Windows users see one directory at a time). Stru4uradelsito ’ts ve you common / (jenskitchen) ). Web ward e name our ther are on ce they b server, ant and his also ocal and when it is images/ recipes/ about.html jenskitchen.gif index.html pasta/ spoon.gif salmon.html tapenade.html couscous html linguine html The diagram and the view of the Mac OS Finder reveal the structure of the jenskitchen directory. Figure 6-4. A diagram of the jenskitchen site structure. ProgrammazioneWeb 8 document with the link) for the file. Linknellastessadirectory In this example, I want to make a link from my home page (index.html) to a general information page (about.html). Both files are in the same directory (jenskitchen). So from my home page, I can make a link to the information page by simply providing its filename in the URL (Figure 6-5): A link to just the indicates the linke in the same direc the current docum • <ahref="about.html">Aboutthesite...</a> <a href="about.html">About the site...</a> The diagram shows that index.html and about.html are in the same directory. / (jenskitchen) images/ recipes/ about.html jenskitchen.gif index.html pasta/ spoon.gif salmon.html tapenade.html From index html: <a href="about.html">About this page...</a> The server looks in the same directory as the current document for this file. couscous html linguine html Figure 6-5. Writing a relative URL to another document in the same directory. ProgrammazioneWeb 9 Getting back to our example, my recipe files are stored in a subdirectory called recipes. I want to make a link from index.html to a file in the recipes directory called salmon.html. The pathname in the URL tells the browser to look in the current directory for a directory called recipes, and then look for the file salmon.html (Figure 6-6): Linkadunaso4odirectory <li><a href="recipes/salmon.html">Garlic Salmon</a></li> • <li><ahref="recipes/salmon.html">GarlicSalmon</a></li> The diagram shows that salmon.html is one directory lower than index.html. / (jenskitchen) images/ recipes/ about.html jenskitchen.gif index.html pasta/ spoon.gif salmon.html tapenade.html From index html: <a href="recipes/salmon.html">Garlic Salmon</a> The server looks in the same directory as the current document for the recipes directory couscous html linguine html Figure 6-6. Writing a relative URL to a document that is one directory level lower than the current document. ProgrammazioneWeb 10 the browser, “Look in the current directory for a directory called recipes. There you’ll find another directory called pasta, and in there is the file I’d like to link to, couscous.html.” • subdirectories you g through to get to th Now that we’ve done two directory levels, you should get the idea of how pathnames are assembled. This same method applies for relative pathnames that drill down through any number of directories. Just start with the name <li><ahref="recipes/pasta/couscous.html">CouscouswithPeas of the directory that is in same location as the current file, and follow each directory name with a slash until you get to the linked filename. andMint</a></li> The diagram shows that couscous.html is two directories lower than index html. / (jenskitchen) images/ recipes/ about.html jenskitchen.gif index.html pasta/ spoon.gif salmon.html tapenade.html From index html: <a href="recipes/pasta/couscous.html">Couscous</a> The server looks in the same directory as the current document for the recipes directory, and then looks for the pasta directory. couscous.html linguine html Figure 6-7. Writing a relative URL to a document that is two directory levels lower than the current document. ProgrammazioneWeb 11 html). Because salmon.html is in the recipes subdirectory, we need to back up a level to jenskitchen to find index.html. This pathname tells the browser to “go up one level,” then look in that directory for index.html (Figure 6-8): Linkadunadirectorysopra <p><a href="../index.html">[Back to home page]</a></p> • Note that we don’t need to write out the name of the higher directory (jen<p><ahref="../index.html">[Backtohomepage]</a></p> skitchen) in the pathname. The ../ stands in for it. / The diagram shows that index html is one directory level higher than salmon.html. (jenskitchen) jenskitchen directory images/ about.html index.html ../ recipes/ recipes o jenskitchen.gif pasta/ spoon.gif salmon.html tapenade.html e pasta From salmon html: <a href="../index.html">[Back to the home page]</a> The . / moves you up one level: from within the recipes directory up and into the jenskitchen directory. There you find index html. couscous html linguine html Figure 6-8. Writing a relative URL to a document that is one directory level higher than ProgrammazioneWeb the current document. 12 A link on the couscous.html page back to the home page (index.html) would look like this: Linkadunadirectorysopra2 <p><a href="../../index.html">[Back to home page]</a></p> • I confess to still someti chanting “go-up-a-level, g for each ../ when trying t complicated relative URL. sort things out. The first ../ backs up to the recipes directory; the second ../ backs up to the top-level directory where index.html can be found. Again, there is no need to <p><ahref="../../index.html">[Backtohomepage]</a></p> write out the directory names; the ../ does it all. The diagram shows that index html is two directory levels higher than couscous.html. / jenskitchen jenskitchen directory images/ recipes/ about.html jenskitchen.gif index.html ../ recipes ../ spoon.gif salmon.html tapenade.html From couscous.html: pasta/ pasta <a href="../../index.html">[Back to the home page]</a> The first ../ moves you up one level: from within pasta to recipes. The second ../ moves you from recipes up to jenskitchen. There you find index html. couscous html linguine html Figure 6-9. Writing a relative URL to a document that is two directory levels higher than the current document. ProgrammazioneWeb 13 e o tory for this site, open the recipes directory, then find the salmon.html file” (Figure 6-10): PathrelaMviallaroot <a href="/recipes/salmon.html">Garlic Salmon</a> • Note that you don’t need to (and you shouldn’t) write the name of the root directory (jenskitchen) in the path—just start it with a forward slash (/), and the browser will look in the top-level directory relative to the current file. <ahref="/recipes/salmon.html">GarlicSalmon</a> From there, just specify the directories the browser should look in. / (jenskitchen) In pathnames, the root directory is always identified by a slash (/), not its directory name. images/ recipes/ about.html jenskitchen.gif index.html pasta/ spoon.gif salmon.html tapenade.html From any document on the site: <a href="/recipes/salmon.html">Garlic Salmon</a> The (/) at the beginning of the path name tells the browser to start at the root directory (jenskitchen). couscous html linguine html Figure 6-10. Writing a relative URL starting at the root directory. ProgrammazioneWeb Because this this type of link starts at the root to describe the pathname, it 14 the Jen’s Kitchen site shown in Figure 6-4. When you diagram the structure of the directories for a site, it generally ends up looking like an inverted tree with the root directory at the top of the hierarchy. For the Jen’s Kitchen site, the root directory is named jenskitchen. For another way to look at it, there is also a view of the directory and subdirectories as they appear in the Finder on my Mac (Windows users see one directory at a time). A4ributosrcdi<img> Important Pathname Don’ts When you are writing relative pathnames, it is critical that you follow these rules to avoid common errors: / (jenskitchen) • aEributosrccomehref Don’t use backslashes (\). Web URL pathnames use forward slashes (/) only. Don’t start with the drive name (D:, C:, etc.). Although your pages will link to each other successfully while they are on your own computer, once they are uploaded to the web server, the drive name is irrelevant and will break your links. Don’t start with file://. This also indicates that the file is local and causes the link to break when it is on the server. images/ recipes/ about.html jenskitchen.gif index.html pasta/ spoon.gif salmon.html tapenade.html couscous html • Quandoforniamoilpath The diagram and the view of the Mac OS Finder reveal the structure of the jenskitchen directory. Figure 6-4. A diagram of the jenskitchen site structure. 108 – daindex:<imgsrc="images/jenskitchen.gif"alt=""> – dacuscus:<imgsrc="../../images/spoon.gif"alt=""> – generale:<imgsrc="/images/spoon.gif"alt=""> Part II, HTML Markup for Structure ProgrammazioneWeb 15 linguine html PunMspecificidiunapagina 3 ProgrammazioneWeb 16 PunMspecificidiunapagina IdenMficazionedell'ancora • Ogniidpuòessereusatocomeancora – <h1id="startH">H</h1> Creazionedellink • Siusacome#edilnomedell'idenFficatore – <p>...F|G|<ahref="#startH">H</a>|I|J...</p> ProgrammazioneWeb 17 PunMspecificiinaltrepagine Siaggiungeallaurl,#nomeindenFficatore • Esempio – <ahref="glossary.html#startH">SeetheGlossary,leEerH</a> – <ahref="hEp://">See theGlossary,leEerH</a> • Sel'idnonèpresentefunzionacomunquecome unlinknormale ProgrammazioneWeb 18 A4ributotarget • Specificainqualefinestradoveaprireillink – target="_blank"dicediaprireillinkinunanuovafinestra • Esempio – <ahref="hEp://"target="_blank">O'Reilly</a> • Possodareunnomeadunafinestraedusarlapiùvolte – <ahref="hEp://"target="display">O'Reilly</a> – SpessononhauneffeEopiacevole.sembracheilinknonfunzionano • Conjavascriptriescoacontrollaremegliolanuova finestra – GesFscoipopup ProgrammazioneWeb 19 Altrilink • Linkamail – <ahref="">Pierpaolo LoreF</a> – IlBrowserlancianormalmenteilvostroprogrammadipostacon • deveessereconfiguratoperfarlo – Possoanchespecificarealtricampidellamail • subject,body,etc. • Linkanumeriditelefono – <ahref="tel:+390672597440">PierpaoloLoreF</a> – Sucellularepartelachiamata – Sedesktopparteskype ProgrammazioneWeb 20 ProgrammazioneWeb 21 GESTIONEDELBACKGROUND ProgrammazioneWeb 22 Background • background-color – opacity • Immagininelbackground – background-image – background-repeat – background-posiFon – background-aEachment ProgrammazioneWeb 23 d n Background Color Use the background-color property to apply a background color to any eleColoredelbackground ment. background-color Values: colorthe value (name or numeric) |property transparent | inherit when we use background-color to make the background of the blockquote light blue (Figure 13-9). same sample Default: transparent blockquote { Appliesborder: to: all elements Background Color 4px dashed; Inherits:color:no #508C19; } background-color: #B4DBE6; when we use the background-color prop light blue same sample blockquote the element that includes the(Figu A background color fills the canvas behind blockquote { D E S I G N (extra TIP content area, and any padding space) added around the content, border: 4px dashed; extending behind the border out to its outer edge.color: Let’s#508C19; see what happens Using Color background-color: #B4DBE6; } Here are a few quick tips related to working with color: Figure 13-9. Adding a light-blue background color to the sample blockquote. Limit the number of colors you use on a page. Nothing creates As expected, the background color fills the area behind the text, all the way Cha visual chaos faster than too many to the border. Look closelycolors. at theI tend gapstoinchoose the border, one and you’ll see that the background color actually dominant goes all the way its highlight outer edge. But that’s where color andtoone color. I may also use to a couple of the background stops; if we apply a margin this element, the background Figure 13-9. Adding a light-blue background c shades ofWhen each, but I talk resistabout addingthe CSS will not extend into the margin. we box model, ProgrammazioneWeb 24 too many different hues. we’ll revisit all these components of an element. For now, just know that if • AEenFallaleggibilità The value for opacity is a number between (completely transparent) and 1 The 0value for opacity is a number between 0 (completely transp (completely opaque). value of .5to gives the element an opacity of 50%. The ency when it is Aapplied a(completely color oropaque). background. There iselement another way A value of .5 gives the an opacity opacity setting applies to the entire element—both theapplies foreground and theelement—both the foregro opacity setting to thethe entire make an element slightly see-through, and that’s CSS3 opacity proper background (if one has been set). If youbackground want to just(ifaffect onebeen or the other, one has set). If you want to just affect one use an RGBa color value instead. use an RGBa color value instead. Trasparenza opacity In the following code example (and Figure 13-11), a heading has been(and given In the following code example Figure 13-11), a heading ha opacity propa color of green and a background color of white. When a color of green andthe a background color of white. When the o erty is set, itnumber allows(0the the ispage show through both theof the page to show throu set, to it allows the background Values: to 1)background oferty text and the element box. text and the element box. Default: 1 h1 {color: green; background: white; opacity: .25;} h1 {color: green; background: white; opacity: .25;} Applies to: all elements h1 {color: green; background: white; opacity: .5;}green; background: white; opacity: .5;} h1 {color: Inherits: no green; h1 {color: background: white; opacity: 1;} green; background: white; opacity: 1;} h1 {color: The value for opacity is a number between 0 (completely transparent) an (completely opaque). A value of .5 gives the element an opacity of 50%. T opacity: .25 .25 opacity setting applies to the entireopacity: element—both the foreground and background (if one has been set). Ifopacity: you want to just affect oneopacity: or the.5oth .5 use an RGBa color value instead. opacity: 1 opacity: 1 In the following code example (and Figure 13-11), a heading has been giv a color of green and a background color of white. When the opacity pr Figure 13-11. the page opacity on element affects both25 the both foregrou erty is set,Setting it allows of toanshow through Figure 13-11. the opacitythe on anbackground element affects bothSetting the the foreground and ProgrammazioneWeb background colors. background colors. er” me nt- ” e - Adding a background image The background-image property adds a background image to any element. Its primary job is to provide the location of the image file. a background The background-image property adds Immaginiperbg image to any element. Its background-image primary job is to provide the location of the image file. Values: url (location of image) | none | inherit Default: none background-image Applies to: all elements Inherits: Values: no url (location of image) | none | inherit The value of none background-image is a sort of URL holder that contains the locaDefault: tion of the image (see the note). Applies to: all elements The URL is relative to wherever the CSS rule is at the time. If the rule is in Inherits: nostyle sheet (a style element in the HTML document), then an embedded the pathname in the URL should be relative to the location of the HTML file. If value the CSS of rulebackground-image is in an external style sheet, the pathname the The is then a sort of URLtoholder image should be relative to the location of the .css file. See the related tip for tion the image (see the note). anotherof approach. that contains the loca- These examples and Figure 13-16 show background images applied behind The URL is relative to wherever the CSS rule is at the time. If the rule is in a whole page (body) and a single blockquote element with padding and a an embedded style sheet (a style element in the HTML document), then border applied. { thebodybackground-image: pathname in the URL should be relative to the location of the HTML url(star.gif); } If the CSS rule is in an external style sheet, then the pathname to the file. blockquote { image should beurl(dot.gif); relative to the location of the .css file. See the related tip for background-image: padding: 2em; another border: approach. 4px dashed; } These examples and Figure 13-16 show background images applied behind dot.gif (24 x 24 pixels) blockquote element with padding and a whole page (body) and a single ProgrammazioneWeb 26 a star.gif (100 x 96 pixels) ond declaration e ready to go for As we saw in the last figure, images tile left and right, up and down, when left to their own devices. You can limit this behavior with the backgroundrepeat property. GesMreilMling Controlling tiling direction background-repeat As we saw in the last figure, images tile left and right, up and down, when repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | inherit left Values: to their own devices. You can limit this| no-repeat behavior with the backgroundproperty. repeat Default: repeat Background Images You can also restrict the image to tiling Applies to: all elements background-repeat only horizontally (repeat-x) or vertically Values: repeat no |(repeat-y repeat-x ), | repeat-y | inherit as shown| no-repeat in these examples. Inherits: Default: No-repeat repeat body { background-image: url(star.gif); Applies to: all elements background-repeat: repeat-x; } Inherits: no body { background-image: url(star.gif); If you want image to appear just once, use bodya {background Repeat-y background-repeat: repeat-y; word value, like this: } background-image: url(star.gif); If you want a background image to appear just once, use the no-repeat keyword value, like this: body { background-repeat: no-repeat; Figure 13-18 shows examples of each background-image: url(star.gif); You can} also restrict image values. to tilingNotice that in of thethe keyword background-repeat: no-repeat; ) or vertically only horizontallyall(repeat-x the examples, the tiling begins No-repeatin the } top-left of the element (or browser incorner these examples. (repeat-y), as shown window when an image is applied to the body { In the next section, I’ll body element). background-image: url(star.gif); show yourepeat-x; how to change that. background-repeat: } body { background-image: url(star.gif); background-repeat: repeat-y; } the no-repeat keyBackground Images Repeat-x Repeat-y ProgrammazioneWeb 27 just horizontallyororvertically. vertically.When When the the image image tiles, or or just horizontally tiles, the the position positionofofthe the This might be used to keep a background background-position initial image might not be obvious, but you can use initial image might not be obvious, but you can use background-position make a tilepattern patternstart startatataapoint point other other than than the to to make a tile the left left edge edgeofofthe theimage. image. This might usedtotokeep keepaabackground background pattern pattern centered This might bebeused centeredand andsymmetrical. symmetrical. Posizionedelbg NN OT EE OT background-position: left background-position: left bottom; bottom; ba Notice 13-20 thatthat when an an Noticein inFigure Figure 13-20 when origin image is placed in the corner of an origin image is placed in the corner of an element, it is placed inside the border. element, it is placed inside the border. Only repeated images extend under the Only repeated images extend under the border to its outer edge. border to its outer edge. ba background-position: right center; background-position: right center; background-position: 200px 50px; background-position: 200px 50px; ba background-position: 15% 100%; background-position: 15% 100%; ProgrammazioneWeb ba 28 body By of default, when the doc- which nt (the ment andelement). off the top the browser window, is itsany default The value,behavior. which was added in CSS image forlocal element, but unfortunateolls However, too, moving and page, as shown ly, property background-attachment to the free the backyouup can useoff thethe inside a scrolling e italong won’twith work forcontent users with Internet background-attachment to fixed youground set thefrom value Explorer orscroll. 7. ThisIt is featurein IE6 t theofcontent and allow it to stay in one6 position while viewport is another notthe supported allyrest placed, the text scrolls up over it. to use as “icing.” of theand content scrolls. GesMonedelloscroll background-attachment ages/bigstar.gif); Values: scroll | fixed | local (new in CSS3) | inherit peat; terDefault: 300px; scroll ixed; Applies to: all elements Inherits: no dded in CSS3, makes a background image scroll Figure 13-22. Preventing the background With the background-attachment property, you have the choice of whether a scrolling element, independent of the browser image from scrolling with the backgroundthe background image scrolls with the content or stays in a fixed position. rted in IE6 through 8 or Firefox as of this writing. attachment property. When an image is fixed, it stays in the same position relative to the viewport A large non-repeating background image in the body of the browser (as opposed to being relative to the element it fills). You’ll see of the document. what I mean in a minute. In the following example, a large, non-tiling image is placed in the background of the whole document (the body element). By default, when the document scrolls, the image scrolls too, moving up and off the page, as shown in Figure 13-22. However, if you set the value of background-attachment to fixed, it stays where it is initially placed, and the text scrolls up over it. body { background-image: url(images/bigstar.gif); ProgrammazioneWeb no-repeat; background-attachment: scroll; background-attachment: fixed; he body background-repeat: N OT E ba By bo con You can fix th image for any ly, it won’t wo Explorer 6 or to use as “icin 29 styles in one declaration. background The Shorthand background Property Values: background-color background-image background-repeat background- Proprietàbackground background You canattachment use the handy background property| to specify all of your background background-position inherit styles inbackground-color one declaration. Values: Default: see indiviual properties background-image background-repeat backgroundattachment background-position | inherit Applies to: all elements background Default: indiviual properties Values: see Inherits: nobackground-color background-image background-repeat backgroundApplies to: allattachment elements background-position | inherit exerc property, the value of the background property is a Inherits: no Conv Applies to: all elements list of values that would be provided for the individual background propershort AsInherits: for thenoshorthand font property, the value of the background property is a indiviual propertiesfont AsDefault: for theseeshorthand ties listed above. For example, this one background rule: listAsofforvalues that would be provided forofthe background properthe shorthand font property, the value theindividual background property is a This one i body { background: white url(arlo.png) no-repeat right top fixed; } backgrou of values that For would be provided the individual background tieslistlisted above. example, thisforone background rule: properin the bod ties listed above. For example, this one background rule: replaces rule with white five separate declarations: body {this background: url(arlo.png) no-repeat right top fixed; with } a sin body { background: white url(arlo.png) no-repeat right top fixed; } body { replaces this withfive five separate declarations: replaces this rule rule with separate declarations: background-color: white; background-image: url(arlo.png); body {{ body background-color: white; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: white; background-image: url(arlo.png); background-position: right top; background-image: url(arlo.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right top; } background-position: right ProgrammazioneWeb top; background-attachment: fixed; }background-attachment: fixed; declaratio 30 body fon serif fontlinemargi backg url(i png) EsercizioBG+Esempi • Esempiconogre-bg.html • Esempiconbgfisso ProgrammazioneWeb 31 ProgrammazioneWeb 32 CommenM • Ilcontenutofra/*e*/viene ignorato • PossousareicommenFinogni puntodelfile • SiusanoicommenFper – delimitarelesezionilogichedelfile – nasconderetemporaneamentedelle dichiarazioni ProgrammazioneWeb 33