2011-12 annual report


2011-12 annual report
The Urban School of San Francisco seeks to ignite
a passion for learning, inspiring its students to
become self-motivated, enthusiastic participants
in their education – both in high school and beyond.
ANNUAL report
E ditor
Brisen Brady
Director of Development
C ontributor s
Kristen Bailey
Terry Gamble Boyer
Marisa Breall (’06)
Marianne Evans
T h e A nnual R eport is produced by Urban’s Development Office and includes all
gifts received between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2012. In preparing this report, every effort was
made to ensure that all information is accurate and complete. If there is an omission or an error in
spelling, please accept our apologies and notify the Development Office so that our records can
be corrected at 415 626 2919 or development@urbanschool.org.
Content s
Report from the Board Chair and Head of School.................................................................................3
WASC Highlights...................................................................................................................................... 4
2011-12 Board of Trustees.........................................................................................................................5
Anna Lee
2011-12 Operating Budget........................................................................................................................5
Susan Munn
Report from the Parents’ Association.....................................................................................................6
2011-12 Parent Board
Mark Salkind (’70)
Karen Smith-McCune
The Annual Fund at Work.........................................................................................................................7
2011-12 Annual Fund Volunteers
P h otograp h y
Annual Fund Donor List............................................................................................................................9
Mikkel Aaland
Alumni Giving Circle...............................................................................................................................18
2011-12 Alumni Council
Kristen Bailey
Brisen Brady
Marisa Breall (’06)
Kyle Chong (’13)
Marianne Evans
Nina Grove
John Hefti
Mark Johann
Doug Sandberg
Igor Zagatsky (’95)
D e s ign
Stoller Design Group
P rinting
Solstice Press
Class Endowment Funds........................................................................................................................ 20
2011-12 Class Fund Volunteers
Class Fund Donor List
Endowment and Planned Giving........................................................................................................... 22
Endowment Donor List
The Urban Legacy Circle
True Blue Society.................................................................................................................................... 24
URBANMANIA! Auction......................................................................................................................27
2011-12 Auction Planning Committee
Mark Salkind’s 25th Anniversary Celebration.................................................................................... 30
Mark Salkind Scholarship Fund Donor List
Alumni Program...................................................................................................................................... 32
2012-13 Calendar of Events
Class of 2012 College Matriculations
2011-12 Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day................................................................................ 33
Ways of Giving........................................................................................................................................ 34
2011-12 Faculty and Staff...................................................................................................................... 35
Parents of Alumni: If your son or daughter no longer maintains a permanent address at your home,
please notify Urban’s Alumni Relations at alumni@urbanschool.org or 415 626 2919, ext. 540.
The Urban School Annual Report was printed on recycled paper using VOC-free soy-based inks.
Report from
Head of School &
Board of Trustees Chair
F or a s c h ool t h at i s committed to s elf - reflection and ongoing community-building, the 2011-12
school year was no exception for Urban. Students continued the long tradition of writing self-evaluations for each course, and teachers
and advisors met individually with students each term to provide feedback and guidance on their learning, as well as to set goals for
their growth.
The broader Urban community, encompassing faculty, administrators, students, parents, alumni and trustees, also came together to
complete a 250+ page self-evaluation for the school’s Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) reaccreditation. Much
time and attention was given by everyone involved to all facets of our program—academic, co-curricular and financial—to analyze
both strengths and opportunities for improvement. The end result is impressive in its scope and thoughtfulness. We are delighted to
share that Urban received a full six-year term of reaccreditation; please see the page 4 for a list of the major commendations from
the WASC visiting committee of educators this past spring applauding all our community’s accomplishments.
During the year-long WASC self-study process, it was inspiring to see how much Urban had accomplished since its last accreditation
in 2006. While the mission of the school to inspire a passion for learning has never wavered, the growth, improvement and refinement
in multiple areas of the program were profound. Most notable was the school’s progress in achieving many of the initiatives in our
ambitious strategic plan, Vision 2013: Creating a Sustainable Future (for more details, please read The Annual Fund at Work on page 7).
This progress includes developing better, differentiated methods of teaching and assessment to support all students in their learning,
as well as the school’s alumni program, which has grown in leaps and bounds over the past six years. It is gratifying to know we enter the
next six-year accreditation cycle stronger than ever.
This year was also a very special one as Urban turned 45 years old, and we celebrated Mark Salkind’s 25th Anniversary as head of
school. In honor of this milestone, the community came together at our annual Auction to celebrate his leadership and to launch the
Mark Salkind Scholarship Fund. To see the video created for Mark, please visit our website at www.urbanschool.org/salkindscholarship;
for photos and more details, please see page 30.
We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to all of our extraordinary volunteers who ensured another successful school year
through their hard work on innumerable events, committees and projects. In particular, we’d like to thank the Parent Board
Co-Presidents Ted Congdon and Karen Smith-McCune, the Annual Fund Co-Chairs Juana Schurman and Will Schutte, and
our Auction Chair Sandy Kleiman.
The generosity of our community truly made a difference this year. Donations to the Annual Fund and Auction raised more than
$1.2 million, an incredible amount for a school of our size and history. In particular, we are thrilled to announce that faculty
participation in the Annual Fund reached 100 percent for the first time ever, and that once again, parent participation reached
96 percent. In addition, nearly $230,000 was raised toward the endowment through named family funds, the Class of 2009,
2010, 2011 and 2012 Endowment Funds and other endowment gifts, and $3.2 million toward our North Campus building project
to complete and expand our facilities directly across the street.
As we look toward our final year of Vision 2013, and begin planning for our next strategic plan, we are reminded how grateful
we are for each and every one of our community members who support our mission, our program, and our teachers and students.
Your commitment and involvement make all the difference in our ability to provide an outstanding high school education for the
past 45 years, and ensure that Urban will remain a vibrant and successful institution for many more decades to come.
Terry Gamble Boyer
Chair, Board of Trustees
Chapin (’10) and Anna (’13) Boyer
Mark Salkind (’70)
Head of School
The Western Association of Schools and Colleges’ Visiting Committee gave Urban seven
major commendations as part of the reaccreditation process, including:
1) Urban’s commitment to financial sustainability while improving faculty compensation,
increasing financial aid and reducing the average rate of tuition increases.
2) Faculty for their cutting edge teaching, assessment, curriculum, pedagogy and use
of technology.
3) Students for their active involvement in the learning process, independence,
self-reflection and enthusiasm for their education.
4) Parent Board for being actively engaged and developing a wide range of opportunities
for parents to be involved, informed and supported.
5) Urban’s extensive technological infrastructure, as well as training and support for students
and teachers.
6) Urban’s revised evaluation policy, which provides greater transparency to students and
their parents, and for providing a wide array of exemplary assessment practices for
student learning.
7) Board of Trustees for their leadership required to complete and expand the campus with
a full-sized gymnasium, additional classroom, office and community-gathering spaces,
and a larger theater.
The visiting committee also made a few recommendations focused on the planning for our
future expansion, the growth and balance of our many new programs and initiatives over the
past six years, and opportunities for faculty and staff to collaborate and communicate going
forward, all of which will be addressed in our next strategic plan.
2011-12 Board of Trustees
Operating Revenue
and ExpenseS
Terry Gamble Boyer Chair
Kathy Bole Vice Chair
Karie Brown Vice Chair
89% Tuition and Fees
Steve Melikian Vice Chair
7% Annual Fund
Geoff Sears Vice Chair
3% Auction Income (net)
Glenn Shannon Vice Chair
<1% Endowment Draw
Laura Fisher Secretary
<1% Transfer from restricted reserves
Peter Ross Treasurer
Mark Salkind (’70) Head of School
Larry Baer
Michael Browne
Tuition and Fees (net of 2,387,000 in financial aid)10,897,000
Stuart Davidson
Steven Dinkelspiel (’74)
Steven Fingerhood
Kenneth Johnson
Denise Wang Kline
Annual Fund
Endowment Draw
Auction Income (net)348,000
Transfer from Restricted Reserves
Joe Kwong (’71)
Aisha Lowe (’95)
Gary Lucas
65% Salaries and Benefits
Brian May
17% Operations/General Administration
Mike McCune
9% Instructional Program
Steve Morris
4% Debt Service
Louise Newlin (’13), Student Representative
Warrington Parker
2% Transfer to Mark Salkind Scholarship Endowment Fund
Henri Picciotto, Faculty Representative
1% Capital Reserves
Bob Rosner
1% Transfer to Other School Reserves
Rebecca Shapiro, Faculty Representative
Karen Smith-McCune, Parent Board
Jenna Waldman (’12), Student Representative
Alex Wong
Charles Wu
Thank you to our outgoing trustees, Aisha
Lowe (’95), Gary Lucas, Steve Melikian,
Glenn Shannon and Alex Wong, for their
leadership, service and vision.
Salaries and Benefits
Operations/General Administration
Instructional Program
Debt Service
Capital Reserves
Transfer to Mark Salkind Scholarship Endowment Fund
Transfer to Other School Reserves
R eport from
the parents’
2011-12 Parent B oard
Co -Presidents
Ted Congdon
Karen Smith-McCune
David Magidson
Trea surer
One word comes to my mind when I reflect on the environment at
The Urban School: joyful . The Urban community lives true to its mission to instill
a love of learning in its students. Whenever I had the opportunity to observe a classroom in
progress, I was struck by the degree of engagement from both students and faculty, by the
pedagogy that encourages students to question, explore, take risks, articulate and ultimately,
to grow as individuals.
As co-president of the Parent Board, I wanted to find new ways for the parent community to
support the school’s mission and core values. Toward that goal, we launched The Urban School
for Parents 101, where we the parents get to experience the magic of the Urban classroom.
I encourage all parents to take advantage of this opportunity and experience first-hand the
active learning environment that our students inhabit.
A connected and engaged parent community strengthens the overall health of the school
environment. With the help of Co-President Ted Congdon we began exploring new venues to
strengthen the parent-school connection. And thanks to the efforts of the 60+ Parent Board
leaders and countless parent volunteers, we offered more opportunities than ever for parents
to socialize, build relationships and engage – from the All-School Picnic, Diversity Committee
events, grade-level coffees and gatherings to the annual Auction – an effort that was rewarded
with a WASC major commendation.
It is a balancing act to parent a high school student. How much involvement is enough, and what
is too much? One thing that I appreciated as a parent was to know that my daughters were in
a community that celebrates the uniqueness of each individual and the vitality of adolescence.
The faculty and staff are an incredible resource not only for the students but for parents as well.
During my tenure as co-president, we continued the tradition of having presentations at the
Parents’ Association meetings from school faculty, staff and outside speakers on topics relevant
to parents of teenagers.
While we knew many of the parents/guardians of our children’s middle school friends, this
becomes more difficult in high school. Another goal I had as co-president of the Parent Board
was to find ways for parents to support one another during their students’ journey through high
school. With a dedicated group of parents, we launched an initiative to provide guidelines to
help parents provide safe environments for teen socializing outside of school. Our goal was to
reinforce a vibrant and safe community in which to prepare students for increased independence.
This effort launched a healthy dialogue within the school community. One of my favorite Urban
memories is a meeting held between parents and the students of Peer Resources and HIPE
(Health Initiatives Peer Educators) on the topic of the parent guidelines on teen socializing.
I was overwhelmed by the students’ thoughtful, articulate and fair-minded approach, and was
once again reminded of the astonishing intellectual and personal growth that the school nurtures
in our students.
The journey through high school goes quickly. I want to thank all the parents who volunteered last
year, and encourage both new and returning families to take every opportunity to get involved
in Urban’s Parents’ Association. It is truly a rewarding and enriching way to experience and
contribute to the joy of The Urban School community.
Karen Smith-McCune
2010-2012 Co-President, Parent Board
Louise (’09) and Emma (’12) McCune
Kathy Williams
Co -Chairs
Andy Esparza
Lisa Hartwig
Kim Kwok
Diane Olmstead
Erin Roach
Rebecca Taggart
Jane Yi
All-School Picnic
Co -Chairs
Peggy Barbieri
Maureen Blanc
Bruce McCready
Vince Paratore
Auction Chair
Sandy Kleiman
C are & Concern
Co -Chairs
Rita Fahrner
Maureen Poxon
Diversit y
Co -Chairs
Jorge Bustamante
Angie Fa
Anh Lê
e Scrip C o - C h air s
Cindy Friedman
Erinne Morse
Ann Wu
Facult y/ Staff
A ppreciation
C o - C h air s
Carol Berluti (’78)
Collette Brooks
Susan Campbell
Kate Hanson
Beth Silvestri
N ominating
C ommittee
C o - C h air s
Biz Kerman-Morris
Kathy Seligman
Parent s ’
C oalition
of B ay A rea
Hig h Sc h oolS
C o - C h air s
Laurie Barkin
Theresa Hong
Julie Siler
Midge Wilson
Parent s
C ollaborative
for Safe T een
Sociali z ing
C o - C h air s
Gary Beberman
Shary Eiser
Elizabeth Kert
John O’Connell
Bonnie Preston
Beatrice von Schulthess
Sport s
C ommittee
C o - C h air s
Jon Chang
Larry Hirschhorn
Joseph Matulich
John O’Connell
Vince Paratore
T h e U rban
Sc h ool for
Parent s 1 0 1
C o - C h air s
Ted Congdon
Laura Klapper
U rban W ear
C o - C h air s
Tod Elkins
Ben Jacoby
Alan Schacter
Susheela Vasan
V olunteer
C oordinator
C o - C h air s
Renata Miller
Rose Newhouse
Andrew Philips
Joanne Riley
F re s h man C la s s
R epre s entative s
Kerry Blacker
Julie Drummond
Laura Fisher
Renata Miller
Diane Philips
Evelyn Pine
Sop h omore C la s s
R epre s entative s
Michael Genhart
Elizabeth Mills
Martina Murphy
Beatrice von Schulthess
Mary Wiss
J unior C la s s
R epre s entative s
Kate Hanson
Agnes Lord
Rachel Malina
Shareen Punian
Senior C la s s
R epre s entative s
Rhonda Clark
Louise Fong
Mindy Henderson
Janice Sears
T h e 2 0 1 1 - 1 2 A nnual F und raised an inspiring $903,000 toward Urban’s
operating budget. The Annual Fund supports and benefits all aspects of the school:
academics, co-curricular activities, accessibility and most importantly, our teachers
and students. In addition, gifts to the Annual Fund make a visible difference toward
accomplishing and completing our ambitious strategic plan goals in Vision 2013:
Creating a Sustainable Future. Following are a few highlights of how the Annual Fund
directly supports Urban’s mission and aspirations:
Accessibilit y: Urban’s Vision 2013 strategic plan called for increased accessibility, and in 2011-12,
Urban expanded its financial aid to more than $2.4 million, or 20 percent of Urban’s operating budget,
to benefit 28 percent of Urban’s talented and deserving students, once again setting a new record
for the school.
Diversit y and Inclusion: Another key component to Vision 2013 is to strengthen and
sustain Urban’s diverse, inclusive and equitable community for students and families. Toward that goal,
the Board of Trustees and Steering Committee on Diversity and Inclusion sent a survey to all current
students and families to benchmark and measure Urban’s culture. Results from the survey will be used
to support Urban’s efforts in creating a safe, comfortable and positive environment for each and every
member of our community.
Education in the 21st Century: Urban has been strengthening its academic program to
ensure that we graduate students who are eco-literate and global citizens of our increasingly interconnected world, another goal of Vision 2013. This year, Urban added an innovative Urban Advanced Studies
science course in public health, Infectious Disease, in which students developed a worldwide perspective
on communicable disease, and the environmental and ecological issues involved. Over the winter break,
faculty traveled with 15 students on a life-changing trip to India. The itinerary was designed to look at
three critical challenges—poverty, poor education and environmental degradation—and then meet with
activists who were addressing those concerns.
Athletics: Urban’s athletics teams had another banner year. Congratulations to the Urban Softball
team for winning the BCL West Championship and to the girls Cross Country team for ranking 5th in
the state of California! The boys Varsity Basketball team had a breakout year, finishing 2nd in the highly
competitive BCL West and advancing to the NCS D5 Tournament. Members of both the girls and boys
Varsity Basketball teams were selected for the BCL West All-League 1st Team and junior Nate C was
named BCL West Player of the Year. The girls Varsity Soccer team also had a superb season finishing
2nd in the BCL West, advancing to the BCL West Finals and defeating two-time NCS champions
Redwood in the 1st round of the NCS Soccer Tournament. Boys Tennis, Lacrosse and Baseball all had
excellent seasons and will contend for BCL Titles in 2012-13. Go Blues!
We would like to extend our appreciation to all the
volunteers who worked on the Annual Fund, and
especially to our dedicated and inspiring Parent
Co-Chairs, Juana Schurman and Will Schutte,
as well as all our terrific Class Captains, whose
outreach and leadership ensured the success of
this year’s Annual Fund drive.
Facilities: Over the past decade Urban has been searching for additional space in the
neighborhood, and we look forward to realizing this key goal as set forth in Vision 2013. We are
thrilled to partner with St. Agnes during the coming years to complete and expand our campus
with a tournament-sized gymnasium, additional classrooms, community-gathering spaces,
offices and parking directly across the street from our Page Street building.
Financial Sustainabilit y: Vision 2013 calls for Urban’s continued, prudent focus on
Parent Co-Chairs
Juana Schurman
Will Schutte
Parent Class
Class of 2012
Gordon Atkinson
Jan Waldman Brown
John Mendelsohn
Irene Pleasure
Janice Sears
Class of 2015
Chuck Carleton
Sachin Desai
Sejal Desai
Stephanie Galinson
Barbara Gregoratos (’74)
Karen Levesque
Claire Solot
managing expenses and growing revenue. We are pleased to share that this year, the Annual Fund
Former Trustee Chair
translate the mission of the school into every practice continues to be a focal point of Vision 2013.
John Lowry
Alumni Parent Chairs
Class of 2013
Al Bedecarré
Mary Brady
Aimee Brown
David Buzby
Bill Weihl
Margaret & Russell Garvin
Pauline Proschan
Class of 2014
Deniz Ince
Kim Kwok
Robin May
Walter Nirenberg
Jon Ocker
Lisa Olson
Ken Garcia-Gonzales
Richard Lautze
Xiaorong Li
Grandparent ChairS
Yvonne & David Sears
Staff and
Faculty Chairs
and Auction collectively raised $1.2 million, a significant amount for a school of our size and history,
and vital to supporting our teachers, students, programs and commitment to accessibility.
Urban has continued to grow its endowment, which is now valued at $6 million, through individual
and family donations and the Class Endowment Fund program to perpetuate and preserve the
Urban experience for years to come.
Working at Urban: Urban’s commitment to attracting and retaining faculty and staff to
This year faculty participated in a wide array of programs that deepened their skills as teachers,
including the Teaching With a Cultural Eye Institute at the National Equity Project in Oakland,
Mastering Group Facilitation sponsored by the Bay Area Teacher Development Collaborative
in San Francisco, the 20th Annual Hawaii Conservation Conference in Honolulu, the Annual
Asilomar Math Conference in Monterey Bay, the White Privilege Conference in Minnesota, as well
as the Stanley King Counseling Institute in Massachusetts which provides training to help teachers
strengthen their relationships with students by learning models of counseling and listening.
PARTICIPATION: The participation among all members of the Urban community is truly and
deeply inspiring. We are honored to share that for the first time ever, 100 percent of Urban’s
faculty supported the Annual Fund. Current parent participation reached 96 percent participation,
once again at the top of our peer Bay Area independent high schools, and overall alumni
participation was an inspiring 11 percent.
Thank you one and all for participating in Urban’s 2011-12 Annual Fund and creating exceptional
opportunities for our students, teachers and programs.
Leadership Support
Presidio Pacesetters
members of our community.
Kathy Bole & Paul Klingenstein
Terry Gamble Boyer &
Peter Boyer
Luke Evnin & Deann Wright
Laura & John Fisher
Ann & Gordon Getty
Nicole Grindle & Noel Kaufman
Julie & Sebastien Lepinard
Karen Smith-McCune &
Mike McCune
Claire Solot & Sinjin Bain
We extend our sincere thanks
Foghorn Philanthropists
Urban’s Annual Fund raised
an inspiring $903,000
thanks to the generous and
thoughtful participation
among our trustees, parents,
grandparents, alums, alumni
parents, faculty, staff and other
to the following donors for
their investment and support
in our 2011-12 Annual Fund.
Susan & Jeff Campbell
Lucy & Michael de Anda
Julie & Scott Drummond
Mrs. Doris Fisher
Julie Goldman & Robert Rosner
Robert Kwong
Carol & Lenny Lieberman
Martina & Tom Murphy
Lori Quinn & Jeffrey Lowenthal
Lydia & Douglas Shorenstein
Anne Thorson & Peter Ross
Wendy Webster & Stuart Davidson
Jane & Douglas Wolf
Golden Gate Givers
Let’s Go Giants
Urban’s Alumni Relations
Program started a new tradition
this year by organizing a fun
Urban Alumni Night at The
SF Giants. More than 100 alums
and their families, as well another
100 Urban parents and students,
attended and cheered on both
the Urban Singers’ rendition
of the Star Spangled Banner
and our 2010 and 2012 World
Series champs.
Anonymous (1)
Ann Alpers & Shawn Hanson
Sally & Gordon Atkinson
Mary Austin & Brewster Kahle
Pam & Larry Baer
Colette Brooks & David Harrison
Karie Brown
Kelly & Michael Browne
David Buzby & Susheela Vasan
Pamela Rose Dinkelspiel &
Steven Dinkelspiel (’74)
Shary Eiser & Christopher Brown
Claire Ernst & Al Bedecarré
Steven Fingerhood
Véronique Fourment &
Robert Buehl
Betsy Hambrecht & Robert Eu
Ann & Shawn Hecht
Devorah (’80) & Ben Jacoby
Patrick Kenealy
Karen Kennard & Peter Phaal
Elizabeth Kerman-Morris &
Edward Morris
Jennifer King & Timothy Fredel
Nancy Kivelson & Tom Angstadt
Sandy & Harlan Kleiman
Sylvia & Stephen Melikian
Lisa Mihaly (’79) & Bill Weihl
Renata & Alex Miller
Maureen & Bill Newlin
Diane & Andrew Philips
Juana Schurman & Tony Ligamari
The Sears Family
Lori & Glenn Shannon
Hong & Haj Tada
Mary Bess & Lawson Willard
Paula & Mark Williams
Ann & Charles Wu
Filling the Gap
Barbary Coast Boosters
Susan Ashcraft & Jonathan Melrod
Holly Badgley (’69) & Peter Stern
Kristin & Ari Baron
Valerie Barth & Peter Wiley
Kerry Blacker & John Murnane
Maureen Blanc & George Brandt
Mary Brady & Wm. Carey Cole
Beth & Eric Brill
Aimee Brown
Carol Caspe-Nayman &
Nathan Nayman
Lisa & Matt Chanoff
The Chen Family
Class of 2007 & 2012 Family
Catherine Culver &
Walter Nirenberg
Stephanie Diaz
Laurie Frankel & Gary Beberman
Cindy & Andrew Friedman
Stephanie & Jeffrey Galinson &
Michael Genhart & John Stiehler
Annelise Goldberg & Aaron Roland
Barbara Gregoratos (’74) &
Jeffrey Brandstetter
Nina Grove & Ken Johnson
Sarah & William Hambrecht
Kate Hanson & Scott Ferguson
Mindy & James (’78) Henderson
Kerrie Holley &
Gretchen McDougall
Denise Wang Kline & Rob Kline
Terry & Mark Kuperschmid
Kimberley & Kevin Kwok
Carol Lee & Craig Fong
Elsa Leung & Kurt Leswing
Karen Levesque &
Matthew Schwartz
Susanne & Gary Lucas
Lucy Mahaffey & Anno Langen
Rachel Malina
Nancy Marmion &
M. Scott Lockard
Robin & Brian May
Pamela & John Mendelsohn
Lisa Olson & Erick Hachenburg
Neil Fred Picciotto (’93) &
Lisa Eckstein
Victoria & David Polatnick
Charles L. Powell & Mary E. Wiss
Elizabeth Ranieri & Byron Kuth II
Anne Regenstein & John Hefti
Joanne Lew Riley & Rick Riley
Mark Salkind (’70) &
Miranda Heller
Nancy Sambol & Charles Craik
Suzanne (’73) & Will Schutte
Renu & Arun Sharma
Julie & Charlie Siler
Matt Slepin & Diane Olmstead
Shari Steele & Bill Vass
Mona & Mark Steinberg
Diane Tobin
John Toupin & Ann Poncelet
Leslie Tyler & Lawrence Less
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Melanie & Chip Vetter
Participation Support
Panhandle Patrons
Anonymous (5)
Anita Adams
Lisa Angelot & Karen Brandenberger
Peggy Barbieri & David Rothman
Natalie Baszile & Warrington Parker
Marika & Rich Bergsund
Beth Berliner & Larry Hirschhorn
Mr. & Mrs. James Berliner
Winnie Berman & Steve Schantz
Kathy & Hill Branscomb
Machelle Burkstrand &
Steven Winick
Three Urban faculty members
received special awards this year
recognizing their commitment to
teaching and education. Urban’s
Dean of Multicultural Life Ken
Garcia-Gonzales received the
Educator Tribute Award, given
to outstanding educators of color
leading their communities in
racial justice work. History
teacher Rebecca Shapiro was
awarded a Herbst Foundation
2012 Teaching Excellence Award,
and journalism teacher and
advisor to the student Urban
Legend newspaper Beatrice
Motamedi was awarded the
California Journalism Educator of
the Year Award. Congratulations!
Wanda & Jon Chang
Marcy & Edward Cortes
Rob Dolezal & Annie Roney
Carolyn Zecca Ferris &
Timothy Ferris
Louise Fong & William Bonham
Dana Geller & Michael Immerman
Marguerite Gilligan &
Eran Steinberg
Jennifer Golub & Lee Kovel
Eleanor Gong & Gary Louie
Nonie Greene & Todd Werby
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Hooremans
Dr. Laurence Huang &
Susan Chang
Deniz Ince & Clint Bajakian
Oksana & Eric Johnson
Claire Marie & Thomas Johnston
Susan Joseph & Byron Bronston
Jessica Justino & Bill Hancock
Yvonne & Christopher Keene
Elizabeth Kert & Robert Solley
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Kilpper
Barbara & David Kimport
Laura & Rob Klapper
Jonathan Kleid (’75) &
Robin Hampton
Yvonne & Dan Klitsner
Sharon & Bob Krinsky
Jonathan Kropf (’99)
Mr. & Mrs. Jude P. Laspa
Maribelle & Stephen Leavitt
Jennifer Lehr & Eric Gold
Will & Stacy Leopold
Melissa Lim & Leigh Kimberg
Agnes & James Lord
Karen Madsen
Nancy Marks & Steven Mitchel
Ms. Joan Mcdougall
Jonathan Melrod
Erinne & John Morse
Susan & Tom Munn
Jamie & Mark Myers
Ms. Julia Ng
Brett & Steve Ortiz
Rena Pasick & Stephen Garber
Barbara Pino & Evan Goldstein
Sandra Quigley &
Charles Carleton
Nona & Hardeep Rai
Kimberly & Kyle (’81) Reis
Jan Schreiber & David Hudson
Rebecca Schwartz &
Jonathan Berk
Robert Scott & Rick Lewis
Karren Shorofsky &
Carolyn Reiser
Elizabeth & Russ Silvestri
Barbara Shragge Stack
Ronna Stone & Tim Smith
Ellen & Randy Stross
Sandy Sussman
The Swig Foundation
Suzie Thorn Esq. & Prof. Joe Thorn
Tina & John Verdoia
Christina & Rob Wallace
Liesel Walsh & Darrell Rosenstein
David Weinstein (’78) &
Kathryn Halbrook
Tule & Scott West
Allison Williams & Walter Cohen
Kathy Williams
Carolyn & Mitchell Wilson
Jesse Zeifman (’89) &
Michelle Chan
Page Street Blues
Anonymous (4)
Jaemie & Joey Altman
Karen Altuzarra (’69)
Kristen Bailey & Kevin O’Connor
Kathi & Rick Berman
Joan & Barry Boothe
Barbara Brewer & Benson Fong
Brian Brosnahan & Laurie Barkin
David Brown & Lowell Brook
Jan Waldman Brown (’77) &
Jeffrey Brown
Nancy Chirinos (’76)
Suya Colorado-Caldwell &
Gary Caldwell
Martha Davis
Frances Dinkelspiel (’77) &
Gary Wayne
Patty & Alfred Dobrow
Sarah & Michael Duncan
Rosie & Andy Esparza
Melanie Fife & Sandra Cook
Sean Gallagher
Jane Ganim & Lennart Ostergaard
Robert Harrison & Robin Cooper
Ruth & Alfred Heller
Richard Hirrel
William Hyun
Mr. & Mrs. Robert King
Lynn Kirby & Stephen Rogers
Christine & Joseph (’71) Kwong
Lorie & Rande Larsen
Richard Lautze & Laurie Williams
Monica Lee & Jonathan Rapp
The March Foundation
Elizabeth & Jeff Mills
Greg Monfils & Tina Bruderer
Plant Construction Company, L.P.
Irene Pleasure
James Quadra
Julia Rozenfeld (’94)
John F. Sampson & Sharon L. Litsky
Ivan Samuels (’93)
Ellen Schneider &
Michael Kirchberger
Alice & Christopher Semler
Eric Small & Siu Ling Chen
Sharman Spector-Angel &
Gary Angel
Philip Stark
Janet & David Taylor
Maureen & Michael (’79) Terris
Janet Traub (’73)
Mr. & Mrs. Murry J. Waldman
Peter Waldman (’79) &
Charene Zalis
Ning Wen
Allison & Alex Wong
Lilia & Michael Zeif
Haight Ashbury Helpers
Anonymous (24)
Munaf Syed Aamir (’03)
Lee Abel & Lasana Bandele
Steven Abrahams (’87) &
Heidi Unruh
Nina Agabian
Maria Luz Agudelo &
Jorge Bustamante
Dr. & Mrs. David Alpers
John Amador-Whittier (’79)
Jeremy Anderson (’92)
Terry & Emilio Aramendia
Gabriella Fracchia Archini (’95)
Rosemary & Vernard Atkins
Phyllis A. & Christian Baldenhofer
Rebeka Barth (’95)
Melissa & Richard Beames
Elizabeth & Lee Bendekgey
Chuck Bennett & Joni Eisen
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Bennett
Lisa Bennett & Paul Geffner
Eve Bernstein & Alex Gersnowicz
Laurie Bienstock & Jay Blakesberg
David Bill
Lock Bingham (’98)
Nancy & Richard Bohannon
Heather Boothe (’90)
Mr. & Mrs. Norman H. Bouton, Jr.
Brisen & Scott Brady
Mary Jo & Harvie Branscomb
Alain Bransford
Carla & Peter Brooks
Susan K. Browne
Jane Burns (’70) & John Gordon
Temple Byars (’96)
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Calhoun
Katie & Alex Calhoun
Lori & Kevin Campbell
Rose & Robert Ceballos
William Cereske
Lisa Chadwick
Judy & Richard Chong
Claire Hunter Chow
Rhonda & Michael Clark
Fritz Clay
Kathleen & Martin Cohn
Kenneth Colley
Bruce Conklin & Bonnie Preston
Chip Cooper IV (’00)
Courtney Cooper (’03)
Frederick Cosentino (’74)
Peter Cudhea (’76)
Deborah Davidson & Akira Gomi
Deborah Dent-Samaké
Sejal & Sachin Desai
Emma Dinkelspiel (’07)
Jared Dowell (’99)
Duskin Drum (’96)
Ryan Drum
Michael Duarte (’08)
Bob Dunlap & Vivian Walz
Peter Eckart
Anders Eddy (’08)
Marion & Ned Elliott
Erin & Burl Enderlin
Elena Engle (’94)
Marianne Evans & Bill Veiga
Rita Fahrner
Elizabeth Felts & Curtis Vass
Adam Fenn (’01)
Marilee & Arthur Fenn
Ben Fiedler (’85)
The Fine Family
Sarah Fisk, Ph.D. (’74)
Vicki & David Fleishhacker
Bill Fontana & Nina Hartunian
Elaine Foppiano & Tom Masino
Laura Freebairn-Smith (’76)
Margaret & Russell Garvin
Perry Garvin (’96)
Marcella Bernhard Gates (’95)
Christine Gaudenzi
Margaret & Jim Gault
Aloysia Gavre (’92)
Molly Katz Getty (’96)
Kathryn Gilsen
Phyllis Goldsmith (’71)
Good & Sears DMD, Inc.
Adriana Gores & John Lamm
Dr. Guido Gores, Jr.
Thomas Gorman (’00)
Lucy Gray & David Thomson
Linda & Ron Greenberg
Sherrie & Anthony Groshong
Walter Haas (’03)
Susan Haldeman
Barbara Hancock
Richard Harcourt
Luke Harrington (’93)
Joyce & Philip Harvey
Lisa & Bennet Harvey
Sara Rothenberg Hauck (’92) &
Tom Hauck
Jeanne Heath (’90)
Karen Heisler (’78)
Karl (’75) & Michele Heisler
Dominica Henderson (’98)
Cheryl & Oded Herbsman
Pia Hinckle (’82)
Bill Hirsh & Thompson Chambers
Molly & Jock Hooper
Katie Innes (’02) &
Baldvin Smarason
Terrence Ireland
Shelby & Tomás Jacquez
Kate Jessup (’95) &
Igor Zagatsky (’95)
Thomas Johannessen (’00)
Donna & Bradley Johnson
Valarie & Kent Jonas
Gary Kamiya &
Kathleen Moses Kamiya
Kate Kardos-Polevoi &
Steven Polevoi
Susie Kimport (’05)
Darrah & Jim Kimzey
Manuela King & James Bradanini
Jordan Kivelstadt (’00)
Kathy Klausner & Beni Strebel
Lucy Klingenstein (’08)
Fran & Herb Kurlan
Diane Larrabee
Anna & David Lee
Diane M.L. Lee
Erika Lenkert (’85)
Juan Leon
Arthur Levy
Xiaorong Li
Serina Lopez & Martin Sharpe
Molley & Richard Lowry
Carl Lucania (’78)
Maura Lynch (’95)
Joanne Madden & Ann Hood
Elissa Matross &
Richard Doctoroff
Stacy & Joseph Matulich
Bruce McCready
Liz McDonald & Tom Sicurella
Joanne McLean & Aviv Nevo
James Meakin (’86)
Leah H. Meakin (’87)
Armen Melikian (’08)
Claire Michie (’98)
Jessica Mihaly (’82)
Mill Valley Market, Inc.
Kathy Miller & William McLeod
Katya (’89) & Jesse Miller
Shirley & Howard Miller
Cathlin Milligan & Gregg Kleiner
Judy & Paul Minton
Deborah Mintz & Michael Gorman
Martha Abdulian Missirlian &
Donald Missirlian
Patience Moore &
Ramon Zambrano
Steve Morris &
Elizabeth Goya-Morris
Alma Robinson Moses &
Toye Moses
Rebecca Mumma
Dan & Mary Murphy
Patrick Murphy (’88)
Diane Myrick & David Magidson
Jane Naito
Rose & Dale Newhouse
Mr. & Mrs. William Newlin
Kathryn Olney & Cliff Bell
Valerie O’Riordan &
Vince Paratore
Jason Ostroff (’02)
Tiffany & James Palmer
Wendy Parkman & John Rogers
Stephanie Pass (’75) &
Kenneth Kann
Amy (’92) & Jesse Pearson (’92)
Keiko & Richard Perri
Mary Ellen (’85) & Eric Petrich
Thomas Phillips (’75)
Henri Picciotto
Nora Pirquet & Raymond Froehlich
Naomi Elan Porat &
Dale Dombkowski
Maureen Poxon & Edward Kline
Charlotte Haas Prime (’96)
Proud Parents of Sequoia
Janice Rodgers Quinn (’69)
Bobby Ramos
Paul Rasmussen
Shirley A. Reece
Susan (’75) & Daniel Reider
Esther Rhodes & Latara Thomas
Amanda & Brian Richard
Patty Robertson & Susan Ashton
Gina Lopez Rosenberg &
Mark E. Rosenberg
Don Rosenfield
The Roth Bastacky Family
Sidney B.B. Russell (’03)
Sidney M. Russell
Helle Rytkonen &
Karsten Bengtsson
Samuel J. Salkin
Peggy Salkind
Amina Samaké (’99)
Jennifer Sampson (’87)
Tracy Schaefer
Margaret Schrand
William Schwartz
Dr. & Mrs. David Sears
Frances & Victor Seeto
Josh Seitchik (’93)
Sarah Seitchik (’95)
Jed Sekoff & Celeste Schneider
Katherine Seligman &
David Heiden
Natalie & Rafat Shaheen
Heather & Michael Shepherd
Anne Chapin Shepler (’74)
Elizabeth & Bob Sheppard
Elizabeth & Ronald Shigezumi
Abby Snay & Edward Yelin
Sharon & James Soong
Elizabeth Kropf Sparks (’90)
Jennifer Sperry (’74)
Paul Spiegel (’74)
St. James Family
Jennifer & David Starkweather
Jan Pool Stecher & Jay Stecher
Elliot Steinberg
John Steinberg (’84) &
Andrea Kremer
Now in its seventh year, Urban’s
Center for Innovative Teaching
continues to educate hundreds
of middle and high school
teachers annually with handson professional development
workshops in math, science,
history, technology and language
both at Urban and on the
East Coast.
Christina Stephens
Jamienne Studley & Gary Smith
Jacqueline Suzuki (’72)
Patricia Tanttila & Daniel Yansura
Daniel Terris (’76) & Maggie Stern
Justine Underhill (’87)
Ana Verrathanongdech
Beatrice von Schulthess &
Susan Scheer
LeRoy Votto & Rebecca Rohrkaste
Jenna Waldman (’12)
David Walker (’79) &
Sandra Enterline
Karen Walter
Liz & Fred Walters
Andrea & Stan Washburn
Vicki Weatherford &
Douglas Cooper
Janine & Sean Webby
Carolyn Weil (’76) &
Michael McDowell
Allen Weinberg
Ann & Mark Weinstock
Betsy Lurie Weis (’75)
Frankie Whitman
Annette & Steve Williams
Midge Wilson
Tara Wilson (’95) &
Carlton Eichelberger
Sally & Steven Winn
Diana Witt
Bradley Wollack (’96)
Sue & Richard Wollack
Frank Wong (’98)
Charlotte Worsley
Cornelia & James Worsley
Jane Yi
Muriel & Kendall Young
Cable Car Contributors
Anonymous (22)
Brandon Adams
Rachael Steinberg Adler (’78)
Paul Alexander
Max Aramendia (’01)
Leisa Askew & Sunny Haire
Lindsay Barrick (’01)
Karen Bisgeier & John Pepin
Virginia Blue
Chapin Boyer (’10)
Marisa Breall (’06)
Angela Brown
Lynne Burwell & John Robiola
Robin Cahn
Danny Cardoza
Matthew Casey
Gina Centanni
Merkna Chee & William Orts
Grace Cinti
Julie & Bob Cinti
Sarah Clowes
James Connell (’72) & Tien Bui
Betsy & Chuck Cordes
Robert Di Paolo (’07)
Owen Donnelley (’89)
Yesenia Duarte
Jennifer Durand & Steven Miller
Frances Evens & Grant Ditzler
Angie Fa
Shannon Finnegan (’07)
Kim Finnegan-Umbreit &
Douglas Finnegan
Sarah Fontaine
Suzanne Forrest & Robert Corkran
Scott Foster
Craig Fox
Naomi Frank (’96)
Gabriela & Manuel Garcia
Ken & Isabel Garcia-Gonzales
Yvonne Gavre
Catherine & Bart Gershbein
Lauren Gersick (’99)
Johanna Goldschmid
Hattie Grundland (’88)
Laura Hawkins
Caroline Hayward (’01)
Bethany Hellerich
Erica Hernandez
Hilary Hinckle (’85)
Lulu Hoang & Cuong Tran
Theresa Hong & Stephen Kitlinski
Jonathan Howland
Adrienne & Kent Iglehart
Leslie & Tim Innes
Kai Jaffe (’95)
Louisa Johannessen
Katherine Johnk
Muszetta Jones-Smith &
Duane Smith, Sr.
Simone & Lawrence Jordan
Sam Kaner
Erica & Mark Kaplan
Tilda Kapuya
Brooke Kaufman
Holly Kaufman (’75)
Kari Kiernan
Emily Kimball (’98)
Jason Klein
Barbara Kraemer-Cook &
Ken Cook
Ileana & Robert Krumme
Ms. Bernice Kurtzner
Marianne La Ruffa &
Frank Kaner (’08)
Anh Lê & Bich Liên Nguyên
Celine Lee & Joseph Chou
Rosemary Lee
Sandy Hsiang Ning Lee
Susan & Alec Lee
Sarah & Aaron Levin
Jacqui Long
Riley Maddox
Jeffrey Marver (’07)
Dan Matz
Sandra Kent Maurice
Betsy McMullin
Julie Milburn
Kathy Miller & Michael Monges
Tina Milliken & Bill Castellon
Anne Milner & Jon Miller
Remy Monteko-Sherman (’03)
Amanda Moore
Claudia & Fred Morfit
Beatrice Motamedi
Elizabeth Munn (’99)
Mary Murphy
Meridith Oram
Larissa Parson
Douglas Peckler & Evelyn Jean Pine
Mr. Lawrence Peckler
Boyd Quinn
Kate Randall
Annie Reece
Courtney Rein
Antony Reyes
Brooke D. Roberts
Graciela & Alfredo Rodas
Geoff Ruth
Leslie Schaffer
Mariana Schwartz (’81)
Kim Seashore & Jeff Hobson
Brett Shannon (’07)
Cathleen Sheehan
Rosalyn Shih
Shirley Silvestri
Joe Skiffer
Daryl Smith
Julia & Eduardo Sobalvarro
Algis Sodonis & William Hocker
Steve Speier
Rebecca Taggart & Mikkel Aaland
Masina Tillo
Pauline Vela & Mary Shea
Nina Webber
Sandor Weiner & Aviva Geismar
Donna Williamson & Peter Thorp
Michael Winetsky (’97)
Winnie & West Woon
Jill & George Wynns
Justin Wynns (’92)
Kelli Yon
Shafia Zaloom
Patty Zevallos
Class of 2012 – 91%
Anonymous (9)
Jaemie & Joey Altman
Leisa Askew & Sunny Haire
Sally & Gordon Atkinson
Holly Badgley (’69) & Peter Stern
Elizabeth & Lee Bendekgey
Laurie Bienstock &
Jay Blakesberg
Kerry Blacker & John Murnane
Kathy & Hill Branscomb
Brian Brosnahan & Laurie Barkin
Jan Waldman Brown (’77) &
Jeffrey Brown
Karie Brown
Lisa Chadwick
Wanda & Jon Chang
Julie & Bob Cinti
Rhonda & Michael Clark
Class of 2007 & 2012 Family
Fritz Clay
Suya Colorado-Caldwell &
Gary Caldwell
Julie & Scott Drummond
Yesenia Duarte
Sarah & Michael Duncan
Angie Fa
Elizabeth Felts & Curtis Vass
Steven Fingerhood
Louise Fong & William Bonham
Jane Ganim & Lennart Ostergaard
Eleanor Gong & Gary Louie
Nonie Greene & Todd Werby
Susan Haldeman
Joyce & Philip Harvey
Lisa & Bennet Harvey
Mindy & James (’78) Henderson
Bill Hirsh & Thompson Chambers
Theresa Hong & Stephen Kitlinski
William Hyun
Elizabeth Kert & Robert Solley
Manuela King & James Bradanini
Laura & Rob Klapper
Terry & Mark Kuperschmid
Lorie & Rande Larsen
Anh Lê & Bich Liên Nguyên
Jennifer Lehr & Eric Gold
Joanne Madden & Ann Hood
Stacy & Joseph Matulich
Liz McDonald & Tom Sicurella
Pamela & John Mendelsohn
Deborah Mintz & Michael Gorman
Martha Abdulian Missirlian &
Donald Missirlian
Diane Myrick & David Magidson
Rose & Dale Newhouse
Barbara Pino & Evan Goldstein
Irene Pleasure
James Quadra
Tracy Schaefer
Jan Schreiber & David Hudson
The Sears Family
Jed Sekoff & Celeste Schneider
Katherine Seligman &
David Heiden
Elizabeth & Ronald Shigezumi
Lydia & Douglas Shorenstein
Matt Slepin & Diane Olmstead
Karen Smith-McCune &
Mike McCune
Philip Stark
Ronna Stone & Tim Smith
Anne Thorson & Peter Ross
Melanie & Chip Vetter
Peter Waldman (’79) &
Charene Zalis
David Walker (’79) &
Sandra Enterline
Christina & Rob Wallace
Ning Wen
Midge Wilson
Ann & Charles Wu
Class of 2013 – 97%
Anonymous (15)
Susan Ashcraft & Jonathan Melrod
Mary Austin & Brewster Kahle
Pam & Larry Baer
Peggy Barbieri & David Rothman
Natalie Baszile & Warrington Parker
Marika & Rich Bergsund
Maureen Blanc & George Brandt
Terry Gamble Boyer &
Peter Boyer
Mary Brady & Wm. Carey Cole
Aimee Brown
David Buzby & Susheela Vasan
Susan & Jeff Campbell
Carol Caspe-Nayman &
Nathan Nayman
Lisa & Matt Chanoff
Merkna Chee & William Orts
Judy & Richard Chong
Bruce Conklin & Bonnie Preston
Jennifer Durand & Steven Miller
Shary Eiser & Christopher Brown
Erin & Burl Enderlin
Claire Ernst & Al Bedecarré
Rita Fahrner
Melanie Fife & Sandra Cook
Véronique Fourment &
Robert Buehl
Cindy & Andrew Friedman
Dana Geller & Michael Immerman
Ann & Gordon Getty
Annelise Goldberg &
Aaron Roland
Lucy Gray & David Thomson
Linda & Ron Greenberg
Nicole Grindle & Noel Kaufman
Nina Grove & Ken Johnson
Kate Hanson & Scott Ferguson
Cheryl & Oded Herbsman
Lulu Hoang & Cuong Tran
Dr. Laurence Huang & Susan Chang
Devorah (’80) & Ben Jacoby
Valarie & Kent Jonas
Jessica Justino & Bill Hancock
Kate Kardos-Polevoi &
Steven Polevoi
Elizabeth Kerman-Morris &
Edward Morris
Darrah & Jim Kimzey
Jennifer King & Timothy Fredel
Sandy & Harlan Kleiman
Sharon & Bob Krinsky
Celine Lee & Joseph Chou
Monica Lee & Jonathan Rapp
Sandy Hsiang Ning Lee
Lucy Mahaffey & Anno Langen
Rachel Malina
Jonathan Melrod
Lisa Mihaly (’79) & Bill Weihl
Kathy Miller & Michael Monges
Cathlin Milligan & Gregg Kleiner
Judy & Paul Minton
Rebecca Mumma
Maureen & Bill Newlin
Nora Pirquet & Raymond Froehlich
Victoria & David Polatnick
Maureen Poxon & Edward Kline
Lori Quinn & Jeffrey Lowenthal
Nona & Hardeep Rai
Anne Regenstein & John Hefti
Joanne Lew Riley & Rick Riley
Don Rosenfield
Juana Schurman & Tony Ligamari
Suzanne (’73) & Will Schutte
Robert Scott & Rick Lewis
Julie & Charlie Siler
Barbara Shragge Stack
Vicki Weatherford &
Douglas Cooper
Tule & Scott West
Allison Williams & Walter Cohen
Kathy Williams
Diana Witt
Lilia & Michael Zeif
Class of 2014 – 97%
Anonymous (13)
Nina Agabian
Maria Luz Agudelo &
Jorge Bustamante
Ann Alpers & Shawn Hanson
Lisa Angelot & Karen
Rosemary & Vernard Atkins
Lisa Bennett & Paul Geffner
Beth Berliner & Larry Hirschhorn
Winnie Berman & Steve Schantz
Laurie Bienstock & Jay Blakesberg
Alain Bransford
Barbara Brewer & Benson Fong
Carla & Peter Brooks
Colette Brooks & David Harrison
Karie Brown
Robin Cahn
Katie & Alex Calhoun
Gina Centanni
The Chen Family
Kenneth Colley
Catherine Culver &
Walter Nirenberg
Stephanie Diaz
Pamela Rose Dinkelspiel &
Steven Dinkelspiel (’74)
Patty & Alfred Dobrow
Peter Eckart
Urban Film
For the first time, a series of
student and alumni shorts, as
well as a feature film by Ian
Kibbey (’98), were screened in
Gumption Theater to a sold-out
Rosie & Andy Esparza
Luke Evnin & Deann Wright
Kim Finnegan-Umbreit &
Douglas Finnegan
Patricia Fitzsimmons &
Elizabeth Litteral
Bill Fontana & Nina Hartunian
Laurie Frankel & Gary Beberman
Michael Genhart & John Stiehler
Marguerite Gilligan &
Eran Steinberg
Julie Goldman & Robert Rosner
Jennifer Golub & Lee Kovel
Adriana Gores & John Lamm
Dr. Guido Gores, Jr.
Deniz Ince & Clint Bajakian
Katherine Johnk
Donna & Bradley Johnson
Claire Marie & Thomas Johnston
Muszetta Jones-Smith &
Duane Smith, Sr.
Gary Kamiya &
Kathleen Moses Kamiya
Erica & Mark Kaplan
Patrick Kenealy
Karen Kennard & Peter Phaal
Lynn Kirby & Stephen Rogers
Yvonne & Dan Klitsner
Barbara Kraemer-Cook &
Ken Cook
Kimberley & Kevin Kwok
Carol Lee & Craig Fong
Celine Lee & Joseph Chou
Juan Leon
Elsa Leung & Kurt Leswing
Melissa Lim & Leigh Kimberg
Karen Madsen
Robin & Brian May
Bruce McCready
Kathy Miller & William McLeod
Elizabeth & Jeff Mills
Martina & Tom Murphy
Kathryn Olney & Cliff Bell
Lisa Olson & Erick Hachenburg
Valerie O’Riordan & Vince Paratore
Naomi Elan Porat &
Dale Dombkowski
Charles L. Powell & Mary E. Wiss
Amanda & Brian Richard
Helle Rytkonen &
Karsten Bengtsson
Nancy Sambol & Charles Craik
Natalie & Rafat Shaheen
Renu & Arun Sharma
Elizabeth & Bob Sheppard
Eric Small & Siu Ling Chen
Rebecca Taggart & Mikkel Aaland
Janet & David Taylor
Masina Tillo
Beatrice von Schulthess &
Susan Scheer
Wendy Webster & Stuart Davidson
Allen Weinberg
Carolyn & Mitchell Wilson
Ann & Charles Wu
Jane Yi
Class of 2015 – 99%
Anonymous (12)
Lee Abel & Lasana Bandele
Paul Alexander
Susan Ashcraft &
Jonathan Melrod
Sally & Gordon Atkinson
Kristen Bailey & Kevin O’Connor
Kristin & Ari Baron
Valerie Barth & Peter Wiley
Elizabeth & Lee Bendekgey
Carol (’78) & David Berluti
Kathi & Rick Berman
Kerry Blacker & John Murnane
Virginia Blue
Beth & Eric Brill
Machelle Burkstrand &
Steven Winick
David Buzby & Susheela Vasan
Rose & Robert Ceballos
Edward & Marcy Cortes
Deborah Davidson & Akira Gomi
Martha Davis
Lucy & Michael de Anda
Sejal & Sachin Desai
Rob Dolezal & Annie Roney
Julie & Scott Drummond
Bob Dunlap & Vivian Walz
Steven Fingerhood
Laura & John Fisher
Elaine Foppiano & Tom Masino
Stephanie &
Jeffrey Galinson & Family
Sean Gallagher
Gabriela & Manuel Garcia
Christine Gaudenzi
Catherine & Bart Gershbein
Eleanor Gong & Gary Louie
Barbara Gregoratos (’74) &
Jeffrey Brandstetter
Betsy Hambrecht & Robert Eu
Ann & Shawn Hecht
Kerrie Holley &
Gretchen McDougall
Terrence Ireland
Oksana & Eric Johnson
Susan Joseph & Byron Bronston
Yvonne & Christopher Keene
Elizabeth Kerman-Morris &
Edward Morris
Darrah & Jim Kimzey
Will & Stacy Leopold
Julie & Sebastien Lepinard
Karen Levesque &
Matthew Schwartz
Carol & Lenny Lieberman
Serina Lopez & Martin Sharpe
Nancy Marmion &
M. Scott Lockard
Betsy McMullin
Jonathan Melrod
Renata & Alex Miller
Cathlin Milligan & Gregg Kleiner
Claudia & Fred Morfit
Erinne & John Morse
Martina & Tom Murphy
Maureen & Bill Newlin
Brett & Steve Ortiz
Tiffany & James Palmer
Douglas Peckler & Evelyn Jean Pine
Diane & Andrew Philips
Barbara Pino & Evan Goldstein
Irene Pleasure
Proud Parents of Sequoia
Sandra Quigley & Charles Carleton
Elizabeth Ranieri & Byron Kuth II
Anne Regenstein & John Hefti
Graciela & Alfredo Rodas
The Roth Bastacky Family
Evelyn & Jonathan Sacks
Ellen Schneider &
Michael Kirchberger
Rebecca Schwartz & Jonathan Berk
The Sears Family
Alice & Christopher Semler
Heather & Michael Shepherd
Karren Shorofsky & Carolyn Reiser
Elizabeth & Russ Silvestri
Claire Solot & Sinjin Bain
Shari Steele & Bill Vass
Mona & Mark Steinberg
Ellen & Randy Stross
Hong & Haj Tada
Diane Tobin
John Toupin & Ann Poncelet
Pauline Vela & Mary Shea
Tina & John Verdoia
Liesel Walsh & Darrell Rosenstein
Janine & Sean Webby
Ann & Mark Weinstock
Mary Bess & Lawson Willard
Annette & Steve Williams
Paula & Mark Williams
Patty Zevallos
Alumni Parent Donors
Anonymous (5)
Anita Adams
Terry & Emilio Aramendia
Phyllis A. & Christian Baldenhofer
Melissa & Richard Beames
Chuck Bennett & Joni Eisen
Eve Bernstein & Alex Gersnowicz
Karen Bisgeier & John Pepin
Nancy & Richard Bohannon
Kathy Bole & Paul Klingenstein
Joan & Barry Boothe
Mr. & Mrs. Norman H. Bouton, Jr.
Susan Browne
Lynne Burwell & John Robiola
Lori & Kevin Campbell
William Cereske
Nancy Chirinos (’76)
Claire Hunter Chow
Betsy & Chuck Cordes
Deborah Dent-Samaké
Ryan Drum
Marion & Ned Elliott
Frances Evens & Grant Ditzler
Marilee & Arthur Fenn
Carolyn Zecca Ferris &
Timothy Ferris
The Fine Family
Vicki & David Fleishhacker
Margaret & Russell Garvin
Margaret & Jim Gault
Yvonne Gavre
Johanna Goldschmid
Sherrie & Anthony Groshong
Sarah & William Hambrecht
Barbara Hancock
Richard Harcourt
Robert Harrison & Robin Cooper
Molly & Jock Hooper
Jonathan Howland
Adrienne & Kent Iglehart
Leslie & Tim Innes
Louisa Johannessen
Simone & Lawrence Jordan
Brooke Kaufman
Sandra Kent-Maurice
Barbara & David Kimport
Nancy Kivelson & Tom Angstadt
Kathy Klausner & Beni Strebel
Denise Wang Kline & Rob Kline
Ileana & Robert Krumme
Fran & Herb Kurlan
Christine & Joseph (’71) Kwong
Robert Kwong
Mr. & Mrs. Jude P. Laspa
Richard Lautze & Laurie Williams
Maribelle & Stephen Leavitt
Anna & David Lee
Diane M.L. Lee
Arthur Levy
Jacqui Long
Molley & Richard Lowry
Susanne & Gary Lucas
Nancy Marks & Steven Mitchel
Elissa Matross & Richard Doctoroff
Sylvia & Stephen Melikian
Julie Milburn
Tina Milliken & Bill Castellon
Anne Milner & Jon Miller
Judy & Paul Minton
Patience Moore &
Ramon Zambrano
Alma Robinson Moses &
Toye Moses
Susan & Tom Munn
Dan & Mary Murphy
Jamie & Mark Myers
Wendy Parkman & John Rogers
Rena Pasick & Stephen Garber
Stephanie Pass (’75) &
Kenneth Kann
Keiko & Richard Perri
Henri Picciotto
Paul Rasmussen
Shirley A. Reece
Susan (’75) & Daniel Reider
Patty Robertson & Susan Ashton
Gina Lopez Rosenberg &
Mark Rosenberg
Sidney M. Russell
Samuel J. Salkin
Peggy Salkind
John F. Sampson & Sharon L. Litsky
Margaret Schrand
William Schwartz
Frances & Victor Seeto
Lori & Glenn Shannon
Daryl Smith
Abby Snay & Edward Yelin
Julia & Eduardo Sobalvarro
Sharon & James Soong
Sharman Spector-Angel &
Gary Angel
St. James Family
Jan Pool Stecher & Jay Stecher
Elliot Steinberg
Christina Stephens
Patricia Tanttila & Daniel Yansura
Suzie Thorn Esq. & Prof. Joe Thorn
Maxine Turret
Leslie Tyler & Lawrence Less
Ana Verrathanongdech
Mr. & Mrs. Murry J. Waldman
Andrea & Stan Washburn
Nina Webber
Frankie Whitman
Donna Williamson & Peter Thorp
Sally & Steven Winn
Jane & Douglas Wolf
Sue & Richard Wollack
Winnie & West Woon
Jill & George Wynns
Muriel & Kendall Young
Faculty & Staff
Anonymous (7)
Brandon Adams
Kristen Bailey
David Bill
Brisen Brady
Marisa Breall (’06)
Danny Cardoza
Matthew Casey
Sarah Clowes
Deborah Dent-Samaké
Marianne Evans
Frances Evens
Sarah Fontaine
Suzanne Forrest
Scott Foster
Craig Fox
Ken Garcia-Gonzales
Sherrie Groshong
Laura Hawkins
Bethany Hellerich
Erica Hernandez
Jonathan Howland
Tomás Jacquez
Tilda Kapuya
Kari Kiernan
Richard Lautze
Anna Lee
Meghan Lee
Susan Lee
Sarah Levin
Xiaorong Li
Riley Maddox
Dan Matz
Greg Monfils
Amanda Moore
Beatrice Motamedi
Susan Munn
Dan Murphy
Mary Murphy
Jane Naito
Meridith Oram
Wendy Parkman
Larissa Parson
Henri Picciotto
Bobby Ramos
Kate Randall
Annie Reece
Courtney Rein
Antony Reyes
Brooke Roberts
Geoff Ruth
Mark Salkind (’70)
Leslie Schaffer
Suzanne Schutte (’73)
Cathleen Sheehan
Rosalyn Shih
Joe Skiffer
Algis Sodonis
Steve Speier
Jennifer Starkweather
LeRoy Votto
Laurie Williams
Charlotte Worsley
Kelli Yon
Igor Zagatsky (’95)
Shafia Zaloom
Grandparent Donors
Anonymous (1)
Dr. & Mrs. David Alpers
Eleanor Hanson (’14)
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Bennett
Bennett Geffner (’14)
Mr. & Mrs. James Berliner
Luke Hirschhorn (’14)
Mary Jo & Harvie Branscomb
Margaret Branscomb (’12)
Service Learning
Urban’s award-winning Service
Learning Program continued to
make a positive difference
throughout the Bay Area.
For example, Urban students
collaborated with other high
schoolers to organize the second
annual Teens’ Read-A-Thon,
tripling the number of students
involved and doubling the number
of schools to 22 to raise more
than $20,000 for the Bay Area
Women’s and Children’s Center’s
Literacy and Library Programs
at The Tenderloin Community
China Exchange
Urban continued its exchange
program with the top high school
in Qingdao, China, when their
students came to visit Urban and
stay with our families in January.
David Brown & Lowell Brook
Jeremy Harvey-Brown (’12)
Anthea Harvey-Brown (’14)
Mariah Harvey-Brown (’14)
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Calhoun
Henry Calhoun (’14)
Grace Cinti
Jason Cinti (’12)
Mrs. Doris Fisher
Jill Fisher (’10)
Michael Fisher (’15)
Sarah & William Hambrecht
Courtney Eu (’15)
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Hooremans
Cali Slepin (’12)
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Kilpper
Cassandra May (’14)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert King
Jessica King Fredel (’13)
Ms. Bernice Kurtzner
Duncan Magidson (’12)
Robert Kwong
Lily Kwong (’06)
Huck Kwong (’09)
Rosemary Lee
Kyle Chong (’13)
Ms. Joan Mcdougall
Kier Holley (’15)
Shirley & Howard Miller
Jacob Miller (’11)
Emily Miller (’15)
Mr. & Mrs. William Newlin
Louise Newlin (’13)
Nicole Newlin (’15)
Ms. Julia Ng
Robert Lord (’13)
Mr. Lawrence Peckler
Gabriel Pine (’15)
Boyd Quinn
Abigail Lowenthal (’13)
Dr. & Mrs. David Sears
Hannah Sears (’12)
Natalie Sears (’15)
Shirley Silvestri
Diana Silvestri (’15)
Sandy Sussman
Jacob Drummond (’12)
Lucas Drummond (’15)
Suzie Thorn Esq. & Prof. Joe Thorn
Justin Dorham (’05)
Mr. & Mrs. Murry J. Waldman
Anna Waldman Brown (’07)
Albert Brown (’12)
Jenna Waldman (’12)
Foundations and
Good & Sears DMD, Inc.
The March Foundation
Mill Valley Market, Inc.
Plant Construction Company, L.P.
The Swig Foundation
Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Matching Gifts
Thank you to the following donors
who doubled or tripled their dollars
for Urban by participating in their
companies’ matching gifts
Ann Alpers & Shawn Hanson
S.H. Cowell Foundation
Valerie Barth & Peter Wiley
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Kathy & Hill Branscomb
Union Bank of California
Nicole Grindle & Noel Kaufman
The Walt Disney Company
Luke Harrington (’93)
Electronic Arts Inc.
Lorie & Rande Larsen
Levi Strauss Foundation
Renata & Alex Miller
VISA International
Jamie & Mark Myers
Wells Fargo Foundation
Rena Pasick & Stephen Garber
Pacific Gas & Electric
Mary Ellen (’85) & Eric Petrich
Intel Foundation
Neil Fred Picciotto (’93) &
Lisa Eckstein
Google Gift Matching Program
Barbara Pino & Evan Goldstein
Sony Electronics Inc.
Kimberly & Kyle (’81) Reis
The Ford Foundation
Joanne Lew Riley & Rick Riley
GAP Foundation
Margaret Schrand
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mona & Mark Steinberg
Fidelity Investments Charitable
Gift Fund
Leslie Tyler & Lawrence Less
Wells Fargo Foundation
Tara Wilson (’95) &
Carlton Eichelberger
Barbara Brewer & Benson Fong
The San Francisco Foundation
Carol Caspe & Nathan Nayman
Jesse Zeifman (’89) &
Michelle Chan
Wells Fargo Foundation
VISA International
Wells Fargo Foundation
Marcy & Edward Cortes
McKesson Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Catherine Culver &
Walter Nirenberg
MasterCard International
Sejal & Sachin Desai
Apple Computer
Restricted Gifts
Donors may choose to designate
special gifts to particular programs,
specific purchases, faculty support
or scholarships.
Anonymous (1)
Carol (’78) & David Berluti
First Republic Bank
Patricia Fitzsimmons &
Elizabeth Litteral
Carolyn & A. Lee Follett
Margaret & Russell Garvin
Perry Garvin (’96)
The Herbst Foundation, Inc.
Meghan Lee
The McCune Family Fund
Michelle Mouton (’70) &
Juan Fuentes
Christopher Ridley (’91) &
Julie Peterson
Evelyn & Jonathan Sacks
Eva Yopes (’05)
Gifts In Kind
In addition to monetary gifts, Urban
receives many contributions of
goods and services that enhance
our school and program.
Bi-Rite Market
Kathy Bole & Paul Klingenstein
Escape from New York Pizza
Betsy Hambrecht & Robert Eu
Claire Marie & Thomas Johnston
Nancy Kivelson & Tom Angstadt
Jordan Kivelstadt (’00)
Anna & David Lee
Diane Myrick & David Magidson
Elisa Reutinger
Mark Salkind (’70) &
Miranda Heller
The Sears Family
Karen Smith-McCune &
Mike McCune
Claire Solot & Sinjin Bain
Solstice Press
Stoller Design Group
Wendy Webster & Stuart Davidson
Honor &
Memorial Gifts
We extend our heartfelt thanks
to the following donors for
remembering their friends and
loved ones with a gift to Urban.
In Memory of Bud & Jean
In Memory of Sam Alexander
In Memory of S.T. Alexander
In Honor of
Xander Beberman (’14)
In Honor of Kate Jessup (’95) &
Igor Zagatsky (’95)
In Memory of Nancy Ledansky
In Memory of Glenn Suplee
In Honor of LeRoy Votto
Perry Garvin (’96)
Diane Myrick & David Magidson
Kathryn Gilsen
Stephanie Pass (’75) &
Kenneth Kann
In Honor of Margaret &
Russell Garvin
In Memory of
Joana Bryar-Matons
Good & Sears DMD, Inc.
In Honor of
Rowan Williams (’15)
Lulu Hoang & Cuong Tran
In Memory of Mai Luong
In Honor of the Wonderful
Staff of The Urban School
In Memory of Sarah Crome
Mr. Lawrence Peckler
In Honor of Gabriel Pine (’15)
Mary Ellen (’85) & Eric Petrich
In Honor of Manny Dull
Don Rosenfield
In Honor of Cali Slepin (’12)
In Memory of
Geraldine Rosenfield
Thomas Johannessen (’00)
Jan Schreiber & David Hudson
Elizabeth Kert & Robert Solley
Dr. & Mrs. David Sears
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Hooremans
In Memory of Vince Perez &
Tony Vallerio
In Honor of Nico Kert (’12)
In Honor of all the
Excellent Teachers
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Kilpper
In Honor of Hannah (’12) &
Natalie (’15) Sears
Jason Klein
In Honor of David Smith (’90)
In Honor of Cassie May (’14)
In Honor of Kate Jessup (’95),
Igor Zagatsky (’95) &
Geoff Ruth
Dr. & Mrs. David Alpers
In Honor of Nora Hanson (’14)
Ms. Bernice Kurtzner
Pam & Larry Baer
Robert Kwong
In Memory of Jim Kurtzner
Daryl Smith
Kristin Soong (’02)
In Memory of Paul Soong
Sharman Spector-Angel &
Gary Angel
In Honor of Taylor (’02) &
Sydney (’06) Angel
In Honor of the Marriage
of Mark Salkind (’70) &
Miranda Heller
In Honor of Mark Salkind (’70);
In Memory of Rachel Kwong
Steve Speier
Jennifer Lehr & Eric Gold
In Honor of Ben Geffner
In Honor of
Dorren Rosenbaum (’12)
Jan Pool Stecher & Jay Stecher
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Bennett
Angela Brown
Ms. Joan Mcdougall
Sandy Sussman
In Honor of Bobby Ramos &
the Admissions Office
In Honor of Kier Holley (’15)
Temple Byars (’96)
In Honor of Emily Miller (’15)
In Memory of
Amilca Mouton-Fuentes (’96)
Shirley & Howard Miller
Alma Robinson Moses &
Toye Moses
In Honor of
Steven Dinkelspiel (’74)
In Memory of
Gladys Mauney Robinson
Rita Fahrner
Michelle Mouton (’70) &
Juan Fuentes
In Honor of
Kell Fahrner-Scott (’13)
Jane Ganim & Lennart Ostergaard
In Memory of Harry Fireside
In Memory of
Joana Bryar-Matons
In Honor of Jacob (’12) &
Lucas (’15) Drummond
Grace Cinti
In Memory of Alfred Cinti
In Memory of David Thormann
In Memory of
Amilca Mouton-Fuentes (’96)
Janet Traub (’73)
Kathy Williams
In Memory of
Michael J. Calhoun
Sue & Richard Wollack
In Honor of the Marriage
of Mark Salkind (’70) &
Miranda Heller
A very special thanks to the following alumni donors who participated in the 2011-12 Alumni Giving Campaign. We are pleased to share that
nearly 140 alums contributed to Urban’s Annual Fund, including approximately 115 in the $100 Giving Circle. We are particularly grateful to
the group of alums who pooled their resources for a $10,000 challenge grant, which doubled the dollars we received from our alumni and
ensured the success of this year’s alumni drive.
In addition, several alums supported Urban’s endowment and The Mark Salkind Scholarship Fund, and nearly 70 alums contributed to their
Class Endowment Funds, bringing total alum participation to more than 200 donors, a new record for Urban!
$100+ Giving Circle
Emma Dinkelspiel (’07)
Karen Heisler (’78)
Anonymous (2)
Frances Dinkelspiel (’77)*
Karl Heisler (’75)*
Aisha Lowe (’95), President
Munaf Syed Aamir (’03)
Jared Dowell (’99)
Dominica Henderson (’98)
Steven Abrahams (’87)
Duskin Drum (’96)
Pia Hinckle (’82)
Karen Altuzarra (’69)
Michael Duarte (’08)
Katie Innes (’02)
John Amador-Whittier (’79)*
Anders Eddy (’08)
Kate Jessup (’95) &
Jeremy Anderson (’92)
Elena Engle (’94)
Gabriella Fracchia Archini (’95)
Adam Fenn (’01)
Thomas Johannessen (’00)
Elena Engle (’94)
Rebeka Barth (’95)
Ben Fiedler (’85)
Susie Kimport (’05)
Katie Innes (’02)
Lock Bingham (’98)
Sarah Fisk, Ph.D. (’74)
Jordan Kivelstadt (’00)
Heather Boothe (’90)
Laura Freebairn-Smith (’76)
Jonathan Kleid (’75)*
Chapin Boyer (’10)
Perry Garvin (’96)
Lucy Klingenstein (’08)
Marisa Breall (’06)
Marcella Bernhard Gates (’95)
Jonathan Kropf (’99)*
Jane Burns (’70)
Aloysia Gavre (’92)
Erika Lenkert (’85)
Temple Byars (’96)
Molly Katz Getty (’96)
Courtney Levine (’92)
Nancy Chirinos (’76)*
Phyllis Goldsmith (’71)
Carl Lucania (’78)
Lindsay Coonan (’04)
Thomas Gorman (’00)
Maura Lynch (’95)
Sarah Seitchik (’95)
Chip Cooper IV (’00)
Walter Haas (’03)
James Meakin (’86)
Tara Wilson (’95)
Courtney Cooper (’03)
Luke Harrington (’93)
Leah H. Meakin (’87)
Frederick Cosentino (’74)
Sara Rothenberg Hauck (’92)
Armen Melikian (’08)
Peter Cudhea (’76)
Jeanne Heath (’90)
Claire Michie (’98)
Gabriella Fracchia
Archini (’95)
Lock Bingham (’98)
Steven Dinkelspiel (’74)
Kate Jessup (’95)
Jordan Kivelstadt (’00)
Leah Meakin (’87)
Alyssa Mitchel (’11)
Miles Mulcare (’00)
*Denotes alumni challenge pool donors
Igor Zagatsky (’95)
Jessica Mihaly (’82)
Sarah Seitchik (’95)
Katya Miller (’89)
Anne Chapin Shepler (’74)
Michelle Mouton (’70)
Elizabeth Kropf Sparks (’90)
Patrick Murphy (’88)
Jennifer Sperry (’74)
Jason Ostroff (’02)
Paul Spiegel (’74)
Stephanie Pass (’75)
John Steinberg (’84)
Amy (’92) & Jesse Pearson (’92)
Jacqueline Suzuki (’72)
Mary Ellen Petrich (’85)
Daniel Terris (’76)
Thomas Phillips (’75)
Janet Traub (’73)*
Neil Fred Picciotto (’93)*
Justine Underhill (’87)
Charlotte Haas Prime (’96)
Carolyn Weil (’76)
Janice Rodgers Quinn (’69)
David Weinstein (’78)
Susan Reider (’75)
Betsy Lurie Weis (’75)*
Kyle Reis (’81)*
Tara Wilson (’95)
Christopher Ridley (’91)*
Bradley Wollack (’96)
Julia Rozenfeld (’94)
Frank Wong (’98)
Sidney B.B. Russell (’03)
Eva Yopes (’05)
Amina Samaké (’99)
Jesse Zeifman (’89)*
Jennifer Sampson (’87)
Ivan Samuels (’93)
Josh Seitchik (’93)
Rachael Steinberg Adler (’78)
Max Aramendia (’01)
Lindsay Barrick (’01)
James Connell (’72)
Robert Di Paolo (’07)
Owen Donnelley (’89)
Shannon Finnegan (’07)
Naomi Frank (’96)
Lauren Gersick (’99)
Hattie Grundland (’88)
Caroline Hayward (’01)
Hilary Hinckle (’85)
Kai Jaffe (’95)
Frank Kaner (’08)
Holly Kaufman (’75)
Emily Kimball (’98)
Aisha Lowe (’95)
Jeffrey Marver (’07)
Remy Monteko-Sherman (’03)
Elizabeth Munn (’99)
Mariana Schwartz (’81)
Brett Shannon (’07)
Kristin Soong (’02)
Michael Winetsky (’97)
Justin Wynns (’92)
Alumni campaign
donors— current
parents and
Holly Badgley (’69)
Carol Berluti (’78)
Jan Waldman Brown (’77)
Steven Dinkelspiel (’74)
Barbara Gregoratos (’74)
James Henderson (’78)
Devorah Jacoby (’80)
Joseph Kwong (’71)
Lisa Mihaly (’79)
Mark Salkind (’70)
Suzanne Schutte (’73)
Peter Waldman (’79)
David Walker (’79)
class Endowment fundS
Senior cla s s endowment giving was started by parents in the Class of 2000 as a way to give back to
Urban and leave a meaningful legacy. In 2009, this effort was expanded to include students, grandparents and friends. The Class
of 2012 achieved a record level of participation among students with 78 percent pledging $10 a year for the next five years. Gifts
to Class Endowment Funds are unrestricted and allow the school to allocate funds to the most pressing needs and the greatest
opportunities at any particular time.
Many thanks to the following donors for their thoughtful gifts to their Class Endowment Funds during the 2011-12 year.
Class of 2012 Endowment Fund Donors
Anonymous (6)
Sarah Atkinson (’12),
In Honor of the Class of 2012
Holly Badgley (’69) & Peter Stern
Sonja Bartlett (’12)
Freddy Bendekgey (’12)
Kerry Blacker & John Murnane
Josephine Branscomb (’12)
Albie Brown (’12)
David Brown & Lowell Brook
Jan Waldman Brown (’77) &
Jeffrey Brown
Ms. Judie Brown & Mr. Michael Dilg,
In Honor of Jeremy
Harvey-Brown (’12)
Evan Chang (’12)
Wanda & Jon Chang
Jason Cinti (’12)
Jordan Clark (’12)
Jayne Colorado-Caldwell (’12)
Marco d’Amore (’12)
Dr. Tancredi d’Amore
Jake Drummond (’12)
Julie & Scott Drummond
Ginny Duncan (’12)
Zoe Elkins (’12),
In Honor of Our Wonderful
Urban Teachers
Angie Fa
Kyle Fa (’12)
Olivia Fingerhood (’12)
Steven Fingerhood
Elly Fireside-Ostergaard (’12)
Louise Fong & William Bonham
Elena Goldstein (’12)
Eleanor Gong & Gary Louie
Hannah Gorman (’12)
Catalina Gutierrez (’12)
Trevor Gutierrez (’12)
Susan Haldeman
Christopher Harvey (’12)
Sarah Atkinson (’12)
Sam Blakesberg (’12)
Albie Brown (’12)
Evan Chang (’12)
Marco d’Amore (’12)
Jake Drummond (’12)
Elly Fireside-Ostergaard (’12)
Elena Goldstein (’12)
Christina Kitlinski-Hong (’12)
Cole Larsen (’12)
Duncan Magidson (’12)
Emma McCune (’12)
Katie Ross (’12)
Hannah Sears (’12)
Danielle Shorenstein (’12)
Anne Vetter (’12)
Jenna Waldman (’12)
Gordon Atkinson
Jan Waldman Brown (’77)
Peter Ross
Janice Sears
Alumni Parents
Jonathan Howland
Dan Matz
LeRoy Votto
Lizzy Harvey (’12)
Thatcher Healy (’12)
Mindy & James (’78) Henderson
Whit Henderson (’12)
Simone Hudson (’12)
Stephanie Hyun (’12)
Elizabeth Kert & Robert Solley,
In Honor of Nico Kert (’12)
Nico Kert (’12)
Christina Kitlinski-Hong (’12)
Brett Klapper (’12)
Laura & Rob Klapper
Johnny Ku (’12)
Carly Kuperschmid (’12)
Terry & Mark Kuperschmid
Cole Larsen (’12)
Lorie & Rande Larsen
Jennifer Lehr & Eric Gold
Katherine Louie (’12)
Joanne Madden & Ann Hood,
In Honor of Megan Madden (’12)
Megan Madden (’12)
Duncan Magidson (’12)
Johanna Malaer (’12)
Stefan Martinez (’12)
Julian Matulich (’12)
Dan Matz
Emma McCune (’12)
Liz McDonald & Tom Sicurella
Hadley Mendelsohn (’12)
Lindsey Milgrom (’12)
Deborah Mintz & Michael Gorman
Tali Missirlian (’12)
Ryan Murnane (’12)
Diane Myrick & David Magidson
Jonathan Ocker
Minna Ocker (’12)
Elise Ong (’12)
Zoe Pleasure (’12)
Josh Ram (’12)
Katie Ross (’12)
Jan Schreiber & David Hudson,
In Honor of the Incredible Urban
Faculty and Staff
Dr. & Mrs. David Sears,
In Honor of Hannah Sears (’12)
Hannah Sears (’12)
The Sears Family,
In Honor of Hannah Estelle Sears (’12)
Katherine Seligman & David Heiden,
In Honor of Halle Rose Heiden (’12)
Michael Shigezumi (’12)
Danielle Shorenstein (’12)
Lydia & Douglas Shorenstein,
In Honor of Danielle
Shorenstein (’12)
Ian Sicurella (’12)
Cali Slepin (’12),
In Honor of The Urban School
Matt Slepin & Diane Olmstead
Aaron Smith (’12)
Karen Smith-McCune & Mike McCune
Naomi Stark (’12)
Nate Stern (’12)
Mrs. Sandy Sussman,
In Honor of Jacob (’12) and
Lucas (’15) Drummond
Anne Thorson & Peter Ross,
In Honor of Katie Ross (’12)
Abigail Vass (’12)
Jenna Waldman (’12)
Mr. & Mrs. Murry J. Waldman,
In Honor of Albie Brown (’12)
& Jenna Waldman (’12)
Emmett Walker (’12)
Christina & Rob Wallace
Ian Wallace (’12)
Emily Wen (’12)
Ning Wen
Livia Westcott-Lahar (’12)
Ashley Wilson (’12)
Alexander Wu (’12)
Class of 2011 Endowment Fund Donors
Anonymous (3)
Cristian Bambilla (’11)
Grace & Noriel Bambilla
Pamela Belluomini & David Altman,
In Honor of
Alessandro Altman (’11)
Alivia Bloch (’11)
Andres Bustamante (’11)
Martha & Daniel Cliff,
In Honor of Peggy Salkind
Daniel Durst (’11)
Fremont Group Foundation
Mark Hamilton & Laurie Paul
Walker Henderson (’11)
Caitlin Iglehart (’11)
Mei Li Isaacson (’11)
Denise Wang Kline & Robert Kline
Oliver Klingenstein (’11)
Linda & Charles Lesem
Lola Less (’11)
Susanne & Gary Lucas
Nancy Marks & Steven Mitchel
Chris Marver
Sarah Marver (’11)
Lindy McKnight &
Erin Cunningham
Jacob Miller (’11)
Alyssa Mitchel (’11)
Isabel Moore (’11)
Patricia Perkins & Mark Hydeman
Nina Potepan (’11)
Celia Robertson (’11)
Lael Robertson & Peter Walbridge
Susan Rosen & Lance Raynor
Nadia Ruimy & Linda Kropowensky
Leslie Tyler & Lawrence Less
Adrienne von Schulthess (’11)
Diane & Ken Welch
Victoria West (’11)
Miriam & Abbas Khoshnevissan
Henry Klingenstein (’10)
Anna & David Lee
Dana Lee (’10)
Helen Lee,
In Honor of Dana Lee (’10)
Sophie Lieberman (’10)
Lizzie Logan (’10),
On Behalf of the Class of 20X10!
Chris Marver
Julia Marver (’10)
Madeleine May (’10)
Jessica Minton (’10)
Vida Moattar
Haley Pacheco (’10)
Noah Schlager (’10)
Colton Scott (’10)
Adrienne Shannon (’10)
Austin Sherman (’10)
Alex Sicurella (’10)
Leo Stroe (’10)
Maureen & Michael (’79) Terris
Evan Tomlinson Weintraub (’10)
Caroline Yopes (’10)
Class of 2010 Endowment Fund Donors
Anonymous (3)
In Memory of Bernice Ach
Sally & Gordon Atkinson
Melissa & Richard Beames
Tali Benattar (’10)
Debbie Benrubi
Taylor Bostwick (’10)
Chapin Boyer (’10)
Eliza & Dean Cash
Medina Clermont (’10)
Maria Cristini & Abrasha Staszewski
Renee Donovan (’10)
Alexander Eckblad (’10)
Anneli Eddy (’10)
Cynthia Franco (’10)
Kate Gamble (’10)
Aaron Garfinkel (’10)
Matt Goldman (’10)
Debra & Bing Gordon
Rory Hanlon (’10)
Stuart Hanlon
Martha & Eliot Hudson,
In Honor of Madeleine May (’10)
Stacey Kerreos
Class of 2009 Endowment Fund Donors
Anonymous (3)
Adelina Arcelona
Alexandra Arnold (’09)
Baron Arnold (’09),
In Honor of Scott Foster
Nora Badiner (’09)
Catherine Bentivoglio (’09)
Jack Detsch (’09)
Jared Gropp (’09)
Matthew Heiden (’09)
Julia Heller (’09)
Patricia Heller
Liz Jensen (’09)
Susan & Peter Kools
Sam Kronish (’09)
Huck Kwong (’09)
Nora Lalle (’09)
Connor O’Callaghan (’09)
Justine Palefsky (’09)
Patricia Perry & Stephen McPhee
Caitlin Pierce (’09)
Doreen Provost & Laci Belcsak
Lael Robertson & Peter Walbridge
Audrey Snyder (’09)
Noah St. James (’09)
Sam Tygiel (’09)
Adrian Van (’09)
Louisa & Gene Van
Erin Wallace (’09)
Donna Williamson & Peter Thorp
Jane Wong
Tommy Wong (’09)
Endowment and
Planned Giving
Endowment Giving
B uilding a s trong endowment is the
best way to ensure that today’s students, as well
as future generations, benefit from Urban’s
extraordinary teachers, outstanding programs
and diverse community. The principal from
Urban’s endowment is never spent, but the
interest earned on the funds provides a permanent
source of income for the operating budget of the
school. Donors who generously supported Urban’s
endowment this year are listed below.
General Endowment Gifts
Gifts to Urban’s unrestricted endowment enable
the school to apply resources where they are
most needed.
Anonymous (1)
Courtney Levine (’92)
Kristin Soong (’02)
In Memory of Paul Soong
Restricted Endowment Gifts
We are grateful to the following donors who
chose to support Urban’s endowment specifically
for financial aid.
Annelise Goldberg & Aaron Roland
Named Endowment
Named endowment funds enable generous
donors to create a lasting and meaningful legacy
that reflects their philanthropic priorities.
Donors with similar priorities are invited to make
a gift to any of the funds listed here. If you are
interested in establishing a named endowment
fund, please contact the Development Office
at 415 626 2919.
The Bernice Ach Endowment Fund
Members and friends of the Ach family established this fund in 1993 in honor of Bernice Ach,
one of Urban’s founders. The fund supports
activities and programs that promote intellectual
curiosity among students, as well as teachers’
efforts in this regard.
Linda & Andrew Ach
Terry Gamble Boyer and Peter Boyer, parents of
Chapin (’10) and Anna (’13), established this fund
in 2011. The fund currently supports Urban’s
unrestricted endowment, enabling the school
to apply resources where they are most needed.
Terry Gamble Boyer & Peter Boyer
Bill Hancock and Jessica Justino, parents of
Justine (‘13), established this fund in 2010
in honor of Bill’s parents to provide financial
aid for students coming to Urban from public
middle schools.
Kimberly Hancock
Jessica Justino & Bill Hancock
Karen Smith-McCune and Mike McCune,
parents of Louise (’09) and Emma (’12),
established this fund in 2009 through a
Charitable Remainder Trust. The fund will
support accessibility for deserving students
through financial aid, ensuring that families
with limited financial means can attend Urban.
Karen Smith-McCune & Mike McCune
Established in Honor of LeRoy Votto
Lori and Glenn Shannon, parents of Kimberly,
Brett (’07) and Adrienne (’10), established this
fund in 2011 in honor of teacher and mentor,
LeRoy Votto, who exemplifies Urban’s commitment to a sports program that enhances the
experience of all its students and that helps to
support Urban’s mission. The fund will support
the school’s athletic program.
Lori & Glenn Shannon
Urban Faculty Professional
Growth Fund
Virginia Coe and Michael Garland, parents of
Malcolm (’07), established this fund in 2007
in recognition of Urban’s extraordinary teachers.
The fund underwrites faculty training and
professional growth opportunities.
Planned Giving
The Urban Legacy SOCIETY
The Urban Legacy Society honors those who
have chosen to provide for Urban in their estate
plans by means of a bequest, trust, gift of life
insurance or other estate-planning instrument.
Their thoughtful and generous foresight will leave
a legacy for generations to come.
Ann Fay Barry
Diane & Tom Durst
Tom Gorman (’00)
Susan & Peter Kools
Chris Marver
Susan & Tom Munn
Patty Robertson
Mark Salkind (’70)
John Sampson
Karen Smith-McCune & Mike McCune
Jamienne Studley
The Urban School of San Francisco established
this fund in the 2011-12 school year to honor Mark
Salkind’s 25th year as head of school. The fund
will support accessibility for deserving students
through financial aid, ensuring that families with
limited financial means can attend Urban.
For more details and a complete donor listing,
please see page 30.
True Blue Societ y
U rban ’ s T rue B lue Societ y recognizes and honors those individuals who have
shown exceptional loyalty to Urban through long-time and current support of the school. We
extend our sincere thanks to the following donors who have made gifts to Urban for five or more
consecutive years, including 2011-12. Their tradition of annual giving to Urban is truly inspiring
and meaningful.
30-Year+ Circle
Susan Browne
Pamela Rose Dinkelspiel & Steven Dinkelspiel (’74)
Carolyn & A. Lee Follett
Dan & Mary Murphy
Peggy Salkind
Carolyn Weil (’76) & Michael McDowell
25-Year Circle
John Amador-Whittier (’79)
Mr. & Mrs. Norman H. Bouton, Jr.
Nancy Chirinos (’76)
Sarah Fisk, Ph.D. (’74)
Vicki & David Fleishhacker
Karl (’75) & Michele Heisler
Pauline Proschan
Mark Salkind (’70) & Miranda Heller
John F. Sampson & Sharon L. Litsky
Elliot Steinberg
Daniel Terris (’76) & Maggie Stern
Andrea & Stan Washburn
20-Year Circle
Phyllis A. & Christian Baldenhofer
Heather Boothe (’90)
Joan & Barry Boothe
James Connell (’72) & Tien Bui
Carolyn Zecca Ferris & Timothy Ferris
Margaret & Jim Gault
Richard Harcourt
Karen Heisler (’78)
Martha Kropf
Molley & Richard Lowry
Julie Milburn
Pamela & John Pierce
Paul Rasmussen
Maureen & Michael (’79) Terris
15-Year Circle
Linda & Andrew Ach
Ann Fay Barry
Valerie Barth & Peter Wiley
Carol (’78) & David Berluti
Eve Bernstein & Alex Gersnowicz
Nancy & Richard Bohannon
Jan Waldman Brown (’77) & Jeffrey Brown
Jane Burns (’70) & John Gordon
Kathleen & Martin Cohn
Frederick Cosentino (’74)
Peter Cudhea (’76)
Frances Dinkelspiel (’77) & Gary Wayne
Ryan Drum
Marilee & Arthur Fenn
Suzanne Forrest & Robert Corkran
Rod T. Freebairn-Smith
Margaret & Russell Garvin
Yvonne Gavre
Jonathan Howland
Holly Kaufman (’75)
Sandra Kent-Maurice
Nancy Kivelson & Tom Angstadt
Jonathan Kleid (’75) & Robin Hampton
Robert Kwong
Mr. & Mrs. Jude P. Laspa
Richard Lautze & Laurie Williams
Jessica Mihaly (’82)
Lisa Mihaly (’79) & Bill Weihl
Katya (’89) & Jesse Miller
Susan & Tom Munn
Patricia Perry & Stephen McPhee
Kimberly & Kyle (’81) Reis
Susan & Alan Rothenberg
Margaret Schrand
William Schwartz
Anne Chapin Shepler (’74)
St. James Family
Christina Stephens
Jacqueline Suzuki (’72)
Justine Underhill (’87)
Betsy Lurie Weis (’75)
Sue & Richard Wollack
Charlotte Worsley
Cornelia & James Worsley
Muriel & Kendall Young
10-Year Circle
Anonymous (2)
Steven Abrahams (’87) & Heidi Unruh
Anita Adams
Terry & Emilio Aramendia
Holly Badgley (’69) & Peter Stern
Chuck Bennett & Joni Eisen
Wendy & W. Richard Bingham
Lynne Burwell & John Robiola
Lori & Kevin Campbell
Claire Hunter Chow
Molly Cooke & Paul Volberding
Chip Cooper IV (’00)
Frances Evens & Grant Ditzler
The Fine Family
Laura Freebairn-Smith (’76)
Johanna Goldschmid
Phyllis Goldsmith (’71)
Sherrie & Anthony Groshong
Julie & Walter Haas
Sarah & William Hambrecht
Stuart Hanlon
Luke Harrington (’93)
Robert Harrison & Robin Cooper
Mindy & James (’78) Henderson
Pia Hinckle (’82)
Molly & Jock Hooper
Kate Jessup (’95) & Igor Zagatsky (’95)
Louisa Johannessen
Brooke Kaufman
Barbara & David Kimport
Ileana & Robert Krumme
Fran & Herb Kurlan
Christine & Joseph (’71) Kwong
Maribelle & Stephen Leavitt
Diane M.L. Lee
Courtney Levine (’92)
Jacqui Long
Joanne McLean & Aviv Nevo
Deborah Mintz & Michael Gorman
Patience Moore & Ramon Zambrano
Alma Robinson Moses & Toye Moses
Jamie & Mark Myers
Wendy Parkman & John Rogers
Stephanie Pass (’75) & Kenneth Kann
Amy (’92) & Jesse Pearson (’92)
Thomas Phillips (’75)
Neil Fred Picciotto (’93) & Lisa Eckstein
Janice Rodgers Quinn (’69)
Shirley A. Reece
Susan (’75) & Daniel Reider
Julie & Christopher Ridley (’91)
Gina Lopez Rosenberg & Mark Rosenberg
Sidney M. Russell
Amina Samaké (’99)
Jennifer Sampson (’87)
Suzanne (’73) & Will Schutte
Mariana Schwartz (’81)
Frances & Victor Seeto
Lydia & Douglas Shorenstein
Daryl Smith
Abby Snay & Edward Yelin
Julia & Eduardo Sobalvarro
Sharon & James Soong
Sharman Spector-Angel & Gary Angel
Jan Pool Stecher & Jay Stecher
Patricia Tanttila & Daniel Yansura
Suzie Thorn Esq. & Prof. Joe Thorn
Janet Traub (’73)
Maxine Turret
Ana Verrathanongdech
LeRoy Votto & Rebecca Rohrkaste
Mr. & Mrs. Murry J. Waldman
Sandor Weiner & Aviva Geismar
Frankie Whitman
Jane & Douglas Wolf
Bradley Wollack (’96)
Winnie & West Woon
Jill & George Wynns
5-Year Circle
Anonymous (6)
Munaf Syed Aamir (’03)
Rachael Steinberg Adler (’78)
Maria Luz Agudelo & Jorge Bustamante
Paul Alexander
Jeremy Anderson (’92)
Adelina Arcelona
Sally & Gordon Atkinson
Janet & Richard Babb
Kristen Bailey & Kevin O’Connor
Grace & Noriel Bambilla
Peggy Barbieri & David Rothman
Melissa & Richard Beames
Pamela Belluomini & David Altman
Debbie Benrubi
Lock Bingham (’98)
Karen Bisgeier & John Pepin
Kathy Bole & Paul Klingenstein
Terry Gamble Boyer & Peter Boyer
Brisen & Scott Brady
Alison & Harold Brooks
Carla & Peter Brooks
Angela Brown
Kelly & Michael Browne
Eliza & Dean Cash
William Cereske
Lisa & Matt Chanoff
Class of 2007 & 2012 Family
Martha & Daniel Cliff
Courtney Cooper (’03)
Betsy & Chuck Cordes
Katherine Brinton Crawford (’69)
Maria Cristini & Abrasha Staszewski
Deborah Dent-Samaké
Kate Ditzler & Stuart Gasner
Betsy Dodd & Jim Boddy
Owen Donnelley (’89)
Diane & Tom Durst
Marion & Ned Elliott
Elena Engle (’94)
Michael Feldman & Christine Glastonbury
Adam Fenn (’01)
Kim Finnegan-Umbreit & Douglas Finnegan
Laura & John Fisher
Véronique Fourment & Robert Buehl
Naomi Frank (’96)
Perry Garvin (’96)
Marcella Bernhard Gates (’95)
Ann & Gordon Getty
Debra & Bing Gordon
Thomas Gorman (’00)
Lucy Gray & David Thomson
Barbara Gregoratos (’74) & Jeffrey Brandstetter
Mark Hamilton & Lauri Paul
Barbara Hancock
Sara Rothenberg Hauck (’92) & Tom Hauck
Patricia Heller
Ruth & Alfred Heller
Martha & Eliot Hudson
Adrienne & Kent Iglehart
Leslie & Tim Innes
Simone & Lawrence Jordan
Patrick Kenealy
Miriam & Abbas Khoshnevissan
Kari Kiernan
Jordan Kivelstadt (’00)
Laura & Rob Klapper
Kathy Klausner & Beni Strebel
Denise Wang Kline & Rob Kline
Susan & Peter Kools
Pamela & Marty Krasney
Jonathan Kropf (’99)
Kathryn Krusen & Randall Kostick
Anna & David Lee
Susan & Alec Lee
Linda & Charles Lesem
Arthur Levy
Carol & Lenny Lieberman
Aisha Lowe (’95)
Carl Lucania (’78)
Susanne & Gary Lucas
Nancy Marks & Steven Mitchel
Chris Marver
Elissa Matross & Richard Doctoroff
Dan Matz
Liz McDonald & Tom Sicurella
Lindy McKnight & Erin Cunningham
Leah H. Meakin (’87)
The Meckler Family
Sylvia & Stephen Melikian
Pamela & John Mendelsohn
Claire Michie (’98)
Renata & Alex Miller
Shirley & Howard Miller
Tina Milliken & Bill Castellon
Anne Milner & Jon Miller
Judy & Paul Minton
Vida Moattar
Greg Monfils & Tina Bruderer
Michelle Mouton (’70) & Juan Fuentes
Patrick Murphy (’88)
Valerie O’Riordan & Vince Paratore
Rena Pasick & Stephen Garber
Patricia Perkins & Mark Hydeman
Keiko & Richard Perri
Mary Ellen (’85) & Eric Petrich
Henri Picciotto
Maureen Poxon & Edward Kline
Doreen Provost & Laci Belcsak
Bobby Ramos
Brooke D. Roberts
Lael Robertson & Peter Walbridge
Patty Robertson & Susan Ashton
Toby & Benjamin Rose
Susan Rosen & Lance Raynor
Nadia Ruimy & Linda Kropowensky
Geoff Ruth
Samuel J. Salkin
Ivan Samuels (’93)
Jan Schreiber & David Hudson
Kim Seashore & Jeff Hobson
Katherine Seligman & David Heiden
Alice & Christopher Semler
Brett Shannon (’07)
Lori & Glenn Shannon
Cathleen Sheehan
Eric Small & Siu Ling Chen
Karen Smith-McCune & Mike McCune
Claire Solot & Sinjin Bain
Elizabeth Kropf Sparks (’90)
Steve Speier
Jennifer Sperry (’74)
Paul Spiegel (’74)
Barbara Shragge Stack
John Steinberg (’84) & Andrea Kremer
Ronna Stone & Tim Smith
Jamienne Studley & Gary Smith
Janet & David Taylor
Diane Tobin
Leslie Tyler & Lawrence Less
Louisa & Gene Van
Tina & John Verdoia
Beatrice von Schulthess & Susan Scheer
Peter Waldman (’79) & Charene Zalis
David Walker (’79) & Sandra Enterline
Christina & Rob Wallace
Liz & Fred Walters
Robert Waters, Jr.
Nina Webber
David Weinstein (’78) & Kathryn Halbrook
Diane & Ken Welch
Tule & Scott West
Allison Williams & Walter Cohen
Kathy Williams
Donna Williamson & Peter Thorp
Tara Wilson (’95) & Carlton Eichelberger
Sally & Steven Winn
Alex & Allison Wong
Jane Wong
Shafia Zaloom
Jesse Zeifman (’89) & Michelle Chan
On March 17, 2012, URBANMANIA! invaded Bimbo’s 365 Club in North Beach for our annual auction event. Union Jack motifs, bell bottoms,
mop tops and go-go boots ruled the evening at our Beatles-inspired event – a fantastic party and a wonderful gathering of our community in
support of Urban’s Financial Aid Program. Our event was also a celebration honoring Mark Salkind’s 25th year as head of school (see feature
on page 30). Through the generosity of our underwriters, in-kind donations, donors and auction bidders, this year’s Auction, including the Mark
Salkind Scholarship Fund, raised an incredible $348,000.
The success of URBANMANIA! would not have been possible without the support of our community. We extend our deepest appreciation to
everyone who participated in this year’s event as a volunteer, donor, underwriter or bidder. A special thanks to our incredible auction planning
committee led by Auction Chair Sandy Kleiman, whose leadership, vision and experience made for a spectacular event for our entire community.
We also extend a debt of gratitude to the many parent and student volunteers who enthusiastically dedicated their time and talent to producing
this wonderful event.
Planning Committee
Sandy Kleiman, Chair
Greg Angilly
Rosie Atkins
Julie Drummond
Tod Elkins
Barbara Gregoratos (’74)
Stuart Hanlon
Kate Hanson
Claire Marie Johnston
Jennifer King
Denise Wang Kline
Agnes Lord
Rebecca Mumma
Maureen Poxon
Hong Tada
Melanie Vetter
Anne Weinstock
Paula Williams
Charene Zalis
Patty Zevallos
Student Volunteers
Our Generous
Many thanks to the following donors
who supported Urban’s important
Financial Aid Program through the
Sabrina Werby (12), Student Intern
Corinna Anderson (’13)
Lara Bajakian (’14)
May Congdon (’13)
AJ Leon (’14)
Phoebe Masterson-Eckart (’14)
Ella McLeod (’14)
Sabrina Rosenfield (’13)
Leah Schummer (’14)
Malini Sharma (’14)
Tanya Zeif (’13)
Luke Evnin & Deann Wright
Pam & Larry Baer
Kathy Bole & Paul Klingenstein
Lisette Coen
Catherine Culver & Walter Nirenberg
Julie Goldman & Robert Rosner
Nicole Grindle & Noel Kaufman
Jennifer King & Timothy Fredel
Denise Wang Kline & Robert Kline
Laura & John Fisher
Julie & Sebastien Lepinard
Martina & Tom Murphy
Terry Gamble Boyer & Peter Boyer
Susan & Jeff Campbell
Lori & Glenn Shannon
Robin & Brian May
Juana Schurman & Tony Ligamari
Lydia & Douglas Shorenstein
Karen Smith-McCune &
Mike McCune
Holly Badgley (’69) & Peter Stern
Sodexo, Inc & Affiliates
Rachel Malina
Hong & Haj Tada
Susan & Tom Munn
Anne Thorson & Peter Ross
Stacy & Joseph Matulich
Mr. & Mrs. Murry J. Waldman
Mary Wiss & Charles Powell
Wendy Webster & Stuart Davidson
Ann & Charles Wu
William N. Hancock
Financial Aid
Stuart Hanlon
Berkeley Repertory Theatre
Law Offices of Stuart Hanlon
Beth Berliner & Larry Hirschhorn
Ann Alpers & Shawn Hanson
Colette Brooks & David Harrison
Barbara Gregoratos (’74)
Jones Day
Eisenberg and Hancock, LLP
Michael Genhart & John Stiehler
Aiyana M. Al-Bakari (’95)
Blair Heath
Mary Austin & Brewster Kahle
Elizabeth Kerman-Morris &
Katherine Brinton Crawford (’69)
Gary Louie
Lucy & Michael de Anda
Law Office of Gary Louie
Edward Morris
Dr. Laurence Huang & Susan Chang
Susanne & Gary Lucas
Patty & Alfred Dobrow
Lucy Mahaffey & Anno Langen
Mrs. Doris Fisher
Diane Olmstead & Matthew Slepin
Anna & David Lee
Renu & Arun Sharma
Elsa Leung & Kurt Leswing
Mona & Mark Steinberg
Carol & Lenny Lieberman
Berra Stross & Wallacker
Urban Parents’ Association
Julie & George Russell
Hong & Haj Tada
Paula & Mark Williams
Ann & Charles Wu
In-Kind Donations
Bimbo’s 365 Club
Escape From New York Pizza
Dana Geller & Michael Immerman
Flowers Claire Marie
Carol & Lenny Lieberman
Elizabeth Hambrecht & Robert Eu
Nancy Marmion & M. Scott Lockard
Solstice Press
Sweet & Baker Insurance Brokers, Inc.
Stoller Design Group
Faculty/Staff Tickets
Maureen Blanc & George Brandt
Colette Brooks & David Harrison
Susan Detwiler & Todd Huss
Bar for the Bar
The bar tab was kindly underwritten
by members of Urban’s legal community.
Claire Ernst & Al Bedecarré
Ann Alpers & Shawn Hanson
Nina Grove & Ken Johnson
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Yvonne & Dan Klitsner
Jeffrey D. Brandstetter
Frances & Herbert Kurlan
Carol & Lenny Lieberman
Law Offices of Jeffrey Brandstetter
Charles Powell
Law Offices of Charles L. Powell
Ellen & Randall Stross
Many thanks to the following businesses, individuals and families for their
donations of goods and services to the
Live, Super Silent and Online Auctions.
Nina Agabian
Maria Luz Agudelo &
Jorge Bustamante
Greg Angilly
The Animal House
Asian Art Museum
Mary Austin & Brewster Kahle
Autodesk Inc.
Pam & Larry Baer
Bambino’s Ristorante
Bastacky Family
Beach Blanket Babylon
Richard & Marika Bergsund, Wine.com
Lynne Bernstein, On Cue Pilates
Bi-Rite Market
Blue Front Cafe
Carter Bolick (’88), India Rose
Book Pig
Bradanini & Associates
Colette Brooks & David Harrison
Aimee Brown
The Buck Institute
Burger Meister
Robin Cahn
CAL Shakes Theater
Katie & Alex Calhoun
California Academy of Sciences
California’s Great America
Carmel Valley Ranch
Cavallo Point, The Lodge at
the Golden Gate
Charles M. Schulz Museum and
Research Center
Judy & Richard Chong
Cinta Salon
Bob Cinti, Ringolevio Salon and Spa
The Claremont Hotel Club and Spa
Class of 2012 Family
Lisette Coen
Hamel Family Wines
Diane Myrick & David Magidson
San Francisco Symphony
Cole Hardware
Kate Hanson & Scott Ferguson
Scala’s Bistro
Nicholas Coley (’89)
Lisa & Bennet Harvey
The New Conservatory Theatre Center
Schreiber-Hudson Family
Melissa & Ted Congdon
Wynne Hayakawa & Robert Geshlider
Schumacher Photography
Contemporary Jewish Museum
Bill Hirsh & Thompson Chambers
Painted Pony Farm
Juana Schurman & Tony Ligamari
Dr. Laurence Huang & Susan Chang
Laxman Panthi
The Sears Family
Veronica Craik (’14)
Park Chow Restaurant
Lori & Glenn Shannon
Catherine Culver & Walter Nirenberg
Janet Moyer Landscaping
Pet Camp
Shorenstein Properties, LLC
Cups and Cakes Bakery
Jesse Freidin Photography
Peter Olivetti Photography
Joe Skiffer
Martha Davis
Claire Marie & Thomas Johnston
Henri Picciotto
Lavay Smith & Chris Siebert
Lucy & Michael de Anda
Joshua Ets-Hokin Photography
Barbara Pino & Evan Goldstein
Standard 5 & 10 Ace
Kama Sushi
Mona & Mark Steinberg
Jennifer King & Tim Fredel
Planet Granite
Stillheart Institute
Divisadero Touchless Carwash
Kirkwood Mountain Resort
PlumpJack Cafe
Ronna Stone & Tim Smith
Sarah Dorrance
Laura & Rob Klapper
Pocket Opera
Stone Interiors
Julie & Scott Drummond
Jonathan Kleid (’75),
Victoria & David Polatnick
Swell Education
R & G Lounge
Taste Catering
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
The Kleid Design Group
Laura & John Fisher
Sandy & Harlan Kleiman
Rainscape Design
Janet & David Taylor
Flowers Claire Marie
Dee LaDuke
Bobby Ramos
Celia Tejada
Foreign Cinema
Richard Lautze
Anne Regenstein & John Hefti
Terra Mia Ceramic Studio
Véronique Fourment & Robert Buehl
Monica Lee & Jonathan Rapp
Restoration Hardware
Thomas Fallon Photography
Shirley Fox
Susan & Alec Lee
Antony Reyes
Thomas Hickey Painting
Laurie Frankel & Gary Beberman
Elsa Leung & Kurt Leswing
The Riccitiello Family
Anne Thorson & Peter Ross
Funky Door Yoga
Sarah Levin
Rick & Ann’s
Tommy Toy’s
Gallery of Jewels
Magnolia Pub and Brewery
Robert’s Hardware
Ann & Gordon Getty
Marian Nelson Equestrian
Annie Roney, ro*co films international
Tutor Corps
Golden State Warriors
Marin Theatre Company
Mark Salkind (’70) & Miranda Heller
Melanie & Chip Vetter
Goose and Turrets Bed and Breakfast
The Marsh Theater
Nancy Sambol & Charles Craik
Beatrice von Schulthess &
Green Apple Books and Music
Mel’s Drive-In
San Francisco Ballet
LaShanda Greene,
Mendel’s Far-Out Fabrics
The San Francisco Center for the Book
LeRoy Votto & Rebecca Rohrkaste
Kathy Miller & Bill McLeod
San Francisco Family Spinal Care
Liesel Walsh & Darrell Rosenstein
Nicole Grindle & Noel Kaufman
Mission Cliffs
San Francisco Film Society
Bill Weihl, Facebook
Nina Grove & Ken Johnson
Mission Pie
The San Francisco Giants
Whole Foods
Haight Street Market
Mitre Box Framing
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Yank Sing
Halleck Vineyard
Mountain Play Association
San Francisco Opera
Lilia & Michael Zeif
Higher Purpose Healing
Susan Scheer
“Urban owes an awful lot to Mark’s being not just a
custodian or steward of the strong culture here, but a
principal architect and builder. He’s not in front of us
waving the flag — that’s not his style. Rather, he tends
to deeper structures and to the people who make Urban
happen. That we have a culture so many of us continue
to be drawn to is consequent of Mark’s deft leadership
over these 25 years.”
Jonathan Howland
Dean of Faculty
English Teacher at Urban since 1988
Mark Salkind ’70
celebrating 25 years of Visionary
Leadership as Head of School
“Mark is largely why Urban has been
such a great place to work for me.
Like any head, he’s had to pay
attention to the school’s various
constituencies — students, parents,
faculty, staff and the Board. But
unlike many heads, Mark brings to
this not just his attention to the
sometimes conflicting demands
coming from all those groups, but
also his commitment to
an educational vision, to the building
of an institution that can serve the
multidimensional needs of students,
and to equity. It is this threefold
commitment that explains his
extraordinary longevity as a head,
and our good fortune in having him
steer the school.”
Henri Picciotto
Math Teacher at Urban since 1981
The 2011-12 school year marked the 25th anniversary of Head of School
Mark Salkind (’70). Mark continues to be a most passionate advocate of
Urban’s mission and core values. Some highlights of his tenure thus far
include: significantly strengthening Urban’s commitment to accessibility,
diversity and inclusion; initiating the first 1:1 laptop program among
California high schools and keeping Urban at the forefront of technology;
attracting and retaining an exceptional caliber of faculty; and maintaining
Urban’s position as a leader in innovative education.
To celebrate Mark’s historic milestone, Urban established the Mark Salkind
Scholarship Fund. We are grateful to the many donors who have contributed
toward this special fund thus far, including everyone who raised their paddle
during the Fund-A-Need portion of this year’s URBANMANIA! Auction
which benefited Mark’s scholarship fund. We are delighted to share that
the fund is now valued at $270,000.
Barbara Gregoratos (’74) &
Jeffrey Brandstetter
Nicole Grindle & Noel Kaufman
Sylvia & Stephen Melikian
Martha Abdulian Missirlian &
Donald Missirlian
Sherrie & Anthony Groshong
Susan & Tom Munn
Julie & Walter Haas
Dan & Mary Murphy
Sarah & William Hambrecht
Martina & Tom Murphy
David Hannah
Diane Myrick & David Magidson
Joyce & Philip Harvey
Scott Nelson
Lisa & Bennet Harvey
Maureen & Bill Newlin
Wynne Hayakawa & Robert Geshlider
Brett & Steve Ortiz
“The tribute video on the occasion of your 25th year at Urban is
lovely, but even more perfect is your leadership. It’s a testament
to your gift of growing an institution, re-inventing yourself and
inspiring others to align themselves to Urban and the growth and
life of high schoolers.”
Ann & Shawn Hecht
Wendy Parkman & John Rogers
Ruth & Alfred Heller
Louise & Arthur Patterson
Mindy & James (’78) Henderson
Patricia Perry & Stephen McPhee
Jonathan Howland
Diane & Andrew Philips
Dr. Laurence Huang & Susan Chang
Henri Picciotto
Deniz Ince & Clint Bajakian
Pamela & John Pierce
Lucinda Lee Katz
Head of School, Marin Country Day School
Katie Innes (’02) & Baldvin Smarason
Evelyn Jean Pine & Douglas Alan Peckler
Devorah (’80) & Ben Jacoby
Barbara Pino & Evan Goldstein
Kate Jessup (’95) & Igor Zagatsky (’95)
Pauline Proschan
Mark Salkind
Scholarship Fund
Linda & Andrew Ach
Susan & Albert Adams
Maria Luz Agudelo &
Jorge Bustamante
Ann Alpers & Shawn Hanson
Greg Angilly
Gabriella Fracchia Archini (’95)
Mary Austin & Brewster Kahle
Janet & Richard Babb
Holly Badgley (’69) & Peter Stern
Pam & Larry Baer
Kristen Bailey & Kevin O’Connor
Kristin & Ari Baron
Ann Fay Barry, In Memory of Albert
Evans Walker III (’85)
Lisa Bennett & Paul Geffner
Carol (’78) & David Berluti
Kathi & Rick Berman
Winnie Berman & Steve Schantz
David Bill
Wendy & W. Richard Bingham
Kerry Blacker & John Murnane
Kathy Bole & Paul Klingenstein
Terry Gamble Boyer & Peter Boyer
Chrisanne Bradley & Tod Elkins
Brisen & Scott Brady
Marisa Breall (’06)
Alison & Harold Brooks
Carla & Peter Brooks
Colette Brooks & David Harrison
Jan Waldman Brown (’77) &
Jeffrey Brown
David Buzby & Susheela Vasan
Katie Catassi
Rose & Robert Ceballos
Claire Hunter Chow
Katherine Johnk
Sandra Quigley & Charles Carleton
Lisette Coen
Susan Joseph & Byron Bronston
Lori Quinn & Jeffrey Lowenthal
Bruce Conklin & Bonnie Preston
Erica & Mark Kaplan
Joanne Lew Riley & Rick Riley
Molly Cooke & Paul Volberding
Kate Kardos-Polevoi & Steven Polevoi
Toby & Benjamin Rose
Lindsey Coonan (’04)
Lucinda Lee Katz
Susan & Alan Rothenberg
Catherine Culver & Walter Nirenberg
Yvonne & Christopher Keene
Helle Rytkonen & Karsten Bengtsson
Lucy & Michael de Anda
Elizabeth Kerman-Morris &
Mark Salkind (’70) & Miranda Heller
Deborah Dent-Samaké
Edward Morris
Nancy Sambol & Charles Craik
Susan Detwiler & Todd Huss
Elizabeth Kert & Robert Solley
John F. Sampson & Sharon L. Litsky
Stephanie Diaz
Kari Kiernan
Ellen Schneider & Michael Kirchberger
Pamela Rose Dinkelspiel &
Barbara & David Kimport
Shiho & Ed Schummer
Steven Dinkelspiel (’74)
Jennifer King & Timothy Fredel
Juana Schurman & Tony Ligamari
Kate Ditzler & Stuart Gasner
Manuela King & James Bradanini
The Sears Family
Betsy Dodd & Jim Boddy
Laura & Rob Klapper
Lori & Glenn Shannon
Rob Dolezal & Annie Roney
Sandy & Harlan Kleiman
Renu & Arun Sharma
Bob Dunlap & Vivian Walz
Denise Wang Kline & Robert Kline
Heather & Michael Shepherd
Julie & Scott Drummond
Yvonne & Dan Klitsner
Lydia & Douglas Shorenstein
Diane & Tom Durst
Pamela & Marty Krasney
Elizabeth & Russ Silvestri
Elena Engle (’94)
Martha Kropf
Mona & Mark Steinberg
Frances Evens & Grant Ditzler
Kathryn Krusen & Randall Kostick
Ronna Stone & Tim Smith
Luke Evnin & Deann Wright
Ms. Bernice Kurtzner
Hong & Haj Tada
Michael Feldman &
Kimberley & Kevin Kwok
Rebecca Taggart & Mikkel Aaland
Robert Kwong
Anne Thorson & Peter Ross
Cal Zecca Ferris & Timothy Ferris
Lorie & Rande Larsen
John Toupin & Ann Poncelet
Steven Fingerhood
Richard Lautze & Laurie Williams
Maxine Turret
Mrs. Doris Fisher
Anh Lê & Bich Liên Nguyên,
Urban Parents’ Association
Christine Glastonbury
Laura & John Fisher
in Honor of Minh Jeffrey (’12)
Beatrice von Schulthess &
Susan Scheer
Suzanne Forrest & Robert Corkran
Anh Lê & Minh Jeffrey (’12)
Laurie Frankel & Gary Beberman
Maribelle & Stephen Leavitt
LeRoy Votto & Rebecca Rohrkaste
Rod T. Freebairn-Smith
Anna & David Lee
Peter Waldman (’79) & Charene Zalis
Stephanie & Jeffrey Galinson
Monica Lee & Jonathan Rapp
Christina & Rob Wallace
GAP Foundation
Elsa Leung & Kurt Leswing
Robert Waters, Jr.
Margaret & Russell Garvin
Jing Liu & Yaser Rehem
Wendy Webster & Stuart Davidson
Perry Garvin (’96)
Agnes & James Lord
Mary Bess & Lawson Willard
Christine Gaudenzi
Riley Maddox
Allison Williams & Walter Cohen
Margaret & Jim Gault
Lucy Mahaffey & Anno Langen
Paula & Mark Williams
Dana Geller & Michael Immerman
Rachel Malina
Tara Wilson (’95) &
Michael Genhart & John Stiehler
Mr. & Mrs. James Masterson
Annelise Goldberg & Aaron Roland
Robin & Brian May
Jane & Douglas Wolf
Julie Goldman & Robert Rosner
Stacy & Joseph Matulich
Charlotte Worsley
Nonie Greene & Todd Werby
The Meckler Family
Carlton Eichelberger
Ann & Charles Wu
alumni relations program
Welcome to LeRoy Votto
Alum Ambassador
WE ARE THRILLED TO SHARE that LeRoy, a history teacher at Urban since 1980, joined
the alumni relations team in 2011-12 as our new alum ambassador. As LeRoy said in a recent interview,
“I am excited about having an opportunity personally to connect with and meet and renew acquaintances
with all the students I taught and loved teaching and loved being around in my 30+ years at Urban.
I’m excited to get all the alums connected back to the school in a more sustained way. We are doing so
much with alumni relations at Urban that I hope more and more alums will find an opportunity or reason
to engage and connect. I look forward to seeing you at an Urban alumni event soon!”
Upcoming Calendar
of Events for 2012-13
All-Alumni Holiday Happy Hour
Thursday, December 13, 2012
198 Church Street at Market, San Francisco
(must be 21 or older to attend)
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Recent Grad Reunion at Urban
For the Classes of 2008-2012
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
3:30-5:30 p.m.
New York Reunion (tentative)
Saturday, March 2
Location and Time TBD
Urban’s Blue Hawaii Auction
Saturday, March 16
Bimbo’s 365 Club
1025 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco
6:00 p.m.
Alumni Soccer Game
Saturday, June 1
Location and Time TBD
Alumni Night at the Giants
AT&T Park
Date and Time TBD
All-Alumni Reunion at Urban
Friday, October 18
5:30-6:30 p.m. Classes without Quizzes
6:30-8:30 p.m. Reception and Open House
Keep in Touch!
Contact us
415 593 9540
Congratulations to the Class of 2012 on their College Matriculations!
Bard College
Bates College
Berklee College of Music
Boston University
Brigham Young University
Brown University (2)
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
California State University, Monterey Bay
Carleton College
Chapman University
Colby College
The College of Wooster
Colorado College
Columbia College, Chicago
Columbia University (2)
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
Emory University
Fordham University
Gonzaga University
Grinnell College
Harvey Mudd College
Johns Hopkins University
Kenyon College
Lewis & Clark College
McGill University
Mount Holyoke College
Munich Business School
New York University (3)
Northwestern University (2)
Oberlin College (2)
Like us on Facebook
Connect with us on LinkedIn
www.linkedin.com and search for
The Urban School of San Francisco
in Groups
Occidental College (3)
Pitzer College
Reed College
San Francisco State University (3)
Sarah Lawrence College
Scripps College
Seattle University
Skidmore College
Southern Methodist University
Stanford University (2)
Syracuse University
Trinity College
Tulane University (3)
University of British Columbia (2)
University of California at Berkeley
University of California at Davis
University of California at Los Angeles (4)
University of California at Riverside
University of California at Santa Barbara
University of California at Santa Cruz (2)
University of Chicago (4)
University of Colorado at Boulder (3)
University of Oregon
University of Pennsylvania (2)
University of Southern California (2)
The University of Texas, Austin
Vassar College
Wesleyan University
Whitman College
Yale University (2)
Follow us on Twitter
Join our Online Alumni Community
For your password please email or phone the Alumni
Relations Department.
the 21st Annual
Grandparents’ &
special friends’ Day
On November 4, 2011, more than 80 grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents
and special friends came together for the 21st Annual Grandparents’ and
Special Friends’ Day.
Before attending classes with their student, visitors enjoyed coffee and conversation with Head of School Mark
Salkind (’70), who discussed the many exciting programs and offerings unique to Urban. The event also included
a special preview of the fall musical and theater production The Skin of Our Teeth by Thornton Wilder in the
Gumption Theater. The special day culminated with a lovely luncheon in the St. Agnes Gym.
Ways of
All gifts are vital to the support of The Urban School of San Francisco’s
annual, capital and endowment needs. Below you will find information on
our giving programs and some of the methods by which you can make a gift.
Cash or Credit Card
Current gifts are always appreciated and are
tax deductible to the fullest extent as permitted
by law. Urban accepts American Express,
MasterCard and Visa.
Online Giving
Giving is easy and secure on our website
at www.urbanschool.org/give.
Matching Gifts
Many companies will match or multiply their
employees’ donations to Urban. To see if
your company qualifies, contact the Human
Resources Department, Community Relations
Department or company foundation.
If you hold securities that would incur a tax on
capital gains if sold, your outright gift to Urban
could mean significant savings. You obtain a
tax deduction for the full market value of the
gift, and you may avoid a tax on the increase
in value.
Memorial and Honor Gifts
Urban gratefully recognizes gifts made in
memory or in honor of friends, family or
faculty members, or to acknowledge a birthday,
graduation or other significant event.
eScrip is an easy way for everyone in our community to support Urban at no cost. Once you join
and register your grocery club cards, credit and
ATM/debit cards, a portion of your purchases
at participating businesses will be donated back
to Urban. Additional funds can benefit Urban
when you shop through eScrip’s Online Mall.
Visit www.escrip.com and search for The
Urban School of San Francisco to get started.
Planned Giving Opportunities &
Urban Legacy Society
Urban’s Planned Giving Program provides a
variety of ways to make a deferred or planned
gift that does not deplete lifetime assets and, in
some cases, can furnish additional income and
significant tax deductions. Planned Giving offers
donors a variety of vehicles to make meaningful
gifts to Urban’s endowment, as listed below.
The Urban Legacy Society recognizes and honors
those thoughtful donors who have included the
school in their estate plans.
A gift provided in your will may be a
percentage of your estate, the residual of
the estate, a certain item or a specific dollar
amount. Estate taxes may be reduced by a
bequest to Urban.
Charitable Remainder Trust
This trust provides either a fixed or variable
income for you and your family. Part of the
trust qualifies for an income tax deduction and
at the death of the last beneficiary, the assets
of the trust are distributed to Urban.
Charitable Lead Trust
This trust allows you to pass on assets to family
members with significant estate and gift tax
savings while allowing Urban to benefit from
the income for the duration of the trust.
Gifts of Real Estate
A gift of real estate provides considerable tax
benefits. You also have the option of retaining
the right to occupy the property for life or
even to receive the income it generates.
Gifts of Life Insurance
or Pension Benefits
A gift of life insurance allows you to contribute
a previously acquired policy that may no longer
be needed for its initial purpose and realize
tax benefits. Urban may also be named as a
beneficiary of a life insurance policy, company
pension or profit-sharing plan, or of a private
fund such as an IRA, Keogh or tax-sheltered
We appreciate your interest in and support of The Urban School of San Francisco. Your attorney or financial planner can provide additional information
on how these ways of giving apply to your specific situation. If you are interested in learning more about these gift opportunities for you and Urban,
please contact the Development Office at 415 626 2919.
2011-12 Faculty and Staff
Mark Salkind (‘70)
Head of School
Ken Garcia-Gonzales
Dean of Multicultural Life
Riley Maddox
Geoff Ruth
Science Department Chair
Brandon Adams
LaShanda Greene
Dan Matz
Junior-Senior Dean; History
Parisa Safa
Greg Angilly
Director of Athletics
Sherrie Groshong
Assistant Business Manager
Matthew Medeiros
Andrea Scally (‘02)
Amy Argenal
Director of Service Learning
Laura Hawkins
Math Department Chair
Greg Monfils
English; History
Leslie Schaffer
Kristen Bailey
Director of Communications
and Marketing
Bethany Hellerich
Technology Support Specialist
Amanda Moore
David Bill
Director of Technology
Erica Hernandez
Admissions Associate and
Outreach Coordinator
Beatrice Motamedi
Newspaper Advisor;
Journalism Instructor
Suzanne Schutte (‘73)
Associate Director of
College Counseling
David Boyce
Jonathan Howland
Dean of Faculty; English
LaWanda Muhammad
Cathleen Sheehan
Brisen Brady
Director of Development
Tomás Jacquez
Spanish; Service Learning
Susan Munn
Director of Finance and Operations
Roslyn Shih
Teaching Fellow
Marisa Breall (‘06)
Development Associate
Tilda Kapuya
English Department Chair
Dan Murphy
English; History
Joe Skiffer
Assistant Director of Athletics
Danny Cardoza
Alex Kelly
Mary Murphy
Algis Sodonis
Matthew Casey
Kari Kiernan
Assistant to the Head of School
Jane Naito
Human Resources
Katie Catassi
Facilities Manager
John-Elliot Kirk
Scott Nelson
Steve Speier
Language Department Chair;
Sarah Clowes
Kaern Kreyling
School Counselor
Meridith Oram
Mika Court
French Language
Richard Lautze
Math; Aim High Environmental
Program; California Studies
Wendy Parkman
Theater; Circus Arts
Deborah Dent-Samaké
Jennifer Epstein
Health Education
Marianne Evans
Assistant Director of Development
Anna Lee
Director of Leadership Giving
Meghan Lee
Larissa Parson
Monique Perry
Registrar; Assistant for Academics
Susan Lee
Director of College Counseling
Henri Picciotto
Math Department Chair; Director
of Center for Innovative Teaching
Lilia Lesham
School Counselor (Interim)
Bobby Ramos
Director of Admissions
Sarah Levin
Kate Randall
Arts Department Chair; Visual Arts
Xiaorong Li
Annie Reece
Assistant Director of Admissions
Suzanne Forrest
Assistant Head for Academics
Jenny Liang
Courtney Rein
Scott Foster
Zongde Lin
Crossing Guard
Antony Reyes
Craig Fox
Javier Lopez
Brooke Roberts
Frances Evens
Arnaud Finet
Sarah Fontaine
Director of Outdoor Trips;
California Studies
Rebecca Shapiro
History Department Chair
Jennifer Starkweather
Visual Arts
Eric Tavisora
Joelle Tirendelli
Science Lab Assistant
LeRoy Votto
History; Alum Ambassador
Clarke Weatherspoon
Freshman-Sophomore Dean;
Laurie Williams
Learning Services Coordinator
Charlotte Worsley
Assistant Head for Student Life
Kelli Yon
Visual Arts
Igor Zagatsky (‘95)
Director of Information Services
Shafia Zaloom
Health Education
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Sav e the date
Greetings from Urban’s
OCTOBER 18 AND 19, 2013
Decade reunions
for the cl asses
‘03, ‘93, ‘83 and ‘73
Save the Date! March 16, 2013
Bimbo’s 365 Club, San Francisco