SMM 2014 - Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven
SMM 2014 - Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven
SMM 2014 Lloyd Werft goes Offshore Scrubber retrofitting Competence in ship engines Ceona Amazon is a new multifunctional pipelay and construction vessel set to join Ceona‘s fleet in October 2014. More on Page 2 and Page 3 Five ConRo ships will have scrubbers installed. More on Page 6 New motor fitting of a research vessel. More on Page 7 news 1 location 3 companies 6 docks: greater capacity, more flexibility, better performance. The three companies are located in close proximity to each other at “Kaiserhafen” in Bremerhaven, so that their cooperation has created an exceptionally powerful centre of expertise. Six docks, a 1,600-m pier and 500 qualified employees provide our customers with exceptionally extensive and versatile capabilities. Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven AG is an expert in ship conversion, CEONA AMAZON Work has started already at Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven AG on the multi-func- ship completion and ballast water treatment. German Dry Docks GmbH & Co. KG, meanwhile, specialises in rapidly repairing all types and sizes of ships and exhaust gas purification tional offshore construction vessel and pipe-laying platform CEONA AMAZON for London-based shipping company CEONA. The 33,000 gt newbuilding, 199,4m long, 32,2m wide and drawing 7,5m, will be part of a new generation of vessels in the CEONA fleet. The keel was laid in August 2013 and she is due to enter service in late 2014. facilities. MWB Motorenwerke Bremerhaven AG’s strength lies in its expertise for ship engines of all types and designs. Our three-partner network offers all ship-related services from a single source, meeting the highest quality standards and demonstrating strict adherence to deadlines. This cooperation enables customers to benefit from great flexibility and outstanding performance. MS ”BLUE GIANt“ The newbuilding MS “Blue Giant”, delivered by Lloyd Werft in 2008 and the conversion of the “OIG Giant II” in 2011 are good examples of this. WE CARE MORE. They exemplify know-how, innovation and creativity. The Kaiserhafen in Bremerhaven – which has been our home since 1899 – looks nothing like it did then. The offshore wind power industry has meanwhile reshaped large land and sea areas in the port. Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven AG and its subsidiary company Lloyd Offshore Bremerhaven GmbH are increasingly becoming an important part of this specialised shipbuilding and components industry and our prospects are long-term. LLOYD WERFT GOES OFFSHORE We have always built, repaired or converted ships. Very often they were expensive jobs for the specialists. But the demands placed on modern shipyards have changed and our specialisation has developed a new kind of dynamism. It has allowed us to become experts who of a development aimed at exploiting the sea ROVs will be for operation down to the same understand offshore in the broadest sense of as a super power station. Lloyd Werft is part depth and CEONA AMAZON will also boast a the word: wind power, the revitalisation of oil of the system and part of this development. helipad and 7 thrusters. and gas reserves at great depths or the laying Our experience, creativity and ability to inno- of pipes and cables on the sea bed. Highly vate are our assets in this stormy develop- Capable of laying rigid or flexible pipelines and specialised knowledge and skills are always ment which is still only in its infancy. umbilicals, it will have accommodation for in demand in specialised shipbuilding – and 200 personnel in 114 high standard, comfort- they are the expertise on which the Lloyd Based on a drill-ship design, the DP2-equip- class cabins. The combination of pipe-laying, Werft of the future will rely. ped CEONA AMAZON boasts exceptional lifting and mobile asset flexible installation sea-keeping characteristics making it ideal along with remote operation if required make SPECIAL VESSELS FOR NEW for operations in remote and challenging it extremely well-suited to overall offshore OFFSHORE CHALLENGES locations. Owners CEONA said the vessel was field development, CEONA said. part of a fleet upgrade “to keep pace with the These two giant wind turbine installation deepwater market”. It will carry pipe-laying ships are called “Friedrich Ernestine” and “Vic- equipment from HUISMAN in Holland and toria Mathias”. They were built in the Republic boast extensive under-deck storage capacity of Korea and modified at Lloyd Werft for their for line pipe or umbilicals as well as a deck work at sea. They are 100 metres long, 40 area of 4,600m² for further pipe and reel sto- metres wide and equipped with 78 metre-long rage, making it independent of costly logistics jack-up legs, a loading capacity per ship of bases. Two on-board 400t mast head cranes 4,500 tons, a crane which can lift 1.000 tons and a single 30t knuckle boom crane – all and towers 110 metres above deck and a DP heave-compensated – enable heavy lift ope- satellite system for positioning the construc- rations including installation of large subsea tion components in the sea. These two self- structures singly or in tandem in water depths propelled jack-up rigs are just the beginning to 3000 metres. Two on-board work-class We are building and repairing, providing services and acting as a reservoir of creativity for future assignments. The installation vessels “Victoria Mathias” (photo below) and “Friedrich Ernestine” are good examples of one way forward – one which is not new for us. news IN THE BEST OF COMPANY News motors and balconies for the Artania. Converting P&O’s Artemis into the Artania for V.Ships and Phoenix Cruises within 28 days was both challenging and attractive two years ago. Now the largest Phoenix cruise ship will be coming to Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven AG again at the end of September. This time it will be there for 76 days, but for a significantly larger conversion assignment, involving new machinery, a new diesel generator, new balconies for 152 cabins, new sound absorbers, modernisation of the on-board freshwater system and a comprehensive repair and dock programme. The MS Artania will be arriving on 27 September 2014 and the cruise ship plans to leave again on 6 December 2014. Bars, Lounges & Co: When pallid charm blossoms into new radiance. See and be seen. Feel good, all around. Expe- are. You bring your designers along. We carry rience the special – the unique. Get to know out your wishes. Fast. Professionally. To the foreign countries and cities. Enjoy the broad ex- highest standard. Or you have an idea and our panse of the sea from the deck of a ship. These experienced designers co-operate with you to are important virtues of cruises. And they are turn it into something distinctively unique. shaped by the inner style of a ship – by her Whatever it might be. The important thing is bars, lounges, cafeterias or libraries. that you get everything from the same source. To get things done you have just one point of For 157 years Lloyd Werft has grown along contact and easy access. Lloyd Werft. So you with luxury sea cruises – cruises which in profit from our tried and tested international the early days were on the proud and fast network of experts. We remind you also that it steamers of North German Lloyd. And we doesn´t have to end with outfitting and interi- know that onboard lounges contribute a lot ors. And we think for you about pipe systems, UPGRADE OR CONVERSION to the creating a cruise ship´s flair. We also air conditioning, electric cabling, light, sound We can help you to get your ships back onto the market in the shortest know that taste is relative, at the very least and steelwork as well. Because partnership is possible time after an upgrade or a conversion. We concentrate a lot of work not long-lasting, and has to be constantly not just a job. into a short period and deliver right on time. With experience, know-how, adapted to public taste. Whenever cruise competence and creativity. Lloyd Werft is well-known for these qualities. ships come to us one of the prime concerns is Tell us what your requrirements are and we will fulfill them. to transform pallid charm into the latest chic. As a ship-owner you decide what the trends Six years ago the RoPax ferry “Stena Hollandica” was lengthened by Lloyd Werft from 188.3 to 240.05 m inside just two month. It was the longest lengthening in the world, which served to cement the special competence of Lloyd Werft in this sector. 2+1 = 1 THE LLOYD FORMULA FOR LONGER, BIGGER AND BETTER-LOOKING SHIPS More and more shipping companies are having their cruise ships lengthened to increase their market clout at relatively low cost. when it comes to customer alterations in the project and construction stages. Taken together then, these are probably the reasons why our customers keep on coming back to Lloyd Werft. excellence magazine: or finding solutions to the ever more complex What do ship owners want these days? Lengthening a cruise ship sounds easy. Is it? regulations imposed by the authorities. What are the trends? Benedikt Dreymann: We have more than 30 Continuous refurbishment, adaptation to high years experience in this sector. We know that Can every ship be lengthened? standards on and below deck, balconies. These before any lengthening takes place, we face In principle, yes. But part of our work is also to are sectors which serve to increase the ability intensive talks with customers. Old const- examine whether the desired return justi- to compete in the hard-fought cruise shipping ruction plans have to be checked, extensive fies the outlay. For this reason we carry out market. But the installation of LNG plant and calculations made of strength and stability project studies for our customers. At the end emission scrubbers, energy-saving measu- and agreements concluded with the classifi- of these studies a technical procedure and a res and the improvement of environmental cation society. fixed conversion price are in place. standards to comply with the latest IMO regulations are also of concern to ship owners What needs to be considered? What is it exactly about these large-scale currently. Basically however, the predominant The ship has to be precisely measured at ship conversions that earns Lloyd Werft such fact is that by lengthening a cruise ship for a an early stage. Not every shipyard blueprint a good reputation? relatively small amount compared to buying of 20 years ago is still current. Particularly We have our own, strong engineering acu- a newbuilding, ship owners can introduce a decisive is of course what is happening in men. We offer customers everything from completely new product onto the market in and around the segment where the lengthe- a single source – from feasibility studies to the shortest possible time. That pays off and ning will take place. This includes reinforcing turnkey operations. We work closely with our will continue to pay off. And that´s why we pay existing parts of the ship, adapting safety customers, as partners, and we develop the particular attention to this sector. equipment to additional passenger numbers projects jointly. As a result we are flexible As head of design, Bendedikt Dreymann (38) Is part of the young management team at Lloyd Werft. He studied in Germany and Sweden, has a degree in naval architecture and ocean engineering and has also a degree in business administration – an ideal combination for this job. Complex dynamic fast-moving What is the right description for ship repair? German Dry Docks commissioned to install scrubber Planning and controlling ship repair is inhi- • Damage repairs that involve extensive work, bited by the inherently volatile nature of the particularly to the ship’s structure, as required. Five ConRo ships belonging to the shipping company Transfennica, a subsidi- business. There are inevitable, short-term • Upgrading/refitting a ship with a specific ary of the Dutch shipping company Spliethoff, will have scrubbers installed by changes to the scope of work as contracts are technology. January 2015 for subsequent exhaust gas purification. German Dry Docks GmbH & Co. KG (GDD) initially had a contract for two of Transfennica’s ships, but after estimated, secured and then carried out. Where planning is difficult, the quick and Since its foundation at the beginning of 2013, GDD returned the first ConRo ship “Timca” in August 2014, the customer was accurate access to up-to-date information German Dry Docks GmbH & Co. KG has been completely satisfied and has now turned the option into a repeat order for three on the status of a contract becomes even successfully dealing with these topics regarding more sister ships. In the coming weeks, GDD will finish turning the other four more important. The ship repair industry has shipyards that are specialised in ship repairs. Alfa Laval PureSOx systems provided by the customer into prefabricated units. been described as “complex”, “dynamic”, “fast- Here is a quick rundown of the first These units will then be placed onto the ships on-site when they arrive using a moving” and “chaotic”, and is indeed difficult seven months of 2014: floating crane. Then thes will be connected to the existing systems. to plan and manage. The field of ship repair is • 62 ships have come into and left the six multifaceted, not to mention converting ships available docks over a total of 920 After an additional sea chest has been installed, the systems will be used in or preparing them for a new service. docking days. closed loop, open loop and as hybrids. The installation of the scrubber now • 60 ships have been repaired in the planned is linked to the stricter environmental regulations coming into effect A ship repair contract can vary in duration from shipyard without having to dock. in certain sea areas on 1 January 2015, for example in the Baltic Sea. Accor- a few hours to days, weeks or even months. • 95 ships have been repaired at ports ding to the new IMO guidelines, the sulphur content in exhaust gases must be The main types of work carried out include: in the Bremerhaven/Weser basin during reduced to 0.1%. • Port repairs, where minor repairs are carried ongoing ship operations. The Trafexpress class vessels, which are each 205 metres long, can transport out to a ship in service. • Routine docking, where the ship is docked Behind these figures is the precision and reliabi- both containers and rolling cargo plus run the Baltic-Europe route for Trans- for hull coating renewal and for other lity of our employees. Orders are carried out from fennica. With this contract, German Dry Docks GmbH & Co. KG has acquired an required underwater work. The opportunity planning to execution using exact work processes important reference that distinguishes it as a professional and experienced is also taken to carry out any other repairs. in order to get the customer „their ship“ back as partner for the planned scrubber retrofitting of a number of ships, which • Docking for special surveys, which take quickly as possible based on the agreed contract. mainly travel in the Emission Control Areas (ECAs). place at five year intervals. This is usually when work needs to be conducted to particular classes of ships. NEW ENGINE FITTING OF A RESEARCH VESSEL An research vessel, operated by the Alfred Wegener Institute – Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, has a triple diesel-electric engine power. The ship’s traction drive is currently powered by three auxiliary engines, which consist of diesel generators. As part of modernisation for environmental reasons, the three existing diesel motors will be replaced by MWB Motorenwerke Bremerhaven AG by modern, high-speed engines with lowest fuel consumption and will be provided with an efficient SCR system, so that the emission limit will be below IMO Tier 3 requests. The funnel will be replaced by a new one. The generators will also be overhauled. The peripheral materials (coolant, air, oil, power connections) and spring mounting of the three machine foundations will be adjusted to the new motors. The new low-emission motors will ensure that the exhaust emission standards according to Tier 2 are adhered to even in emergency operation. The emissions are also equipped with their own electronic speed governor that allows the output of all three diesel generators to be controlled precisely. ENGINE TECHNOLOGY IS OUR DRIVING FORCE MWB Motorenwerke Bremerhaven AG is an ex- very beginning thanks to the professional perienced and reliable service partner for ship installation and commissioning of new diesel and stationary engines of all types and brands and gas engines. As an official AISF partner of for more than 50 years. At the beginning of Woodward Deutschland, authorised services July 2014, the “Energy” division at MWB Mo- are provided, the Woodward governor-services torenwerke Bremerhaven AG was outsourced include repairs, spare parts and guarantees. into MWB Power GmbH, which was founded MWB – OPERATING AROUND THE WORLD FOR YOU for reasons of higher efficiency. By taking this Specialised employees, state-of-the-art manu- action, MWB Motorenwerke Bremerhaven AG facturing and repair technology and certified MWB Motorenwerke Bremerhaven AG offers a global engine service with its will focus its scope of service on the traditio- practices ensure innovative solutions and mobile operations team with highly motivated engineers and technicians. Our nally grown core competence in engine care. optimal results for our customers. `flying squads´ travel to every corner of the world for you and carry out repairs This will enable it to provide its customers with where and whenever you need them. greater flexibility and performance in addition to its well-known good service. For an actual order our riding crew travelled to Near East recently, where they completely disassembled two 20 cylinder engines. The engines were disas- MWB is your expert for modernising and sembled on-site and the components, including turbochargers, intercoolers, overhauling all two and four-stroke engines, cylinder heads, pistons, liners, vibration dampers, injection devices, fresh- coolers, turbochargers and gear boxes as well water and seawater pumps and oil pumps, were transported to Germany for as for repairing electronic and mechanical reconditioning. After the complete engines had been overhauled, reassembled governers and fuel injection systems. MWB and tested on our test bench up to 4.000 kW, they will be returned to Near can safeguard optimal operation from the East and handed over to the customer. WE HAVE PLENTY OF SPACE FOR YOU 6 docks, a 1,600-m pier and 500 qualified employees: together we offer you all ship-related services with the highest quality standards, great flexibility and strict adherence to deadlines. S2 D3 D1 D2 D4 S1 D5 D6 D1 D4 GRAVING DOCK I / KAISERDOCK I FLOATING DOCK IV REPAIR- AND OUTFITTING-QUAY • Length 222 m • Length 147 m • Gantry cranes: • Width of lower/upper entrance 26/32m • Width of lower/upper entrance 21/21 m 20/7.5 t - 14/40 m and • Water depth over keel blocks: 10 m • Water depth over keel blocks: 6.5 m 25/10 t – 16/40 m and • Gantry crane: 35/5t – 13/45 m • Lifting capacity: 7,200 t 5/10 t – 16/40 m D2 • Gantry crane: 60/15 t – 15/36 m • Mobil cranes: GRAVING DOCK II / KAISERDOCK II D5 • Length 335 m FLOATING DOCK V 10.2/ 2.18 t – 5/9 m and • Width of lower/upper entrance 35/40 m • Length overall: 215 m 11.2/2 t – 4.5/16 m • Water depth over keel blocks: 11 m • Width overall: 44 m • Gantry crane: 50/20 t – 31/60 m • Available clear width: 35 m • Cranes: and 35/8 t – 13/45 m • Lifting capacity: 20,000 t Floating- and heavy lift • Crane capacity: 25 t / 30 m Subcontractable 1 x 100 t/ D3 11/0.8 t – 2/13 m and 1 x 150 t/1 x 500 t FLOATING DOCK III D6 • Length 281 m FLOATING DOCK VI • Width of lower/upper entrance 38/38 m • Length overall: 162.52 m • Water depth over keel blocks: 7 m • Width overall: 31.30 m • Lifting capacity: 35,000 t • Available clear width: 24 m S1 • Gantry crane: 60/27 t – 17.6/37.5 m • Lifting capacity: 8,000 t NORDSCHLEUSE / NORTH LOCK and 15 t - 21.75 m and 10/7.5 t - 14/21.75 m • Crane capacity: 5 t and 6.5 t and 15/12 t – 14/21.75 m Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven AG Brückenstraße 25 D-27568 Bremerhaven T +49 (0) 471-478-0 E Repair quay area reinforced for GERMAN DRY DOCKS GmbH & Co. KG Barkhausenstraße 60 D-27568 Bremerhaven T +49 (0) 471-4801-0 E mobile shore cranes 1,200 t S2 KAISERSCHLEUSE / KAISER LOCK MWB Motorenwerke Bremerhaven AG Barkhausenstraße 60 D-27568 Bremerhaven T +49 (0) 471-9450-0 E
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