Mass Schedule - St. Clare Parish


Mass Schedule - St. Clare Parish
Church Address: 941 Lexington St.
Church Address: 941 Lexington St.
Office Address: 725 Washington St.
Address: 725 Washington St.
Santa Clara, CA 95050
Santa Clara, CA 95050
E-mail: Web-site:
Mass Schedule
Weekend: 5:00 pm (Vigil); 7:45am, 9:00 am, 5:30 pm (English)
10:30 am (Portuguese); 12:00 pm (Spanish)
1:30 pm (Cantonese); 3:00 pm (Mandarin)
Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat 8:00 am; Tue & Thu 5:30 pm
March 15, 2015 ● 4th Sunday of Lent
Celebrating The Year of COMPASSION
Pope Francis Tweets:
During Lent, let us find concrete ways to overcome
our indifference. (Feb. 17)
Practicing charity is the best way to evangelize.
(Jan. 24)
Like us on Y E L P
Visit us on Twitter @stclareparishsc
Visit and like us on Facebo o k :
St. Clare of Assisi
Parish Office… 408-248-7786
Rev. Tadeusz Terembula, Pastor
Rev. Pedro Perez Sención, Parochial Vicar
Mary Park, Office Administrator
Paty Rascon, Hispanic Ministry
Sacrament of the Sick
If you or anyone you love is sick and unable to attend
Mass, please call the office.
St. Vincent de Paul…408-645-0506
For emergencies only, call 408-904-9187
Catechetical Ministry… 408-248-7786
Paty Rascon
We warmly welcome those inquiring about becoming
Catholic. For information, please call the office.
Saturdays 4:30 pm or by appointment.
Prayer Groups
Spanish Charismatic Group Wednesdays 7 pm
Spanish Prayer Group Thursdays 6:30 pm
Portuguese Prayer Group Thursdays 7 pm
Pastor’s Note
Dear Parishioners,
Sacramental Information
At the center of every Catholic Church the world
over is a crucifix.
A crucifix hangs around the neck of untold numbers
of people in our world who give no other outward
sign of being religious. No one has greater love
than this, Jesus tells us later in John’s Gospel, to
lay down one’s life for one’s friends. (15:13)
Contact the Parish office to arrange for baptismal preparation. Baptisms are celebrated monthly except during Lent.
Spanish Prep Class: 1st Mon at 7 pm; Baptism: 3rd Sat at 10 am
English Prep Class: 2nd Mon at 7 pm; Baptism: 4th Sat at 10 am
Arrangements need to be made at least six months in
advance. Call the Parish office.
In the Gospel, we heard that God so loved the
world that he gave his only Son.
you have been saved through faith, and this is not
from you; it is the gift of God ...”
It was the most God had to give. That is why the
crucifix is at the center of every Catholic Church
the world over. That is why the cross is also at the
center of the Church’s preaching – or should be.
Many people associate the words “preaching” or
“sermon” with a list of Do’s and Don’ts: all the
things we must first do or avoid before God will love
us and bless us.
Does this mean that obedience to God’s law – all
those Do’s and Don’ts – is unimportant? Of course
not. God’s law tells us how to respond to the
free gift of God’s love. But the preaching of God’s
law has little power to convert.
Yet the Gospel is supposed to be good news. Is
it good news to be told that God won’t love us until
we have kept enough of his many rules to demonstrate we are worthy of his love? I doubt it.
“Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert as we heard in the Gospel - so must the Son of Man
be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him
may have eternal life. For God so loved the world
that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who
believes in him might not perish but might have
eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the
world to condemn the world, but that the world
might be saved through him.
The Gospel is the Good News that God loves us
just as we are, right here and right now.
Let’s face it – God is crazy about you. God doesn't
promise days without pain, laughter without
sorrow, sun without rain, but he does promise
strength for the day, comfort for the tears and
light for the way.
That is Saint Paul’s message in our second
reading, “God, who is rich in mercy, because of the
great love he had for us, [Note: not because of our
love for him] even when we were dead in our transgressions, brought us to life with Christ. ... by grace
It is the proclamation of God’s love which
breaks through hardened hearts.
Jesus, who hangs on the cross to show us God’s
love, asks for our response.
He asks us to look at the crucifix and SEE as if he
wanted to say:
Do you really see what I have done for you?
Can you comprehend how much I love you?
Now, do you believe?
Fr. Tad
Whether you are a parishioner of long standing or new to the parish, if you are not registered, we invite you to do so as soon as possible. If there are
changes to your status, please let us know. Please fill in the details below and place in the offertory basket or mail to the Parish Office.
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________
Address:_____________________________________________________ City:_______________________________
□ New Parishioner
□ Moving (please remove from directory)
□ New Address
Zip: ______________
□ New Phone Number
Weekly Stewardship
Goal for Fiscal Year
Collected to 03/08
Budgeted to 03/08
Calendar of Events
YLI meets at 6:30 pm in the Hall.
First Eucharist Parents (Sp) meet at
6:30 pm in the Church.
Sacrament of ReconciliaƟon with
EucharisƟc AdoraƟon, 6—8 pm in
the Church.
EucharisƟc AdoraƟon (8:30 am–5:00 pm)
in the Chapel.
Fiscal year is July 1 through June 30
Thank YOU for your generosity!
ADA Update
Only two weeks to go! We have received pledges
and/or donations totaling $100,835. Thank you!
Second Collection This Weekend
Catholic Relief Services—this collection funds six
Catholic agencies that work to serve the world
through humanitarian aid, resettling families and
providing legal and advocacy services for migrants.
Music Ministry Rehearsals
Singers are invited to two Monday rehearsals (March 16
& 30) 7 to 9 pm for singing on Holy Thursday and Easter
Vigil. All language communities are welcome.
Mass Intentions
March 14-21
Hispanic Rosary group meets at 6 pm
in the Chapel.
5:00 pm
7:45 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
12:00 pm
5:30 pm
Souls in Purgatory+, Ramon de la
Cruz, Sr.+
Benito & Aurora Galam+
Pestana Family (SI), Maria C.
Gonsalves+, Souls in Purgatory+
Pedro Horta+
Deceased Rodrigues Family:
Antonio & Ephegenia, Victor, Ann
Victor II, Willie & Efigenia,
Anthony & Cece+
8:00 am
Antionette Gray (H), Souls in
5:30 pm
Rogelio Abragan+
8:00 am
Souls in Purgatory+
5:30 pm
Souls in Purgatory+, Maria T.
8:00 am
Peggy Schoppe (H)
StaƟons of the Cross at 6:30 pm in the
RCIA News.....The Scrutinies
The Scrutinies, which are solemnly celebrated on the 3rd,
4th, and 5th Sundays of Lent, are reinforced by an exorcism; these are rites for self-searching and repentance
and have, above all, a spiritual purpose. The Scrutinies
are meant to uncover, then heal, all that is weak, defective, or sinful in
the hearts of not
only the elect,
but the entire
Parish Community; to bring
out, then
strengthen all
that is upright,
strong, and
good. For the
Scrutinies are
celebrated in order to deliver the Elect from the power of
sin and Satan, to protect them against temptation, and to
give them strength in Christ, who is the way, the truth,
and the life.
These rites, therefore, should complete the conversion of
the Elect and deepen their resolve to hold fast to Christ
and to carry out their decision to love God above
all. From the first to the final scrutiny the Elect should progress in their perception of sin and their desire for salvation.
The Scrutinies will be celebrated at the 9:00 am mass on
the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sunday of Lent. Please continue to
pray for our Candidates and Elect.
If you are interested in completing the Sacraments of
Initiation and would like more information about our RCIA
program, contact the Parish office (408) 248-7786.
Su n d ay Ch ild r en ’s
P r o gr a m s
Growing Spiritually During Lenten
Maybe we can start with some questions: Is
there any habit that I would like to change? Do
I need to ask for forgiveness? Do I need to
forgive someone? How can I work on that
during these 40 days?
Now we need to change our mindset and instead of giving things up we should be adding them up. What I mean
is, if asking for forgiveness is needed maybe adding the
Sacrament of Reconciliation would be a good idea. Maybe the noise in my life cannot let me hear what God is
telling me then adding some silence might be in order or
maybe I could add one more prayer during the day.
As you can see it is not about giving up anything but adding small things that helps us to be a better person, one
who has a better relationship with God. Are you willing to
Lenten ORB Virtual Cooking Club
Earlier in Lent, families cooked West African Peanut Stew
from the Operation Rice Bowl recipes to enjoy at home.
Last week they enjoyed Ugali with Bean soup and this
week they are sampling fattet laban.
To find out more about this interactive way to learn about
the work of Catholic Relief Services and grow in solidarity
please visit the Social Justice Committee blog at http://
Each week a new recipe is listed on the blog along with a
short video clip. Please take a look! Email Sigrid at if you would like us to email the
link with weekly updates.
Kindergarten (TK)
...beginning this August
is the first year of a 2-year Kindergarten program.
is in alignment with the existing Kindergarten
structure: school calendar, school class schedule,
tuition schedule, uniforms, etc.
Kindergarten teacher and TK teacher work collaboratively to create the curriculum map for two years.
Classroom materials and instructional approaches
reflect best practices for this age group.
TK teachers focus on the whole child: spiritually,
physically, and academically.
Students must be four years old by September 1st.
YLI Meets Monday
St. Clare's Young Ladies Institute will meet this Monday,
March 16th. Refreshments will be served at 6:30 p.m.
with the recitation of the rosary and meeting to follow.
This month we will be collecting items for the Humane
Society. The dogs and kittens need our gently used
blankets, pillows, towels, sheets, animal toys and
treats. Please bring your donation to the meeting.
District Deputy Barbara LoConte will be paying us a visit
this month so please come and meet Barbara, a very
kind and gracious lady.
All ladies of the parish and beyond, sixteen years of age
or older, are welcome to join YLI. Come pray with us!
Lenten Spirituality
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Visit with the Blessed Sacrament every Friday in the
chapel, 8:30 am to 5 pm throughout Lent. Sign-up sheets
are in the church vestibule and we encourage you to
sign up for an hour or more of Adoration.
Stations of the Cross
Walk the Way to the Cross at 6:30 pm in the church
every Friday in Lent.
Pastoral Visits with Fr. Tad
If you wish Fr. Tad to visit, bless your home and get to
know you better, please fill out a form (on the church
bulletin boards) and drop in the collection basket.
Sacrament of Reconciliation and Exposition of
the Blessed Sacrament
On Wednesday evenings, two priests will be available to
hear confessions from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Fr. Tad and
Fr. Pedro are asking parents to bring their children to the
church on one of the Lenten Wednesdays to receive the
sacrament. This would be a good time for the family to
celebrate the sacrament together.
A Biblical Walk Through the Mass
Join in a 5-session overview of the biblical foundations
and meaning of the Mass. Sessions will be held on
Fridays from 7 to 9 pm beginning April 17th. Questions?
Call Trevor at 408.945.1044.
Scripture Readings
for THIS Sunday
First Reading: 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23
Psalm: 137
Second Reading: Ephesians 2:4-10
Gospel Reading: John 3:14-21
Last week, when Jesus referred to the destruction of the
temple, the account from today’s first reading is what
would have come to the minds of his listeners. But, as
Jesus was speaking on a deeper level, so does today’s
first reading. In the first paragraph we hear that Israel
had, in effect, “fallen” already through its infidelity to the
covenant. Lest we get too cozy, this account reminds us
that God, though just, loving, and merciful, is capable of
punishing sin when that sin is unrepentant. But we are
also reminded that God, rich in mercy, anoints individuals
to be vessels of salvation as well (in Hebrew, King Cyrus
of Persia is called “messiah”). In the Gospel reading, we
hear of another Messiah being “lifted up” for our salvation
in one of the best-known passages from the New Testament. As Lent concludes and we enter Holy Week, we
need to keep our gaze steadfast upon the cross of Christ,
the Son of God who came into the world to raise us who
had fallen.
Copyright © J.S. Paluch Co.
Beyond the Parish
A Retreat for Caregivers
Saturday, March 28
9:30 am—4:30 pm
St. Mary Parish—Hofmann Center
This is a caregiver’s retreat day, sponsored by Catholic
Cemeteries, focusing upon compassion and care for self
while walking with someone who
suffers. Facilitator is Rosemarie
Hospitality and lunch are
included. Cost is $28/person.
Please register by March 25.
For more information, please
call 650.428.3730 x 214.
Vocation Discernment Retreat
Is God Calling you to be a Sister? Come and See!
Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul
Religious Vocation Discernment Retreat
Single Catholic Women ages 18-40.
April 10-12, 2015
Los Altos Hills, CA
The weak can never forgive.
Forgiveness is the attribute of the
~Mahatma Ghandi
Readings for the Week
Is 65:17-21
Jn 4:43-54
Ez 47:1-9, 12
Jn 5:1-16
Is 49:8-15
Jn 5:17-30
2 Sm 7:4-5, 12-14
Mt 1:16, 18-21
Wis 2:1, 12-22
Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
Jer 11:18-20
Jn 7:40-53
Jer 31:31-34
Ps 51
Heb 5:7-9
Jn 12:20-33
Sr. Lisa Laguna, D.C. 650-949-8890 or 213-210-9903,
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Married Couples—want to give a gift that keeps
on giving?
Register for the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekend—it’s the best gift you’ll ever
give to each other and your marriage!
The next weekend is May 28-31,
2015 in Mountain View. Early
registration is highly recommended.
For more information, visit the website at: or you may contact Ken and Claranne
at or call 408.782.1413.
St. Patrick’s Day: March 17
I take for my sureties: the power of God to
guide me, the might of God to uphold me,
the wisdom of god to teach me, the eye of
God to watch over me, the ear of God to
hear me, the word of God to give me
speech, the hand of God to protect me, the
way of God to go before me, the shield of
God to shelter me.
~St. Patrick
Boletim Paroquial Português
Reflexão por: João Pereira Arruda
“Deus amou de tal modo o mundo, que entregou o seu
Filho Unigénito, para que todo o homem que acredita
n’Ele não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna.” Assim está
muito resumidamente a mensagem que Deus tem para
nós neste Domingo. Se acreditas em Jesus Cristo tens a
vida eterna. No acreditar em Deus, está toda a confiança
que devemos por no Seu amor de Pai misericordioso;
que ao nos dar o seu Filho Unigénito, fez a última Aliança
de amor para connosco. Humanamente não podemos
comparar o nosso amor com o amor infinito de Deus,
mas a nossa felicidade está no esforço com que fazemos
por amar-Lo e de O termos muito presente nas nossas
vidas. Que não paremos toda a vida a olhar para a cruz,
mas continuemos a nos alegrar-mos com a ressurreição.
Este é também o Domingo que Deus nos diz para nos
alegrar-mos na vida. Que deixemos de viver no passado.
Que deixemos de chorar e de dar gritos de dor, porque
na cruz o Seu Filho deu a sua vida por amor de nós. Na
cruz nos remiu do pecado e pela Sua Ressurreição nos
deu a esperança da vida eterna. Nos justificou perante o
Pai fazendo-nos herdeiros do Reino. Por tudo isso e pela
certeza que Deus nos ama temos que ser alegres e
felizes. Continuemos a nossa caminhada quaresmal com
os olhos fitos na cruz, mas com a fé e a confiança que
também com Ele iremos rescucitar. As incertezas, as
dores, as tristezas, as preocupações, os cansaços, etc
poderão aparecer durante a nossa peregrinação para
Deus, mas devemos assentar a nossa confiança no
Senhor que tudo fez por amor de nós, para que vivamos
alegres e felizes.
Actividades Quaresmais
Confissões: Todas as quartas-feiras das 6-8 pm.
Exposição e Adoração ao Santíssimo Sacramento:
Todas as quartas-feiras das 6-8pm na Igreja e todas as
sextas feiras das 8:30am ás 5pm na Capela da reitoria.
Programa Tigela de Arroz: Este programa de ajuda
católica aos mais necessitados, tal como nos anos
anteriorestem sido parte das actividades quaresmais na
nossa paróquia. Os cartões estão á disposição no
vestíbulo de entrada da nossa igreja para recolha dos
vossos sacrfícios em função de ajuda aos mais
Romaria Quaresmal: A tradicional Romaria Quaresmal,
promovida pela Irmandade Familiar do Espírito Santo,
será realizada no Sábado dia 28 de Março próximo.
Todos que tenham vontade de fazer uma peregrinação e
oração podem juntar-se na nossa igreja na missa matinal
das 8 hrs de manhã e depois caminhar e fazer oração
nas igrejas desta cidade.
Apelo Anual Diocesano
Teremos apenas mais duas semnas para que a outra
metade das famílias de paroquianos de Saint Clare
contribuem para esta campanha anual. Embora já tenhamos atingido o objectivo diocesano tudo o que seja
contribuido a partir dos $77,454.00 virá para a nossa
paróquia e será usado em concertos da paróquia.
Boletín Parroquial Español
Retiro de Cuaresma
Les reiteramos la invitamos a que asistan al retiro que
tenemos este jueves, 19 de marzo, de 6:00pm a 9:00pm,
aquí en la iglesia. El Padre Francisco Miramontes es
quien nos guiará en esta noche de oración y la reflexión.
La invitación es para todos. ¡Los esperamos!
Limpieza del Templo
Seguimos invitándolos a que nos ayuden a hacer la limpieza del templo este sábado, 21 de marzo, empezando a
las 8:30am, y así estar listos para la celebración el Domingo de Pascua. Anótese después de misa con cualquiera de los miembros del Comité Hispano o simplemente venga el sábado listo para trabajar.
Baile de Primavera
Marque en su calendario el 18 de abril y aparte la fecha,
a partir de las 7:30pm, para el gran Baile de Primavera
que el Comité Hispano organiza para recabar fondos
para nuestra parroquia. Estaremos dando mas información en los anuncios al terminar la misa y en los próximos
boletines parroquiales.
Llamado Anual Diocesano
Ya alcanzamos nuestra mata diocesana, gracias por su
generosidad a los que ya respondieron al ADA. A partir
de este momento todo lo que se recabe se regresa a
nuestra parroquia, así que se invita a quienes aun no han
respondido a que lo hagan hoy; la participación de cada
una de las familias de nuestra comunidad es muy importante para que podamos tener el “Fondo de Construcción”
y así hacer las reparaciones mas urgentes de nuestro
Concierto de la Hermana Glenda
La Oficina del Apostolado Hispano nos invita a la Noche
de Reflexión, “El gozo del Evangelio” a través de canto,
alabanza y música con la Hermana Glenda, este viernes
20 de Marzo, de 7:30pm a 9:00pm, en la parroquia de
Nuestra Señora del Refugio. Costo del boleto: menores
de 10 años $10, mayores de 11 años $20. Compre sus
boletos con Paty Rascon al terminar la misa. Más información con Adriana Valenzuela al 408-983-0124 o
Actividades Durante la Cuaresma
Operación Plato de Arroz: Los Servicios de Ayuda Católica tiene esta campaña para recabar fondos para ayudar
a nuestros hermanos necesitados en todo el mundo. En
las entradas de la iglesia encontrará las cajitas, por favor
llévese una.
Viacrucis: todos los viernes de Cuaresma, a las 6:30pm,
en la iglesia.
Todos los miércoles de Cuaresma, de 6pm a 8pm y sábados a las 4:30pm, en la iglesia.
Adoración al Santísimo
Todos los viernes de 8:30am-5pm, en la capilla. Deberán
anotarse en la oficina para separar su hora. También los
miércoles durante las horas de confesión en la iglesia.
Parish Information & Contacts
Pastoral Staff
St. Clare Parish
Rectory Hours:
Monday thru Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed for lunch 12 - 1pm
Emergency #: 408.904.9187
Facility Emergencies:
Matt Dutra
Mass Schedule
Daily (Chapel)
Weekend (Church)
Saturday English
Sunday English
English - Family
Chinese Youth
(Lower Church)
8:00 am
5:30 pm
5:00 pm
7:45 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
3:00 pm
3:00 pm
5:30 pm
Every Saturday
4:30 - 4:45pm
Or by appointment
Prayers for Vocations/
Benediction (Chapel) 4th Tues, 5:30 pm
See page 2 for preparation classes and
baptism dates. For private baptisms,
consultation with the priest is necessary.
Please call Paty Rascon for information
about classes and liturgical celebration.
St. Clare School
408.246.6726 fax
Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
School Staff
Principal: Madeline Rader
Office Administrator: Cherell Rizzo
Receptionist: Martha Ramirez
Parochial Vicar
Office Administrator
Catechetical Ministry &
Hispanic Ministry Coordinator
408.248.8150 (fax)
(Ext. 104)
(Ext. 105 )
(Ext. 106)
(Ext. 102)
Perig Vennetier
Liturgy Committee
Altar Servers
Baptism Preparation
Funeral Coordinator
Quinceañera Coordinator
Vocations Committee
Children’s Liturgy
Fr. Pedro
Fr. Tad (Eng.)
Rogelio Esquivel (Sp.)
Robyn Schroeder
Maria Gamboa (Sp.)
Lucy Silva (Eng.)
Dolores Wriglesworth
Paty Rascon
Tom Bommarito
Natalie Plecque (Eng.)
Gloria Hackleman (Sp.)
Diane Madruga
Community & Service
Pastoral Council
Patrick Schneider
Evelyn Amaya
Tony Colombo
Scott McLarty
Joe D’Amore
Jim Thorn
Rigo Rascon
Marcy Taylor
Tom Bommarito
Mick Gonzales
Anne McMahon
Marah Grace Gebala
Mary Correia
Finance Council
Justin Maksim
Edwin Alabanza
Sean McMahon
Serra Club of Santa Clara
St. Vincent De Paul
Extension 200
Facilities Task Force
Matt Dutra
Knights of Columbus
Dave Vincent
Young Ladies’ Institute (YLI)
Dolores Wriglesworth
Social Justice Committee
Anne McMahon
Italian Catholic Federation (ICF) Matt Dutra
Hispanic Community
Elania Tablada
Evelyn Amaya
Portuguese Community
Connie Silveira
Mandarin Community
Rev. Carlos A. Olivera
Louis Yueh
Simon Liao
Cantonese Community
Melissa Poon
Lillian Lam