2010 WFI Fall Conference September 10
2010 WFI Fall Conference September 10
2010 2010 WFI WFI Fall Fall Conference Conference September September 10 10--12 12 Kalahari Kalahari Resort Resort Wisconsin Wisconsin Dells Dells Inside This Issue Bring the Kids to the Kalahari for the Fall Conference! Allied Trades Misunderstood Will Dress for Success Make a Comeback? Fall Conference Schedule Two New Tax Benefits Aid Employers Who Hire and Retain Unemployed Workers Hall of Fame Nomination Form Page 2 WISCONSIN FABRICARE INSTITUTE, INC. / May/June 2010 This bi-monthly publication is the official newsletter of the Wisconsin Fabricare Institute. It is published for the informational and educational use of its members. PRESIDENT ................................................... BRIAN CASS Martinizing Waukesha, WI VICE PRESIDENT / SECRETARY ..... DENNIS SCHMITT TREASURER ........................Lindeman’s Cleaning, Inc. Green Bay, WI P.O. Box 953 Wausau, WI 54402 800-236-2200 Milwaukee Office: 262-783-4500 Fax: 262-783-4979 KEVIN D. BRADEN Cell: 262-308-0700 PAST PRESIDENT .............................. RICHARD KLINKE Klinke Cleaners Madison, WI BOARD OF DIRECTORS BRETT DONALDSON Donaldson’s One Hour Cleaners Neenah,WI JOSEPH LEROY Stannard Drycleaners Oshkosh, WI JILL FITZGERALD Jill’s Cleaners Muskego, WI DAN MARTINO II Martino’s Master Dry Cleaners Kenosha, WI THOMAS GRIMM One Hour Martinizing Butler, WI SANDY MIELKE Quick Cleaners Oconomowoc, WI ART IMIG Art Imig’s Clothing Care Center Sheboygan, WI ROBERT KEENE Band Box Cleaners Tomah, WI Environmental Consulting Geotechnical Engineering Construction Materials Testing Subcontract Drilling Property Condition Assessments Industrial Hygiene 1-800-782-0610 www.gilesengr.com Atlanta Baltimore Dallas Los Angeles Milwaukee Orlando WFI Associate Member RICK NETTUM Leather-Rich, Inc. Oconomowoc, WI JEFF SEIDENSTICKER Ol Tyme Cleaners West Bend, WI LKH, Inc. ASSOCIATE REPRESENTATIVES KEVIN BRADEN Wausau Chemical Corporation Brookfield, WI JAMES FITZGERALD, JR. Herb Fitzgerald Company Butler, WI Wisconsin Fabricare Institute 12342 West Layton Avenue Greenfield, WI 53228 WI www.wiscleaners.com Brian Swingle, Executive Director: bswingle@toriiphillips.com Kari Foster, Executive Assistant Janice Powell, Financial Manager Jill Fennimore, Communications Specialist, Editor: editor@toriiphillips.com Janet Johnson, Membership Coordinator: membership@toriiphillips.com Bob White, Communication & Project Management: association@toriiphillips.com The Wisconsin Fabricare Institute disclaims liability of statements by the editors, contributors & advertisers. Please contact the WFI office if you have meeting notices or news items to be included in this newsletter Featuring a Comprehensive Inventory of Tailoring Supplies CALL US TOLL FREE 800-621-0197 order on the web www.walterhesse.com CARL KENDZIORSKI Territory Manager Hales WI Hales Corners, Corners, WI Cell 414-708-4975 Voice Pager 414-226-9118 Fax 414-427-5084 414-427-5084 Fax WISCONSIN FABRICARE INSTITUTE, INC. / May/June 2010 Communicating Your Purpose What is our purpose? Why do we do the job we do? The answers are different for all of us. As you can see below, WKHUHLVPRUHWKDQRQHGHÀQLtion for purpose. pur·pose –noun 1. the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc. 2. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal. 3. determination; resoluteness. 4. the subject in hand; the point at issue. 5. practical result, effect, or advantage: to act to good purpose. Page 3 clean and dirty clothes to our plant. If the shuttle driver doesn’t show up for work on time it causes a chain reaction. The dirty clothes don’t get picked up on time, so they don’t get back to the plant and cleaned on time. That means the clothes can’t get to the presser on time, so they don’t get inspected or bagged on time. Then they may not leave the plant on time. If they don’t leave the plant on time and are late to the store, we may have an angry customer which the CSR now has to deal with. All because the driver overslept for an hour. He needs to know his job has a truly important purpose in what we do. When training our people we should try to explain as much as we can about how important their job duties are and how much they affect the company as a whole. The more they feel and see their job truly has a purpose, the more they will care about the job they do. Conveying the purpose of what the employee does is (like almost everything) tied in with communication. Communicate with your staff the purpose of what you are asking them to do. Brian Cass –verb (used with object) 6. to set as an aim, intention, or goal for oneself. 7. to intend; design. 8. to resolve (to do something): He purposed to change his way of life radically. Do your employees know the purpose of the job they do? They probably know the big picture purpose, which is to clean people’s clothes and make the customer look good, which leads to more sales and to the business making money. :KDWDERXWWKHPRUHQDUURZO\GHÀQHGSXUSRVHRI WKHLUVSHFLÀFWDVNV$OOWKHHPSOR\HHVDUHDSDUWRID team that relies on each member to do their job correctly. When they do their part, it makes everyone else’s job run smoother. If the CSR doesn’t check pockets, you may have an ink load that affects multiple other SHRSOH 7KH SHUVRQ GRLQJ WKH VSRWWLQJ PXVW QRZ À[ that garment and any others that were damaged. The store manager may have to speak to the customer about DFODLPLIZHFDQ·WÀ[LW7KHRZQHUPD\KDYHWRZULWH a check to cover the damage. We have shuttle drivers that pick up and deliver the 3URPSWDQGFRXUWHRXVVXSSO\VHUYLFHZLWKUHJXODUGHOLYHULHVWR\RXU plant. 1HZDQGXVHGHTXLSPHQWSDUWVDQGVHUYLFH )HDWXULQJGU\FOHDQLQJHTXLSPHQWIURP%RZH6DQNRVKDDQG9HLW Our people in Wisconsin Dan Baker—Eq. Sales, East Mark O’Connell—Eq. Sales, Southwest Larry Alberg—Eq. Sales, Northwest Terry Anderson—Coin Eq. Sales, West Jon Karll—Supply Sales, Northeast Steve Padovano—Office Manager Page 4 WISCONSIN FABRICARE INSTITUTE, INC. / May/June 2010 Bring the Kids to the Kalahari for the Fall Conference! The Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells is set to host the WFI Fall Conference September 10-12. Members need to register their rooms at the hotel before August 11 to receive the special rates WFI obtained for the conference. The resort’s new indoor Theme Park, indoor water park and the Kalahari Spa and Salon are available for all hotel guests and their families to relax and unwind. The Desert Rooms with two queen beds and a sofa sleeper will cost $109 and allow up to six people with as many as six waterpark passes per room. A very limited number of King rooms are also available, but call early to reserve one! You must indicate that you are with WFI when you make your reservations to get the special rates. The conference will feature morning and afternoon business sessions, a golf outing at Trapper’s Turn on Saturday and numerous networking opportunities. The speakers and topics for this fall’s conference are still undetermined. As soon as plans are finalized, information will be sent to members via email and will be included in the next issue of Impressions. Meanwhile, the conference and hotel information are included elsewhere in this issue. Be sure to book your rooms early. Ken Bazille Cell: 612-805-6404 SALES SERVICE PARTS NEW & RECONDITIONED DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Ken Bull Financing, Design, and Installation Available Cell: 630-235-3250 www.haigesmachinery.com 1-800-236-1144 ADCO - LAIDLAW TEL: 1-800-821-7556 FAX: 1-660-826-1361 SEDALIA, MISSOURI 65301 WWW. ADCO -INC.CO M Don’t Delay, Pewaukee, WI Call Today!! T: (262) 523-4105 F: (262) 691-1307 Email: info@haigesmachinery.com WISCONSIN FABRICARE INSTITUTE, INC. / May/June 2010 Two New Tax Benefits Aid Employers Who Hire and Retain Unemployed Workers 7ZR QHZ WD[ EHQHÀWV DUH now available to employers hiring workers who were previously unemployed or only working part time. These provisions are part of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act enacted into law March 18th, 2010. Employers who hire unemployed workers this year (after Feb. 3, 2010 and before Jan. 1, 2011) may qualify for a 6.2-percent payroll tax incentive, in eff fect exempting them from their share of Social Security taxes on wages paid to these workers after March 18, 2010. This reduced tax withholding will have no effect RQWKHHPSOR\HH·VIXWXUH6RFLDO6HFXULW\EHQHÀWVDQG employers would still need to withhold the employee’s 6.2-percent share of Social Security taxes, as well as income taxes. The employer and employee’s shares of Medicare taxes would also still apply to these wages. In addition, for each worker retained for at least a year, businesses may claim an additional general busiQHVVWD[FUHGLWXSWRSHUZRUNHUZKHQWKH\ÀOH their 2011 income tax returns. “These tax breaks offer a much-needed boost to employers willing to expand their payrolls, and busiQHVVHV DQG QRQSURÀWV VKRXOG NHHS WKHVH EHQHÀWV LQ mind as they plan for the year ahead,” said IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman. 7KHWZRWD[EHQHÀWVDUHHVSHFLDOO\KHOSIXOWRHPployers who are adding positions to their payrolls. New KLUHVÀOOLQJH[LVWLQJSRVLWLRQVDOVRTXDOLI\EXWRQO\LI the workers they are replacing left voluntarily or for cause. Family members and other relatives do not qualify. In addition, the new law requires that the employer get a statement from each eligible new hire certifying that he or she was unemployed during the 60 days before beginning work or, alternatively, worked fewer than a total of 40 hours for someone else during the 60-day period. The IRS has a form that employees can use to make the required statement. Businesses, agricultural employers, tax-exempt organizations and public colleges and universities all TXDOLI\ WR FODLP WKH SD\UROO WD[ EHQHÀW IRU HOLJLEOH Page 5 newly-hired employees. Household employers cannot FODLPWKLVQHZWD[EHQHÀW (PSOR\HUVFODLPWKHSD\UROOWD[EHQHÀWRQWKHIHGHUDOHPSOR\PHQWWD[UHWXUQWKH\ÀOHXVXDOO\TXDUWHUO\ with the IRS. Eligible employers will be able to claim the new tax incentive on their revised employment tax form for the second quarter of 2010. Revised forms and further details on these two new tax provisions are posted on IRS.gov website. d Pilgrim Cleaners (Welcome Back!) 7475 Mineral Point Road, #16 Madison, WI 53717 608-833-9484 Fax: 608-833-9740 Ami Schultz pilgrim.cleaners@yahoo.com Robertson Ryan & Associates 20975 Swenson Drive, #175 Waukesha, WI 53186 414-704-1936 Fax: 262-717-9434 Jerry Rauwald, Jim Cruise & Matt Cruise www.robertsonryan.com grauwald@robertsonryan.com Associate Member R.R. Streets & Company 184 Shuman Blvd. Naperville, IL 60563 847-207-5252 Fax: 847-551-1688 Nick Gagliano www.4streets.com ngagliano@4streets.com Associate Member