May - Jacksonville - Our Redeemer Lutheran Church


May - Jacksonville - Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
Don’t miss these items:
• Pentecost: Devoted to God’s Teachings
• Bing Bong Food!
• Bible Class - Why Come?
• Stuffed French Toast
• Thanks—LWML!
ORLC Newsleer—May 2013
• Tell It On The Mountain
Alleluia, Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed, Alleluia!
Page 2
Pentecost: Devoted to God’s Teachings
Pastor David Knuth
Ten days aer Jesus ascended into heaven, God
poured out His Holy Spirit upon His disciples empowering them to boldly proclaim the Good News of salvaon through Christ. This happened on the Day of
Pentecost. (We celebrate Pentecost on May 19th.)
Sacraments while renouncing all things opposed to
Do you this day in the presence of God and of this
congregaon acknowledge the gis that God gave
you in your Bapsm?
As more people were brought into the church
through the preaching of the Gospel we are told that
these believers “devoted themselves to the apostles'
teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread
and the prayers.” (Acts 2:42) This accurately describes •
the true life of the church even to this day.
Do you renounce the devil? Do you renounce all
his works? Do you renounce all his ways?
The “apostles’ teaching” is God’s Word. The apos- •
tles only spoke what God had told them including the •
prophec words of the Old Testament. Sll today the
Bible remains the sole source for Chrisan doctrine
and so we remain devoted to it.
Do you believe in the Holy Spirit?
“The fellowship” is the mutual love and care we
share toward each other as fellow Chrisans. Just as
Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her,
so we also are called to love one another and show
compassion to each other in every need.
During the church service on May 5th, eight confirmands will make a promise to devote themselves
to the apostles’ teaching and the life of the church.
Our prayer for them and all confirmed members of
our church is that we would remain faithful to God as
we promised in our confirmaon vows.
The quesons asked of our confirmands are the
same ones we promise to uphold as members in the
church. Take a few minutes to examine these quesons and noce how they focus upon the basic elements of Chrisanity: devoon to God’s Word and
Do you believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son our
Do you hold all the prophec and apostolic Scriptures to be the inspired Word of God?
Do you confess the doctrine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, drawn from the Scriptures, as you
have learned them from the Small Catechism, to
be faithful and true?
Do you intend to hear the Word of God and receive the Lord’s Supper faithfully?
Do you intend to live according to the Word of
God, and in faith, word, and deed to remain true
to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, even to
Do you intend to connue steadfast in this confession and Church and to suffer all, even death,
rather than fall away from it?
The “Breaking of Bread” is the holy meal of the
Lord’s Supper. He feeds us and nurtures us with His
very body and blood for the forgiveness of sins.
These gis combined with the privilege to come
before God in prayer remain the essenal components of Chrisan worship and life. We are Bapzed
into Christ and connue to abide in Him by means of
His Word and sacrament: "If you abide in my word,
you are truly my disciples, and you will know the
truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:31-32)
Do you believe in God the Father Almighty?
I hope you are sll able to sincerely and boldly answer “yes” to all of these quesons.
Pray for our young men and women who will make
their public profession of faithfulness to the Lord.
Pray also that God may help all of us to remain devoted to the Lord’s teachings, the fellowship, the Lord’s
Supper and prayer.
Pastor Knuth
The Knuth Family will no longer be using the home
phone of 479-8239. They can be reached at the following cell phone numbers, Pastor: 217-320-2048;
Tomi: 217-320-2046. Please record these changes for
future reference. Thank you.
Page 3
Human Resource Commiee
Informaon provided by Bey Hillig
Please bring
paper towels
on May 19th.
God bless you all for your
connued generous donaons for these agencies that
reach out to the less fortunate in our community.
Report to the churches from
The Boy Scout Drive held
the Jacksonville Area Com- in March brought in 2,474
munity Food Center:
lbs. of food.
During the month of
March we served 160 famiThe Human Resource
lies for food orders for a toCommiee is asking all
tal of 321 people at a cost of
members, including all of
$20,349.13. We served 429
our Sunday School children, families for extra bakery, a
to bring paper towels to
total of 1,107 people at a
church on Sunday May 19th. cost of $6,458.69. The
These donaons will be giv- churches contributed
en to the Women’s Crisis
$4,703.14 in money and
$1,264.00 in food. Thank
you and God bless you for
your connued support.
The Postal Worker’s Food
Drive will be held Saturday,
May 11th.
The Jacksonville Fireman
will hold a food drive on
June 7th. They will set up a
tent in their parking lot from
8AM-4PM for the donaons.
We are very thankful for
the generosity of our community.
Sunday School Notebook
By Sara Dawson
We are working hard to prepare for our
Summer VBS program, Tell It on the Mountain. We sll need volunteers. If you are
available aer church any Sunday from June
9 through August 11, please let Brian Dawson or Tomi Knuth know. We would love to
have you join us to teach a lesson, lead a
game, make a cra, or prepare a snack. See
Page 6 for details.
VBS Volunteers
are needed.
Please see Page
ther invites us to pray and promises to hear
our prayer for the sake of His Son, Jesus.
May 12 - Jesus, our risen Savior, ascended
into heaven to prepare a place for us there
with Him (Acts 1:1–11).
May 19 - At Pentecost, God sent the Holy
Spirit to His Church (Acts 2:1–21). Now,
through Word and Sacrament, God gives us
His Holy Spirit to create and sustain saving
Students are asked to bring paper towels faith in Jesus.
to donate for the month of May. Thank you
May 26 - The Beatudes from Jesus’ Serfor all of the many donaons throughout
mon on the Mount (Mahew 5:1–12). Here
the year.
Jesus explains in His Word that He was
The lessons for May include the follow- poor, hungry, sorrowful, hated, and rejecting subjects:
ed for our sake so that God would grant us
May 5 - The Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11:1–13).
His gis and blessings.
The children learned that our heavenly Fa- June 2 - NO SUNDAY SCHOOL
Page 4
By Joy Komnick
If we were in the habit of speaking in code, those
words would stand for, "door – bell – dinners". Yes, it
is that me of year when Our Redeemer members hit
the pavement with some really yummy-smelling food
and deliver those yummy entrees to local residents in
need. The food smells so good when we first put it in
our cars. I've always been tempted to look inside the
hot containers and the brown paper sacks to see just
exactly what the folks do get, but I figured it would be
my luck that any gravy would go flying across the car
upholstery before I could get the lid back on the hot
dish – not to menon the fact that since I don't normally carry around a stapler. I wouldn't be able to put
the paper sack back together and seal it up so nobody
would know what I'd done. (Actually, I would never
do anything like that so if I get any more curious, I'll
just have to ask the Passavant cooks what they've
as sweet as she was before but sll in her wheel chair
(now she has a helper in her home) and the fourth is
as chipper and acve as she was last fall. Truthfully, I
never expected their health to change like this from
one season to the next. It saddens me that this
change has to happen. This aernoon I learned that
one of the ladies we used to deliver to last fall has
died. I was looking forward to seeing her again because her smile was so contagious. Now she's in my
There are five of Our Redeemers cars going out
into the community to deliver these meals – two people per car….one drives, one hoofs the food to the
recipients. Tomorrow marks the fih and final day we
deliver this week. Our group will deliver again in September and we think you, the reader, would enjoy
this volunteer work. We assemble at the hospital
about 11 a.m. and normally arrive back at the hospiThis Spring Bob and I had almost the same route
tal to drop off our empty totes and hot bags by 12:20
we had last fall only instead of delivering to the 12 to or so. Our group is really glad to be part of this pro14 people we had before we only delivered to 10 this gram. These wonderful shut-ins are so grateful to
me. Of those 10 people, four women are the same have these meals brought to them. It does my heart
as before. One lady (sll) takes forever to meet us at good to help them in this way - - aer all, it is what
her door in her jammies (at 12:10 in the aernoon),
the Lord instructs us to do…… and anything we do for
one woman has suffered a stroke now and we can
the least of these, we do for Him. Please join us. I
barely understand what she says, the third lady is just guarantee you will be glad you did.
Speaking of yummy food. This recipe from Easter
Spray 9x13 pan with Pam. Put half the bread in and
morning has been requested several mes from Joey top with the pieces of cream cheese. Then put in the
Bentley. So… here it is!!!
other half of bread pieces on top. In another bowl,
mix the eggs, milk, melted buer & syrup. Pour mixture over bread, making sure all the bread is wet.
Cover & refrigerate overnight. Before baking sprinkle
• 1 large loaf of white bread torn into small pieces with the sugar & cinnamon. Bake 325 for 1 hour.
• 1 dozen eggs
Enjoy and try not to think about the calories!
4 c. milk
1 - 8oz. cream cheese cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1 c. maple syrup
1/4 c. melted buer
1/4 c. sugar mixed with 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
Page 5
Shopping Lists For Our Supported Agencies
By Bey Hillig
The Human Resource Commiee supports five local agencies. These agencies are listed along with some
needed items for each of them.
There are five baskets in the Narthex for donaons. The baskets are marked for each of the different agencies. There is also a wooden box on the table by the baskets for monetary donaons. Any monetary donaons will be divided among the five agencies.
Jacksonville Area Community Food Center
• Dry Milk
• Canned Meat
• Canned Vegetables
• Potatoes
• Macaroni and Cheese
• Hamburger Helper
• Crackers
• Soups
• Canned Tuna
• Cereal
• Canned Ravioli
• Canned Spagheos with meat
• Juice
• Peanut Buer
• Jelly
• Any non-perishable food item
Salvaon Army
• Flour
• Oil
• Sugar
• Dry milk
• Non refrigerated cheese (Velveeta, parmesan)
• Unopened toiletries from Hotel/Motel
• New toothbrush and toothpaste
• New comb or brush
• New disposable razor and shaving cream
• New baby starter kit (pacifier, diapers, formula)
• Baby starter kit (diapers, rale, infant food)
New or gently used linens (towels, sheets, blankets)
New comb or brush
New toothbrush and toothpaste
Unopened toiletries (loon, shampoo, etc.)
Pregnancy Resource Center
• Baby wipes
• Baby receiving blankets
• Infant, boys, girls fied towels
• Infant socks
• Bibs
• Burp clothes
• Baby wash
• Baby loon
• Baby shampoo
• Basket (This can be found at Wal-Mart for about $5$6 in the laundry basket department. It is plasc,
flexible, oval, white and has handles. It will be used
to create gi baskets containing newborn items.)
• Wal-Mart gi card (These will either be given by the
Pregnancy Center to clients to buy needed items or
used by the Pregnancy Center Baby for needed supplies.)
New Beginnings (Homeless Shelter)
• Paper products
• Paper plates, napkins, plasc forks, spoons, knives
• Large black garbage bags
• Laundry
• Dish soap
• Hotel
Women’s Crisis Center
• Paper products (toilet paper, Kleenex, paper towels)
• Soap
• Canned goods
• Diapers
• Unopened toiletries from Hotel/Motel
Page 6
This year we will be incorporang the VBS curriculum,
Tell It on the Mountain, into our Summer Sunday School
hour. All students compleng Pre-K through 5th grade
are welcome to join us each Sunday beginning June 9th
and running through August 11th.
All the VBS highlights will remain: bible lessons, snacks, cras, games and fun music. Those
in 6th grade and older are invited to aend the young adult/adult version of VBS which will be
taught by Pastor Knuth in the Adult Bible Class.
To make this a success, WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to teach, help with snacks and cras,
and lead the games. Please contact Tomi Knuth or Brian Dawson if you would like to help,
even if only for a Sunday or two. We are looking forward to a fun filled summer and we hope
you can join in the fun with us!
The following families and individu- In memory of Stephanie McCorals generously provided the flowers mick and Tommy Hillig.
that adorned the sanctuary on
Easter morning (pictures on front
Merle, Sharon and Nathan Dufelpage).
Celebrang the Resurrecon of
Wayne Boston, Bob and Mary Lee Christ Jesus, our Lord
Williams, Ron and Connie Boston,
Ken and Deb Boston, Ryan and
Kae Boston, Mark and James Wil- Larry & Connie Evans
In memory of Evelyn Boston, Lov- Todd and Laurie Evans
ing wife, mother and grandmother. In honor of our children, Emily &
Reg and Nancy Carls
In memory of Howard & Sarah Har- Gary and Sharon Grams
rell And Ed and Minnie Carls
In honor of our Risen Lord
Rick and Beth Davidsmeyer, Chad
and Heather Davidsmeyer, Carlos
and Chrisna Antemate
David and Shirley Hicks
Bey Hillig
In memory of Tommy Hillig
& Stephanie McCormick
Lorraine Quigg
In memory of Baird Quigg.
Randy and Karel Schone
Celebrang the birth of their
grandson Clayton Henry Karraker.
Bob and Sharon Shumaker
Ron and Kathy Tribble
Gary and Rosemary Vortman
Celebrang Christ’s resurrecon.
In memory of Michelle and Bonnie
Bob and Mary Lee Williams
In honor of Our Savior, Jesus Christ
In honor of Wilma Williams, Celebrang her 89th Birthday.
Page 7
For The Record
By Staff Writers
Radio Broadcast
Congratulaons on the following
The broadcast was provided to the
Glory of God by:
3/23 - Clayton Henry Karraker son of
David and Sarah Karraker and grandson of Randy and Karel Schone
The Radio chart is now up in the
narthex. Please sign up if you would
like to sponsor a service at a cost of
We extend sympathies to the families of the following individuals at the Thank You
death of their loved one:
Thanks to the many musicians
who were involved in the Lenten
and Easter music. The choir and
bell members as well as Karma
and Peggy. You all truly help us to
praise the Lord!
We are so very grateful for all of
the prayers for our mom. We set
up a CaringBridge site for people
to follow her story. We invite people to follow along with mom’s
progress and even leave messages
for Dad and the family. Members
Altar Flowers
3/24 - David and Sarah Karraker on
the Bapsm of their son Clayton
3/31 - See list on Page 6.
Rent-A-Youth Fundraiser: Do you need someone to rake
your yard? Babysit your children? Dust your shelves?
Then, hire one or more of our Salem Junior High students
to help you with those tasks! Each of the students is willing and able to help you out. Donaons made for their
services will go towards their spring day-long field trip to
Chicago. The Rent-A-Youth fundraiser will be available to
you through May 16. Please call Rita Tendick (473-5017)
if you have quesons or you may
sign up through the school office
at 243-3419. We can help you
out, and you can help us out,
You may keep abreast of Maxine’s
progress at
Judith Knight (3/26) husband of
Leo Savage
The flowers were provided to the
Glory of God by:
are also welcome to pass the link
to other prayer warriors if they’d
like. Thank you so much for all of
your prayers and support. Krohe
Thanks for helping with Doorbell
Dinners: Thelma Fargo; Bev Fricke;
David Hicks,; Abbie, Connie and
Larry Evans; Darlene Elsome; Marian McDonald; Joy and Bob Komnick; Dennis and Darlene Groth;
Roger Lovekamp and Shirley Hicks
- Coordinator. These are doctor
prescribed dinners delivered to
the homebound.
Dairy Queen Coupons: Would you like to be able to use
over $32 of coupons at any Dairy Queen in our area for
only a cost of $3.00? The Junior High students are selling
coupon books from Dairy Queen. The coupons are good
for the next year and will save you lots of money. Please
see Elizabeth Knuth or Cameron Paon to buy yours
soon. This fundraiser is to help with costs for Salem Lutheran School’s Junior High students’ May field trip to
If you have a story idea OR if you want to write an arcle, please contact Brian or Sara Dawson
( or Joy Komnick ( Reports from any ORLC Commiee are welcomed
and encouraged. If your material is ready for submission, please send it to NEWSLETTER@ORLCWEB.ORG. We
are also looking for pictures of ORLC acvies or of our members in general.
Page 8
Kid’s Corner
Spend a few
minutes with the
kids to solve this
Page 9
Bible Class-Why Come?
Gerald Raymond
We all know from past stewardship acvies the
three T’s of stewardship – TIME-TALENT-TREASURE. I
think that somemes we tend to think of stewardship solely in terms of financial stewardship. However, the treasure part of stewardship is only one part,
no more or less important than the others. In this
arcle I would like to talk about me. Time refers, of
course, to the mes give to aendance at Divine Services including Holy Communion and the me we
give to Bible class. Bible class can be called several
different things such as Adult Sunday School, Catechism or simple Adult Bible Class as we do. But, they
all refer to the same thing - the me we spend studying God’s word and learning what it means to be a
Chrisan and a member of the LCMS.
There seems to be a prevailing atude among
many people that religious denominaon does not
really maer, as along as an individual goes to
church somewhere somemes and is a nice person,
then, they will be fine. This atude seems to me to
be the Devil’s trap and I hope NONE of us falls into it,
There have been studies done that show an appalling
lack of knowledge among people who profess themselves to be Chrisans about what their parcular
denominaon stands for or believes. I would like to
ask six quesons somewhat in the manner of a devil’s advocate. With that in mind, I would suggest to
you that if you don’t know the answers to these
quesons, you should. Some of these quesons involve our Lutheran pracces and some are about Lutheran doctrine. Both are important since our pracces flow from doctrine.
1. The Lutheran Church in general and the LCMS in
parcular is known as a liturgical church. Our liturgy is full of meaning, history and symbolism.
Have you ever noced in the Divine Service that
the pastor somemes faces the congregaon and
somemes turns and faces the altar and the
cross? Do you know why? Also, have you noced
that the pastor stays on the lower level of the
chancel unl aer the confession and absoluon
and then goes up the steps to the altar? Do you
know why?
2. I’m sure you know that the
LCMS pracces closed communion. If you had a member of another church ask
you why they could not take
communion at our church could you explain to
them why?
3. We all know the Ten Commandments. We have
heard them since we were kids. Could you sit
down at home and write them down? Not in order or word-for-word, just write the main theme
of each? My guess is most of us could not.
4. The Book of Concord - What do you know about
this book? Do you know any of its parts? The
Book of Concord is referred to in the oath our
pastors take when they are ordained and when
they are installed. It is the second most important book in our Lutheran faith, aer the Bible. You should know something about The Book
of Concord. I urge you to make some effort to
learn about it.
5. Marn Luther - What do you know about him?
He is not just some guy who nailed a piece of paper to a church door way back when. He was one
of the most intellectually gied and influenal
men who ever lived. What he did, changed the
world – he is the namesake of our faith. If someone asked you when he nailed that piece of paper to the church door or what century he lived
in would you know? We should all know at least
the basics of his life and work.
6. Our pastors hold what is called the “office of the
keys”. This involves two important funcons, one
of which happens during every divine service. Do
you know what they are?
If you did not know the answers to these very
basic quesons I hope this will give you the incenve
to come to Bible Class.
Thank you.
Gerry Raymond
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
405 Massey Lane
Jacksonville, IL 62650
Phone: 217.243.3939
Fax: 217.479.8959
E-mail: newsle
May 12th
A big thanks to the LWML for the wonderful
Easter Morning Breakfast!
The ladies to the right all posed for a deserving photo for posterity: Bey Hillig, Gayla
Hornbeek, Beth Davidsmeyer, Sharon Grams,
Chrisna Antemate, Isabella Antemate and
Joey Bentley.
A wonderful selecon of savory breakfast
items, baked treats and fresh fruit were
LWML is open to all ladies and they would
love to have you join them. The group exists
to raise money for missions and to have fellowship with each other. They generally meet
once a month.
Please consider joining this group and sharing in great Chrisan fellowship.