Autumn Term 2 2015 - North Rigton Primary School


Autumn Term 2 2015 - North Rigton Primary School
The All New
Welcome to the 3rd Rigton reporter. It
is been another very busy term and it
has been hard to get this newsletter
done with so much going on! Do you
enjoy our newsletter? Do you read it?
Do you have ideas to improve it?
Please let us know by sending us a quick email:
So where did that term go! Summer is
a distant memory, all the Autumn
leaves are gone, the first snow fell on
Saturday and so the year turns. With
each turn comes a new beginning but
the routine of school sets a clock we
live by which is both comforting and
reliable. It begins for me at the school
gate. Each morning, whatever the
season or the weather, the children
come running into school eager to
start their day. It is, for me, the truest
measure of our happy, successful
school – the children want to be here
and it never fails to make me smile.
Their enthusiasm and wide eyed
wonder at the world is infectious and
makes me proud to be part of their
lives every day. And so we come to
the end of another year with excited
expectations of Christmas cheer and
a year ahead full of change but the
comforting rhythm of school will go on
and long may it be so.
Happy Christmas and a joyous new
Mr. Edwards
This year we raised a whopping £214.11 all to go to children in need. We
had cake bakes, dressed up as super heroes and had fun competitions.
Well done everyone!
Head Teacher
Our Class have been learning about Hindus and we went
to visit a Lakshmi Hindu temple in Bradford. When we got
there we were split into groups. The 1 st group looked
around the Shrine. A shrine is a place of worship were
Hindus can choose what gods they want to worship. The
2nd group went to look at the Puja Tray. The Puja Tray is
a tray which holds 7 different objects that Hindus use to
pray. Finally the 3rd group looked at the Wedding Shrine.
A Wedding Shrine is a place that Hindus often have
weddings under. We had a great and exhausting time!
A group of year 3/4s went to ‘Change for life’ which is a
little competition with lots of sporting activities such as
golf, throwing, archery, javelin and lots more. The event
was at Harrogate Grammar School and some of the
Grammar School students were helping including Ellie K
who used to go to North Rigton. She announced the
winners of the different wrist bands. Elena was awarded
the “determination” wrist band. Everyone had a great
Report by: Elena and Eve
Wow! What a whirlwind week. We began with an art workshop with teachers from St Aidan’s. The work that they
inspired was amazing and the canvases look fantastic up the stairs. Add in a dance class, a weaving master class,
poetry recitals and a drama trip and you can understand why it was so difficult to fit everything into our showcase at the
end of the week. The children
and staff were justifiably proud
of all the achievements and a
great week was had by all.
Years 1&2 went to the Thackray Medical Museum in November to find out all
about Florence Nightingale and how she changed nursing forever! We heard
all about the filthy conditions that
existed in hospitals before
Florence’s influence. After being
trained as nurses and porters we
marched to Scutari (Forence’s
base during the Crimean War)
and treated a very ill soldier with
lots of clean bandages. Mr
Edwards was highly trained as a
porter and quickly learnt how to
empty bedpans! In the afternoon we looked around the body zone and
found out how the body works.
At the start of the term the whole school went on a crag walk. Even though
the poor weather meant that you could not see the crag we all had a great
time. Dressed in our rain coats
and waterproof shoes we set off
in the morning and got back in
time for lunch. The Reception
children did very well to keep
going even though it was raining
and cold.
It has been another busy half term for the Friends of North Rigton.
Our AGM was well attended back in November and the new committee elected.
Actually, the new committee is the same as the old committee….we just couldn’t
escape yet!
This half term has been all about Christmas! The Christmas Extravaganza was
held on Saturday 5th December and was a huge success! Our aim was to
introduce a new format to the traditional Christmas Fair to ensure
that the children were entertained and the adults got the
opportunity to enjoy a festive atmosphere with a mulled wine and
mince pie – or two!
We didn’t set out to make this a big fund raiser so we were all
somewhat shocked (but equally delighted!) to raise a huge
£850 profit.
Once again, with your help we surpassed our
expectations and have already started discussing what this extra
money will enable us to fund for school in the coming year. We
really hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Your contribution, whether you helped, donated food and prizes and/or came
along, made a real difference to the school, so a very big thank you from all of us!
School Tea Towels were a big hit this term too! Hopefully everyone
has now received the very lovely self-portraits of our kids - which we
can now use to dry the pots and pans! It is always great to see how
our children see themselves!
The kids Christmas party on the 17th is also set to be a fun-filled day
with food kindly donated by parents and served by the FONR elves. I
hear the big-fella in red may even be attending?
Looking to 2016!
Lots of exciting stuff coming up for FONR next year. We will be
recruiting new (and old) warriors for our next big sporting
challenge - so eat those mince pies now while you are still allowed!
The valentines disco will be held on February 11th - time to start practicing those dance moves now!
I’m sure we must be able to squeeze in a ‘grown-ups’ social of some kind too - watch this space!
Thanks again for all your support - we couldn’t do it without you!
Thank you to FONR for the ice creams
that you paid for when we went to the
theatre to see Aladdin.
The whole thing was a wonderful treat!
on who have so far raised £131
which is fabulous! So, if you have not done so already
please check it out at and
search for North Rigton C of E Primary School.
There is even a donation reminder service which is
quick, easy and you'll raise up to 5x more. Get it here
Thursday 10th December saw a very uplifting
performance of the Wriggly Nativity at St.
wonderfully supported by our parents and
friends with standing room only at both the
matinee and evening performances. This
year the familiar story also shared with us
how excessive wriggling helped Mary give
birth to baby Jesus. Mary (Tabitha) and an
unusually blond Joseph (Theo) put in very
strong performances and were ably supported by all the angels, shepherds, kings, livestock and the choir. There was
also an eye-catching and very yellow chicken, an animal often neglected in the more traditional nativity play and very
wonderfully played by Dexter. Overall, a lovely performance from the whole school from the confident welcome of our
Ambassadors and Jack’s excellent drumming to the closing singing with gusto of “Vive le Vent” - Jingle Bells in French
but with a hint of Yorkshire coming through. A special thanks to Mrs Down and Mrs Hesketh, our directing maestros.
Report by Christian Dickson
(Foundation Governor)
Christmas is a very busy time of year if you are musical. Here I am playing carols on the
trombone with Tewit Youth Band in Marks & Spencer to raise funds for new instruments
and music. I have also played percussion in the Family Christmas Concert at HIC that our
school choir sang in last year and played with Tewit at the Light up a Life service at St
Michael's Hospice. Jack L
Happy Christmas
Dear God, Thank you for everyone who helped
organised the brilliant nativity that ks1
performed. Please help all the soldiers fighting for
us to return to their families safely for
Christmas. Thank you for sending Jesus to earth
and for his help which made everyone better
people. Thank you for Christmas and please help
people who aren’t as fortunate as us to have a nice
Christmas provided with food and drink. Please
help the people in hospital to have a warm and
cosy Christmas and to be well enough to enjoy it.
We hope that you have a nice Christmas. Amen
By Emma and Lola
See you back at school on
Tuesday 5th January