A Natural Gem


A Natural Gem
Photo by Les Voorhis
A Natural Gem ........................................................3
Spearfish Creek ........................................................6
Fishing in Spearfish ..................................................9
D.C. Booth National Historic Fish Hatchery ..........10
High Plains Western Heritage Center....................12
Downtown Spearfish ..............................................17
Leading Ladies Marathon ......................................19
Art & Creativity Flourish ........................................21
Winter Wonderland................................................24
Black Hills State University ....................................27
Spearfish Convention Center ................................31
Birding ....................................................................33
Hiking ....................................................................35
Calendar of events ................................................38
Golfing, Dakota Five-0, Festival in the Park ..........41
Lodging guide........................................................42
Dining Guide ..........................................................44
Map of Spearfish....................................................46
Page 2
Welcome to Spearfish is a special publication of the Black Hills Pioneer in
conjunction with Visit Spearfish. © 2009 Black Hills Pioneer
For more information about anything in this publication, please go to
www.visitspearfish.com or call (605) 717-9294
Black Hills Pioneer
315 Seaton Circle
Spearfish, SD 57783
(605) 642-2761
Cover photo: Les Voorhis
Producer: Letti Lister
Designer: Melissa Barnett
Special thanks to author Paul Higbee
and photographer Les Voorhis for their
contributions to this publication.
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
A Natural Gem
By Paul Higbee for the Pioneer
To say nature awaits you in Spearfish would be an
understatement. Nature asserts itself here, grabs you by
the senses and in some cases never lets go.
It gets into your blood in the pine-scented breezes, the
bugling elk, the feel of icy creek waters numbing your
feet on the summer’s hottest day and moonrises turning
Lookout Mountain aglow.
Nature surrounds Spearfish, but seems to flow especially from Spearfish Canyon, a deep gorge descending
from the northern-most reach of the Black Hills. Also
flowing from the canyon is Spearfish Creek, a mighty 40mile mountain stream that drops 3,000 feet over the
short course. That translated into power the Homestake
Mine harnessed to electrify its gold mining operations.
But long before, the creek had already accomplished
its most impressive handiwork: carving
the canyon. Spearfish Canyon
is a place of high limestone cliffs,
waterfalls, towering spruces and Ponderosa pines, as
well as aspens, birches, burdocks, and box elders. Onehundred-thirty bird species call it home, including
eagles that glide the gorge’s wind currents, and dippers that feed on aquatic bugs.
A good place to experience this abundant nature
in full glory is an area adjacent to Spearfish
Canyon Lodge, 13 miles up the canyon road
from Spearfish, the widest, most sunlit section.
Two easy hikes from a visitors’ center here
lead you to Roughlock and
Photo by Les Voorhis
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Page 3
The Spearfish Falls hike takes you to the flower-filled canyon floor.
A more strenuous hike brings you to the stunning Buzzard’s Roost.
Driving (or better yet, bicycling) from the lodge toward
Spearfish, you follow the rushing creek and come to another photogenic waterfall, Bridal Veil. Up and
down the route fly-fishermen cast
their lines for trout. If you look
closely, you may spot rock
climbers scaling the canyon
Climbing enthusiasts are
also drawn to the canyon
for single-pitch sport climbing, where bolts are permanently sunk into the rock.
Continuing your descent
down the road, eventually
the canyon opens wide to
reveal Spearfish, the Queen City of the Black Hills.
The first thing to come into view isn’t an industrial
site, but a lush 18-hole public golf course, which
certainly says something about this community’s
character and lifestyle.
The creek splashes through the heart of town
and three high points form a semi-circle around it:
Crow Peak to the west, Lookout Mountain to the
east, and Spearfish Mountain to the south near
the canyon’s mouth. Lookout and Crow are
delights for hikers, with payoffs at their
summits in the form of commanding views
of mountains and prairies. A gentler intown hike follows a paved pedestrian/cyclist
path along Spearfish Creek, linking a series of creekside parks, as well as neighborhoods where residents
cast for trout from their backyards.
Spearfish has lured tourists since the 19th century.
In that era a wild, winding train ride delivered visitors down Spearfish Canyon (the rails were long ago
wiped away by a flood).
But unlike some vacation towns, though, Spearfish
doesn’t close its stores, coffee shops and cafes as
summer ends. If anything, the pace of life picks up
with the arrival of students enrolling for the fall
term at Black Hills State University, South
Dakota’s third largest higher learning institution. Located on Spearfish’s west side, with
many of its windows framing magnificent
Black Hills views, the Black Hills State campus ranks among the most beautiful anywhere. The university plays its home football games in a unique stadium where
Lookout Mountain looms as a natural
backdrop, and where autumn colors
shimmer along nearby Spearfish Creek.
The venue serves as a reminder that, in
Spearfish, the splendor of the Black Hills is
never far removed – even amidst intense athletic
Turn off
cell phone
and just
Photo by Les Voorhis
Page 4
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
competition. While fall colors are visible
from the football stadium, the region’s
favorite destination for finding and photographing autumn leaves is Spearfish Canyon.
The golds of birch and aspen are especially
Winter lures another breed of climber –
those drawn to Bridal Veil Falls’ ice, as well
as to less visible ice flows, some as long as
200 feet. Spearfish Canyon ice climbing conditions are ideal because while winter nights
are typically frigid, days are usually warmer
with sunshine. That allows water to flow
into the formations so the ice is less likely to
turn brittle.
Fewer visitors experience the Black Hills
in winter, as compared to summer, but those
who do sing the season’s praises. Never do
the Hills look blacker than after a snowfall,
when everything turns white except for dark
spruce and pine boughs. The Spearfish
Canyon Lodge area is a popular spot for
roaring onto a vast system of Black Hills
snowmobile routes, and snowmobile rentals
are available there. Downhill skiers and
snowboarders drive half an hour up the
canyon from Spearfish to the popular Terry
Peak and Mystic Miner at Deer Mountain
slopes. Cross country ski areas are also a big
draw in the canyon and nearby.
The region has
always been considered prime hunting
country and South
Dakota’s newest
hunting season, for
mountain lions, is a
winter one. Seasons
for elk, prairie deer,
and Hills deer (rifle
or archery) are in
A spring wild
turkey season rivals
the state’s famed autumn pheasant hunting
In the spring, Spearfish Canyon breezes
carry the scent of new vegetation. The
canyon breathes, exhaling in morning, inhaling by afternoon and exhaling again at night.
That’s because heat generated by sunlight on
the rocky walls draws air into the canyon,
while cooler conditions reverse the flow.
That’s the scientific explanation, anyway.
Another way of looking at things is to
believe Spearfish Canyon breathes life into
Spearfish — and always has.
in a year
Photo by Les Voorhis
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Page 5
An economic,
and invigorating
community asset
By Paul Higbee
for the Pioneer
Modern-day residents and visitors
mostly consider Spearfish Creek a
resource for recharging themselves.
They try to outwit the creek’s wily
trout, dip their toes into the water to
melt away summer heat or camp or
stroll along its banks and let its constant babble drown out all distractions.
For many Spearfish children, summer isn’t complete without spinning,
chilly inner tube rides down the creek
and through town. Not surprisingly,
Spearfish developed most of its municipal parks creekside. Its recreational
amenities aside, though, there’s much
more to Spearfish Creek. Evidence
indicates the Lakota and other
American Indian peoples lived along
the stream and snared fish from its
water, eventually inspiring the town’s
People today think of the Spearfish
townsite as a tree-filled valley, with
productive farm acres extending north.
That certainly wasn’t how settler
Daniel Toomey described the location
in 1876, when he observed “only a
light fringe of oaks, ash, and elm with
a few cottonwoods,” just along the
But another settler who arrived that
same year, Robert Evans, devised a system for moving the creek water across
the entire valley via an ingenious network of irrigation ditches. Those ditches, still in use today, turned once arid
Page 6
into a treefilled and agriculturally productive garden.
For generations, latesummer visitors have driven to
Spearfish Valley for tart
apples, sweet corn,
squash, and other
fruits and vegetables
grown on the acres
Robert Evans first
About the time
Spearfish’s first
orchards were at
full maturation, in
1899, D.C. Booth
was named superintendent of a new
federal trout hatchery on Spearfish’s
south edge, where a little tributary
dropped from Ames Canyon into the
creek. The hatchery produced fish for
waters throughout the Black Hills and
Rocky Mountain West. Trout still
Come dip
your toes
in the brisk
swim in the
hatchery ponds
and raceways,
and the site is
the archival and
interpretive center
for the entire
federal fisheries
Creek was central to an ambitious and
successful early 20th century engineering project. Part of the creek’s flow
was diverted to rush through a series
of eight tunnels cut through solid
waters of
Spearfish Creek
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Photo by Les Voorhis
Spearfish Canyon rock in 1909 and
The diverted water fed a state-of-theart hydroelectric plant in Spearfish
that, beginning in 1911, helped electrify the massive Homestake Gold Mine.
The historic plant still produces electricity for Spearfish and stands just a
few hundred yards south of the fish
hatchery grounds. Another Homestake
hydroelectric plant was built in 1917, a
few miles up the canyon, and still
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
stands immediately adjacent to the
canyon road.
Spearfish and its creek have usually
enjoyed a friendly relationship — but
not always. Early in the town’s history,
spring creek flooding could turn truly
intimidating. Increased tree growth in
Spearfish Canyon decreased flash flood
potential, as did Iron Creek Lake, built
in 1936 and 1937 by
the Works Progress Administration.
The lake, 20 minutes south of
Spearfish, is surrounded by pines.
As is true of Spearfish Creek, most
people today view Iron Creek Lake in
terms of recreation — boating, camping, swimming and fishing.
Page 7
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www.visitspearfish.com 2009
in Spearfish
Anglers near Spearfish have the
chance to catch a variety of species.
rainbow and brown Trout are the
only game fish found in Spearfish
Creek, but nearby lakes and reservoirs hold both cool and warm water
species. Anglers should read the
Fishing Manual published by the
Department of Game,
Fish, and Parks before
fishing and be aware of
certain special catch-andrelease regulations,
which exist in
Spearfish Creek. Here
are a few of the
favorite fishing locations of Spearfish
Iron Creek Lake: A beautiful spot
for a day of fishing, swimming, or
hiking on your Spearfish vacation.
Fun and accessible to the whole family, Iron Creek Lake is stocked with
rainbow trout by the Department of
Game, Fish and Parks; but the lake
also con-
tains bass, crappie, and perch.
On Interstate 90, take Exit 8 and
turn south on McGuigan Road
(which soon turns into Tinton Road
(FSR 134). Follow Tinton Road 13
miles and follow the signs to the
lake. Iron Creek Lake can also be
accessed from Spearfish Canyon by
following the signs near
Roughlock Falls.
Spearfish Creek
Through Town:
The entire length of
Spearfish Creek that
flows through town is a great
fishery. From the city’s
hydroelectric plant near the
Spearfish City Campground,
there are about 5 miles of stream,
and it’s very accessible to anglers.
There are many city parks that follow the creek, so access is not a
problem. Small spinners in the deeper
holes will produce results year-round.
Fly fishers should have luck on
Caddis, Parachute Adams, PheasantTails, Hoppers, Hare’s Ears, and San
Juan Worms.
Spearfish Creek
Through the Canyon:
There are many pullouts that
make Spearfish Creek easily accessible to anglers in Spearfish Canyon.
Gear Up! If you’re heading to Iron
Creek Lake, the Iron Creek Lake
store sells fishing tackle, licenses, and
bait and also meals, snacks, and
drinks. The D.C. Booth Fish
Hatchery has fly fishing supplies,
licenses, and fly fishing reports.
A one-day, non-resident fishing
license is $14. Licenses can be purchased at Queen City Liquor,
K-Mart, the D.C. Booth Fish
Hatchery, the Iron Creek Lake store,
and online at http://www.sdgfp.info
Photo by Les Voorhis
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Page 9
D.C. Booth Fish Hatchery:
A beautiful and historic site
D.C. Booth Historic National Fish
Hatchery in Spearfish is a beautiful
and well-preserved historic site and a
free family attraction located just
blocks from downtown.
With the popularity of trout fishing
and the abundance of streams and
great fishing opportunities in the area,
visitors might not realize that trout are
not native to the Black Hills. Spearfish
was chosen as a site for a Black Hills
hatchery to establish trout populations
in the area because of the abundance
of pure, cold spring water and its
proximity to the town and railroad
In 1899 the completed hatchery
building, raceways, icehouse and rearing ponds opened and 100,000 trout
eggs were incubating. After a long and
very successful fish-production period
that included overland trips to
Yellowstone National Park, destructive
floods, visits by heads of state, railroad
journeys and the hatching of millions
of rainbow, brown, brook and cutthroat trout, the Spearfish National
Fish Hatchery was closed. In
1989, however, the
hatchery was rehabilitated and
reopened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service with a new museum, visitor
center and underwater viewing area.
More than150,000 visitors visit D.C.
Booth Historic National Fish Hatchery
every year.
The Fish
Between 20,000 to 30,000 rainbow
trout are stocked out of D.C. Booth
each year by the South Dakota
Department of Game, Fish and Parks
into nearby lakes and streams for
anglers to enjoy. Visitors can get up
close and personal with brown and
rainbow trout.
The Museum
The Von Bayer Museum of
Fisheries History was created
to preserve the vibrant history and rich heritage of
American fisheries workers. The museum collection contains over
175,000 items and is
the largest collection of
fisheries artifacts in the
country. The museum
is open daily during
the summer
Open Year Ro30
(605) 642-77
www.dcbooth ircle
423 Hatchery
Courtesy Photo
Page 10
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
The Grounds
Spanning 10 acres, the entire hatchery site is listed on the National
Register of Historic Places, and the
general landscape is itself a historic resource. Ponds, rock
walls, water systems, and
buildings all contribute to
the site’s historical significance. Although
many alterations have
been made to the site
over the years, each
change tells a story
about hatchery operations.
U.S. Fisheries Boat
#39, a wooden “Great
Lakes” style cabin cruiser,
tells the story of early hatchery
workers who went on expeditions
to Yellowstone National Park to collect trout eggs to be returned to the
hatchery and stocked in the Black
Two life-size bronze sculptures can
be seen on the hatchery grounds
depicting the lives of early fisheries
workers and the important role that
fishing plays in American tradition
and culture today.
The Neo-Colonial Revival
Booth House, built for the
first superintendent in
1905, is open for tours
to visitors who can
learn about the history of the house
and the families that lived and worked
on hatcheries. Ruby’s Garden
behind the house is the site of
dozens of weddings.
During the so-called
“Fish Car Era,” 10 specially designed railcars
were constructed and
by 1920 had carried
over 72 billion fish
across 2 million miles
of railroad track. D.C.
Booth is home to the
only fisheries railcar
exhibit in the country.
dawn to dusk all year. Guided tours
through the Booth House, museum,
and railcar are generally available
every day from May through
September. Visitors can feed the
fish and view them through the
underwater viewing windows.
Admission to the
hatchery is always
free, although donations are appreciated. Grounds
are open
Photo by Les Voorhis
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Page 11
High Plains
Western Heritage
ural history, mining, forestry and, of
course, cowboys and rodeo.
Take a leisurely walk through the
40-acre grounds containing outside
Western History comes alive
displays of a one-room schoolhouse,
at the High Plains Western
a homestead log
Heritage Center
cabin, antique farm
equipment and live
longhorn cattle
The museum
grazing alongside
was founded to
live buffalo.
honor the old
The High Plains
west pioneers
Western Heritage
and the Native
Center currently
Americans of
provides a commuSouth Dakota,
nity forum for
North Dakota,
entertainment and
education that
Wyoming and
includes a 200-seat
~ M. & C. Mees
Step back in
Worcestershire, England
time as you take
in the museum
that contains 20,000 square
feet of displays featuring a
Open Year Ro78
wide range of western arti(605) 642-93
facts, Native American lore,
www.westernh , Spearfish
the cattle and sheep industries,
I-90 Exit 14
blacksmithing, saddle making, nat-
get us out
of here!
Top quality
Courtesy Photos
Page 12
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Did you know...
Devils Tower, the country’s first national monument,
is just about an hour from Spearfish?
Did you know...
Mt. Rushmore,
the shrine of democracy,
is just over an hour
from Spearfish?
Photos by Les Voorhis
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Page 13
Spearfish Water Park
FAMILY OF 5 - $22
• Splash pad
with dump bucket
• Zero depth entry pool
• Lazy river
• 3 lane pool with
wheelchair access
• Climbing wall
• Floating adventure walk
• Bubble pit vortex
122 Recreation Lane, Spearfish
605.722.1430 • spearfishparksandrec.com
Page 14
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
e invite you to enjoy the quality and services of our hotel and convention
center nestled on a hill overlooking the picturesque town of Spearfish.
The Holiday Inn is just minutes away from historic sites, Mount Rushmore,
Crazy Horse, and endless outdoor activities in the beautiful Black Hills. From
boardroom to ballroom, Spearfish is the place to gather and be inspired.
1-90 Exit 14 • Spearfish, SD 57783 • www.holiday-inn.com/spearfishsd
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
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Page 15
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Page 16
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Welcome to
Downtown Spearfish
Like a fine wine, Downtown Spearfish just gets better
with time. The town’s commercial district has been open
for business since the early late 19th century with many
of its historic buildings still standing. It’s the hub of this
friendly community and its sidewalks and shops are open
year round.
The warm community feel doesn’t stop on Main
Street. Spearfish’s downtown spreads for a few blocks
offering a great place to live, shop, eat and spend time as
a family.
Trees and decorative awnings hover over its wide sidewalks making it a perfect place to spend an afternoon.
Locally Owned Shops
at Your Service!
Specialty Gift Shops
Jewelry Stores
Coffee Shops
Pubs & Night Life
Bicycle Shops
and so much more!
Learn more at h.sd.us
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Page 17
A Complete Service
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706 Main Street, Spearfish • 605-642-2417
Daily Lunch & Coffee Specials
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Bagels • Muffins • Java Slush
Serving Uncommonly
Good Coffee Since 1994
111 E. Hudson, Spearfish • 605-642-9066
Page 18
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Leading Ladies Marathon
& Half Marathon
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Photo by Gary Biggs
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
This all-woman marathon follows dom ponds along the road. You
the gentle downhill 26.2-mile jour- may even see an early angler casting
ney through Spearfish Canyon from in the predawn quiet.
Lead to Spearfish. It is scenic,
The race route also takes you
serene, and spectacular. past the place in Little Spearfish
Participants are women of all
Canyon where scenes from “Dances
ages, sizes, shapes and stamina.
With Wolves” were shot. Check the
The Leading Ladies’ Marathon
limestone cliffs six stories above and
course is USATF certified and is picture “Wind in His Hair” on his
a Boston Marathon Qualifier!
pinto pony proclaiming his alleThe course is set to showgiance to Dunbar. On a still day you
case the beautiful Black Hills
can almost hear the stentorian
scenery for runners and volunecho…”I—am—his—friend!!”
teers alike.
reverberate among the massive
Drift into comfortable
rugged giants.
rolling hills sentineled by moss
Enjoy the stoic beauty of a
draped spruce, some marsh
canyon twelve times more ancient
grass areas, and storybook cabthan the Grand Canyon!
ins tucked into the hills. Check
out the deer grazing
gister, visit
in the sudden meadation, or to re
For more inform
ows, and watch for
fish leaping in the sel-
Page 19
Did you know...
… That Spearfish landed itself in the Guinness Book
of World Records? Spearfish’s distinction: the fastest
rise in air temperature ever recorded. It happened
January 22, 1943. It was minus four degrees
Fahrenheit at 7:32 that morning. Then, in
just four minutes, it jumped 49 degrees,
cracking windows in homes and shops,
and baffling drivers whose windshields instantly fogged. The
temperature rise was an
extreme example of a
Chinook wind, a warm air
blast that descends
from higher elevations through the
canyon and
into town.
Photo by Les Voorhis
Page 20
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Art and Creativity
Flourishing in
By Heather Murschel for the Pioneer
Supporting local artists is important to Spearfish residents. If it’s a
local theater production, a one-of-a-kind painting or a set of handmade coffee cups, it’s all about art in the town known as the Queen
“I have witnessed the thirst and support for all of our arts in
Spearfish,” said Debbie Smoot, the executive director for
The Gallery at the Spearfish Arts Center and the Matthews Opera
House on Main Street.
Local artist Jenny Braig agrees
with Smoot.
“What really sets Spearfish apart
is that it’s always been a place where
the arts have thrived. The Passion
Play drew thousands of people here
in past years and the Matthews
Opera House has been here for over
100 years,” Braig said. “We attract
artists and actors. It’s been our
Potter Clay Dykstra grew up
in Spearfish and says he’s proud
to be apart of the continuing arts movement in Spearfish.
“What I think makes Spearfish really cool is that we are a
small community and we all work together,” said Dykstra,
who owns Dykstra Pottery on Main Street and distributes
his work throughout the Black Hills.
After more than 50 years in the scene, Dick Termes,
a longtime artist and internationally known expert
in spherical art, is proud of the local art scene.
“When I was a kid there was nothing here,” he
said. “It’s been really interesting to see how
Spearfish has filled that void over the years and
now I think it’s what sets us apart when it
comes to tourism.”
Ber Juhrend works full time in the summer
to capture the imaginations of the hundreds of
people who flock to his theater productions at
Black Hills State University.
The BHSU Summer Theatre Program features semi-professional actors, designers and
technicians who collaborate to produce three
shows. The tentative 2009 production dates
are July 9 through Aug. 2.
Before you catch a concert or recital at the
A place
where the
arts have
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
future is
Page 21
The dry cleaner of the
Northern Hills
Full Service Laundromat
Open 5:00am - 11:00pm Daily
Belle Laundry
& Dry Cleaning
711 State Street
Belle Fourche, SD
East Main Laundry Spearfish Laundry
& Dry CLeaning
& Dry Cleaning
915 Main Street
Sturgis, SD
712 Canyon Street
Spearfish, SD
305 W. Jackson, Spearfish
• Free continental breakfast &
• Free wireless Internet
• Heated Indoor
pool & spa
• Free 24-hour access
located next door
to the hotel
Mon - Thurs: 9am - 10pm
Fri & Sat: 9am - Midnight • Sun: 11am - 7pm
731 N. 12th Street, I-90 Exit 12
O’Neill Plaza, Spearfish
Page 22
Party Time
Hot Tub Suites
Handicap accessible
2725 1st Avenue
Spearfish, SD
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Blue Pines - oil
by Jenny Braig
new Meier Hall located on the
Black Hills State University campus, take a tour through the campus art and photography galleries. The Photographer’s Gallery
is in the basement of Jonas
Building. Another gallery is located on the second floor of the
state-of the-art Student Union.
Another event that captures the
attention of thousands of Spearfish
visitors and residents alike includes
the three-day Festival in the Park
in July.
Where to go:
• Dykstra Pottery
Located in the basement of
Good Earth Natural Foods Co.
638 N. Main Street
(605) 722-2653
• The Gallery at the
Spearfish Arts Center &
Matthews Opera House
and theater
and much
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
612 N. Main Street
(605) 642-7973
• Termesphere Gallery
Located off of Colorado
Boulevard at
1920 Christianson Drive
(605) 642-4805
• Black Hills State
1200 University Ave.
BHSU Theatre Box Office
(605) 642-6171
Page 23
get us out
Photo by Les Voorhis
When November snowstorms blanket
the Black Hills with white gold, mountain
bikers and rock climbers store their summertime gear as a new season of Black Hills
adventures begins.
The Northern Hills is home to two ski
areas. Terry Peak and Mystic Miner at Deer
Mountain draw a wide range of skiers and
snowboarders to the slopes and offer a variety of trails for beginners to experts.
For ski lovers who would rather travel
on skinny skis, the Black Hills have several
Page 24
prime cross
country ski
access points
and groomed
trails. Near
Spearfish, the Big
Hill area offers more
than 20 miles of groomed
trails. The Old Baldy trail system offers another 5 miles and the Eagle
Cliff system sports 21 intertwining loops
and dead-end trails near O’Neill Pass.
For motorized winter fun the snowmobilers can find 350 miles of groomed trails
in the Black Hills leading riders to beautiful
locations and scenic vistas — and then back
down to eateries and other pit stops.
Other trails, like the Mickelson Trail, are
prime for snowshoeing and the South
Dakota Game, Fish and Parks hosts free
snowshoe hikes several times a year.
Miner: (605) 5
5) 722-7
Terry Peak: (60
try: (605) 722-3
Ski Cross Coun
ails: 05) 584
South Dakota G
Photo by Les Voorhis
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Elkhorn Ridge
RV Resort & Cabins
is an upscale full service RV Resort
and Campground with 186 RV sites,
36 cabin sites, shower & laundry facilities,
swimming pool, playground, gift shop,
general store and much more!
Located at I-90 & Hwy 85
Close proximity to Mt. Rushmore, Deadwood & Spearfish Canyon
Call Today! 877-722-1800
Bridgestone-Fine Estate Lots
From 1/2 to 1 Acre
The stone and log draw crossing
leads you to Bridgestone, a
development offering a convenient location w/large lots, excellent views, and a large draw that grants privacy to the property, as
well as the option for a walkout basement. Bridgestone offers ten
estate lots located minutes from I-90 (but they feel like they are
far from the hustle and bustle). Priced from the upper 80’s.
Northern Hills Plaza • 1130 North Main
Spearfish, SD 57783 • 605-642-4540
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Quality Commercial &
Multi Family Lots
Located just South of I-90
off Exit 14. this property
offers great access, utilities,
views, and LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Lots range
in size from .5 to 6.45 acres
and are priced from $1.50 to $5.50 per foot.
Rick Furnish
Vic Uttke
Broker Associate
Jim Boke
Broker Associate
Page 25
Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner
to th
South Dakota’s very FIRST Rubber
Stamp & Scrapbooking Store!
Huge Assortment of Rubber Stamps
Stickers and Scrapbooking Supplies!
Call about our rubber stamp and scrapbook classes!
(Jun. 1 - Aug. 15)
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Featuring Baby Back Ribs,
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HUGE Cinnamon Rolls • June - Sept. 1st
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Winter Hours 2nd Saturday each month 9am-Noon
or by appointment. Visit our online store at:
Located in Spearfish KOA • I-90, Exit 10 • West on Service Rd • 605-642-4633
Better Ingredients.
Better Pizza.
Free order of breadsticks with
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The Friendly and Professional Staff at
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X-Rays NOT Mandatory • Same Day Service
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Noon-10 pm
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We Utilize Ultrasound, Interferential,
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Better Ingredients.
Better Pizza.
18 Holes of
1930 North Avenue • Spearfish, SD
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30-5:00 • Open Saturdays 8:30-Noon
All at one Location: 1740 Ryan Road,
Spearfish • 605-642-7367
Call for reservations!
Page 26
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Transform Yourself
Black Hills State University transforms
students’ lives.
BHSU has an enrollment exceeding
4,000 students from 44 states and 13
other countries.
Founded in 1883 as a teacher preparatory school, BHSU has earned a reputation for changing the lives and futures of
its students. The faculty, who are known
for their dedication and commitment,
work one-on-one with students.
Located in the beautiful northern
Black Hills of South Dakota, the university offers 56 academic programs at the
associate, bachelor, and master’s degree
levels delivered through three colleges:
the College of Arts and Sciences, the
College of Business and Technology, and
the College of Education.
The scenic Black Hills that surround
the 123-acre campus not only offer endless options for recreation, they are also
host to many unique research opportunities and a vibrant and welcoming community.
The university is
working to
preserve this beautiful and unique environment by taking a leadership role in
sustainability. The Student Union, which
is undergoing a major renovation, will
feature several energy efficiencies. Plans
are also being made for a new 20,000square foot science building.
BHSU has the highest percentage of
undergraduate adult students among the
six state universities and is working to
continue to provide educational outreach
opportunities in the region. BHSU
offers more than 100 courses
in Rapid City. Classes
are also
Photo by Les Voorhis
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Page 27
Free Hot Breakfast
Indoor Pool with Waterslide & Hot Tub
Exercise Room • Guest Laundry
100 % Smoke Free Hotel
Free Wireless High Speed Internet Access
Microwave & Refrigerator in Each Room
ASE Certified Technicians
& Quality Repairs
538 W. Jackson, Spearfish • Mon. - Fri. 8 - 5, Sat. 8 - 12
(605) 642-7142
Page 28
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
offered online and through other distance
learning options.
In the last decade, extramural funding
for research in the College of Arts and
Sciences has increased more than 500
Students work with
faculty mentors in
hands-on research
projects on an ongoing basis.
The College of
Education has
received state and national recognition
for its innovative, high-quality programs.
BHSU consistently produces the largest
number of teacher education graduates in
South Dakota, more than 100 per year.
Business is one of the largest programs
at BHSU, enrolling nearly 700 students.
BHSU takes an active role in the many
exciting initiatives in this region, including innovative changes in education, the
development of a world-class deep underground science and engineering lab at the
former Homestake Gold Mine, and
emerging technology-related businesses.
BHSU students also have the opportunity to be involved in campus events and
organizations. In addition to athletic
involvement, there are more than 65
campus groups providing students
the opportunity to develop
leadership and
work skills. BHSU students are actively
involved in the community.
Athletics play an integral part in the
collegiate experience, and the BHSU
Yellow Jacket athletes have proven they
have what it takes to succeed, qualifying for postseason competition and
winning numerous
national championships.
Always adapting to the
changing needs of its students, BHSU offers several unique programs of study. The master’s degree program in Integrative
Genomics, a new area of biological
research that seeks to place the functional
significance of an organism’s many genes
into an ecological and evolutionary context, is one of only a handful offered in
the entire United States.
BHSU, which enrolls the
highest percentage of
56 academic
American students in the six state universities, also offers a degree in American
Indian Studies and hosts an annual
American Indian Awareness Week and
Powwow that draws participants from a
five-state region.
At Black Hills State University, students are offered a place of opportunity,
a place to discover the world, a place to
lead and a place to grow.
Photo by Les Voorhis
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Page 29
Staying in Spearfish
is more
• Breakfast Available Anytime
• Daily Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Specials
• Salad Bar Available From 11am - 9pm
• Senior Menu or 10% of Regular Menu Price
I-90 Exit 12, 620 E. Jackson
Spearfish, South Dakota
No matter the
season, we remain
committed to
providing plumbing,
heating and cooling
solutions that keep
you and your family
New construction,
remodeling & service.
Residential • Commercial• Industrial
• 2008 Best of The Best Award Winner
• Outdoor Heated Pool and Spa
• Indoor Spa & Sauna
• Free High Speed Internet
• Expanded Continental Breakfast
• Refrigerator & Microwave in Each Room
• 24 Hour Family Restaurant Adjacent
• Large Suites and 4-Bed Family Rooms
Black Hills Lodge
Just off I-90, Exit 12
540 E. Jackson Blvd., Spearfish SD
• Digital X-Rays
• Laser Cavity Detector
• Reasonable Fees
• Latest Technology
• Conscious Sedation for Anxiety
• Drilless Dentistry
• Veneers
• Tooth Colored Fillings
• Tooth Colored Crowns
• Braces
• Fillings
• Extractions
• Dentures
• 1 Appointment Root Canals
• Gum Disease Treatment
A beautiful smile is always in style!
1306 Main Street - Spearfish, SD
605.642.7727 or 888.826.7470
Page 30
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Spearfish Convention Center
A Gem in the Black Hills of South Dakota
by Heather Murschel for the Pioneer
The date book fills up quickly
with numerous events throughout the
year in the Spearfish Convention
Center at the Northern Hills Holiday
Inn. Owned by the city of Spearfish,
the venue is conveniently located at
the mouth of Interstate 90 and surrounded by numerous hotel accommodations. For more than a decade
this facility has been a gathering
place for several events in Spearfish.
People travel from throughout the
state and region, knowing they will
be welcomed by a friendly staff and
will have access to a variety of meeting rooms. These various events can
range from 20 to 1,500 depending
on the event. It’s the place where
wedding dances and banquets burn
the midnight oil, where car enthusiasts come to boast their wheels and
organizations flock to hold their
Since the doors opened in 1998
the establishment has drawn hundreds of thousands of people to the
area. With 14 meeting rooms and the
largest room capacity set at 12,000
square feet, the accommodations are
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
among the best in the area. The
Spearfish Convention Center is nestled among the natural beauty of the
Black Hills, allowing guests to advertise not only their conventions, but
the tourist destination of Spearfish.
In addition to its large and small
spaces, the convention center staff
have access to projectors, DVD players, stage lights, Internet and modem
access and so much more.
The 26,000 square foot convention center has played host to regional, national and international conventions as well as some very grand
events, including the Kids and
Chrome Fundraiser. This annual gala
rose over $100,000 last year to profit
the Children’s Home Society in
Rapid City as well as the Sturgis
Motorcycle Museum. When thousands of Corvette enthusiasts beat
the summer heat for the annual
Corvette Rally, they park in the convention center’s large lot, where vendors set up a variety of activities
both inside and outside.
In more recent years, the
Spearfish Convention Center
has proven to be a
big plus to the community.
What lies ahead for the Spearfish
Convention Center? Positive growth,
increasing business and the continued
desire for excellence.
Page 31
Lunch Menu - 11am-3pm
Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials
Can accommodate large groups!
83 Old Hwy. 14 • Spearfish, SD 57783
Open Daily 11am-10pm
745 N. Ames • Spearfish, SD
605.717.0002 • www.nblackhills.com
For more than 40 years,
Prudential Kahler REALTORS®
has been a vital part of the Black
Hills community. Our talented
sales professionals and support
staff have helped over two
generations of citizens not only
with their home buying and
selling needs, but also with their
commercial and residential
property investments.
Elkhorn Ridge Golf Course is a regulation 9-Hole facility open to the golfing
public. The course has a 285 ft. elevation change giving way to spectacular
views of the historic Centennial Valley.
In addition to a championship layout, large practice greens and bunkers, Elkhorn
Ridge hosts the regions only double-ended Driving Range enabling customers to
practice from both the east and west ends of the facility allowing privacy and the
luxury of practicing away from the rising and setting sun.
The clubhouse is a full service facility
including a fully stocked golf shop, food
& beverage services, staffing and a
PGA Golf Professional to handle all
your equipment, instructional, special
event and outing requests!
Page 32
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
in Spearfish
The Spearfish area contains great
bird habitats: Ponderosa pine forests,
flowing mountain streams with rich
vegetation, aspen groves, lakes,
burned-areas, mixed-grassland hills,
potholes and marches, pastureland
and urban parks.
This diversity of habitat provides a
home for over 220 species of migrawww.visitspearfish.com 2009
tory and resident birds — some
of which are found in few other
locations in South Dakota. Your trip
to Spearfish is a great opportunity to
add some birds to your “life list.”
And you don’t even have to venture far from you hotel or campground. The city of Spearfish maintains an amazing five miles of recreation path — most
of which follows
Spearfish Creek
through town. The
creek — together
with 26 pocket
parks along the
recreation path,
the enormous Spearfish City Park,
and the D.C. Booth Fish Hatchery —
all offer
close and easy opportunities for
successful bird
watching during your Spearfish vacation. You can pick up a free bird
checklist at the D.C. Booth Historic
Fish Hatchery before you begin your
Keep an eye open for
some of these coveted
Black Hills species:
Ruffed Grouse, Lewis’s
Woodpecker, Rednaped Sapsucker, Gray
Jay, Canyon Wren,
Lazuli Bunting,
American Dipper,
Three-toed Woodpecker, Blackbacked Woodpecker and Clark’s
Add some
birds to your
‘life list.’
Background photo by Les Voorhis • Courtesy bird photos
Page 33
Information On:
Attractions, Shoppi
Hiking &
Dining, Area Maps,
and More!
Outdoor Recreation
Spearfish Area
Chamber of Commerce
Visitor Center
106 West Kansas Street
(Corner of Main & Kansas)
605-642-2626 • Open M-F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
General information is available in our foyer 24 hours a day, year-round. We look forward to seeing you!
For All of Your Real Estate Needs!
Serving the Northern Black Hills,
Wyoming & Montana.
1145 N. Main Street,
Spearfish, SD 57783
or Toll Free
Centrally located in the Black Hills
of South Dakota for all your vacation
and business needs.
Continental Breakfast • Smoke Free
Free High Speed Internet Access • Indoor Pool & Hot Tub
Page 34
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
in Spearfish
With the abundance of beautiful scenery in
Spearfish — from the soaring limestone cliffs to
meandering creeks and secluded valleys, it’s no
surprise that hiking is one of the most popular
outdoor recreation pastimes. With miles of trails
to choose from on thousands of acres of easilyaccessible public lands, hikers in Spearfish have a
great opportunity to view wildlife, quietly behold
some of the most scenic vistas in the country,
and learn about the history of the Black Hills
through great interpretive trails through areas of
rich history. Here are a few of the favorite hiking
trails in the Spearfish area. More information
and trail maps are available at the Black Hills
National Forest Service office located at 2014 N.
Main Street in Spearfish. Remember! Afternoon
thunderstorms are common in the area and outdoor temperatures can change quickly, so dress
in layers. Bring your own water, and do not
drink from streams!
Mountain: The
Thousands trailhead at
Nevada Street is
the start of a popof acres
ular hiking loop
of public that
Mountain, the
closest hike to
town. From this
trail, you can follow the ridgeline to connect up
with an old road that spans much of the mountain. The old road is popular with hikers because
it is kept mowed and maintained, and a short
spur leads to the tower area on the highest point
where hikers can behold breathtaking views of
the town of Spearfish and the surrounding area.
None of the trails are marked or mapped, but
most trails are very visible and easy to follow. Be
cautious; rattlesnakes are common on Lookout
Mountain. Trail Length: About 4 miles of trail
Rating: Easy to Moderate with several difficult
ascents. Directions: Head north on 10th Street
and take a right on Nevada Street to the trailhead (road dead-ends and trail begins). Another
trail begins at mile marker 12 off Interstate 90,
but limited parking is available.
Crow Peak: Crow Peak is a key landmark in
the Northern Black Hills. The name “Crow
Photo by Les Voorhis
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Page 35
Peak” is an English translation of the Sioux name
for the peak, “Paha
Karitukateyapi,” which
means “the hill where the
Crows were killed.” The
name stems from a battle
between Sioux and Crow
Indians in which the Sioux
were victorious. Crow Peak
is a dominant landmark
because of its geological
makeup. Billions of years
ago, underground molten
rock called magma pushed
upward forming hills.
Crow Peak and other
peaks you can see from
the Crow Peak summit,
such as Bear Butte,
Spearfish Mountain,
and Terry Peak, were
formed in this manner. Trail Length:
3.2 miles to the
summit. Rating: Difficult.
Directions: From Spearfish, head
north on Main Street (turns into
North Avenue) past Safeway. Turn
left on Hillsview until it abruptly
turns 90 degrees to the right. At
this juncture, turn left onto Forest
Service Road 214. Follow FSR
214 for approximately 7 miles
to the trailhead.
Little Spearfish Creek: This
trail system meanders through
stands of ponderosa pine, quaking aspen, and paper birch.
Spectacular views of limestone
cliffs are complemented by the
ambiance of Little Spearfish
Creek. The foundation of an old
ranger station and a root cellar
can be seen between Timon
Campground and the Rod and
Gun Campground. Trail Length:
4.7 miles (upper loop) 3.2 miles
(lower loop) 6.3 miles (both
loops), 0.9 miles (spur trail to the
Old Baldy Trail). Rating: Easy to
Moderate. Directions: From
Spearfish, take 14A (Spearfish
Canyon Scenic Byway) to Savoy.
Travel west on FSR 222 for
approximately 4.7 miles (past
Roughlock Falls) to the trailhead.
Iron Creek: This beautiful trail
follows an old roadbed along Iron
Creek in Spearfish Canyon.
Arguably one of the most beautiful trails in Spearfish, this easily
accessible trail is just minutes from
Spearfish and is not to be missed.
Trail Length: about 2 miles (one
way). Rating: Easy to Moderate.
Directions: From Spearfish, take
14A (Spearfish Canyon Scenic
Byway) about 11 miles. Just
before you cross Iron Creek
(which empties into
Spearfish Creek) there
will be a large parking
lot on the right. There is
a sign on the roadside
for Iron Creek.
’76 Trail: This quick
but difficult hike will
take you to the rim of
Spearfish Canyon.
Climbing 700 feet in
Page 36
than a
this trail is
strenuous but is
one of very few
access points to the
spectacular views from atop
the rim of Spearfish Canyon. Trail
Length: 0.8 miles (one way).
Rating: Difficult. Directions: From
Spearfish, take 14A (Spearfish
Canyon Scenic Byway) to Savoy.
The trail begins near Spearfish
Canyon Lodge and is accessible
from the Lodge parking lot.
Roughlock Falls Trail: This
trail is handicap-accessible and
winds its way slowly to Roughlock
Falls, a breathtaking waterfall
along Little Spearfish Creek. Trail
Length: 1 mile. Difficulty: Easy.
Directions: From Spearfish, take
14A (Spearfish Canyon Scenic
Byway) to Savoy. The trail begins
near Spearfish Canyon Lodge and
is signed and accessible from the
Lodge parking lot.
Gear up! Stop at Rushmore
Mountain Sports downtown for
directions, water bottles, backpacks, and other outdoor gear.
Rushmore Mountain Sports:
505 N. Main Street, Spearfish.
(605) 642-2885
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Photo by Les Voorhis
Black Hills Airport
Clyde Ice Field
• Premier 18 hole golf course
Airport Information
and Services:
• Driving range & practice
FBO Services Available:
• Eagle Aviation, Inc.
• Airport Identifier: KSPF
Phone: 1-800-843-8010
• Elevation: 3931 MSL
or 605-642-4112
• Runways:
After Hours: 605-642-2656
13/31 - 6400’ x 75’ Asphalt
Fax: 605-642-1838
08/26-3975’ x 100’ turf
04/22-2023’ x 150’ turf
• Caution: Mountain Airport - High Terrain
in the vicinity of the airport. Right hand traffic Runway 13.
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
• Tournament/Outing packages
• Outdoor, heated swimming pool
• Lessons with golf professional
• Full restaurant & bar
• Fully stocked Pro Shop with brand name equipment & apparel
120 Spearfish Canyon Rd., Spearfish, SD 57783
605-717-4653 • SpearfishCanyonCountryClub.com
Page 37
Feb. 11-14
Apr. 3, 4 • 7:30 PM
Winter Art Show
Matthews Opera House
Feb. 26-28 • 7:30 PM
“Rabbit Hole”, BHSU play
BHSU Woodburn Hall
Mar. 6 • 7:30 PM
Hank Harris &
Brothers Hegg concert
Matthews Opera House
Mar. 18 • 7 PM
CBSI Live Radio Show
High Plains Western
Heritage Center
Mar. 21, 22, 27, 28 • 7:30
PM “I Love You, You’re
Perfect, Now Change”
adult musical
Matthews Opera House
Page 38
“I Love You, You’re
Perfect, Now Change”
adult musical
Matthews Opera House
Apr. 24-25 • 7:30 PM
Improv Desert Theater,
BHSU Student Union
Apr. 29-May2 • TBA
May 23
Arts Midwest Performance:
Esta from Israel
Matthews Opera House
One Act Play Festival
BHSU Woodburn Hall
CBSI Live Radio Show:
“Cowboy Poetry Week
High Plains Western
Heritage Center
Williams and
Ree Concert
BHSU Meier Hall
Apr. 15 • 7 PM
Apr. 16 • 7:30 PM
BHSU Jazz Band Concert
BHSU Meier Hall
Apr. 29-May 2 • TBA
One Act Play Festival
BHSU Woodburn Hall
May 2-3
Chocolate Festival
Carol Boke
Spearfish Convention Center
Apr. 16-18 • 7:30 PM
May 17-23
“Leading Ladies”, BHSU play
BHSU Woodburn Hall
Apr. 19 • 2:30 PM
Dakota Chamber Orchestra
BHSU Meier Hall
Arts Midwest: Esta from Israel
Spearfish Arts Center
May 20 • 7 PM
CBSI Live Radio Show
High Plains Western
Heritage Center
June 9 • 7 PM
June 12 • 7 PM
Young Artist
Talent Competition
Johanna Meier Opera Institute
642-6056 or 642-6133
BHSU Meier Hall
June 13 • 7:30 PM
Opera Gala Concert
Johanna Meier Opera Institute
642-6056 or 642-6133
BHSU Meier Hall
June 17 • 7 PM
CBSI Live Radio Show
High Plains Western
Heritage Center
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
June 19 • 7:30 PM
Aria Concert
Johanna Meier Opera Institute
642-6056 or 642-6133
BHSU Meier Hall
June 26 • 7:30 PM
Opera Scenes
Johanna Meier Opera Institute
642-6056 or 642-6133
BHSU Meier Hall
June 27 • 7:30 PM
Opera Evening
Johanna Meier Opera Institute
642-6056 or 642-6133
BHSU Meier Hall
July 15 • 7 PM
CBSI Live Radio Show:
“National Day of the American
High Plains Western
Heritage Center
Aug. 19 • 7 PM
CBSI Live Radio Show
High Plains Western
Heritage Center
July 16-18
Sept. 16 • 7 PM
BH Corvette Classic
Headquarters: Holiday Inn
July 17-19
July 25
Oct. 21 • 7 PM
32nd Annual Festival in the Park
Spearfish City Park
CBSI Live Radio Show
High Plains Western
Heritage Center
“Sleeping Beauty”
Children’s Theater
Matthews Opera House
Aug. 3-9
Nov. 6
Independence Day Parade
Gene or Yvonne
July 10-12
Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
Sturgis Rally Department
Festival of Trees
Lanna Christensen
City Park Pavlion
Christmas High Tea
Matthews Opera House
23rd Annual Spearfish Canyon
Half Marathon and 5K
Heather Pleinis
July 4 • 1 PM
Dec. 1-5
Dec. 12
CBSI Live Radio Show:
“Open Range Cowboy Band”
High Plains Western
Heritage Center
Wine Tasting
Mathews Opera House
605.642.4607 or 888.406.4671
123 East Jackson Blvd. Suite 3
Spearfish, South Dakota
Licensed in South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming
Rick Tysdal - Owner/Broker
Each office is independently owned and operated
√ most insurance plans accepted
√ prescription compounding
√ instant access to the pharmacist
√ independently owned & operated
√ drive-thru window
√ FREE delivery
Photos Courtesy of SD Dept. of Tourism
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Page 39
Spirit of the Hills
Wildlife Sanctuary
The Spirit of the Hills Wildlife Sanctuary is a non-profit
animal rescue organization dedicated to animal welfare and
advocacy. It provides a life-long refuge for unwanted,
exploited and neglected animals of all kinds,
Located just outside of Spearfish, it sits on
200 acres of rocky, forested terrain. It is currently
home to over 300 animals, many listed as
endangered species, on view in large natural
enclosures for study and photographing.
Admission Fees:
$12- Adults;
$9- Seniors/Military;
$7- child; 5 & under Free
Pets and Strollers
not permitted.
ule a Tour
Call to Sched
642-2907 pearfish
ton Rd., S
500 N. Tin
Page 40
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Looking for
a Game?
untry club,
n about the co
For m
line to
4653 or go on
call (605) 717ntryclub.com
For Elkhorn Ridg online to
call (605) 391-69
Spearfish boasts two golf courses for the avid player.
Visitors to Spearfish can take
their pick of two elegantly
designed courses that feature
wooded fairways, elevated tees
and scenic views: Spearfish
Canyon Country Club and
Elkhorn Ridge Golf Club.
The Spearfish
Canyon Country
Club was established in 1922
making it one of
the oldest golf
courses in South
Dakota. The front
nine features a traditional tree lined
layout while the back
nine employs a modern
design intertwined with an
oak-laden creek bed which
enhances natural definition. The
course is open to the public.
Elkhorn Ridge Golf Club, located
just off of Exit 17 on Interstate 90, is
a brand new nine-hole layout scheduled
to be open in July of 2009.
“The course offers some fantastic views
of the Centennial Valley,” said J.R.
Humfleet, the director of golf at Elkhorn
Ridge and a PGA pro. “There are elevation
changes up to 285 feet on the nine holes.”
In addition to the championship golf
course, Spearfish Canyon Country Club
offers amenities like a driving range, practice green, short game area, full service bar
& grille and an outdoor heated swimming
pool. Packages are available for 16+
golfers, club fitting and lessons available
with golf pros and a fully stocked pro shop
with brand name equipment and apparel.
Elkhorn Ridge offers much of the same.
“The standout feature that this golf course
offers to the public that no other golf
course in this area has is a full scale practice facility,” Humfleet said. “We have a
full length driving range where you can hit
any club in your bag and we’ve got teeing
areas on both ends of the driving range.
We will also have custom fitted golf equipment and there will also be a snack bar
available to golfers.”
32nd Annual
Festival in the Park
Over 150 art, craft and food booths fill
Spearfish City Park on July 17-19, 2009
Friday: 4pm-8pm Limited Entrance!
(Must purchase tickets in advance)
Saturday: 9am-7pm
Sunday: 10am-4pm
(Free to the public)
(Free to the public)
For more information call
(605) 642-7973 or visit spearfishartscenter.org
Sept. 6, 2009
Spearfish is known
nationally as the home to
the Dakota Five-O, a
50-mile marathon ride
that is one of the toughest mountain bike races
in the country.
The annual
race/ride/tour, is in its
ninth year in 2009 and
tests riders of all ages on
its scenic but challenging
single track trail.
The riders leave the
Spearfish City Park and
travel approximately 25
miles before turning back
to Spearfish where they fly
back down to the city park.
For more info:
(605) 722-5187
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Amenities are keyed as follows: B ... Breakfast • P ... Pool • H ... Handicap Acc. • K ... Kitchenette
• A ... Pets Allowed • S ... Spa • E ... Exercise Room • G ... Guest Laundry • I ... Internet Access
All Star Travelers Inn
642-5753 • 800-201-5753
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd, Spearfish
45 rooms. Near Black Hills Passion Play,
City Park, Spearfish Creek, restaurants,
and downtown shopping. BPS
Bell's Motor Lodge
Exit 12, Main St, Spearfish
29 rooms. Near downtown shopping,
restaurants. Outdoor pool, swing set and
tree house. PKIA
Best Western Black Hills Lodge
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd, Spearfish
49 rooms. Newly remodeled, close to
downtown. Dry sauna. Outdoor pool
and spa and indoor spa. BPSHAGI
Black Hills Vacation Homes
720-1441 • 866-370-3555
Varies throughout the hills
Luxury lodging for vacationers and
business retreats.
Varies throughout the Hills
Recreational properties in beautiful
settings. Sleep 1-10. Fireplaces, kitchens,
linen service.
Canyon Cabins
722 N. Main St., Suite 1A, Spearfish
Canyonside Bed & Breakfast
642-2576 • 800-277-5988 (2576)
Exit 8, McGuigan Road 2.3 miles South,
4 guest rooms. Contemporary country
home on acreage with a canyon view.
Hot tub. BKS
Chris' Camp
642-2239 • 800-350-2239
Exit 14, Colorado to Christensen Dr.,
RV & tent, cabins, pavilion, petting zoo,
htd pool, rec room, basketball, playground
- NO mosquitoes. PHAG
Comfort Suites
642-3003 • 800-228-5150
Exit 14, Spearfish
60 rooms. Water Slide. Nearby food,
shopping and Convention Center. Meeting
room. BPHSGI
Days Inn
642-7101 • 800-329-7466
Exit 10 to Ryan Road, Spearfish
50 rooms. Nearby food and BH State
University, groceries, bowling and theater.
Family room available. BHAGI
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Deadwood Connections
Varies throughout the hills
Recreational properties in beautiful settings.
Elkhorn Ridge RV Park
& Campground
722-1800 • 877-722-1800
Exit 17, South on Hwy 85 1/2 mi.,
RV & tent spots, cabins, pool/ spa, tennis
& basketball courts, playground, horseshoe
pits, convenience/gift store. PHKAGS
KOA Campground, Spearfish
642-4633 • 800-562-0805
Exit 10, West on Hwy 14, Spearfish
Homemade food on-site, pavilion/meeting
room available, adjacent to trout fishing,
close to golf, hiking, & biking. PHAGI
Lown House B&B
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd, Spearfish
Historic Victorian home. Nearby
shopping, food and entertainment.
Receptions welcome. B
Executive Lodging
of the Black Hills
Mountain View Campground
720-1441 • 866-370-3555
Varies throughout the hills
Luxury lodging for vacationers and
business retreats.
642-2170 • 800-365-2170
Exit 14, Colorado to Christensen Dr.,
RV & tent, bunkhouse, heated pool, playground, basketball. PHAGI
Fairfield Inn by Marriott
Orchard Creek Cottages
642-3500 • 800-228-2800
Exit 14, Spearfish
57 rooms. Jacuzzi suite. Nearby food,
shopping and Convention Center. BPHSI
Fillmore Lodge & Cabins
17 mi. SW of Spearfish on USFS 222,
In the BH Forest. 3 rustic cabins and 1
furnished lodge. Reunions, hiking, biking,
nature. K
Hitson Post Bed & Breakfast
Exit 12, corner of Main St & Federal,
3 guest rooms. Historic home, casual,
inexpensive lodging. Walk to shopping
and food. B
642-4234 • 877-642-2400
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd to Ames to Mason,
12 cabins, (2-4 people each). Nearby food
and entertainment. Center courtyard for
groups. K
Quality Inn
642-2337 • 800-228-5150
Exit 14, Spearfish
40 rooms. Jacuzzi suite. Nearby food,
shopping and Convention Center. BPHSGI
Rim Rock Lodge
Exit 14, 5 miles up Spearfish Canyon,
6 cabins, 1 studio, 1 furnished apt. Enjoy
hiking, fishing, golfing, biking and bird
watching right out your front door.
Holiday Inn Hotel
& Convention Center
Roadway Inn & Suites
642-4683 • 800-999-3541
Exit 14, Spearfish
143 rooms. Restaurant & lounge on-site,
indoor game & pool area, meeting/event
space. PSHEAGI
642-2350 • 800-606-2350
Exit 14, Spearfish
40 rooms. Nearby restaurants, lounges
and convention center. Spearfish Canyon
entrance & attractions close. BPHSGI
Howard Johnson Express Inn
Safehaven Country Inn
Bed & Breakfast
642-8105 • 888-284-8085
Exit 14, Spearfish
64 rooms. Totally non-smoking facility.
Indoor pool and hot tub. Nearby food,
shopping and Convention Center. BPSHGAI
Iron Creek Lake Campground
12 mi. SW of Spearfish on USFS 134,
RV & tent spots with electricity and
12 rustic cabins on lake front. Store/café
5 mi. North of Spearfish on Hwy 85,
Horse boarding; whirlpool suite; private
deck; RV hook-ups; big screen movies with
surround; whole house availalbe. BHSA
Sand Creek Bed & Breakfast
642-7251 • 800-238-9511
Exit 10, West on Hwy 14 (10366 Hwy 14),
Country home on 40 acres. Weddings &
reunions. Tent & camper space available.
Bunkhouse. B
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Secret Garden Bed & Breakfast
Spearfish City Campground
642-4859 • 800-321-1466
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd to Ames to Mason,
4 guest rooms, 1 attic room for large
group. 1892 brick Victorian home. Nearby
food, BHSU, entertainment. BS
642-1340 • 605-642-1333
Exit 12, Jackson, then left on Canyon,
RV & tent. Horseshoe courts. Spearfish
Creek. Nearby food, shopping,
Varies throughout the Hills
Strugis Rally Rentals
Sherwood Lodge
Spearfish Creek Inn
642-4688 • 800-234-2032
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd, Spearfish
22 rooms. Nearby food, shopping,
entertainment, City Park. AK
Exit 12, Jackson to 3rd St., turn right,
20 rooms. Adjacent to Spearfish Creek,
rec path/park, outdoor pool, computer in
lobby, downtown area. PI
Spearfish Canyon Lodge
584-3435 • 800-439-8544
Exit 14, 19 miles up Spearfish Canyon,
54 rooms. Adjacent restaurant. Outdoor
rec center with equipment rentals. Hiking,
biking & waterfalls. Full bar. SHAGI
Silverado Franklin
Historic Hotel & Gaming
Exit 17, Main Street, Deadwood
The Silverado Franklin is Deadwood’s most
elegant hotel and casino with 80 rooms,
slot machines and a large selection of table
games. BGI
642-4676 • 800-843-6358
Exit 12, Main St to Kansas, Spearfish
35 rooms. Nearby food, shopping, and
Spearfish Creek. On-site game room,
internet lounge & casino. BPSHAIG
Wander Inn by the Creek
Bed & Breakfast
Varies throughout the Hills
150 Sturgis Rally rentals and year-round
vacation homes for rent.
Exit 12, Jackson, then left on Canyon,
3 guests rooms. Event location & services,
Walk to Spearfish Creek, City Park, DC
Booth Historic Fish Hatchery. B
Spearfish Super 8 Motel
Yesterday's Inn
Spearfish Harley Connection
642-4721 • 800-800-8000
Exit 14, Spearfish
60 rooms. Nearby food, shopping and
Convention Center. BPAGI
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd, Spearfish
Victorian home with 4 rooms, 3 suites &
1 cottage. Excellent chef. Furnished
basement with kitchenette for long stays.
National Reach. Local Expertise.
• Building Materials
• Cabinetry
• Gas Fireplaces
• Windows & Doors
• And More!
203 W. Hudson St. • Spearfish
605-642-4733 • www.probuild.com
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Page 43
Services are keyed for your convenience as follows: B ... Breakfast • L ... Lunch • D ... Dinner
• W ... Wine/beer Only • C ... Full Bar • G ... Groups
Alpine Coffee Co.
Exit 12, Downtown Main St.
Gourmet coffee, breakfast menu all day,
delicious soups & sandwiches for lunch. BLG
Exit 12, Downtown, Main St.
Pizza and chicken for delivery or carryout only. LDG
Flour Garden Bake Shop
Amelia's at the Holiday Inn
Exit 14
Fun-filled family environment with fabulous
buffets. BLDGC
Exit 12, left on 5th St
Homemade bakery goods and specialty coffee in
a hometown atmosphere. BLG
Golden Dragon
Exit 14
Friendly casual dining, signature bar and grill
menu. LDC
Exit 12, right on Main St.
Chinese food with menu & buffet; dine-in,
delivery or carryout. LDWG
Guadalajara Family Mexican
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd.
Roast beef, chicken & deli-sandwiches with
shakes to finish. BLDG
Barbacoa’s Burritos & Wraps
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd.
Proudly serving 100% SD natural beef & pork
and Spearfish’s own Dan Diego Tortilas. LD
Bay Leaf Café
Exit 12, Downtown, Hudson St.
Enjoy cross-cultural cuisine in an historic
building while viewing regional art. LDWG
Buffalo Jump Saloon & Steakhouse
Exit 205 (WY), Main St., Beulah 307-643-7173
Enjoy all-natural beef products raised regionally
in a western environment. DCG
Burger King
Exit 12, right on Main St.
Burger, chicken and fish sandwiches, salads &
desserts, TCBY Ice Cream. BLDG
Cedar House Restaurant
Exit 12, right on Main St.
Homestyle family restaurant. BLDGW
Cheyenne Crossing Store & Stage Stop Cafe
Spearfish Canyon Rd & US Hwy 85 584-3510
World famous Indian Tacos, certified Angus beef,
and seafood with a Spearfish Canyon view. BLDGW
Cheyenne Crossing at the Spearfish Outpost
Colorado Blvd. at the Spearfish Canyon
World famous Indian Tacos with certified Angus
beef. LDW
Club Room at Seven Grill
Downtown, right on Main St. to Grant St. 717-5701
Soups, steaks, seafood & pasta with a casual atmosphere
on one side and elegant on the other. LDGC
Common Grounds
Downtown, Hudson St.
Gourmet coffee & deli. BL
Culvers of Spearfish
Exit 14
World famous Butter Burgers & frozen custard,
soups & salads. LDG
Dairy Queen
Colorado Blvd. at the Spearfish Canyon entrance
Burger & chicken sandwiches, salads &
specialty ice-cream & cakes. LDG
Page 44
Domino’s Pizza
Exit 10, right on Hwy 14
Authentic Mexican cuisine in a southwest
atmosphere. LDGC
Imperial China Buffet
Exit 12, Downtown, Main St.
Chinese food with menu and buffet. Dine in,
delivery or carry out. LDWG
KFC/Long John Silvers
Exit 14
World famous chicken and fish; menu & buffet;
dine-in or carry-out. LDG
Latchstring Restaurant
Exit 14, Spearfish Canyon, 19 miles 584-3333
Trout, walleye and regional dishes with outdoor
seating in Spearfish Canyon. (full bar at lodge) BLDWG
Exit 12, Main St. to Ryan Rd.
Burger, chicken and fish sandwiches, salads &
desserts. BLDG
Millstone Family Restaurant
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd.
Family restaurant, senior menu - OPEN 24
Nick’s Club House
Spearfish Canyon Golf Course
Burgers, salads and sandwiches with a view of
the golf course. LDGC
Papa John's Pizza
Exit 14, inside Wal-Mart Super Center 642-7272
Dine-in, carryout or delivery, breakfast,
bread/cheese sticks, chicken wings/strips. BLDG
Papa Murphy's Take n' Bake Pizza
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd.
Specialty pizza, calzones, bread sticks, lasagna &
more ready to Take and Bake. LD
Perkins Restaurant
Exit 14
Breakfast, dinner and everything in between in a
family atmosphere. BLDGW
Pizza Hut
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd.
Dine-in, carryout or delivery, pizza, salad bar,
lunch buffet. LDG
Pizza Ranch, Inc.
Exit 14
Dine-in, carryout or delivery, pizza, fried chicken,
salad bar, lunch and dinner buffet. LDGW
Quiznos Sub
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd.
Made to order toasted subs, wraps, soups and
salads. LDG
ROMA's Ristorante
Downtown, 5th St.
Italian dining in the Historic W.B. Lown
Merchantile building. LDW
Roxey’s Coffee
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd.
Gourmet coffee drive-up. BL
Safeway Deli
Exit 12, Main St. to North Ave.
Carryout; deli-sandwiches, broasted chicken,
salads, catering available. LDG
Shoot the Bull Steakhouse
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd.
Steaks, sandwiches, prime rib, seafood and
dessert. DCG
Silverado Franklin Historic Hotel & Gaming
Exit 17 Main St. Deadwood
At the Silverado’s Grand Buffet enjoy delicious
prime rib every day and succulent crab on
Friday and Saturday nights. BLDCG
Spearfish Chophouse & Whiskey Bar
Spearfish Canyon entrance
Choice, fresh steaks and seafood served in a
variety of dishes. Unique appetizers. LDCG
Stadium Sports Grill
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd. & Main St.
Nachos, beef tips, specialty sandwiches and
more in a sports atmosphere. LDCG
Exit 12, Main St. to North Ave.
Gourmet coffee & unique gifts. BL
Exit 12, Main St. to North Ave.
Exit 14, across from Wal-Mart Super Center 722-4500
Made to order toasted subs, wraps, soups and
salads. LDG
Taco Bell
Exit 12, right on Main St.a
Mexican food; dine-in or carry out. LDG
Taco John's
Exit 12, Jackson Blvd.
American Mexican food; dine-in or carry-out. BLDG
Tin Lizzie
Exit 17, Main St., Deadwood
Full menu dining with daily specials. BLDCG
Two Pines Espresso & Gift Shop
Downtown, Main St.
Specialty coffee/deli shop in a warm, rustic
atmosphere; specialty gifts. BLDG
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
The same year General Custer made his last
stand at Little Big Horn, W.A. Laughlin and
A.W. Merrick printed the original edition of the
Black Hills Pioneer.
As the first newspaper in the West River Dakota
Territory and the oldest continuous business in this area,
we have a proud history. We look forward to a strong future.
Locally owned & operated for 133 years.
315 Seaton Circle • Spearfish, SD • 642-2761 • www.bhpioneer.com
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Page 45
Page 46
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
Did you know...
… that the Spearfish and the Black Hills area offer
100’s of miles of trails
for year round fun and exploration.
For trail information and maps, go to
www.sdgfp.info or call
some places are
simply worth the drive...
• Prime Rib & Seafood Specials
(prepared in house)
• Nightly Dinner Specials
• Family Atmosphere
• Weekend Entertainment
• Country Western Setting
• Rehearsal Dinners/Receptions
• Seats 150 comfortably
• Indoor Stage - DJs/Bands
• Outdoor Stage & Firepit
• Groups over 100
(Close the Restaurant)
We’re not a replication of Wyoming history,
we’re the real deal!
10 min. West on I-90 at Exit 205
Beulah, Wyoming
Open 7 Days a Week
www.visitspearfish.com 2009
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