RFP # 1948 Renovation of Timberlawn Crescent
RFP # 1948 Renovation of Timberlawn Crescent
10400 Detrick Avenue Kensington, Maryland 20895 240-627-9400 purchasing@hocmc.org www.hocmc.org REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 1948 GENERAL CONTRACTING SERVICES for RENOVATION of TIMBERLAWN CRESCENT 5707 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 Pre-Proposal Conference: Thursday, January 8, 2015 Conference Location & Site Visit: Timberlawn Crescent – 10:00am 5707 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, MD 20852 Proposal Due Date and Time: January 30, 2015 at 2:00pm Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County ATTN: Procurement Office 10400 Detrick Avenue Kensington, MD 20895 William T. Anderson Procurement Officer Sheryl Hammond Project Manager Paul Vinciguerra Construction Manager bill.anderson@hocmc.org sheryl.hammond@hocmc.org paul.vinciquerra@hocmc.org RFP 1948 Page 2 of 23 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 1948 GENERAL CONTRACTING SERVICES FOR RENOVATION OF TIMBERLAWN CRESCENT The Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County, Maryland (hereafter referred to as HOC) is soliciting proposals from qualified General Contractors that are licensed and insured to conduct business within the State of Maryland. General Contractors shall provide single source construction for renovations of an existing 107 unit, garden style community that consists of 103 townhome style units and 4 - 1 bedroom flats in North Bethesda, Maryland. The scope of work is for, but is not limited to, renovations which include: finish upgrades throughout (new flooring, paint, kitchen cabinets, sinks and countertops), like kind appliance replacements based on market comparables that are energy efficient and cost effective for long term ownership, the replacement of HVAC units and water heaters (with the ability to conduct this renovation with residents in-place) and minor layout changes as indicated on the Construction Drawings. All work shall comply with the conditions set forth in this document and as contained within the project details, specifications, and any attachments contained herein. This Contract requires the Contractor to furnish all labor, materials and trade permits necessary to complete the project as specified herein. HOC will provide the building permit only. A pre-submittal conference will be held at Timberlawn Crescent, 5707 Luxemburg Street, North Bethesda, MD 20852 on January 8, 2015 at 10:00am, followed by a site walkthrough. Attendance at this meeting is optional but highly recommended. If you require any aids or services to fully participate in this meeting, please call (240) 627-9786 or 711 (TTY). Complete Proposal Documents are only available electronically for download at the following website: http://hocmc.checkboxonline.com/RFP-1948.aspx. All questions regarding the Proposal Documents must be submitted to HOC’s Project Manager, Sheryl Hammond, in writing via email at sheryl.hammond@hocmc.org. The deadline for any and all questions is seven (7) business days prior to the Proposal due date. Sealed submissions will be received by HOC’s Procurement Office, located at 10400 Detrick Avenue, Kensington, Maryland 20895, no later than 2:00pm, on January 30, 2015. Delivery of Proposals by fax or email is not acceptable. Proposals received after the due date and time will not be considered and will be returned unopened to the Respondent. Please provide a total of five (5) copies, (1) original, (3) copies of the original, and an electronic copy in a write-protected, searchable format on either a compact disk or thumb drive in a sealed envelope indicating RFP# 1948. For this work, HOC intends to use amended AIA Contract Documents: A101-2007, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor where the basis of payment is a Stipulated Sum, and A201–2007 (which replaces AIA Form A201–1997) General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. RFP 1948 Page 3 of 23 Proposals will only be accepted from Respondents that can establish, to the satisfaction of HOC, the reliability and responsibility of the persons or entities proposed to furnish and perform the Work described in the Proposal Documents and provide satisfactory evidence of, and references for, completion of projects in the capacity as a General Contractor of similar scope of work; on like vintage properties, (rehabilitation of residential single-family) with aggregate Contract values of at least Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000.00) in the Washington Metropolitan area within the last five (5) years. The term of this Contract shall be for a period of Eighteen (18) months from date of Notice to Proceed (NTP). The Contract will be awarded to the Responsive and Responsible Respondent offering the best combination of qualifications and price, who meets the Qualification Requirements outlined in Part I Section G, and in accordance with the selection criteria outline in Part I Section H. No Respondent may withdraw or alter their Proposal within Ninety (90) days after the Proposal opening. HOC maintains the right to reject any or all Proposals. HOC has the right to waive informalities and irregularities in a Proposal received and to accept the Proposal that, in HOC’s judgment, is in HOC’s best interests. A Proposal is defined as a complete and properly executed written proposal to do the Work for the sums stipulated therein, submitted in accordance with the Proposal Documents. The Proposal Documents include the submittal Requirements, the proposed Contract Documents and any Reference Documents. HOC’s selection committee shall review the Respondents’ qualifications and price in accordance with the published Selection Criteria. Based on these criteria, the committee will choose the Respondent deemed “qualified” with the best combination of factors and price who will be selected to enter into a contract for this project. HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES COMMISSION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND December 15, 2015 William T. Anderson Procurement Officer RFP 1948 Page 4 of 23 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. GENERAL A. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 5 B. Property Description..............................................................................................................6 C. Pre-Proposal Conference and Proposal Documents .............................................................6 D. Questions .............................................................................................................................. 6 E. Due Date ................................................................................................................................6 F. Addendum .............................................................................................................................7 G. Minimum Qualifications ........................................................................................................7 H. Submission Requirements and Selection ..............................................................................8 II. SCOPE OF WORK ......................................................................................................... 10 A. General Scope of Work ........................................................................................................10 B. General Requirements.........................................................................................................11 C. Project Requirements ..........................................................................................................15 D. Contract Term ......................................................................................................................15 E. Other Contract Terms ..........................................................................................................16 F. Liquidated Damages ............................................................................................................17 G. HOC’s Project and Construction Managers .........................................................................17 III. HOC’S SECTION 3 POLICY……………………………………………………………………………………………..17 IV. MARYLAND LOCAL GOVERNMENT TORTS CLAIM ACT…………………………………………………17 A. Exhibits……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……17 PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL.................................................................................................... 18 NON-COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT............................................................................................. 23 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION CHECKLIST................................................................................. 24 R FP 1948 P age5 of23 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 1948 GENERAL CONTRACTING SERVICES FOR RENOVATION OF TIMBERLAWN CRESCENT I. GENERAL A. Introduction T heHousingO pportunitiesCom m issionofM ontgom ery County,M aryland (hereafterreferredtoasHO C)issolicitingproposalsfrom qualifiedContractors, w hoarelicensedandinsuredtoconductbusinessw ithintheS tateofM aryland forthepurposeof,butnotlim itedto,renovationsw hichinclude: Finish upgradesthroughout (new flooring,paint,kitchen cabinets,sinksand countertops), like kind appliance replacem ents based on m arket com parablesthat are energy efficient and cost effective for long term ow nership,the replacem ent of HVAC unitsand w ater heaters(w ith the ability to conduct thisrenovation w ith residentsin-place)and m inorlayout changesasindicated ontheConstructionDraw ings. W orkw illtake place around both occupied and unoccupied units,allow ned and m anaged by HO C. A m inim um 72-hour notice m ust be provided to a resident by the m anagem ent office priorto entering an occupied unit. HO C P roperty M anagem entw illprovideaccessto allunits,and w illcoordinatethe scheduling of the w ork and the day-tim e vacating of the unitsby the residentstotem porary “ Hospitality S uites” provided by HO C,asneeded. Allw orkinconnectionw iththisR equestforP roposal(R FP )shallcom ply w iththe projectdetailscontained herein,and referenced docum entsin S ection (II)(a)(3) (collectively hereinafterreferred to asthe“ Construction P roposalDocum ents”). Additionalprojectinform ationiscontained intheGeneralR equirem entssection below . The information provided in this RFP will be incorporated into the contract as part of the specifications for the project. W hile relocation of residents during the w ork w ill prim arily be HO C’s concern,Contractorsshould beaw arethattenantsqualify forU R A treatm ent and benefits. T o the extent those requirem ents are applicable to R espondents;itshould betakenintoconsideration. T heR espondent(s)w iththebestcom binationofqualificationfactorsand price w illbe chosen by aproject selection com m ittee to serve as“ Contractor” for thisproject at w hich tim e aN otice to P roceed (N T P )w illbe issued and the m aterialsubm ittalprocessw illbegin. Failureto com pletethew orkw ithinthe established tim e specified in the N T P m ay result in L iquidated Dam ages, furtherdefinedherein. R FP 1948 P age6 of23 B. Property Description Timberlawn Crescent 5707 Luxemburg Street, North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 T im berlaw n Crescentislocated in N orth BethesdaoffT uckerm an L ane across from Georgetow n P reparatory S chool. T im berlaw n Crescent Apartm ents (“ T im berlaw n” ),developedintw ophases,consistsof83 unitsbuiltin1998and 24 unitsbuiltin 1990. T im berlaw n isa107 unit,garden style com m unity that consistsof103 tow nhom estyleunitsand4 -1 bedroom flats. C. Pre-Proposal Conference and Proposal Documents A P re-ProposalConferencew illbeheldonJanuary 8, 2015 at Timberlawn Crescent, 5707 Luxemburg Street, North Bethesda, MD 20852 at10:00am follow ed by asitew alkthrough. Attendance at this meeting is optional to submit a proposal but is highly encouraged. Ifyou requireanyaidsorservicestofullyparticipateinthis m eeting,pleasecall(240)627-9786or711 (T T Y). T hecom pleteConstructionP roposalDocum entsareavailableonlineat: http://hocm c.checkboxonline.com /R FP -1948.aspx. D. Questions AllquestionsregardingtheprojectandConstructionP roposalDocum entsm ust be subm itted to HO C’s P roject M anager, S heryl Ham m ond, in w riting. Q uestionscan be subm itted viaem ailto S heryl.Ham m ond@ hocm c.org.T he deadline forany and allquestionsisseven (7)businessdayspriorto the due date. E. Due Date P roposalsw illbereceivedby HO C’sP urchasingO ffice,locatedat10400 Detrick Avenue,Kensington,M aryland 20895,no later than January 30, 2015 at 2:00pm. Please provide a total of (5) copies, (1) original, (3) copies of the original, and (1) electronic copy in a write-protected, searchable format on either a compact disk or thumb drive in a sealed envelope indicating RFP# 1948. Delivery ofproposalsby fax orem ailisnot acceptable. P roposalsreceived afterthe due date and tim e m ay notbe considered,and ifdisqualified w illbe returnedunopenedtotheR espondent. R FP 1948 P age7 of23 F. Addendum 1. In the event thissolicitation isam ended,allterm sand conditionsw hich are notm odified rem ainunchanged. 2. R espondentsshallacknow ledge receipt ofany Addendum to thissolicitation by signing and returning the Addendum w ith their proposal. Failure to acknow ledge receipt of any Addendum m ay result in the rejection of R espondent’s proposal if the Addendum contained inform ation that substantively changed HO C’srequirem ents. G. Minimum Qualifications P roposals w ill only be accepted from the R esponsive and R esponsible Contractorofferingthebestcom binationofqualificationfactorsandpricew ho can establish,to the satisfaction ofHO C,the reliability and responsibility of the personsorentitiesproposed to furnish and perform the W orkdescribed in the P roposal Docum ents and provide satisfactory evidence of, and referencesfor,com pletion ofprojectsofsim ilarscope in the W ashington M etropolitanarea. 1. P rovideevidenceof,and O w ner/ArchitectN am esand ContactInform ation forthe successfulcom pletion ofrehabilitation projectsin the capacity asa GeneralContractorw ith asim ilarscope ofw ork;on like vintage properties, (rehabilitationofresidentialsingle-fam ily)w ithaggregate Contractvaluesof at least S ix M illion Dollars($6, 000, 000.00)in the W ashington M etropolitan areaw ithinthelastfive(5)years. COMPLETE EXHIBIT 1 – SECTION A. You m ay provideyourow ndocum entationinADDIT IO N toExhibit1. 2. At least two (2) ofthe exam plesprovided from item #1 above m usthave individualcontract valuesofat least FourM illion Dollars($4, 000, 000.00) and beencom pleted w ithinthelastfive(5)years. P rovidetheO w nerand Architect N am es and Contact Inform ation for these exam ples. COMPLETE EXHIBIT 1 – SECTION B. You m ay provide your ow n docum entationinADDIT IO N toExhibit1. 3. Dem onstrated ability foron-tim e com pletion. P rovide project detailsto include the P roject N am e,T ype,O riginalEstim ated Com pletion Date (at the start ofthe project),obstaclesfaced,stepstaken to overcom e the obstaclesand actualcom pletion date. COMPLETE EXHIBIT 1 – SECTION A. You m ay provideyourow ndocum entationinADDIT IO N toExhibit1. 4. The successful Respondent will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory P erform ance and P aym ent BondsforO ne Hundred P ercent (100% )ofthe Contract value. The proposal must be accompanied by a Letter from Surety acknow ledging w illingnessto offerbondsofat least FourM illionDollars($4, 000, 000.00). 5. Contractorshallprovideacopy ofallcurrent and valid Federal and State licensingfortheCom pany and itsem ployeesnecessary toperform the R FP 1948 P age8 of23 scopeofw orkcontainedherein.PROVIDE YOUR OWN DOCUMENTATION. 6. ContractorshallprovideaCertificate of Insurance perthecoverage requirem entslisted inExhibit6. PROVIDE YOUR OWN DOCUMENTATION. 7. The Proposal shall be accompanied by a completed AIA A305-1986, Contractor’sQ ualification S tatem entw ith theirproposal. Ifthere areany claim sorsuitslisted,please provide the nam e ofthe project,claim ant, reason,and status. P lease be sure to list projects,com pleted or in progress,that best dem onstrate com petence to perform w orksim ilarto thatrequired here. PROVIDE YOUR OWN DOCUMENTATION. T he Q ualification Inform ation listed above shall be subm itted w ith the Contractor’sP roposal. Failure to provide allrequired docum entation w ith packetsubm ission m ay be deem ed an incom plete subm ission and subjectto disqualification. HO C reservesthe right,at itssole discretion,to accept orreject any and all proposalsreceived asaresult ofthisR FP ;to w aive m inorirregularities;and to conduct discussionsw ith allresponsible R espondents,in any m anner necessary,to serve the best interest ofHO C. HO C reservesthe right to request additionalinform ation from any orallR espondentsifnecessary to clarify thatw hichiscontained inthesubm issions. W hile it isthe presentintention ofHO C to carry outthe developm entofthe property asidentified in thisR FP assoon aspracticable,nothingcontained in thisR FP shallbe construed asaw arranty orcom m itm enton the partofHO C to be obligated to develop allorany portion ofthe property. HO C shallnot be liable forany costs,dam ages,injuries,orliabilitiescaused to orsuffered orincurred by theR espondent,itssuccessororassignsin connection w ith,or asaresultofHO C’sinability tom eetdeadlinesorany prelim inary schedules. H. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS and SELECTION HO C’sselection com m ittee w illreview the R espondents’ qualificationsand price. Based on thesecriteria,the com m itteew illchoosethose R espondents deem ed “ qualified.” T he qualified R espondent w ith best com bination of qualification factorsand pricew illbeselected toenterinto acontractforthis project. 1. Submission Requirements Inadditiontothem inim um qualifications(P artI,S ectionG),each R espondentm ustsubm itthefollow ing: a. R esponsible Individual(s). P lease list the nam e,title,em ailaddress, and telephone num berofeach person em pow ered to speak forthe R FP 1948 P age9 of23 firm in connection w ith itsqualifications,policy,and financialand contractualm atters. COMPLETE EXHIBIT 1 – SECTION C. b. Brochure(s) and S upporting M aterials. P lease provide supporting m aterials,such asphotographs,sam ple schedules,tenant operation and m aintenance m aterialand other brochuresto assist HO C in evaluatingyourfirm . PROVIDE YOUR OWN DOCUMENTATION. c. P rovide detailsofany experience w ith rem ediation ofm old,asbestos,or leadbasedpaint. PROVIDE YOUR OWN DOCUMENTATION. d. Com pletedP roposalS ubm ittalsectionofthisdocum ent. e. W hile it isanticipated that thisw ork w illcom pleted in vacant units, provideanarrativeofcom pany proceduresforhandlingtenantpersonal property. PROVIDE YOUR OWN DOCUMENTATION. Proposals should be submitted in the order noted above. Failure to provide all required documentation with packet submission may be deemed an incomplete submission and subject to disqualification. No Respondent may alter their proposal after submission. 2. Selection Criteria HO C w illuse the follow ing criteriato evaluate the proposalsand w illrate eachR espondentaccordingly: a. Experience w ith governm ent agenciesand housing authoritiesin the Baltim ore-W ashington M etropolitan area with a preference for Montgomery County to include com pliance w ith the federaland local regulations that govern them , including the follow ing: 1. T he Contract W ork Hours and S afety S tandards Act of 1962,as am ended; 2. Federal Accessibility S tandards (including those under 24 CFR 92.251(a)(3)); 3. FederalL ead Based P aintR equirem ents(asfound in 24 CFR 92.355 and 24 CFR P art35);(10%); b. Brochure(s)and S upportingM aterials; N arrativeofcom pany proceduresforhandlingtenantpersonalproperty; Experiencew ithrem ediationofm old,asbestos,andleadbasedpaint; Dem onstratedability foron-tim ecom pletion;(20%); c. P rice.P roposalsw illbe evaluated on aggregate and unit pricing. L ow er bidsw illreceivehigherscore;(30%); d. Contractor’ssuccessfulcom pletionofrehabilitationprojectsinthecapacity asaGeneralContractor w ithasim ilartype,sizeand scopeofw ork;onlike vintage properties, (rehabilitation of residential single-fam ily); Contractor’sQ ualificationS tatem ent.(40%). R FP 1948 P age10 of23 II. SCOPE OF WORK A. General Scope of Work 1. HO C seeksto enter into a contract w ith a General Contractor (hereinafter “ Contractor” )to perform renovationsw hich include,but are not lim ited to,finish upgrades throughout (new flooring, paint, kitchen cabinets, sinks and countertops),like kind appliance replacem entsbased on m arket com parables that are energy efficient and cost effective for long term ow nership,the replacem ent ofHVAC unitsand w aterheaters(w ith the ability to conduct this renovationw ithresidentsin-place)and m inorlayoutchangesasindicated onthe ConstructionDraw ingsatanexisting24 unittow nhom estyleapartm entcom plex located at5707 L uxem burgS treet,N orthBethesda,M aryland,20852. 2. Allw ork shallcom ply w ith the conditionsset forth in thisdocum ent and as contained w ithin the project detailsand specificationsand any attachm ents contained herein. 3.T he Contractorshallprovide alllabor,m aterials,transportation and perm its(if applicable)to perform the w orksetforth in theConstruction Docum ents,herein incorporated as: a. T im berlaw nCrescentConstructionDraw ingsfrom M inerFeinstein Architects. EX HIBIT 2. b. M aterialS pecificationsL ist. EX HIBIT 3. 4.U pon issuance ofthe N otice ofAw ard,the Contractorshallvisit the site to verify field conditions. S hould variationsarise betw een the field conditionsand the P roposal docum ents, the Contractor m ust notify the HO C Contract Adm inistrator,in w riting,im m ediately ofany discrepanciesfordirection on how to proceed. T he notification shallinclude aproposed solution(s),photographs and adetailed description. 5.Any changesoradditionalw ork com pleted w ithout the priorw ritten consent of the HO C Contract Adm inistratororauthorized HO C representative asidentified in the GeneralR equirem entsS ection B.9 shallbe at the Contractor’sriskand at noadditionalcosttoHO C. 6. HO C reservesthe right to add or delete any w ork specified in thisContract. Before com m encem ent ofany w ork,the selected Contractor(s) m ust furnish HO C w ith paym ent and perform ance bond docum ents and certificates for proof of required insurancecoverageatnoadditionalcosttoHO C. R FP 1948 P age11 of23 B. General Requirements 1. Code Compliance and Inspections T he Contractorshallensure thatallw orkisperform ed in accordance w ith S tate and localcodesthat apply to Contractor’sS cope ofW ork. Any w orknot in accordance w ithcodesshallbecorrectedbytheContractoratnoadditionalcosttoHO C. T he Contractorshallschedule allnecessary inspectionsrequired by S tate and local codes,w ith the appropriate code enforcem ent staffand notify the HO C P roject M anagerupon scheduling inspectionsand notify the HO C P roject M anagerofthe resultsofeach inspection in writing w ithin seventy-two (72) hours ofreceiving suchresults. 2. Contract Documents a. T he partiesshallutilize A IA Construction Contract form sand General Conditionsw ith supplem entalconditionsapplicable to HO C projects. HO C intendsto use the follow ing amended AIA Contract Documents: - A101-2007, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor where the basis of payment is a Stipulated Sum, and -A201–2007 (which replaces AIA Form A201–1997) General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. b. Additionalcontractdocum entsrequiredby HO C areasfollow s: i. AIA A305-1986,Contractor’sQ ualificationS tatem ent; Allrequisitionsm ustbesubm ittedonAIA Forms G702 andG703. 3. Permits a. Contractorisresponsible forassuring that allnecessary trade perm itsare obtained (asapplicable)forw orkrequestedby theContractAdm inistratoror authorized HO C representative. T he costoftrade perm itsshallbe included intheContractor’sproposal.HO C shallprovidethebuildingperm itonly. b. Contractorisresponsible forproperposting ofallperm itson the project sitesperM ontgom ery County requirem ents. Copiesofallperm itsw illbe provided to the HO C P roject M anagerorauthorized HO C representative priortobeginningany w ork. c. T he Contractorshallschedule allnecessary inspectionsrequired by Federal, S tateandL ocalcodesasdescribed inS ectionII.B.1. Allperm itfeesaretobe includedintheContractor’sproposal. 4. Renovation Requirements a. T he staging area(s) w illbe discussed and approved betw een the P roject M anager,P roperty M anagerandtheGeneralContractor. b. N o utilitiesshut-dow n otherthan betw een the hoursof9:00 a.m .and 4:00 p.m .M onday throughFriday. R FP 1948 P age12 of23 c. N otice ofutility shut-dow n m ustbe provided to the m anagem entoffice and P rojectM anagerin atim ely m annertoprovideresidentsw ith am inim um of a24 hournotice;48hournoticeispreferred. d. Contractor shallbe required to attend pre-construction m eetings(these m eetingsm ay be held after hours),asdirected by O w ner,to discuss construction operationsw ith the residentsand property m anagem ent. Contractorshallsubm itadetailed scheduletotheContractAdm inistratorfor review 48 hourspriortosuchm eetings,w heretheschedulew illbereview ed w ithP roperty M anagem entandR esidents. e. Contractor ishereby notified that the unitsm ay be occupied during the course ofw ork and it isthe Contractor’sresponsibility to ensure that the w orkisdonein asafem annerand tom inim izeany risktotheresidents.T he Contractorshalltake w hatevercare necessary to ensure the safety ofthe residentsandContractor’sem ployeesduringthecourseofthew ork. f. A m inim um 72-hour notice m ust be provided to a resident by the m anagem entofficepriortoenteringanoccupiedunit. g. In occupied units,it shallbe the resident’sresponsibility to rem ove any personalitem spriortotheContractorperform ingany w ork. h. Contractor shallensure that allutilitiesare operationaland allunitsare securedproperly attheendofeachw orkday. i. Contractorshallprotect surrounding areasofthe unitsfrom dam age during thecourseoftheproject. j. T he Contractorshallperform allw orkin asafe and professionalm annerin accordance w ith the highest standards of the governing construction industry association. k. Contractor’spersonnelshallnot enteran occupied unit that they have not beengiven accesstoby an HO C staffperson,unlessthey reasonably suspect thatexistingconditionsin theunitm ay causesignificantdam ageto theunit, to otherunits,orto thebuilding,orm ay jeopardizethe health and safety of any ofthe residentsin the building,ortheirguests. Additionally,the HO C P rojectM anageristobenotifiedim m ediately. l. T he Contractor m ust w alk the property and w illbe responsible for field m easuring. m . Allw ork isto be perform ed under O S HA Code and allS tate and L ocal jurisdictioncodestoincludebutnotlim itedto,InternationalExistingBuilding Code(IEBC),ICC ElectricalCode,andM ontgom eryCounty Code. n. T he GeneralContractorshallbe responsible forassuring thatallperm itsare postedaccordingtoCounty R equirem entspriortobeginningany w ork. o. Allaccidents(either bodily injury or dam age to the property) m ust be reported to HO C’sP roject M anagerim m ediately (regardlessofthe day of w eekortim eofday). p. T he health and safety ofthe residentsisofthe highest priority during the constructionofthisproject. q. All w ork w ill be perform ed asper Architect'sdraw ings. If there isa discrepancy betw een the draw ingsand existing conditionsorbetw een the R FP 1948 P age13 of23 r. s. t. u. v. draw ingsand other proposaldocum entsthey m ust be brought to the attention of HO C’s Contract Adm inistrator im m ediately in w riting for direction on how to proceed. T he notification shallinclude aproposed solution(s),photographsandadetaileddescription. T he GeneralContractorisresponsible forprotection ofresident property w ithin theapartm entunits. T heContractorsshalltakeallnecessary stepsto protect property from construction activity. Hom esshallbe left in aclean conditionattheendofeachw orkingday. N odebrisistobeleftbehind. T he Contractorw illbe responsible forany dam age to resident’spersonal property donebyhisem ployeesorsubcontractors. Contractor shall provide m eans for photography or video of existing conditionsofeachresidencepriortostartingconstructionrenovationineach unit. In extrem e circum stancesresidentsm ay not be required to leave their hom esduring the renovation,contractorshould plan forw orking around fam iliesinasafeandcourteousm anner. AllContractorsand S ubcontractors,w hile on site,are required to w eara uniform oranID Badgeidentifyingthecom pany they w orkfor. 5. Warranty a. Allw orkshallbe perform ed in aprofessionaland safe m anneraccording to O S HA safety standardsasw ellasallm anufacturers’specifications. b. T heContractorshallprovideatw o(2)yearw arranty onallw orkperform ed. c. U pon com pletion of w ork,and prior to finalpaym ent,Contractor shall providetw opaper(2)copiesand one(1)electroniccopy ofallm anufacturer w arrantiesand operating m anualson m aterialsand equipm ent to the HO C P rojectM anageronaper-unitbasis. d. Allm aterialsshallbe new ,asper specifications,and are to be installed accordingtothem anufacturers’instructions. e. In the event any w ork perform ed under the Contract doesnot m eet m anufacturer’sinstallationguidelinesand specifications;theContractorshall be notified in w riting ofthe deficiency. Corrective action shallcom m ence w ithin 24 hoursofnotification forallw ork found unacceptable to HO C’s designated representativeby theContractoratnoadditionalcosttoHO C. In theeventcorrectiveactionisnottakeninatim ely m anner,asdeterm inedby the ContractAdm inistratororauthorized HO C representative,HO C reserves therighttoterm inatetheContractoranyportionsthereof. 6. Affirmative Action Plan Contractorshalluseitscom m ercially reasonablebesteffortstocontractw ith andengageM inority,Fem aleandDisabled(M FD)subcontractorsand/or suppliers,ascertifiedby aFederalorlocally recognizedcertificationprogram , w ithrespectto at least twenty percent (20%) ofitscontractsforsubcontract w orkandsupplies. R FP 1948 P age14 of23 Contractorw illprovideO w nerw ithevidenceofitscom pliancealongw ithitsfinal ApplicationforP aym entandrequestforreleaseofretainage. 7. Security T heContractorshallperform allw orkinasafeandsecureenvironm entper O S HA standardsw hileunderconstructionandinaccordancew iththehighest standardsoftheconstructionindustry.T heGeneralContractorandall S ubcontractorsshallberequiredtocom ply w iththeHO C security proceduresas follow s: a. At the conclusion ofthe Contract Aw ard M eeting,and priorto any w ork beginning, the Contractor shall subm it a list of its em ployees and em ployeesofany S ubcontractorw ho w illbe w orking on thisproject to Inquiries,Inc. or other HO C pre-approved com pany,for com pletion of crim inalbackground checks: Inquiries,Inc. P O Box67 Easton,M D 21601 410-819-3711 b. Copiesofcom pleted background checksshallbe delivered to the HO C P roject M anager. The Notice to Proceed will not be issued, and no work may begin until background checks have been approved by HOC. Em ployeesofthe Contractor and any S ubcontractor w ith crim inal backgrounds m ay be prohibited from w orkingonthisorany otherHO C project. c. T he Contractorshallpay forthe cost ofthe background checks,and shall be reim bursed by HO C forthisfee upon receiptofthe background checks and aninvoice. d. Afterw orkhascom m enced,any new em ployeesofthe Contractororany approved S ubcontractoradded to the payrollm ust also com ply w ith the HO C security background checkrequirem entasstated above. 8. Emergency Contact P riorto the com m encem ent ofw orkthe Contractorshallprovide the HO C P roject M anagerand Construction M anagerw ith tw enty-four(24)hourem ergency contact nam esand telephonenum bersfortw o(2)individuals. 9. Change Orders a. Any request forchangesto the S cope ofW ork aftercontract isaw arded m ustbem adein w ritingto HO C’sP rojectM anager.T hisincludesany w ork that w ould increase ordecrease the cost ofthe w ork,any additionsor subtractionsto the quantity ofm aterialsofw ork and any change that w ould affect the com pletion date of the contract. Any changesm ade R FP 1948 P age15 of23 w ithout asigned change orderfrom HO C w illbe at the sole risk ofthe Contractorand w illbedoneatnoadditionalcosttoHO C. b. Allitem sor hidden dam age discovered that m ay necessitate aChange O rderR equest from the Contractorm ust be docum ented by photographs and accom panied by detailed descriptions. 10. Project Requirements U ponsubm ittingtheirproposal,theR espondentw arrantsthatithasvisitedthe jobsiteandfam iliarizeditselfw iththew orkplansandspecifications (ConstructionP roposalDocum ents)asm ay apply tothisContract. C. Contract Term 1. T hetim eto com pletethisw orkshallbeEighteen (18) months from thedateof thenoticetoproceed. 2. A mandatory meeting ofthe Contractor and any S ubcontractorsw ith HO C Directors,M anagersand S upervisorsshallbe held w ithin Fourteen (14)days after the Contract hasbeen signed so that HO C and the Contractor can establishaw orkschedule. 3. T he Contractorand any approved S ubcontractorsshallfurnish the follow ing inform ation priorto signing the Contract:P erform ance and P aym ent Bond (as applicable to Contractor),P roofofInsurance,L icenses,Em ployee Background Checksand P erm its(asapplicable). 4. Contractorto provide an ADD ALTERNATE forproject cost certification by 3rd party accountant w ithin forty-five (45)daysoffinalw alk-thru and acceptance ofw ork by HO C. The price of the cost certification is to be included in the proposal as an ADD ALTERNATE. 5. T he property asaw hole isoccupied and w orkm ay be perform ed w ith tenants in place. N o construction w orkisto take place earlierthan 8:30 a.m .orafter 5:00 p.m . M onday through Friday. N o additional w ork hours,including w eekendsand holidays,w illbe perm itted w ithout priorw ritten approvalfrom theP rojectM anager. T he Contractor m ust provide,w ithin five (5) businessdaysof N otice of Aw ard,a com plete list ofsubcontractorspersonnelw ho w illbe used to fulfillthe term softhis Contract. Contractorsw ill be required to m aintain and provide HO C a current Contractor’sem ployeelistthroughoutthelifeofthisContract. D. Other Contract Terms 1. U tilitiesare currently available at the property. Contractorisresponsible for tem porary toilet and trash rem oval and recycling including construction m aterialsperM ontgom ery County codes. R FP 1948 P age16 of23 E. Liquidated Damages Failure to com plete the w ork asspecified in the contract m ay result in L iquidated Dam agesin the am ountofT w o Hundred Dollars($200.00)perunitpercalendarday for eachday thatthew orkrem ainsincom pleteafterthecontractcom pletiondateuntilsuch tim easS ubstantialCom pletionofthecontractisachieved. F. HOC’s Project and Construction Managers T hedesignated HO C Project Manager forthisContractisS herylHam m ond. S hecanbereached at:240-627-9739 orby em ailatS heryl.Ham m ond@ hocm c.org. T hedesignated HO C Construction Manager isP aulVinciguerra. Hecanbereached at240-627-9715 orby em ailatP aul.Vinciguerra@ hocm c.org. III. HOC’s SECTION THREE POLICY Com pliancew ithS ectionT hreeoftheHousingandU rbanDevelopm entActof1968,as am endedby 12 U .S .C.1701u (“ S ection3” )and HOC’s Policy regarding Section 3. T heW orktobeperform edunderthiscontractissubjecttotherequirem entsofHO C’sP olicy regardingS ection3 assetforthinExhibit5. IV. Maryland Local Government Torts Claims Act HO C’sliability underany contractinconnectionw iththisw orkw illbesubjecttothelim itations containedintheM arylandL ocalGovernm entT ortsClaim sAct. EXHIBITS Exhibit1)Contractor’sQ ualificationR equirem entW orksheets Exhibit2)T im berlaw nCrescentDraw ingsby M inerFeinsteindated03/24/2014 Exhibit3)M aterialS pecifications Exhibit4)AIA ContractForm sasam endedby HO C (not attached, available upon request) Exhibit5)S ection3 P olicy Exhibit6)GeneralConditionsofcontractbetw eenHO C & Contractor R FP 1948 P age17 of23 PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL P roposalof__________ __________ (hereinafter called “ R espondent” ) acorporation/partnership/individuallicensed to do businessin the S tate of M aryland to the Housing O pportunitiesCom m ission of M ontgom ery County, M aryland (hereinaftercalled “ HO C” ). T heundersigned,havingfam iliarized them selvesw ith theconditionsaffectingthecostofthe w ork,and the S pecifications(including,asapplicable,R equest ForP roposal,Instructionsto R espondents,GeneralConditionsofContract Betw een HO C and Contractor,S cope ofW ork, P roposalS ubm ission,N on-Collusive Affidavit,Attachm ents,T echnicalS pecifications,and Draw ings) and any Addendum /Addenda as prepared by HO C and is on file in the P rocurem ent O ffice,hereby propose to furnish alllabor,m aterials,equipm ent and services required tocom pletethew orkasfollow s; PROPOSAL: T he purpose ofthisP roposalisto provide single source construction from qualified General Contractors,w ho are licensed and insured to conduct businessw ithin the S tate ofM aryland. T heGeneralContractorshallprovidesinglesourceconstructionfortherenovationofanexisting 24 unittow nhom e com m unity located in N orth Bethesda,M aryland to include finish upgrades throughout(new flooring,paint,kitchen cabinets,sinksand countertops),like kind appliance replacem entsbased on m arket com parablesthat are energy efficient and cost effective for long term ow nership,the replacem ent ofHVAC unitsand w aterheaters(w ith the ability to conduct thisrenovation w ith residentsin-place)and m inorlayout changesasindicated on the Construction Draw ings. Allw ork shallcom ply w ith the conditionsset forth in this docum ent and ascontained w ithin the project details,specifications,and any attachm ents contained herein. T hisContract requiresthe Contractor to furnish alllabor,m aterialsand perm itsnecessary to com pletetheprojectasspecified herein. IntheeventaContractorleaves aP roposalline item blank,the P roposalshallbe deem ed unresponsive and subsequently disqualified. T he undersigned,having received and fam iliarized them selvesw ith the conditionsaffecting the costofthe w ork,the S pecifications/S cope ofW ork(including,asapplicable,thisrequest forproposal,the form ofpaym entand perform ance bond,the form ofcontract,the General Conditions,the Construction P roposalDocum ents,and Draw ings)and Addendum/Addenda No(s). _______ asprepared by HO C ortheArchitect,w hich ison filein theP urchasingO ffice, and havingvisited thesiteand becom efam iliarw ith localconditionsunderw hich thew orkis to be perform ed,hereby propose to furnish alllabor,m aterials,equipm ent and services required tocom pletethew orkasfollow s: Renovation of Timberlawn Crescent: Contractorshallsubm itadditionaldocum entationw ithdetails ofthistotal: (Dollars)($ _________________) (T heam ountshallbeshow ninbothw ordsandfigures.Inthecaseofadiscrepancy,theam ountshow ninw ordsw illgovern.) R FP 1948 P age18 of23 A. Provide your own documentation with a cost breakout similar to the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) Divisions. Yourbreakoutshallprovide detailed inform ation ofthe unit prices,labor,transportation,and perm itsnecessary to com plete the w orkas specified in exhibits1-3. T he O verhead,profit,generalconditionsand the like are to be brokenoutby lineitem (notlum ped intotheappliancecostforexam ple). B. Provide a line item for each Add Alternate price requested in the blueprints and the RFP. T hispriceshallbethetotalcostincludingoverhead,profit,generalconditionsand the like. Enterthepricesforthisw orkbelow . Ifthereisanom issionofarequested add alternatebelow ,pleaseprovidetheadd alternatepricingonaseparatesheetofpaper. Sheet G0.0.3 Add Alternates: Add Alt. #1: Bathroom -Item #6 -T ile ($ /ea.) Add Alt. #2: Bathroom -Item #9 -BaseCabinet ($ /ea.) Add Alt. #3: Bathroom -Item #10 -Vanity T op ($ /ea.) Add Alt. #4: Bathroom -Item #11 -Vanity Faucet ($ /ea.) Add Alt. #5: L ivingArea-Item #2 -R efinishHardw oodFlooring ($ /sf.) Add Alt. #6: Entry Foyer-Item #3 -R efinishHardw oodFlooring ($ /sf.) Add Alt. #7:DiningR oom -Item #2 -R efinishHardw oodFlooring ($ /sf.) Add Alt. #8: S tudy -Item #2 -R efinishHardw oodFlooring ($ /sf.) Add Alt. #9: Closet-Item #3 -R efinishHardw oodFlooring ($ /sf.) Add Alt. #10: Bedroom -Item #3 -R efinishHardw oodFlooring ($ /sf.) Add Alt. #11: M iscellaneous-Item #9 -Entry Door ($ /ea.) Add Alt. #12: M iscellaneous-Item #10 -Entry DoorHardw are ($ /ea.) Add Alt. #13: BackgroundChecks ($ /ea.) Add Alt. #14: 3rd P arty CostCertification ($ /ea.) RFP Requested Add Alternates: R FP 1948 P age19 of23 C. HOURLY RATE PRICE SCHEDULE: P ricesprovided in thissection w illinclude R egularand O vertim e Hourly laborratesper trade. Allotherw orkNot Otherwise Specified (NOS) w ithin the scope ofw orkshallbe agreed in w riting by HO C asaChange O rder. T he hourly ratesforany service w orkN O S shallbeatthepre-determ ined ratequantified below . List the rates for EACH TRADE and EACH LEVEL of worker (Journeyman, Master, etc.) for work included in your proposal. Provide additional sheets as necessary. Hourly ratesforany servicew orkN O S . T rade/L evelDescription R egularHourly R ate O vertim eHourly R ate : $________ $________ : $________ $________ : $________ $________ : $________ $________ : $________ $________ : $________ $________ : $________ $________ : $________ $________ : $________ $________ : $________ $________ : $________ $________ : $________ $________ : $________ $________ : $________ $________ R FP 1948 P age20 of23 D. RESPONDENT INFORMATION: 1. R es pondent understandsthat allunit pricesm ust be provided. T he unit prices shallinclude alllabor,m aterials,overhead,profit,insurance,etc. to cover the w orkspecified. 2. T he R es pondent understandsthat the HO C reservesthe right to reject any orall P roposalsand to w aive any inform ality in the selection process. T he R espondent agreesthatthisP roposalshallbe good and m ay notbe w ithdraw n oraltered fora period ofNinety (90) Calendar Days afterthe scheduled closing tim e forreceiving P roposals. 3. T heR es pondenthereby agreesto com m encew orkunderthisContractonorafter adatetobespecified inthe“ N oticetoP roceed” by HO C and tofully com pletethe project(s)asspecified intheN oticetoP roceed. ADDENDA: W ehavereadthefollow ingAddendaandincorporatedtheinform ation intotheproposal. Addendum :#1 __________________________________________ Date: Addendum :#2 __________________________________________ Date: Addendum :#3__________________________________________ Date: R FP 1948 P age21 of23 R espectfullyS ubm itted:By: _________________________________________ (AuthorizedS ignature) _________________________________________ (T ypedorP rintedN am eandT itle) Com pany N am e: ________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ FederalID #: __________________________________________ P hone: __________________________________________ ContactP erson: __________________________________________ Em ailAddress: __________________________________________ S EAL :(ifP roposalisby acorporation) 1. Ihereby repres entthatm y/ourfirm is___ / isnot___ aM inority BusinessFirm asiscertified By ,CertificationN o. CircleM FD T ype: AfricanAm erican AsianAm erican DisabledP erson Fem ale HispanicAm erican N ativeAm erican . 2. Ihereby repres entthatm y/ourfirm is___ /isnot___ aS ection3 BusinessFirm perP aragraph40 ofForm HU D 5370. R FP 1948 P age22 of23 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 1948 GENERAL CONTRACTING SERVICES FOR RENOVATION OF TIMBERLAWN CRESCENT NON-COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT S tateof ________________________________________________ County of ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ beingfirstduly sw orn,deposesand says: T hathe/she_________________________________________________ (Individual,partner,orofficerofthefirm ) theparty m akingtheforegoingproposalorbid.T hatsuchproposalorbidisgenuineandnotcollusive orsham .T hatsaidR espondenthasnotcolluded,conspired,connivedoragreed,directly orindirectly, w ithany R espondentorpersontoputinasham P roposalortorefrainsubm ittingaproposal.Has not,inany m anner,directly orindirectly,soughtby agreem entorcollusion,orcom m unicationof conference,w ithany person,tofixtheP roposalpricesofaffiantorofany otherR espondent,ortofix any overhead,profit,orcostelem entofsaidP roposalprice,orofthatorany otherR espondent,orto secureany advantageagainsttheL HA orany personinterestedintheproposedContract;andthatall statem entsinsaidP roposalaretrue. By: ________________________________________________ T itle: ________________________________________________ S ubscribedandsw orntobeforem e this day of ,20 . M y com m issionexpires____________________________________,20 _ R FP 1948 P age23 of23 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 1948 GENERAL CONTRACTING SERVICES FOR RENOVATION OF TIMBERLAWN CRESCENT PROPOSAL SUBMISSION CHECKLIST P leasecheckoffthefollow ingitem sandincludethem w ithyourproposal: P roposalS ubm ittalS ection S ignatureP age Exhibit1,S ectionA,B and C -Contractor’sQ ualificationR equirem entW orksheets N onCollusiveAffidavit L etterfrom S urety Approved substitutem aterialslist,ifapplicable S igned Addenda,ifapplicable Currentand valid Federaland S tateContractorsL icense(M HIC/M HBR ) CertificateofInsurance AIA form A305-1986 Brochuresand supportingm aterial R em ediationexperience N arrativeofcom pany proceduresforhandlingtenantpersonalproperty END OF SECTION RFP #1948 Page 1 of 4 EXHIBIT 1 TIMBERLAWN CRESENT CONTRACTOR’S QUALIFICATION WORKSHEETS Company Name: Proposals will only be accepted from Contractors who can establish, to the satisfaction of HOC, the reliability and responsibility of the persons or entities proposed to furnish and perform the Work described in the Bid Documents and provide satisfactory evidence of, and references for, completion of projects of similar scope in the Washington or Baltimore Metropolitan areas. A. Successful completion of projects of similar scope with total aggregate Contract Values of at least Six Million Dollars, ($6,000,000.00) in the Washington Metropolitan Area within the last five (5) years. SUMMARY LIST (PROVIDE ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED.) PROJECT PROJECT NAME & TYPE DESCRIPTION DURATION ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY TOTAL AGGREGATE VALUE: CONTRACT VALUE RFP #1948 Page 2 of 4 B. Provide at least two (2) examples of successfully completed projects of similar scope of work with individual Contract values of at least Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000.00) within the last Five (5) years. Provide the Owner and Architect Names and Contact Information for these examples. PROVIDE ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AS NEEDED. PROJECT EXAMPLE #: Project Name: Project Type: Project Address: Scope of Work: Contract Value: Owner: Contact Name: Telephone Number: Architect: Contact Name: Telephone Number: RFP #1948 Page 3 of 4 PROJECT EXAMPLE #: Project Name: Project Type: Project Address: Scope of Work: Contract Value: Owner: Contact Name: Telephone Number: Architect: Contact Name: Telephone Number: RFP #1948 Page 4 of 4 C. Responsible Individual(s). Contractor must list the legal name, title, email address, mailing address, phone number and fax number, including the individual who will be the contact person for the term of the Contract. Contractor must also list the same for each person empowered to speak for the firm in connection with its qualifications, policy, and financial and contractual matters. RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL #: Contact Name: Contact Title: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Website: RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL #: Contact Name: Contact Title: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Website: RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL #: Contact Name: Contact Title: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: E-mail Address: Website: Fax Number: EXHIBIT 2 TIMBERLAWN CRESENT DRAWINGS BY MINER FEINSTEIN DATED 3/24/2014 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net Renovation of Timberlawn Crescent North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 Permit / Bid Set: March 24, 2014 HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES COMMISSION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY OWNER 2930 KNOWLES AVENUE SUITE 100 KENSINGTON, MARYLAND 20895 1. SPACE HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO LOCATE PLUMBING AND HVAC BUT ACTUAL MODIFICATIONS WILL BE MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR IN A DESIGN / BUILD FASHION. PROVIDE PLUMBING, GAS, AND ELECTRICAL AS NEEDED PER THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 2002 AND WSSC PLUMBING CODE. 2. FINISHES, COLORS, AND LIGHTING SELECTIONS WILL BE MADE BY THE OWNER. 3. DIMENSIONS TO EXISTING WALLS ARE TO FACE OF WALL. DIMENSIONS TO NEW WALLS ARE TO FACE OF STUD. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE PRIOR TO BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH ALL ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT WORK REQUIREMENTS. CHECK ALL EXISTING JOB CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFICATION OF ALL FIELD CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS AND SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES DETECTED. ENSURE NEW BUILDING MATERIALS MATCH EXISTING UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. USE GIVEN DIMENSIONS; DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 5. PERMIT/BID SET MINER FEINSTEIN ARCHITECTS, LLC 135 WEST PATRICK STREET, SUITE 200, FREDERICK, MARYLAND 21701 Moderate Rehabilitation of Timberlawn Crescent DESIGN-BUILD MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL DESIGN DUCTWORK TO MAINTAIN EXISTING SUPPLY CFM. INSPECT THE EXISTING SYSTEMS AND PROVIDE ANY REPAIRS REQUIRED. a. WATER HEATER AND FLUE b. NATURAL GAS PIPING SYSTEM (WATER HEATER AND FURNACE) c. DOMESTIC WATER PIPING d. SANITARY WASTE & VENT PIPING 7. 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 DESIGN-BUILD PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM THE CAPACITY OF THE EXISTING WATER HEATER AND DETERMINE IF AN UPGRADE IS REQUIRED DUE TO ADDITIONAL SECOND FLOOR BATHROOM. DESIGN-BUILD ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL TEST & INSPECT THE EXISTING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AND PROVIDE ANY REPAIRS REQUIRED. PROVIDE ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS AT RECONFIGURED KITCHEN. PROVIDE AFCI & GFCI CIRCUITS/DEVICES WHERE REQUIRED BY THE CODE. PROVIDE LIGHTING FIXTURES AT ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED LOCATIONS. FIXTURE TYPES AND LOCATIONS TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER. PROVIDE HARD-WIRED WITH BATTERY BACKUP, INTERCONNECTED SMOKE DETECTORS ON EACH LEVEL AND WITHIN EACH SLEEPING AREA (BEDROOM) 1343 03-24-2014 ARCHITECT INSPECT THE EXISTING SYSTEMS AND PROVIDE ANY REPAIRS REQUIRED. a. FURNACE AND FLUE b. BATHROOM EXHAUST PROVIDE NEW DUCTWORK, REGISTERS AND GRILLES AND REWORK EXISTING DUCTWORK TO ADEQUATELY CONDITION THE LIVING SPACE. REMOVE EXISTING AND PROVIDE NEW COMBO BATH LIGHT / EXHAUST FAN IN ALL BATHROOMS IN EXISTING LOCATIONS. DUE TO THE LIMITED AMOUNT OF SPACE ON THE DRAWINGS, THESE FIXTURES ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. 6. Architect's Project Number: DRAWING LIST NUMBER OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 SHEET NAME GENERAL G0.0.1 COVER SHEET G0.0.2 ABBREVIATIONS, PARTITION TYPES & LEGENDS G0.0.3 GENERAL NOTES G0.1.1 CODE ANALYSIS - BUILDING 2 G0.1.2 CODE ANALYSIS - BUILDING 3 G0.1.3 CODE ANALYSIS - BUILDING 4 G0.1.4 CODE ANALYSIS - BUILDING 5 G0.1.5 CODE ANALYSIS - BUILDING 6 G0.1.6a CODE ANALYSIS - BUILDING 7a G0.1.6b CODE ANALYSIS - BUILDING 7b PROJECT SITE PROJECT SITE ARCHITECTURAL Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 5:58 PM 2013 1 GENERAL NOTES NOT TO SCALE TIMBERLAWN CRESCENT IS AN APARTMENT COMMUNITY LOCATED IN NORTH BETHESDA MARYLAND OFF TUCKERMAN DRIVE. THE COMMUNITY CONSISTS OF SEVEN GARDEN APARTMENT BUILDINGS WITH EACH UNIT HAVING AN EXTERIOR ENTRY. MANY OF THE UNITS ARE MULTI-STORY. THE PROPOSED WORK CONSISTS OF LIKE KIND REPLACEMENT OF BATHROOM PLUMBING AND LIGHTING FIXTURES, KITCHEN APPLIANCES AND FLOORING, DOORS AND LIGHTING THROUGHOUT. IN THREE OF THE UNIT TYPES, THE BATHROOMS ARE BEING RECONFIGURED TO ALLOW FOR A MORE PRIVATE WASHING AREA. HARD-WIRED SMOKE DETECTORS ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN EACH SLEEPING AREA AS REQUIRED. 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION NOT TO SCALE A2.2.0 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT TYPE 1.1a & 1.1b A2.2.1 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT TYPE 1.1c A2.2.2 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT TYPE 2.2a A2.2.3 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT TYPE 2.2b A2.2.4 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT TYPE 2.2c & 2.2d A2.2.5 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT TYPE 2.2e & 2.2f A2.2.6 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT TYPE 2.3a A2.2.7 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT TYPE 2.3b A2.2.8 FLOOR PLAN - UNIT TYPE 3.2a & 3.2b A6.1.1 INTERIOR KITCHEN ELEVATIONS A.6.1.2 INTERIOR BATHROOM ELEVATIONS 3 DRAWING LIST NOT TO SCALE Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. Cover Sheet 4 AREA MAP NOT TO SCALE 5 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE G0.0.1 & AND EQUIP EQUIPMENT MEZZ MEZZANINE RT RUBBER TILE @ AT (THE RATE OF) EW EACH WAY MFR MANUFACTURE, MANUFACTURER SALV SALVAGE Diameter, Round, Phase EWH ELECTRIC WALL HEATER MH MAN HOLE SAN SANITARY # POUND OR NUMBER EX, EXIST EXISTING MIN MINIMUM SCH, SCHED SCHEDULE AB ANCHOR BOLT EXH EXHAUST MISC MISCELLANEOUS SCW, SCWD SOLID CORE WOOD ACC ACCESS EXP EXPANSION MLD, MLDG MOULDING SEAL SEALANT ACT ACOUSTIC CEILING TILE EXT EXTERIOR MO MASONRY OPENING SECT SECTION AD AREA DRAIN FDC FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION MR MOISTURE-RESISTANT SEL SELECT AFCI ARC FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPT FE FIRE EXTINGUISHER MT MARBLE THRESHOLD SERV SERVICE AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR FD FLOOR DRAIN MTL METAL SF SQUARE FOOT (FEET) ALUM ALUMINUM FEC FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET NIC NOT IN CONTRACT SHR, SHWR SHOWER FIN FINISH, FINISHED NO NUMBER SHT SHEET ANOD ARCH ARCHITECT, ARCHITECTURAL FIXT FIXTURE NOM NOMINAL SIM SIMILIAR BB BULLETIN BOARD FLR FLOOR NRC NOISE REDUCTION COEFFICIENT SPEC SPECIFIED OR SPECIFICATION BDRM BEDROOM FLUOR FLUORESCENT NTS NOT TO SCALE SPK SPRINKLER BF BARRIER FREE (ACCESSIBLE) FM FILLED METAL OC ON CENTER SSTL STAINLESS STEEL BLKG BLOCKING FND FOUNDATION OFF OFFICE STC BM BEAM, BENCH MARK FO FACE OF OH OVERHEAD SOUND TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT STL STEEL BOT BOTTOM FOC FACE OF CONCRETE OPNG OPENING STO, STOR STORAGE BSMT BASEMENT FOF FACE OF FINISH OPP OPPOSITE STRUCT STRUCTURAL BYND BEYOND FOS FACE OF STUD ORN ORNAMENTAL SUSP SUSPENDED C/C CENTER TO CENTER FRT FIRE RETARDANT TREATED OZ OUNCE SY SQUARE YARD(S) CAB CABINET FTG FOOTING P.LAM PLASTIC LAMINATE T&B TOP AND BOTTOM CAT CATEGORY, CATALOG GA GAUGE PCF POUND(S) PER CUBIC FOOT T&G TONGUE AND GROOVE T/D TELEPHONE/DATA TELE TELEPHONE CATV CABLE TELEVISION CCTV CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION CHNL CHANNEL CI GALV GALVANIZED GFI, GFCI GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPT GND, GRND GROUND GYP. BD. GYPSUM BOARD CAST IRON CIP CAST IN PLACE CJ CONTROL JOINT CLG, CLNG CEILING CLR CLEAR HC PHASE, PHONE TACKBOARD TLT TOILET TO TOP OF TOC TOP OF CONCRETE TOS TOP OF STEEL TP TOILET PAPER DISPENSER TPTN TOILET PARTITION TYP TYPICAL U/S UNDERSIDE UON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED VCT VINYL COMPOSITION TILE VERT VERTICAL VEST VESTIBULE VHI VISUAL & HEARING IMPAIRED VIF VERIFY IN FIELD VR VAPOR RETARDER VWB VINYL WALL BASE RETURN AIR, REGISTERED ARCHITECT VWC VINYL WALL COVERING RBR RUBBER W/ WITH RCP REFLECTED CEILING PLAN W/O WITHOUT ROOF DRAIN WD WOOD REF, REFR REFRIGERATOR WF WIDE FLANGE (STEEL) REM REMOVE, REMOVABLE WH WATER HEATER REQ'D REQUIRED WP WATERPROOF RES, RESIL RESILIENT WS WATERSTOP, WEATHERSTRIPPING RETG RETAINING WT WEIGHT RM ROOM WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC RO ROUGH OPENING WWM WELDED WIRE MESH 6. OUTER LAYER OF ALL INTERIOR GYPSUM BOARD PARTITIONS ADJACENT OR EXPOSED TO WET OR HUMID CONDITIONS TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITH WATER/MOISTURE RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD OR EQUAL AND AS THE SUBSTRATE PREPARED TO RECEIVE SCHEDULED CERAMIC OR STONE TILE, WATER RESISTANT WALL PANELS OR HIGH PERFORMANCE PAINT FINISHES. WET OR HUMID SPACES INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, TOILET/BATH ROOM WALLS, KITCHEN WALLS AND WALLS ADJACENT TO WATER FEATURES. PROVIDE CEMENTITIOUS TILE BACKER BOARD IN LIEU OF GYPSUM BOARD AT ALL WALLS IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH WATER, FOR EXAMPLE, SHOWERS, STEAM ROOMS, ETC. U.O.N. ROW RIGHT OF WAY YD YARD 7. PARKING PLF POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT PLUMB PLUMBING PLYWD PLYWOOD PNL PANEL PRTN, PTN PARTITION PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH IN LIEU OF PT INSUL INSULATED CPT CARPET INT INTERIOR PTD CT CERAMIC TILE JB, J-BOX JUNCTION BOX PVC CTYD COURTYARD JC JANITOR (CUSTODIAL) CLOSET PWR PRESSURE TREATED, PRESERVATIVE TREATED PAINTED, PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER POWER DBL DOUBLE JT JOINT QT QUARRY TILE DEG DEGREE KIT KITCHEN QTY, QUANT QUANTITY DEMO DEMOLISH KP KICK PLATE QUAL QUALITY DIA DIAMETER KS KITCHEN SINK R RISER, RADIUS DIMS DIMENSIONS DL DEAD LOAD DN DR DOOR LAM LAMINATE LIN. LINEAR LL LIVE LOAD LO LOW DWG DRAWING LP LOW POINT EA EACH LW LIGHT WEIGHT EJ EXPANSION JOINT EL ELEVATION MAS MASONRY MAT, MATL MATERIAL ELEC ELECTRICAL MAX MAXIMUM ELEV ELEVATOR/ELEVATION MC MEDICINE CABINET EPDM ETHYLENE PROPYLENE DIENE MONOMER MECH MECHANICAL EQ RA MEMBR ABBREVIATIONS LEGEND DIMENSIONAL LUMBER (CONTINUOUS) 2. EXTERIOR WALLS AND EXPOSED STRUCTURAL CONCRETE WALLS ARE NOT TAGGED USING THE PARTITION TYPE SYMBOL. SEE EXTERIOR WALL DETAILS AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR REQUIREMENTS. 3. PROVIDE TYPE "X" FIRE RATED GYP BD AT TESTED FIRE ASSEMBLIES. SOME PARTITIONS SUBSTITUTE 5/8 INCH TYPE "X" IN LIEU OF 1/2 INCH TYPE "C" REQUIRED BY LISTED TEST REPORT. CONFIRM APPROVAL OF THIS SUBSTITUTION BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. 4. GYPSUM BOARD PARTITION CONTROL JOINTS ARE REQUIRED AT APPROXIMATELY 30'-0" O.C. FOR STRAIGHT AND CONTINUOUS WALLS, AT OPENING LOCATIONS, OR AS NOTED OTHERWISE ON DRAWINGS. WHERE NOT SPECIFICALLY INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS SUBMIT CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSED CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS TO ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL. 5. DO NOT PLACE MECHANICAL AND/OR ELECTRICAL DEVICES BACK TO BACK IN RATED PARTITIONS. ALL DEVICES TO BE PLACED IN SEPARATE STUD SPACES WITH 8" O.C. MIN. SEPARATION. FINISH ALL EXPOSED GYPSUM BOARD CONSTRUCTION. FINISH SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 8. PARTITIONS ARE DIMENSIONED TO FACE OF STUD, FACE OF MASONRY AND TO FACE OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 9. NOTES TO "ALIGN" MEAN TO ALIGN FINISHED FACE OF PARTITION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED AND SHALL HAVE PRIORITY OVER A DIMENSIONED LOCATION. 10. CENTERLINES OF PARTITIONS WHICH MEET WINDOW WALLS SHALL ALIGN WITH THE CENTERLINE OF THE MULLION U.O.N. 11. PERIMETER DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF WALL BELOW SILL U.O.N. 12. PROVIDE SOLID WOOD BLOCKING AS SHOWN OR AS REQUIRED FOR ATTACHMENT OF WALL MOUNTED HARDWARE, TOILET ACCESSORIES, CASEWORK, MILLWORK, FINISH CARPENTRY ETC. AS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR THE SECURE ATTACHMENT OF ADJOINING WORK. 13. PROVIDE AND INSTALL FIRESTOP ASSEMBLIES AT ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH FIRE RATED PARTITIONS AND AT ALL FIRE RATED PARTITION HEADS. REFER TO FIRESTOPPING SPECIFICATION SECTION FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 14. REFER TO GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES SPECIFICATION SECTION FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO FIRE RATED CONSTRUCTION, SOUND RATED CONSTRUCTION, MATERIALS AND TOLERANCES. EXISTING SUPPLY DIFFUSER TO REMAIN SURFACE MOUNTED STRIP FLUORESCENT FIXTURE EXISTING RETURN GRILLE TO REMAIN EXISTING LAY-IN LIGHT FIXTURE TO REMAIN SUPPLY DIFFUSER TO BE REMOVED EXISTING LAY-IN LIGHT FIXTURE TO BE REMOVED RETURN GRILLE TO BE REMOVED PROPOSED LAY-IN LIGHT FIXTURE (NEW OR RELOCTED) SUPPLY DIFFUSER (NEW OR RELOCATED) EMERGENCY LIGHT w/ BATTERY BACKUP RETURN GRILLE (NEW OR RELOCATED) Moderate Rehabilitation of Timberlawn Crescent 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 15. WHERE NOTED UL DESIGNS REFERENCE PROPRIETARY MATERIALS, EQUIVALENT MATERIALS FROM OTHER MANUFACTURERS WILL ONLY BE APPROVED UPON SUBMISSION BY THE CONTRACTOR OF EVIDENCE OF A SUCCESSFUL FIRE TEST BY AN INDEPENDENT TESTING LABORATORY OF THE PROPOSED MANUFACTURER'S ASSEMBLY INDICATING COMPLIANCE WITH THE LISTED FIRE-RESISTANCE RATING. NOT TO SCALE RECESSED CAN FIXTURE (DOWNLIGHT) 1343 03-24-2014 THE ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE AND/OR FINISH LEVELS NOTED IN THE GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES SPECIFICATION SECTION. PARTITION NOTES D1 EXISTING DOOR TO BE REMOVED WASHED GRAVEL / CRUSHED STONE PERMIT/BID SET 1. WHERE FIRE TESTS ARE INDICATED IN PARTITION DESCRIPTION, CONFIGURE AND INSTALL PARTITION PER TESTING AGENCY CRITERIA OR OTHER TESTS APPROVED BY LOCAL CODE OFFICIALS. TESTING AGENCY CRITERIA MAY INCLUDE ADDITIONAL COMPONENTS NOT SPECIFICALLY INDICATED ON THIS SCHEDULE OR REFERENCED DETAILS. 3 NOT TO SCALE CONCRETE Architect's Project Number: SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" MEMBRANE EQUAL 1 PARTITION TYPES 2 PRE-FINISHED HEATING, VENTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING CONTINUOUS SOUND TRANSMISSION CLASS (STC) RATING: TKBD PKNG HVAC CONT FIRE RATING: N/A BATT INSULATION ONLY WHERE INDICATED WITH SUFFIX "S" OR "T" THRESHOLD PRE ILO 1 LAYER OF 1/2" GYP. BD. EACH SIDE OF 2x4 WOOD FRAMING @ 16" O.C. THR HOUR COMPRESSIBLE CONCRETE PH HR COLUMN COMPR PEDESTAL, PEDESTRIAN HOLLOW METAL CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT COL PED HIGH HM W42 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER HOLLOW CORE HI CMU PE 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net P1 PENDANT MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 EXISTING WALL TO BE REMOVED DIMENSIONAL LUMBER (NON-CONT.; BLOCKING) SURFACE MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE SM1 EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN ENGINEERED LUMBER (MICRO-LAM OR LVL) CLAY MASONRY (BRICK) ROOM NAME NUM. DETAIL NUMBER CONCRETE MASONRY (CMU) 1 A311 NEW WALL EXISTING DOOR TO REMAIN SHEET NUMBER (A3.1.1) NEW DOOR ROOM NAME AND NUMBER TAG 1 A311 NEW POCKET DOOR SHEET NUMBER (A3.1.1) GYPSUM BOARD EXIT LIGHT w/ BATTERY BACKUP SHEET NUMBER (A3.1.1) Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 5:58 PM 2013 RIGID INSULATION Progress Drawings 1 KEYED NOTE ACOUSTICAL TILE CEILING GLASS FIBER BATT INSULATION 4 NOT TO SCALE 12.10.2013 GYPSUM BOARD CEILING PARTITION (WALL) TYPE MATERIAL & SYMBOLS LEGEND CEILING FAN (SUFFIX INDICATES DIA. OF FAN IN INCHES) Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. NEW BI-PASSING DOOR DETAIL NUMBER 1 A311 CF42 DOOR NUMBER TAG DETAIL NUMBER STEEL WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE (SCONCE OR WALL PACK) S1 5 FLOOR PLAN LEGEND NOT TO SCALE 6 REF. CLNG. PLAN LEGEND NOT TO SCALE Abbreviations, Partition Types & Legends G0.0.2 1. FINISHES, COLORS, AND LIGHTING SELECTIONS WILL BE MADE BY THE OWNER. STEEL; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 14671 4. DOORS - 2. DIMENSIONS TO EXISTING WALLS ARE TO FACE OF WALL. DIMENSIONS TO NEW WALLS ARE TO FACE OF STUD. 10. REFRIGERATOR - FRIGIDAIRE 18.2 CU FT TOP FREEZER; REVERSIBLE DOOR WITH ICE MAKER; STAINLESS STEEL; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 14653 PRE-HUNG INTERIOR DOOR - 2'0" x 6'8" x1-3/8" - HOLLOW CORE - 2 PANEL; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 27227 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE PRIOR TO BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH ALL ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT WORK REQUIREMENTS. CHECK ALL EXISTING JOB CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFICATION OF ALL FIELD CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS AND SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES DETECTED. ENSURE NEW BUILDING MATERIALS MATCH EXISTING UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. USE GIVEN DIMENSIONS; DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 11. DISHWASHER - FRIGIDAIRE 24" BUILT-IN; STAINLESS STEEL; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 42673 OR APPROVED EQUAL PRE-HUNG INTERIOR DOOR - 2'0" x 6'8" x1-3/8" - HOLLOW CORE - 2 PANEL; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 27232 12. ARCHITECTURAL BRACKET AT ISLAND TBD PRE-HUNG INTERIOR DOOR - 2'6" x 6'8" x1-3/8" - HOLLOW CORE - 2 PANEL; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 27235 4. SUBMITTALS ARE REQUIRED OF EACH ITEM TO BE DELIVERED TO THE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW/APPROVAL. MILLWORK SHOP DRAWINGS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED IN TANDEM WITH THE COUNTERTOP SUBMITTAL. ELECTRONIC SUBMITTALS ARE ACCEPTABLE FOR NON-FINISH ITEMS ONLY. ALL FINISH ITEMS TO BE ACCOMPANIED BY PHYSICAL SAMPLES. SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE DUE TO ARCHITECT WITHIN ONE WEEK OF PROJECT AWARD. 5. DETAILS ARE TO CARRY THROUGHOUT UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. LACK OF REPETITION IS NOT CAUSE FOR ADDITIONAL WORK, ONLY CLARIFICATION. 13. LIGHT - CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 14463 14. BAR LIGHT - TBD PRE-HUNG INTERIOR DOOR - 2'6" x 6'8" x1-3/8" - HOLLOW CORE - 2 PANEL; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 27238 15. FLOOR COVERING - CERAMIC FLOOR TILE- 12x12- DALTILE FLOOR TILE GRIGIO PERLA CERAMIC FLOOR CERAMIC BULL-NOSE BASE - OR APPROVED EQUAL PRE-HUNG INTERIOR DOOR - 3'0" x 6'8" x1-3/8" - HOLLOW CORE - 2 PANEL; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 27241 16. PAINT - WALLS - SEMI GLOSS COLOR SW 7036 ACCESSIBLE BEIGE; TRIM - SEMI GLOSS COLOR SW 7007 CEILING BRIGHT WHITE - GENESIS ODOR-FREE - INTERIOR ACRYLIC LATEX FINISHES OR APPROVED EQUAL PRE-HUNG INTERIOR DOOR - 3'0" x 6'8" x1-3/8" - HOLLOW CORE - 2 PANEL; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 27243 LIVING AREA 6. IF ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS APPEAR IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT AND OWNER OF SUCH ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IMMEDIATELY IN WRITING. IF THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO GIVE SUCH NOTICE THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RESULTS OF SUCH ERRORS AND OMISSIONS AND FOR THE COST OF RECTIFYING THE SAME. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFICATION OF ALL FIELD CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS AND SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT AND OWNER IN WRITING IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES DETECTED. IT SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ARCHITECT AND OWNER'S ATTENTION WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROPER CORRECTIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. 8. WHERE IT IS NECESSARY TO CUT FLOORS, WALLS, OR CEILINGS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ANY WORK SUCH CUTTING SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THIS CONTRACTOR. ALL AFFECTED AREAS SHALL BE PATCHED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO MATCH THE ORIGINAL CONDITION AND APPEARANCE (UNLESS NEW FINISHES ARE SPECIFIED). BEFORE ANY CUTTING AND PATCHING TAKES PLACE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT, STRUCTURAL ENGINEER (WHEN DETERMINED BY ARCHITECT), AND OWNER. 1. LIGHT - PROGRESS LIGHTING P8044-28 5IN. STEP BAFFLE RECESSED LIGHTING TRIM OR APPROVED EQUAL 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net 5. DOOR HARDWARE - KWIKSET LEVER PASSAGE LOCKSET - 200 DL DELTA LEVER. PLAIN LEVER BOTH SIDES; ADJUSTABLE LATCH; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 38667 KWIKSET DELTA LEVER PRIVACY LOCKSET 300DL. TURN BUTTON INTERIOR; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 38556 2. FLOOR COVERING - PLANK LAMINATE TBD ADD ALTERNATE - REFINISHED EXISTING HARDWOODS 6. DRYWALL - LAFARGE WATERCHECK OR APPROVED EQUAL; HIGH MOISTURE LOCATIONS GREENGUARD CERTIFIED, LISTED AS LOW-EMITTING MATERIAL OR APPROVED EQUAL 3. PAINT - WALLS - FLAT LATEX COLOR SW 7036 ACCESSIBLE BEIGE; PAINT EXISTING TRIM - SEMI GLOSS COLOR SW 7007 CEILING BRIGHT WHITE - GENESIS ODOR-FREE - INTERIOR ACRYLIC LATEX FINISHES OR APPROVED EQUAL 7. HORIZONTAL BLINDS - TBD ENTRY FOYER 9. ADD ALTERNATE - REPLACE ENTRY DOOR - MANUFACTURER TBD 1. EXTERIOR DOOR EXISTING TO REMAIN ADD ALTERNATE - TBD 10. ADD ALTERNATE - ENTRY DOOR HARDWARE - KWIKSET SMARTL KEY DEADBOLT; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 34378 WITH KWIKSET LEVEL ENTRY LOCKSET DELTA SERIES; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 12791 8. VERTICAL BLINDS - TBD 2. LIGHT - CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 14463 MATERIAL AND FINISH SELECTIONS BATHROOM 3. FLOOR COVERING - PLANK LAMINATE TBD ADD ALTERNATE - REFINISHED EXISTING HARDWOODS 1. BATHTUB - KOHLER K7150 & K7160 OR AMERICAST 2390202020 & 2391202020; PORCELAIN ON STEEL BATHTUB; WHITE; 60"x30"x14"; TUB TO INCLUDE OVERFLOW AND DRAIN KIT AS RECOMMENDED BY MANUFACTURER 4. PAINT - WALLS - FLAT LATEX COLOR SW 7036 ACCESSIBLE BEIGE; REPLACE TRIM - SEMI GLOSS COLOR SW 7007 CEILING BRIGHT WHITE - GENESIS ODOR-FREE - INTERIOR ACRYLIC LATEX FINISHES OR APPROVED EQUAL - TRIM PROFILE TBD 2. BATHTUB SHOWER FAUCET - CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 30185 DINING ROOM 3. BATHTUB SHOWERHEAD - CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 14058 1. LIGHT - CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 11826 4. SHOWER ROD - MOEN 21025BS DONNER 5' CURVED SHOWER ROD IN BRUSHED NICKEL OR APPROVED EQUAL 2. FLOOR COVERING - PLANK LAMINATE TBD ADD ALTERNATE - REFINISHED EXISTING HARDWOODS 5. SHOWER AND TUB SURROUND - CERAMIC TILE SURROUND- DALTILE 3x6 SUBWAY TILE WHITE OR APPROVED EQUAL WITH 4" EARTHTONE GLASS MOSAIC TILE TBD BY OWNER WITH VITREOUS CHINA SOAP DISH 3. PAINT - WALLS - FLAT LATEX COLOR SW 7036 ACCESSIBLE BEIGE; REPLACE TRIM - SEMI GLOSS COLOR SW 7007 CEILING BRIGHT WHITE - GENESIS ODOR-FREE - INTERIOR ACRYLIC LATEX FINISHES OR APPROVED EQUAL - TRIM PROFILE TBD 6. SHOWER PAN - TBD ADD ALTERNATE - DALTILE GRIGIO PERLA SL84 2x2 STUDY 7. SHOWER DOOR - STERLING: DELUXE BY-PASS SHOWER DOOR DIMENSIONS:48-7/8" x 70" 5976-48S OR APPROVED EQUAL 8. PEDESTAL SINK - MANUFACTURER TBD IN POWDER ROOM 9. EXISTING VANITY TO REMAIN IN FULL BATHS ADD ALTERNATE - REPLACE EXISTING WITH ARMSTRONG CORONET HONEY CABINET (TO MATCH EXISTING KITCHEN CABINETS) WITH HANDLES AND HARDWARE 3. PAINT - WALLS - FLAT LATEX COLOR SW 7036 ACCESSIBLE BEIGE; REPLACE TRIM - SEMI GLOSS COLOR SW 7007 CEILING BRIGHT WHITE - GENESIS ODOR-FREE - INTERIOR ACRYLIC LATEX FINISHES OR APPROVED EQUAL - TRIM PROFILE TBD 10. EXISTING VANITY TOP TO REMAIN IN FULL BATHS ADD ALTERNATE - DALTILE GEO FLECKS TWILIGHT CANYON NQ15 WITH INTEGRATED BOWL VANITY TOP WITH BACKSPLASH IN SIZES TO FIT VANITY OR APPROVED EQUAL CLOSET 12. VANITY LIGHT FIXTURE - CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 11852 13. MEDICINE CABINET - OVER THE TANK SURFACE MOUNT WOODEN MEDICINE CABINET; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 37001 1. LIGHT - PROGRESS- P3410-09 - BRUSHED NICKEL - 9.5" OR APPROVED EQUAL 2. SHELVING - WIRE TBD 3. FLOOR COVERING - PLANK LAMINATE TBD ADD ALTERNATE - REFINISHED EXISTING HARDWOODS 1. LIGHT - LEVITON L20-55 BLACK RUBBER OUTDOOR LAMP SOCKET 15. TOILET - CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 34077 WITH 30591 TANK 2. SINK BASIN - TBD 16. TOILET SEAT - CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 36271 3. FAUCET - TBD 17. TOILET PAPER HOLDER - FRANKLIN BRASS TOILET PAPER HOLDER IN POLISHED CHROME OR APPROVED EQUAL 4. FLOOR COVERING - PLANK LAMINATE TBD 19. FLOOR COVERING - CERAMIC FLOOR TILE- 12x12 - DALTILE FLOOR TILE GRIGIO PERLA SL84 WITH CERAMIC FLOOR CERAMIC BULL-NOSE BASE OR APPROVED EQUAL 20. PAINT - WALLS - SEMI GLOSS COLOR SW 7036 ACCESSIBLE BEIGE; TRIM - SEMI GLOSS COLOR SW 7007 CEILING BRIGHT WHITE - GENESIS ODOR-FREE - INTERIOR ACRYLIC LATEX FINISHES OR APPROVED EQUAL Moderate Rehabilitation of Timberlawn Crescent 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 4. PAINT - WALLS - FLAT LATEX COLOR SW 7036 ACCESSIBLE BEIGE; REPLACE TRIM - SEMI GLOSS COLOR SW 7007 CEILING BRIGHT WHITE - GENESIS ODOR-FREE - INTERIOR ACRYLIC LATEX FINISHES OR APPROVED EQUAL - TRIM PROFILE TBD 14. MIRROR - MIRROR WITH 1" BEVELED POLISHED EDGES - THICKNESS: 1/4" WIDTH: 25" LENGTH 30"; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 36923; 33x28 RECTANGULAR FRAMELESS BATH MIRROR WHERE REGISTER CONFLICTS WITH MIRROR HEIGHT CLIPS - CLEAR PLASTIC - SIZE 5/8" WIDE x 3/4" LONG; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 16596 18. TOWEL BARS - FRANKLIN BRASS 8600 SERIES 18", 24" OR 30" POLISHED CHROME OR APPROVED EQUAL PERMIT/BID SET 1343 03-24-2014 1. LIGHT - PROGRESS LIGHTING P8044-28 5IN. STEP BAFFLE RECESSED LIGHTING TRIM OR APPROVED EQUAL 2. FLOOR COVERING - PLANK LAMINATE TBD ADD ALTERNATE - REFINISHED EXISTING HARDWOODS 11. EXISTING VANITY FAUCET TO REMAIN IN FULL BATHS ADD ALTERNATE - CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 15461 Architect's Project Number: BASEMENT OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 5. PAINT - WALLS - TBD COLOR SW 7036 ACCESSIBLE BEIGE; REPLACE TRIM - SEMI GLOSS COLOR SW 7007 CEILING BRIGHT WHITE - GENESIS ODOR-FREE - INTERIOR ACRYLIC LATEX FINISHES OR APPROVED EQUAL - TRIM PROFILE TBD BEDROOMS 1. LIGHT - PROGRESS - P3764-09EBWB - 11.5" DIAMETER CFL- ONE LIGHT FLUSH MOUNT - ENERGY EFFICIENT OR APPROVED EQUAL; TWO SWITCHES WITH CEILING FAN BOX INSTALLED 2. SHELVING - WIRE MANUFACTURER TBD 3. FLOOR COVERING - PLANK LAMINATE TBD ADD ALTERNATE - REFINISHED EXISTING HARDWOODS KITCHEN 1. CABINETS - ARMSTRONG CORONET HONEY 2. CABINET KNOBS - AMEROCK 1 1/4" SOLID BRASS HOLLOW KNOB SATIN NICKEL FINISH OR APPROVED EQUAL 3. COUNTERTOPS - GRANITE - MID-GRADE COLOR TO BE SELECTED - INTERNATIONAL STONE, CONTACT MELINDA AT 301-931-8885 4. PAINT - WALLS - FLAT LATEX COLOR SW 7036 ACCESSIBLE BEIGE; REPLACE TRIM - SEMI GLOSS COLOR SW 7007 CEILING BRIGHT WHITE - GENESIS ODOR-FREE - INTERIOR ACRYLIC LATEX FINISHES OR APPROVED EQUAL - TRIM PROFILE TBD EXTERIOR LIGHTING 1. FRONT ENTRY - CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 11781 Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. 4. SINK-SINGLE BOWL - STERLING B225 - STAINLESS STEEL 20 GAUGE OR APPROVED EQUAL 2. REAR PATIO - CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 11781 5. SINK-DOUBLE BOWL - CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 23220 MISCELLANEOUS 6. FAUCET - CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 11869 Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 5:58 PM 2013 1. RECEPTACLES - ALL NEW RECEPTACLES SHALL BE TR TYPE. CALL TONY NAVALINI- 240-876-4323 7. RANGE HOOD - BROAN 4100 SERIES RANGE HOOD; DUCT FREE WITH TWO SPEED ROCKER; STAINLESS STEEL; CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 27082 2. NEW SWITCH RECEPTACLES - LEVITON OR APPROVED EQUAL 8. GARBAGE DISPOSAL - CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CWIP 21712 3. COMBINATION CO/SMOKE DETECTOR - KIDDE NIGHTHAWK COMBINATION DC/ SMOKE & CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR OR APPROVED EQUAL TO BE INSTALLED AT ALL BEDROOMS 9. GAS RANGE - FRIGIDAIRE 30" FREESTANDING GAS RANGE WITH ELECTRONIC IGNITION; STAINLESS 1 GENERAL NOTES NOT TO SCALE General Notes G0.0.3 1.2 (36") 515 200 502 200 =3 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net =3 511 15 = 34 USE OF SPACE AREA (SQUARE FEET) POPULATION FLOOR AREA / OCCUPANT NUMBER OF PEOPLE APPROACHING EXIT 17 NUMBER OF PEOPLE EXITING REQUIRED WIDTH OF EXIT (32" MIN) = 4.8" (56") ACTUAL WIDTH OF EXIT TWO HOUR RATED PARTITION MIN. 1 HOUR RATED PARTITION 1 BUILDING 2 - BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN 6 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" EGRESS LEGEND NOT TO SCALE 1.2 (36") 0.8 (36") 0.8 (36") PERMIT/BID SET 1343 03-24-2014 1.0 (36") 0.8 (36") Architect's Project Number: 1.2 (36") 515 200 692 200 502 200 =3 =3 =4 = 1.2 (36") = 1.2 (36") 963 200 1.2 (36") =5 Moderate Rehabilitation of 1.0 (36") 0.8 (36") BUILDING 2 - FIRST FLOOR PLAN 4 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 4 6 =2 6 400 200 2 515 200 =3 =2 400 200 =3 502 200 =3 =3 502 200 =3 502 200 =3 NOT TO SCALE OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 2 =3 3 =3 2 Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. 3 3 6 6 Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 5:58 PM 2013 502 200 515 200 400 200 515 200 =2 2 =2 =3 6 515 200 400 200 4 515 200 APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES =3 502 200 6 =3 400 200 =3 6 502 200 515 200 =2 =3 502 200 6 515 200 400 200 7 NOT TO SCALE 3 4 ORIGINAL CODE ANALYSIS 3 0.8 (36") 0.8 (36") 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 3 2 Timberlawn Crescent 3 1.0 (36") 1.2 (36") 1.2 (36") 1.2 (36") =4 3 692 200 =2 400 200 4 =2 400 200 =2 =3 502 200 =3 515 200 =3 Code Analysis Building 2 3 BUILDING 2 - SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 5 BUILDING 2 - THIRD FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 8 KEYPLAN SCALE: NTS G0.1.1 1.2 (36") 515 200 502 200 =3 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net =3 511 15 = 34 USE OF SPACE AREA (SQUARE FEET) POPULATION FLOOR AREA / OCCUPANT NUMBER OF PEOPLE APPROACHING EXIT 17 NUMBER OF PEOPLE EXITING REQUIRED WIDTH OF EXIT (32" MIN) = 4.8" (56") ACTUAL WIDTH OF EXIT TWO HOUR RATED PARTITION BUILDING 3 BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN 1 MIN. 1 HOUR RATED PARTITION 6 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" EGRESS LEGEND NOT TO SCALE Architect's Project Number: 1.2 (36") 1.2 (36") 1.0 (36") 1.2 (36") PERMIT/BID SET 1343 03-24-2014 515 200 963 200 502 200 =3 =3 =5 = 1.2 (36") = 1.2 (36") 1.2 (36") 1.2 (36") 963 200 Moderate Rehabilitation of Timberlawn Crescent =5 BUILDING 3 FIRST FLOOR PLAN 4 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" NOT TO SCALE 502 200 3 502 200 =3 Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" =3 502 200 5 3 502 200 3 3 515 200 BUILDING 3 SECOND FLOOR PLAN OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 3 3 =3 3 3 502 200 6 6 502 200 3 6 6 6 3 515 200 NOT TO SCALE Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. 3 515 200 3 7 APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES =3 3 6 502 200 6 3 =3 6 515 200 502 200 502 200 =3 3 2 ORIGINAL CODE ANALYSIS 3 1.2 (36") 1.0 (36") 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 1.0 (36") 1.2 (36") 963 200 =5 502 200 3 =3 =3 502 200 BUILDING 3 THIRD FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 502 200 Code Analysis Building 3 8 KEYPLAN SCALE: NTS G0.1.2 1.2 (36") 515 200 502 200 =3 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net =3 511 15 = 34 USE OF SPACE AREA (SQUARE FEET) POPULATION FLOOR AREA / OCCUPANT NUMBER OF PEOPLE APPROACHING EXIT 17 NUMBER OF PEOPLE EXITING REQUIRED WIDTH OF EXIT (32" MIN) = 4.8" (56") ACTUAL WIDTH OF EXIT TWO HOUR RATED PARTITION 1 BUILDING 4 BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN MIN. 1 HOUR RATED PARTITION 6 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" EGRESS LEGEND NOT TO SCALE Architect's Project Number: 1.2 (36") 1.2 (36") 1.0 (36") 1.2 (36") PERMIT/BID SET 1343 03-24-2014 515 200 963 200 502 200 =3 =3 =5 = 1.2 (36") = 1.2 (36") 1.2 (36") 1.2 (36") 963 200 Timberlawn Crescent 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 1.0 (36") BUILDING 4 FIRST FLOOR PLAN 4 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" ORIGINAL CODE ANALYSIS NOT TO SCALE 502 200 3 502 200 =3 Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" =3 502 200 5 3 3 502 200 3 3 515 200 BUILDING 4 SECOND FLOOR PLAN OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 3 3 =3 3 3 502 200 6 6 502 200 3 6 6 6 3 515 200 NOT TO SCALE Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. 3 515 200 7 APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES =3 3 3 6 502 200 6 3 =3 6 515 200 502 200 502 200 =3 3 1.2 (36") 1.0 (36") 2 Moderate Rehabilitation of =5 1.2 (36") 963 200 =5 502 200 3 =3 =3 502 200 BUILDING 4 THIRD FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 502 200 Code Analysis Building 4 8 KEYPLAN SCALE: NTS G0.1.3 1.2 (36") 515 200 502 200 =3 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net =3 511 15 = 34 USE OF SPACE AREA (SQUARE FEET) POPULATION FLOOR AREA / OCCUPANT NUMBER OF PEOPLE APPROACHING EXIT 17 NUMBER OF PEOPLE EXITING REQUIRED WIDTH OF EXIT (32" MIN) = 4.8" (56") ACTUAL WIDTH OF EXIT TWO HOUR RATED PARTITION MIN. 1 HOUR RATED PARTITION 1 BUILDING 6 - BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN 6 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" EGRESS LEGEND NOT TO SCALE 1.2 (36") 1.2 (36") 0.8 (36") 0.8 (36") PERMIT/BID SET 1343 03-24-2014 1.0 (36") 0.8 (36") Architect's Project Number: 1.2 (36") 515 200 692 200 502 200 =3 =3 =4 = 1.2 (36") = 1.2 (36") 963 200 1.2 (36") =5 Moderate Rehabilitation of 1.0 (36") 0.8 (36") BUILDING 6 - FIRST FLOOR PLAN 4 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 4 6 =2 6 400 200 2 515 200 =3 =2 400 200 =3 502 200 =3 =3 502 200 =3 502 200 =3 NOT TO SCALE OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 2 =3 3 =3 2 Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. 3 3 6 6 Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 502 200 515 200 400 200 515 200 =2 2 =2 =3 6 515 200 400 200 4 515 200 APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES =3 502 200 6 =3 400 200 =3 6 502 200 515 200 =2 =3 502 200 6 515 200 400 200 7 NOT TO SCALE 3 4 ORIGINAL CODE ANALYSIS 3 0.8 (36") 0.8 (36") 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 3 2 Timberlawn Crescent 3 1.0 (36") 1.2 (36") 1.2 (36") 1.2 (36") =4 3 692 200 =2 400 200 4 =2 400 200 =2 =3 502 200 =3 515 200 =3 Code Analysis Building 6 3 BUILDING 6 - SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 5 BUILDING 6 - THIRD FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 8 KEYPLAN SCALE: NTS G0.1.5 1.2" (36") 511 15 USE OF SPACE AREA (SQUARE FEET) POPULATION = 34 FLOOR AREA / OCCUPANT NUMBER OF PEOPLE APPROACHING EXIT 17 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net NUMBER OF PEOPLE EXITING 480 200 500 200 =3 REQUIRED WIDTH OF EXIT (32" MIN) =3 ACTUAL WIDTH OF EXIT = 4.8" (56") TWO HOUR RATED PARTITION MIN. 1 HOUR RATED PARTITION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" NOT TO SCALE 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") PERMIT/BID SET 1343 03-24-2014 1.2" (36") 480 200 1057 200 1057 200 7 APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES NOT TO SCALE Architect's Project Number: 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 1 BUILDING 5 - BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN 6 EGRESS LEGEND 500 200 =3 =3 =6 = 1.2" (36") =6 = 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 1057 200 =6 Moderate Rehabilitation of 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") =6 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 1057 200 Timberlawn Crescent =6 1.2" (36") 1057 200 3 6 6 =3 492 200 492 200 =3 442 200 =3 =3 492 200 514 200 =3 442 200 Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:01 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 3 3 492 200 3 =3 492 200 3 6 6 442 200 514 200 =3 =3 6 6 6 =3 492 200 =3 3 442 200 6 =3 492 200 6 442 200 3 =3 492 200 =3 3 514 200 =3 3 =3 3 6 =3 492 200 OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 SCALE: NTS 492 200 6 514 200 442 200 =3 8 NOT TO SCALE 6 492 200 KEYPLAN 3 4 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" ORIGINAL CODE ANALYSIS 442 200 =3 442 200 =3 3 2 BUILDING 5 - FIRST FLOOR PLAN =3 492 200 =3 =3 Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. =3 =3 Code Analysis Building 5 3 BUILDING 5 - SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 5 BUILDING 5 - THIRD FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" G0.1.4 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net 560 200 560 200 =3 =3 =3 511 15 3 560 200 560 200 =3 = 34 FLOOR AREA / OCCUPANT 3 =3 560 200 560 200 =3 =3 560 200 3 560 200 =3 USE OF SPACE AREA (SQUARE FEET) POPULATION NUMBER OF PEOPLE APPROACHING EXIT 17 NUMBER OF PEOPLE EXITING 3 REQUIRED WIDTH OF EXIT (32" MIN) 3 3 3 = 4.8" (56") 560 200 ACTUAL WIDTH OF EXIT =3 TWO HOUR RATED PARTITION 3 MIN. 1 HOUR RATED PARTITION 560 200 4 =3 3 EGRESS LEGEND NOT TO SCALE 3 Architect's Project Number: 560 200 1 PERMIT/BID SET =3 1343 03-24-2014 BUILDING 7 - BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" Moderate Rehabilitation of Timberlawn Crescent 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 560 200 560 200 560 200 =3 =3 =3 767 200 APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES NOT TO SCALE =4 OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 =3 560 200 =3 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 560 200 1.2" (36") =3 1.2" (36") 560 200 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") =3 1.2" (36") Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 1.2" (36") 0.8" (36") =3 1.0" (36") 560 200 1.2" (36") =3 1.2" (36") 560 200 Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:01 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 560 200 5 1.2" (36") 560 200 =3 1.2" (36") 560 200 =3 Code Analysis Building 7 2 BUILDING 7 - FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 3 ORIGINAL CODE ANALYSIS NOT TO SCALE 6 KEYPLAN SCALE: NTS G0.1.6a 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net 560 200 560 200 =3 =3 990 200 =3 =5 =3 560 200 560 200 =3 =3 560 200 511 15 =3 6 560 200 6 6 6 5 560 200 560 200 =3 = 34 USE OF SPACE AREA (SQUARE FEET) POPULATION FLOOR AREA / OCCUPANT NUMBER OF PEOPLE APPROACHING EXIT 17 6 NUMBER OF PEOPLE EXITING 6 6 6 560 200 REQUIRED WIDTH OF EXIT (32" MIN) =3 = 4.8" (56") 6 ACTUAL WIDTH OF EXIT TWO HOUR RATED PARTITION MIN. 1 HOUR RATED PARTITION 560 200 =3 6 4 6 560 200 EGRESS LEGEND NOT TO SCALE =3 Architect's Project Number: PERMIT/BID SET 1 1343 03-24-2014 BUILDING 7 - SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" Moderate Rehabilitation of Timberlawn Crescent 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 560 200 560 200 =3 560 200 =3 5 =3 APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES NOT TO SCALE 3 =3 560 200 =3 =3 560 200 =3 OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 560 200 3 3 3 3 560 200 3 560 200 3 3 560 200 =3 =3 3 560 200 =3 3 3 Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:01 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 560 200 Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. =3 Code Analysis Building 7 2 BUILDING 7 - THIRD FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 3 ORIGINAL CODE ANALYSIS NOT TO SCALE 6 KEYPLAN SCALE: NTS G0.1.6b STOR. STOR. D8 N2 CL. D9 BEDROOM D1 REMOVE EXISTING PLUMBING FIXTURE COMPLETE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACES FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW FIXTURE CL. N13 BEDROOM SM1 D2 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN APPLIANCE COMPLETE D3 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN COUNTER AND CABINETS COMPLETE. REPAIR ADJACENT WALL AND FLOOR SURFACES AS REQUIRED SM1 D8 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net N2 D4 REMOVE EXISTING THRESHOLD COMPLETE D5 REMOVE EXISTING TUB AND / OR SHOWER PLUMBING FIXTURES AND SURROUND COMPLETE. PRIOR TO INSTALLING NEW TILE, INSTALL CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD LIVING ROOM / DINING ROOM D4 LIVING ROOM / DINING ROOM D12 N12 D6 NOT USED N14 N13 MECH. MECH. S1 S1 N7 D8 CF42 D1 HALL CL. D8 REMOVE EXISTING CLOSET ROD AND / OR ALL SHELVING COMPLETE, COORDINATE WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION PLANS 1 D9 D5 D9 D7 NOT USED N13 BATH N15 N2 CF42 N1 HALL CL. BATH D9 REMOVE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACE FOR NEW FIXTURE D10 REMOVE EXISTING WASHER/DRYER COMPLETE D11 NOT USED N10 TYP. SM1 D9 D12 REMOVE EXISTING VANITY/COUNTERTOP/SINK COMPLETE. PATCH AND REPAIR ADJACENT WALL SURFACES 5 N8 D10 W/D CL. N2 D1 D2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N4 N5 D8 KEYED NOTES - DEMOLITION W/D D3 CL. SM1 N13 N1 PROVIDE NEW LOW FLOW TOILET. N11 N4 N2 PROVIDE NEW CLOSET ROD AND WIRE SHELF, MOUNT AT 5'-0" A.F.F. N3 PROVIDE NEW WIRE SHELVING, PROVIDE 5 SHELVES EVENLY SPACED 18" APART. N4 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN BASE, COUNTERTOPS, AND/OR WALL CABINETS, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVS. PROVIDE 4" BACK AND SIDE SPLASHES AT ALL COUNTERS U.O.N. N5 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN SINK, FAUCET AND GARBAGE DISPOSAL. N6 PROVIDE NEW REFRIGERATOR, REFER INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. N7 PROVIDE NEW BATHTUB AND CERAMIC TILE TUB SURROUND OVER CEMENT. BACKER BD. N8 PROVIDE NEW STACKABLE WASHER AND DRYER. N9 PROVIDE NEW RANGE WITH DUCTED MICROWAVE / HOOD. REFER TO INT. ELEVATIONS. Architect's Project Number: PERMIT/BID SET 1343 03-24-2014 D4 D3 MAINTENANCE NOT IN CONTRACT D9 KITCHEN 1 N13 D2 MAINTENANCE NOT IN CONTRACT KITCHEN SM1 SM1 STAIR STAIR N9 D3 D9 D2 D9 N4 N13 N6 N13 SM1 N10 PROVIDE NEW DOORS WITH GRADE 2 PRIVACY HARDWARE AT BED/BATH/STUDY AND PASSAGE HARDWARE AT CLOSET. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EACH AND EVERY OPENING PRIOR TO ORDERING OF DOORS AND FRAMES. MODIFY OPENINGS AS REQUIRED TO FACILITATE INSTALLATION OF REPLACEMENT DOORS. (TYP.) SM1 N11 PROVIDE NEW DISHWASHER, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. N12 PROVIDE NEW 3" MARBLE THRESHOLD. D4 1 DWELLING UNIT 1.1a DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" DWELLING UNIT 1.1a NEW CONSTRUCTION FLOOR PLAN N13 PROVIDE NEW LIGHT FIXTURE OR FAN, REFER TO LIGHTING SCHEDULE. N14 PROVIDE NEW VANITY, BATHROOM SINK AND COUNTER AND BACKSPLASH. Moderate Rehabilitation of Timberlawn Crescent 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 N15 PROVIDE NEW MEDICINE CABINET - REFER ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N16 PROVIDE NEW SHOWER WITH SHOWER PAN RE: ELEVATIONS; SHOWER SURROUND TO BE CERAMIC TILE OVER CEMENTIOUS BACKER BOARD. D10 W/D D9 D1 SM1 DINING ROOM D3 N13 KITCHEN D5 N4 N4 2 KITCHEN 3 N13 SM1 D9 SM1 D9 W/D SM1 N5 N13 SM1 2 D9 D2 MECH. CL. KEYED NOTES - NEW CONST. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 N13 D3 D3 6 DINING ROOM BATH SM1 N7 D1 BATH N8 N14 N1 D3 D12 N9 N13 S1 S1 N15 S1 D2 D9 N6 D2 MECH. CL. D8 SM1 N4 N4 N11 N2 SM1 D9 D8 D4 D8 D4 HALL N13 N12 N3 N2 HALL CL. CL. BEDROOM BEDROOM N10 TYP. SM1 CF42 STAIR SM1 D9 CF42 N13 D9 N13 LIVING ROOM LIVING ROOM Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:01 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 D4 3 DWELLING UNIT 1.1b DEMOLITION FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" STAIR Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. 4 DWELLING UNIT 1.1b NEW CONSTRUCTION FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Floor Plan - Unit Type 1.1a & 1.1b A2.2.0 PANTRY D3 D8 DINING ROOM PANTRY N3 D1 D2 N4 D9 N11 D2 D9 N6 DINING ROOM D9 3 KITCHEN SM1 N13 SM1 D9 KITCHEN D1 S1 D10 W/D SM1 SM1 S1 N7 EQ D3 N9 N12 D8 EQ N2 CL. V.I.F. DN SM1 SM1 D9 STAIR N13 STAIR STAIR BEDROOM D9 N3 W/D BATH D4 WIDTH OF ARCH N8 3 2 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net S1 N14 CL. N4 D2 N1 N13 D8 BATH N4 N13 S1 S1 N13 D3 D3 D5 D12 N15 D9 2-6x6-8 N5 STAIR BEDROOM N13 D9 N13 SM1 CF42 SM1 CF42 LIVING ROOM LIVING ROOM N10 N10 TYP. TYP. UP CL. N2 SM1 CL. CL. CL. D9 N13 N3 D8 D8 N2 BALCONY 1 SM1 DWELLING UNIT 1.1c FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N2 BALCONY 2 DWELLING UNIT 1.1c FIRST FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 3 DWELLING UNIT 1.1c SECOND FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 4 Architect's Project Number: PERMIT/BID SET 1343 03-24-2014 DWELLING UNIT 1.1c SECOND FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Moderate Rehabilitation of Timberlawn Crescent 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 N1 PROVIDE NEW LOW FLOW TOILET. N2 PROVIDE NEW CLOSET ROD AND WIRE SHELF, MOUNT AT 5'-0" A.F.F. N3 PROVIDE NEW WIRE SHELVING, PROVIDE 5 SHELVES EVENLY SPACED 18" APART. N4 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN BASE, COUNTERTOPS, AND/OR WALL CABINETS, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVS. PROVIDE 4" BACK AND SIDE SPLASHES AT ALL COUNTERS U.O.N. D1 REMOVE EXISTING PLUMBING FIXTURE COMPLETE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACES FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW FIXTURE N5 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN SINK, FAUCET AND GARBAGE DISPOSAL. D2 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN APPLIANCE COMPLETE N6 PROVIDE NEW REFRIGERATOR, REFER INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. D3 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN COUNTER AND CABINETS COMPLETE. REPAIR ADJACENT WALL AND FLOOR SURFACES AS REQUIRED N7 PROVIDE NEW BATHTUB AND CERAMIC TILE TUB SURROUND OVER CEMENT. BACKER BD. N8 PROVIDE NEW STACKABLE WASHER AND DRYER. D4 REMOVE EXISTING THRESHOLD COMPLETE N9 PROVIDE NEW RANGE WITH DUCTED MICROWAVE / HOOD. REFER TO INT. ELEVATIONS. D5 REMOVE EXISTING TUB AND / OR SHOWER PLUMBING FIXTURES AND SURROUND COMPLETE. PRIOR TO INSTALLING NEW TILE, INSTALL CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD D6 NOT USED Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:01 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 D7 NOT USED N10 PROVIDE NEW DOORS WITH GRADE 2 PRIVACY HARDWARE AT BED/BATH/STUDY AND PASSAGE HARDWARE AT CLOSET. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EACH AND EVERY OPENING PRIOR TO ORDERING OF DOORS AND FRAMES. MODIFY OPENINGS AS REQUIRED TO FACILITATE INSTALLATION OF REPLACEMENT DOORS. (TYP.) N12 PROVIDE NEW 3" MARBLE THRESHOLD. D9 REMOVE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACE FOR NEW FIXTURE N13 PROVIDE NEW LIGHT FIXTURE OR FAN, REFER TO LIGHTING SCHEDULE. D10 REMOVE EXISTING WASHER/DRYER COMPLETE N14 PROVIDE NEW VANITY, BATHROOM SINK AND COUNTER AND BACKSPLASH. D11 NOT USED N15 PROVIDE NEW MEDICINE CABINET - REFER ELEVATIONS D12 REMOVE EXISTING VANITY/COUNTERTOP/SINK COMPLETE. PATCH AND REPAIR ADJACENT WALL SURFACES N16 PROVIDE NEW SHOWER WITH SHOWER PAN RE: ELEVATIONS; SHOWER SURROUND TO BE CERAMIC TILE OVER CEMENTIOUS BACKER BOARD. 5 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. N11 PROVIDE NEW DISHWASHER, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. D8 REMOVE EXISTING CLOSET ROD AND / OR ALL SHELVING COMPLETE, COORDINATE WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION PLANS KEYED NOTES - DEMOLITION OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 6 KEYED NOTES - NEW CONST. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Floor Plan - Unit Type 1.1c A2.2.1 D1 REMOVE EXISTING PLUMBING FIXTURE COMPLETE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACES FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW FIXTURE STOR. STOR. D2 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN APPLIANCE COMPLETE BEDROOM D9 D3 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN COUNTER AND CABINETS COMPLETE. REPAIR ADJACENT WALL AND FLOOR SURFACES AS REQUIRED BEDROOM D8 N2 CL. 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net N13 D4 REMOVE EXISTING THRESHOLD COMPLETE CL. D9 SM1 D5 REMOVE EXISTING TUB AND / OR SHOWER PLUMBING FIXTURES AND SURROUND COMPLETE. PRIOR TO INSTALLING NEW TILE, INSTALL CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD SM1 SM1 D6 NOT USED SM1 N2 D8 D7 NOT USED N13 4'-412" N2 D11 D8 REMOVE EXISTING CLOSET ROD AND / OR ALL SHELVING COMPLETE, COORDINATE WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION PLANS SM1 N13 CL. D4 D9 REMOVE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACE FOR NEW FIXTURE N12 2-6x6-8 D10 REMOVE EXISTING WASHER/DRYER COMPLETE D9 LIVING ROOM / DINING ROOM D8 MECH. S1 MECH. N13 D1 1 CL. N2 D12 SM1 HALL D4 HALL D1 SM1 D12 N13 W/D N5 4 N1 PROVIDE NEW LOW FLOW TOILET. D8 CL. BEDROOM 1 D9 STAIR BEDROOM N10 N13 STAIR D3 D8 SM1 SM1 N13 D9 N2 N9 KITCHEN D8 PANTRY D2 D3 N4 KITCHEN CL. D2 N3 PANTRY D8 N3 PROVIDE NEW WIRE SHELVING, PROVIDE 5 SHELVES EVENLY SPACED 18" APART. N4 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN BASE, COUNTERTOPS, AND/OR WALL CABINETS, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVS. PROVIDE 4" BACK AND SIDE SPLASHES AT ALL COUNTERS U.O.N. N5 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN SINK, FAUCET AND GARBAGE DISPOSAL. N6 PROVIDE NEW REFRIGERATOR, REFER INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. N7 PROVIDE NEW BATHTUB AND CERAMIC TILE TUB SURROUND OVER CEMENT. BACKER BD. N8 PROVIDE NEW STACKABLE WASHER AND DRYER. N9 PROVIDE NEW RANGE WITH DUCTED MICROWAVE / HOOD. REFER TO INT. ELEVATIONS. N2 N4 D1 PROVIDE NEW CLOSET ROD AND WIRE SHELF, MOUNT AT 5'-0" A.F.F. N15 N11 CL. N2 Architect's Project Number: PERMIT/BID SET 1343 03-24-2014 BATH N8 N4 D4 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N1 N12 BATH D10 D3 3 N14 N7 DN D2 S1 KEYED NOTES - DEMOLITION N15 N13 D5 D3 N10 TYP. D11 D4 N15 D12 REMOVE EXISTING VANITY/COUNTERTOP/SINK COMPLETE. PATCH AND REPAIR ADJACENT WALL SURFACES N1 S1 W/D N14 N7 CF42 D9 D6 D11 NOT USED S1 BATH D8 CL. D5 N13 D9 BATH CF42 ALIGN LIVING ROOM / DINING ROOM CL. N6 N10 PROVIDE NEW DOORS WITH GRADE 2 PRIVACY HARDWARE AT BED/BATH/STUDY AND PASSAGE HARDWARE AT CLOSET. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EACH AND EVERY OPENING PRIOR TO ORDERING OF DOORS AND FRAMES. MODIFY OPENINGS AS REQUIRED TO FACILITATE INSTALLATION OF REPLACEMENT DOORS. (TYP.) N11 PROVIDE NEW DISHWASHER, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. N2 N12 PROVIDE NEW 3" MARBLE THRESHOLD. N13 PROVIDE NEW LIGHT FIXTURE OR FAN, REFER TO LIGHTING SCHEDULE. N14 PROVIDE NEW VANITY, BATHROOM SINK AND COUNTER AND BACKSPLASH. Moderate Rehabilitation of Timberlawn Crescent 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 N15 PROVIDE NEW MEDICINE CABINET - REFER ELEVATIONS N16 PROVIDE NEW SHOWER WITH SHOWER PAN RE: ELEVATIONS; SHOWER SURROUND TO BE CERAMIC TILE OVER CEMENTIOUS BACKER BOARD. 1 DWELLING UNIT 2.2a DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 DWELLING UNIT 2.2a NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 4 KEYED NOTES - NEW CONST. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:01 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. Floor Plan - Unit Type 2.2a A2.2.2 D9 N13 D9 D8 D10 SM1 W/D STAIR N8 PANTRY SM1 W/D N3 PANTRY N14 D12 S1 STAIR N15 S1 STAIR D5 D1 D3 DN N4 N9 D9 UP D8 MECH. D1 N2 N3 MECH. CL. LIVING ROOM D12 SM1 S1 N2 SM1 N2 N13 KITCHEN HALL CL. S1 D9 4 SM1 N12 N2 N3 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net N1 CL. SM1 D4 HALL D8 KITCHEN D2 BATH DN N7 CL. N4 N13 LIVING ROOM N15 4 BATH N6 D3 N7 BATH 4 D2 STAIR N1 BATH D5 N13 D9 D9 D4 D6 N13 N13 D4 N14 N12 D3 N4 CF42 D2 N11 BEDROOM CF42 BEDROOM N10 D9 BEDROOM N4 D3 BEDROOM D9 D1 N5 DINING ROOM SM1 SM1 D9 DINING ROOM D9 N10 SM1 N13 SM1 TYP. SM1 N13 N13 CL. CL. CL. D8 N2 BALCONY TYP. SM1 CL. N2 D8 Architect's Project Number: BALCONY PERMIT/BID SET 1 DWELLING UNIT 2.2b FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 DWELLING UNIT 2.2b FIRST FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 3 DWELLING UNIT 2.2b SECOND FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 4 1343 03-24-2014 DWELLING UNIT 2.2b SECOND FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Moderate Rehabilitation of Timberlawn Crescent 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 N1 PROVIDE NEW LOW FLOW TOILET. N2 PROVIDE NEW CLOSET ROD AND WIRE SHELF, MOUNT AT 5'-0" A.F.F. N3 PROVIDE NEW WIRE SHELVING, PROVIDE 5 SHELVES EVENLY SPACED 18" APART. N4 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN BASE, COUNTERTOPS, AND/OR WALL CABINETS, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVS. PROVIDE 4" BACK AND SIDE SPLASHES AT ALL COUNTERS U.O.N. D1 REMOVE EXISTING PLUMBING FIXTURE COMPLETE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACES FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW FIXTURE N5 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN SINK, FAUCET AND GARBAGE DISPOSAL. D2 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN APPLIANCE COMPLETE N6 PROVIDE NEW REFRIGERATOR, REFER INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. D3 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN COUNTER AND CABINETS COMPLETE. REPAIR ADJACENT WALL AND FLOOR SURFACES AS REQUIRED N7 PROVIDE NEW BATHTUB AND CERAMIC TILE TUB SURROUND OVER CEMENT. BACKER BD. N8 PROVIDE NEW STACKABLE WASHER AND DRYER. D4 REMOVE EXISTING THRESHOLD COMPLETE N9 PROVIDE NEW RANGE WITH DUCTED MICROWAVE / HOOD. REFER TO INT. ELEVATIONS. D5 REMOVE EXISTING TUB AND / OR SHOWER PLUMBING FIXTURES AND SURROUND COMPLETE. PRIOR TO INSTALLING NEW TILE, INSTALL CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD D6 NOT USED Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:01 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 D7 NOT USED N10 PROVIDE NEW DOORS WITH GRADE 2 PRIVACY HARDWARE AT BED/BATH/STUDY AND PASSAGE HARDWARE AT CLOSET. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EACH AND EVERY OPENING PRIOR TO ORDERING OF DOORS AND FRAMES. MODIFY OPENINGS AS REQUIRED TO FACILITATE INSTALLATION OF REPLACEMENT DOORS. (TYP.) N12 PROVIDE NEW 3" MARBLE THRESHOLD. D9 REMOVE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACE FOR NEW FIXTURE N13 PROVIDE NEW LIGHT FIXTURE OR FAN, REFER TO LIGHTING SCHEDULE. D10 REMOVE EXISTING WASHER/DRYER COMPLETE N14 PROVIDE NEW VANITY, BATHROOM SINK AND COUNTER AND BACKSPLASH. D11 NOT USED N15 PROVIDE NEW MEDICINE CABINET - REFER ELEVATIONS D12 REMOVE EXISTING VANITY/COUNTERTOP/SINK COMPLETE. PATCH AND REPAIR ADJACENT WALL SURFACES N16 PROVIDE NEW SHOWER WITH SHOWER PAN RE: ELEVATIONS; SHOWER SURROUND TO BE CERAMIC TILE OVER CEMENTIOUS BACKER BOARD. 5 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. N11 PROVIDE NEW DISHWASHER, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. D8 REMOVE EXISTING CLOSET ROD AND / OR ALL SHELVING COMPLETE, COORDINATE WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION PLANS KEYED NOTES - DEMOLITION OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 6 KEYED NOTES - NEW CONST. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Floor Plan - Unit Type 2.2b A2.2.3 N15 D8 D10 PANTRY SM1 W/D STAIR D9 N3 PANTRY N8 SM1 SM1 W/D CL. STAIR N13 S1 SM1 CL. N13 D5 4 D9 D2 D3 D12 D3 D9 N13 D4 CL. N9 D3 D1 N7 N1 N2 BATH N12 4 HALL CL. SM1 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net N2 N11 N13 D4 N12 BEDROOM CF42 BEDROOM D9 BEDROOM N4 D3 D9 BEDROOM N13 N5 DINING ROOM CL. D9 N4 CF42 N2 N3 KITCHEN N10 D2 S1 MECH. CL. HALL SM1 D4 N14 D1 BATH LIVING ROOM N15 DN D5 D8 N4 LIVING ROOM KITCHEN S1 D8 MECH. N13 4 N7 N6 D2 D9 STOR. STAIR N14 BATH D12 DN N4 N1 D9 BATH N13 S1 STOR. STAIR D1 SM1 D9 SM1 DINING ROOM D9 SM1 N13 SM1 N10 SM1 SM1 TYP. N10 N13 TYP. N13 N10 N10 CL. N2 D8 DWELLING UNIT 2.2c BASEMENT FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN 1 CL. CL. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N2 D8 DWELLING UNIT 2.2c BASEMENT FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN 2 CL. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" DWELLING UNIT 2.2c FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN 3 DWELLING UNIT 2.2c FIRST FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN 4 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N15 Architect's Project Number: N13 PERMIT/BID SET STAIR D8 D10 SM1 W/D PANTRY CL. DN D9 UP D3 SM1 W/D CL. DN BATH N4 N13 LIVING ROOM D4 D9 D8 MECH. KITCHEN N3 N1 CL. N12 SM1 CL. S1 4 SM1 HALL N2 N3 S1 N2 SM1 N2 KITCHEN N9 N2 MECH. SM1 D2 BATH DN D1 CL. LIVING ROOM N15 4 BATH N7 CL. HALL D8 N7 N14 DN UP STAIR N1 D12 BATH N6 D3 D5 D12 D9 D5 4 N4 S1 STAIR D1 N13 D2 D9 PANTRY S1 STAIR N3 N8 1343 03-24-2014 D9 D4 D9 D6 D4 N13 N13 N14 N12 D3 N4 CF42 D2 N11 CF42 BEDROOM N4 D3 TYP. N13 D9 BEDROOM N5 D1 DINING ROOM BEDROOM SM1 SM1 SM1 SM1 N10 N13 CL. 5 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N13 CL. N2 DWELLING UNIT 2.2d FIRST FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN 6 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Timberlawn Crescent CL. N2 D8 7 Moderate Rehabilitation of 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 D9 CL. D8 N13 SM1 TYP. DWELLING UNIT 2.2d FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN SM1 D9 DINING ROOM D9 BEDROOM N10 DWELLING UNIT 2.2d SECOND FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 8 DWELLING UNIT 2.2d SECOND FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 N1 PROVIDE NEW LOW FLOW TOILET. N2 PROVIDE NEW CLOSET ROD AND WIRE SHELF, MOUNT AT 5'-0" A.F.F. N3 PROVIDE NEW WIRE SHELVING, PROVIDE 5 SHELVES EVENLY SPACED 18" APART. N4 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN BASE, COUNTERTOPS, AND/OR WALL CABINETS, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVS. PROVIDE 4" BACK AND SIDE SPLASHES AT ALL COUNTERS U.O.N. N5 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN SINK, FAUCET AND GARBAGE DISPOSAL. N6 PROVIDE NEW REFRIGERATOR, REFER INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. D5 REMOVE EXISTING TUB AND / OR SHOWER PLUMBING FIXTURES AND SURROUND COMPLETE. PRIOR TO INSTALLING NEW TILE, INSTALL CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD N7 PROVIDE NEW BATHTUB AND CERAMIC TILE TUB SURROUND OVER CEMENT. BACKER BD. D6 NOT USED N8 PROVIDE NEW STACKABLE WASHER AND DRYER. N9 PROVIDE NEW RANGE WITH DUCTED MICROWAVE / HOOD. REFER TO INT. ELEVATIONS. D1 REMOVE EXISTING PLUMBING FIXTURE COMPLETE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACES FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW FIXTURE D2 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN APPLIANCE COMPLETE D3 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN COUNTER AND CABINETS COMPLETE. REPAIR ADJACENT WALL AND FLOOR SURFACES AS REQUIRED D4 REMOVE EXISTING THRESHOLD COMPLETE D7 NOT USED D9 REMOVE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACE FOR NEW FIXTURE N10 PROVIDE NEW DOORS WITH GRADE 2 PRIVACY HARDWARE AT BED/BATH/STUDY AND PASSAGE HARDWARE AT CLOSET. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EACH AND EVERY OPENING PRIOR TO ORDERING OF DOORS AND FRAMES. MODIFY OPENINGS AS REQUIRED TO FACILITATE INSTALLATION OF REPLACEMENT DOORS. (TYP.) D10 REMOVE EXISTING WASHER/DRYER COMPLETE N11 PROVIDE NEW DISHWASHER, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. N14 PROVIDE NEW VANITY, BATHROOM SINK AND COUNTER AND BACKSPLASH. D11 NOT USED N12 PROVIDE NEW 3" MARBLE THRESHOLD. N15 PROVIDE NEW MEDICINE CABINET - REFER ELEVATIONS D12 REMOVE EXISTING VANITY/COUNTERTOP/SINK COMPLETE. PATCH AND REPAIR ADJACENT WALL SURFACES N13 PROVIDE NEW LIGHT FIXTURE OR FAN, REFER TO LIGHTING SCHEDULE. N16 PROVIDE NEW SHOWER WITH SHOWER PAN RE: ELEVATIONS; SHOWER SURROUND TO BE CERAMIC TILE OVER CEMENTIOUS BACKER BOARD. D8 REMOVE EXISTING CLOSET ROD AND / OR ALL SHELVING COMPLETE, COORDINATE WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION PLANS Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:01 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. 9 KEYED NOTES - DEMOLITION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 10 KEYED NOTES - NEW CONST. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Floor Plan - Unit Type 2.2c & 2.2d A2.2.4 N15 CL. STAIR CL. D8 SM1 SM1 PANTRY D9 D8 STAIR D10 W/D SM1 N2 N8 N3 PANTRY N13 SM1 W/D D6 N13 UP BATH 4 D9 N4 UP D3 D2 N6 DN D1 LIVING ROOM D8 D9 DN MECH. STAIR S1 S1 SM1 N9 D1 N4 D9 N13 LIVING ROOM S1 S1 BATH D5 BATH 4 BATH D12 N2 N3 N1 N7 CL. N12 SM1 N2 HALL S1 S1 CL. DN MECH. N2 D8 HALL CL. S1 S1 N1 N14 D4 D12 N13 N7 4 DN D3 D9 STAIR D5 N3 CL. SM1 SM1 N13 D2 KITCHEN KITCHEN D6 D4 D4 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net N2 N15 D9 N14 N12 N13 N13 D9 D3 CF42 STAIR D2 N4 N11 CF42 BEDROOM N10 BEDROOM TYP. D9 D3 N4 N13 D9 SM1 N5 D1 DINING ROOM SM1 BEDROOM D9 DINING ROOM N13 SM1 N10 TYP. SM1 BEDROOM SM1 SM1 N13 N13 D9 CL. BALCONY BALCONY D8 DWELLING UNIT 2.2e FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN 1 D8 CL. N2 CL. N2 DWELLING UNIT 2.2e FIRST FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" CL. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 3 DWELLING UNIT 2.2e SECOND FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN DWELLING UNIT 2.2e SECOND FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN 4 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Architect's Project Number: PERMIT/BID SET SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1343 03-24-2014 N15 STAIR CL. D8 SM1 PANTRY D9 D8 N13 STAIR CL. D10 SM1 N3 SM1 N2 W/D STAIR N8 PANTRY SM1 D5 D9 D2 4 UP D3 D4 N4 N6 D8 D9 LIVING ROOM N15 N13 CL. N2 SM1 N12 N2 HALL S1 CL. DN MECH. D8 HALL S1 N3 N2 4 D12 4 N1 D4 N7 BATH BATH CL. N4 LIVING ROOM D5 DN MECH. SM1 D3 N14 D12 D9 D1 N1 D1 BATH BATH S1 N7 D9 W/D N13 UP STAIR N13 S1 CL. SM1 KITCHEN N2 N9 D4 N4 N11 CF42 N13 D9 N12 BEDROOM STAIR STAIR DINING ROOM SM1 SM1 DINING ROOM N10 SM1 5 N13 CL. CL. D8 N2 DWELLING UNIT 2.2f FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" D1 REMOVE EXISTING PLUMBING FIXTURE COMPLETE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACES FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW FIXTURE N1 PROVIDE NEW LOW FLOW TOILET. D2 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN APPLIANCE COMPLETE N2 PROVIDE NEW CLOSET ROD AND WIRE SHELF, MOUNT AT 5'-0" A.F.F. D3 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN COUNTER AND CABINETS COMPLETE. REPAIR ADJACENT WALL AND FLOOR SURFACES AS REQUIRED N3 PROVIDE NEW WIRE SHELVING, PROVIDE 5 SHELVES EVENLY SPACED 18" APART. N4 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN BASE, COUNTERTOPS, AND/OR WALL CABINETS, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVS. PROVIDE 4" BACK AND SIDE SPLASHES AT ALL COUNTERS U.O.N. N5 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN SINK, FAUCET AND GARBAGE DISPOSAL. D4 REMOVE EXISTING THRESHOLD COMPLETE D5 REMOVE EXISTING TUB AND / OR SHOWER PLUMBING FIXTURES AND SURROUND COMPLETE. PRIOR TO INSTALLING NEW TILE, INSTALL CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD Timberlawn Crescent SM1 SM1 DWELLING UNIT 2.2f FIRST FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN 6 N13 SM1 Moderate Rehabilitation of 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 D9 TYP. D9 BEDROOM TYP. N5 D1 N10 BEDROOM N4 N13 D9 N13 BEDROOM D9 D3 N13 N14 D9 D3 D2 SM1 KITCHEN D2 D4 CF42 N3 N6 PROVIDE NEW REFRIGERATOR, REFER INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. N7 PROVIDE NEW BATHTUB AND CERAMIC TILE TUB SURROUND OVER CEMENT. BACKER BD. N8 PROVIDE NEW STACKABLE WASHER AND DRYER. N9 PROVIDE NEW RANGE WITH DUCTED MICROWAVE / HOOD. REFER TO INT. ELEVATIONS. N13 D8 N2 CL. 7 DWELLING UNIT 2.2f SECOND FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 8 CL. DWELLING UNIT 2.2f SECOND FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. D6 NOT USED D7 NOT USED D8 REMOVE EXISTING CLOSET ROD AND / OR ALL SHELVING COMPLETE, COORDINATE WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION PLANS D9 REMOVE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACE FOR NEW FIXTURE Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:02 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 D10 REMOVE EXISTING WASHER/DRYER COMPLETE N10 PROVIDE NEW DOORS WITH GRADE 2 PRIVACY HARDWARE AT BED/BATH/STUDY AND PASSAGE HARDWARE AT CLOSET. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EACH AND EVERY OPENING PRIOR TO ORDERING OF DOORS AND FRAMES. MODIFY OPENINGS AS REQUIRED TO FACILITATE INSTALLATION OF REPLACEMENT DOORS. (TYP.) N11 PROVIDE NEW DISHWASHER, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. 9 KEYED NOTES - DEMOLITION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N14 PROVIDE NEW VANITY, BATHROOM SINK AND COUNTER AND BACKSPLASH. N15 PROVIDE NEW MEDICINE CABINET - REFER ELEVATIONS D11 NOT USED D12 REMOVE EXISTING VANITY/COUNTERTOP/SINK COMPLETE. PATCH AND REPAIR ADJACENT WALL SURFACES N13 PROVIDE NEW LIGHT FIXTURE OR FAN, REFER TO LIGHTING SCHEDULE. N12 PROVIDE NEW 3" MARBLE THRESHOLD. 10 KEYED NOTES - NEW CONST. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N16 PROVIDE NEW SHOWER WITH SHOWER PAN RE: ELEVATIONS; SHOWER SURROUND TO BE CERAMIC TILE OVER CEMENTIOUS BACKER BOARD. Floor Plan - Unit Type 2.2e & 2.2f A2.2.5 STOR. STOR. STOR. BEDROOM 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net STOR. BEDROOM D9 N13 D9 SM1 N13 SM1 N2 D8 DN CL. CL. SM1 SM1 D4 N15 D9 DN LIVING ROOM N12 LIVING ROOM N13 STAIR D9 D8 D8 N13 CL. S1 N3 S1 BATH N1 D5 S1 N11 D9 KITCHEN N7 BATH W/D D10 D4 N13 D9 N12 N13 D1 D2 SM1 N14 N12 KITCHEN UP 4 N14 6 HALL D12 D4 N4 N13 N1 BATH S1 N13 D2 D3 S1 SM1 N4 S1 D12 HALL D11 N16 N12 UP D1 D3 D9 N15 D9 D1 STAIR 5 N14 N5 D1 2'-6"x6'-8" D1 D5 CL. BATH STAIR D12 STAIR N2 N12 N9 POWDER ROOM D3 Architect's Project Number: N1 POWDER ROOM PERMIT/BID SET 1343 03-24-2014 N4 D8 CL. N2 CL. 5 W/D D2 N8 N12 N6 D11 N10 D8 D9 TYP. D9 N2 N15 N13 SM1 HALL SM1 CL. CL. SM1 HALL SM1 D9 N2 D8 N13 SM1 SM1 BEDROOM N13 STAIR SM1 N10 TYP. STAIR SM1 BEDROOM CL. N13 D8 STUDY CL. Moderate Rehabilitation of STUDY N2 D9 UP UP Timberlawn Crescent 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 1 DWELLING UNIT 2.3a FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 DWELLING UNIT 2.3a FIRST FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N1 PROVIDE NEW LOW FLOW TOILET. D1 REMOVE EXISTING PLUMBING FIXTURE COMPLETE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACES FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW FIXTURE D2 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN APPLIANCE COMPLETE D3 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN COUNTER AND CABINETS COMPLETE. REPAIR ADJACENT WALL AND FLOOR SURFACES AS REQUIRED D4 REMOVE EXISTING THRESHOLD COMPLETE D5 REMOVE EXISTING TUB AND / OR SHOWER PLUMBING FIXTURES AND SURROUND COMPLETE. PRIOR TO INSTALLING NEW TILE, INSTALL CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD D6 NOT USED Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:02 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 D7 NOT USED N2 PROVIDE NEW CLOSET ROD AND WIRE SHELF, MOUNT AT 5'-0" A.F.F. N3 PROVIDE NEW WIRE SHELVING, PROVIDE 5 SHELVES EVENLY SPACED 18" APART. N4 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN BASE, COUNTERTOPS, AND/OR WALL CABINETS, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVS. PROVIDE 4" BACK AND SIDE SPLASHES AT ALL COUNTERS U.O.N. N5 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN SINK, FAUCET AND GARBAGE DISPOSAL. N6 PROVIDE NEW REFRIGERATOR, REFER INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. N7 PROVIDE NEW BATHTUB AND CERAMIC TILE TUB SURROUND OVER CEMENT. BACKER BD. N8 PROVIDE NEW STACKABLE WASHER AND DRYER. N9 PROVIDE NEW RANGE WITH DUCTED MICROWAVE / HOOD. REFER TO INT. ELEVATIONS. N10 PROVIDE NEW DOORS WITH GRADE 2 PRIVACY HARDWARE AT BED/BATH/STUDY AND PASSAGE HARDWARE AT CLOSET. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EACH AND EVERY OPENING PRIOR TO ORDERING OF DOORS AND FRAMES. MODIFY OPENINGS AS REQUIRED TO FACILITATE INSTALLATION OF REPLACEMENT DOORS. (TYP.) N12 PROVIDE NEW 3" MARBLE THRESHOLD. D9 REMOVE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACE FOR NEW FIXTURE N13 PROVIDE NEW LIGHT FIXTURE OR FAN, REFER TO LIGHTING SCHEDULE. D10 REMOVE EXISTING WASHER/DRYER COMPLETE N14 PROVIDE NEW VANITY, BATHROOM SINK AND COUNTER AND BACKSPLASH. D11 NOT USED N15 PROVIDE NEW MEDICINE CABINET - REFER ELEVATIONS D12 REMOVE EXISTING VANITY/COUNTERTOP/SINK COMPLETE. PATCH AND REPAIR ADJACENT WALL SURFACES N16 PROVIDE NEW SHOWER WITH SHOWER PAN RE: ELEVATIONS; SHOWER SURROUND TO BE CERAMIC TILE OVER CEMENTIOUS BACKER BOARD. 5 NOT TO SCALE SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 4 DWELLING UNIT 2.3a SECOND FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. N11 PROVIDE NEW DISHWASHER, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. D8 REMOVE EXISTING CLOSET ROD AND / OR ALL SHELVING COMPLETE, COORDINATE WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION PLANS KEYED NOTES - DEMOLITION 3 DWELLING UNIT 2.3a SECOND FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN 6 KEYED NOTES - NEW CONST. NOT TO SCALE First Floor Plan Unit Type 2.3a A2.2.6 STOR. STOR. CL. 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net CL. BEDROOM BEDROOM N13 D9 N13 SM1 SM1 N2 D8 UP UP D9 N10 CL. CL. TYP. SM1 SM1 D9 LIVING ROOM LIVING ROOM D8 D1 S1 N5 D3 D3 N4 S1 D9 N4 D12 N11 D12 6 N12 N9 N13 D1 D9 D9 D3 KITCHEN N4 D9 S1 DN HALL SM1 D2 HALL HALL N6 DN CL. BATH D8 6" DN D8 D9 BEDROOM SM1 CL. SM1 N2 D8 N13 N10 D9 TYP. STUDY SM1 SM1 STAIR SM1 N2 N13 CL. N13 SM1 N8 N12 D9 PERMIT/BID SET 1343 03-24-2014 W/D D10 D4 N2 STAIR N12 BATH CL. N15 N13 W/D BEDROOM D9 N7 Architect's Project Number: SM1 4 D12 SM1 5 D9 D4 N2 DN N1 N14 SM1 D11 POWDER ROOM KITCHEN N13 N15 D5 POWDER ROOM HALL N16 N12 S1 D1 N1 N12 STAIR 5 N1 D5 N2 CL. BATH N14 STAIR D1 N3 S1 N14 D4 N13 D8 CL. BATH S1 N13 D2 D2 N13 STAIR 2-6x6-8 STAIR N12 D9 D4 SM1 STUDY SM1 CL. CL. N13 D8 N2 Moderate Rehabilitation of Timberlawn Crescent 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 1 DWELLING UNIT 2.3b FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 DWELLING UNIT 2.3b FIRST FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 3 DWELLING UNIT 2.3b SECOND FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 4 DWELLING UNIT 2.3b SECOND FLOOR NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N1 PROVIDE NEW LOW FLOW TOILET. D1 REMOVE EXISTING PLUMBING FIXTURE COMPLETE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACES FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW FIXTURE D2 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN APPLIANCE COMPLETE D3 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN COUNTER AND CABINETS COMPLETE. REPAIR ADJACENT WALL AND FLOOR SURFACES AS REQUIRED D4 REMOVE EXISTING THRESHOLD COMPLETE D5 REMOVE EXISTING TUB AND / OR SHOWER PLUMBING FIXTURES AND SURROUND COMPLETE. PRIOR TO INSTALLING NEW TILE, INSTALL CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD D6 NOT USED Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:02 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 D7 NOT USED N2 PROVIDE NEW CLOSET ROD AND WIRE SHELF, MOUNT AT 5'-0" A.F.F. N3 PROVIDE NEW WIRE SHELVING, PROVIDE 5 SHELVES EVENLY SPACED 18" APART. N4 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN BASE, COUNTERTOPS, AND/OR WALL CABINETS, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVS. PROVIDE 4" BACK AND SIDE SPLASHES AT ALL COUNTERS U.O.N. N5 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN SINK, FAUCET AND GARBAGE DISPOSAL. N6 PROVIDE NEW REFRIGERATOR, REFER INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. N7 PROVIDE NEW BATHTUB AND CERAMIC TILE TUB SURROUND OVER CEMENT. BACKER BD. N8 PROVIDE NEW STACKABLE WASHER AND DRYER. N9 PROVIDE NEW RANGE WITH DUCTED MICROWAVE / HOOD. REFER TO INT. ELEVATIONS. N10 PROVIDE NEW DOORS WITH GRADE 2 PRIVACY HARDWARE AT BED/BATH/STUDY AND PASSAGE HARDWARE AT CLOSET. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EACH AND EVERY OPENING PRIOR TO ORDERING OF DOORS AND FRAMES. MODIFY OPENINGS AS REQUIRED TO FACILITATE INSTALLATION OF REPLACEMENT DOORS. (TYP.) N12 PROVIDE NEW 3" MARBLE THRESHOLD. D9 REMOVE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACE FOR NEW FIXTURE N13 PROVIDE NEW LIGHT FIXTURE OR FAN, REFER TO LIGHTING SCHEDULE. D10 REMOVE EXISTING WASHER/DRYER COMPLETE N14 PROVIDE NEW VANITY, BATHROOM SINK AND COUNTER AND BACKSPLASH. D11 NOT USED N15 PROVIDE NEW MEDICINE CABINET - REFER ELEVATIONS D12 REMOVE EXISTING VANITY/COUNTERTOP/SINK COMPLETE. PATCH AND REPAIR ADJACENT WALL SURFACES N16 PROVIDE NEW SHOWER WITH SHOWER PAN RE: ELEVATIONS; SHOWER SURROUND TO BE CERAMIC TILE OVER CEMENTIOUS BACKER BOARD. 5 NOT TO SCALE Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. N11 PROVIDE NEW DISHWASHER, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. D8 REMOVE EXISTING CLOSET ROD AND / OR ALL SHELVING COMPLETE, COORDINATE WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION PLANS KEYED NOTES - DEMOLITION OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 6 KEYED NOTES - NEW CONST. NOT TO SCALE First Floor Plan Unit Type 2.3b A2.2.7 STAIR D3 D8 D12 DINING ROOM D5 D9 D9 D9 STOR. N15 D9 D4 D9 D2 D5 D2 D3 N1 N7 D9 3 SM1 D3 D11 N13 SM1 BATH N5 KITCHEN N13 BATH N4 N6 2 N13 6 N13 SM1 7 S1 N14 STOR. BATH SM1 2 SM1 S1 N2 SM1 N13 BATH CL. S1 N1 N7 DINING ROOM N3 N13 N13 N4 N4 STAIR SM1 KITCHEN PANTRY SM1 D1 SM1 D8 D9 SM1 S1 D1 CL. S1 D1 N14 N11 N12 N4 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net N13 2-6x6-8 D3 PANTRY N15 N9 D12 D2 D9 D4 D4 D8 BEDROOM HALL N12 N2 CL. N10 TYP. CL. LIVING ROOM SM1 N13 STAIR BEDROOM D9 TYP. STAIR BEDROOM SM1 N10 LIVING ROOM SM1 D9 BEDROOM BEDROOM HALL BEDROOM SM1 CF42 N13 N13 SM1 CF42 SM1 D9 N13 D9 CL. CL. N2 D8 D8 DWELLING UNIT TYPE 3.2a DEMOLITION PLAN 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" D8 D3 D3 D9 D12 S1 D1 CL. D8 D5 SM1 D5 D9 BATH SM1 D1 KITCHEN D2 D3 D8 STAIR 3 N13 3 N13 N12 SM1 N4 N11 N12 N4 N12 N10 LIVING ROOM SM1 TYP. BEDROOM D9 BEDROOM STAIR Timberlawn Crescent 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 N13 N13 SM1 CF42 SM1 D9 Moderate Rehabilitation of SM1 N13 D9 SM1 N13 BEDROOM HALL BEDROOM SM1 N2 STAIR BEDROOM N2 BATH N13 STAIR LIVING ROOM 7 N5 N6 BEDROOM HALL SM1 BATH CL. D11 D4 D4 DINING ROOM 2 SM1 CL. 1343 03-24-2014 N14 KITCHEN N2 D8 N4 D9 D3 PERMIT/BID SET S1 N7 N12 D2 CL. N15 N13 N4 N3 BATH D9 N1 N13 N13 D4 SM1 PANTRY S1 SM1 2 SM1 D9 D9 SM1 D9 STOR. D9 N14 N1 N7 DINING ROOM STOR. Architect's Project Number: N9 N15 N13 D2 D12 D1 DWELLING UNIT TYPE 3.2a NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" S1 N2 CL. 2-6x6-8 CL. CF42 SM1 N13 D9 CL. CL. D8 D8 3 CL. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" D2 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN APPLIANCE COMPLETE D3 REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN COUNTER AND CABINETS COMPLETE. REPAIR ADJACENT WALL AND FLOOR SURFACES AS REQUIRED D4 REMOVE EXISTING THRESHOLD COMPLETE D5 REMOVE EXISTING TUB AND / OR SHOWER PLUMBING FIXTURES AND SURROUND COMPLETE. PRIOR TO INSTALLING NEW TILE, INSTALL CEMENTITIOUS BACKER BOARD D6 NOT USED D7 NOT USED D8 REMOVE EXISTING CLOSET ROD AND / OR ALL SHELVING COMPLETE, COORDINATE WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION PLANS D9 REMOVE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACE FOR NEW FIXTURE D10 REMOVE EXISTING WASHER/DRYER COMPLETE Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:02 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 N2 DWELLING UNIT TYPE 3.2b DEMOLITION PLAN D1 REMOVE EXISTING PLUMBING FIXTURE COMPLETE, PREPARE ADJACENT SURFACES FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW FIXTURE D11 NOT USED D12 REMOVE EXISTING VANITY/COUNTERTOP/SINK COMPLETE. PATCH AND REPAIR ADJACENT WALL SURFACES 5 KEYED NOTES - DEMOLITION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N2 4 CL. DWELLING UNIT TYPE 3.2b NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N1 PROVIDE NEW LOW FLOW TOILET. N2 PROVIDE NEW CLOSET ROD AND WIRE SHELF, MOUNT AT 5'-0" A.F.F. N3 PROVIDE NEW WIRE SHELVING, PROVIDE 5 SHELVES EVENLY SPACED 18" APART. N4 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN BASE, COUNTERTOPS, AND/OR WALL CABINETS, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVS. PROVIDE 4" BACK AND SIDE SPLASHES AT ALL COUNTERS U.O.N. N5 PROVIDE NEW KITCHEN SINK, FAUCET AND GARBAGE DISPOSAL. N6 PROVIDE NEW REFRIGERATOR, REFER INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. N7 PROVIDE NEW BATHTUB AND CERAMIC TILE TUB SURROUND OVER CEMENT. BACKER BD. N8 PROVIDE NEW STACKABLE WASHER AND DRYER. N9 PROVIDE NEW RANGE WITH DUCTED MICROWAVE / HOOD. REFER TO INT. ELEVATIONS. Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. N10 PROVIDE NEW DOORS WITH GRADE 2 PRIVACY HARDWARE AT BED/BATH/STUDY AND PASSAGE HARDWARE AT CLOSET. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EACH AND EVERY OPENING PRIOR TO ORDERING OF DOORS AND FRAMES. MODIFY OPENINGS AS REQUIRED TO FACILITATE INSTALLATION OF REPLACEMENT DOORS. (TYP.) N13 PROVIDE NEW LIGHT FIXTURE OR FAN, REFER TO LIGHTING SCHEDULE. N11 PROVIDE NEW DISHWASHER, REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. N15 PROVIDE NEW MEDICINE CABINET - REFER ELEVATIONS N12 PROVIDE NEW 3" MARBLE THRESHOLD. N16 PROVIDE NEW SHOWER WITH SHOWER PAN RE: ELEVATIONS; SHOWER SURROUND TO BE CERAMIC TILE OVER CEMENTIOUS BACKER BOARD. 6 KEYED NOTES - NEW CONST. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N14 PROVIDE NEW VANITY, BATHROOM SINK AND COUNTER AND BACKSPLASH. Floor Plan - Unit Type 3.2a & 3.2b A2.2.8 FILLER FILLER W3315 W1530 W2430 W3030 W3012 W2430 GRANITE WALL CAP 4 W3012 W930 W3315 GRANITE WALL CAP OPEN MW 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net MW 6" 1'-6" 3'-0" CONT. BACKSPLASH TO UNDERSIDE OF SILL ON THIS WALL 1 W4230 1'-6" W2730 OPEN CONT. BACKSPLASH TO UNDERSIDE OF SILL ON THIS WALL FILLER 6" REF. 3'-0" A DISH WASHER A FILLER B42-BLIND B RANGE DB9 4 REF. DISH WASHER B SB33 B12 FILLER B30-BLIND C RANGE B24 KITCHEN INTERIOR ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" TYPICAL KITCHEN INTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" CONT. BACKSPLASH TO UNDERSIDE OF SILL ON THIS WALL FILLER W1830 W3012 W2430 W3030 CONT. BACKSPLASH TO UNDERSIDE OF SILL ON THIS WALL 5 1'-6" 2 W3315 W1230 W3012 W0930 W3315 GRANITE WALL CAP OPEN MW FILLER FILLER W2430 W1830 GRANITE WALL CAP MW 1'-6" 1 SB36 B15 6" B18 A 2 3'-0" 3'-0" FILLER RANGE B30-BLIND B9 SB33 B12 @ 2.2b B DISH WASHER C B09 REF. B15 A KITCHEN INTERIOR ELEVATIONS - 1.1b 5 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 36" SB DISH WASHER REF. B B12 RANGE B15 W/ BLIND CORNER Architect's Project Number: KITCHEN INTERIOR ELEVATIONS PERMIT/BID SET 1343 03-24-2014 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" FILLER W3630 W3315 W1830 W3012 W4818 W930W2430 W3012 W3930 W2130 FILLER FILLER CONT. BACKSPLASH TO UNDERSIDE OF SILL ON THIS WALL MW FILLER FILLER MW 1'-6" 3 OPEN 6 6" 3 DISH WASHER SB36 REF. B W3315 B30 REF. 3'-0" 3'-0" 6" A W3030 GRANITE WALL CAP 1'-6" W2430 B18 RANGE B18 B30 A KITCHEN INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 6 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" B33 RANGE B36 WITH BLIND CORNER B9 B 33" SB DISH WASHER C Moderate Rehabilitation of Timberlawn Crescent KITCHEN INTERIOR ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 EXISTING BULKHEAD WHERE OCCURS C OF DOOR C OF DOOR EXISTING GYP. BOARD VINYL FLOORING CERAMIC TILE ANNODIZED ALUMINUM REDUCER STRIP - SATIN FINISH VINYL FLOORING ANNODIZED ALUMINUM REDUCER STRIP - SATIN FINISH CERAMIC TILE 1/2" MAX. CARPET CERAMIC TILE 1/2" MAX. 3" WIDE MARBLE THRESHOLD CERAMIC TILE 3" WIDE MARBLE THRESHOLD 1/2" PLYWOOD IN LIEU OF GYP. BOARD EXISTING HARDWOOD FLOORING 1'-0" 7'-0" A.F.F. Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. NEW OR RECONFIGURED WALL CABINET Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:02 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 3/8" CARPET PADDING EXISTING SUBFLOORING 1/4" CEMENT BOARD 1/4" LUAN EXISTING SUBFLOORING 1/4" CEMENT BOARD 1/4" LUAN EXISTING SUBFLOORING 1/4" CEMENT BOARD EXISTING SUBFLOORING 1/4" CEMENT BOARD EXISTING GYP. BOARD EXISTING WALL CONSTRUCTION 7 TYPICAL THRESHOLD DETAILS SCALE: 6" = 1'-0" 8 TYP. REINFORCEMENT DETAIL SCALE: 3" = 1'-0" Interior Kitchen Elevations A6.1.1 CL TOWEL BAR REINFORCEMENT AREA - 1/2" PLY D1 CL B1 C C K K A H H I I 7 K J I A K J I VS27 @ 1.1a VS36 @ 2.2a C 2'-8" D J A TYPICAL BATHROOM INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 7 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" C VS48 B 135 West Patrick Street, Suite 200 Frederick, MD 21701 301.760.7988 www.MFArchitects.net C TYPICAL BATHROOM INTERIOR ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2'-5" C TOWEL BAR REINFORCEMENT AREA - 1/2" PLY CL K C E 4" 1 B B2 D2 3'-0" 1 F 2'-0" E CL 2'-5" F 4" C 2'-0" D1 2 A K K K B C 3'-0" H J A 2 J 2'-8" D J TYPICAL BATHROOM INTERIOR ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" F CL CL B1 F Architect's Project Number: PERMIT/BID SET B1 D2 3 K K K I A VS30/V39 @ 1.1b V27/VS27 @ 1.1c V36/VS36 @ 3.2a I B C TYPICAL BATHROOM INTERIOR ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" F CL C 2'-5" 3 CL B2 C Timberlawn Crescent D1 4" C Moderate Rehabilitation of TOWEL BAR REINFORCEMENT AREA - 1/2" PLY 2'-0" E 4 K K I A VS36 @ 2.2a VS27 @ 2.2b, 2.2c J J J B C 3'-0" A H 5700 Luxemburg Street North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 I 2'-8" I D TYPICAL BATHROOM INTERIOR ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" TOWEL BAR REINFORCEMENT AREA - 1/2" PLY 2'-5" 4 1343 03-24-2014 CL CL B1 D1 4" F OWNER: Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County 3930 Knowles Avenue Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 2'-0" E 5 K H 3'-0" A 5 B C 2'-8" K K I A H D I VS30 TYPICAL BATHROOM INTERIOR ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" F Professional Certification: I certify that these documents were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Maryland, license number 13956, expiration date 2014-09-23. CL B2 6 D2 K Plot Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:02 PM Save Date: 3.21.2014 - 6:00 PM 2013 K A H I I A 6 VS27 B C TYPICAL BATHROOM INTERIOR ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" K H I D Interior Bathroom Elevations A6.1.2 EXHIBIT 3 MATERIAL SPECIFICATONS Page 1 of 14 1/30/2014 Dishwasher Frigidaire Full Console Dishwasher - Color: Black - Size:24" Features: 5 wash cycles, 5 wash levels, 12 place settings, self-cleaning filter, hard food disposer and high-temp wash option. Energy Star Rated - Mfg.# FFBD2408NB - U/M: Each Dishwasher Frigidaire Built-In Dishwasher. Color: Stainless Steel. Size: 24". Features: , 5 cycles, heated-dry setting, hard food disposer, rinse-aid dispenser & 2-, 4- or 6 hour delay start. Energy Star Rated . Mfg.# FFBD2408NS. U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 662 42688 CWIP: EA 662 42673 Dishwasher Frigidaire 24" Built-in Dishwasher. Features: Easy-Clean SmoothTouch Pads, 5-Level Precision Wash System, Self-Cleaning Filter, High Temp Wash/Rinse Option & Variable Delay Start - Color: White. Mfg.# FFBD2404LW. Energy star rated. U/M: Each Frigidaire 7.0 Cu. Ft. X-Large electric dryer with 8 dry cycles and 4 temperature settings. Model FARE1011MW 43"Hx27"W29"D. Color-White. U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 662 42536 CWIP: EA 670 42778 Frigidaire 18.2 Cu. Ft. Top Freezer Refrigerator. Reversible Door with ice maker - Humidity Controlled Drawers Adjustable Shelving - Energy Star 66-5/8" H x 30" W x 30-1/8 D - Color: Stainless. Mfg.# FFHI1826PS. U/M: Each Frigidaire Top Freezer Refrigerator. 18 Cu.ft - Includes: (2) glass shelves. (2) humidity controls. Clear deli drawer & (2) clear crispers. Color: Black. Dimensions: 66"H x 29-5/8"W x 32"D. Energy Star Rated. Mfg.# FFHT1826LB. U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 14653 CWIP: EA 659 42616 Frigidaire 18 cu. ft. Top Freezer Refrigerator with reversible door. 2 Sliding SpillSafe Shelves,2 Humidity Controlled Crisper Drawers, Store-More Gallon Door Storage. Energy star. Color: White. HXWXD:66-1/8"X30"X32-3/8". Mfg.# FFHT1826LW. U/M: Each Frigidaire Top Freezer Refrigerator 18 Cu.ft - Reversible door. Includes: (2) glass shelves - (2) humidity controls & clear deli drawer. Color: Stainless Steel - Dimensions: 66"Hx29-5/8"Wx32"D - Energy Star Rated. Mfg.# FFHT1826PS. U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 659 42777 CWIP: EA 659 42648 Frigidaire 18 cu. ft. Top Freezer Refrigerator with 2 Sliding SpillSafe Shelves, 2 Humidity Controlled Crisper Drawers, Store-More Gallon Door Storage & Cool Zone Drawer. Energy star. Color: Bisque. HXWXD:66-1/8"X30"X32-3/8".Mfg.#FF HT1826LQ. U/M: Each Gas Appliance Connector - Stainless Steel - Flexible connector permits easy installation of gas ranges, ovens, clothes dryers, furnaces, space heaters, water heaters and gas logs. 5/8"OD x 1/2"ID. 3/4"MIP x 1/2"MIP. Size: 48" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 659 42641 To Order call CWI rep Glen Guiffre @ 202-437-0366 CWIP: WWW.CWIP.COM EA 686 36241 HOC - Property Management Page 2 of 14 1/30/2014 Frigidaire Over-the-Range Microwave Oven - Features: 1.6 Cubic feet - 950 watts - 11 power levels - touch control with 20 pads - Electronic clock & timer - Color: Black - HxWxD: 16-1/4"x29-15/16"x15-9/16" - Mfg.# FFMV162LB - U/M: Each Frigidaire Over-the-Range Microwave - 1.56Cu.ft - Color: Stainless Steel Features: 1000 watts/10 power levels, digital cooking display, electronic clock/timer, auto-reheat & auto-defrost. Dimensions: 30"W x 15-3/4"H x 15"D - Mfg.# FFMV162LSU/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 661 42393 CWIP: EA 661 42681 Frigidaire 1.6 cu. ft. Over-the-Range Microwave with 1,000 Watts, 10 Power Levels, Glass Turntable, Two Speed Hidden Vent, 300 CFM Exhaust Fan and Convertible to Non-Ducted Operation:Color:White. HxWxD:16-13/32"x29-7/8"x15-1/32" MFG# FFMV162LW U/M EACH Frigidaire 30" freestanding gas range with electronic ignition. Self clean, sealed burners, quick boil. H:47-3/4 W:29-7/8 D:25-3/4 (with handle 28-13/32) Color: Stainless. Mfg.# FFGF3023LS. U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 661 42379 CWIP: EA 14671 Frigidaire 30" Freestanding Electric Range with 4 Radiant Elements, Expandable Element, Extra-Large Element,5.3 cu.ft.Oven Capacity, Even Bake Technology & Store-More Storage Drawer. Color: Black. HxWxD:47"x29-7/8"x28-1/2". Mfg.# FFEF3018LB U/M: Each Frigidaire 30" Electric Range. Features: (2) 8" and (2) 6" cooktop elements, upswept smooth cooktop, self-cleaning oven; 2 flat oven racks, electronic clock/timer, storage drawer. Color: Bisque. HxWxD: 473/4"x29-7/8"x253/4". Mfg.# FFEF3018LQ. U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 660 42258 CWIP: EA 660 42361 Range Frigidaire 30" Freestanding Electric Range with 4 Radiant Elements, 5.3 cu. ft. Oven Capacity, Self Cleaning - MFG# FFEF3017LS U/M Each Frigidaire 30"Freestanding Electric Range with 4 Radiant Elements, Expandable Element, Extra-Large Element, 5.3 cu.ft.Oven Capacity, Even Bake Technology & Store-More Storage Drawer. Color: White. HxWxD:47"x29-7/8"x28.5". Mfg.# FFEF3018LW. U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 660 42643 CWIP: EA 660 42410 Range - Frigidaire 30" Gas Range. Features: Electronic oven control, electronic clock/timer, manual clean, oven light switch, porcelain cooktop. Electronic Pilotless Ignition. Color: Bisque - HxWxD: 47-3/4"x29-7/8"x253/4" - Mfg.# FFGF3023LQ- U/M: Each Range - Frigidaire 30" Freestanding Gas Range with 4 Sealed Burners, Quick Boil Burner, Low-Simmer Burner, 5.0 cu. ft. Capacity, Ready-Select Controls and Storage Drawer:Color:Black HXWXD:47"X29-7/8"X28-1/2" MFG#FFGF3023LB - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 659 42385 To Order call CWI rep Glen Guiffre @ 202-437-0366 CWIP: WWW.CWIP.COM EA 659 42403 HOC - Property Management Page 3 of 14 1/30/2014 Range - Frigidaire 30" Freestanding Gas Range with 4 Sealed Burners, Quick Boil Burner, Low-Simmer Burner, 5.0 cu. ft. Capacity, Ready-Select Controls and Storage Drawer:Color:White HXWXD:47"X29-7/8"X28-1/2" MFG#FFGF3023LB - U/M: Each Frigidaire high efficiency 3.4 cu. ft. capacity top load washer with Immersion Care Wash Action. 8 wash cyles with 4 temperature settings. Energy Star Rated 43"Hx27"Wx29"D. Color-White U/M- Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 659 42362 CWIP: EA 670 42488 Washer/Dryer Combo - Frigidaire 27"Electric - Color: White - 2.7 Cu.ft washer, 5.7 Cu.ft dryer. 8 washer cycles - Includes bleach dispenser & fabric softener dispenser. 2 dryer temp.options & 3 washer temp.options - Mfg.# FFLE1011MW - U/M: Set Broan Non-Ducted Range Hood Size: 30" - Color: Black - Rocker-type fan and light switches - 120 volt Accepts up to 75 Watt Lamp - MFG# 413023 - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 670 42433 CWIP: EA 688 42969 Broan 41000 Series Range Hood. Duct-Free. An economy range hood with two-speed rocker-type fan control. Mixed-flow fan blade, bright lighting, and contemporary styling. Size: 30" Color: Stainless Steel - U/M: Each Broan 41000 Series Range Hood. Duct-Free. An economy range hood with two-speed rocker-type fan control. Mixed-flow fan blade, bright lighting, and contemporary styling. Size: 30" Color: White - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 688 27082 CWIP: EA 688 19872 Medicine Cabinet American Pride Recessed Single Door Medicine Cabinet with Steel Body - Overall Size: 16-1/8" x 22-1/8" - Rough Opening: 13-1/2" x 17-1/2" - Includes 2 adjustable shelves - Stainless steel frame - U/M: Each Medicine Cabinet - Over the Tank Surface Mount Wooden Medicine Cabinet with 1 Shelf & 2 Doors Includes satin nickel hardware Plywood panels - Pre-assembled Square panel doors & drawer fronts 21in wide - 7indeep - 30inhigh Finish: White-U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 210,652 39639 CWIP: EA 211,653 37001 Vanity Top - 19 x 17 - Oval Recessed Bowl with 4in Centers - Style: Cultured Marble - Color: White on White - U/M: Each - Use side splashes CWIP 12544 or 12480 Vanity Top - 31in x 22in - Oval Recessed Bowl with 4in Centers Style: Cultured Marble - Color: White on White - U/M: Each Use cwip 33803 for side splash. Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 12492 To Order call CWI rep Glen Guiffre @ 202-437-0366 CWIP: WWW.CWIP.COM EA 651 30542 HOC - Property Management Page 4 of 14 1/30/2014 Vanity Top - 25 x 19 - Oval Recessed Bowl with 4in Centers - Style: Cultured Marble - Color: White on White - U/M: Each 9V Lithium Battery. Lasts up to ten times longer than ordinary batteries Ideal for smoke detectors - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 651 30562 CWIP: EA 328, 333, 832 35705 Metal Wall Plate - Finish: White Semi-Gloss - Type: 2 Gang - (2) GFI Receptacles - Size: Jumbo - 5-1/2" x 5-1/2" - U/M: Each Metal Wall Plate. Type: 1 Gang, Decora/GFI - Size: Jumbo Dimensions: 3-1/2" x 5-1/2" - Color: Smooth White - U/M: 20/Box Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 340 33391 CWIP: BX 340 30279 Leviton Combination Receptacle and USB Charger. 15 Amp, 125 Volt, Decora Tamper-Resistant Receptacle, NEMA 5-15R. 2.1 Amp, 5VDC, 2.0/3.0 Type A USB Chargers. Grounding, Side Wired & Back Wired - White. Leviton Slimline Receptacle SmartLock GFCI Duplex Receptacle with Matching Buttons and Indicator Light - 15 Amp - Color: White - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 335 12030 CWIP: EA 337 14171 Duplex Receptacle - Tamper Resistant - 15 Amp - 125 Volt Decorator 2 Pole, 3 Wire Grounding Impact-Resistant Thermoplastic face Color: White - U/M: Each Quiet Rocker Switch. 15A, 120/277V AC. Side wired and quick wire. Color: White - Type: 3-way, grounded - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 336 38364 CWIP: EA 335 37245 Quiet Rocker Switch. 15A, 120/277V AC. Color: White - Type: Single pole U/M: Each GFCI - Leviton Smartlock Pro Combination GFCI with Switch 15 amp tamper resistant GFCI. Shutter mechanism inside receptacle blocks access to the contacts unless a two prong plug is inserted. Color White U/M Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 335 37196 To Order call CWI rep Glen Guiffre @ 202-437-0366 CWIP: WWW.CWIP.COM EA 337 37731 HOC - Property Management Page 5 of 14 1/30/2014 Illuminated White Slide Dimmer Light Switch. U/M: Each Leviton IPP15-1LW Decora Manual-On Occupancy Sensor - For Single Pole or 3-Way Applications 180-Degree Field of View - 900 Square Foot of Coverage - Color: White - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 338 35200 CWIP: EA 346 31464 Smoke Detector and Strobe Combo Photoelectric -120V- AC 60Hz Wire in with 2 AAA Battery Backup for Alarm U/M: Each Smoke Detector. 120V AC Direct Wire with 9 Volt Lithium Battery Back-up. Dual Ionization - Silencer with automatic reset. Mfg.BRK - Model #: 9120LB - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 328,834 13720 CWIP: EA 328,834 38915 Smoke Detector - Combination Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector. 120V AC with 9 Volt Battery Backup. Ionization sensor; interconnectable; low battery and nuisance alarm silence; 9 Volt battery included. Mfg.BRK - Model #: SC9120B - U/M: Each Pre-hung Interior Door - 2'0" x 6'8" x 1-3/8" - Hollow Core - 2 Panel - 4-5/8" Primed Split Jamb - WM327 Primed Ranch Casing - Standard Bore - Left Hand Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 330,836 36967 CWIP: EA 27232 Pre-hung Interior Door - 2'0" x 6'8" x 1-3/8" - Hollow Core - 2 Panel - 4-5/8" Primed Split Jamb - WM327 Primed Ranch Casing - Standard Bore - Right Hand Pre-hung Interior Door - 2'6" x 6'8" x 1-3/8" - Hollow Core - 2 Panel - 4-5/8" Primed Split Jamb - WM327 Primed Ranch Casing - Standard Bore - Left Hand Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 27227 CWIP: EA 27238 Pre-hung Interior Door - 2'6" x 6'8" x 1-3/8" - Hollow Core - 2 Panel - 4-5/8" Primed Split Jamb - WM327 Primed Ranch Casing - Standard Bore - Right Hand Pre-hung Interior Door - 3'0" x 6'8" x 1-3/8" - Hollow Core - 2 Panel - 4-5/8" Primed Split Jamb - WM327 Primed Ranch Casing - Standard Bore - Right Hand Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 27235 To Order call CWI rep Glen Guiffre @ 202-437-0366 CWIP: WWW.CWIP.COM EA 27241 HOC - Property Management Page 6 of 14 1/30/2014 Pre-hung Interior Door - 3'0" x 6'8" x 1-3/8" - Hollow Core - 2 Panel - 4-5/8" Primed Split Jamb - WM327 Primed Ranch Casing - Standard Bore - Left Hand Interior Door - 2'0" x 6'8" - Slab Only Machined - 1-3/8 Hollow Core Square Top - Fiber Edge Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 27243 CWIP: EA 27249 Interior Door - 2'6" x 6'8" - Slab Only Machined - 1-3/8 Hollow Core Square Top - Fiber Edge Interior Door - 2'6" x 6'8" - Slab Only Machined - 1-3/8 Hollow Core Square Top - Fiber Edge Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 24247 CWIP: EA 27245 Mirror Clips - Clear Plastic - Size: 5/8" wide x 3/4" long - Attaches mirror to walls, doors, frames, etc. - Fits 1/4" thick glass - Furnished with #6 x 1-1/4" oval head nickel plated wood screws U/M: Bag/50 Mirror with 1" beveled polished edges - Thickness: 1/4" - Width: 25" x Length: 35" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: BG 557 16596 CWIP: Mirror with 1" beveled polished edges - Octagon shaped - Thickness: 1/4" Width: 24" - Length: 30" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 40534 Door Chime - Nutone Visual Plug-In Door Chime. A 10 second strobe light is activated when door chime sounds. Includes white rectangular pushbutton (uses a CA23 battery, included), no wiring needed. Color: White - Size: 3¼"W x 4½"H - U/M: Each EA * For Hearing Impaired * 36923 Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 364,491 33136 Kwikset Smartl Key Deadbolt allows the deadbolt to be re-keyed without removal from the door saving time and money. Square cornerr adjustable latchbolt Mfg.#660 SMT. Satin Chrome finish - U/M: Each Kwikset Lever Entry Lockset. Delta Series.Key entry on exterior lever, thumb turn locking button on interior lever. Reversible.Smart Key allows lock to be rekeyed without removal from the door. Adj latchbolt. Finish: Satin Chrome. Mfg#405DL. U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 436 34378 To Order call CWI rep Glen Guiffre @ 202-437-0366 CWIP: WWW.CWIP.COM EA 12791 HOC - Property Management Page 7 of 14 1/30/2014 Kwikset Lever Passage Lockset 200DL Delta Lever. Plain lever both sides; adjustable latch. Finish: Satin Chrome- MFG# 200DL U/M: Each Kwikset Delta Lever Privacy Lockset 300DL . Turn-button interior engages locking function; plain exterior. Emergency entry key provided . Adjustable latch.Finish: Satin Chrome MFG#300DL -U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 439 38667 CWIP: EA 439 38556 Broan Humidity Sensing Bathroom Fan - Features: .07 Sones, 110 CFM Auto shut-off time is adjustable from 5 to 60 minutes - Helps prevent lingering, excessive humidity which can cause mold - Mfg.# QTXE110S U/M: Each Westinghouse 5 Blade Ceiling Fan Size: 52" - Features: Rosewood/Bird's Eye Maple Blades - Includes Light Fixture with Frosted Ribbed Glass Shades - Finish: Brushed Nickel Uses (4) Candelabra Base Bulbs - 60 Watt Max. U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 397 30851 CWIP: EA 294 30490 T-9 Circline bulbs - 4-Pin Base Mfg.#: FC12T9/CW/RS - Type: 12" Cool white - Watts: 32W - U/M: Case/12 T-9 Circline bulbs - 4-Pin Base - Major Brand. Mfg.#: FC12T9/CW/RS - Type: 12" Cool white - Watts: 32W - U/M: Case/12 Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: CS 236 21513 CWIP: CS 236 19388 Satco Mini Spiral Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb - 120 Volt Medium Base - 13 Watt - 4100K Equivalent to a 60 Watt Incandescent Bulb - 10,000 Hours - U/M: 4/ Pack T3 Spiral Compact Fluorescent Lamp - 13W bulb is equivalent to 60W incandescent - Medium Base - 4.44" H - Mfg. # CFL13/41 - 4100K - 12,000 Average Hours Life - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: PK 254 30211 CWIP: EA 252 30998 Dimmable Spiral Compact Fluorescent Lamp - 14W bulb is equivalent to 60W incandescent - Medium Base - 4.4" H Mfg.# 40114 - 2700K - 10,000 Average Hours Life - U/M: Each Compact Fluorescent R20 Reflector Flood Bulb - CFL14/30/R20. 14 Watt. 3000K. Soft White. Equivalent to 50 watt incan- descent. 8,000 hours rate life. Medium base - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 252 34509 To Order call CWI rep Glen Guiffre @ 202-437-0366 CWIP: WWW.CWIP.COM EA 201,250 34529 HOC - Property Management Page 8 of 14 1/30/2014 Fixture exterior wall Bristol 1-Light Color: Satin Nickel Finish w/Alabaster Glass - UL listed/wet locations - Uses 1-60 Watt Bulb. 8in W x 13.5in H, extends 9.125in from wall - U/M- Each Millbridge 2-Light Ceiling Mount Fixture - Satin Nickel Finish w/Alabaster Glass. Uses 2-60 Watt Bulb. 9-.25inD x 5-.25inH - U/M- Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 267,298 11781 CWIP: EA 264 14492 Millbridge 2-Light Ceiling Mount Fixture - Satin Nickel Finish w/Alabaster Glass. Uses 2-60 Watt Bulbs. 13.25inD x 5-.875inH - U/MEach Contemporary Oval Shaped Light Fixture with Decorative Nickel Finish Trim Bands - Size: 32-1/4"L x 17"W x 4-3/4"D - Smooth White Drop Dish Plastic Lens - Electronic Ballast - Uses (2) FC12T9 32 Watt Bulbs, NOT Included - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 264 14463 CWIP: EA 280 30617 Torino 3-Light Chandelier - Satin Nickel Finish w/Snow Glass. Uses 3-60 Watt Bulbs. 19.75inD x 17.25in H - U/M- Each Fixture Torino 3-Light Vanity- Color Satin Nickel w/Snow Glass. Uses 3-60 Watt Bulbs. UL damp location listed. 22.5inW x 8inH - Extends 6.75in from wall. U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 268 11826 CWIP: EA 269 11852 Torino 1-Light Extended Wall Mount Fixture - Satin Nickel Finish w/Snow Glass. Uses 1-60 Watt Bulbs. 5.25inW x 15inH - Extends 7in from wall - U/MEach Gas Cock with Lever Handle. Conforms to ANSI Z21.15B for natural, manufactured and mixed, liquid petroleum and LP gas-air mixtures. Certified by AGA. Type: 3/4" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 268,289 11839 CWIP: EA 178 14315 Towel Bar Set - Franklin Brass - Towel Bar with Posts - Size: 24" - Finish: Satin Nickel - Style: Traditional - U/M: Each Shower Rod - Moen - Color: Brushed Nickel - Curved Adjustable Length Shower Rod - Size: 54-72 inch - With Pivoting Flanges - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 201 30769 To Order call CWI rep Glen Guiffre @ 202-437-0366 CWIP: WWW.CWIP.COM EA 139 14204 HOC - Property Management Page 9 of 14 1/30/2014 Anchors Moen Secure Mount Anchors Chrome-For Mounting Grab Bars To Any Surface- Mfg#SMA1000CH- U/MPair Grab Bar. Stainless Steel 18 Gauge tubing with concealed screws. 1-1/2 Wall clearance on all bars; meets Handicap Safety Code. Withstands 1000 lbs. Pull when properly installed. Size: 1-1/2 x 12 - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: PR 140 11438 CWIP: EA 140 38050 Grab Bar. Stainless Steel 18 Gauge tubing with concealed screws. 1-1/2 Wall clearance on all bars; meets Handicap Safety Code. Withstands 1000 lbs. Pull when properly installed. Size: 1-1/2 x 24 - U/M: Each Grab Bar. Stainless Steel 18 Gauge tubing with concealed screws. 1-1/2 Wall clearance on all bars; meets Handicap Safety Code. Withstands 1000 lbs. Pull when properly installed. Size: 1-1/2 x 36 - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 140 27464 CWIP: EA 140 33131 Toilet Seat - Premium - Wood Factory-installed top tite hinge, stable, heavy-duty bolts with molded-in washers. Corrosion proof nylon nuts and bolts. Type: Round - Color: White - U/M: Each Trim Kit - Cleveland Tub/Shower Faucet Trim Kit with Slip Fit Tub Spout - Finish: Brushed Nickel - Does not include pressure balancing cycling valve (cwip # 33546) - Mfg.# T41311CBN - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 132 36271 CWIP: EA 5 30185 Valve - Cleveland Tub/Shower Pressure Balancing Cycling Valve with Temperature Limit Stops - Ceramic disc cartridge - With shut-off stops and check valves - (Can be used with cwip # 30185 or cwip # 33524 trim kit) Mfg.# 45311 - U/M: Each Showerhead - Niagara Sava GPM:1.5 - Finish: Chrome- "Watersense" - MFG# N2515CH U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 5, 41 33546 CWIP: EA 142 14058 Cleveland Single Handle Kitchen Faucet w/ Pullout spray. Baystone Series. Classic Stainless Finish. Mfg.# 42519CSL. U/M: Each Air Gap - Plastic Dishwasher Air Gap Heavy Pattern. U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 4 11869 To Order call CWI rep Glen Guiffre @ 202-437-0366 CWIP: WWW.CWIP.COM EA 175 29406 HOC - Property Management Page 10 of 14 1/30/2014 Cleveland Single Lever Lavatory Faucet with Metal Handle - 1/2 IPS connections - Single or 3-Hole installation - Includes metal/plastic pop-up assembly - Mfg.# CA40711BN - Finish: Brushed Nickel - U/M: Each Cartridge - Cleveland Ceramic Disc Faucet Cartridge for Kitchen and Lavatory Faucets - Type: Single Lever - Mfg.# 40002 - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 15461 CWIP: EA 21, 41 34722 Garbage Disposer - Badger V Includes galvanized steel rotating shredder with two stainless steel impellers for faster grinding. Self-service wrenchette frees simple jams. Type: 1/2 HP - U/M: Each Sink - 3 Hole Single Bowl Stainless Steel Sink. Sound deadening on sink underside. OA size: 25"x22", self-rimming, 3-1/2" drain, bowl size: 21"x15-1/2", cut out: 24-1/4"x21-1/4". Gauge: 20 - Bowl Depth: 8" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 120 21712 CWIP: EA 114 37494 Sink - Double Bowl Kitchen Sink - 4 hole - Recessed stainless steel -Size: 33" x 22" - Self-rimming - 6" depth 3-1/2" drain - 23 Gauge - U/M: Each Toilet Bowl - Gerber - 1.6 Gallons Per Flush - Viper Series. 10" - 12" Rough-In - ADA Approved - Color: White - U/M: Each. Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 114 23220 CWIP: EA 124 34077 Toilet Bowl - Gerber - Style: Round Viper Series. 10" - 14" Rough-In - ADA Approved. Color: White - U/M: Each. Toilet Tank - Gerber - Style: Viper Series - 12" Rough-In - 1.6 gallon flush - Color: White - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 124 34011 CWIP: EA 124 30591 Dishwasher Connector. Stainless Steel Braided. 3/8" Comp x 3/8" Comp with 90 degree elbow. Length: 60" U/M: Each Valve - Dual Outlet Quarter Turn Valve - Size: 5/8 OD Comp X 3/8 OD Comp X 3/8 OD Comp. U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 174 29809 To Order call CWI rep Glen Guiffre @ 202-437-0366 CWIP: WWW.CWIP.COM EA 177 14418 HOC - Property Management Page 11 of 14 1/30/2014 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 23" x 72" - U/M: Each Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 24" x 72" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 55585 CWIP: EA 576 57754 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 30" x 72" - U/M: Each Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 32" x 48" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 51884 CWIP: EA 576 54041 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 33" x 64" - U/M: Each 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 34" x 48" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 52228 CWIP: EA 576 54516 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 34" x 64" - U/M: Each Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 34" x 72" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 57698 CWIP: EA 576 55609 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 35" x 48" - U/M: Each Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 35" x 72" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 56906 To Order call CWI rep Glen Guiffre @ 202-437-0366 CWIP: WWW.CWIP.COM EA 576 56497 HOC - Property Management Page 12 of 14 1/30/2014 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 35 x 84 - U/M: Each Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 38" x 72" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 57969 CWIP: EA 576 55282 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 41" x 64" - U/M: Each Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 42" x 72" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 52611 CWIP: EA 576 56761 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 43" x 64" - U/M: Each Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 46" x 64"- U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 51211 CWIP: EA 576 51219 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 47" x 64" - U/M: Each Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 1"x 59" x 64" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 52603 CWIP: EA 576 54052 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 1"x 62" x 64" - U/M: Each Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 63" x 48" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 54484 To Order call CWI rep Glen Guiffre @ 202-437-0366 CWIP: WWW.CWIP.COM EA 576 53850 HOC - Property Management Page 13 of 14 1/30/2014 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 70" x 48" - U/M: Each Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 70" x 64" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 53842 CWIP: EA 576 56769 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 71-1/2" x 48" - U/M: Each Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 71" x 48" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 53994 CWIP: EA 576 54057 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 71" x 64" - U/M: Each Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 71" x 72" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 52587 CWIP: EA 576 51228 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 72" x 48" - U/M: Each Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 72" x 60" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 54009 CWIP: EA 576 57402 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 82-1/2" x 48" - U/M: Each Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 83" x 72" - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 55098 To Order call CWI rep Glen Guiffre @ 202-437-0366 CWIP: WWW.CWIP.COM EA 576 57777 HOC - Property Management Page 14 of 14 1/30/2014 Mini-Blind - 1" Vinyl-Plus Non-Leaded Mini Blind. Steel headrail/bottom rail, warp/fade resistant PVC slats, includes valance, hold-down brackets, and mounting hardware, will cut to size (length only). Color: White - Size: 93" x 72" - U/M: Each Vertical Blind - One-way draw with wand control - 3-1/2" Plain Vinyl Slats - Size: 104" x 84" - Color: White - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 576 57730 CWIP: EA 572 60559 Vertical Blind - One-way draw with wand control - 3-1/2" Plain Vinyl Slats - Size: 110" x 84" - Color: White - U/M: Each Vertical Blind - One-way draw with wand control - 3-1/2" Plain Vinyl Slats - Size: 97" x 84" - Color: White - U/M: Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 572 61678 CWIP: EA 572 59517 Vertical Blind- One Way Draw with Wand Control- 3-1/2" Plain Vinyl SlatsSize: 102"x84"- Color-White U/M-Each Unit of Measure Catalog Page# CWIP: EA 572 65519 To Order call CWI rep Glen Guiffre @ 202-437-0366 WWW.CWIP.COM HOC - Property Management EXHIBIT 4 AIA CONTRACT FORMS AS AMENDED BY HOC NOT ATTACHED AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST RFP 1948 Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT 5 Section 3 Clause A. The work to be performed under this contract is subject to the requirements of section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u (section 3). The purpose of section 3 is to ensure that employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD assistance or HUD-assisted projects covered by section 3, shall, to the greatest extent feasible, be directed to low- and very low-income persons, particularly persons who are recipients of HUD assistance for housing. B. The parties to this contract agree to comply with HUD's regulations in 24 CFR part 135, which implement section 3. As evidenced by their execution of this contract, the parties to this contract certify that they are under no contractual or other impediment that would prevent them from complying with the part 135 regulations. C. The contractor agrees to send to each labor organization or representative of workers with which the contractor has a collective bargaining agreement or other understanding, if any, a notice advising the labor organization or workers' representative of the contractor's commitments under this section 3 clause, and will post copies of the notice in conspicuous places at the work site where both employees and applicants for training and employment positions can see the notice. The notice shall describe the section 3 preference, shall set forth minimum number and job titles subject to hire, availability of apprenticeship and training positions, the qualifications for each; and the name and location of the person(s) taking applications for each of the positions; and the anticipated date the work shall begin. D. The contractor agrees to include this section 3 clause in every subcontract subject to compliance with regulations in 24 CFR part 135, and agrees to take appropriate action, as provided in an applicable provision of the subcontract or in this section 3 clause, upon a finding that the subcontractor is in violation of the regulations in 24 CFR part 135. The contractor will not subcontract with any subcontractor where the contractor has notice or knowledge that the subcontractor has been found in violation of the regulations in 24 CFR part 135. E. The contractor will certify that any vacant employment positions, including training positions, that are filled (1) after the contractor is selected but before the contract is executed, and (2) with persons other than those to whom the regulations of 24 CFR part 135 require employment opportunities to be directed, were not filled to circumvent the contractor's obligations under 24 CFR part 135. F. Noncompliance with HUD's regulations in 24 CFR part 135 may result in sanctions, termination of this contract for default, and debarment or suspension from future HUD assisted contracts. RFP 1948 Page 2 of 2 G. With respect to work performed in connection with section 3 covered Indian housing assistance, section 7(b) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450e) also applies to the work to be performed under this contract. Section 7(b) requires that to the greatest extent feasible (i) preference and opportunities for training and employment shall be given to Indians, and (ii) preference in the award of contracts and subcontracts shall be given to Indian organizations and Indian-owned Economic Enterprises. Parties to this contract that are subject to the provisions of section 3 and section 7(b) agree to comply with section 3 to the maximum extent feasible, but not in derogation of compliance with section 7(b). Page 1 of 4 EXHIBIT 6 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT BETWEEN H.O.C. & CONTRACTOR 1. PERFORMANCE. The Contractor shall perform all work in a workmanlike manner and the Contractor shall observe and comply with all Federal, State, County and local laws, ordinances and regulations in performing the services listed. Goods and materials provided herein shall be of first quality, latest model and of current manufacture and not of such age or so deteriorated as to impair their usefulness or safety. 2. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION. The contract administrator is H.O.C.'s representative designated in writing. The contract administrator is NOT authorized to make determinations (as opposed to recommendations) that alter, modify, terminate or cancel the Contract, effect procurement, interpret ambiguities in Contract language, or waive H.O.C.'s contractual rights. 3. CHANGES. Changes in the work, materials and services to be performed must be in writing and within the general scope of the Contract. The Contract will be modified to reflect any time or money adjustment the Contractor is entitled to receive. Any claim about an adjustment in time or money due to a change must be given in writing to the contract administrator within thirty (30) days from the date of the change or the claim will be deemed waived. Any failure to agree upon the time or money adjustment must be resolved under the "Disputes" clause of this Contract. The Contractor must proceed with the prosecution of the work as changed, even if there is an unresolved claim. No charge for any extra work, time or material will be allowed, except as provided in this section. 4. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The Contractor is an independent Contractor. Contractor and the Contractor's employees or agents are not agents of the H.O.C. The 5. ACCURATE INFORMATION, ACCOUNTING SYSTEM AND AUDIT. All information the Contractor has provided to H.O.C. is true and correct and can be relied upon by H.O.C. in awarding, modifying, making payments, or taking any other action with respect to this Contract. Any false or misleading information is a ground for H.O.C. to terminate this Contract for cause and to pursue any other appropriate remedy. H.O.C. may examine the Contractor's records to determine and verify compliance with the Contract. The Contractor must grant H.O.C. access to these records at all reasonable times during the Contract term and for three (3) years after final payment. If the Contract is supported to any extent with federal or state funds, the appropriate federal or state authorities may also examine these records. 6. DISPUTES. Pending final resolution of any dispute, the Contractor must proceed diligently with Contract performance. The Executive Director is the designee of H.O.C., for the purpose of dispute resolution. A claim must be made in writing, for a sum certain, and any Page 2 of 4 money requested must be fully supported by all cost and pricing information. 7. DOCUMENTS, MATERIALS AND DATA. All documents, materials or data developed as a result of this contract are H.O.C.'s property. H.O.C. has the right to use and reproduce any documents, materials, and data, including confidential information, used in or developed as a result of this Contract. H.O.C. may use this information for its own purposes, or use it for reporting to state and federal agencies. The Contractor warrants that it has title to or right of use of all documents, materials or data used or developed by the Contractor or supplied to H.O.C. 8. ASSIGNMENTS AND SUBCONTRACTS. The Contractor may not assign or transfer this Contract, any interest herein or any claim hereunder, except as expressly authorized in writing by H.O.C. 9. APPLICABLE LAWS. This Contract shall be construed in accordance with the laws and regulations of Maryland and Montgomery County. The Contractor must, without additional cost to H.O.C., pay any necessary fees and charges, obtain any necessary licenses and permits, and comply with applicable federal, state and local laws, codes and regulations. 10. INSURANCE. Prior to the commencement of work under this Contract, the Contractor must obtain at its own cost and expense and keep in force and effect during the term of this contract, including all extensions, the insurance specified by H.O.C. with an insurance company licensed or qualified to do business in the State of Maryland. The Contractor must submit to H.O.C. a certificate of insurance prior to award of this Contract as evidence of compliance with this provision. H.O.C. must be named as an additional insured on all liability policies. Forty-five (45) days written notice to H.O.C. of cancellation or material change in any of the policies is required. 11. NOTICE OF ETHICS REQUIREMENTS. The Contractor is required to comply with the ethics provisions contained in Chapter 19A of the Montgomery County Code. 12. INDEMNIFICATION. The Contractor is responsible for any loss, personal injury, death and any other damage (including incidental and consequential) that may be done or suffered by reason of the Contractor's negligence or failure to perform any contractual obligations. The Contractor must indemnify and save H.O.C. harmless from any loss, cost, damage and other expenses, including attorney's fees and litigation expenses, suffered or incurred due to the Contractor's negligence or failure to perform any of its contractual obligations. The Contractor must defend H.O.C. in any action or suit brought against H.O.C. arising out of the Contractor's negligence, errors, acts or omissions under this Contract. The negligence of any agent, subcontractor or employee of the contractor is deemed to be the negligence of the contractor. 13. TIME. Time is of the essence. Page 3 of 4 14. IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL ACT. The Contractor warrants that both the Contractor and any subcontractor do not and shall not hire, recruit or refer for a fee for employment under this Contract or any subcontract, an alien knowing the alien is an unauthorized alien and hire any individual without complying with the requirements of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (the Act), including but not limited to any verification and record keeping requirements. The Contractor shall not discriminate against an individual with respect to hiring, or recruitment or referral for a fee, of the individual for employment or the discharging of the individual from employment because of such individual's national origin or in the case of a citizen or intending citizen, because of such individual's citizenship status. 15. HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC SUBSTANCES. Manufacturers and distributors are required by the federal "Hazard Communication Standard" (29 CFR 1910, 1200) and the Maryland "Access to Information about Hazardous and Toxic Substances" Law to label each hazardous material or chemical container, and to provide Material Safety Data Sheets. 16. NONDISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT. The Contractor agrees to comply with the nondiscrimination in employment policies in H.O.C. contracts as required by all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations regarding employment discrimination. The Contractor assures H.O.C. that, in accordance with applicable law, it does not, and will not discriminate in any manner on the basis of age, sex, color, creed, national origin, race, marital status, religious belief, sexual preference or handicap. The Contractor must include the provisions of this section in all subcontracts. 17. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE. H.O.C. may terminate the Contract in whole or in part and from time to time, whenever H.O.C. determines that the Contractor is: A. B. C. defaulting in performance of this Contract; failing to make satisfactory progress in the prosecution of the Contract; or endangering the performance of this Contract. Prior to a termination for cause, H.O.C. will give the Contractor written notice specifying the cause. The notice will give the Contractor ten (10) days from the date the notice is issued to cure the default or make progress satisfactory to H.O.C. curing the default. 18. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE. This Contract may be terminated by H.O.C. in whole or in part, upon written notice to the Contractor, when H.O.C. determines this to be in its best interest. The termination shall be effective ten (10) days after the notice is issued. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. There are no promises, terms, conditions, or obligations other than those contained in this contract and this contract supersedes all communications, representations, or agreements, either verbal or written. Page 4 of 4 CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE: The Contractor shall obtain and keep in force at its own expense during the entire period in which the work is being performed, liability insurance as will protect it from claims, under Workmen's Compensation and other employee benefit laws, for bodily injury and death, and for property damage that may arise out of work performed under the contract, whether directly or indirectly by the Contractor or by a subcontractor. All liability insurance required herein shall be Comprehensive General and Automobile Bodily Injury and Property Damage policy or policies. The insurance required by the above shall be written for not less than the following limits of liability (all limits shown in thousands): Contract Dollar Value (per $1,000) Up to $50 Worker's Compensation Bodily Injury by: Accident, each Disease, policy limits Disease, each employee Commercial General Liability minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage per occurrence including contractual liability, premises and operations, and independent contractors. Automobile Liability including owned, hired and non-owned automobiles Bodily Injury, each person Bodily Injury, each occurrence Property Damage, each occurrence Up to $100 Over $100 100 500 100 100 500 100 100 500 100 300 500 1,000 100 300 250 500 500 1,000 300 300 300 Proof of such insurance shall be filed by the Contractor with H.O.C. prior to commencement of work. The Certificate of Insurance will name H.O.C. as an additional insured, provide forty-five (45) days written notice of cancellation or change and show H.O.C. as the certificate holder, as follows: HOC of Montgomery County, MD Contract No. 15-1948 10400 Detrick Avenue Kensington, MD 20895