February 2014 - Sacramento Japanese United Methodist Church


February 2014 - Sacramento Japanese United Methodist Church
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage paid
Sacramento, CA
Permit No. 790
SJUMC, the Garden Church
Senior Pastor: Rev. Motoe Yamada Foor
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. George Nishikawa
Choir Director: Eileen Boyd, Pianist : Christopher Congdon
Director of Young People’s Ministries: Emily Pickens-Jones
Office Manager: Robyn Jovalis
Phone: (916) 421-1017
Fax: (916) 391-3620
Website: www.sacjumc.com Worship: Sunday at 10:30am
Volume 48
February 2014
No. 2
The Sakura Dayori is published once
a month by the Sacramento Japanese United Methodist Church to
provide updates to our members and
our constituents.
February is
Youth Group Local SSP Trip
February 21st23rd
Oak Park UMC,
Small Groups Starting!
Dare to Dream
Creating a God-Sized
Mission Statement for
Your Life
 Sundays at 7pm with
Mray Nakamura facilitating, February 16 - March 16 - Belle
 Tuesdays at 11am with Rev. Motoe
Yamada Foor, Starting February 4
Signs of Life - Thursdays at 7pm
through February 27
February 8, 2014
Multi-Cultural Hall
Adults - $45.00
Children - $15.00
(10 & under)
Proceeds to
Legacy Fund
Doors Open - 5:00 pm
Dinner - 6:00 pm
Entertainment - 7:00 pm
Free Movie!
Saturday, Feb. 1st, at
7pm at SJUMC
Donations to go to the
Philippine Relief Effort
Sakura Dayori
Page 2
February 2014
Invitation to Worship
February 2, 2014
4th Sunday after Epiphany
Souperbowl Sunday
“What does the Lord require of you?”
Micah 6:6-8
February 9, 2014
5th Sunday after the Epiphany
“Dreaming the Dream”
Genesis 28:10-13
Ephesians 4:11-13
February 16, 2014
6th Sunday after the Epiphany
“Your Burning Bush”
Exodus 3:4-6, 11&12
Febraury 23, 2014
7th Sunday after the Epiphany
Matthew 6:22-24
February 2—Eddie & Sandy
February 9—Joyce Kimura &
Frances Lee
February 16—Lily Ikami & Atsuko
February 23—Kathy Gosney &
Laura Katayama
February 2—Emma Nakamura
February 9—Kathy Sakamoto
February 16—Farrington & Helen
February 23—Emi Alicaya
Welcome Table
February 2—Kimi Silvernail, Kathy
February 9—Lois Yuki & Ray Kozuma
February 16—Tule Yomogida & Ben
Baptism and Transferring Membership
Would you like to be baptized
or join the church officially?
This Spring, the membership
class will be a bit different! If
you are interested, please go
to “Coffee with Pastor” to find
out more.
Rev. Schuyler
Rhodes has asked
SJUMC to host a
Conversation for
Sacramento Clergy
and Lay Leaders on
February 15!
Sakura Dayori
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February 2014
Sakura Dayori
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If you enjoy making hand
crafted items, engaging in pleasant conversation, and exchanging crafting ideas, come
join the SJUMC Boutique Group 9:30 Monday mornings in the Fellowship/Social Hall.
Boutique members knit, crochet, embroider,
sew, bead, and create handmade seasonal
ornaments. What would you like to learn?
What new craft skills can you bring to the
Boutique Group
Come and see what the Boutique Group is
doing and join the creative work that supports the church. Proceeds from the craft
items sold at the October SJUMC Bazaar
and other events benefit SJUMC programs.
The Boutique Group welcomes new members and would love to talk with you about
crafting and membership in the group. Check
in with Boutique if you would like to do crafts
on Monday mornings and support SJUMC at
the same time. Please come or contact Emi
Alicaya - 685-5183 ealicaya@frontiernet.net
SJUMC is on Facebook!
Please join us!
February 2014
Isaiah Bible Study
Rev. Peter Willms will
be leading a Bible
study on the book of
Isaiah meeting the 1st and 3rd Sunday
of the monthat 12:15 in the Garden
Room. It is open to any who might like to
Spiritual Renewal of
A group of people who
want to grow spiritually have been meeting.
Do you feel that God is calling you to grow
and help the church grow spiritually? Or
simply wondering what this is about? If so,
please contact Rev. Motoe.
Future Fellowship Tobans
February 2—Youth Group—Souper Bowl
February 9—Basketball Sunday—Basketball
February 16—UMW
February 23—COR Fundraising
March 2—UMW
March 9—Scout Sunday
March 16—Worship & Membership Care
March 23—Youth Fundraiser
March 30—UMW
April 6—Fasting Sunday
April 13—UMW
April 20—Easter Sunday
April 27—Fundraising
May 4—Christian Education
May 11—February Birthdays
May 18—UMW
May 25—COR Fundraiser
For 2014 during the school year we will have
our regular fellowship and during summer we
will have coffee/tea only.
Sakura Dayori
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February 2014
From the Welcome Task Force Committee (WTFC)
2013 in Review and Plans for 2014
The WTFC was reactivated in the second quar- 
ter of 2013 by Ben Gayton, Kathy Gosney,
Raymond Kozuma, and Kathy Marquardt.
Our main objectives was to create a pleasant,
friendly and welcome atmosphere for first time
guests and the existing members of the church.
One of WTFC members, or a church member
who was friendly and knowledgeable of SJUMC
history, was assigned to the first time guests for
a month or longer if necessary. Our goal was to
ensure that our guests felt comfortable with
SJUMC by answering any of their questions
and introducing them to other church members
because the first time guests are trying to find a
way into the life and ministry of our church. The
ministry of welcoming is not the responsibility of
a few people or a committee. It is the responsibility of the entire church family because first
impressions are lasting ones. People make up
their minds about our church within the first ten
minutes of contact. Here are two key tips for
developing and sustaining a welcome ministry
in our church:
What we did in 2013:
We mailed the Welcome Cards to the first
time guests.
We presented our church mugs and gift
bags after their 3rd visit.
We placed a cross logo on the name tags
of new guests so church members would
know who the visitors were and could
greet them.
We have been contacting the new guests
after they have missed three consecutive
worship services.
One of the WTFC members or another
church member will provide full attention to
the new guest until they have settled into
the church.
We also provided full attention to the existing church members.
We worked with the Worship Greeters
(assigned by Elaine Maeda) and volunteers from the church membership to welcome and greet the attendees of the worship service.
We attended the Church of the Resurrection (Kansas City) conference in September to acquire “Welcome Church” ideas
from other churches.
We made a new WELCOME banner.
Circle 10: Greet anyone, member or guest, who
comes within 10 feet of you. Make a special
effort to greet the people you don’t know within 
your circle of 10.
Number of first time guests: 34 guests (April –
Rule of 3: Try not to talk to other members you December 2013)
know for the first 3 minutes after the worship Number of guests who became a regular visitor:
service. Talk only to those you don’t know and 10
to people that you know are guests. It takes
Plans for 2014:
guests about 3 minutes to exit the church after
worship so it is important to make sure someContact
one makes contact with them before they leave.
Contact the neighbor schools.
Remember: Welcoming is an ongoing mission Recruit more teenagers and their families.
for the whole church community.
Sakura Dayori
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February 2014
IIn December we
served a total of 7,223
people; 4,219 adults
and 3,004 adults from
1640 separate households. We gave holiday
foods on December 18,
19 and 20. For some
unknown reason we
served less people than
the three days before Thanksgiving. The food
closet was closed on December 23, 24 and 25
to give our employees and volunteers a long
deserved rest.
The Kids Can boxes were sorted on December
22nd. Thanks to Emily Pickens Jones, Tyler
Mar and Janelle Kanemasu for helping to manage this project. The boxes are very heavy
and had to be moved to the sorting room and
moved back to the storage room when the
sorting period ended. There are still many
boxes to be sorted at a date to be announced
soon. Thanks to all the adults and young people who helped.
The SSIP Board of Directors held their election
of officers at the January board meeting. The
2014 officers are Chair - Margaret Brown, Secretary – Shirley Manning, Treasurer – Frances
Lee, Payroll – Robert Kimoto, Pastor-at-Large
– Elizabeth Griswold and Members-at-Large Frank Allen, Joyce Brinsky and Art Crane. The
Vice Chair position remains vacant.
SSIP is always appreciative of the monetary
donations, food, paper bags and many volunteer hours from the SJUMC congregation. In
2013, SJUMC volunteers have contributed a
total of 1,847 hours. Thank you for your continued support.
 Begins February
2014 at Bowling
Green & Chacon Schools
 One hour a week can help a parent learn
to read
 Sign up for 3 training sessions and change
a life.
Call Amy Kawahara, 916 – 428 – 3743; Patty Honbo, 530 – 756 – 0616; Barbara Kado,
530 – 758 – 7339 for more information.
February Security Tobans:
Scott Chung, Eric Hirata, Fran
The 12th Annual SJUMC Crab Feed will be
held on February 8th, 2014 in the Multicultural Hall. This function benefits the Legacy
Fund to help pay off our glorious hall. This
all you can eat menu will include salad,
spaghetti, nigiri, crab, ice cream and drinks.
Bring a big appetite as the fresh crab is
wonderful. We will also have our world
famous raffle sponsored by the Basketball
Program and the ever popular paper airplane contest with Stuart Satow as MC.
Adult tickets are $45.00 and children under
10 are $15.00. Tickets can be purchased
after church on Sundays or at the office. If
you have questions, call Janet Takehara at
Sakura Dayori
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February 2014
Matsuoka, Kazuko
Mikami, Joanne
Mizoguchi, M/M Max
Murai, Marion
Murakami, Susanna
Nakamura, Mary
In Celebration of Emma Nakamura’s Birthday
Nakamura, Mary
Nakashima, M/M Kent
Nakashima, Mary Ann
Nagata, M/M Roy
Nakashima, Roger
Niiya, M/M Herb
Nishikawa, Rev/M George
Nitta, Ruby
Oguro, M/M Keith
Okamoto, M/M Roy
Okino, Marie
Okubo, Tom
Oshiro, Joyce
Oshita, Edith
Osuga, M/M David
Otani, Susan
Ouchida, M/M Kenneth
Ouchida, M/M Lester
Robinson, M/M Norman
Ronay, M/M Kelvin
Sakakihara, M/M Tom
Sakauye, M/M Jiro
Sakauye, M/M Shoji
Sakauye-Tom, M/M Leland
Sasaki, M/M Robert
Sato, M/M Roy
Shibata, M/M Victor
Kawaguchi, Mrs.
Shimazu, Glen
Sumida, Frances
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Toraji
Sura and Mr. Daniel Yee
Suwa Paul
Takechi, M/M Curtis
Takeda, Atsuko
Taketa, M/M Bill
Takuma, Fumi
Tanaka, M/M Russell
Tanaka, M/M Ryu
Tanimoto, Dr./M Jun
Tateishi, Seiko
Teranishi, Sue
Toyama, Cliff
Uno, M/M Dick
Wong, M/M Clifford
Wong, M/M Winston
Yamadera, Mickey
Yang, M/M Richard
Yokoi, Amy
Yomogida, M/M George
Mayeda, M/M Mark
Ukita, May
Kujubu, Herbert
Agtara, M/M Bener
Ishima, Amy
Sakskihara, Diane
Ito, Bell
Hoig M/M Steve
Ng, M/M Henry
Nakamura, Nancy
Shintaku, Teruo
Kujubu, M/M Norman
Lehr, Dr. Ernest
Kitade, Gene
Fukushima, M/M Roy
Matsumoto, Robert
Johnson, M/M Henry
Miller, Kiyo
Fong, M/M Robbie
as of
December 31, 2013
In Celebration of Mother’s
Inouye, Tim
In Celebration of New Years
Miyasaki, Anne
In Celebration of Sadako Furuike recovery
Fukushima, M/M Roy
In Memory of Takaji Inouye
Inouye, Margaret
Inouye, Tim
In Memory of Diane Inouye
Inouye, Tim
In Memory of Oscar Satow
Okino, Marie
Shibata, M/M Victor
In Memory of Ouchi’s &
Ouchida, Donna
In Memory of Lucy Chan
Ouchida, M/M Lester
In Memory of Walter Hamamoto
Sakamoto, Katherine
In Memory of Mrs. Sakata’s
Shibata, M/M Victo
In Memory of Dorotea Ware
Shibata, M/M Victor
Mizoguchi, M/M Max
Thanksgiving Offering
Inouye, Tim
Christmas Offering
Inouye, Tim
Miyasaki, Anne
Okino, Marie
Takehara, Janet
Wong, M/M Steve
Sakura Dayori
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February 2014
as of
December 31, 2013
Okamoto, M/M Ken
Thanksgiving Offering
Asahara, Francis
Fong, M/M Daniel
In Celebration of 50th Wedding Harvey, Yurie
Hiruo, Harry
Alicaya, M/M Chuck
Hoig, M/M Steve
In Celebration of God’s Grace Ito, Belle
Kubo, M/M Edwin
Ito, M/M Paul
In Celebration of Kai’s Baptism Iwata, M/M Joe
Takechi, M/M Curtis
Fukutome, Lily
In Celebration of Shut Ins at
Kado, M/M Clarence
Holiday Season
Kashiwagi, Sam
Uyeoka, Aiko
Kazato, Rev/M Shiro
In Memory of Dan Inouye
Kiino, Stanley
Inouye, Andrew
Kobayashi, M/M Charles
In Memory of Diane Marie
Kobayashi, M/M Jinji
Inouye’s Birthday
Kushi, Frances
Inouye, Margaret
Lum, M/M Evan
In Memory of Parents
Uyeda, Vicci
Kobayashi, M/M Charles
Mizuno, Tom
In Memory of Rev. Harry Mura- Murakami, Susanna
Nakashima, Mary Ann
Kubota, Nami
Nitta, Ruby
In Memory of Tom Kushi
Ouchida, M/M Kenneth
Kushi, Frances
Sakakihara, Diane
In Memory of Sam Gotan
Sasaki, M/M Robert
Gotan, Louise
Sato, Kenneth
In Memory of Michael Sakata Shintaku, Teruo
Niiya, M/M Herbert
Takuma, Fumi
Yamadera, Mickey
Tanaka, M/M Ryu
In Memory of Oscar Satow
Tanimoto, Dr/M Jun
Satow, M/M Stuart
Wong, M/M Steve
In Memory of Tsugiyo KempYamauchi, M/M Harold
Yokoi, Amy
`Yamadera, Mickey
Yomogida, M/M George
In Memory of George S. Yamadera
Christmas Offering
Yamadera, Mickey
Asahara, Francis
In Memory of Sumiko SaBlaisdell, M/M Farrington
Chung, Scott
Sakakihara, Diane
Clark, M/M Jack
Sakakihara, Lucille
Tanihana, June
In Memory of Mildred Nakano Dingley, Bernice
Fernandez, M/M Richard
Fong, Karen
Fong, M/M Larry
Fujimoto, Mary
Goi, Megumi
Gosney, M/M Michael
Hagiya, M/M Mark
Hamai, M/M George
Hamakawa, Mayumi
Harada, M/M Jeff
Harper, M/M Donald
Harvey, Yurie
Honbo, Dr./M Wesley
Ichimura, M/M Robert
Ikami, Lily
Imagire, M/M Art
Ishihara, M/M Wayne
Ishisaka, Mitzi
Ito, M/M James
Ito, M/M Paul
Ito, Yasushi
Iwata, M/M Joe
Fukutome, Lily
Kado, M/M Clarence
Kanamasu, M/M Russell
Kashiwagi, M/M George
Kashiwagi, Karen
Kashiwagi, Sam
Kashiwagi, Sue
Kawahara, M/M Yosh
Kazato, Rev./M Shiro
Kimoto, M/M Bob
Kobayashi, M/M Charles
Kobayashi, Richard
Koshino, M/M Eddie
Koshiyama, M/M Al
Koyama, Patty
Kozuma, M/M Raymond
Kubo, M/M Edwin
Kubota, Nami
Kunz, Tomi
Kushi, Frances
Maeda, Elaine
Uyeda, Vicci
Matsuo, M/M
Sakura Dayori
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February 2014
Save the Date March 23!
Come join us on Sunday March 23
after church to participate in the Stop
Hunger Now food packaging event!
We have been fundraising since summer 2013 to host a Stop Hunger Now
food packaging event at our church
and this will be our major Lenten service project this year! Thanks to all
who have contributed to the fundraising by personally donating and also
attending the restaurant fundraising
events. Many thanks also to the Japanese Film Festival committee and
UMW who donated and to Spirit Within who prepared and sold spam
musubi as a fundraiser for the cause!
Through a fun assembly line process,
our volunteers will be packaging
12,000 meals in about 2 hours. Stop
Hunger Now meals are highly nutritious, dehydrated meals comprised of
rice, soy, vegetables, flavoring and 21
essential vitamins and minerals. Each
Security Tobans Needed
Wanted - volunteers to serve as Open/Close
Tobans to open & close church campus on
Sundays. Tobans serve one month every 7
months.. Currently tobans rotation is every 7
months, but could be longer the more new
volunteers there are. Call Art Imagire- 9554901.
provides 6 servings and each
about 25 cents.
The meals are easy to transport, have
a shelf-life of two years and store easily.
Stop Hunger Now is an international
hunger relief organization that coordinates the distribution of food around
the world. It is driven by the vision of
a world without hunger and a mission
to end hunger by providing food to the
world's most vulnerable. For more
All are invited to volunteer and participate in this food packaging event. We
need at least 40 volunteers to help
and all ages are encouraged to join in.
Please email or contact Sue Teranishi
at sue328ter@gmail.com or at 916443-5657 if you'd like to volunteer.
Senior Open Gym
Every Thursday
9:30am - Walking,
10 - 11:00 am - Exercise
Personal trainers (Wayne Shimizu and
Peggy) lead you in a fun and energizing
program. This program will help you
stay fit while having fun!
Older Adult Dance Group: Line Dance
- every Tuesday at 10am.
Sakura Dayori
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February 2014
From Emily, the Director of Youth
and Young People
All youth and young adults are encouraged
to take part in the SJUMC Wellness Month
activities. Look at the Wellness Month section of the newsletter for more information.
Meets the 1st and 3rd
Tuesday of the Month!
6:30 pm - 8 pm
Come hang out with your church friends and
do a fun activity! See you on February 4th
and 18th. All youth from 7th-12th grade are
For more information or questions contact
the Director of Young People’s Ministry,
Emily Pickens-Jones at emily@sacjumc.com.
Young Adult
Bible Study
February 5
6:30 pm
Old Soul Co.
3434 Broadway in Sacramento.
Please bring a Bible or Bible app! We
are using the Disciple Bible Study, all
young adults ages 18-30 are welcome!
Bags of Grace at SJUMC
Are available in the Social hall to
give out to people in need.
Please take a couple and keep them in
your car.
Youth Group
Local SSP Trip
February 21st23rd
Oak Park UMC,
Are you ready for a weekend of hands-on
service, learning and fellowship? Join several local churches in doing work in our own
community of Sacramento for a weekend
studying the theme “Challenge Yourself,
Challenge the World.” Cost will be $105, but
scholarships are available for ALL youth!
Souper Bowl Sunday
Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014
Fellowship Hour
Soup lunch will be
prepared and served
by the youth. Please arrive for Sunday
School on time at 9:30 so we can do a
quick lesson and prepare for the fellowship
Prayer Group ~ Would you like to pray with
someone? The group
meets at 9:30 am every
Sunday in the Merwin
Chapel and every 3rd
Thursday in the Garden
Room at 11:15am.
Sakura Dayori
Page 11
Dare to Dream
Creating a God-Sized
Mission Statement for
Your Life
Dare to Dream is a
startling and inspiring
new program by popular
author and pastor Mike
Slaughter that draws on
the Bible and a lifetime of ministry to help
us discern God’s dream for us and learn
to live it out, prayerfully and enthusiastically. Participants will learn how to develop a life mission statement that helps
them fully commit to a God-directed lifestyle.
 Rev. Motoe’s Small Group—starting
on Feb. 4, Tuesday at 11am
 Mary Nakamura’s small group—7pm
Sundays, February 16 - March 16 Belle Ito’s
“Caring for One Another”
Support Group
Meets: 2nd & 4th Sundays each month
Time: 9:35—10:25 a.m.
Format: Opening prayer, short devotion or
topic, General Sharing (main feature), prayer
requests, closing prayer.
Attendees: Adults of all ages; can drop-in or
be a regular. We encourage Sunday School
parents to come and try it out!
Cost: No cost. May use a resource book or
Facilitators: Mary Nakamura and Mindy
Takechi. For further information, contact
Mindy Takechi at hpyhrts@sbcglobal.net or
638-2456 or Mary Nakamura at marynakamura@frontiernet.net.
February 2014
Free Movie—Linsanity
Feb. 1st, Saturday at
7pm (SJUMC)
The Spirit Within is
Hosting a "Family
Night" showing the
movie, "Linsanity" a true
story of professional
basketball player Jeremy Lin and how his
faith in God sustained and guided him
through all his obstacles, oppositions and
 Where: SJUMC
 When: 2/1/14, Saturday evening at
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
 Cost: Free
 Donations to go to the Philippine Relief
Effort (Cash or Checks made payable to
The 2014 Altar
Flower Chart is on
the bulletin board in
the Narthex. You
are invited to sign
up and specify if
your flowers are in honor of or in celebration of or in memory of your special
people or event. Please bring your flowers to the Flower Room by 10:00, and
you may put them in the vase(s) and
place on the altar, or it may be done for
you. Further instructions are next to the
Flower Chart. Thank you for sharing in
this ministry of beautifying the sanctuary
for worship!
Sakura Dayori
Page 10
Bible Study
 The group study-
ing Isaiah will meet
the first & third
Sunday of every
month. The Garden Room is the
meeting place and
all are welcome to this study as well.
(Even though the Isaiah study has already met a few times, with enthusiastic students, new people can still
join. Please do)
 The study of Revelation is repeated
again for all who missed it last
time and for those who want to do it
again. The Rev. study group will meet
the second & fourth Sunday of every
month. It will meet in the Garden
Room whenever possible. All are welcome even if conflicts make it impossible for you to be present every
time. Please come when you can.
Handy People Needed!
Please submit any names (such as
God’s helpers, God’s handy man, etc….)
of people who can do small projects
around the church (such as changing
bulbs, etc,!)
Bowling Green School Classroom
Volunteers Needed
Interested in helping students with their
reading. We're looking for classroom
volunteers to help first graders practice
their reading. Contact Sue Teranishi at
sue328ter@gmail.com or 443-5657.
February 2014
“Caring for One Another” Support
Meets: 2nd & 4th Sundays each month
Time: 9:35-10:25 a.m.
Format: Opening prayer, short devotion
or topic, General Sharing (main feature),
prayer requests, closing prayer
Attendees: Adults of all ages can drop-in
or be a regular. We would like to encourage Sunday School parents to come.
Cost: No cost. May use a resource book
or handouts.
Facilitators: Mary Nakamura and Mindy
Takechi. For further information, contact
Mindy Takechi at hpyhrts@sbcglobal.net
or 638-2456 or Mary Nakamura at
Sakura Dayori
February 2014
Kid’s Activities
SJUMC Prayers
Every Sunday Sunday School
Comfort and Prayer for the families and
friends of:
Michael Sakata
Oscar Satow
Michaela Vines
Rev. Harry Murakami
Steven Tami Takehara
Takako Taki (brother of Amy Kawahara)
Betty Seto (aunt of Loretta Ashizawa)
George Fujita (sister of Yosh Kawahara)
Kids can go to the Garden Room after
Children’s message for games and fun!
Meets every Sunday except 2nd Sunday
Family Worship.
Exercising for the ages - After worship on
February 16 we will be joining with others
to learn exercises to do at home. More
details to follow - Bring a friend!
Tone Chime Choir is the 1st and 3rd
Sundays of the month! Talk to Robyn
Jovalis if you are interested. A fun, easy
way to start to learn music and rhythm!
New Class – 6 weeks
Alice Kubo and Shigeko Shibata are inviting
you to join us for “SIGNS OF LIFE”
study. This 6 week class is on Thursday’s
starting on January 23rd and ending on February 27th. Class starts at 7:00 for one
hour. Please let the office know or Shigeko
Shibata if you are interested. shigekos@comcast.net or 395-2550. Contact
us for more information
日本語聖書の学び 毎第2日曜日
Japanese Language Bible
Study - Every 2nd Sunday of the month
in the fireside room
Page 7
February 5 for the March issue.
Please submit articles to Joanne
Mikami at hankojo@starstream.net
Special Prayers
Rev. Allen Jones & Bill Pickens
Raymond Kozuma
Al and Judy Raska in Japan
Roy Fukushima
Etsu Yui
Mas Kashiwagi
Edie Nakamura (sister of Karen
Alice Kunibe
Catherine Taketa
Bert Shikasho
Hiroko Arimoto
People who are facing surgery
People who are going through tough
Sakura Dayori
Page 8
February 2014
Toward a
Healthier You!
February 16th
Come hang out in the Multicultural Hall at
church for some fun games and activities. All
SJUMC basketball players are especially encouraged to come. People of all ages are welcome. We will have activities for everyone!
February 16th
Exercising for the
We will be bringing in an
instructor for people of all
Throughout the month, we ages to experience some
will ask you to keep track fun exercises that you
can do at home.
of how much you walk. We
will be selling customized SJUMC green peFebruary 23rd- The 8 Didometers during the last two weeks of Janumensions of Wellness,
ary. There will be prizes for different categonoon—1 p.m.
ries! Have fun and compete for a healthier
Led by Mary Nakamura
This will be a workshop on the “8 Dimensions
of Wellness”. Wellness incorporates the mental, emotional, physical, occupational, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of a person's life.
Each aspect of wellness can affect overall
quality of life, so it is important to consider all
aspects of health. Come and learn more to
Meditation has been used in many religions for
see how you need to take better care of yourcenturies. Christian meditation aims to heightself!
en the personal relationship based on the love
of God that marks Christian theologies. Come
learn more about how to use this in your daily
life and how your entire mood and perspective
can be changed from meditation.
February 9th
Meditation for
Christians, 12:15
led by Emily Pickens
Page 9
February 2014
UMW Update
February is
Have a new year’s resolution to take care of
your body, mind, and soul? Here’s your
chance to follow through with it! It’s time for
this year’s SJUMC Wellness Month. Each year
we take the time to remember that taking care
of our well-being is just as important as all the
other things in our lives. Come learn about
nutrition, dimensions of wellness, and exercise
for all ages! We will be having several events
throughout the month of February, then keep
looking to the newsletter to see other events
and ideas that will be happening throughout
the year to remember how important our
health is.
Sakura Dayori
In November of 2013, UMW held another successful rummage sale. As outreach programs
for our UMW, many community organizations
have benefited. These organizations include
the Heifer Project, Loaves and Fishes, Asian
Community Center, Breathe California of Sacramento -Emigrant Trails, Rebuilding Together,
St. John's Shelter, Wellspring Women's Center,
Friends of the Library, Developmental Living
Center, Gum Moon Residence, Mary Elizabeth
Inn, Sacramento County PTA - Leonardo de
vince School Clothes Closet, San Juan Good
Samaritan House, SSIP, Veterans of America,
Salvation Army/Chanel 10 Coats for Kids,
SJUMC Mission Group (Bowling Green School
-- Chacon Academy and McCoy Academy,
Healthy Kids Backpack program, clothes and
Co-Vice-Presidents: Joanne Mikami and
Joyce Oshiro
Secretary: Alice Kubo
Treasurer: Shigeko Shibata
Installation of our new officers will be held at
our next UMW Call to Prayer Meeting on February 9, 2014. We will also have a speaker (to
be announced), so please save this date! 2014
UMW booklets with toban assignments have
already been distributed to chairpersons for
each month and should be in the hands of
individual members soon.
UMW would like to thank the following who
contributed generously to our fund during the
last quarter of 2013:
 Grace Iwata
 Sybil Miyamoto
Our last meeting of the year was also in No-  Hayashi Trust Fund
vember with Shigeko Shibata as our speaker.  Sam Kashiwagi
We learned about "The Roma" (Gypsies)--they We, Loretta Ashizawa and Emi Alicaya, as outare still facing so much discrimination and going presidents, would like to thank our board
and everyone else who helped and participated
Election of officers for the next term 2014-2016 in UMW events these past two years! It has
been a pleasure to serve you!
was held with the following results:
Co-Presidents: Jayne Rasmussen and Kimi
UMCOR Relief to the Philippines
Three days after Super Typhoon Haiyan
flattened part of the Philippines, relief
was beginning to trickle in to survivors.
United Methodists are among those
starting to provide emergency supplies
while assessing damages from the powerful storm, known as Typhoon Yolanda
in the Philippines. Support UMCOR’s
relief and recovery work in the Philippines by contributing in the box in the
Narthex. In Memo put UMCOR - Philippines.
AV Team
You have probably
noticed that our
Slide Show is
much easier to
read with our new
screens and projectors. The equipment is also easier to
use! We need a few people willing to
assist during worship to operate the
computer and sound system. Talk to
Victor or the Church office.