March 2015 - Sacramento Japanese United Methodist Church


March 2015 - Sacramento Japanese United Methodist Church
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage paid
Sacramento, CA
Permit No. 790
SJUMC, the Garden Church
Senior Pastor: Rev. Motoe Yamada Foor
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. George Nishikawa
Pastor of Visitation: Rev. Peter Willms
Director of Education: Sade Williams
Office Manager: Robyn Jovalis
Choir Director: Eileen Boyd, Pianist : Christopher Congdon
Phone: (916) 421-1017
Fax: (916) 391-3620
Website: Worship: Sunday at 10:30am
Volume 50
March 2015
Welcome to our new
Director of Christian
Sade Williams!
More info on page 8
The Sakura Dayori is published once
a month by the Sacramento Japanese United Methodist Church to
provide updates to our members and
our constituents.
Youth Parent’s meeting
on Sunday March 15 at
9:30am in the youth room.
March 19 - 6:00pm
Sleep Train Arena
More info on page 8
Spring Food Sale,
Order before March 15
Pre-Sale Only
Pick-up on Saturday,
March 21
No. 3
Holy Week Worship Schedule
March 29, Palm Sunday
April 2, Maundy Thursday Service - 7:00 pm, SJUMC
April 3, Good Friday Services
11:00am Bethany Presbyterian
church with SSIP
7:00pm with Parkview Presbyterian
April 5, Easter
Garden Service - 8:30am
Easter Breakfast by Youth 9:30
Easter Egg Hunt 9:30
Easter Traditional Service 10:30am
Fall Prevention and
Refresher class
Thursday, March 26
Sakura Dayori
Page 2
March 2015
Invitation to Worship
March 1, 2015
2nd Sunday in Lent
Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16
Psalm 22:23-31
Romans 4:13-25
Mark 8:31-38
March 8, 2015
3rd Sunday in Lent
Exodus 20:1-17
Psalm 19
1 Corinthians 1:18-25
John 2:13-22
March 15, 2015
4th Sunday in Lent
Numbers 21:4-9
Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22
Ephesians 2:1-10
John 3:14-21
March 22, 2015
5th Sunday in Lent
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Psalm 51:1-12
Hebrews 5:5-10
John 12:20-33
Mar. 1—Eddie & Sandy Koshino
Mar. 8—Jayne Rasmussen,
Janet Takehara
Mar.15—Bill Taketa & Philip Yuki
Mar. 22—Yosh Kawahara,
Ted Narasaki
Mar. 29—Tommy & Sharon Hoshiyama
1—Kathy Sakamoto
8—Kathi Nakashima
15—Emma Nakamura
22—Dale Fong
29—Carol Wong
Welcome Table
Mar. 1—Wayne Shimizu,
Kathy Marquardt
Mar. 8—Julie Nishite, Kyung Chang
Mar. 15—Clarence Kado,
Chris Matsumoto
March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday
Mark 11:1-11
Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
March Security Tobans:
Eric Hirata, Tommy Hoshiyama
March 5 for the April issue.
Please submit articles to Joanne
Mikami at
Sakura Dayori
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March 2015
Sakura Dayori
Page 14
Thank you!! Thank you!!
The SJUMC Thirteenth Annual Crab Feed
What a great Crab Feed we had on Valentine’s Day this year and thank you to all
who worked to make it happen!! Thank you
to Philip Yuki who set up the burners and
Spaghetti cookers, Eddie Koshino, Travis
Marquardt and Jonathan Sakakibara for
making great spaghetti noodles. Joyce
Oshiro helped to sell tickets and Sharon
Oguro and Betty Silvernail designed the
seating arrangements. The Parents and
students in the Basketball program help set
up, cook, serve, clean up and purchased
most of the raffle prizes. I really appreciate
all their hard work organizing and running
the raffle. Robyn Jovalis was outstanding
as our Master of Ceremonies and caller of
the airplane contest and raffle. I also want
to thank Ryland Fernandez and Thomas
Jovalis for recruiting their classmates to
help with the cooking and serving and to
Marie Okino who recruited her students.
Thank you to Jessica, Craig and Toki Takehara and to Heather Jeppeson who helped
cook and supervise the kitchen. This fundraiser would not be possible without your
help and contributions. And thank you to
everyone who cane and ate, helped with
clean up and made it all a success. See
you all next year.
Senior Exercise will
meet twice a week starting February 3! Tuesdays and Thursdays
9:30am -10:00am walk in the
10:00am -11:00am exercise led
by an instructor
Line Dancing will continue, but will
move to the fireside Room Tuesdays 10am
–11:30am in the fireside room.
March 2015
April 11, 2015
First UMC
2100 J St., Sacramento
United Methodist Women want to be part of
the solution, voices of hope! Each year we
have a day when we focus on a hot topic
with legislative effects, i.e. domestic violence, immigration. This year's event, Saturday, April 11, will focus on "Seeds of Peace:
Alternatives to Violence." Richmond Deputy
Police Chief Ed Medina will be our main
speaker. Two other dynamic community
leaders will offer break-out groups on their
work with domestic violence perpetrators
and students. Lunch follows the morning
program 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 2100 J Street, Sacramento.
Registration begins at 8 a.m. Cost: $15.
Sakura Dayori
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March 2015
Meet Your New Lay Leader
I’m Jayne Muraki Rasmussen and I have
been appointed as Lay Leader for SJUMC.
If you are asking yourself, “What does the
Lay Leader do? I had that very question
when approached about the position in November. All I knew was that Mary Nakamura
had been our Lay Leader for seven years
and she was at almost every meeting I had
been to during that time. She always had a
steadying hand if things got unsettled and an
aura of being very grounded in the Spirit.
And Ray Kozuma, while he was able, embodied Christian love. So my understanding
of the position was how they modeled it.
They did such excellent jobs and were so
dedicated that I could not envision myself
being able to fill their shoes. So, after I
prayed to discern God’s will for me, my answer was “No”. Well, as I have since
learned, the Holy Spirit has its way of working on you and I still continued to think about
it daily all through the holidays. Finally, after
service one day, I felt moved to ask Rev.
Motoe if the position was still open and volunteered for it. After witnessing her “happy
dance”, I felt I made the right decision! But it
was more than just filling the position. I felt
called. And it wasn’t up to me if I felt prepared, I trusted God to take care of the details!
In reading the guidelines for the position, I
came to understand that Mary and Ray were
doing their job exactly right. The lay leader
should model discipleship. Through engaging in the spiritual practices and serving in
outreach and mission, the lay leader serves
as an example and mentor to others. In being the primary lay representation of the laity
in the church, the lay leader fosters the role
of laity in linking the local church and community. The lay leader works in collaboration
with the pastor in accomplishing the primary
mission of the church, making disciples of
Jesus Christ for the transformation of the
world and incorporating SJUMC’s vision
“Loving God, Serving Others, Transforming
Lives”. The Book of Discipline talks about
The Unity of Ministry: “There is but one ministry in Christ, but there are diverse gifts and
evidences of God’s grace in the body of
Christ (Ephesians 4:4-16). The ministry of all
Christians is complementary. No ministry is
subservient to another. All United Methodists
are summoned and sent by Christ to live and
work together in mutual interdependence
and to be guided by the Spirit into the truth
that frees and the love that reconciles”. I
have been so impressed with how SJUMC’s
laity has stepped up and stretched its boundaries over the past few years. We are becoming faith in action, God’s love in action. I
could not be more honored to be its representative and will do my best to model in
discipleship given my spiritual gifts. I wish to
thank Mary Nakamura and Ray Kozuma for
their dedication and love of Christ they have
shared with our church and Rev. Motoe for
the opportunity to serve. Please feel free to
contact me to discuss your Spiritual gifts and
how you may serve the church. Thank you!
Sakura Dayori
Page 4
March 2015
2015 Mission
SSIP Food Closet Special Program for Lent
"When did we see you hungry" Bring cans
to church each Sunday during Lent. Feeding
Jesus & our neighbors at the table- From Ash
Wednesday, Feb. 18 through Good Friday,
April 3rd
Please contact Mission Committee Chair
Sue Teranishi at 443-5657 or
for more info and to volunteer.
Next Family Lunch Date: March 28!
Help is needed preparing and serving a free
Devotion Book “A Wondrous Love” for Lent lunch for Bowling Green students and their
Books are available at the Welcome table and
families on the last Saturday of the month.
in the church office.
EVENT March 8, Sunday 12pm - Forty
(40) volunteers are needed to assemble
food packets on Sunday March 8th after
worship service. Also 3 volunteers are
needed before service to help set up and
who are able to lift 50 lb sacks. The meal
packaging program combines rice, soy,
dehydrated vegetables and a flavoring mix
including 21 essential vitamins and minerals into small meal packets. Stop Hunger
Now works with international partners that
ship and distribute the meals in-country.
Sign up at the Welcome Table in the narthex or email Sue Teranishi at
Winter Shelter: Saturday March 14. SJUMC
has volunteered to prepare and serve dinner
at St Mark's UMC for Winter Shelter. St
Mark's UMC will host up to 100 homeless
adults for this winter program for a week at a
time. We will need about 25 volunteers in all
--6 volunteers to prepare dinner from
3:30pm, about 4 more to help serve from
5pm, about 12 to be table hosts, and 3 to be
foot washers. Email Sue Teranishi at if they'd like to volunteer for this important ministry.
Ongoing SJUMC Opportunities
Adult Literacy Program - This is a
rewarding program to teach English to
parents of Bowling Green students. If
you are interested, please contact Barbara Kado for additional information.
Classroom Assistant - Ongoing assistance in the classroom at McCoy
Academy is always needed! Contact
Sue Teranishi if you're interested.
Donations for Students - New underwear and socks for kindergarteners
and gently-used children's books.
Place donations in the Bowling Green
box in the Fellowship Hall.
Sakura Dayori
Page 13
SSIP Update
Our congregation is a part of the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership (SSIP) which ministers to people in our area through the Food
Closet which is housed at the Bethany Presbyterian Church at Fruitridge and 24th Street.
Our congregation supports the Food Closet
and SSIP through monetary donations, food
donations, as well as volunteer giving through
service in the Food Closet and on the SSIP
Board of Directors and supporting committees.
There is always a need for general and miscellaneous non-perishable food items, but the
items in the bag each week are the current
needs. The Food Closet also accepts brown
grocery bags. SSIP is not collecting egg cartons at this time.
During the month of December 2014, the SSIP
Food Closet provided emergency and holiday
food to 7,900 people and 8,500 in November.
Both numbers represent about 1,800 families.
These numbers are a bit lower than last year.
Wouldn’t it be nice if this indicates a trend! It
still represents a lot of food distributed and
hard work by many volunteers. The number of
persons served and the food delivered expresses the importance of this ministry.
individuals. We thank them all. This is what
makes our Food Closet run.
We are still in need of volunteers to work inside
the Food Closet on Mondays or to work in the
metal storage locker bagging USDA commodities. Workers inside the Food Closet do a
specific task; worker #1 prepares Bag #1 and
worker #2 prepares Bag #2, worker #3 adds
fresh produce and gets the number of USDA
bags needed from a bin and worker #4 adds
rice, additional breads and pastries to the bags
and calls the client to the window. Workers
who bag USDA commodities place 7-8 items in
a doubled plastic bag and tie the bag closed.
The items vary each month depending on what
is received from Foodlink and may include: a
can of beans, fruits, vegetables, spaghetti
sauce, tomato sauce, a bag of pasta, powdered milk, etc.
During 2014 there were 10,362 hours of volunteer time recorded at our Food Closet by 120
Imagine No Malaria - SJUMC is currently collecting quarters to put in our
Imagine No Malaria tube located in the
Bags of Grace - Bags of Grace are
located in the Social Hall. Please pick
some up and give them individuals
you see in need (typically street corners).
March 2015
All Church Planning Day
June 17-20 - Cal/Nev Annual Conference
June 24-28 - Youth 2015
June 29-July 17 - Jan Ken Po Gakko
July 5-10 - Junior High Camp
July 20-24 - Vacation Bible School
July 26 – July 31 - Lake Tahoe Retreat
July 26-31 - Asian Camp
May 16
Sakura Dayori
Page 12
Have you thought about what it means to
you to Love God, Serve Others, and
Transform Lives?
The Caring for One Another group invites
you to a special series starting on February 8
to explore the phrases of our church mission
statement. The Caring group meets every
2nd and 4th Sunday at 9:30-10:20 a.m. in the
Garden Room. Please RSVP to if you are able to attend
any of the sessions below. A handout will be
sent to you prior to the group. Facilitated by
Mindy Takechi and Mary Nakamura.
"Loving God, Serving Others, and Transforming Lives". What does it mean?
March 2015
The response to the
announcement for the
Altar Flower Chart on
Sunday, January 18
was wonderful with
many people signing
up for their special
people or event! The 2015 Flower Chart is
back on the bulletin board in the Fellowship
Hall. All are invited to honor a loved one or
give flowers in their memory on Sundays.
The Chart will show what Sundays are available. Please take a moment to look at it and
consider giving to the church in this
way. Thank you for helping to beautify the
sanctuary for worship with your Altar Flow-
Sakura Dayori
Bible Study Opportunities
Bible studies in Isaiah are
after lunch the 1st and 3rd
Sundays of the month and
the Revelation studies are
on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month whenever
possible. Please note that it's perfectly OK to
miss classes when you have a conflict and, if
you have never attended, it's also OK to start
attending at any time. many classes. You are
always welcome." -Rev. Peter Willms.
Signs and wonders
Sign outside South Seminole (FL) Church of
Christ: “Jesus invested His life in you.
Have you shown any interest?”
—via Bobbe Lyon Maitland, FL
Seen on the rear bumper of a car:
“Are you following Jesus this closely?”
Sign outside United Methodist Church in
California, MO: “We’re not Dairy Queen,
but our Sundays are great!” - via Rev.
Dale Schoening
Renwick, IA
Imagine No Malaria Tube
Have you seen the long tube for Imagine No
Malaria in the Narthex? We are raising money
to stop Malaria! If you have quarters, please
bring them . We will have the tube in the Narthex on Family Sundays! During Sunday
School offering, kids have been putting their
coins in the tube. They love it! We hope you
will join us by putting quarters into the tube on
Family Sundays!
March 2015
SJUMC Prayers
Comfort and Prayer for the families and
friends of:
Ricke Kimura
Rodney Sakaguchi (brother of Kathy Marquardt)
Masaye Tamano
Ray Kozuma
Dorothy Yamamoto
Special Prayers
Farrington Blaisdell
Al Fong
Ayako Marshall
Marion Murai
Chewy Yasushi Ito
Francis Asahara
Keiko Nakata
Catherine Taketa
Hiroko Arimoto
The World Situations
People who are facing surgery
People who are going through tough times
March 8 & 22 - Serving Others
April 12 & 26 - Transforming Lives
We will use selected material from Rick Warren's Transformed Study Kit. Pastor Rick
illustrates how to unlock the promises in
God's word and transform our lives in several key areas...from the inside out. Key
study areas: Spiritual Health, Physical
Health, Mental Health, Emotional Health,
Relational Health, Financial Health, and
Vocational Health.
Page 5
Isaac and Mio Yanagisawa Saito are expecting a baby in July
Collect Boxtops 4 Education for Bowling
Please clip the Boxtops 4 Education when
you see them on any products for Bowling
Green McCoy Academy. There will be a
box for them in the Social Hall on the glass
case. Some products that have them are
Kleenex boxes, Cheerios, General Mills,
Swanson's, even Hanes underwear. Check
the full list at or the printed list next
to the box for the coupons.
We are looking for an
alternate Nursery Attendant. This is a paid
position. If you are interested please email
Deadline is March 21
Sakura Dayori
Page 6
2015 Lake Tahoe Retreat
at Zephyr Point
Enjoy beautiful Lake Tahoe, be physically
Invigorated and spiritually renewed. The
2015 Lake Tahoe Fellowship Retreat will be
held Sun. July 26 – Fri. July 31. This year
the theme of the conference is "Future of
our Faith" presented by Rev. Nobu Hanaoka,
former SJUMC Pastor. Registration information on or contact Lois
Yuki at 916-391-7783 or email Registration deadline is
March 25, 2015.
March 6, 2015
The date for the special
luncheon to honor our 80
year and older church members will be Friday, March 6, 2015 at 11:30. We look forward to honoring you on this special day! If
you have any questions or want to volunteer
to help, please contact Gloria Imagire.
Bags of Grace at SJUMC
Are available in the Social hall to
give out to people in need.
Please take a couple and keep them in
your car.
March 2015
Japanese Speaking
Program for
水曜日 Wednesday
10:00am – 10:45am
無料 Free!
6929 Franklin Blvd, Sacramento CA
10:00am – 子供の歌、お話、ゲーム
対象 小さいお子さん(0歳か
ら)とその付き添い. アドバイ
絡ください。916-421-1017, If you know someone
who is looking for a Japanese speaking
group for kids, please let the person know
about this program!
Japanese Language Bible Study - Every
2nd Sunday of the month with a potluck
in the fireside room
SJUMC is on Facebook!
Please join us!
Sakura Dayori
Page 11
March 2015
Iwata, M/M Joe
Kanemasu, M/M Russell
Kashiwagi, M/M George
Kashiwagi, Sam
Kashiwagi, Sue
Kashiwagi, Karen
Kawahara, Julie
Kawahara, M/M Yosh
Kawamura, M/M Nellie
Kazato, Rev/M Shiro
Kimoto, M/M Bob
Kimura, Yuri
Kobayashi, M/M Jinji
Kobayashi, Richard
Koshino, M/M Eddie
Koshiyama, M/M Al
Kubo, M/M Edwin
Kubota, Nami
Kushi, Frances
Lawrence, Katherine
Maeda, Elaine
Maruyama, M/M Muneto
Matsuo, Kazuko
Miller, Kiyo
Miyai, Clifford
Mizuno, Tom
Nakamura, Mary
Nakamura, Nancy
Nakashima, M/M Kent
Nakashima, Roger
Nieda, Lynne
Nishikawa, Rev/M George
Nishite, Julie
Nitta, Ruby
Okamoto, M/M Roy
Okubo, Tom
Oshiro, Joyce
Oshita, Edith
Osuga, M/M David
Otani, Susan
Ouchida, M/M Kenneth
Ouchida, M/M Lester
Rasmussen, M/M Scott
Ronay, M/M Kelvin
Sakakihara, Tom
Sakata, M/M Don
Sakauye, M/M Shoji
Sakauye-Tom/M/M Leland
Sasaki, M/M Robert
Shimazu, Alene
Shimazu, Glen
Silvernail, M/M Dave
Sumida, France
Tanihana, June
Tateshi, Seiko
Toyama, M/M Edwin
Ukita, May
Uno, M/M Dick
Uyeda, Vicci
Uyeoka, Aiko
Williams, M/M Frederick
Wong, M/M Clifford
Yamadera, Mickey
Yokote, Shigeo
Yumikura, M/M Eddie
as of Jan. 31, 2015
In Memory of Ricke Kimura
Alicaya, M/M Chuck
Okino, Marie
Shibata, M/M Victor
Wong, MM Steve
In Memory of Dorothy Sakauye
Dingley, Bernice
In Memory of Elinor Saika
Ishisaka, Mitzi
In Memory of Kikuyo Kodakari
Shibata, M/M Victor
In Memory of Teruo Asahara
Yuki, M/M Philip
In Memory of Hidemi Tagawa
Fong, Julie
In Memory of Katherine Mizuno
Kimura-Asamoto, Deanne
Sakura Dayori
Page 10
March 2015
as of January 31, 2015
In Celebration of Quilter’s Group
Nitta, Ruby
In Celebration
Matsui, Doris
Centennial United Methodist
In Celebration of Stim and Betty Suzuki
Kokka, M/M Harvey
In Memory of Ricke Kimura
Akabori, M/M Nelson
Ashizawa, M/M Winston
Fujii, Lincoln
Ichimura, M/M Robert
Ito, Belle
Ito, M/M James
Kashiwagi, Sue
Katayama, M/M Lawrence
Kobayashi, M/M Charles
Koshino, M/M Eddie
Nakamura, Mary
Matsuda, M/M Kenzo
Mizoguchi, FM and MT
Nitta, Ruby
Osuga, M/M David
Rasmussen, M/M Scott
Ronay, M/M Kelvin
Teranishi, Sue
Uno, M/M Dick
In Memory of Rod Sakaguchi
Alicaya, M/M Chuck
Ito, Belle
Marquardt, Kathy
Nakamura, Mary
In Memory of Osamu Sato
Hagiya, M/M Mark
In Memory of Paul Ito
Ito, Shizue
In Memory of Dorothy Sakauye
Nitta, Ruby
In Memory of Dr. Takiya
Kawamura, Lillian
In Memory of Tom Kushi
Kushi, Frances
In Memory of Sam Gotan
Gotan, Louise
In Memory of Ben Sakakihara
Sakakihara, Lucille
In Memory of Eric Marquardt
Marquardt, Kathy
Garden Angels
In Memory of Ricke Kimura
Kashiwagi, Karen
Christmas Offering
Alicaya, M/M Chuck
Arata, Grace
Asahara, Francis
Blaisdell, M/M Farrington
Clark, M/M Jack
Dingley, Bernice
Fernandez, Ricky
Fernandez, Ryland
Fong, Alvon
Fong, Christine
Fong, M/M Daniel
Fong, Karen
Fong, M/M Martin
Fong M/M Robbie
Fujii, Lincoln
Fukushima, M/M Roy
Goi, Megumi
Hagiya, M/M Mark
Hamai, M/M George
Hamakawa, Mayumi
Harvey, Yurie
Higashi, Judie
Hiruo, Harry
Hoig, M/M Steve
Hoshisaki, M/M Tom
Ichimura, M/M Robert
Imagire, M/M Art
Inouye, Takagi
Ishisaka, Mitzi
Ito, Belle
Ito, M/M James
Ito, Shizue
Ito, Yasushi
Sakura Dayori
Fall Prevention Workshop & Refresher Balance Training Class with The Fall Prevention
Lady™ on Thursday, March 26, 2015, 10m11:30a.
Class will concentrate on proper form, good
posture, flexibility or range of motion training,
strength training, and progressively challenging balance techniques. All program concepts are evidence-based. This is a great
refresher for those who have taken classes
with Kelly however ANYONE who is concerned about falls is welcome to attend.
This class is appropriate for older adults who
have experienced falls and have trouble with
balance. Although some segments of the
class are done while seated, participants will
practice walking and stopping variations.
Kelly will explain how to get up after a fall,
demonstrating her “Help, I’ve fallen and I
CAN get up” technique.
Page 7
March 2015
Baptism and
Transferring Membership
Would you like to be baptized or join the church
officially? This Spring, the
membership class will be a bit different!
If you are interested, please go to
“Coffee with Pastor” to find out more.
Handy People Needed!
Please submit any names (such as
God’s helpers, God’s handy man, etc….)
of people who can do small projects
around the church (such as changing
bulbs, etc,!)
Workbooks and DVDs available for purchase. Wear comfortable clothes and tennis
Pre-registration is preferred to identify special needs or medical conditions. It is up to
instructor discretion to require physician
approval prior to participation in exercise
Kelly Ward, M.S., Therapeutic Aging, Certified FallProof™ Balance and Mobility Instructor.
Holy Week Worship Schedule
March 29, Palm Sunday
April 2, Maundy Thursday Service - 7:00 pm, SJUMC
April 3, Good Friday Services
11:00am Bethany Presbyterian
church with SSIP
7:00pm with Parkview Presbyterian
April 5, Easter
Garden Service - 8:30am
Easter Breakfast by Youth 9:30 10:30
Easter Egg Hunt 9:30
Sakura Dayori
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March 2015
Welcome to our new
Director of Christian Education, Sade Williams.
Sade is someone who values her time with family, friends, God, people and
building those relationships with all the love God has blessed her to give.
She embraces her Mexican/ Jamaican heritage and has found herself presented with opportunities to expand and venture into the world. She
acknowledges that a continuous walk in the spirit of humbleness, meekness, love and compassion for others draws her closer to God and aspires
for the youth to discover the same. In practice, She works alongside the youth and young adults
to reach out to the surrounding neighborhoods of Sacramento and build relationships; ministering with love and compassion.
Since 14 years old, Sade has volunteered and worked in positions that allow her to give back to
her community and the youth. As she prepares to finish her B.A in Psychology from the University of California, Santa Cruz and journeys towards a Masters degree she continues her passion
of working with the youth to help find theirs. Sade can be reached at
YOUTH 2015 is the national gathering for
United Methodist youth groups and their
leaders. It happens every 4 years. YOUTH
2015 will be from June 24-28, 2015 in Orlando, FL and we are hoping to send our youth
March 19 - 6:00pm Sleep Train Arena
The Rock & Worship Roadshow 2015 featuring MercyMe, Crowder, Matt Maher, Jamie
Grace, Tedashii, Group 1 Crew, guest speaker Shaun Groves, and introducing I Am They
and Jon Guerra is coming to Sacramento, CA
on March 19, 2015. We hope to get a group
to carpool and attend! Plan now to come out
to Christian music’s most entertaining tour for
the whole family! Tickets only at the door $10
Kids Recorder Group Starting in March!
Sundays at 11:45 am in the Merwin Chapel.
We have 10 recorders, so contact Robyn for
more info
Summer Camps for Jr & Sr. High!
Jr. High Camp !
For all incoming 6th-9th graders.
July 5th-10th
South Antelope
Valley, Ca. 93350
SuperCamp at
For all incoming 7th9th graders.
July 19-25
Lodestar, Wilseyville, CA. 93350
Deadline for application - May 1st
Asian American Summer Camp
For incoming 10th grade - College Sophomore
July 26th - 31st
P.O. Box 161, Big Creek, CA 93605
Sakura Dayori
Page 9
April 24-25 @ Fair
Oaks UMC – Go
Hungry to Help
Hungry Kids!
Sign Up with Sade
Williams the new
Director of Christian
Ed. Today!
More details to
come 
Youth April Events
April 11th = American River Clean Up (9am to
12pm) – Watt location
April 24-25 = 30 Hour Famine hosted @ Fair
Oaks UMC. (lock-in) 9849 Fair Oaks Blvd.
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Young Adults
April 11th = Coffee Talk @
The Café Garden
(6:00pm) 2904 Franklin
Blvd. Sac, CA 95818
29th Annual Sacramento
United Methodist
Invitational Basketball
March 20-22, 2015 (All divisions).
New Nursery Attendants
Congrats to Nami Box (Nursery Attendant) and Candace Wong (Nursery
Assistant)! They will be in the nursery
from 10:15am to 12:15pm. The nursery
room is for 0-2 years old. Three years
and older are encouraged to go to Sunday School. Parents and Guardians,
please make sure to sign kids in and out.
March 2015
Children’s Activities
March 15 - Church Clean-up
Day after worship. Join in the
cleaning of our beautiful
church! We will have safe chores for our kids
to help!
March 29 Palm Sunday - Children’ will gather in the Fireside room at 10am to prepare for
the procession of the palms
April 5 Easter Sunday - Easter Egg Hunt at
9:30 in the Play ground and Pancake Breakfast provided by youth!
April 12 - Trip to the Zoo! We will meet after
lunch at 12:30 to head over to see the Animals ant the Sacramento Zoo!
Vacation Bible School
July 20-24
9am - 1pm
At Everest VBS, kids
will explore one of the
most majestic, beautiful
places on earth. They will join Climbing
Crews to ’trek’ through Everest VBS, discovering God’s power and promises all along
the way! At Everest, kids learn that Jesus’
awesome power is enough to overcome any
mountain or problem in their lives. VBS
brings kids together-kids who are happy,
hurting, curious, doubtful, wonderful, wounded, weak and strong. In five days of mountain adventure, we will discover God’s
mighty power!
Join us in
Family Worship:
2nd Sunday of
each month!
On the 2nd Sunday of each month, we
offer a family service where all ages can
worship together.
Bring your whole family!