January 2014 - Sacramento Japanese United Methodist Church


January 2014 - Sacramento Japanese United Methodist Church
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage paid
Sacramento, CA
Permit No. 790
SJUMC, the Garden Church
Senior Pastor: Rev. Motoe Yamada Foor
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. George Nishikawa
Choir Director: Eileen Boyd, Pianist : Christopher Congdon
Director of Young People’s Ministries: Emily Pickens-Jones
Office Manager: Robyn Jovalis
Phone: (916) 421-1017
Fax: (916) 391-3620
Website: www.sacjumc.com Worship: Sunday at 10:30am
Volume 48
January 2014
The Sakura Dayori is published once
a month by the Sacramento Japanese United Methodist Church to
provide updates to our members and
our constituents.
Young Adult
Bible Study
January 8th
6:30 pm
Old Soul Co.
3434 Broadway in Sacramento.
Please bring a Bible or Bible app! We are
using the Disciple Bible Study, all young
adults ages 18-30 are welcome!
FX Youth Event:
Scholarships are
available for this fastpaced, high-energy,
action-packed Faith Experience weekend, January 10-12, 2014 at Mount Hermon in Santa Cruz.
Officer Installation
January 5, Sunday
All committee members
will be installed during the
worship service. Each
committee chair will call your name.
Please come and join us! (note: all committee chair, please come to the front to
line up and introduce your committee)
No. 1
February 8, 2014
Multi-Cultural Hall
Adults - $45.00
Children - $15.00
(10 & under)
Proceeds to
Legacy Fund
Doors Open - 5:00 pm
Dinner - 6:00 pm
Entertainment - 7:00 pm
The Church office will be
closed from December
25th through January 1.
Any office business
needs to be finished by
Dec. 23.
Phone messages will be checked.
Sakura Dayori
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January 2014
Invitation to Worship
January 5, 2014
Epiphany Sunday
Isaiah 60:1-6
Ephesians 3:1-12
Matthew 2:13-15; 19-23
January 12, 2014
Baptism of the Lord
1st Sunday after the Epiphany
Guest Preacher - Rev. Peter Willms
Isaiah 42:1–9
Acts 10:34-43
Matthew 3:13-17
January 19, 2014
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Human Relations Day
Testimony by Emily Pickens-Jones
Isaiah 49:1–7
1 Corinthians 1:1–9
John 1:29–42
January 26, 2014
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Isaiah 9:1-4
1 Corinthians 1:10-18
Matthew 4:12-23
January 5—Dale Fong,
Richard Yang
January 12—Keiko Nakata,
Tsukiko Robinson
January 19—James &
Momo Newsome
January 26—Bill Taketa,
Philip Yuki
January 5—Fran Sumida
January 12—Alvon Fong
January 19—Meggie Tanaka
January 26—Yvonne Kato
Welcome Table
January 5—Arlene Hagiya,
Ben Gayton
January 12—Yoshiko Nishikawa,
Kathy Marquardt
January 19—Kiku Ito, Ray Kozuma
January 26—UMW, Ben Gayton
Fellowship Tobans
Rev. Schuyler
Rhodes has asked
SJUMC to host a
Conversation for
Sacramento Clergy
and Lay Leaders on
February 15!
Sakura Dayori
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January 2014
Sakura Dayori
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January 2014
Come and see what the Boutique Group is
doing and join the creative work that supports the church. Proceeds from the craft
items sold at the October SJUMC Bazaar
and other events benefit SJUMC programs.
The Boutique Group welcomes new members and would love to talk with you about
crafting and membership in the group. Check
in with Boutique if you would like to do crafts
on Monday mornings and support SJUMC at
the same time. Boutique ladies have taken a
break for the month of December, but we will
be meeting again starting the January 6th!
Please come or contact Emi Alicaya - 6855183 ealicaya@frontiernet.net
SJUMC is on Facebook!
Please join us!
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January 2014
From the Church Council
If you enjoy making hand
crafted items, engaging in pleasant conversation, and exchanging crafting ideas, come
join the SJUMC Boutique Group 9:30 Monday mornings in the Fellowship/Social Hall.
Boutique members knit, crochet, embroider,
sew, bead, and create handmade seasonal
ornaments. What would you like to learn?
What new craft skills can you bring to the
Boutique Group
Sakura Dayori
an initiative of Global Ministries for young
adults to engage in mission
throughout the connection.
This includes supporting mission service
within the UMC and Global Ministries’ flagship programs for young adult:
 Global Mission Fellows (long-term mission)
 Global Justice Volunteers (short-term mission)
 Individual Volunteers (flexible mission service from two month to 2 years)
Please spread the information to our Asian
American networks and young adults who
are interested in mission opportunities for
young adults. The final deadline for Global
Mission Fellows and Global Justice Volunteers is Jan 15th.
Future Fellowship Tobans
February 2—Youth Group—Souper Bowl
February 9—Basketball Sunday—Basketball
February 16—UMW
February 23—COR Fundraising
March 2—UMW
March 9—Scout Sunday
March 16—Worship & Membership Care
March 23—Youth Fundraiser
March 30—UMW
April 6—Fasting Sunday
April 13—UMW
April 20—Easter Sunday
April 27—Fundraising
May 4—Christian Education
May 11—January Birthdays
May 18—UMW
May 25—COR Fundraiser
For 2014 during the school year we will have
our regular fellowship and during summer
we will have coffee/tea only.
As we enter the new year, 2014, there are many things for which we can be grateful and hopeful. We have a long history of worship and service in our community, a beautifully remodeled
sanctuary, a memorable vision ("Loving God, Serving Others, Transforming Lives"), and vivid
guiding words from Bishop Warner and District Superintendent Rhodes. Their words speak of
renewal, new beginnings, and opportunities to build relationships in our communities. In our
Church Planning Day last month, church members offered ideas and thoughts for planning the
future of SJUMC. The aim of our planning is to energize our church, increase our membership,
grow spiritually, maintain a connection to our history, and involve the entire church. The SJUMC
planning statements will be available as they are hatched and each church member will have
opportunities get involved .The work to create a beautiful future for church will require involvement and energy from all of us.
- Wayne Shimizu , Chair - Church Council
“Open My Eyes That I May See
My Gift of Leadership”
Bridges District United Methodist Women
2014 Leadership Training
Saturday January 25, 2014
9:15am - 2:30 pm
First UMC Sacramento
2100 J Street
Registration deadline: January 18
Registration form available
in the office.
AV Team Needed
You have probably noticed that
our Slide Show is much easier
to read with our new screens
and projectors. The equipment
is also easier to use! We need a few people willing to assist during worship to
operate the computer and sound system.
Talk to Victor or the church office.
February is
Japanese Language Bible Study - Every
2nd Sunday of the month with a potluck
in the fireside room
January 5 for the February issue.
Please submit articles to Joanne
Mikami at hankojo@starstream.net
Sakura Dayori
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January 2014
Sakura Dayori
The Kids Can boxes stored at SJUMC will be
sorted on Sunday December 22. Emily Pickens Jones will be helping with the sorting.
Please stay after the service and help sort the
cans if you are available.
Diane Rooker, our long time SSIP treasurer
lost her battle to lung cancer on November 7.
Her memorial service was held at the Faith
Presbyterian Church. Victor Shibata and Bob
Kimoto have agreed to help Frances Lee with
the treasurer’s work. Thank you to Victor and
SSIP is always appreciative of the monetary
donations, food, paper bags and volunteer
hours from the SJUMC congregation. Thank
you for your continued support.
 Sign up for 3 training sessions and change
a life.
Call Amy Kawahara, 916 – 428 – 3743; Patty Honbo, 530 – 756 – 0616; Barbara Kado,
530 – 758 – 7339 for more information.
January Security Tobans:
Winston Ashizawa, Kent
Nakashima, Victor Shibata
Nakata, M/M Roy
Nakashima, Roger
Niiya, M/M Herbert
Oguro, M/M Keith
Okamoto, M/M Roy
Osuga, M/M David
Otani, Susan
Ouchida, M/M Lester
Robinson, M/M Norman
Ronay, M/M Kelvin
Sakakihara, M/M Tom
Sakauye, M/M Jiro
Sakauye-Tom, M/M Leland
Sato, M/M Roy
Shibata, M/M Victor
Sumida, Frances
Takeda, Atsuko
Taketa, M/M Bill
Taketa, Catherine
Tanaka, M/M Russell
Tanihana, June
Tateishi, Seiko
Williams, M/M Frederick
Yuki, M/M Philip
as of November 30, 2013
In Celebration of 57th Birthday
Inouye, Tim
In Celebration of Bill & Doris Taketa’s 60th
Okino, Marie
In Celebration of Ed Kubo’s Birthday
Okino, Marie
In Celebration of Anniversary
Okino, Marie
In Memory of Don Matsuda
Takehara, Janet
In Memory of Brian Matsumoto
Takehara, Janet
In Memory of Barbara Takai
Takehara, Janet
In Memory of Mary Shimazu
Yuki, M/M Philip
In Memory of Marian Drown
Yuki, M/M Philip
Thanksgiving Offering
Takehara, Janet
 Begins January 2014
at Bowling Green &
Chacon Schools
 One hour a week can help a parent learn
to read
January 2014
In November we served
a total of 9,234 people;
5,455adults and 3,779
children from 2,240
separate households.
We were especially
busy on the three days
before Thanksgiving
when we served 250
families per day. Our
volunteers worked past noon time when we are
usually finished for the day. Each family was
given a turkey with a holiday bag filled with
stuffing, yams, vegetables, fruits, salad fixings,
cranberry sauce, gravy, dinner rolls and a dessert. Thanks to the SJUMC volunteers Eddie
Koshino, Travis Marquardt, Jonathan Sakakibara and Wayne Shimizu who went to pick
up the turkeys at Foodlink and help wherever
they were needed.
Page 9
The 12th Annual SJUMC Crab Feed will be
held on February 8th, 2014 in the Multicultural Hall. This function benefits the Legacy
Fund to help pay off our glorious hall. This
all you can eat menu will include salad,
spaghetti, nigiri, crab, ice cream and drinks.
Bring a big appetite as the fresh crab is
wonderful. We will also have our world
famous raffle sponsored by the Basketball
Program and the ever popular paper airplane contest with Stuart Satow as MC.
Adult tickets are $45.00 and children under
10 are $15.00. Tickets can be purchased
after church on Sundays or at the office. If
you have questions, call Janet Takehara at
Spiritual Renewal of
A group of people who
want to grow spiritually have been meeting.
Do you feel that God is calling you to grow
and help the church grow spiritually? Or
simply wondering what this is about? If so,
please contact Rev. Motoe.
Isaiah Bible Study
Rev. Peter Willms will
be leading a Bible
study on the book of
Isaiah meeting each Sunday at 12:15 in
the Garden Room. It is open to any who
might like to attend.
Ika wa ma mua, ka wa ma hope
Embracing the past to navigate the future. Thank
you all who supported Thursday at the
Movies. After 10 years of service—the out reach
program of the Garden Angels bids you all a fond “Aloha”. December 19,
2013 was the last day of service. Special thanks to Fran Sumida, Mary Ann
Sakura Dayori
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January 2014
as of November 30, 2013
In Celebration of Timothy Inouye’s Birthday
Inouye, Margaret
Thank You for Prayers for Roy Nakata
Nakata, M/M Roy
In Celebration of Wedding Anniversary
Sakauye, M/M Jiro
In Celebration of of Austin’s 21st Birthday
Takechi, M/M Curtis
In Celebration of of Work Place Blessing
Takechi, M/M Curtis
In Celebration of the Church’s Good Work
Chan, Camille
In Memory of Our Beloved Dog Ellie
Koshino, M/M Eddie
In Memory of Al Wing Fong
Nakashima, M/M Kent
Nakashima, Roger
In Memory of Alberta Hiratsuka
Nakashima, M/M Kent
Nakashima, Roger
In Memory of Masao & Setsuko Nakashima
Nakashima, M/M Kent
In Memory of Mary Shimazu
Shimazu, Glen
UM Student Day
Imagire, M/M Art
Nakamura, Mary
Nakashima, M/M Kent
Shibata, M/M Victor
Fernandez, M/M Richard
Fong, Karen
Imagire, M/M Art
Ito, M/M James
Kubokawa, JoAnne
Kushi, Frances
Matsuoka, Kazuko
Mizoguchi, M/M Max
Nakamura, Mary
Nishikawa, Rev/M George
Rasmussen, M/M Scott
Sasaki, M/M Robert
Takeda, Atsuko
Taketa, M/M Bill
Yang, M/M Richard
Thanksgiving Offering
Alicaya, M/M Chuck
Blaisdell, M/M Farrington
Chung, Scott
Dingley, Bernice
Fong, Karen
Fong, M/M Larry
Fossum, M/M Andrew
Fukushima, M/M Roy
Goi, Megumi
Hagiya, M/M Mark
Hamakawa, Mayumi
Harada, M/M Jeff
Honbo, Dr/M Wesley
Inouye, Margaret
Ishisaka, Mitzi
Ito, M/M James
Ito, Yasushi
Kamei, M/M Nob
Kanemasu, M/M Russell
Kashiwagi, M/M George
Kawaguchi, Mrs.
Kawahara, M/M Yosh
Kimoto, M/M Bob
Koshino, M/M Eddie
Koyama, Patty
Kubo, M/M Edwin
Lee, Frances
Lee Fong, Alvon
Maeda, Elaine
Matsumoto, Robert
Matsuo, M/M
Mikami, Joanne
Miller, Kiyo
Mizoguchi, M/M Max
Muraki, Linda
Nakamura, Mary
Nakashima, M/M Kent
Sakura Dayori
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January 2014
In keeping with our vision of Loving God, Serving others and Transforming lives, SJUMC has
an opportunity to participate in the Stop Hunger Now meal packaging program. The meal
packaging program combines rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables and a flavoring mix including
21 essential vitamins and minerals into small
meal packets. Each meal costs only 25 cents.
The food stores easily, has a shelf-life of two
years and transports quickly. Stop Hunger
Now works with international partners that ship
and distribute the meals in-country. To learn
more about Stop Hunger Now, please visit
their website at http://www.stophungernow.org/
We began fundraising to secure the minimum
$2500 needed in order to participate in a meal
packaging session at SJUMC. Thanks to your
generosity, we have reached our goal!!! We
will plan on scheduling the meal packaging
event during Lent in 2014. Until that date, we
will continue to accept any monetary donations
as that would enable us to package more
meals for children overseas. At the Noah’s
Bazaar, you may have stopped by our booth to
make a donation on behalf of someone and
written their name on an ornament for the cloth
Christmas tree for Stop Hunger Now.
We wish to say thank you to the following for
their generous support:
 Numerous individual donors, and helpers
 Sacramento Japanese Film Festival
 United Methodist Women ($300),
Security Tobans Needed
Wanted - volunteers to serve as Open/Close
Tobans to open & close church campus on
Sundays. Tobans serve one month every 7
months.. Currently tobans rotation is every 7
months, but could be longer the more new
volunteers there are. Call Art Imagire- 9554901.
Spirit Within
SJUMC members, friends
and families
who dined out on behalf of the project at
the restaurants that partnered with our
Please thank the following restaurants for their
support. They donated a portion of the sales
for a specific day during that month towards
the Stop Hunger Now project:
 July 2013: Chili’s @ 7410 Laguna
Blvd Elk Grove, CA 95758
 August 2013: Strings Pizzeria @ 9500
Micron Ave Sacramento, CA 95827
 September 2013: Osaka Sushi @ 8785
Center Pkwy B140 Sacramento, CA
 October 2013: Kobe Steak and Sushi,
Hibachi Grill and Bar @ 9134 E. Stockton
 Elk Grove, CA 95624
 November 2013: Hunan Garden @ 8527
Elk Grove Blvd, Elk Grove CA
 January 2014: to be determined
Thanks to your generous support, we will be
able to package several thousand nutritious
meals that will be given to children overseas.
Praise God for each one of you! Merry Christmas!
UMCOR Relief to the Philippines
United Methodists are among those
providing emergency supplies while assessing damages from the powerful
storm, known as Typhoon Yolanda in the
Philippines. To support UMCOR’s work
note UMCOR - Philippines with your donation.
Sakura Dayori
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Meets 2nd and 4th
Thursday of the Month!
6:30 pm - 8 pm
January 2014
From Emily, the Director of Youth
and Young People
It’s the beginning of a new year! A new
year means more fun activities for youth
Get to know other youth (7th-12th grade) at
and young adults! We have a few big
SJUMC! In a safe and fun environment!.
For more information or questions contact
events coming up that will be trementhe Director of Young People’s Ministry,
dously rewarding for all those who atEmily Pickens-Jones at emily@sacjumc.com. tend. After our tremendously successful
Advent party, youth leaders across the
Sacramento area are anxious to keep the connections between our youth and
young adults group going. We will be adding more events in the coming weeks,
so please make sure you are in the loop! For more information or questions,
you can always e-mail or call me at Emily@sacjumc.com or (510) 207-0255.
Young Adult Bible Study: January 8th at Old Soul Co. at 3434 Broadway
in Sacramento. Please bring a Bible or Bible app! We are using the Disciple Bible Study, but all young adults ages 18-30 are welcome at 6:30.
FX Youth Event: Scholarships are available for this fast-paced, highenergy, action-packed weekend, hosted by the
California-Nevada Conference. It will consist of
multimedia worship and music, inspiring speakers, sports, and games. The cost is $100. January 10-12, 2014 Mt. Hermon Retreat Center,
Santa Cruz. Any concerns or questions, please contact me!
Youth Souper Bowl Sunday (Yes, it’s spelled correctly):
February 2nd, More info to come!
Sierra Service Project Youth Sacramento: February
21-23rd “Challenge Yourself, Challenge the World.”
SSP has scheduled an exciting project weekend at the
Oak Park United Methodist Church, right in our own backyard! More info to come. Scholarships are available.
The cost will be $105 per youth.
As always, we will be having youth group on the 2nd and
4 Thursdays. This will be January 9th and 23rd. Please join us from
6:30-8:30 for dinner, food, and fun! All 7th-12th graders are welcome!
Youth and Young Adult Movie Outing: All youth and young adults are
invited to see the movie “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”, rated PG. Cost is $8.50. We will be going on
January 19th following church.
Sakura Dayori
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Kid’s Activities
Every Sunday Sunday School
Kids can go to the Garden Room after
Children’s message for games and fun!
Meets every Sunday except 2nd Sunday
Family Worship.
Kids Movie Day - After
worship on January 26
we will have a movie
party in the Fireside
Room. More details to
follow - Bring a friend!
Tone Chime Choir will be starting up!
Talk to Robyn Jovalis if you are interested. Fun, easy way to start to learn music
and rhythm!
Winter Shelter
The Winter Sanctuary,
is operated by Sacramento Steps Forward to
provide seasonal,
emergency shelter to
homeless, single adults. St Mark's
UMC has volunteered for the third
year to house the homeless for a
week in January. SJUMC & our
Mission Committee will host Monday,
January 20, 2014 at St Mark's UMC.
There are many options and times to
volunteer. Want to volunteer or have
questions? Please contact Mary
Nakamura at marynakamu-
January 2014
SJUMC Prayers
Comfort and Prayer for the families and
friends of:
Michael Sakata
Oscar Satow
Michaela Vines
Nelson Mandela
Rev. Harry Murakami
Special Prayers
Raymond Kozuma
Al and Judy Raska in Japan
Roy Fukushima
Etsu Yui
Mas Kashiwagi
Betty Seto
Edie Nakamura (sister of Karen
Alice Kunibe
Amy Shimada
Catherine Taketa
Bert Shikasho
Hiroko Arimoto
Rev. Ed Iwamoto
People who are facing surgery
People who are going through tough
Edward Otani
Caroling Group
Prayer Group ~ Would you like to pray with
someone? The group
meets at 9:30 am every
Sunday in the Merwin
Chapel and every 3rd
Thursday in the Garden
Room at 11:15am.
Bags of Grace at SJUMC
Are available in the Social hall to
give out to people in need.
Please take a couple and keep them in
your car.