February 2008 - Ottawa Orchid Society
February 2008 - Ottawa Orchid Society
SPIKE Ottawa Orchid Society P.B. 38038, 1430 Prince of Wales Drive Ottawa, Ontario K2C 1N0 February 2008 www.ottawaorchidsociety.com BOARD OF DIRECTORS President / Editor: Rick Sobkowicz 613-825-0827 / ricksobkowicz@rogers.com Vice President: Gerry Duffield 819-684-8487 / G.J.Duffield@sympatico.ca Treasurer: André Couture 13 -233-7335 / andrec.couture@sympatico.ca Secretary: Janet Johns 613-749-0614 / johnjns@sympatico.ca Membership: Teresa Lafleur 613-726-1477 / jelliss.lafleur@primus.ca Librarian: Jane Thompson 13 -839-0071 / janehmthompson@gmail.com Program: Julie Mertens 819-684-5311 / julie_mertens@videotron.ca Show Chairman / Webmaster: David Cooper 613-256-2853 / orchidae@allstream.net Publicity: Richard Aubert 613-728-9890 / raubert@sympatico.ca Past President: Anna Bilsky 613-728-4202 / humbil@primus.ca COC Representative: Jean Hollebone 613-226-2395 / jhollebone@sympatico.ca AOS Representative: Margaret Haydon 613-825-0827 Conservation Representative: Marilyn Light 819-776-2655 / mlight@igs.net Thi smont h’ smeet i ng… Sunday, February 17, 2008 @ 1:30 p.m. Tom Brown Arena, 141 Bayview, Ottawa “ARecapoft heWor l dOr chi dConf er ence” From all accounts, the recent World Orchid Conference (WOC) in Mi amiwasasmashi ngsuccess. Ofcour se,whowoul dn’ tl i ket o spend a few weeks in Miami in January? Some of our members made the trip and have come back full of pictures and stories. This month, four of them, André Couture, Jean Hollebone, Marilyn Light and Michael MacConnaill, will give us their impressions of the WOC and show us some of the many pictures they took. We also gave them anenv el opef ul lofcash( ok,may benotf ul l ,butst i l l …) and asked them bring back something from the WOC that absolutely blew them away. These items will be raffled off separ at el yatt hemeet i ngt or ai sef undst osuppor tt heSoci et y ’ s activities. So come and take a trip with us! Don’ tf or gett obr i ngy ourbl oomi ngor chi dst oourmont hl yshow table. The Ottawa Orchid Society meets every third Sunday of every month from September to May inclusive at 1:30 P.M. at the Tom Brown Arena, 141 Bayview, Ottawa. Guests are welcome. MEMBERSHIP: $25 from September 1 - August 31. -1- A Note from the President (and Editor) Hello, everyone, and best wishes for a wonderful New Year to all our Chinese friends who are celebrating the start of the Chinese th New Year this February 7 , the Year of the Rat. Canada Post has issued a beautiful souvenir sheet to honor this occasion. With all the things taking place this year in the orchid community, in our own back yard with our upcoming show, the World Orchid Conference (WOC) that just concluded, and the many exciting new crosses in the making, it looks like it will be a fantastic year for orchid lovers. Speaking about fantastic things in the making, we have a new and absol ut el yexci t i ngf eat ur et ot hi sy ear ’ sannual orchid show. Jane Logan, our member who is responsible for the Art Galleria in our show, had the incredible good fortune to have Mr. Richard Robinson participate at our show. Mr. Robinson is our own Ottawa based, Paristrained couturier and internationally known fashion designer that dresses Ottawa's elite. He has created the magnificent dress shown on the right displayed so beautifully by his radiant assistant, Kadija Brown. Mr. Robinson designed this dress exclusively for our orchid show. It will be part of our exhibition. Everyone is invited to create an orchid corsage that will best compliment this beautiful dress and the corsage entries will be judged in their own separate category. Good luck to all participating. Things are going exceptionally well with the events surrounding the COC symposium and banquet and if you plan to attend, you are urged to get your tickets as soon as possible as there is a seating limit. If you wish to read about events planned, the information is posted on our Society web site: www.ottawaorchidsociety.com and a registration form was included in our January newsletter which can also be found on our website. Included in this mont h’ snewsl et t erar eent r yf or msf or folks wishing to enter a display in either the Art Gallery or the main exhibit area or to participate as a vendor. Vendors selling orchids are required to enter an orchid exhibit. Please note that because of the special i nt er estshownbymanyi nt hi sy ear ’ sshow,wehav e many people interested in participating and space will be limited. You are urged to register as quickly as you can with space to be provided on a first-come-first served basis. Rick Sobkowicz 2 SOCIETY BULLETIN BOARD NOTE FROM LIBRARIAN The following library books are overdue. Members are asked to check to see if these items may be in your possession. If so, it would be appreciated if you would bring these items back to the library at the Febr uar ymeet i ng.“ The Best Orchids for Indoors” ,byChar l esMar den Fi t ch;“ Fragrant Orchids” ,bySt ev enAFr owni e;“ 101 Easy to Grow Orchids” ,byWi l maand Br i anRi t t er shausen;“ Orchids and their Conversation” , byHar ol dKoopowi t z ;“ The Orchid Specialist” ,byDav i dSqui r e;and,“ Orchids for Dummies” ,bySt ev eA.Fr owni e. UPCOMING TRIP TO MONTREAL BOTANICAL GARDEN –UPDATE!!! Our trip to the Montreal Botanical Gardens is now just a few short weeks away! If you hav en’ tpai dy oursecond $25. 00 i nst al ment ,pl ease see Jul i e Mer t ens att hi s mont h’ s meeting. Julie will also have printed itineraries, which she will be handing out to registered participants. Please note that we have chosen two pick up spots: the front of the Chapters bookstore at Pinecrest (we found out that parking was not available at our previously chosen pick up spot, the Westgate Shopping Centre, for more than two hours) and the front of the Costco on Innes Road. Final pick up times will be listed on the itinerary. If you have r eser v edaspotbutcan’ tmakei t ,pl easel etusknow assoonaspossi bl e,si nce we do have someone really looking for a spot. Canadian Orchid Congress Symposium and Banquet –NEW ITEM Tickets for the Symposium and banquet are now on sale and can be obtained either through the mail from Jean Hollebone or at the membership table at our February and March meetings. The symposium of 8 speakers is a fabulous deal at only $20 for the series (before March 20 and $30 after March 20), and the banquet is selling quickly at $40 per plate. This latter includes the cost of the meal, taxes and gratuity as well as fabulous entertainment, raffles (some free) and a silent auction. This is an opportunity to hear Doug Kennedy of Orchids in Our Tropics, a lively and entertaining speaker talk tongue in cheek about the trials andper i l sofgr owi ngor chi ds.Don’ tmi ssourv er yownRi ckSobkowi czwhowi l lbeourgal a auctioneer. Tickets are starting to go quickly, be sure you book yours. World Orchid Conference (WOC) The World Orchid Conference (WOC) was a fabulous show. Jean, Marilyn and Andre will talk about their adventures at the Show as well as showing you pictures of the event. Jean has brought back two orchids for raffle at the meeting for Society members. It appears that the hard work to make import requirements clear, paid off as all. Members who attended have come home safely with their orchids and we have not heard of any difficulty at Canada Customs at the time of this writing. 3 JANUARY SHOW TABLE JUDGING RESULTS –January 20, 2008. Alliance CATTLEYA, Judged by Michael Lum CYMBIDIUM, Prize-winning plants 1st Laelia anceps Grower 2nd 1st prize: Lc. PuppyLov e‘ Tr ueBeaut y ’ HCC/ AOS Angélè Biljan Cym. Nokai Rita Shand st Den. Mini Snowflakes Helgi Fatovic nd Den. Akazukin Chan Den. Shmezakorta Sanokku Angélè Biljan Terez Paksi st Lyc. skinneri Lyc. Cassiopea Lyc. skinneri alba Dendrochilum tenellum Dendrochilum javierii Coelogyne speciosa Onc. Tsiku Marguerite Osmoglossum pulchellum Marlene Young Marlene Young Marlene Young Ian Pringle Theresa Lafleur George Cook Angélè Biljan Terez Paksi Paph. Limidolli* ( chamberlainianum x henryanum ) Paph. fairrieanum var. alba x self Steve Levick Angélè Biljan judged by Michael Lum DENDROBIUM, 1 prize: judged by Michael Lum 2 rd 3 LYCASTE, judged by Michael Lum 1 nd 2 rd 3 st 1 nd 2 rd 3 st 1 nd 2 PAPHIOPEDILUM, 1 prize: judged by Mario Ferrusi MISCELLANEOUS, judged by Michael Lum ONCIDIUM, judged by Michael Lum st nd 2 prize nd PLEUROTHALLID, judged by Mario Ferrusi 2 prize: Paph. Delophyllum nd 2 Paph. concolor rd 3 Paph. (Pine Glow x delenatii ) st 1 Masdevallia triangularis nd 2 Masd. angulata Helgi Fatovic Janet Johns Jane Thompson Steve Levick David Kalb Linda Schopf Member s’Choi ce, selected by Antoinette Brownell and Henriette Watkins, Osmoglossum pulchelum owned by Terez Paksi. Best of show table, selected by Mario Ferrusi and Michael Lum: Paph. Limidolli (chamberlainianum x henryanum) owned by Steve Levick Show table coordinator: Jean Hollebone * Names reflect taxonomic changes appearing in the World Checklist http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/wcsp/ Members should note items indicated (*) have updated generic or grex names or the spelling has been corrected. Awards where applicable to a cultivar have been updated. Owners of these plants are requested to update tags and records and to label their orchids accordingly. ******************* JANUARY SHOW TABLE PHOTOGRAPHS Arlene Lang took the photographs shown on the next page and page 11 on the digital February 2008 Spi keont heSoci et y ’ swebsi t eofor chi dsatt heJanuar yshowt abl ef ory ourv i ewi ngpl easur e. Unfortunately, her e-mail did not include names of the plants and its owners. Fortunately, we have been successful in identifying all the images submitted thanks to Yanick Champoux, Dave Cooper, and Janet Johns who contacted your editor and provided the missing information. Thank you to everyone for your input! For those members receiving a hardcopy of Spike by mail, we regret if your newsletter did not contain all the complete information. We work very hard to try to mail out the newsletters to those requesting a mail copy so that you get Spike before the weekend of our monthly meetings. 4 Photographs displayed on this page all taken by Arlene Lang. The image in the top row, first on the left is Paph. fairneanum var. alba and is grown by Helgi Fatovic. The middle orchid is Dendrochilum javierii grown by Theresa Lafleur. The orchid on the right is Coel. speciosa grown by George Cook. Theor chi dont hel ef ti sLc.PuppyLov e‘ Tr ueBeaut y ’HCC/ AOSgr ownbyAngélè Biljan. The orchid in the middle, is Paph. Limidolli* ( chamberlainianum x henryanum ) grown by Steve Levick. The image at the extreme right is Paph. Insigne grown by Janet Johns. 5 CANADA POST ISSUES NEW STAMPS OF ORCHIDS In the January 2008 issue issue of the Canadian Orchid Congress, further information was provided on the issue of the Canadian orchid stamps released in January 2008. The additional information is provided below. “ Postal rates are going up again after January 14, 2008. Hearts are racing also with a Canadian first, news that four definitive stamps featuring red, pink, yellow and orange Canadian-bred orchid hybrids were issued by Canada Post on December 27, 2007. The Official First Day Cover bears all four values as part of a luminous souvenir sheet and is cancelled with a watering pot design out of Bloomfield Station, Prince Edward Island. More info on this series may be found in the latest issue of Details/en détail, January to March 2008, Vol. 17 #1 which is available at the post office or may be ordered at http://www.canadapost.ca/personal/collecting/default-e.asp There have been more than 250 orchids hybridized and registered by Canadians since 1949 when the first was recorded in Sander's List. These small yet colourful stamps show differently coloured hybrids made in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Québec. Odontioda Island Red ( Trixon x Actrix) hybridized by Dr. Wally Thomas, West Vancouver, and registered in 1985, has the honour of being depicted on the most frequently used value, the domestic rate, now designated by P with no dollars or cents noted. Wally was the first President of the COC and was instrumental in bringing the World Orchid Conference to Canada in 1999. He bred and registered more than 70 hybrids over some 20 years, many whose names are prefixed with `Island' after his Charles Island Orchids. Oda. Island Red has received three awards with a Judges Commendation (`Victoria' JC/AOS) for intensity of colour The oversize envelope value ($1.15) depicts one of Marilyn Light's hybrids, Laeliocattleya Memoria Evelyn Light (C. Cherry Chip x Roy Finley), registered in 1994, and named in memory of her mother who started Marilyn's interest in orchids in 1970 with a gift of The Golden Guide to Orchids. This cross has not been awarded but it is a rewarding bloomer with sprays of up to 5 long-lasting brightly coloured and fragrant flowers up to three times area. Marilyn began hybridizing orchids in the early 1980's, registering her first in 1992, and continues to raise `babies' simply for the joy of creating something new. The USA stamp ($0.96) features Potinara Janet Elizabeth `Fire Dancer' AM/AOS (Beaufort Gold x Slc. Orglade's Early Harvest) which was bred by Gordon Heaps of Edmonton AB and registered in 1996. Named for his spouse and orchid photographer Janet, this showy, floriferous yellow orchid with its stunning and contrasting red lip was awarded in 1996 at the Orchid Society of Alberta show. For the international value ($1.60), we have one of Mario Ferrusi's wonderful hybrid Masdevallias. Masd. Kaleidoscope (Cassiope x Copperwing), registered and first awarded in 2002, has garnered 3 awards including an FCC/AOS. Selected for the stamp is Masd. Kaleidoscope `Conni' AM/AOS, the clonal name honouring spouse Conni. This clone has an orange flower with heavy brick red speckling. Mario has an active hybridization program and we look forward to new and wonderful flowers from him in future. Look for these stamps now at your local post office or order some from Canada Post either by mail or on-line. Visit the website for details. http://www.canadapost.ca/personal/collecting/defaulte.asp Many thanks to Jerry Bolce of Waterloo, Ontario and the editor of the COC Newsletter for getting this information. 6 UPCOMING EVENTS Feb. 9-10, 2008 The Southern Ontario Orchid Society (SOOS) Show at the Toronto Botanical Garden, Edwards Gardens, 777 Lawrence Avenue East, Toronto. Show hours: Saturday: 11:00-5:00pm; Sunday: Photographers only: 9:00-11:00am; public: 11:00-5:00pm. Website: http://www.soos.ca/. Feb.16, 2008 Montreal AOS Judging, Montreal Botanical Garden, 4101 Sherbrooke St. East (& Pie IX Blvd.), 1:00 pm, contact person: Howard Ginsberg, 514-878-1900 or 514871-0205, e-mail: orchids@bedfordorchids.com Ottawa Orchid Society Monthly Meeting: A Recap of the 19th World Orchid Congress, with a very special plant raffle. Feb. 17, 2008 Feb. 23, 2008 Day bus trip by OOS to Montreal Botanical Gardens March 1, 2008 Toronto Centre AOS Judging, 1:00 pm, Toronto Botanical Garden, Edwards Gardens, 777 Lawrence Avenue East, Toronto. Contact person: Mario Ferrusi, 905-892-4187, e-mail: mferrusi@sympatico 30th Annual London Orchid Society Show and Sale, Western Fair Grounds, Special Events Building, 900 King Street, London, Ontario, website: http://los.lon.imag.net/shows.asp. Show times: Sat. 12:00-5:00 pm; Sunday, 8:0010:00am artists and photographers only; public: 10:00-5:00pm. Show chair: Jo-Anne Eadie, telephone: 519-471-4643, e-mail: labs.kilworth@sympatico.ca. Mar. 15-16, 2008 Mar. 16, 2008 Michael MacConaill, our expert AOS photographer in residence, will present Orchid Photography 101, just in time for you to practice your photography skills for the orchid show season! Mar.29-30, 2008 Orchidexpo, CEGEP de Maisonneuve, 2700 Ave. Bourbonniere (& Sherbrooke), Montreal. More details to be announced. April 19-20, 2008 The Annual Toronto Artistic Orchid Association Show, Chinese Cultural Centre, 5183 Sheppard Ave. East, (Markham Road), Contact person: Louisa Fung, louisafung@rogers.com, telephone: 416-292-9203. Website: http://www.taoa.ca. April 20, 2008 Henry Steger, a past President of the Ottawa Orchid Society, will speak on Local Orchids –who says you have to go far to see new orchids? April 26-27, 2008 27th Ottawa Orchid Society Annual Show and Sale in conjunction with the COC Annual Meeting and Symposium, Nepean Sportsplex, 1701 Woodroffe Ave., Ottawa, Ontario. Show Chair: David Cooper, e-mail: orchidae@allstream.net http://www.ottawaorchidsociety.com. Show times: Sat. 12:00-5:00 pm; Sunday: 9:00-5:00 pm. 7 OTTAWA ORCHID SOCIETY 27th ANNUAL SHOW AND SALE April 26-27, 2008 Nepean Sportsplex, 1701 Woodroffe Avenue Ottawa, Ontario For a map to the show and more information about us, see www.ottawaorchidsociety.com The Ottawa Orchid Society is pleased to invite anyone interested in displaying artwork in the form of painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, ceramics, pottery, needlepoint, stained glass, quilting or other media to participate in our annual orchid show held at the Nepean Sportsplex on April 26-27, 2008. We have two 2008-challenge classes: photo close-ups and miniature paintings. THE MAIN THEME OF EACH ENTRY MUST BE ORCHIDS. Rules of the Exhibition: Primary subject: Orchids; limit of 5 entries per artist Registration: All work must be preregistered by April 14. Set-up time: Drop off your art between 4 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Friday, April 25, 2008. All two-dimensional work must be suitably framed, wired, ready for hanging –and dry! Take-down time: 5:00 p.m. –5:30 p.m. Sunday, April 27, 2008. Judging & fees: There are no fees to exhibit. Please see attached entry form for art categories. Limit of 5 entries per artist. Advertising: Business cards, brochures and pamphlets can be displayed in prominent view once judging is complete. Tagging: All work must have the price, name and address of the artist on the back. Sales: Indicate the price including GST and PST or NFS on the registration form. You must be prepared to accept cash or a cheque with two pieces of ID. The show takes a 10% commission. We will have a volunteer on hand to conduct transactions –butdon’ tbedi sappoi nt ed–sales are slow. Enter for the fun of exhibiting with 2,000 blooming plants. We are looking forward to seeing your artistic talents on display in our art gallery! For more information about the Art Gallery, please contact: Jane Logan, Art Gallery Chairperson, 613-830-9403, jane@loganstrategy.ca 8 OTTAWA ORCHID SOCIETY SHOW, APRIL 26-27, 2008 ENTRY FORM: PHOTOGRAPHY, FINE ARTS, FINE CRAFTS EXHIBITOR Name: Address: Phone: E-mail: Assigned by OOS Exhibitor Number: Section Class Example L 119 Number of Entries: ENTRY DESCRIPTION “ Phal aenopsi s,aPor t r ai t ”acr yl i concanvas.14” X18” 115 116 117 118 SECTION K - PHOTOGRAPHY Cultivated orchids Orchids in natural habitat Digital painting featuring orchids 2008 challenge: Close-up of orchids 119 120 121 122 123 SECTION L - FINE ART Oil, acrylic, & mixed media paintings Watercolours Drawings and pastels Botanical illustration (plant, flower, spike, roots; all media; color or black & white;) 2008 challenge: miniature painting or drawi ng(3”by4”orl ess) 124 125 126 127 SECTION M –FINE CRAFTS Clay Fibre Glass Other, mixed media and jewellery Price $150 E-MAIL THIS FORM TO jane@loganstrategy.ca or MAIL IT TO JANE LOGAN, 6251 RAVINE WAY, ORLEANS ON, K1C 7G1; or PHONE 613-830-9403 YOUR EXHIBIT TAGS WILL BE PREPARED AND WAITING FOR YOU AT THE SHOW. THANK YOU FOR EXHIBITING! 9 REGISTRATION FORM OTTAWA ORCHID SOCIETY 27th ANNUAL SHOW AND SALE April 26-27, 2008 Nepean Sportsplex, 1701 Woodroffe Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario EXHI BI T ENTRY &VENDOR’ S REGI STRATI ONFORM EXHI BI TOR’ SNAME:_____________________________________________________________ POSTAL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: (W) ______________________________ (H) ______________________________ E-MAIL: ________________________________________________________________________ CLASS OF EXHIBIT - CHECK OFF APPROPRIATE CATEGORY (Note: Plant vendors must enter plant display of 6 or more plants.) 1-5 Plants 6-15 Plants Educational Display 16-25 Plants More than 25 Plants Cut Flowers Visiting Society (Must also be entered in one previous class.) Space and exhibit requirements (ex. against wall, table exhibit, all round floor exhibit, access to hydro, dimension requirements for exhibit, etc.). Please indicate what you require. VENDOR’ SREGI STRATI ONI NFORMATI ON COMMERCIAL NAME: _________________________________________________ Number of sale tables required ($150.00 each):______________ Payment to be included with registration form. Payment for sale table(s) is by cheque payable to the Ottawa Orchid Society. Payment for table(s) must accompany this registration form and be submitted no later than March 20, 2008. Return completed form with payment to Richard Sobkowicz, 13 Sandringham Court, Ottawa, ON K2J 2H9. For more information, you may contact Rick by e-mail at ricksobkowicz@rogers.com or by phone at (O) 613-231-0748 or (H) 613-825-0827. 10 The orchid on the left is Cymbidium Nokai, grown by Rita Shand. The orchid in the middle photograph is of Lycaste skinneri alba gr ownbyMar l eneYoung.Theor chi dont her i ghti sLy cast eCassi opea‘ Wl y dPeach’ , AM/AOS also grown by Marlene Young. All photographs were taken by by Arlene Lang. The photograph above on the left is of Paphiopedilum Delophyllum grown by Janet Johns. The photograph on the right is of Dendrobium Mini Snowflakes grown by Helgi Fatovic. 11 The photographs above and below were taken by Yanick Champoux. The orchid on the left is of Paphiopedilum concolor grown by Jane Thompson. The orchid in the middle is Ascocenda Fuch’ sFl ame grown by by Angélè Biljan.The Orchid on the far right is Coelogyne Placcida grown by Terez Paksi, The orchid on the left is of Paphiopedilum bellatulum grown by Angélè Biljan. The orchid in the middle is Cymbidium Nokai grown by Rita Shand. The orchid on the right, commonly known ast he“ JewelOr c hi d” and grown for its beautiful foliage, is Ludisia discolor and is grown by Terez Paksi. TIP FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS: When Yanick Champoux took the photographs of the plants on the show table, he made a point of also photographing the show tags that the growers filled out identifying the plant and the grower. This is an excellent idea as you then have a digital record of this information and can properly identify your images if this is necessary. We encourage you to do this, especially if you are submitting photographs to Spike or for insertion to our Society website as we do wish to fully identify the orchids photographed and give full credit to our growers who take great effort to grow these wonderful plants and bring them to orchid meetings for the rest of us to enjoy viewing. A great big thank you to our photographers and everyone who brought their beautiful blooming orchids to the monthly show table. Without your plants we would not have a show table and, without a show table, we would not have the wonderful meetings that we do. Thank you!!! Rick Sobkowicz 12
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October 2008 - Ottawa Orchid Society
everything to Rick's home later Sunday evening.
Please call Janet or Rick to arrange a suita ble time for dropping off your plant(s)!
Link to map for Rick and Margaret’s home: