Upcoming Programs - Oregon Orchid Society


Upcoming Programs - Oregon Orchid Society
March 2008
The Newsletter of the Oregon Orchid Society
The Oregon Orchid Society meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Multnomah Art Center, 7688
SW Capitol Hwy., Portland. Each meeting features a lecture or other educational program and a display of
blooming plants. Visitors are always welcome! Membership is open to anyone interested in orchids. Application
should be made to the membership chairman. Membership includes subscription to Calypso, The Newsletter of
The Oregon Orchid Society.
OOS Meeting
Tuesday, February 18, 2008
Door opens at 6:30 p.m.
Orchid Educational Program starts 7:00 pm
Meeting starts at 7:30 pm
Topic: Color and Orchids
Speaker: Luanne Rolly
This Month:
Page 1: President’s Message
Page 1: Upcoming Programs
Page 2: Vice-President’s Message
Page 2: Orchid Educational Program
Page 2: Special AOS Memberchip Offer
Page 2: Raffle Continues....
Page 3 & 4: Oregon Judging Center News
Page 5-6: Coryanthes alborosea Culture Sheet
Page 7: Spring Show 2008
Page 8: OOS Members’ Photos
Page 9: Miscellaneous OOS Informations
Page 10: Cover page
Upcoming Programs
President’s Message
This is just a quick note for a hopefully good growing
year to all the members of the Oregon Orchid Society.
May you have a enjoyable growing experience and flower
something you haven't before. Thanks to all the
volunteers who have stepped forward and filled the gaps.
March: Color and Orchids
Speaker: Luanne Rolly
April: Unusual orchids and how they are judged
Speaker: Rick Burian
David Morris
Orchids of the Mediterranean region with
emphasis on the bee orchids, the genus Ophrys
Speaker: Rick Burian
Just a reminder....It’s time to renew your membership
and enjoy the reduced rate.
Off-line (mailed copy of the Calypso) is reduced to $18.00 per year or $34.00 for 2 years.
On-line (electronic viewing of the Calypso only) is reduced to $12.00 per year or $22.00 for 2 years.
Renewals can be paid to Lori Rheinberger at the meeting or mailed to:
Oregon Orchid Society
PO Box 14182
Portland,OR 97293
Vice-President’s Message
By Rick Burian
Our March program will be presented by Luanne Rolly, a scientist
with HP and clerk of the AOS regional judging center at the
Oregon Garden. Luanne will speak about color and orchids, in
particular about why colors look different under daylight and
fluorescent lighting (inconstancy) and how color perception
affects orchidists. She will also discuss the types of color
blindness and show those of you with regular color vision what an
orchid might look like to those with a perception anomaly.
Something different from our regular programs but one I hope you
all find interesting and educational.
The program will start right at 7:30 pm and our usual business
meeting/announcements will take place after the presentation.
We just received notice from Gene Crocker of Carter and Holmes
Orchids that he will be unable to speak to us this spring. For our
April meeting David Morris will be presenting a program on
Unusual orchids and how they are judged. In May Rick Burian
will show us the orchids of the Mediterranean region with an
emphasis on the bee orchids (the genus Ophrys)
Special AOS Membership Offer
Special AOS Membership Offer
The American Orchid Society invites you to join the AOS at a
special rate of just $49.95 for one year or only $99.95 for two
years. This rate is also good for renewals to current members
but you only have until March 31st, 2008 to get this special
Membership provides a subscription to the beautiful Orchids
Magazine, free or discounted admission to over 200 botanical
gardens (including the Oregon Garden), discounts at the Orchid
Emporium (AOS on-line store), reduced processing fees for
AOS awards and many other benefits.
Visit their site at www.aos.org or email them at
membership@aos.org or call 561-404-2062.
Rick Burian
Oregon Orchid Society representative to the American Orchid
Orchid Educational Series
By Dick Van Ingen
Dick Van Ingen is currently in Costa Rica and will be back in time to
attend the March meeting. He anticipates that the Educational Series
topic in March will be "Reflections on the Orchids of Costa Rica".
Dick quotes, “Dozens of "Educational Opportunities" are available at
the upcoming Oregon Orchid Society show at the end of March.
There are so many ways to learn about orchids at a show, hands on
activities in the display, judging, sales, culture, photography. I love
to watch people who get really excited when seeing the beauty and
diversity of orchids available at a show. You can become immersed
in the biology, chemistry, aesthetics, geography, the business aspects,
show management, and the friendships that develop. An orchid show
is something to roll up your sleeves and participate in, and a fun way
to broaden your knowledge.”
The Raffle continues....
Many thanks to Erlee Pennington, an OOS member, who
researched the issue regarding the OOS’s Raffle activity. She
forwarded us the link,
The OOS Raffle activity falls on the number 2 exception, as shown
Do all bingo, raffle, and Monte Carlo event gaming operations
require licenses?
Generally, all nonprofit organizations wishing to operate bingo,
raffle and Monte Carlo events are required to have licenses issued
by the Oregon Department of Justice. Following are the only three
Nonprofit organizations operating bingo games with a
handle of no more than $2,000 per session and with a total
handle of no more than $5,000 per calendar year.
Nonprofit organizations holding raffles with a
cumulative handle of no more than $10,000 per
calendar year.
Nonprofit organizations holding Monte Carlo events with a
handle of no more than $2,000 per Monte Carlo event and a
total handle of no more than $5,000 per calendar year.
Many thanks to our volunteers....
Many thanks to our volunteers who signed up to work at the EXPO, but due to unfortunate
circumstances we were not able to pursue that activity.
As we move on, please do not forget to sign up to our upcoming Spring show.
Nenita Sorella and Lori Rheinberger.
Page 2
Oregon Judging Center News - March 2008
By Tom Etheridge
Well, to quote Forrest Gump, “Ya never know what you're gonna get.” Last month at judging we had several
plants but no awards. This month we had 23 plants and 5 awards! Chalk it up to being March, the height of the
Odontoglossum alliance season in Oregon, since half of the plants submitted were Odonts. All in all there were 23
entries, 13 nominations and 5 awards. It was a bright, sunny day at the Oregon Garden where we had 13 judges and a
handful of visitors.
Of the awards granted, Craig Williams of Tigard, Oregon a student judge in our region received an AM/AOS
of 80 points for his plant of Paphiopedilum China Doll 'Woofie Girl' (armeniacum x greyi). This beauty bore one
striking white flower with a hint of yellow and a dusting of burgundy spots on its petals. Tom Etheridge and Luanne
Rolly of Corvallis, Oregon went home with four awards. Dracula cochliops 'Solar Place', a miniature species with 22
flowers and 25 buds, received a CCM/AOS (83 points). Odontioda La Jolla Passion 'Mary's Peak' (John Hainsworth
x Phoenix March) HCC/AOS (77 points) bore one arched spray of blood-red flowers highlighted with purple-red
margins. Odontioda Susan Preston Richards 'Solar Place' (Petit Port x Tricky Woo) HCC/AOS (79 points) caught the
judges' eyes with its nine “intense deep iridescent carmine flowers.” Finally, Odontoglossum Michael Newman 'Solar
Place' (Somelle x Golden Glacier) won an AM/AOS of 81 points for its well-presented bright yellow flowers casually
spotted with burgundy.
In other news, we have two new faces at the Oregon Judging Site. Terry Aitken of Vancouver, Washington, an
active member of the Portland Orchid Society, is planning to apply to become a Student Judge. Terry has many years
of experience growing and showing orchids and he can participate in judging at both the Tacoma and Silverton sites.
Ross Leach of Silverton, Oregon has been coming to judging regularly to photograph plants. He is an outstanding
photographer with many years of experience shooting pictured of his own plants and he will become one of the
photographers for the Silverton site. Please join us in welcoming Ross and Terry!
Paphiopedilum China Doll 'Woofie Girl' AM/AOS (80 points)
(armeniacum x greyi)
Owner: Craig Williams of Tigard, Oregon
Photo by Tom Etheridge
Page 3
Oregon Judging Center News - March 2008
Photos by Tom Etheridge
Dracula cochliops 'Solar Place' CCM/AOS (83 points)
Grown by Tom Etheridge and Luanne Rolly of Corvallis, Oregon
Odontioda La Jolla Passion 'Mary's Peak' HCC/AOS (77 points)
(John Hainsworth x Phoenix March)
Grown by Tom Etheridge and Luanne Rolly of Corvallis, Oregon
Odontoglossum Michael Newman 'Solar Place' AM/AOS (81 points)
(Somelle x Golden Glacier)
Grown by Tom Etheridge and Luanne Rolly of Corvallis, Oregon
Odontioda Susan Preston Richards 'Solar Place' HCC/AOS (79 points)
(Petit Port x Tricky Woo)
Grown by Tom Etheridge and Luanne Rolly of Corvallis, Oregon
Page 4
Orchid Species Culture by Charles & Margaret Baker
Coryanthes alborosea C. Schweinfurth
ORIGIN/HABITAT: Peru. Plants have been collected at 350 ft. (100 m) near Iquitos in the Department of Loreto. These
plants grow in hot, tropical forests and are frequently associated with ant nests. Until now the species has been
collected only in Peru.
CLIMATE: Station #84377, Iquitos, Peru, Lat. 3.8¡S, Long. 73.2¡N, at 384 ft. (117 m). Record extreme temperatures are
100¡F (38¡C) and 54¡F (12¡C).
RAIN/INCHES 6.4 5.2 10.5 7.3 9.0 10.3 9.1 10.4 9.4 13.6 10.7 5.7
163 132 267 185 229 262 231 264 239 345 272 145
¡C AVG MAX 31.1 32.2 32.8 32.2 31.7 32.2 32.2 31.7 31.7 30.6 30.0 30.6
20.0 20.0 20.6 21.1 21.7 21.7 21.7 21.1 21.7 21.7 21.7 20.6
DIURNAL RANGE11.112.2 12.2 11.1 10.0 10.5 10.5 10.6 10.0 8.9 8.3 10.0
Cultural Recommendations
LIGHT: 1800-2500 fc. Light should be filtered or diffused, and plants should not be exposed to direct midday sun.
Hawkes (1965), in discussing the culture for Stanhopea and related genera, reported that, "The plants should be kept
in semi-shade at all times, since the foliage is rather prone to burning or yellowing if over-exposed to the sunlight".
Some growers, however, suggest light levels of 2500-3500 fc., but plants should be introduced gradually to bright
conditions. Strong air movement should be provided at all times, particularly if light levels are high.
TEMPERATURES: Throughout the year, days average 86-91¡F (30-33¡C), and nights average 68-71¡F (20-22¡C), with a
diurnal range of 15-22¡F (8-12¡C). The lowest diurnal range of the year occurs in autumn, and the largest is in late
HUMIDITY: 80-85% most of the year, dropping to near 75% in late spring and early summer.
WATER: Rainfall is heavy year-round. Cultivated plants should be watered often while actively growing, but drainage
should be excellent and conditions around the roots should never be allowed to become stale or soggy.
FERTILIZER: 1/41/2 recommended strength, applied weekly when plants are actively growing. Many growers prefer to
use a balanced fertilizer throughout the year; but others use a high-nitrogen fertilizer from spring to midsummer, then
switch to one high in phosphates in late summer and autumn.
REST PERIOD: Growing conditions should be maintained all year. Water may be reduced somewhat in winter for plants
grown in the dark, short-day conditions common in temperate latitudes. Plants should never be allowed to dry out
completely, however. Fertilizer should be reduced if water is reduced.
GROWING MEDIA: As with Stanhopea and Gongora species, hanging baskets accommodate the pendent flower spike
that emerges from the base of the Coryanthes species. A very acid, water-retaining medium is recommended by some
growers. In his 1978 Orchid Digest article, George Kennedy reported that Dr. Fowlie found that Coryanthes plants
grew extremely well when potted in Palco wool (shredded redwood bark) and kept exceedingly wet. The ants' nests
on which the plants grow in nature contain a large amount of formic acid and have a pH of about 3. Redwood bark,
also with a pH of about 3, is the only commonly available potting medium with a pH this low. Growers, however,
report that these plants grow and bloom well in baskets filled with long-fibered sphagnum, which generally has a pH
of 3.5-5.0. Other growers report good results using shredded tree-fern fiber or osmunda.
MISCELLANEOUS NOTES: The bloom season shown in the climate table is based on reports from the habitat.
Page 6
Orchid Species Culture by Charles & Margaret Baker
Coryanthes alborosea - continued
Plant and Flower Information
PLANT SIZE AND TYPE: A clump-forming epiphyte that grows to 16 in. (40 cm) tall.
PSEUDOBULB: 1.8-2.2 in. (cm) long. The pseudobulbs are ovoid to pear-shaped and are deeply grooved with
longitudinal channels.
LEAVES: 12-14 in. (30-35 cm) long. A pair of narrowly lanceolate leaves are carried at the apex of each pseudobulb.
They are 1.6-1.8 in. (4.0-4.5 cm) wide in the middle and taper to sharply pointed tips and to a narrow, relatively
long, folded petiole at the base. Each leaf is thin, hard and stiff, somewhat leathery, and has several longitudinal,
fanlike folds.
INFLORESCENCE: 7 in. (17 cm) long. The slender, pendent peduncle emerges from the base of a recently matured
pseudobulb and has 3 or more nodes that are covered by short, tubular, sharply pointed sheaths.
FLOWERS: 1-2 relatively small blossoms are carried at the end of the inflorescence. Each flower is supported on a
slender, elongated pedicellate ovary that is up to 3 in. (7.5 cm) long, which is approximately 3 times as long as the
subtending floral bract. The flowers are white with sepals and petals that twist and shrivel somewhat after the
flower has been opened for 48 hours. The dorsal sepal is about 1 in. (2.5 cm) long by 0.9 in. (2.2 cm) wide, has a
short but sharply pointed apex, and is attached to the column for most of its length. The somewhat crescent-shaped,
obliquely oblong to egg-shaped lateral sepals are sharply pointed, about 2.2 in. (5.5 cm) long from the apex to the
tip of the anterior dilated portion, and are somewhat broader than the dorsal sepal. The narrowly oblong, strongly
sickle-shaped petals are about 1 in. (2.5 cm) long by 0.4 in. (1.1 cm) wide. The lip has a hood-shaped hypochile
with bristly hairs in the center to the apical margin and beneath. The deeply channeled mesochile is recurved and
has a convex exterior surface with 4-5 transverse, smooth ridges at the base. The epichile is formed into a large,
more or less flat-bottomed bucket and is 3-lobed at the apex. The column projects downward and has two thick,
oblong, armlike lobes at the base that extend outward. The lower surface has a nipplelike gland near the tip that
produces drops of clear liquid. The apex has 2 incurved arms that touch or are very close to the sides of the epichile
and form an entrance to the anther and stigma. The ovary is stiff, elongated, and recurved, holding the epichile
bucket parallel to the ground.
Gerlach: There is a pure transparent white form as well as beautiful red spotted and nearly red forms. The inforescences
are usually two-flowered, the fragrance is very weak.
REFERENCES: Amer. Orch. Soc. Bull. xii. 242 (1943); cf. Gray Herb. Card Cat.
Bennett, D. E. Jr. and E. Christenson. 1993. Icones Orchidacearum Peruviarum. Plates 001-200. Pub. privately by A.
Pastorelli de Bennett.
Schweinfurth, C. 1958-1961. Orchids of Peru. Fieldiana: Botany 30(1-4). Chicago Natural History Museum Press,
Gerlach, G. The genus Coryanthes. http://www.botanik.biologie.uni-muenchen.de/botgart/e/research/gg_species.html
Page 6
Spring Show 2008 - March 29 and 30
We are just less than 3 weeks until OUR spring show. The show preparations are now in full gear.
Laura already has the press release lined up; 22 newspapers, 6 radio stations, and Channel 12's Home
and Garden show. We also have commitments from several retirement homes that they will be
coming to our show.
Our flyers together with an orchid arrangement will be at 17 US bank branches, thanks to Naoki
Kawamura for making this to happen, to Lori and Laura for doing the arrangements, and Naoki and
Lori's daughter, Laura, for the delivery.
We still have plenty of Show flyers, please help by handing it out to your friends, neighbors, doctor's
office, or to whoever we could entice into coming to our show. We will also have our show tickets at
the meeting, please take some and help pre-sell, or give it as a gift to your friends or neighbors, and
also supporting your orchid society.
We still need volunteers to help in our show, you will have free admission to the show and free lunch
or snacks will also be provided. We need volunteers for security, ribbon judging clerks, cashiers, plant
hotel staff, greeters, etc. Contact Lori Rheinberger or Nenita Sorella and let them know what time you
will be available to help. Sign up sheets will be available at the meeting.
We need plenty of blooming plants for our society display. Craig Williams has volunteered to do our
society floor display, please contact Craig at the meeting or e-mail craig.a.williams@comcast.net, or
contact any of the show chairs, if you have any blooming plants that you could 'volunteer' to be on the
society display. We will also give you free admission to the show.
Also, for non-commercial members wishing to sell some plants at the show, please contact Nenita at
nsorella@aol.com or call 360-607-9342 so that I could send you a reservation form and I could plan
for the space you need. In order to sell at the show, we require you to display least one blooming plant
in the society display.
Please join members that already have stepped in to make our show a pleasant one and success for
Lori Rheinberger Show Chair (503) 632-4884, e-mail lori@bctonline.com
Nenita Sorella Co-Show Chair (360) 607-9342, e-mail nsorella@aol.com
Page 7
OOS Members’ Photos
Photo by Rick Burian
Phaius Dan Rosenberg Tuberculosis 'EFG x grandifolius(tankervilleae) var. variegatum 'Tan
Zebra'. The genus is closely related to Calanthe and can be easily hybridized with it. Phaius can be
found in shady forests from Africa to the Philippines including SE Asia, China, India, Australia
and the Pacific Islands. Flower stems can reach to over 4 feet tall with flowers up to 5 inches
Ceratocentron fesselii is a delightful miniature species
from the Philippines with colorful flowers that are very
large in comparison to the plant size. It grows at an
elevation of about 3000' in the mountains of Luzon and it is
believed to be pollinated by birds. With the plants only
about 1" tall and flowers less than 1/2" across I would
guess it is a very small bird!
Photo by Rick Burian
Page 8
Oregon Orchid Society Board Members & Committee Chairs
President: David Morris 503-651-3438
Vice Pres.: Rick Burian 503-245-7994
Treasurer : Joshua Peterson 503-289-1830
Rec Secretary: Gavin Young 503-620-1013
Dick Van Ingen
OOS Books on Wheels!!
Have you noticed that selections from our library are
brought to the monthly meetings for your borrowing
pleasure? All members in good standing can borrow
books for the month and then return them at the next
meeting-easy, convenient and educational. Choose
from the titles on the table or call or write ahead for
specific items. The library's holdings are now
available on our website. Contact Rick Burian at the
next meeting or @ 503-245-7994 for more info.
Changes of Address
Need to be submitted promptly to the Membership
Chairperson in order to continue receiving the Calypso
without interruption. They may be emailed to:
Editor’s Note:
Submissions for the next issue of the Calypso
are due April 6, 2008. Submissions made after
that date may not be included. Please e-mail
submissions to nsorella@aol.com or call 360607-9342.
Join us
for our monthly pre-meeting dinner with our speaker at:
Marco’s Café 35th and SW Multnomah Blvd
Arrive between 5:15-5:30 pm
Society Historian: Ronald Sellon 503-656-7882
Library & Book Sales: Rick Burian 503-245-7994
Membership: Lori Rheinberger 503-632-4884
Bulletin/Roster Mailing: Michael Novotny
Name Badges: Ward & Jean Thompson
Editor: Nenita Sorella 360-607-9342
Sunshine Person: Linda Mitchell 503-852-7088
Publicity: Laura Newton
Show Chair: Lori Rheinberger, Nenita Sorella
Web Address
Our Society Web Address is:
The Calypso can be viewed online at the society website listed
above. The direct address for the current version of Calypso
You can reach the webmaster, Joshua Peterson by email at:
By viewing the newsletter online you are able to view pictures
in color.
Orchid Supplies
The following are the current prices for orchid supplies available
for Oregon Orchid Society members. Contact Lori Rheinberger
(503) 632-4884 for more info.
50lb orchid grade Charcoal - $20.00
4 cu ft orchid grade Perlite - $15.00
4 cu ft high quality orchid bark - $8.00
Calypso Advertising Rates
Advertising is now available in the Calypso. This is a
very economical way to reach a specific customer
base. The current monthly rates are as follows:
Full Page Ad: $15.00
Half Page Ad: $10.00
¼ Page Ad: $8.00
10% discount is available for a booking of 6 months or
more. Prices include basic design service. Contact
the Editor for more information.
Attention: There will be no setup prior to 6:30 PM at the Multnomah Arts Center on meeting nights.
Page 9
Oregon Orchid Society
PO Box 14182
Portland, OR 97293
Topic: Colors and Orchids
Speaker: Luanne Rolly
Clowesia Rebecca Northen
as photographed at the 19th WOC in Miami
March 2008