October, 2015 - Victoria Orchid Society


October, 2015 - Victoria Orchid Society
October 2015 Volume 46, Issue #8
Orchid Society
Inside this issue:
2 President’s Message
2 Upcoming Events
3 Past Events: open
5 Mealy Bugs
5 Judging News
6 Minutes of the September
7 Society Information,
Important Reminders
8 New Venue Information
9 Classifieds & RENEWAL
11 Growing Zygopetalum
12. AOS Webinar
October 26th
November 23rd
Members with last
names starting with
H, J & K are asked
to bring goodies
for the October
This glorious Vanda, V. Memoria Herman Stevenson, was
grown by Cat Frutiger, one of few members to grow this
rather difficult species. It was chosen as best plant on the
display table at the September meeting.
Welcome to new members Antoanetta Dertlieva and
Bede Stenner and returning member Wayne Yee
From the Editor
Cattleya gaskelliana
Sad News: Bertha Buhr passed away on October 2nd. 2015
Bertha and Harold Buhr were long time members of the Victoria Orchid Society. They owned the print shop
on Esquimalt Road, “Fleming Printing”. The nice black signs that we have for our display tables at shows
were donated by them.
Pastor Steve Buhr has sent us the news of his mother, Bertha’s, passing. Information on the celebration of
her life can be found here: http://earthsoption.com/obituaries/obituary-listings?obId=631036#/obituaryInfo
Check out our website for information about the society, upcoming events, plant registration for shows,
regulations for bringing orchids into Canada, and what books are in our library and links to interesting sites.
The orchids from the display table each meeting are now posted on the web.
Contributions to the newsletter can be made up to 14 days before the next meeting date by contacting me by
phone or email. (250-385-8888 or enviroed@telus.net).
Logo photo D. Rowles
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October 2015 Volume 46, Issue #8
President’s Message:
We seem to have successfully made the transition to Gordon Head without encountering
too many difficulties. The general consensus is that our new home will do nicely. There
is a more intimate feel to the meeting room than was true of the old place. Sound seems to
travel well even without a microphone so that speakers can be heard clearly. On the other
hand, the acoustics of the place are such that background noise also tends to be amplified,
so we may need to talk more quietly with our neighbours once the meetings begin.
John Taylor
Perhaps because of the more intimate atmosphere, or just because it came up, we got into quite an interesting
discussion during the meeting. This normally doesn’t happen during the business portion. The discussion
developed from a question on wild orchids leading to a debate on species vs hybrids. A number of comments
were made on the relative merits of collecting one or the other. Many of our members just want to grow
beautiful plants and aren’t too concerned about their origins; others tend to have the collection instinct –all of
this genera or that one. It was pointed out that species tend to be suited to a very specific set of conditions,
and thus are sometimes a little more difficult to satisfy culturally. Hybrids, on the other hand, have genes
from a number of different sources and tend to be more flexible.
Fall 2015
Apart from ease of culture, the point of hybridizing, and also
line-breeding, is to create flowers with outstanding characteristics
—bigger, flatter, better colour etc. Acknowledging these
‘improvements’ is the main point of AOS judging.
October 26th - Sasha Kubicek
Mexican orchids in situ
Orchid basics – Poul Hansen repotting
November 23rd - Terry Groszeibl
We will be starting our sessions of workshops on orchid basics at
of Forestview Gardens will
the next meeting, and these should be very valuable for everyone,
speak on Paphiopedilum
especially those members who are just beginning to care for orchids.
Orchid basics – Joe Chow watering
Since I recently did a little orchid hunting in the forests around Puerto
December 14th – Xmas Party
Vallarta, I am very much looking forward to the speaker for the next meeting.
Sasha Kubicek will be giving a talk on the orchids of Mexico.
John Taylor
Upcoming Events:
The monthly meeting of the Victoria Orchid Society is held on the fourth Monday of every month except
July, August and December, starting at 7:30 p.m. The plants on the display table are presented by experts,
followed by a short business meeting, a coffee break with a prize draw of plants and orchid related material,
and a featured presentation. The meeting ends between 9:30 and 9:45 p.m. The first meeting at the new
venue, 4201 Tyndall Avenue, went well. The hall proved to be nice meeting place with a more intimate
space than our previous hall and with lots of parking space.
October 26th general meeting
Join club member Sasha Kubicek for a slide show of Mexican orchid species in situ.
He did a two week trek from the highlands of Oaxaca, Mexico all the way to the tropical
lowlands of Puerto Escondido. On this two week journey he captured (on camera)
many orchid species growing in situ from the highland pine and oak forests of the
Sierra Madre to the tropical lowlands of the pacific coast.
There will be a “Newbies” workshop before the meeting (6:45 p.m.) by Poul Hansen on re-potting orchids.
He will demonstrate steps in the process and show the potting media that he uses for his prize Miltoniopsis.
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October 2015 Volume 46, Issue #8
Past Events
Open Greenhouses visits from August
August 9th Bryan & Justin
Bryan Emery welcomed us with open arms to his new greenhouse
providing lunch as well as a
great tour and exciting plants
for sale.
Justin Dunning led us through his little house of horrors which contained beauties rather than horrors
– pitcher plants and sun dews and so many others. We also got to see his frogs and his geckko
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October 2015 Volume 46, Issue #8
August 30th, Rick, Jonathan & Patrick
Jonathan Littau’s wonderful greenhouses offered many treasures, keeping visitors exploring for several
It was also an
opportunity for
members to get
a peek at flasking
and compots.
Rick Rancourt has recently remodeled his basement grow –op with the assistance of Dave McElderry. It is
really impressive and a must see for anyone trying to grow orchids under lights!
Patrick van Adrichem
Unfortunately, I did not make it to Patrick’s Open House this year, but hear that it was as wonderful as ever.
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October 2015 Volume 46, Issue #8
September 28th general meeting: Ingrid Ostrander
Ingrid narrated an AOS slide show on Orchid Pests and gave useful information on the best ways to control
them. It was well received in our new more intimate venue. The following was in my Orchid’s Limited
September news email and it seemed appropriate to include it here:
Mealy Bugs: Here are a couple of easy home remedies that really work!
Remedy #1:
Hydrogen peroxide at the three percent solution rate can be applied directly as a
spray or as a drench to the potting mix. It is a great satisfaction to watch these
dastardly insects basically fizz and pop as the hydrogen peroxide does its work.
Remedy #2:
Go to the liquor store and purchase the cheapest vodka you can buy. Get a quart spray bottle. Fill it half way
with vodka, fill the rest with water and add one teaspoon of liquid blue Dawn or Joy dishwashing soap.
Shake the bottle well and spray your plants leaves bottom side and top side making sure the spray gets into
the leaf axils. Isopropyl alcohol can be used as well but it is a solvent and is toxic when inhaled. Vodka is
much better for the plants.
As always any treatment of mealy bugs should be followed by additional treatments every week to 10 days.
After three treatments the mealybugs should be gone.
Judging news
Please note that all awards are considered provisional until paperwork and payment is
processed by AOS and published in Orchid Plus
Abu Salleh
At the AOS Pacific Northwest Judging Center-Richmond’s monthly
judging on August 8, 2015, the following AOS award was granted:
Phragmipedium Sorcerer’s Apprentice ‘Vivienne’AM/AOS 81pts
(Phrag. longifolium x Phrag. sargentianum)
Exhibitor: Eugene Banziger
 Judith Higham photos
At the AOS Pacific Northwest Judging Center-Richmond’s
monthly judging on September 12, 2015, the following
AOS awards were granted:
Zygopetalum Centenary ‘Mida’ HCC/AOS 78pts
(Z. Helen Ku ‘Blackus Black’ x Z. Advance Australia ‘Cute’)
Exhibitor: Eugene Banziger
Rhyncholaeliocattleya (Chanachai x Vanida) ‘Cowichan Gold’ HCC/AOS 75pts
Exhibitor: Svend Munkholm
*award is provisional pending hybrid
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October 2015 Volume 46, Issue #8
Victoria Orchid Society
Minutes of General Meeting September 28, 2015
The meeting of September 28, 2015 was held at our new location, the Gordon Head Church Hall. President
John Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. We had three guests, Melanie, Liaum & Linda and we
had three new members, Bede Stenner, Wayne Yee, and Antoanetta Dertlieva. Ingrid Ostrander and Svend
Munkholm presented the show table.
Secretary’s Report: MOTION: Poul Hansen/Nadja Freund moved that the minutes of June, 2015 be
approved as published in the newsletter.
Treasurer’s Report: Jane Mason presented the financial report for the month of June, 2015 and moved for
acceptance, seconded by Ingrid Ostrander.
Other Reports:
COC: Ingrid reported on the Annual General Meeting that was held last March in Saskatoon.
Library: There is a request for a new volunteer to look after the library. Rudy Samoszynski is still able to
help but will be unable to attend all General meetings. Ingrid Ostrander would like to sort through the books
and remove any excess books.
Membership: Joyce reported that four new members had signed up this evening and that it is also time to
renew your membership for this upcoming year.
Orchid Culture Class: Geoff reported that there will be a workshop held at the Blenkinsop GardenWorks on
Sunday, October 18. We were informed that Marigold Nursery will be closing.
Plant Orders: Sasha reported that he will be taking pre-orders for the November meeting and he is working
on another orchid source for the New Year. More information to come.
Programs: Rod reviewed the programs scheduled for the new three months.
Shows: CVIOS- Diana asked for volunteers for the upcoming Nanaimo show. Kathryn Collins volunteered.
FVOS- Elsie Gerdes said she would be able to help at the show and Don Mills possibly, also.
VicOS- Diana reported the show will be February 12-14, 2016. Volunteers interesting in helping
with the planning part of the show would be welcome. See Diana.
Facebook: Justin said he will continue with Facebook and Kathryn Collins may also help.
New Business:
Joe Chow reported that we need a new lap top computer for use by guest speakers. Ingrid Ostrander moved
and John Taylor seconded the motion to buy a new lap top.
Speaker: Ingrid Ostrander presented the program ‘Orchid Pests’. John Taylor thanked Ingrid for her
Adjournment: The President declared the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Barbara Davies
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October 2015 Volume 46, Issue #8
Society Information
Meetings are held at the Gordon Head United Church Hall, 4201 Tyndall Avenue,
Victoria, B.C. on the fourth Monday of the month. Members are encouraged to bring
their orchids in bloom to display on the show table. They will be photographed and
posted on our website.
Guest speakers are engaged for these meetings and often, speakers bring plants for sale.
There is also a sale table where plants brought in by members may be purchased.
Plant sales begin at 7:15 p.m. and the meeting runs from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Membership fees are $25.00 for individuals, $35.00 for households. The Society
membership year runs from September to September, but meetings are not held in
July and August. Name tags are available for $9.00, magnetized tags are $11.00.
Psychopsis Kalihi ‘Big’
Coffee and tea are available for $1.00 at the meeting and goodies are provided by members in rotation, based
upon the initial letter of their last names. Goodies are requested from those with last names beginning with
H, J, & K for the October meeting.
The Victoria Orchid Society Newsletter is published monthly, around the 15th of each month, excepting
December, July and August. Newsletters will be sent by email to members with email access. Email
addresses will be blind copied. Upon request, copies of the newsletter may be picked up at meetings for
those not wishing to print off their copy at home.
Advertising, in the newsletter, is free of charge to members in good standing: $2.00 per business card size ad
per month to a member owned business ($20.00 per fiscal year), $5.00 per month to non-member businesses
($50.00 per fiscal year). Businesses may also advertise on the Victoria Orchid Society web site Classifieds
page for the same costs.
The Society’s mailing Address is 1199 Tattersall Drive, Victoria, B.C. V8P 1Y8.
Past President
John Taylor
Ingrid Ostrander
Diana Rowles
Barbara Davies
Jane Mason
Joyce Wilson
Catherine Frutiger
Coreen Kempling
Sasha Kubicek
Rodney Crutcher
Kathryn Collins
Newsletter Editor: Diana Rowles
Web Master: Blair Humphrey
Proofreader: Joe Chow
Spring Show Chairman: Diana Rowles
Programs Chairman: Rodney Crutcher
Dracula felix ‘Cat’
In emergencies, call John Taylor at (250) 250 479-0146.
Important Reminders & Updates
Membership renewal is due for the year 2015-2016. Please see attached membership forms. If you are
renewing your membership and there have been no major changes since you last renewed, please use
the short RENEWAL form. If you are a new member please use the full MEMBERSHIP form.
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October 2015 Volume 46, Issue #8
Change in Meeting Venue and day of the week
Starting in September 2015, meetings will be held at the Gordon Head United Church Hall, 4201 Tyndall
Avenue, Victoria, B.C. on the fourth Monday of the month. Please let friends and former members know
about this change as some may now be able to rejoin the Society. Here is a map of the new location. It is
approached by Feltham Road from which one turns onto Tyndall Avenue.
Feltham Rd
This new venue will require a few changes on the part of members. We are required to set up and take down
the chairs and tables that we use. A number of people have normally arrived early at the meetings to set up
tables and display areas. These people (some executive and some members who often help out with extra
chores) will continue to do this and will also set up some chairs. We will not set out as many chairs as have
customarily been available at meetings as they are rarely filled. That may mean that some people will have
to set up a chair from an available stack, when they arrive. We will ensure that there are enough out to
accommodate those for whom this would be difficult. At the end of the meeting, we will expect the ablebodied to return their chair to the stack before leaving. We do need more people to help put away tables at
the end of the meeting.
The usual stalwarts accomplished the move
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October 2015 Volume 46, Issue #8
email: davisconstruction@shaw.ca
I _________________________________________________________________
Please print name
hereby renew my membership to the Victoria Orchid Society for the upcoming society year
No changes have occurred in my contact information since my last renewal
Since my last renewal:
changes have occurred in my:
Email address
Mailing address
Phone number
My publishing preferences
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October 2015 Volume 46, Issue #8
1199 Tattersall Drive Victoria, B.C. V8P 1Y8
Membership Form
For 2015 / 2016
Please print clearly
Miltonia Venus
Victoria Orchid Society’s Flower Emblem
New [ ] Renewal [ ] Update [ ]
Postal Code:
Occupation or special interest*
* optional
Enclosing a cheque for : Family membership @ $35.00 for a one (1) year membership in VicOS
Single membership @ $25.00 for a one (1) year membership in VicOS
Please order pinned name tags in my/our name
Please order magnetic name tags in my/our name
@ $9.00
@ $11.00
[ ]
[ ]
Please make cheques payable to Victoria Orchid Society in Canadian funds.
Send it to Victoria Orchid Society at 1199 Tattersall Drive, Victoria, B.C. V8P 1Y8
How many years have you been growing Orchids?
What are your favourite genera?
How many orchid plants are you growing?
What are your growing conditions? (check any that apply)
Greenhouse [ ] Sq. Footage [ ]; House [ ]; Windowsill [ ]; Lights [ ]
Are you a member of the American Orchid Society? Yes [ ] No [ ]
The yearly Membership Directory will be available in January.
Please indicate your preferences so we act accordingly.
Yes! I would like to be listed.
Yes, but without my telephone number.
No! I do not want to be listed.
Yes, please list my email address.
The VicOS newsletter is sent out by email once a month (excepting July, August & December) in PDF format and
blind copied to recipients.
Revised September, 2015
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October 2015 Volume 46, Issue #8
Reprinted with Thanks from AOS ORCHIDS, December 2014
Growing Zygopetalums
By Ron McHatton
Zygopetalums prefer fairly bright light but
they are also adaptable. Light levels
suitable for Phalaenopsis will work,
depending on your other cultural factors.
They will also tolerate levels appropriate to
Cattleyas and are often grown as companion
plants for Cymbidiums.
Most often, a healthy plant that does not
flower is not getting enough light. The
leaves should be light green. If new growths
are too green and soft and weak, increase
the light (do it slowly). Too much light will
give the foliage a yellow cast. In the home,
look for a fairly bright location near a southfacing window. Growing plants slightly
on the shady side during the spring and
summer followed by somewhat increased
light in the fall will help improve flowering.
▲Zygopetalum Debbie De Mello 'Honolulu Baby', AM/AOS
These three factors, more than any others
(Imagination x Helen-Ku)
are linked. Zygopetalums are native to the
mountainous areas at middle elevations where what we have come to call intermediate conditions prevail.
They prefer day temperatures of 75-80 F (21-27 C) and nights around 50-55 F (10-13 C). The plants will
tolerate much higher temperatures for short periods without damage. Also, they will survive temperatures
close to freezing for a short duration (like Cymbidiums), but certainly will not flourish when given this
treatment indefinitely. High night temperatures can interfere with flowering.
Provide 50 percent relative humidity; as a rule, the higher your temperatures, the greater the humidity should
be. A stagnant, stale growing environment will lead to disease. Zygopetalums thrive in a fresh and breezy
atmosphere. Zygopetalum maculatum (commonly called Zygopetalum mackayi) and its hybrids are
remarkably sensitive to the combination of these factors. Unhappy plants quickly produce tiny black spots
on the leaves. While unsightly, they are rarely life-threatening. Remember that orchids in nature experience
tremendous air circulation around them and our home environments and even our greenhouses are artificial
Watering frequency depends on your other growing conditions and whether or not the plants are actively
growing. Never let Zygos dry out completely but they will not grow if they are constantly wet either. A
good place to start is to water every week during the spring, summer and fall and stretch that to every nine or
10 days during the winter. Plants will be in active growth during the spring and summer and can be fertilized
with a dilute (½-strength or less) balanced fertilizer with every other watering. When growth slows in the
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October 2015 Volume 46, Issue #8
fall and winter, fertilize less frequently and with a less concentrated solution (perhaps ¼-strength). At least
once a month flush the plants with plain water to lessen the buildup of salts in the potting medium.
Zygopetalums will grow in just about anything, provided their water needs can be met and the medium
doesn't become stagnant. Many growers use equal parts fine and medium fir bark supplemented with 10
percent coarse perlite. Plants should be repotted no less often than every other year to avoid root loss from
stale medium. Plants should be repotted in the spring after flowering and as the new growths are beginning.
Zygopetalums aren't prone to any particular insects but they can be infested by those commonly seen on other
orchids: scale and mealybugs. Control these insects on Zygos as you would on your other orchids. Just
remember there's no substitute for vigilance. It's easier to get rid of a minor collection of bugs than massive
colonies. Black leaf spotting is a fairly common problem, especially with Zygo. maculatum (mackayi). This
most often occurs in the winter under cool, damp and stagnant conditions. While it makes the plants
unsightly, it's usually not life threatening and the new growths will look just fine.
From FVOS newsletter, May 2015
AOS Webinar, Wednesday, October 14, 2015, 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM EDT
(Open to members and non-members alike)
American Orchid Society: Greenhouse Chat with Ron McHatton
Register now!
Please join Ron McHatton, American Orchid Society Director of Education, for a Q&A
session on how to grow and care for your orchids. Everyone is invited. If you have a
question, please submit your questions by October 13 to stillisch@cox.net.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining
the webinar.
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